THE OMAHA. DAILY BEEUyPAY . .DECEMBER 5. 1807. CURRENT NEWS OF INTEREST'1 ' ? FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MI.VOIl SinjtTIOX. norn , to J. Unger , a * oa , Cooper. Fire Ins. , 6 Pearl , tel. 372. Harry Murphy , coal and wood. 37 Main. Schmidt's bar relief photoa are the Idlest. Spconcr Grocery Co. , 323 Ilway. Tel. 3H. Di. Shrlrcr. dentist. Merrlam blk. . rom 240. D. Youni ? of Macedonia won la the city ycfiterday , J. W. Laclturr and * lfo of Kencca , la. , are In the city. 8. G. Underwood of Dumfries wa In the city yrstcnlay. Prod HarrU of Missouri Valley was a city visitor yeotcrd'iy. M. Plerco of Avoca was In the city yes terday on bushiest. I II.V. . Hoadtuy of Cedar Itapldx , la. , la In the city on 'business , I Henry and Charles SchocillnB of Mills , la. , were city vltltoin yesterday. The Cotillion club will meet next Wednes day ovenliiK nl Hfmlo's academy. 0. S. MorgorldRc and Trny Stamper of Mondamln , la. , were In the city yesterday. Catch not at shadows and Iw'o the tub- Bianco , but send for the Uluff City laundry. of Wright township Is In the A I ) . Morgan city , the gutst of her brother , Sheriff Mor- il visiting Mrs. Stebbln Teal of Omaha u August licreshelm and Horace Haverstock of this city. The Triple Link club met at Hdnlc s academy Wednesday evening and passed a vtry enjoyable1 time. W. B. Klgilon has returned from Lacey , la. , where he has been the guest of Hov. and Mrs T-ongnecUcr. The lies : Is good enough for you. Noth ing Irss. Send your work to the popular Eaglu Laundry , 721 H\vay. Illce Morrle , Llnncus , Mo. , war , In the clly yesterday , looking after hlfi Interests In form lands in this county. K. P Amy ai.d Cieoigo Fihhor of Under IV * . In the city yesterday , attending wood , la. , were Its tending to some matters of business. s : V. H. Shcllcnlurser ot West Liberty , la. , who haa been ECtliiR In the capacity of Judge k at the chlclton show , has returned home. J. J. Sleadman. cleric of the United States district court. IIUH returned from Dos Mollies , whcro he has been attending court. | ! The members of Harmony chapter , Order j I of 'ho Eastern Star , and all others who take I prt In "Tho New Woman , " arc requested to atitinl thi > rehearsals on Monday anil 'We.incsdiy eveninga at 7:30. : A man giving the name of Ocorgo Hopkins stole a due overcoat from Jlcn'ys ' store last evening and was anestcd while trying to sell Ihe coat to a pawnbroker. Hopkins came over hero from Omi'ha ' , where he 'ivas known to tl-0 police as Charles Ward. 6. Adclman , a pawnbroker , who has re cently came to this Hy from IJes Molnca. cc.rtntally ! sent a bullet through the palm of his left hand last night while waiting upon a ctplL'mer in Ills store at 221 'Broad ' way. A physician extmcted the ball. The rrgular meeting of the Women's Chris , tlan assaciatlon will be held at Mrs. Frank P. Uradley'a , 118 Seventh street , on Monday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock. As this Is the last meeting -of the year each member of the association Is asked to 'bo present. Visitors welcome. Charles E. Wheeler and N. M. Hubbard , Jr. , of Cedar llaplds , are in thu city In at tendance on district court. Together with Flnley Durko of this city , they represent the Northwestern railway In Us suit with Mrs Etta Mitchell , who Is suing the com pany for damages. Several young society people of Omaha at- toivdcd the social .at iHanle's academy Friday evening. Tuesday In honor of Mrs. Wright of Aveca .Mrs. D. J. Gates entertained at tea ( M63dames WItler , Case , Sargeant , Campbell , EaStland , 'Matthews , Hohbs , ( Miss Hoyt , iMra. etmlt ami Mrs. Clark of Omuha. The Fruit Growers' association will hold an adjourned meeting at Farmers' hall In the coun'ty ' court house on next Saturday afternoon for the purpose of closing up the year's business ot the 'association. Arrange- .nienls will also bo inadd at that time 'to ' at tend 'tho meeting of the Southwestern Iowa association at Glenwood. All members of St. Albans lodge. No , 17 , Knights of Pythias , have been ordered to be present on Monday evening to take part In the annual election of oincers. The other Pythian lodges In the city and all visiting members nro Invited to bo present. After the conclusion of the business a banquet will be served and the members premise a good tlmo for all who attend. Mary Shrove Hiitchlnson began a suit 111 foreclosure yesterday against Mn > . Vhglnln Deck and Mrs. Clara V. Albcrtson upon n mortgage for $3,000 given by A. S. Heck Dvo years ago. The mortgage was executed In favor of the Central Iowa Loan nnd Trust company of Des Molncs and has been as- Bli'iioil lo Mrs. Hutchlnson. The property Involved Is all located In this city and has been used for residence purposes. Judgment for the amount with Interest and a special execution" Is asked for. C. D. Vlavl Co. , female remedy ; consulta tion t'reo Onico hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to C. Health book furnished. 320-327-328 Merrlam block. N. V. Plumbing compinr. TH. 250. Do you skate ? Splendid skating now get jour old skates ground end sharpened up by an expert. The Council Dlufta Cyclery have added a power sharpener and will sharpen up the dullest skates of IS cents per pilr. A handsome pair of btack kids will ba given overylady attpuding the Modern Wood men of America card party and dance at K. of P. hall , Tuesday evening , December 7. Admission , lady and gent , 25c ; extra laillc.i , lOc. Mr. C. Frank Ilohrer takes this method of Informing his friends and acquaintances that ho has entered Into an engagement with Mr , Charles A. Moore , succcbsor to Messrs. Moore & Ellis , proprietors of the Corner Cigar otore , Ualdwln block , at which place tie will be glad to aec them acil serve them from the brat selected stock of clgaiH , to baccos and smoker's articles In the city of Council IJluffa , For sale at a bargain , a small but well- catabl'shcd and remunerative mercantile ibiinlnehs. Inquire of D. W. Otis , 133 Pearl etrcct , Council niuffs , I > i , Domestic EOfl ( > wrappers call for spoons. Even 1 1 oat , linsc I Ki'onmuy novur 1 oforo Mien with soft coul. 1 > ( tons cifsofU'oal enuul 1 ton of hard. A report from Ilev. J. Heal ? , 1152 ia : t I'lcrco tits "I IIHXB lii'en imlns jour Hot lllurtllh Ftlft ClUl UH fllf ! for ilx wefk , We mu vtry much plfuecilltli It. It not mily Klvcu ua Joo.l m i tii ruction n H our liurit coal Lisp huincr , but In Hiving u laru pint of Ilia vxprnnd jf lieutlnt ' , . " See It Running atCOM3 COM3 .t COI.K'H , 41 Main St. , Council Uluffs , MILTON IIOCKUS & SONS , Omaha , QUO. W. IllUOGS , South Omuha. Evorytlilng In the line of Drosgod Meats tiiul Poultry utLETOHFOBD fcORAP'S Markot"GOT Mala street. Tel. 170. LAST WEEK'S ' SOCIAL EVENTS CnrJ Parties , Banco * , Receptions and Dinners Rule the Hour. MISS MONTGOMERY'S ' BIRTHDAY PARTY \ittnlile AITnlr n ( Which the Home UeuorntlflliN tVi-rc Unlcnirly Ilcnu- tlful Other AfTnlm Thrit Wore .Much Card nartlea , dnces and receptions were tlio order of social exercises last week. Great enthusiasm' followed tbc snowstorm , .ml I cut- ins that If'tt had come sooner many dcllgtot- tul events connected -with entertainments might linvo occurred. .One "of the chief oventa of tin ; week was the party at the residence of Mi's. J. It. Montgomery on Tues day evening In honor of the twentieth birth day of her daughter , Eleanor. A harlequin dinner nnd dance was the feature of the evening. The dinner was a most pleasant affair , and was served In courses at 7:30 : o'clock. The table decorations were unique and original. The anangement Included a table of honor surrounded by several smaller spreads. The service was of silver and cut glass. Preparations were made to receive twenty-four guests. Special garniture was provided for each plate and combined a profusion of American beauty roses , while the favors wore white chrysanthemums. In thu center of thu tabb of honor was the Immense blrthdaj rake , ornamented In the richest style of the baker's art. Hidden within Its depths was a golden heart , a ring , a thimble ami small coin. After the cake was cut by Miss Montgomery with appropriate ccrcmonles-tho guests were re quired to draw pieces to secure the prizes cone tiled within. The golden heart fell to the portion of Miss Nellie Dod-je , Mr. Wilson drew the ring , Miss Schoentgen the thimble and Mr. Torrey Everett thn coin , which proved to be a pleblan nickel. Tlio first dance was a gernvan , the gentlemen finding partncis by means of cracker bon-bons in the form of yellow chrysanthemums. The bon-bons contained caps and aprons , which were worn during the dance. The ball pro gram contained many numbers of the newest dances. Mr. and Mis. T. J. Foley entertalnp'1 - - Monday evening In hcnor of the'ir sen , Grattan , and Miss Conklln of Austin , 111. A very pleasant company assembled. Hlgn live was Hie principal employment of the evening. Handsome prizes were offered and were won by Mr. Josslyn. Elegant refresh ments were served by Miss Helen Foley an ] Mlsn Cherrio Wells. Miss Conklln. who has bcc-n the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Foley for some time , will leave for her home this morning. Among the parties promised for next week Is a reception to bo given oy Bert and Liicoilo I'lnney. It will occur on Friday evening t Iloyal Arcanum hall. The Ceramic club will bill for some at tention from the public this week. During the latter part of the wees the members will present U'o first display of their work. The display will be made ai the art store a ! H. L. Smith & Co. and promises to be very fine. Miss Cook of Hastings , Neb , , la spending a. few days with Mr. and Mrs. Hcwctson on her return from Chicago , where she has been studying music and painting. The regular weekly meeting of the Cen tral University Extension * club was held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 : , In room 328 Mcr- riam block. The history lesson covered the period of the rise of the rival Grecian cities , Athens and Sparta , and was as a whole deeply Interesting , giving evidence of much study and research by the Individual mem bers. Mrs. Mark Williams presented a short sketch cf the Spartan lawgiver , Lycur- gus , 'In her usual happy manrcr. The club la to be congratulated upon the willingness of the members to do good , .substantial work. An organization made up of nine of Coun cil Bluffs young women under the direction of Mrs. Frank P. Bradley Is Intended to take an active part In the charity work of tha city. H has elected officers as follows ; Mrs. F. P. Bradley , president , and Miss Jes sie Wallace secretary. The other members are Miss Bertie Troutman , Miss Ethyl Thomas , Miss Nettle Wallace , MUs Helen Ilaldwln , Miss Carrie Schoentgen , Miss El le Schoentgen , Miss Frnnkle Bowman and Miss Gertrude Bennett. They will be known as the "Flowei * Mission. " Thu Woman's Chris tian association and St. Bernard's hospital will be visited every Thursday. The young women go through the wards unattended , placing bouquets In every room and inciden tally speaking words of encouragement to the suffering. The members liavo been di vided Into committees of three , each commit- tco visiting the hospitals on Its appointed day. Donations will kindly be received and may be left with Mrs. Bradley at her ham. ; on Seventh street. So far McPherson & Ilccd , J , P. Wllcox nnd Manager Clark of tlio Grand have made donations. Tlio members of Concordla lodge , Knights of Pythias , will hold a social ses sion tomorrow evening , and promise that a good time Is In store for all the members who attend , Society people will regret to learn that Mr. and Mrs. George 13. Ilex will leave the city permanently about the first of the year. They have lifen among the most pleasant entertainers and many friends will regret to know that they have determined to leave. They will go to Tacomo. Wash. They have practically bade adieu to thulr friends , for Mrs. Hex will spend the greater part of the month with her relatives In Shenandoah and Creston , and their homo on Fifth avenue has been closed , Mrs , Hockwsll , Mrs , Hrlnsmald , Mrs. Howell - ell and Mro , Merrlam are numbered among a liouso .arty this week at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. MoMillen of Onawa. Mesdames Howcll and Mnrrlam are oxpcctsd home on Monday , but the other women will remain a week or so longer. Mrs , W. M. E\ans and daughter , Ruth , who have been the guests of Mrs. J , II , Heed , will make their homo In this city during the winter and have taken rooms at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Smith , 717 First avenue. , Mrs. D. W , Tliishnell , accompanied by her mother , Mrs , Hyndshaw , has returned from an extended eastern trip. Miss Eleanor Montgomery and Miss Ilomans have returned from St. Louis. Miss Maria Ilurnca , who has been visiting hero , has returned lo her home In Atlantic. Ono of the principal vents of the coming week will bo the card party and dance given by the Fore-fliers of Hazel camp , Modern Woodmen of America , at Knlghta of Pythias bill , on Tuesday evening. The South First street social club met on Wcdncbday evening at the residence of Mrs. Henry ColTee < n , 201 South First street , The club was started last winter by a few of the congenial spirits on the street end wiw meant for social enjoyment of the orlg- Inatoro , but Its evenings became o pleas- unt that Invitations were much sought for. The doiurnd called for the enlargement of the membership of the club , until at the present time It embraces nearly all of the families on the street and has been the inrana of rstabliohlng the utmost good fellow- chip among thu 'neighbors and cxtend'ng their list of acquaintances , Mrs , B. H. Merrlam gave a 2 o'clock lunch tt her homo on Third avenue In honor of her friend , Miss Wllurri of Chicago , who ban been her gufet during the week. The luncheon was served on polUhed mahogany and covers wore displayed for nine. The mahogany was hidden hero nd there by a bit of delicate Mexican drawn work. The floral decoration * were handsome nd profuse - fuse , American Beauty roses being most con spicuous. The luncheon wan served ic coursed , , Miss Cook's ceramic display at the Grand hotel on the first of the week constituted one of the pleasant semi-social events. All of Cho society people of the city , and many t Ui admirer * of tiie beautiful Art la Omaha , were alto present. Among the latter wag lltcior T. J. 'Mackay ' and Mis. M-xdcay. | The beautiful d > play has awakened renewed i Interest In this fascinating tlecoraMve art. Mrs. J. C. Pontius of turned , Kin. , Is visitIng - Ing relatives and frlenfls 1n the city. Mrs. J. n. Moran of Second avenue has re turned from a visit with friends In Ltichflcld. Mo. Mo.Miss Mary Key has been quite 111 for scv- ctal days and has been compelled to post pone starting OD her eastern trip In cense quence. . Mr. and Air * . H. iH VanBnint have re turned from an eastern trip , Mr. VanBrunt having been to New York and Mrs. VanBrunt to Chicago. The Dod e Light Guards Tiave changed the date of tbtlr < ! ance to Thursday , December 1C. 1C.Mrs. . Mathls entertained Informally Thura- t > ay night a party of friends at her apartments - monts In the Ogden house. The reception tendered the Cadets Friday evening by Prof. Chambers was a very pretty affair and well attended. Mrs , F. S. Howell entertained the Hamll- tcn Whist club on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Dr. Hart entertained a number of her friends at Iuiche3 on Wednesday after noon. Her handsome home on Willow avenue was beautifully decorated and made additionally pleasant for the occasion. Mrs. W. W. Loomls entertained the Ladles' Whist club on Tuesday evening at her homo on Eighth street. The club will bo entertained on next Tuesday evening by Mrs. H. H. VanBrunt , on Bluff street. In honor of Mrs Virginia McGoncnll of Chicago a few friends gathered at the resi dence of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Uoblnaon , on Thirty-fourth street , last Fri day evening. A very pleasant evening was ' ' 'honor of Miss S. Flllbrooks and Mr. Bert Flllbrooks Miss Alice Llthcrland of Mornlngsldo entertained Informally on last Friday evening. Mrs. James It , Moran of Second avenue has returned from ft visit with relatives in Lltch- field. Mo. , , Mr. and Mrs E. J. Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. William Underwood have returned from a short trin to Chicago. Mrs. HarrU of Wdodblne , but formerly of Coun-11 Bluffs , Is visiting In the city , the guest of Mrs. R. Schlcketanz. A.-B. Smith and wife of Hastings. Neb. , parents of Mis. H. A. Scaile , arc visitors at the Swrle homo on Seventh street. Mrs. William Cadwallader of Nebraska City , Nob. . Is visiting her parents , Captain nnd Mrs. L. B. Cousins , of Eighth avenue. Miss Cunle Suttcxi of Hot Springs , Ark. , Is the guest of her uncle , D. C. Bloomer. With the Chtirolu'M. . . Services at the Council Bluffs churches will bo held at the usual hours today. At the First Presbyterian preaching by the pastor , Rev. Barnes , a't ' 10:30 : a. in. , sub ject , "Universal Brotherhood ; " at 7:30 : p. m. , "Enoch. " Collection for Frcedman In the morning. Annual congregational meeting on Monday evening at 7:30. : Services at the First Baptist church at 10:30 : a. m. , subject , "The Christmas niches. " Bible school at 12:15. : Evening service at 7:30. : Preaching by the pastor , Rocho , subject , "Inconspicuous Service Rewarded. " Christian Tabernacle Prcachln ; ; by thu paclor , morning subject , "Our Strong and Weak Points ; " evening , "The Bible and the Bible Alone. " Services at the Fifth Avenue Methodist conducted morning and evening by the pas- itor , C. P. Fry. Morning subject , "The Great Miracle of the Old Testament ; " evening , "Whither Goest Thou ? " Sunday school at 12 m. Epworth league at C:30 : p. m. Re vival sen-Ices all week conducted by the Methodist ministers of the city. Second Presbyterian Church , Harmony and Logan Streets , Rev. Alex Lltherland , Pas tor Morning subject , "The Sabbath , Hu mane and Holy ; " evening , "Holiness unto the Lord. " Services will be conducted at the First' Congregational church by the pastor , John W. Wilson. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. , theme , "How to Know God ; " evening , 7:30 , "Tho Analogy Between Natural and Revealed Truth. " Central Christian Church Preaching at 10:30 : a. m. ann 7:30 : p. m. by the pastor , A. R. Candle , In Independent Order of Odd Fel lows' hall. Sunday school at 12 m. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 0:30 : p. m. The Christian Scientists will conduct meet ings In their rcoms In the Sapp block at 10:45 : a. m. , subject of sermon , "Triumphant Juy Through Unity with Christ. " Readings from bible and corresponding selections from Science and Wealth. Experience meeting Friday evening at 7:30. : . Spiritualist services In Union hall , 146 West Broadway , at 2:30 : and 7:30 : p. m. Mrs. Carrlo Fuller , the noted trance lecturer and test medium of Milwaukee , WIs. , will con duct the meeting. Social on Wednesday evening. The regular meeting of "the " city Sunday School union will be held in the Sunday school room of the Broadway Methodist church on Tuesday evening. The program for the occasion has been prepared by Rev. S. M. Perkins , MM. J. M. Sylvester and W. B. Lackey. It follows : Congregational song ; prayer , Rev. W. S. Barnes ; Instrumental solo. Master Jackcon Cady ; talk , "Primary Object of the Sunday School Teacher , " by I Rev. J. W. Wilson ; discussion , lc < l by Mr. Evans ; violin solo , Mlos Margaret McBride ; Illustrated review of December lessons , by Miss Harriet Blood ; congregational song ; benediction. A new Industry. Have your skates made to order. The Council Bluffs Cyclery 'build skates to order at reasonable prices. A hand made skate of foe materials is always the beat. Hoffmayr fancy patent Hour makes the beet and most bread. Ask your grocer for it. Domestic seep wrappers call for spoons. Hoard IlnnlNln'M ( lie Woman , Anna Roberts spent another hour or two jesterday In the presence of the Commis sioners for the Insane , She managed to hold her own with even 'better success than on the previous day , and left the problem of her mental status and ability to care for hr-rcelf In a more clouded condition than ever. The commissioners probed pretty deeply Into her history and came to the conclusion that she IH a vsteran female tramp , and they turned her over to the county authorities to bo treated as such. The woman agreed to leave the city perma nently this morning. To make It sure that she would perform the promise she waa kept in the county Jail last night and will bo es- coited oui of town this morning. The In quiry developed enough facts concerning the life of the woman to catt con siderable doubt upon the authen ticity of the fltory she told to the grand Jury , upon which an Indictment was returned against Harry HclEer for assaulting her. Tlio action of the commissioners yes terday will make It necessary to drop the case against joung Helsor , ca she Is the only wltnccs and has been sent away with In structions not to return to Council Bluffs. Hi-ill Kutnti' TrmiHfcrx. The following trannfei are reported from the title and loan olllce of J , W , Squire , 101 Pcnrl street : Hemlettn Jackson to Jennie White , lot 10 , In Jnmcs1 subdlvt lot 177 , O. I1 Council HUiffH , q c . , . s ra Charles W , Clark nnd wlfo to W. W McRory. lot IS , In Auditor's BUbdlv m'U BWU I2-75-W , w d . 1,000 A. C. Mueller nnd wife to Leonunl Kverett , txecutor , n'-4 of lot 1 , block 20. Mill add Council Bluff a north of center of creek , w d . . . . 400 Slu'iln to JamcK II. McMullcn , lot f , block 3 , Pierco'B nubdlv Council IlluffH , B d. , , . , . , . M . 10J Camilla Huniiii nnd hueband. Bertha M. Simons nnd husband , Arthur C , Mueller nnd wlfo to M , H , White. lota H. 12. 13 , H , 15 , 1G. 17 ami IS , block 2 , Turley & Whlte'H aubdlv. Council muffs , w d . . . . . . . . . 1 M. H. Whlto utiil wife to Camilla Himna et nlloin 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , fi , 8 nnd 9 , liloek 1 ; lot 2 , block 2 , Turley & Whlta'a mibillv , w d . 1 Six transfers , totnl , , $1,002 DlMinlMHrx IliiniiiKii Suit. Judge Green yesterday sustained the mo tion made by the attorneys for the defendant to dismiss the damage suit 'brought ' by Mrs. ( Etta -Mitchell against the Northwestern Hallway company for the accidental death of tier husbaud , .TUo inutloa viiu made at tlio close cf the tMtlraoixy 'orthe , pHlntlff on Friday nlghl and the decision reserved until mrnlng. The caartgheld that there was nothing In the testimony to show that the r&'llwuy company bad-been negligent In any n.anner or had any responsibility for the acel. ; ntal death of' the employe : that If there had been UIIJH nc'Kllsonct' at all the un fortunate man wtuugullty ' contributing to It. j. , . . , Kvcrclt OhjertH < o the Tux. Leonard Evcretl applied lo the district court yesterday for an Injunction to restrain the city ftom collecting taxes for city pur poses on one at several tracts of land be longing to the Everett estate and 'lying ' within the city limits. It Is a revival of the quoatlon that has frequently been 'before the city council nnd the courts the right of the city to levy and collect taxes upon lands within the city limits that ore used only for agricultural purposes. The clly limits arc < x little more than five miles square , nnd on the outskirts there Is a large amount of un- plattcd land. A great deal of this has been exempted from city taxation , for the council has generally granted the prayer of the peti tioner whti asks lo have his acreage properly when devoted to garden or pasture purposes relieved from city tAxca. The trnct covered by Mr. 'Everett's ' petition was overlooked until the assessment had been certified up to the county audlto ? and an. Injunction lo re strain the county audllor nnd Ihe treasurer from felling the property 'to collect the tux was the only remedy. The delinquent tax sale will bo held on iMonday morning and the city council dots not meet until Monday nilght. It has been the Intention of the city assessor ser to return nil ot the unplatted lands In the oily lo bo taxed ns agricultural lands , but o. number of the tracts have been llatodi 03 city property subject to taxes for all cily purposes. Nome SolliI Knotx. To maintain ascendency as the leading shoo dealer In a city of 25,000 people Is not so easy ns some suppose. We do not , In our advertising , seek to belittle our competitors or to depreciate the value or choicenefs of the goods they carry. But we do Insist that although there are some very good shoo stores in Omaha and Council Blults , Sar gent's leads them all , because Sargent lias always been at the head of the pi occasion In both quality and price , nnd alwajs will be. Caesar said : "Better be first in a lltlle Iberian village than second In Home , " but Sargent goes him one better and declares his determination to bo first In the shoo business at all Unite , -especially In the fol lowing particulars : 1. Style. 2. Quality of goods. 3. Price. We want your trade , we expect to make a profit cm It , and we will spare no legiti mate effort to get it. In the long run you will nnd II most profitable to deal with Sar gent , who never runs fake sales or deals In fake advertising. SAHGEXT , " Sign of the Bear. Domestic soco wrappers call for spoons. CnxContinued. . The attorneys who have been retained to Icok offr the lilteres'u ot the two women who are endcavorlng-to secure legal control of Jesse Van Worraer , did nut gel the habeas case ready for submission to Judge Green last nlgnt. Both , Bidps were represented in the court room N.o. 1yesterday afternoon by a large number ot their male and female friends. The mother ct the boy , Mrs. Cuu- n'.ngham of Leigh , la. , went on Uio stand and told about her .financial situation anu her ablMty to take care of the child. Mrs. Ovcrmeyer , front whom the mother is cn- ( Uavoring to secure ( he boy , also told cf IKT ability to provide 11 suitable homo and give the child the propen training. Testimony was Introduced attacking trie character of tljo mother and her 'fitness to caie for her children. Jtidge .Gre < in held , the session of 'court utrtll art'hcur after darkin the hope that tiio attorneys would be ready to submit the ccee , but the examinations of the wit nesses developed too many side Issues and the ease was continued until Monday. See "The New Woman , " by Harmon class , No 25 O. E. S. , In Masonic hall. Thursday evening. Dec. 9. Tickets , Including refresh- mcata , 25c. Domestic soco wrappers -call for spoons. 1'ociii on Art. | If you wish to make a present , This coming Christmas day , I will tell you what to purchase , , As you journey on your way. Buy a picture at the paint stores. , I called the other day They are at the Masonic temple , Corner Fourth street and Broadway. They are the finest line of pictures That skillful hands can make. As far as artists' goods are concerned , You will" find there no mistake. There are scenes of the grand old ocean , The homestead nnd the lake. No trouble to make "a selection , There are plenty you can take. A'ad ' If you want some framing dome , Be sure you go that way , You will find the best selections You have seen In many a day. The above poem was written by a young ! ady of Council Bluffs after spending half an hour admiring- our selections of art In the art department of the C. B. Paint , Art and Glass company store. The cold weather frosted t/io / glass In SUL LIVAN'S fisli case so much that the display It contained could not be seen and they have been forced to move It Jnslde the store , but the fish and ojsters are there Juel the same. Oysters received d.Jlly from Baltimore ccunU. , extra selects and standards. In the fish line wo have halibut , flounders , sea bass , salmon , fresh codfish , smelts , trout , pike , pickerel , black basa , catflsii , perch , frogs , etc , , etc. , fresh and constantly on hand. Tel. 1C1. J Haffmayr's fancy patent flour makes the best and most bread. Aek your grocer for It. A nice two-seated sleigh for sale cheap. L , W. Tullup , 102 Main street. Domestic toco wrappers call for spoons. XOT i\otJii ! TO i-iM.sii IIUIMM.VC : . CoiiiiitlKMou ItoiiiiiiinieiiilH Aniiroprlii- Utiii for.plii-rolii-f AN ) Him. " DES MOINESf" | . ( Dec. 4. The report of the commissioners1 of the Cherokee Hospital for ( ho Insatio hats bicn prepared and will bo submitted to the gbvernor early next week. The commission' ' Will report In favor of an appropriation off $2,000 to finish the work on the Institution Anil to put It In shape for occui.ancy. Aboutr > | 379,000 las been expendrcl on the stiperHtruitUro to December 1. Three other hospitals Inr'tho elate and many county hospitals are In u crowded condition and tha capacity of the ntta-Tinstltutlon SOO pitlents will relieve the Mth&rs. The Cherokee boa- pltal IB Intemlecf for the use of patients from ' counties of the e'ndro northwest section of tha state. rod REPORT ON IOWA RAILROADS , Showing for th ) Year Jtwt Closed is Unsatisfactory. MARO FALLING OFF IN BUSINESS Hcvlvnl DiirliiK < h < - l.itnt Three Month * Out JlnUrm Suhtulttt'il liy ( he Slate DES MOIND ? , Dec. 4. ( Special. ) The an nual reports of the Iowa rallrcadc the Hoard of Railroad Commissioners will Indi cate that tlio year ending with June 30 , 1S97 , was unsatisfactory , 'Business fell off very much as compared with the previous year , and although the figures are lift complete , It Is 'believed ' the totals will Indicate that It was Hie poorest year ever known by Iowa roads. There are thirty-two roads In the state and all the Interstate lines report that the conditions In Iowa applied on other parts of their system. The total earnings of Iowa lines will ahow a falling off of about $2,000,000 as compared to 'tho previous year , which was the poorest reported to that time. The num ber of omploes had fallen from 28,103 to 25,090. On the entire sjstom of the roads which ihavc lines In Iowa , the number of em ployes dropped from 107,769 to 100,999. Total wages paid during the last year unounted to $15,151.418 , a falling off of Just nbattt one million. Excepting three small proprietary lines , whose reports are not In , the following aio totals for thu state : Passenger earnings , $8,583,511 ; freight earnings , $23,470,001 ; gi'coa ' earnings from operation , $37,422,801 ; gross Income , $3C,377yi5 ; operating ex penses , $23,982,83 ! ! ; net Income from opera tion , $12,195,050 ; Income from o'lier sources , $104,967 ; total Income , 12,000,053 ; deductions for fixed charges on bonded debt , $8,769,537 ; net Increase above operation and bonded < loM , $4,271,090. In explanation the com- m'sEloners ' say the poor showing Is due to the extreme depression during the presiden tial campaign and the earlier part of this year. But for the revival 'of ' business which brgan In the last three months of the year covered 'by ' the report , the showing would have been Immensely worse. At present the roads In the slate arc rushed and have been for three months , moving grain and other freight. TItOl lll.i : I.v THIS IIUXUDICT IIO.Mi : . Mrooilx AiipcnlN from the Action HlNchtirKliiU' Her. DES MOINES , la. , Dec. 4. ( Spec'al Tele gram. ) The management of the Benedict home In this city Is In trouble , and the governor and executive council have been appointed to Investigate ltc > affairs. The appeal Is by Mis. S. R. Wood , who tlil a few _ da > s ago was superintendent of the In- stltulion , having held the- place eight years She was discharged by the executive com mittee on the grounds of general Incapacity and wants an 'investigation. Mrs. Woods sent word to Governor Drake today of her demand. The claim madff by her friends Is that she has -ieen greatly wronged , and that It Is inspired by the desire of the manage ment of the State Woman's Christian Tum- peiance union to revenge itself agalret her. The homo Is a semi-state Institution , the Womens' Christian Temperance union ap- po'ntt ? four and the governor three trustees. The union provides the buildings and part of the cost of maintenance , the state makes a regular appropriation for the balance. rMrs. .Woods' friends claim , that she was turned out of her office because several yearb ago the officers of the State Woman's Chrlctlco Temperance union wanted to take a bequest that had been left to the Institu tion and convert it to the payment of debts of the union. The matter came up In the state convention of the organization and It was argued that as the sum wss under the control of the union there could be no harm la using the money temporarily for other purposes of the unlcn , but Mrs. Woods , after a rcsolut'en ' was adopted to do this , declared that she \\ould take it Into the courts and enjoin such a proceeding. The result was that It was never carried out. But it Is claimed that ehe incurred the lasting en- m'.ty of the Woman's Christian union people and as1 soon as pcrjslble they turneJ her Out , without even a hearing. On the other hand It Is claimed by the union leaders that Mrs. Woods , who is about 05 jears old. Is fast becom'ng mentally and phyeically unfit for the duties , and that the change uas necessary. I-'HAMC XOVAIC IS .SHXTISXCICJ ) . MIIH ( fie ( it I'rlNoii n ( AiiaiuoNii for I , Iff. CEDAR RAPIDS. la. . Dec. 4. ( Special Telegram. ) Almost the entire day was oc cupied today In an argument by Tom Miller and Judge Ney , attorneys for Frank A. No vak , recently convicted of murder in the second degree , at Vlnton. Fifty-two reas ons were set up why a new trial should be granted. Judge Ney in his argument made e , bitter attack on the press declaring that 1n Ita report It had been prejudiced and busel and sougiit to 'Influence ' the public and the court against the defendant ; that the testi mony of Wio state had been properly rcpoited and the testimony of the defense had been distorted. County Attorney Tobln In his answer declared that such statements as came from him were outrageous , In .that It was sought to show that the state had pur chased no presa anl made It Us tool. Judge ( Eurnham made a lengthy talk and reviewed the evidence quite fully In refusing i'he mo- 'tlon for a now trial. It was exactly B o'clock when Judge liurnhani asked Novak if he had anything lo say before sentence was passed up n him , Novak arose and in a steady volco declared ho was Innocent , r/id Etatcd that even If Jio had been ac quitted he would no ! uavo been satisfied unt'll the guilty party had been brought to justice and the dark cloud removed from hl-j n'Jinf , Judge Burnham ( tien pasted sen tencc. He placed the punishment at hard labor in the Anamosa punltcn'Iary dm Ing his natural life. Novak received the sen tence without a tremor. The attorney's for defence took ninety days to file a bill of exceptions and also filed a motion In arrest of Judgment. The Judge vlll decide on Iho mot'lon for arresting judgment next Wednes day , when the question of admitting tbc defendant to ball will also bo argued. .Xciv Camp \VooilliH-n. . PANAMA , la. , Dec. 4. ( Special ) Dep uty E. C. Wilmarth of Walnut succeeded in organises an excellent camp of the Wood men of the World hero last evening. Mr. C. C. Fanncs , sovereign maater of Mt. Car roll , III. , and State Deputy Wood of Mollne , III. , were present. The following officers were elected and Installed : Consul com mander , William Durkeo ; adviser llcutenaoit , S. D. Acker ; banker. Dr. M. B , Howland ; Are you going to plant trees and shrtibery If you are wo have everything In a tree and Klirub from tlio smallcal eprout lo a full grown hardy Irce very choice largo snow balls and lllacB Hhadc ornamental and fruit trccH a largo stock now on baud at 18th and Douglas , Omaha and all orders promptly delivered , Now la the tlrno to do your planting. HARCOURT BROTHERS , Nurserymen and Florists. Council Bluffs , la clerk. Ii. H. Cranetccort : , Sam J. Acker ; xvatchnun. J. K. Shorett ; sentry , Anton Vrnngj physician , I ) . M. Howltodj mana gers , P. Doyle , n. n , story , J. A. IMwlcy. TO Mtsirr J.V O"MAH.V ixr.vr TI.MH. \nllonal ] , | vr Mock K\clinttKc > Wliul" I'D UN ftimliirft * . SIOUX CITY , Deo. 4-Spechl ( Telegram. ) The National Llvo Stock exchange com pleted Its work today , Tlio president , secre tary and treasurer of the exchange were reelected - elected by acclamation. The committee on federal quarantine line reported iccommcnd- Ing the C8tablt hment by the United States Departmcul ot Agriculture of a line which would render the danger ofMtllc from above ouch line disseminating u'lfiilc or southern fever Innx-obable , and that such line bo con formed to and maintained by the several states nlcng mid line , The report WHS adopted. Copies of the report were ordered rtr printed nnd tent lo the secretary ot agri culture and the chairman of the Interstate san Itaiy board. The committee on the crea tion of a tariff commission and for the ad justment of the tariff reported back two bills , house- roll 4,050 and house roll 3H ! > , each for the creation of a tariff commis sion and for other purposes , with the recom mendation that both of these measures be re ferred back to congress , as the committee did tot deem II expedient for the exchanse to tike action on matters ot a political na ture. In which the Individual opinion of the members might bo at variance. Tlio report was adculed , The next meeting will be held In Onwho , the date to bo fixed by the executive com mittee. fieri. . DRS MOINiES , Dec.I. . ( Special Tele gram. ) The police nre looking for A. L. Mlcklo. u brojtcr's clerk , en a charge of forging a check for $1,000 and Retting iiway with the proceeds. He wns employed by the McRirlan Grain company In Its oinces here. and signed the firm name to a check on the Valley National 'l > tnk. It was cashed with out suspicion , being a perfect reproduction ot the real signature. Ho had twenty-four hours ttart before the forgery was discovered , and there is no clue to hla w hereabouts. Ills wife , two children and mother , nged SO. were dependent on him. Congressman Oeorgo I ) . I'crklns left Sioux City for WaS'ilnston Friday evening. A company has been formed at Vlnton with $10.000 capital to bulM a fetecl works and foundry. Virgil Sires , en route from Brooklngs , S. D. , to Uecatur , Kan. , lost $37 on A confidence game In Sioux City. Editor S. 1) . Cook of the Davenport Repub lican is back at hlb desk al work again after ten days' serious Illness. II. C. Peterson of Battle Creek has brought to his farm 900 head of sheep purchased In Montaiu , which he will feed this winter. Governor ihaw has consented to attend the State Sunday School convention In Marshall- town , and deliver an address. The convention begins February 17. For the becond time within three months the stoio of M. Mlchels ot Farley has been entered by burglars and goods and cash to the amoun' of about $125 taken. L. L. G.i iiplc of the Slieiiandoah Sentinel la n candi > jijtc for deputy oil Inspector for Hie Hlghtli district of Iowa. The appoint ment will bo made by Governor Shaw. Mr. anj Mrs. C. L , . Ilttchey of Albln cele brated their golden wedding a few da > s ago. They were married In Hushvllle , Ind. , and have lived In Monroe eounty , Io\\a , for many yoars. At a shooting match at HrUt , English spar rows were substituted for pigeons In a live bird match. The sparrows make Interesting marks for the sportsmen , and are ro numer ous as to be a nuisance. Tihero will be two Smiths In the lower house of the next general assembly , four Millers , two Gibsoru , two Potters and two Ciarks. There will be two Youngs In the senate , the only duplication of names In that body. A tire in Oto , Woodbury county , started In Jackson Kelly's barn anJ destroyed It with flvo horses , and also burned Peter Bovla's wagon s'aop , E. H. Davis' blacksmitSi shop and Jenkins' livery barn. The total loss was about $2,000. George Stanley , a life con.vlct . from Story county , will ask the legislature to reco.nmeml to the governor his pardon. Ho ie serving time for murder , 'but represents that the trial was Irregular and the conviction unjust , not withstanding that ho has already served twenty-eight years. The Carroll Herald understands that a rep- rcsenlallvo of the Transmlssisslppl Elevator company , 'which will put up twenty-live ele- \ators along the lines of the Chlc'ago ' & Northwestern in. Iowa , vas recently in Car roll with a view to buying an elevator there or erecting a new one. A correspondent of the Neala reporter tells of a farmer who husked eighty bushels of coin a day for six dajs und of another who husked and cribbed ninety buMiols ot corn a. day for twenty-one successive days and the corn was weighed at seventy-flve pounds to the bushel. Another fanner cribbed eighty-seven bushels a day for twenty-four days. These were In Union township. Iowa 1'rcNM Comment. Glenwood Opinion : It appears to be the general understanding over the district that L. T. Genung of Hastings is to ha\e the democratic nomination for congressman next year. Otlumwa Courier : In figuring that Whlto ran Shaw 10,000 behind Mllllmen the pop- ocrits forget Ibit popocrals scratched Pro * hlbltlonlsi I'lummer enough to reduce thitt figure about 10,000. Council niuffs Nsnparell ; In the Bioro windows at South Kngllsh , I . , are exhibited ten ears of corn raised last summer by Can didate Fred White from two grains of need. This wonderful nueceM Is a seeming justifi cation of the decision of his fellow citizens that he had better be continued In hlo posi tion as a firmer. Dubmiuo Times : If the republican mem bers ot the legislature are a wipe as thU paper Is willing to believe they are , ( hern will be no radical changes made In the code. Every bill Introduced with thnt purpose should bo Indefinitely postponed. The Iota democratic mlrlrc Ifl followed the better tha position of the republican party will ho to nuke an aggressive and winning campaign next year. tied Oak Express : After the election was over and the votCv ? counted It became Mit to Judge Spurrier of De-s Molnes that hn had nude a fool ot himself and had de graded the judicial bench by bis offensive campaign for llatUm and be had the good taste to K'Mgn. Governor Drake at once ne- copted and appointed a new man in hlft place. Spurrier was elected ns republican , but It Is likely that his ofllccholdlng da > a In Iowa arc o\er. He will probably retnovo to Arkansas , where his style will bo muro generally appreciated Mount Yeriion PURE RYE Owing to its line , full , mellow llavoi1 , thin whiskey comnmiulstlip high est price In IwrroU ( to wholesale1 dual- ere } of any bnitul now on the market , and IM tlin basin of most of the bottled tled blomleil whiskey now w extensively mlvorllpcti. Knitted nt the Distillery \ttlt nit iilsolulo Ilimrnntj at Purlt > ninl Orluluil Condition The consumer buyinir this -tlio only dlsllllury liottlliic of MlU'NT ' \ l.ltNuN ilii SQUAW. Hot'Ic ' * . cnch bcniittu tin.- Num bered ( liinriinty l.nbjliMciiii's llic hUh- Oit iriiidoof I'llio ' llyi1 WhKKry In Us natural condition iMitln-b fieo fiom luluttciaUoii wltlicbenp spli IIH HIM ! flavorings , FOR MKDICIXAI. USK It IIPS On1 ImlniitMnent of llip inn.t ni-on.liicnt physicians tlironplumt tin1'nitrU states. Tor Halo by All IMI.ililr Till : COOK N IIHSX1I 'il.VIIUJ CO , New Vorl < Sole Aacnl-i foi1 the llnlicd States JOHN LIMHMi , SileWcstertl Audit Colin if lUtiftI I : , DB . L , E. ROE , llooni IMrrrliuu ! llloi'K. Tulec Ulcvator. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS. / /V > yWV * X XVr VS/NrkX\rty rtyvr w Oolobcl ( / , 'J' . ran HUNT. SAI.IJ on TUUMJ nv IIONuu nvKinriT FOR RENT- Houses In Council II ulTs J15.00 per niontli-Clicirv Hill and one mic of ground , fiult nnd ii.uiliti S12.60 Per monlh New More room. IU\CO , on llioaduny. $0.00 per month U _ * Thlid St. . C n "inmi I bain JG.OU i > er month nth tt. uiui A\t > . H K. l bain. J7.CO per monthj20 ! Hruailujy , st ire i. . nin. JC.OO per ii.or'.i 50C Graham avnur c ruoniA. J5.00 per rao' ' .n lt.6 Itlilp" slitet ( . mom liuuse. J4.00 pur ' until House an Xlnlli ttnet ACUU P'lOI'HKTY JS.33 per month A Mill lin'cd | 6 urr < " > " miles from town " 111 tae ) oni-hnlf of the rent In \vorl ( . FOn SAI n City Prcrctv MOO Good house , bar. . -J am : two Iota 2513 Fifth n\e. , monthly payments , $7 per muntli f200 Good house nnd lot oncinn H between llshth nnd Ninth Si : . , JT Mr ni'inlh $200 Good hoiit > G nnd ! ot on Cth avenue lirtueen 2 > th nnd 2Cth sts. , monthly uaymcnia , J5 per month. 15 lots \Vilghlfs ndd for pale nt aery low price. FARMS FOll SAL.K- $25 per ncre ! MO-acre fnrm 4 miles \\e ° l of drls- weld , eastern purl of I'r/ttawnttamic county $25 tier uorc 19 acies of KJol fnir.ims ? lumi north of N'eola. $23 per ncre Well improved I.SS-ncro farm east of Loveland , I'ottnnaltnmlp rounly. JS5 per ncrp 10 ncres of t'.t nd f.irmln ? or fruit land. 3 miles from SMnev. rromont county. $25 per ncie 30 ncies of good fruit land , with mall houje. north of Hnmburir. Fremont count } (25 per ncre-40 acres of qood bottom Innd , som timber. 2 miles outr of city llmitH $20 per ncie 20 ncies of Rood bottom land. S mllea couth of Council Illurtf. 10-ncre tracts of land 2 miles Routii of South Omaha ; will talte part pasmcnt in city prop erty. ( looil farms for rent. Apply to LEONARD EVERETT , 18 Pearl St. , Council muffs. Io n. J15.00 per sere 40 acres of good land In Monona county. Five und ten-aero trncts near the city for sum cheap. Good , cheap Nebraska lands for sale. Will eell any of the nbove property on small payment down , balance In ten annual pay ments. Other geol fanns for pale. Will take pirt trade In city property or smaller farms , balance long time , annual payment * . DWELLINGS. FRUIT , FAI1M ANI ) aAIU1EN lands for tale or rent. Dnjr & Heta. SU I'"nr ! street. MONEY TO I/JAN unnrcnn HATE ON first-claps Improved farms and Insldo cltv property. Arply to Jus. N. Cnssady , Jr. , Z3t Main St. Instructions. Alhln llustcr , studio 33S Ilrmdway. German method of Dresden Conservatory. J. W. SQUIRE. CITY AND FARM I.OAN.H. FOR SALE. AT A IIAIIOAIN , A SMALL. Ilt'T well established nnd remunerative mercantile buslne > s. iMiuIre of D. W. Oth ) , 133 1'eurl St. , Council Uluffa , la. 1 Your Not froir a financial standpnint exactly but free from the delects iound in tlie average heating system , 1 Steam and Hot Wafer Heating Ijlj ' ! All the lealinff Incanlescent , Burners ] | 1 and Mantels , J. C. 202 Main anil 20H Pearl St. COUNCIL IH.UFFS , IOWA. SOMETHING REAL GOOD 'fe ' ( FOUR FLAVORS ) VANILLA , CHOCOLATE , STRAWBERRY AND MAPLE Made for Trade Who Appreciate Quality. DEALERS SUPPLIED BY * * John G. Woodward & Co. , Wiiolcyalo .Manufacturing Coni'cctloner.s. Council Bluffs , la. TIII5 IMI'KOVJJD ROSEPATENT GRATE Kor steam bollera , furnace * , etc This Knito IH beliiB l rnely used In nncklni ; IIOIIHIH , brt-werleH , inlllw. Hteiiin licfi'liitf ptiuitB. or any jilucu where Htctim bollcra uro being used. . They nru the most economical , uur. nblu and cttlclent nlmltlim cruto iiindo nnd will mivo fuel , Wrltu for clr-ulai-H - descrlblnu Brutes , fuller Information , to the Rose Patent fc Cuuucil UhuTa , lowu