SPECIAL NOTGES d > - J ! crtliieiitt > iil ( or HICKC column * trill litl.tUfii until I a in. for tlic nifitliur mill until 8 p. " > tor * ' " > tainriiliiK nnil Suinlur cUllloim. u\ilx < Tll ri , ! ri'iUi llnK n ntiin- iHTiit cliccli , run lime nn + ver * nil- flr 'H < y' lo n iiuinlicrtMl li lti'r In cure of 'I' Her. .ti.im TN no niltlrcaiiril nlll ' iltlUvrvil on iirmoiiintlon ot the lict-k enl > . 3liit ' , 1 1-Uc a Moril flr t Insertion ) 3c a enl tlii-rcnrtcr. Nollilnw tnUcii for le M tluin ! ir.e for liltII rut IIIMIT- tliin. 'IluHiniHcrllmnifiilM iniiMt bt run i.'t > n iM'iillx el ) . \ \.VI'I1 ! > SITI ATIO.NS. TOI , N MAN T7rij7fus : POSITION" CMIIK : 01 sui rmn or nlllco work , experienced Ad- U c II 10 , Dec A- Mill ! \vv\'jin : M vi.i : 111:1,1- . s TO TAKE OHDEHS.NEVV LINU xxotl. , no henx ) KOOI ! to tarry , salary or c unnilMlon C , r Adams Cu , f.24 So , ICth St. 11 703 8AirsMLN ron CIOAHS jus A MONTH AND Houses , olJ ( Inn , ixperlenco unneictsiry , Inuuci incuts to customers C. C. Illthcp & GJ , bt. IxjUlg. H-7M SII .V VNI ) HOYSVAN1 CD TO LEAHN 11111 1m bcr trade , 'inlj cl , lil wccki reunited , exeix- tli tK ; w the lniHlni'im UioiouKliI ) lnUKlit.li ) t m- fclinl practice nnd o\init | tinchir , nltunllnni or I icnllonn furnlilied write fur frie Illuntintcd enl me Molcr'H llnrlier COHCRP , 1107 1'lin Ht , M Isiulsl II-M'08 D3 JAI > IIH : AND GENTLEMEN CAN nxu IM | iliincnt free ot co l li ) xx riling tu 1' U bux li 3 U-11S ! . THAVEL1NO AND ijQfALl.i : - men catcrlniT to driiR trade , tune olhir need ni'P ' ) . In roll our OM Dearborn ID , Imaled In bind , on coimnl loti , suite tirrltorj xxanti-d to r vcr and ft nil lernmmpnditl'Mm ' I1 Hqulbh ft Co , illMIUern , I.axxrriicebutKh Ind WNTPlN AM"mtTrAN 110 NOT nVI 11 18 > i > ais old for olllce work. Adlrcsi " J j. GOVI At I2N1 i vj nil-- v - PIIEI-AHE fir tne IM tolllco or . .Ilier ilxll MTX i- iximl- liluilrnttd ciiln- H-elnK mir 11 Urn i out % , formmm , rent free- . Ojliimblin College , " " ' Corrrnponib nee , _ > ; UATnursliLLTTaAHS TO > ' - r iALT IJI3A ci' Knliri JfOtO to S200 CO per month ind ' . iint cMa y I'erin.n . . Kxpirknie unn , I n * ji .Won 'I he U - M"1 C'B"r ' C ? , MM II , Id , O _ _ _ L _ -T i'iT'ririsi roit THE KI'INDUCE WE InxV n Klon like for exer ) man tint vxlll com' 1th us nnd sell our full Hue "f iliylro nur- fnft sell- Mock toiTitier xxllh in ) mnn ) "K y rpeclaltlm We ran Ftart > ou In BO-M ! [ te - Hope u t Ue lo Mnunt Km/erics , Lixxreme Kan U-Ml-OZ \v V > TKII rn 0 GlItLS TOP. ALL KINDS OP VVOHK , 3 to If xxeck Canadian Olllcc , 13J2 Dougl as _ % VANTiU. OIHl roil QENKIJAh \ \ ik Apply at 52) South a > th ANCI C * 16t2 WANTED. GOOD C11HL I'OIl bous xxoik 1U4 Park axinue C Mill 3 * WlxNTED MIDDLE \OED LADWEIL it Jininindul , for Rinmil bousexxork and to c i fit tbri" ihlldten Addicts A E K > mpir rib llend , NVb C-MU6 Jon . -on MOUSIS IN ALL i AurOP TUI : crrTIII : O. P. IJi\iH Ci > iiipin > . ! > 1'ainim I ) JJo Iiousns IHNIWA : co , ios N isin iopsisAMACI : , end DoUKliU ) D Mi V 11A1KJA1NS ONLY A VKW 1.U1T. 1 ( 1 N.7th n\ ' * 7 looms , bith , closet , hot Mtitcr/KiiH , furnutc , line cuntll lun , only JM 873 N , 2Ith u\e , 7 looms lutli closLt , hot wifr. cHtirn , furnue , comtntod collar , fci > 3 ftLt front age , nil rooini to be n tinted und pipertd , JJi > 12) t-piiulillnic t. , 8 r-K > ma tlt > watpi Unl clattrn Inside , J3W JUKI spent In tipilrn Item { Pi i02 ! S. 2Sth St. , 7 rooms , cltj w.iter Ins'ile ' nnd clslorn Untile IIIIUEI to be thoroughly ninlud Utld pipercd Urnt JH Oil N. SSth u\e 8 looms cltj itei Inside , f3 0 bolnit ppent foi icpilrn Hint , Jl- 8203 L ard Bt. 0 moms < lt > wtUi , elsteni anil lip n. nowlj pipercd and pulntel Hont J10 1C2J N. Slflt St. B-rooni cotliiKi1 , cistern , $1 3301 ( "orhv Bt 7-rnoin cntliiBe clt > \\alei , cistern nnd Inrn Itent , JIO 2321 H ISth ut J room e ttiiKe clt ) \ \ Uir , J9 712 nnd 711 H 16lh "t 7-ionm II its bath iloset , hot \\ntcr ntul Kns , } S1 to ' . ' ! ioi. Irani ut , 4-n > im Hits , cits tier , } 7 to J5 \Vclia\eotlnrs. I lilelltj , iFt II N Y life n-MIOI COTTAOKS . < L hTOlliS ALL PARTS or city Ilrcnnnn & . I i\e Co , 219 S 1611 tbAUQR US1" M'CAOUi : , 15T11 AND DODOH I D 910 liousns. riTs GAUVIN ; nitoa , icia I-AII-M D-911 HOUSES roit HKNT IIRMIS , PAXTOV DI.K liousus. j siininvooD. 423 N. Y n-iin roimNT , cioicn IS-UOOM inOFern ( | house. Imiutre 254N Capitol axenue D 141 MOVING iionsr.iioi.D GOODS AND PIANOS Om Vun AiHtorutte Co , 1311V6 1'arnam Til 11M D-913 ilOPSC. tfS i-O 2STII ST W ROOMS .MOD- crn , | IO ) pci month llyron Heed CoD1IG D-1IG o-i'ooM jionniiN COTTAOI : AT415 NORTH 11tli ft. , tl < iOO n month J\pp } to W I ! Melkle , Ifl Nnt'l Ban I ; bldR ' IIOPSKS AI.I. PARTS M HAD , 16 . DOtTOI.\S n 173 D15 BTKAM HIATID nousi : , 2011 HARNDY D-4J9 D11 * j-roo.M nousn MODIIIN 2.i0 | l'ilciito ) < t InQUlie next door Andrew Mnllh D M7M > jjpirrc PIT. . MODIRN : , HIST : PART 01 tr\Mi. \ Mlltlimdistance M ll'lnmson ft llee D-MS11 OR ititNT ijAitcii : MNI-HOOM : rf r C'ltllfomhi nnd . ' 21 ht ? , nil eomenlu ces , \\lth 01 ulllioiit bnin Iliqulrt COG N Y I , IV bullillnif D OJJ A pi'iiN'iPimn IIOOM UOITRP CIIIAP : POR onii > enr. nice location Address lir.l 11 ( . D-MU3 2- roil iti\'ri-iitMMiin ) noons , PUUNimiED HOOM POH OENILE liutn In private faint ! ) 1911) Capltjl Ave E-MC7J-D-4 * ttWO KP.NNV rUHNISHED HOOV1H i > 04 Wibtter street 1M7 > 0 D-5 f\VO IMtGE PHONT HOOMS U roVi : TlTv vvlndoxx , Btcain luat 411 North 17tl < E-k37-D-4 - - - IH-MTiri'L PHONT CHAMI1EH. Yx PriF7l nnlnw , 511 N 13lli E MIOI 2 4 NICIM.Y PI'HNISIIP.D POOV1S roll ITp.N'T ti a nke iiiiponsllilu innpkt x\liliout ililldr n , il-wn In te-mt nnfonalile lo rlislil pirix Ad ill ; M II M , Hoe. EMI2I 2 > ROOMS VM > no vim. BTKAM IIIATID : ROOMS \\ITH noAitn 2009 Hniney P 340 ! > ! ! _ mil : "iiuuu AM , ruihr cu-\f s PAMII.Y lio- tcl 25th nnd DodRO bt P-M7-7 ' AVIJ CAR TO NV r.cr ot Kxpuultlon KroundH nnd put up ut tin1 Karat sn , bint )2 ) it ila ) home , boirdern. } 3 60 U CLW , llret i rli (2 ( , one nu'al free , ne a e inokli a u reputation now , after t'lo Exposition opens \\e ulll make money , nil mixlern ion \tnlences. Tilfphone l ! l P1733 D .i IIOOM8 AND HOARD 3IG hOUTH 2GTII HT NK\vi.y ri'iiNiHiino ROOMS AND KOMID , hot \ > utcr lii'Ut. 240. ! Cans HI P JUtC1) 3' JO,1OA : NT KHONT ROOMS. brKAsT l7iArT : rtrst claus Loan ) . 190 ! ) Capitol Axe 1' MJ1S-D 2 PRIVATi : I'AMUA' I'M PODQi : P MDU-D-3 * ROOMS ; PURNisuni ) coMi'i.i.-n : /or lotiKikeepIni ; , parlor , illnlni ; room Kllchvrn , til North 19lli. P-.M1W 4 rilONTMlOOMS , RINOI.R OIM. suite , modern ; strictly llrxt claua board , price * moderate , li ! N Wli fat. K-M1IC 3 * J30AIID. tl CO AVKKK ) AI.SO PUHNISUKD roomii 2015 Douglau. K-120 ' < ' -rni Y ruiiNisiiuD IUXJMS. IJOARD. isu Patenporu F-UUI roil IU : > T sToius AMI orricr.H. i'ST iv Tim nr.ii in.t'iNcJ One l f rntr ti in il fl r. with Miull nnJ imvxto ifllie niitrr eti On" lnf , e fr ml r mm M flimr < tl\Ulil Into two r urn * liy t'nrtlll. ' n wntrr. < ti One Inrgo turner room Jit tloor , with \ ult WHter elr On * front room dUldcit by ptttltlon , third noor One rorner rontn with \nult thlril door One Inrgc mom Ihltil llonr txlt.i pdrtltlon itlxld- Ini ? it lnl > tnt 1ntgt room nnd tno i mit ler jntxntfl ri > otn , xxiler , etc Two InrBP r uml tloor rooms fronllnfi l > th St . with \fiull. Hoxernl unnll rooms on fourth llnor xxlth xnults All there rofimi nre henteil xxlth Mcmn electric llKhtf , fill piled with flint i Ufa Janitor wrUce l.lexntors nin iln > im.l . all nU.it building utrlrtl ) llreproof Apply U Superlntcmlfnt , Room 1 ( lice Imlldlnj ! - POR HINT-DIIIC : : ROOM is anors'U PI.OOR olllcn Hoe building xvnt-r ntfcun hent rieetrte llKht nnd Jnnltor tort Ice Appl > to Superin tendent Dee ImllllnK 1 197 _ CORNHR K TO III : ROOM 22XR3 IT . OOOD buitement with clcvntnr. Ftenm hent. C13 N ICth atr et Apply at C19 N. ICth street. 1 A 1 239 coitNKit STOIII : IIOOM KJSJ rr. ooon l > np < > inpnt. with clcxntor , eteam heat C11 N ISth st Apply nt 19 N. Hlli st I M2 poit HUNT-TIII : i KTnin niurit iifii.ntNn nt 116 Tarnnm hi This biilMInK lids n llteproof < cmiit Incftiutit , nntor on nil lloor" , Bnn , etc Appl > nt tlip olllcc of The lite 1-910 UOTIIsroiuM HIMIS PAXTON HLK I-.MtlO \i : > 'is AV vvrmi. \ \ ANTIII' Wi : WANT TO KSTM1L14UaiN - rlii In oxprs clt > In the Unlteil Stntcs fin our rploliiiitril pURtnin pnnts , x\lilch nre innile to ohler nt $2 CO a pnlr , lll > ril communion pilil nKontx , xxrlte for partlciilniH TlRtr Custom Pnnts Munufncturers , 1C1 511 Avc Chi nitn , III .I-M791-1) 2 \VANTii : ) AflUNTH I OCAL AND HiNiiL\L : : , ncxv nttlcln , gnoj ncllrr , excellent p ollt , mnlc or fcnnlo. snHrx xxhen proxcn cITlPKnt A K ( lrn & Co St * > Louis. Mo J MSJ4-D-S AOI.VTH : W\NTII > . MALI : OH PKMAM : : now pixlnn lii ) lno s , blu inotio ) for > on spml nililri"i fnr xamplis nnil full pirllrulnrs fioe ChMlPH Marshall MfKr , Lickpurt. Now York. JMI21 ! ' S'lOH ACiriC STOtlVOK AND \VAlinitOfSi : I'D , 'KS ) 010 Jones , K tieral stoniKinnil forwnrdlni OM VAN & STOHAQi : 15HVs TAIIN'M THMTO HANK i\ins sroiiAon 1:11 llnullnir unit litcklng chenpeit rntes Tel 'C \ \ \NTIITO : nuv. WANTI3O OOOD 4irOND-HAND lltLLtAUD nnil poul tallies nno of onch Aililrcss An- .Ircvx HecUitnn , Sklncj , Neb N MOSO 1)5 * POII \I.I3MISCI2Iil.\MJOI S. l .ST. IH'LK Oil SAClvl3U-CIlIIIIIIXa mid h B tenei. C U Lee , Ml DoUKlaf Q-V,1 2S'D 11 VNI ) HICVI'LIX OMAHA JHClCLi : CO Q----J _ I , \TI3ST S1YI 13S LADIES O VIMIb VXD JACK- pts ciifx pijinPiits , drop pobtul xxlll cill xxlth Bimplp i : UlnOi 1GJ9 Kjner Axe Q-1O ) D.i s. unit 1 1 v si < .vs s-.c TO so . skates slmrpcncil l"c Omaha Illcjcle Co Q-'J20 CI.MHVOVTS. . I'liop VVIUTNIruor pnncn the ei-'ebiateil cHlrvnjnnt' ! pilnilsts rf Piof Plirto Is nn umlerstuils of I'lof1ilt - nej's nnil ilois full form matirlallzitlon nnil ph > clc-al innnlfpstntlon He Is the xxonilcr or the present centurx His cablnpt xvork Is a innrxil mil In hl line lie Ins no equal 1C sou liaxe mix ileMre to fee pplrltunl mani festations KO once anil } oulll KJ uRaln Also slate xxritinir tjpcxxrltliiR anil nil the finer forms of inntLilnll7utl3li Profhltne ) renil ) > onr completp life from tlie cnille to He crave lie IIIIH no equal Reunites Ecpirutdl hu'bamls nml xxlxes Thou'imils cioxxil Ills otflce Oi > nt once nml consult there celebnted nie- illutnB Prof VVhltne > * . Prof pleioe o'llte 1522 Hoxxntil St , corner of ICtb St Hours from 0 n m tj 9 p in F.miles. fOi ItPTilIm ; bj mull. rnclcBO txxo stamps S Ms.02 . 1)-3 * itvriis , n HAT I IS MA&SAd LVl HA ii.LlbuisT Crour'v Hlk , 113 N ICth St , room 12 upstairs 1 M90T ! ) - ! \7llS DIl L130N HLIU'IUIC MAhAfi : II VTlT pnrloia , le'tful nnO cuiatlxe 417 S lltb ni > - Ftnlrs 1 MOl7- - - > .MADAM .SMITH. 1315 DOUGLAS JIA'iSPi : steam baths TVIU2 S * IM3ItSO\ , . VIAVI CO L'TKHINU TIIOL1JLUS 340-8 UUK HUlB , ph > slclan , consultatlun or htuUli booh free U 5' > J I1ATI1S , MASSAOt : JI.MH POST , 319'4 . IFlll" U 9ol CLO11II3S CLUANHD , PHIiSbnD AM ) 1111- pilrnl , dnx or nlKht , iliess suits for blip I'intorlum , N 11 Ooi 14th anil r.iniam Tel OC3 T--,3 | IN POOR CIHCUMSTANC13S OAN HI1 cilxe free nllt ml nice In confinement b > np- plyliiK to fie CrelRhton Jleillcnl college , 14th nml Davenport bis Telephone 11C7 11C7U U 276 1)-9 RHii3Nltl3UC TI1I3 S1MCIAL : LAliTlTs1 Tnilor IH rtaily foi buslnesx 170SVebstir ht U 2uJ 1) 8' r.oo roit A CASH or hui-intrLrous iiAin tlmt I cannot cure Mad im True Pnxton Ilk U M7S3 1) 3 1'UIVA'li : IIOMH 1 Oil LVDIKS lIUfWlirAND durhiK conllnemint Hables adopteil anil ruml for 1020 Cumlnir U U22 D ! ' co iuvvAHD roil iuco\niiv or DANT rabes UKe fourteen height 1 ftet 3 Inc les hair daiU broxxn , ejos ilnrk fra > upper ej teeth piojeetliiB Fcir on IXMI lliihein of left hunt ] , left hrme October 1st lant peen neir Sioux I'll ) , bea HIIK south AiMrcts Infonrm- tlon to Ceoigo rabt ) , Hoilt Vnlk ) Io n f 113 ! LA Ill'i ; , VAl'OH AND M\hSA H liitlis. 1112 rmnam L' A1S3S I ) JS * 1IOMJV TO \\lin\L 13ST1TI3 , MONTY TO LOVN AT IjOW HAlis THE O r DaxlH Co 1303 rnrnnm fit. W 130 ANTHONY LOAN & THl"r CO 313 N Y 71 quick inoiiiy al loxx rates for choice firm lamia In limn , nortbein MUsouil eastern Nchr.'fi'ka W 937 LOANS ON LMPHOVED A. I'M.MPHOVED CITY piopirt ) . W rnrnam t-nilth < t Co 1321 Pa 'm W 1 > 3S VYE HAVS MADi : AHHANOL'MEN 18TFlT our laMein rorri'fpondenlB by xx ikh xxocin * loan mom ) on farms In i astern Nebraska Hri.nmin-Uno Co , 219 H loth VV Wil 19 r. \VI\D ci nml Dourlnn W 4T5 D14 MONI3V 'lo/JAN. HhSliH , 1'AMU.N MONIIY ' 10 I > D\N OS IMPHOVI3D. OMAHA nal ibtnti' Ilrennan-Loxe Co. , 219 S Kill \ -UOO JlWOOCi ) SPECIAL TI'ND 10 IXN 0V llrsl claim Improxpil Oinilu propirtj or for bulldlnit purposes rklelli > Trust Companj VV 1C2 c PISH cnNT ioTmTToiYs i on KAI u PKO"I irlj of nuii-ipsi lintu cireil for bj W II .Mtlkle , 1'lrst .National lljnk lihli ; , Omaha G Piil PI3NT MONI3Y t f&l AND t'PWAHDS oil cllt elKi-cl Impioxeil Oin lla : real ettnle Hunts , Paxton bloiK 24 MOV13V TO IOVN ON IMl-HOVna HPAL i slain In Omahu Council HluiTB anil HJiith Omnhn I'IIBIJ & 'lliomn f01 Plrhl Nntlonil Hank , Omaha AV S ri'HMTl 1113OKI31) . M S VV ALK1N , . ' 111 UUSHNO T13L 1331 970 TO LOou MO.NI3Y TO LOAN ON PPHVirt'HI3 ' PIANOS ho re xxjginn cle nt loxxest rJtiH In It } , no remoxjl of Koods strktlj tonllclentlal. ) ou can pjj Ilio 'U.IM off nl nny lime or In any amount OMAHA MOinQAQi : UJAJJ CO uo ) a i6i ii st X-9CI III NIMCSi , CMCI3S. . TO Qir IN OH 01 > T OP HUSINKSS OO TO J ( llbfoii. Ml Plrist Nal'l Hank I-WK OI3NiilAL : hToinriN'iTlO I10HN IIABIN W\ omliifc- , vii ) piofltable trade , xOtli 5Ji-acr ) * lunch. lrrlt..iti I under fuice In cultlxJtlon rcx > l hotibiH Irninn. i.raiiarlc etc Owne. be- litveii the lnxi < tmtnt vxlll rtlurn price asked In txxo or three > ear8 Hun- opportunity for the rluht pjrt > lu make Llif ini > nv > . Clear Onialui iintal proper ! ) taken us part of pur- chaire U O Wallace. 312 J , J. llronn blk , Omaha Y 7 S BALK , Hi.HTAUHANT , GOOD IXJfATlON , dolnu KOO.I bmlntbs , terms a onalie ! Ad- U K , liv * . , Y i rou HVC ii\\r.i : . LVH NII M IIY tlrnr \ i nut inn hi t * f r l it UK I > lf ' > M vx itu lull i irtl ulnra liui t J umii M ( foil SVII3HI\L I3STVTI3. KOt NTJ5K PUM'K flAlloAINS. ' . 0 M 7M TO 1 V Olb on. SII 1 lr t .Nat IMnk Wi i sty IIAHOAINS 1101 SKM 1.OT4 AND mile or Itndir. . K. DatllliK , Hiirker 111 HL- 5 LAND , "i7 CROP P'l ) , Till : PIUCi : W Mon - R1.-5U on Ilec IIMt ; HOt'SIM , LOTS. PAHMS LANDS , LOANS ; also lire Insurance lleinls , PnMon I'luc'J ' ' HI M li I MPST III : S-OU' ) FJlX LIT , ONLY 5.1II.OOKS from the I Itch nchool. xxlll tnki > * i. WrUo 1" M124 2' I1S2 , lle < > olllce iioitsr.s IIORSKS u INTI-RID. : : unsTOPCAiii : : . "ATIS J600 per moiit i \V K Oxvens. 3C07 Center Ht - ' WTPD HOUSES TO VxINTEll , 1IEST OP Address P Hnx.43 , rennmnble i arc. rales p Crencent loxxn. . _ _ _ _ _ ! GOOD STAHLE riii-ST OP CAHE f4 AN"I ) * < month A VV Phclpt S. Son , 207 .Ncxxork Life Tel 10T.I lll _ _ _ TnVrrciTiTTTriTHENCEs HEST CAHI : T month O. HU'hnrt. 51st nnd Poppleton Aj. j. SIIOItTIIVM ) \ \ 'r\l'i\MUTINi. ( r C VAN ANT"5 bcilOOL 313 N. Y LH'E AT OMAHA ut s. coluan OTII .1 UOLCILAS , H n HOYL134 ( Win-iinpoiiTi-.n. iMitvAn lessons , da > nml evening. 40i lice llldr COM , . IJUHLINmON NUT. lliST : CHI3Apn > , T. PIUC13 $3 73 pel ton 'Phone 848 Harmon < S. Vcoth Co LOST. vTsT linilNAHD DOO , COLOH , LICIHT jtlloxx , tip of inra black , liberal iixxnrd. Ill III. 70S S ISth Lost-MUM Dl- w v\Tnn TO iioiiiiow. PAHTYV1LL PAY N1NI1 1'KH CUNT 0 > I3MI- antnml coupons ) for > COO to } k ) on Inn do tental pioperts Sccurll ) ninple Anaxvct soun 11 41 HCL 'J l i * vMiitoicnits. . II MAHOVVIT/ 3NS MONUY 418 N 10 ST 977 DIU'.SSVl1CIC. . TO DO DHKbSMAKlNC IN families solklti-d Miss Sturd ) 1301 Davenport St S31 D-JS -SU II lTL134 YKAHS A HEMDI3NT OP Omaha Hist clafs xxork Rinrnnteed , leaxc or ders nt Milton H > ? CPJ & Sons , tck plioni 121 , bexxnie of unsiiitpjlous p irtks In the buMnesi heading this \\ay on aiLOunt ot the ixpoaltlon M ! A3 D3 i v HI\TID ioo vun MONTH HinnoNS ? sc' eich pi Ice of cabin. In udiiced Smith Pre mier lypexxrlter Co , No lUj I'ainam btM M 00 MUSIC , VUT AM ) I , VNOVV P.LMOHE HICE VIOLINIST. TOIfx J- lolst Hlce Concert Co vxlll rftL i s , highest refeiences Call Arcide hotil i 3 , 4 to 8 p in j 'j SIINOCH > IIIHS. rou COMPLII.NT s on Tilt Smith Premier Ijpexxritcr Compan ) No 1613 Parnnm bt Mol.7 I3LOCI TIO\ . MIIS HVLPH 13 SUND13ULAND 1313 S 21FH St xxlll tnltt a fcix mo e pupils 321 Dll snVIMVCHIM3S \M > NU\V HOME IIOl SI3IIOI U Ac UHITH SLVV Ing mni-lilne I * supplies 1314 Cip axe Id 1 > 7I 973 r n , . 1 ciiicHE'-Tnii" ? INOLISH PHNNY ronl Pills ( IMcmond brand ) nre the best. Safe , tellible. Take no ot icreml k st imps for parlkulnis "nellcf for Ladles In letter bj return mail At druKgi ° ts Chlchoner Chcmknl Co , I'lilladelphli Pa Mention llee Mm ! I'ATCNTS. ' - ° Attorn * } s- Omohn. Nsb Brancii office at Washington , D. C Send for free Advice and Patent Hook bi'tid for our Machine Movements , coprighted , TO ! Tclrplione 1C23. SHIP Housaliold goods to all points In mixed oar lota at cut rntoa Parking , moving and storage. Telephone 1 BSD Omaha to & S age 0 ( Should bo read DAILY by all Interested , as chiUKOS may occur at anj time ) r'orcltjn malls lor tie vve k ( ndlnp De cember 4th , 1SD7 , vxlll close ( I'HOMl'TLY In all vabes ) ut the ( J-ncr.il postotlicc as jol- loxxs : PAHCILS I OST MAILS close oxn HOUIt IAHLIIU tluin closing tlmu shovn belovx TraiiNVtliuitle At 7 a in. ( EUipp'cmentary 0 a in ) for KUHOl'U , per s H I'.ills * . vU South iinpton ; ut 0 .t m ( suppli'iiuntarj 10. ,0 n in ) for iUHOIMJ , per s Ailil- utlc * , via , CJueenstovvn , at 10 u. m for BEL GIUM illrect , per . s. Wetlcrnlinil via An xxorp ( lettcis must bo Ulrect il "per Wt-HlmnlaniV ) SATUUUAY At 7 a m foi TOANCI3 , SWlTX.iniLAN'D. ITALY. SPAIN , 1'OItT- UOAL , TUHK13Y , KOYI'T unil HRl'HSH INDIA , per s s La Touralne * , vlu Havre ( letters ) for olhir parts of Huropo must bo illieeti'il "per Li Tourilne" ) , at 8 a m NiTI'WHLAND illrcd , per H H Veen- iliini , via Itottciilim Hettt'is must be ill- rroteil "per Vcentlim" ) , at S u m foi Ol'NOA , 1101 H H rukl.i ( letUrs mimt bi > illrecteil ' pi r Fuld.i' ) ; lu II a in for NORWAY illieel , per H v Hekl.i ( IstteM must bo illtoctcd "per HeUia ' ) , at 11 a in ( Hiilipleiiuntary 12 )1) m ) for nUKOl'i : , per f s 13tniili * . via Queuiatoxvn , at 1 1 > m. for SCOTLAND illrect , per s. s Fur- nussl i , via Gl.isj-o\x ( lottefH must bo ill- rcotiul "per Kurnessla" ) , I'HINTKD IIATTKIl I3TC German tteamers EallkiE on luiadaH tal > t Printed Matter , etc for Herman ) , and bpeclall ) Addressed Printed Matter etc for othir parts of llurupe Ameil- caii nnd White Star Htuamers on VVeJnendii ) , Oilman ( tLjiucra on ihurMilaja and Cunard Prencli and Utnniin btiamcia on riatunlujd tuko Prlniid Mattel etc for uli counirle < for uhlch tlitj un. adxertUed to cirri mall After the eloping of Hit Supplemental ) Tran - Atlantic Malta named ulioxe additional uup- pkmtntiir ) mails are opined on the plem cf the American Kngl'arI'rcnth ' and German Ktoimerii , and ivmilii jpen in , til xvlthln Hn Mlnutcn of the houi of tailing of btcamtr. for Smith nnil ( Viilinl Ai AVfHl llllllcH , l.'lf , THUUSDAY A 8 n. m for HRRMUDA , per . H Trlnldail , ut 1 p in ( supplemental y 1JO p m ) for NASSAU , N P. nml SAN- T1AUO Di : CUHA , | > er H. u , Sintlairo. SATUUDAY-At S n m for HHAHIL nnU LA PLATA COt'NTIlinS , per 8 s , Huffon , via Pernumbuco. Hahla anil Ulo Janeiro ( let era for North Ilr.izll must be illrecteil "per Huffon" ) , ut 10 u. m ( supplementary 1USO : a m ) for rbllTIJNU ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVANILLA anil GltiY- TO\VN , per , u Alone ( letters for Costa lllca must be directed "per Aleno" ) , ut 10 a in ( supplementary 10 30 a. in ) for HAITI , via Cape Haiti. Port Au Prince , Aux-Cayes und Jurmel , ulso SANTA ilAHTHA. i > er . . Kitty , ut 10 00 a m for CA-MPlScHli , CHIAPAS. TAI3A8CO und YUCATAN , per H. s , Seguranca ( lut- t < > r for other uarts of Mexico anil for Cubx must bo dlrco il "per Seguranea' ) : ut 10.9) a. m. for HAITI per B , s PrlnJ Wlllein II ( U-tti'M for Venezuela , Curacuo , Tilnklai ] , Hrltbli and Dutch Guiana iuu-t bo directed "i > er I'rlns Wlllem II" ) , nt It n m. ( Hupplomuntary ll:3i > a , in ) for VKN- KZUKLA and CUHACAO. also SAYAN- ILLA und CAIITHAGCNA , via Curacao , per s. a. Caracas ; at 1 l > . w. ( aupplciiien- POS'lOPIMCfOTIl 1 % tiry 1 1 p ml f. ST DOMINOO nml IlKS ISLAND jr , n Nivv "Sork , nt s H p i m for NJi\Vrot'SI > l.VND. P .r f-'pamer from Norihl.fiilno ) SlNDAAt S a ftv for 1LV.UHADOS di rect nml NOUTU IJUAKtU Ma I'nrn. ami Minaos. per s s Cnmcuense , M lls for NVtx foiindli n I by mil l > Hnllfnx. nml thonre b ) ttlentner. ild e nt this cilice dnlly nl S 30 p in Mnlls for Jlliuelon. by rnll to Ho'tnn nnd lhnce by Flcnmer cli so nl this ofVeo dntl ) nt 8 M p , MilH for Cubix close nt thl oillcc dnlly nt 7 no n m for furxxnrdlnic h ) utenmcrs unlllnc ( Mondn * oml Thunln ) * ) from Port T nmpnn \ \ MnllH for Mexico ice City , oxeilnndl imle s specially addressed , for dlfpnlch b ) Klcnmrr clew t Mill onirr- dull ) nt : 1) n m nn I 2'30 p m "HoalstercJ mnll r OFOS nt C TO p in prcxlous di ) Trims.Piu-lllc Mnlli. Mills for rhlim nnd Jnpin ( specially ad dressed only ) , per < < , * impress of China ( from Vancouver ) , cto- . hero dully up to November " 21 li nt R W p. m. Mulls for China niul Jnp.i , per s. Gaelic ( from San rrnnclnpo ) clo o here dnllv up to De cember itt t ilno p. in M.ills for Au - trall.i ( except those for West Australia ) , vxhlch nro forxvanlcd via tturopp , Now /.oalanil , llavvall , FIJI nnil Simoin Islands , per s. s. Mnrlpos-i ( from Sin l-ranclsco ) , clwo hcie ilall ) up to Deccm- bor 3d ut 7 CO u. m , 11 n. tn nnd 0-30 p m ( or on nrrlv.il at Now York of s s. Campania with Hrltlth malH for Au - tralH ) iLilN for AiiPtralla ( e\cept Writ Austrnlln ) , New Zealand , Havxnll and FIJI Ii'muli , ix > r . a AornnRl ( from Vancou ver ) , close here dally after December Mil nnd up.0 December 6th nt C-'W p. m. Mails for China and Japan , per i. Taeomn ( from Tacoim ) , i-losu hcie dnlly up to De cember M2th nt C-30 p. m. Mall- * for Hawaii , per B s. Australia ( from Sin Knn- clsco ) , close here dally up to December J2d nt 0.30 p. in. iMallH for the Society Islands , per lilp Tropic Ulrd ( from San Kriticlsco ) , clo'o here dally up to Decem ber 2oth nt C TO p. in. Trans-Pacific mnlls nic forxxnrded to port of nalllm ; dall ) nnd the schedule of closlnR Is nrrniiKed on the presumption of Ihelr unliiler- rupted oxerlnnd transit "Heslstcrcd mall closes nl r. p m prexlous day I'ostoince , Nc > xv York , N. Y. , November 2(5 ( , COIINHLIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. II V1I.HOADS. KANSAS CIT1 ST JOSEPH .t Council Uluffs Rallroid "The Hiirllngton Houte" Ticket OHlce 150 ! Pnrnam Street Telephone 230 Depot Tqnth nnil Ma on Street" , lele- p.ione J2S Leave Anlve. Kansas City Day Ex , . D 03 am 0 10 pm Kansa _ Cjti Nlzht Ex. . 10 00 pm CJO : ntu CHICAGO. P.OCK IbLAND i. Pacific Hallroad "The Great Hock Island Houte" City Ticket Ofllcc , 132,5 Parnam Street Telephone , 42S Depot , Tanth and SInson Streets Telephone , 12S Leave. Arrive. CiicaBO and. . St / Va . 4 M „ pm l:4a : VesMbuled Ktprea ; pm . Lincoln , Ccloniuo biirnib Pueblo Denver and xxest ! - * 1" > J nm 1 23 pm Culcauo , DCS Moll s anU Hocl. Island . . . . , 7 00 pm 8 15 am Atlantic Express , ( pr Das Molncs nnd eastern points " 7 10 am 5.35 pm L ncoln , Palrbury anil Helkxllle . 5 43 pm 10.40 nm Dnlly Dnlly srrept r.AILHOAD General Oinces ind Ticket Of fice Merchants National Hank Building 1224 Tarnam Street , lelephone 104 Depot ritteenth nndV bstcr btri-eta. Telephone , IK" Leave. Arrive. . Kansas & 12 53 pin " " Kan"iiecU > & St 6 00 nm Nehrakn . ' ' 9.43 am Dally. Dilly . * Bundav CNION \cirio-"THE ovnn- land Houte" General olllces N h Corner Ninth and rnrnnm Streets Clt ) Ticket OmVe , U02 rarmm Sticet Telephone. 31i > . Depot. Tenth and Mnton streets. Telephone. 128. Ltavt. Arrive. "ThOxerlaml "mlted" Sill Lake , for Dcnxer xxestein polntB . . 8 20 um * 43 pm Tast Mall train for Denver. Salt Lake. 1'nclflc const and all western points 8.30 pm * :0.20 nm Lincoln , Dcatrlcc and Htroimburir Expjeas . . . CO pm I2o : pm Kcnrnty ' 5 00 pm 12 10 pm ' Dalfy Dall ) except Sunday. Council Illuffs Local LeiveM5 _ 40 t m , C.3) n in , 7,30 n in , ft 23 a m , 10 15 a m .2.1 p m 4 30 p m. , 5 C5 p. in. Arrlxes , C 20 a. m. ; 7 20 n m , 8 n m 0 25 a .m . 11.30 n. m . 3 10 p m G 40 p. m , 9 03 p , m. . it ) IS > > ir. CHICAGO MII.vLKLC i BT Pau ! Ixallwnj-City llckel onice. 1.104 Painam Street Telephone , 2S4 Depot. Icntb nnd Mason Streets. Telephone 123. Lcav e. Arrlv e Dallr. _ _ \v AHASH HVILHOAfJ-TlCICKT Ol-TICC. HIS rarnnin fatutt. 'lelephone , 322. Depot , Tenth nml Mason Streets Tclculioue , 128 Leave. Arrive S' . Louis "Cannon Ball" , Cuprous . l.SOpm 11:30 am Pally CHICAGO ST PAUL MINNII. Hpolls & Omaha nalln-iy Genpral ofllces. Ncbrnski Dl- v'lelon ' , ntecnth nnd Webster StrrMs Cltv Ticket Office , 1401 rarnam Strict Tilcplion . . . rifleenth nnd Webster StreeH Tilcphone , 1438 Lenxe. Arrlxe Sioux City Accommoda , 8 50 am S 20 pm Sluux. City Accommoda ! ) ,50 am 8 20 pm Hlnlr Tmerson Sioux City , Ponca , Jlnrtlnt- ton and Illoomfl'ld 100pm 11.53nm bloux City ManKato , 151. Paul , Minneapolis 0.15 nm 9.10 am Km r2on Pastenger . . . 6lo : pm i > 43 am Dal j Dallj except huruiaj Sunday enl ) This train atfps nt btatlons rinrenco to So Hlalr , Im.lu3 > xe S-imdaia only , on vxccK ilnya So Illalr unu KLKHOHN & Ulnrourl Valliy nallvii ) Gtn eral OUlces , Lnltnl Slates Na tional JionK luildlnc. Moutn- nnm Streets Ticket Olllcc , xxest Corner Twelfth nnd 1 ar- 14U1 1 uinain S-tiiLt 'rleplione. Ml. Drput rifl'inth \\cbJterblreete. . Telephone , 14"S Leaxe Arrlxe. IJIuck IHIIn , Diadnooa and Hot BniliiKS . 3.00pm 5:00 : pm " " * ' "Ptr nn" 300pm G.COP , , , Iliiftlnn' "iorli David Clt ) . bupelcr. ! Ueneva , llxcti'i and bexxnra. . . 3l : Pm 5 00 pm Nrrfo It , We t Po nt and 7 60 ara "D 2j a-n Lincoln Wuhoo nnJ 7:30 : nra "lO.Zj < m riemont . . Tremont Local . . . . i SO am Dail ) Dally except tiunday. ' "aunday enl ) Dally extcpi Haturday. "IJully cxctpt Monday CHICAGO & HTinviy ern Hallway cily Ticket Olllce ; 1401 Kurnnin Street , Tplione ! ttl Depot , Icntb ana Ma ton Streets Telephone , Leu e , Anlve Missouri Valley , SI nix Cli ) , St Paul and Minneapolis C:40 : vm 10:45 : pm Missouri Vnllry , bloux cny 7:30 : am 0.(5 ( pm Di-nnlson , Carroll , Wall Iwike 7:3J : u-n 9:15 : pm Eastern Expr < S3. Drs .Molnes , Muislmllljxvn , Cednr Itaulds , Chicago " 10:15 : am Atlantic Pl ) r , C'nlcaso and Eisi 4:15 : pm 4:10 : pm Past Mall , Chicago lo Omahi . . . , . 3:10 pm Mlrsourl Valley , Hloux City , gt Paul Jlmnc- npolls Limited . . t:55 : pm 0:23 : am OniiliJ-ChicnKa Special. C.SO Mil 8.19 am Dally "Dally except Sunday. d1 'JX CITY & I'AnriC HAIL- rodd Uenerul Ofllce * . llnltej States Natlona' Hani. DullJ. Inif. 8. W. Corner Tvreldli nnd I'Brnnm bttcttf. Ticket Olllcc. 1401 rarnam btreet. IcUuhone. HI Depot. _ riftcenth mid Webster btrttts. Telephone , IKS. Leave , Arrixe. bloux Clt ) . Mankato , St Pau ! , .illr.ncaiolls 9.1ff am POISONED HUNDREDS OF SIOUX Fcnr'ul Revenge on Indiana for a Massaoro Porfotrntml in 10G1. STORY RECALLED BY AN ARROWHEAD llmv n I'nrt ) * < > ' > l < "it"iin PlinuM-rs ( lot I'.vi-n with it lliunl of liiilliiiin In tin * Hail LiinilN A Miurl Clinp- l r nf I'ltiucrr The carls' history of the west Is made up of tlirlllltiR stories of x > rl\atlon and rulven- turo nnd there still remain maciy xxho took part In tliosc stirring times when the plains sxarmedltli hostile tndlniiB nnd the moun tain regions xxo.ro under the control of the still more pax.iRD ontlavxs , xxho robbed and murdered \\lth Ilttlo rcstr > tlnt Mcatana has amoiiR Us residents hundreds of pioneers , each one of xx-hom could tell of Interesting personal experiences that go to make up the hlatory ot the country Some of these stories find lliclr way Into the newspapers nnd nro orcscrved ; but the \ast innjcrlty of them \xlll dlo with the men and \xomen to xxhom they arc personally knouu. The Montana State Historical society hns IOIIR made nn effort to t > re < jer\e stories of the \vest Inhlch residents of Montana < ire In any xxny Intercstod Kxery contribution of an hlstoilcal natwc Is preserved , bnt , while the collection of the society Is steadily gro\x- \t\K \ \ , there Is still a vast amount of miterl.il thit mlRht bo secured to It If the plctieers would take more Interest In recording wrl > - day Incident1 ! A copy of the iloreman A\ant Courier , which was received by the soclct > recently , contained a story ot frontier his- torj tint , It Is believed , x\as never before published , although It records no loss nn event tlan the killing of almost 300 Indiana Hero Is the story HISTORY OF AN AKIlOWIinAD. Ed Aldcrson las Just nddcd to his collcc- tlcci of curios at this ofllco an arrow held \xlth a lilstoiy It killed a man , back In the carl } diys of ' 61 , vxhen the Indian , In nil his wir paint and savage splendor , roamed the whole west It Is about three Inches In length , cut from the shank of a spade or shovel and ground nlmcst as carefully to an edge as n well-made knlfo or razor ; much finer finished thin the usual run of Italian arrowheads It was brought to this countiy by Peter LL- Ilcau of Salcsvlllc who tells the following interesting gtorj In 1SGI Mr LcHeati , In company with something over a hutitlieil other emlgrints and an escort of nearlj , fifty soldiers , left Minnesota for Idaho , all the present states of Idaho and Montana then being compi lacil under that rainc fTlio train vvas In com mand of Captain risk , elected captain of the expodltlm b } the emlgrarts The troops xxero under Lieutenant Smith About fifty miles from the Lltttc < Missouri , In the Dad Lands ot IMKota , one of the train thought he saw two Indian lieids peering oxer the bcnk of a stream on which thej xxero encamped The train was doubled nnd guards put out , but no attack was made In crossing the stream crio of the army wagers containing the officers' states was overturned , and. a d ° tall of six men was left to get it out , while the train went on The Indians soon brgnn a desultorj attack en the train As tlio one wagon did not appear It vxas flrally decided to return for It Not a man was loft allvo They had been scalped and the bodies had been hastily burled In one com mon grave Liter the grave was dug up by the wolves , nnd when the expedition re turned that xx.iy only the skeletons were found Mr LeDciu fourd th'a ' arrow , which had been driven , through one poor fellow's heart , and kept It until giving It to the present owner POISONED FOOD On breaking camp the soldiers took a grue'ome icvcngo on their pursuers The huntViK' lad been very poor that jear and the Indians were well nigh sUrving The SDldlers knew and thej laid their plans ac cordingly Taking n 'box ' of hard tack they put strjcbrilno In ever > piece , then nailed up the box and put It In the emouldeilng campflrcs ns they got readj to leive , knowing ing- that the hungry Indians would soon find It Thej did and almost 300 of them , as v\Eg afterward learned , xvero killed b > the deadly drug Aftepxvard , when the party re turned to tljo cast , Laving given up the thought of going faithcr weft in the face of the Indian opposition , they fotnd numbers of grinning skulls , knawedi bare by wolxes , to couoboratc the ghastly tale Cip'aln TlsV dispatched thirteen soldiers to Gmoral Sully , who had a largo company of soldiers at Port Hlco , In Dakota , for aid A strong force xxas Immediately sent out for that pjmose In the meantime the emi grants lud been undergoing a regular siege. They had left their river camp nnd been caught out in the cpen prairie , whore for seventeen dajs they had no water but what they found in buffalo xxalloxxs In one of the fights two Indians were very troublesome Mr Lelleau succeeded In killing them both and capturing a line horse with a beautlfulb ornamented buckskin baddlc , vxhlch had fol lowed them The saddle vxas gixen to Lieu tenant Smith the gallant young officer who had led In that attack The horse ho was persuaded to sell to Captain risk , fm the government , to replace some cavalry homes that had been killed The government never paid the bill and Mr LcReau still has the xvatrants When old finally came to the party Gen eral Sullj sent along peremptory orders for all the soldiers to return to Tort Rice Cap tain risk , who still wished to nroceed , had no choice but to obey Mr LeDeiu , xxlth scxca companions , sold off their ox toims nnd flrated doxvn the Missouri to Omaha , then Ilttlo more than a thriving village A year later ho ramo to this country and not lenff afterward purchased h'a fine farm , w hero ho still resides DARING HHSCUE OF A CAPTIVI3 The corrolnratlon of the killing of the 300 warriors by moans of strychnine forms In Itself nn Interesting romance A Mrs. Kelly , xvhn had been traveling west , had been cap tured the solo Htirvlvor of the party ind held by this Land of Ind'ans ' for heavy rnn- Bom The Indians opened negotiations sev eral timcfl , but never fulfilled the promises t.iey made 'Ihoy were in camp five days' rh\t \ from Fort Sully Tlnally a daring In dian flrout attached to the t'arrlbon volun teered to rescue her Taking the best two horses In the garrlscei , private property of the officers , ho rode to the camp in early aft- orncon , when the braves wore all out nn the hunt took the xvoman from the chief's tppeo and fled to the post In a few momenta the1 prairie was coveied with hoxvllng pursuers but tlic Indian oonlea vxero no match for the thoroughbred lacers , and the two reached the ixist In Bafety Mra Kelly had personal Itnoxvledgo of the number who died from the offeclH of the deadly drug , as she XVBB with the attacking party She was sent rejoicing to her friends In the cast " IllMtlllri-M \\lll Curtail Pioilurtlon , LOUISVILLE , Dec 1 At 11 meeting of the Kentucky Distillers' association ( ailed to consider the ciuibtlon of restricting pro duction foi u til in of three yea 13 , n plan xx.is mapped out liv whic.li to Iteip down the output 15,000000 to so.ooo.ott ) gallons yenrly In Home > arH the production has been o\er 40000,000 K'llloiiB ' Tnose present Plcjied nn agreement to accept n fair allot ment on the basis of their capacity and < ominlltfts v.im appointed to apportion out tht amount for each distiller It wm decided that this must bo done If the Irado was to be prorrvcd from a panic. They also agreed to work for lower tax , 'llio meeting WJH lurfiely attended. OrHiiil .lur > to 1m rilluntc llnnkrrH , KANSAS CITY , Dec 1 A opeclul venire for a grand Jury was drawn todiy for the purpose of considering charges against I'res. Idem D. V Illeger and Cnhiler D. If. Cov- Ington of the defunct .Missouri National buik. The Jury will bo culled on Mend ij < next The cliirges against the bink olllcluls wnro worked up by Government Expert Moxoy , who has ien examining the bookf < of the concern for the In-st month The hink failed on Novernlxr SO , H'M. with Sl.fiOOOlO of dtposltH , and Blnc-o then but a very Hmall dividend IIUH been pild the 2.0W depositor * Hinder and Covlngton are now ut Sprint-Held. , engaged In the Insurance business inii < | iirl ( ifin-rnl WoliT. PALMA , Island of Majorca , Dec. 1 Gen eral Weyler , the former captain general cf Cuba , was banqueted here , his birthplace. ln t evculns. Great enthusiasm was manifested. .srvTts or run \ \ ITKI ( StiH Xo l.lkrlr o Hoiiirnlpit nnil Iiijiin.-tlon MIIJ He IHxNoltril. The decision ot Judge Munger In llio water vxorks case Is generally ncctoted In city hull elides n the end of the long controversy between that corcjviny and the city. City At torney Connell Ins not decided whether ho will tnko on appeal but It Is not likely that h will bo allowed to do so. The members ot the council have been convinced for some tlmt > thai the contention of the city attorney rnuld not bo sustained , nnil the } are well sitlsfied to quit without nddlng to the ex- Dctwo that has already been Incurred This will bo a considerable item , and when the bill of costs U added the aggregate will be well tip In four figures While the vxater coiniiiiiy has won Its case the Injunction granted by Judge Kejsor last Mnj , by which the comptroller was enjoined from delivering the vxnrrnnts for the bill of the water company for the last six months of IS'ifi , still stands These bills amounted lo $43.37300 , and the bill was approved and ur- dercil paid early last faring Tlip nrorrprla- tlon ordinance containing the bill was pissed nnd the warrants were nearly ready for de livery when Dan Hirrcll , Jr , and J 12 lUum secured thp Injunction. Consequently they remain In the warrant book ready lo bo de livered when the Injunction is removed In granting the Injunction. Judge Kexsor said that It would femnln In to co at Icist until the case In the United States court WPS decided Ho has taken no further action so far nnd It Is not likely thai the water coin- pan ) will press the matter Superintendent Hunt sa > s the wntcr company does not pro pose to trouble Itself about that phase of the matter. II snjs the parties who secured the Injunction have put up n bond to secure the water company ngilnst low , nnd ns they vxill be liable on their bond for the Interest the company Is not won > lng The Interest on the bill nt 7 per cent has already accrued to the nmount of nearlj $2,000 The warrants have been considered ns n draft on the xvater rent fund In the state ments submitted by the comptroller nnd their pn > ment would not reduce the theoret ical balance vxhlch Is Indicated by his books The fund was chirged up with the amount when the warrants were drawn and the xxnr- rnnts can bo legally Issued any time the In junction IB removed The bill for hjilrant rentals during the first , six months of the present > car Is still on file , no action having been taken by the city on nccount of the position of the city attorney that the water company should not bo locog- nl7cd In any manner until Its rights Ind i been determined In the courts Whether the matter xxlll now bo taken up has not been decided The members of the council have not considered the subject , but It will probably - ably bo brought up bj the finance committee or comptioiler nt a future session The gen eral BCPtlment of the members seems to bo In fnvor of pajlng the bills ns fnr ns funds nro nvnllablc Slot MllOlllllO l.llM-llMl-M A number of the principal proprietors of the slot machines have combined to Induce the cltv to refund their license fees They repicsent the last fiftv-threc licenses Issued , the fees for which are still held b > Treasurer I-dxxiirds In the suspense account Thoj ) mo filed a claim with tne cltj dork through their attorney In which Uicj icpresent that thej do not propose to take nny nctlon to secure the fees which have been turned over to the Hoard of Education , but that they be- llovo themselves entitled to these whlo arc still In the possession of the citj These nro for tlic last licenses issued , nnd they as sert that in many coses they lud not had the licenses more than a couple of weeks when the ordinance was repealed Several councllmcn are In favor ot refunding this amount , If no claim Is made for the fees which have been turned over to the Hoard of education. I'rrmltM for IiiNlile Wiring. City electrician Schurlg has issued thlrty- sl\ permits for Inside wiring during Novem ber These contemplate the addition of 412 Ineandescont lamps and flve motors During the month ho Inspected the outsldo con- itrnctlom of the electric light companjIn the district south of Farnam street and east of Sixteenth and caused the removal of twelve poles and a quantity ot unnecessarj wire The line of the Postal Telegraph com- panj extending from the office to Thirtieth fatiect and Ames avenue has also been re moved. MnrUct ( In rilomTH ItciM'ipts. Comptroller Westberg hns checked up the accounts ot the market gardeners for the season and the roult shows that the profits have been ? 1OS1 59. The receipts for each month were June$154,03 , July , $170 23 , August , $24320 ; September , $25390 , October $1SO :0 , November , $70 30. HUH \iiti-x. The collections of the license ln pector' department In November amounted to $39B 23 Michael Bastlao IMS Jlled a claim against the city for $75 damages , alleged to have been sustained by stepping through a hole In the sidewalk on Williams btreot between Eleventh and Txxelfth. The regular meeting of the Advisory Hoar ! yesterday vxas limited to a five-mlnuto session. The only business was the reception of the November renort ot the building In specter nnd Iho approval ot the bill for fopj Ing eUy prtaonrrs during the wmo month A short nonslon of the city rouiull vvng called jcstrrdny to pans the regular up- oroprlatlon ordinance The ordinance con tained no provision for the salarlra of the emplojes In the flro and police d ( xirimrnls on account of the f.ict that the levy for tlieao DUIVOSPS hns been oxlnustod i MMIM.OI KI > To Tu : niio\i/in. Snlm-Hliliiir Moni't fur * * nl nllnti \rinj * N NIM < Si'lii'inr. NEW YOUK. Dec 1 There was a grU audlenro In Carnegie hall last night whrn Commander Hooth-Tttcker unfolded his plan to colonize the unotuplojed It la hh Inten tion to Inve his phn In ci mtlon within sK weeks The rolonj Is to b * settled. In west ern Colorado and terrltorj eiimmh to ir- eoinmoiMtP several thousand persons IMS brrn secured Commander Itoolh-Tiicker slid "IIIP plnn Is to transport the surplus popu lation from our cltlc to the vast ttacts of fcrtllo lands which hive been place 1 nt our dlspc.il , varjItiK from 1,000 to 4000 acres , and Including thirteen different states In the south and west Slmlhr tracts hn\o been offered In the r\tst , and It Is our plan to form a clrclo of colonies from eca t to coast In the fertile vallej of thp Arkansas In Cole rado' tens of thousands of acres await , with n clime and soil which can hirdlj be hlir- rn cil "It Is our purpose to divide ui these trirtn of Irrigated land Into lUo nnil ten aero blocks , to erect upin them a small collage , and lo maltp sueli propiratlons as ma > be necessary foi the welfare ot the colru'Hts "Not onlj Is thi < land thpto , but the cole nlsts are e.igerlj aw iltlng tluBlgnal to take posjpcslon of It with an alacrltj which has surprised us Thej lave i of ponded to our call from OVPIJ poitlrn of tlu > United Slitos Thej will bo selected by us with the utmost care , and ho locvtcd bj us under circum stances whcro there Is every pro pect tit their success "Thcro Is onlj one missing link necessary to provide the chain neccsbuy to carrj out the plan on n large scale vxhlch slnll be vxorthj of "ur nationxxo rouulri' a ccti- sldeiablo amount of capltnl This we do not propcso to ask for In tlu < slnpo of gifts but ns loins bearing Interest at 5 p < r cent nnd repajable In a period of ten jenfs Wo propose to ralso linnH'dHtolv a fund of $100 - 000 , wl'h which we flnll bo able to plaie 200 j families of 1,000 souls on 1,000 nerrs of good land We shall form a cooperative loin as sociation on the Herman model thus en- jnbllng tli ( colonlHts to have BOIIIO mono ) on hand for Uu < pirrhnse of itock " When the lilnnkti had been clieulateil among the nitdlineo It was nnnminced that Ell/abeth MvlncBton hid given $1 ( MO , a "secret subscrlher , " $5,000 , 0o\ernor 1-lovxer , $300 , and John I ) Mllhollnnd $1000 There were a lirgp number of mnallor sub- Bprlptlons and at the ploso iiftlu _ > meptlng It vxas stated that neirlj $30000 toward the movement had been raised IlrcoiniiHMiiI * ( NEW YOHK , Dee 1-Corpnation Conn- hel Scott has leiomniPiidcd to the Hoard of I'ollio C'ommlsvlonprs the relnst itpnu nt of John T Sti iilirnson na niptnln of poll , i Cnpt iln Strphenson vxns dlsmlssi d from tin force In 1811 upon his i-iimli lion of necipt Init a bis\et \ of poiehcs as n In Hie foi mm onfori-emi nt of tinoidltmnre ngalnst tin1 obstruction of slduvxalk-i b.x intic limits In the dovxntoxvn dlsttlet. Tinconvktloii xxas ic-eently revlexved und tevirsod l > x a hlglKr court The captain's relnsl itemi-nl xxlll cull ) with It the p.ijnunt of $10 ( M of link milniy , S ( < nil lloncj nnil Vrnis < i > ( oloiiililn. NEW YOHK , Dee 1 L npe shlpmLiils of arms and specie hive recently been sent from this poit to the Republic of Colombia. The Atlas line steamoi Alene , tin led on ItH list txxo tilps nlnclv-btvcn oases of specie , \nd a. quuntll ) of aims Tlip prosl dentlal diction In trto Htpnbllc of ( Jolomlila will take place on December r > In vhw of tlio rumorH of threatened tiotiblo on thH occasion , it Is ixp'itcd that the Colombl in government la making piepiritlons to cojio with a possible rebellion. Promliifiif Coloii'il Pollllcliin 111. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 1. A special to the 1'oit- Dlspitch from San Antonio , Tex , si > s N. ) cais tlio recognized leader of the lepub- llcan part ) In Texas Is at Hocnu , n lieiltli yoari the recosriilrcd le uler of the republi can pirtv In Tex-i is at HOLM no , u hi iltl resoit noith of luie , d uisreioiHy ill Ills condition Is pionoutKcd to IH > hopik'ss as ho lias been suffering ftoni chronicillsiiisi foi a ) ear. Ho xx colloc lei or the poit of C3 il- veston under Hnirl-on ind hi the TP\.T dekgatlon at ova ) irimblli an mtlon il con vention for tile lust twtlxi ) iars Slllt ( > < > ! ( iTflll Stdl'U Plisf IHIIH-lL CHIC-AGO , Dec 1 The bill for an In junction and to leoovPI possession of J10J- 000 worth of stock of the Amciic in Con il ( ompany claimed b ) the assignees f 1'ordlnnnd Schumacher , president of Uio Cereal compan ) from the American E\- chaiiKe Nation il bank , 01 HH president , Robert Stuart , and Cashier. ! Edward Ma is , which vxas llkd ) fsterdi ) , xvas called up by JlidgiGrossmp toda ) AH tlie li.mk'H at- torniy bad not had time to ifad the bill , ( Tie matter xxpiit oxer foi one day. Imll.Mii > [ ni ilrriTN Hi-li'iiHi il. niSMARC'K , N D , DC 1 Defi nder and HI ick Ilnvvlci , the ronnlnlng txxo of the mur- dprcis of the Splcir fnmlly , xv < le set free to il ly They xxeie t ikon to Standing Hock. They vx ere Ftrongl ) guarded by the Indians ; from th it aguic ) A MNM ) TWO or ITS SINiiili > . I'lill May In Punch. | Tls hard to KIVO IIi Iwnil vvnoio tit } > liearl cuti nuver be , SIII3 UM3U W II VI'TIIM' UIJ * > T. Mildred Another Klaus of wine , Captain Clatter ? " „ The Captain ( chaiTlly ) I'm afraid If I have another I shall becln to lallt. ' . Mildred ( quickly ) Oh , a cup or tea then , ut ontcl