- - fr TUB OMAHA DAII/Y BEE : FRIDAY , DEOEMJ3EK 0 , 1807. SPECIAL OTICE8 jLilrcrtlficiiiciilii tor llicnc coJitmnit nllt lie InKcn tinlll IS tttnr the cvcnlnpr nn l until 8 | i. m. tar * ' ' iiiornltiK nml Siinitny edition. * . AilvcrllKcm , by rfiinrnllnw n mil" " lirrril clirch , cull IIIIVR nii w * r * < ' rlrcn c < ? tn ii iiiiiiilierril letter In cure of The Hoc.iwtrn HII nil lrc ei1 will fce rttllvcrcil on iircneiilntloii of Ilic check only. Hilton , 1 J-Uc n woril flrst Insertion * 30 -.vonl flK-ri-iiMt-r. Noll-Inn : InUrn for ICHH thmi IMc for tiic llrnt liincr- llon. Tlit-Nf nitvprtliicinuiilM muni lit run coiiNccutlvcl ) ' . \V.\XTnU SITUATIO.VS. APANESt7 , flil8T.OI.AsF"COOKi DOES very fancy work ; refined family or pastry cook In hotelj reference * , Addrei'.i ' II f2 , Uco. A -"M 153 j WAVI'l-ill MAliK HUM' . _ CANVA8SKHS TO TAKK OHDBHSlNEW WNK ot worli ; no heavy Roods to cairyj talury or commlMlon. C. F Adams Co. , Ml So. Hlli St. BAI.ESMf.N I-'OIl CiaAItS , $123 A MONTH AND expenses ; old nrmj xp rlence unnetersary , Inducement * to cuMuinera. C. C. lJI hop & Co. , Bt. LouK U-7M _ 11KN AND 1IOYH WANTKD TO LlIAItN TI1I3 burlier trailo ; only elclit week * require , ! ; every thing in the business thorouulily tnusht by con- Mnnt prnctlco nnd expert teachers : ultuntlons or lor.itlonn furnlnhMj write for free lllnstrnteil ratnloKitc , Molcr > Dnrbcr college , 1107 I'lac HL , Bt. If/lila. / Mo. _ 11-MMfl DS * _ IWANTKD , THAV13I.INO AND LOCAL HAI.KS- men catering to time trmlo , none other neca Bpily | , li > rell our Old l > enrborn It } ' , ! , liottleil In turn ! , on commission ; Btiite territory wnmp ; ' to 'rover nnil fend recommfnilntlonH. v , i. Squibb & Co. . dlstlllern , L t'llACICBH 1IAKKUS AT TIIK XVANTKD. 2 Anierlcnii Ulscult & M'f'B. Co. , ' " " 11-nn JacKflOii at ; . _ CANvTssTnis WANTKO TO si-u. : mm tJ. , . Klre Klndlera nnd Oil Lain. K. lrvle tructll.e . U. household. : llls n wnnt found In PMry B. MnnufnclurlnB Co. , Fond du M KKHI'ONSIW.U (1HNT1.KMAN FOIl TJIAVKI.- P ItiK position ; $77 per month nnd ? , * t'n' r.to . C' I1-M14. la' right pnrty. AddteiH It CO , Uee. - \VANTKD. A KKlJAllU : MAN AS SAI.KS- Jmnn iml window dresser In = < " ' ' ' * ' " " ' ' 5 * Address D M , lice , H-M14'J WASTKH FUM.VMS DO amus FOH AI.I. KINDS OF WOHK * . 3 to jr week. Canndlan Otnce , 1522 Douxlna. _ SVANTED , aOOD GIHI. l-'OIl OUNKHAI. honseworlc. 1024 1'nrk nvenuc. C M114 3 .WANTKD , MlDW,1--AOKD I.ADY , WBI.I. rccommcnilNl , for seni-riil housework and lo cnre for throe children. Address A. 13. KMtipcr , North llend , Neb , C MKI 3 dtnu ing or Ironlnff. JvATJTB" " . ' WAIST AND picuiT"TiNisnius. I Mrs. 11. C. Moses. 313 &J. l.tli fet'c,1M. LADY FOR TP.AVKI.1NG t'OSlTION ; SA- i J40 to J75 per month und expenses. Ad- * 11 01. Uee. O-M1ISD VOIl KHXT10USI5S. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis Company , 1500 1'urnam. ' D 85j ' HOUSES. O. , 108 N. 13TII ST. HOUSES. WALI.ACE. 1IROWN ULOCK , 10TH and DouKlas. D-937 FIDELITY BARGAINS. ONLY A FEW LEFT : 951 N. 27th ave. , 7 rooms , bath , closet , hot water , gas , furnace , line condition , only JJO. S73 N 27th nve. , 7 rooms , bath , closet , hot water , cistern , furnace , cemented cellar , 203 r et fiont- nge ; nil rooms to be painted nnd papered ; $2i . 2120 Bpauldlntc Rl. , 8 rooms , rlty water nnd cistern Inside , W50 Just spent in repairs. Rent. HO. 1S2S S 2St1f St. , 7 rooms , city water Inside and cistern. Entire house to be thoroughly repaired _ , and papered. Rent. $14. li SDH N. 2tth nve. , 8 rooms , clly wntei Inside , ? 3'X3 If being spent for rcp.ilrn. Rent. J12. If 3SW Seivnrd Jt , , C rooms , city wattr. cistern and linrn ; newly papered ami painted. R nt. ? ! ' ) . -5C22 N. 31st St. , C-ioom cottaKe. clslern ; $3. 5301 Corby St. . 7-rooin cottage , city water , cistern nnd barn. Rent , J10. S323 S ISth St. . 4-room coltiiBe. city \vater ; 19. 712 nnd 714 S. ICth St. , 7-rcr.m Hals , bath , closet , hot water and gas ; f20 to $ :2. Ol" Izard st. , 4-room Hats , city witer ; J7 to $9. We have nthers. Fidelity , 1st n. N. Y. Life. HOUSES , COTTAGES SSTORES. . ALL PART. of city. Ilicnimn & Love Co. , 210 S. IBf.i. D 939 1 > ARGE LIST. M'CAGUE , 15TII AND DODGE. D 940 HOUSES. FI\TS. , GARVINRROS. / . , 1C13 FAR'M HOUSES "FOR IlENT. DEStlS , 1'AXTON 11I.K. D-942 HOl'SES. J. SHERWOOD. 423 N. Y. LIFE. D SIS RENT , CHOICE 12-ROOM DETACHED modern IIOUPC , Inquire 254S Capitol nvenup. D Oil MOVING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. Om. Van SStoniRe Co. , 1311' $ Farnnm. Tel. 1359 D 943 HOUSE. MS SO. 2STH ST. . 10 ROOMS. MOD- ern. 110.00 per month , llyron Reed Co.D046 D-046 C-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE AT 415 NORTH 19th st. . tlS.CO n month. 5-room modern Hat nt 1103 Pacific St. . J10. Apply to W. H. Mellde , 1st Nafl Rank Milff. D-1II7 HOUSES ALL PARTS. WEAD , 15 & DOUGLAS. 13 475 D15 * BTKAM HEATED llOUSE , 2011 IIARNEY ! D 40'J D13 t-ROOM HOUSE. "iioTERN CONVENlTlNCES. 2310 CiilcnBO st. Inaulre next door. Andrew Smith. D M73 ! ) ItlllCIv F1T. . MODERN ; REST PART OF town ; wnlkbiK distance. WllllamFon. CO I lice bulldlnir , D MS11 Fo"ll RENT LARGE N'TNiToToOM TlOUSE near California nnd SSd St . , nil conveniences ; with or without batn. Inquire 50G N. Y. Life bulldlne. D 9i : : > A FI'UNISnED 10-ROOM llOUSE CHEAP FOR ono year ; nliv location. Address 1151 , Il' . 11-133 2 > FCm RRNT. ELEGANT C-IIOOM COTTAGE. SCtli nnd Cnldweil His. ; for Inrormnllon cnl Natlonnl Clothlnir Co. , coiner lltll and Dnui- lim Sts , D 130 B l'-OR RENT , EL1JGANT S-ROOM HOUSE" with nil inodern linprovementa , corner 23d inn Chlraco ; for Inrormatlnn rail Natlimal Cloth Ins Co. , corner lltli nml Doimlau Sis.Dt:0 D-t:0 5 J.-OR RENT. L.MUli : S-ROOM 11OPSE , MOD- rrn ; No , 1SJO Park nvt-nue. Inqulnat 2130 S. nl Mreel , or eall telepliotw 1J27 after r o'clock p. m. D MHO A FURNISHED KMtOOM HOUSE CHEAP FOR one yea i ; nlco location. AOdri-tn II 54. Hoc. D-M15I S I'Olt HHNT KIIIIMSIIICD ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLE- nmn In private fuinlly , 1910 Capital Ave , K-M 7J-I.4 TWO SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS , KOI Wcl" > ter ( itieet. I-J MTM ! ) & TWO LARGE FRONT ROO.MH. AIX OVH. IIAY xvlndou'i uteain lu-ul. 411 North 17tb. IV-S37-D-4 * 'i-'i'uvisinn : ROOMH A\I > HOARD. BTEAM HEATED ROOMS WITH HOARD. 20C9 Ilniney F 3IO-D-1S' THE MERRIAM , FIRST CLASii FAMILY HOtel - tel , tb and Dodge Sin. 1' il7"7 TO N. W. nrr of ICipofiltlon crnundii and put up at thu riaratojcu : best 13 u day lmu e ; hairderx , Il.r.o tn K.OO ; llrrt week , 12 ; one meal free ; wo mo mulilnR a rcputntlon now ; after liie Enponltloi uiieiu we will make innney ; all modern con- Trlephone IW ) . F M7S3-D-H ROOMS AND HOARD , 51C SOUTH 2CTII ST. 1 * * " ( brf 1 J" * NEWLY Fl'llNISIIED ' ROOMS AND HOARD liot water healOJ Cu HI. F MSCC-ll.J * KC T'JUVATBT'AMIJA * . 11119 DODGE. l'--M9H-D-S ROOMS ; FURNISHED CXJMPI.KTr for bousi-Keeplng ; parlor , dlnlns room , klirhvn tit Nottlijath. F-M103 " f-U RN'isHE7rFRONT"'lOOM8. ' H1NGLE OR EN- rultet moilern ; tlrlf first CBM Ixuiid ; prlie * inodyratr. CM N. h St. F-U1IS : IU3U1D. lit * WK ALSO FL-RNIS1IEO rconis , :01r F-UO i IIOOMS AM ) 1IOA11I > . ( Continued. ) FRONT ItOOM , MOD- c-n ronvcnlcnce i private family. 703 P. zstn street. F-MH07 _ _ _ ELIGA"NT : FRONT itooMs. STEAM IEAT , Ixjard. 1509 Capitol avenue. P t7l5ASANT ROOMS" AND HOARD FOR GEN- tlemcn In pilvnte family. UU N. loth. N IT E L Y FlMl N I SI I K fTl lOO M S i HOARD. 1911 Davenport , F Ml" 3' KOH 1U3XTSTHIES AMI FOR RENT-IN THE HRIJ RL'II.DIXG ! One lare corner room , Sd lloor. xvllb vault nnd ptl\nt > omcc , water , etc. One Inrge front Voom , 2d floor , divided Into two rjoms by partition ; water , etc. One l.ifKc corner room , 2J floor , with vault , water , etd. One front room , divided by partition ; third flofr. One corner room with vault , thlnl floor. One Inrse room , third floor , wltii partition dl'ld- Ir.c It Int3 one Inrce room nnd two itma.ler jilvute rooms ; water , etc. Two Inrpe cround floor rooms , fronllnB lth St. , with vftnlt. Pcveral rmall roonH on fourth floor , with vaults. All these rooms are hcMfd , with steam , electric llRhts. supplied with first class Janitor service. Elevators tun d.ly nnd nil nlshtj Imlldlnff Ktrlctly fireproof. Apply to Superintendent. Room 104. Dec bultdlnir. 1-108 FOR RENT-DE8IC ROOM IN GROUND FLOOR otllce , lleo building ; water , r-ti-nm heat , clcctrlo light and Janitor rervlce. Apply to Supsrln- tendent , Ilee bUllillliK. 1 197 FOR RENT THE l-STORY 111UC1C HOILDINO nt 916 Fnrnam St. This liullillnR has a fireproof cement basement ; water on nil floors , cas , etc. Apply at the offlcoot The Dec. I MO HOTELS. STORES. 11EM1S , 1'AXTON RLK. STORI5 IIOOM , ! 2xM FEET : STEAM HEAT ; CIS N. ICth pticot. Apply C19 N , 16th street or I. N. Watson' CM N. Y. Life liulMlnir. I Mir > 5 * AOHXTS WAXTK1I. WANTED AOBNTS. LOCAI < AND GENERAL ; new article ; ROOI ! seller ; excellent potlt ; male or female ; pnlnry 'when proven efTlcient. A. L. Gray & Co. , St. Ixnila. Mo. J M37D5 STOltAOIi. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , WS-OtO Jonex ; ncncral stornKe and forwnrdlnK. SI-SIS OM. VAN & STORAGE , 1S1H4 FARN'M. TEL 1S3D JI-919 FRANK E\VKRt4. STORAGE. 12H HARNEY. Hauling nnd packliiB , cheapest rates. Tel. 9Vi. ' ' M 950 W.YXTKllTO 11UY. WANTED , GOOD SECOND-HAND IIILL1ARD and pool tallies ; onu of each. Address An drew Heekman , Sidney , Neb. N M9SO D3 WANTED TO I1PY OR LEASE l-THl A NUM- ler nf yearn , > n piece of land sultnlile for lea liouws , loojted somewhere In- North Omaha near nlpaved street. Address I ) E > , Ree.Nir. N-ir. FOR SAI.H JIISCKLLAXKOII.S. SAWDUST. I3U1.IC OR SACICKD-CRI RHINO and hoff fence. C. R .Lee , 901 Douglas. Q-SJl SND-HAND 11ICYCLE.S. OMAHA RICYCLE CO. Q-Bf,2 LATEST STYLES LADIES' CAPES AND JACK- els. eary payments ; drop postal , will call with sample. K. Hlrsh , 1CM Kyncr Ave. Q-SW DL'7 HARNEY & HERRY , SKATES. 53C TO S3.,0 , ; skates sharpened , 15c. Omaha Hicycle Co. Q-920 C I. AIIIVO YAXTS. PROF. WHITNEY & PROF. PIERCE , the celebrated clairvoyants , palmists , etc. Prof. Pierce Is an understudy of Prof. Wnp- ney'a nnd docs full form materialization nn physical manifestation. He In the wonder of the present century. Ills cabinet wotk la a marvel and In his line he has no equal. If you have nny desire to ree spiritual mani festations RO onca and you will no again. Also slate wrltlntr. typewriting nnd nil the liner foitns of materialization. Prof. Whitney reads your complete life from the cradle to the grave. He has no cniijt . Reunites separated husbands nnd wives. Thousands crowd his otllce. Go nt once nnd consult these celebrated me diums. Prof. Whitney & Prof. Pierce , otllce 1522 Howard St. , corner of ICth St. Hours from B n. in. to 9 p. in. Ladles , COc. Reading by malt , enclose ! two stamps. fi MS02 D-3 * MAS.SACK , ll.l'rilS , HTC. MATHS. MASSAGE" LAURA ULLIHU N . Crour.Be Rlk.ndU ) N. ICth St. . room 12. uprtalrs i TTT T M907 IM MRS. DR. LEON' . ELECTRIC MASSAGE HATH parlors ; restful nndi curative.117 S. llth. up stairs. T M917-D-5 * MADAM SMITH , 1217 , DOUGLAS , MASSAGIT ( iten'm bulb ? . T M132 S * P KHH OVA I , . VIAVI CO. . UTERINE TROIJRLUS. 3 < C-8 I1KK Rldtf ; physician , consultation or health book free U 933 RATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST. SlIHi S-lSir U-934 CLOTHES CLEANED. PRIMSED AXD U-- palrcd ; day or nltrht ; dress pulls for hli < - . Pantorlum , N. E. Cor. llth mid Farnam. Tel. 9G3. U-933 LADIES IN POOR. CIRCUMSTANCES CAN RE- relve free nttendance In confinement by ap plying to the Crclghtoii Mi'dlcal college , 14th nnd Davenport Sts. Telephone 1157.U . U 276 D-9 OREENHERG , THE SPECIAL LADIES' TallDr , laieady for buslneas. 170S Webster St. U-253 D-b MO FOR A CASE OF SUPERFLUOUS ilAIR thnt I cannot cure. Madam True. Pnxton Rlk. U M753-D-3 * PRIVATE HOME FOR LADIES BEFORE AND during confinement. Rabies adopted and cored for. 1C20 Cumlng. U 922 D-5 II MB. LA RUE , VAPOR AND MASSAGE baths. 1112 Farnam. I. ' SIWS D 29 MOXKV TO 1,0 AX H 12 A I , I38TATM. MONEY TO I/JAN AT LOW RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , irx33 Furnnm St. W 930 ANTl.N.OAN & TRUST-3iN YL. ; nulck money at low rates for choice farm lands In lowu. ncrlhein Missouri , cnitcin Ni-bratka. W D3T _ LOANH ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVKDT-ITY property. W. Farnam Snilth > t Co. . 1320 Fai'm \V-95S WE HAVS MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH our eastern correspondents by which \\o can loan money on fnims In eastern Nebraska. . . 219 S. ICtli. llrciiiiiiii-l.ove Co. , W--M272 D9 FROM J100 I.'I'WARD. F. D. WUAl ) . liiTH and DoURlas. W 473 D14 MONEY 'r w-oci _ _ MONEY TO UOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA teal estate. Iliennan-Iyve Co. , 219 S. Ktli. W 960 IIOO CO.CO SPECIAL FUND TO IAN ON llrst-claBs Improved Omaha properly , or for building purposes. Fidelity Trust Company. W 8C2 G PER CENT MORTGAGES FOR SALE. PROPerty - erty of non-renldc-nts rnred for by W. II. Melkle , First National Hank bldg , , Omahn. W-9C3 C PER CENT MONlTY. ll.COO ANo'lJl-WARDS , on gllt-edHCd Improved Omaha real i-Btntc. Remlii , Puxlon block. W "Jil MONl-.Y TO IX AN ON IMPROVKD FtEAL estate In Onviha , Council llluffs and Houth Omnlni. Pusey & Tliomnv , 603 First National Dank , Omaha , W M10J 3IOXHV Tl I.OA.V CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , hort-es , wagons , etc. , at lowest ratitt In city ; no lemoval nf goods ; ttrlctly conlldcntlal ; you can pay tlie loan off at any time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. SOO B. ICth St. X-9C1 misixi'-ss CII.IXCH.S , TO" GET IN OR OUT OF 7IT.8INES8 GO TO JL J , Glb on , 511 1-lnst Nat'l IJnnk. Y-Wu CTENERAL SToTiE lTJ"llIG HcTllN RAslNT W Y ! omlnc , very prolllablc trade , with 320-aero ranch , Intituled , under fence , In cultivation , irooil ILOUBPB. luiriiH , granaries , etc. Owner be lieves the Investment will return price asked In tuo or three > THm. Rare opportunity for the riBlit iwrly to make biz money. Clear Omaha lentnl prnperty taken at part of pur- chate. G. G. Wallace , 512 J. J. Rrown blk. . Omaha , Y " 93 GOOD P08ITIONAND INTEREST IN nuEhly n > tubll hrit/buiiliie > , s ; only thing of Its lilnJ ; laree profits ) tarty mutt be huntkr nnd lmv gnmll umount of capital. 311 First Nat'l lUnk. Y-112 2 _ FOR HAI.V : FOR CASH. STOCK OF O1IN rrul niercliandUe : Invoice about II , KU , In- rludtiiR fixture * ; > loliif good builncis ; will tear Inspection : W t of reaioii * for ce'.llne ; location lowu of Mw In nortlieaktern part of tate ; bckt of faimlus country. Addrcu 1 } K. B 9. Y-M151 rou vnn i > ntAMi.w clear vacant Omilm lots fir llilrnco propeity. Address with full tmtlculnrs. llox JC2 Omnhs , | _ g MMt Kim HAM : IIHAI. KST.VTH. KOt'NTXE PUVCE IJARGA1NS , : , "X ) , U,7SO TO 16,900. J. J , Glbeon , 511 First Nnt. Rsnk l > ldff. RE-9CD FARM 1.AND8. C. F. HARRISON. 512 N. Y. U RE-MH3-D1C. * HARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS ; sale or trade. F. K. Darling , Darker Hlk. RE 970 LAND ; ' 7 CROP P'D , THE PRICE. W'M- son. Hee Ride. RE-513 HOUSES , LOTS , FARMS , I.AND8. LOANS ; nlso lire Insurance , lletnls , Pnxton block. A GREAT HARGAIN ; COTTAGE ; FOUR InrRO rooms ; newly pnlnled , papcrtd , In peed repair ; cellar , barn , well and cistern ; Walnut Hill ; live blcks from street car on North lith avenue ; rented for 10.00 per month ; object In selllni- . owner Is coins south ; SX > ; terms , Jl,0 down nnd balance on long time. Address II M. Ree. UK-IK fi LOST. IX > ST. JERSEY COW ; REWARD. .T. N. STEW- art. 52S HOT Hulldlng. Lost 130 4 * IIORSF.S -VVI.\TIRID. : HORSES WINTERED ; REST OF CARE ; RATES f-5.00 per month. W. E. Owens , 3C07 Cnttr St. * - GOOD STAIII.K3. 11KST OF CAIli : . t4 AND $5 month. A. W. fhclps & Son , 2U ? New York Life. Tel. lOM. " ' " _ JIB8T CITY IlBFEItKNUEd. 1IKST UAItK , month. O. lllislmrt , Hist nnd Popplcton Avf SHOHTIIAMJ AM ) TVIMJWlllTl.XH. A. C. VAN HANT'S gCHOOU 013 N. V. 1.1 FE. 972 AT OMAHA tlfS. COLLEGE. 1CTI1 . < i UOUGt.AS. 973 H. H. I1OYI.E3 , COURT HKl'OUTKn , lac-sons ; dny nnd c\cnlng. 407 lioe S74 CO A I , . HUntilNQTON NUT. HEST CIIHAPHST. PlltCE $3.73 per ton. ' 1'hone S4S. H.innon > Sc U'tctli Co. 4CO \v.\\Tnn TO ntutitow. PAHTY W1M. I'AY NINE PHIt CENT ( SKMl- nnnuiil coupon ) for t W to } MO. on Ins.ds rental property. Security umple. Antwtr poon. i ) 41. lice. tu I'AWXIIHOKICHS. H. MAHOWITZ IX3ANH MONEY. 413 N. 16 ST. ! VT7 IJHKSSMAICIM ! . ENOAOEMBNTS TO DO DniUSMAICING IN fnmlllCH pollclted. Mlns Sturdy. luOl Dnxeiport St. Wl D-2S CHIMM3Y HWKKl' . It. UTI.HY. 4 YEARS A IIESIDENT OF Omihn ; llrpt clius work Bunrantcpd ; leave or ders nt Milton Uiseiu & Srn's ; tcleplmnc 1SI ; beware of unpri-upulous pirtlea In 111" luinliitss heading this way on nceount of the rx | > onitlnn. TYPI-nVIHTHIts. RENTED , J4. 0 PER MONTH ; HIIliSONS. 7DC each ; inlco tit cabinets rodua'd. Siultli Pre mier Typcwilter Co. , No. 1C23 Farnaiu St 11306 .III'SIC ' , AIIT AXIJ 1.A\GirAiI < : . ElAIORE R1CR. VIOUN1ST , KORMERI.Y PO- lolst Rice Concert Co. , will icccive ptiptts ; highest refeienccs. Call Arcade hotel , room C ; 4 to S p. m. 730 20 * AIM ! lilts. FOR COMPETENT STENOGUAl'MERS ' 'ALL. on Thn Smith Premier Typewriter Ci-iiii > aiiy. No. irsr , Fnrnani St. Main * MRS UAU'II E. SUNDHRLAND. 1515 S 29TH St. , will tuko u few mole pupils. 324 1)11 Sn\VIX(5 JIACIIl.VHS AM ) SIIPPLIIW. NEW HOME , HOUSEHOLD & WHITE SEW Ins machine & supplies. 1311 Cap. ave. Tel. 1174 liTRMTLRH IMRIvRI ) . M. S. WAUC1N , 2111 CUMING. TEK 1331. S70 PATENTS. .iuts K Co. , Attorneys- at-Law and Patent Kx- Omaha , Nib. Branch office at Warn niEton , D. C. Send for free Advice and Patent Rook. Send for our Machine Movements , copyrighted , 1RD7. Telephone 16:3. SHIP" Household foods to all points In mixed car lota at cut rates. Pui-klni ; , muvlns mid slnniia' . Telephone Ii530. Omaha Van & Slorog'3 0 I'OSTOKKICKOT1CU. . ( Should bo read DAIlVi tiy all Interested , as chuiiRcs may occur nt any time ) . Foreign malls for t.-'o week emlliiR De cember -Ith , 1S97 , will close ( PUOMPTL.Y In all canes ) at the Uenn-u ; I'ostorUee us loi- lowa : I'AHCELS POST MAILS cloae ONH UOUIl RAIlLIKIl than closing tlmu sho-ivn - below- SATURDAY At 7 a. in. for KIIANX'K , SWITZERLAND. ITAL.V , SPAIN' , 1'OIIT- UGAL , TUItKKY. EGYPT anil UIUTISH INDIA , per H. ft. La Tour.ilno * , via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe miiHt bo illrected "per La Touralne" ) ; ut 8 n. in. for NETHKHLANDS direct , per s. s. Veen- dam , via Rotterdam ( letters must bo di rected "i > er Veendam" ) ; at S . in. for GKNOA. yer H. s. Fulda ( letters must be directed "per Fukla" ) ; tit 11 a. in. for NOHWAY direct , per s. s Hclcla ( .sttera must bo directed "per Ilekui" ) ; lit 11 n. in. ( supplemenlary 12ao : n. m. ) for I2UROPI3. per a. a. Utrurla * . via Cjiiecnatown ; at 1 p. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. s. l-'ur- nessln , via Glasgow ( lettcra must bo di rected "per Furness-la" ) , PRINTED MATTER , ETC. German steamers salllnE on Tuesdays take Printed Matter , etc. , for Germany , und Specially Addressed Printed Matter , etc. , for other parts of Europe. Ameri can nnd Wblle Star steimers on Wednesdays , German Mcamcra on Thui-bdays nnd Cunnrd. French nnd German Bteamem on Saturdays take Printed Matter , etc. , for all countries lor which thr-y arc advertised to carry mall. After the rlOHliuj of the Supplementary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Malls named abo\e. nJdltlonnl uup- plementnry malls are opened on the pleis of the American , EiiEl'sh. ' French nnd German steamers , nnd remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of balling of eteamcr , fur Smith unit Central Amcrlun , WfNt IllllU-H , IC ( | > . SATHUDAY At S n. m. for HRAS5IL. nnd LA PLATA COUNTUII2S , jicr B. 8 , Dllffon , via I'crnumbuco , llahla and Illo Janeiro ( letters for North Drazllmust bo directed "per lluffon" ) ; at 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for I-XDUTUNB ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVANILLA and aitUY- TOWN , per . s. Aleno ( letters for Costa Itlca must l > o directed "per Alene" ) ; at 10 a. in. ( supplementary 10:20 : a. m. ) for HAITI , via Capo Haiti , Port Au Prince , Aux-Cayes nnd Jucnie ) , also SANTA MAIIT1IA. per . s. Kitty ; at 10 0 a. m. for C.AMPKCIIE. CHIAPAS , TAHASCO txnd YUCATAN , per s. s. Sesuranca ( let- ti > M for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must bo dlreox-d ' 'per Scsuranca" ) ; at 10:30 : n. . m. for HAITI , per B. . Prlna Wlllem II ( letters for Venezuela , Curacao , Trinidad , British and Dutch Guiana must ba directed "per Prliis Wtllom II" ) ; at 11 n. m. ( supplementary U : * u.m , ) for V13N- EZVKl\ and CUHAfAO , also SAVAN ILLA und CAUTHAGKNA. via Curacao. ixsr a. e. Caracas ; at 1 p. m. ( supplemen tary 1:30 n. m. ) for ST. DOMINGO and Tl. 1KB ISLAND , per H. B. New York ; nt S:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per fiteamcr from North Sydney , SUNDAY At S n. m. 'for IJARHADOS di rect and NORTH IWASIL. via Para and Manaos , per a , a , Camovcnse. Matin for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax , and thence by cleamer , close at thli ctllce dally at 8:30 p. m. Mulls for Mlquelon. ty rail to lioaton and thence by steamer close at this ottlce dally at 8:30 : p. m. Mall for CuLa cleat > at thli oinco dally at 7:00 a. m. for forwarding by uteumer * tailing ( Uundnyi and Thur dayO from Part 1 ainpa. Klu. Malto ( or Mexico ice City , ovcitand. unleaa tpeclally ndJreised for dispatch by eteamer. clot * at , thli offlc * XOTICI3. ( Continued. ) dully l S:3fl : n. tn. anil J:3o : p. m. Registered mull closes nt 5:00 : p. m. previous ilsy. TrniiN-Pnoinc Mull * . MnlU for Phlna and Jnpin ( specially ad dressed only ) , i > tr s. B. Kmpresa of Chirm ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally up to November 2'Vh nt B.CO p. tn. Mails for China nnd Japan , per s , fl , O.icllo ( from Sun Francisco ) , cloro hero tlnlly up to DC- rpmbw 1st t 6-30 p. m. Mulls for Aus tralia ( except lho o for West Australia ) , which nro forwnrded via Kurope. Now Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI nnd Samonn Islands , per s , s. MnrlpoRii ( from S.in Franelico ) . closihrro dally up to Decem ber "Sii nt 7COa. : ni. . 11 n. m. nnd G..TO p. m. ( or on arrival nt Now York of s. s , Cnmrmnm. with" Hrltlsl malls for Alia- trall.i ) . .Malta for AUMralln ( except West Australia ) . New. Zealand. Hawaii nnd FIJI Islands' , per . A. ApraiiKt ( from Vancou ver ) , close licnvtlally after December M and up , o Dpecn-lior/itti nt Cr < 0 p. m. Malls for China and Jit-mil , per s. s , Tnconin ( from Tncomriclo ) i here dally up to Df- cember * 12th hi BflO p in. Malls" for Hawaii , per s. s. Australia ( from H.an Frnn- Cisco ) , close hrro dnlhup to December 22d at 0:30 : p. 'm. iMalls for the Society Islands , per ship tropic HIril ( from Han Kranclsco ) , cleW hefe dally up to Decem ber 2'ith at 0:10ip. fti. Trnns-Pncino malli' rliforwnrded to port of Mlllnir daily and' ' tl i ccheilulc of clotlnjt l > nnansed on the prreulnptlou of their unlnter- ruplpJl overland , - trnftflL -'Rt-BUtered mall dote * nt f. p. m > ' | ir\Jniis dnr. I ostplllce , New York * N. Y. , November 26 , ' ColNBUUS COTT. Pottmnitor. ItAU.RO.llJ.S. IIURUNOTON & MlSKOtlllt lllvtr Itallrnail "T.ie liurllns. Burlington ton Route" ( ji-nernl OHlscs , N. W. Corner Tenth nml Fnrnani Stieels. Tlcliet Otllee , 1M2 Route rarnam Street. Telephone 23) . Depot , Tenth nnd Mauon Streets. Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive. ssr > am 9:33 : am 4:0.p.u : 7:43 : pm nto : am CHICAGO , lll'RMNrTON ft Qulncy Rallruid-"Thc Hurl- biKton Routc"-Tlckct Oitlce , 150 ! KnniRMl Stnet. Teli-plmu 2 > ) , Depct , Tenth nnd Mnsrn Slrcctt. Telephone US. Arrive. 7r : , % nm 4:13 : pm 7r : 3 am 5:40 : pn : S:50 : pm KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSEPH l-ouncll IllutTs Kall-oad "The RurlliiKtim Rimte" Ht Otllpe . r,0 : F.irnom Street. Telephone 150 Depot. Tentii nnd Mu.-on Streets. Tele phone 12S. feave. Arrive. Kansas City Day 1-3 ; ; . . . . ; iiji : am 5:40 : pm Kansas City NlRlit Ex. . 10:01 tin CCO : nm CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & Pailllc llallruad 'The Great R'ocl ' Inland " ' ; Route" I'lty I TK-kct Olilee , 132.1 l.'urnnrii Stteet. Te cphomUS. . Depot. Tenth and- Mason Streets. Telephone. 121. Leave. Arrive. „ , . und St. Paul Vestibule 1 Expics . . . 4:50 : pm 1:43 : pin Llnciln , Colura'-u SP'KS , 1'ui-hlo , Denver un.1 mt 1 : Kl pm 4:21 : pm . Des Molnes & Rock Island . * 7CO : pm 8:13 : nm Atlantic Express , for Des Mi-'incs nnd east ern pt.ints . ' 7:23 : mn 5S5 pm Ij'nccln , I'-alrbuiy and Ilcllevllle . Sl3pm : 10:10 nm Dally. I.'nlly except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD General Olllres nn 1 Ticket Ofc . Mevliantn : Nrlo-al Dink liulldhi ? liil Fd'nnm tin eat. Tele-lion * M- ' . repot , Fl't en'h LiU W. l.ter S rcct . Telethon' I.c-aye. Arrive. nnd Nchranka Limited . * 3:03 : pm ' 12:331)111 Kar-san city nnd St. - l-.Hils JJxprefis . , . 0:39 pm 0:00 : am NVr-iKtka I.OCH : . ; . * | -ijpn : * Mi:4 : > am n.illy. Dally except Sundjy. UNION PACIFIC "THE OVERland - land noite" Gctu-ral OIIKcs , N. E. , Corner Ninth anil Farnam Street- . City Ticket ORIce , l.'C2 l-'arnum - Streel. Telephone 31G. Depit. .Tenth anJ Miistn Street : ! . Telephone 12S. m Leave. Arrive. "The Ovcr'.nnJ I.lmlUd'f for Denver , Salt J . [ ikenr vcsiern polnls . , , . . . ,1 : . . . . 5:23 : 4:15 pm Fatt mall train ; for , Denver , Salt Lake , Pacillc ccaft ami nil western poln-B . . . ; . . . -4 3:30 pm * 10:23 : am Lincoln. Itealrlce nnd StronubuiK Exprtta * fi:0j : pm 12:20 : pm Kearney ISxprrt-s > " , :00 pm ' * 12:2) pai Dally. Dally except SunJiiy. Council liluffa lineal Leaves. 5:43 : n. m ; 0:51 n. m ; 7:30 a. m. : 8:25. : n. tn. ; 10:13 a. m. ; 2.13 p. m. : 4:30 p. m. ; 5:53 p. in. Arrlvts , C:20 : a. m , ; 7 : l a. m. ; S a. m. ; 9:23 : a. m. : 11 3J a. in. ; 3:10 : p. m. ; 5:4-3 : p. m. ; 9:13 p. m. ; 10:43 : p. in. CHICAGO. MILWATKEi : fa ST. Paul Hal. way City Ticket 1504 Fern am .Street. Telephone 234. Depct. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive. Chlcaso Limited Ex. . . . r:4 : > pm 8:03 am Omaha nnd Chicago 13s 1:30 pm Dally. WADASH RAILROAD-TICICKT OFFICE. 1413 Farnam Street. Telephone , 32. . Depot , Tentii and Mason Streets. Telephone , 123. Leave. Arrive. St. I uls "Cannon Rail" Express l0 ; pm ! ! 3) am Dally. , CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNE- upolls & Oniilia Ralwa\ Gt-no.nl nillces , TCcb'.askn DI- viplon. FlftiH'n'-h nmlVhstcr Str < p'B. City Tlckrt Otlc : , 11 1 Fninam Street. Tile hDi" , rni. Depot. Flfteontli and Webster Stieet . Telephone , 115S. I enve. Arrive. Sioux city Accommodn. Sa : nm S0 : pm Sioux rity Accimimuln. ' 0:53 : am SDpm Illnlf ICinoiHin. Sioux Clly , Ponca. lliltin- luon and Illoninnebl. . lWpm : ll:53am : Sioux Cltv , Mnnknlo , St. Paul , MlnmnpollH C15 ; pm 9:10nm : EmerHon PaHH.-nircr 5:10 : pm S5 : nm Dally. Dally except Sunday , Sunday only. This train stop ? nt stations Florence to So. lllalr. Inclusive. Sundays only ; on week dayn So. lllalr only. . ELKHORN AND Mls30ourl Valley R-lh-ay a n- eral Ollk-cfl. United Htaia Na tional It'll ; llullillnK. South west Corner Twelfth and Fnr- y * N ijj * nam Str t . Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , Ml. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Street * . Telephone , lt5S. Leave , Arrive. Illnck Hills , DMdwjcxi.l nnd Hot HprlnKS . 3:03 : pm 5:00pm : WyomliiK , Casper nnd nouffliii . ' 3:03 : pm < 5:00 : pm HaslliiK' . York , David City. Superior. Ocnevn , Kxeter and Sewnrd. . . . " 3.00pm S.TO pm Norfolk. West Point am ! Fr'inont . : ) am 10:25 : am Lincoln. Wahoo nnd li-remont . . . . . . . 7.u : am 10:25 : am Fremont i/Wnl . * 7:50 : am Dully. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only , * 'Dally except Saturday. " Dally except Mcnday. _ CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN Rallwiy Clly Ticket Otllee. 1401 Farnam Street. Telophonn 561. Depot , Ti'iit'.i and Mason Streets. Telephone 128. I eave. Anlvc. S ; CITY A PACIFIC road-General Olllces , United HUifH ( National Hank Ilulld- ln . 8. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Stteett. Ticket Otnce , DOl 'arnain Street. Telepnono 'M. Depot. Flfteentl ) and Webster KtieeU , Tele. phone 1458. , . I < eave , Arrive. Sioux Cl y , Mankata. St. Paul. Mlnnt poll > . , , . 0:13 : pin 0:10 : am Dally , T-vo Per ficut Dlvlilcuil. NBVOHIC , Pec. 2.-Tho illrectors of the United States Rubber company have de clared a Kt-tnl-annunl dividend of 2 per cent on tha preferred stock of the company , pay able January 6. 1&9S. MOUNT UP IN THE MILLIONS Bundles of Checks Presarvad for Reference by Undo Bain , MANY SCHEMES TO DEFRAUD FRUSTRATED irorli to Do Your Itncli * Provt-nU-tl liy tin * I'rt-NtTvittloii or Ciim-i'lli-il UlllM-liN Illllt IIOIIllN All Klnliorntc S > - li'iii. There arc n great mtny persons In tills country , relates the ( Jlobo-Deniocrat , who I have no lilca of tlio system thnt Ui\ctc Sain keeps with regard to the Intorcflt check * that ore raid quarterly on registered bonds. Thcro are numerous Instances , Incidents that happen every day In the register's olllco of the Trcas ury drriirtmcnt , that go to orovo this asser tion. A man will write to the olllco saying that ho has not received his check for In itercst , payable , oei'haps , eight or n'.eio years "ago " , and that ho would bo very much obliged 1C 1)19 ) department would make him out an other check for the amount , The clerk to whom thli letter Li referred pocs to his bcoks , finds the report number and then goes to the flic room , whcro the old checks are Itept , and nlnoty-nlno times out of ono hun dred , or U would bo more correct to say 999 times out of 1,000 , picks up the check which the gentleman swears ho did net receive , en dorsed by him and returned to the Treasury department as having been paid to the In dividual In question , There are very few times that the department Is found to have skl ; oed any ot the thousands of holdem of United States securities In the shape of reg istered bonds. The system by which this accutaey Is pos sible Is not a. corroUcatcil one , except that ! It deals with numbers embracing the third ' period. The loans of the government are In two forms registered nnd coupons. Of course. In the case of the coupon bonds no such record Is kept , but In the case ot the registered bonds an Individual account with every holdur of any and all such securities ever Issued by the government Is kept In the cfflio ot the register of the treasury. When the tlmo conies for the quarterly ixiymeot the register's olllco prepares the schedule , which Is then sent to the treasurer's office , where the cheeks are drawn. The checks are then sent out and arc returned In duo tlmo to thu register's office after payment has been made. Checks are not always csi'hed In nt that time , however , many oersons who are careful with their money holding them and oorhaps send ing them to the treasury for payment years after the original quarterly payment. When an old chock of this description comes In it Is referred to the register's office In the same manner that a complaint would be and the matter Is carofjilly looked up to BOO that there Is no pasnlblo chance of the government payIng - Ing Interest twice. When the checks ore finally returned to the register's olTlce the number Is carefully entered In bsoks for that p'jrpMe and the checks themselves are then tagged and placed In the flic room , so that It Is a matter oC a. very few minutes for a clerk who ! s familiar with the routine to flnd any check that has ever been returned to that olllce. WHAT THE IIECORD3 SHOW. The books of the register's ofnce up to the nnd of the lest fiscal year. Juno 30 , ISO" , show tint there are now 3.SC3.7S checks registered and filed away for possible rct- p-enco. The checks aggregate the suui of 5733.535.008.50 , this sum being the total r.mcunt of Interest paid out by the govern ment on registered bonds up to that 'mr > During the fiscal year ending June 30 , 1897 , there wore 131,503 choelra received at t-e ! register's office for tcglstcring and tiling. Aggregating an amount of $30,237.756.42. Registered liontls Issued by the govcrn- niFJit , wlli the number of Intei'Mt checks received , registered and filed ! a the rtsis ter's oKlco under each loan , togeth-'r wlih th.j sum. total value of each set of checks so received nnd filed , jro aa fo'lows ' : Acts of July 17 and August 5 , ISiil , G po" cent bonds Number of checks received , 5- 133 ; amount , $3,82G,707. Acts of July 17 and August n , 1SG1 , continued at 3M- per cent Number received , C202 ; amount , $1,781- 783.67. Act of March 3 , 1SG3 , G per cent bond Number received , 3099 ; amount , Sl.fir * . 107. Act of March 3 , 18G3. continued at .T-i per cent Number received , 0571 : amount. Sl.674.072.71. Funded loan 'jt JSSl , i" per cent Number received , 202IS' " ; amount , $109.CSG,395.94. Loan of 1SS1 continued at It1/ , po. rent Number reco'vivl. , " 1,2S1 ; -nount $16,097,207.11. Act nf July 32 , 1S82 , 3 par cent Number rcci-'vod , SI.919 ; amount , ? 28 340.501.50. Funded loin of 1891 , 4 % per coat Number received , 5(1(1,091 ( ( ; amount , $103,377,301.00. Loan of 1891 con tinued nt ? per cent Number received , 23- 717 ; amount , $2.787.040.69. Loan of I9'J7 ' , 4 per cent Number received , 2.804,711 ; amount , $382,045,390.04. Loan ot 1901 , 5 per cent Number received , 13.401 ; amount. $7- 309.411.70. Loan of 1925 , 4 per lent Num ber received , 12,909 ; amount , $5,009,202. Pa cific Railroad bonds , G per cent Number re ceived , GO 321 ; , amount , $58,151,370.72. Dis trict of Columbia bonds , fifty-yuar funded lean of ' 1924 , 3.G5 per cent Niraber re ceived , 15,560 ; amount , $8,180.231.30. Old funded debt , 5 nnd 3V4 per cent Number received. 3,510 ; amount , $789,101.32(1 ( SOME OLD CHECKS RETURNED. As an Instance of how persons retain chocks made payable to them for Interest and do not cash them Inl until years after the payment Is made , one of Uio checks under the funded loan of 1881 fop $6.25 was turned In last yoir , while four aggregating $3,394 under the continued' loan cf 1881 an ] sixteen aggregating $9,975 under the Icani of 1SS2 were received during thla year. There have not been any checks under the first four loans received at the register's office for seine time. There are more ways than the one outlined in tlio beginning to which persona resort to defraud the government In the matter of bondii nnd riiecks. Hulf bonds are re ceived , the other half , it Is alleged , having been destroyed by fire. Then during the course of years 'along conies the other half , the sender , often the same In both cases , alleging that the other half , previously re deemed at tlio department , had been de stroyed by fire. Hut the trick Is alwnyij found out , so complete Is the system now In use. use.It Is pnictlcally Impossible to pass a forged check through the office. It Is often the casc > that checks como In with signa tures that are Immcd'latly questioned or with Imperfect Indorsements , or , perhaps , with a forged Indorsement. Then they are Immediately sent to the register's olllce , and a comparison la made with the check1 Issued under the last previous quarterly piyment. Should the check bo Inadvertently passed by the treasurer's office It rarely , nnd It may bo said never , gets through the audi tor's olllco , through which It has to pass on Its \vuy to Wio final resting place In the file room of the register's division. When a check Is caught In this way , payment Is Immediately suspended , and the paper Is sent back to the bank that paid , out the money on It. This , of course , la all connected with registered boncla , the holder ot a coupon bond -merely cutting off the coupon when It matures , and sending It to the treasury or u subtrcasury for payment. With all the precautions , however , the government was raught napping once. When a bond Ha certified-as having been destroyed the government Itsues a bond of Indemnity to protect Itself from paying the simo twice , In the COs a bond for $1,500 , Ifsued under the act of February 25 , 18G2 , a 6 per cent loan , was reported as having been destroyed , and affidavits substantiating this claim were filed with the department. The bond , of course , was made- good by the government and the substitute was In duo tlmo cashed tn. Shortly afterword , however , the original bond , which had not been destroyed , oa ehown , turned up , and -tlio substitute bond not having been saved , as they are ; now , the amount was paid a second time. The treasurer lot the United State * waa , of course , required to p > y the amount ; but ) a special act was passed by congress reimbursing him , This Is the only Instance on record .where the government ever made a mistake or where any Individual got ahead of Uncle Sam bythis method. This record Is really remarkable -when It U con- aldorod that Bomotlmea a score of attempt * of ( his character are made every day by men who are the smartest and ahrvivdcdt in the world in'tbls line , und It 1 probable that this ono cai-o woiiM not Iwvo occurred hml the bonds boon kept on fllo then na they are now. When an laiuo of .bonds Is cnllnl In nt the maturity cf the Iftan now the Bccurltlos arc wrcfully tnRRod and filed In much the same manner ns the checks , nn-1 this preludes nny possibility of a forged bender or ono that has < bcen certified as having been destroyed being p.ild the second time , as Inthe case quoted , I'ROSI'BCTIVB CIHANINO ; OUT. In the course of tlmo the fllo roomn will he cleared out , but not , , ln all probability , until ex-cry check thnt could possibly stir up a controversy had been turned In nnd the account clescd. The bonds -will probably be kept much longer than the checks. The work of registering nnd filing the checks Is rot so complicated now as It used to bp. as the only aetlvo loans of the gov ernment on which Interest Is being paid quarterly ro the conwls of 1907 , 1301 and 1925 , and the continued loan of 1SD1 , thus entailing the work on but four sots of checks. The file rooms are mo t Interesting places to visit. The rooms are Riven up to shelves i shelves on every side of the rooms and cabinet. * packed as closely as possible In the center , consisting of n6thln but shelves. Kach set cf checks Is wrapped In a separate bundle , each bundle bearing a tin label thai determines at once the' nature of the loan , the amount and the report number by which the bundle Is referred to from the book. In connection iwllh the loans ot the gov ernment It Is Interesting to note that the highest amount of Intcrc-st paid by the gov ernment on any loan wan on 'tho consols ot 1861 , 1SG4 and 18C5 , under which coupon bonds were Issued. Tliorate of Interest on these securities was 7.3 per cent. U Is also Intcrci'tlng ' to note that the 'best counterfeit ever made In this coilntry ot a government security was ot 1he e 7-30 notes , ns they wore called , but the author of the work was caught with nil his tools and the notes In his posrfsslon before ho had tlmo to circulate any of them. It Is probable that had they been put In circulation the , genilus who made them would have secured millions of dollars. The Interest checks on file nt the depart ment show some enormous holdings of United States securities by Individuals , The largest check over drawn by the gov ernment In favor of ono man In payment of Interest on loan waft that drawn In favor of William H. Vnnderbllt , ns n quarterly payment on his holdings of the loan ofI per cent consols of 1S77-1D07. The check was dated April 1 , 1SS2 , but It was only 0:10 : cf a series of a llko amount that the famous financier received quarterly for sev eral yeas , nud was signed' by James 011- fillan , then United Suites Treasurer , , and countersigned by W. H. Qlbson. Mr. Van- dorbllt received n yearly Interest of $1,922- 000 on his holdings , which amounted to J18,050,000 , payable In quarterly Installments , no that the check In question called for $150.- 500. It Is now In the possession of the Currency bureau of the treasury , and Is shown as n curiosity to the many visitors who dally throng the corridors and rooms of the building. It Is endorsed "W. II. Vnn- dcrbllt , " nnd turned over to the Dank of the Metropolis in New York for deposit. U Is rather nil Interesting occupation to compute the Interest Mr. Vnnderbllt wns ccelvlng on this ono great loan. Rvery year ho received $1,922,000. which amounted to $480,500 'quarterly , $1GO,1GO.GG monthly , ? 5,2Gj.75 weekly , $219.40 hourly , night and lay. ai'd $3.65 per minute. Under the present active loans of the government , the largest holdings do not en- tall Interest checks of much more than $5,000 per quarter , the amounts ranging from $5 to that amount. i-MXissr i.\ THIS WOULD. V ClIinjiNi * nf UKGvrnf Dopiu-liiiiMil Stori' of I'urlH. Paris Is recognized Ihoworld over ns the Ideal plnca for showingnnd consequently Its large shop * .have become the tlnust In stitutions of their kind In existence , built up ixs thpy have been by foreign trade. There are five great department stores In ParlH that absorb nearly all the trade , ami which are f.ist crushing out the little shops. These huge bazaars , s.iysji writer in LeslU-'s Weekly , are conducted oiYV 'e most approved plan , quite different from other s = hovin of the world , for Instead of belonging- , like the American rliops , to rich merchants , they ure made into huso stock convpanles , , Hli the almost countlMS employes as shareholders , uU directed by n central orfjanizitlon , re ceiving their share of all the profits , and consequently Inking- the utmost Interest In tha establishment andl Its sales ; for It's their own pockets tney are looking after. Everything to marked aTjiTlxed price , and everything- possible Is Jonb to please and accommodate thti customer , so thnt she will return again and again. A womin may shop all ona day ami the next day fetch ovi-ry- thliiB1 back and have , all her money re turned amiably , . .vlthout a question or a moment's bother. Even things that are cut a anetro of lace or ribbon , or a few niotren of cloth are taken baric Just the same nnd afterward sold as coupons. Purchases are delivered promptly and In perfect condition , with the most cmitnnt ! ! ; packing arrange ments ofiwhlte tissue paper , attractive boxes and llttla ribbons. In the- old days In Paris everything -went by barter In the shops , and this form of trailing still exists In the small shops , so that ono Is never quite pure. In trading In thorn , of getting- her money's worth , for , after having : beaten thu prlrc awuy down , onel.i still haunted by the thought t.iat It might have been bought cheaper olsci.\hore The merchants of these fcmall shops com plain bitterly because -the grwit miBa lns tnko away their trade , but It Is easy to understand that the public does not care to bo cheated when It can be sure of a fair bargain In a comfortable shop , where all the novelties are sure to be offered first The Institute of France has given a prcat deal of attention of Into to this crushing down of the small shops by the large mneaslns. nnd It has determined to levy larger taxes on thegreat establish ments , being , as they are , u menace to the accumulation of petty shops , The nuiga- slns can afford easily to far undersell fie small tradesmen because the genornl ox- pensut ) are groutly reduced by being maHfcil together , nnd becalms the buying Is done In such immense quantities nt the manufac tories. Some of the deputies went so far even as to pay that thu great shops wore socialist breeders nnd thnt a second com mune might eventually result. Of lute , 'however , ninny of the small shop keepers of the boulevards have closed thnr business and applied to the great buzaara for employment , and have srown to bo richer and better even In coiiscqui-ni'i' ; for bartering ruins a man's disposition ami makes him mean and dfucllful. In the large Hhopa rneh salesman receives a commission on each sali > , besides his salary , which for n new employe Is M a year with his lodging and meals. Ills com- nilHaloiiH usually nverugu nbout equal to his salary. These commissions keep a man from being lazy , for It Is for his own. . par ticular Interest to sell , The more sales liu makes the quicker be Is advanced , and as the position of ohef de rnyon , or lienil of a department. Is looked upon ns a very Important ono , every man nnd wniiiiin In the ustabllshmunt strives eagerly far It Theseehcfs do thu buying for thc-lr various departments and go to London and Lyons and Brussels to inako pun-lmscs , nnothcr commission being given hi'ro an a rr-unid for making clever bai-galiiR with the manu facturers. A c'hef makes easily from &o < ) to ( XW n year , nnd many of them exceed 1,000. Thus the bent paid among tlm higher employes recelvo larger snlnrlcs than the presidents of sections In the council of state ami generals of divisions. All the employes reoclvii their meals In the Hhopa except thu highest chefs , who are allowed to have their meals outside , receiving an , allowance or 32 a year In tin ; way of commutation of rations. Married emnloyos also arc allowed to illixi at homo and receive 1 frnnu a day , The mc-als consist of one variety of moat , all the vcgotablcs and bread that am dn-- sired , dessert , nnd a pint of goad cbirol. Poup Is added for dinner and \ < no kinds of meat arc served , Medli-nl service for the employes l also given free , nnd Includes nn Infirmary ami sufficient outings In the country or at tlm seashore , There Is a pension fund bpsltleo all thnin favors , nnd when a man or woman com pletes a period of seven years of service a sum of 1,000 francsU credited to him or her In tlio pension fund , and fti < rwiird 8 a year are utven , up to the llftliith year of service , Tim ifavlngn fund of the Don Murcho now amounts to $400,04) ) , and SIO.GOO are added annually. In addition to this there Is a pension fund founded by Mrne , Douclcuult which now amounts to $1,200.000 In the lion Murcho are now employed 15,500 people , to all of whom good salaries am being paid , The great shopitvas founded In 1&3 by Mine. Itouclcault. nnd the first year's business amounted to $ . ,0,000 ; It now passes $ M.flOO,000 , and the revenues are enormous This has all como of ricracnmodullng the Rubllo In every possible -way. Honest denl- ig goes a long way , nnd the great ho Is noA- famous thu world over. Its trade extending to every civilized country. People living In the French provinces trade wholly with the great Purls whopsby letter , all parcels being sent free of expresn charges nnd delivered promptly. Parcels are nlno sent to London free , and more than half the trade of the lion dlurche IB carried on outside of Paris The first of tncSQ great llxeil-jirlce ihani j came Into existence In 1830. nnd commenced the great revolution In shopping the .world over. This hoi > wns La Hello Jordlnic-rp , which still exlstit , nnd In ono of thrflvo great * hops , being Mill In the imiuls of the inmlly which started It. The name , inranlng "lleantlful Garden Olrl , " Is nn Instance of the elaborate tltU.i given to the erent Pnrls Imznnrs "Aux Itonheur Ues Knfatits" Is the title of a largo toy shop ; "Le Cypres" l n great mourning house , nnd another establishment of tlio snina order Is called "Ln ScM the nameof n little ( lower used for upon graves In Krnnro. The "Prlntomps" nml the "Carnival dc Venice" nre two other famous shojw with odd nnmrs. OIUJ.VT IIODKUIIV OK IT.MCANS. .Sonic InM-rentlnu ; FlU'tw About Tli i * I a Croat lmnli < * HtiK lllril.i. It 1ms always been somewhat of n inyn tery. nny a writer In tlio Scientific Amerl. can , whcro the numerous brown pollcnnss t < common on the njulliern California const , innko their headquarters. During the sum mer months these lumbering birds , which boar so grotesque n rescinbintio" to sonut of the od ! pictures of the dodo , come Into tlio llttlo bays alongshore and euci-igt > In a vigorous warfare upon thesmall , fry nn- ohovlsfl. herring , emcUs nnd young mack erel which nro found there In sueli vast quantities. Tlio pelicans nro very tame nnd pursue their uvocntlon within n few yards of ves sels lying In the liny. Their methods of ob taining food , nro arduous Inthe oxtromo. and It Li only by continual vlKllauco that they make a living. In hunting for food they fly heavily twenty or thirty feut nbovo thu water , the IOIIH unrt singular bill , from which depends n capacious pouch , pointing downward , tlio small brown i-yes on thu watch for the p\i > octiiiit school of tlsh. Should It appear , the bird apparently throws Itself over , then plunges down ward , bend first , with mandibles npnri. The helpiht of the dive carries thp bird In ninny Instances completely out of sight beeneath the water , from which It rises In a few seconds , und If It has been so fortunate ns to engulf a sardine or several In Its capacious mouth. It tosses them up , seemingly from the poiteh , by throwlnr the bill aloft , then swallowing the morsels with sdf-congrntulatory wagging of the diminu tive ti'll , suggestive of Its satisfaction. The capture of pnine Is not always a guarantee of n feast. The laughing gull , [ 1 common In thcs ? waters , preys upon the pelican or robs It systematically whenever It can , This It accomplishes by nllKhlliiR on the pelican's head or back as It rises , and ns the clumsy bird attempts to ar range the morsfl n Its mouth preparatory to swallowing It , the gull reaches forward nnd snatches It from between the long mandibles and tiles awny with exultant cries. It has been supposed by many that tlio brown pelicans make their headquarters In lower California , coming north In the spring , but during the past season the writer , during a cruise among the Islands on" Santa Barbara county , found the rook ery of these birds. The islands which con stitute the group nrp divided Into two series tlio Santa 'Cntnllna ' , off Las Anneles county , lying , according to the chart , In what N called the Santa Catallnu chan nel. Thest ! Islands Include San Cl-menU' , Santa Catallnn , San Nicolas and Santa M.ir- bara. Seventy-five miles to the north IU s > the sec-ond division , comprising Sinta Cruz , Santa Ilosa. San Miguel and Anacapa. Tin ? latter Is n long , slender , rocky Island , rising from the water's edgtt to u IIIOPU between 100 and 200 feet 111 height at the east end. The highest portion recalled the famous enchanted mesa , as It was evidently Inac- cp alhle except bv using ropes and a kite. The Island Is divided Into three d'.itlnct ' portions by tlio > a. The extreme end Is Hat. terminating In a pinnacle of roek. while through the center 1 a lofty arch , high and broad enough to admit the passage of n largo yacht , through which the s > .a riin . The mesa svns covered with bird. " , and as- we ran near and fired the yacit's cnnnnn , there arose a cloud so vast that It fr.irly colored the air. Every bird bad a long bill , and It suddenly dawncil upon us tb.it her , ' wns the homo of the brown ipellc.in on the southern California eoftst. The gre.it Ic-tl e of rock , flat on ) tap , was colored i.xliltcby the guano of the birds , and wn ill.stlnQnlih.ib' > - live or six miles distant. As we approached , thu side of thu cllIT , which formed a EMirht angle , was -seen to be covered with pellc.ini- . They scrambled up the rocks from the lower portions , waddling with bills partly open and wings expanded. As the sound of the gun reached them the very ground seemed 1o rise , the birds whirling slci.xly upw.ird In Erf.it circles , then slowly settling ngaln. The rookery. Isolated and Inaccessible , oc cupied probably four or live acre..vberc thn birds scorned to be packed In ; and that It was an ancient one there isvas every reason to believe. Here In all probability the youiu ; are reared In May. At the time of our visit , the ml'ldle of August , the rookery appeared to be occupied by old birds and two-tilrils } grown young. The -pelicans here nest on Hit- ground , there being no trees of any kind on thin wind-swept Island. This Is In direct con trast to the brown pelican of the Florida keys , at least in Instances observed by the writer , where the nests were In mnnijrovo trees , which were grooving almost In the m-ntcr. The ucst.a were of the erudot de scription , the eggs retaining their position by virtue of good luok. Not ten miles from the rookery of Anacapa \\-IIK seen a series if remarkable caves , in tno cn'rance-s of one of which was a t Jir rookery. This MIIS discovered toy the aid of the odor rome distance off. Upon approach ing a remarkable overhanging cliff , \tv < seen , the summit of which was po rfluly .V > 1 fn nbnve the water a stupendous plli > of rock. No1" ! ' the base It bad been oitPn away by the sea , leaving .1 . 'urle cf routr'j ' shelves or k-dgcn which \vero occupied by shags , old and young. Lending directly Into the cliff was n larcrc cnvi > wlinsc side entrance was alpo pre empted by Ptiags , who were ! n the ma'n U\o- thlrds grct.vn. After some dllllculty the writer lai.ded and climbed Into this * roo'Mrv. ' "hu i.ests were of kelp and other ne.uvi" > d loiiKl.ly thrown together , and strewn about on tin' rocks were numbers of young birds , KIHIH- nearly devoured and others partly torn In pieces , showing that some animal preyed upon them. After a careful examination of the surroundln'ss ' the writer was forced to think thnt , half starved , the birds ! 'ad preyed upon each other , and that It ' .vas a cao of a. literal survival of the fittest. On the wa'er In tbf > cave floated numbers i f dead young shags -which had evident' } * fallen In , and , unable to u.\im , had bc < n drowned. Yet the young bnndliil were strong and powerful nnd u. cd their shani be.iks to good advantage. In thn same cave nn attractive . wallow with white markings was- nesting , UP n -t ; being fastened to thn walls. They wen- made almost entirely of the feathers of sea birds , covered on the outside lAlth a light clay veneer , which mndt- them very heavy ami almost Indistinguishable from the rock , this probably being the object of the ! > lr < U an Interesting InstnncH of protective n- semblance The pelicans undoubtedly n < tlio Anacnp-i rookery as a nesting place , spreading from here up and down the co.tat to visit the.various feeding grounds. TIII2 IIHAVIUST It VI\H. Almost u Pool of U'nlcilliiN Fallen In mi Hour f i CIoiiilliui'Kl.- , . "null-rail of the United States" Is the title of a bulletin prepared by Alfred J. Henry , under the direction of AVIIlls T. Moore , chief of the Weather Hurean. The report has this to say concerning cloudbursts : "The most violent rains nnd nt the snimi tlmo those of which least are known , nro so- called cloudbursts of the mountainous and nrld regions of the went. These Btonuu are not confined to nny particular stuto or region , but may occur in motint.alno.jn localities throughout tlio entire territory bnundod by the Drltiiih possessions on tlm north , the Mexican bonier on the south , the foothills ot tha HocklcH on the east and the Sierras on the west. "In the true cloudburst the rain sooma to pour down rather than fall In drops. It often happens that the downpour occuri ever narrow basins or on mountain slopes whose outlets are canyons or gorges leading to a valley or plain.below , In Btich cases nlmc.it the entire amount of water quickly finds Its way Into the drainage channel and as n result a wave of water rushes down the out let with great velocity nnd In sulllclcnt vol ume lo destroy everything In Its path. Kuril a flood wave almost Hwopt away the town of Kuruka , Nov. , In 1S7-1 , and canned the l sx < > ' fifteen lives , A far greater dlnnator occiirrI I In Ilcar Creek canyon , Colo. , In July , is1- ' when thirty lives were lost nnd property valued nt more than $100,000 was destroyed "Tho amount of rain that falls In ono nf these torrential downpours has never h en ascertained , A cloudburst passed over thn odso of the Iltlu town of Palmetto , Ne-v. , In August , 18DO. A rain gauge that was not ex posed to the full Intcnultyof itio storm i-niKi.t 3.SO Inches of water In an hour. In Augiut. 1891 , two xtonns pamcd over Cam no , Cal . within a few mlniltc-H of each other. The second utorin wan a veritable cloudburst. TI > J observer succeededIn measuring thn nilnfail ar the ( Iriit shower and a portion of the KCT ond. Kleven and a half inche * were IIIWH ured within an hour. The rain gaiw n > l uuport were carried aw < .y by the torrent ct water and thn full record of the ctorm wcu not obtained. " Prosperity comes quickest to the nui , whoso liver U in good condition. lo\Vllt's Llttlo Karly Itlwra are famou.i llttlo pljla for co'iHtlpitlon , blllouincBS , Indigestion god all stomach and liver troubles.