Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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ef Gold in I'saver ' S&rMM
Bscord * .
ai t of the Crlpnlr CrrrJc 5lilni em
U I > fct ti > Cnntlnnp Tlirlr .Mining
iiti * IJnrlniz the
DBNVKR. Colo. . Dec. 1. (2p ial ) It U
oitt n ly protrtble Unt tbe total reMtpte of
gU at tb * Denver aiiot for tbe ywr IS "
will amount t9 Sli.W9.M9 , or an average of
JLOOO K * a montb for tbe wbol year. Sev
eral aenUtt ago Kwas predicted that the aa-
n * l record tor 1S9T wouli reach Ul.09ft.000.
tntt tbe receipts of the test two months bave
b * n M Iwge that K oow reacbe * within 190.-
fXrt of tb t flgore. and if the receipts during
December are maintained the average will be
brought v * > to Jl.Ofr3.OW per month Decem
ber is BMj llr a dull manth. owloc to the tes-
ing doac ef a greater or ICM camber of mine *
f r tbe winter months. The naraber tb t will
run all winter is moch targer thin heretofore ,
and AS nearly all the Cripple Creek sbio eri
Trtll ceatlnue p ratlons during the winter ,
tbe mint officials do not atidpte a freriont
falling off daring tbe coming month.
Th careers of tht- mint have kevt very close
watch of the Cripple Creel : production , and
sy that it ran * very evenly with tbe mint
receipts , and there is ao doubt tb t it will
rMck tlS.000.000 and possibly more , end that
the ret of the state wlB not tall short of
Si.OCO.B00 , making the total production of Col
orado for the year JSO.OOO.OW.
The receipts of gold for November were
J1J3T.19 * . . For Nsvemfcer. 1896. they were
SJ25.S71 95. a t : a for the ! t t month of JMS.-
6S7.4S. For the eleven months ending yes
terday the receipts were JIO.W.SHIOFor
the corresponding months of 1S9S they were
tS.S91.545 61. a pain for 1897 of J7.0rS.93.46.
The heaviest month durinc the test year was
Mr. with a record of Jl. 7.759 61. The next
highest WM October , wtth $1.S3.SS6.10. The
third was November and the fourth August ,
with | l.i3.M7.BS. From what is known o.
development now going on and the conrjaot
Increase in Cripple Creek shipments , it is be
lieved tht ext ye r tie mint receipts will
be much in excels of those of 1S97.
A pn 3IIn - Arc Still Rood.
ASPBN , Colo. , Dec. L ( Special. ) The 1m-
fireMSon thit has been carried to the world
that tie fire In the Smuggler mine has
completely ruined the Aspra district is er
roneous. From present indications Acpen
will be heard from as a silver-producer in
much louder tones during the next E-UI
months than for sevral years past. True ,
He SaiURgler fire looked most e rk > us for \
& time , * od the danger of a general flooding
of th * big producers was sreat. but this aas
now p * sed. and with the exception of th > \
Smuggler mice Itself the breaking of ore i
is going forward with as great energy and I
it say be Bald much greater success than I
before tb fire. Important strikes have been
discovered quhe recently in the Mollie Gib
son mine and in the Little Annie on Richmond
mend hill and there Is no doubt many mil
lion dollar * ' worth of ore can ( be worked In
these and other mines to good advantage
MrnrU Mnd In IMke'n Peak.
( Special. ) Old inkers art puzzled over the
mud pocket which was struck last week in
the big Strkkler tunnel under Pike's Peak.
Tbe strike is proving far'more serious than
was at flrst anticipated and a proper solution
Is a question of considerable moment to the
crntractors. The mud continues to cave in
end despite The utmost efforts of the men at
work no headway can be made. There is
also considerable water. By the nee of air
tbe contractors hope the mad can b ; frozen
and then cut through , timbering heavily as
they proceed. The experiment will be
witched with considerable interest.
Colorado Xe v Votr .
The Denver Cable coicpasy will abandon
cWei aad use electricity.
Grading wHI be commenced it once on the
rew bn td gauge railroad frcm Colorado
Springe to Victor.
Mrs. J. ( Aagnsta Pietcctt f Boston , aged
70. died in Colorado Springs. Sae wes th *
mother of Mrs. Roger Wolcott of Jloflsac&u-
Mary Swartz has commenced mil for dl-
T rce in D aver agaioet 'William H. Swam
on the ground of desert'oa. Ttey were mar
ried In Couecl ! Bluffi in Jure. 1SS9.
Tbe war asaiast sales of oleomarpar ie In
D T > rer is becoming bet and Secretary Wll-
S9B bus written a letter to a Denver mm
proailstns to assist the butter men in their
"Clara n. Stanton of Colorado Springs has
begun salt against her landlord for J10 000
es damages for injuries sustained by falling
domi dcngerous steps be b > id been roqursteJ
to repair.
Horace Crump sit.sfied a claim against
him tweKyi-eevra years as * . l ot co entry
htd b ? a made of tbe fact at Denver. Now
be hat proved that he settled the judgment
and t cleud will b luted from his prop
The county cc0uai iocers at Denver as-
r J the franchises in the Associated Press
held r three Denver newspapers and at
tempted Mo tax them. The publishers
brought .fiuk IB court ncd bid the ZWKE-
t ntt Aeelired illegal.
Reports from the foethill MDget beyoid
Owl canyon asd stretching toward the Lara-
nile rtrer state that the ranchmen there are
coariderably exercised by tbe receipt of a
federal order requirlcg them to take down
) ir ; lenl Oiierntiuui > for the Cure of
IJei ! > mid Ileelal Illoeaoen no
A Ulxeorery'hlph -nlll
ChunKe the Treatment of All
.Such Difceaxe * .
It bM loag b en thought not only by rene
but by people In general that tbe
painful sad exeeodlosly nnaoying
tronbte , pile * , HUS nraetivally Ucurable by
aur otb r iDeass than a surgical oji&rjtioo
and tkls belief bis beao tbe cause of years
of B edleu cufforlng. bciu ? of tbe natural
dr ad ef surgical operations.
There are many salve * , ointments aad
Elmilar remedit * OB the market -naleh a Cord
coe * relUf IB c ra of piles , but tbe Pyn-
aid Pile Care ii tbe only pr * > paratiB M far
4otroduc d that can be reliably depended
upoti to cure to etay cured , every form of
itching. Weeding or protrvdiag piles.
Kr . M. C. Hmkley ef 01 Mi i aipii SC ,
was told by bsr piycUce : that
but a curgieal opr tioc costing W-
tt w sreo aoj eight huadrod dollars , could
our * hr a * ehe bad fuCtred for IS years ;
y t evt in i cb a ease ae bers the Pyramid
IH1 * CweioceoiplitbMl a complete euro. SBC
tar * ; "I kov an ofemles tro U b death
w aw aaJ trt l th I'jr.mid with very little
hop * aaj H it not t beweoderid at that
1 am M eathuiUwic in Iti praice "
Mr. D. B. Rt d of South Lyoai , Mich ,
FAV I would n t take JiO aad IM p !
lock wB rt > IMtote I UWHJ th - Pyramid
T > U * Cmre. I cuSered for ye r lad it U BOW
cltht B ffi-ooti Bince I uted it aad not the
EltgfctMt Uao of th trouble t s returned.
Th Prra id Pile Cure it ld by nearly
all druggitU at M cU acd U per { tankage
* ad ai K oootalaa no opium. oancaUie or
other f > o4 c us druc raa bv cz d with per
fect wfetj- .
Ko one need suffer from piles In eny form'
who will give tha excellent remedy a trial.
Send for book "n caa e acd rare oS t let ,
ent free by addrmig Prraa.l Drug Co. ,
i ! rxtiil , il ci. , ( foraerljr Albioa. il.chj
al > o ! fecee which tn y bare ben mine
J r trrtrtl yari to i elo * roTwnmeot laed
for th * pnrpoM e ( f * tarlB $ borwe. o tU *
nd Mie- * .
B tw B CtmerOB acd T-arrvt jnowntata J
J Xooaan c drlTiar a Btf dcwa a M
p . Hit leid MB got bertmd cottrrt ad
h WM aai'.Iy thrtnni forirtr4 froM bit ei.
; ; * ! : OB thMoar * aad ttita to tbe sroatid
Two wberte of th heary tg pa < orcr
him. break I as two ribs.
The ch'orlBatioD SB i lit ! e Boulder , vhlch
have bea clo > 4 doira for two month * , ere
anla reiumlsg ofivratiOB * . Tht Dflaco all !
of flfty toes capacity , which wag clewed to
make Knot chaorw which experience had
cbowv to be oecMrr , hc ket < n crBdatlly
resumtoi ; la ill department * for a week ,
and te BOW rnntUni ; full b. l agile.
A Pueblo o-tepitth rtatw that with the
* lowing market for Colorado products
throughout the east com * ? a great iacrcoee
In tbe ihiptnent of alfalfa from the Arka&fa
valley A rate of $4.89 per too from the
valley to St. Louis has been rnaJr. and wiUi
alfalM finding a good demand in ? C Loals
at 110 per ton a good market with & fair
profit IB a * ured.
Willet Neclect 111Vc trrn Diocese
AVhlle Atnklni ; the Chance.
LAR.4M1E. Wyo , Dec. 1. ( Special. ) Rt.
Hev. Etheibert Talbot , bishop of Wyoming
and Idaho , n-as in this chy this week after e
month's absence , during which time he was
elected to the position of bishop of the dlo-
ce of Pennsylvania. He does not contem
plate leaving this diocese immediately to take
up bis residence in the east. On this subject
he Mid :
"In case of my acctptaace , which Is eo-
tlrely probable. I will go to Pennsylvania
with my family the tetter part of January
and get settled In tbe bishop's residence ,
which is located In Strath Bethlehem end is a
large and beautiful structure. Before accept
ing the office of bishcr ? of central Pennsyl
vania I will resign as bishop of Wyoming end
Idabo aad ask the presiding bishop of the
American church to appoint tue administrator
of Wyoming and Idaho until my two success
ors shall have been elected. It Is expected
that a separate bishop will be elected for
Wyoming and Idaho each.
"It is my purpose to remain in my new
dlscese till June aad then return to Wyoming
and Idaho fw the ectlre summer aad early
| toll , mak 05 a complete visitation of this
western work , attending to such ecclesiastical
and Snanclal matters as are necessary In or
der to turn over the n-nrk to those who are
to follow me. It is hoped that with this the
work will be left in good shape for iny suc
cessor. "
" \Vj-omInjr Xen * Vote * .
A ledge of oil-bearing rock has been dis
covered in the Iron mountain end samples
have been seat east for invesllcation.
A new flouring mill will be built at Cody ,
the lumber for which -a-Ul > e hauled this
winter acd work will bs comineoced early in
the spring.
William Kraulsh. a wealthy stockman of
Netrona coaaty. will build a telephone line
from Casper to Walton. Casper cltiiens con
tributed ? 750.
Sheriff Rice of Bis Horn county took an In-
cene patient to Eranston and had to make
the journey by way of Butte , Including a
stage drive of 175 allies.
A. A. Spaugh of Manvllle bought l.COO
head of csttle from the Pawnee Cattle com
pany at Lusk and Is having them sent
through to his ranch for feedice.
Austin Sloan , editor of the Evanston Press ,
has accepted a positkn tendered him by
Senator Clark in Washington as messenger
to the assistant doorkeeper of the United
States senate.
A company has been formed ct Dangles for
the purpose of developing the copper discov-
leries nt-ir thsre. Sufficient funds have been I
| subscribed for driving a 200-foot tuaael [
! through the copper lead. j
j The Wyoininc Hereford association is CiH
termiaed to keep up the reputation of its
breeding farm near Cheyenne , and now bas a i
representative east buying the finest pcre 1
blood Here-fords in the market. j :
The work of construction on the telephone |
line from Sheridan to Bg ! Horn is progressI I '
Inj ! nicely. The poles ere now set as far as I
the ranch of J. D. Adams , who will have the
only telephone along the line.
Prof. Nelson cf the Stale university at
! Laramie has been Invited by the secretary
j o' agriculture to write a report on the
j vegetation of the Tied desert for the year
bock of the department and has commenced
oa the work.
A hunting party , consisting of J. C. But-
terick of Brooklyn. N. TL , and William McKinney -
Kinney and Wllliacn Scnrantz cf Sheridaa , i j
brousrk : in a large quantity of game to'
Sheridan. Everybody gets a deer or two oa
every hunt.
The latest rumor in connection with the
location of a tie carap in the mountains oa
Brush creek , south of Saratoga in Carbon
county. IB to the eSsel that the Union Pacific
hs let Its tte contracts to J. C. Teller of
Denver and that gentleman hs begaa ' * ie
work of supplying the great Overland with
The special examiner of government
surveys has made aa examination of the
1 surveys of land made during the last season
by E. F. Stsril of Caeyenae , who surveyed
170,000 acres adjacent to the Shosboa *
rei ? rvstioji. The survey of JOT.OOO acres
lying oifi of thU tract , by J. F. Warner , will
not be examined this winte-r
Adams and Douglas , who are working ia !
, the Northern Bell mia * ia the Sandstaae ]
nrfning dtetrlct. about fifteen mile * west oJ j '
I the Grand Encampment , are erecting a ten-
iiimp mill with power for twenty stamps
a&d expect to have the plant ia operation
oa January 1. A general average assay ot
Northern Bell ore snows J6C to the ton in
pold. Occasional pork . * are fouad in which
the ore runs into tbe thousands in values.
A vela of four feet In thickness was being
worked in a 4M-Ioot drift when operations
II D rein ConsrresratlonnlUt * Keep Up a
Veir England Cn tora.
HURON. S D , Dec. 1. { Special ) Coa-
regatlonaltcts are arranging for the
observation of Forefathers' day , December 21.
A New England supper will be served in the
evening. Rev. Dr. Scou of Sionx Fails Is
expected to deliver the address.
A flag pre-sentatroa with ceremonies
peculiar to the regulations of the Salvation
army took place at the army rooms Mac-
day evening. Captain GraM > . who eeljtbilsbol
the bsrraeki here last winter , made the
presentation speech. The ceremonies were
witnessed by a large crowd. The army Is
doles a exx > d work here. Captain Gram goes
to Fairmont Minn. , from here , being in
charge f the -work there.
The new U-idge over the Jim river , sear
the north Use of the county , aad also the
we Epuuiine Foster ereek , are completed
ltd a special meeting of the board of county
eommlMloDerc will be held tw December 7
to examine * ad accept the came.
George iSchsepper of itllwaukte now
occupies a clerical petition IB the offlc-e of
Surveyor Geoeral Hughec. having t * o sent
bere by direction -of the civil service com-
Grace BplKopal Church guild is arranging
tor Hi anaoal c pf > r xe be givee on the
evooiix of December I.
Ed J. Mlll r. etasc ! at the Pirn National
bank , aad A. K. Daldoe are at a n * froei
a three * ekc' Mar b > Mlftrml Spriujt. led ,
wbw * tbof took mini bti ; bMh are ouch
td la health.
Telephone * for Dell Hapld * .
SIOUX FALLS. S. D . Dae 1 ( Special. ) -
A toeal tclepbeAe eonpaay bat b iccor-
porattd at Dell Riplds and ac exchange will
If put IB at once. Dr O O Sawyer 1 * pres
ident. O. P. Bowie * vice prec.feot cd B J.
Bl ictt secretary.
A .Nenr Suulh Dakota O
MILBANK. . D. , D c. 1 < Su eil. ) OB a
fans U-loBfiBg to W B. SftUBders , tli snllji
west ef here , a flow ol water -wai ttrui Ic m
an artuian well at a deph of SW fee ; Jtt
fliw c' ! er stared a it v ra'e r1i
keepicp up to tb * deJigbt o ! "b - larmere ii'e
bemuse t bad lUtyt jeea i. --j tha tt *
arteciaa vein * run oat t BH Stone Uke
DO witer could be found frere at a
5nppo ed tfc ln e Died n the Ilennlt
of ISlpO urr.
CHAMBBRUA1N S. D , Dec. 1. ( Spfchil. )
About three irwkj i the 10-r r-oW
adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. Cha'let Chrltto-
pber oo. who lire la Lnzwa county , a few
milw w tt of th'.cIty. ' . left hit aotae oJid 11
not ret rn ChrietophertOB beard of the Mv
a : tbe home of a rancher on tbe White
but the boy had r n awty frora
one Vef re. he felt BO noeaclaet * . thlnltiii ;
that tbe farmer with whom the boy bai taV n
refo e would brloc aim home the first tl Tie
he came to town. In a tew days be brard
the bey had left there to po to the bom * of
another fanner , but wben the father got to
tbe latter's place the boy had amta l ft. A
diligent search we ; without cucce . and the
belief was that the boy bed taken refuce
with the Indians. The other day while Ole
Margestad was riding over the hills he found
tbe remains of thefboy in a dry waibouti
Wolves had Hiten the fleeb from o&e side of
the face and neck. The verdict of the core
ner's jury was that the death of the ted re
sulted from exposure to the weather. A few
months ago the boy ran away and followed
some stockmen to this city. He was re
turned to b > borne by City Marshal Guptil.
and at that time declared that he weald never
attempt to run away again.
> o Appeal * to Snpreme Coart In Cnies
Involving .Miinll Amount * .
SIOUX FALLS , e. D. . Dec. 1. ( Special. ' !
In three recent decisions the supreme court
of the state has decided that the Hiacklcy
latr , passed last winter , which denies appeal
to the supreme court in cases lavolving sums
less than J75 is valid. Three cases have been
thrown out of the supreme court for lack of
jurisdiction as the result of this law. Th *
law is fully sustained by the court and will
heM unless k Is repealed "by the aext ses
sion of the legislature , which is likely to
be done rs the people are finding out that
very m&ay cases of the greatest ultimate Im
portance Involve small actual sums. In
aooe of the great re-survey cases which have
cause } so much trouble and have been of so
much iiD-po.-tance to the settlera of Red
and other townships in this county was the
amount directly involved as much as ? 7S.
bn-t the collateral interests were much
Irrigation In South Dakota.
ABERDEEN. S. D. , Dec. 1. { Speciel. )
Even though there was no ceed of Irrlcatloa
la the state test year and good crops were
obtained everywhere without resort to arti-
i ficial watering of tbe farms , Stacy Cochrane.
I state commissioner of Irrigation , is active la
I oromotinc the interests of irrigation in the
j state. He held a meeting here this week , in
which he urged the people to prepare for an
other general meeting to be held during the
winter , when prominent speakers will be
here to talk on Irrigation. Mr. Cochrane is
not advocating irrigation by mecns of
artesian wells. He believes the system is too
expensive aad too complex for South Dakota
people at the present time , and therefore
Invites failure and business disaster. One
of his seecningly practical notions 15 that
farmers should put u ? "Jumbo" windmills ,
which they can easily learn to make tiiem-
I selves , a.nd irrigate small tracts , varying the
irca from year to year. Such a windmill
"with pump and all , would not cost , he de
clared , over ISO aad where the water supply
was suScIent ten acres or more might be
| irrigated aad a reservoir 100 feet square kept
I well filled. If the supply was net adequate
| to such a drain as this fair-sized tracts could
be Irrigated direct from , pipes.
County Sent Decision Expected.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D. , Dec. 1 ( Special. )
Co the 15th of this month the supreme
court of tbe Etate will hand dowa a decision
in the famous courty reat quarrel between
Wilmot td Steseton ia Roberts county WI1-
mot Is now the county seat , but Slssetca
claims the honor B the result of the last
election , having received a majority of the
votes cast on the county seat question. Wil-
tact asserts thst SUseton did not receive a
majority of all the votea cast at the elec
tion asd that therefore DO change of the
county seat can be made.
Start for AIuj.Ua.
HOWARD. S. D. , Dec. 1. ( SpedaL ) Two
of Howard's early settlers. Merlin Torwanrer
and J. C. Johnson , left TuesiJy rncmlng with
their families for the Klondike. They go dj-
rt-ci to Seattle where they will spend the
winter and take the first ship in tie Eprlng
for Alaska. Mr. Torwanger , who Is too ar
dent a silver man to hanker after gohi , will
eagsge la the fisheries , which was bis occu
pation In Norway , "but Mr. Jchasoa expects
to go direct to the mines red become a full-
fledged goldbug
Yottnc PrlvIIese Come *
SIOUX FALLS. S. D . Dec. 1 < 3pwial. )
In the lest election Pratt county , which is
one of the unorgroizsd "cow" counties west
of Chtmberlair. cast only three votes. The
election expenses wer * S137.Su.
South Dakota Iren. Comment.
Rapid City Republican : State Auditor
Mayhew has t > ta found not guilty after a
full and fair trial. It seems oar populist
attorney general -ucs right after all la re
fusing Governor Lee's request to prosecute
this case.
Aberdeen News : The report of Ccloae
Frost shows the South Dakota National
Guards to be in a flourishing condition , not
withstanding the fact that it is compelled to
be self-supporting. The drill this organlza
tioa is giving young men ia this s tate is a
grand good thing of itself. If nothing more
should ever be required of it.
Cus-er Chronicle : The late test * of the
South Dakota rugar beets , made st the state
experiment station la Brookings , were the
most remarkable ever made anywhere manj
ot which gave over 20 per cent sugar , -while
some gave as higb as : i and -I per cent
Tbe South Dakota beet Is only exec-lied In Its
c-etaetK ty the South Dakota girl , who it
practically all sugar.
Oelrichfi Tlmt * It is row getting so that
very little lumber go s out of the Black
HilU. Tie government is usin ? strenuous
efforts to stop the destruction cf timber in
the Hills , and most of the cutters are being
pioaecuted or else are under bonds ( for dls
regarding the laws made for the protection
of the timber on the public ! aad * .
Hot Springs Star : Tbe Star dors not be
lieve that Auditor Mayhew was willfully
guilty , but was Inexcusably reckless la per
mining such a system of bookkeeping to
thus eixangle him.
Stout Fall ! Argus Leader : The South
Dakota fiMiociits are trying hard to have
it understood that Loucks doesn't amount to
very moch anyway.But he it enough o ! a
popaltot to have been ooe of the leadiaj
popuhtt eaadiaates for tbe United States
To Aid tti ? Health fi-ki-r .
LAS VEGAS , N. M. , Dt-c. 1. Tbe Jowkh
citizens of Las Vegae a'e arranging tor a
fair the proceeds of which win go to the sup-
pert ef indigent Hebrew lovtlids who come
to New Ueiieo hoping to regain their lost
health ia Its matchless climate. The number
of thU class who have sought this Iowa has ,
be ome so great that the resources of local i
philiatarcpJfcU have bew-aie exhausted. Ac j
urgent appeal hat been issued t * alt tsxtt
who are ia sympathy with the noble work
to contribute something , however email , to
make it * coming fair the SUCCOK U dew res
to foe
I.UHK Life of sacrifice ,
SPOKANE. 'Wash. . Dee. 1. ( Special. ) 1
SiMer Ptter BiptlM * who dtei ter ytiUr-
at ) at < h a * * of fit bad b * ei a : cbarg * of
th * CUholic bocplul her * floe * U6 % nj | ! !
hat been a DUB for upward * cf fcnj'-firc |
y * n. Her name we * Julia Caroo us h r
people trt said t k * w allhf * u4 prcari- I
. * 10 tbe
L " . ( Etr'r R * * t a-e
for fv.rufrf
, a I , = ib a * . . r . va
fmiB F"r ! rift * 1 '
* a American wMow. krt Kifiacer to
whom be bid betaMfiklBg lor * lor MM *
tm ! Htvint * MW her in. rapir.T with other i
Men he became IflJahifl with ] IOU THe - !
He called at tfce r * i4tsre of Mrs. KiuUifrer '
to demsod in wcplaastion bat w refined
adtnlttftcc * . He
hot htmeelt.
TT linprlrnn I ! > ' Tlnor l t'mlrr Ar- j
rrol lit Manncvn.
< Camt > a amn of tht A *
MANAGUA. Nicaragua. D . L William V.
SbcrUat. a It-TWoU * cra or William Sbert-
oaa of OaltfM-oH. temporarily residing oa
hfe c 6ee estate e r PslaitU , wh h ft
ba attending \b * national collect t
Managua , its be * Imprison i on a decian-
ttott by Robert Kckman. the director of
fee college. on Mitplcton that young Sberl.
* B was one of a party of students wh
explode * & toy bomb at or nor the oo * .
es * door.
Three tiff liter Hush Sheridan , a brother
of William. also a etudent at the college.
was. Imprfeoned on a declaration of Eck-
ana en a. similar charge. Hash is 14
years old. Nee ef the native students
who were alleged to have been In th
party were arrested.
It is alleged that Eckmtn. before be made
b declaration * against Hugh Sherl-
; aa. was Informed that the Sheridan bora at
the time of the exptoMon of the bomb were
over half a mile away. The professor was
evidently afraid io accuse the natives Jo >
ear it would cause a protest.
The United States consul called oa Wil
liam Sheridan once , -but was refused per
mission to tee the boy on each occasion he
called thereafter. The legation also made
an eflort in his behalf after the third day
n prison , and requested the transfer of tht
> OT to a cleaner room. Both boysveer ?
eventually released by the order ol th *
government on the flfth day of the in.
irisonrneat of the older boy. and were or
dered to appear before a criminal court
the next day.
The court evidently hoped they would
run away. They were oa hand the next
day , bat hiring no testimony against
them took the declaration of a physician
. .hat they were under the ace of man
hood aad discharged them to appear in court
when summoned. In the meantime they may
go where they please.
Vilrer e Vote In' Prpncli Sfnntc
HIi Downfall.
PARIS. De : . 1 _ Owing to the defeat In t e
Seaste yesterday , when by a rote of 1S3 to
IS. the xoetion of M. Darlan. the min
ister of justice , to shelve the discussion of
the removal of a CMgistrate , which had been
denounced as illegal , was rejected. M. Dar-
; an has requested Premier Heline to inform
President Feure that he has tendered his
M. Darlan. the retiring minister of justice ,
was one of the most pronou&ced supporters
of the maintenance of tie Senate when the
existence of that hfruse was threatened dur
ing the parliamentary crisis of April last
veer. It is noteworthy that his downfall has
> een caused by ta adverse vote of the sens-
The cabinet met this evening. The news
papers eipress the belief that all the min
sters will resign and that M. Meline. tbe
present oremier , will undertake to reconstruct
he cabinet.
The feeling among the deputies was < > gainst
the whole cabinet resigning.
Securities on the bocrse today , after e. firm
opening , were rather egltited on the different
rumors which followed , the report of the resig
nation of the minister of justice. M. Darlan.
while to addition the Spanish newa was re
tarded as discourasln j and mused a drop
ater. Spanish 4 per cents were freely offered
aad closed wiek. ItSfcn securities were well
maintained on the belief of a frrorable
badge : p < K-t in Italy. Brazilians were dull
ind Tarks neglected. Copper w-as well rap-
norted and South African securities found
better support. At the clcse of the market
there were signs of the beginning of a reac-
ticcuM. Darlan. in spite of tee reqecsts of his
colleszuss. has persisted in resigning the
portfolio of justice -and the presided has ac
cepted his resignation. M. Mellne , the pre
mier , will tote the portfolio of minister of
justice ad interim.
Minister MaJcc * n
'Shim-lne for th - Year.
ROME , Dei. 1. The minister of finance ,
SIg. Luzetti. made hl financial statement
in the Caaniber of Dsputire today. It
showed a surplus of SS.OOO.OiX ) lire for the
Sninelal rear of 1S9D-97. The result wa >
considered especially gritlfying , as the
abundant wheat crop of Italy has largely
decreased the customs receipts , which enl >
totaled up 33,000,000 lire , the lowest on
The revised budget for tae current year
showed a surplus < l 40.500.600 lire.
Part of the surplus will be devoted to tbt
establishment of a consolidated fund to be
d-vtted to the withdrawal of vate notes se
the rnoEt eQcacious method of eitioruUb-
tcc the premium on gold. Thus. nex
year over 30.000050 lire , of state notes ill
be redeemed. It is proposed to reduce the
expenditure in Erytirt-a. the Itamc colony
on the east coast of Africa , from 9.000.000
to 5.060000 lire and to gradually withdraw
the Itzlien troop * from the plateau to the
coast posts of Mzaeiwa. the port of dennk-
ticn und embarkation.
Will -Not Exact an Exccokire I'aj'iiicnt
from Iliiyil.
BERLIN. Dec. L United States Ambaiw
dor Andrew D. White in his Interview ye §
terdsy with the German mlnitter for foreign
affairs. Baron von Balow. received empbati'
assurances , coached in friendly terms , o
Germany's moderate intentions in regard to
demanding o' H yti an Indemnity for thp
illeesl Imprisonment of Her : Ernil Lueden. a
Germsn subjest. Baroa von Bulow asfcurei
Mr. White of Germany' * good will and reefer
for American susceptibility , which caased the
German gOT-rrnmeiK to reduce its claim for
indemnity to io,000 Mr. White evfLilne <
that the Uoited States cruiter Merblehead
was going to Port 20 Prince , Hzyti , solely to
prttrft American interests
The Norther Gsrrsan Gazette announces
semi-officially that the dispatch of the
United States cruiser 'Marblehead to Port au
Prince h-is no signi canoe as a demonctra
{ ion , adding tlwt the sovernment of the
United States his cauied It to be intimated
here tha * the object in'sending the war ship
la Hayti is exclusively for the protection c
American lnttcet , . t
Fnret * Insiilllclrnt to Gnari
MADRID , Dec. It At the cabinet
yesterday the minlM r of nMtrloe , Admin
Bermejo , prestceij % > rcqueat of the gov
ern r f the island o rtrnujdo Po , tae Span
Uh peotl eettiemeot the west coast o
Africa , for jure war ckipi to Toard tbot
place. Premier SaetKl read treg--titi4 ! < r fla
Hraa anl from varftuf tawni of Sptin < ?
jratul.ticg the xor < > rea < Dt upc- . the iuni
Utee of the eutoeater decrees. It u uodcr
* tmd tbit the C rUsU rill not ukc any ae-
Uou until Uoa Carlo * , tie pretend * ? to
tic Uirooc. tM rep'id to a cruage MB't
MB at Vienna , relative to the political litu.
VTBJXA. : . L fe eoaiasBaal coaacil
w ( jawed a relinica ( banking Em ; fr
Joieph for wuaaMtnisx tbt minUtrj'
will repeal tb * k ajut 5
tt Citi UcKueg * -ard.ute vith t | "
tuankmi tb oii : rj iaJ .
to i r evere. &ad , if ni uiry , 13
to strea *
Ui-ffEI ritllliilue iuinr TiMll .
H ii/ii ; Irf 3 ; 6 8i-r.-.J eJc a2
< i "J'C h Jr.a M.r i ; ; " . . . * t *
f't - o. E _ - - -v . , _ _ - c - > . B
a ' 's nf flfts"j : | > mrn k < llel in-
t.e u ; rit n ; ) * : < r Ti > ? p aiarj
Io * Mi mra k ' .ri i" I bad rvf-ij. D mrn
All of ri nr < > txttrr U\rrit | Onr
U'rlttrn hj Him.
PARIS. I > c. 1. UJw CovDt rerdlaaad
B > rli iT. UK rtlrt4 rrratk r rr fie r
> Hio is charged vita iMrinc > wrtti tiw
wkk * M to the ImrrlsDnment
J Hir < f Alfml Dreyfus. tb fonMr
caotata of rnwcli rtinry ' * 'i * * *
flrtod by trt-TMrtlaI frtllm : willurr
ssr-ret * to tee gts tt * fw * ( rn JK > WW. K
slid today to bare ackncnrlcrlred UM
aotbenticity t : tb letters rc Wly jb-
licklKl by < Ftg ro. with tae xc t4laa at t * *
T < * hi whlcli the eotint U MM to bar *
rM 4 tk * following < t tlm o ! * :
"If < raljrbt i were toM thK I okovM fee
: ill d ttNTorrenr M c * | > uin of UbteM.
waile MLbrto ? Kr K-bm n I ehouli cerUUily
toe perfectly bppy. I would not arm a
o * . but 1 w Hd M 100.000 Frcacta e
It h * rtt d that the report of G rmJ
. -lra w * kftpotat d by tbe mlllury
T of Prtt. General Samtfcr. to I-
rwticate the charges broufiM atalnst Coont
Bstrrhazy. states th t be is satizBrt wRi
be nil : of Dreyfa * . There tt. bo * v r ,
-eneral indipaatton her * at G * l Pe -
BX'S stateratot that be bae not inquired
a-to ihe possibility of Esterhaxy bavlty ;
written tie memorandum upon which
Dreyfusnit oowrtated. which is one of the
ehafres brcurtt ficslart the count the gen-
r l slaply remarking that ke considers the
ctmrt-aianial deflnVtely Bettl d tbat point.
n't Plcn ecl rvlth
In China.
LONDON . Dec. 2. It is reported here In
well-informed clndss that the views of the
ESlan government have undergone a change
as to the situation at Kiao Caau bay. Se-
ng the large force that Germany is assem
bling there Russia is inclined with France to
oppose German action.
A special dispatch from Shanghai says
nine men have been arrested for Implication
n the missionary murders. It Is commonly
reported there that Franc ? , Germany and
Russia have entered into a compact for ac
quisition of Chinese territory. Germany Uk-
: ng Han Tung. Russia taking Corea anJ
France taking Fo Kien and Formosa.
The movements or th ? Britlrh and Japan
ese fleets are supposed to Indicate suspicion
at the action of the other powers. Japan
objects to a German occupation of Kiao Chau
until China has paid the war indemnity. It
is understood at Shanghai that China will
propose to refer the whole matter eo the
[ > owtrs for arbitration.
JllnUtrjfrsrctl to Mnke
MADRID , Dec. 1. The Irnparcisl , com
menting today upon the reports of the latest
alleged filibustering expedition of the Amer
ican steamer Dauntless , calje upon Premie
Sagasta to make energetic representation on
the subject at Washington , adding that the
authorities at Washington "must be in-
onned of the bad impression created in
Spain by the frequent filibustering expedi
tions. " The Imparclal adds : "The circum
stances show a lack of regard for Spain , es
pecially as the filibustering expeditions coin
cide with the new regime decreed for
Cuba , "
fnltecl tnt - ln > isti on 1'ajfor
Property Destroyed.
CONSTANTINOPLE , Dec. 1. Tbe United
States minister to Turkey. James B. Angell ,
fccs renewed the demand of the United States
for on iQdemnity from the Turkish govern
ment for the ollhige of the American mis
sions et Kbarput. Marash and Haskongji.
Ynnenia. The Porte denies any responsibility
for the pillapjjg on the ground tha : the gov
ernment tcted under the stress o" unavoid
able circumstances. Minister Angell , how
ever , icsisifi upon the government's responsi
bility , EE Turkish troops and gendarmes psr-
.iciroted in the outrages.
HncUIcn's Arnica Salic.
Tbe best salve in the world for Cats.
Braises So-res , Ulcers. Salt Rheum , Fver
Sores , Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblaios ,
Corns and 11 Skin Eruptions , and positively
csres Piles or no pay required. It is guar
anteed to give perfect satufictlcn or money
refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For fii.e
by Kuhn Co.
THIXK c i > KW5 MtnnnnER
Shirley IJ. Chnmli-rlnln o v Under
Vrre t nt Colorado 5DrInK .
COLORADO SPRINGS , Colo. . Dec. L Svi-
deace seems to show that Shirley D. Cham
berlain. Bites George Dean , held by the police
of this city uirfer charge of forgery , is prob
ably the murderer of Herbert Kay. who was
killed on Pikes' Peak oa August IS , and alno
Loals SchinWt. a cripled taUor , whcee de
composed 4 > ody w-ss fonad in a smsll c-anln in
this city. _ .
Dezn was arreated in Cinon City , iunday.
by Detective Jol Atkinson of this city , and
brought hire , and was to-lay identified by
two young women who had met Kay and
his companion on the Peakoa the night Kay
was murdered.
A washer wosun t 34ani--oo cas alsa
identified Dean ES tie man who caHed for a
suit of unde-rwcar at cec place last summer.
This suit , easily recosnizsble by some pe
culiar patches was afterwarie found soaked
with blaod and hidden under a culvert be
neath the Pikes' Peak cog road.
Shortly after the merCer of Kay. Schmidt
pawned a watch afterwards identified * s that
of the murdered man. U is tiought he
acted 3 the agent of Chsmberliia. Liter
Chamberlain's wife , who is nw la Bridgeport
or Din4 ry. Com. , declared that Chamber
lain ine home oa ihe night after the sup
posed aurdtr of SchziSt with UOO and a
watch believed to have belonged to tbe tailor.
J. A Perkirjs of Antiquity , O , was for
thirty years needlessly tanu-ed by physi
cians for the cure of eczema He as
quickly cured by using DeWif.'e Witth Hazel
Salve tae famous hraUng ealte Cor piles and
An ualnterrujjted s-j-ce has followtl
"The AYldow Jones. " tbe contiy * hlch ii
to be presented here for the third time at the
Creightoa tonight , beginning a half week's
engagement. At IB we : : ktows. the p.ece
w s writioa by John J. McNally. and it it
conceded to tie the brightest aad cleverest
of a ions line oS piece * from hli pen.
Duties the jirweot tour of "The WiSaw
Joa . " Flo Irwin , tie sUter of everybody's
friead. May. aarumefi the title role , and that
fie dOM it acceptably has been conclusively
proved wherever this comedy has been pre
sented. Miss ir ln au woo satotactial
fame for clever work on the comedy tige ,
aad tbe aeeiaim which ba * atteaded her coc-
ceptloe of "The Widow Jooe " jKaspc it u
h r moet m4ticu tsflort ,
An excell et cast of accoropsDying pliyew
h&fi ben secured for Mist Irmin. Ada
Lewis , who oeed ao laroductkm to an
Omaha audictxe. reuini her old part , and o
doe * George W. BtrvitM. Others in the
oropacr are Walter Havtcr. JJ - Fisher ,
liwry D. Kelly. Horace Xevaan , Joseph I' .
S-ickrd. Hotei-i McK * * , Sattle Ws-ers.
Acni UarteU. G orck > Ljwreoot , MaUcl
He weKinma Frater. LeuUe Temple aad
Caroline Lizh.
Stuart B&Usoo' * eBVicement t : Bord'e
'next week 1s lim'-ed to two ri hts , BJ coin-
itC as i : doe * after i Wnetrtet long period
ol not very attract ! re "attrttoa ' lll
i feobti&s pror * OM cil tlM next taporioi
erenu d iht MUCH Mr. Ro > b oo > il prc-
; s s > t nothing on this oocajioE. but ill
' be see-n la ivo characters , which , io his
ha : : is are * ! jt-teptai/1 * acl en'er-
ti „ " ! D'J.XU a : ' B - i- he L- 'Jhe
'j f- _ r M 'lay < . . r r T. r'.v
\ c Mv I : , > v5 - - en f.-ra
' c- " r , f -v-- s trii3 j7J7T Sg
-hsr hs an ! ttia -s-a. .
Dr0 Miles' Nervine
Recommended With Pleasure ,
"The Best Remedy in Existence. "
* s
BELIEF from the agoalilng suCering
raueed by scrvouEnej , ricepleesaeis
and that miserable feeliac ; of unrest , is
so gratifying that there is no wonder It 1 * a
pleasure to recommend the remedy to the
world. Dr. Miles' Restorative Remedies are
scientific remotes , prepared from Dr. Miles'
prescriptions each remedy for its own partic !
ular purpose , yet fill so asslraulated thai two
or more may be taken with benefit when
indicated. Remedies : o prepared under tbe
srpervision of EO fstnons a physician as Dr.
Miles may be safely recommended to one's
friends with the assurance they wfli be bene-
Mrs. Clinton Randall of EHleotrvUle , K.
Y. . eays of Dr. Miles' Nervine :
"I ted ETlffered for two years from es-
trerse nervousness end slerplessaess.k \ \ a
very poor eppetHe and miserable general
health. It was impossible to get a good night's
rest and the days passed in weariness and
unrest. My limbs end arms would twitch
and jerk and I seemed to be losing control
of bath body and mind. I tried a great many
prescriptions and remedies without relief un
til I began taking Dr. Miles' Restorative
Nervine. It made me sootier person en-
entlrely ; ay appetite is good , I sleep or
soundly as eny one , and I believe it tbe best
remedy to existence. Its effect on the ner-
TOBS system Is mzrveloas and lasting. With
pleasure I recommend Dr. Miles' Restorative ] |
Nervine for the good it his done me and
I know it will do others. "
0' . li i" there tliat ' " *
riieet tar y > n * " man ?
1 It trne tlint > ti limim
re i ect for j oor o ii iiianllne n ? II
It ( me Ibat 110 one el cvlio
yon intlnitslclj- . The r r.
llmliM : the neurj- and vetilkallcon ? "
fei-llDt : the * . : the - vor-
rleil look. What Uoe It nil mean ;
You Iviiow n rll n * n > one.
o yrYe mfco said that you were even
> ) U- \ It a half dan ? Drams have be u
taxing your system in a way
that you d > n't know , and most likfly oan-
not ppr c-iate Are you golce to allorr
them to continue ? You will b nathins or
u man at all if you do. That la the tru'-h.
I : is not pleasant for you to hear or see.
But it is truth.
/ TT Ycs ° aI'1'1 * > nll ; lh KBoH
YTT fur YOU to rend. Jlovr '
ninny ilrac * in the la t jear
hae yon j > roml ed jourf-elf that yea
-ouia ilo Roiut-thlns : to lirlii jour elf ?
Anil you haie tjoae jut nutlitae ! TIiln
In niiuoluK > our RJ stem In n vrnr thiit
It ulll nut htniid. If > " have errrd
Jteforf. hy not behaie noivS H c
> our common cu e.
Yes. Wf - you t-vcr
abr7ut your condition ? Knot
j , to about time that you gave
r -d to the infallible &zn * ; that your friends
t. c even if you are still blind to tnem.
Tl ri is Mill box for you-yoo neei not
buimr about tbttt , but ia the put. ing elf
wholt manhood.
of treatment > ou risk your
TnuOi of i : !
Ye , " V MAN. Knrh limn In IhU
A nldr "world hate * e - io it tUat
bl im er are protected. If lie
hti hollow checl. " anil nnken eye ,
l njitint ral Iiinir-
iiiiKtrunt ; n T e nn
inn liti u > malic u | > hlfc isilnil that
lUe Miunrr he irrlte * to the fciuou.
Hu.Kuu Medical Institute the roourr
-Ill he net relief. He will he a muul >
man ! .
Tin AIT TP , a manly man. No : out of
fl A N th * days of your life nft3 b
" *
" - pt3t in the way that > uu are
at-cuftomed to spend tss i worryln.- < -r
your condition. Gft tb traunen : tr.jt.trn. .
ten -housujid other * feavp ot. It b.- i ur J
mat nutnlr on thto loj * . You JB ca.l ,
and get medical adric frf "J ou c - nie
a.r.d gtt tb * mot toorijicicB t * : -.unul
aid medical aJvice free tau ! Be a a : + u' . '
Hlood taint U cared hy the -aci-dnj I
hlooil cure. " Catarrh U most eel - ,
leutly treate li Kldne > . liver and ,
bladder tr nUlf dUmiiear i er >
ijnlekl ) under the Ireulmi-ni nilmlii-
Iklered at tUe hlK Institute. "V\Ii > will ,
> ou cuuil ae to fcuHer whea > ou
tul ht he
j ,
Stoekton , Market and Ellis Sts , ,
San Frencisco. California.
1 S
* i Steel lMByroyalTefitmBnt
iTiie t isO.
rri. - . ' -J-ry
JJUiicn : Drat ( ' t E. Cor Utb Fit-
I Etnru. Kto.
jjpfe R. MILES' NERVINE Is without qucav
E B tion the best remedy for Lagrlppe anil
its after effect * . La Grippe aEeeta the
rerves direct. Dr. Miles' Nervine acts di
rectly as the nerves. La Grippe exhansls
the vitality * od destrops the nerve tissue ,
deadening tie fcenejs and weakening the en
tire system. Dr. Mile * ' Nervine builds up
and replenishes the serve tissues , restores
vitality , strengthens the system end 1m-
ba s the raettal fatuities with new-
life , energy aad vigor. La Grippe , llk
a cold , attacks the weakest of the organs ,
for the reason that the nerves controlling
that organ are weakene-1. Dr. Miles' Ner
vine strengthens the diseased ad weakened
Miss Cordelia Smith of Venalles , Ky. .
wrles "In 1B80 1 had several attacks of La
Grippe which left aie prostrated with ner
vousness. The prostration was particularly
severe and painful from the fact that I
had suffered from a weak back and nervous
attacks all my life. Oa the recommeidalioa
of cur druggists. Me er = E. D Scrogin t Co. .
I used Dr. Miles' Nervine and it restore !
tae to health , sot only did 1 recover from
La Grippe , bat from my life long troubles
and I am now in better health than over "
Dr. Jllles * Remedies are sold by al ! drug
gists uader t positive guarantee that the
first lwtto win bereSt or the ncner will
be refunded. Book co the Heart and Nerves
sent free by the Dr. Miles Medical Co. , Elk-
tart , lid.
Mske Valuable
Christmas Gifts.
The anneal family gathri"ir at 'h * r1-- !
dra'ff Christmas trf-t , sroaj. * of frJfcJa
gathered to pas. * a win'er's eveIT ill
make delightful indoor subjects for tunter
Kodaking , labile the ftidiand -r. f-s m
nowy carb make quit"a.s bejutifu' „ .jccta
for outdoor 'ao-k as do the gTctu „ eves
and meadows of summer.
Put 11 KoilRk on Your Chrlxtniax I.Ist.
| S. * . < IO to J25. ( > .l.
The new Kodaks all take our LigrM-Proof
FLhn Cartridges and can In :
Tli < * Illnznonil Cnmc-ru nt J.OI
Is a fine invrrument. Mail orders so. . , ted
Catalogue free.
1 l l > 5 Tnrunta St. Opp. I > axtuu JIolcL.
in. UTI.UJjoj tui Irith
rtro. dy I i ! * , ltii-tj.
' er-m-r rr. mjlartn-n
srd n fit til ur. < - t rkl
flrnnr a- A. , email ,
futr.e iiirnirl. Saffirtrr ty
rrirlttiiif ; n fcfiln pack
age cunulB& M J'llJ rir * .
fully Cbo : ' . oU 4 , w b
ttrt k > m-i : rrom oar
K.iei.1 tor K , wi
ci-n ! ! ft' l a : i
: t ' . --i 1. T. i b-
Q ! < <
lokUit Ecitef. rore'nl'dtvi ! XfPTTrt.
' " ' *
rtt [ rii i : : - . % ' . . /n
r. \wi.i.l.Mts1S . |
I. \ I "i . * ! - - i Ht -
. - " - ' - NL
Urt HU Uor < r UK or *
bj tifrtx , fitnuj Sal
flic. r 1 t uW.
urcu f uU us.