THE OMAHA DAILY NICK : PUTD/VY , f ) , ism. i i , CURRENT r NEWS"OF - - _ INTEREST. 1 ( , FROM IOWA" COUNCIL BLUFFS. | MI NOti Mi.vrio.\ . Cooper , Flro Ins. . C I'earl , let. 372. O. L. Whklnson of Neola Is In the cltf. Hurry Murphy , co < il and wood. 37 Main. Bchmldl's bar relief photos are the latest. Epeoncr Jroeery Co. , 323 Uway. Tel. 314. Di. Shrlver. dentist. Mcrrlam blk. . rom 2 8 U. L. Wolfe of Coin was n city visitor yes terday. J. A. Scddon , business man of Persia , la. , la In the city. John C. Fo.guson of Quick was In the city FOitcrday on busings- ? . Fronds Howm-iti has gene to Olcnwood for a visit with friends. F. L-aPanl of Oakland waa In the city yes terday on business , Ill Mct'hcrsor. & Heed , cut flowers and dc- Bl tis ; ofllco 0 I'earl si. , tcl. 372. Thero'g no plaeo like home If your work's done at the illluff City laundry. William II , rosier and family of Silver fclly were In the city yesterday. Miss Ll/zlo Itlckey lias taken a position with Wollman for the holiday season , Thomas Plumcr of Dumfries Is In the city , the guest of his brother , John Plumor. A. M. Lawson and n , n. Freeman of Oak land were In the city yesterday on business. C. C. Hazcn , dentist , removed from tbo opera houno to the Dr. Plnney ofllcc , 214 Pearl. Thomas Maloncy and wtfo and Joslnh Dan- forth have gene to Callfotnla to n > cnd the Winter. The juniors of the Second Presbyterian church will Give a social at the church this evening. Prof. F. S. niton ot Chicago and II. C. "Brookovcr of Do ? Molncn are registered at the Kell. O. U. Morrlq n of Perry. In. . traveling auditor of the Cilcago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , 1s In the city. Dr. O , D. Ilurnham , an enterprising young ( business mm of Silver City , was a guest In the city yesterday. II. II. tollman of Lincoln , Neb. , - as In the city yesterday looking after his Interests In the vinegar works. Judge John N. Weaver and wife nro regis tered at the Kcll. They Intend locating In ( this city permanently The best is good enough for you. Noth ing less. Send jour work to the popular Eagle Laundry , 721 IJwny. II. J. F. West and II. W. Drcjor of Auburn , Neb. , are In the cltv. They haui some chickens on exhibition at the poultry show. The case of J. W. Faublc and Charles DIckenson , charged with the theft of some Jiay from the Lougco pace ! In Crescent township , was continued until today. Jcccpli Dugan of Indianapolis , Iml. , Is vls- itlns the family of C W. MacDonald on .tenth street. Mr. Dugan la connected with a largo carpet house of Detroit , Mich. Rev. T. iMcK. Stuart of Charlton , la. , Is In the city visiting his son , David Stuart , of the firm of ISaumlers & Stuart. llev. ( Mr. Stuart . was once pastor of the Methodist church here. here.Will Will Doughner of Red Oik Is In the city Visiting friends. iMr Hotighner will be re membered as having taken part In the "Mikado" when It was presented here about Q , year ago. The funeral of James Mlthen took place yesterday from Saint Franc-la Xavlor's church , Interment being In the Catholic cem etery. The funeral was largely attended and a largo cortege of friends followed the 10- inalns to the gra\c. The remains of the 'ate P. J. Hanson , who died a fortnight ago \Vitll6ton , Mont. , w 11 arrlvo In the city this morning The funeral services will bo held this afternoon nt 3 o'clock from the residence of the parents , 321 Washington avenue , llev. J. H. Scnsenoy ( will officiate. At the annual meeting of the Ladles' soci ety of the First Presbyterian church the officers for the ensuing jear wore elected. They are : President , Mro. F. A. Illxby ; first vco president , Mrs. S. Sawidoro ; second vice president , Mrs. Fry ; secretary , Mrs. F. II. Hull ; treasurer , Mrs. A. P. Hanchctt. | The section bands on the Northwestern road have been busy repairing the puzzle Bwltch In the city dcpo > : jards. One of dho ewltch engines while passing through the ewltch lost the roll and In leaving the track , toro up a considerable portion of It. No one I was hurt and outside- the injury to the track end the Inconvenience occasioned In adjust ing matters the loss was trivial. C. D. Vlavl Co. , Ionian- remedy ; consulta tion free Office hours , 3 to 12 and 2 to 5. Health book furnished. 32G-327-32S Merrlam block. N. Y. Plumbing comr.i > tny. Tel. 250. " I.nlt'H n n Ann. H. H. Marten , proprietor of the Holsteln dairy , located In the southeastern part of the city , met with nn accident yesterday afternoon that came near prov'ng fatal , and resulted In the loss of hla right arm IIo was engaged In feeding a power feed cutter , and Jjy some means h ! hand \\as caught In the knives ot the machine and his arm drawn I In above the elbow. The obstruction Inter posed .by the bones of the arm partially stopped the machine. The screams of the man attracted the attention of other work men and the power was thrown off bcforo JIartfii waa drawn further In'o the power ful knives. His arm was found to bo fear- * ully mangled and almost torn from the eockct. The mangled arm was amputated. ' 'A ' handsome pair of black kids will bo given every lady attending the iModern Wood men ot Anierlw card party and dance at K. of P. Tiall Tuesday evening , Dec , 7. Watch for the list of prizes to bo given way at the-M. W. A. party. TVorlc of IntoNtlKatliiKCommittee. . The legislative Investigating committee hau concluded Its Inquiry Into the conditions and { workings of the Iowa School for the Deaf end will today begin the work of examining the affairs of Dr. Powell's Institution at Qlonwood. No report , of course , wa made of the condition of affairs at the local Insti tute , but the eudilon completion of the work Is given as evidence of the fact that every thing waa found to bo In ex col licit condition. Do you skatoT Splendid skating now get your old skates ground and sharpened up by on oxpeit. The Council Bluffs' Cyclery bavu ( added a power sharpener ana will sharpen up tbo dullest tkatca at 1C cents per pair. Modern Wuniliiicn The Modern Woodmen last evening elected itbo following olllcers for the ensuing yenr. jVcnerablo consul , J. C , Fleming ; worthy Adviser. Harvey A. Do Long ; tanker , J. J , fitowart ; clerk , S. H , Sn > der ; escort , B , n. Iloffer ; watchman , J , D , Austin ; sentry , J. N. Miller ; member board of managers , W C. Dojcrj camp phjelclans , Drs. Cleaver , Enyilcr and Heller ; delegate , 0 , 0. Saunders , Cleanliness , Even Heat , Hnse Heat. n < ncr luforo buun with soft coul , jf | torn ofbnftconl 1 ton of linnl , A report from llev. J HciiK 1113 Katt I'lfrco St : "J ha > e been using > our Hot lllutt ulth soft coal a fuel for tU \ > rek \\'e ere \ery much ( ilcated ulth It. U 'not only K\\CU \ an jooj atimactlon as our hard real ba e Imrnrr , but U ea\lni ; a lame part of the rxpen if heating. " ce It Running atCOLE COLE COI.H'S , n Main St. , Council Bluffs. MIL.TON UOOEUS & SONS , Omaha. QUO. .W. flIUUGS , BouUi WORK WILLNUT START TODAY Construction on Manawa Railway Extension Proceeds Doliburatoly. MANY DETAILS YET TO BL WORK D OUT Knlo of < lir IlonilN ntul Similar I'ro- cccilliiKH AVII1 Ilrqulrc ; nt l.omt Thirty DION' Time Ill-tore CniitrnutH Arc I.ft. There will bo some disappointment among the people who expected to sco the work ot grading and track laying on tlio Manawa railway extension begun at once. C. H. Han. nan said yesterday that It would probably be thirty or sixty da > s before the real work of building would bo commenced. "In the first place , " said he , "It will take thirty da > e to get out our bonds and eomo additional time to Interest eastern capitalists to the extent of advancing the amount of money necessary. Then additional tlmo will bo required to get the material on the ground after the con tracts arc let. U was Impossible to do this preliminary work until all doubt cast on the chatter was removed. Dut wo will make good our promise to have the line In operation by the 1st of May. To do us any good during the exposition season wo must have It nnd wo have no nnxloty about the result. Wo can lay the three or four miles ot track ncccssiry to connect the Manawa line with the I'aet Omaha road In thirty days from the time wo begin. The power house can bo built In two weeks and the machinery can bo put In place very quickly after the build ing Is finished. " The new company contemplates making a tradlc arrangement with the Omaha company bj which the Intter't. lines can bo used on Mnln and Pearl streets nnd on Broadway be tween the Pearl street Junction and Twelfth street If these negotiations fall there will bo music In the air "If we can't make trafllo arrangements with the other line , " said Mr. Hainan , "we will begin work of paralleling it at once. Wo will proceed strictly under the state law. This and the authority gl\en us by our charter - | tor to lay our tracks on the streets and public .places Is all of the power we need. We will parallel the tucks by laying one rail eight | Inches oulsldo thi ? present tracks This Mil bring all of the four extra ralh within the spuco now covered by the tracks and there will be no other obstructions placed In the streets than the four additional mils l > lng within eight Inches of the others. We will parallel the other tracks on Hroadwny when wo begin the woik of construction , for It will bo necetsnry for us to do so to einble , us to continue our Ninth street line. This will be run down Droadway to Twelfth etreet , | tl-ence acictx to Avenue A and on to the new ( bridge Into East Omaha. We will not name I the route to bo taken from Avenue A until wo hive settled the right of waj with n nuin- , ber of people whoso property we will have to cro-s. " At the meeting of the city council on Mon day night the ordinance will have to be tikcn up and passed again ns if It was a new- one. It may bo passed at one sitting , or it may call for three separate meetings. The council will have the power to make any changes It fcees fit , but there Is no likelihood of any being made Domestic stxp : wrappers call for spoons. ! run vvriNn HUI.CS Itdtriicy Rrnrrnl Mi-rnnlliciiN tlu- Sliiiul of < h < - SIntc Itoiiril of Ilcnltli. The attorney general of Iowa has been called upon by the State Board of Health to answer many Inqulrleo that have como from the local beards concerning 'the enforcement of health laws , particularly the disobedience of the quarantine rules. Violations have boon the rule In Council Bluffs , but no pros ecutions have ever been started , largely for the reason that theie was some doubt as to the authority of the local police department. The attorrcy general gives It as hh opinion that under the statute H Is a criminal offense for any person to violate the regulations and rules made by a local health board. This In cludes clsobedlence to quarantine lawfully estibllshed. It Is albo the duty of the county nttornej to give advice and ccunsol to the local boards of health , and to prosecute per sons who violate the rules of the local boards and refuse to obey the order of quarantine. The pococdlrss to Impose a fine should be brought by information In the name of the btato , It being a criminal action. The attor ney genaral nlso holds lhat the local basrd has full authorl'y to prcaeiute all physicians wl-o by neglect o-r otherwise fall to report at once cases ot contagious diseases that come to their knowledge cr within their practice. If the Information 1s not drawn toy the county attorney ho shouH bt > notified at once of the action and date of the hearing. The opinion will strengthen the determina tion of the local board to take prompt meaa- urea to suppress all cases ol contagious dis eases , and to maKe the quanntlne elfectho by punishing those who dUoboy It Domestic soso wrappers call for spoons. Tivo-Yi'iir-Old on HIM Tni rU. A 2-year-old boy , whoso nanio no one has been able to learn , had a whole lot of cx- peilenco yesteiday and was given several free rides. Ho was put on the Milwaukee pcenenger train at Manlllji on Wedncslny evening. The train had goTio a long way to ward Council I ) Hi IT H bcforo the conductor discovered that Ibo youngster was alone. The only words ho could speak was "papa" " "and "mamma , " There wun nothing about him to tell where ho belonged. Telegraphic Inimlrlcti were made to Manilla for Informa- | tlon , but no ono could bo found who had lost a boy of his slzo and character. The llttlo follow was taken to Omaha , where he was kept all night end yesterday morning ho was returned to this city with the Intention of taking him back to Manilla on the evening train. During the day word came from South Omaha that the father of the boy was there waiting for him and the little fellow was again taken acrces the river. Ho hid no fault to find with the treatment ho had received from the railway men and enjoyed hla experiences In all the stages. Domestic Boai > wrappers < : all for spoons , Settling tlu > .Siirolal nicHlon. The work of eanvabslng the voies cast nt the Mnnawa Hallway company's special elec tion will bo commenced this morning. The work will bo done by the mayor and the city clerk , Considerable Interest Is taken In the work by the men who served as officers of election In the various precincts for the reason that the pay roll cannot bo made up until this work Is done. There were so many changes made In the personnel of the force nt the last moment that the original records of the city clerk are valutas for the purpose. In a number of the wards t-onio of the Judges and clerks originally appointed forgot all about the election and failed to appoir at the polling places and substitutes vvcro put In their places. The for tbo pay roll has been In the hands of the city clerk for suvernl "dae. The motor company ban figured the entire ccst of the election to bo a trlllo under (1,500. Domestic soeo wrappers call for spoons. I'rof. IIU.-j-K Colurnilo Trip , Superintendent Hlsey returned yesterday from a short vlolt In Colorado. IIo was called there to attend the state meeting of the department of superintendence at Ounnl- son. Prof. Hlsey was on the program for ono address , but ho managed to make hla brief talk so Interesting to the Colorado pub lic school directors that room was made for another epecch from him. Ho went from Gunnlson to Pueblo In company with the superintendent of the city schools , whom ho had met at the utate meeting. The Pueblo superintendent Issued an order closing the ucnooU at 3 o'clock la tie afternoon tor the t purpose of permitting the Iowa mnn to ml- i dress the teachers. Comparing tbo public | reboot work of Colorado with that ot Council ( Bluffs school ? , Pi of , Hlsey waa forced to nd- Imlt that the Colorado pupils were far In ml- 1 vance ot the pupils In the Council Bluffs ochools In the matter of reading. He at tributes this to the largo amount of supple mental reading furnished to the Colorado pupils. Prof. Hlsey made a ehort visit to Kansao City and was greatly Impressed with the magnificent public school llbraty which has just been opened. Domestic BOCI > wrappers call for spoons. co MM i TTI : n m : i7i : CTS A HUTTOX , for Uootnlnjr Council lllulTn Hud of ISxiinslilnn , The executive committee of the Transmls- slsslppl Exposition association met last even ing < to receive the report ot the special but ton committee. The design of a button was submitted to the association at the meet ing last night and -approved. The button Is a real beauty , small and very handsome. It Is flvc-clghtha of an Inch In diameter andi Is a gold band with ahllo enameled back ground. In the center Is the profile ot the Cicail ot an ImHm chief < ln gold bronze with red and white feathers , illcneath It are the words "Council Bluffs" In dark blue letters. So certain was 'Iho ' committee that the asso ciation would approve the design that a con tract was partially entered Into with the manufacturers , who have been In correspond ence with the association , 1o make the C.OOO required. The members of the association vvero greatly pleased with the design and approved nil that had been dono. The com- mlttco was continued In the work and made the permanent button committee ot the as sociation , to liave charge of the buttons nnd look after their Falo. The fact was disclosed during the discus sions ot the evening that the articles of In corporation of the association had never been filed for record In the olllco of Hie secretary ot state , nnd the secretary was Instructed to procure the necessary number of the members' signatures today and forward the papers to DCS Molnes by the evening mall. The solicitation committee was authorized to icorganlze by filling a number of vacancies In Its rar.'o nnd discharge some duties that have long been ncglecteJ. A committed of three was appointed to confer with the secretary today and fix his salary for the next five months. The work of his olllco will be suoii that It will require the use of the most of his time. The next meeting of the association will be held on Thursday evening. Woodward Brothers , the ntchitects , had on exhibition list evening a wash drawing of the bly 'tcpco ' to be erected on the exposition grounds. It was greatly admired by the members. Ulue prints were ordered to bo made of the drawing and the working plans which have been prepared and i approved. i Welabach mantels , cosmopolitan mantels I nnd all kinds of mantels at 35 cento each at BI.\by's , 202 Main and 203 Pcail. Doth SiilfH Want the Hoy. Jcsao Leo Van Wormer , an 11 car-old boy , was brought before Judge Green jcsterdny afternoon In the district court upon a writ of habeas corpus. The writ was sued out by his mother , Mi's. Cunningham , nnd wno directed against Lucas M. Overmcjcr nnd his wife. Mrs Cunnlnslum was divorced from her husband. Van Wormer , an engineer once well known In this city , at Webster City four or live vcars ago. Theio were two children , the boy In dispute and the girl. The court awarded the mother the custody of the girl , but neglected to make any kind of an order concerning tbo boy. The boy was taken by the father and eventually turned over to his friend , Overmojer , who Is nlso nn engineer , running a switch engine In this city. It was brought out In the evidence taken yesterday that the father had given the child to the Ovcrniejers with Instructors to keep the mother from getting him. In the meantime the father died and the mother married again. She has been endeavoring to come to some understanding with Jfr. nnd Mrs. Overmeycr by which they were to give up , the boy. Ho Is n bright , manly llttlo follow , and they have become very much attached to him and have consequently refused to enter- , tan ! any propositions fiom the mother , hence 1 the summary appeal to the court The do- 'fcndants ' allege that Mrs. Cunningham Is not the proper peison to have the care of the boy and propose to show It by evidence. i During the afternoon an effort was made to compromlfco the matter by submitting the j casa to the Judge on an agreed statement of 'facts ' , but when the statement came to be made up wide disagreements as to the facts arose and further hearing waj postponed until Satutday afternoon. A new Industry ! Have your skates made to order. The Council Bluffs , ' Cyclery build skaitrs to order at reasonable prices. A hand made skate of fine materials Is always the best \oiiiar | < > ll IOH 'N tin * SuH. The libel case of Miss Ilurlbert against the New Nonpareil company was given to the jury at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Judge Green In his Instruction ordered the Jury to find for the plaintiff , holding that agreed btato of facts which wns submitted to the Jury constituted libel per so. The amount of damage wns left to the discretion ot the Jury. The instructions wore that If only n wiong had been done the plaintiff and she had failed to show that she had been finan cially Injured no pecuniary consideration was to bo pwrded her , nnd the \crdlct might bo for 1 cent or $1 , or any nominal amount , but If she had suffered financial Ions In addi tion to the Injury to her feelings , then the jury should return a verdict carrying a sufil- clcnt amount of money to compensate her. The Jury In the Nonpareil libel case re turned a verdict last night of $250 for the plaintiff. Victor Bender , manager cf the pub lishing company , announced last night thnt the cost * would bo carried to the state HU- piomo court , and higher If possible and nee- ussary. Notice of appeal will bo given today. Can't Fool tin ; I'iiilc. | . The belt evidence that Sargent sells shoes cheap and does the business is to be found In the crowds tint dally visit his store. If your gco-Js are right , and 4he pr.cca are right , no fake advertising or Jobbing sales ate 1 noc < led 'to ' got the business. Everybody knows tliut Sargent carries the finest line and makes thu lowtt > t prices , and thnt la why i Sargent's store la always croivdcd when 1 r > 'hcr shoo men are- longingly gazing out I through their front doors. To deserve this . generous patronage- Sargent's ambition. and that Is why ho never resorlfc to fake sales or fake advertising , SAUGUNT , vSlg-n of .tho . Dear. A yard of roses or other flowers In the winter time Is leitnlnly n great luxury , but that Is Ju t what wo are selling , and they are almost ta natural as life Itself. Call and look over our largo line of Prang's and other panel pictures. C. I ) . Paint. Oil and Glass Co , Masonic Temple. llt'iil KNH ( ( > TrnnsfcrN. The followln < r transfers are reported from the title and loan olllco of J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street : U. N. Kl'ls nnd wlfo to C. A. Moore , lots C , 7. S , 9. 10. 11. 12 In block 31 , Hull- ro.ul add , w ! . . . . 11,500 J. U. Stiurt and wife to P. H. Wind , a 22 feet lot 9. block 7 , Grimes' mid to Council 1 lluIff- | o d 1 Jneob MoiU'iihon to Hyion H. Smith , lot 9. block 12 , ( ! r linen' add to Council niurrs , w d coo J. J. Stuwart , executor , to Leonard I3v- crett. executor. 41 mv'4 15-74-41 , tl. . . , 2,000 Sheriff of Pottnuiittamlo county to N , I * . Dodire. lot 4 , block 12 , 1'lerco's tub- illv to Council Hluffs , H a , J21 Flvo transforH , totnl M.222 . Mi-clN In RICHMOND , Vn. , Deo. 2.-A charter VVIIH granted hero today for the Southern Sugar IleflnltiK company. The maximum papllul of the company li to bo Jl.000,000 , The ob ject of the company Is to encourage the ralslntr of Hugar hccttt nnd to engage In the m\nufacturo : of beet sugar. It la the pioneer neer cnlerprlbo of the kind In this section. Moi'lc Vnrilk Itnti ! IlcilniTil. ST. I/OUIS , Dee , 2. The directors of the National stock yards at Cast St. Loula have reduced the price of Imy S cents per 100 pounda and corn 15 cents per bushel , Sev eral months ut'o a similar i eduction was made. ' TRAVELING m OF IOWA Annual Moating of ti6 iDrnminora ot Tea KoineofTeclay. ASSOCIATION IN EXCELLENT CONDITION KITort Mill IIo Mnlto'fa Sectirp n Tivo- C'cnt It.itte nti'tlirllnllrimilt Aniiiinl Election of Ulltcerx. , DBS MOINI33 , la. , Dec. 2. ( Special Tele gram. ) The annual meeting of the Iowa State Traveling Men's association will be held here tomorrow. It bis now 10,100 mem bers , carrying $5,000 Insurance each , or $50- 600,000 In all. In the last jcar losses ot $80,500 have been paid and the cost per policy bas been $9. It Is now the second largest commercial trovcfers1 association In ( Jio country and , the financial report will In- an excellent condition. Fred Mitchell ot DCS Molnes , president the last seven years , will decline re-election lind W. N. Wheeler of Des Malms will succeed him. W , II. Smith will probably bo elected vice presi dent and F. G. Haley will be made secretary foa the eighth annual term. There are sev eral contests for places on the board , there being five vacancies to be fllleJ. The ques tion of a 2-ccnt rallraid fare , which the or ganization lies been agitating for several years , will como before the gathering. A majority will demanj the appointment of anew now and strong legislative committee to putti the work before the coming legislature. It Is proposed to secure ube co-operation of like organizations In other purls of the country , EO that a uniformity of demands' can bo brought nbcul. The Iowa association wants a thousand-mile book sold at $20 Hat. Nothing less than a house-to-house can- VIIBS of Iho entire state of Iowa is the tre- mendoua task to be undertaken by the Iowa Bqual Suffrage society , backed by the na tional organization It Is proposed to make a poll of the 540,000 voters In the state on the subject ot female suffrage. The plan has just been completed in Its details b > - the cx- ccutlvo committee of the suite association ami a circular will bo sent out In a few davs setting It forth. Llats are to be made Item tbo poll bosks of all voters and tbeao , by townships , wards and precincts , are to be canvassed by committees of the workers. Each voter will bo asked bis views on the suftrngo question ; whether In favor or op posed ; whether willing to have It submitted to a vote of the people , and whether the ex pressions Indicate a chance for effective mis sionary work. All answers will be kept and listed. Tiho completed poll will be the first otio of ithe kind ever made In any state In this cause. Tac poll lists In this county are being copied and work will bo begun la tbo other cities at once. \VHLMIU THI ; nocroiis nis IIMMI ItcuiiliitloiiH for the I'rncllec of .Mrillcliif Dfcmvil Too Scre. . DBS MOINES , la. , Dcq. 2. ( Special. ) The clcelng of a sanltnrlilm In this city has caused a icvlvnl of Interest In the medical practice low of the state. It Is explained by the manager of the sanitarium that the cause of suspension was the severity of the medical practice act , but others say It was simply because of lack bf pationage. It Is stated that a number of persons are/ prepar ing to make concerted attack on the Iowa law relating to the practice of medicine before - fore the legislature next winter with a view to securing Its repeal. The law 71s It now stands requires that after'January 1 , 1899 , the Board of Medical Examiners can recognize no college as In good standing which does not require four full courses of twenty-six weeks each In separate years. The attorney general has decided that n& credit can be given for graduation from a scientific college - lego or university , and under strict construc tion no credit can be given for graduation In pharmacy , dentistry or veterinary medi cine. Referring to this requirement and the medical practice act In general. Dr. J. F. Kennedy , secretary of the state board , sajd : "There nro very few colleges In the coun try there Is not ono In Chicago , nor do I know any except those In Iowa that arc at tempting to como up to this grade. Without reaching this grade , however , their gradu ates cannot be admitted to examination after January 1 , 1S99 ; without examination no cer tificates can bo granted , and without certifi cates the penalty for practicing medicine In Iowa Is a fine of not less than $300 nor more than $000 , with the costs of prcnecutlon , and to stand committed to Jail until fine and costr nro paid. "H Is well that the medical colleges of the entire country should understand fully these requl'ementH as to graduation. Until Jan uary 1 , 1899 , however , all the conditions re quired after that date will not bo enforced. Any one , with or without graduation , may bo admitted to examination and , If success ful , rccclvo a certificate , and the four years' course will not be required of graduatca un til after July 1 , 1S98 , as previously an nounced by the board. The fee for a certifi cate or diploma Is $5. For examination It Is $20 , which entitles the candidate , In case of failure , to a re-oxanilnatlon without addi tional fee. No certificates ore Issued on "length of practice , " nor are they given to mldwlves. "Another feature of the n w law relates to Itinerant physicians In addition to the reg ular phjslclan's certificate required of all. These men are required to take out an itin erant phjslclan's llcor-ao , for which they pay Into the state treasurer's ofllco $250 a year. The fine for a failure to comply with this provision Is the same aa in case of practic ing without a certificate. "Physicians who , under the old law , re ceived certificates to practice under the five- year clause , and mldwlves who were per mitted to practice when the law was en acted , dn not have their relations disturbed by tbo now law. "A provision was Inserted In the now law exempting from Its provisions such physi cians as had been In previous practice in the state for five consecutive years th'ee years In ono locality but no requirement Is laid upon the Board of Examiners to Issue certifi cates to them. They are liable at any tlmo to bo culled on to establish bcforo the courts the right to practice , Testimony by oath or affidavit ot practice under the old law would convict them as bring law-breakers. " TIII : HIOII M vWAS A itoimnu. Pilled HIM Sinn- with RonilN TaUi-ii friiia ( InI I HUT Storcn. HAMPTON , la. , Dtfc. 2. ( Special. ) Later developments In the taso ot 'Mr. ' Abley , charged with grand larceny , are somotthut toiifjitlonal. When It wan found that he had kpB to fit other stores In tbe town of Snef- flcld an Investigation' vtas made and the other merchants found they had lost goods on many occasions. Since then the safe In his Btoro has been opened 1 > y the olllcers and the revelation made popflrtned the general opinion that Able ) had Ijcen helping himself to things Ii\ all the otlity stores. Hlngs and other Jeueliy of overs ; .description , Including oovoral lakes' nnd gentlemen's gold watches , wcra found. Moru goods' are constantly being found secreted about ( ho premises which go to show Unit Abley did pot confine his opera- tlons to liio town of Sheffield. A merchant | from LUcomb has Idipritlfied a considerable 1 quantity of dry gooJs that vvero taken from 1 hlb store. Jonas Schlraslnger ot Hampton Identified clothing otolo from the car In the yards at Hampton and for which tbo rail road company bad Bottled. Mr , Hobble of this city found three bicycles tbit were stolen from him last summer. As Ubley Is Eupposod tu bo worth at least $40,000 and Is the- richest merchant In Ebeflleld the cute great Indignation. Would Hint' MAUSHALLTONVN , la. , Doc. 2. ( Special. ) The first tangible movement toward en couraging the sugar beet Industry and the ultimate establishment ot a factory In tuU city since Manhall county raised $50.000 for this purpose several years ago ban been taken , i A call bas been. Issued , .signed by of the IpidlnR farmers and businessmen mon of the county , for a meeting to bo held In this city on Saturday , December 11 , for the purpose of Intelligent and united nctlon , as a preliminary step toward the establish ment of n sugar factory. TCils Is the only proper procedure , as the raw product must bo forthcoming bcforo the building of a fac tory Is feasible. OAI.Ii 1'Olt A MJ\V KI/nOTIO.V. town DHInlon , I.cuprno or Auicrlcnn AVhrclinrn , In In Hot Wntrr. OEDAIl HAPIDS , la. , Dec. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) JE. Kcstomtatsky , chief consul of the Iowa dlvlHon , League of American Wheel men , today sent a message to Secretary A. C. Miller of Des Molnes directing lilm to IMUO a call for < i new election of officers ot the Iowa division for the coming > car. The now election Is called to settle the trouble that has arisen over the alleged Irregularities nt the lust election , which resulted tm the elec tion of C. A. Sherman , editor of the Record of this city , for secretary-treasurer. iMr. Sherman received n majority of 13 votes over Ed P. Carter of Kcokuk , end the frlendsi of the latter gentleman Immediately made charges of fraud , claiming that Mr. Sherman and the present incumbent reso-rtoJ to unfair means. They have thercforo taken this means to vindicate themselves. Another reason for calling the now election Is that five reprc- Ecntntlves-at-larKe chosen at the last election , while the state Is entitled to only four. ASSAILS OM"OKrim xnw LAWS. Action HORIIII nt Council It In IT H Wntolioil by .stale Olllocrn. DES MOINES. In. , Dec. 2. The state trcas- urcr's ofllco Is considerably ngttatcd over on action bcBUii by Frank S. Shlnn In federal dis trict court at Council Bluffs to restrain col lection of the state collateral Insurance tax under the law passed by the special session of the general assembly last winter. Shlnn questions the constitutionality of the law under the fourteenth amendment , which pro vides that "No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or Immunities of cltlrcns of the United States , no- shall any state deprive any person of Jlfo , liberty or property without duo process of law , nor deny to any person within Its Jurisdiction the equal protection of law. " The casa Involves the estate of Prank Stewart of Carson from the administrator of which the state Is attempting to collect the tax ( Iocs to till * AN > IIIIII. SIOUX CITY , Dec. 2. ( Special. ) Mrs. Ida Hazen , despondent end broken down In health , was today taken to the hospital for the Insane at Clarlnda , la. She la the di vorced wlfo of A Hazea , formerlj president of the Farmers Trust company of Sioux City. and the promoter of the Homo Telephone company. Hazra secured a divorce a few years ago. and then he married another woman. He Is now In Alcekn , having had the Klondike fever. The first wife was prominent In social circles , and felt her hus- bead'o act tcrrlblj It has proved upon her so much that her mind gave wa > , and now a phjslcal and mental wreck , she will be placed In a state asylum. Must Nol Him li Ilnstlle. DES MOINES , Dec. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) Police Judge Sllvara today called the po- llco officers bcforo him and Informed them them that the city Jail Is not a bastllo and that they have no right to lock people up Indefinitely and release them at will with out filing Information or bringing the action to the attention of any magistrate. Thomas Carroll had been arrested on suspicion of a small theft and locked up for several dayn. No record . .was made of It , the court was not Informed and after a while ho wns turned loose 'because ' no evidence had been devel oped against him. Complaint led 'to an In vestigation with the above results. Inlicrltimce IJ'MV to lie Tented. DES MO1XES , Dec. 2 ( Special Telegram. ) The new collateral Inheritance law , passed a year ago , providing a granduated tax on all Inheritances going to collateral heirs , will bo tested. . In the federal court. The law has been the cause of great trouble in Its ad ministration , and the caee to be taken up as a test comes from Carscci , Involving the tax on the estate of Charles Stuart. The ob jection raised will te on the ground that the law violates the fourteenth amendment to the constitution that "No law shall be passed by any state abridging the rights of any citizen ot the United States. " Slmvv I.OIIVOH lies MoIncH. DES MOINES , Dec. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) Governor-elect L , M. Shaw left town to day , after two days with the polltlclars and without announcing any new appointments The general be lef from the statements he has made to friends of various candidates Is that John II. Prime of Des Molnes will not bo appointed adjutant general. Tbe ex pected defeat of Prime has Improved the cLanccs of W. E. Obleness for commlcfloner of labor. VILLISCA , In. , Dec. 2. ( Special. ) About seven weeks ago Mr. E. n. Fltzslmmons , a teacher In the High school , was deposed , aRcr an examination , for conduct unbe coming a gentleman and teacher. Two weeks ago ho brought action against the board and a very racy trial was heard bc fore Superintendent Clark of Red Oak. The decision seems io bo. against 'the ' board on account of the nonlegallty of their proceed ings. i-n C'onvi'iuToday. . SIOUX CITY , la , . Dec 2. ( Special. ) The annual meeting of the National Llvo Stock exchange will begin In this city tomoriow morning , and will continue for two dais. It will bring together prominent reprebbnta- tlvrs of the various live stock markets of the United States. Matter * of great Importance to otockmcn will bo d'scu ' ed. Fnday night the business men of Sioux City will tender an elaborate banquet to the visitors. CoiiiniKH .Snlcldr. HAMBURG , la. , Dec. 2. ( Special. ) Mrs. Stevens , the wlfo of a farmer living In the Grange Hall nolghbarhoad , eight miles south- oa'St of here , committed suicide yesterday by shooting herself In the forehead with n revolver. No cause Is given for the act. Work of n llorMTlih'f. . VILUSOA , la. , Dec. 2. ( Special. ) Sunday evening as Mr. Kyle and wlfo of North Vllllaca woat from the church to their car riage to go homo a thief jumped Into the carriage and drove off. The carriage was recovered , but the thief escaped. Io\\n .Nrv'N .No H , Ten young men of Hamilton county nro preparing to start for Alaska In the spring , G , M Rend of Dea Molnes has announced himself a canjltato for state dairy commis sioner. Charles Beny , son of the baggage master for the Chicago d Northwestern railway at Tama , fell between on eng'lno and the coal sheas at Tama and had his thigh broken. Six men were caught spearing fish 'In the Den .Molnes river at Fort Dodge. They vvero fined $19.90 each and the fish they had oaugiit were given to the destitute poor of the city. Jerry Cunningham , u guard at tbo peniten tiary at Anamoba , was almost Instantly killed by the discharge of his gun wbllo he was In the K u a id box How tbo accident hap- ponod Is not known , us ho was alone at thu time. Francis Dunlavy , i farmer , committed Birl- cldo In Jefferson county a few da > s ago. Ho had Juet returned frem Nebraska , where ho had been engaged In , farming several years , TRY GRAIN-0 ! TRY GRAIN-0 Ask your grocer today to show you a package of GRAIK-O , the new food drink that takes -ho place of coffee , The children - ren mty dilnk It without Injury as well oa the adult. All who try U. like It. GHAIN-O hau that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java , but It la made from pure Brains , and the most dellcato stomach receives it without distress. U the price of coffee. 150 and 253 per package. Sold by all nml wont lo the homo ot his brotlier-ln-law , T S. 1'bczum , near lUmgow , wlioro the deed WAR committed , < llural free mall delivery will bo Riven n trial nt Mt. Vlrasnnt , provided tlio merits of th t pMco nro found to 1 > superior to those of Hrookl > n Is. , A special ORcnt of the 1'ostoinoc department will Investigate Anil decide bct cc the t o places. i\-Scnator : Talton K. Clark ot Clarlnda las : tdkm his son , A. II. Clark. Into part nership with him In the law business. Cedar Iltplrts will FOOH bolsltcd by Presi dent IJ. Ilcnjamln Andrews , who will lecture on the evening of Iho 13th on "Robert K. Lee. " John Strangler , a farmer of .Ccrro Clonlo county , Is looUlnp { or his \\-lto nnd little child , She went nwny ostensibly on a vlMt about ten dajs ORO , but he finds now that she did not KOturu ftlio said the was going und that his hired man dls\ippc < irel about the same time. Ho ea > s he wants bis llt tlo girl back , but the wlfa can go. limn Prt'N * ! Coiumciilt Atlantic TclegMih | : With free silver ns Iho war cry of the next campaign Iowa will hmo n solid ropubllcnu delegation In con gress , ns It now has , lies Mnlncs Capital : In the Judgment of the Capital there should be no change In the form ot the Australian ballot as ll\c-,1 nnd dcttned by the code. The people will teen bo acquainted with the law and then the ballot will bo popular. Council niulTs Xoi.iparcll : The persistency shown by "Storm } " Jordan In opening up a raloon again In Ottumwn Indicates that ho thinks the business pujs better In a prohibi tion state than In nny other , and ho has hnJ plenty of experience. Marrhalltown Times-Republican : Expres sions arc being made In favor of a short ses sion ot the Iowa legislature this winter. The laws of the state hid Bilch a thorough overhauling at the recent extra session that there Is not much need of gene-nl legisla tion. There Is little doubt that almost num berless bills will be Intioducoil nnd that the committees will bo led through an' Intricate web of measures for reform. It will require a firm hand to stay the tide of change. The legislature will bo controlled by the repub lican majority , nnd ns the party Is pledged to economy It can best carry out Its obliga tion In this respect by hewing to the line In the matter of tlmo and In expenditures of public funds. 3&2C&0S ( Oil SYPHILIS ) A "Written Giinriipteo to CURE CASE or MOMY jsEruMui > . Our cure Is permanent nnd not a patching up Caco trenlett Ionyar npo lmMne > u ! t-cuia tampion tincc. lyles.nrlblnjr > ourini e fully we can tnat > ou by iimll. niid cul ciniHHK > ktioiiKrfuaianleatocuivoi irlunJ nil money. Those ulio nnl r to como licrc for mm merit IHTI do Huaml up u 111 ptj rnllroail Inio both uins ami liotcl Llll * nlillo lieiu If * e fall inn'c Weclml jftuit' Uieuoild roraia > c ttmt our 32itilo Itemed } till n > t euro Write lor full pnrtluilcm niul get lln > ctlilMiie Upknowthaljounio > l.f.tiral | Ju tl > totuo as thu mo t eminent ptobiclan * ha\c .mcr l > in aLlo to ili e more than tcmpomrv icHcr In out tci. > c rs piaethcultli Ihli .tlua-Ir Itrmeilv It has been inont UlRleult toivi'n.oinolliuprpjHillccsncailnbtalUo- ( perinea Hut nntler oui ftlons iruatsiiteejoll should not hetltntcto < n tl Imrmcdj. You inkc nochaiicaol loslns } our money V o Ruuiuitie. to emu or iiluml ocr\ dollar and ns wo lni\c i n-iutatlon ( o pioteci nlo IlimneUI hnoklns of SSOO.OOO , ft l perfecllj mfcloall nhoulll try the treatment. lleitMoloicjuv hau > bctn I uttJntr ' ) ] > ami palng nut > our mone ) for tlineicnt tuatinentSHnd although3onaienot jctiuiic no one Iius paid Imck your moncj lu not a te nn ; moreniui.o until vou tiy us. OluchionicocipKiitCvl eates cuvedin thlitj to ninety daj * . In\eU ate oui financial utandlnK , our reputation , as tuiKlneFS nuu Wilto u for names and nddrcttca ot tlio c c have cuud.vlio hmo gfteu iKtrml' ioii to icfer to then It costs 5011 olil ) poslnpe todotnlsi It ulll t-a\eyo IH vorid of tuicln ! fiom mentnl strain , indlf > ou re married what mivjour otlfprlnu sutler thiouli } < .ur OH n negligence ! It 3 onr pj mptoms nre pimiIe on laeo , BOIU throat , mucous patelies | u mouth , rhtuniutlun In bones nnd jufnU. hair falling out , eruptions en an > i ait of the body fei llnif ol peniral deprehplon pain ? In head or Sonesyou iinta nollnie to wnfte. Thorc Aha are eoiutantly taking mercut.t and polut-h should dls. continue It. Cim'lant um of thri-o drug * " ' " turelj brliiK tores and lalliur uleeru In thu end Don t ( all to write. All curiehpondencu fent xialed In plain tmcl opett V.'olntlto the most rtirld inieNtiiratiou aniitalJ' do all In our power toafdjouln It. AddiebS , COOK REMEDY CO. , 1101 Masonic Temple , Chicago 111. DR. E. G. WEST'S NRVE [ AND BRAIN TREOTEKT i THE oniGIUAL , ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS , In Bold under positive tVrittcn Guarantee , deuce , NorvousicEa , LnpDltndo , all Dmins , Yonth- ful Krrors , or Kxeeeaivo UPO of Tobacco , Opliirn , or Linunr , v/hlrh loads to Misery , Consumption , Insanity and Death. At store or by marl , $1 a boz ; BIX f or f5 ; with writtencnnrantco to euro or rofiinil money , finitir'lc jmcU- nsCi containing Jlvo dayo' treatment , with full Instructions , 25 cents. Ore rnniiilo only tolil to each poreon. Atetoroorbytnail. Label Special Extra Sttcngth. Tor Inpotoncy , Losa _ . 1'owor , lioat Mnnhood , Hlorillty or Rarronnosj.1 , , $1 n bo ; sir for > , 'written irua loctiroln.l'doo. u mail JIjrrH Dlllnii DrilK Co. , S. D. Coriiut Ifltlt anil I'liriiiini S ( , , Oiiiiilia , Nub. ABOSISCTHB-NOSE , How Catarrh Is Made Worse by Inhalation. A Popular Fallacy Concern ing a , Common Dlsoaso , There In only tno way lo cute cntnrth nn4 thnt In by Kl\ltiK the body nutritions food , proj > - fcr clothing- , regular Imblts nnd pure nlr to [ brrnthe , urp1cmtntrd by such remedies n * wilt l.tfp the tcmporntmc of tlio body nonnat nml c\cnly dlitilbutril. To miff up Irritating lnhn Inntu li merely to dUlodge n qunntlty of mucou * anil to nbuxo nnd Irritate , ( tilt farther , the In- llamcd mucous inrmbrnnn. Hire li nn Intcrntlng experiment. 1'ut th feet In n M > s l of hot water. COMT the fluuiUlrr * nnil body with n woolen blanket nnJ then Inks ix hot drlt'k Inlo the ttatnnrN When the feet hn\p absorbed the heat of the water , or what I * mole bdtntlllc , luuc become equally nil warm tin the water , Ret Into bed and pcrpplro freely. If } oti mo n catarrh fuffcrcr you will experience n sudden clearance of the air piftnRps and will breathe without dllllrully. This ought to con * Mnco any one that entarih cim ne\er be reached by nilffliiB things Inlo Hip nose. There la a remedy Known nil Gnmi' Cntnirh Tablet * that glvct tlio Mine Kcntinl bcnellt n the foot bath , without tlie ittacomfoit or danger of taklne more rold , or the weiiUenlnir Influence of nro- fuco pvivplrntlon , ami It Is the only rmcdy that will cure cntnrrh. It l a dry Internal remedy. Af1 ( nt the duiKtilMtiheie > oti tiude for a beT of flan * * ' Cothrr.i Tablets , tnade b\ ( ' 13. ( laupn , Mnrahall , Mich. If not to be found rend 10 rents mid n box of ( he tablet * will be mailed , p'epald , alia n valuable little book telling all th fnctti about catarili. Mount Vernon PURE RYE Owing to its fine , full , mellow V' flavor , this whiskey command * the high , est price in barrels ( to wholesale deal ers ) of any bir.nd now on tlio market , and k the basis of most of the bottled tled blended whiskey now so extensively advertised. Hottlcdnt the Distillery with nn absolute ( lunrniity ot I'uritJ and Origin-it CouJltloit The consumer buvinir this the only distillery bottlliiB of" MOUNT VPItNON ( In HlUAII ) ( > Itotttcx , each licnrlni : the Num bered ( limrnntN Libsli M-CIIIOS the blcb- ott L'incloor I'llic Hjo WhlKKey In Its natural condition , mitlroly fico fiom iidiilternllon with cheap spirit'nnd ll.ivorlngs , FOR MUmClNAL USF. It lira the Inilni ciiient of Ibr ino t prominent phy-li'lmis throughout tlm United btntes. I'm Halobj All IVllublo Denlon. Till- COOK K linUNinn.Mlil ) CO , Ncu York bolo Aixcntt for tlio Uttltct ! States JOHN LIMlU ! , SaljWcstcrn AdJtlt Conn II Iluff4 , li , s , ES , jEoGEi jEoGEiDENTIST -DENTIST Hooni : i - , Morrluni HlouK , Take iie\ator. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS Oetobir 20 U07. rois HUNT , SAI..U OK TUADI : n y I'OIl HUNT Iloutes In Council Duffs J13 ou t > ei month Cherrv Hill and one aero of Kiound , fruit mill garden $12 BO per month New store room 20\CO , on Uroadw fiv. J9.00 per month r. ' Third St . C rooms mil Imrn 9ii w ) per month IZth fit. nnd Ave. H , tfood birn. J7.00 per monthjlIO Uroailna ) , stire room. } C.W per mor'.i rOC ( Iraham avnuc , C roonn J3 00 per mcr , n 160 Rldpo stitet G-room house. J4.00 per r * inth llause un Ninth street. } S 33 per t' onth A Mill Im&nfcCi B ncres 2 mllet ( rom town \\lll t.iKo out-half of the tent In v ork. J400 Good house. bir. / } niu" two lot 2311 rifth nvc. . montlily pajments. J7 per month J2CO Oood IIOUFC nnd lot on Avenut 11. tictnren eighth ami Ninth Pis , l.r per month } 200 OooJ house und ! ot on Cth im-nne Lotneen 21th nnd 20th Ets. . montlily pajments , JO per month 13 lots In Wright's add for sale at a very low price , 1'AIIMS TOIl SALE- , 123 per acre 240-ncro farm , 1 miles west of Orls. weld , cnptern part of I'ottannltanile oount > } 23 per nrre 40 acres of BJol fnrniinu land north of Neola. j- per acre Wfll improved ro-ncrc farm ensl of I.o\eland , Pottawnttnmlc ccunty. J23 per ncr 40 ncrea of irood farming or fruit lind. 3 miles from Sidney riemonl county. $25 per ncie 30 neies of good fruit land , with small house north of HnmLurK. Trimont i-ountj . . . . . f5 per acre-40 acres of eood Iinttom land , some limber , 2 miles i-nutr of city limit * J20 I'fr ncrc SO ncies of K < " ! hotlom In ml , J miles south of Council JllutTs. 10-iicie tracts of land 2 miles soutii of South Om.iha , will InKc part najment In city piop- trty Good farms for rent Apply to LiONAIlD nVIJIlETT. 1 I'earl St . Council Itluff t , Jown $13 00 per acre 40 acres of good land In Monona c'ounti rive imd tcn-ncro tracts near the city for sals Good , cheap Ncbrnflta Innds for pale. Wll sell nny of tlie ubovc pinpirty on small p.-Sincnt down , bilanco In ten unnual pay- Other KOOil fanns for pale AVIll t.ilie part lrad In tlly propcrtj or Muallct farina , balance long time , annual pajmenl' . rilUIT , rAllll AND aAIir > EN lands for tale or rent. Day & Hera , I'earl street. MONIY : TO uoAN-itinrnn TIATI : ON llrst-claEB lmprnvp.1 . farms nnd nEl < n c Iv properly. Apply to M. Co tndy , jr. , .31 Mum fat. InftriictlonR. Albln Ilustcr , Fturllo 33S lli'i-idw.iy Gtiman method of Dreslen ConaerNntory. SCnJinC. I-A11.M 1.QAN3. J.V. . . CITV AND mil SALT ! AT A IIAUOAIK. A HMALL HUT W..1I ostabllshea nn.l IPmunerntlve ' "ereantlla biielnops. ln < iulrp of 1) . W. Oite , 1J3 1'carl tt , Council llluffs , la. Reduced Prices ! New King of them all , with th3 b93t mantle and c'rtmnB" irndp Brnusloss < ? as and mukss more II ht than any other lamp In he market. STEPHAN BROS. , 529 Bway. SOMETHING REAL GOOD ( FOUR KLAVOUS ) VANILLA , CHOCOLATE , STRAWBERRY AND MAPLE. Made for Trade Who Appreciate Quality. DEALERS SUPPLIED BY * - # J John G. Woodward 6c Co. , .Wholesale .Mantifiictiirini ; ConI'cctloners. Council Bluffs , la. SYPHILIS OB BSD BLOOD , KruiJtluni cured by TurLUh Curt ) , uotir full * toe , tio.mii InuUminc Ulnflo with IIo ttt truanta , V 00. HAHN'8 PHARMACY.