THIS OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 0 , 1S)7. ! ) SPECIAL NOTICES . . ! v .Tlll fiiifiil lor lhc c column * TvllI IIP faltcn until l' J > . ' "r "ie crciilnir mill " "Hi S | i. ' " ' "r < ho inariiliinr unit Siinilnx cilKlotm. Advorllxnrii , by riMiucNltriK ft mini- til-red oliool. , cn linvo niiwiv T > t nil- Jrcimty' tt n immliereii letter lu curr of TJ" lino. Ar.mvem MO inl lrofine l will iironcnJntloti of J „ delivered on tin ? tiltcclc onlj' . Hale * , 1 1-So 11 wnril first Insertion ) NotliliiK l" " % " . 3o n word tlierenfter. for Iciin tlinn ISIJe for the first Inner- tlnn. Tliene nrtverllmJiiieiit tiitiNt run eiiiiMGGiitltcly < WAM'UIl SITUATIONS. KIHST-CKABB COOK WANTS faml.y * nnd " " ' .Ituatlon in $ try. No WRUhlnR , A < lltc ( _ M92jm. WANTS OCCASIONAL WO11K , uhmllege do I'snt ' york of W n l } ? A JM < " name plftc" . Addre ? II 40. YKN AUTIST ANrTnuAuairraMAN .Ituatljn ; Rood t flsure. . AddreM " COMPKTENT MAMS NUllHl WITH IJKST cee wnntB n tltuntlon In hospital . M. H. Wllcox , m mh. WA.VI'ISn 3IAI.I2 HEM' . CANVABBCnS TO TAKE OIlDKnS-.NIiW UNB of'wotlt : no heavy goods to " * * * ! ! ? ? coromUtlon. C. F Adams Co. . R Bo. IHl St BAllESMKN FOIt ClOAnS. $1 A MONTH AND xptn ci : old nrm : experience , .unn"r ; inducements to cuttometB. C. U IJ1"CC. , * " -104 CO. , 8U Louis. WANTED. irx - to work In NelirnrkH. Illchnrl i. ' ngentii . Il-l * seMEN Omaha. Uraon. Patterson building. MEN AND IIOYK WANTKO TO M3AIIN THt harber tradi" only clKht week' ; W"1'1' . , , " thine In tli- busmenihorouKhly I1'1. * * . ? ? " ntnnt practice nnd expel t teicliers : " " " location * furnlnhed : wrllc for free I'I ' 'L1I ' or , ciUMORUe. Moler'it llarbcr college. " "nj gf 81. I Uls , Mn. n-MiiM " * WANTKD. MKN KOH TIIIJ Kl/JNOIKn ; V.1 . ImVn a KlondlkA for. every ; mnn that wlcom with ui. nnd sell our full line of choice nu"cry stock , loBetlKT with my mnny fast * K ipeclAltles ; we cnn ntnrt you In Rood territory l"or particulars wrllc to Mount " " 'N ' series , Lawrence. Knn. II \ BAILSMAN TO 8151,1 , . CIOAIIS TO HI. XT. era ? snlnry ; JCO.W to pen month nnd ex rcnscs : experience unn ° ceK niy : pcrmaneTt p i tlon. The DC Mora CIKar Co. . 8 I.ADIB9 AND ORNTUMBN CAN TIND EM liloymcnt free on cost by wrltlnB J" ' WANTHD FI3MAI.E HUM' . 1 QinLS KOll ALI KINDS OP WORK ; J f > 7 week. Canadian Olllcc , 1522 Douglas. C 7Q3 WANTED , ami , FOR QENHnAl. HOUSK- worlc. Apply at 620 South 20th Avenue.C . C 51672 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK ; THREL ln family. 1001 S. 30th avenue. C MOSS 30 FOH IlEXT HOUSES. HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis Company , 1305 Fnrnam. D 700 HOUSES. BENEWA & CO. , IDS N. 15TH ST. D (07 HOUSES. WALLACE. BROWN BLOCK. K.TI nnd Douglas. D-709 CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVEI city. 15 to $73. Fidelity. l t floor N. YLIfe. HOUSES. COTTAGES & STORES. ALL PART of city. Brennnn & Love Co. , 219 S. 16th. LARGE LIST. M'CAGUE. 15TH AND DODGF - - . HOTRES. FLATS. GATIVIN BROS. . 1C13 FAR'H * * * I5 712 HOUSES FOR RENT. BEMIS PAXT HOUSES. J. 'H. SHERWOOD. 423 N. IPOR RENT , CHOICE 12-ROOM DETACHED modern house. Inquire 25i ? Capitol Avemi . MOVING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOF Om. Van & Storage Co. , 1311H Fnrnam. Tel 15 > 9 D 71G HOTELS. STORES. BEMIS. PAXTON T1LK. D TiHW HOUSE. GW PO. 2STH ST. , 10 ROOMS. MOD ern , J10.00 per month. Byron Reed Co. G-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE AT 415 NORTI 19lh Bt . JIR.OO a month. Apply to W. B. Mclklc. 1st Nafl Bank bldir ; 5- " t S. ALL 'ARTS. F. D. WHAT . . and Douglas. ; _ D 47. . D14 STEAM HEATED HOUSE. 2011 HARNEY. B.ROOM HOUSE. MODERN CONVENIENCES , S5V > Clilcago St. Inquire next door. Andrew Smith. D-M759 HOUSE. NO. 1MO SOUTH 2fTH ST. , ALL CON. venlences and bntn. C. IJ. Horton. W. II. Tel. Co. D MT74 Dl JIUICK FLAT , MODERN ; BEST PART OF Imvn : wnllilng distance. Williamson , CO I Bee Imlldlnc ; D-MS11 FOR RENT ELEGANT fl-ROOM COTTAGE , corner Slilh and Caldwell Stf. For Information cell nt National Clothing Co. . corner nth and Douglas 81s. D 822-29 FOR RENT KLEGANT 8-ROOM HOUSE WITH nil modern Improvements : No. 4M North 23rd fit. For Infornntlon rail at Nntlonal Clsthlre Co. , corner Hth and Douglas Bt . D-S23-29 obbn 6-nooM HOUSE AND BARN ; RENT rheup. 2CI2 Davenport. D 912 SO * FOR RENT LARGE NINE-ROOM HOUSE nenr Cnllfovnln nnd 22d Sts. . all conveniences ; with or without limn. Inquire CCC N . Y. Life building. D-929 ATTENTION HUNT PAYERS. YOU SELECT n home ; we'll Iniv It : you pay tlm lent : you'll own It. Call on L. O. Cross , 1724 DouvliiR. D MC90 30 * rou itENT puiiNiHiinn HOOMS. KOU ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN , GAS. POR. retain bath , hot water , steam heat ; location central ; $1 and SI per week. Call Flat 7 , Dav- Uge Mock , ISth nnd Fnrnam. E M993 I FURNISHED ROOM ? FOR HOUSEKEEPING for man and wife ; lenl token In iMiaut. 819 N , > 7t i E-M870 NICELY FUIINISUED ROOM FOR GENTLEman - man In private fnmlly. 19M Cnpllol nve. B Mii ( : Dl * FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS ; MODEPN. M01 Dmiglns , 13. L , Emery , E-7D1 SO TWO SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMP. 220J W b tcr street E M7SO D5 * TWO LAIIOC FRONT ROOMS. ALCOVE , HAY window ; train heut. 411 North 17t'i , E-M7 D-4 * H > ) IMS AM ) IIOAItl ) . BTEAM HEATED ROOMS WITH BOARD. 5009 lUrney , F 349 DU _ THE MERRIAM. FIRST CLASS FAMILY HO- te | 2th and Dodce eU. F M707 TAKE HHERMAN AVE. CAR TO N , W. COR. ner of Exposition grounds nnit put Ul | at the Bnratoen ; bent 12 a diiy house ; boarders. | } .50 to $5.00 ; flr t week , 12 ; on * meal freee ; iir muklng a reputation now ; after the exposition opcniv will make money ; all modern con venience * . Telephone 19JI. F MT33 D25 * ROOMH AND BOAHU , 910 SOUTH 2aTH ST , F 7S5-D I * _ MODICHN ROOMS ; FURNISHED COMPLETE for hnuufkceplnc ; parlor , Ulnlne room. Kitchen. -M North 18lh. r 767 30 * NICELY FURNIHHKD FRONT ROOM , MODern - ern conveniences ; prlxate family , 70Z H. wth St. V * _ MJIflJId UHWLY FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARO ; liot water heat. OI Ca at. F M508 Pi * KLKflANT SOUTJl ROOMS. KTKAM UK\T , Ural class tward ; refercncos. 203 No. 18th. V TKCAI'lTOL"-lII CAPITOL AVE. D clrablo uruth room * . Tranitent * nccommodated. POARD , tSW WElIKj ALSO FURNISHED roouif. iOli Douglas. P-MSM SO * - - IN I'llIVATB FAMILY. 1S19 DODGB. F M9I4 D3 BLEOANT FRONT ROOMR 8TBAM HEAT. finti-Ux board , 15CJ Cojiltal Ale. F-MJIS TO * UODICHATC TKHMS FOR ROOM AND IIOAUDT with private family. Addreis 1) 44. llee. V M9J Dl1 POH IIKNTSTOHKS AXIJ OFFICES , OR RENT-IN TUB IltCC IIUH.UINU ! ne Inigft corner teem , Id floor , with vault and private oince , wnttr , etc. ne Urge front mom , M flsor. divided Into two room * by partition , water , etc. no large comer room. 2d floor , wlth vault , water , etc ne frofit room , divided ty pnttltlon , t lrd floor. n corner roam with vault , third floor. ne large room , third floor , with partition divid ing It Into ono Urge room and tno smaller PHvate rooms , water , etc. . , . . _ . Two large ground floor rooms , franllng 17th St. , with vault. One large ground floor room on Farnam Bt. , large \ault. everal small rooms on fourth floor , with vnu'ts. All ih-sc teems are healed with steam , electric lights supplied , with first class Janitor service. Elevators run day nnd oil night : building strictly fireproof. Apply to Superintendent , Room 104 , Bee building , 1-198 VOn IlENT-DRSIC ItOOM IN CJHOUND FIXJOU office , Vff iMill.lInK ! water , steam heat , elcccrlo llRht nnd Jinltor tervlce. Apply to 8iii > erln- tend > .nt , Il e bulldlnic , 1 187 OR RKNT , H STORE BUILDING , CENTRAL location. Inquire 113 South 15th st. 1 M7ol 30 CORNER STORE ROOM 2JXS5 FT. . GOOD basement , with elevator , steam heat. CU N. 16th street. Apply at C19 N. 16th treet. CORNER STORM ROOM ttxSS FT. . 'aOOD ' basement , with elevator , steam heat. 611 N. 16th St. Apply at 019 N. 16th t. I M239 FOR RENT-THE 4-BTORY BRICK 11U1LDINO at 010 Farnam St. This building has n fireproof cement basement ; water on all floors , gas. etc. Apply ut Die office of The Bee. I-'W FOR RENT THE 4-RTORY RIUCK BUILDING nt 916 Farnam St. This building bun n fireproof cement basement : water on nil floors , gas , etc. Apply nt the onicc of The Bee. 1 510 AGENTS W'ANTISn. WANTED ? WE "WANT TO ESTABLISH AGEN- clc In every city In United States" for our celebrated custom pants , which nre made to order at J2.CO j\ pair ; liberal commission paid agents ; write for particulars. Tiger Custom I'nrils Manufacturers. 1C1 Gth Ave. , Chicago , III. J M791 D > WANTED. AGENTS. IX3CAL AND GENERAL : now article ; good geller : excellent profit : male or female ; salary when proven efficient. A. L. Gray A Co. , St. Louis , Mo. J M974 D5 * GENERAL AGENT AND CANVASSER-MAN OP woman ; big money. Call 8 to 10 n. m. 214 N. Y , 1,1 fc. J MC79-D-20 AGENTS , SEND 4 CENTS FOR SAMPLE OF clettrlc powder , ngency , etc. H. L. Melville , Council Bluffs. la. J M9D8 30 WANTED TO IlENT. WANTED. BY A LADY , BOARD AND ROOM , In a private family nt moderate terms : mu t be on or very near car line : describe room nnd Mnlo price. Address M. V. Ncvena. 2117 Hist Maple St. , Omnhi. K M8U 30 * WANTED. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping , fitcam heat and bath , near U. P. yards. Address , David Jenkins , ( T4 So. 13th st. ; state terms. K 924 30 * STORAGE. PACIFIC STORAGE AND V.'AnEHOUSE CO , 908-910 Jones ; general storage and forwarding. M-719 OM. VAN & STORAGE , 1511H FARN'M. TEL 15M M-720 FRANK EWERS. STORAGE , 1214 HARNEY. Hauling nnd packing , cheapest rates. Tel. 920 M 721 WANTED TO 1IUY. FIREPROOF SAFE WANTED , SECOND-HAND Address P. O. Box 493. N M8S4 30 * WANTED. GOOD SECOND-HAND BILLIARD nnd pnol tables ; one of each. Address An drew Heckmnn , Sidney , Neb. N M9f > 0 D3 * FOH SALE FiniNITUHE. SALE , NEW FURNITURE , C-ROOM COTtage - tage , all or separate , consisting of body brus- Beln cnrpetp , rug , leather couch , ono bed art , coat S75 , Bolld oak , tables , chairs , rockers , Inrge alr-tlght Estate Oak healer , heavy oak dining table , C-hole rnngi ? with reservoir , curta'ns ' , shades , cooking utensils , etc. ; second-hand men need not call ; cottage for rent. " 313 North 19th St. O M993 Dl * FOR SALE HOUSES AND WAGOXS. FIVE-YEAR-OLD HORSE. KIND AND GENtle - tle ; also buggy and harness. Will sell at a bargain. 4311 Grant St. , Clifton Hill. P 927 29 * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST , BULK OR SACKCD-CRHIBING and hog fence. C. R. Lee , 901 Douglas. Q 123 2ND-HAND BICYCLES. OMAHA BICYCLE CO. 732 FOR SALE. A 160 LIFE SCHOLARSHIP IN best shorthand school for S40. Address A C6 , Bee. Q M549 30 * LATEST STYLES LADIES' CAPES AND JACK- cts , easy payments ; drop postal , will call wllh sample. E. Hlrsh. 1689 Kyner Ave. Q 900 D27 BARNEY & BERRY. SKATES , 35C TO S3.W ; skates sharpened , 15c. Omaha Bicycle Co. Q-926 FOR SALE. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER In first class condition ; cheap for cash Ad dress II 43 , Bee. Q M 67 30 * FOR SALU. FINE OLD SQUARE PIANO ; S23 cash today. Address I ) 44 , Bee office. > Q-M981 30 CLAIRVOYAXTB. PROF. WHITNEY & PROF. PIERCE , the celebrated , . clairvoyants , palmists , etc. Prof. Pierce is nn understudy of Prof. Whit ney's and does full form materialization ana physical manifestation. He Is the wonder of the present century. His cabinet work Is n marvel and In his' line he has no equal. If you have nny desire to see pplrltual mani festations go once and you will go again. Also slate writing , typewriting nnd all the finer forms of materialization. Prof. Whitney reads your complete life from the cradle to the grave. He has no equal. Reunites separated husbands and wives. Thouiands crowd his ofllce. Go at once and consult there celebrate ! me diums , Prof. Whitney & Prof. Pierce. ollce ! 1522 Howard St. , corner of ICth St. Hours from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Ladles , DOc. Reading by mall , enclose two stamps. S MS02 D3 * MASSAGE , IIATIIS , ETC. MADAM SMITH , 1113 DOUGLAS , MASSAOI3 Kteam baths. T M721 Dl * MME. AMEd , MASSAGE AND BATHS. 203 N. 16th St. . upstairs. T M7CO 30' BATHS. MASSAGE. LAURA ELLISON. Crounso Bile. , 119 16th St. , room 12 , upstairs. T M907 D4 * MRS. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE BATH parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth , up- stnlr . T M917 DS PERSONAL. VIAVI OR .UTERINE TROUBLES. 3(6-8 ( BEG bide ; phkilulan. consultation or health book iree ' U-7J4 BATHS , MASSAGE. MUB. POBT. 319J4 B. 15TH. U-725 CLOTHES CLEANED. PRESSED AND RE- nalred : day or night ; dress suits for hire. I'nntorium , N. E. cor. Hth and Farnam. Tel. 9C3. U M847 THE JOY TAILOR SYSTEM SCHOOL OF drew cutting. 405 Karbaoh Block. U-M810-N30 LADIES IN POOR CIRCUMSTANCES CAN RE- celvu free attendance In confinement by ap plying to the Crelghton Medical college , 14th and Davenport Sts. Telephone 1167. U-S76-D-9 * GKKENRRRG , THE SPECIAL LADIES' Tailor , Is ready for business , nos Webster Bt , U 2S3 D8 * 1500 FOR A CA8.E OF SUPERFLUOUS HAIR that I cannot , cure. Madam True , Paxton blk , U M75S D3 * OTIS FRANKLIN CRANEl YOUR MOTHER IS dfnd , the courts \rlir soon declare you dead ulso ; do you with vanity , avarice and deceit to part u , F , 13. Crane. 1 M650 30 * PRIVATE HOMB FOR LADIES IIEFORB AND during confinement , llablea adopted nnd cared for. KM Cumlng. U-923-D-5 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O. lDivl Co. , IStii Farnam St. W 727 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 315 N. Y. L. ; qulclt money at low rutei for choice farm InmU In Iowa , northern Missouri , easurn Nebraska , W-72S LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. ' .V. Farnam Binltli & Co. . 1S20 Farn'm W-7M MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA propel ty , I'uiey & Thomas , 207 lit. Nat. Ilk. bldtf W-7 WH HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH our eastern correspondent * by which we ran loan money on farms In eastern Nebraska. Urennu-lAve Co. , 2 ! 8. 16th. W MJ73 1)9 KROM 1100 UPWARD. F. D. WKAD. 16TH and Dou Ias. W 475 DM UONET TO LOAN , UKMIS. PAXTON IU.OCK. W-7TJ I-'OIl SV1.U niI. . KSTATH. ( Continued ) MONKY TO I/IAN ON IMPHOVHO OMAHA real tutute. llr nnan-I v * Co. , 219 wlsUj [ $ Tw.OOft.OO St'KriAl. FUND TO 1/JAN ON nrit-clnu Improved OitiAhn properly , or for building purposes. Fidelity Trust ' f ? En CHNT MotvroAciEg ron SAI.K. rty of non-r Mdent cared for hy w. U. Melkle , Klrnt National bldg. , Omnhft. PlTlT CENT MON11Y. II.M1 AND t'PWAnO3 , on Rlll-edKPd Improved Omnha real estate. IlemU. Paxton block. \\-MJ JIOXRY TO I.OA.V-.CHATTRI.S. MONK YTO LOAN ON PUnNITOIlK , PIANOS. horiM , wncons , etc. . * t lowest rates In cltyi no removal of goodi ; slrlctly conndentlnl ; you cnn pay the loan off nt nny time or In any amount. OMAHA MOnTQAQK IXIAN CO. . 3A8 S. < .eth St. X-735 CHAXCKS. TO HET IN Oil OUT OF UURINUSd GO TO J. J. QlLson , CU First Nat'I llank , Y-7S7 PAUTNim WAN-TOD ; A I'nOSl'KROIIS SH- ntllo manufncturlnB plant deiltcn n partner with 13.000.00 to enlnrRC. Addresi P. O. Irtx 1010 Sonttle. Wnnhlngton. Y-MTK tO KIIAL sronn IN ma HORN IIABIN , w\- omlnif , very profitable trade , with 320-acrn. rancli. IrrlRated , under fence. In cultlvatlnn , peed houses , barns , grnnrrrlfs. etc. Owner lie- lleves the ln\p tmcnt will return price aslyd In two or three years. Hare opporlunlly for the rlRht party to mnlce hljr money. Clear Omaha rental property Inken an part of piir- rhnse. O. O. Wallace , 31S J. Ji Brown blk , Om.ihn. * " FOH SALC , IlKHTAimANT. GOOD 1XJCAT1ON. dolnn Rood business : terms reasonable. Ad. drens 11 S : . Uee. Y-M5W _ WANTED. PHYSICIAN AS PAUTNHH TO ttn\el on the road with an M. D. nnd irood lecturer. Address Box , Hock HAnnnu SHOP. COMPUSTB. r > : AI.PO KI.E- Kant pet bar fixtures. Lyrnan Wntcrmnn , Ufa blJK. . 'phone 1015. Y MOSS 30 * KOU EXCHANGE ) . WILL EXCHANQE VERY IJBSIHAUI.n clear vacant Omaha lots for Chicago property. Address with full particulars. Box S02. Omaha. 110 ACHES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FRUIT lands , CO notes In bearing fruit , clear of In- cumbrance. ta trnilc for Omaha city property. I. N. Hnmmond. 20th nnd Lake Sts. Z 821 20 * FOR EXCHANGE. SO ACHES , CLEAR , FOR equity In house nnd lot ; ICO , clear , "bus or hack ; 201. Iowa farm , for city property nnd canh ; SO In lown for equity : house , 4 tots , ret to fruit , for vacant lots and cash. Lyman Waterman , N. .Y. Life bldg. Z M98I 30 * FOR EXCHANGE. FINE SQUARE 1'IANO for high Krnclo " 07 model bicycle. Address H 43 , Bee. Z-M9S2 30 I'OIl SALE ItUAIj ESTATE. KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAINS , 2iOO. 3.750 TO $0,600. J. J. Gibson , 614 Flrrt Nat. Bmk : bldg. ItE-733 FAHM I ANDS. C. F. IIAURISON , f/12 / N. Y. L RE M163 PIC * BARGAINS , HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS ; sain or trade. F. K. Dnrllnc , 1'arker IJIk. RE 741 * S LAND ; ' 07 CROP P'D , THE PRICE. W'M- son. Bee Bldg. RE-MJ FOR SALE , BARGAIN ; TWO-STORV HOUSE nnd 75 ft ground : 23d nnd N , South Omnhn . Isaao Levy. RE 7C3 TO * HOUSES , LOTS. FARMS. LANDS , LOANS : nlso fire Insurance. Uemls , Pnxton block. HE M739 FOR SALE , TURNER RANCH , 032 ACRES near Oolumbux , Neb. . J25 per ncre : J5.000 down , remainder on mortgage 7 per cent. Address Owner , 263 Woodland nve. . New Iloohplle. N. Y. RE MS07 30 HORSES IVIXTERED. HORSES WINTERED. nEST OF CARE : RATES J3.00 per month. W. K. Owens , 3607 Center St. MSS2Dec3 * WANTED. HORSES TO WINTER ; BEST OF cara ; rates reasonable. Address P. O. Box 45 , Crescent , Iowa. S27 D-2 * GOOD STABLES. TIEST OF CAIin. J4 AND JO month. A ; W. Phelps * Son. 207" New York Life. Tel. 1034 M242 WINTER QUARTERS KOU HORSKS : ONE OF the best , nnd renponablfl rates ; horses railed for and dellvetsd : good references. Scott Rob inson , Papllllon , Neb. At fair ground ? . M231 30 BEST CITY REFERENCES. BEST CARE , SI month. O. Rushart , 51st and Poppleton avc. 4EO-d 14 * siionniANn Axa TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. S13 N. Y. LIFE. AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGErieTH & DOUGLAS. II. B. BOYLES. COURT REPORTER. PRIVATE lessons ; day and uvenlnR. 407 Bee Dldf.MS84 MS84 COAL. BURLINGTON NUT , BEST CHEAPEST. PRICE J3.7B per ton. 'Phone 848. Harmon & Weeth Co. 4CQ LOST. LOST , ST. tIERNARD DOU , OUANUW CULUK , white collar : answers to name of Grover. Tog No. 1115. Suitable reward. E. C. Prlre. 834 So. 29lh st. iMSl MD20 CO LOST-AN OPAL STICK TIN SET WITH TWO diamonds. Please return to 1C17 Wlrt St. and receive reward. Lost 928 29 * LOST. A ST. BERNARD DOG ; COLOR. LIGHT yellow : tip of earn black ; liberal reward , llrltt , 703 S. 18th. Lost-M'J84 Ul * FOUND. FOUND. A ST. BERNARD DOG : MAY BE had by proving same nnd paying suitable reward. Address B 42 , Bee onice. Found M9S9 30 * WANTED TO UORROW. PARTY WILL PAY NINE PER CENT ( SEMI- nnnual coupons ) for SCOO to SSOO , on Inside rental property. Security ample. Answer foon. B 41 Be- . 930 DRESSMAKI.\G. ENGAGEMENTS TO DO DRESSMAKING IN families solicited , Miss Sturdy , 2504 Davenport 'S' . M1-D-2S CHIMNEY SWEEP. R. UTLEY , 4 YEARS A RESIDENCE OF Omaha ; llrit class work guaranteed ; leave or ders at Milton Rogers & Sen's : telephone 124 ; beware of unscrupulous parties In Die business heading thU way on account of the exposition. M-SS3 P5 * TYPEWRITERS. RENTED. N.CO PER MONTH ; RIlJIinNS. 73C t-ach : price of cabin > t reduced. Smith Pre mler Typewriter Co. , No. 1C25 Farnam St. St.M5CO M5CO MUSIC , ART AND LA.VGUAOI3. ELMORE RICE. VIOLINIST , FORMERLY SO- lolst Rice Concert Co. , will receive pupils ; highest references. Call Arcade hotel , room 6 ; 4 to 8 p. m. 735 9 STIiVOfill.VI'lIlJHH. FOR COMPETENT STENOGRAPHERS CALL on The Smith Premier Typewriter Company , No. 1623 Farnam St. M507 I3LOOUTJO.\ , MRS. RALPH E. 8UNDERLAND. IK ] S. 9T St. . will take a few mor oupll . 324 1111 SHWING MACHI.VKS AM ) SUPPLIES. NBW HOMB. HOUSEHOLD .t WHITE SEW. ing machine * & upplle > . IHI Oipnve. . Tel , 1S7I. 830 FURNITimiS PACKKD. M. S. WALKHN , HU CUMING. TEL. 13J1. 741 pAW.\mtoiuns. H. MAROWITZ LOANS HONEY. 418 N. K ST. 747 MEDICAL. LA.DIK.3t CHICHESTER'H ENGLIHII PENNY , royal pllla ( Diamond l > rund ) are the lx * < t ; nafe , reliable , take no olher ; wild do Mumps for Iiartlcular * . "Relief for I dle . " In letter by return mall , at druttKldx. Chlcheiter Chcm'.cal Co. , I'hlladelphla , Pa. Mention Uee. I'ATUNTS , h'u" * Co. , Attorneys. Omnha. N b. Uranch office at W h'n ton. D. C. Send for free Advice and Patent Book Send for our Muchlne Movements , copyrighted , IS97. Telephone 1C23. DRI'AttTMBNT OF STATI3 , WASHINGton - ton , D. C. . November 27 , 1S9 ? . Information hfti 1 > eon received nt this Department from Mr , Wm , P , Drnp r , the nmb.tssndor of the United Stntca at Home , Jtnly , of the dcoth on the 3d of August , 1S97 , at Florence , Italy , of Horace H. ronnell. nn infnnt , pnrentB formerly of Omnha , Nebraska. The leRal representatives of the deceaaed can obtain further Information ) > y upplylnp to this Department , 1'er ilennntoh No. , Kmlmsay of the U. S. , Home. . D-itcd October 9. 1S9. . > OTicn. ( Should ho read DAJL-Y by all Interested , ns chnniros may occur nt anv tlmol Foreign mnlls fo'r the week endlnff De cember 4th. 1S07 , Will oloso ( PUOMPTIA' In nil cases ) at tne Oenlln. I'ostoincL rts 101- lows : PAnCEI.3rjtO3T MAILS close ONE HOUn EAHLIHRjVhrin closliie time shown below. j- . , TnuiK AIlrtiitlc MallM. WEDNESDAY Aj.7.i. ! ; m. ( supplementary 3 a. m. ) for 13UROW5 , per B , a. P.irls * . via Southampton ; nt. jou. m. ( suppltmcntary 10SO : a. m , ) for IDUHOPla , per s. B. Adri atic * , via Qtucntil&wtt ; at 10 a. m. for UELi- OIUM direct , wr a , s. Wcsturnland , via AMAvorp ( letter * . * nivst bo directed "per SATURDAY At ! t' A * m. for TOANCK. SWITZERLAND , ITALY. SPAIN , POHT- UOAL , TURKEY , 15OYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per s. s. La Touralne * . via Havre ( letters for other parts of Europe must bo directed "per La Totir.xlno" ) ; at 8 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. Vccn- dam , via Rotterdam ( letters must bo di rected "per VoendanO : at S < x , m. for GENOA , per s. 9. Kulda ( letters must be directed "per Fulda" ) : at 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct , per . a Hekla ( letters must bo directed "per HcUla" ) : at It a. in , ( supplomcntary 12SO : 11 , m. ) for EUROPE , l > er t > . s. Etrurla * . via Qtiecnstown ; nt 1 p. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per B. s. Fur- ncssla , via Olastrow ( letters must bo di rected "per Furncssla ) . PRINTED MATTER , ETC. German steamers salllns on Tuesdays take Printed Matter , etc. , for Germany , and Specially Addressed Printed Matter , etc. , for other parts of Europe. Amerl- cnn and White Star steamers on Wednesdays , German ftcamers on Thursdays and Cunnvd , French and German steamer" on Saturdays talio Printed Matter , etc. . for all countries for which they ure advertised to carry mall. After the closing of the Supplementary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Malls named nbos-e. addltlanal sup- plemcnlnry malts nre ppened on the piers of the American. English , French and German steamers , and remain open until within Ten Minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mull * fur South mill CetttrnI America , Wrst Iriillt-N , Ktc. WEDNESDAY At 2:30 : a. m. for POUT AN TONIO , per steamer from Philadelphia : nt 12 m. for GRENADA , THINIDAD and TOBAGO , per s. s. Irrawaddy ; a.t 1 p. m. for CUBA , per s. s. Yumurl. via Havana ; at 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1:30 : p. m. ) for NASSAU. N. P. , pur B. s. Antllla Otters must be directed "per Antllla" ) . THURSDAY At 8 n. m. for BERMUDA , per a. s. Trinidad ; at 1 p. m. ( supplementary 1.30 p. m. ) for NASSAU , N. P. , and SAN TIAGO DE CUBA , per s. 3. Santiago. SATURDAY At S n. m. for BRAZIL nnd LA PLATA COUNTRIES , iper s. 9. Burton , via Pernambuco. Uahla and Rio Janeiro ( letter * for North Brazil must be directed "per Buffon" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAVANILLA and GREY- TOWN , per s. a. Alone ( loiters for Costa Rica must be directed "per Alene" ) ; at 10 n. in. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for HAITI , via Cape Haiti , Port Au Prince , Aux-Cayes and Jacmcl , also SANTA MARTHA , per s > . s. Kitty ; at 10:30 : n. m. for CAMPECHE , CHIAPAS. TABASCO and YUCATAN , per s. 8. Seguranca ( let- lira for other narts of Mexico nnd for Cuba must bo directed ' pcr Seguranca" ) ; at 10:30 : u. m. for HAITI , per s. S. Prlna Wlllcm II ( letters for Venezuela , Curacao , Trinidad , British and Dutch Guiana must bo directed "per Prlns Wlllem II" ) : at 11 a. m. ( supplementary 11:20 : a. m. ) for VEN EZUELA nnd CURACAO , also SAVAN ILLA and CARTHAGENA. via Curacao , per E > . s. Carac.iH ; at 1 p. m. ( supplemen tary 1:30 : n. m. ) for ST. DOMINGO and TURKS ISLAND , per s. s. New York ; at 8:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney. SUNDAY At 8 a. , m. tor BARBADOS di rect and NORTH BRAZIL , via Para , and ' Manaos , per s. _ s. Camo-ense. M.ills for Newfoundland ! by rail to Halifax , nnd thence by Bteamcr , 'close at this onice dally at 8:30 : p , m. Mnlli/-for ' Mlquelon. by rail to Boston nnd thente by Etcnmer close at this ofllco dally at 8:3a p , , 'ir. . Malls for Cuba close at this oillco dnily at'17:00 : a. m. for forwarding by steamers sailing ( Mondays and Thursdays ) from Port Tamtm'Fla. ' Malta for Mexico ice City , overland' , upleES specially nddresjed for dispatch by 'Htenmer. close at thlc office dally at 2:30 : n. rtif and 2:50 : p. m. "Registered mall closes at GCO : n.i m. pre\ir us day. u i < TrniiN-Piiulflc MallH. Malta for China , anil , Jnpin ( specially ad dressed only ) , p r & a. Empress of China ( from VancouverJcloso , ) ( here dally up to November "Z1. < h at 6:30 : p. m. Malls for China and Japano per s. s. Gaelic ( from San Franclscogicloe ) : ( here dally up to De cember 1st at 6(30 ( p. m. Malls for Aus tralia ( except those- for West Australia ) , which are forwarded via Europe. New Zealand , Hawaii , " FIJI and Samoan Islands , per s. . Marlposa ( from San Francisco ) , -close here dally up to Decem ber 3d at 7CO : n. m. , 11 u. m. and 0:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival at New York of s. s. Campaniawith British malls for Aus tralia ) , iMnlls for Auftralla ( except West Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and Fiji Islands , per s. s. Aorangl ( from Vancou ver ) , close hero dally after December * * 3d and up Co December Cth at 0:30 : p. m. Malls for China , and Japan , per s. a. Tacomi ( from Tacomn ) , close hero dally up to De cember ! 2th at 0:30 : p. m. Malls for Hawaii , per s. s. Australia ( from San Fran cisco ) , close here dally up to December 22d at 0:30 : p. m. ( Malls for the Society Islands , per ship Tropic Bird ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to Decem ber 2oth at G:30 : p. m. Trans-Paclllc malls nre forwarded to port of calling dally and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of ihelr uninter rupted overland transit , "Registered mall closes nt fi P. m. previous day. Postolllce , New York , N. Y. , November 26 , CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. RAILROADS. BURLINGTON & MISSOURI Klver Rnllrond-"Tho Burling. ton Route" General Offices , N. W. Corner Truth nnd Farnum Streets. Ticket Oltlce. 1503 Farn.un Street , Telephone 2'i't. ' Uciiut. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 128. Leave. Arrive Lincoln. Denver & west * 8:35 : am 9:35 : airi Lincoln. Denver , Coiu- rado Utah , California. Ulack IillL\ Montana anu Pugi't Bound. . , , . . - - Lincoln Loc-il - ' 7:03 | pm H 7 K pn , Lincoln Fast 2S3 : pm " 11:50 : nm Dally. " Stin'd.-u' "Dally except . - , tANSAS CITV. ST. JOSEPH & Council muffs Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Otllce. 160Z Fa run m Street. Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth and Union Streets. Tele , phone , m. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. , . 9:03 : um CIO : pm Kaniav City Nljht IJx , . * 10:00 : pm 0:90 : nm CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & Pacino Railroad "The Great Hock Island Route" Clly Ticket Oince. 13Z3 Farnam Street. Telephone , 428. Depot , Tenlf > * nd Maion Streets. Telephone , 118. Leave. Arrive. 1:13 : pm weif".r. .T. ; * lH : Pm : ZS pm CilcJKO , les MolrftH find , Rod : Island , . . - , * > ' < * > Pm 8:15 : am Atlantic Uxpre . wV'Pe ' Molnes and eastermpolnls " 7:20 am 5:35 : pm Ixncoln. Falrbury ' and Ilellevllle . . . ' , - . . S:43 : pra * 10i < 0 am Dally Dally Wetf Bunrtay. . . . _ . . , PACIFIC RAILROAD Gtheral Offices and Ticket Of. tlce. ' Merchants National llank Building. ItH Karnam Street , leleplidne , 1M. Depot. Fifteenth and'Wctitter ' filrettt. Telephone , ' ' HJS. I eave , Arrive. UK pm gt , UiuU . . . . . C:00 : am Nebraska Local . . " < : Pin ; am Dally. D lly Sunday itvii.iiovns. ( Continued , . MII.WAl'KKr. ft BT , Pflu ! Railway-City Ticket omrc. 1W4 I" ini > m Street. Telephone. 4. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone , Leave. Arrive. * 8:05 : am Cllcago LlSlted BV 1W pm U ala and Chicago Dally. ONION rACIFIO-'Tlin OVER. innd Routo"-acnern1 offices N. ' 13 Corner Ninth nnd I'nrnam Street City Ticket Office. 130J n raninm Street. Telephone , its. 3V Depot. Tenth and Mu .on Streets. \ / Telephone. 1 . Arrive. Lcnvt. . "The Overland for Denver , Salt 8:20 : utn < : 1 . " ' " ' western polnU. > 1 Fast Mall tr ln for Denver. Salt nV n Pnclfto coast and all western polnti . 1 1:30 : pm Lincoln , IJentrlcc nnd fitroinibun : Hxpress. . . . 1 5:00 : pm I2t0 pm Kearney Uxpres 6:00 : pm " 11:10 : pm - Dalfy. "Dally except Sunday. Council muffs I cal-I nyen , r.:40 a. . . . . ; i 6:5) : ) a. m..7:30 : n. m.i : J3 n. m. : 10:43 : n. m.J:15 : : p. m. ! 430 ! n. m. ! 6:65 : p. m. ArrUcs. C0 : n. m. ; " :20 : n. tn" : Iin. m. : : S5 n .m.i 11SO : n. in. J S10 ! p. m. : 6:40 : p. m. : > :03 : p. m.i iO : < 5 n. n : , M1A8II RAILROAD-TICKET OfFlCE. 1411 Farnnm Stmt. Telephone. MJ. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone. 123. Leave. Arrive. S . Louis "Cannon Hall" Express 4:30 : pm 11:30 : am Pally CHICAGO. ST. PAUL MINNti. npoll * & Omahn Railway General onice * , Nebraska Dl- xlslon , Firteenth nnd Webster Streets. city Ticket onice. 1401 Fnrnam Street. Telephone (61. Depot . Fifteenth nnd Webster Street * . Telephone. 1135. Leave. A rrlve. Sioux Clly Accommoda. 8:60 : nm " 8:20 : pn Sioux City Accommoda. " SBO : am : ! 0 pm Ulnlr. Emerson , Sioux City , Poncn , llartlns- ton and UlDomflcld. . . . tM : pm * * ll:55nm : Sioux City , ManKnto , 81 , Paul , Minneapolis . . . . * " C:1S : rm S:10 : nm I2merson Passenger . . . . 6:10 : pm S.45 am Dal'v. Dally except Sunday. " Sunday only. " * This train slops nt stations Florence to So. 13lalr. Inclusive. Sundais only : on week days So. Hlalr nnlV. , HLKHORN t Missouri Valliy Hallway Otn cral Oillco. Unltrd Slnles Na tlonnl HariK Hulldlns ; . aoutn nam Streets Ticket Olllcc west Corner Twelfth and Far 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , DGI. Depnt Fiffitnth nnd Wcbater Streets. Telephone , 14.-.S Leave. Arrl > e lliack Hills , Dend oed nnd Hot Slums * J:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper and DouElas " * * 3:00pm : " 6:00 pn HastlnKS. York , David City , Supeilcr , Uen TO , Kxeter and Sewaro. . . S:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Ncrfo'.k , We t Point nnd 7:50 : nm * * 10:25 : at ' ' " " Lincoln , 'Woiio'o""nnd * 7:50 : am " 10:25 : im ' ' " " ' ' ' ' Fremont Loeai. . . . . . . . . " 7:60 : nm Daily. * Dally except Sunday. " * Sunda only. " Dally except Saturday. * " "Dall except Monday. CH1CAOO & NORTHWnST crn Railway City Tlcke Offlce. 1401 Farnam Street Telephone. E61. Depot , Tent nml Mason Stieels. Telephone . Leave. Arrive Missouri Valley , Shux City , St. Paul nnd Minneapolis 5:40 : nm * 10:43 : pm Missouri Vnlley , Sioux City 7:30 : am 9(5 : ( pn Dcnnlson. Carroll , Wall Lake 7:30 : am- 9t3 pn Hastern express , DCS Molnes , Marshalltown , Cedar Rapids , ChlcaKO * * 10:45 : am 4:10 pi Atlantic Flyc-r , CnlcaKo and Knal 4:43 : pm 4:10 : pm Vast Mail. ChlcaEO to Omahn * S10 Pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City. St. Paul. Minne apolis Llmlied 5:53 : pm 0:23 am Omnha-Chicaco Special. CCO : pm 8:10 : am Dally "Dully except Sundav. . " ! JX CITY If PACIFIC RAIL , road General Olllces , United States National Dank Build ing , S. Vf. Coiner Twelfth and Farnum Streets. Ticket , , , Oilice. 1401 Farnam Street , clephone , 501. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streits. Telephone , 1438. Leave. ArrUe. Sioux City , llnnknto , St Paul. Minneapolis 6:15 : pm 9:10 : am Dally. IlKSTOHIXG I.VnnPEXUnXCE H.lLL. of .Aiiicrlc'ini Illu-ry to II -Put In It OrlKlnul Coiiilllliin. The rentoratlon of Independencp hull I Philadelphia as It wns on that first Fourt of July Unit heralded the blrlh of the nntlo Is an affair of national Importance. Tli contract for Its restoration 1ms been lat am this historic building- will shortly look as 1 Old over 100 years ugo. The PennsylvanI society of the Colonial Dames of Amurlc led the way by a complete restoration of th old United States schate chamber In th Hccond story of the county court house Though a building of Inter date than In dependence hall. Its erection was part of th original plan of Andrew Hamilton. Th .architect of the restornllon Is T. Mello Holers of Philadelphia , a speclallsl 1 colonial architecture. The group of buildings commonly know ns Independence hall originally consisted o the stale house nnd two wing buildings , ad joining on the east and west , connects with the main bulldlnp by inlcrvenlng ar cadcH. When the city and Us oullylng dls Irlcls were conso'.Idalcd in 1854 the arcade and wings were transformed Into contlnu ous block buildings for oltlco purposes an Ihc second Htory of Independence hall wa remodeled Into chambers for both bodle of the clly councils. The rostornUon of Ihl second floor has already been complelcc lolntly by the city and by the Phllndelphl chapter of the Daughters of the America Revolution. The total cost was $3,013. O this sum the Daughters of the America Revolution paid T3.IOO. When Archltcc Rogers undertook thl work ho was con fronted with the problem that bnllled man Interested In the project. No print or sketc of Ihe Interior of Independence hall I known to exist and to transform Ihe must old councflimuilc chambers , with all the ! hideous decorations and archltectnra change ? , ln'.othe banqueting hall and ofllce of' colonial times seemed dllilcult indeed Scraps of Informallon were obtained fret the late Colonel William U , Mann nm other old citizens. It wns also ascertnlne < that one old writer recorded the fuvornbl Impression made upon Chief Justice Chox of the supreme court of the province by th great architectural beauty of the gram colonial nrcli which llien graced Iho banqueting quoting room of Independence hall and lee from It Into the vestibule separating th two adjoining olllces. So Hlrlklng was till feature that Chief Justice Chew dcclnrci his Intenllon of leproiluclng It In "Cllve den , " Tils home , then building In Ormnn town. Pa. , the very slto of the battle o Gennantown. A visit to the old colonla home , still preserved Intact , revealed th whole character of this feature of the ntato house. ( Then , near hl homo at Devon , Mr Rogers luckily discovered an aged workman who had , when a boy of 19 , labored upon alterations In Independence hall. Thla ven erable man made u tour of the rooms am pointed out places In the walls where ho firmly asserted llreplnces had mood. The walls were carefully opened at those points nnd the original llreplucos were found wullec up , but Intact , masonry and brickwork preserved served , and even the ntjl ? of Um old mantciy Imbedded In the imifonry. The smoked backs still retained soot received when Ihoy were last used. Another most Interesting discovery was madeIn the second story of Independence hall. It WHS found that the. lloorlng of the councllmuntc chambers covered the old lloor of colonial times and the revolution , the older lloor having been preserved Intact The rouncllmnnlo lloor Itself wan much worn and has been removed , a complete modori lloorlng being laid In Itu place , over ant separata from the colonial lloor , a section of the latter being shown under glass In the banqueting hall , where- gathered all dls tlngulshed meetings of u social character In celebration of great colonial events , li honor of the klnr/s birthday and to welcome such' distinguished visitors as received pub llo attention and respect , The greatest public Interest centers In the chamber of the declaration , or east room on the first lloor of Independence hall The wainscoting of this room remains sub stantlally an It was In 1770. Two doors tha once opened through the east wall , which Imvo been closed nnd boarded over fo yours , will now be reopened. The old flro places , originally on either Bldo of the prral dent's dais , will be reopened and restored as It U reasonably certain they still exist though bricked In and walled over. The tile flooring of today will be removed uni replaced with broad boards of the colnnla and revolutionary period. The uuprem court chamber , opposite the hall of In declaration , will assume Its old appearance and the modern door opening out Into the main hall of the building will bo replucci by an open colonnade. In accordance. will the original construction. The east and west wing bullillnpH were , a already stated , connected with Independenc hull" by Intervening arcades. Alteration made In thin century left Hulllclent Indlca tlons of the original construction to enabl the architect to re-cast these wins * Into their original form. Their roofd will b lowered and flroplaceu Introduced , with wooden mantels and tiled llooro. Win down like those In the state house will b Inserted. Celling * of the wines will b milnted gray nnd their walla a .colonla buff , like the lovely buff of the restore second floor of the state house. The contract for restoration comprehend a transformation of the old city nnd count buildings adjoining on Ihe etui und we * I to their original rendition , when occupied by different branches of the United States .government prlc * to the itmovnl of the I cnpltol In ISoO to Washington City. The county hulldlnc wns then known an con * Kress hall. The senate chamber has al ready been admirably restored under tlu < charco of Architect Mason of Philadelphia. In the progress of his work Mr. Mnson discovered the orlfilnnl platform upon which Washington took the onth of olllcn for his second term. The nnll of representatives will llkewlio resume Its original condition In this building , Ktew chniiKfs will bo re- quirtd In the old city hall , the second story of which was once occupied by the United States supreme court. Besides minor appropriations for special work the city of Philadelphia appropriated V.COO to cover the Renornl restoration. That which remains lo be done Is covered by the Reeves contract of W3.000 , U Is hoped that the work will be compiled In a year or eighteen months. Tire Sailor * Killed nn the PHinADBLPlIIA , Nov. 29. The Ilrltlih mrk Jutcopolls , which arrived last night rom Grecnock , Scotland , had n long and cmpestous voyage nnd two of IN sailors vcro killed. The Jttteopolls left Greenock optember 23 ! n Killnst to load n cargo of ictrolcum nt Philadelphia for Japan. The flrilt day out It ran Into n storm and nn exceptionally hca y < n On Iho third day all hands wrp engaged In shortening snlf , when James liruco , n young naval ap prentice , and farl lirunnrr , it German BPH- mnn , were knocked from the tnltzcntop sail- yard by n sudden blnst of wind forcing the heavy sail against them , llolh fell headforemost lo the deck nnd were In- alnntly killed. They wcn > burled at sea the next day. Hruce's father Is the owner of n steamship linn at Dundee. The young mnn had shipped ns n seaman to gain practical experience. The Jutcopolls battled with the elements nil the way to Capo Ilcnlopcn. PlTTSRtma , Pn , . Nov. 29.-Dolegntes representing the first nnd second class post- olllce clerks of the country met In conven tion here yesterday nnd formed a permanent organization , with the object In view of bettering the condition of this branch of postal employes. A bill wns framed look ing to this end , which will be mibmlttcd to congress nt the coming session. The follow ing olllcers were elecled : President , Joseph P. Hcily of New York ! vice president , W. T. Shaw of Itnltlmore : treasurer. S. K , Connolly nelly of Plttsburg ; secretary , W , H. Hart of Philadelphia. TIII3 SUUTLU IIIOIIWAYM AXN'I > HIS I3ASY VICTIM , * From KHeecnde lllnctter. „ < KINGEIl 'VAIL ' MAIIICS .SHOWED HER REACH. From Hrape. Old MoneybufH ( who has been Imvlnff a ( light altercation with bin younrfl wife , to eminent musician , who ha dropped In unexpectedly ) I trust you will ) excuse Eminent Musician ( rapturously viewing the matks on hU friend's face ) PeautUull Peautlfull Who vould haf. thousht so Jcetle a hand could traUihed an octave T