TTIW miAlfA B33Mt Minis DAY. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL llisnnderatanding of an Order Comes Near Demoralizing the Market. 3FFER3 TO SELL INSTEAD OF BUYING WHEAT Price Drop * In C inpitH'M | r , ninl Oilier Inline-nee * Iurr Online the .Market li > CM otic I.oivi-r. , CHICAGO. Dec. 1. Wheat wna firm to- S iy , but very dull until nl > oilt twenty mln atta front the close of the spsiilon , when It 5'.irt l on a decline thnt left It Hff-lic lower Tor May than It closed yestenLiy. l Tck of xport ile-mnnd tnn npKircntly | the wenk mln > ; feature nnnlly. Corn , oats nml pro visions wore nil dull and price chingc : nt the close were In'lKiiHIcnnt. The intaundt'rstandliiK of an order to buy December wheat c.imo nciir tlcniorallzlUR the irmrket nt the opining. A commission firm's order to Its broker to buy 23X ( bu. Decem- brr wheat wns misconstrued , nnd the wheat was lntond olTerod for mile , resulting In pome other small lots coming on the market nnd nn almost Immediate ; decline to Olc , IIH OBnlnst O.'VSJc at the clew yesterday. The mistake was soon discovered nnd the buy Inn of not more than 0,000 bu. put the prlco up nKiiln to M ic In tiulcker time than It took It to KO down. Mny stnrtod imrhnnRpd at Dl'tc. l tt the fffect of thn illsorsanlz'itlon In upcrmber p.iUHcd n temponiry di'tir&wlon In May to Puc It iiulckly recovered , however , and In the course of the forenoon It reachi" ! 81 % c. The cold weather continued throughout the winter w'leat rcKlon and thn llclds were still uncovered. The St. l.ouls crop experts evidently thought the trials that the plant was being wibjorted to.wore more than It could llvo through , as K-vernl orders * ctimo from there to buy July wheat. That future In consequence was relatively stronger that May. Minneapolis ami Duluth receipts this week ahowrd some fulling off , cotr-piired with thu previous ( , \t'rk , but'wero still illflpoiirnglngly , JitMtvy us ngtilnst those of a year ngo. Those I places reported "l.T ears. aKiilnst 7ffiJ last HOC' : and 31fP rnrs the like tlay of IS'Ji. Ohl- IMKO received lir > cars , agnlna' only SI cars last year and shipments hence were 231,000 bu. Atlantic port clearances were equal to fp'ratO bu. In wheat and Hour. The wt-stern primary market receipts were 1,00(1,000 ( bii. , compared with only DOI.Gd ) bu. last year. Hero'Weather prevailed In the reslon around Duluth , so that It wns considered very ques tionable If , iny further shipments would lx > mudi > by lake from there this ) weapon. This iw.ts delivery day. but notwithstanding this fact then- was hardly any wheat turned ever and It Is the belief that little will be until navigation Is closed. Liverpool opened unchanged for nil fu- 'liires , hut May , which was -d higher , but It closed strong at Srom % d to Id higher. March , the active trading month , being the strongest. Notwithstanding the rather encouraging situation , the trade wa * so Hgnt and the iiotlve local traders so reluctant to retire with any unfinished business on their hands , that In their efforts to dispose of long -wheat they .iccumul.ited during the forenoon rise , the market slipped from under them and the prlco of May wont down from 91r to 00ac about fifteen minutes from the close. Now York reported but ten loads for ex port. This lack of export demand started tin ? unloading , which was rendered dllllcult by the nlmtiMt utter lack of buyers , anil prices slipped down very easily. May closed nt IMHiSiCO'ic , December behaved bet ter after Its morning gymnastics and closed nt flO'/ic , AH advance of Vic. Corn was firm and very little affected by either the early strength or closlnp weakness of wheat. The better feeling wns due In n measure to the belief that the De- cunber liquidation Is about over nnd the sprend today narrowed some. There were no deliveries on December contracts. Cn- bles were llrm and exports good , amounting to S9OX ) bu. Receipts were 319 cars. Coun try offerings were moderate , but the weather Is favorable for the movement. Trade was unimportant. May ranged from 2'i'4e to SOlfcc , closing a shade higher at Up to n Bhnrl time before the close the market for oats wits llrm , active nnd hlKhci'r December especially showing strength. Good elevator Inlying , llrm cash market and sym- puthy with wheat , nil helped In iidvancltiK the price. Deliveries were small. The lute break In wheat started May liquidation , however , nnd the market lost all Its early advance , sclllnp at the bottom nt the close. Receipts were 233 cars. May ranged from 22Vic to 2if/-21/ic , the latter being the final prlco ; December maintained its strength and closed 'H.c higher nt 224C. . The market for provisions wns for a time smothered under the enormous receipts of bogs today. This feature , coupled with rather free deliveries of pork and lard on December contracts , caused lower prices. At tlu < decline the demand Improved and the market olowly rallied and closed fairly steady. There was a moderate shipping de mand at the close. January pork , was Be- lower nt J3.15 , January lard n shade lower at $ l.2. ' ,4 , and January ribs unchanged at J4.20. J4.20.Hatlmatcd receipts Thursday : Wheat , 170 cars ; corn , -ISO cars ; oats , 3'M cars ; bogs , 47,000 bend. Leaning futures ranged ns follows : . 83ICJ4C ; No. S re * . HHiGSC'i L'OIIN No. 2 , 2814c. OATH-NO. : . si c f. o. ti NO. 2 white , No. 3 wlilte. ai4iie. HYK No. 2. < 5c. HAIILBV No.8 , M T4le. Ki.\x. i-in-No. : i , ji.oi On the I'rojuee fvclmnpe toOay the Imttor mar ket wa Mteaily ; creanitrlen , Kd'itc ; ilulrks , U'ff 19o. nu'i'se. quiet. HfS'ic. I-.SKS , llrm : irrali , 19e. Ureti'eil poultry , market utrndy : luilieyn. lOc ; clilckcnn , Oiic ; eprlnua , 707b" ! Juckf , 7W 7Wo. M'\V ] VOHIC MAIIIC13T nf the Iny on ( Ifiiural I'lllllllKlllltll'N. NIW ! YOIIK. Dec. 1. 1'I.OUU Iteci-lpts , 12 , ( M bbU. ; exports , bbU , ; quiet nnd lower Minnesota imtenU , J3.lMi5.IO ; Mlnnenota bal ; c ' , Jl.Wii W ; winter iiatentH , tl.OWS.Io ; white BtralKhts , fl.C004.70vlntt ; > r extras , J3.40Q4.00 winter low grudiw , J2.90W3.IO. llye Hour , dull fancy , } . ' .7MJ3. 5. llucknhcul Hour , < ] ulct ut Jl.l Cl.SO , lUH-KWIIMAT Dull nt SSOSSUc. COIINMUAI Dull ; yclluw wt-stcrn. Qc. IlYK Weak ; No. 3 western. Wjc. HAUM'JY Weak at 2So bid. H.UU.KV ll.VUT Dull ; western , fBflCOo. WHHAT HeclH | , 2 . ' ,7 bu. ; exiwrtu , J7S.7J ! Im , Kiut | , wouk ; Nu. 2 nil , SSUc. Optlaua oiiened ( . .leadon foreign Iniylnc , oa M off under lucul xtilllni ; prremirf , advanced ahaiply on n eiiueezo uf DuciMubi-r vburtii und mruiif , late cables , but Dually collapxtHl under a bear raid und closed UWVjo net luwer ; January , Jf.iiW 8713-liii' : clo cd , 8C4Cj December , l)6Kl'Jo ) ; closed , 9Wtc. COHN Idvell'ts. 49,000 bu. exwrt | > , HO.J63 bu. Bpol , Hlpady ; Nu , Z. M ! c. Ontluna oiwnvil nti'udy n i' bla. udvanci'd on big clearances , but BUlHWiuontly eaueU off -ivlth wheat and cloned pnu-llailly unchatiKtHl ; May , 34U03I 7.1ki ( ; clonixl , 3 > ! c ; December , 31 1-1C < | 315-lCc ; cloiitl , 3liC OATS Iliwelpts , J10.SO ) bu. ; eiporli. 130,001 bu Spot , iitoiidy ; No. S , 8)Uifi ) Wc , Optlonn , nctlve and MrnuT , clo lntr nl lie iwt advance ; Keb ruary , clonxl , 27c : May. cli > ed , 27'doj December. IGGWUe : i'liw J. SOIic. HA V Steadyj liln | > lns4Hfl5ej good to choice , LOO'iOf. HOI'S StauUy ; state , cuniinun to choice , ISM crop. 4S ( < c ; IbW crop. G Ne : UDJ crop. tioi u ; J'aelllo coast 1S crop. 4CCc ; lux ! crop , CS9o : 1597 crop , Htf. lIl- , nnl > * ton , I5c ; Texas , lc ; California , lieiSc. hemlwk Ml , . WOOL' Unolianicwfi Texu > , 44gl7c. J'nOVlSIONS llc r , , t.-uJy ; family , 18 M , etrn m - , f * S01/1.W ; ( f hums , I2S.OW 21M , jnckrt , P.Mntlo.OO , cut Intatu , nuift , incklcd liMilM , HOootM , pu < kK < t . , J5.,1. pickled hnm . I7KOJM. I nl lnll , prim * itentn , 4 40 ; writern tAm ! I4 ( MSo re- nnnl , qultt. Pork , qul t , mf . J1 20 9.w , i. | , rtn , ttMr. ll .0)UlZ.Or ) . tamlty. SII. MM. ' im Tnlluw. dull , city , 1 3-lCci country , 3'itt3\r , m t. ) qunlltr. OII. < fottonneeil , nulct ; rrlm1 crude , l Hci prime yellow , 214C ! butler oil , ai'inslr. 1-elro- leum clo ! l nt 67c bid. Itosln , st'ndy ; striMne < l , cotnmnn to peed , Jl.49fll.IS. Tuiprntlne , firm nt MBTALS-ri * Iron , wnrrnnti quiet , K.K tiM. JO , * ) nsknl. Iwike copper , quiet , 110.75. Tin , dull nt JI3.70 bill. J13.7A nfkej. Suiter , qulot nt JI.OO n ked. ' Li-ml , pxrhanrf very quiet nt JJ.75 ; brokers , steady nt J3.B" . . 1.Kf Pk . ; tnntket ntemly ; western creamery , 140 < 3c ; Hlglna , J3c ; fnctory , PliniWB H relpl i , BWI pkcs. : market quiet ; light skims , 6 * ? < ilic ; part skims , 594c ; full skims , 2'iflfc. i IIOOS Ilcrelpts. 8,120 pkc . ; slnto ami PennI I sylvnnln , 2f 26c ; western , 2- . ' J OMAHA GBXKHAI , JIAHKKTS. ' Coiiillllon of Trade niul Qiintntliiiin ( in Maple nml I'niicy I'rniliicc. > KOOS-Strlctly fresh , 17c. llt'TTKll Common to fair. lOfllle : choice to funcy , llftl'c ; separator creamery. 2Je ; K lh re < l creamery , 20c. . VKAIChotc fi t.V _ > to 120 Ibs. , quoted nt Sc ; nndconrsi _ . nrusanu""r6'ui.TriY Chickens , 6ff c ; tur keys , not wnnl'ilj Kfctf , 8c ; ducks. 7c. riOKONS Live , 7.7c ; denil pigeon * not wnntM. IIAV rplnnd , J6.1 < ) ; midland , J3.50 ; lowland , t > .00 ; rye stmw , J4 ; color makes the price on finy ; light bnles sell the best ; only top srnde bring top prices.VKOKTAllt.KS. VKOKTAllt.KS. CIILKUY Oood stock , large , -lOc ; small , 23 ® 3V. 3V.ONIONS ONIONS 1'er bu. , GCflfiOc. MKANS-lInnd-plckfd navy. Per bu , . J1.49. HWKBT I'OTATOKS I'cr bbl. . J2.73. PAnilArtK Home Krown. per lb. . mCl'ii' . I'OTA TO KS Home grown , 4HJ63o ( : western w. . . . . . - , , _ ! . * 11 CAMFOHNIA 8TIIAWUEUUII3S I'cr pt. , 30c. ( jriNt-Kfl-CnllfornlH. per box , J1.23. Al'I'LIM Winter stuck. J2.75in.00 ; California IldlMlower , imxes. il.SOOl.O ) ; Colorado Jona- th.inn , boxr-s. Jt.75. CItANIlHimiKS Jmevs. per bbl , , J7.00 ; V'lt- cinsln I Ml & llugle. J7.CO. ( ALlFOltNIA . .AND COLORADO rfiAHS winter Nells. JI.OO. OIlAl'KS-Cutnwbris , 5-lb. basket.- , .Malagas , U.30 < il < ; .r,0. THOl'lL'AL FRUITS. OHANOHS-MexIcnii , per box , JI.OO ; Louis iana , tl.i ( ) . LKMON'S-Mosslnan , SCO. J3.00i3.SO : Ml , J4.00JJ ) 14.50 ; California. 300 , J3OO X73 ; * M , J3.73fJI.2- . IIAXANA8 Choice , Inruo stock , per bunch , " inedlum-slzpil bunches , Jl.73JJ2.Oi ) . MISCKI.I.ANlCOltS. NfTS-Almnnds. per lb. . larcc size , 14ffinc ; TImzlls. per lb. . lOc ; KnRllsh wnlnuts. per lb. , 'ancy , soft shell , 13c ; standards , lOlillc ; tllltprts. ; ier lb. , lOc ; | wcnns , pnll h'Ml , Inrce , 310c ; iuuilni , 12c ; Inrwi' blckjry nuts , Jl.23 pi-r bu. ; unnll , Jl W per bu. ; coconnuts. pur If * ) , J3.73f . ; pennut , raw , S(3'ic ( ' ; masted , f > 5C4c. PlOS-lmporteil fancy , 3 cronn. 14-lb. bo\es , [ I 12'4c ' ; r > crown , 41-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb. boxes , 23r [ per tiox. I 11ONiY-Cholce white , 13c. KHAL'T-1'er bbl. , Jt.O 84.2J ; half bbl. , J2.30S ? | ' .MAl'I.n 8YHLM' Flvo-Bnl. cans. each. S2.2i : cat. cans , pure , i > cr doz. , J12.W ; half-gal , cans , j.2"i ; qunrt cans , ) . DATKS P r CO to 70-lb. boxes. BV4c ; Fard S-lb. 10XI-S , PC. CIDKI'-I'cr half bbl. . Jl ; bbls. . jri.50. KUKSH MEATS. DHHSSHD 11KKI' Oood nitlvc Bteers , 7c ; good 'oreiiuartera , steers , Ce ; Rood hindquarters , 9c ; . \i' < trn t steers , ( iifClJc ; fancy heifers , CV4c ; Rood lelfeis , Cc ; KJOI ! foreiiunrters , hclfeis , 5'Sc ' ; good ' iliidqunrters , belters , 8'ic ' ; yood cows , u ic ; fair ' enderlotns , l c : boneless strlp . c ; s'trlp loins. 7c ; rolls , S'.iC ; sirloin butts. 8(4c ( ; hnulder clods 6',4c ; rump butts , G'ic ; steer shoulder clods , S c ; rump butts. SHjc ; steer chucks. 5' ' , < .c ; cow cliuckr , H c ; boneU s chucks , 4 > ic : cow plates , 3c ; steer plates , 3 > jc ; Hank steak , C'ic : loins. No. 1. 14e ; loins. No. 2. lOic ; loins No. 3. Sc ; sirloin ends , No. 1 , Oc ; ribs , No. 1. 1lr : No. 2 , kVc ; ribs. No. 3. Gc ; steer rounds. 7V-c ; cow rounds. C'.ic ; cow rounds shank off , 8Vic ; trlmmliiKS , 4-ic ; beef shanks , 3c ; brains per doz. , 33c ; swectbnnds , per lb. , lOc ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per lb. . 4Cc ; kidneys , per iloz. , 33c ; ox tails , each , 4c. ; livers , per lb. , 3c ; hearts , per lb. , 3c ; tnnRUes , per lb. , 12V4c. MUTTON Lambs. 7c : sheep. C'4c ; mirket racks ( lonK ) , Sc ; hotel racks ( short ) , lie ; leprs and faddlcB. 9c ; lamb legs , t'c ; breasts nnd stews. 3c ; tongues , each , 3c. I'OUK Uressed pigs , 5'ic , ; dressed hogs , Co ; tenderloins. 13c ; loins , 7c ; spare ribs. Be ; ham sausag. ' butts , 6Uc ; shoulders , rough , 5c ; Khoul- ders , skinned , 5'jc ; trimmings , C'.ic ; leaf lard , not rendered , G c ; heads , cleaned , 4c ; snout and ears , 4c ; backbones , IVic ; cheek ments , 4'ic ; neck bones , 2c ; pigs' tails. 4c ; pluoks , each , 5c ; chitterlings , 5c ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz. . 25c ; stonincbs , rnch , 3c ; tongues , euch. 7c ; kid neys , per doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 15c ; plgb * feet , per doz. , 23e ; lliers. each. 3c. IIlDIvS , TALLOW , ETC. 1IIDKSXo. . 1 green hides , "c ; No. 2 green hides. Ce ; No. 1 salted hide * . 8 > ic ; No. 2 Brecn salted bides , Tlio ; No. 1 veal cnlf , S to 12 Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , ( e. SHEW 1'ELTS Orecn salted , each. 13075c ; gecn suited HhearllnKB ( short wonled early skins , each. 15c ; dr > " shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1. each. 5c ; dry Hint. Kan.'os and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , nctual weight , 4O3c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts. p ° r lb. , actual weight , 3J" " Ic ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 475c ; dry Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 34 ? Ic. Ic.IIOHSK IIOHSK IIIDKS-Kach , Jl.rf2.23. TALLOW. GIIKASU , ETC.TallottNo. . 1. > ic ; tallow. No. 2 , 2Vic ; rough tallow , 1'Jc ' ; white grease , 2UJ2 c ; yellow und brown greaee , 1UR2I4C. I'UHS near ( black or brown ) , JS.OOUIO.OO ; utter , J1.M 8.00 ; mink. 138Vc ( ; bfaver. JI.OO 1(6(0 : skunk. 15c , 23c. 50c ; mufkrat , 3o. 5c , 7c ; raccoon , 13r.0c ; red fox. scTJI.23 : grey fox , 2y0c ; wolf ( timber ) , 23cIJ2.W ; wolf ( prairie cuyolei lOSMc. ; wlbltat , 10ff25c ; badger , JfflOo ; silver fox , liu.COS73.CO. St. I.onlK i-n i-ml .1InrIcv < . .ST. I/51TIS , Dec. 1.-FI.OUU-0.ulet : patpnts. . .M ; rtrnlRhtfl , Jl.4004.CO ; clear , f4.000 ! . : : > . medium. f3.50 3.73. \VIIiAT Lower for May , cloilng ' c below yc . tenlny , but December holding lip well and wan steady ; Decemlwr sold at Ic advance early nnA on call , but lost that subsequently ; May opened % e off , advanced - c. uVcIlncd l'4c and clnjed with sellers ' .c above the bottom. Spot. tlrm. No. 2 red. cah. elevator. n7c ; track. 37'4iJriS'-.c ' ' ; lici-inber , ! )7c ; May , 2 ic ; July , 81lc ; No' " t hard , cash , SSfiSS'ic , fOUN Kuiures advanced early , later fell off. cloning llrm , fractions higher than yesterday for nwmlwr and January : May steady. Snot , steady ; No. 2 , cash. .M'tc ' ; December , 2).i' ; Jaii'iary. 55iip ; May , 27'ic. OATS Futures steady to a shade higher. Spot eteady ; No. 2. cash , elevator. 2llic : track , 22c , Jleeinber. 2014 jS05ic ; May , 22c ; No. 2 while. KYl'f Lower at 43ite. 1'LA.\Si.i-IIIghef | : nt J1.20. I1IIAN Film : sacked , east track. Ke. TIMOTHY sr.EO-Prlnie. J2.CO. HAY Qukt and rtrunir for choice timothy : prnlrle. active , but prices no better ; prairie , JO. 50 pS.23 ; ilimitliy. JS.OOrUO.KO. lIL'TTKIt ' Easier ! creamery , lSJ23c ; dairy , 11 "KOOS Steady at 17' ? . WHISKY Steady al'jl.15. OOTTONTIBS 72C. METALH-Lend , quiet , J3.57K bid. Spelter , dull. J3.77W si'llers. rilOVlSIO.VS I'ork , steady ; standard mess , Jobbing. JS.8.1HS.50. Lard , lower : prime steam , JI.2V4 ; rlwdcc , JI.03 , liacon ( boxed Ir.ti ) . extra short clear. J5.12'.t ? .1.M ; rlb . $ , -i.50 i .C2ti ; shnrtr , Jj.f2 < iiSJ5.73. Dry salt meals ( boxed ) , shoulder ? . J5.12V4 ; extni fhort clear. JI.73SI.S7' ' ; , ; ribs and Bborts f3.12Vj 5. . linCKIITS Klour , 3.CCO bhls. ; wheat , 32,000 liu.- , corn. ns.fW bu. ; oats. 17.ffO bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , O.OCO bbls. ; wheat , J.COft bu. ; lorn , 108,0ffl bu. ; nnU. bu. lliiKliiiin-i- . laiUi , HALTIMOIti : , Dec. 1. FIvOlTH-Dull and nn- chiinm-J : receipts , 1C.3SS bbla. : weslein superllni1. J2.HK3.20 | ; wrrti-rn extrit , JJ.430I.SO ; wM'orn family , JI.SOI.73 | ; winter wheat patents , Jl.f" " 5.10 ; ( prlng wheat patents , J3. < Wfn.23 ; ppr wheat strnlghls. J4.KCj3.00. WllUAT-nnncr ; i-pot. Si7if(0i4c ; inonlh. 97'i WKa' \ < ; JHy. 91'ic Idil ; steamer. No. 2 nil. 'JlWt . receipts , SG.02U bu. : exports. 1C2 W > 3 bu voulhern whejit , by vurnple , v Q9 c ; southcrri wheat , on grade. 9Vift97 ic. "OltN Firmer ; SIMII , SSJSJ33c : month. 321-iff 32io. IJecember , new or ol.l. U < iQ32He ; January. 32f32'.4C ' ; steamer inlxi-d , S07iC31c ; noelpts. 2uO- BKI bu. ; I'xporfs , Ml , 235 bu. ; rnnthrrn white corn , Me ; muthecn yellow corn , 3ll 3lc. OATS Firm : No. 2 , white , 2-JB2DViC ; receipts B1.302 bu. ; exports , 23.CCO bu. KYE-E.iiU'1- ; . I ! western , B3 4J53Ttc ; re ceipts. 22.125 bu. IIAY Stendy ; choice timothy. 113 nsked. OHA1N KHIJ1OHT8 Steamers , easy ; parcels llrm ; team to Liverpool per bu , . 4Vid Deeemlier Cork for onlers. ixr quarter. 3a tOiSd Pecem ber ; 3 7 l1 January. Ilt'TTEH-Stendy ; fancy creamery , 23Slc. KdilH-Stcnly : freth , 20o. CHEESE Mirket stock heavy ; fancy Nen York large. H UlOc ; fancy New York , small , ICniiNiiH ( 'Its' ( iralii niul I'nii'lNloiiK. KANSAS CITY. Dec. l.-WMIUT-Falrly ac live and about \c higher ; No. 1 hard. Wi'c No. i , ESOMV ; No. 3. kOlifJSte ; No. 4. 77Q810 No. I reil. 3c ; No. 2 , l OOU3c , latter for fancy No. 3 , S7H Wc ; No. 4 , f5c ; No. 2 hprlns , 2Jf33i4c No. 3 , Sic. OOltN Ilallier flow and al > out tteiijy ; No. 2 mUed. :3 < c. OATH Very llrm , but slow ; No , 2 white , 2814 02J ic. HVi-Steady : ; No. Z , 4111C HAY llalher slow , but rteady ; choice timothy , JS.MMiS.75 : choice prulrlf , J7.Wb7.23 , IIl'TTKU Klrm ; receipts baiely equal to de mand ; cr.'iniery. lb@ Cc : dairy , 13HCc. KtlQH Firm nt ye terday * adviince ; frcH' ; randlnl , 17'4o ' ; ntnrage , 12c. HtX.'KIl'T Wheat , M.COO bu. ; corn , 57.600 bu. oats. 7.0iV > bu. HHIl'MKNTS-Wheal , 1S9.800 bu. ; corn. 67,200 bu , ; outi , none. Craln Hi-ci > litx | lit Principal ST. LOI'IS , Do % t.-ltMe'itu : Wheflt , 41 cai > riHCAnO , Dec. 1 , llpiMlpu lodjy.Vlieal rnr ; oom. JI3 rar ; OB' . 3M ram. Kmlmii car loll tomxrow ! Wheat , 178 ; corn. 4M ; ont , "MINNEAPOLIS , D . i.-jiecipts : wheat. 453 ri. KANSAS CITY. IVe. l.-Ilecclptii ; Whsat. 11 iKA'VT4" ) ' .V00' J"-0 , ' ' Whwt. 112 car * . ' I'l.OHJA. D.w. 1.-n eluiii' Oarn. SJ.4JO bu. ; oats. 35.MO tu. ; rje , none ; whliky , none ; wheat. ' * ? ! . _ "hlnm/nln cvirn. 17 IM bu o U , 47,450 | bit. rye , o Ui , , whisky , 1U4 UiK , vrhe t , none. ( 'n in in | NII I o n ( o OMAHA Ol-'FIC'E Dw I The m rkt tolay w s itull. due largely t. , tack { ilennlt * n.'ws. Thi * In > cember pi In ; ndiancnl ( . while May , p , w drh again lnirp < ii > ed the pre mium nnd Indicate * ) nrnnir nmnlpuwtlon at He- tltlous valuw for the tirrrtnt month. A close Inxestlgatlon ot the prices In effect In all grain market * for the actual wheat wilt show any In quirer that the prevailing prices are not far from legitimate nd not as Mr off n legitimate b M ns speculation gtnernl y carries prices. The xtr me premium paid for cash wheat In nearly every rnarktt o er the natural hedRlns option Is accountable for th * sharp marketing of nrli rat from every territory to terminal mar kets , rather than any changes In grade * , not withstanding the tremendous premium of De cember over the deferred future. Wheat has been rclllng high on Its merits . , and the getting Into December will furnish , proofs ' of what have heietofore been theories and which have been the Inlluences In advancing wheat price * . If there l any truth In continued foreign re- porta ot the prospective demand on America for wheat nnd the n-tlmated percentage ( if tne marketing of our crop Is approximately cor rect. we cannot ndvlse going short on any of the list of cereals except on hnrp bulges and then for n scalp. Corn and oats arc etendy. , ] in Mnrkiln < NEW OULKANS , Dec. l.-HOO PIIODUCTS- Stcady ; pork , standard mess , Jl.37'4. ' I ard , re fined tierce , J3.7.-J. Iloxed men Is , dry salt shoul der * . J" , ; sides , JI.P2V4. llacon , clear rib sides , J5.M. Hams , choice sugar cured. JS. 5009. W. COFFEE Dull ; Hlo , ordinary to fair , Ji.SOff 9.M. 9.M.FLOfREasy ; extra fancy , JI.M04.CO ; pat. cnts , at Jt.CO. 1111AN Quiet nt . HAY Easy ; prime , J12.Mfll4.00 ; choice. J14.DO Cir.on. , CORN-Stcady ; No. 2 , sacked , white , 35e : mixed. 3'ic ; yellows , Zff. OATS Steady ; No. 2 , packer , 27V4c. HICK quiet ; ordinary to Rvod , 3 Clnoluniitl Miirlci't. , CINCINNATI , Dec. l.-FI.OUU-Qulct ; fancy , Jl.20 ? 4.40 : family , M.MWS.75. WHEAT Stmdy ; No. 2 red. Me. CORN-Stendy ; No. 2 mixed , 27i027'4c. ! ' OATS Easier ; No. ' 2 mixed , 23Hc. HYE-Oulet : No. 2. 46c. PROVlSlONS-I.ird. steady nt )4.10O4.t2ii. Hulk meats , quiet nt J4.BO. Jlacon , steady at J.-I.M. WHISKY Quiet nt J1.13. 1IUTTKH Steady and unchanged. Eons-Firm at IC'ic , CHEESE Steady ; Kood to prime Ohio Hat , 9S > LI vcriiiiiil .11urU 't. LIVEISPOOU Dee. 1. PROVISlONS-Hams. short cut , steady at 31s. Uacon , IOIIB clear mid dles. J light , steady nt S3s ( VI ; long clear middles , heavy ; , rtendy nt ! 3s ; short clear backs , steady at . 3Ds M. 1-anl , prime western , firm , 22s , 9d. Clear bellies. 12 ti > 14 Ibs. , tlrm at 37s. WHEAT Spot No. 1 red , northern spring , dull at 7s Sd. COHN Spot American mixed , quiet at 3s 3d ; December , 3s 3d ; Jnnuary , 3s 2Hd. FLOUR-St. Ixjuls , fancy winter , dull nt 10s. Xrw Vurk PnidiH'i * Mnrkol > NEW YORK , Doc. l. DfTfER Receipts , 4,353 kBs. : market steady : western creamery , 14Q ! c ; : : iglns , 23c ; factory. 1H4W14C. CHEESE IV-wlptg , S.rai pkgs. : market quiet ; Ight skims , CiiClio ; part skims , 5GCc ; . EQOS Receipts , S.12i ) pkps. ; stnte and Penn- iylvanla , 20if25o ; western , 23c. SIHIAII Raw Hrin ; gmnulated , Ce. COFFEE Market steady ; No. 7 , CUc. STOCKS Axn no.vns. Itlxu Ct-niTiiIly Alt Along ; the Llnv. NEW YORK , Dec. 1. With only InslRnincnnt nterruptlons prices tended steadily upward on I he Stock exchange , closing about the highest , ivltb a very buoyant tone. Net ealns exceeded point In nearly nil stocks. The advances at the ipenlnB were trlvlnl nnd trading was not \ery active , but as the day advanced the scope of speculation advanced and nssumcd a more ng * > grcsslve antl conlldcnt tone. The strength rf the market developed first In Sugar nnd tprwid gradually through the mar ket , separ.ite stocks belm ? advanced one after the other before the i\bole market took up the movement. Missouri Paclllc , American Tob.ieco , Michigan Central , Illinois Central nnd Cottnn Oil preferred were among the earliest af fected , In the order named. I-ater the coalers Lteveloped strength and It wan not until the Closing hours that the grangers and the market generally responded In any marked deg'ee. ' Some of the stocks which showed most trength yesterday were somewhat weaker to- ilay , while the rest of tlie market rope to n pro portionate level. The bear movement did not yield without a struggle and was not forced to retire until late In the day. There was no news of Importince during the day , the i-eritl. nent on "change being rather a crystalllz- ng of several days' Impressions. The successful conclusion of the Rock Island refunding scheme continued' to be much talked of , ns did the favorable railroad t-tatements for October. The Iturllngton statement especially wns Interpreted more favorably tharr yesterday , the earnings imported being exceeded only by those of September thli year. The small excetu shown over the earnings of October last yenr Is due to the fact that last year's earnings for that month were exceptionally laige. The almost total subsidence of apprehension over the Cuban question also had Its effect. There was some awakening1 of outside Interest manifest In the buying1 through commission houses. There were not on a large scale , how. ever , and the day's rlee for the mobt part was dut > to operations of .a powerful combined In terest. The stock of the southern railroads showed n notable tendency to lag. The October statement of the Louisville & Nashville probably hid Its Influence on this group , showing , as It did , a heavy decrease in gross earnings , combined , ns It did , with nn lncrea > In operating expense * \\hleh brought the decrease In net earnings up tit J127.S3I. It Is significant of the dullness of buslnes * which has prevailed In AVall street for some time past that a Stock exchange seat , which wan offered at auction today , found no bidders , an 1 was bought In for JI7.000 for the estate which offered It. It should be Ftated in this connec tion that the ownership of a scat does not carry with It membership In the exchange without election , and the customary method of selling seats is through the olllclals of the exchange. Itself. No Impression was 'made ' on the money mirket today by the periodical Interest anj dividend dis bursement. The iKind market wapi strong nnd very active , tht1 spt'julatlve ' Issues showing notable advances. Total sales. JS.CM.MXP. United States new 4s ad vanced VS per cent bid. The Evening Post's London financial cablegram says : "Tho stock markets were quiet today , but llrm on the whole , a pleasant feature being the rather smart rl e In Americans at the close. New York responded to the Improvement nnd wa bidding for lending shares. Orand Trunk * \\crc ale strong on the excellent monthly reve nue statement. Great Interest Is shown here In Kpeyer Jt fo.'s purchase of the new 4 per cent Hock Island bonds , and there arc many applica tions on this side to Join the syndicate. Th- Paris bourse was firm , The settlement there I * , going smoothly nnd exchange Is rising on the liuri-hasu of foreign stocks In Ixmdon. The Hank nf England Is again beginning to borrow from j i the rrarket. This fact Is not generally known ' hro. . The llerlln market was steady. " The following were the closing qiiptnllonii on th - leading ttocKa of ihe New York exchange today : AtT'hlHiu . 'IS 'II do pfn . 1I1H . P. , t Om . 71 > HultlinoroJb Ohio. . 1'J I do pfd . Ml ) Canada P.lulllo . H''Jf ' ' SU IV M. .t M . 122. outnurn fills So. PanlHa ( VnlmUMeltlc 11 So. Hallway 1) . .tOitio Sl ! * | do iifd : uiK ChUruro , t Alton..101 iToxsis A. PaelflB. . . . 1U ( 11. & Ilimi'IJnlon 1'aclllc . . a. &Q t. . lPn ! 7'4 ' O. ( ! . O. * St. L .UMiW.1b.-iRh 7S6 ilopM 78 I ilo nfd 18f ! DM ! . A Hii'lion HO Whnel. ft L. K 2M Del. L.AcW 131 I Wheel , .t L. E. pfd 0 Uen.&UloU IWlAil.'iiw Kx 1.11 ! do Iifd 4 IH American Kx 117 Krlii ( 1.1 Uutlod.St.-llmKx. . . 411 Ki-lnlHtpM ! ! ' < WellH Ii"ir'j : Ex . . .110 Pt. Wavni Hill' ' ( A. Oot. Oil ' . ' .14 ( < ri > iitNorthnrutitl 1H ! ilo pfd. . . , 7ilij llocklu/ dlv. . . .T'l Am. Hnlrlt'i. ' 7i llllnolHCjntril. . 102i | Am.SDlritH pfd 10 Liikii Erin , x W. . HI Am. TOO.ICC.O K'Hi dupfil till ilo pfd Ill ) LalttiShor.171 I'ooiilo' * ( Jm OIK I.ouiHvillo , t Nash. . ' > .V Coas. ( Jih : ISiln Miinlnttiin L 10'H OOMI. O.ibln Oo 173 Met. St. Itv lllll | Col. V. St Iron ' 'I , Michigan CuiitiMl. . 10.1 do pfd HI ) Mlmi.&Sl. L tfUM " do 1st pfd H7 lIllnolBSU'i'l 4a " Mo.l'aoltlc : ' ( LnOhido Uai i : ; Motilk.VOUlo3l Lvad | Mo.K. A , T l'.IH dn nf.1 ! ( ) : llO Pfll ill 'i ' Nat. Lin. Oil 10 Chlcu.'o. Iii.l Orufoii Imp. Co 13U dopfd 211 IMclllc Mull HO N..I. h7 I'ullman I'ai 17'j N. Y.Ojntral K)7 ) Silver RerltllCiitoH. . BUS N. Y. Uhi. .V St. L. . liH : Stand , llopu i.T. . . . 4 ! ? ilolut pfd 7il Sugar 1H1DI - . ' : ti do-'dpfd : do pM liaij Nurfolk A Wo.ttorn l.t T. C. ft iron 13(3 ( No.Auier. Co J ! ( U , H. leather 7 No. 1'aultlc do pfd OIIH ilo pfd U. S. Rubber : lil'j Ontarlo.v W do pfd. . . . " (10 ( Oru. U. A Nav WeHtern Union. . , , HHJl Ore. Short Line . . Nortliwusteni l'jni : I'lltBUUlK ) U7 > ( ilt > Iifd Iteudini ; V2 ! < Hlo llrun'Ju West Uork Island ( ' . ! ( ilo pfd St. L-jiiiHiS. r 7I < ' ' ' . w. w . KI J ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " . ' . ' ; i s''ii.'ita.'vr' . . . . . . . "iil Sl.j'aul . . . . . . do pfd All armssinents paid. Total fairs of ttocks today were 3H400 chares , Including : Atchlxon preferred , 5'S'J ; Chicago , Hurllngton & Qulncy , 27.C3S ; Louisville & Nash ville. 10.K.O ; Manhattan L. 10,825 ; Mlswurl Pa. cltlc. 17,930 ; New Jerney Central , 3 , ! > 30 : New York Central , 5.2C4 ; Northern Pacific. 4.210 ; Northern I'a Illc preferred , 13.513 : Northwestern , 4Wj ; Hock Inland , 25. ISO ; St. IxiilU K Sun Franclrco tiond preferred , 3,3U ) ; St. Paul , 49.C4S ; .St. Paul & Omaha. B ITS ; Union Pacific. B.234 ; American Cotton Oil , s.870 : American Tobacco , 18,155 ; liny State Can. 3.190 : People's Can , i.G45 ; Consoli dated Has. ex-dlvldend , I.225 ; Sugar , C7 k20 ; Sugar preferrt-1. 1.4SU ; Weslein Union , B.'OD ; Chicago Oreat Western , 8,215. American Srrurlllcn In Liiiidnii , I < ONIKN , Dec. I. American ecurltle > opened Iwttrr , Improved cni hat , then eared off an- ! remained quiet. Trading wan mostly profet. Blonal. The market clored with a neutrally light demand , but linn. 1(11 ( tinHci'lln linn r c. 11KHL1N. D o. L On the liourse here tculay bualnesii wna well dUposed In all department * . Italian iccurltlea were animated In anticipation of tn " ' AC AA AC C 11F n a n Vn. . 110 Union Con. Con. Imperial IltaliCon a Crown Point 11 Yellow Jaskot 38 noulu.tCurrtB. . . - I Standard 143 Ilnlo.t Nororoii. . 113 Silver bars , COc ; Mcxknn dollars , 47l7Vic ; drafts ( sight ) , 15 ; telegriph , 17'Xj. ' London Stiu'UQii'otii tlnnn. LONDON , Dec. 1. 4 p. m. Closing : Consols.m'v ll''Ulrti.Paul common. . . tlOt Consols , a o't 113WlN Y.'Central ' Ill ) Can. P.icllic nt : | Pennsylvania ' Krlo - - Ueadlns HHfj KrtelHtnfit Mox. ( 'nn. now 44. . 08 111. 104i ! AtchlHOii 1 McMcau onlmarv. , Hij IL.'i N. ex. int. HA II SILVER Dull at 27'i4 ' per ounce. MONEY 2U2Vb | per cent. ' The rate of discount In thff open market foi short and three months' bills , 2 15-18 per cent. Now York Mliilnc luotntlansv NEW YORK , Dec. 1. The followlns are the closing mining quotations : i Cliollhr. 40 Ontario 250 Crown Point Ifi Oumr 08 Con.Cal. * Va. . . . 100 Plymoutn 03 Deailwoou UU Quicksilver 100 nonliUt Curry Ill Oulckflllvcr uf.l. . . DUO Haloi-Norera.i t. . 140 Slurr.rNuvMili. . . . CO Ilomoataico HUUH Stahd.inl 60 Iron Silver irfi Union Con 20 Mexican 110 Yellow J.ia' ut . . . . 'J8 Flniiiiulul XUII-H. CHICAGO. Dec. l. Stocks dull and easy early. but became stronger later ; good Inquiry for Ills- cult nml City Jtulhvay ; closing : West Chicago. 102'i : Diamond Match , H2 ; North Chicago , 227 ; bid and 235 asked ; Lake Street , 16'/i ; New York lllscult , Cl't ; Strnwbo.ii\i' ' , 79 > 4 ; South Side L. 65 ; City Railway. 23y. . NEW YOItK. Dec. 1. Clearings , J132,32.5C4 ; balances , J7.)3.5T)2. ) Currency to the amount of J2U4.0CO , for which gold has been deposited , was today sent to the subtreasury In New Orleans. NEW ORLEANS , Dec. 1. Clearings , $1,701,454 ; New York exchange , 'bank ' , par ; commercial , J1.25 per Jl.OOO discount. I1OSTON. Dec. -Clearings , J1S. XO,3S2 ; bal. anceH , Jl , 710,101. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 1. Clearings , 13.EOO.OSW ; bat. ances , 5523,017. Money , B < 58 per cent ; New York exchange , 25c premium bid ; 50c premium asked. JH-aiPHIS. Dec. 1. Clearings , J404.2GS ; bal. anccs , JI5Ci3. * New York exchange , selling at par. par.CINCINNATI. . Dec. 1. Money , 2',5fiC ' per cent. New Ymk exchange. 30IJ40C premium. Clearings , $2.331. ICO. PHILADELPHIA , Dec. L Clearings , J13C12C03 ; balances. J2.Ot9.9S5. BALTIMORE , Dec. 1. Clearings , J3,23D,073 ; bal ances , J337.C20. _ ForflKU Fliiunvlal , BERLIN. Dec. L Exchange on London , 20 marks 37 pfgs. for checks. LONDON , Dec. 1. C.olil bars are quoted nt 7 ld : Ameilcan eaglts , 76s e4d. CJold la quoted , nt Huenou Ayres today at 179.20 ; at Lis bon , 47',4 ' ; nt Paris , JN. PARIS , Dec. 1. Three per cent rentes. 103f 72'4o for the account. Exchange on London , 25f 21ic ! for checks. Oil UiirUctH. OIIj CITY , Pa. . Dec. ] . Credit balances , C5c ; eertlllcates , Hrst sale , C4Uc ; highest bid , CSc ; closed , C7c bid ; Rblpmunts , 3.,3J2 bhls , ; runs , 12a,4W bblf. ; wiles , 21.IXX ) bbl , I CHAHLI ION , S. ( , ' . , Dec. 1 , OILS Turpen tine , market llrm at 20c ; pales , iune. Itosln , llrm ; sales , none ; A , K , C , I ) , J1.10 ; E , F , Jl.15 ; O ! , ISI.2"i : H , J1.25 ; I , $1.30 ; K , J1.45 ; M , Jl.CO ; N. J2.05 ' ; WO. J2.W ; W\V , J2.70. SAVANNAH , On. . Dec. l.-OILS-Hplrtt tur pentine , Him at 3'c ' ) bid ; sides , 223 hbls. ; re ceipts , l.txVi bbls. Ito.Hln , Him nnd unchanged ; Kali- ! , none ; recHpts. 3'JSO bbla. ; A , II. C , JJ , JI.15 ! , ; E , F , 11.20 ; O , J1.25 ; II. J1.30 ; I , J1.35 ; K , Jl.M ; M. 51.70 ; N , J2.15 ; WO. J2.40 ; WW , J2.I8. WILMINfiTON , N. C. . Dee. l.-OILS Spirits of turpentine , llnri at. 29'i'i20c. ' ! Ho ln , steady at tl.15Jil.2i > . Crude turpentine , steady nt 41 , ( Off 1.91) ) . Tar. quh't nt Jl.O'i. IjQNDON. Dee. L OILS-Cotlnnsped oil , Liver pool reHned , dull at 21s ad. Turpentine spirits , llrm at 23t(234d. Ilusln. coimnun , steady at 4s 3d. Petrokum , American rcllned , 4 7-lt/if 4'J-lCd petroUum Hplilts. BUOCil. CAU'IJTTA , Dec. 1. OILS Linseed , spot , 33s ; December. 3lH Sd. LIVERPOOL , Dec. 1. OU S Turpentine spirits , steady nt 21s. Rcain , common , steady at 4s I'.id. NEW YOIIK , Dee. 1. COFFEI'OptIons opened steady at nn advance of 19 points and ruled moderately active on local c < nerlns and Hwltchlng to mure remote deliveries on feara of loactlnn from over-dlBcountliiK' heavy actual and projvctlvu supplies mid predicted smaller llnizlllon shipments ; ( .Instd steady net unchanged to 10 points ndvntu'i1 ; snlfn. 1 ,750 bags. Includin Deeemlier (1W7) ( ) , jr.C : March , $5.W 5.9Spot - conV-o Hlo , uli-ndyi No 7 Invoice Cc , , , , % ; No. 7 jol-blnK. CT c. Mild , steady ; Cordjva , fcVjSHe. KAN'lllS , Dec. 1. COFFEE Steady ; good average Santos , 7,70' ' ) rels ; stoek , l.OS'l.i'O ' ) bags , IIAMIIl'Htl , Dec. I. COFFEE-Opened un changed , elided with net advance of Vi lo \tK \ ; ralf , ILI.MW ! . ; . HIO DE JANEIRO , Dec , -L COFFER Steady : exchant'e , 79-32d ; receipts , 10,000 bags ; cleared fur thu I'nlted .Stales , 4,000 bugs ; cleared for Europe , 4,0 bags ; utark. 471.00 } lugs , HAVHE. Dee. 1. - COFFEEClosed ! if net luwer ; aales , 25,00) ) Lags. New Ytirli Ilr > - f.ooil * MnrUct. NDW YOIIK. Die. I. The dry goods market nho\\n sltrns of nn Increuttt In Inteimt In Homo milliters , though the tune of the nmiki't ahoun mi advance nf moment , lint reductions In staple calicoes on the part of Americans and Merrlmars WHB f jllowed by a reduction uf Algonquin Indigo prints , land there In a utlmulutlon of Interest In nearly nil linen of fancy cottons , printed und woolen Kood , This IB not , Imwover , true of staple column In any Kiiiilu nor print clotlis. In prlnta the la t prlcu t txi made In Indlgiiesshowu n 2'.4o reduction In Algonquin Indlgu blues. This Is In conformity lo the market an uvide by the Mi-rrlmacs and Americans. Huyers HIIII clamor for concessions. The trade In spring , both in prints nnd organdies and other shear goodn , has been quite fair. lllrmlnnhama are llrm , Tuli-ilo Mill-lift. TOLIJDO. O. , Dec. l.-WIIEAT-Dull am ) weak ; No. 2 , tauli and December , DJlio ; Muy , COIIN Active and easier ; No. 2 mixed. 28Hc. OATS-Dull and Heady ; No. 2 mixed , 2mc , IIYIJ Higher ami Meajy ; No. 2 , cash. 4CVc. t'Un'KHSEDD-Actlve ami steady ; prime , cash and December. J3.IZi4. Detroit .MnrK-rt. uimioiT. iv c. i.-wi i EAT-NO , i Mime , 91V4c ; N2 red , SOc ; December , We ; May , t2ftc. COHN No. t mixed , 27e. OATS-NO. 2 white , 2i c. UYK-No. 2 , IGHc , Sail FrniiflHco U'lu-iit MnrUct. SAN FKANCIHCO. Dec. l.-WHICAT-Weak ; December , JM4 i ; Hay , II.3SH. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Fairly Liberal HocoipU Mtnt a Decline Half Way , BEEF PRICES BREAK FULLY A DIME Iiiicnl IliiNliu-n 1'iillinvn the Cuurnr if Othvr MnrUrlllulclicr ' Stt-iid- lluKi > Alnii Ilriip a IIIK Mckcl. . t SOUTH OMAHA , Dec. 1. Ilecolpta for the days indicated were : Cattle. Iloss. Slicep. Hortcs Decemhcr 1 2so ) 9,307 1.420 2 November 30 S.I41 7.375 3.610 November i 2.171 2.3iO l.aa 71 November ? Sfl C.G72 37 1 November 1C 1,224 6,920 4.S3S lo November 23 1,300 B.OCO 700 . . . . November 24 -I.BS 7.7S3 1,5:0 November 2.1 4.6S9 s'JW 1,5 2 November 22 3,017 2,703 l.OSS : S November 20 i,2X ( ) C.GOO 2SG November 19 1,919 4.011 1.600 27 November IS 4,490 5,587 2,537 . . . . November 17 3.1C2 4.622 1,467 M November IS 4,303 4,283 2,333 . . . . November 15 2,61 $ 2.OS 1,837 . . . . The otllclal number ot cnrs of stock brought in today by each road wns ; Cattle. Hops. Sheep. C. . M. &St. P. Hy 9 Mo. l'ivc. Hy - Union Paclllc system Is 24 3 C. & N.V. . Uy . . 1 K. , 13. & M. V. U. It 20 31 9. G. & P. Uy 1 O. . St. P. . M. & O. Uy. . 13 II H. & .M. U. H. U 33 38 1. . C. , H. & Q. Uy . . K. C. & St. J 17 2 C. . U. I. & P. Uy. , cast. . . 9 U. , It , I. & P. Uy. , west. . . Total receipts 101 H < 5 G The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber oC head Indicated : Httyers. Cattle. Hoss. Sheep. Omaha 1'ackltiR Company. 1 2.07fl . . . . O. H. Hammond Co IM 1.W7 Swift and Company r > 7r 2,9)0 ) 611 The Cudahy Packing Co. . 197 1.989 U. Ucokor nnd UcRttn. . , . 1S5 J. U Cnrcy R . . . . S7D \V. I Stephens 8 Huston & Co 103 Livingston & Slialcr 2t > Cr , H. Hammond , St. Joe. 237 . . . . G. H. Hammond , K. C Tin Cllilnhy P. Co. , K. C. . . . 44S CS3 Other buyers 2JO Left over 200 200 Totals 2,463 9,510 1,420 CATTLI3 Receipts were not largo at this point , but they were large enough at other points to more than make up for It , nnd the effect upon this market was almost thu same as If there had l > een a lar e run here. With other markets Illled tip with cattle , and with all reports Indicating n general break In values , buyers here were In no frame of mind to pay strong prices. As a result of the situation governing the cattle market , cornfed beeves sold gener ally about lOc lower. Handy little cattle- sold to the best advantage , the decline on such being final ) , while coarse heavy cattle stilTercd the most severely. As salesmen Mere slow to make the concession demanded by buyers , the trade was draggy and It \\us late before a clearance 'was effected. In spite of the very moderate size of the of ferings. Uutenors' slock wns In small supply , and consisted 'for ' the most part of odds and ends of cow stuff. Owing to the small offerings Hie market did not show any mate rial change , values being Just about steady with yesterday. Stock cattle and feeders were not very plentiful , and for that reason values held just about steady , In spite of the break In beef cattle. The country continues a mod erate buyer , ajid so long as the receipts are not excessive the market keeps In u good , healthy condition. Ilepresentatlve sales : HICKF STF.tMlS. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 20..1170 J4 W 24..101 14 15 21..1134 J4 15 1..1107 430 23..1178 4 to 1..1300 400 t. . . . 811 423 19..1313 430 1..GOO 400 21).1092 ) 410 2. . . . 835 404 19..S75 423 41..1155 43.1 21..1206 450 1..V30 375 41..1059 3 SO S. . . . 9S2 380 2..1KJ5 4 CO 2. . . . S40 4 15 2. . . . S73 4 20 17. . . . ! ) J7 4 20 2. . . . "W 420 19..1415 430 1..14IO 440 24. . . . 941 4 40 G4..1213 4 43 22..1154 4 45 .1223 450 . . . .1236 450 20..1237 4 CO .1170 4 W COWS. 24. . . . 822 2 ? 3 3..1213 320 1..1570 3 CO 3..1076 263 46. . . . OS2 345 1..830 2 DO L. . . 9M 2 C3 2..123r > 3 00 1..113) ) 303 1. . . . 970 320 1..I020 320 1..1110 323 1. . . . ! ISO 3 2.i 12..11101 330 21..1001 340 1..100' ' ) 350 1..1300 325 1..1190 330 1..14.-.0 340 1..1010 2 DO 1..104,1 273 19. . . . Uu 260 .1. . . . 810 280 1. . . . ! )20 30- ) 7..1117 315 4..1012 3 DO 2. . . . S93 250 5..1002 303 I..1250 365 ! J..1122 340 1..1200 32.1 2..1133 325 :0. : . . . WG 204 2. . . . 910 S C5 5. . . . i9l 2 C3 HEIFim.S. 1. . . . 7CO 323 1. . . . 770 S 40 10. . . . 570 333 l. . . . 4SO 300 1. . . . 790 3 < ' 0 1. . . . SCO 3 00 UULI.5. I..1490 2 S. " > 1..1I4) 325 1. . . . 940 263 1..12'k > 2 G5 1..1100 250 1..1110 200 1..12IO 2 CO 4..i:23 250 2. . . . 810 2 DO 1..I510 340 1..1730 3 S3 1..115S 300 1. . . .163.1 3 23 STAGS. 4..1003 2 G3 3..125G 275 CALVCrf. 1. . . . 220 5EO 2. . . . 1S5 BSD 1. . . . 130 C 73 1. . . . 130 4 2. ) 2. . . . S ) 4 73 STOCK E IIS AND KG R DISKS. 6. . . . 61li 373 8. . . . SDO 3 SO 4. . . . 727 323 3. . . . CSi 4 15 31. . . . 547 4 10 MILICnitS AND SPRINGERS. No. Tr. 1 milker JCt ! 01 1 cow niul calf 28 0) ) 3 cows nml calves 3000 1 Fprlngor . ' . 3001 1 springer 31 Ov 1 cnw nnd cnlf 35 0 1 civ ! ami cnlf 4) d ] 1 cow mvl calf 42 01 cow nnd calf 4500 WKSTKKNS. WYOMING. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 21 steers 1272 400 1 steer RO ) 350 121)Ull3 13.V ) 2 CO Cimlln 1DSS 280 2bull lOor 28' ' ) 5 cows OiO 340 1 Hteer 102) 3 M feeders. . . . UW 4 2o 33 steers 1021 350 1 steer 1C2 > > 360 1 steer 1130 40" " ) 10 feeders. . . . M5 425 COLORADO. 2 hulls 1210 } 2 ttt I ttaK fl.r.O tl 00 10 feeders..mi 390 DS fee < lers. . . . 9S1 390 7 feeders 972 4 W 13 filers. . . . 9 ) 4 00 4 f peelers. . . . 100S 423 23 feodirs. . . . 927 423 IDAHO. 21 bulls 1325 2 If ! 42 fenders..11M 3 TO Ni\V : MKXICO. 1 tnlllnrr 511) 20 > ) 1 cow 740 2 TO SbiilH 92S 223 2steiT ! ) * : > 315 1 bull SSO 22.1 3steei KM 315 Jl COWS COS 23.1 0 feeders. . . . MO 340 IOCOWH C70 2 a 2 feeiU'ra. . . . 7S3 349 1 bull 1030 2 CO 2 fe"ilers..H2r 34) 7bu11s. 998 2 CO C feders..H23 340 Scows 773 294 1 feeder 540 3W HOllS Yesterday's liberal run of hogs was followed by another still Inrxer today. Heavy receipts for t\\o days In huccesslun , cjupleil with the ri-iortel | break nt other market points , had a dcclileilly wcukfnlni ; Influence upon values here. The result WUB that the marki't took a drop of n Mir 5c. The traile wns fulrly active nt the lifeline , unil the bu'k of the hogs fol enrly. CJiilto a KUIH ! many loads , however , ill not arrive until late , to thnt the whole fore noon w.v.t consunii'il In cffectlnK a clearance. The market eloped weik nt the decline. The prices paid raiiKcd from ? 3.15 to J3.37K , na iKalnut J3.3) to J3.42',4 ' ycDterdny , Heavy | IOK nlil at J-J.15W3.23 , but principally at J3.20 , wlitltt the lending price yesterday wns J3.23 , with quite n tprlnkllnir at 13.2'H , The medium wclKht * averaKlne le s than 20u pounilr Hold pimcliiall/ at 13.25ft3.30. with th light weluhtH at S3.:5 2 > 3.3714. The average of all the sales wna 5c , anil a fraction lower than yeuti-rday. Itejircfciitattvc nak's : No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. I'r. 50 337 80J315 67 2SI 164)120 50 334 . . . 315 4S 375 4 0 320 12 133 . . . 315 CO 3SI 12' ) 3 2 10 JM . . . 315 -13 Ml 12i ) 320 a. ) 332 . . . 315 40 331 . . . .1 20 2S 427 SO 3 171/j & ) 333 . . . 320 M 395 SO 3 17V4 C' ' ) 3W SO 320 47 317 Id ) 31714 43 3J2 . . . 32) 5) 362 SO 3 17V5 3 M5 20) 3 221 43 367 261 3 I ? ! * C3 271 M 3 IfJl 44 401 SO 3 171,4 O ) Ml 40 322' ' DO 373 SO 3 17'/5 ' 57 332 100 3 22" " . 47 33S 120 31714 C ) 330 f > 0 322' M SX i ICO 3 1714 f.6 317 SO 2V , C4 328 2)0 ) 31714 S'J 335 JJO 3 2i > l 52 KB 284 3 17W 61 Sft ) 40 32. ' 5 ? 316 . . . 32) ) fiS 2SS . . . 322' W 331 10) 320 67 271 , . . 323 C.1 324 SIO 320 C7 270 40 323 51 9)1 ) * l 32' ' ) B ? 239 W 323 64 313 40 32' ' ) 6) 2JJ . . . 325 45 4:0 M 324 63 2S. > 4) 3 S3 Dl 3C , . . . 320 62 310 . . . 325 63 310 SO 3 20 Cl Uli 8) ) 325 2J 313 SO 320 67 2H1 SO 323 CO 3US 200 32- ) Ct 285 SO 3 23 K 32fi 40 32) ) Cl 2CT 40 325 50 315 40 320 M 301 60 321 05 32) 12. ) 320 C7 274 . . . 323 51 333 120 320 47 2M 40 32. ' , 60 331 W 3 20 I M 314 . . . 323 71 200 120 320 10. . 307 . . . 3 IB OJ KO . . . 320 64 274 60 325 41 397 . . . 320 ' M 237 40 325 11 SSI fO 32(1 ( IS 2J7 . . . 323 63 33.1 280 3 24 27 262 . . . 325 23 386 . . . 320 & ) 333 SO 3 25 S3 322 120 320 K SOS . . . 3 271 61 31D ICO 3 20 I M 243 M 3 27' ' 51 327 . . . 32' ' ) C2 297 . . . 330 Cl 33 10 320 ( a 23S 40 330 66 333 240 324 ' 73 222 . . . 330 43 413 SO 320 12 223 . . . 394 44 311 . . . 324 61 291 4) 3 SO 68 379 . . . 320 Cl 213 . . . 332' ' 91 | 3W . . . 320 73 250 SO 33 ! 47 23 * W 3 M 82 226 . . . 333 (5 U ! SO 324 87 162 . . . 335 M 332 40 3 24 31 194 . . . 333 M 13 $ 40 3 20 (0 223 . . . 333 it Ml 40 3 20 7C 212' 3 33 75 tSC 40 39) C3 223 ICO 3 33 to , itlj 49 t 0. . IM . . . I t-1 , . . . Ki 1 * } 3 10 : < . . 347 . . a U 4r > M . so n. . KS . . . i is ( I . M7 1TO I JO W. . , , 117 . . . 1 7 < 4 40 . 5 7 1 J20 94 . US . . . J liu riOfl-OUOS AND KND8. 1- . . . 4 ) ) J M 3 . J7 , 3 1 $ 1 . W . . . 3 1ZH 4 . 170 0 IIS 4 . IM . . . J 124 S . m 80 3 13 9 . 31(1 ( 10 315 5 . Ml . . . 120 & . wo . . . 115 t . : ; i so aw t , . ! S ( . . . 120 1 . 210 . . . 315 C . 411 . . . 120 7 . 101 . . . ,135 r. . IDI . . . 320 2 . IM . . . ax e . 9ii ! . . . 1:0 . . . . . . . . . . . an C . Ml . . . 198 8 . r ) . . . 330 . H2 . . . 317(4 ( 1 . SW . . . 3JO HIIEE1' There were only n few * hefi | here , but ho market , uiuler ( he Inllurnce nf the heavy receipts nnd Irnver innrkct nt Chlenifo , broke lijut l < \ \ Ilciresenl.itl\e | - nlfa ; ' . At' . Tr. S9 wesetrn ewes . 101 $1 7S ' , 'tl native wethers . 101 4 13 S ) mill . S ) 2 ; 0 western owes . . . 87 3 7 } ClllC.Vit ) MVU STOCK MAHKKT. IVV Hcocltit * of Cuttle rroituco CHICAOO , Deo. 1. Heavy receipts of cattle aused n weak nnj lower market today. A few ? hrlstiniisilcovts gold nt recent prices nnd $5.50 ITU paid for forty-nine oxlrn line Mack iwlled nsus steers , but llio Benernl run of cattle sold ft lOtfl&o. Trade wna fairly ncllvo within n RC of JS riflC.SO for common to prime l" f ilif > m , with sale * larRely nt $ l.3 > ) } r.10. Tlio inerlncs Included n KOIX ! many choice cattle , ns ivell ns creat numbfrs of half fnt stecis. ivrn- < xl Texas cnttU- wore In pimd supply nnd sold .rcclv nnd them wns n rather nnlm.ited trndo n Inills. eows nml heifer ! " nt the decline , nut nnny cows coins lieli > w $ J , Calves weix nn- ilianRed , with miles mostly nt for Ri > - l ot nnd Kood milkers and sprltiKers were not ny Inwcr. The mocker nnd feetlcr trade wns cry mvd nt $3.00tf4.35 nnd prime feeders fnlntd" t $4.l,1fi4.50. , IIOCT openeil nt n decline of MJlOe per lif ) lb * . illit the day's business wns lamely done nl n Iron of lOo , the bulk of the nales twins at $1.I5fl > 1.10. There were very choln * IIOKS sild nt $ J.4Jfli : . < 2H. n few eolnR as liltth ns $ .1,15. Com'iMti iicklni ; IIORS wild nt $3.r > ff3.2.1 nnd plKS went ililctly nt $3.0033.35. All classes of bnyeru iperated freely and n big business wns trans- , ct s1. There was nn unexpectedly inree mpplv ot : htvp nnd liimbi. Iluyers took bold with n fnlr imount of freedom , but prices were off about lOe 'or sheep nnd 15J72."c for Inmtis. Sh ep were ivanted nt $2.75JT3.W for Inferior l"tn up In $1 riT1 ( .C3 for fnlr lo choice llncks. tinwesternfed licep cnltlK nt $1.10(14. ( C , 1imbs 1 uero In demand \t $1.75ffl.W for cull ? , up to $5..V)5 ) ? " > .7.1 fur choice , o prime lots. A few prime sheep sold nt $1.701 ? LS3. LS3.Heccltit Heccltit * : Cnttle. 20.0M head ; lings. W.PO ) head ; ihcep. 19,000 head. St. LotliN llvt > StiH-K- . ST. I.Ot'IS. Dec. l.-CATTLE-Itecelpts , 4 sno liead , of which 2.000 were Te\ans ; shipments , 1.500 head ; market 10fl20c louer fur natives , with no X'ery Rood cnttk * sold ; Te.xans slow , lOfnTiC lower ; fair to fancy native shipping and export steers , $4.40flTi.35 ; bulk of sales. $ I.Cfi l.nO ; dressed Iieef anil butcher steers. $3.75Ti 1.7. , ; bulk nf sales. tl.OOftl.U ; stiers under l.COO Ibs. . $ .1.2.1 fJ4.f,0 ; bulk of rales. (3.3rf3.50 ( : ( .tocXers niM feeders , } 2.0 > ) ff4.30 : bulk of sales. $ : .70fH.OO ; rows and bplfors. JJ.OOif ? 1.50 ; Texas and Indian steers. $3.0ii4.2.i ; bulk of sales , $3.25lf4.00 ; cowa nnd lielfers. $ . HOGS Itecelpts. 9.700 head ; shipments , 2,1V ( > liead ; market 10c lower tliali yesteulay's cloje ; Unlit , $ J.Off3.30 : mixed , $3.255(3. ( 3' ' > ! heavy , $ a.30O 3.3.- . 3.3.SHEEI' SHEEI' Hecelpts , 2100 bend ; fhlpmenti. COO liead : market steady ; native muttons , $3.000 ' .GO ; lambs , J3.Wff5.75. InilliiiiiiiMiHs l.lvo Stud ; . INDJANAroLIS. Dec. ] . CATTLE Itecelpts , ) bead ; shlpir.ents , 600 bead ; market steady : shipping steers 2Sc lower ; Kood to prime steers , $ I.75FT5.00 ( ; fnlr to me.1um ! steers. fl.3.vri4-GO ; cnmmnn to KIKH ! Ftockers. $2.7."nfr3.40. HOGS Itecelpts. 13.IMO bend ; shipments. 4.0(1(1 ( ( head ; market lower but nctlvc : pond to cboi e medium nnd heavy , $3.noW3.37ii ; nilM-d nnd luxivlos. $3.25ff3.30 ; roninioli lights. t3.2.'i < ii3.SO. SHEEI1 Itccelpts. 100 hciul ; shipment * , limn1 ; all fold ; steady to stronB prices ; euininnti tn me dium lambs. $3.75514.75 ; KIXI , | to choice sheep , $3.75 4.25 ; common sheep , $2.252.7o. \ -w Viirk Iilvo Sioolr. NEW YOIIK. Dee. I. I1EEVES Hpeolpt . .SI" head ; native steers. $ l.2. > 05.00 ; sinus and ixen , $2.Vff4.50 ; bulls. $2.7.'iW3.40 ; dry cows. $1.70 ST350 ; cables < iuote American st era at ll'iffrl c ; refrluerntorKft nt 8',6ffST4c ; eMwrts , 23 Mieop and 2,101 quarters of beef. CALVES ttocelpts , 1 OW bead ; veals , $5.010 i.OO : trrnssera , $3.0. > ff3.iV ) . SHEI-M' AND I.AMHS Hecclnts , 10.218 he.nd ; market , nctlve ; sheep , $2.5004.75 ; lambs , $5.250 6.40. HOGS-Itecclpts. S.4SI bead ; weak nt $3.COff3.S3. KiiMt IliilTiiln Live SI nek. RAST ni'FFAIDec. . 1. CATTLK-Sfaily ; choice to prime fnt steers. J4.SOfT4.00 ; fair to ic < yxl , M.2T W4.10 ; fnlr tn Rood butcher cmvs , $3.1. > tf 3.SO ; common , old to fiilr eows , J2.1l > i( [ ( HOGS Yorkers. Rood tn choice , J.l.r , . . . . . roughs , common to n od , J3.10S3.23 ; pl s , com mon to choice. J3.COR3."i. LAMHS Choice to extra , J3,73S'3.'o ! ; culls to common , J3.55775.CO. SHBGI'-Chnlce selected wethers. J1.C ? ! .S3 ; culls to common , J3.00Q3.73. Stock In S Hecord of receipts nf llvn slock at the four irlnclpal markets for Tecenibcr 1 : Cattle. HoePh"ep. . Omaha 2.2IM D.307 1.42C CiilcnKu : ; < ) Bi.oio is.i'o ' : Kansas City B..V14 11.CO ) 2.0-V ) j St. I llls 4.800 9.700 SI * ' Totals 39.504 87.007 Il.Kfl l.nnlHvllliLive Ntnrlc. LOL'ISVILLU Ky. , Dec. l. CATTLK Steady anl unchanged. HOOK Openeil 15c lower ; nil boss from 120 His. up selllnir nt J-1.30 ; lighter welBhts. 1.1.0003.23 ; roitchs. $2.:3f73.00. SHEK1' AND U\MIS-Ilarely steady and un- chanRed. CliK-liinntl Live Stin-U. CINCINNATI , Dec. 1. HOGS Dull and lower , 2.75t3.42H. CATTLE Stonily at J2.2Ti5i7.10. SHBEI' 'Steady ' at J2.43ff4.50 ; lambs , stronff , J3.75flo.50. I'c'orln PEOniA , Deo. 1. COIIN Market steady ; No. 2 uVC. OATS Market flrm nnd steady ; No. 2 vhl'e , 22VzC.WHISKY WHISKY Market steady ; hlsh proof spIrltK , J1.1S ; nlcohols. J2.21. rlillilili-lphln I'roiliii'i' . 1'HILADra.I'IIIA , Dec. 1 , HITTTER Steady fair iloin.iml ; fancy western creamery , 23iic. HOGS Firm , peed demand ; fresh nearby , 2lc freali western. 23c. CliniC.SU Slendj- . .llnrkcts. NEW ORLEANS. Dec. l.-SUO ATI-Open ket tin , steady at 2sj2c ; centrlfusal , firm ; Kranu lateil. 4 1-lOfM c ; white ? , 3 ll-lC 4Hc : yellow- 3'4f3 13-1K" : Bi'cond.o. 2'A03 > Hc. MolcKses , open kettle , steady nt I2iJ20r ; centrifugal , easy at 4JP 12c ; syrup , steady nt 17022" . CINCINNATI. Dec. 1. 3UGAII Steady : bar rctlned. JI.03fl5.S3. LONnON. Dec. l.-SUO AH licet sugar , DC. eernber-Marcti , 9s Id. NEW YOTIK , Dee. 1. Sl'OAn-Hnw , nrm ; fall rennlnir , 25-lCc : centrifugal , ! " ! ten. 3Ti' ( ; n- lined , flrm ; crushed , 5Vsc ; jiowdered. 53-1fi'Kran : ulated , 5c ; mould A. 4'4c ; rtinulnrd A , 4Te ( ; cun fectloners' A , 44c ; cut li > af , 6c ; cubes , fi'nc. ( "iiliriiriila Di-ii'd NEW YO11IC. Dec. l.-CALlI'1" > ! tNIA DUIEI rilUITS Apple : * firm ; other fruits htendy ; evnp orated npples , 6i7c : prime wlie tray , 73ifaSri wnoj dried , prime. tic ; choice , S'ic ; fancy , 9JJ 9'ic. 1'runes. 3'iflFc. nn to size nnd quality , Apricots. Knyal , "ifi 'ic ; Moor I'nrk , SBllo , I'caches , unpeeled , 710c ; peeleil. 12f20i. ' . YllIIIIK ( < IMII'K < * I" to U'l'll. CHICAGO , Dec , 1. A m.'irrlafe license was 111 I I I ( M KCS. H. R. PEMEY . . & CO. , 110 Board of Trade Bldg. , Omah Neb , GRA.IN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS Branch Office , 1038 N St , Lincoln , Nob. cT C. CHHISTIE , E , J. STIIEET , I'rcsldent. Vlce-l'reeldent G .W. KENNEY , Sccrt'tnry. Ctifislie-Street Commission Co Cniillnl trl)0l.0t ( ( ( ) , Fully 1'iild. STOCKS , fiHAI.V AM ) IMI VIHIOXS , ll'i ! ) , . . . . .Oiniiliiii'I , mm E. BOYD & GO , , Telephone KKJl ) . Omaha , Nub COMMISSION , fiKA N PHOVISIONSandSTOCKS IJOAIJI ) OH nireet wires to Chicago and New York. Correeponilcntsi John A. Warren Si Co. Woare Gosn ission Go OLD coi.o.vv nriini.v < 2 , Memberu Chicago Hoard of Trade ulncu UC2. Grain , Provisions and N. Y. stocks. Orders Cash nnd Future Delivery Bollcltcd , Omaha Ollli-c , Homu 1 , .V. V. lfe | llldjf . . . . 'I'liiiniDHL , , . . I'l.OVI ) J. OAMI'lliiI , , J , L. BOYD ( S CO , , Grain Provisions and Stock 1416-1418 Farnam St. Orders taken ( or 100 bushels and upwards Idstird todny to Itrnry Ooornr , Jr. , non nf the Intf Henry ( loorRO of Now York , to nmrrr J.Inrlo M. Hitch ot ttili city. ( OH svrniLitj A WrHIrn Climrnntrc to 't'llV ' F.VK11T OAMKor MOXl'.Y III nee e wor ornea e m cu it4r cmei will n > t cnrp WHIP tor mil | vutlrulr urn ) gel Hit . > Aft the mint eiiilnrnt pli > lilKn li.iie .itver lieen Mfil4 In Kite more limn trinpomrr H-llot. In our 1" > rarf luncllcrwlth llil > .Iliiitip Krinrdr I' tin * l < crn i - ) iltnicntt tonvereomc ir.e pK juiHcr9firnlniit ( All PO < . Ira l > eiiu-s. Hut under nr MttiiiK iriiKi > nirrOii KII' 'it lint lieMtMcto 'rj tH'irnirdjYotui kenncli iii l l < ilag vniir motir ; We iTtiAmntro to cutti or tt ' nnd evert dollAr And < no luo A rrrniAtlon to prolcct , else nnAnclAl lixckhiH ot > , ioo , it Is i-riffn' ; > lo All ho will try th < > lirouufiit. lleitlofom hi rp brtn i-uttlne up AH. I luijlni ; nut your monejr lor dirfeirnt Itr.Mniriitiiitiid AltlioiiEhyoiiAiPiuil jrlcnren no one hAft pAlil l > AOk our nionev Ita not w te sn.v niorr niniiev until Mm fry us. Oli ( , rtironkv iierriv.ri | | c w < cuinl In tidily to nlnctr dAjs. InroltKAle u > O'land-il utAndliKt , our iTpniAilou A liuiilrieMi nun \Vrlio u for nAiues ivr.d AddrcM.M of lliote. we hAVa enreil , who tmve Klteu in > rinlloii to refer to the n. It co t Ton only | H > IIIKI' to li > tliHi It will MY * yo l A world i * fluflerlntf fioni inenlAl MtAin i mil If > IMI i InArtled WIA | IIIAV j-out oltrprlim milter llimiiRh TI tr : ownnrcllRenerl ltjoiiriiitoMHArvplinr1e | oiilA < o , nor * thront , muoii4 iiateiir * In mouth , ttmmiAtitm in bonm And Julntii , li Ir lulling out. erui'llons rn AIIJ 1 > Art of tholnf'l ' reeling uf ( rrneml depreitolon. iMiln * tn ieAdur jotieii , > on IIA O initlnio towiiHe. Tlitc who Ate eon tAi\ll.v lAklnic nieiTiuy AIU ! ) M th lumit ! din- rontlniiolt. Oon tAiit ti.p of ti ! o drug * will finely bilniiiioit > 4 And eAtlni ; ulcers In the end. liou't ( All to write. All cum- i < flii < lcm' tent mAled In plain mvel- open. U'e Inrllo the nm-t iliild Invntii.-Atloii an" Mil do All In our i owrlo Aid you tn 1U AdUrcrsr COOK REMEDY CO. , 1 1U1 Mtvsonia Toinplo. Ohicn < ; o Til. V1ECISURED. Mf Made a well Man of IflDAPO TIIKURFVT HINDOO nEMKDY rnotiircniTiiE ABOVE In . 'fOtfaf/n. Cures , sll Nervous Dlp nios. Fplltnu Memory - 1'nronli. alcor'0 ' ! < 'nr , Mghtly Hnit - lon.ctc CAUsrJ tijr part ntiu c , iiho f Igor nnd iln to rhninkrr orRiinii , nnd qulcklr bat vtiroly retitorAsVoif ManhntMt In old or ) oucu , I'.n lly enrrliMi In ro t | oekot. I'ricw.OrtArnckABO , Rli lot fStt > O with n irrlttrn tiutirantre lortirror \ionr\i \ \ rrfniotfl. Dov'r IKIV AN IMITATION , bui In.iftt on bnvlna 1NDAPO. If your druugt t linn not ot It , wn wilt And It prfpAld. a IIF.SKin ll , l'rors | lhl. . o , III. or our l ( tfc A t'u. , Cor 1Mb nnd Doucliib Fts. . mid J A > V Co. , lltti * IXiii.'Ims Mt. , O.MAIIA. NIU Patronize Industries Iy nondM Undo nt tlic \cIii'iiHUii AWNINUS AND TENTS. OMAHA TI3.VT AMI HUllltliH CO. ( Successors Omaba Tcr.t and Awning Co. ) Manufacturers tents , aunliiRs. Jubbem ladles' nnd gentK' niackmtosrie . Tents tor rent. 1311 Farnam St. . Omaha. 75nEWI3UIEa O.M.MIA HHKU'lMi ASSOCIATION. Car load shipments made In our own r srlc * trator curs. Him : Itl'joun , I'lito Export , Vienna E/.port and Family Export delivered to all part ot the ctly. UIIICK. . \VI'rilMil , HHOS. A. .S.I ) ITII CO. I'cvlnf. Sewer nnd IJulldlne IlltlCK. Capacity , 10C.OOO per day. Office nnd ynrj. Z2 < J ind Hickory Sts. Teleulione 423. Omaha. Neb COKNILE WOUKS. ( . I'll'I'lXWl'l'jltt . IJACI.H conxicn IVOHKS. Hnnnfaciiirar of Gnlvanlzcd Iron Cornices , Oa- ! vanlzed Iron Skylights. Tin , Iron and Slat * I'.oollnfr. Agent for Klnnenr'a Steel .Telling. 10S-10-13 Nortii Eleventh BtreeL CHACKEU AMISKICAX HISCUIT AM ) .11 KG. CO. , Wholesale CracltT Manufacturers , OMAHA. Neb. DYE WOIIKS. SCUOIJDSACIC'.S TVI.CITY IJYU WOHIC.S , l.-l Kiiriiiim St. Dyeing and cleaning of garments and foods of ever > de&ciJption. Clcunlng of uno garments a S. F. OILMAN. Flour. Meal , Teed nnd Ilran. 1013-15-17 North 17th Street , Omaha , Neb. C. E. Dlack , manager. Telephone CM. IHON WOIIKS. DAVIS .t C\V ( < ; II.I , IKOX U'OHKS. I run niul IlrnwH r'niiniliTH. J.IftnufacturerB and Jobbers of Machinery. Oen ernl repairing n tpcclnltt. 1S01. 1203 and 15U Jncknon otri-cl , Omana Neb. 1'AXTO.V .t VIUilMXR IIIO.V WOIIKS. Manufacturers oJ Archltecturnl Iron Work. General Foundry. Machlnu and lllncidinlth work , EnglneiTn ni" ! Ccntnietor : l'-T Flro I'ronf Ilillld * Ings. OHlce nnd wotku : U. I * . Hy. and South 17th street , Oinnlm. UNSEED OIL. WOOII.MAX II.VHIII ) OIL wonics. " Manufacturers oiu piocess raw linseed oil lieltlo boiled Unseen uii. od ! pincers crnund Un. feed cake , , sruunil nnd ecreenei' llaxteed for ,1t OMAHA. NEI1. IXUNOBS ) JIATTHKESKS. I. , ( i. 1)1)1)1' ) . llnnufacturer Ixiunscs. Couctict , ilattrf aem. Jobber of Stirine Hcds nnl Fcathrru-UI-ll ] S. 10th street. 'OMAHA IIIDII\C ! co. Manufacturers of liiKh grade Maltreisef , IKl-t Nicholas Klrcft. Omaha. OVEHAU. ANI' KACTOniKH. KAT/-\KVI3.\S COMPA.VY. Clothing , I'ants , Rhlrts and Overnlls. OMAHA , NEH. SHinT FACTOllIES. J. II , m'AXH. NKIUll.SICA NIIIIIT CO.MPA.VV. Rxclu lve custom shirt tallom , 1515 Farnam. VINEOAU AND I'ICICI.EH. IIAAHMAN.V VI.VI-JOAU CM , , Manufacturers of Vlnecar , I'lcklei , ' Catjupi , Mujturclu , Celery and Worceitcrehirti Sauce , WACONH ANU UAUIIIAOE9 , \VIIIIA3I rKUIKKKIt. For a good ruhMantlal vehicle ol any descrip tion , for icpaintlne or rublxr tlren on new or old wheel * the best place la Zitli and Luvi'nrorta ttreelu. DHII.MMOM ) OAHHIACK CO. Cheap , medium priced nnd tony carriages. Any thing you want , second bund or new. Hcuduarlcr ( for Jtubber tlre > , wartunted. ISIU und Hurray , opiionlte Court House , A. J , l-IOll , Jill Doilui' . Full line of Carrlaiet , ltuggle > , I'haetons , t'onf Card. Wliecln rubber tlird. The l > e ( 1 > tin clie&oeit. MANUFACTUHKU8. HIM : & co. t faclo-y In the WCAI. I adlnK 1ob > txtrt uf Omahu. Kunwu City , IJnuoln and UU Jo eph haaillo our KuoJo. l ) i Furnam Um