Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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Cocper , Flro Ins , , (5 ( Pearl , tcl. 372 ,
Harry Murphy , coil and wood. 37 Main.
Schmidt' * bar relief photoa am the latest
Sptoncr Oroccry Co. , 323 Dway. Tol. 314.
In. Sliriver , dcntlit. Mcrrlam blk. . rom 246 ,
Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dcnder , a
Mlfs Oertrudo Ncely of Fremont Is the
iuct ut Miss Isabel Patterson.
Catch not at ( shadow * nd loeu the ub-
Itanco , but send for the Illuff City laundry.
Mrs. 1) . W. Uushncll nnd her mother. Mrs.
llynihbdw , liavo returned honip from the
JudgeOrcen'a decision In the Shea Injunc
tion case Is expected in be'l nown to
Mrs. Novln C. Reseller of Oalesburg n
flsltlng her sister , Mrs. Victor E. llcnder , on
Third avenue ,
Ucv S. G. IvifRon of Stanton , la. , han ae-
Jtpteil ft call from the Swedish Lutheran
lliutcti of this city.
Tim best \i \ good enough for you. N'oth
Ing less. Send your work to the popular
Rai-lo Laundry , 721 llway.
Mri. R. Huntlngton end daughter , Hassle ,
have returned from Kast Orange , N. ! they have been for the last jear.
C L. Prouty ot G-irncr township was In
.ho city Saturday In attendance on the meetIng -
Ing ot thp I'ottawattamlo County Fruit Grow
trs' ntwoclatlon.
Mr. H. H. Odd ! and wife have re-turned
home from an eastern trip. Mr. Odell re
ports a general tcvlval of business In nearly
all parts of the cast.
J. J. O'Shay , the onc-armd vagrant , who
fell or throw himself In front of an approaching
preaching motor train during the snow-
ttorm on Friday , has been assisted out of the
II If. Martin , the millennia who lost an
arm In a corn shredder and who was re
ported to be In a precarious condition , has
rallied from the shoe ) : and Is now In n fair
v.\iy for recoveiy.
Howard L , . M.irlin. the ofUcer In charge at
the Milnoukco depot , lett last evening for
Hot F.iniRS , Ark. Mr. Martin has been
confined : it hit h-iine on Gralwm avenue for
six wriks with rheumatism.
Judge- Smith spent Sunday with his family
Ho will return to Avoca this morning and
resuin bis district court work there. County
Attorney Faundcrs , who also spent the Sab
bath with his family , returned with him.
On WcdiiOsiMy night Washington camp.
Patriotic Order of Sans of America , will cele
brate the golden J"i'lce ' of the order at Its
hall. A special prog.-am has been prepared
for the event. Martha Washington camp ,
Patriotic Daughters ot America , will assl-st.
The funeral of Josephine E. Hamblln , wife
of Mat B. Ilamblln , who died on Saturday
ot her homo , 705 Twenty-fifth avenue , will
bo held this afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock. The
services will be held at the Catholic church.
The body will be burled In the Catholic
cemuterj. Mrs. Hamhblln was only 23 years
old. Death resulted from lung troubles ,
The city council will meet In regular
monthly session this evening , and will fix
the 'Manawa ' railway extension franchise.
The ordinance will Imv ; to pass through
all of Us stagra the s.\mo as If It had never
previously been passed. The council will
have the right to males nny changes or
amendments It sots tit , but It Is scarcely
likely that any will be made , and the ordi
nance will go through all of its stages atone
ono meeting.
Albert Smith , a 22-year-old young man.
who claims to bo a horse tj-adcr and who
lives on North Ninth street iul Avenue I ,
was pMccil under arrest yesterday charged
with having stolen a laprobo belonging to
Mrs. J. F. Hunt. Smith admits having dis-
pcflcd of the robe , and explains that he had
gotten It from a boy whom ho met on liroad-
way and whom ho had never eeen before or
since. The robe Is valuable , but he cays
ho gave tbo boy only $1 tor It.
C. 13. Vlavl Co. , Icmaic remedy ; consulta
tion frco OIHco hours , 9 to 12 nnd 2 to 0.
Health booU furnished. 32C-327-32S Merrlam
N. Y. Plumbing coniiHor. T < ! l. 250.
A nlco two-seated sleigh for sale cheap. L.
\V. Tullup , 102 Main street.
Domestic son > wrappers < : all for spoons.
A handeome pair of black kids will be
given every liuly attending the Modern Wood
men of America card party and dance at
K. ot P. hall , Tuesday evening , December 7.
ArtmUfllon , lady and gent , 25c ; extra ladles ,
Domestic soai > wrappers call for spoons.
JU-C.ili-Mtluii . < if tli - Xfiiln llnnU CiiHlili-r
INull | > - Scttli'il.
II. Mendel , the cashlor ot the Ncola bank ,
Rimnt several days In the city last week
up the last , act In the defalcation
anil flight ot the former cashier or the bank ,
John Watts. The final act was the payment
of the lant Instnltmen't ' of the proportion of
Mr. Momlcl's loss by the mismanagement ot
tlio cashier. This conalstcil ot ? 9.COO. C.
I > nillln , Watts' father-in-law ami the
proilileiH of the bank ; palil an equal sum ,
and now every dollar that the bonk lost
( through the OKi-ncy of Its speculative cashier
lias bcon replaced. It was all inailo goo < l by
Mr. Mcndol anil Mr. nillln Immediately after
the shortage had hcen tllscovcrtxl , but It
was neccrsary to Eeciire It by Riving notes
and mortgages , the last of which has Just
been paid released. At no Minn was the
credit of the 'bank ' shaken by the defalcation ,
for Messrs. Plllin anil Mendel were amply
able an bondsmen for the cashier anil olllcd *
of the 'bank ' to make ROOII the shortage , and
every dollar was secured ti 'the ' banlc as fast
ns the examination of the .books ihowed 'the
necp.wlty for It.
Watts at the present tlmo Is a fugitive
from Justlco with a liberal reward offered for
Ills arrest. The first grand Jury to which
Ills ease was submitted refused to Indict him ,
( but the next ono was provided with moro
evidence- and such evidence that an Indict
ment followed as a necessity. Watts had
disappeared before tlio Indictment was found
nnd the efforts to trace him ctlnco have not
( boon successful. Just before the second
Brand Jury .took up his case he was ln < Den
ver , and letters ho had written from there
wcro submitted as ovldcnco of his crime.
Ono of them con'talned ' a frank admission
that ho was short over $18,000. It was
Irarnoil that ho had loft Denver for Chicago ,
and thuro all traces ot.hlm worn loot , I-'rorn
reliable sources , however , It lip.s been learned
that ho went directly to Mexico after leaving
Chicago and liter sailed from Veru Cruz to
Kingston , Jamaica , and from thence In a
calling vessel for HIo do Janeiro. Ho left
the llrazlllan capital noun after his arrival ,
going inland.
ms , blotdioi , lil.ickltuails , rod , r' ,
oily' , inotliy skin , itching , scaly scalp , dry ,
thin , nnd falling hair , and baby lilvmlKhes
provoatoil by CUIICUUA Siui1 , the tno < t
efioctlvo skin pnrifyiut ; and boautlfyiiiK
Fo.ip In the world , na well on puiest und
BiTootcst for toilet , bath , and uursory.
04r 1 § olJ Ibroutboul tli < worlJ. form
> D ClIIU.COIllBtflt f MH. , llMlcD , U. 8. A.
a -"Uort ff f ol Fw llutuori"mtlUlI
New Power Conferred on the Authorities
Will Bo Enforced ,
Will I'rocppil nt Onec Under lite l.nw
In Have * ( lie Slum' CU-arctl Aivny
unit CliurKrit ( ( In- Prop
The atroet commissioner and the City Ens !
noer's department will have some new and
very necessary duties to perform hereafter ,
duties that Ifvoll performed will be the
source of uullmltcd satisfaction to the leo
ilo of Council Bluffs. The new code on
largcs the powers of the city In Its con
trol of fctrecta anil alleys and other public
places and Invests the atreet commissioner
and the engineer with authority to clean the
snow from the sidewalks. This enlarge
insnt of powers conferred by the code was
only discovered on Saturday after hundreds
of complaints of snowblocUeil sidewalks liai
been lodged at the city building. It Is con
tnlncd In section 781 , and Is conferred ci
all cities and towns. The section leads as
follows :
They shall have power to remove snow
ICM or accumulations from sidewalks with
out notice to the property ownira 1C Iht
snm" has' lemnlned upon the walks for a
period of Irii hours , nnd nssi ss the e\
IH'tiS'j.i tlu'reof to the property fiom the
front of whli'li snow , Ice nnil nvmnnuliiUoii !
shall lie removed ; but the cxpoiiH * shul
not exceed l',4 ' centn per front of iiux.
lot , nnd the Fame shall lie rurtllleil am
collcc-ted ns other spt-clal taxo.s.
Under Ibo old law the city had a dotiht.'u
atithoil'.y to do this work , and It was fie !
necessary to K'VO ' the property owners notice
Under the most favorable circumstances ilii
wi uld require many days and the nulsane
would r.b.ite Itself or a frcah one wuuK
take Its place before the work could bo co.n
monecd. The now lav doc * away with all
of this ilelay an-ai permits the street commis
sioner to set lls men at work the moment
tl.o Rtirvw stnrm rivirpd. Tl n pnst of
ab-ut 75 cents a lot Is about tl'rco times !
what the Individual would liavo t'j pay scene |
needy t-hovclor to clear away the fnow , and
It Is but fair to presume that the knowledge
that the city now has this extraordinary
authority will operate to set gangs ot. men
and boys at work shoveling snow at the end
of every snowstorm In the future.
Mayor Carsan says It is the intention of
the city to stiictly enforce this law and abate.
lie nuisance tha't ' has so bug been pernilt-
ed. "It goes without sayliij- , " said he , "that
rou can tell the character cf a man 'by ' the
tvay he cloarj his sldtwalks after a snow-
stirm. You will find that every , liberal
nlmled man who has a proper regard for
iho rights and comfort of his neighbor will
cU-an thu smv from the walk. ! In front of
his house early In the siornlnj ; or Immedi
ately after the snow erases tc fall , If the
storm ends In the afternoon , while the , selfish fellow will shovel a path to his
front gate nnd to the curb solely for his
own accommodation nnd leave the public to
wade through the snow for the remainder
of the > distance. The wealthiest men. and
those best able to affcrd the expense If they
do not want to da the work themselves ,
will be the last to recognize their obligations
to their fellow citizens. The poor men. the
laborers and mechanics who have the least
time , are the first to do 'this ' public duty.
Some of the rlclien men In Council llluffs
have never been known to clean the walks
In front of their property. It will be a pleas
ure for us to put men at work to do this
duty for them , and assess the cost to their
property. Wo will miforco the law to the
Ic'ttor. ' and I advise all citizens xvh' * do not
wish to pay the extra expense to do this
work -themselves or give the many needy
men and boys the 25 cents it will cost. "
Street Commissioner Ilardln has an
nounced his willingness to accept the full
responsibility the new law confers upon him
and that ho will hlro enough men to do the
work when the next snowstorm occurs.
Very few of the walks In the city outside
of the business districts were cleaned after
Friday's snowstorm. Captain Hitchcock of
No. 3 IIOEO house rigged up a one-horse
scraper early Friday morning and scraped
the snow from nearly two miles ot sidewalk
on the streets leading from the note house ,
and managed to get a good deal cf spot out
ot the work with the assistance of a bevy
cf llttlo gli'ls and 'boys.
Do you skate ? Splendid skating now
get your old skates ground rmd sharpened up
by an expert. The Council Bluffs Cyclery
have eddcd p. power sharpener nnd will
rliarpon up the dullest skates of 15 cents
per nilr.
Domestic soao wrappers call for spoons.
I'-oj'l" ' HiiKli 1" Settle Ilvforc the
TrriiMiin-r'N Sale OIIPIIN.
The annual tax Bale of the property on
which the levy Is delinquent will commence
today at the ofllco of County Treasurer Arud.
The taxbooks at the present time are nearer
clear than over netore. During the last daya
of the week the rush to pay 'axes was al
most as great as has always marked the
closing days "of March and September , when
the penalty attaches. Friday and Saturday
the anxious taxpayer8 were standing two
dcto all around the counter , waiting for a
chance to pay their taxes and prevent the
last penalty being charged against them.
This ability and willingness to oay has produced -
duced the extraordinary condition of a largo/ /
published tax list which has been more than I
two-thirds paid since Its publication. At the ] I |
ratio the delinquents have bein coming In j I
the entire list would have been cleaned up
lu a few days If the tax sale had been pont-
The anxiety to pay up Is not duo to the
fear of incurring the penalty , for this hos
been greatly reduced by the changes made by
the new code. It Is rathrr an Indication
of the renewed protoorlty of the poDplo of
the city and county , who have generally for
the first time In many years found themselves -
solves ! ci ti condition to bo able to nay their
taxus. Thisa \ especially BO with the
farmers. They have harvested n bountiful
crop and liavo received good prices for all
the surplus they have had for the market.
The taxbooks will show this morning when
the ealo begins the smallest number of farni'J
over offered for sale for the collection of
delinquent taxes.
City and village property throughout the
county Is In very much the simo condition ,
and the tax title buyers willnnd a meager
and unsatisfactory list to select from. The
now cede has taken away about all of the
gilt-edgo profit ot the business. Until this
year the purchase ot a good piece of property
at the annual tax sales constituted an In
vestment that netted the buyer from 15 to
20 per cent , nnd If the property was owned
by Homo prosperous farmer or city resident
only temporarily Inrd up the return * on
the Investment would bo realized within
thirty or s'.xty clays. The oM law allowed
10 per cent for ttio IIrat penalty and the sub.
sequent penalties were permitted to add another -
other 10 , Now the first penalty In only 8
per cent und n full year Is required for the
accruing pciwltlea to approximate the other
8 per cent allowed by law. The legislators
last winter held that It was bad policy to
forblil'tho collection of usurious Interest by
the Individual and permit the state to exact
It and thdotsiinitiation to jo mtt tin co inty
treasurers to collect only the leg , 1 rate
met with unlvcrtul approval. County Treas
urer Arnd tlilnku that this condition will
make the bidding today very slow oml will
materially reduce the size of the crowd of
speculators. It will aUo imtko the bidders
very cautious , for the reduced Interest will
not justify < iny great rliks being taken. The
professionals will be likely to refuse to bid
on any property offered with which they
ore not familiar , and have a rtaioimblo cer
tainty that it Will either be redeemed or 1
worth paying the taxes on for the required j
lerlocl and the ether expenses of getting
tax title. Treasurer Arnd team that this
autlon will leave a good deal of the unpro-
uctlvo and less desirable city property on
he tnxbooks when the nale Is concluded.
For the accommodation of the delinquents
whoiwcro ntlll anxious to pay County Treas
urer Arnd spent ft good part of the illy
eitcrday at the county court house and kept
its odlcc open. A brisk business was done
nil day and the tax list stilt further reduced.
When' the ofllco was closed at night the
> ooks showed that In several townships there
vne not a cent ot unpaid delinquent taxes ,
fhls Is something entirely new In the his
tory of the county.
ClnlittN Hint Motor Conductor ! ) -
friutilfil Her mi tlif Cur.
An Omaha woman preferred charges of
dishonesty against ono of the mo'jr conduc
tors yesterday and1 filed a claim for J9.PO , of
which the claimed he had defrauded her.
The woman said the came over Iho river
Saturday evening nnd had among other
coins two $5 gold pieces.Ticn she paid her
fore she said she got hold of one of thcso
pieces and guvo It to .the conductor with n
nickel under the Impression that both coins
were Rlckels. When sbo returned she hap
pened to get aboard the train that had the
sxrao conductor , and In feeling In her purse
for the car fare took out .what . she again sup
posed was two nickels , but which pioved , she
says , to bo once more a $3 gold ploco oml a
nickel , and gave them to the conductor. She
says she xlld not discover the mistake until
she counted her money. She was $10 short
and she know she had ) given the gold pieces
to the conductor for nickels. The conductor
had received no gold coins during the even
ing and recalled the fact that the woman
had given him two plcblan nickels the first
time end a dime the second time. Tiio mai
ler was repcctcd to i-upcrlntcndcnt Dlm-
irock and 'ho ' has promised to Invpstlpito It.
The conductor Is one of the older. * and most
reliable In the service Tf the company.
A new Industry. Have your skates made
to order. The Council IllulTs Cyclery toulid
c-kates to order at reasonable prices. A
hand made skate ot Ikie materials is always
the beat.
Domestic soci ) wrappers -call for spoons.
I.OIIKCV'H Iti > nlil * iici * 'lloldieil. '
Uurglars ransacked the residence of E. II.
hougco on Oakland avenue last night. So
I far as known , ? 5 In.caah was secured , Tliei
house was thoroughly ransacked. Entrance
I was gained by smashing a window with , -ui
axe. I no lumiiy ion name auoui DJU O'CIUCK
end : did not return until ucavly 11 , when the
robbery was discovered.
Domestic soi > wrappers call tor spoons.
Hoffmayr fancy patent Hour makes the
beat and most bread. Ask your grower for It.
.Miss llniiniM t'nrdoiieil.
UKD OAK , la. , D = c. G. ( Special. ) Miss !
Hr.nncr , the young lady who was convicted In '
the district coii"t some tluio ago of- forgery
ami sentenced t.six montlu In the state
penitentiary , has received a pardon. Her
casa aioused the greatest Interest because
of her prominence and the fact that no mo
tive for the crime could be discovered , as
ehe was not destitute. The application for
parelon was signed by the Judge who tried
the case , the prosecuting attorneys and the
trial Jurors , cud the pardon was no eur-
prlsa here.
Io\m XIMVN Notrs.
Glenwood Is to have a new band of eight
een pieces and Leo Steppen Is to be the
Mark Davidson , proprietor of the Commer
cial bank at Wapjllo , died Icet week at the
ago of 82.
J. S. Hopkins will move his Br.ulgnte Her-
uld to Humboldt. It Is the democratic organ
of Humboldt county.
A cob pipe factory was to have been started
In Cedar Hnplds , then it was heard from at
Marshalltown end now DCS ilolnes has It
sure. .
Lohtvllle people sleep better now that the
town poultryinun has slaughtered and mar
keted the 1,100 ducka he had been fittenin
all fall.
Henry Langworth , ono of the witnesses
for the defeuse In the Ilehrens murder trial
at Davenport , has been arrested , charged
with , perjury.
The Commercial hotel at Sutherland caught
fire from the ofllce stove and wj uurncd.
Only a pa-t of the furniture was saved.
Frank Glea.son was the proprietor.
H. A. Cook , formerly of the Drnlson Bul
letin , Is negotiating for the purchase of the
Grlnnell S'gnal ' , a free sllvo- paper , which
he will cojvcrt. to sound money if be gets
The program of cvonts for the annual Y.
M. C. A. contest , to bo held In Marsha 11 town
In February , nas Just bean announc3il. It
j la expected ttat about ten associations will
| so ml teams.
The annual Iowa sheriffs' convention will
assemble In DCS Molnes at the Savory house
on December 15 for a two days' session. P.
A. Nary of Dickinson county Is president of
the association and George Smith of Des
Molnes county secretary and treasurer.
Four years ago Ed Xelley of Cabsburs In
herited a farm of 1GO acres and money hi
bank or other property estimated In value
from $25,000 to $10,000. A few clays C.TO
ho applied to n business man In Waterloo
for a night's lodging penniless and almost
fiUndless. i
An artedan well Is being bored on Hie
grounds of the Iowa Hospital for ti'io Insane
at 'Mount ' 1'lcas.uit , nnd It has already at
tained n depth of SCO 'eet. A well was bored
tjiero in 18C2 and wattsr drawn from a depth
of 1,200 feet , but it rusted out the pipes so
badly that the A'ell was abandoned ,
Inivn I'ri'SN CoiiiiiitMit.
DCS Moines Capita ! : Senator Funk be-
llovcu that elections once In two years would
bo about right in this state and the Algona
Upper Des Molnes hopes the sesator will
push the matter at the coming session. The
demand of the timer. Is for lens politico.
Kcokuk Gate City : The contest for the
flpealcert'hlp of the Iowa IIOUHO Is engross
ing the attention of some of the papers of
the state. To Judge from the amount of
spice they are devoting to It one nilglit
Imagine that the whole futvre of Iowa was
involved. It Isn't.
Atlantic Telegraph : Any man who can
secure a good farm wltltln 100 miles of the
Missouri river , especlslly In Iowa , Is ono of
the earthV.i favored era , as ho has rich
land , pure water , healthful climate and the
best market In the world at hs ! door. No
man need seek a better country or better
conditions , for If ho does he will bo dleap-
polnted Contentment , Industry and a
reascnablo economy will Injure success , and
If he doesn't find It here , ho need not look
Ilcd Oak Kxprcas : Hy the way , what great
results has lowi reaped from the passage
of the Bo-Dilled "manufacture 'bill" lest win
ter ? Certainly It bus not rabsd the price
of corn or lr > other ways contributed to the
prosperity of the people of the ttste. In
fact , so far as wo can learn , no liquor manu
facturing plants bivo been established In
the state as a result ot this law. TIiU la
what tlie Express predicted about the law
at the time of Its passage. Liquor makers
end brewers ore not going to come to a
state where prohibition aentlment \ so
strong as It Is In1 Iowa , when they can locate
In states where everything la favorable to
Audubon Republican : The prevailing oys-
tcm that requires a congressman to rccom-
rcend a candidate for appointment as
mester In cadi of the principal poutoHlces
In htn district Is , according to our opinion , a
wrong one , It fiddles onto a congressman
work very remote from his legislative
duties , It Involves him In useless broils
with men of It's ' own party and frequently
helps In prematurely ending his political-
career. It puts on him a duty he feels com-
pelloj to perform , although ho may prefer
that tbo patrois should choose their own
servant , It may < ometlmc serve to build
up a crtigri'Eiiinan's political strength , but
wo bellcvo It ofteuer acts as a plague to tear
It down. Some time the tyetem will bo
abolished acd a better onesubetltuted. .
Som.3 Opposition to Making an .Additional .
Appropriation , ' "
Ociiernl Sentiment ThrniiKltuut the
Stnte In I.lnc n-ltti I lie Denlrc
to Sec More Mont1-
nt the
DES 'MOINE3 ' , Dec. C. ( Special. ) The con
test over the question of an ap
propriation for representation of Iowa at
the Omaha exposition Is waxing warmer
every day. Many members of the legislature
have been Interview cd on the matter In , the
last two w cks , and It can bo staled : with
safety that the majority are In favor of an
additional funO. The first appropriation , was
only $10,000 , < ind was considered , tit the
time It was made , only a .beginning. Some of
the state papers have taken up 'the cudgels
and opened a fight against any additional
appropriation ; but the expresalons of the
press , like these cf mcmbetB ot the legisla
ture , do not on the whole warrant serious
fear that the legislature will dcdlno to do
anything further. It Is expected the commis
sion will ask for S50.000 more. This amount
may bo reduced by the assembly ; $25,000 or
$33,000 Is moro likely to bo the figure finally
agreed on. But that an appropriation will bo
ir.ado Is generally believed.
lllilliltiii : lit ChuroKcc Will lieI'lll -
islM'il Alu-uit nf Cotitriiet Tliilr ,
CHEI10K12B. la. . Dec. 0.Special. ( . ) The
report of the ( hero'ieo hospital commission
will bo fonvar-lod to the governor this week.
It Is now complete up to Cute and shows that
up to the first ot the month there has been
expended far the erection of the superstruc
ture of the building $278,549. Of this amount
the commission has retained 23 per cent , or
JSn.'iS" , payable to the contractors when the
building Is accepted by the commission. Tbo
commission Issued state vouchers to the con
tractors last week In ithe amount of $15,407 ,
which fettles In full up to 'the ' date of the
reprt , less tnei ; per coin rcquireii oy ia\v
to be held until tlo work is accepted by
t'ht1 state. Deducting 25 per cenc leaves a
total of $208 012. Of this amount $75.000
lias been paid to the contractors In cash
and the balance in vouchers without In-
tcre-t , payable In 1SDS and 1S09 , a : ii'c ap
propriations come due. The commission 'de '
serves credit for arranging ma'tters ' so the
superstructure could be Bnlshed tbia year
Instead of having It drag along until 1SOO ,
as It wciiild had the \\frk been done each
year as the appropriations came due. The
present crowded condition of the other three
state hospitals , ale of many county houses
throughout the state , makes it necessary
tliut all possible haste bo. exercised In the
erection of 'the new hospital. As It Is , the
lighting and heating contracts can be let
the coming spring and the building ccm-
pleto.Ii and ready for patients by the time
the superstructure would have been ready.
Statistics show that the ' > vork has been
dragged along for nearly forty years on
the Mount Pleasant hospital , twenty-eight
years at Independence , with a capacity of
1,000 patients , and fourteen years at Cla-
rlnda. with a capacity of COO , while the
new hospital will be finished' ' in less 'than
four years , provided the work -progresses
as rapMly In the future us It has In the
past , and the capacity will be about 830
patients. '
In order that iho work bo pushed an
other appropriation will bo asked for at the
coming session of the legislature. The com
mission has carefully estimated the ccst of
the completion and Its reprt will show
that It will take $280,000 more to put the
building In shape fijr occupancy.
Court I'roct'villiiKK ut Avot'ii.
AA'OCA , la. , Dec. G. ( Special. ) Court pro
ceedings for tfte past week :
State of Iowa acainst Jessie 'Miller ' ; case
called ; Jury Impaneled ; state represented by
County Attorney Saundcrs and .the . defend
ant by J. L. Blauchartf and Frank Shlnn.
Defendant is charged with burning bis own
hcuso In January , 180G. The Jury brought
in a verdict of not guilty.
State of Iowa against Chancs Kenyon was
next called. The defendant Is charged with
assault with Intent to do great bodily Injury.
The state U represented by C. G. Siundcrs
while Illantfiard and Preston appear for
Kenyon. The Jury returned a verdict of
guilty as charged. IKeriyon was sentenced to
jail or pay ft fine of $75. .
In io : : case of the State against John C ,
Hartley defendant pleads guilty .to the charge
of Intent to klo bodily Injury. The fctate ac
cepted the plea and the court Imposed a fine
The case of II. II. Gregory against G. M.
Cuppy , eot for trial December 1 , still hangn
Context Over .Slicc-lff'N Ollli-i' .
SIOUX CITY , la , , Dec. B. ( Syecal. ! ) On
Monday morning will begin the contest over
the office of shcrllf of Woodbiiry county.
W. C. Davenport was the regular nominee
of the republican r > uty , and ho had already
lield the olllce for two terms. Ho had quite
a fight to secure a third-term nomination ,
but won. lie nearly met his Waterloo on
election day. The official count of the beard
of supervisors allowed that Davenport was
coly eleven votes In the lead of John W.
Gambs , the democratic nominee. After tlio
rlllclal count the democrats announced their
Intention of contesting the election. Contest
papers were filed charging Davenport with
in. iiij ; vutcrH , tampering with tbo ballots
and chancing the poll books. In his answer ,
Davenport denied these allegations , and has
aliargt-d G.imbs with bribery , Tomorrow
morning three men will hear the contest ,
listen ttlio evidence and count the votw.
They will then docldo which of the two men
is the legally elected sheriff of Wosdbury
Dlni-i-Kim CoiiveilIIon ,
DBS MOINES , Dec , 5. ( Special. ) The an-
ninl convention of diocese of
Iowa , Tuesday and Wedti'esilay of this week ,
promises to bo an oven Hiore Interesting event
than has been anticipated' 'a Illshop William
Stevens Perry Is In such' poor health that
oven his presence at Um.cQnventlon Is now
considered uncertain. T , ! ) ! } question of elect
ing a coadjutor bishop may not be taken un
on account of the bishop's critical condition.
Ho U strongly orK ed 'to'siich ' ' action during
Ills Ufa. The committee' 'appointed at the
last convention on thlH'tmuttcr consists ot
President C. A. Schaffor at Iowa City , head
of thd State university : I IS. S , Phe'ps of
Burlington ; George Ej Ilonry , Des MMnen ;
IlDbert Palmer , Cedar Utplils ; P. G. Thomas ,
Moccr ; James Forestery JSuliuquoj B , P. Pot
ter , Fort Madison ; Hon. . Matt Parrott. lieu
tenant governor of Irtwa. ( Waterloo ; W. F
Cleveland , Harlan ; Samuel , Mahln , Ottumwa ;
Tliom3 Bowman , Council Hluffs ; Charles
Heltehu , Marelialltown , laud C. D , Jones.
Independence. , . r
KIMX- Will \iil lie I'liriloniMl.
MONTEZUMA. la , . DM. B , ( Spcclal.-lt )
has been learned hero tU'Jt Cheater W. Rawo ,
the defaulting county 'treasurer , now serv
ing c. sentence in a Mexican prison for hav
ing taken Ills stolen booty to tint country
has applied to Piesldent Diaz for a pardon
basing hto claim m ( ho fact that his brother
was tried for purthlpat'on ' In the crlino anil
aciiulttcd In Iowa , It la also learned that
( hero [ a no danger of President Diaz con
sidering the application for pardon ,
Will He Invi-HllKiilcil.
SIOUX CITY , la. , Dzc.G. ( Social ) Slman
AdeUhclm , deputy head counsel In thla city
for Sundance camp. No , 181 , of Sioux City
Is to bo Investigated by a committee of the
lodge. He ban been charged with Irregu
larities by certain of the member * , Ho makes
a general denial of the charges ,
mii > i-oit ATTK.Mi'Tr.n III.ACICM .
IntiMiilril Victim In n llotlrcil tlrn l1lnti
NEW YORK , Deo. 6. A plot to blackmail
Scnor Don Eimeulo dc Karla Tclxelrn , n
Drotlllsn millionaire , which had been frus
trated by thu central ofllco detectives , wns
revealed today by the iirelhnlnary police court
proceedings In the prosecution ot William L ) .
Turnbull , who claims to bo an accountant ,
and i William Elford Gould , who has been
kuown as a Wall street speculator ,
The name ot Arturo Ualdazano y Topctc ,
Sixinlsh consul general , having hern men
tioned In connection with the scheme to
extort the sum of M.BOO from Senor Telxelw ,
n subpoena was Issued for hla attendance at
the examination In the cxiec ot Qoutd and
Turnbull , which has been Bet down for
The prisoners were committed to thu
Tombs prison In default ot ball , aud It Is
s.iId that at the police Investigation Turn-
bull will become a witness for the prosecu
tion , and by disclosing the full details ot the
conspiracy , fasten the guilt on his cctifcd
cnUe , Gould , and linollwte the high Spanish
government ofllelal.
The detectives had several Interviews with
Turnbull during the course of the negotla
tlons to extort the money , the amount of
which was finally reduced to $2,230 , and
are In possession of the letters written to
the Brazilian millionaire.
Scnor Don Telxelra , who Is a widower , ar
rived hero In October , 1S90 , with his mother ,
Mine. Maria Lulsa Telxelra , from Spain. It
was then announced that the Telxolras In
tended to Invest their fortune ot nbout
fBO.OOO.OCO In this country. They svecil a
halt million dollars In the erection ot a
mansion nt the corner of West Ktul avenue
and Ono Hundred and Fifth street , this city
Thcro mother and son have elnco lived
Survivor * of tin * l.uU * Win * Itrtiii-in-
| HT < M | liy ( ll > ( ( iivrnl ( Jox i-i'liuu'liI
WASHINGTON , Dec. 5. ( Special. ) 1'cn-
Hlons have been Issued us follows ;
Issue of November IS , 1S37 :
Nebraska : Original James Ij. Sliliey
Syrncusi' ! Walker Unto ? , Nchaxxka ; Join
DotiKhurty. Kiuoron. Additional Allen M
Oanllc , Catharine.
Iowa : Original John Conner , Drooklyn
Ir.i H. FI-CPIII.III , Indliinola ; Wllllnm A. Hill
Orlswold ; Wllllum H. H. lleod. Des Molucs
Ilcnlamln W.icner , Anltn. Hes'.oratlon am
reissue Deter Wagner ( il c ised ) , Co'.uinuus
Junction. Increase James McGlnnls > Hiir
liui ; John Cairnbell , Olive ; James 11. Kir
man , ICdKd.xood. Original widow , etc. Fan
nie Wliltiplc , MUes ; Mary 13. Smith , Wever
N'orth Dnko'n ! Ofltr . .Tn'utV P.irltv
SiUth Dakota : IncreaseJamcH H. Stirkx
Hot Sprlnss ; Perry A , Decker , lloscou
Alphou * Hnncr. Madison.
Montana : Original Krcderlclc Hoffman
Corvall * .
Colorado : Original widow , etc. Jo.-U'p !
Cadlck , Minneapolis , Increase , Is.iac ei
Hryunt , La Junta. Original ' .xldow , otc.
Kranclfica Podrlgues , Walscnburg ; Char
lotto Snyder , Glendnlc.
ISHUC of November ] 'J , 1S97 :
Nebraska : Original Jones II. Whitney
Grand Island ; heater U. Martin , Crete. Sup
lilemontal Samuel G. Krynii , A. hlnnd. He
Issue Joseph Stout , Galloway. Increase'
Nlchola" Casllek , O > croril.
Iowa : Original Albert Kolllns. Sioux
_ lty ; JameS i ? . Appletnn , O ise ; Luiher
Crauiner , Fort Madhon ; Jnlin Harvey , D.vw-
fen ; Solomon II. Michael , Plainlif'.d. Jn-
crease Wnsilngton Hooton , Hamburg
OrlRlnnl widow , etc. Catherine U. Dlack-
inan , Cresco.
South Dakota : Original John D. Thomp
son , Hot Springs. Increase Samuel Hors-
mnn. White Hock , Orlslnal widow , etc. , re-
npxx'al Atlanta A , Nye. mother , Sprlnglleld.
North Dakota. Original i.vidow , etc. Jus-
tlna Palzack , Mandun.
Wyoming : Original William Murphy ,
iiixn 'riiuiii
Coiiimciiil ( lieI'uxltlon Tn U OIL l > y
' 1'Iiolr Countrymen.
CHICAGO , Dec. 5. At n mass meeting of
the Bohemian citizens of Chicago this after
noon Iho following message to the lord
nnyor of Prague xvas prepared and cabled :
CHICAGO , Dec. 5. Dr. Julius Podllpny ,
Lord Mayor City of Prague , llohemln. : The
IlolH-mlan-Ainerlcans , In meetli.g assembled
at the Uohetnl.m Turner hall in Chicago ,
de = : ro to exoresa to their brethren in I.o-
lioaila their heartfelt sympathy for the
cause for which they are strtiKKlinK nnd
coinmr'iul the llrm stand taken by them In
their IlKlit for the preservation of their lan
guage and their national cxHtencc. Polish
and Slavonian representatives join the Ho-
heinians with words of encouragement for
the Uohemlan cause. COMMITTEK.
Sin-nil it liny It
AUSTIN , Tex. , Dfc. 5. Thu members of
the National Prison congress spent a very
quiet day today taking Sunday as a day or
rest. The annual sermon was preached tlil.'i
morning nt the Methodist church by Itt-v.
n. C. UrlRKS. This afternoon the prison
chaplains held their "expu-lenco meeting"
lit which a number of Interesting views
\vere exchanged. Tonight President Guor e
T. Winston of the State university deliv
ered a most Interesting address upon the
subject of "The Prevention of Crime. "
TO critE COM * ix oxr. n.vv
Take Lax-Jtlvo Dromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund Hie money If It falls to euro.
" 5c. Tlio genuine has L. I ) . Q. on each tablet.
Fnlr , vl-ltli S iitli\v < > Kt < > rly Wllldn , Is
WASHINGTON , Dec. 5. Forecast for
Monday :
For Nebraska Fair ; southwesterly
For South Dakota Generally fair ; prob
ably colder In western portion ; westerly
For Iowa Fair ; -warmer ; southerly ainds ,
For Missouri Fair ; probably wanner ;
westerly winds.
For Kansas Fnlr : variable lAiinds ,
For Wyoming Fair ; variable winds.
I. nnil 'llfi'oril. '
OMAHA , Dec. 5. Omaha record of raln-
Used l > y people of Tefinomenfc
for over a quarter of n century.
Is sold uniler poiitivoVrlCtm < unrnntco ,
byantliorizoq atjentH only , to euro Wouk Memory ,
Uizziii3S3.7cUofulnce3 , l''is ( , Hycteria , ( Juiclc.
necB , NiKht tioee , Kvil Dream ? . I/ick of Conti.
dBiicoNorTou ne 3 , Impoltudo , nllDralua , Youth
ful l rruif , IT KiceKciyo Ute of Tubaccii , Opium ,
nr Liquor , vhlcli loadj to Uleary , C'oneutniition ,
Insanity nnd Uwith , At store or by rnail , 21 a
tioz ; tixforW ; with written uiiurnittto to
euro or refund money. Hiuii'ilo jinclc-
Oo , contaltiliiK flva ( lays' trenlmont , with full
( Detractions , j cocU. ( ; ro Bamulo only sola teAt
each poreoti. At store or by mail.
t2T < : d Label Special
Extra Slrcngili. (
For Irajiijtcncy , I es ol
1'nwer. Ixiot Manhood ,
Btorlltty or DarrBDtioss. '
n bux ; til for (3 , will ,
tiiaruii < i2 <
51" Mete
Jlyem Dillon Drim Co. , S. K. Curuei
101U uud I'ariKiiu St . , Omaliu , Neb ,
Uccoril of tcmp rnture ami jireclpltatlon
nt Omnha for this day nf.ti since March
1. 1597 !
Normal for the- day .11
l'3xce 9 or deficiency for the day 0
Accumulated cxcenst ulnen March 1 3
Normnl rainfall for the day 01 Inch
Deficiency for the day W Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 IS.fil Inches
Deficiency filnee March 1 . . .10.S2 Inchc *
ixces.i for cor , period , 18 > 6 6.W Inches
Deficiency for cor , period , 1S9S. . . .10.10 laches
llcii > rt from .StatlotiK nt S 11. lit. ,
Reventy'tlfth mcrMlan tlra < ? .
T Indicates trncc of rrecliiltntlon.
U A. WELSH , l ocixl Forecast Onlclnl.
( Oil 8YFIIIL1S )
A. "Written aiitirnntco tn utntK KVSliVS
do all In nur power tuahi vuu In U.
14U1 Miisoniu Tomolu. Cliicair o 111.
All Privnto Ulseasos
K Dlsordorn of Moil ,
Treatment by Mall.
Consultation Frco.
Cured for life and the poison thoroughly clennaoil
'rs"cn ! ! ° ito'Jh"a' ? . Seminal We.ikne s , Lost Manhood -
hood , Nlirlit EnilsBlo.m . Decayed Fueu tli-B. Vo-
msilo Weakness , and all delicate illbonlcra ps-cii-
llnr tn either Hex. itoaltlvely cuivd. I'lLhS
ANU VAltICO JELI3 p cnnauontly and auccusbfully
cured , Method now nnd unf.illliijr.
tricture and
by new method without pain or outline. Call on
or address with BtainP
DSS. SURLB 8 119
Chronic , Nervous and Prlvitc DISBISK
aiul nil WRAKNIJSS R : EM
| iu.-iiiitiently : ai :
Hiiccebsfully t'uroil In ivory u.m3.
11LOO1) AND SKIN Ilhf.iH ' 8. Sere Spots. I'l'n
CM. Surofiila.TiimorH. Ti'ttor. Kvzunin and Illool I
1'olHon thoriiii hlv vlpnnstni from thu Bystjin.
NKKVUITS Ufblllty , Sporiii.ltorrlifa , Siitiilni1 :
Lohbi'H. Illirlit KmlhsJiniH , LUHU ot Vital Powuru
liurinani'iitly mill n- | . < .illlv cnnil.
( Vltiillly WoaU > . IIIULI : | HO by lee clew apiillcallon
to liimliicHH . or Httnl' , : hoivro Hlralu of
urli.f ; SHXUAL KXUKS HS III nildillo llfu or fro n
tlifnlftviH of yoinhfiil folllm. Call orvrltu tlium
today , llox 'J77.
Umalia Medical and Singled lD3titute.
, . , . ,
Itooiii IMuiTliuu ! Itloi'K.
Tiikn Illeviitor.
A t'cuSiiKwitlnn * Tlint Will Alii A'otl
Ilitrlutv tin1 Co tn In it .Montlifti
Don't be afraid of fresh nlr , but avoid
Don't KO out-of-door * for n second without -
out rxtrn covering.
If you Monr rubber1 , take thorn off whenever -
over you Imvo nn opportunity within doom.
In HclPotliiR your winter underclothing ,
cheese that which Is warm ami yet moro or
less open In texture.
Take off your overcoat when you enter ix
r.varm place , whether olllco or private tlwoll *
hit ? , even If your visit U to lust only it fart
If you cntchi cold or develop n eotish , cot
rid of It at once. This Is better limn fccllnil
"blue" and thinking that pneumonia or eon-
uuiuptlon has murkrd you ns a victim.
The best remedy for n cough or cold ( how.
t-ver stubborn ) , or a Biidilcn chill , Is pura
whiskey. A dose In water 'olll limurt ft
Konerous warniih to the whole liody anJ
keep oft the diseases of the season ,
Don't fowl that only pure whiskey
should bo taken. Duffy's Turn Mall Wills-
key has the s'.roiiKest recommendations from
the leading doctors ns to Ita elllclency , unit
from the most prominent scientists as to Its
purity. It Is the only fltandard medicinal
whiskey. Take no other from your dru -
- Li"
or Sale Only li.i .Mlll.V I.l.VDUIt , 111
"MilIn St. . Council llluli'H.
oi'i'-ici : . " - " \ix STIIKHT ,
In I'lumer Huildlng.
Orlubrr : u. HUT ,
ron nc.NT. SAI.I : ou THADR BY
KOIl IU3NT Houses III Council Uluffs per month Cherty Hill anil one aero of
Krounil , fruit unJ Kardcn ,
$12.50 Per montli Now etore room , OxCO , on
JO.00 per month jr.'Third St. . C rooms nnd barn. pur month luth et. ami Avo. 11 ; Rood barn.
JT.CO ncr month120 IJiuadway , store room.
il. per ir.or. ' . . f flt > ( irnlwrn avenue , G room * .
J3.00 per mo .n 1JO HliU' , 0-room house.
11.00 uer r jjntli House in Ninth street.
ACHU ' lOiT.nrv
5S.53 ror i : onth A v.-ll lrnp.'C il fi ncres 2 mllei
( rom town , ulll tulio oiit-hnlf of the rent tn
KOIt SAI.K-Clty 1'roportv
} < on Oooil hoiife , nni two lot ' 2513
I-'Iflh nvc. , monthly pnymeni , $7 per month ,
JioO ttooil houte nnu lut on A 'entiLH , between
KlKhth nnil Ninth Si . , K per month.
JIM Oooil houi-e anil Sot on Cth avenue , between nnJ Cth sis. , monthly payments , 1C per
ID lots in "WrlKht's nilil for anlo at n very low
Pi I jo.
{ 25 per acre JlO-ncre fnrm. t miles west of Grla. 1
wolil , eastern part of PriUnwuttnmlo county.
! $ ! . " Dpr orrc 40 acres of it Jot farming Innrt north
of Neolc.
} : ; per acre Well impr.j'-eil IfO-ncre fnrm east of
' Lovelaiul. 1'ottawnltn'nile county.
525 per ni-r 10 ocrra of iroil farmlns or fruit
land. 3 miles from Sidney. Fremont county ,
525 per acrc 31) ) aues of coed fruit land , with
unall lioune. north of Hamburg , Fremont
count >
JZ5 ptr acre-40 ncres of qood bottom land , soma
tlmlit-r. S miles tmur of city limits.
$20 per ncic 20 ncies of frrjoil bottom land. 2
miles routli of Council Ulufff.
10-ucru tracts ot land 2 mllea soutii of Sou la
Omnho ; will lae ! part payment In city prop
Ooo.l fauns for rent. Apply to
I.nONAP.n i\TUETT , 16 1'carl St. . Council
llluffs. Iowa.
} 15. 0 p r sere 40 acres of BooJ land In Jlonona
Five anil ten-aero tracts near the city for Ettlo
Oooj. cheap Nebrnelia laiuls for pale.
Wl'l Ffll nny of the itbove property on small
payment down , balance In tun annual pay-
I Oilier tool fanns for tale Will talte part trail *
In city property or ? m.llcr farms , balance Ions
time , annual payment" .
landB for sale or rent. Day & Uesa , 3U Pearl
ttreet ,
llrHt-rln'S Imprnvril farms nnd Inside city
piujieily. Apply to Jus. N. CfisFady , Jr. , 231
Main Si.
"ins-tiTictlonn. Albln Iluttcr , studio
33S llroadwuy. Qerman method
of nicsjen Conservatory.
we'l ostiib'lsbcil ' and remuneratlvi ; mercontllo
liUElncfH. Iminlre of D. W ; Otis , 133 1'earl
tt. . Council liluffs , la.
Made for Trade V/ho Appreciate Quality.
John G. Woodward & Co , ,
cHtilc Manufacturing Coiit'cctltmurs ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Reduced PricesI
ICingofthem all , w'th th ? bsst mantle anJ c'iirm3 > ' mad a
Brnus loss efcis an 'J nukes more lieht than any other latnpln
he market. STEPrIA J EROS. , 529 Bway.
Lyuurlulllrtatinont ufTurkUh Ouioulci AU BLOOD.
furl M. Klitlit LOIMI , Dnjr Itiwi , VITTO Uon cured by TuikliU I '
. "
orUr.tlu trouble , cured prrft ai yon llli Cure , o ur t
eitrvtn. We make our own mertlclum . . treitmciit with Kua .
and roa can relyoDKettlngt well.Viluuo I toi' , 10.lWilngleJk | > ie , U.00.l
rlttcn euaranU'o with full , filnr'o ' '
. ,
,11.0ft I r mull. lUu ' 1'iuaxiOT.
Hi n'l Ka