m w H TJIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , DECEMBER (5 ( , 1807. SPECIAL irntn for tlionr column * lie iiikcii mull IS in. for HID mill iinill H i > , m. l r the iiinriiliiu mill Miinilliy c lltloii Ailvi > rtlMi > r , li.v ri-iiiipntlnir < i nimi- litTi'tl I'licclt. can Imvc nit iTcr nil- ilri-Mxfil to u iiimilicrvil Irtler In cure of Tin * | | t > t > , Aiinitcr * mi fulilrvftftril Mill Indi'llvrriil mi pri'MiMiliitlon ) f flu * PlucUmil ) - . I tu I en , I I-L'C n word llrt liiHiTtlon | 1 ( ! u unril I | IIT < TI f tc > - . NolhlriK' tiikrii for II-NK ( linn -oi' fur tin * II rut Inxor- tliili. TlifHi * ml \ rrtlnclUfllln ill lint lie Mill < 'IHICII | | \ - | > - . W.YVrnil SITUATlU.VS. 1JV KXI'KHIKNC-KI ) MAN ( MAWUKD ) FOIl offlr.i work , rale-man or collet-tor. Licnl refer- * ifc * . AiMreM C J , Ilee. A ao 7 \V.\\TKIlMAIii : III5I.P. CANV\Bstns : TO TAoninsKW LINR of wuik , no heavy K cil to csirry ; * nlary or comnil lcin. C. F. Adams Co. . 521 So. ICth St. 11-535 BALEHMKN FOU CIOAIIS. 1S A MONTI ! AND expends ; eld nrm ; experience unnecessary ; Inducements to cuittomer * . C. C , UHticrp & Co. . fit. I/ul . -933 WANTKD. TUAVKLiNa AND LOCAL SAI.SP- m n caterlnK to dru < 5 trade , njn other neeil ftpplj' , to fell our Old Dearborn Itye. botlleil In bond , on romnilnslon ; male territory want * ; ! to cover and nencl rvcommt-ndntlfnu. ' Sijulbb & Co. , distillers , taw rencebursh IM GO VKUNM KNT POSITIONS-PON'T PllKPAItn oilier civil service o nm- for Hie pcMofflce or . Inatlon without eeelns our Illustrated cataloijui. of Information. Sent free. Columbian cor respondence Colleue , Washington. WANTKD. A MAN IN F.VKIIY TOWN TO IIUY the process for making the fnmous California Ornnee. Ivir. Cherry and Grape Cidem ; w. cure your territory now for the Brent cihlb- tlon 'Address ' M. A. Mllbury. 2H Indlann street. Clilcng'i. ' " a'-l _ _ _ _ - AOO T1F. MAKKnS KOIl A11KAN3AS AND IN- Itan Territory. lOo tie at slump ; go nl timber. HtberK. 1J11 Farnam. U-M2bi 6 _ . Il 1IAKBRS AT THR Am-rirnn Ills-cult & MTu. Co. . 12th and _ _ _ "vVANTTiT ) IBN FOR THK KLONOIKBVB ; hnvc n Klondike for every man that will come with u > imd Mil our full line of choice nursery HtncU toother with my many fast Fplllni : pperlnlilfs : we can stnrt you In Rood tt-r It-iry. FT n.irllculnrs write to Mount Hone Jfurn-rleji. I T rcncc , Knn. It M..4 . 6 * _ \ \ A.\TK FliMALK IIKLP. ii aiiiLs von ALL KINDS op WORK ; K to J7 week. Canadian Olllcc , 1322 Douglas. C-324 VANTBD , i-OMPBTKNT OUtI < Ton OBNBKAIj houteworlc ; small family. 1113 Ocorpla avenue. WANTED. A OIIII. FOR OENEHAU "OPSE- work 131S Dodge st. C-.M26I5 C * WANTKO. A NI2AT SKCON'D OIIH. WHO 155 wlllliiK to assist In care of children. 2020et > ster St. C-M2C2 8 ainr. . acNEtiAL IIOIJSEWOIIK ; NO WASH- InK or Ironing. Call mornlnea at 2tiH Wlrt ; WANTED. WAIST AND PICIHT FINISHERS. Mrs II. C. Moies , 313 So. 17th St. C 141 4 * WANTID. A GOOD mm , FOK GRNFJtAI * housework. 1021 Park avenue. U M2SI S * itr.XT norsns. HOUSES IX AI.Ij PARTS OF TIIH CITY. THH O. F. Davis Conumny , 1005 Fnrmni. D 933 iiorsr.s. ucNnwA & co. . ics N. ISTII ST. D 936 IIOPSES. WAL.U\CE , BROWN UtXCK , 1GTII and Douclas. D-93T HOUSES. COTTAGES & STOKES. ALL PARTS of city. Urcnnnn & Love Co. , 219 S. ICth. liAIKIB I-.IST. M'CAOUE , 15TH AND DODGE. HOUSES , i-'uv GARVIN imos. , icis FARsi HOUSES FOR HENT. I1KMIS , PAXTON BLK. HOUSES. J. SIIEllWOOD.423 N. Y. LIFE. FOR RENT , CHOICE 12-UOOM DETACHED modern house. Inquire 234S Capitol avenue. D 844 ilOVlNO HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. Om. Van SStoragc Co. . 1511i ! I-urnam. Tel. 1559 D 343 HOUSE 5 < S SO. 2STII ST. , 10 ROOSIS. MODern - ern , JIO.OO per month. Ityron Reed Co.D . D 946 6-ROOM MODKRN COTTAGE AT 415 NORTH Wth ft. . I1S.CO a month. B-room modern flat nt 1103 Pacific St. . tlO. Apply toV. . II. Slelhle , 1st Nat'I Bank bUir. D13 iTou lTs ALL PARTS. WI3AD. 1C & POUOLAS. D 473 D15 * BTEAM HEATKD HOUSE , SOU HARNEY. D-493 D15 8-ROOM "lIOUSK , MODERN' CONVENIENCES. S110 Chicago st. Inaulre next door. Andrew Smith. D M759 lilUCK FLAT. MODERN ; 11KST I'AHT OF town : walking distance. Williamson. CO ! Dee liulldlns. D-M811 rOR KENT-LA ROE NINI-MIOOM HOUSE near Culirornla nnd 22d St ? . . nil conveniences ; with or without barn. Inquire MW N. Y. Life bullUlnR. D-9M FOH HRN'T. LAHC1E 8-ItOOM HOUSE , MODern - ernNo. . 1319 Park avenue. Inquire at 2130 S 53.1 ftreet , or call telephone 1227 after 6 o'clock p. m. D M14G { iTfiELITY IIAROAINS. ONLY A FEW LBFTi 9"4 N 27th Ave. , 7 rocms , bath , clopet , hot water , rr.is. furnnoe. flrte rond'tlon. only J20. 073 N 27th Ave. , 7 looms , bath , closet hot water , clutchi. futnace. cemented celhr. 2CO feet front- tiKf all ronmf to be painted utvl papered , * 20. 19SS S 2'tli St. . 7 rjomn. city water Inside nnd i-lsirrn , wtulro house newlv rvnno ed. Hent , JM 2914 N 2Sth Ave. , 8 rooms , city water Inflde. $300 belnrf fpent for repairs. Iti-nt. J12. 3aS Sewnnl St. . 0 roorm. city water , clstem nnd barn , newly pap-red and 'Minted. Hent. JIO. injj N 3lst ft. . 6-room cottnKe , cittern , JJ. S."il Corby. 7 ronniR. city water , c'ttern , b-irn. $10. 1323 S. 15th St. . 4-room cottase. city water , J9. 712 nnd 714 S. Uith St. . 7-room Hats. b , th. closet , hut wnitr and naa. JW to J22 1013 Iznrl St. 4-roim tl.its , city water. 7 to JJ. AVe hue others. Fidelity , Ut lloor , N. V. Life. von IMNT. MODERN S-HOOM HOUSK. 2220 C'liU-aRO. t:3. Kiniinalt , Ilnrher block. ] > -M104 A 12-UOOM ALL MODERN HOPSE NEAR , for rent furnltlml ; xteam heat. McCague In- vpftnifnt Cii. . 150 ! Dodge street. D MI67 MAN WITH TEAM. CALL 713 H. KTH ST. JV Panby D-I78 7 KOR IIOOMM. TVYO NE\VLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOIS Unlit limuekii'iilnc ; furnace heut.anJ iai raiiKi' , O 4. Ilee. K MlSO- KI.WIANT . ROOMS , IN PRIVATE FAMILY. SI N. 19lh. U MW ll T\VO \UCi : PRONll ROOMS. ALCXlvTr HAY window ; steam heat. 111 North 17th. K-M1W IP HOO.MS AM ) HOARD. JiTEAM HKATD 7 OoTli nTH HOARD. " < > Harm-y. 1' 3I D-U , FIRST CU\S3 F tcl , 25th und DodKU Htsi ! ' " " TA KE "sTlKUii AN AVK. CAR TO N. W. COn. ner o ( iZxpoiltlon crounds iinj put up at the Saratoga ; bent K a day house ; bojrders , J3.S4 tn Ji.OO ; llryt week , | 2 ; one meal free ; w * uiu making n reputation now ; after the Exposition open * we will make iauii > 'i all modern con veniences. Telephone 1104. F M7J3 D-U HOARD , W W WEEK ; ALSO FCRNISHED litumii. 1015 I u l i , K-IM 7 . il couvri\lfnce ; pilvuta family. 7C S. 2'Jlli K-M150 7' i.KArt A NT lloiaANn IlOAl FO tlemcn In pilvale family. 1541 N. 19th. F-J115S T UT01' I AlHl DAV K NrORT HT . I I BAT , I'-JM-S * \YAKtI ROOMS , K.WYKKK. . Ml North mti. F-177 10 * N12\YI.Y FPRNISHEO IIOOMS. WITH HOARD : libt wnlrr heat. : IOJ fiiwi tr t. F-170 J3 IN PRIVATB FAMILY , WITH OR WITHOUT board. 1 > HoJec. F-HSST BTKAM 1IKATKM AND WKUL CARED I'OH roonu. with Leant. 1'JIl Pavtnpcrt t , YLKOANT V-IIONT ROOMS. 8TKAM UEAT ! Ilr t-cj-n bjjrJ. Uv)3 ) C i > Hol avriuie KPItMSHii ) IIOOMS ASH I1OAHI ) . ( Continue. ! . ) POPTH ROOM , STEAM HRAT. rff"r nce * . S J No. tlt.l. F MT 7' ROOMS OPPOSITE 3HRINER. KMr iu ni\Tp.\rfii.visimn ROOMS. TAVO VNPL'RNISHED SOt'TIt ROOMS. 13-M F rndm SU O MH3 C I'OH IIP.\TST4)HKS ) AM ) 1-OR HKNT-1N THE HEV5 rfl'ILDINn : One lore corner room. Zd floor , with vault and pilvate otlice , water , etc. One largo front room. Jd lloor , divided Into two rxmis by partition ; water , etc. One large cprner room , 2J Uoor , with vault , wat r , etc. One front room , divided by partition ; third floor. One corner room with vault , third ttnor. One large room , third floor , wltn partition dlvld. In * R into one large room and two smaller I lvnte rooms ; water , etc. Two lanm ground floor rooms , fronting 17th St. . with vault. Severn ! ( .mall rooms on fourth floor , with vaults. All these rooms arc bented with steam , electric llchtfi. supplied with first clajs Janitor service. Elevators tun day and all night ; bulldlnR "trlctly fireproof. Apply to Superintendent. Room 101. Heo building- . 1-193 FOR HUNT-DESK ROOM IN QROPND FLOOR ollicc. iiee building ; wattr , ttcam heat , electric llnht and Jsnltor service. Apply to Superin tendent , Itee bulldlnR. I " 7 It ) 11 RHNT-TIIi : 4-STOHY TIIUCK I1UILDINO nt 916 Fnrnnm St. This bulldlns lids a fireproof cement basement ; water on all floors , E . etc. Apply at the oince of The Iee. 1-910 HOTELS , STORES ! UEMIS , PAXTOM RLK. I M4CO STORK ROOM , ! 2xS3 FKET ; STEAM HEAT ; CIS N. ICth street. Apply 619 N. 16th street or I. N. Watson. C23 N. Y. Life bulldlns. I MHi 9" ACJKXTS WA.\TI3n. AOENTS MAKING } 40 TO J A WEEK. Greatest agents' teller ever Invented. Roth can- vasslne and general ncents needeiL Full par- tlculats by mall. Monroe Mfg. Co. . X 1C. La Crosse , Win. J M181-S _ WANTED BY D. APPLETON .t CO. , A FEW hlRh clas experienced solicitors for a new enterprise. We want men accu tomed to larcc Incomes. $10) to 1200 weekly , und to Mich we can offer unusual advantanes. A personal In terview desirable. M. Walter Dunne , Kcncral manager ot sales. D. Applcton & Co. . 1016 Wal nut Ktrect. Kansas City. Mo. ( Mr. Dunne will he In K. C. for two weeks. J Kt 7 * GOOD LIVE AOENTS. LADIES OR OKNTt.E- meti. can make biff mnney. Hest holiday article on the market. Room 10 , 1C23 Katnam 8t. J-m-236-11' AOENTS WANTED. APPLY PACIFIC MUTUAL Life Ins. Co. , A. V. Tonil' ' , . gen'l ost. . 30 ! Itec bldR. J MC33 J4 STOHAIiK. PACIFIC STORAOE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . DOS-910 Jones ; general stoiaga and forwanlln ? . M 948 OM. VAN & STORAGE , 1311'i FARN'M. TEL 1533 M-913 FRANK EWERS. STORAGE. 1211 HARNEY. Hauling and packing , cheapest rates. Tel. 936. M 330 i TO IIUY. WANTED TO IIUY OR LEASE FOR A NUMber - ber of years , a piece of land suitable for Ire houses , located somewhere In North Omaha near a.paved street. Addie = s D 53 , Ile < > . WANTED. TO DUY 2 GOOD SIX-ONO-HAND \vacnns snltnlile for hauling furnlturp. cheap for cash. Ad < li-ps.i C 10. Itee. N M231) ) 6 WANTED , A MEDIUM SIJCE FIREPISOOF pafe for cash ; Rive dimensions and price. A-K dress C 9. lice office. N M233 FOR SAMS MISCHLLAXKOUS. SAWDUST , HUUC OR SACKED rHIUHINO and hoff fence. C. R .I ee , 901 Douglas. Q-3J1 2ND-IIAND I1ICYCI.E8. OMAHA 11ICYCLE CO Q-932 I STEST STYL3S LADIES' CAPES AND JACK- ets. ea y < iaymeit ; ; drop postal , will call with sample. E. Hlrsh , 1C29 Kjn < ; r Ave. Q 1)W ) D27 HARNEY & IIERRY. SKATES , MC TO $3 CO ; akntca sharpened , 15c. Omaha Dlcycle Co Q-326 VOK SALE OR TRADE TWO DUSSES. NEARly - ly new , In Rood order , ready for use. They are 0 feet I Inches wide. 9 feel lone , outsldo. Will be sold very cheap. M. 'U Hayward. Nebraska City , Neb. - Q MM2-7 * FOR SALE TWO CARS HARDWOOD SAWdust - dust In transit. A. Over ton , Council Bluffs. la. - i Q-M2S3 6 MISCKLIAXICOUS. UTAH ADVERTISING : AND DISTRIBUTING company , covers the state : best possible i-Arv- Icc. Write for terms. O.llce Mt. Pleasant , Utah. * R-rn-543-7 CLAIRVOYANTS. PROF. WHITNEY AND PROF. PIERCE. THE celebrated clalrvoyantH , palmists , typewrltlne , K'.ate wrltlne and materialization rnedlumi ; the like lias never been seen In. Omuha , the spirits write your message on n typewriter or a slate ; Rives name * , ages , dates and place of birth ; tells all the secrets of the past and reveals the mytiterles of the future ; parties wishing to en- KIIRB a elttln ? bhould make engagements In advance ; thousands crowd these wonderful mediums' olllce and all declare that they have no equal ; lovers , husbands and wives nmnlted ; speedy mairlage to the one of your choice ; law business , etc. ; they have no equals ; seancrn every night : uo anil Ret a message from your departed friends ; otllces and private residence , 1322 Howard St. ; readings. Ladles. SO cents and up ; readings by mall , U and } 2 ; clairvoyant remedies rure : they wl'l cure you. Profs. Whitney and Pierce : see signs. S 160 1C * MASSAGH , IIATHS , F.TC. MADAM SMITH , 1315 DOUGLAS. MASSAGE steam baths. T M132 S' MME. HRISSON OF PARIS GIVES ALL kinds medicated baths and massrfRp. 107 N. 12th St. T-M232-J-1 * IIATHS. MASSAGE. LAURA ELLISON. CrounM blk. . 119 N. ICth ft. , room 12. upstair ? . T M2 S 11 MRS. DR. LEO.V. ELECTRIC MASSAGE DATII parlors ; restful and euratl\e. 417 S. 11th up stairs. T-M2IJ 12- MME. AMES , MASSAGE AND IIATHS. Howinl st. T-M2SO i : PHHSOX/M. . VIAVI CO. , UTERINE TROUBLES. 34C-S IIEE lildf : physician , consultation or health book free U 953 I1ATI1S , MASSAGE 41 ME. POST. 313VJ S. U.TliT U 951 CLOTHES CLEANED , PRESSED AND REpaired - paired ; day or night ; drtes suits for hire. Pnntorlum , N. E. Cor. 14th nnd Parnam Tel. 903. U-933 L\DIF.S IN POOR CIRCUMSTANCES CAN RE. celvi' free attendance In confinement by np- plylnc to the CrelRhton Medical coIICRe , Hth and Davenport Sts. Telephone IfTT. OlTEENllETio ! 'FlTE SPECIAL "LADIES7 TalUr. Is leudy for business. 170S Webster St. MMK. LA RUE , VAPOR AND MASSAGE bath * . 1112 Farnam. U MBJ8 D 29 * ollloe , 419 Bee bldg. MOXKV TO I.OAV RKAL IIST.VTIJ. MONEY TO IJOAN AT IXJ\V HATUS : TH E O. F. Davis Co. . IWj Furnam St. W-3J8 AKTirONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . Stt ii7flTt iiulck money at low rMt ' for choice farm lands In Iowa , northern MUsourl , eastern Ni > hrj ka , \V-337 LOANS ON IMPROVED ft UNIMPROVED CITY uroperty. W. Farnnm Kmllh & Co. . UM Faf'm W-9SS WE HAVS MADlf AIlIUNaKMKNTS WITH our eastern conviporMcnti by which we can loan money on farms In eastern Nebraska. Urennaii.Love Co. . 219 8. Kill , W-MJ72 1)9 ) FROM $100 UP"WARD. P. D. WE AD. unrt Douglai.W 473 Du MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPItOVBl ) OMAHA rial t te. Urennan-I ve Co. . 21 S. ICth , W-060 fiw/x .w BPECIAL" FUND TO I AN ON tlnit.cl.i Improvftl Omaha property , or for bulldlne purpose" . HdHlly Truit Company , W-9 tTpKK CnN-TMOnTaAOlM FOR SALli. "plioi" erty of non-re lcl ii > .i cured for by W. 11 Melkl * , First Na'iinal llanU bldg , , Omaha. \v rn C PER CKNT MONEY , JI.WO AND UPWAiToT on KlU-f tjeJ Improved Omah * n-al citali ' UeiuU , Paiton block. \ , - KJ aiO.VKY TO LOAX IIBAI. KSTATI5. ( Continued. ) MOSKY TO I/JAN ON IMPROVED REAL point" In Omaha. Council IUufT nnJ B-nith Omaha. Pusey & Tliomas , W3 First Nntlnnnl Bunk. Omnha. W M10G 1IAVK : .MO TO la\ti , INQflltn OF L. L. Johnson & Co. , Room M , Barker mock. W 161 9 * 3IO.VKY T4) I.O V.\CII.VTTUI < S. $10 TO tln.ono TO IXAN ON HOPSKHOLD KrilSlTURi : AND PIANOS , HORSES. WAOONS AND CARRIAOK3 , WARiiiotrtK : RKCRIPTS. BTC. nt tnweiit rates In Omnhn , foulh ? Omahft and Council lllufTs , No rcmovnl of goou > ; ttrlctly conndentlal ; j"oU con ! My the loan oft at any time or In any amount * . OMAHA MORTOAOP. LOAN CO. . 3M South Ifith SI. THE OLDEST. LAROKST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-961 IIUSIMCSS CHA.NCliS. TO QRT IN OR OUT OF DU8INES3 OO TO J. J. Ulbson , 5H First N t'l Bank. Y-t J FOR SALE FOR CASH. STOCK OP OEN- ml merchandise ; InX'olce nbjut tlOM , In cluding fixtures ; Join ? geoM 'buttness ; will l ; ar lntp tloni lioxt of rensons for sclllnK ! location toun of COO In tiorthcntttm part ot stnte ; best ot farmlnc country. Addreni > I ! C3 , lice. Y-M151 9 OCNURAL STOItn IN 11IQ HORN BASIN. WY. onilntr , v ry profltnblo trail ? , with SlO-ncre ranch , IrrlRated , under fence. In cultivation , IW > d houses , barns , granarlcn , etc. Owner be lieves the Investment will return price ttskeil In two or three years. Hare opportunity for the right party to make bis money. Clear Omaha tental property taken as part ot pur chase , a. G. Wallace , 312 J. J. Uronn blk. , Omaha. Y T93 ORKAT BARGAIN IN STOCK AND Fix tures , complete ; cash grocery trade , In Omaha ; well locntej , low rent ; owner mutt positively retire now ; BOO < I opening for few hundred cap ital. Aildros 11 63 , Ilee office. Y 159 FOR SALi : ELEVATOR WITH A CAPACITY of M.OUO bllhels ; In cwvl oriler , with coal nnd Krnln business establl'hfd since ISM ; splendid craln point. Osborne Patterson , Cedar llnplriii , Neb. Y 157 9' FOR SALE , ONLY COAL AND LUMBER yard In town ; location ami stock ; about JS.cw cnoh ; sell or trade residence , cost $3OW , for (2.&M ; crops Al ; must quit buMnes * on ac count ot health. M. T. deary , Hubbell , Neb. Y M1C8 7 FOR SALR OR TRADE. STO11E HPtLUINO. fann , printing outtlt. Address Lin Nb'o. . N.irth English , la. Y MM 10 * WANTED. TO SELL OR TRADE. A BLACK smith ami wagon shop , with tools and stock ; cash ot time. Box 82 , Cordova , Neb.YM244 Y-M244 6 KOIl K WILL EXCHANGE VERY DI lH.vm.l' , clear vacant Ormh.i lots fir ChlcaKO propc ty. Address with full particulars , LIux 2C2 , Oniahn. 52-MSOl FOIl .SALI2 RKAL 13STATE. KOL'NTZE PLACE BARGAINS. SI.O'O. } 350 TO $0,000. J. J. Gibson. 5H First Nat. Hank bMg. RE SC3 FARM LANDS. C. K. HARRISON. 912 N. Y. U RE M1S3-D16" BARGAINS , HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS ; sale or trade. F. K. Darling. Barker Blk. RE 3TO J5 LAND ; ' 97 CROP 1"D , THC PRICE. WM- son. Bee Bids. RE 543 HOUSES. LOTS ! FARMS. LANDS , LOANS ; also fire Insurance. Uenils. Paxton block. Rt : M371 HOUSES WIXTKRKIJ. HORSES WINTERED ; IJEST OF CARE : RATES 13 per month. W. E. Owens , SCOT Center street. -M163 Jan3 * GOOD STABLES. BEST OF CARE. J ) AND $5 month. A. W. Phelps & Son , 207 New York Life. Tel. 105-1. M-S BEST CITY REFERENCES. BEST L'ARIi , J4 month. G. Rushart. olst and Poppleton Ave. SIIOIITIIAM ) AXI1 TYPE\VRITIXO. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. , 513 N.Y. LIFE. i 72 AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE. ICTH & UUUGLA ? . 973 H. 11. BOYLES. COURT REPORTER. PRIVATE le sons ; day and evening. 407 Bee Bid ? . 974 COAL. BURLINGTON NUT , BEST CHEAPEST. I'RICF J3.73 per ton. 'Phone 843. Harmon & \Veetli Co 4t > ; WAXTED T > HOnilOIV. PARTY WILL PAY NINE PER CENT ( SEM1- annual coupons ) for JCOOtr t.SM ) . on Inside rental property. Security ample. Answer soon. B 41. Bee. V'M PAWXUHOIvKRS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. IIS N. 16 ST. 977 IMIKSSMAICI.NC. ENGAGEMENTS TO DO DRESSMAKING IN families solicited. Miss Sturdy. 2501 Davenport St. 931-D-2S LOST. LOST. JERSEY CO\V ; REWARD. J. N. STEW- art. 52S Bee Building. ly st 123 4' LOST. SATURDAY NIGHT. A STRING OF BIG bronze uleleh bells ; tinder please leave same at Palace stables and receive reward. Lost-M278 7 LOST , SOMEWHERE BETWEEN ICTH AND Harney and 17th anil Farnam. a clear topaz fettlnB for rlnB ; hag coat of arms engraved on It , finder will please leave same nt 111 So. 17th and receive reward. Lost M277 8" TYPUWIIITKR.i. WE SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOP. Stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Type writer Co. Telephone , KSI. 507 MUSIC , AHT AMI ELMORE RICE , VIOIINIST. FORMERLY SO- loUt Rice Comert l.n. . will receive pupils ; highest references , ( . 'all Arcade hotel , room i ; 4 to S p. in. ' 73C PACK Ml ) . M. S. WALlvlN. 2111 CUMING. TEL. 1331. 97C KLOCITIOX. MRS .RALPH E. SUNDERLAND. 154J 6 23TH St. , will take a few mo : pupil : . 324 UR S1-3WIXO MAflll.VKS AXIJ SUPPLIHS. NEW HOME , HOUSEHOLD & WHITE 8EW- Ing machine & supplies * . 1514 Cap. ave. Tel. 1574. p.vru.vrs. b'ue * c'i Attorntyi. Omaha. Nib. Branch office at Waihlngton , D. C Send for free Advice and Patent Book. Send for our Machine Movements , copyrighted. 97. Telephone 1623. JtarniUm In Hei-ontl llund Sufes-Hafe & Look Iteualr- ln ? . J , J. DERIGHT& CO. , Succcbsors to A. L. Do a uo & Co. , Western Agents. Tol. 353. 1110 rurnain. Oinulut NOTICE 'CO CONTRACTOnS. Sealed bids for the construction of the Horticultural Uulldlng on the Kxposltloi Krounda will bu received until 10 o'clock a. m. Saturday , December IS , 1537. Plans and ppeclllcatlona can be teen at the De partment olllce , corner IStli and Spencer BtH. , or Beta will be furnished bidders a coat , The right Is reserved to reject any or nI bldB. K. V. KIIUCKNDAL.L. Mgr. Qr'ds and Uld'ca Dcu't , TrutianilasU- alppl aud luternatloaal Exp. II UMC STATfiJI n.VTS. REPORT 6F TlU CONDlTION Til 13 OMAHA l.lAWAXt ) TRUST COJI- l'A.\V SAVIXjiSt IIAMC Charter No. 301. at Omaha , In the state of Ne braska nt the cir * * of business , Novem- b r With , 1V > 7. HBSOt'Hl-KS. f/Mirm and discounts WSi 16 Stocks , bonj , securities. judgments , claims , et * 1MT9 61 Other real estate , 3fl 2 76 Current cxpens'sj nnd tnx > H. m 879 73 Checks nnd other rash Item * $73 71 Duo from nMlomtl , Mate Titid. private banks and binKtrt..t C3.4H 45 Cash r.i- 4,7I ! ) 03 74.1W 51 Total , Capital slock paid"Iti Surplud fund 1'niIlvMn.l pronts ImllvMual ileimslts subject to check JlM.e.V ( 12 Demand certificates of rtrpcslt 1.905 00 Tltne certltlcatM of deposit. . 54.CS9 53155.9:9 75 Total ) : : > 3 C19 51 State of Nebraska. County of Domrlns , n. I , Frank Brown , cnshler of the above named bank , do solemnly swear that the above stntc- ment Is true to the best of my knowledge find belief. FRANK IJROWN. Attest : Cashier. J. J. BROWN. Director. E. W. NASH , Director. 8ubsicrll > ed atut sworn to before me this 4th day ot December , 1SSC. RICHARD CARRIER. Notary Public. I'OSTOFKICU XOT1CU. ( Should bo read DAILY by nil Interested , as changes may occur nt nny time ) . Foreign malls for the week ending De cember llth , Ii97. will close ( PROMPTLY In nil cases ) nt the Osneral PostoIUce as fol- o\vs : PARCELS TOST MAIL9 close ONE HOUIl EARUEU than closing time shown below- Triuip-.Vtliititli ! MittU. WBDNESDAV-At 7 n. m. for H13LGIUM direct , per s. a. Southwnrk , via Antwerp ( letters must bo directed "per South- wnrk" ) ; nt 7 n. m. ( supplementary 9 n. tn. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. St. Paul * , via Southampton ; at 9 n. m , ( supplementary lO-'W a. in. ) for EUROPE per s. s , Uer- manlc * . via Queenstown. THURBDAV-At S n. tn. for NETHER LANDS direct , per s. s. "Werkemlam , via Amsterdam ( letters must be directed "per Wcrkendnm" ) . SATURDAY-iAt 3:20 : a. m. for EITROPE , per a. s. Campania' , via Qlteenstown ( let ters for France , Switzerland , Italy , Spain , Portugal , Turkey , KKJ'pt nnd British India must be directed "per CnmpanUV ) ; at 7 a. m. for PRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POKTf AGL , TURKEY , EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per s. 9. Lu Uretngne * . via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe must bs directed "per La BretiiEne" ) ; at 8 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. Spanrn- dam , via Rotterdam ( letters must be di rected "per Spanrndatn" ) ; at S a. m. for GENOA , per s. s. August ? Victoria ( let ters must be directed "per Auguste Vic toria" ) . PRINTED MATTER. ETC. German steamers sailing on Tuesdays tnke Printed Matter , etc. , for Germany , and PpecUlly Addressed Printed Mutter , etc. . for other parts of Pitrrpe , Ameri can nnd White Stur hteamers \V-dnesdnys , German aleaniera on Thursdays and CunarJ. French nnd German steameis on Saturdays take Printed Matter , etc. . for all countries for which they are advertised to c.irry rnnll. After the closing of the Supplr-mennry TransAtlantic - Atlantic Malls named above , udditl.mal sup plementary mnlls nn > opened on the piers of the American. KnpHsh , French and German steamers , and remain.opsn until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. for Smith mill Ontnil Anicrlcn , AVi-Mt Indies , Kto. MONDAY At 10 n. m. Rjr GUADELOUPE , MARTINIQUE and BARBADOS , per s s. Talisman ; at * * 3 3 > . 111. for GUATE MALA , per steamer * from New Orleans ; at 3 p. m. for ST. = KI1"TS and DEME- RARA. per s. s. Uller. TUESDAY-At 11 a. m. for BELIZE and - Pt-CRTO CORTEZ , per P. s. John \Vllsor. ( letters for Guatemala must be directed "per John Wilson" ) ; at 12ro : p. m. ( sup plementary 1 p. mj for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX , LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS , per s. s. Madianri ( let ters for Grenada , Trinidad and Tobago must be directed "flet aindlana" ) ; at 3 P. m. for COSTA RICA/Wr steimcr from New Orleans ; at S:30 : p. m , for NEW FOUNDLAND , per stenmsr from North Sydney ; nt,9 p. m. for PORT ANTONIO , ? jr steamer from Boston. WEDNESDAY At 2&H : a. . m. for PORT ANTONIO , per steamer from Philadel phia ; at 1 p. m. for CUBA , per s. s Con- cho via Havana. FRIDAY At 2:30 : a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND , PET s , a. Coroan , from Philadel phia ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 11 n. tn. ) for CENTRAL , AMERICA ( except Costa Rica ) ntv ! SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS per a. s. Alllanca , via Colon ( letters for Guat emala must be directed "per Alllanca" ) ; at 11 a. m. fop MEXICO , iper s. s. .Mexico , via Prosreso and Vera Cruz ( letters must be directed "per Mexico" ) ; at 2 p m. for PORTO RICO direct , per s. s. Arltadia SATURDAY At 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVANILLA and CARTHA- GENA , iper s. s. Altai ( letters for Civsta Rica -must be directed "per Altai" ) ; at 10 a. in. ( suplementary ' 10:30 : a m ) for HAITI , per s. F. Alps ; at 10:30 : a m for CAMPECIIE. CHIAPAS , TABASCO and \ L'CATAN. per s > . s. TTucatan ( letters for other parts of ( Mexico and for Cuba must be directed "per Yucatan" ) ; at 11 a in for NEWFOUNDLAND , per s. s Portia ; at 12 m. for GRENADA , TRINIDAD and TO BAGO , per s. s. Grenada ; at S:30 : p m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney ; at 8:30 : p. m for ST PIERRE-MIQUELO.V , per steamer from North Sydney. Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax , ana thence by steamer , close at this ofllce dally at S:30 : v. in. Mulls fop Mlquelon , by rail to Boston and thence by stcnmer close nt this otlice dally at 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Cuba close at this otllce dally at 7100 a , m. for furwardlns by steamers sailing ( Mondays anil Thursdays ) from Port 1 nmpa , Kla. Halls for Mex ice City , oveilnnd , unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer. clcEe at this olllce dally at 2:30 : a. m. and 2:30 p. m. "Ueglstcred mall closes at C:00 : p. m. previous day. TrniiM-Piiriflc Malln. Malls fop Australia ( except West Aus tralia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per 9. s. Aoransi ( from Vancou ver ) , close here dally after December 3d and up.0 December Cth nt CCO p m Mails for China , Japan and Hawaii , per s s > City of PekiiiR ( from San Frane-lsco ) , clean here daKy up to December 1211 * at CSO : p. m. Malls for China and Japan , per s. s. Tacoma ( from Tacoma ) close here dally up to December * ' 12th at C : ) p in Malls for Hawaii , per s s Australia ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to December 22cl at G:3i : ) p m Malls for the Society Islands , per ship Tropic Hlrd ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to December 21th at GM P. m. Malls for China and Japan ( specially addressed only ) , per s. s. Empress ot India ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally up to December " 27th at fiM : p. m. Malls for Australia ( except those for West Aus tralia ) , which an > forwarded via Europe , NfW Zealand , Hawaii , Fiji and S.imoan Islands , per s s. Moana ( from San Fran cisco ) , close here dally up to December * 31st at 7:00 : a. m. . U a. m. and 6.50 p. m ( or on arrival at New York of s s Cam pania with British analls for Australia ) Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded" to port of salllnir dally nnd the1 schedule of closing U ananued on the presumption of their uninter rupted overland traits"Registered ! ) mall closes nt C p. m. prevfous'day. ' 1S397 ° ! I1CC Nn' ( Y ° rk * * ? Y" Decemler 3 , COhXELIUS VANcbjT. ; Postmaster. ii1 , / : HAILIIUADS. OVBIl. land Iloutel"-M3eneral Offices. .V. K. Corner- Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office. K03 I'amam tUrvet , Telephone 310. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 1S. ' " 'leave. Arrive , The Overland Limited" > - * for Denver. Bait 1-ake , t i. : Wffltern points . . . , „ 8:20 : 445 ; pm Fast mall train for. * Denv r , Silt IJke. , , . Paclllo coait and all , , . . western points . 'r . ' (3/JO ( / pm 'IOM : am Lincoln , Ileatrlce and Stromsbutt ; Kxtircss . . 5:00 : pm " 12:20 : pm Kearney Express 5:00 : pm tlJM : pm Dally Dally except Sunday. Council Bluffs Local leaves. 6:43 : a. m. ; C:50 : a , m . 7:30 : a. m. , 8:25 : a. in. : 104 ; > u. m. ; 2:15 : p. m.i 4:30 : p , m. . 5:55 : p , in. Arrives , 6:20 : a. in. ; 73 ; > a. ra , ; i it , m , , 9:25 : a. m. ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:10 : p. m. ; 5:44 : p , m , : 9(5 ; ( p , in. ; 10:15 : D , m. CHICAGO. HOCK ISLAND & Pacific Railroad "The Great Hock Island Houte" City Ticket otlice. 1J23 Farnam Htreet. Telephone 428. Depot , Tenth and Mason Btrerts. Telephone 1S. _ _ _ I-cave. Arrive , Chicago and St. Paul YeittbuleJ Eipiess . . . 4:50 : pn 1:45 : pm Lincoln , Colorado Mi'ga. | Pueblo , Denver unl west . . . lOi pm 4:2J pm Chicago. ! ) < Mclnes & Hock Island . . . . I'M pm CIS am Atlantic Express , for Dei Molnts and east ern points . . . , . 7tHam 5:35 pm Lincoln. Falrbury and Belleville . , 6:45 : t > ra " 10:44 : am Dally , Dally except Sunday. RAILROADS. ( Continued. ) jCHICAOO , ST. PAUL , MlNNE- & Omaha Hmiwuy General pfllres , Nfbra k.i p | . vinlon. Fifteenth and Webster Streets , City Ticket Oflloe. I4"l Farnarn Streft. Tileshone. Depot. Fifteenth find Wtbster streets. Telephone. 1455. Leave. Arrive. Sioux city APcomnvxla. R:5n : am SM : pm Sioux City Aceommoan. 9:50 : am $ . pm Blair. Kmerson. Slnux City. Pone.HlttlnB - tuon nnd Ulnomfleld. . l:0)pm : 11:55 : am Sioux City , Manknto , St. Paul , Mlnnrapolls 6:15 : pm 9:14 : urn Emerson Pa.iseniftr 8:10 pm 5:45 : am Daily. Dally cxrfpt Sunday. Sunday only. This tniln stops nt statlnns Florence to So. lllnlr. Inclusive. Sunday * only ; on week days So. lllalr only. r.LK UOUN' AND Mlsuxiurl Vallfy Krllvay O < n > eral Olllcrs. Unlle.1 Statm Nn- tlonal Dank IlulldlriK. South * west Oirner Twelfth nnd Far- _ nnm Str ts. Ticket Oinoo , 1101 Knrnnm Street. Telephone. Ml. Dpnt , Fifteenth nnd Webster StreM * . Twlephone. USS. I.envo. Arrive. Black Hills , DcadwoooJ and Hot Sprlnss 3M pm * fi:0) : pm Wyomlnfr , Casper nnd Douglas 3M pm ' ' 5:00 : rm [ astlriK * . York , Divld City , Supertor , Qcnevn , Ewter and Sfwnr.1 "StOOpm 5.M rm Norfolk , AVest 1'olnt nnd Fremont 7:5nm : 10:55 : am Lincoln. Wahoo nnd Fremont "JsWnm " 10:25 : m Fremont Ixicnl itSO am Dally. Dally except Sunday , Sunday only. Dally except Saturday , " Dally except Mcnday. CHICAGO & NOtVTinVESTEHN Hallway City Ticket Onice. 1401 Fnrnam Street. Telephone 561. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 123. Ivave. Arrive. Missouri Vnllcy. Sioux Minneapolis . ? . 5:10 nm 10:45 : pm Missouri Valley. Sioux City 7:50 am 3:03 : pm Dennlson , Carroll , Wall . . . . . lai < c 7:50 : nm 8:05 : pm Eastern Express DCS Molnes , Marsimlltown , Cedar Unplds , ChlcaKO " 10:13 : nm 4:10 pm Atlantic Flyer. Chicago nmi East 4:13 pm 4:10 pm Fast Mall. Chicago to Omaha S:10 pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul , Mlnne- npolls Limited 'SiSoiim 9:25 am Omaha.Chlc.iBrt Special. 6:10 : pin Sli > am Dally. Dally except Sunday. SIOl'X CITY & PACIFIC HAIL- road General Olllci's. United States National Hank llu lid- Ins. S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnnm Streets. Ticket Ollce ! , 1401 Fnrnam Street. Telephone 561. Depot , Flftetnlh and Webster Streets. Telephone - phone 145S. Lave. Arrive. Sloi'x < I y. Mankato , St. Puul. Minneapolis . . . . 6:15 : pm 5:10 : am Dally. MISSOUHI PACIFIC ILMLIIOAD C.eneral OHlccs nn 1 Ticket OHIO- , Merchants National Hank llullJInif. lil Fainam Street. Telephone 104. Depot. Fifteenth and Webster a reel ? . Telephon ; 145S. Leave. Arrive. Kansas and Nebraska Limited 1 3:05 : pm 12:55 pm Kansas City and St. Lmls Express . . ! ) :30pm : 6:00 am Nebraska lnenl 4 31 pm " 9:43 am Dally Dally except Sunday. HPIILINGTON , t MISSOURI Itlver llnllroad "The IturllnK- tr.n Rnule" Ueneral OIII-es. N. W. c'jrner Tenth und Parnam Sfeet . Ticket Olllce. 1VOJ Farnam Street. Telephone 230. Depot , Tenth aiul Mason Telephone 123. Leave. Arrive. S:3o : am 9:35 am 4:03 : pm 7:43 pin "ll:3tf am CHICAGO. liritLINOTON & Qulncy Ilallroad "The Burl. lUKton Route"-Ticket Olllcc l.'W Farnnm Street. Telephone ZM. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone US. Arrive 7:53 : an Chl-ago Express 9:43 : am 4:15 : pn 7:53 : am 6:40 : pn 2:50pn : KANSAS C1TV. ST. JOSEPH & Council Bluffs Itallroad "The Hurllngton Itoute" _ - Ticket Olllce. 1502 Farnam Hniltn Street. Telephone 130. Depot nUUlD Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone 12S. I ave. Arrive Knnsai City Day Ex. . . . 9C5 : am 5:40 : pm Kansas City Night Kx. . "lO ) pn : 6:30 am WABASII nAILUOAD TICKET OFFICE. 141 Farnam Street. Telephone , 32 ! . Depot , Tent nnd Mason Street" . Telephone. 12J. I ave. Arrive St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express . 4UO pm 11.31ai Dally. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST Paul Railway City TIcke Office. 1504 Farnam Street Telephone 254. Depot , Tent nnd Mason Streets. Telephon 125. _ I.eave. Arrive Chicago Limited Ex. . . . 5:43 pm S:03an : Omaha nnd Chicago Ex * llW : am * lSOpm Dally. SCHOOLING OUTSII110 OF SCHOOLS. Rrriiiuny'K Ilniiil of 'Prnnip Stmlcnt Have 11 CSiinil 'I'lnn- . A bicycle tour last July , says a writer I tbe Congregationalist , brought to our notlc a feature of public education In German which might wisely be imitated in till country. Vv'o arrived one day at Goslar , o tbe northern edge of the Hnrz mountains The proprietor of our hotel was busy pre paring for the coming of sixty boys. They arrlvEtl the next evening with their knap sacks , on foot , and accompanied by three or four teachers. In the large dining hall after their bread and beer , brief addresses were made to them and they sang lustily several pitriotlc and folk songs. They wore a lively but orderly company. N'cxt morn ing they gathered In the public square , near the most anclnit historic building In the town. The events of Interest which had there transpired were recounted to them , and other songs were- sung In praise of the Fatherland. Wo afterward saw them In vari ous excursions in the neighborhood. Such companies of students were often mot with lu the Harz and In the Thurln- glan forest. We learned that these Jour neys aru an important part of school lifu. The pupils como sometimes from small villages , sometimes from the larger towns. The proposed route Is laid out weeks or even months beforehand. The tmnils draw mans of the region through which thuy nro to piss. Its features of geographic , historic , literary and geological interest are pointed out to them. They are told what tboy may expect to see antl how to see It. Usually each pupil makes a weekly con tribution toward the cost of the trip till tbo amount needed1 IB secured. Of course strict economy is practiced and tlio expense is small. Often they sleep lu barns or la largo halls , covered with straw , They are In structed as to their outtlts anil each boy carries what he requires strapped on hta shoulders. They divide Into several groups ono group marching as leaders , another bringing up the rear , another acting as scouto aud BO on. They study botany , nat ural history , the roads and how they wore made , the raising and moving of crops and many other things. They visit the homes whore men famous In war , government or literature have lived. They loam poems as sociated with places , From such a Journey , lasting from three days to three weeks , they return to their own communities with many now things of Interest to talk about and much valuable Information , They write es says on their travels and observation ! . This outdoor etudy In Germany Is considered Im portant enough to bo made the subject of an extended report. In a volume Just Issued by the English education ofllce. lB'.r flUry * ? 6K > i. CURIOUS EASTERN SCHOOLS An Arabic University Whcra 1.600 Boys Are Taught , UNIQUE MOMENTO OF YALE COLLEGE mul 1'lctiircItdtiU of the Ctui of T.'rniiiui .sunlciils in Crrninuy An oriental school room Is a curious anil ntcrcatlngplace. . The first tlilDR the visitor notices and this ho may discover two or hrec blocks before he reaches trio building a that the students learn their lt&ons by repeating them aloud. Kacb pupil roars out I'.a ' allotted task , regardless ot his fellows , as It he were shouting "boat ahoy" to n craft acrwe the stream. To an occidental the noise nnd confusion are most distracting , and lie wonders how any cno can. learn anything In such n tu mult. Hut the sleepy eyed Oriental eoon earns to concentrate- thoughts and as readily commits his lessons lu this etoriu as It ho were shut up In a quiet school room , where oven the shufllhg of the feet Is forbidden. One ot the most ancient and famous uni versities Is the El Azhar , In Cairo. Hero the students sit crces-lcgged on a rug on the floor , or In the ope-n court , precisely In the saino monner the first students did moro than 300 year so. There la no variable war shadow of change In the Moslem method of doing things. The pupils who come here have learned to read and recite the Koraa. their bible , but they kno\v absolutely nothing of mathemat ics , history or the sciences , for the matter of that , they know very little of theuo branches when the- leave the university. The outfit of each pupil consists of Koran , n rug , a low desk or koran stand , a the partner of your algebraic tolls ot th sophomore vacntlon , and the renowned ! reader of Handy Andy In your rheunwlio pains , W ! hng ! you a Oeorglan wife mor beautiful than the liourla , and that you may long live to bleos and honor the court of the great sultan. I am , In sincerity , your friend nnd classmate. "UiOHOE K. JACKSON. " Not far from Prof. Jackson's plctura n > l letter In the hook are the picture nnif tetter of Vincent Marmaduke , a well known MlsstnirUn and A brother of the late Gov ernor Marmaduke , Mr. Marmaduke's K-tte * reads : "Friend Seropyan The great Interest which you have always manifested for your clasematcs has made- them all feel a Ilka Interest In you. Hellevo me to h ? your sin cere friend. VINCENT MAHMADUKK , Colonel William 1'rcston Johnston , presi dent of Tulane university , of New- Orleans , a son of Oencral Albert Sidney Johnston , and an aide-de-camp on the staff of Jeffereon Davta , who was captured In company with the president of the confederacy , was an other of Dr. Seropynn'a c'assmates whoso picture and letter appear In the 'book. Colonel Johnston also headed his letter with a quotation. It wcis as follows. Know then this truth , enough for tnnn to know ; Vlrtuo nlono Is hnpplnosa below , Pope's Hanny on Mnn. "Frlen.il Seropyan When the fillstonlnB beauty of the 'Golden Horn' shall agata enchant your view , and Stamboul be your abiding place , you will look back with regret - gret to 'Old Yale. ' I trust yet to hear of you as the great patriarch of the ArmenUim 1'rotestanta , and a jolly old patriarch you will make. Wishing you all succcoa In your honorable efforts , 1 am sincerely your friend and classmate. "WM. PUKSTON JOHNSTON. "Louisville , Ky. " Among many others of prominence nro seen the pictures and letters of George. O. Sill , cx-lleutenant governor of Now York } Prof. Daniel C. Glllman , president of the University of California ; William W. Crape , a New York senator ; Dr. Mclancthon Starrs of Hartford , one of the eminent surgson * hi Connecticut ; C. K. Vandorburgh , who 1ms been a Judge of the supreme court of Min nesota for many years ; Jacob Cooper , a professor of Greek In Hutgtr college , Now Jersey , and David II. Green , a judge of the supreme court of Pennsylvania. Prof. George ) E. Jackson says that Sen- PT THE STU DY HOUR. elate cad an Inkstand. If tbc student lives In the mosque , ae many of them do , he Is provided with an earthen dish and thick waddej comforts , which make hie bed and bed covering. Students come from all parts of the Mos lem world nnd If they nro not able to pay for their board and tuition they are allowed to come just the same and everythipK need ful Is furnished from the endowment fund. 'Some ' of the smaller porticoes around the center court are divided In cubicles called "rlwaka , " where the students keep their scant belongings ; they sleep anywhere they choose to lay their beds , except In the prln- ciial place of prayer , which is closed nt night. One of the most Interesting sights la when the whole 1,500 students answer tlu > midday call for prayer and then pour Into the court to receive their scanty portion of food. I The scholars sit In groups of from four to eight , with an ( man or ulama in their midst. These teachers or professors ore of various grades , the ulama being the hlKh- cst. Until the pupil Is somewhat advanced he uses no books , taking his lessons orally from his teacher. Ilesds nro used Instead of pens and when writing the student places the paper or slate upon bit knee or upon the palm of Ills left hand. There are about 300 blind pupils , and as they are without exception of vry bad temper , most of tbo trouble In the school comes from them. Long ago there was elected a blind ulama to teach them. He , thinking ho could subdue them anil make model pupils of them , proceeded to flog one each day. Discontented with this malio.l they rose up In their might and gave the master such a heating that his life war almost despaired of. uxmun coI/LKIu / SI'HMK.vni. Old AntiiKrapIi Ronlc uf Yule ( 'ollrnr , CltiHM nt ' . - , - ' . Among tbo possessions Inherited by Mil ton D , Seropyan of St. L-culs , from ihis [ a'.lier , Dr. Christopher D , Seropyan , the Armenian scientist , is a ( sedate-looking book of extreme respectability belonging , by ap pearance , to the finilly of old-fashioned "I'llgrim's Progresses , " Thompson's "Sea- ion-,1' and gift books of the era Just preced ing ( lie. civil war. It l.i neatly bound In dark red morocco , with a superabundance of rich Silt Bcrollwork nnd tracery running all owr tlio back and aides. On Clio front cover la a gilt plcturu of Yala college and Its campus , seen through a vista ot tremendously arch ing elm trees , In the very center > of the cover , rclaU-H dbo Globe-Democrat. Is tbo Inscription , also , In gilt leotcrl.-g , " 0. D. Seropyan , class ol 1852. " Hut -It Is what Is Inside , In thla In stance , that makes.thu book valuable. In It are llkucsscB of Dr. Seropyan and hU class mates , which are reproduced by tlic lithe- graphic process from old-time daguerrco- typc . Opposite each youthful face la an autograph letter. In view of tbo eminence attained by many ol tiio members of tbo elate of 1852 , tbrsc pictures and letters -ire of unusual Interest today. Among them U a likeness ot George B. Jackfon , the venerable professor of Latin In Washington university of thla city , who IB alco a dlreotor or trustee of tbo American Collegeof Archaeology In Rome , where ho > KOGI every summer In pur suit of ftli favorite studios. Opposite Prof. Jankson'alikeness Is his autograph letter , Ho Tioids It with the following coup let from Shelley : Ufr , like a dome of many colored glass , SliilnH the white radiance ot eternity , Dene-Ub ( bit le hit letter ; "Dear Christopher We have born friends together for four yearn , and , notwithstand ing my delinquencies , I hope you will still remember me with pleasure nnd ( Itectlon. You will not forget your neighbor of 8. M , , ator William M. Stewart of Nevada was also a momb'r of this class , ulthoughi his picture does not appear In the book. Among thoao of the class of whom Interesting stories are told are W. A. Reynolds and Lawrence Mc- Culley. Prof. Reynolds married a foreign wife and moving to France occupied a chair in the University of Franco In Paris for many years , until he was retired upon a pension , on which he now lives somewhere , in ICngland , tlie pension being still paid by the French government. Lawrence McCul- ley went to the Sandwich Islands man/ years ago , where he became Judge ot a prominent court. Ho gained the csteam ot , , . tbo king and received many tokens of the ' | | royal favor. His reputation for spotless in- tj | tegrlty was so pure that ho ictainEd his place on the bench after Queen Lil was de throned. Ono of the curiosities of Dr. Seropyan's book Is an autograph letter by a Cliltusa student who was a member of the class ot 1852. After leading off with some Chinese letters the writer drops Into the following English : "Ho who labors with the mind governs others ; lie who labors with bodily strength. Is governed by others. With the best wishes for your success , yours truly , "LUNG WING. " "Macao , China. " Htmcr H. Sprague was another of Dr. Scropyan's classmates whose autograph and likeness appear In , > the book. Of his life Prof. Gesrgo K , Jiic'ksou gives a most Inter esting account. Ho r-iys that , although Prof. Spraguu possc&oeU unusual ability , the par tisan ldo of his nrturo was to largely de veloped that U has leJ him Into hot water In nearly every position bo lias held , an3 some of 'them iiave been quite prominent ones. Ono Incident IllustPJtlng his cftarac'.Rr Is particularly interesting. Prof. Sprague was in New Haven studying law when the war broke out. Hid intensely partisan nature at once took flro nnd ho did not rest until his old classmaitca had presented him with a sword ' 'ml sent Mm scutli to fight for the union. He- followed the war with varying for tunes until ho was stationed at New Or leans under General llutler. Prof , Sprague had risen to the rank of colonel , and on re ceiving General Dutlcr's general order com manding 'the ' return of all slaves to Uielr owners followed the extreme partisan bent of his nature and flatly .refused to obey the order. For this ho waii called before a court martial nnd came very near paying the pen- ulty for Insubordination , but was saved by Lincoln's emancipation proclamation , which , camu just In time to save the offcndlifg col onel. Prof , Sprague took an active part In inaugurating the Mills university of Cali fornia. Ho was prominency connected wllbj tbo Packet1 Institute of Drooklyn , < nid has a high reputation for learning and ability , Tiio pictures of many cf the Yale college faculty also appear In ton book. Several of them are famous from the text-books they have written. There were Rev. Jeremiah , Day. S. T. D. , I..L.D , president of the col lege ; Uov. Theodore I ) . WooUor , I ) . D. , LL.D. . also a president ot the college ; Prof , licnjamln Sllllrnan ; James L. Klngsley , pro fessor of I atln and literature ; Hon. Clurk BhHell , LL.D. ; Kent , professor of law liV Yale college ; Rev. Nathaniel \V. Tajlor , D , D. ; U\vlht ; : , protestor of didactic theology ; Jonathan Knight , M. D. , professor of stir- gory ; Hcv. Kluarar T. I'ltch , D. I ) , ; Living- ' stou , professor of divinity ; Rev , Ctuuncoy- A , GoudrlJi , D. D , , professor of the pJdtcral charge ; Dunlaon Olmstttl , LL.D. , professor ot natural philosophy and astronomy ; Anthony I ) , Stanley , M , A. , professor of mathematics ; Hev. Noah IVirkcr , M. Aj Clark , protestor of moral philosophy and metaphysics ; miA Thomas A. 4'hacher. M. A , . AMlitant pro- fefhor of the Latin language and literature. It you want to bo on the site tide stick to the old reliable. Dr. Hull's Cough Byruv * . It la sold by dealers cverywttrc.