Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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rf Mi *
In tli- .
rwfoaa af Eiaudku TBS
of the esaeaCU * etqajj j
nann of naaas -
dhBnce t-f t *
an *
am4 Btti thai ia view tke WOBMV ha * been
Mites B Qams > ' * fl t > tas
of thi * t ! * . They
: -btr aM la tke we-k of
Tfcte tacie tama-fl tk prfac * : * ! anctier * -
ef tte etnrta&m tkai t
n nwetasa-
b t rter wttk the a. d .
early a dw lite at the board kai * a I
cwosrean sbooid bon * ( tke
be b M te Omana the
Tte bfar. m iaa ofkrlBa n ; eio t tils re-
safe tBrmefl tb iBl Be ! f a protasgea S-
riasikai by the comaKtetee. It recagaized j
ih t tte catter waa M teyartaat aoe and
-bat prccpt actiaa wMt tw tadtra to set la
loat tc a = iia t * < * * b
-09 Ute tef k at arfmx-.Ttf jroci < ecu-
i t&IlaTrlag TCKWvtMO Introduced by
X.M. Sa-oryw brjaa ; adopted.
Wl ! pp . i , It inta xiw > r < * < 9Oaf. tbf 3 a-
tksoaJ EdannrJona.l a-SBOriaUon ironli takx
. "e af aji edrac&ticcaJ coacrfaB. and
Ii t s tpa a > cfayd fcjr that
not a hoW tts
la Oantes : tbwrltere. b tt
EtitiatMO. TJjsr tH Barmtn of
arraJH(9 Mr aa docattiaiaU rongres * la
D etlon * t * * irark of eOer i mi , n inn' ' .
aad t thto ead reqan a n - peratlan
of aJl dtn aCk > Dwnrkers
The tarm irbteh tae congreaa taoold tak
-ra tactnat-d at length. t Ot-galuamd tiut
etai tan.iuu Jtaue atd keen hjd ir&fe
of aatoer&Ty praSesBBrs and tas-
. aU ef vkam aa4 amslXested eon-
Jaterest la tke matter It wee t3
opteiea that tfcis earresnoadence
he aaDowed op Tbe necessity for
tie atontrkiBflJ eongreas idea praau-
rs ef tke several sta ± v s &iaa Seensaed
&s& itKB * tfce aneoisn-xiB jvd nMDt of aU tn
aC ti - eonaut t ; tbat tlw Bnrear
Bflatm-iaaa akoald be reprsaenred at *
of eci state aasrciatum. cesrly
wticb meet dnnne ; bull lay season B
preaestted CMUUM * }
and the ea-operariaa of eA < ib aasocialum s ?
coneil Tfes tteaterB - the uun-ii.U.e ! ; tnoic
e brosd rinc vf tbe ameer and agreed t * *
tlM maiwKiat nhmr.M not be ooaftned atnctty
t thetraxEKaiaaan p i atate& . bat alia&Jd ta *
* aa tw Mrtalde cf Out reetec , espeoalty
and EOlccie.
auaa of a piax wax dlacnsee 3 KjnitB
Irly tat a deftad'e eooclasjm vac muted
1e * sima an } th mscfrtrr w e Snullr referred -
ferred ta ta re ater eanrariaee s coo- )
grfftmea. mmprlsiitt ; 3fca'VSTa.ina 5. Savyer
of Uncnin , Mrs. J. It Hted of OnnurS
Krjc. X. P FeQ nf Ch&ate. Ttua
wax Isatmeted to fcsraralajje a
for t3 exmsreae and report tae asaie
Th onir atfcer 3 ttT of HcpartaBce passed
lacafflan of tae < 31rl ' and Btn'j baJJiffiaE. It I
ows iucMtia tai talc * tars l asiptemziaae for
tke Btte et k * aorti * 6t earner of tae stain
court. IE tke apialin of tk eoiaaiitcee thJc
cite la tke most eeatrtl polat oo the rosnls
tawISB e a a , rectrei spot back of the
nnianjBX : 3eJLdc9r frinn tike M&cki&us'y a3td
SocC'telty tmlliiiBi lie tke t&fttti 'wadsrt.
-wtere tk * duUrea w33 he wsy Irata t3 e
rad. aad wnere tk builims wia be ean-
peatent fr TiattarE.
it r KI TJI th * "tVork rr In
? j ttr ef tbf Frw-t.
Xae w < a kBr w a e > cite T fcr > y an tk
ntposWoa giw o4 yesieraay. Tbs BB5zfare
bBMirat te tke vicinity sf zra aa
& * T awl tB > e Brisk wlod froz : the northwest
was eeli * * itan in theextreme. K kad
a aeaetzaciBS' e < uitty wkick was exaaperat-
1 = and eatieed tke workman oc tke b-
ticlr It witit rtcor * fld frao ieaey Them
-m > rk mnred alaDZ briridy. kvweT r , aeapite
tke severity af th * weather Tke carp t
on tke "Liberal Arts bojldlag laid eS tor
akeot en BOW early In ti * awrnias lid
Thenr H tbe NM4ca tailfiap dl < cot
Etart tawork wntfl seam , fear aa the other
bafliiasx aa ttaj * waa lost.
Ti * troBBM far tb roof ef the Maekiaery
a * E iM.Ufcif elittt r : are kqtag ratoed anis <
'm tfc * Berth na > ef th dear .
is aa a d the l wrtndews ere
Tke vaeetto ; sf tk reef af tata
_ is BMXly compi < rt d aaA tb traae-
Mhrie tar the akTQajiti ia ready ta be
we ia ateee.
Tke imaae" far th # Art kicndias hoa Bet
. been recwtrefl an4 tke auapieioe ia sala-
tk tae bunker kac be a e e -
tk liiwtf of the raHroai. 5 r-
eai ettera kave ke e autte to awt a trace ef
tk * BuUwial , BOX ch 7 kase aat e ea one-
TViH L * t t&r ClUnr * * In.
A tetccram 2naa Fort Txraaeai. Waafc. .
ctataa taat CaBactar af COMWBU ttaaatia baa
bf B taut i at md by tbe Tivaanr
Mtac a oaxeaattec tor a Otitnir
leraatad Waaa : Ckin Tea ax tbe
ijiaiHiii * aad tk t b baa
br ta * d paran B t br s
cannery S * Cblaaaaa far
MeBavatia aoontwca * * every
C * In am * a Denfca * tm Uu PO B try ua4 r ia
namiii' tan ffl b Kaaun d ac baard aUv
is tb * hnrtir aad * O wko eaaant ahar cbet
A T ar < iiaa ! tad wftb tbe expecooea wH
tx MtBra 4 by ta o : r-w.Jner
Tmia after t Us * ct artar at Port Ta * ° B-
r a4 naaaaaiaa ta teat bar * tae arourac
4f tbrw ClUaaawe tata ta * ralt d 3tat c
iad Woo * GUa Pee win probably arrwv ta
Oaaate. acia i * emiatrya > a tram tbc aorak-
part of duaa vitkia a aaan ttea
mn ape rTn * on tke -
vnU ba erased OB T naf ii rti
Jawt aatk af tbe ln oa. Tbe
be a traa e tructe taomff
" * ' " * g the teceoe
ai t wfli eoauDeaeiid a : aece.
< rf tb will plae a 1
la tiu bnaiid. wk fbmr M
That * wffl Mr e tar
aad * Ike tunay ibe aw betue i
- -flJ b ta WMB otber aart af d e
aad Aaoantad ae the aoteMe vtth
5e thaa BM hoiiba be maatoui
butJii assMatc aa
ffl ha > iitad at
crifear aalal Ta baamu lav be amiBtai at
cues Trfll be Sfccia teet id tsse n = ry la
Bk&K di Wffi 13 AM
h TW
If i p ii T < ni a-md
ef th * a-
after ttar
part af haa <
kt be Mewed tar ttta city la
a Brv tajde of ieii aainiiri aaoax aaa- [
Tka raflrBfcrr jaemat tke atmi.eateat the * tk *
14 tUdet 4 * aaBMem. e brtea ; the
i ta tfeja ctcr aa tke Waakbiitai
Haw did M tBk * & ta Waekta irea.
Arttar B Corifk. naeinai atmral BBS-
> afiftu aaai at U * R. * JLweac ever ta
Ckiceco iaat w-A aad aoeal Sacarday ta
eeaiBBrw * whtefc was BUEBU the tocxttaa
ef tke BMiac , Be reBrwwnied afi the'
OBatfca ttaes. aad ssy tkat aa tke Osaka
raJroeda have tor the laat six auoehs p t
tank every ettort to Bad tk * Me awwcas Car
tfcls City Be was aat pr-eear at tbe BXF'lTig
ef the earoaticoBoaTa pgeaase at was
net eaea ta eataKUra bat he pet la tie day
wartctaa ; aaama ; tke Bombers ea the aetstju.
The Washtagtoa liaea were rejB-Beeased by
trarelate ; aasseaseer ae ats flOJy.
Speatoca ; of ta seiceUoa of Wah5uOn.
O < a-tiaJ Wes > < < a Acrat ek ef tke J H-
waukee says "AH ta * OOBUM raoiroeste dad
afi they could 5 get tk * ateeuoc ire. la
ay epirjon . - . was i : so Wasoiaewc beI
es B * th * NcttonaJ SWacauocal .aseciatiet :
tk BKkt by tu itaic & there is cveU s t tt
act 3f every CM-BOB wko a teaa > d it. Tke
rate t WashxncMa wii : arobehiy he eae
tmff aiss C. tke ! te fa to the asaodajtee.
If tkere av s ap rate of sac-fare > Osaka
oc aoeaBBt ef tke ezBoatUac the MeodatkrE
covU sot easily jaake its C prefli every
attrodait. I am ia tarnr of a. .aeettag cf alj
westers tmcken a rv aay ay Tke rad-
reeds < wcnl protoably g-ant reducefi raies.
aad a > - BM trn ? wrraW be IE laree , H aot
lmr r , tkaa the Waskiagtao ? H- "
Gca-ecai Paju = nger Agemt Lomaz of the
Caaen Paetftc aay "Our reprcsentattrea
kava kad iaatmetiaBe for tne laet sis siont
Da as crrLa ± os ier the CBB&ka aeeoas sf
tike teschem aad I hebere tkvy hcve ear.
ried cot t& ir lrstrartion . Kcw diat Wash-
tB tac hoa boec jelerted I beOere i a > ru
i 5 f weeten teackans hers a rt rear
wooid be a. good taing , aad win do ail in
ay pewer to help ench a movement alone. "
General Apeai Bxtthertord f tke Eact
iKlaada pas < usa r departn - t said "The
_ tor tke National EiacarkmaJ nasoci-
is warn ! did it. At least it toote T-ry
that way. Tie ratee here n rt y ar
woub ! be ae lor tiai aay sack prnat ta tbe
asaocmt o weald be taqiannlible A Tnune-
nnsrtMJppi muni "liiithiu of eckooi te&cner
oaclrt to be a peed tnic . 2ad I believe aa
Cteiaia meeting iere nest year wotJd be. a
great success. "
A prominent passenger oSciaJ vto de-
claed to be anoted se d "Tfre Si profit lor
tie 20aeia i r.itict seemed nearer is
sl nt by jrataj to ITasiiington. was ttndooit-
e 2y wist enflaeiced the oafioci&tioo's ex-
cttave crmmiitee "Aitkonsi Uie aaaoda-tioE
could hare kad edvaaurre oj tae toeft
rates paemble tate Omaha the zecm ± v coo-
snlniee Sid aot appear to want tne lowest
rwtes. but was footdsg aft r th treesary
.f th. a K > cda ian insteiiL Tae laet tStit tSe
NxtlonaJ Blncationai associauixi keid a ateet-
ng m CSucasa during the World' ! latr and
* h t the atncciatitm at that time conid not
get the t : rsie-oC beeaose ef the tow rases
ic. efect tram aJI pciatz tcto C&aago ia
what preiadiced tke wtenttive cosaauttee
a mjntt Ozane dnrtng its erposrtioE. year. A
reprEseitaiJTe of a WaskincnoK rjiQrad tntd
aae thai the execaVB
decided the euestun * long aca s
laat April m Juror oi Wasoxngton. and I
, RJmdd net be surpr jed if r > : ere se. The
eiecutrre cajcmictee a-ac aat cyen ta firgu-
meets Is BtTor. af eny as&er my Every
I PsUroad l&te , ' nta Omaha has worked hard
for this nM > im ? . and Snp ricxend nt Pearse
I kas dose esperijUy saod work , iwt it trae no
I -cse for the < piestton wssgr. . j-
' of the Chjcago
Tke I paraaeal of Pniiidty and ? ro = io-
tfam kaE placed tae ezao U < ! D btrdseye
Tiews ia ai'airmmE.t alrow wisdoms down
town , -sri tey are altracsSas a sreai
; i-nmnrtiT , af a tea is > n. Tie pietnrcs are
iBMnxaaed { ' n fcn-rv tarla aad a. dJfEplcyed
ta Ae b-st advxxv e Tie drawing t = ade
j by Mr. TPfilfcar of tie fir = af Walter fc Ktas-
' baH arrli-terts-ia-ciiiet. and tie rtey uaned
by the PaUinry deparraaest are both Bjonct-
i ed ca tte same ocrl. ahu la the- exposition
fraat elS < r nt oaiata ef view , that ef Mr
Waiter fcetnc takt trooi e point scnjttr-tHst
ef tke gm.ra coart. show mi tke Tiev toek-
i tag ; northeast , x&d tie Tiw taaaed by tke
! Pvbheixy
es sees rein a point sontieaet ef tbe
ThB * pictares hare been pJaceS ia the
1-lndowB at T P. Cartwrieht & CoSis -
' teenia Dondas ; BrowEiias. ' nt" . t Co. .
i I FUteenth aad Dooclas , ad th Soirds Omaka
j In * & CoeJ eorafMiny , Slrte cth and Faraam
IctreetE. | Other picture * u-ffl be placed te
ther prenun < > at windows as soon ei tie
plctnrM * re ready Jor rhrWrinn , which irtU
be very scot.
lorra Cct * R dy to Dnlld.
S B. Packard of Mamhaltews , Ia. ,
af rke buildlns oosaiaittee of th
j txtmsuOff , kaa wrtacsi w Sec-
i af the N lra ki eocafiusaiaii.
? ouz be be Beat toe plans tor tke M
broaka. ba-iM-ag ac tie erpofcajoa erooade.
Mr. Packard sayE tiit tbe I wt C3ani toc
w abuot T ady ta cire aa erder to tea
arekiiact lor J ? state bcildia ? , jr-4. at tie
I wa taU > t ± aril ] ke sea-r taut ef N-entsics _
tby aat the plam * ki erder siaJte tie
iwsuNinte wtek ti * sisrraaadi&gs.
\Vlw * n Stack
E. A. BMa s of Sakkora , TTlcL , a.
br ! tr af konei aad oo * ef tk dxree-
ton of tka Fanaera' Izntitate of Wiacoaaie ,
ia te dfce coy to eatwuimt.n wttk ti * I > -
partatent ef Frtitoti retarduig ti five
iock Kttlirits ax tke ezpoaznoa.
Sromo C ierj cuiws
We. % e * "J We. AS
The faQowiBf Bsarriare Bceofreawere te-
by Csiuuy Judge
aad Addreaa
O Latn. . Brook. X *
a-bba. Ciiy , Sc - 4 *
_ „ _ H .m n Doiur' * * eeoary - X
Jatiamin Boartw. Oauka - . - 21
_ lnin rrai rh' Malt \ntrlmr ,
the greaieat af mail tecics. ia iaraliMkie
: nartouc Bwtheri. time * ebildrwa , ta i
iaarai aad can gal aae met. Fur Mie hf tS
alaoiMl aa
1. UaT
Oaaaai ScorU7 oaBBa r * a S. A.
Vaar k. Ti ac BaOf toe K. black
B. bo Ta PbMt t adit Tien . . , . . . . J
' Joha Priky ! te Jlacoa MatOt c. lot S.
' ' : t t M * " ' Plrat adi lae. . . _
_ k * la.
IE MM Ua 4 rienBiar te Cttarie * Br -
Aar. Ms T uad V blecfc a. a aaaa. . w
J. ISbMiart aad visa ta a f.
' ' lot 1. kladc < .
. .
Carl MarteaweB tad vita t K. G
Otfiau-iwea iiaelililit ee4atf kM
' 1 , ktatdc t C uraJ Park . .
i T M Bnajaa ta 6 U MBtar. K acre *
Ctt f tk *
* acM aa t *
ea Bee Friday eipeajaa ; at T
dock ta uwniiiia yiaaa Car tke T
l avuu < ta beM la t9k * cftr
; i eartr 9a Htr aecm to
tnmm tibe tac : rtet tke age ; am state
> ttocal awaocia * . aa la. t& * we trra
1 via kaM their aaacal J cia t darlBc the
holidays aad the BMCter ef koMtaa ; tbe
uoij > eH aaat be areaaated n > tftexa at that
USB * to aveare teir eadweoeat-
At l e eanJatc meaa aXL-mi ! ; tbe hdtec
1 edacatmt of Ltacata. Soatk Oraaaa , OanacU
Btaffa aad kfa city via be UiiiiU t be
1 preaeat. Aaoac tacee wffl be CbBCeaUer
MacLeia of tke Ca enaty of N bn au aad
| Scaxe aoperateaoflEt Jecioec. if tactr prea-
eace caa aoaMhie be aeeajed. 1" < lanal
I . baaUMM aad pralluaioBiU aea unil ateo be
j ta irsendwoce A ea ra4 l Tttatx : a es-
I tended ta tke f < MK ta be prseeac.
j I At till aieeua ? tke ttoe tcr toldiag tke
conzraK - < rfll yobttbly be * e d. 7 > e
I da'elB act eoofljct is aay tr&y n-ttfc tke
I ' Bdvcaticuzl amiaTlafflac tmiitan tf
1 > e idea of karrtec B. at tbe
1 ) jama lim * tke ladiuc lartttstt- ta a
t eotMldered. cmce it a believed that tke
i krner aKetlac wiH taruiiji a BD CULI xrdaeir-
3a it ta wwera. Leadwrs czti to some aaat-
ers ones ta ettead.
i Bott 5 cretnry Ctt atuJ Ssperiateiideat cf
{ i ' Scbpois Peafse are af tbe epfcaava tkat tke
con ess < ri21 b cosaMered fcraraktr br l e
| I TTirieni vtaxe e-dacaiioaal aasoeuttuma. Wick
i tke aiatter broueiit 09 befare theat and BO
! apec tkere te cu qaeatiai : tiet big
i ef tke teactoerf ta ta w st 1B t-
, tend. Strperttrteadeirt Pearee fi arei thet
( .008 c& broaskx to cka city emily
j IB s eattHaiboot tke aatter Secretary
, Ftt UTS there to na > tMimrtan ae
1 ' tie ptrt of Ocmi * to detract : n
aay way Iroa tai * W aMjQiua ; meeting.
This a radicated by Ut S ct that tke fiate
1 irlU be M fixed liat avQI not eooflict
i 3w ks scid that thereirer raany thonsanda
of teaAere IB tkeareas trke were desirane
of attezd , = g tke exposition aad Btbers trbo
' could act a vri te ra t Wasbmztxis aad
tcees woold be aceoBSxadated by the can-
grew ia Tfr. cxty-
| I It too early ret to sty to J tsriait
naaaer ti * te cbrswill be e tertaiS d a. "
! the cozsreiE. It is ti * saaert jdai. how
ever to ha-re a = edncaLional prograaa as est -
t nst-ve aid as icterwtiEs < tke one at
the aaaccal 8880012.110313 sjeetiag. Tin
natter , htrw rer , wlH be rra3 : eJ ( ta tie
| "
i fleers.
! V8TEVG F a QCEE f P CJLR1 < .
Total Rrrara la tbc JN p-aIitr Content
Cp Till 'Wt-dntidjir Alzht.
FoQo-Trta Is tie rescH f tie rote t i-
1 cont-est isr CJceea Polaris op tiH Wednesday
Anna MeX&roarBIfiSffllTttQa. . Jocsa „ „ 338
, Jwa > e rrtcKUteOE JBB J omle 2te le . BE )
! Birdie Aaerrwrn du.RftJ A * * nft SBqi'dM-afl M 138
! adored Steph-catm 1 ItSf ) Flora. Wfbjtter . . 124
Aaaecte SaOey. . . S.BSlPimn Sralnr Si
gFotey . . . 4.9f > ? j C'laj'S Xrfipc3&n5& _ 1
Sobtnwn _ 3 Snai Sraei WIBEtss IE
b. KTC ? . . . SISHlAbbr Soy DJ
I * eOa ! aae - - 1.TM Etta Sa > . „ _ . . _ 194
FTotdne RcrauLia LfffT Fuwie KeQum . itir
Martc Suraeric 1457 Flor Janus IIS
TTuf * o HaaljQii . 1.432 i bf e P0viBQ . . . l * d
SabH Xsr.n lUl' ' Laef Fkrriaj . 88
A KM Mjer . . . . law Jtra. G. P KOOTB 9S
Ai wa FaJi . . . . _ 1. ffiflua "Wvtssn . . . w ;
Con. BxQieOr . . _ - ! MS Kaaf MrTtnit . . . 56
< K3 T.tyt Hetnrick . K
. _ . H M * i Packard ' *
Pmrcnz , Neme I tabiai
at cn AJMII . . . H
' Taylor 7 Daisy Bm&er . _ .
Idaim W nS _ . . . 77 J aot ; Fraax . 13
Oendxirt . _ K4 Uan Earnssa Hi.
. WofuiBTd Stt AJierta Waudl _ HD
Mfflnrd . M dmra Pmisor . . . TS
' tfW ZtJliUl Fte22is . . . 78
NeOte Srow 44J
4J > EmeBs. Scobea .
3M ) Kary Faber
MI . H. B. canwa * e B "
Mrs. X. F. Aveiy
garm s fe Sadte WWM
Mr . H.J - BitBey j reea. Stotlt
ys jyBfr yjjj o nff
T tmi'H 3 y Kur ] .
Tlt-laz . 34CIG-urEia TooMry. .
C ! ra. Ki-dingisr . . Slllj "Ua a.
Florenr" Ftt-iUB , . . " " [ Vary star . . - - - 51
Emily WsrehaxB . . 3X1 sade AJexaader . . El
" "
Oaca. Qartaan . - IM | Mjtce r atk" 48
Jiund Jaimaan Iffi'Bibti ' Paefeara" "
Hctes Himsliuid _ 14W Av = a JfcokwUb . 47.
S sek ! 14BEra. ) St&ie * C ,
Lewe . 1-
The Csneeseieafi iejiarr = ie t ef tke Traas-
aiBt itppi Esp enJ i is karia ? a eifly rt-
hearssj of k&nd 3n tuu iwift uiiii , * wkich. to
say the least , u a valtuibie Uimim. eemtng at
it d&cs aonths before the real troablf ke-
g' " * The managers of tke Ice Carirrc
aad "STiEitr Sports say a pesrcemaze cf each
( tey-'G receipts aver to the ecpofcttioc's crea -
nr r qt ha v adopted tk cyates tiaat wH
prevail d ns ? n zx ytr s ht ekaw tk re-
by gmn ? the d parus ai thrDcghahieii tke
lerrtr part ef the r ce. > t& Jl save to pave
f i ckaa e to stakeirapraTOintsiu or adopt
new ideae tkat 2ay sn gtst ti a il ofl
tram tne * to ttae
Tor tk arst time aiace th * eaU -w aA r
Ht ta tke tee aa at tt * teBeao got 3. dutaee
t * e w t * nd of t Xurar jvsterdty
norms ? aad daoded tt ts a deptk ef or r an
tsck , ftrtas tt a smooth corface so tiai
thoae wna enjoy skactcg ess da so oc the
aoest body cf Ice In tnie eeaacry Th iee
ea. tb * tagocn 1 about tee aehec thick ; and
tecressujg at tb * rate af rws tachtu t-rry
twenty-tool' heora.
It the w acker ts EaToraile Seusdar there
wffl b * baatd eosoert OB the Island tram
1 to B B BL aad a awker ef expert Joacy
to tk * extreee eeadd * p 'l jnuer-
day atMraaoa tke carpe3t * worJcis ; ex tke
Wg mhna ii slid * were eompa3 d ta atoe
varic , bat extra at a vi9 be pot ta ware
t * ak * 09 tor i r tiaa # la * aad it iraa't
be aaay day * hafar Ae crowd * irfil wou-
dwftky acoeeoae kad aat tkoogkt of oafld-
ia ? aae neanar. Ant OB II ; yoaecdf soect-
ia5 dews , an iaeuav at t * * Mte of tir * *
m&et a BUSOM. tkea ilnns ti * lawiotk > -
tu af tk * ict "liduxr to" antt jwi
laad near tk * talajadTa yea wjJc back *
uias * SB rideau
laetartoy aftaraoaa a&d evci
fhaagii tke waiifhar a very arctic , they
did net Maa ta mlad it th * leaat hit. trkiie
tbecs Tke were barily daUted * glad
ta hue t * * jrgator * in 3t
Mr K L. KtiBor * a noted aka.tar and
att JuBi er troaz Wi&ccaeift , ri kd tka
( OUE laat tnr san aad aaoertaiawd a aany
f frleaaa. ahowia * taaar tke busat
eaeBta Mr aaaiMMi hi *
ki favorite aajr of " kji. " and
wfll aaew a ttw trudu vttk tk * c
a af * * * tx ut < vr l aadaaavted y
arafi * caw an riut Mr. ftmant't ttmp-
atf tcort ta MI feat , wich e Sftr-yard
ataad Mee. ( . M. 3 aad S 1 Baa any" i W
sack weniv * i eoeapidBaiiMaFr aaaearn
Ttrtnn Se if yea axr aa * af the iaefcr aaaa
aead iwur addrtMi ta eke Caretau Hecd-
Daran aad the deteat trltt be airnifd
! eaekss ahab rgaatlMd JL lev W | M
ta 1U W tit LO get < ahaaa aaat TMik
Isr &s Snt prat-nee gnaa , ta * daie f
* b rt
f afca of
r : ? eoo4 far
'i * e
! * ntabrr of BU tfi pa - it t.h te-
* ce aa4 th *
ra.ii w.2 be rte
It la * W B B a. 3 f-niftlwJBB , At
A. * . JakasBB ef OeTOa hi hi
W T Oartt et PBUaju to at tke _ _ . _
Malar C W. Pteree ef Wererty la 1a tke
etty.J F. Haj ! ! et BortOB at tbe
ftf Baati-tu. fc i rtBfter la
C D. Bftrrtagtaa hi redstarts' t tise
La ± hw Peterson f "Wtya * , Sefcu fa rf > '
Wared as te Barter.
Dr * . IT. L. Dsy " & F. A. Sadder at
LoKObe r te She ettr-
W. imr OrataaA wd w S < C
C C. CampbeO rf wife at Qeeida , K. T-
cr > re rtered at tkc Bvrkar.
KiniixB TtntertM of the Ttafesrtoc D -
tpcttrMnsjrr la Ocua ygaterfar
h-J vajipert. .
WMmB B. 3ai teft tor WMbto KQ ten :
nigjrt t rceave Ws * * ees as . p pe te tto
F C &L
ad irl9
IX dark of HOCK Crest "WjT * ad A. C
Coble acid J C. CoWs of Ira
Wyn. . ire r.act3aen 2 &e cfcj- .
Bifctoop T Vn p. Nets-IBSE IKt test
BBweBTesrs tour. wii < * wffl iaclad *
r.on. Son Fraaci ra < md LOB Angeles , Cal
Mrs Belle ML Stsnmnbar3o i , prenauot of t
tb 5taiCaafedMKtnm f Woai z's CmSe.
W B tn Omthfi reaterfliT oc h r ajbotBe to
PTatranxjcik. Neb. 3ke has bt n ta tra > iid-
aace Bpao the aeetisz of woEsez'z dote at
York. Nebsa4 st&t&s that ax talWMtto ;
urf - " * E atteod d ee cc was kcid.
At S * 5CO raC. . Londarby * Q gX. ; .
J SeTJ-xEin. DetrtMt ; J An X Hiode 1
UhusiJ , W H. SnaipiTey Three BJrers , i
MicS. "W T. Soot Jfe-w Tort ; TTOaiuB '
Sood. Ne-r T-tr-k. A A. > aara = s. CSlca5 : CIt - 1
It RISE 3tn J. H. Pirte , Salt Lai *
Cttj" ASien O S-wJS ebr fea CUy V C , '
Broeks. BeEtnce ; Oarles L Tront. X w
York Mrs. H. I * , fimrafy. S 2 PraaciBCT-
C H. L. grr ? " - > . . Se-ar Yorlr : Fred H. Perrr.
PJifladelSfcai. E. 7haa aarile , Alctteon :
Part K * t. Clcic eaWman H. asrr. Frtr-
mret. Ira D. Bfaarr.aa , A.eacaey.
NebrsskJEBS at tie hotelsIF. . G. 3ak r ,
Ncrfoffc ; H. C Wteiars. njnees : L. I. LeMft.
ArHjigtoB E. 3. CSdcb ster. WaTcse : C
SciKaMfe. C E. a SbaJt. GortoE- . D. Tay
lor. Hay Sprtass : Jctz Hsariy and
Far-bTST" A. Peai and TrtfE , H. H. PmaJ
yffle. ? jderJ H. Altai. G-and lE'amfl.
S Cara fl , Ttfrdos ; i 3L M aafi
R. H. 6ar5 = er 3e s r ; Mrs. S. J'Jftacrte. .
"W. E. tntla. FranVRn ; B. F.
r. Firascn : F. L. BedieBl , H. H.
ArbOTTilte : J. JL BOTMSO , Frafi
Lr nii ! , H. Haw rl , Decanrr : F
ind srife. Lyone. J. H. Haeenfeit , Cambridge ;
E. ILiaa tme Beatrice. I _ BadrsFeU , Eni-
- sraJ E. Dualay. Orleani G. E. FarlffT.
D K Seller. JSaniotsneGeorze ZrrrffTTT
J a. afaanms. CamsU , P C Corri-
Hiriy , Charles S. Dear. ArooaSoe. das * A.
grnT.h Ciitriotxe J. Sperry Yort , E. H.
% rd. Tecmsfi. W E. Dcarcs. F J
c is. PteGsaioai. 'BTrTgrn H _ 3nas. rre-
-nonc Ira D. 3tarsLj = _ Kgar ey. Fnu Swa-
500. Wasao.
South Omaha News .
to < TK nuaa aad each
rtec of ate wa Ownc ! ta the
_ , , ,
ak * * * t a
WM *
Met ef luftM eeoOR * aad t
tftr tfee SBTpra af pBM.'ajf ' a a"v fie a
9 ? bcve Txits
rkan T > r e sarta of
te * * tire r thraToart
r ana Hg SI A r t far kotehimd
rvmnraata trffl ao lofto MTvt cect KeBdvr
aad after tkat date a nre-eaBon aa vX
be nW tor onrta. er ainnB far n
Bytew 8 ar te be esptsd t th iteat
be k1d
Tt * immatlia to to preBarya B af afl
a Eae far
way tt te baaed * nrt deim a ? a af1 r ef
umitateag bflto nd irtrk * < P r < * d-
naace enMHI bv ta * Jer ta make a
laflr prvat an kfe vrevoct.
Of Hrt tkcrv ha * V-u t rood d ai ef evt-
tea : Ir rate * aad In "tn * "aem o > alers aa "
a njar tweiRT-roor qutu of a Br for
erder w hrtd t-d * Tb
toot fed ta heck at the prcwot
nd tbt it win be imf e 3H ta trr-
tkam ek teea amru fir SI ftariag the wte-
tor Bad aake aay
parmits urrre
Xawraiber TThiltkh te a tafflac eC
tie preredlnc awata. tie aawrata ta-
rarmd * r ? ejt - lars aad tke agreK te te
la IBM iiafa ; > ark < J ef SW.DM The keavieat
> ratU iaaned wer ? ta t * * Csdaky PaeMac
eaoqiaay far a Il RM Sutra sad a M 9M
aamac * tattmj a-asirs to oae af the Cad-
aky traadJvefi irffi cest SUWL
A peraul was weaed vest rdaT ta Fred
Krac for a cntary trajBe bvQdtacr at
Tw a-th and N afeete coettag a W E. T
Miller pp& 4 for and oolaiaed a pea-ait tor
rppain at 41T Xnrtk Twenty-serea-Ji atreet
postins ; XLBM. AKkaock tke waJte af twa of
tke bafldin e at tb * Armoor plaat are up
te a heiaJit of Jfleejj ! eet or mei-e aa appi- :
catitmi tor buOdhu ; permit * kare a yet > e a
Isade Tke city ecsiD er said yesterday taat
ike wenld aotity tke caeRraetars tkat permiw
laoet V vetamed at eoce. It was reD rted
hers yesterdar aftemooe that tie Sfcklia
Brewing rrigipaaiy intettded erecting a BIBSB-
Iber of seJorz boildtase here aert apriag Ia
addHtioc to tie comber aow sod&r coarse
of construction.
Tire ? tlll n. M
Tke casse of tke ire trhich destroyed tke
grocery store of Pander Co. aad tke
swat mtrlset of ITI&tam Ulster at
eti end L streete still appears to be a my-
terr Sorse people Irrtcs in tke
i assert that they keari ao ezpioeion Jtnc
prior to the breaMas o of the Sa = ass. whU
tiosp occ pyaL ? apartaietits IE tie burned
etaitend that there waa no esplo-
At azy rate the fire aestro-red propertr
la the ce bboriaod of C.OOO. Sdnt-a d
Lowrie , tie ewaer of tie feoiMiasi carried
awnrance to tie aaooot of Jljiee aad tie
were Eis irsared.
of Cattle
i Accoritlrs ae lie Dres' Jeuraal tie vai-
raawi af stock recerrefi at 1 ± yards here
lor tie year eicVm ; JSoresrrber 3aaa tie
! largest ia th aJstary af Ii * yirds. a = jwnt-
toe t StZJStSlt , tUvid-d as SnUowe , Catde ,
1 feeder Ei caeats reached 1.153 ears , as
aaiias : 188 ears oox in Ns e ber a year
&S2. 3. total of :2.9C sapped and S.8H
cnrra tmt. TrmTrirg a grazd twal of 28.054
, caitl ? curt 18.3fi : kead a yar
Bonrtl of E 3alljrat eii.
I Ti * city cotacflsn meet at 9 o'clock
| oz Deceober 19 aad 11 as a Board at B
to ecrcalis * tie Ws fDr tie
se-srer anS alee for tie p3rpc * of
taias asseasec fiKsidesra kE i 'J
JT c erent parts of tie c ty Tie city cjerk
a new ergaired : a pepanmouct ? to an
properrr * < raers inerastad to artead the
of tk board an tie daies nen-
fest are
-ajs cold. " doeaa r a Jy 1 3 > ras L.
Sbeosnaa-iis feet aerer et eoldfee -
ca. se k wears & -w4ati : naa sl
tte iAaaJ sa e far wiaaer wear
iwra's frfaaer staoe Trtds ae
doaibe ? sates la ths a c % * ffld
we're the saaae see is sssslae base
m ± th * same price ao eoW teet 1(1(11 i3 e *
oes aev - b * oKT iiare w * awea * Siie
to sea aOTn * " * -wiaier tan w bos taM
ai oe at sacfe a pciee f rt 5sweY * al
ways na4 TO afc $4 0 tar tiis saaa d e
ao difference m tie valus ? a - i :
tb * > pnce has be fi poshed 30ra. a drtlriT
a. Bear , dreasr. np-te-date styte sfeee
toe -Kiaistfr Wtar at oolj S3J39.
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
cataie ? e now ready ;
tie asfctos.
let t3 *
bf for 'piectua : a. piaac a yB mii.T.e d
first dass piaae * 40 p r cent less tfeaa
w've t er bwsn able to * t3 B beiar *
te oTC4v-aai if ? soiasr to be w r
eek yoo maj1 waan a ptano tb *
wter *
set > acfi a bayiJir dunce
araia we dot ywi B-iaT * a h
a d $1O * aaand * bays asy piano ia tnii y WB'Wlr" / ' * ' * - * * I
Pnamril BtaJLXvsfai Ca. * atadc resanl- j &ZJLti JLjZsxsLfsz-zlt
leae C tie HtarmMfci e te prices Sai-
( ? & & * * * .
urdey &a sate
\ pn r >
-TL. II L SlTiwi
M. ' 5B Douglas
We've aB tb * time * wir
a j ! < saj * for
jwsc < * 4de < i aa
* w tiMajHSQsr OB QN
fooc o r c d <
B JWC lit *
aoir wb w * rteaj y r
ri * iray it dkieF. tt y can't
it BBQl JOtt'Ttt had ee > - ti
ber > te ttrae
to a fefl t of tb
KeeBdrr Miad at $ M-w r fvnriab IBM kaad
far jfr &ad aav * dcae it fee jrtsa * * * i
onira t u * i wltfcoait paia w pm j at
a litrie aji aad
13 Tear 3d Floor Paztea Oik.
lUUi and Farajuo.
tke " > arse ut
Si. V8raazE"t \ * ! 05 pji T ' - r S
mw ofhe pol' < B * ppera * ct wear Bt wrr-
ir The rttt ft a iraa4 ea * taBu-eatr ? aa4
it i * tko 4r % * that at Iraet t a atoti'i w. ; ;
T-JW he ea > r < H H i Mat. Far tke anet 'l
a aa 4 U3 a t h bejCh : M the rear ef th * |
fl n wUeh to BOVB * Ae oat * . TBS karat , ' i
m a * k hay * Bruei tke trttter at ea ef tme
aad M ta be at tk earvte * ef
at aaa * BeBff af ifta ) 4a7 ef
. . .
Xn X Leoeard of Rarr.nctsa m her *
Mr and Mr * Mm ftrterty h * * mar * * *
{ ran a acaieia Urln.
rontef la * *
aiad * efcanty-fo r
G-nadlat eprraOBas harekwa saependeS on
M Coat * ef HJ7sda > . U- . was t ba >
TWRBT * te 1ke ! tfty yBatafeay
R > ChaM * et ITaod'SMBr w * here
Oria Starrffl bea Kneraed
h re he 1ael raJatmc : ar a. taatltk
A ava baa beca bare te XT aad Mr * . M-
ward Mamw , Tw s rtk aad Scrwta. .
There at a caae tt ltthMia at tt * komv
of Ova Emu Txaaty-CeBith aad K
Tbe Tcander Bfortatr BMnKiaar af t %
of Bemninma wtt be b td BBK aBd y
Oanrtraitm IT B. Taantat teft laat
fer a biieliai'ai ' trb > te Ja meirtl ia Saaedera
Twentyceead aad H sueeu ie ahoat coa-
ACred Martin , a luster feater of fork.
spent yesterday fai tk city leaking after
With fb * tuaaBdriii ef Hcrtae ae
ta aanwat taaiB3rt&M ; WM enae at the t&r-
jsevtr citie Tenerdaf.
Brace MrCnOoek hac sea-e to Skrax Ctty
t aTend tke eencnal anmii , ef th * Nattaoa
Ceorgn Psriue left tact nbjkt tar
Ciiy. where he iriH loa * after tke erecdo :
c ! tie aeir Cndeiy plant.
Oiu > . the S-JTMT-OU at Mr aad Mxa
Jafen Fl raiex. T nty-Lklrd aad B ctrccsta.
yaattrday trom dlpktirla _
S. KSSK. tra c a n rer tor tbe
Cndahy Paekiae ; caarpasy. hat s e ta CEJ-
. efTj to took after btB n M Biaaert.
Meat laspeeror Heward eaateaaMd nine
tend ef cattle. . sveBty-4oar beca aad MS
ckockxas danne ; the etoalii f KeveaBber.
Mrs. e IT Clark ud Xiae Carrie dark
of GrePirwiKrt are ker . the amJta ef Mxa.
W. L. BoBand. Tweaay-foan * aad G assets
George " " T.Wnyer ! of Cttai * has pnr-
ctar i the- property north of ttre taaJI Na. 1
cm Tweacy-Siariii BtreA , lie price paid beisg
Ax iaa oriECt meesing of the East Sde Is-
prowm. nt etui is billed fcr Frtiay ala if at
Semite's * . T pectlesi street and JCaaocri
Jokr .Deters te te BOeer te charge f
th city Jad at niajax tils saaatk , wtol * Of-
fleer Jcha Ayle orti wlQ took < aTter _ t2
pnaoaers ia tbe day afca * . ;
Tne case of Liink SiJthveQ sga Mtt the
Cainn Stack Tarda eatcpaay ftsr Sla.0W aaaa-
a-es has b a coBtianed tor tnltrty OBTS. Tie i
- *
- !
c- ' tt
-t "
" a : T
U baa
ef t * oraaoi baiJJate * 6v-i a
-aid rae aad Ir oe * er * *
K baa beea auniaea.-y te + n ua
ekilirra aoaa *
TkJ y ea.-p a'e tr a 1o' t > 1 ! B " - -
Me tke CBdah ? tcv kuaiiei a ; g > ; Buor iaJk'
Tk BMrvsriB tea * M < aasvod tr
T * alay earrked wRk tt aa
tar * af
Ifte ardxxann BrrxliB tor tbr tartr ;
vert pa eC ay tke er - ;
d the work -ser- ! !
* ta 1M are eo las' at
the ef th-t t'.ae xhe et7 * 4 *
* MMB tke n t a a sit the
Toe aeed act 4epair' Sal a rv.lwit
a-Bi wttaeat a 15 a
CALK * 5VKB * 6 11T.
R > * rr mm. Itah-nt
Cai b Syren , afrer wienj a arprt.'Te jr .
M afi ta tray treat Mcamaia m ti-
umv m atuai r property waa. reVeaaM
traaa rarrt * UOR airt' b * Crtal aJ
Bator a a writ ef kabeaatnrt .
who to a cetarel BUA. waa ercutAl
by the lecaJ pane * ae Eaark-ion tke h n&i a
hafi la a aii.x * * l Border an-d U wai eTer
he had bees rJ ar d of tsl twpl cciat
tka ekartjc a aJmt tia > ia Meaipbia tras sa-
Tke trrtt was hew i en a ttickzt-a : e 3r
ta tbe p Tri oa wkirh STOC waa b * > i Tb
iBdktiaaui taiik4 ta eportfr tkat a. tme fcUI
kad been TOOTH ! aaaiavt htm. Jad * * Baker
k M tka ; tkn was avflrirat ta KaraJtlite Oi
Mteannrt tad that fan Bnn a-J > Site *
raatd at br V o h' o tial aftw anrsl in.
Be Jimrf ore reieaaed klm.
The aaomttty report af the Omaki Fe Se
paa-aeent was iasaed tram tke offi-r r * the
chief f terd ! y The ct > emeet skews aa.
aSgeBM ef aertaat are dotnafre Tb r-r-lr
atenBs 'K'Bie ' rorned te ditrtmp eke nir cud
in aH cmens tke ar e har * been femi * j ; a
aBBeiisafiil Hal eccmomical sascpr Tta
tMaJ eaiae of bujd-iues threatened .s
830 and wofe the vnJ.iat.3c of C77 < Un LJI tia
co < iten ! B gMftept the aroai veJue of 'h"
erty eBdangered MI * 57 ? Tbe danij -
S3 9 ta the bniS nas aad 1 45 r
tentm , repmeatxng a total lose of K ' - ' Tin
aatoazita ta t305 25fl Tb * axai of *
snrince crrer tae Ks ia J28EP ! ) 1 <
t - ion rf aaty KS * Tke ao . = l
ared Ines te It ie wtaknl
tort be brnaant oat. however , that SC < JO < nl
UMKt sna w a larajred in the bore n : ! a
&anse in Che rtelaliy of Florence a
cUte of the fire Unuta 3 n = e ti
not properly be ia > ad d in aa ta o
the fire iamac ? of tJie city.
proof f * " t-ie tarmeotl of Ifarh.r. . ;
Tbooaaade af t-ea Ijnnrnals of corea T ?
by TJ BW No caae too asaTaT t -.s or
too looir standing for tt to soothe
and care It cures to from J to S !
K rests Bold by Kain Co , TT.ti
St . 9aerBEan A ; McCaciaell Draff
dauneaiis JW3 * siaoes r
ia vei'j ? p
sryie asid way ia saBtair i * stf
aad stalls eofflaMasdtoa rises
emeralds aad dtanoads raJri * aad
i ( i5 sagbtee aad
riars aw saaefc aerer foe
> betse as tarse r ctu3 < piett : as
_ < i slwnild come ami see fit "wSSe
the stocte is Bmteroken TnaV.4 * your setee-
apas wrT ! lay Them aside for y -
der ywnrWtmc cards be-f ore t3i * CSiist-
taas m = Jj 10"1 oards and copper ea-
plate for
Jewelers ,
"We're rfviac : alasost a TOO of caal
erery stsrr * sold BOW aatt is. we'Te cat
t&e psTce OD our Jrsrei 'base Tsoraers aad
J-e-w-d oaks s > that ymrH kxre moaey
left toe caai oar 5Krre stock iseat TBTJ-
larre BO - . r JOB cas make a JBfcJutj
rood selection f ran -srtocT s left Do y *
state ? tbere are a rreat ataxy Tdawte
skates box there's * aly < BB * P * ir Say-
der sfct a an peer of ta em affl erwy
pair irarraBted a mutTifr Trial 1 * *
price Jact take a took ai oar skuwsrta -
dkiw. it's fail < tf sfct # aad ev ry pair
f > /r sale ao CJmsnnas is eoarjdelie far
th" boy r sirl without a pir of Peet
Sayder skates.
1514 Farnain St.
Toe s-hould come ia sad bare oer Mr.
A , L Apae'w exaBw year ey s there's
a dtffereoee ia ITHTTUT I noire as - Rfl a
1 U BUT ffTa.BBjngrioas . an > f r-e prac
tical , soestiae aad tfconwrii yo 1l pe
tiie differeoce betwMB ors aad
- ' ' - * & * igF f
e betXH- . afiter r- - ± *
70 * the Jea ? s jear ys re
quire. is we jma4 t2van to snit yoer jevr-
tienjar e * e w * eaat raraj h diem Jt :
.VKlite r a * * ready Btad oe * tltat do
row t > yeg more harm thaa : rxd kut w
don't cars * any fatury prlcts jiut t&e
iit for ttoe l et wc-'lt ebtamabfe
n prief % - y j&if
coaiis and let o > show yea oar /2P\
of ejwra r , ' -J < . \ \
Columbian Optical Co
M49 Immraa S Mtb St. MS Maia.
Say , dte kid aim carat a bit kow eaM
ats dw wnt r. Uaytte I eaa't
a onaeja fan on 6V ? street , bat I tm
BIT dad's
de be textafccr
efear f * ante kjyag
team BMW 9et ta Mc H ,
* < J * Be H3 Bi
r b ± B j * v rirte wiUM I te.
s ; eat dM WSBIN : lte
am * brief j 4j > e v r
a i leer
boy ae.