Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1897, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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CUte Board of Transportation add tlio Live
Stock Rat.o ,
Ncv Orilrr CM ion Until December 111
Ilcforo ( lit ; CIilltlKC IIllcU lu
llir- Cur Iioiul
I ( allCN llltO
LINCOLN , Dec 4 ( Specltl. ) The secre-
tarlto of the State Hoard of Transportation
rti covered that they hart not given cumclcnt
notice to the railroad companies In ordering
that the old rate * flhotild bo put back In
force oo and after the nth day of December , ,
and made an extension of the time to the 7th
of December In order that the required ten
di ) ' notlco pouMbo given. Todjy a fur
ther extciuilon was made until December 10 ,
because of the following application raado by
J. Devveese as attorney for the II. & . M.
In thn mnklnp of Mid change the Intor-
fitnto rnt ( " to KiinHns City nnd other polnta
will nccci't.irlly be affected , and the rite-
to inch points being interstate ratci , can
not bo legally changed from whit they arc
at prosi-nt without giving ICRU ! notice as
minimi by the Interstate Commerce com-
minion. And tliia defendant rrpiesentH to
tiio buaid tlmt It has already sent out no-
tiers to the Interstate Commerce cominl"-
Blon ot Its Intention to revert to the ruto
jir cnrload , na ttmilred by this honorublo
body , within ton days , which will not expire
pire- until the ICth day of December , 1S97.
The hoard gianted the request for the ex
tension ot time , making the follow Ing entry
In the record :
In the rmittir of the order made by the
Jit itu Ilonrd of Tt.uiKportatlon In the CUHP
of Tibbies iiRiilnst the Chicago , Hock Hland
F Piulllc Hallw ly company and othcrn , requiring -
quiring the defomHiiN to restore the oM
ciilotl late on or before . . "cember 5. 1&9T ,
\\t Kmn that the roiels , or a part of them ,
lime notified Oie Interstate Commerce com
mission ius required by In. * , ten dnjr > notlca
being neitMsirj before a I'liaiiKe In rates
lie put In force , nnd finding tlril It will re-
fiiilie until the luth of Derembbr to com-
jilPtistld notice , we would thuiefore recom
mend that the d-ito for the taklnfj of efftct
of hii'd order beti tided until the ICth day
of H comber. 1S97.
Tlio secretaries of the Stnto Board of Trans-
rortiMc.ii have given out the following stoto-
imnt icgardliiK freight rntcn
No compllints true been filed with or
male to tinItoird of Transportation roln-
tlvo to the change In method of charges for
olilp'iient of live stock fiom c irloids to hun
dred pounds except an In'oriml complaint
from I'axton and the resolutions adopted
nnd ent out by tin Northwtstern Stock
Gmwi rs1 association. Alliance. Neb.
On Ibu adoption of the change In system
of charges August 10 1817 , the secretaries
jnndi' linnlry of the ra'lroxds as to the effect
of tlie chinBO In rates for shlpmeiitH of live
Htock All to.uls of whom Inquiry was miile
Informed the secret irks that It was not the
jmnpoip of theli louls to lucre ise rates , butte
to adhere ns clo'i'ly tis po clblo to the old
carlo id bi ls
On receipt of the iot-olutlons from the
Not thwpstrrn Stock Growers' nnsocl itlon
tip nlli Jid compinlis were asked to nuke
a Mining In support of their claim that
rates on live Moc' " had not been rnlFed A
Tiieetlng with the nllioid olllcli's i-\a" held
by the sceiPtarlcs at which no dellnlte eon-
< liiolon could be arilvcd at , and a liPir'i ' ?
ivvns ordered nt South Onnha Novf-mber 2J
3S.'I7. At this hearing all tinnlliouls In the
state were represented nnd quite a voluminous
inous iniount of testlnionv w is taken , an
oxiinilnitlon of which Inductd the s.ocrot i-
ilcs to recommend to tie lloud of Tnn -
portatlon tlio adoption of an order to the
Tilltonds. rpstoiliu the old Fvstem of
charges by the carload , which recommenda
tion nnd order were adopted by the board.
In addition to the testimony of Mi. Van
Jlosklik , Hhlppers from the wo-t and north-
vest who happened to be In South o-v--x
( it that time lAoro cilled In and \orn. .
Their testimony was uniformly In fuor of
an Increased cost to the shipper o\er the old
rates , All the testimony offered by shippers
related to fhlpmentr from points on the U k-
liorn , the H & M and the Union I'nelllc
Jlr A Newberrv shipped from Cody , Neb
November C2 , 1VJ7. a carload of twenty six
onttlu at a co t of $3" ! 28. n per freight bill
filed with the neeretarles Undci tbp old
eyUcml tl e ma\lmum an-onnt bo would hive
p ild would have been $ .12 0 , or $5.4S less th in
under the present system.
Hero the seci ctarlos Insert the statistics
pothered from railroads and other sources ,
nnd then conclude the statement as follows
It Is not In evidence In this case , but It
Is said * o be a fact that most , If not ill.
cattle phlpmcnts made o\er the Union 1 * i-
clllo .tho II. d M. nnd the Fremont , Elkhorn
& Missouri Valley from the we t and north-
wont are made In thlrty-sK-foot cars. This
fact In connection with the show Ins mndu
by the other roids as to the Incre iso In
l > rolH In the thlit\-six-foot car over the
fchortor car may reconcile the apparent con-
lllct In the testimony between thn stock
flhlpipors and the rillroads , the one claiming
an Increased co t for the ° nmo K'r\lce
iwhlla the other claims a loss , or nt li > ast no
eub ° tnntlnl gain , under the ch IIIRO In the
eystom of charges.
Under tlio cailoid system n. thlrt\-foot
car | w5is taken an the Htandard nnd a thlrt > -
Blx-foot car WIIH charged for nt an lucre iho
of 111 ivr cent , M > that a "tandard car from
McCook or from any station on any o'ho'-
line of road making the simo charge would
bo $ ,18. To this charge for standard car add
10 per cent for thirty-six-foot car will give
n. rate of $41 SO bv the ciirlund. Hut a thlrty-
Blx-foot ear has 20 per cent greater capacity
thnn n standard thirty-foot car , whereas
tinder the carload s > stem only 10 per conl
vnH added to thn charge over n thirty-foot
car. Hence , In the change of system , with
the thirty-foot car ns the standard , thn full
capacity of the thirty-six-foot tar Mould be
charged for. and Inste-ad of $11.SO for a
thirty-six-foot car for the panic car from
the rnme point with the panic load , th <
charge would bo ( bv the hundred poumK
10 per cent morn thnn by the carload , or 20
per cent above the standard , or $ ! " > )
Applying thlH theory to Mr. NewbemV
shipment from CoJy to South Omaha , thi
following results mill nppsar Old rate , $ IS
20 per cent Tinded for thirty-six-foot car
$ Ti7riO ; paid by Mr. Nenberry , now rate
$ jS 2S. nuc Increase of OS cents
Hut It Is snld that the 11 & . M. has a stock
car containing about fifteen square feet
BnrKlrnl ( ) | MTIII > IIM for ili < Cure of
J'llt'H nnil Ht-rliil DlnoiiNi'M no
l.oiiKi'r Ni-e'e'RKiirj.
A Sic it I r ill DlHcoMTjVlilrli will
CliuiiKi * ( lii > Tri'iitiiiciit of All
Sllt'll IllHlMlMl-H.
It InK long been thought not only by some
but by proplo In ge-noral that the
painful and exceedingly annojlng
trouble- , piles , wan practlvally Incurable by
any other means than a surgical operation
nnd this belief has been the cause of > cara
of ncodk'SH .suReilng , because of the natural
dread of surgical operations.
There are muny salves , ointments and
elnillar remedhtt on the market which afford
Eonio redlcf In casea of piles , but the I'jra-
mid PIle Cure Is the only preparation so far
Introduced that can bo reliably depended
upon to euro to stay cured , every form ol
itching , bleeding or protruding piles.
Mrs. M , C. Hlnkley of C01 Mississippi St.
Indianapolis , was told by her physicians thai
npthlng but a surgical operation costing bo-
tvvoi'n enven and eight hundred dollars , rouli :
euro her as elio had suffered for 15 ) oars
jet oven In such a cabo as hers the P > ramie
J'llo Cure accomplished a complete euro. She
Bays : "I know an operation would bo death
to mo and tried the Pyramid with very llttlo
Iiopo and It Is not to bo wondered at tba
I am BO enthusiastic In Its pralso. "
Mr n. 13. Reed of South Lyons. Mich ,
eajn I would not take J50U and be placet
liack whore I was before I used the I'yramli
I'llo Cure , I suffered for > oar and It I * now
clrlitcen months ulnco I used U and not the
ullghteit trace of the trouble has returned
Tlio I'jrnmM I'llo Cure IB sold bv nearly
all druggists at CO cents and $1 pe.r package
nnd aa It contains no opium , concalnc or
other polsanoui drug can bo used with per
fect safety.
No ono need suffer from piles Ilk cuy form
who will glvo this excellent remedy a trial
iieud for book on cuutu and cure of plli-i
out free by addrmlng Pyramid Drug Co.
JUcb. , ( toriuerly Albion , UUb. )
more thin the ordinary thlrtylx foot car ,
or about 5 per cent more floor it > om Henero
undar the new rnto 25 per cent must bo
added to the cnpnclty of the thirtv-font
standard car ln order to get the full ra
pacity of their northw rtern stock car * . Ap
plying thU to the Alliance uhlpmentp over
tbnt load frlve < < the following !
Old rate , standard car , , . . . . . . .i.Vl.00
Add 25 per cent over thirty-foot car. . . . CO 25
A\orngo paid , SC cnr , new rate. . . . . . . . C7.S1
Inoreafo in now- rate , per car 1.66
Hence , the conclusion that the Incrtnfo In
rntcs on live stork has reunited In charging
for the full rapacity of the : thirty-six-foot
rnr. which Mn not done under the old car-
loirt sj tem. Hondi mnklng Ions haul * in
long car * have made large Kiilns , I loads
mine standard cars have received little , If
any , benefits from the change
At the Uat sitting of the supreme court an
order was Issued requiring the attorney gen
eral to file hl $ briefs In the Hartley case on
or before the 30th day of November. This
V.-AS after a motion bad been filed by Bart-
lei's attorneys that the case be reversed and
Hartley be set at liberty because the attorney
Cdipral had not filed the brlj'fs within the
twenty dn > s aa required by the rules of the
court. Toda > , the briefs having not yet been
filed , C. 0 Whedon , attorney for Hartley ,
served the following notice :
C. J , Smyth , Attorney General of the titnte
of Nebraska : You are hereby notified that
In the above entitled cnu c the plaintiff In
error has this day filed with the clerk of the
supreme court n motion nsklng that the
court reverse the judgment of the district
court of Douglas county In said cause , for
the reason Unit the defendant In error and
Its attorney have not complied with the or
der of tliln court nnd filed n brief In said
action an by order of the court required.
Said motion will bo cnllcd up for hearing
on thu comlnp In of court on Tuesday , De
cember 7 , 1M17 , or as soon thereafter OB
counsel can be heard.
Attorney foi Plaintiff In Error.
The motion filed by Mr. Whedon Is pKictl-
cillj In the Si'me words as the notice , except
that It sets up the fact that the court Imd
fixed November 30 as the time when the
state's brief must be on flic Neither the
attorney general nor hln deputy were heard
today , nnd when the notice was filed 0. r.
Co'cornn , the stenographer In the office , at
once wired to the attorney general f < ir In
structions The answer came back that the
irlcfa bad been sent dowa on the afternoon
train by special delivery , nnd that i B soon
as they arrived they should be filed with
ho clerk of the supreme court nnd one
copy be served on Hartley's nttornov
Chancellor MacLean banqueted the fcot
tall bojs lost nliht , nnd there w s much
rejoicing over the "pennant supper. " After
llllng up on good things such as the bovs
mvo not tasted since the training poison
commenced toaHs were In order Chancellor
MacL an acted as toastmi ster and selected
ns his subject "Tho University. " Ros'-oo
'ouml made the "Alumnus Rooter" the topic
of a highly humorous talk. Prof. Caldwell rc-
ated some Ideas of foot ball from a pro-
'essor'H standpoint. Captain Shedd toisted
'The Team that Won , ' and several others
made short speeches Altogether the "p ° n
nant supper" was a great suce ss.
The Swedish Lutheran church Is ( laving a
novel entertainment In the way of a Swedlai
bazar A reproduction of the rooms In a
Swedish peasant hou e is ono of the most
attractive features. Young women In the jgx-
tlvo costume rervo meals < o all hunsrj
visitors. Governor Holcomb was present and
matic a brief address last night
The senior cliss of the University of Ne
braska has selected Ljninn J. Abbott at
commencement orator A great effort was
made to secure Chancellor James H. Can-
field , but too could not come.
On aha people at the hotoKv At > he Lin
den W G Washburn , M. F. King , J. W.
Server , J H IJudi. At the Lincoln W. II
Dothwell , N Hollisshllcl , W. D. McIIugh , 0
L Wehlford , 0. H. Uicck , jr , P. W. Uodle.
J. Lohman.
OF ivrmusT VT
School Clillitrrn HalmMoiie * ; for tin-
, . I2\iioxltlon.
KEARNEY , Neb , Dec. 4 ( Special ) The
school children In the Kearney public
schoo'.R finished purchasing stock In the
Ba > s' and Qlr'a' bulld'ag In the Transmls-
altslppl Exposition list Thrusday , and raised
$21.15 , or an average of almost 2 cfota apiece
on the total enrollment , which Is 1,362. The
laigest amount rat-ed was In the High school
room , $ J being the amount realized.
The democrats of Uuftalo county arc coi-
olderlng the matter of organlz'og a Jack-
sodemocMtlc club A meeting will prco-
nbly bo calleu for the evening of Januarj
8 , when permanent arrangements will be
made and officers elected.
At the last meeting of Loyal lodge No
122 , Knights ol PythUs , the following offi
cers were elected. H S. Lambert , C C. ;
N. P Hnneen , V. C ; Fred Lebhart , M. E ;
K. J. Saimuona , prelate ; W. K. Ajers. M.
F. ; D H. Miller , K of R. and S. ; M. A.
Hoover , A. ; II. F McLaughlln , M. W.
The Kalghts of the Maccabees elected of
ficers Monday night , as follows Com
mander. A Drake ; lieutenant commander
R. A. Julian ; record and finance keeper , C
A Prcscott , chaplain , A. M Calhoun ; mas-
ter-at-anrs , Prank Ilronn ; first master of
guard , O Akeybon ; second iroster of guard ,
Thomaa Olats ; tent'ael , C. A. Coleman ,
picket , J. M. Shovel
The- officers of Torman lodge No 12 , A.
O. U. W. , for the ensuing > ear were elected
Wednesday night and are as follows Mas
ter workman , Frank E Beeman ; foreman ,
H F. CatBCin ; overseer. Gust Nlles ; re
corder. E W Fosbury ; guide , J C. Knoll ,
financier , J. W Shah-in ; receiver. W. V
Plckenlng ; Ine do watch , Louis Snanson ;
outride watch , M A. Moody ; trustee , Peter
I'lnttf Count } MortKHKe Record.
COLUMDUS. Neb , Dec. 4. ( Special. ) Pol-
lowing Is the mortgage Indebtedness record
for Platte county for the month of Novera
bcr , 1S97Thirtyfivo farm mortgages fllct'
$10.882 40 ; released , forty-seven , $40,050 77
Twelve town and city mortgages filed. $6 SSI ;
loleased , eight , ? S7G 00. Eighty-one
chattel mortgages filed , $70,382.71 ; released ,
thirty , $5,78933. While the amount of
chattel mortgages filed are about five times
the amount of those released It is no Indica
tion that the fanners are renewing their
paper. It Is caused by the largo volume ol
stock that is bc'ng fed In the count } this
fall and winter. The real estaio mortgages
have been decreased several thouEjnd dollars
.Storm IiiU-rfi-rcH Mltli Poultry SKM | > .
AUHURN Neb. Dec. 4. ( Special. ) The
Nenuha , Valley Poultry show closed its > : hl7d
annual exhibition hero jesterday The
weather was tcoievero for a large attendance
of cither exhibitors or visitors , but there
were many fine birds ehown The largest
class was the barred Plymouth rocks , with
olghtsl \ birds , with tlie black langshann
close following In numbers and equally an
K > ; od as to qiallty , One of the features of tbo
show was boroo very flue pigeons owned by
Don Domareo of this place. iMr Rhodes of
Topeka was chosen to score the birds.
llurlril on IIH | ( Hi ! UoiiicHti'iiil.
MEAD , Neb. , Dec. 4 ( Special ) Last
evening the remains of Join Harris , who
died early Thursday morning at his home In
Vallc ) , arrived In Mead , accompanied by
relatives Mr. Harris was 71 > eara of
age at his death , nrd wes an old time
rcvjldicit of Mead , having located here In
1S5C Ho moved to Valley nine joirs ago
and has since- made that his home. The
Mead cemetery wia laid out on his old
homestead , and It was his vvinh to be burled
lltillilliiHT Ilooiii nt .Ni'iMiiiiii riroto.
NEWMAN GROVE. Dec. 4 ( Special. )
The building boom vvllch has been on here
sinceevirly fall Is temporarily stopped by the
cold weather , Three new dwelling houses
nro \uly completed and the parnu-M'
Creamery company has exnnplc-tcs ] a 50 000
building and turned out its first butter yee-
te > ixli > . A new grain elevator and one nuiv
duelling AIO jet to be built , If tbo weather
will permit.
Tiiuirlcil t'l' ' > vllh n
HERMAN , Neb. . Dec. 4. ( Special , ) Stanley -
ley Ora > , manager of the Nelson Mor-
rla ranch , was eerlously Injured by a
mule taut evening , A leg and an arm are
badly bruised , He was aiding a blacksmith
to ahoo the- animal when the accident oc
curred. The suit of clothes Mr. Gray wore
was klckenl Into shreds.
HnlTiilii Count ) fiMiri.
KEARNEY , Neb. , Dec.Special. ( . ) The
chattel mortgage- record of Buffalo county
lor the month ot November shows 115 tuort-
filed , amounting to JlS9.329.fiS , And 161
released , amounting to $39,333.37 The large
amount reprenetitcd In thceo filed Is owing
to the extensive sheep and cattle feeding naw
being cirrled on here , over $42000 belns
filed during the last three uavs In the mouth.
Titi\ nr.ii'V iiuTiiTiui.A itr.rotiT.
Slntrinoti * Sliorvlnu IlccrlpM , Il -
linrxeiiientn nnil llnliiii < 'rn.
LINCOLN , Dec. 4. ( Special. ) The state
treasurer has madu the following statement
showing the rcctlpts nnd dl bursemcnts of
the stile treasury for the three months end
Ing November 30 :
Permanent school
Temporary school
Permanent university
Agricultural college endowment
Temporary unUerylty
University cash
State bonds
Hospital for liiBiino
Cnpltol building
Itcform school building
Normal building
Normnl Interest
Normal library
Normnl endowment
State library
Permanent saline
Interest charged county treasurer
Institute rcrblc Minded
Live stock Indemnity
Penitentiary special labor
Penitentiary land
Agricultural and mechanic arts
Suspended nccount
nic .SNOW sTdini iv MIIHASIC\ .
Full All 0 e-r' ! IP
MONROE , Neb , Dec. 4. ( Special. ) Snow
las been falling for the last two dajs. About
eight Inches now covers the ground. There
iah not been ftcry strong wind and It Is
not very cold , so It has not been bad on
stock The weather Is still cloudy.
aOTHENHURG , Neb. , Dec. 4. ( Spechl )
It Is clear this morning , with good Indica
tions of the weather moderating. It snowed
or fort > -eight hours and there nro eight
nches on the level For the last four days
.ho thermometer has ranged from about zero
to 1 degrees below The fanners und cltl-
7cns are making goad use of It and are haulIng -
Ing In their gialn on sleds , while the citi
zens have > evciy sleigh In town i tinning.
PORT CALHOUN , Neb , De s. 1 ( Special )
About nine Inches of snow has fallen hero
In the last twentfour hours , but It will
do no harm , as the farmers have nearly all
gathered their corn , which will run all the
way from fort > to eighty bushels to th"
acre and the grade Is much better than It has
been for the last four or five > ears
MILPORD , Neb. , Dec 4. ( Special.1 *
About Boven Inches of snow has fallen , but
lias drifted considerably In p'accs.
BANCROFT , Neb , Dec. I ( Special. ) The
snow Is about ono foot deep on the level.
PALLS CITY , Neb. . Dec. 4. ( Special. )
The first snow of the season began falling
Thursday and continued until Friday even
ing. Portuii8tel > there Is but little drifting
so that travel Is not stopped.
IIALMO. Neb , Dec 3 ( Special ) Since
Thanksgiving day a cold wa\e has held nl-
racnt constant swa > over this section of the
country. Yesterday the snow fell rapidly
and the cold Increased.
GENEVA Neb , Nov. 4 Special. ) A
heavy snow fell here on Thursday night aud
Frldaj morning
TRENTON , Neb , Dec. 4 ( Special ) It
has been snowing and storming here for the
last three dnjs nnd Is still contlnu'cig ' The
snow Is about six Inches deep The ground
Is In excellent condition , old settlers say the
best Iii the history of the county at this time
of year. Peed plenty , stock In good condi
tion , most of the com gathered and the people
ple are generally encouraged at the approach
of the long looked for prosperltj.
PURBURY , Neb , Dec. 1 ( Special )
The- weather has been cold and stormy sjnce
the first of the month , and yesterdaj snow
fell all day , accompinled Ith a cold wind
from the north. All trains are running cm
time or nearly KO
13ATTLB CREEK , Neb , Dec. 4 ( Special. )
This Is a calm , clear day. The mercury
stands twelve above zero. It has been
snowing for flftj-four hours and there Is
thirteen Inches of snow on the level. Corn
husking and sugar beet gathering are at a
HURWELL , Neb. Dec. 4 ( Special ) It
has been snowing for the last twentj-four
hours and there Is about four inches of
KEARNEY , Neb . Dec. 4 ( Special ) The
weather for the last ten dajs has been some
thing almost unprecedented In this county.
The thermometer has registered ouly a
few degrees above zero either day or night
and snow has been falling light ! } almost con
tinual ! } . Ice oa Lake Kearney Is nearly a foot
thick and Ice men now expect to qo to cut
ting next week or the first of the week after.
Heretofore such weather has seldom come
before January and but few people were
prepared for It. No cases of destitution
have been reported so far , however , and
stock Is being taken care of.
PERU , Neb. , Dec. 4 ( Special ) Snow be
gan falllqg here at 2 p m. Tuursday and
continued all da } yesterday. The saovv comes
without wind and te now over eight Inches
deep on the level. A large number of the
farmers had from ono to three days coin
husking to do jet. This must now be post
poned for a time , and possibly until spring
Even If this be true the farmers will rejoice ,
as the snow will be an excellent covering for
wheat In this county.
ARCADIA , Neb , Dec. 4. ( Special. ) We
now iavo ten Inches of snow. Flvo Inches ot
mln In October and November and this snow
will pretty iicar Insure good crops for next
year ,
IIUMDOLDT , Neb , Dec. 1. ( Special. )
This section was visited by a heav ) fall of
snow , commencing Thursday evening about
4 o'clock and continuing until after noon yes
terday. The enow was unaccompanied by
wind or other disagreeable feature and now
covers the ground to a depth of six or seven
Inches. H will check the farmers In taelr
work of gathering their corn crop , but will
bo of great benefit to the wheat In this sec
tion , which was beginning to need moisture.
WEST POINT , Neb , Dec. 4 ( Special )
It commenced to snow at 12 o'clock Thurs-
dii > night , and -the storm yesterday morning
has developed Into a blizzard , A high wind
was blowing and the snow drifted badly.
About BCV -Inchee of snow has fallen on fie
HLOOMINGTON , Neb. , Dec. 4. ( Special.- )
The first frigid weather of the season lias
been with us for a week , the mercury Btand-
Ing about 1 below zero. There U three Inches
ot snow on level and still knowing. There
at u 2,000 dead of cattle being fed here and
but fovv have any bdcltor. None are reported
lost ict , but ( ho bhilnkaga will bo consider
TILDEN , Neb. , Dec. 4. ( Special. ) Ten
Inches of snow cover fie grounj here. The
temperature ) Is around zero.
CHAD ORCHARD , Neb. , Dec. 4. ( Special. )
It began snowing Thursday and continued
all day yeuterdiy. It IB drifting considerable.
Man } farmers have from twenty-five to 100
acies of corn In the field yet.
HRAINARO. Neb , Dec 4. ( Special ) A
heavy BLOW jtorm set In Thursday tilght , cn -
tlnulng all night and all day yesterday , The
snow Is light and rhould a heavy wind follow
It will dil.'t ' badly
BROKEN DOW. NA. , Dec. 4. ( Special. )
Snou has beevn falling hero for the past thir
ty-six hours. It Is about ten Indira-deep
and tlP falling It Is very light uiul has
e mmence'Ji drifting. Over the com U
ye't In the fields and frccn present prospects
1s liable to remain there for some time. It
has been Impossible to get hands to husk
Iti'HiMii-il from Fir i' .
GENEVA , Neb. , Dec , 4. ( Special )
Thursday evening the 9-y car-old daughter
of John Hoff , a mile from town , who
was carlag for her llttlo brothers and uls
ters during tbo absence of their parents ,
suddenly discovered tlio holico on fire. She
only had timeto rescue the little ones , who
were In their bare feet. It was a bitter
cold evening , tlio thermometer almost at
zero , but tic > managed to get them safely
to a barn , where they crawled Into the Iny
and were found later on.
I1EATRICE , Neb , Dec. 4. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Tonight when Mre. Frank Davis ,
wife of a Beatrice barber , entered a clooot to
get some early riser pills to take , ehu ac
cidentally tcok two Bra tn 4f morphine
Inotcid The mlsUko US discovered
soon after nd before ft quarter of an tour
hid clipeed physicians ypre summoned.
They administered an antidote by Injection
and with the aid of a pump , l , < ? J e of an hour
ncrc able to pronounce tbp patient out of
Court niulril nt llitrfIntclon ,
HARTINGTON , N b. , DM. 4. ( Special
Telegram ) Judge Evans adjourned district
court here today until next Monday after
noon. The Jury on the oataiilt and battery
casf of Fr nk Relft returrM a verdict for
the plaintiff , allow tag him damage * of $85. $
"OrTlIiiml" ] " l Fnyi1 i On"Hand
Aug. 31. I Receipts. | mCtUS. , | Nov. 30.
18,726 9 203.023 9 $ 195 657.06 $ 25e 38r
21.S31.33 22.411. 10.4V ) 6' 33.SU.Cii
241.780.S9 3S.645 62 1R1.175 53
226.194.23 159,72062 377,273 30
8.W0.28 SSfiSO 9r.Z7WS
6,313 31 4.S0662 9.659.1KJ
6,803 87 35,039 13 6.W1.81
G,0"0. 7.62000 1.827.11 10,813 27
22.31 .32
1.17 1.17
2.44 17823 180.69
3,674.67 4,673 84 8.34S SI
225.33 23(9 ( 218 HJ
105.21 16.38 1Z159
.17 .17
1,172.75 506 25 " ' 2,27900
1,801.31 46000 "sis.'fi 1,937 60
0.678 03 ' " 6,678 03
3,771.69 1,200.00 536.33 4,437. 6
948.00 7350) 1,68300
, .91
4,5r.l 57 4,687.31 3,30053 6.03S33
R27.16 8.15 83531
4.4CT 81 7,034.77 B.P53 12
207.TO 207.50
21,000.00 15,037.30
100 l.UU
2.66T..11 141.49 2,709 60
$491,296.95 $370,3 : ' ! 31 $711,031 08
671.C41 35
Tom Harnct , charged with robbery , was ac
quitted All jury esses have been disposed
of. The Htldcbrand girl Is still missing.
Jurj lllcHrnlly DruvMi.
BROKEN BOW , Neb , Dec 4. ( Special. )
District court has been in session here this
week. The tlmo has been employed mostly
In trying civil cases. The case agalnct John
Chi Is and b's ' son , Enos , of Ansclmo , for
shooting Fred Nllson lost July has been
continued. Tht > attorneys for the defense
challenged the Jury on the ground that It
had been Illegally drawn The court sus
tained 'tho objection , which practically con
tinued all criminal cases for this term
Cliniilor of \ < * ilil 'iitM.
BEATRICE , Neb , Dec ( . ( Special Tele
gram ) A chapter of accidents occurred
hero today , the more serious being the Injur
ing of Harry Marine , a workman at Demp
ster's , who was badly hurt by a heavy pipe
falling < n his head , and the accidental shoot
ing of Mies Bolln. Her brother whllo hand
ling a revolver which ho did not know was
loaded , shot her In the neck , producing a
slight wound.
Se'iir < >
PALLS CITY , Neb. , Dec. 4. ( Special. )
Early Friday morning the residence of D
W , Noah , on South Stone street , was rob
bed. The burglar made so- much noise that
the family was awakened and chased the
Intruder from the house. Mr Noah thinks
he was drugged , as ho Is not very easily
aroused. He says he realized the house
was being robbed but was unpble to move.
ma ontcoi-M.
TILDEN , Neb , Dec. 4. ( Special ) At a
meeting of the stockholders of the Elkhorn
Valley bank the follow Ing officers were
electedPresident. . James Stuart ; cashier , C
E. Burnhara ; assistant cashier , Charles A.
Smith. Gottlieb Buettner was elected -vice
president , Uco John S Cruq , who has re
moved to Port Wayne , Ind
I.e-ilir riKh ntViH < Point.
WEST POINT , Neb , DOc 4 ( Special )
The state fish car passed up the Elkhorn last
week and West Point was not forgot
ten In the distribution. The car was hi
charge of Superintendent O'Brien awl his as
sistants In the vicinity ot West Point urc
many lakes , and thousands of game Ash % v ere
lett for distribution therein.
HcliI for Trial.
NEBRASKA CITY , Dec. 4. ( Special. )
William Allen , Thomas King and W. W.
Morgan were given a hearing today upon the
clargo ot the larceny of shoes to the \aluc
of $48 from a Burlington box car on Novem
ber 21. They were bound over to the dis
trict court and in default of $500 ball were
sent to jail.
KT UOKH from "Missouri
MONROE , Neb , Dec. 4. ( SpecialA ) good
many ( Urnicrs have lost cattle In stalk fields
aroLiul hero this season.
J. E. Sallach has returned from the
droutn-strlcken district of Missouri , bilnglng
a double-desk car of hogs 254 bead to fed !
with his cattle.
Hiirlcil lit Mnliiiu.
MALMO , Neb. , Dec 4 ( Special. ) Mre
Holmes , who has for the past fourteen yearn
resided hero , died suddenly , and was burled
today at the Malmo cemetery. She was
S3 years of age , and came to this
country from Sweden some nineteen years
Oot > Coiint > MortKiiKf Itrcoiil.
NEBRASKA CITY. Dec. 4 ( Special. ) The
mortgage record of Atoo county for the
month of November Is as follows : Twenty-
four new Instruments aggregating $25.081.50
were filed and twenty-seven releases. In the
sum of $24,696 CO , placed on record.
oont Mllfortl.
M1LPORD , Neb. , Dec. 4. ( Special ) The
Ice Is of sufficient thickness to warrant
commencing cutting and preparations are
being made to fill the largo Ice houses at
this place , which means the expenditure of
a large sum of money for labor.
Poiinil Demi.
ARAPAHOE , Neb , Dec. 4. ( Special Tele
gram ) A'nnle ' Casperlck , an aged woman
living In the south part of town , was found
dead at her homo today The coroner's Jury
rendered a verdict of death from old age.
IllooinliiK'toii PiiUlnir In
BLOOMINGTON. Neb , Dec. 4 ( Spec'al )
Bloomlngton business men are putting In a
telephone system -and In the near future expect -
pect the county seat to have connection with
every tovvn In the county.
Clilld'H Iliui.lH I'nill ) Prnrcn.
TILDES' . Neb , Dec. 4. ( Special. ) Whllo
returning from school yesterday Ray , a eon
of L. 0. Waterbury , had his Mauds badly
frozen. Prompt medical attention saved any
serious results folloivlHs
Pool CriiNhcil Iij WIIKOIIVlivrl. .
HUMDOLDT , Ncb. , Dee. 4 ( Special )
( '
Thursday evening wh'll hauling a lead of
wood John H. Smith , a citizen ot this place ,
caught his left foot In cbo ot the wheels ,
crushing It quite badly ) J
\\Vt Point \V | ii' ill .SMpiiKMitfl.
WEST POINT , NctjoitDcc. 4. ( Special. )
Flitcen cars of wheat , ncrc Bhlrned last
week and the first few days of tliU week
twenty-two carloads w'ercf shinned " out of this
city. " '
Court , ( Uosi'M.
TRENTON , Neb. . a jec , 4.-SpecIal. ( )
Judqo Norrla closed ajtcrrn of court of equity
here yesterday , In oW'-1 ' > , < a great deal of
work was turned off. f <
tliM'l I'ri'iiurliiKfor .Sn ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Dec. 4-Tio , United
States etramiihlp Alert JB belngprep-ircd for a
trip to the Pntiflc ternilnuii of theNlcaraRUi
cnnnl iwhern It mill bo nt the dlspoHil of
the united States commluHlon now Investi
gating thn proposed route of the Inter-
oceunlo canal nnd decldn on Its feasibility nnd
cost of construction , The Alert will Kali as
soon us It IB tit ( or sen.
Mnrdrrrr ttcrponorx Illx Jnllcr.
Hl'NTINCnON. W. Vu. , Dec , 4- , Virgil
Stulcy , Mho murdered his brother-in-law
In Wayne county , csciiped from tlio Wnyno
county Jail this mornlnir , after a UoHporuto
encounter with Juller JJooth.
Jim Hall tirliTlril an Miituh MnUiT.
N17W ORLEANS , Dec. 4. The Tuluno
Athletic club nt a general meeting last night
elected Jim Hall , the well known boxer ,
general manager and match maker ol the
Make Your Christmas Gifts
Slices Wear Out
Ho vGver Stout
But They're Useful
A gift that lasts beyond the day of giving it a
present sure to be used every day for a long time
after Christmas. Bear this in mind none of us
can afford to throw money away foolishly. Wu
guarantee you style , wear and satisfaction here. What more can you get in a Christ
mas gift ?
Men's Embroidered Slippers { 1.00 Ladles' nice wool lined Knit Slip cloth top , and all patert leathers wltlh
Men's black and tan goat opera pers , leather sole , very flexible aiul Jet ornaments .Nothing will p'ease a lady
Sllrpors J1.50 soft and comfoi table. In red , so much as a nice , pair ot slippers.
Men's flno opera turned Slippers , bhack , bronn and blue $1 fiO You know that we might go on here fern
leather lined , In all kinds of toes $2.00 ladles' felt Slippers at 75c and . . . $100 n hour to tell jou about seasonable
Men's black rand tan Romeo Slip bodies' flclt Romeos , fur trimmed , footwe-nr , In all the leading tees nnd
pers , needle , opcm and common In black and colors $1CO style's , and at all sorts ot price * , but
sense toes , $250 and $3.00 I/adlcs1 Sttnp Olacls , In all the delIcate - what's the use. You know wo ha\o the
Men's Patent leather Dancing Icato colors , for party and drees goods ,
Pumps Ami Kid Oxfords , for ball wear ; coin , nllo , pink and blue ,
room mear , $200 , $2.GO and . . . $300 at $2 CO
An endless variety of men's flno Ladles' fancy black strap dress shoes A full line of Skating and
warm winter shoe1' , In black and most extcnsl\o assortment of nice dres
tan and all the popular shapes sy Slippers at $2 00 , $2 SO , $3 00 , $3 GO and Tobogganing Shoes at
and -1.00 shown. In all kid and
nnd licnft of soles found any $ - e\cr , pns-
whcro In the market , at , $250 , scmcnterlo ornaments ; pitent leather
$3.00 , $350 , $400 and $5.00 > amps , all patent leather , with Inserted popular prices.
TP Cor. 10th nnd
. r. Douglas Sts.
Cutlery , Scissors ,
Our slock never was as lurse or com
plete In tills Hue as now , ami Includes
tlio best ( lUitlltlcs In , Ucinmu
and UiiKllbh luands.
Carvers ,
\Vo show n very handsome ami
tivo asMJitmont of beautiful patterns
from 7o cents per pair to ? 10 jier set.
Scissors and Sheais in evety size , kind
ami style the bcst makes fiom U5 cents
per pair up.
In Kicnt variety , all warranted. See
the STAK SA Fim' HA/OUS a new
line of tills celebiated make. A full
ING sirrs.
Pocket Knives.
Wo sell the best makes , like Wosten-
helm , Ilenckel's , Rogers and otheis.
This week wo place on sale as a special
about 500 good Pocket Knives , which
noill boll at 2o cents and r 0 cents
p.tcli. These aie jood value. We have
them iu better qualities on up to % ; ! 50
South Omaha News
Yesterday afternoon an Imiucst WJB held
for the purpose of Inquiring Into the death
of William Bang , the found dead ID
Albright early jcstorday morning. PoIIt-e
Officers Deters , Shcehin and Riches testified
aa to the finding of the body and also the
surroundings. The accident occurred at
Twentieth and 7. streets. Dang was seem as
late as 11 o'clock Frlfiaj night by a police
man and he still had three orders of goods to
deliver. It Is thought that he became be
wildered In the snow storm and In tr > lng
to take i ] short cut the wagon was over
turned. When found the seat of the wagcn
was laying actoss the back of the dead
man and the weight of the \ehlc'o was holdIng -
Ing It there. Dr. Slabaugb was called and
stated tint ho had made an cxamlratlun of
the body and In , his opinion death bad been
caused by concussion of the brain. The
fact that Rang lay out In the stoim for at
least six hours also had something to do
with his death. Deceased was a single man
and ll\ed at 512 South N'lnth street , Omaha.
After considering the testimony a. verdict cf
accidental death was rendered by the Jury.
AriunKements for the funeral are yet In
Could Not Idriitlf } the
John II. Mayo and H. Decamp , the sus
picious diameters held by the police for
complicity In a recent hold-up , were brought
Into police court \osterday afternoon nnd
escaped being charged with highway robbery
on account of an Incomplete Identification
Alex Cednrbolm , the stranger who roportel
to the police that ho had been held up and
robbed of $7 35 , wvs called upon to Identify
the men , but said that ho could not swear
poslthelj that they wore the guilty 'parties. '
Ho said that ho was so excited at the time
and foi i\cral hours afterward that ho
could not bo po&ltho The prisoners were
taken back to Jail to n.walt a hearing on the
charge of obtaining money under false prc-
teiiBPH. It is eild that -Majo Induced an N
street saloon keeper to cueh a check for
$38 , representing that ho had Just urrhrd
with several oirs of cattle. It was agreed
that when the c&ttloero disposed of the
check would be properly taken care of. The
rtory about the shipment ot cattle pro\cd
to bo pure fiction ind es Mo > o has been
Identified by the saloon keeper ho will have
a trial econ. It Is asserted that Miyo lias
wealthy parents living In an Illinois town ,
but ho has not sent to them for assistance.
LlttN ; Is known of Decamp except that bo
cave a fictitious name when arrested.
Out l.ool.liiK fur Troulilr.
George Hull , Tucntsixth and I atrcet ,
was arraigned In the police court > estcrday
for dlflturt og the peace Hull entered tlio
stable of Drew or & Slwuo and started a
row. Ho bad been drinking and waa told
by Mr Ilrewer to go homo and mind his
own buslnetft Hull oKrced to do tlila and
left the place In a few m'nutcs ho re
turned and announced that ho wao not flatlt-
fled and wanted trouble. With this ho
landed a right hand blow on George Urewcr'a
eye -'nd then tried to clean out the place.
Judge Chrlatmann heard both Hides ot tbo
etory and then sentenced Bull to ten days
In the county jsll. Mr. Ilrower paid that
be had no dcairo to prosecute the young man
end asked the Judge to suspend ( jenteinn
during good behavior , and tills was done ,
. \rirrniiitli of ( lie .Storm.
Many of the sidewalks In the business portion
tion of the city- were cleared of mow by the
property owners ywtcrday and the street
commissioner's gang did eonio good work In
clewing tbo crcealcEs ot streets end ollt-jo ,
For ue\t 10 days weill make -pi-clal i educed pilci-s tin all -
Coo/c Stoves nnd
As we do not Intend tocatiy over any Heating Stou-s it \\ill lx > to \
advantage to buy now as \ \ > \\lll make prices that will sue \ott indnev
Uemeinbor nnoli > ngouts in Umalia for the cclcbiatpd
The Hcckwith ( icniiinu
Cole's Hot Blast Monitor , Majestic and
Heaters. Quick IVXt al Steel
Chafing Bislies. 5-C clock Teakettles
Tlie latest designs in nickel plated and and Stands
wiought lion dialing Dishes , with the
Aitlstlc designs in ( hese of Ruiss Copper
improved btnneis. These in Ice
lange pi per and Ovidl/ed Sihei. all of them
ftoiu .fa to $15.
up beauties , at pilot's fiom ! ? - ' to ? lli each.
Skates. Brass and Wrought
HAItNl. , } HMtUK AND Kl.M'l'LK
KLUH-35O Ul' Iron And Irons ,
We show a line line of these celebia
Fenders and Fire Sets.
ted Skates and me making the louest .
pi Ices. We stait in at . ' ) , " > cents for a good Ne\\ and beautiful designs In tlio
pair of Hainey & Herry Skates and lia\e I ) 101 nt I'd Agate Tea ami CofFeu Potw ,
them In all styles and gtades np to liom ! l."c up. Japanese , Chinuse anil
$ I 50 per pair. i'npier Matho Tinjs , ( . 'mm Tiays , eti1.
Verj little attention was paid to the sno\
In the residence portion of the cltj and pe
destrians were compelled to wade nearly
k-eo deep In snow or cUe take to the streets
where a path had been beaten Laborers
In the cniploj of the otrect railroad company - .
pany worked nil tlij In clearing the accu
mulation of snow off the tracks of the stub '
llne.i , and It Is thought that cars on the
Albright and Q etreet lines will bo lun-
ulng as usual Ioda > .
AliiKrle ( "H > CSoKNlji.
Dr. Aberlj , 23d and M streets.
Watches for bo > s nt Godfrey's
Hannon's ? 3 75 coal can't be beat. Tel. CO.
W. 13. .Morton , coal. 010 N 24th. Tel 109
Packers' National bank. Capital , $100,000.
New novelties In Jewelry. Coleman , 21th !
etui M.
Mrs. J. L Martin has returned from a |
western trip
Dorn , to Mr. aeid Mrs. John Walsh , Twentj-
flfth and N streets , a son.
The Chrlutlan church HIblo class will meet
this morning at 10 o'clock
Peter Trench of Ontario , Ore. , fe hcra look
ing oftcr business mailers
Ireland lei Pictures can be obtained at
Stott's fctatlonery store , 2108 N street.
Bert Hawley went to PcrcUal , la , last
night to spend Sunday with his parents.
A daughter bas been born to Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Wright , Nineteenth and M streets.
Iho next annual meeting of the National
LI\o Stock exchcogo will bo held In Omaha
Ex-Councilman Henry Mies returned last
night from a week's trip through South Da
Rev. Mr. Wheeler will prosch mornlrg and
evening today at the Klrst Presbyterian
chureb ,
W. A. McColliflter , nlghteoatli End Mis
souri a\cnuo , Is confined to his homo with
A Sunday echool teacher's meeting Is held
at the I'irst Methodist Episcopal church
o\ory Wednesday evening
The Mcrament of the Lord's supper will
bo observed at the United Prcobyterlan
church at this moim'ng's osrvlco ,
Mrs. R. A. Carpenter was called to Iowli ,
la. , last night by the serious Illness of her
uncle , Lev ! lloyd.
Tred Krema' bos taken out a building per
mit to erect a $ GOO store building at Twen
tieth and 0 fitreets.
Ireland lei Pictures can bo obtained at
Stott's stationery htore , 2400 N street.
The Infant child of Mr and Mrs , Andrew
Tcls , Twentieth and U stnets , died jestor-
day , and will bo burled Tuesday afternoon.
MIo O'Nell , Twenty-seventh and L streets ,
fell and broke ono ot his legs yesterday wliilo
carrying In a bucket of coil Mr. O'Nell Is
a brothci-In-luw of Dan Hannon.
The drill and degree team of South Omaha
lodge No CS , Ancient Order United Work
men , will glvo a musk ball Thursday exonlnn
of this week Paur prl/es will Lo given.
"To Hvery Man His Work , " Is Rev How
ard Cramblet's morning topic at the Chrli-
tlan church today. The subject of the i > \ en-
Ing eennon la "Hope the Anchor of the
Soul. "
Tic cable of ono of the fre-lght elevators
at Cudahy's broke jcstcrday whllo ona of tlio
cmploycn was an the cai. Aside from a
shock to the cmploje'fl nerves , no danr.aga
was done ,
Ireland In P'cturcH ' can bo obtalnod ct
Stall's Btatlonco tsicne , 2106 N hired.
The South Omaha MethodUt , a pamphlet
published In the Interest of the Klrst Meth-
odlst UplBcopal church and edited by Itov.
J , A. Johnson , made lu * first appearance
yesterday ,
On January J A , G. White will succeed
Judge George W. Howe as juutlco of tbo
peace , and will toke postculou ot Uowo'v
\e will ] i i > } "iO)1 In t icli In mi ) ono \\lio cnn
trutlifullj unte- thai < ii Int. thei > i t 10 montlii.
THAT rum HAM : ixir o\-i : I > OII.AH IN
ASvt : n\\u AU\isii : ) \\t nrcm tii
clofodt I'U'olljle touch ltli the hcn\ICFt manlpu-
Inl IH uf the mirkct nun nlio iiliFolutcl ) con
trol Itn ilistlTij Kurh luffriiKitlon an uc ob
tain Is inniiiotli mil Ij foi piicceh * ul
pppiulatlcnV niu able I iruiuh our rourcc of
lnfi > nnntlon to furnUli abKaiilc > accurate ad
vice to thotc ( ItKlrlnK to speculate In. rallun ) nnd
other ftockp \ lareo number of our patron *
Imvc nccuinulatol IIH high nx
815000 to $20,000
eacliltliln n jicilod of CO < li8 on an original
liiMPtiiKiit of fiom $ HO In ! ? IO li > tiaillnR an wn
have cllreetPilV'c iicliho > nu li > wire or by
littfi ut the proinr lime uhpn to sot In anil
lii-ii to ni nut of tlie imiikPt WI3 WIU
m : AMU : 10 AIMISI : or mi : CTOMINO
i'iu MONTH
Wo Invariably IIIVPFI our own money for our
own nnnimt In cvci > I nnrnfllon In which we
inlvltc our illcnln In 01 tfr Wi also direct the
oiiemtlim of accounts wlilih WO bo p'nctil ' In
nur linnilB or with tins relliibli broiler 111 New
York foi a ii rceiitBKO of | lolit ANe hn\o
manj Hinnll Investors who cpen ac-ounlH direct
nlth UH r om all nirh we iicrcnt JSOOO and
upnanl > < > ur rrollt on3 prlmlpai subject to
\\lllulrawnl at any lime
EffiMKham , Bliss & Co. ,
ofllco and docket. Jacob Lsvy succeeds Judge
Agnevv aodvlll take charge of the tatter's
docket , but not bin oilier.
The officers of the Kpworth league follow :
J A Johnsan , pabtor ; 13. Rowland Smith ,
president ; Miss Hittlo IiiKcrsoll , first vlco
president ; Mrs Uwile Maybury , uoccnd vloo
president ; Mrs Ilattle II JoluiBon , third vlco
prcoldent ; Jehu Kleld , fourth vlco president ;
Jweyh Ficeinan , fucrctary ; J. A. Reed , treas
South Omaha camp No 1095 , Modem Wood
men of America , hao elected olllccrs as follows
lows- Frank Dennis , V C ; n. W. Crevls-
trn , advlHjr ; Tied 1'r.irl. tlt-rk ; 15. B. 13.
Rldgewiiy banker ; J Wlll'oins , cs-ort ; C. U.
Allen , watchn.un ; N D C ckrell. sputlnel ;
II. li. Christie and William Clifton , man
age rs
\sT Kim
I''nlr , Midi \Viiriuii III M
l'orll < in of dieSlnlc ,
I'-or NebniHka Kali warmer In Houthenst
portion ; northwcttcily winds
For Invvii Kulr ; warmer , vvmterly wlniH.
Tor South D.ikota Kiilrj wcHtorly vvlnilH.
For ICiinwiiH Talr , waimer In eastern portion
tion , wiHteil } vvindH.
I''or MlKHonrl Fnlr ; vvnrmcr ; wcctfrly
Tor Wyomlnt ; r lrj warmer ; vurlablo
\v tiids ,
Iin-ill llri'onl ,
OMAHA , IH-c. 4-Oiniilni leeord of rainfall
and teriipornturo cnmiiied | with the corresponding
spending day of thu lust three years :
1SU USO 18 . 1S9I.
Mnxlmum tempcrnturo . . 21 4i 23 12
Minimum ti-mrcraturo , . U 2S 1G 1
AvtniKo te-nipernture . . . . 15 30 20 IIS
Hulnfnll 01 ,00 ,14 03
Hoeord nf temi > cr ituro nnd precipitation at
Omaha for this duy ai.d t-lnco March 1 , 1897 :
Normal for the day , 30
Deficiency for the day 15
Aeetimuluted excess slnco 'Jlorch 1 33
Normal rainfall for the iliy. , 01 Inch
llxiHHS or delltlency for tliu duy 00 Inch
Total rainfall ulnen March 1 18.C1 Inchtrt
Deficiency ulnro March 1 10.78 Inchca
I3xce for cor. period , 18M 6.34 inches
Uofltlency for cor. iiurlod. 1695.10.12 lnch 4
Li. A. W LSII , L/ocal Forecast OUlcUU.