ft- THE OMATIA DAILY BJflEt SUNDAY , DECEMBER 5. 18)7. ! ) SURPRISE FOR THE STATE Hvidcnco In Bight that May Upset an Elaborate - orate Theory. 'PRATT'S TESTIMONY IN KASTNER CASE Afllilnvit KIlPil AlmiK * H" n. Motion for n Ciintlnuiinee TiiUe * llnltl- llreiilli Story Thnt IK .Slnrlllim. County Attorney 'Bal'JrlEO was given something of a surprise yesterday when Attorney - ney Hltchlc filed a motion In the otnco of the clerk of the district court , niklng that the rate of the State against the Kastners , father end two aoca , ho continued until the next term. It was not so much the motion that surprlneil him s the nflltUvIt ot Colonel E. D , I'ratt that accompanied 1L The history of the Kite Is well known , It being the one wheicln > he dcfenilaiits nro charged with kill Ing Olllccr I > an Tledeinan and wounding Of flew alovcr , the nffray having occurred at Thirtieth nn'Ji Spauldlng streets during the corly morning of Junu 9 , 'last. AH along It has hetn known that tlltchlo Intended to ask for a continuance , as he had Bald that I'ratt was his most Important wit ness and 'that ho could not he In attendance on account of being confined to his bed by a broken leg. The allldavlt sworn to by I'ratt and on which the application for a continuance Is based contains the allegation that just before )2 o'clock on the night of June 8 nlllant inSaixl nolsra about the saloon ( sllu- a'ted ' about 100 feet from his house ; that a couple of hours later ho heard a wagon drlvu up , and almost Instantly thereafter hu heard shots fired. The nlllant says that after hearing the reports of the guns ho jumped out of bed , hastily dri-sscd and went out Into his yard and proceeded to the saloon. Ho siys that the night wad very ( lark and that he could not distinguish ob jects 'ten ' feet a way. As ho pursued his course toward the saloon he heard groans and upon luocecdlng to the place from which they came ho found Olllcer Glover lying upon the ground , blood running from the wounds In his face. Stooping over the otllccr , I'ratt says that ho asked : "What has happened ? " Whereupon Olllccr Glover said : "I am shot. I don't know who did It , but I KIKES It was a burglar. I could not sec him. " Pratt SBJB that Glover did not say that ho saw I4io men who flrcd the liots , nor did ho say that lie recognized the parties who were In the siloon. The ninant says that after the ollicors had been removed , he went Into the Li-Icon and found a lunch that was partly eaten , empty bottles and cigar stubs , indicating to his mind that the parties who had robbed the tulooti had been thcru for aoino time. D. D. Arnold , the doctor wfto Is tit nttcnd- nnco upon Pratt , says in an nllldavit that his patient will not bo able to leave the house for bevcral weeks nnd that It would injure his health ilo appear In court prior to next February. Arguments for a continuance of the case against the Kaslners will be heard by Judge Baker next Monday. County Attorney Bald- rlgo will Insist upon a trial at this term of court and will ask that the deposition of Pratt bo taken and used at the trl'il. ' Ho contends Uiat If the rase goes over until next term many of thu witnesses will have loft the county and that It will be Impossible , to give fie defendants a fair and Impartial trial. IIAIUMKS IIISCIIN WOIIIC AC.A1X. \Voinrii They 1'lek Up. The female thieves broke forth afresh Frldav night. In ono Instance the money lost was 'rccovcrc'd ' , In the second the oHlcers nre still looking for the thieves. II. S. Grant , a cattle man from w&'tern Nebraska , arrived In South Omaha Friday and sold his stock for about $400. Ho sent $350 to his mother and then started In to have some fun with the rest. He rescued a charming young woman from a snow drift at Thirteenth and Farnam streets. Tht young woman gave the name of Mlbs Mabel Clarke. She wae rather nice looking , so Grant Invited her to am ojster supper with the proper trimmings. Then they went to the thostcr and afterward , as If to return the compliment , MI.ss Clarke took Grunt to her homo M the hotel at Thirteenth and Capitol avenue , where she said she wlbhed to Introduce htm to a number of veiy dear friends. On going to the hotel Grant failed to incut the now friends , but Instead Miss Clarke threw her ainw around Grant's neck and went through lite pockets and extracted $10. discovered his lota and , summon ing the proprietor of the place , the two forced the women to disgorge. She was ar- rcoted and will be prosecuted for larcen > from the person. About S o'clock John Kelly , accompanied ty Thomas Hums , lately arrived In the city from Grand flaplds , Mich. , wont In o the saloon kept by "Shorty" Groves at the corner of Thirteenth and IoUge streets. While there they met a Woman who gave the nr.mo of Maud Cory. She aL on Kelly'c lap for ' a lew minutes , and while so engaged went' through his pockets , finding $1S.7G , which flho took. Kelly -discovered his Iocs and asked the nld of the saloon keeper In getting It 'back. Inbtcad of assisting him thp proprietor of the place engaged Kelly in conversation until the woman had time to jiiako her escape. Kelly reported the case to the police and Lew Unger , Florence Ster ling and George- Compton were arrested yes terday morning < it their rooms and chargcvl with having aided In the tlicft. The Cory woman Is otlll ut liberty , while Kelly uml Hums are locked up at the station as com plaining witnesses. H UK KriS' i\CliltSIO.VS , Vlit 'Hook iNltiml Itoiile. December 7 and 21. For full Information call at city tlcuet ollkc , ia'J3 Fninam street or write 0. A. Huthwiord , Omaha. Hcartfnlt thanks arc hereby extended to Mrs. A. M.Mlcox and other friends for their klm'nraB and sympathy during the l < ) iirsa and death of our little daughter ivo- lyn , Mil. AND MllS. JOHN MSV Dentil of A ; W. The funcnjl of A. \ \ ' . Ilrlggs of Ilanawa Falls , N. Y. , father of n. W. IlrlRgs ot On.a'ia ' , was held from his residence , No vembsi- Slid at 2 o'clock p. in. Hov Dr Fisher ot Canton , N , Y. . preached a sermon from 1st Corinthians , 15-19. The mil bear ers wcro G. L. Hitchcock , Myron Howard , J. D. Squ'lro and SllaJ Nolcs , Mr. Ilrlggs was Intcroii In itho Ulversldo cemetery. The relatives from Canton were William Dunn end wife , Charles Illch , and Charlra Caldwell nd families , General Merrltt and wife of I'otcdam , and scores of friends from adjoin ing towns attended the funeral , Mr. DHgga \vnu S3 years old and has lived In Hanawa Falls uuvcnty-four years. Ho had not an enemy In the world , and was u friend to the jicor and alwayu had a kind word for every on ; . Mr. Orlggi was u great scholar and was well polled In UUtory and all itoptcs of Jh > day. Ho had a very largo and valuable nbfary , and was Interested In our schools nnd In all the educational movements of the day. Ho was a. n.in among men. The liumblcst citizen r til 1 approach and call him Ills friend. Thus It Is that tils death Is a Vmoivvl bereavement that itouchea the jicartfc and utlts t'.io ' emotions at this com- nlunlty aa td-.it of fuw men could. The Swedish Methodist Kplscopal church will hold a festival and bazaar beginning Tuesday ovonlng and continuing throughout the peek. All kinds' of articles inado by cho ladles' societies or kindly contribute ! by friends will to on Me. Lunch and n > - freihmcDts will bo served every afternoon nd evening , A eliort program will bo ren dered each availing. Thu bayuar will be opened Tuesday at S o'clock , when Mayor Jd cores \\lll make an address. The place la 1513 Dodge otrcet , A lunch will ho served by the ladlee ot the Flrat Congregational church ID tbo Caldwell block , 1511 Douglas street , Frl- y and Saturday next. An oyster tupper 111 bo served Saturday evening , at which Irnn useful Christinas articled will bo sold , TO .MUIIDKH HIS 1 > AUI\TS. Alfrcrt Itotvc In ArrrxtPit Uiioii n Hrrloun ClinrKV. IjQWKUi , MMS. , Dec. 4. Alfred Howe , son of Ivdwln A. Howe , a letter carrier , was arrested yesterday charged with m'ttrdcrous atsault on his father and mother. The ar rest mas the result of an Investigation by the police , which developed the fact that on Wednesday night Mr * Howe had been awak ened by some nolso and found several gas burners wide open. He could not understand - stand It , AS thcv were turned off by the family Later a quantity of silverware v-os missing , HDd It was thought burglars had taken It. It waa found hidden under a wood- pllo In tlio cellar. Then young Howe was arrested. The police cay they tiavc learned that Howe , who U 21 years ot age , has been thinking of marrying for some time , but has been unable to carry out ihls wishes through lack of money. They refer to the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Hone both carry life Insurance as having an Important bcirlnK on the ease. Peck & Snyder. ekates , ? Go to $3.0d. Townsend Wheel k Gun Co. , 116 S. ICtli. Honest goods , lowest prices my aim for years. Hiibernwn , Jeweler , 13ti ( & Douglas. V. P. Chlodo , ladles' and gents' tailor , 1G12 Capitol avenue- . Our garments nt. Hamilton Warren , M. I ) . , eclectic and , mag- netlb physician ; special attention to diseases of women and children and all obscure and long-standing disease * . Rooms 503-4 Shcelcy block , corner 16th and Harnoy. Make no engagements for Thursday even ing , December 9. Lady minstrels that night at lloyd's. ' Homo talent , Omaha'e best pee ple. Benefit Children's orphanage. t'liloii I'tleillu. "Tho Overland Limited. " Tl.o most SUI'RHtJLY EQUIPPED train west ot the Missouri river. Twelve hours quicker than any other train to the Pacific coast. Cull at Ticket Onicu/1302 Farnam St. 11. Haas , the florist , tias a Jargo number of cliyrcacthcinunis for sale In 7 , 8 and 9- li'.ch ' pota. In bloom and buds. 1S13 Vlnton st. Tel. 77fi. The Western Ncwcqiaper Union have placed two tjpcsettlng machines in their Omaha of- Ilce. The greatest and best entertainment of the year. Omaha's fair ladles as minstrels , col ored In thu highest art , with many new nnd original specialties , at Hoyd's Thuisdny evenIng - Ing , December ! ) . Regular prices. Proceeds for benefit of Children's > crpliar.age. lleyn'H Kri-i- > < > incnlr CniitiniK'N. At the request of our largo yatronagc have decided to continue up ' to Dec. 15 tc filvo tree with each dozen cabinets and larger iihotos a dainty gilt bow knot frame. Our beautiful enlarged water colors , sepan : int ! crayons make an exquisite Xmas gift. In fact , all our enlarging Is carefully and beau tifully executed. Urlng la your old photos now to be enlarged. HEYN , Photographer. 313-15-17 So. 15th St. There Is an exhibition at the Smith- Pre mier Typewriter office , a t > pc writer that Is something of a curiosity , being a duplicate of the typewriter used by the king of S.atn and the only typewriter u.scd by the Si amese people. The secretary to the prince of Slam epent four months at the factory of this company superintending the construc tion of this machine. We understand It Is to bo on exhibition at this office but a few days. 'There ' Is no "ailing more respectable , re munerative or responsible for young people than shorthand end typewriting. The repu tation many stenosraphers have for In ferior ability Is the result of attending schools presided over by teachers who have had no experience as reporters. H. B. IJoyle.s , court reporter , conducts a school of nrUato instruction , rooms 40.V7 , Dee build ing. _ Funeral Notice. The funeral of Sum Campbell , whose death was announced In these columns Just Friday , will take place from H. K. Ilurtc- i I'a undertaking rooms today nt 2 p. in. I'YIends Invited. The Mcgcath Stationery company is selling tl.c authorized Little , Brown & Co. edition | of Quo Vadls at 75 cents ; they wJH not b ? out when you call. \ntlee. Members of the Central Labor Union arc hereby notified of a special meeting. Sunday , December G , at 2 pni , Labor Temple. WILLIAM H BELL. I'rcs. TOO MUCH JOHNSON Is ii funny piny , lnit ) iiniust' us more ; In fsti't. Unit pen- \ pie hint at tin1 Improbability of I'ainli-ss Di-ntlstry. Js. A i.viiiAini : t'OMnnv y , drives away tlu > blnp.s , bttt It can't Q touch the toothache. Out- method j ? I for extraction is positively painv I less. Why hesitate in linvlnc those annoysonie teeth out , when 1 It can be accomplished so easily ? THU iMJicic ar.c. New York Denial Go. DK.CLEMMI'.H , M r. IGth and DouBlns Sip Over Cnrt- rlRht's Shoo smrc Pinulays 9 to I p in. I.mlv nttoii-tnit I-OOO O-CK > o WITNESSES GET FULL PAY Ftoposition that May Alter the Fraotico Now in Voguo. FfES RUN WHILE THiY AHE DETAINED DlrkliiNim Ileclilcii Thnt Ilclil to A rnlt TrliilN > f 1'rln- one ArcUntltlctl tel l ull Cniiiiirnsintlnii. The county commlssfonors are considerably exercised over a declslui handed down yes terday morning by Judge Dickinson In the case of George Grady against the couiily. In 'May ' , 1S93. Grady .was a wltncsi to the commission W some crimp and was called ns a witness. The case was tried in police court and the defendant xvns held to the district court. Orady was held as ft Witness and not being able to give bands for his ap pearance , ho was committed 'to ' Jail , where ho remained for thirty-six days and until after the disposition of the case. Upan being released , he filed a claim against the county , demanding witness fees of $2 per day and for the entire time that ho waa In the county' Jail. The claim was promptly rejected by the commissioners after which Grady appealed to the district court. The casn v.'iis argued some time ago , Judge Dlcklnyj'n ' tcservlug his decision until this morning. In passing upon the case , the court held that while Grady was hi the county Jail , held as a witness , ho was held under an order of the court ami consequently was entitled to fees. Judgment fw $72 , and Interest was rendered agulnst the county. The county commissioners contend that .the decision of the court means that each year the couwty will bo called upon to pay thou- simls of dollars to 'Witnesses who must beheld held foi the purpcso tof giving testimony in criminal cases. They say that almost every day some Important witness Is callp.1 In po- Heo court nnd that In order to secure a eon- vlcthn In the d. strict coutt such witnesses must > bo detained In 'the coun.ty jail , as they are unable to give bonds for their appear ance when wanted. Counity Attorney Daldrigo says that the declsl-'ii ' of the court In the Grady case juoans tha't ' the county will become a haven for certain parties who are looking for soft berths. Such parties will seek to beosmo witnesses In criminal eases and will be glad to go to jail In order to draw ? 2 per day from the county while so held. Hess & SwoboJa , florists , 1411 Farnam St. 'Phono 1501. Comu and see our chrysanthe mums. Iteru'H to tie men who lose ! If triumph's easy tmlc ! our stniKBles greet , ' t'ourap ? Is eayy then ; Thu kltiR Is he who , after tierce defeat , Cnu up nnil Unlit ' nRyptlnn Lotus Cream . lOc Williams' I'ltik 1'llls . 330 I'nlne's Celery Compound . fiSc llooil's b'urenpatlll.i . etc Carter's kher I'llls . 12j Duffy Molt Whiskey . i . too Warner's Safe Cure . too I'yrumM 1 lie Cute . S..e I'c-ru-na . , . , . ' . " > ; I.yilla rinkham's Compound . "Oc S. S S . Tic OnrlleUl Ton . l" > o Ulrni-y Catarrh Powder . c re Hows' HypophoFpliltes . Jl O II istctter'n Hitters . < 0 ; Civstorla . i Syrup of KIRS . J ? " Nn-To-llae . li" " ' " . . P 2 United Milk . 3Sc , . c. $3.W Jaynes' Expectorant . ° ° CUT PRICE DRUGGIST. KUli anil CliiciiRO St * . I'cmonnlly ComlnrtHl Bkuwmlmi" lo CnllfoWiln. VIA UNlONfa'AClFIC , Leave Omaha every PrlC y , 3:30 : p. ra. , reach ing San Francisco Mimdcy , 9:45 : n. m. Cor respondingly fast Omoto Southern Califor nia. Twelve hours ' < inidkcr ttan any other Personally Conducted'Eicurelon Ilouto from Missouri river. City Ticket Offlcg. ,3302 Farnam Street. The treat of the seaion. Omaha's lady min strels at Doyd'a Thursday evening. Decem ber 9. Proceeds go t6 Oilldren's Orphanigo home. \oltlpM > ljU < - tilirlno. A succlal buslivn * . meeting of Tangier Tcmplo will be held Monday evening. Uecem- her fith , At S o'clock. HENRY HAHDV , Potentate. Palmer House. Grand Isl'nd.Nal Drown , pro Southern California "Our Italy , " Cliarlos Dmllcy AVnr- nt'i1 culls It. Di'llK'litful , cvory ipoiitli In the year. Doubly so In iiilil-wlntw. Most qulukly and comfortably reachi'd via tins Hurllujjtim Honte anil Ktinsns City. (5o ( tliat way , rottirnliiK tliron h San Francisco , Salt Lnko antl IJunvcr. Call or write. TICKET OFFICE 1502 Ftinmin St Onuiha. J. B. RrA-NOMJS , C. P. A. and Make Valuable Christmas Gifts. The annual family gathering at the chil dren's Christmas tree , Kroups of friends Withered to pusa Ji winter's eveuliiK all make tlellshtful Indoor subjects for winter Kodnklnir. nhlle the fields and trees In snowy paru mnk < - quite n beautiful subjects for outdoor mark ns lo the green BI-OVOH and meadows of summer. 1'ut u Kodak on Vonr Chi'lNtnia * I > lnt. j-s-i.oo to - r.-do. The new Kodaks nil take our Ilsht-Proof Film Cartridges and can be LOADED IN DAYLIGHT Tin * Diamond Ciiinorn at ! ? . " .W > Is a film Instrument. Mull orders solicited. Catalogue free. THE Ml i PENFOLO CO , , PHOTOGRAPHIC SUKl'I.lES , 1-1OS Kariiiim St. Ouv. I'nrlou llotvl. Shoe in box calf and vici kid is our latest offering- new coin toe thi heavy extension soifh the ideal winter shoe suitable for skating or street wear price No better shoe ever made for the same money we war rant every pair. You snould see the Prince of Wales iihoes and make.a guess on the number of pieces in them you may get a fine pair of shoes for nothing. 1413 Douglas Street , Arctics , Warm Shoes , Overgaiter.s & Leggings .Men's Felt Lncc Shoos ? 2.00 Men's Felt Slickers 51.2H Women's Ilcaver Kid Foxed Lace Shoes..CO Women's Beaver Cloth Lace Shoes$1.2. Women's Fur Trimmed Felt Slippers$1.23 Men's Arctics OSc Women's Arctics 85c Misses' Arctics 75o Child's ' Arctlcr G5u Christmas Slippers Haydeii Bros Christmas Slippers for Ladies For Meti. Ladies' Turkish Slippers in ' liiivc piiHNfil nil licillilny rovorilN In IIic > Men's VelvetUrabroidored black , tan nnd rod 58o Urabroidored Slippera ' Sluic > iloi"iriiii-iit. You'll UIIOTV Ladies' warm lined f'jlt Slipper - wliy 7Bc per -18o If you IcioU nrouiiil. W Iirivino rt-nl Ladies' velvet Opera Slippers OSe vtiiiiiietltorH UN Hliue Helli-rM nnil ( Iiu Men's Velvet Embroidered Slippers Ladies' bcuvor cloth Slip- llltf Hluru IN iiliiiitut < hc < ( > ! > . \o 98o pei'H. $1,25 iiinttor whHliur I CM n jinlr it I line Mon'd Tan nndBluuk Lndics' beaver fur triru- SllpiiurN or n iitrei't or Drcxs Shoe- , Bluuk Goat Slippers mcd Fuiibt Slippers $1.-18 yuu'll Unit It at the lilt ; Store tlint'M 81135 Ladles' satin quiltecj fur- Men's Faust Slippers triinmod Slippers in red and 81.75 8r.48 black Ladles' felt lined beaver Hayden Bros Reinoinbor wo uro Hoadqimrtore Sllppora 08c for ChrlftlinoB Sllpporu Fine Shoes Infants' Fine Dongola Hand Turned Shoes . GOo ana 75o Infants' Fine Heaver Top Shoes , 2 to 5. . 4So Qhlld's FIne Ucaver Top Shoes , 5 to 8 , . 75o Ladles' FIne 13 ox Calf lace or button skating | 3.00 shoes . , . . ? 2CO Ladles' Fiuo Cloth Tfi lace ? 3.DO Shoes . $2.43 Men's FineDox Calf Winter Tan heavy solo Uco $6.00 shoes . 14,00 Men's Fine Dox Calf heavy solo lace { 4.00 shoes - , . , . . . { . ' . $ I AMD43MI5.NTS. > PAXTON & IH'HGESS Mn n niter * . Boyd s Toloiliono | 1010. W. C. A. BENEFIT TO miii.n CIIIMIIUOVS OHIMIAXAOI : IIO.MI : . Thursday night , Dec. 9th O.\n XinilT ONLY. Somp no or ( K ) of OIIIMIII'H fnlr Imllon Imve IMM-II n-lM-nrxliiMT fur Ilirpt * Merlin for the l.AUY .MI.N.HTIIKI , .SHOW , ( lie Ilrfl of KM Mini ever K I veil In Oninliii , < lteiiieinlier RPII < < * no on nit IP Ttipaitiiy niornliiK- , Hop , Till , n ( ! > n. in , AN the entertainment > \lll | iren < > nt tunny novel feature * mill the | irovee < ln c to tlip Ctillilreii'n Ort1iiiniiKe | , the IIOIIKP Mliontil lip iinil iiiiilontileilly Villl lin llllPil. TleUetM 91.00 , 7B nnil ntle. pNV. . C. A. BOYD'S t DGC. 6th and 7fh STTTABT Mnnnftcmrnt Mr. Dnnlcl V. Arthur. Monday evening COMKDV OF KUllOHS. Mr , llolinon n rjromlo of Byrncufe nnil Uiomlo of Uplicrus. Tnc ila > - Night TllH HKNUIKTTA. I Suppnrtctl by Mm. Itobson nnd an excellent | Trices lower flcHir. ( LM $1.00. llnlcony < t.OO , 75c , fid Seiits now on tale AMI snMHN Boyd's Theatre December IRIIUY 1897. , 17. Grand Concert jMiti(7noIIOMIMI : MOOUU , JVCXK/WCA ANI > 11KH OWN CONCERT COMPANY. tickets , InMirltifi flrft cliolce o . for fn\f \ nt Olin e'i > , IMS Farnnm SI. , ni inn ! after Momlny , Deennlifr . Out-of-town rntronn cnn oliUIn tlckrtii liy i-tnillllng tlicl COM * to Clement C'hnfo. Omaha , Nrli. l-rlcfn JJ.ro. | iOO. $1,60 , Onlleiy , Jl.W ) . HOICK lit 00 nnct I2.W. Kntlrc jiroirrnin l > y Ncrillca Company. Btclnwny I'lnno , The CreMitn 3NIGHTS roMW. m * . 9th M \TIXHK HATI'lll ) VY. Introiliiclnir DELMORE AND WILSON nnil n host of others. IK KAVOIIITI3S IS All Avalanche or Ftm-A Whirlwind o Mirth , Miiftluiniul Hwiuly. Pliers 250 , f,0c , J73c , M.OO. Mntlncc prices 25c. Sic , fiUC. IIOTHLS. THE MILLARD l.'Uh nnd Dotiglns Sts. , Ointtli CKNTUALf < Y I.OCATKI ) . American pliin.J2.r > 0 per tiny up. Kurnpunn plnn , M.nO per d y up J. U. MARKEL & SON , Props. HMD. FRIDAY EVli : AND SATURDAY M ATI Mil' : AND KVEN1NG THE FIRST GENUINE ARTIST HIT OF THE SEASON"ow Yiirk World. i i I HEAUTIFUL SCENEKY. > I GKKAT CAST. j / INTERESTING STOKY. BY B. B. VALENTINE. FOUNDED ON DOLLY HIGBEE'S BOOK- ENTIRK PRODUCTION DIRECTFRO.M FIFTH AVENUE THEATER NEW YORK. that brings the large number of customers into our store it is the stock ot Garpefs > Rugs and Curtains , the like of which has never be fore been seen in this city. As for prices- well , come and see them for yourself. OMAHA CARPET CO. , 1515 Bodge Street- The entire remaining winter stocks pur chased by us from Ab. Kirsch baum &Co. , of Philadelphia and L. Loewenstein & Sons/Chi- eago , at atAt 60c on the Dollar of the cost to manufacture , are being disposed of with a much greater rush than anticipated. Our 3 Big Attractions In men'sfme all wool cheviots , cassimere and worsted suits , $4,5O , , 6,75 , 11,75 Our 4 big values in Men's Fine Dress Over coats and Storm Ulsters , $4.50 , $6.50 , $10 , $12.50 It pays to trade at the Big Store. Hayden Brothers . The Creiffhtoa . 4 MUHT3 COMMKNCINO MATtNKK M VTIXKI : WKI XISI : AV. Hlici-llll I'liKllKOIlu'lit ( if ( InConirity Oy rlotir tlint hn U - | > < JVtnYork lniiKli I lift ( lIl.MOItr. .t l.r.ON.VItDS' Hogan's Alley Go , 7r.cIjlt.OO. . Hall. GRAND - CONCERT. Tuesday Eve , Doc7 , . . 1897 . SCHUBERT QUARTET.t SOLOISTS : Mi- Cameron , Soprano Mrs. KliiR , Alto ; Mr. linns Albert , Vie lin , mm Hiiyilun String Qtinrtotto. Adiuisdoxi. 50 Cts ! SJ rGonsert'Garden * S. K. Car llttli nnil Iii > ciiiurtStu. . TS I3VHHV MUIIT TiilU TO 13. Matinees Tuesday. Tliurtdny and Snlurdny:4 TIIIJi U'UHIC'.S ATTUACTIO > Sl _ AN'.VA KlI.IAN-Vlalln Soloist. HtK.N'i : MII.I.iit-Fnprniiu : I'L'ItlTA l.tlllp O-vld Sho\\cr. II.I A ictnciiNini-soioint. v unniK \vtn-chiM : Vooniist. 1 lir.l.r.N S1X3AN Poiilitctte J IDNA WII.MA SOHR nni - * i.\nv Hut hnven't you b.'cn PAYING TOO MUCIC for Madam Yale's gooN' Head pi Ire * be low. All tfoods fieh. . list we are receiving- ono or Use shipments weekly. Her Our . , . . Price. Price. Hair Tonic Jl.t } .no Frultlcura I.PO o > Iii Free-kin. no .co Skin Food ( small ) 1.50 1.00 llust J'0 < 1 ( small ) \.M J.ivy Complexion Face Powder , 3 shades , pink , white , brunette. . .W .31 Complexion Foip 2J .12 Complexion Ultach 2.00 LSI Almond Hlos om fomp , Cream l.W Complexion Spocl.il l.o'.loii .00 .w Hloott Tonic .00M .CO Hand \\'nltoiu > r .00 .00 Kllxlr of Hcauty .00.M .CO Miiglcnl Sorrot .M 1 ( M Eyebrow Pencils 14 Fertilizer .T.O 1 00- Mole nnd VV.irt Kxtractor .T.OW ) ' 00.M Lily Skin Whltenor .00 .M > U'rltu fur lleuiily Honk. tr loli ? Dodje St. , O.nalia , Nob. Mid Ho of Block. I dosi't know We're cutting somu Ice In the Skate fiuslness this year ourselves. We claim that our line of Klipper Klub Skates Is the finest In the market , and our prices are right. Our 33c Skates arc good ones ; our r.flc Skac ! > Is a dandy ; our $1.00 , $1.GO and f'2 , rr ) styles are the best made. Take a. look at them. John Hussie Htiw. Co- , 21O7 Cuiiiitig Street SKATKOLOGISTS. v ar Omaha's Popular Milliner. Removal Sale - Onethird off all Millinery GRE\T i LAUGHTER SALE ON ALL GOOOi , not mist ike the place. 1520 DOUGLAS ST. We are exclusive Western Agents for Wm. T. Woo 1 & Co/s Celebrated 0 .ICE Send for Catalogue and get our prices , Jas. Norton & Son Go. 1511 Dodge St. A Love Affair It hcgaii when she married nml told him how plcused she wan with HIIUIIIDAN COAL. IU cleanllni K npocalH to thu laillcu , , and thlB IH only ono of Us ininy i A virtues. A. m Victor V/hite , . W