INDUSTRIAL IHHIE ACCOUNTS ! Eipert Rcporti on tha Booki Kept by Superintendent Mallalion , CUSTOM W SHORTAGE 13 BROUGHT OUT Vnmiitlmrlrfil nxnciidlItircK , nml Iic MUp Mvcll the Sum In I'ornildnlilc tint Aol Hiiwlljailinl - t luted KlRtircn. LINCOLN , IJcc. l.-Special.-Expert ( ) Sil ver of the l gl lallvo Investigating committee tee- has l.nmlcil In his report of the condi tion of the books at the Industrial School for Hoys at Kearney , from which Lai been gathered the Information thit Superintendent Mollallou Is short $5,723.S3 , and that unauthor ized expenditures have been nude amounting to several thousand dollars. Mr. Silver w < ii not at the Mate house today and no other member of the committee could explain the report or tell by what manner of means the expert arrived at some uf his conclusions. The principal fault found with the books of the In stitution Is that the cash hook does not rurco with the semi-annual reports made to the governor , and the fact that the receipts from the curar beet buslnren do not eppcar on the booVs. A copy of the report has been furnished ? , Ir. Mallallcu nml he has Informed tilt- committee that many of the apparent dis crepancies can bo cosily explained away , and that tlicre arc a number of expenditures that wcr < t lu a cash book that has bcn mis- MA or lost. The ex-EUvcrlntcndent his been liusoti the accounts for several days and iho. Inv ttf ( Anting committee expects a re port from htm r.omo time this week. Tbo ruuirary of the work done by the expert to given as follows : linger debit bilnnce I'd ) . 1 , 1SD7. . . J 15rfl Urrors discovered In Journal S IM Item of uefOs not In cash account.J24 M Item of rce'clptn not entered WIN 7. ms cicdlted twice 73 < 0 ? -intn cold nnrked "no collection" . . 37 23 redlted rnsh account tvvlco 17.W Express charged twice on casting. . . . 2" Collection on siles not entered 23.15 Shortage unaccounted for In beet Itr-ms 4,00 8 Adding to this amount 1CS.11 Discount on warrant wrongfully cr.dlh.-d 70.M DUlelrncy credited without orders of board G.ff * Total shortage J5 72. " ) 31 The sjmmsry In some ways Is un'otelll- glble , mid a compar'aon with the body of tno rrpjrt 'hrowr no light upon the unex- jiert mint ! . For Instance , the Itemg marked "credited cafcli account twice , " or Item cred ited twice1 , convey very little Idea as ta whcro the expert found them , and ths Item which blmply says "adding to th's amount $1GS 11 , " has no explanation any- wherc In the report , the expert giving no reason why he should not have added a much larger sum and thus nwdo the short age appear larger. I'OINTEHS TO COUNTY THEASUREIIS The state auditor has scat out the blanko to the county treasurers upon which the January statements are to be made and he lias enclosed with each a copy of the letter "written by the attorney general relative to the fees for the collection of state money The letter was wrltfn In July In answer to an Inquiry made by the auditor. In wh'ch ' the auditor asked tint If "In making the computation to ascertain the amount of fees which a county treasurer IB entitled to for collecting elite money , should the nmouri of money collected for the county and from all sources upon which that olllclal lo en titled to fees be taken Into consideration' ' My answer Is thit they should exenpt the school fund Section " 0 of rhaptcT x\vlil of the Compiled Statutes make's this very clear. It Is tlierln provided that on all moneys collcctod by the treasurer he s'inll receive 10 per cent on. the tlrst J.1,000 , PSC and In computing the amount collected for the percentage all sums from whatever fund derived shall be Included together , except school funels In the case of the S'.ate against Broderlck , 2."i Nebr . G23 , the supreme court was asked to say whether or not the treasurer of Gage county. In calculating the amount of fees which he was entitled to re ceive from the city , should nosregate the city moneys from the county and state tfund nnd lluure upon the city money a alone The court decided that he could not. that 3io must calculate- the amount of his fees upon the entire amount collected by him upon which he wan entitled to receive fees , always excepting the school fund. The same principle applies with retpcct to the ques tion submitted by you. In the letter sent by the auditor to the treasurers today he particularly requests them upon the receipt of the 1'tter to send all of their school land duplicate receipts to the commissioner of public lands and build ings , ns they must be there at least a vveel or ten days before the sctlements can be made. Ho adds : You should do this In order to give this department time to check them up and b - - tle vi 1th you quickly when you come We would suggest that you send your state ment In n few days before you come your self In order that It may be checked up In advance. Adjutant General Curry. Colonel John P Uratt of liennctt und Colonel William Ills chef , Jr. , of Nebraska dty will go to St Louis to attend a meeting of tne adjutant generals and o Ulcers of the National Guard of the trunsmlssUslppl states to bo held DC comber 7. The meeting Is held for the pur pose of discussing the mobilization of the national feuards at the coming Transmissla Mppl Exposition Representatives are ex * = * ited ; from fifteen different states. LINCOLN NEWS NOTES The silo of the Lincoln ( street railway prop crty , whlcfc was to have taken place on December 10 , has been postponed one * week to December 17. It U expected that the prop crty will bo bought In by u New York trust company representing the first mortgage bondholders As this first mortgage Is $300.- 000 , with live years' Interest at G per cent the holders of the second mortgage are not likely to get a smell. NlmroJ Meek , a young man who has been In the county Jail for several month ? awaiting trial upon the charge of attempteJ assault on a little girl living In Hast Lin coin , was toiliji brought before the Insanity commission and sent to the asylum. There was no doubt of his having attempted the assault , but It vvcis clearly proven that his mind was far out of balance since being severely Injured on the head a number o ! 3 ears ace Jn response to the demands of the people of Lincoln the city council last night re considered lla action of a week ago netting apart $1,000 to pay additional attorneys In the Btreot railway tax case. Leo Hrrdman , who had been sentenced for contempt of court by Judge Scott and uhrac time for going to Jail was approaching near this aflciuoon roaclc an application to Judge Noncil for u suspension of sentence. The application was granted and the amount of the bond was fixed at $500 , which Herd man was endeavoring to secure In this city this evening. nrliuritl IH HVIMM crime , 8TANTON. Neb. , Dec. 1. ( Special ) Hon John A. Khrhardt , detriment commander Itctilnir , Irritated , icalr.crnited 8c lp , dry , Ihln , and falllux Hilr , clcunied , purified , and bfautl- fled t > y warm thampooi wltb Ctrncuiu O H , nd occMlonal drcitlniu of CmctJBj , pur it of cmo'.llcnti , the grcatmiVIn euro. Treatment will produce a clean , healthy acalp lth luturlant , luitroni h lr , lien all cite fatli. Salt ihrmithoul th. wotld. I OTTak Dlco IXD Cum. Cqar.fcU Pmp..llouoa - ll r U jr 4ue Luiultnt lltlt , " milled fite. MS ON FIRE t for Nibrarta nnd couMy Mtornejr tit i u ; . utUjr li l tvly rciy > verinR from wlut i 1113 < us Jercl a. fatal nfa k tf pa ait He Is n w able lo nit up at ilmco arl flu is that hr h < n the perfect use of lux IITIU , ' ex trot tlvU they are yet quite walk His mind Is perfectly clear nnd hto ompleto reeovcry seems now but a matter of time. " P0liriit : TKI.I.S At.I. AIIOt'T IT. Ill * Vrrnliui of I IK- Opening of Kloo- , tliui Upturn * . LINCOLN , Dec. 1 ( Special. ) The tecrc- Mry of slate furnWictl the following letter to the prem today To the Citizens of the State of Nebraska- So much his b en Mid by the rcpub'lonn pnperi of the atnte In regard to the election returni having been unla-A fully opened by myxelf nnd hnvlng l > ecn tampered with In this olllc ? , thereby endangering1 the legality of Issuing certificates of election to Jw'ge John J. Sullivan and regents-elect , that I deem It proper to niako a statement of the f ictfl as they exist In order that the people may be nble to understand nnd Judge for themM > lvea ns to whether I hnvfl been guilty ofwilful and malicious violation of the law , as Is charged by the State Journal and others. To bcBln with I wl'h to * ay thnt the statement thnt the returns have been tarn- ne-cd with In this olllce and th it the olll- clal election returns have been opened by myself , examined rtnd returned to the oounty clerks to be corrected or chanced , Is false , except ns 1 shall hereinafter ex plain. Ho'orc e'ectlon ' th's ' olllco pent to the county clerks of the state two abstracts nnd two envelopes with the olHclal nddr-ss of this office , ono being en 'orod ' on the end "Election Iletuins for the Olllce of Judce of the Supreme Court , He-gents of the t'nl- verslty for County , " nnd the other to contain a duplicate for our convenience In tabulating returns , the ouo with the en dorsement to be filed away to be opened by the canvassing board. Quite a number of the counties did so cend returns In dupli cate , In which case one envelope was opened ns stated above and the one marked "Elec tion Ite'turns , etc. , " was ( lied away to be opened by the canvassing board nt Its meeting. Many of the clerks , ho.vever , sent their returns In their own envelopes un marked and there was no possible1 way of knowing what the envelopes contn'ned and these were opened as ordinary mall milter and no only then discovered that they con talned abstracts of election These > , \Te put In another envelope und sealed up nnd laid away with the remain let of the returns Just ns has be > en done Irv former years and ns has always been the custom of the ofllce. I submit to every fair-minded citi zen to Judge for hlm elf whether there Is nnvtilng In this that could have been avoided or anything sutllclently Irregular to A arrant the charge of Illegally tamperlnt , with the election returns. In n-gard to the charge of havir-s re turned election returns to some twenty counties which was made by Mr. Slzer. sec retary of the republican state central com mittee , the fact Is Mmply this- Only three were returned , nnd for the ipurpose of cor recting omissions where the clerk had failed eltnei to Im Ms nnrns or place the se il of the county on the abstract. No attempt ivas made nor any request to the county clerks to In any way change the returns from these three counties. They wore simply technical errors which were likely to oce-ui nnd no harm could po3sibly conic by hav ing them corrected. . If the honest voters of the ° tite will but reflect for a moment and consider the fact f-at the abstract -sent to this olllce Is but a copy of the original on file In the olllce of the county clerks throughout the tate and can b Inspected by anyone and connT'-d vlth thc e copies In this olllco , they will re.adllv * ee the absurdity of the chaise and that any tampering with the abstracts wou'il luivc been an act of Idiocy , as It coudN&o ! * .as'ly ' have been detected Hid I been as dls oncst as these fakirs have rep resented me to be I b II ve that I would have had morr horse sen thin to undert ike to do something tint could so easily hive been detected nnd iv.hlch could not have In any \jay affected the re-ult of the last elec tion , hnd I desired so to do. Even If Mr Sullivan's majority had been -o small tha' It IA.IS llkclv to be contcstel. and thete mlcit have been an object In wishing to Change the returns , everyone with ordinary Intelligence knows thit It could not have been done In th's ofllce without It h 'n ' known by a compirl-on with the original abstracts held by the county clerk t There- are also a number of other chargps that have been brought In connection with this by the York 'limes and some other re publican papers of tne 'Into , charging that 1 HUvfally opened the printing bids for the printing1 of the house and senate journals and session la-ns adve-i tl ed for last sum mer. This st'emcnt Is entlrelv false- and thi facts are simply these The Printing board met and received bids as advertise 1 for Upon cozening nnd examining those bids the board exercised the rlnht that Is always re served bv ev'fry board In such cases and re jected all of them and called for new bids to bo submitted at a later date , and by so doIng - Ing saved tne taxpayers of the state evenl hundred dollars nnd of course deprived these gentlemen who vere bidding of D-a' much of a Takeoff , ivhlch , of course , they not being accustomed to , made them fcei somewhat aggrieved Individually I care nothing for the criti cisms of the State Journal and other republican lican papers of that Ilk. who , having fat tened oft the taxpayers under the republi can administrations of tie na t , find It Im poislbje to believe that Here Is any hon esty In the state houcc > .and that overs thlnj. Is onlv done for effect , when it comes to n question of economy , and I only make this tutement beeause I have been charged with wilfully and mallrlouslv tampering with flection returns and violating the la'.vs of the stateSo long as I am being assailed In my capacity bv tho-e papers I fee' satisfied that I am perfotmlntr my duty , and should the time ever come wacn they 'ipea' of my administration of the affairs of this ofllee with commendation I shall verv care- fullv e'xamlne the conduct of the otllce to see wherein the interests of the'people' of the state have failed to be protected , as we all knu.v tint the State Journal has a'nays de fended every stertl that h-is been perpetrated wltrln the walls of the c.ipltol building and Is only now howling bicvuise It has been pushed away from the public trough and conrpelled to come In and do work at legit imate price's Instead of getting the exorbl tant prices It h is bec-n enjoy Ing at the hands of past administrations for printing and other -vork done for the1 state It Is apparent to every fnlr-mlnUed eltl- zen , In view of the fact tint these same or gan" hnvo tried to Implicate Governor Hoi- comb In the stealings of Hartley nnd others and have- been howling about Meserve's straw bond etc , th it they are simply tryIng - Ing to distract the attention of the people from their own Infamous rceords , but they i.vlll not sneered , for , as the Immortal Lin coln once remarked , they may be able "to fool all of fie people some of the time , nnd some of the people all of the time , but they cannot fool all of the pecolo all of the time. " Very respectfully. W r. POUTER. S Miu-l ) 111 ( ill Klnpclllriil. YORK , Nob. , Dec. 1 ( Special ) As a sequel to the mysterious dlsapp.arance of Mlldre-d Carnahan , the 16-year-old daughter of N P. Carnahan of this place , on September 9 , Wllburn L. Williams has been arrested and brought back to York on the charge of induction Ho was apprehended at Mount Sterling , 111. , on last Moudiy and arrived In this city last evening irf care of J. H A file r- bach , a local detective The girl has also been brought home Williams represented himself as a slugls man , whereas It Is no.v developed that he was married to a woman In Qulncy , 111 , seven years ago and has a child 22 months of age A divorce was granted this first wife on October 28 on the grounds of adultery Williams Is wanted at Marshall town , la. , for some questionable financiering , and bo vvas once In trouble at Qulncy , 111 A partner of his Is now serving a term In the Illinois penitentiary for burning graph gallery which ho and Wllllums oper ated some years ago at Clayton , 111. Wil liams was never convict ° d for the offense , nl- thnugh he * as suspected at the time of com plicity In the affair. WltiiFNN Still MlrtHlnpr. HARTINGTON. Neb. , Dec. L ( Special Tel egram ) The Hlldcbrand girl , who EO mys teriously disappeared , has not yet been heard from. The case against her father , who Is charged with Incest , will probably be dis missed. Today the large court room was packed with an eager crowd anxiously await ing every answer made by Mist Violet Haw- hauser. the mo'her of an Illegitimate child. Frank AnKency , a nephew of Representative Ankeuey. U eharged with being the father Aukeney Is a married man and his wife und children were present. Mrs Havvhaueor. the mother vvas present. The defense will take the stand tomorrow morning. ( ifllfMl'H > rVV r < IHllllHMllr. GENEVA , Neb , Dec. 1 ( Special ) Post master C. E. Summers sti > ped down and out this morning and Martin V King has taken the place under appointment of President McKlnley. ixi > rt > N Olllcelliiblii'il , CHADRON , Neb , Dec. L ( Special Tele gram ) The police were notified early this morning that Ed Wlldermeth , local agent for the American Express company , had been robbed during the night of $95 of the com pany's money. Otncera Immediately visited tbo cxprcw office , but found it entirely > a- ta'cl althitiKh thodoor T ( ft aun i > r t I f * i , t vor exmss pjukas n Ijmr * " ' In I3 l fus.on the onico In gen < ril diejrJcr nnl iho expr ' arent not to bi fuunl'ur < waiutnj a reasonable lime for the ml MnR agent to appear the ofJloers reported the iltuatlon to the division superintendent , who ImmeJlatoly plae-d the station agent In chnrse of the ex press ofTIc * and notified the express company ofTlrlnlR Strict search was nude for Wilder- moth , who was thla Afternoon located 1 > y the ofTlcers In a disorderly house. He was too Intoxicated to give an explanation further than sajlng he was robbed during the night of $95. No clew has yet been found o * the robber. IiCIMO > l. > IltltlUTIU.V CASH. IinpnrfniM Cnne Ailjnillcnlpit by .Indue ( .rliiicn nt ( ierliiK. OEIUNO , Neb. , Dec. 1 ( Special. ) An adjourned fiction of the October term of the district court baa Just been deld here by Judge Orjmcs , the prin cipal business of which was the ren dering of his decision In the Injunction case of the Castle Hock Irrigation Canal and Water Power company against Philip Jurhch. The plaintiff sought to enjoin de fendant from condemning n right-of-way for a lateral ditch across plaintiff's canal and rlghtofwavfrom Iho Steamboat ditch , another canal lying above that of plaintiff. The contention of plaintiff being that hav ing first -taken out Its ditch nnd having ac quired an npproptlatlon claiming all lands hlng thereunder , that It thereby acquired an exclusive right to water all of said linda ; that the State Doard of Irrigation , by a decis ion rendered September 22 , 1897. hail given plaintiff that exclusive right to furulsh water to Irrigate all lands lying under Its canal ; that a private Individual could not exorcise the right of emlr-ent domain to con demn a right-of-way for the purpose of carryIng - Ing water to his land for Irrigation. The court found for the defendant , Jurlsch , dissolving the injunction. In rendering his decision Judge Grimes held that the conten tion of plaintiff that It had or could acquire an exclusive right to water defendant's land i by reason of A prbr appropriation , without' I ' his consent , and charge him for the use of I i the water a rate to beset and controlcd by plaintiff , would , If sustained by the courts uphold a monopoly nnd shut oft all competi tion In furr'shlng water ; that the state beard ! hid no jurisdiction over the question ns to who shall furnish water for specific lands enl cannot take from the landowner the right to obtain water where he can get It the cheapest ; that the legislature having de clared the want of water a natural want aril the Irrigation and reclamation of arid lands being a benefit to the general public , thit the use was public , nnd therefore the de fendant could exercise the right of eminent domain nnd condemn a right-of-way to con vey water to his land for Irrigation purposes , is provided In the Akers law Judge Grimes' decision upholds the original opinion of Secretary Akers of the State Uoard of Irri gation , which was reversed by the present state board on September 22 , 1S97 The plain- tilt his given supcrscdeas bond ani will take the car1. ) to the supreme court PHAWFOUD , Neb , Dec. 1 ( Special ) J J . Wilson , se.-retary of the State 'Board ' of Iirlgatlons with his stenographer , Mr Corchrace , have been In session daj and evening hero since the loth Inst. taking testimony In the contests for White river water rights The principal contests vcro those of the Irrlgators against the mill rights or Lcrov Kail who claims that he has a prcscr'ptive ' right to the waters of the river and that as such they are not public waters within the meaning of the Inlgatiou laws and cannot be Icterfcrexl with 'by ' the Irrl- gators or for any other use Ho also con tends that having the prescriptive right to the water for one purpose he can do as he \.I hes with the water and change the use to that of Irrigation even though It Inter feres with the prevloiislj acquired rights of the Irrleators boljw him on the river. Mr Ceeloj , proprietor of the Whitney mill , on the other hand , appears to be anxious to see the waters of the river used for irrigation purposes and wants onlj a fair recompense for the less of his vvater power. coi.n wv l ] STILI , IIVNOS ov. MiTCtirj Continues to M-el. . llolloiu at the 'I'libe. EXETER , Neb , Dec. 1. ( Special ) The severe cold snap which set In Thanks giving morning has continued with but lit tle variation up to date The last two morn ings the thermometer registered from 2 to I degrees below zero Verj- little of the snow which fell last Thursday has dis.ap- peared so far and corn shucking Is greatlj retarded. BURWELL , , Neb. , Dec. 1 ( Special ) A cold wave struck here about 11 o'clock jes- tcrday and for awhile it looked as though a regular bllrzard was due It Is very old NEBRASKA CITY , Dec. 1. The first frigid weather of the season Is now being ex perienced In this vlclmtj. The mercurj stood at 5 degrees below zero this morning DuilKc Count } Mor < KnKo . FREMONT , Neb , Dec 1 ( Special ) The following is the mortgage Indebtedness cee- srd of Dodge countj for the month of Nov cm- be" ' Chattel mortgages filed 58 , amount , $38.940 GO , released 10 , amount , $7,612 22 ; farm moYtgages ( Hod 9. amount , $7,57230 , re leased 7 , amount , ? 5 SC3 , town and city mort gages filed 18 , amount , $2 > J,147 S5 , released 17 , amount , ? 2S S77 The number of cattle brought to this county to bo fattened this winter largely exceeds that of any p-evlous jear As they are fel to a great extent In small bunches It Is Im possible to glvo the exact number. During the mon'hcj oP October and November chattel mortgares were given on 2,838 head , which wore b.oLpht In here , principally from Siuth Omaha , to bo placed on full feed It Is esti mated that thirtj carloads were brought In here which were paid for In cash. Clll 1(11'l'll'H I\OrclNl'M. PERU , Neb. . Dec 1 ( Special ) The chil dren's rfiapel afforded an Interesting sight to the vlslt'og ' parents and frlenJa Wednes day morning The usual morning exerciet > were lengthened by a program from the In- ttrmedliUo department. Miss Mears , critic , and from the tlnv kindergarten pupils Visitors Uid an opportunity to observe the patrloUc Influence which ticso children have Imbibed frcm cluptl talks , literature , black board sketches , songs an 1 other exercises. I.OXOH Ills Vldin-y. PLEASANT DALE , Neb , Dec 1. ( Sp3- clal ) John Kallcr , who cold his stock of hardware last week In settling up matters In Lincoln , yesterday started home with over $400 on his cierson , reaching hero about 7 o'clock and when ho went homo ho found ho was minus the money. Ho doen not know whether ho lost the money or whether it was stolen , Olid rdloiVH' Olllc-erH. EXETER , Neb , Dec. 1 ( Special. ) At tbo regular meeting of the Independent Orde- of Odd fellows , ledge No SS , Monday evenIng - Ing last , the following odlcers were elected for the coming jear 0 S Crane , N 0 ; O T. Wheeler , V G ; P. M Zlska , secretary , Wilbur 1)111 ) treasurer ; O T. Wheeler , , Wil bur 1)111 ) , J. W. Dlvcns , trustees. i , aid t < > EXETER , Nob. , Dec. 1. ( Special ) The funeral of John Pattern , who died at loin , Kan. , last Friday , occurred Monday afternoon at the residence of his parents , Mr. and Mrs G. W. Pattou The Knights of Pjthlas , of which order he was a member , wore cut ID full force The services were conducted bj Rev. W. T. Cllne. Siu > oliil MfrtliiKN at Hi BURWELL , Neb , Doc. 1. ( Special ) The Methodist people , under the leadership of Ilov. Webster , are holding special meetings Rev. Hardaway of Orel Is assisting for a short time and other lie 19 Is expected later. Till. n I , nml Olllrc. ARLINGTON. Neb . Dee. 1. ( Special ) Ur R. D. Harris , acconvan'ed' ' ' by his wife and son Siience. started jesterJaj- for SIJne > , Neb The doctor goes the > e to take charge of the government land ofllce , to which posi tion lie recently received the appointment \Voin < n IllNllltril. C. R. Jones vlsltoi the vicinity of Four teenth and Dodge utreets last night In an Intoxicated condition. Misses Ella Laviyne and A. Alma were just entering th lr j rem ises at HJ1 Dodge street , when Miey mate they were approached by Jones , who solved one of tbein roughly , Jones waa arrcstsd. GOOD CHAM F.l ) { OMAHA Nebraska's ' Metropolis Mdytlomo Into the Wosttrn LcRgno , _ _ _ " " PFEFFER AND KING WANTTO CCMIHIRt They Arc After ttir" , ( ! rniul Itniildn nnd Propone i Tr tn - fvr It to Hie Cfttc C'lty MILWAUKEE , Dec. J. ( Speciil Tele gram. ) Frevl P/cffer , the Veteran second baseman of the Chicago * nnd J. D. W. King , who has charge of score card privileges In the western league circuit , arc applicant ! ) for the Grand Haplds franchise forfeited by Ilobcrt Leadlcy , and have flleJ an application with President Johnson for permission to ln stall the Grand Ilaplds team In Omaha next jcar. A special meeting for the Western League will bo held In Chicago next week to determine whit disposition Is to be made of the Grand Rapids franchise , and If Mr , Pfeffer and Mr. King can make n satisfactory financial exhibit , Omaha will bo counted as the eighth city In the circuit as the successor to Grand Itaplds. Mr. King vvas In Mlluiu- kco jcsterday and called on President Klllllca , of the Milwaukee- club , to whom he outlined his plans. He said he had ample backing to Insure the successful launching of a baseball team In tbo Nebraska city , and pointed out the advantages that would accrue to the other clubs In the circuit by having Omaha In the league , as the plavlug of gamea In that city would break the long Jump from Milwaukee to Minneapolis , Detroit and Co lumbus to Kansas City , and stated that the people In Omaha were anxious to witness cpntcsU In tno diamond again. President Klllllea has favored the selection of Omaha as a successor to Grand Raplcla for two yeans or more , and Manning of Kansas City , Comls- key of St. Paul and Loftus of Columbus are said to coincide with the vlens expressed by the Milwaukee magnate. If the Grand nap- Ids franchise Is sold to Mr. King and Pfcffw. the latter will manage the team and play second base , and aa he Is an ecellent Judge of plajers , the Omaha club will un doubtedly make a fine showing In the west ern league race ne\t season. SCH YKPPnil AM ) bl.tlSlOVVINUHS. . TlirjU ( > roit Stilton nml Ilnlj Ile- xiM-ctlv ! > . NEW YORK , Dec. l.-WIzard Jacob Schaefer won the fourth game of the bil liard tournament nt the elghtoen-lnch balk In the Madison Square arclen hall tonight from George Sutton , the ycung Canadian expert. Schaefer had run out by the time Sutton had .scoredIK. . The Wlzird's high est inn wns llfty-ono. while Sutton placed his high mark nt thirty-eight , making moro than thirty , however , on seveial oceaslons I ollowlng is tin score by Inningo. Schaefer 9 , C , 2S. 0. 1 , 2 , 0 , 11 , 22 , 0 , 0 , r > . 3. 4. . . 2 , 22 , 25 , 7 , 0 , 1. 2. 13 , 0 , 12. 0 4. 21 3D , 7. 0 , 23. 3 , 4. 7 , 4 , 1. 7 1 12 5. 6. 4 fc.koVVb.yW1 ° ' 0 > 0 > 3' G1' ° ' ' . . floJTra-S UVi i'n 0. 0. SS. 14 , 0 , 0 , 14 , 11 , C , 0 , 4. 5. 13 0 , j. Averages Schaefer. 7 f2-GI. Sutton. 7 11-Kl Highest runs Schnefer , .11. Sutton , SS Time Three hour * nnd twenty-sit minutes George r S'cs ' = on and Maurice Daly v-ere the players in the fifth of the s rles tonlpht Dily having won the bank cho = o the bl ick ball. He went right Into good bllllaids and had run up thirty-two points , when he missed i plain shot to cu"hlon and back Slotrou wns n , little ngltafd during- ily's nursinnhcn It came ihls turn he scored but two nnd Daly followed with a inn of twenty-six So ! i-on finally reiehod the double figures by a count of twenty-four buttons Daly drew applause In the ixth Inning by a very neat shot He was making double figures In every other Inning and once In a while he got the nurse. In the line- , though he would not ketp the balls there It was not until thei fifteenth Inning that Slos- son passed the IPO nntk. 'vhlch vvas reached by Daly in the eitrhth Inning The players Kept neck and neck and at the end of the twenty-fourth Inning the record stood. Daly , 2C6. Slosson , 02. rr--m the twenty-eighth to the thlny- sevcnth Innings Daly made but ten points nnd .at the f-nd of the twenty -eighth he vv is GS behind. Dily later made a couple of runs of 15 nnd 11 ( vnlle Slo'son wn'l Idle , but ' The Stu-ent" got dcrui to business ind vith a run of 47 got Into the last oenturv. It vviis exactly midnight wh n "losson made the one point necessary to win. Uily was left at 7 This Is the score by innl'iys : Slosson-2. 4 , 21. 2. C. 11 0 , G , 4 , 1G , 0 , 0 , 12 2. ir , 0 , 40 , ' ! 2. 'Jl 1 , 7. 22 , 3. . 4 2 , 4 , 22 II , 2 , 0. S , 9. 3 , C , 2 , 0 , 3 , 0. 1 , 47 , 11 , 0 , 0 , 3 , 14 , 0 5 , 0 , 0. 9 , 2. IS , 7 , 10 , 1-COO. Dar-33 ! , 2G , 0 17 , J , 17 , 1 , 16 , 4 , 2 , 41 , 0 0 0 , 0 , 1 , 0 , 10 , 3D , 4 , 0 , 3 , 37 , S. 1 , 0 , 1 , 16 , 4 , 0 0 , 2 , 1 , 3 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 10. 2.1 U 0 , 12 , 0 , 19 , 1 , 21 , 1. 2 , 3 , 0. 0 , 7. It , 2. S. 7 , 137. Slos = on's average : S 13-14 ; Daly's av < > ra7 < ? 7 45-56 Highest inns : Slosson , 47 , 40 , Jl , Daly. 43 , 39 , 37. Time of name Four hours. ItlHLING U INS TIIUOUCII STIin\fiTl. ( M orcoinr'K ltj'tn'N : silence In the 'IVnth Round. NHW ORLEANS , Die l.-Gus Ruhllng , the giant heavjwelgiht of Akron , O. , de feated Tut Rjan of Australia tonight at the Tulane Athletic club In a ten-round , John Duffy being the referee. Ituhllng was the taller and heavier , weighing about 1W pounds. Ilj-an tipped the beam nt 175 pounds and , like his opponent , vvas In the best of condition Uuhllng at the outset vvas nwkward and Uvan In point of cleveinejs bhovvcd can M- erible supcrlorltj- . The Australian , realiz ing his disadvantage , fought for UK bodj nnd In the first eight rounds landed with plenty of force Pot * a time this weakened Ituhllng , but he gained courage and tlnallj became strongo and captured the daj Ills blows In the last two round * ) were hard and Itjan was groggj and could hardly have1 stood the terrible lalds a round longtr. Huhllng and Malier will now be matched. ll-tsdTii HMHI- Hull l.ciinui' VITnlrN. NGW YORK , Dec. 1. At todaj'a met Jng of the Bahe Hall league the t ml- Ing of the clubs wan announced i > jia < u Toronto Uuffalo , Springfield , ProvIiKnce , Scranton , Jlontieal , U'llkesbarrc The boird. In vlnv of i > rote'Bt , will a-h Auhur Irwln to appear tomorro.v und explain the cnuiKea that manj of hU Toronto p jjerc belong really to the Washington team of thn National league , The rumor that Tom Burns of fepringi will manase the Chlunso team next jeir and Adrian C Anson would go to Philadel phia was icvlved at the meeting today Hums wad present , but refused to say unv- thlng on the subject. I ml CM1 III l riM In Cornell. NEW HAVEN. Conn. , Dec. l.-The Y ilu navy comtnltteo g ve out this statement this afturnoon It has been finally derided that Yale will row lt aimutl race with Har vard over the N vv Ixnicion couise tiln ejirlng. Poushkeepslo vvaa phosen j ai becau ° e Yule had to rqvv there In onlci to meet Harvard , who had .t , ] > ro\lous .tsree- ment with Cornell Tnls ytar , heever bj the five -year athletic hKreement between Yale nnd Harvard , Yale'ia-l given the eho ev of the course and haa d rtnlttly asroed with tic row Ins authorlt'es ' jit Cambridge won Nen Indon. . Jlatters wro-us > c-t undeelded with reference to Corntllj ( Jo ml I'rli'fH for Tlii LEXINUTON , Ky. , Dro , l.-At the sale of tliorousribie-Ja today Bramble , tha famous * lro of Clifford , Hen Brush and others , waj hold to Claj Woodfoia of Paris , Kj , for M700 He is > i jcirs p'd , Pit Duine of Chicago bought a weanling Jn Bramble , < ] un Lady \\ajmaid for y 1 Ow. 'Charles mann of Cincinnati pruid l..Sr.O tor a weanling by Kinghion , dam Libble 1 , , ulho Jl',100 lor a \vcarlUiif bj Urumble , djm North Anni , John 11 Madden of I.fxln'4ton j $2,100 foi a weanling by Bramble. ( Jam Charity. Ill Unul Mu a iir. LONDON. Dee. -The English ovvnerH are outUddlng e.ich other for Sloane'n serv Iocs next griifcon , but It la b lleved thus fur ho has pledged hlnii-elf only to the tirlnca of Wales , und possibly to Mr Lorlllarcl alao. \ihic-ic n.-ijii. TORONTO , Ont. , Dec. 1. Information haa been received here of the death nt Nelson , B. C . of ROM ) Mackenzie , an all round ath lete , but best known as a lacrosse player. .laiuin OrcltTH l.oiMfiiintlv r . NEW YORK. Dec. l.-The government of Japan has sent nn order to locomotive build- era In Jersey City for fifteen locomnthos for use on heavy trains. Work on the loco- motUeawill bg begun at once. pROHARDjfi WjLHEUR CARPET CO. Axmiiister Carpets JL. Still selling the Alexander Smith & Sons $1.25 to $1.35 Axminsters at 87c less than cost of manufacture You can have them all clay tomorrow at S7c or as long as tbis wholesale stock lasts which won't be long now All the rich and neat designs for parlors libraries halls and stairs borders to match Big sacrifices all over the store to make room for our holiday goods which go on sale early next week. LACE CURTAINS AND DERBIES A spoclil In Lace Curtains- Satin finish heavy fish net center- 2.25 Derby rococo border Lice Curtain ! ' , Boblncttc Curtain , with heavy center with Empire wreath 2.85 border looped fringe , maroon Extra long nnd extra wldo Lace Curtains 3.00 roon , olive , blue and gold , , , . . . an unusual value at a curtain that wholesales . at $2.50 we fxv r - T f rr f * w-rir- * - - 1 Now here's a grand Curtain retail it ' n great Inco curtain for the tomorrow price n fish net with Saxony at . Denims , , 32-inr.h green ony cilijo just us n lender blue , salmon , crushed wo price them tit strawberry colors for Another line , hezivy furniture coverings , Brussels effect . with I'olnt d'Esprll center- knotted fringe , in pillows , etc. , price only yard Very heavy Hennalsanco same colors , very effect border- JLo'A fine , tomorrow Tine Rulllcd Chamber Muslin Curtains the price/ / is 'Q ' Real frlled Svvlsa Curtaln ° mndc for 3.50 ribbon Insertion and Ru filed lace edge 5. Satin face Tinsel Boblnette Curtains Tapestry Curtain , Plain Boblnotte Curtains with valenclcnnes Insertion and 6 , ' nulled lace edge oriental blue , Pom- Vanti ne's Heal ue Irish Point Lnco ns 3'4 yards long 2.75 pein red , extra wide , ecru only India Valance Verv choice pntctrns In Heil extra long , Applique Iilsh I'olnt , wltn open Stools work center In white nnd ecru frine Wo Inve SO pilM of REAL HruisfH Lice Curtain * owing to their bolntr In all " un"-tlible fnr tmny vvlndovs bee an e wood"1j of being onlv thief . J ird1 * long ve finishes . . JLo' ' will for tint r. nson onlv imr ! < them down for this daj s selling 1 1414-1416-1418 Douglas Street. The Bee has secured a quantity of large half tone enaravino-s of the OFFICIAL BIRD'S-EYE VIEW" the Transmississippi A copy of the engraving (19x24 ( inches ) will be given to every subscriber with the Sunday Bee of December 5. A limited number of extra copies will be sold to supply those who ore not subscribers or those who desire to send copies to friends out of the city. As the surplus edition is limited , those who de sire extra numbers will do well to place their orders with the Subscription Department early. 5 cents per copy will be charged for the paper , including the engraving. Special prices for orders of 25 copies or more. Newsdealers from out of town must have their orders in by December 3d. The Bee Publishing Co. iv Scvc-ral lion SiC'iH ) Hurt at an IIMMI VII in- . DCS MOINHS , la. . Dec. 1. Tbo boiler In the engine room at the Glenwood coal mlna exploded at 12 30 today. Twenty men were In the engine room and not ono escaped inJury - Jury The fatally Injured are : GIIIKFITHS , IIUESK , head , back and handi scalded. WILLIAMS , DAN , face , elilo and arms burned. Othere ierlously burned or scalded arc Jim Ile'slop , Prank Blcomaulat , Frank Hayden - den , James Ha ) den , John Hayden , Put .N'leh oluH , Charles Austin. Robert Marsh , Alexan der Calbert , John Wairen , John Connolly. The building as wrecked and the eml of the boiler blown 100 yards. The only ex planation offered la that fcomo of the men must have leaued upon the safety valve. The victims all live In Des Molnes or ite suburbs 'Ihlff Simluliv * a I'urxr. As Mrs. J. J. Mahoney was to htr homo at US North Twenty-lifih Mreet after dark last evening her pur t > was snntehed by an unknown man , mho nride his escapi ? . Thei purse contained f. and a joivoldr'a ticket for a watch. CliarKi'il Tilth I.u r i1 il ) ' . John Parker , a colored man recently ar rived In town , la charged mJth the larceny of a watc1 ! from Swan Olson. It Is said Hint Parker entered Nelson's saloon on North Smecnth Htroet nnd secured the watch fiom Olson the birtender. In an unguarded troment. The complaint Htatia that he then pawned the watch In n neighboring pool loom and thereby obtained money for drinks. 'Id C'llllMIMN ( III ) \ < ll ' . I'lKIlRK , S. D , Dec. 1. ( Special Tele gram. ) The State CanvaEg'ng board meets tomorrow tu canvass -tho returns on the lite Judicial election. Thcro are no close counts It Is eaey to catch a cold and Just as ouy to get r'd ' of It If you commence early to tse Ono Minute Cough Cure. It cures coughs , colds , bronchitis , pneumonia and all throat and lung troubles It Is peasant to take , nafo to use and Euro to cure- Unv I'liH'HtM oT Orfim V < flH , Tfi * , 1. At New York Arrived Furncsela , from OUsgoAx Sailed Paris , for oouthamptr n , \Vesternland , for An'wcrp. Karlaruh1 , for Bremen. At Nale _ Arrlv d No minnia , I'cm N w York. At Southamlrton Arrived ft , LDU'H , fiorn New Yor' : . At Liverpool Arrive ! MaJea'Ic , from Now York , etuto.of Callfo'nla , fro-m Jkri- trual ; Helguiiland , from Phllad. Iph'a. ' Balled-Indiana , for Philadelphia ieutonlt ; , for New York. At JJremon Arrived lirftHdcn , from Ualtl- more ; Stuttgart , tram , Now York. Searles & Seai-les. ftl'UCIALI.STS IN WEAK MEN SEXUALLY. All Private UUense & DUorderH of Men. Treatment by Mall. Consultatlnu Free. SYPHILIS Cured for life and the poleon thoroughly cleansed from thciHjbluin. , . . _ . . SrM-rmatorrlic-a. Seminal Weakness , Jx > it Man hood , Nlgtit EmUaloim Decayed Faculties. Ya mnlo Weak ueH , und all clellciitu dlHOnlora pecu liar in elllicr BOX , poHltlvoly ourcu 1'ILKS VISTULA imcl ItKCTAL ULCKHS. I1YDROOKLO ANI > VAIUCOOKI.K p cnnancnlly aud auccuastully cured , Mulhodnuwaad unfailing , StricSwre by new method without pala or outllnj , CiH on or Kldreen with tamp tig s. tutu St. . IM. mm