r * t G THE OMAHA DAILY y DAY. DECEMBER (5 , 1897 , CHANGING FOR THE BETTER Improved Conditions Now Appearing in Wall Street , I PRICES SEEM TO HAVE TOUCMED BOTTOM that CeniKrcdnVI1I HIMC n Strictly lliiNliu-NH SexNlon Inii ir- t ii lit P nc I or In I'roiltielnir the YORK , Dec. C. Henry Clews , head of the banking house of Henry Clefts R. Co , write * of the situation- Wnll street : A ilcclOcd rharme for the belter has cotno o\cr the NVnll street markets. I liavo re- Iicfitedly noted , In these advices , that the stock market appeared to hnvc touchetl bottom ns to price * ; thnt. so fnr as respects Intrinsic elements of value , there existed conditions which \\nrruntcd a bujlnt ; movement ; but that there were lacking cer tain elements necesinry to give the upward tendency n BtnrtlnK Impulse. , , , , . „ „ Just ut the moment of creates ! HtiKimncy , thcne Incklnc elements have unexpectedly iVppcntcd. I'crhaps. the more " " " 'I1"1. ' ° been that the cnuno of this cimnpo nan room traders luuu found It Impossible * to nny lonBcr make prolltfl on sell Ing n d therefore chnrmeel over to the * "bull side This vvns n nnturnl test of the market , and the response has been a Bcneral net ease of buying orders. The response tame the readily because there Imsbeena more Steady mitigation of ctrtnln outside influ ences which huve been tending to thei post- tioncment of operations. AH the opening of co IP rest tieni-M. It becomes more evident thnt we are IIKely to have a , builncss-llKe JcsRlon. vltli the Bonsatloiml fnctlonnrleB held In restraintand , with u I > rl > ° ! 'r" ilt-w- " IK rcBiird for no Ides and meunurci c "ted encourage " ' " to lwJ1Incollll"n5hich ! biiHlni-FS Intertsts. Among the l'1'11 ' ' " " } ? ' 1 , suicil iiritlio now lire consldtrtil ux a ? upiort of the pro-sldenfB patlllc pollcj on th Cuban eiuestlon , u Mir chance for the adoption of'n seed I'l'-kruptey ' ' - law : nn earnest attempt to < ffect some real im- provemeiitH In tondltlons of the iirrtncy , thuUKh possibly not all that some in i > tli- Blro" ml im effort to afford some e.Ult- | abl e ml Jiwfmcnt of the railroad iuosl oiw of th ° " ' neglect marked public Tl'O , . } n tlmt it nKltatlon Ho wnirants the hope t > UHtie will Inllmnee congrevsiona action ess than JIHH been Kemrallv " " ' ' feeing In WnshmHoii iimmig the " "Iv IK conueVtmen Is very tonlldent as to the nbr emeiit of the agitations riil'ed by the 111 j an campaign of lust j i ar and t he - rreasliiK desire of leg slators to deal \\Itli tli < - pe'mll KHIIRO questions In a moderate niid cmc ' Ritor > Milrlt , and I venture to disposition will gain ground as TIHPO the session pjmptoms. advances coming to the surfate , nt this moment , have nn Important hearIng - Ing upon the tone of the flnaiiUil " " L" find have dlrcrtU contributed to the rc buying which has been nppirent IXclmnpe during the last V on the Stock Dee-ember opens with 11 If vvcck. Oidlmullj , pOBtponement of buj Ing opcr.it ons owns and the to the winding up of aceoiinls liquidations Incident to the close of the ytnr. Now. however , the situation appears to bo regarded as warranting a depiirtuie from that usage , and operators eJTl'nnrv safe to iiromote an advance prollmlimrs to the rise In prices that usually restUs from tin large dlvld. . nd and Interest dis bursements made at the opening of the vc.ar The result of this buylng-a rl o of 1V4 to 3 polnts-ln some inensuie bets ut rest the fear entertained In some ciuarters , that the very large amount of stoeks iimr- kct.'d In Snptrmber and October ' > UKe boHlers would prove a load verv eHillcult to move In any attempted "bull" move ment. The purchases have been double those of preceding weeks , and the rise In quotations proves that the dem.iml cv- 2ecu > the Htinply. nn. . im liiw oI * "ho n to the Insplrlnp aspects of the marKet Is the Appearance of largo opeiators who have ! been cautiously st.imHng aloof since their reallzlugs of two months ngo They appear to realize thnt. with BO miinj assuiing fac tors In HlRM-such us tlie hoprftil pro-peels ot conRrcssloiml nctlon , the coming gri-a , . abundance ot money nt this centei , the promise of u booming spring U ado , and the probability of congress making at least a hopaful beglnnlnB In currency reform It will not bo possible to hold prices at the recent semi-panic level , nnd therefore the present situation afforels n good oppoi- tunlty for bujlng.'c do not pretend to say how far this locoverlng tendency In prices may Immediately run Possibly , .he rise- may halt until the pieslelcnfs message ' have been digested ami S'cretary Gage's report gested , after which a fuithcr advance may occur. Hut , In any case , It would appear thnt purchases at the present range or prices will prove profitable * . The concessions now offered by Spain to the p'oplo of Cuba. coneedlUR home Rovern- tnent to the Island , will doubtless be recog- nlzcd by members of conRiess ns HUlllclently liberal to merit thrlr acquiescence , anil Inasmuch as this excellent result has been brought about through astute diplomacy by the adinlnlHtrutlon , the Inference li that the president and his cabinet are well nt- Istltd with the liberal attitude now taken by the Spanish government. 'Ihe plan pro posed for the government of Cuba Is , ns a matter of fact , In manv respects moles liberal than that nceorded lo Caniula or to any other of the Hrltlsh colonies and U would appear , therefore that there Is no longer any Jtiitlllcntlon on the part of the Insuigcnts In continuing hostilities A gpv eminent such ns Is now proposed for Cuba , In the estimation of fnlr-mlndod people , h undoubtedly the bent for them , for If an Independent government were established on the Island , It would not bo likely to prove permanent , as It would lack the reces. tmry adhesive qualities , and certainly no one having the Interrstn of this countrj nt he-art would advocite the annexation of Cuba and making the Cub in people Aine'rl- can citizens. There has been much nppie- licmlon felt that the coming congiebs might evince a spirit of "Jlnsnlsm11 Hlmlhit to that of the last r'f-'tilir congress This tihould not now be seriously contemplated , ns the ! release of the American prisoners , the human ! ' treatment on the part of C.rn- cral Il'mico of thu Cuban people , and the withdrawal of General Wcylcr since the last congress , Is m revolutionary ch ingo all round nnd one that cannot fall to be rccog- nlzed ns removing the1 stlim fiom "Jlngo- Tl'ie people ought to be willing to leave the entire Cuban question to thu adminis tration for huttlomcnt and have faith tint the best will ba done for the Interests of all concerned In conne-ctlon tlieievvlth The true course , therefore , Is for the people to pay as little attention as possible to lloat- ing rumors about what both the adminis tration and the govi'innient of Rpiln ate f olug to do 01 not colng to do In this mat ter , 1'reHldent MeKlnlij can bo tiusted to < lo the right thing at the right time , and If the hltiiutlon IH Mmplj left to him and his cabinet iisbui tales all will be well. CONDITION OK M'.vV VOHIC II INKS r\Vri'll > - ' tiitriiti'iil Slimvx 'I'llriu to Ilr StroiiK , with I.IMM ! lliiNlnrNN. N13\Y YOHK , Dec. o Thu New YoiK Financier twin this week : Tie enormous bilnnrps which the Xuvv York banks have been accumulating for the j > anl few months mo shown In the clearing house statement for the week , Loins an now within J2.ROO.COO of Ihe JfiCO.CW.OOO mark , nnd deposits me tGMJ,27StM ) , which Is one- third the total Individual deposits repotted iiythe 3.G10 national banks of the United States October fl last. The ripld lucre ihis made by the banks elnce. May last will b ? understood belter when It Is Dialed that the gain In deposits Blnco that time 1ms bpen pjO.OOO.OOO. ami In Jeans more than Jii'J.OOO.OOO. Comparative figures fhuw thut SM.dO.COO of theselu - ciwjsrd dipoi-ltM , nnd MO.OW.OOO of tin * loans , liuve hern made by one ImnK , whle'h holds lit the piesent time over JUl.W.tW of net eli posits , The statement of the bnnKs fnr the week la favorablo. Loans show a continued lu- cioasc , the e ii.inslan hiving been illstrlb. uled among u laiKer nunibei of Inxtltutlons than has been the ease fur some time past. The number of binkti clearing throuish the clearliiK house has been decreased one1 through the absoiptlon of thu United titatex National by the Western National , and the lucre'abu of J.HS,3fO In the loans anil (3.573,00) III thu elcposltti of the lattei In- Ktltutlon rellccts this condition , Thu action this week was caused lo pp clal coiidltlonM , the bank nlonu report ing an IncreMbu In this Item of tSM.lOi ) , wlilrli Is lower than the combined chanf.es of the other banks. This was dim to cir cumstances connected with the Union 1'aclllu Hcttlemrnt , rivu banks galneil In deposits nearly (13- 001,000 , fiom which It Is to be Inferred that the dcponlts of the other llfty-nlne banks In the clearing liouso are about fixx > ,000 loss than nt the end of the previous week. The EtUii In cash according to the stuto- Jncnt vvus MCIC,309 , but this , too , seems involved In bpeclal transactions It Is known that the banks received from the Interior more than $ i.COO,000 In excess of Hiich Hhlnme'iitH , but slncu one bank alone increased Its cath } r > ,10sooo , aiul the gains Jr.ude by three amounted to J,500OuO , It rolljws that the large majority of the bunks liave d'crciBed ( heir loans , The statement taken on u whole proves the banks to be In a strong ) condition. The farcer Instltutiona are billing sterling blllu. nnd tia the Union I'uclllc deal htm been financed without the Unit tiUKtfcatlon ol disturbance , the outlook la for cheap money for Bomo time to come. OMA"I.V A.M ) "rnovisioNS. Pontnroi eif the Trmtlnir nnil Cl I'rle-VK < in "ntiirilnj . CHIOAOO , Dec , 4.-A declines of tc , with which wheat was opened today , was pared down by the action of shorts to n net de cline of % c nt the close. Weak cables were responsible for the early decline , but the clearances , the largest for the season , made * a fairly firm market toward the close , Corn and oats wcic firm and advanced Uo nnd UftHc , respcctlvel } ' , Piovlslong advanced MilOj on n good shipping demand. Wheat started weak and nt HTP4C decline for Slay. Liverpool was 'id lower for De cember , Jd lower for March and T4d down for May , compared with sesterdny's clos ing rates. The weather had turned from sevcro frost to a decided thaw over the Ki eater part of the winter wheat country and the Minneapolis and Uitlttth receipts were again not far from double those at the corresponding tlmo of the year before. The market did not for ? omo tlmo give much Indication of doing bettet. but In the course of an hour from the start It had a small modicum of firmness. The opening prices for May weio from We to S'Jl,4C , compaied with EOftc ut the cloc Friday. On the slight rally that followed It sold up to SO' c , January , during that time , made some peculiar changes , selling nt from SWc , when May was S9c and nt S9c when May was bringing S9'4c , or at from 7io premium toc discount compared with May pi Ices. The weakness nt Liverpool was accounted for bs' the editor of the Liverpool Corn Trade News , In which he said the decline was owing to selling for March and May on orders from Chicago , nnd also to Tho- man's report Issued yesterday. Minneapolis and Duluth receipts were EC' ) cars , against M7 cars a week ago nnd 4G9 cars the corresponding day of the year before. The prlmars' receipts were ns bear ish as ever , the total of the day being DM- COO bti. , against only fBAWO bu. on the HUe du > of the year before. The expected In crease In the visible of 600,000 bu. to bo leal- l/ed will stand contrasted with U2.0CO bu. decrease for the similar period of IS'JO. The week's exports from both coasts wore 6,700,000 bu , the Iirj.cst but once before lor one week's shipments. The dav's clearances fiom Atlantic1 ports were liberal at the equivalent In wluat and flour of 717,000 bu Those liberal shipments , combined with firmness of the Paris and Antwerp maikets , considering the previous dn > 's weakness here added to the recovers' of Mas to S94c , but reacted a little under scutteied realising and closed at > fl'ic or He lower than It did sesterdny December v.nn neg lected bs the general crowd and was onls heard fiom at wide Intervals It bold from l-lffi'M" at the op < nlng , to Pj'fec , and closul at Doe , which shows no change for the das' , Corn at the opening sold > ic lower than nt the close jtstirday , Influenced by the we ikness Inwheat but good busing bs local shorts and commission houses t'nuseel the market to ruict and later prices ruled Hun 'llie renewed exports of corn for the week l.VMfXO bushels vveru i bullish In- lluence. Cables weie V d lower Hecelpls were -I&S cais. Mas tanged from l.'S-Jc to 2S' ' < , c and closed He higher at 2S e O its ruled Ilrm on buvlnn In local oper ators and elevatoi people. Light offerlnps aided In the upturn of prices and also caused the trade to he lather limited Sympnths with corn was a factor T5e- celpts were 3S7 cirs Selling wa scattered and entlrelv local Slav Hinged from f c to 21Hc and closed 2c high r at Zl c. Provisions were Ilrm. The basis of the strength was the excellent demand from domestic and foreign sources for the cash product" ' The- shipments from Chicago for the week were so he ivy as to be the ubject of geneial remark Kxportcis were ereil- Itod with Ilbeial puichases of Jnnunrs lard The m.aikct opened steady at about jes- terday s prices and gradu.ills advanced , closing strong at close to the top. At the close Januaiv pork was JCo hlghei at $ S27' . and J uiiiary lard He higher at $4 J71 * . , nnd Januars' libs 2'iljjc higher nt Rstlmntcil receipts Monday Wheat , 2JTi cars , corn , 150 cars , oats , 2M cars ; hogs , 40,000 head. Leaning futures ranged as follows : Articles. . | Oiioii | lll.'li Low. | Clouo | JVes'y 'Ah ( ill- Dec . . rr nn J in . hOU btl)4 61' no1- May . a' < BD G54 b'J BOII. * Coin Doc 2 IK . 245 , ' jr VIK May . . ! a ; < .bH OalB Dec. . JOM 20 > ( AIny. . . SSM ! ! lorX Dec . . . 7 V5 7 12 Jill. . . H 17 , S 1.1 8 1-e , 8 40 H u'JK t ! 40 8 42K Lurd hoc. . . 4 J 4 ] ( ) Jin . . . 4 -'h 4 ! KI ! 4 V7'v ' 4 224 May . i in 1 tOt 4 IT 4 4U bb'tlelbn Dec 4 LMI I 20 t 17' 4 ' . ' 0 4 17k Jan 4 17 1 jiih 4 17' 4 "J'-i ' 4 ITS Miy. . . 4 HU 4 30 4 .10 4 t > Q 1 hO No. 2 Cusli quotnllona wcro at follows : rtXHJIl Quiet , winter natcnts , fl 70f4 00 Btr.ilthts , ft 20fn 40 , pjirlnff tpecluls J1 S3 ; sprlnn putenta , SI HiH " 0 butters , f-l " 01/3 to V\HiAT-Xo : 2 spring WSWc , No 3 tprlnc SS'sO'Cc , No. 2 reil. OjJi'JJ'ic. e OIIN No 2 2''ie OATS No. 2 2ltc f o. b ; No. 2 white , JJ © -3c llYi : No. 2 ' 4c. IIAULKY No I JGH37C rijA\siiD NO i n oogi 1214 TISIOTIIY SI3KD I'rlme. J2 62 > 4f2 ? C3. I'HOVIIIONS Mcha pork per lilil , J7.3007 3o inl per 101 lt > , 14 2'.ft ) 27V4 i-hurt ribs sllc ( loose ) 14 Ufi4 fiO Urj railed "liuuIikTH ( boxctl ) $1 7'.Fir , 00 Shoit clenr tides ( baxeil ) , 14 40K4 So WHISKY Dlstlllcra1 flnlshcd goods per pal . Jl 11 BtIO A1IS Cut loaf , J5SI , crnnuliteil ! r , 21 Artlclett UucclptB bhtpnietil-i Hour , bblB II1101) ) .1 00 I Win it bu lit'0(10 ( 2S | Hill Corn bu . . 271,0)0 ) J O ill ! ) OitK.lm . . . l.i'l ' 1)0(1 ) ( N4M II H 1'jc , bu . . . . l.'i OHO AM 00 Lurlo ' (15 ( OOJ 70 0 Ml On the Produce exclinnKC lodij tlie butter nnr kut as linn crenmi'rlep , llii22c ( , J-alrles 12Bl'ie elicete quiet RiQS'fce KSKS Ms Prcfsecl puul try. iJiet | , chlcKeni < , C'ic , sprint ; , 'Wlc , ducks " 47 V.c. _ London Vlnni * M irUct. IXNDON , Dec. 5 Mones' last week was Bc.uce and rites were Ilrm. The prospcc Is of further hardening. Huslness on the Stock exeianiTo was tlacU , but the tcndencs was better anl there are Indications of . revival of the speculative sp'ilt In the market for homo Koveinment l locks consol' reached the record price of 114 , but cloai i sllKhtls' below that ll nre. Colonial nm munlelpal .securities were In KOOI ! demiini mil there was a general Improvement li Intern itlonals , which ivere Ilrm. The m ir Ket for Central and South Amerlcin s-curl ties was dlstlnctls better. KnRllsh ralv\as ! shares i.v ere depressed , owing to the 1 ibo : d hpnte- , and suffered a general decline o from ' < to 2 points. In American securities there was an ill around rise The mnrKc , was hopeful , with an excellent demand , In view of the Improvement of trade and tin trallle icturns. Union Pacific shares rose 2 points , Atchlson , Topcka S. Santa IV 1' ronnsylvanli 1 % Illinois Central I' * ; , I ikc Shoii' U Michigan Southern lli , Noithern Paelllc prefcried 1'- ' . , Chlc.ih'o , Milwaukee & St P-iul 1 , Philadelphia Heading tlrv preferred 1 , Denver & KIo flrande preferred 1 , I3rle first pi of ci red 1 , Wabish prcfeired 1 and W.ibisli debenture shares 1 Trallle leturns causeil a rise In Grand Trunk rail way securltli s ranging from 'ito J ; xInts. MAXCHHSTHR , Dec. 5. There vvis a falily Rood iiKKrcKiite of business last week , but It Is considered smaller than the ivcik's output. The manufacturers did not shire evenly In the onkin , nnd borne who arc still looking for biibliiefs have accepted very low bids Only n MH ill bufelno s was done In sarr and ( -pinners are u set veil , because tiles pie- fcr to wall foi the Dual d clslon In fie btrlko neKOtlatlons Prices , however , remained Ilrm Much eastern cloth business was hlndere 1 by the weakness of exchange , but Chin i and India nrei bidder ? for lario lines. lUrmins was hteadlei , with considerable business do. tin ; , but AiiPtrla continued depressed with overproduction , especially In Ilohemla. Ad vices from Itoueii , however , show that yarn again moved fiecly there last 1.1 > C'l'IKMll MVKItl'OOl , . Pee4 \ \ IliAT Ppol , No. J rel ncitirn winter ttenil ) , 7 U'/jil , No. 1 red norlhfin vprliii ; , lf' ' > il > " tj ( \IIN Hpot , American mlxnl quiet. 3 > litil futiiren ( jutel , Dceember , 33 ' , jj , Junuuri J IM , lVliiuiir > , 3 lil rUll'H-M Ixnil * fairy \\lntir , dull , 10 > HOI'S At Ixmdmi (1'iiclllo ( couft ) , nrm. 4 ion ei.5 1M1OV1.S10.N8- , Ilrm. extra Itutln mrei , CC 3d , prlinu mein. t.ia ! 2.1 1'orli. Ilrm , prime nmr line i'Hi'rn 4Cn ! H , prime mr , niedlunient < > rn , 46 < M. I li inn. rhort cut , uli'udj , 3\l \ llacon e'unilierlund eut dull , 3I , > hort rib * . > truil > . 3 * > W. loiu clear middle , ifclit , dull , J3a 64 long rlt'ur nildille * . heavy , dull 3 ! ; tliort clear bnclm , rlnuly. 3U , ilrar tellleit , linn , 37 * M ; eliouliler * , muure. flrm. Jka 6) ) . l.aKl , prime western etrud ) , 22 > 01 Tullun , rrlnif clt ) , iileady , 1S > CJ e'llii i : AiiuTlcni. ilneit white and colored , tead ) . 4n CI. Cliie'liiiuitl MnrUc-t. CINCINNATI. Dec -I'WUll-Uullj fancy , tl CxKiTI 40. family 13 & ) tf3 75. \VIIF.VT-Uull. No 2 le-cl , J > j < j. OO11N riim.'No. ' I mixed , 27V4e. O VTO ejulot , No , : mixed , U'jo. lt\i-Wnik. No. ! . 46c. 1'ltOVIHIONB I ird. mrady , H.15. Hulk meats. iiulet , tl JO Huccin , ileady , | S (3. WHISK V Blends , | 1,1 . . 16V40. ocd to prlma Ohio flat , tit OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Winds Up with a Light Run and Lower Prices , SATURDAY'S ' DULLNESS RULES IN CATTLE Only it I'eiv OfTe-reil nnil Tin-no Soil JiiMt About Moml } OIK-n Slronw hut SOUTH OMAHA. Dec. 4. Hccelpta for the days Indicated were : Cattle. Hoc ? Sheep. Harees December 4 ! 19 2,431 December 3 1,400 5,871 4,130 1 December 2 3,11,1 S.07I 4H'9 December 1 2.IC3 8,823 1,420 2 November 30 ? ,141 7,375 3,010 November 2 2,171 2JiO 1,23 71 November 27 811 CB72 37 1 November 10 1,224 520 ' 4,533 25 November 25 1,300 , 6,000 700 November J4 4U5 ! 7,756 1,6,0 > . . November 23 4B > 8 8/7t > 1.V.2 . . . . November 22 3,1)17 ) 2,703 1.0S6 26 November 20 1,200 6,000 2SG . . . . November 19 1,819 4,041 1.5 ) 27 November IS 4,490 5.&S7 2,537 . . . . The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : . Cattle. Hogs. C , , M. & St. P. Hy I 1 O. & St. L. Hy. . , . 2 Mo. IMclHc u Union Pacific System 7 7 H. It. M. U. H. H 'J C O , H. & Q. Hy 9 K. C. & St. J 12 2 C. , H. 1. X P. Hy. , cast 4 C. , H. I. iS. P. Ity. , west 1 Total receipts 32 37 The disposition of the elay's lecelpts was as follows , each buyer purchasing tne num- bei of head Indicated : Uuycr t. Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. Omaha. Packing Co Ho . . . . O. II. Hammond Co. . . . 1S3 293 . . . . Swift and Compiny. . . . 118 017 Clldahv Paeklng Co. . . . CS WJ . lj. Cire-y .ohmnn & Hothbehllds : u ! ! ! ! Hint on A. Co "j I Hamilton 27 lammond , from K. C 219 Cud.ihy , from K. 0 3SO WO Other bujera 3,1 . . . . 1,051 Total S73 2,740 1,051 CA1TLLJ 'iestcrdaj's Hlotm v\.is a biilll- cleiit cause for light leeelpts today , even f It had not been the last day of. the vvctlt , o th it the meagoi olTerliiK-i vre In nee e nso u dlsippoliitincnt to the Hade. All old onlj thlrtj-tv\o loads were roiiortul In , niiklliE a total for the \\ce-U of 13,74U head , is afe.ilnst ] " > 'CS last week and 17,727 the > revleuieelt. . The market us a vvhold w la In vtiy fair condition the- past week for the Ethers hough on some ihus It was not cutlrulv o their lilting The \\eek opened strong md bhouea a still furthei advance on fat little on Tuesday \Ve-diiesdav the miu- cet experitiie-ed quite u reverse under the ntliunce of the bleak In values In eastern iiarketo , and Ihe week closed with the b at cattle about lOc lower and the le-s dehlrablu tlnils IGJiJOc lowci than the high point OL the week , which was Tuesdaj. Todaj there vvtro lnrdl > enough cattle- on bale1 to niiiko a market On the opening mm Ket only one load of fat eattlo vvus ot tered , which sold Just about steadv. A eon ldoruble proportion of the lecelpts e-onslsted of butchers' stock , about a elo/en oads of cows and heifers belne on sale- . The eloin.inO was j.ood nnd tho'caily ni- rlvals nut with rtadale ! at ill in prices Ah Is Invailahly the rule on a Saitirdi ) there was veij llttlu doing In the feedei division , In taut theio wuj verj little to do with. Sueh ei.ttle as.ert to be had bold it just about steiely prices HOG1Hecelpls tt Jiors toJaj weie e\trpmoh IlKlit , but there \ tro t\o M rj uooil lets 113 w.n It SIlOlllll tll > < > * l tin ktiirm i-tf \ > i toT i1 , i. it , .a rufllclciu to have prc\emc < l Ihi. I aillnt ; o1 IKICF liul ex in lincl there betn no blorm lidil receipts would have lieen the nnturil rrsull of the Bhirv In ills Innlu < 8 this vvtek The market tlurl l oul In KIKK ! shape this nio ninf : nl pave proml'w of a bettor ringc of values Ihp oponlns belnw alionff to S < - hlRli r Quite a number nf lonilB sold earlj nt Jl .0 tint would hn\e in it J3 13&/3 tT'4 ye > t ila > . DJJ- crs v\ere not \uj au\l us for supplies nnd the more thev tlimiRht nhjut It the le's they vvanlCtl them , llic icMilt v8 thnt the mirkct soon lj.st the Ftieiikth of Hit earlj moinln and th" Hli' iirrhnls met Ith a \ rj Intllfftient recep tion The clo c > of the mirkit u s slmv , v\th | n I tit * a'Urnte of the ilnj lo t The hOB nmiltct this \\c < k Ins ha 1 a sti'ii' ilonnxtniu tenlencj though It open d a ulncle hlRhnr linn the close cf the prpv lout week OT ruislay nnd Unlne'il.1) It went ilnxn iiipltlU On Thuisiluy IlKn- is a sIlKht reaction , fol- tivved l > y a still fu-fior di\\n\\anl moxpinent on rvid \ The verko ! < i-s lth the nnrket Just 10c l" > wer tian It opened Slini'P In llie sheey inirket the old sivlnir first a fonst nnd then a famine , ma to hold ( nnil Vi "tir-lnv there \\crc more sheep In Ihe \ards than ilmost nn\tilnt ; elv. Lut 10113 thcr" * uns not a lo il on sile , anil nothing upon vxhUh ba > market xnli.es. CHICAGO i.ivi : sTocic \iucrrr. . Trnilc In lIoj .K ( lnltiAiilniatcil at Ste-ail > I'rloe'M. CHICAGO , Dec. 4 There \\as the UFUI ! Sit- urilay market In cattle Itecelptx x > ere xery Hjjlit nnd the market i pecliily n nominal one The few cuttle offered cro taken at jirlccs un- chansel from > c tcrdny 1 us week's receipt" have reached the unu < uuli > large totil of nbjut CISCO hi ad and prKes have declined on an iscrnBL25e .Mans cittlc mat would IIJVP Lctn pent here hnd the mirket I ei.n In a sill'factory condition v\erc stoppnl ut various fredlnff points and tellcrn v. ho had hiilf-ful cuttle here had to Hill at very luprlees / . scod ilcintptli i'e mini foi fnni1 } heaxj Chrl'tmaH b > e\ih Is cx- pecled next ve ek Trade In h KB v\a quite anlmiteil at cteaib prices tie Kreiter part of tie IIOBS crosslnu the tcilcs nt from M 2 , to $1 12'4 , ruuli p ickliiK ot rolil nl fiom Mil to $1 22 . . anil prime Hiilpplni ; lots nt from 53 40 to 3 t > , I'IKS relit chlellj at from tJ 10 to (3 3714 The h KS now helm ; mar ketid are largely of KOJI ! quality , heavy lots predominating and medium w eights are tie bcbt teller ? The few lots of Mieep and lambs that were of- ferel on the market todns Bold nt um.lian i-1 prices Sheep were- Ratable at from 1 75 to fj 2" > lor the poorest up to ficm 14 ! 5 to J4 > for good t ) choice lloeks ulth prime lots In demand at from M CO to tl 70 I.ambs told nt from H 0 D < " ' > for the poorict to Irom ! 5 2" to J3 SO fnr good to choice Hocks , ieigolns lielow ft 15 liberal receipts of Bleep nnd lambs are ex [ iccted next vvcfk Itecelptu Cattle 6CO head. Ings , IO.OOO head , sheep , 2 ( XM head. SI. I , < IIIN 1K < > SlocU. ST. i.ouis , nco 4 CATTM : iifociiiiH.oo IIPB 1 , of which rjOO are Texnns , bhlpments , 2 fee head , market uttady , fair to fanc > native rhip ping and export stei r 14 20B5 10 , bulk , of ralex Jl 3fl f4 60 , drecned beef and butcher tn-ri < , | J ft. fit Ti , bulk of pales , > l 10ST4 3"i i-t > rtiinilc - 1 IWO IbB { 3 4004 70 , bull of i-ales , J3 COS 4. 10 , ttocKers and feeileis , JJ 40111 10 , LOWS and heir ere 12000410 bulk of cows , J2 TOWS - , pan- nlni , ' COI\B , tl 2"f2 10. bulls , t2 C0j3 M , Texan and Inillin ftecrx 3 0034 15 , bu'k ' of tah-s , J3 Co ( jfj S5 , CO B nnd lielferB f2 2JifJ } 75 Ihe out- nblf ration being pal. ' for a few heal HOOS Hecelptf , 3,1m head , i-lilpnientH , 2100 head , market barely f tra < l > , llpht , J3 2iii3 | Sj inlxi'l , J3 i.V3 30 , heaJ3 3"ft3 3S SIII3I31' Kecelpts , nene shipments , 100 head market nominal , native muttons (3 lfn 'fl , cnlii anl bucks fl MifiS 10 ; stockers , Ji.00g2 73 , lambs , } 4. 00(73 73 Iiiillillilii | llN I.lvo ' "lurlc. INniANAI'OhtH. liec. -OATTt.IJ-l rflit' | , llcht , Eblpmintii , light , maiket ekxed dull nt Hit ri'ient ikrllni' , t , id lo prime * BI ! "rs , Sieosfiso fair to medium stic-B { .lOifl CO , common tJ gwd storl oil" , S. 73O3 ' 0 , IIOOS Iti-ctlpts SfOil beaJ , plilpn-entn. 2 Oj i head , market acll\c , icmil to clinloe * me-Jlum anJ heixy , (331(73:5 , inlttil , Jl Sj 30 , comnun llfchts. f2 \ Ml 3 > l Mlini' ncrelptH light tihlpnifnlH none ; mir- Kot qultt priopecls x\i iKir good to chol 5 lambs , JvOOfjofiO fnr In meJIum fhfep , J3.dOW 3.CO , common , r.23i02"5 > i-v iirU Ilx < * StdolC. Ni\V YOHK , Dec 4 HKRVHS RccelptR. 1 < C hnid , rnhles were unoinnkiil , exports 1,111 brexcn nnd 3(31 iiuarlera of beef PAIA'IJH Htcrtpu . ' 3'i heud dull and birelj floaty , veals. J3 CW7 71 , B ntfuiv > 3.Ke3tO ( , f3 Co hllKUl' AND I AMIIS Itcrclpli , 1.CS1 brad , dull nnd generally Heady , hlieip , I30004J5 , lambs } 34U600 IIOOH-llecelpts. 3 CSO head , dull nt 3 f.OJfS.'t ) Hunt lliilTnlii rlvc StiiPk. HAST Hl'ITAIX ) N Y. He4 -HOrjs-York cr , good lo cholco 13 , roughs , eominon tu Boo.l . Jl 00fj3 10 pit , ? . > 3.47 J M. MHiii' : ANI > 1.A.MI1.S Abcut tend > , lambs. rliolce , )5 75. culU to common , tl r > W3 | ltep. cholci * lo telii'lel withers , I4J,04j(75 , ciilln to con moil 13 COi/3.7E , IiiiiilHi Ille * I , lit * Mork. Ky , I > e . 4.rATTLlUn - KOT lead dliody ; light 130)335 | , rotmh , S2C1JI30V. ' Steady , iimhanio < l , PINCINNATI , Dec , 4-IIoaS-H'eady , J2i5f ' e'ATTi.i-pi Qdy 12 rsns n. HIIiii' : Uiwrr , t2 fOW4 SS I.AllIIS-1/ow rr. : fOQ'i &J , StllfK III StRllt. lloronl of receipts of llie stock nt the four principal inuiktte for December" 4 ; Cuttle , lloz hlicep Omaha . , . , . feu 2731 . . . , l-hlcago . . . . . fO ) 2JCXI1 2fO ) Kansas City . , . l.COii 10.COO 1,0(0 bt. bouls . , , . , . 709 30OT . Total * . . . . 3 Cia S5i31 ! s"cOO KunmiN City I.U < - Stuck Murlcrt , KANSAS C-ITY. Dec. 4. CATTWn ! -elptf. l.WQ bcad { market steady , uuchui ( d ; only re- of oivyviR. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. f inisiger & * - RS&tcalf Co. WHOLESALE DCALEnS IN Agritnltvral Implements. and Cnrrlace * . Cor. 6th and PacllVl Bt * . Jobbers of Farm Machinery. Wacom nnd liugsieii . Cor. Jth and Jonsa. ART GOODS Picture Moldings. Mirrors , Frameu , Hacking and Artlsto1 Materials. BOOKBINDING , ETC f.UIKHlll i tiATlXG .1A/J 11DOK 71/A/11AO. Eleventh nnil Howard Sla B30TS-SHOES-RUBBERS , M'frs § Jobbers of Fool Wear w i. sir UN The Joseph Banigau Rubber Oo. IS. Sprague & GoB , o Rubbers and Mackintoshes. Oinnliti , N'ob. Boo's , Shoes and Rubbers Balesrooms 1102.110411CC Harney Street. \vnousAt.n RUBBER GOODS Owner of Chief Brand Macklntoshcr Boots , S/ioes , Rubbers , AT WHOLESALE Ofllce and Salesroom 1119-21-23 Howard St. Wholesale Shoe Manufacturers Western Agents Goodyear Glove Rubbera. 1114 Harney Street. BAGS ana Vjf f * * Importers oiid Matttifacturcra BAGS 614-16-18 Sonlh nlh Street BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS. F SYRUPS , Molasses , Sorghum , etc. . Preserves and Jellies Also tin rnna and Jcpanned vvara. CHICORY growers and manufacturcra of all forma of Chicory OiuJlia'Kremont-O'Ncll. tall trade. Texas steers , t2COS2CO. native BlecrH , t305Jl5 ( , mitUe COUH and helfrrn fl Mil' ' 425 , utockeiH and fuuleri , U 2094 33 , bulU , tl 73 4f 3 k' , r IIOOS UeeelptB 10rCil head market ctead > , bulk of mile * t327'4W5.U'a , heavies t3233 | 37'.j , pickeni tJSoniJT'i ; nlxeil n2liffjaT > 4 , IlKhttj , t3 ; - . 3 32's ' "Vorkeru 13 i'lGS ' 32'i , pUn $ . ' 5503:0 HHI1I31' HccelpUrJtCOO .uiul , market Him , lambs , tl SOJJ3 70. mUltoim t2 7004 SO OMUIV aiiMHI'M C'linilltloii of 'I'm lie nnil ( liintntloiiH nn htniili * mill 'l"iinr > I'roiliii't' , EOaS-Strlctly fr/i h. , 17c. IUJTTiil roinmnnlta fair , lOOIlc , choice to func ) , 14ffl7c , tepamtof crrameiy , 23c ; gath ° rl cre-aimry , 23 r { ' . ' VKAlCholfO fa | ( W to 120 Iba , quoted at Sc , Inrpo and coarse 4 T > c DltESSED POULTHY Chickens , 68Coj tur- keyn , not uanteit , iefe , c , diu-Un , 7c I'lOlIONSJ l.l\e , 7c , iltod plKcona not wnnto.l IIAV Uplmd tCW , mllliind 15.W , lonland , 501 , r > e ptrn , ) ( . .coljr makes the price on ba > , llchl ball a si-ll Ui bett , enl ) top pruilea brlnir top pi Ices . CKLHUY Qooil elotk , Inrfce , < 0ci small , 23B1 We ONlONS-1'ir bu . 530Cc. 1II3ANH Hand-plckfd navy , per bu . 11.40. B\vinr : porATOui-per iibi , 1273. PAIII1OiHome : Kronn , jer Ib l'J litc. POTATO HB Homo grovui , 4025Jc : vicstern stock. 1 CAL1I OKNIA STItA\VlliilIlIis-Per pi. . ! 0c. Qt'INC'KH-riiUrornlii , P r box , tl,23 , API'I.Ua Winter mock. J2.7UB300 : rallfnrnU IlelUllowtr , U c , Jl.Wijl.CI , Colorado Joni- thans , boxen tl 75 CItANIIiilHirS-J : < r eyr , per bVI , , I7.0J ; Vl oinxln Hell & IIUKl ? i.M > CALIPOHNIA AND COI.OHADO I'UATiS Oou < l vilnter Nellii 1200. OltAriS-rjiaulm , 61b , baskets , lIQlJc , MnlUKUS , 15 ( OilC fO THOI'ICAL mUITS. OHANOES-MexIcan , per box , t , J ouls. lana. 14 c/ ) . LUMONH-Mewlnna , SCO 13 0033 50 , 801. II < KQ II 50 , California , 3GO , (3 0003.75 ; SCO , I3,7 : 4 25. HANANAB-e'holce * . lartre slock , per bunch , tt.003.25 ; meillum-dlzed bunches , tl.7502.00 , MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almondn. P r Ib , large size , 143 15c ; Urozlli , per Ib , , 10c ; CotilliU walnuts , per 11) . , CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. M. Jn > i > orltr and Jobber Crockery * China , Glassware Btlver Plated Wnre , Looking GltiFgea , Chan * dellcrs , Lumps , Chlmncya , Cutlery , Etc. 1410 TAH.VAM ST. CREAMERY SUPPLIES he Sharpies Qonipany Creamery Machinery nnd Supplies. Boilers , Engines , recel Cookers , Wood Pul leys , Shafting , Melting. Huttcr Pock- nccs of nil hinds. 807-900 Jones St. - - - - - - COAL. fml G0. Olflco 1C03 1'arnam Street. SHERIDAN COAL , C. N Dlctz. President. Goild Dlctz. 3co. .Tie . DRV GOUDS. Importers and Jobbers ol Dry Goods , Funiishing Goods AND NOTIONS. DRUGS. 902-906 Jackson St. J. C. niCHAUDSON , Prest. CX P. WELLEn , V. Prtbt. a 3Vfn btitndtrl J'liurtujceiillcal I'repara tions tipaeial I'or nifc ( i t'rriiainl to tinier > riiil/ui ( ntiloTiie. I iboratorr. 111 ! Kowanl Et , Omaha. E. Bruce & Co. and Stationers , "Queen Ceo" Specialties , CIgnrs , Wtnm and llrundles , Corner 10th anri llurncy Street ! . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. B Electrical Supplies. ] ; icetiie * Mlnlnc IU-1K anil G.ts Wuhtlnt : O W. JOHXE-TON" , Mfcr. 1510 Howard bt. WHOLESALE AND 11UTAIL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 1S04 Farnora St , FRUIT-PRODUCE. & 00 , \\HOLnsALE Commission Merchants. S W. Corner Ifth and Howard bin Mcmcciu cf the National IM.UKUC of Cornmli eion Mtrchants of the United btatce. JOIUIKHS Fruit and Vegetables SPHCIALTIES StrauberrleH'Applet. lemons , Cranberries. Potatoes. 1017 Howard Ut. FURNITURE Furniture EQ WHOLESALE FurnitiM e Draperies 1115-1117 Farnam Btteet. soft shell , l c. HtindardB , lO ille , flllxilH per Ib. , lOc , rH'cans pollEhrd laree , 94ll > " , junil" ) , l.'c , larKP lilckoij nuts , tl 3 p < r In. , uiiiiill , tl M per bu . cocGjnulD p < r I'M (3 70S 4 W , peanut' , HIM , Cjj'V.e iTOitied , MfO'ii. Tins Imported fiine > , 3 tut MI 14-lb boxen , U'tc , r > crnun , 44 Ib boxes. 15e , 2-lb. boxix , V3c pir tex HONEV-Cholcc vvhlti13c. . KHAtJT-l'cr bbl. JI01f4.25 [ , balf bbl. . tl SOff 240 MAPLE filHUI'-rive-Knl rann.nch. . ! 2 2V tiil. uuiH , pure | Mr doz. , (1-00 , bulf Bal cans , 6 2 uiiart cans , JJ 'n PATES Per CO to 70-lb bnxep , CHc , T-ird 8-lb boxen * tc. CIDEIt-lVr half bbl ft , bblB , K'J > . riinsii MEATS DHERhiJD niir : : Oood n < itl\e iteers 7c : BcoJ foic < iuarteis etecrp Co , BOOI ! lilnlquaitcru e. v\rptern sleer l l 'jC , fancy helfeis 'ic , food helfe-s Cc. BJOl forequartcm heirern , 5'i . l' od hlndiiuaiters , heifers , bV4c , geol tows , s4- > fair CO\\ I1 * , Tenderloins I6c bi-nelf-ss H T * lit CUTS 4I4IUVIW1IIB 1C * I f - l " - ' ! > c , ttrlp loins , 7c. rolls , k-io. Mrleln bultii fhoulrter clods , Mfco ; rump bulle ( .He ; steer khouliler cludu , t'fcc ; rump butts S'sc , utetr chucl ( , 5'io ; cow thuclif t' e. boneli oiucUn. 4ic. ! cow plites , Sc , irtter plates 3Hc : Hank steiiU , C'o ' , lolnf , No , 1 , Me. loltiB No Z 10'jc , loins. No I tc , tlrloln tn < \ , Isu 1 , 9c , rlbti , No. 1. He , No ! tiic , ribs No 3 Cc , cleir roumlii. 7' c , cow rniindu C'jc ' , C-.M rounut thank t.fr b'ic Irlnimlnun , 4 4c , beef uliuiiliiSo. . brain * , per doj. , 3'.cj svvwtbriud * per Ib , lOe. uwpethreuilii ( califi ) per Ib , 40c ; kldne > per doz. , SUe , ox tulU cadi , 4c ! IHcru , jicr Ib , So. lii'iirU per Ib , 3c , I jnKUtH per Ib , 12'.ic ' MUTTON I. amh , 7c , sheep G o , nnrket rucltii ( Ions ) . > c hotel roekn ( hoit ) lie , lifes and raddltH , l > c , lamb leg * , tic , Ijicattu and tm . 3c , IOIIRUCB , inch , 3c J'OItIC Dri'f'i'l pU" , l > V' < c , irrr ! cd hOf , Cc. tenderloin * 15c ! lnln 7i , rpure rlb 5c , ham ju aKe < butU , C'ic ' , Hiouldem ruUKli , Cc , uhoul- ilern. tklnnril. iy.e ; trlinmlnKV , 5 > tc , l uf 'anl ' nut rendered , Mc , hiadu , clcunexl. < c. unout and earn , 4o bacl.boneu 1'Sc , check meat , 4'4c. ' neck tiones , St ; plB < f tnlln 4o ; plu k each. 6c , ihltterllniti , Cc ; hocki , 4c , heorm pir Ooz 25c. itoinuchii , each , Sc , tonguet , each _ iC , kld- neyu , per doz , lOc , Imilnn , per djz , ISc , plek feet , ier doz , 2..c ; Hut * , each , 3c ninis , TALI/W , KTC , IUIK3-No 1 green tildes , 7c , No. 2 ereen hlde , Cc ; No. 1 tailed bide * . S4c , No. 2 eretn tailed hides. 7 c : No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 ll > , lOc : No. 8 Vfal calf. 12 to 15 It * . , to. HllliUl' I'tlVIB-flrecn nailed , each. 1J076C ! Ctttn laltcd chearllcgi ( ebon vveoled urly TYPE FOUNDRIES. G Type Foundry Superior Copper Mixed T > pe li th b it on th * mrrkct , 1114 Howa.nl Street. GROCERIES. M cCord"Brady Go. 13th and I.ciivcnvvortli St. Staple and Fancy Groceries ICA AND COrHE ROVSURS , Etc. KIIOLIiSJVLB FINE GROCERILS I Teas , Spices , Tobacco anil Cigar * . I 1403-1407 llnrnex Strtcl- OA ! COFKRU AM ) Jouni.vo GIIOCIUS Telephone 2 2. HARNESS-SADDLERY o. f of lititlicr , t-atltUcrji Ilttrtlware , Kte , Wet solicit jour orders 1315 Howard St. HARDWARE. Wholesale Hardware , Om.ilui. Wholesale Hardware. HIcyclcs uncl bportltiK ( JooiH. 1S10-UX-23 llar- ucy stieeo. LIQUORS. Walter Noise & Oo \Mioi.nsAr.n LIQUORS. Proprietors of AMKItlfAN CIGAR AND OLASS V\AHl ! CO 211-210 bouth 14th St ler's East India Bitters Golden Sheaf Pure n > e and Bourbon Whiskey. \\lllon fcprlnss DUtlllcry , Her & Co. . 1112 Hnrney Strtet. Wholesale Liqnor Merchants , 1001 Kurnniu fatrccU ' = IVholesale Liqnors and Cigars , 1118 Parnam Street WHOI.CbALE Wines , Liquors and Cigars. 4U-415 B. Utb Street. bklns , caili lie , dij rhearllngs ( Ehurt Moolci ] inrl > skins ) , No 1. raih 5c , itr > Hint , KaneiiH uml Nebinska buteher wool pelts per Ib , actu i | ntlRlil , 4irc , dry Hint , Kam > iH and Nebnieka murrjln u ol pells p r Ib auu.il elhht 3e 4o , dr > Hint Colo'iulo hutcicr wool pells inr Ib. actual weight , IflSe dij Mint c'oloriido murrain wool ptlls , | cr Ib , actunl wtltht , $ < $ iiiDis-incii : , ti 50 2 25 TALIJOIIKAhi : . IU'lullow. . No J 5c , I'M fOc , mu krat , Jo 60. 7o . . , , „ - - ' , red ( ux f'eWd . " 3. irrev fu * : ! > WO , wolf ( ilmlir ) Sc ' , iiio wolf innim " ro ir * * - * W" We , No 3 fcSe ana ear while 7 < c. C-OltN-No J white Zi4c OATH Pair demand ut > CHltTelii'a prices No 2 inUi'il 'J2c HVi-Market ntind > , No 2 43c IIAV Mirkrt Ilrm ilcrrnnil M d , unchnnin l tlinolli > ir. ( 61. prairie , I700O7Z ! Ilir1iil'rH : Whiat , t5,4"0 bu , eoin , 7C,0K ( > bu oiti 10 Ofrt lii HIIII'MKNl'S AMn-nl. Tt.MO bu ; corn , 4CKW bu , outs , none , ei fit I n Itci'i-liiU nl l'i Incliicil MnrUclx. MINNi1OUS Dec , 4-lUcelpU : Whe.il C83 car , , 'IIICAOO , Dee 4-Hfcelpts today : Wheat , 140 cart , corn , 4S9 cum. oati 3S7 c.im niljniilnl car lots Monilay : U'hcut. Its , coin. 2M , oat * , 450 hT IXJU1H. I ) c. 4 Ilecclpts : Wheat , 48 calf lil'I-t'l'II , Dec 4-IUult \\hcat 178 cam I'KOUIA. Die. 4 Itect'lptK. Com C" 4CO bu , oatH , is e l bu . r > e 2 t ( bu , w ilnky 11111 wheat , none HIilpmentH , Corn , 15,4 0 bu , uala , It 200 bu , r > e I,2t0 .bu , ulilik } , lMj bbls , ; wheat , none , I'ciirla Dec , 4 COItK Market steady. No 7 , 2i& OATS-Mnrkct nun : No. 2 white. 22c , HYIJ Market riulet , nominal : No. 2 , 47Uc. WJIIHKV-Mnrktt tttudy ; hllih LUMBER o Lumber Oo. WHOLESALE DUMBER . . . 814 South 14tli St. LUMBER ! WHOUKSAU : AND RETAlIi LUMBER Offlct and Tardi. . . . . . . . . . ,11th and California Sin. QCQ. fl. Hoagland Wholesalt Littrr , Etc. Oth atiei DuttLjlus Sts. OYSrERS. & Oo , PACKEHS KING COLE OYSTERS , AND 1'OULTHV. 1015 Hounrd St. OILS-PAINTS Co , MANtTACTUUCnS Air Floated Mii"ral Paint And l'ulnl f \t Kin l 1'uttjElo. . 1015 on.l . 1017 Jone > 8t. .T. A. Mortet , 1st Vice Prca I ( J Drake , Qcn Mer . . . .OILS. . . . ( Snpo.lne Turpentine Axle Grrnse Hlc Omnlii Itrnnch nnil Agcncl"- John 11 llutti MET. PAPEh-WOODENWARE. 'arpanter Papsr CoL " 3T - Printing Paper , Wrapping Paper , Stationeryt Corner IZtli and Kanard street * . Paer Wrapping Paper , Stationery * Woodenware , 1107 Ilarnci Street SCHOOL SUI'I'LIhS. Pulillshers , Mannf icturers and Jobbers The Inrsest Supilv | House In the West. Corncllth and Harm x Stree s SASH-DO 3R3 BLINDS. . .aniifacturcrs of Sash , Doom's , Blinds , Etc , 12tlllllKl I/trel Stb. STEA'Vl-WATER ' SUPPLIES. n 1U11OIO Douglns Street. Manufacturers and Jobbers of Strain , Gas and Water Supplies of All Kinds. iroS-i110 Harnev St , Steam Pumps , HnRlncq nnd Holler ) . Plpo , Wind MIIK Steam nnd VIiiinblnK Material. IJ-lilrn ; , lu ] e , itc. ANO _ ANCY GOOD3. _ & Co- 'jr , Dolls , Albums and KANCY GOODS. Homo KurnlrhlnKB , ChllJren'H Carrlafii , Etc. U19 I'arnam Girett. YEAST-BAKING POWDER. Tsfiia Veasl Go. ManufncturerH1 celebrate d "On TImr * Yen t" .md German liuklnt' 1'ovveler , Satlafuctlon guaranteed , 4301 to . [ J2f North 'livcnly-etght Street. TIJLKI'HONIJ Uirill. H. E. PENNEY & CO. , 11O Board of Trnelo Uhlf , * , OmahaNob. GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS Jlrancli Onico 1038 N St , Mncolu. Neb , 411,1) ( ' ( > ! , OM III II.IIINe ; , OIIICU.I ) . Membciu ClilriiKO lloiirel of 'Iraelo tlntet 1 > CJ. drain , I'rovisiois ' anJ N. Y. Stocks OnlcfH C'lmh anil Tuturo Odlvcrj Solicit d Oiuiilia Olllci * , HOIIIII 1 , > . \ , Lift * lllilK. . . , .M'hiini * 1)111. . . . ri.OI I ) J , CAMI'lliii < , tliuiuwrur. g. QOYD & 00 , , Tclcplionu 1031) ) . Oinulu , COMMISSION , GHA N PROVISIONSaiiUSTOCKa IIOAII ) 01' TUADII. Direct wires to Chicago and New York. CGmspoudints ; joba A. Varrta ft Go. s