8 TUB CXMATIA DAILY BlfiJSit ffBIDAY , DECEMBER 3 , 1807. OFFER OF OLD FORT OMAHA President Wattles Receives Word from ' Manager Eosawator. WAR DEPARTMENT WILL GRANT ITS USE ( Concede * to the Kmiionltloti A * ocln- lon the Hxolnnlvc Due of the Uc - ervntlon nnil lliillilliiKi Uur- j IIIK Next Vcnr. , I President Wattles of the exposition ro- cplvcil tbo following tclegmin yesterday nfternoon from Manager Uosewatcr ot the Department of Publicity and Promotion , who la In Washington In consultation with the .various cabinet officers regarding the Inter ests of the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition : Hnvo succeeded In Induclnn the War fltipartmcnt to Brant to our management the exclusive free use of Fort Omaha and all the buildings thereon during the exposition for the usu of our association. Recommend that formal application for a license for the Grounds bo forwarded to the secretary of -war by the first mall. President Wattles BaJd ho did not undcr- utnnd exactly the Idea Mr. Roscwater hud in vlow In securing the use of Uieso grounds , but presumed It was In connection wltli the mobilization of the militia ot the country , a uchcrno upon which the Promotion depart ment has been working vigorously ever Binco the Idea vas suggested an article appear ing In the The Bco last , March , { outlining the Bcheme. The old quitters on tbo reservation , rtvlth a few rcp.ilrs < mJ some cleaning , could bo made to answer very well for quarters lor the state or national troops , and the land constituting the reservation would afford camping ground for a largo body of itroopa , whllo the vacant land In that vicinity ( would allow of an encampment of a largo force. | , , The suggestion for tnafclng a formal re quest for the uao of the old fort will bo laid before the executive committee tomorrow end the formal request will bo forwarded to ( Washington. i IMIKI'AHIM ! THIS OUNAMKXTS. IFniiey KlxltiKi tar the nxiioNltlnu IliilldliiKH llclu Mnuufneturc l. The Mines and Mining building will bo the third of the big exposition buildings to bo covered with fitaff. The staging for the Btaff men Is .being put In place and the ornamental castings will soon be placed on the outer walla of the building. This work can > bo done as well In freezing weather as nt any other time , the only drawback being that the Joints and nallholce cannot be "pointed up" In freezing weather , neither can the plaster bo put on the plain sur faces , but as the putting on of the orna mental stucco Is by far the greatest part of the 'work , the other details glvo the staff contractors little uneasiness. Smith & Eastman , the contractors who Iiavo the staff \\ork on all of the main build ings except the Liberal Arts , have a large lorco of men at work In their new shop In the big Mliica building , and are turning out the big pieces of ornamental work at a rapid rate. The molds for all of the build ings have now been completed and the work of casting can bo pushed with the greatest ( rapidity. The making of models and molcJ/j 1 % slow work and cannot be pushed suc cessfully , but these preliminaries are all 01 anu ano nnisneu casts are Being Jilted up Insldo the Mines building at an astonishing rate. All through the day there Is almost a con tinuous procession ot workmen carrying the completed caets out of the workshop and ntandlog them against the \\alls > or posta of the ( building , where they smoke 'like ' a cast ing of Irca frceh from the mold. These casts are "green , " not having dried out fThoy have "set" nd are hard , but there Is considerable water In them and this soon freezes until the cast Is like a piece of Ice Mr. Smith , sr. , member of the firm o Emltli & Eastman , has been In the staf nnd stucco business for about thirty years having- that time finished the interior o. a largo number of important public bulld- Ifigo , among- them being the immense head quarters of the State , War and Navy depart ments of the federal government at Wash ington , ono of the largest buildings of its kind , la the world. Ho says that the freez ingof the staff casts dors not Injure them in the lecst , ao they will slowly dry oul nvhon the weather Is warm enough , and thej can bo handled Just as well when frozen as at any other time , the only disagreeable feature about handling them when in thai condition being that they are like so manj pieces of Ice and are consequently very cold A largo portion of the decorative work for the Mines and Agriculture buildings has been cast and the staff workers are now en Raged In making some of the v.ork for the Machinery building. JOMS AvTwnits GIIKR.V ItnuxnN Cltj-'H Uteeuflre Promises OimihaiiH u Meefliif ; Then- . Mayor James M. Jones of Kansas City lia ( Written the following reply to W. H. Green phalrman of the committee having In charg the arrangements for the trip of the Nebraska delegation to Houston , Tex. , to attend th fleop water convention , the mayor's lette tearing date of December 1 : Your letter received this morning and re icrred to the secretary of the Commercla club , who called a meetliiB of the otllclals or that organization this afternoon , and thr .Wll write you their decision tomorrow as to the date of entertaining your committee niicy have nn encasement for the Saturda > nlKht that you expected to be here , am Would rather entertain you ono day the following week , but they are golm ? to see K their engagement cannot be set for some other date. I liopc a date may be arraiiKCi that will bo satisfactory to you all Yoi < vlll hear from them fully as soon as tholr decision Is reached. The letter of Mr. Green to Mayor Jones called the attention of the chief executive of the city on the Kaw to the torso repl ) of Secretary ClendennlnB of the Commercla club to the request of Mr. Green that ar rangemente bo made for affording the No liraalta party an opportunity to meet with omo of the people of Kansas City and In torcst them In the Transmlsslsslppl Kxposl tlon. Secretary Clcndennlng turned the re- ciuest down without ceremony , saying tha the Commercial club "had other arrange inenta. " Nothing has yet been heard from the Com rnorclal club as to the result of the mayor * action. NchriiHkn COIIIIIIHHOII'H | | Klnnneeii , The financial report of the- Nebraska Kx position commission lo the governor for tb month of November shows the following con dltion of the fund ot { 100,000 appropriated for tbo exposition : For What Purpose. Expended to Dec 1 Ofllcora * salaries and employes' wages . , . . , , ; : ,1S4 4 Furniture and fixtures . 159 fi Ofllco supplies . . . . . , , , . 3,2.i ; Construction . , . 7,2. > 5 4 ( Aerlcultural exhibit . 4.803 i ; Horticultural exhibit . , , , . 2,116 C Apiary exhibit . , . 4ts. iJvo stock exhibit . , . . . . G.KU.3 , Dairy exhibit . ; 50f < Florlculturo exhibit . , . 43 C Educational exhibit . E.iww Poultry exhibit . 1,271.1 account , miscellaneous . 3,000 , : : Total . . $33.18lr Of the J22.3IG.83 expended during the mont Bt November , $18,439.75 was paid to the ex position management for space In the varl oua buildings. The unexpended balance o tbo 1100,000 December 1 Is ? CCS18.5S. for Ilo > ' nnil Girls' Ortlllcnt 'A number of very pretty designs for th Certificate to bo gU en 'o every subscribe to twenty shares of stock In the Girls' am Boys' building have been sent to Secretar l'rd to bo submitted to a competitive ex tmlnatlon at Iho hands of a special com nltteo. The time in which ihc-so design Will lie received will expire at 7 p. n jpocember fl. at which lime iho committee t examine throe detlgna will meet and pas Upon them. Thin committee Is to consist of three persons , ono from Omaha , ono from Couuc illuffg And 0110 from Lincoln. The Omah 'member Is Will Morris ; the other two hav not been appointed , but they will be name t > r the members of the executive commute W tbo Woman's iwrd ftr iha tire cltiei ( Mrs. Tleed for Council Dluffa and Mr . Sawyer or Lincoln. The doMfcmi will bo submitted o the committee on their mcrlta. The names f the dcilRnernwill not be made known to m committee until ftcr the selection , has jccn mode. CKYSTO.MJ ST.VTB SI AY TAICU 1MIIT. ctlvo AVorljrrn .Vciiotlnto for I'euu- n.vlvniiln'n Ili-prmciifntlnri. P. T. Ford , who Is In Pennsylvania In the ntcrcst of the Department ot Exhibits , writes from I'hll'idelphla that he has had a umber of Interviews with John H , Co crso , rcildc-nt of the Philadelphia Manufacturers' lub and also president of the Baltimore .ocomotlve works. Ho reports that Mr. onvereo has manifested considerable Inter- st In the exposition and has promised to make an exhibit ot locomotives and other illway mippllcn manufactured by his com- > any , and has also Indicated the fltcnfl to be aken to enlist the Interest of the Manufnc- urcrs' club In the matter of making an ex- ilblt. Mr. Converse has also promised to selils Influence with the governor of Penn. ylvanla to appo'nt a state commlrwlon to ook after the state's Interests In the cxpo- Itlon and arrange for making a state ex- Iblt. Mr. Ford reports that the pcoplo of Pctm- ylvanla are Interested In having their state ako an active part In the exposition and ho ntlclpatca little difficulty In organizing a movement that will result In the appolnt- nent of a commission similar to the ono now n active operation In Now Jersey. An exhibit of models of the battleships of 10 United States navy Is ono ot the exhibits vhlch Mr. Ford reports ho has every reason o bellovo will bo secured for the exposition. [ o says ho has had several Interviews with 10 head of the great shipbuilding firm of Vllllam Cramp & Sons , who has promised to ct together the models of thcso ships which ere exhibited at the World's fair and send icm to Omaha an an Interesting exhibit to 10 people of the Inland states. A collection if models of ocean liners Is also promised y the International Navigation company of hlladelphla. for the lloyx mini Rlrln. It Is the Intention of the Woman's board to nstall a library of children's books In the Olrls' and Hoys' building on the exposition [ rounds , and every author of a child's book vlll bo asked to contribute one copy of such look to the library. These will servo to muse the children and educate the parents 1 the literature best suited for children. At ho close of the exposition It Is the Intention f the Woman's board to distribute thcso ooks among the schools of the transmlssls- Ippl states In the same manner as the plc- ures In the children's building will be dln- rlbutcd , that Is , by awarding one plsture to ho school which contributes the greatest mount of money per pupil , based on the en- ollment ; another picture to the school next n order , nnd so on to the end ot the list of ilctures. The books In the library will bo llstrlbuted according to the same plan , the letalls to be arranged later. on the WIIIIIPII'H Six men and 'women of Lincoln have ormcd themselves Into a club and will at- cmpt to win the medal offered for the orrect solution of the tlsitrlMl puzzle which s Issued by the WoipVi's' ' board. The puy.zlo was printed In The llee several weeks ago and Is a concise history of each of the ransmlsslsslppl states with the names of inportant personages and events left blank , ho puzzle being to supply these blanks with ho correct data. The comi.C'tltlon ' Is open o everybody aii'1 ' copies of the puzzle may be iad by sending stamps to Secretary P. > M. ? ord at exposition headquarters. Maps for DlNtrihutloii. To arouse Interest and Induce the school children to contribute to the fund for the Girls' and Boys' building the Woman's boart ias secured a large number of sectlinal rr.rps of the Unltol States , which will be distributed over tbo trcasml&jlss'ppl region under a plat which will Induce the influx of pennies to the building fund. The maps are about Sxli Inches in size and will ber > r the Imprint o the exposition in a neat inscription. Anterr of the i\iosl | < Ion. Some of the lumber for the Art building fs lieslnnlng to arrive on the grounds , several loads of Joists nnd other lighter lumber be ing hauled yesterday. State Superintendent of Instruction W. R. Jackson Is sending circulars to teachers In ho state to a'ouso their Interest in the edu cational exhibit to be made by the Nebraska schools. William Foster of Saltlllo , superintendent of the live Etock department for the Ne- iraska commission. Is attending meetings olive ivo stock associations and stock sales al llffercnt points In the interest of his dcpart- nent. C. A. Pegler , superintendent of the poultrj department of the Nebraska commission , Is attending a chicken show at Auburn this weel to secure desirable exhibits for the poultry section , and will visit o similar event in Geneva next week for the same purpose. The gate keepers at the eypocjltlon grounds Have been ir.ade happy by the erection of sen icy boxes ! n which they may take refugd from the cold and perform their duties at the same time. These boxes are 4x0 feet In size am are let Into the fence in such a way that the gate keeper can sco pcisons or teams ai preaching from any direction. Dy an in gcnlous arrangement the small gate for fos rabscngers can be cpcncd without leaving the box. Thcfo llttlo houses are heated by a tin ) stove , which holds about a thimbleful of coal but they send out heat enough to make the interior like a turklsh hith when the attend ant forgets to close the draft. TO Cl'1113 COM1 IX O.\18 DAY Tnko laxative Dromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund Hie money If It falls to euro 2Cc. Tlio genuine has L. 13 0. on each tablet J'UHSOXAU I'AHAUHAIMIS. W. G. Whltrnore and son are In Omaha. W. H. Taylor of Exeter Is a city visitor. W , D , Farley of St. Louis Is at the Darker M , J. Stanley of Aurora Is In the city for c day. day.S. S. F. Smith of Philadelphia Is at the Mil lard. lard.G. G. W. Dickinson of New York Is a Mlllarc guest. L , fl. English ot Chicago Is a late arrival a the Mlllard. P. W. Plank , a Lincoln Insurance agent , I an Omaha visitor. F , II. Farnham of Cblougo will bo at th Mlllard a few dctjs. D. Jones and wlfo of Kansas City ar storplng at the Barker. Dr. A. P. Glnn and wlfo of Nebraska City were In Omaha yesterday. Ex-Dank Examiner C. F. McQrow of Hast Ings Is a visitor to the city. D. M. linger and W. M , Daull of Frcmon are registered at the Darker. Ex-Di uty United States .Marshal W. H LIddlard of llushvlllo is In the city. Mrs Ellen Clegs of Detroit Is to the city to spend some tlmo with Mrs. II , H Klngualt. Fred Green of Now York , In advance to "The Droadway Girl" company , can bo foutid at the Darker. Joseph P. Swlckard and wlfo and ten mem hers of "Tho Widow Jones" company ar quartered at the Darker. Charles Carrlg and D. H. Carrlg of Platt Center and Carper Stumpf ot Preston , ar stockmen stopping at the Barker. Mcesra. Jack Cudahy and Hobbb of Chicago cage came over to take- part In the cotllloa at the residence of James M. Wojlworth last evening , At the Mllcrd ! : A , F. Laughbeln , Chicago ; It. II. Matuuwsoii , Nevada ; H. W. Hay. Chicago cage ; W. E. Ileynolds , W. B , Stukcy , II. F Perry , H. J. Doderlck , H. E. Cosstrclt , fil. Louis. Lwo of absence for ono month , to ( ako effect on or aout December B , 1897 , with per mission to apply for an extension of two mouths has been granted First Lieutenant Harold L. Jackson , Twenty-fsecond Infantry , Fort Crook , Neb. Ncbraskans at the hotels : 13 , E. Thomp son , Grand Island ; J. F. Parkins , Mrs. Hamil ton , Mlfcs MutifordSpringfield ; II. U. lioun- trco , C , O. Caldwcll , Lincoln ; C , II. Alldcr , Ncllgu ; Mike Elruore. Alliance : George E. Ford. Kearney ; S. U. Thompson. Broken Bow ; W. L. Wilson , V. M. Street. L. W. Eason. Nebraska City ; Marlon Powell , E. 0. Crab- tree. Indlancla ; Ales , Dobson , Merriman ; A. W. Curtis. Chadron ; L. B. Cornell. Verdan ; W. M. Hobertson. Norfolk ; A. O. West , Kre- ( nont ; J , U. Jenkins , Scauylar , VANDESBERC IS IN CUSTODY President of Iho American Business College Under Arrest. ACCUSED OF FRAUDULENTLY USING MAILS United Stolen Anlhurltle * Kolloiv Up nn Kxponure I'nlillnhed 111 The llcp by ArroKtlnu- 1'rlu- clpnl III the Cane. Following The Bco's exposure a couple of weeks ago of the manner In which the so- called American Business college of this city was transacting business Frank J , Vandcu- > crg , who appears to be the president , fac ulty , business manager and In fact the whole hlng In himself , was arrested yesterday morning by Postodlce Inspector St. Clatr on the charge of using the UnlteU SUtcn mall for the pro motion'pt d fraudulent scheme. Ho waa at nco arraigned before United States Commls- loner Anderson for preliminary hearing , nit oa ho did not seem to bo ready 10 was given until this morning In which o prepare acid secure an attorney. Vandenberg was n very humble Individual vhen the complaint was read and ho was skcd to make n plea. Ho cald he was , not guilty and Intimated that ho was the victim t a hugo conspiracy In which the United itntcs acted the part of the base and dccp- ycd villain. At the panic time ho was so ortnln of his Innocence that ho would bo willing to go to jail , ho said , until ho was cleared , If It was not for the fact that ho was n poor health and he was afraid confinement night bring his career to a sudden tcrmlna- lon. lon.'I 'I do not think there Is any danger of that , " anawercd the United States commis sioner , "the county jail Is a nlco warm iKice , especially In the winter time , and I lo not think that your health would be ncnaccd. " Slnco the racket failed , the college presi dent then 'ook another tack and said ho did rot care what happened to him. Al- .hough bo had conducted an honest and lonorablo business for seven long years , ho lad Incurred the enmity of the United States ind was being1 hounded to death 'by Its paid ilrellngs. Doing only a poor , lonely Indi vidual , ho ea\v no chance of winning out against the government , and consequently 10 did not care wl-at was done with him. "Did you not servo seventeen months of ihat seven years' honorable business career n the Kansas penitentiary for this same offense ? " asked I'ostolTlce Inspector St. Clalr. "I did , but I WEO Innocent , " answered YanJcnberK' "In open court the district at torney and tha court of the district of Kan sas apologized for prosecuting me by dismissIng - Ing the Indictment. " United States Commissioner Anderson de cided to postpone the hearing until this morning , since Vandonbcrg said that ho had been taken by surprise. The college presi dent will be in charge of a deputy inarahul \vhllo ho 'Is hustling bonds and .in attorney. Why throw away your money for every now cough syrup , when you can buy that stitudard remedy , Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup ? For the many bcatitlful.floners and attcnd- uuco at the funeral of ( Waclav Slv wo desire to thank the P. S. Tyrs , No. 1 , Woodmen of the World Columbia cnmp. Xo. C9 , Camp of Nebraska , 4771 ; Modern Woodmen of Amer ica , Bohemian Ladles * Gum club , M'iss Mary Kotyza , American Biscuit Manufacturing company , Haydeu Brothers' , clothing depart- rnont ; Boston Store , basement ; Lodge Bolcs- leba , Xo. CO. J. C. D. MRS. SO AXD FAMILY. Personally Conducted K.vcumloiiH to California. VIA UNION PACIFIC , Leave Omaha every Friday , 3:30 : p. m. , rcach- IIIR San Francisco Monday , 8.45 a. m. Cor respondingly fast time to Southern Califor nia. Twelve hours quicker than any other Personally Conducted Excursion Route from Missouri river. City Ticket Offlce. 1302 Farnam Street. Attention , .Modern Woodmen ! Neighbors of Omaha camp Xo. 120 are requested to attend the funeral of our de ceased neighbor , diaries Heret , at realdence , corner of Twenty-second and Locust streets , Friday aftornccn , December 3 , at 2 o'clock. PHILIP MUELLER , V. C. GEORGE RICE , Clerk. Union 1'ucific. "Tho Overland Limited. " Tl.o most SUPERBLY EQUIPPED train west of the Missouri river. Twelve hours quicker than any other train to the Pacific coast. - Oill at Ticket Office , 1202 Farnam St. Palmer Hotire , Grand Isl'd , Nat Brown , pro. Frank Voilca , the tailor , lias moved to 104 N. I5th. McCacuo block. Mead Infant Koiinil. The dead body of un Infant was picked up half way across the Missouri river voslcr- day afternoon by Dan Anderson , who lives Just south of the bridse on the Iowa Mile. Anderson is a. watchman at the Union Pa cific shops and crosses the river for his meals. He states that nt noon yesterday ho observed nothing In the spot where the bo'ly wns found , but that on Ills way back , accompanied by Guy Wright of 2323 Cunilmj street , he noticed nn object enveloped in clothes and paper. It was found to be n negro child and the coroner IAUS notified. It was thought propable that the child ) nn.s dead nt birth. The open channel of the river Is rather narrow nt this point and It was evident that the body had been Intended for the runnlnjj water anJ had lodpred on the lciNo clew to the partntJigo of the child waa found on the ciothlns. Mrs. Mary Bird , Harrlsburs , Pa , says , "My ( hild Is worth millions to mu ; yoL I would have lost her by croup bid I not In vested twenty-five cents In a bottle of Onu Minute Cougli Cure. " It cures coughs , colds and all throat and lung troubles. Tliiir.Mton IIHICM1 Fnlr. A fulr for the benefit of the Thurston Hllles was commenced last nlirht In the armory under the superintendence of the Ladles' auxllllary of the rifles. The attend ance was very Kood for an opening nlsht and blgfor crowds arc expected on the two evenings diirliiK which the fair will con tinue because of special features. Tonight a ball will bo given and tomorrow nlnht a bin dinner and supper will be served. The quarters of the rifles have bten tastily arranged for the altalr. There are n num ber of pretty booths arranged about the walls , at which ornaments am offered for sale. One of the booths Is a Turkish den. another a fortune tcller'H tent and mill another Is entitled "Klondike , " and Is of a somewhat mysterious character. KtllK Souliiblf. Omaha lodge , No , 33 , National Reserve as sociation , last night gave another of Us winter entertainments , the affair this time bclnK n , "stag sociable , " A very pleasant evening was nient by the members and their friends , The early hours were spent In card pl.iylng and then an Informal mu. slcal and literary jirogramwas rendered. Bones were sungby Jo B.irton and H. W , Weir , piano selections aero played by I ) , T , Stelmbuugh and J. A , McKunnn and reci tations were delivered by Fred Cuscadcn , Lunch I.\UB also served , J. A. Perkins of Antiquity , 0. , was for thirty years needlessly tortured by physi cians for the euro of eczema. Ho was quickly cured by using DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve , the famous healing salve for plica and skin diseases. Xorth Oiiinhn 1'leiiMirc Club , The North Omaha Pleasure club guve Its regular bl-wcekly dance In the Thurston miles' armory last night. At least 10. couples enjoyed nn excellent program of dances. The master of ceremonies waa M' , Falconer , and the committee In charge con. Mated of T. Barry , J. Hllea , F. Ourdlncr , C , Hello , B. Meaney , O. Peterson , A. Mohr , I. . . Shannon , J , Cuvaimugh , H. Leary , W , nobertH , J. McDcrmott and 13. Gardiner. .Mnrrlntie JJecintcn. Tlio following marriage licenses were Issued yesterday by County Judge Baxter : Name and AildrcsH. Ago. Charles W. Starch , Douglas county 3 ( Dora Bohc , Douglas county. . . , , . , , . , . , 1 ! Charles B. Dcane , Arapabpe , Neb 62 Mary Cltmong , iicdley , Q.M.rtrunliu. . t < Liuuor Dcalert and Dru iite oiinnu ov-trui : COUIIT. Vntll ( lie further order of ( liln court a rpHtrnlrttqir order lit nl- Inwril , rrMrnlainfr the until tie fcnilniitx , 1'roll It I" Moore * , ItoIuTt i : . I , . tiiordmnii , I ) . OreKory , J. II. i I'eiilioily , W. C. llullnrclV. . , | . \Velfiliniin , mill the Ilnnrit of Klrcmnd 1'olloc Com- .inlHnloiirrN of luo clly of Onmlin , nnil cncli of them , their iiRcnt * , Tncrvnn H nnil employe * , from MolleltliiKlulvlnlnpr or liintrnct- li\K nny person , tinrliiernhln or enrporntlon Hint HIP unltl World- llprnlil npu-Kpnpors nrc the proper iKMvnpiipern In which to Inncrt the liquor notice * , or from ilolurr nny net or ( hli > T to prevent , hlnilpr or ilclnr i ' permm , purl ncrnUlp or eorporn- tloit from ndvertlnlitK In the plnlntlfT'M ucMTHpnppr ( The Oiiiuhii i\piilup : HOP ) , IIM hy the .term * of HII | < l rpK ltitloii IN con templated , or from lit nny innii- nee enrrj Inu- out HIP Mnlil rcHO- ludoii In DIP letter or Ntilrlt. NOITICH OK WA11MXG. TinInn - miller ivlilt-h liquor UCCIIKCH mil ilriiKKlHtn' perniMH nrp irrnutcd. re- Hi I r ON nppllcnntH far ilie MM mo to pub lish notlcvM of their nppllcntloiiN for two weekN In the newspaper hiivliiK I hiInrKext circulation In the comity. \iitlcc In hereby nerved upon nil per- NOIIH Intending ; to apply for lliiuor ICCIIMCH or drtiKKlNtn' permltH that The ) iunhii I2vcnliiv Hue IN the paper hin- IIIK the InrKPKt clreiilntlou tu DotiKliiH county , mill Hint to comply with the In they must nulillHh their iiatloen n thnt pupcr. Xn rpHOlutlon adopted > y nny Ilonril of Tire mill 1'olloe Com- lniloiierN or by nny oilier liourd cnu leprlve It of ItH rl UtK or lie liliidliiK upon nny liquor ilenlcr or driiKKlxt. \otlce It nlno nprvcil that The ( ) mnhi KrciiInK lloe irlll liiHUt upon ItH rlRhtn IIM the pupcr hiivlnpr the circulation in DongrliiN comity by every remedy neeorilpil miller the law anil thnt perMoiiN who dlMremird the Imv liy pnhllNhliiK iioticert of applica tion for llqunr HrciiMCN or dniKKlnlH' permltH In nny pupcr other thnii Tin Omaha KvpuliiR ilec ilo io nt their risk. r Tourist Sleeping d.ir Serviee to TexiiK I'nliilN. This departure Is inaugurated by the Mis souri , Kansas & Texas Hallway company. They will leave Kansas City and St. Louis Tor Galvestcn on the nlRht tralun of Decem ber 7 and 21 , and all other homeseckers' ex curston dates. JAMES BARKER , G P. & T. A. . St. Louis , Mo. GEORQB A. M'NtITT , D. P. A. . Kansas City , Mo. IIOJIRSK15ICI3IlV HXCUnSIOXS , Via 'Hock ' lulmnl Houto. December 7 and 21. For full Information call at city ticket office , 1323 Farnam street , or write C. A. Rutherford , Omaha. I.OCAI. The women of the Krsox Presbyterian church will hold a church fair and give n cnurcli supper at the church pirlors this afternoon nd evening. A complaint charging adultery has been lodged in police court by Vf. J. AVclls against his wife , Carrie Wells. The co-respondent h : the case is WlliUm Duncan. Mro. Katlp Champion of DCS Molncs , la. has asked Chief Gallagher to locate her son , Hm old Champion , who ran aivay from tola homo a abort time ago and is supposM to be in this city. Matron Ryan has received Rcsie Casper , a young girl from Sioux City , who will be sent to the Homo of the Good Shepherd. The girl Is barely 14 years of ago and was rescued by ( Matron Tnurston of Sioux City from a house of ill fame. Chief of Detectives 0. M. Capron of To , eka Kan. , requests the local police to bo on the lookout for a young man named William Brown , uantcd for burglary. ISrown Is sali to have robbel his mother , Mrs. Alinnlu Drown , of a gold watch and chain and to have shipped them by express to this city Ho Is then nllcgcd to have followed them here. here.While While- drunk Wednesday night C. E. Jones visited the- Hats at 1121 Dodge fittest ant attempted to throw the occupants into the street. Ho was overpowered and sent to the station. Yccterday morning he to'.d Judge Gordon that he had no remembrance- the affair as ho was drunk and was not respon sible for his actions. The Judge , however thought different In regard to the last portion tion of the statement end accordingly flncc him $20 and costs for his fun. mill ) . HOIIST Clmrles , ngcd 43 years. Fnnornl from residence , 2124'Locust street , Friday at 2 o'clock p. m. Friends Invited. Spleaidid Service to Peorla Chicago St. ,7 Kansas Clly Denver Short Lino. Quick Time. TICKET STREET , 1502 Farnam St Omaha Bail- Bearing nccognlzlnff the superior quaTitles of thl machine , tbo Transmlssiaalppl Exposition have adopted It exclusively Kmbodlcs best points of all other machine and lias many features distinctively Its own Wrlfe u * . UNIIED mmim m SUPPLIES co. ( 1011'nriinni St. , Oiuuhu , SOO DtU St. , Uc Motucs , Itu , 5 Sco them ' In our l \ Indow V * I TODAY 's the 999 , , , ' 7lIlS-lUtll > AY nwrniHg at nine o'clock ire mill let loose those t'cooi'tl-ln'cttkliiyjluo tlollni' mtittt. Ao/ they are nntjlue dollar utiitn. Then ai'a eight iJollnr , nine tlollm' , ten tloJInr stnttn , ( Ic endittg t on where yon nee them ontaitle of here. IF/iuii I/IHI neo necord breaking them 11 tut IDwontlcr how wccfiitHcllthciitforJlt'c Suits tlollarn ainl ntalse a jtrojlt , bnt we do. The IVcurimfin notion ofprofltn in reckoned It1 linen. T/ICHC Hit its tire iitrictly all wool. They arc inittlc from a hunilxome dark cheviot in the new ittylc in visible } ) Iitil. They am faced back to the arnipifs with filename cloth. They arc lined with good tnibufanfial Italian cloth , nothing fancy. They arc cut in the fashiomtltla ! button sacks. They look well , are made wall , will fit well and wear well and well , they're Jtre dollars ; that'it all. wo let them loose Wo deslro to announce to our patrons that wo have augmented our force for the holi days by the addition of two registered phar macists for our prescription department and a young lady whose cole duties will be 'o .iresldo over our cigar department and sell Huylor's candy ( for which wo are exclusive Omaha agents ) . Wo have lately made some material changes In our store which will wo trust cuablo us to not only maintain our reputation for "having the goods" but also make it possible to servo all at all times with both neatness and dispatch. Ir ul 1513 Dod o St. , Omaha , Neb. Middle of Bl ck. DUFFY'S POBE MALT WIIISKET Ail Druggists. Latest 1898 patterns. All styles , sizes and prices from We show the finest line in the city and you make a mis take if you do not see us be fore you buy. Hilton Rogers&Son , 14th and Faruam KOD A KS and CAMERAS Moke Valuable Christmas Gifts. The annual family gathering at the chll- drcn'e Christmas tree , group * of friends gathered to i > asn winter's evening all make delightful Indoor subjects for winter Kodaking , inlillo the fields and trees In snowy garb make quite aa beautiful subjects for outdoor work na do the green grovca nnd meadows of summer. Vat n ICoiluk on Your ClirlxtiiuiN JM. $ 1.00 ( o iur..o ( ) . The new Kodaks all take our Light-Proof Film Cartridges and can bo LOADED IN DAYLIGHT The Dltiiiioiul Cnincrn ni $15.00 Is a fine Instrument , Mall orders solicited. Catalogue free. THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , , rnoTOGRAjuno SUPPLIES , FRrnnm flt , 0wz , Pnxtoa THE GREATEST From our great Clothing Purchase of Ab Kirschbaum & Co. of Philadelphia , at Goes on sale Friday Morning. SUITS AT MIn - In all regular sizes from 34 to 44 also slims and stouts. BOYS' VERY FINE Long Pants Suits wotof50 ! $3.95 AH sizes from J3 to 19 THE FINEST BOYS' Knee Pants Snitsswortha4-50' ? ' Reefer styre sizes 3 to 8 Plain double breasted in sizes 9 to J6 , BIG STOS.E. . msasm&mmesxiBssss&s&ffi A Blue-Black Kersey Overcoat $4.00 nnil tlie ink dial mnrkc-il ( Iiln nclllnf ; iirl ' < - nn < Jn > t-oul tlcUi'l If HCiirvely ilry , HO lo | > fiik , for ( lint Mlilinnciil rt-nulK-il UN only tnilny. MiirUt'il 91.00 In iilnln flKiir 'N. Mfc-IcNH IlKiircH uulle irnc yi'l ninvcr- fnl ciiiniK" to eroNM ( he mlvfrdzliiK Ilur. We anlniirllly ullllmr to lie luvoNllKiiUMl IIIIOIL ( lint cliilm. If MIIIIP niHerllHliiB Unr olV 'r a IjUO.OO overrun t for IjKJ.liH , mill of ouiirHU K you nrti foriimi ( < i * ( { ) dioiiKli 1" K'1' "t cnmo II TC nnd eoiiipurc II T\UIi'our ' 91.00 oneIf OIII-M IN not hotter II IN unri-ly not Inferior , ' 1'lint v o lire nlllliiK to prove nt < lie eMiciixu of our KrouliiK iioimliirUy. If HOIIIC vtluily ndverlUcrH , liriiKKliiiv iiliuiil liclnir Iliu only nml < li Kren < en < iiulillc Iii-nvfnvtorii , in llilw KlorloiiN land , nuil liii-ludluHr C - OIT Inke , nlo nu < oeru < M of viiliunnil n klilnlnu : c&iiniiili' of CI-IIHI Icnii itonilurN , will kluilly iiriivc to the pnlille Hint they ilo wrll n ln-1- tcr overetmt f r 91.00 , Ilieii T C nicrco to iii-KiiinviL-dit" mnierliirlly mill Hleii iiMldu deffntvil. 'l'hec o crcont lire itiiule In Mnek ntjlf , ironil nnil IOIIB , velvet enl- Inr mid IIy front. The cloth l of niXmifly l lKf ( l vtool nnil liilMteil cotliiu Illllnir" , whleli iintnrnlly niiiKeH ( lie elotli llriner tlinil It Khnl of cloth recoinnienilrtl l > y HOIIHI IIM lielnw 77O5-IOOOO pure n'ool or nny otliur iicrccnliiRe , thnt IH iiiiz lc eien a weaver T ho Kt-ew Bray hnlrcil in the IIIIMIIICMM. on link for II. We don't mint It Anil > our inuiu < > hunk nn MOIIII im > you arc HntlMlleil Hull lie de erve 11. , OI'B.V KVUXINGS 1'lLli U O'CLOUIC. . _ * - * * r'-