TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , NOVEMBER iif ) , 1897. SPECIAL NOTICES . ' „ ! > rrtls. mml * for llicur coluinnn nlll I c UUfii iiiilll 1M ai. ' " < | 1C ntiil tinlll 8 | t. " . * or * " ° ( mil Hiinilur pilHlonM. Ailcrtlncri , l - riMiamUuu n mini- lnTcil clii-eli , run liu - iin " "r ' < ' ' r ' m f lit n imiiil.i-rcd Iclti-r In cure of TJ \ Hop. AnnwiTit ' nilrtrciineil ' lll JciltlUcrcil on iircucnlnlltm of Iliv oliook enl > . Idili-H , 1 l-Uf n enl nritt Itiorrtlonj lc n uoril Ilicri-nftcr. Notlilnu tnUcn for U-MII Ilimi ant. for tlin fli-nl Inner- tlon. TlicHf nilvprlUciiiciitM niuitt l t run WlNTHIl SITUVTIOAS. JAPANKSE "nilSTlcLT\83 COOK WANTS ulluatlon In famll > Panry entrees nnd pas try. No wnthliie. Address II. 39. \vvvrnnMALi : IIILI . CANVASSERS TO TAKE ORDERS.NEW LINK of worl : . no hea\y Rooda to carry , salary or commission. C. F Adams Co. , f.24 So. 16thi St II 103 BALESMXN POR CIGARS. $125 A MONTH AND expenses : old rum ; experience unnecejs-iry. Inducements to cuetotncin. C. C. HlBhopA Co. , Bt. I/iuls. U-i WANTED EXPERIENCED LIPE INMPRANCE ncents tn work In Nebro kn. Richard C Pat- lirson. Patterson bulldlm ? . Omaha. H-90J 30 \v 110 GIRLS POR ALL KINDS OP WORK ; to 17 week. Canadian Olllcc , 15.12 DouRlas. C 705 WANTED. GIRL POIt OKNERAL HOUSE- work. Apply at (20 South 2Cth Avenue C MC72 WANTED. T7TREE LADY AGENTs" . ' HIO nnnrxn rliflit ngents Apply to H II Host , room 21 , Ycndomo hotel , fiom 3 to 5 p m C M731 29 WANTED. OOOD GIRL POR GENERAL houfwork. Call mornings , 2231 Like St. C M ) S ) WANTED AT ONCE , GIRL POR GENERAL homework In family nt thicc Apply nt 1M4 WcbJUr st. C M919 IS * ron itnvr iimjsns. HOUSES IN ALL PART1 ? OP THE CITY THE O P Daxls Company , 1305 Parnam D 70C HOUSES IJENEWA i CO , 103 N 13TII ST. HOUSES WALLACE , IinoWN 1JLOCK 1 T II nnd DotiRln D T09 CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER clly , " to J73. Pidcllty. Kt floor N Y Llf- D 709 HOUSES. COTTAGE' ' * STORES ALL PARTS of city , llrennan it Lo\e Co. , 219 S. Kth D 710 LAROE LIST M'CAGUE. 15TH AND DODGE D 711 HOUSES , PLATS. GARVIN EROS 1611 FAR'M D 712 HOUSES POIt RENT. HE.MIS PAXTON HLK HOUSES J. II. SIIEHWOOn. 421 N. Y LITE , POR RENT. CHOICE 12-11OOM DETACHED modern house Inmilro 23i ? Capitol A\nnn" , D 715 MOVINO HOUSEHOLD OOODS AND PIANOS Om Van & Storase Co . IJII'4 I nrnam Tel 13.0 D 7IG HOTELS. STORES. HEM IS. PAXTON nl.K D M4W IIOITSn C" PO 2CTII &T. 10 IIOOM * MOD. > rn S < 0 CO per month. Il > rnn n-cil CnD D 970 e-nooM MnnniiNCOTTAOU AT ; JCOIITH IDth st 5W ni n month Apply toV U Melkle. 1st Nat'l Hank bl < lir. _ ALL 1'AIITS. I' D WJ'AD ViTH nnd Dnuilns4 n 171 P14 MTJAM III\TID nousn. : on S IIOOM HOUSE. MODERN . . . . S\W Chicago * t. Ina.ulie next door. Andrew Smith D II7M iot'sn .vo rvsn SOUTH ? iyrn KT ALL CON. \rnlcnees nnil batn. C. n Ilorton W IT Tel Co DI77I ni FLAT , MODERN , Ill'-ST PART OI' wnlKlnB distance. Williamson fOI Hi > e Imlldinc D-M 1I corner jfith and CnldwHl StK Tor Information onll nt National Clothing Co cornei 14th nnd Douglas Sli D S22-29 ron nnNT ULixiAN'T S-HOOM HOUSE WITH nil modern Iniproxpments ; No 400 North S3rd St Tor Information call nt XntlonnI ClothlnB Co . corner Kth and DoiiRlns Sts. D-S23 29 GOOD r. itooM nousn AND HAHK UINT cheap Ml ! Davenport D 912 30 * rou unvr rimvisiiKii DOOMS. rou ONI : on TWO GENTLEMEN , HAS , pon- Cflaln bath , hot wnter Mcnm heat ; location central , $3 anil J4 per week Call Tilt 7. Dnv- lilffo lilnrk , ISth nnd r.irnum E MJ1J noovH ron iionsnKiii : > iNO for man nnd wlf , rent tnken In board 319 N I7th E-M270 NICELY rriiNisiinn IIOOM ron OENTLE man In nrhnto family. 1910 Capitol n\e i : MG7 ! D4 ron nr.NT riniNiPiiin IIOOMS. MOHEIJN ! M1 DoiiRliB 13. L. Emcr ) . E 7rn ,0 TWO Rl'NNY rrtlNlSHED noOMS 2204 Wcliiter ptreet E M7RO 1)5 * TWO LAiinn rnoNT IIOOMS ALCOVE , HAY window ; hti-nm hent 411 North ! 7t i E-M7 D-4 NICELY riJIlNISHED OlITH PltONT 11OOMS for rent , lii'at , light , bath nnd prltntc fnmll > . S310 Doyrlns. _ E-MW2 29 TWO LAltCIE rilOVT 11OOM-4 VI. OVT IIV window ; eleHin heat. 411 Noith 17th r ( i.'l 17 * rtniMMiin DOOMS AND nouin. STEAM HEATED IIOOMS WITH I1OAUD 2 Harne > . r 319 Oil * THE MEIIIIIAM. TIIIST CU.ASS FAMILY HO- tcl 23th end UodK < > sis K SI707 TAKE BUEHMAN AVE. CAtt ION. W COn- tier of EMmeltlonitiunda anil put up nt the S ant OEM l > "st fl a duy hou e , lionnlim S3 M to IS CO , dipt week. $2 , one menl free , we nro miKIng n rrputullnn now , after the exposition oprim we will inalio mine ) , all modern eon- venlenoen. Telephone 1931 f MTo3 I > 2i * IIOOMS AND IIOAIID , 2.10 SOl'TII ! STH ST T 7SJ-D 2 * IIODIIIIV ItOOMrt , inrilNISHHli COMI'LIH'E for linum > Kpi'ilnK | lull lor , illnln room llldiin fll North IJth. r 7C7 20 * NICE7.Y I'"lTT ] > ri < 5Hr.D KllONT HOOM ? MOD- rrn ronvciilenc-eBi private funilly. 'VI S. 2 th St rM77J : o * _ NEWLY ri'IlNISHED IIOOMS AND IIOAIID. hot wnler hent : IOJ Cnss St r M < M 1)3 * ELr.dANT KOt'TH 11OOMK THAM 1IRAT. flriit class Ixinnl , iefeicncc3. 2U Ni. Uth r nw n THE CA1MTOL" 1723 CAPITOL AVK DE- glruhltt mutli ioum . Trunilcntu accoinmodnted ONE Olt TWO NICELY TUltNISHED 1IOOMH at 19JI St MIIIS-'B ave. T Sim * > iioAitn , M tx > v7ini-c , ALSO ri'iiNiaiiED rooms. SOI ! pguglaK. -Ml'JJ 30 * IN 1'UIVATE 1'AMILY. 1919 UOl > ai : KI.EOANT KHONT IIOOMS 8TKAM HEAT , nr t-olana Iniar. ! , 1909 fupllol Ave KOIl II i\TSTOH US AM ) FOU UENT IN TUB IIBE lll/IMHMI ! One Urge corner room , Zd floor , with vault anil private ottlcc. water , etc. One lirRe tinnt roam , M llior , dUMril Into two room * hy partition , uutcr. etc On IBTKO corner room , JJ llocr .vrlth vault. water , etc One front room , illvldeJ ty partition , third floor One corner rojni with vault thna lloor. One larcr room , third floor , with million dlvlil Inir ll lulu one large room onj two smaller private roomi vtater , etc Tito Urge ground lloor rojnu , fron'lntt 17th St. Hlth vault One tare * K round floor room on Farnam St large vault Several mal | roomi on fovirth floor , with vau'ti ' All the > e ro > > m > are heated with vtenm , electric light * upplltd , with , lint clni Janitor if nice ISIevatorii run day and all rlshl ; uull'llng trlctly nrvrronf Apply to Bui ilnt nJnt Itooin im. Dee bulldlne. I-W FOH nKNT DK81C HOOM IN OllOVNO ri/OIl otnv. Itff hull tint , atcr , iteam at-nt , elcccrlo light and Jinltrr itrvlce Aip > to Bupertn Undent. lit * UulMInx I-1ST IIENT H BTOIIK Ht'lLOINO CKNTHAI locctlon. Inquire Ul South Utu vt. I Miii M Ji. ron HUNT STOIIKS AND ( Continued ) coitNEii BTonn ROOM Jixss rr. . OOOD biMmenl with elevator , Meam heal. 11 N. Kill Mrect. Apply at CIS N. Hlh ttrcot I Mil ) COnNKtl STOHE HOO1I MxSS IT. , aOOtl l > n nient , * lth elevator , Meant htat. Cl * N Kth t Apply at 619 N. Itlh t I-MM OlTnENT TilE 4-STOUY IHICK HUILDINn nt 010 rnrnnm St Thin building has n fl'rproof cement l.nxernent ; water on nil noon , gns etc. Apply at the office of The llee. 1-910 ron KENT THE 4-sroiiY mucK IIUILTHNO t 9IG Knrnnm fit Thl * InilMtnK hn n fireproof cement bn * m-nt : water on all floors , K , Me. Apply nt the office of The Bee. 1 510 AOIJNTS xvAvrnn. WANTED. WK WANT TO ESTAHLIHH AOEN. clen In cvtr > city In United States for our celehrateil cuKtom pants , which nro made to order nt J2 m n pair , liberal comml ston paid nuenttij write for particular * , Tluer CtiMom Pants Manufacturers. 1G1 Cth AMChlpniro , III. J M791 1M WANTED , AGENTS , LOC\L AND OENEIIAL , new article ; Rood seller , excellent profit : male or female ; r-nlnry when pro\cn efficient A. L Gray & Co , St. Louis. Mo. J-M9T4 D5 OKNEIIAL'AOENT AND CANVASSER-MAN r > r woman : his money. Call 8 to 10 n. m. 211 N. Y Life. J MG79-O-20 WA.M'Ijn TO HUM' . WANTED. JIY A LVOY. HOARD AND IIOOM , In n | irlint * > family nt moilernte terms , mttpt lie on or very neir cnr line , ilencrlb" ronm nnil utato price. Address M. V. Neven * . ZllTil'mt Maple ft. , Omnhi. K M8II ! 0 STOHAOn. ACiriC STORAOE AND V.'AaEHOUSE CO , 90S-910 Jorya ; general storage and forwarding. M-719 OM. VAN & STORAGE. 1S11H FAItN'M TEL Ii55 M-720 PRANK nwEtts. sroRAan. 1214 IIARNEY. Hauling and packing , cheapest rates. Tel 956 M-721 \v.tvniTo : nrv. rniEi'itoor SAFE WANTED. . SECOND-HAND. Aililiess I' O. llox 493 N-M6S4 30 roil sVLKMiscniL.v\nois. ) SAWDUST. HULK OH SACKED-CRIHIIIN'O and hog fince. C. II. Lee. 901 Douglas. 0-7:3 2ND-HAND IlICYCLES. OMAHA 11ICYCLE CO. roil BALE. A JCO MPE SCHOLARSHIP IN host shoithnnd school for 110. Addrrii A EG , lleo Q-MS49 30 LATEST STYLES LADIES' CAPES AND IACl et cas > trmnentu drop postal , will mil with sample 13 Hlrsli , 16:9 Kyner A\e. Q-900 D21 CI.AIUOYAT S. I'UOP. WHITNIJY & PROP PIERCE , the celebrated clalr\o > mxts. palm'st1 ' * , etc. Prof Plerc Is an tiiuler tiils of Prof Whit nc > 'H nnd doei full form ninlerlnll ? illon anJ ph } lc l mnnlfeitntlon He Is the wonder of the present century 1IU cnbinct work Is mar\l nnd In hl line he his no eqtiil If u have an > de lrc to fee Fplrllunl minl- feMntlnn * KO once and > ou will BO again Also slate wilting t > jewrltlnR anil nil the liner formi of m-Uorl.ilUntlon Prof hltnej leads jour complete life from the cradle to the grave He has no tnnil lleunltes Depilated hu'hmds nnd wives. Then < nnd < i croud his olUe ! Go nt once and cnn ult there celebrate 1 me- dliimt Profhltne > & Prof. Pierce. office lr > 22 Hownnl St . coiner of ICth Pt Hour * from 9 n m to 9 p m Ladles , 60c Hemline by mall , enclose two stamp * . S M802 D3 * \S < s VIJI3 , IIATIIS KTC. M\DAM SMITH , 1313 DOUGLAS \SPAOE Bteim baths. T M721 Dl MS1E. AMES. MASSAGE AND 1IATHS 20T N ICth fit . upstairs. T M7CO 30' liATHS MASbAGE LAI II \ ELLI"ox. Crounse lllk , 119 ICth St. , room 12 , ul | lira TM907 Dl MUS. DIl LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE 1JATII parlorb , restful and curative. 417 S. llth , up stairs T M917 D ; 1'KltSOJ. VL. VIAVI OH UTERINE THOUULES 316-8 REE b'dg , phsalclan , consultation or health lOOt iree U-7.-4 UAT1IS , MASSAGE MMT POSi , JU'J ' S. J5TH U-723 CLOTHEb CLEANETJ. PRESSKD AND REpaired - paired ; day or nleht ; dress suits for hire. 1'antorlum. N n cor. Hth and Tarnam T l % 3. U MS47 THU JOY TAILOR SYSTEM SCHOOL. Of dress cutting. 403 Knrbjch Block. U M810-N30 LADIES IN POOR CIHCITMSTANCES CAN RE- cel i > free attendance In conllnement by ap plying to the CrelKhton Medical colleBC , 14th nnd Da\enport Sts. Telephone 11C7 U 276 D-9 OREENDEllG. THE SPECIAL LADIES' Tailor , Is ready for business. 170S Webster Ht. U 2" 3 DS j-.oo ron A CASE or SUPERPLUOUS HAIR that I cannot cure. Madam True , Paxlon blk U M753 D3 OTIS PRANKLIN CRXNB. YOUR MOTHER IS ilnid , the courts will noon declare > > u d.ad also , do you wMianlty , a\arlco nnd deceit to pnrt us. P. E. Cranf. T MSW3J * iTT RUE. VAPOR AND MASSAGE baths 1112 Furnam U-M8 D-S7' MOMV TO LOA. > _ HIVL UST MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. THE O P Davis Co . 1505 Karnatn St. W 7i7 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO , 315 N Y L quIcU mone > at law ntis for choice farm limits In lona. northern Missouri , tasfrn Nebraska Vf 72S LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY uropmy. W. Purnam Smith i. Co. . 132J1 arn'm W-730 MONEY TO IXDAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Pusey & Thomas. 207 1stNat. . Ilk bldu W-732 WH HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH our eiMem correspondents by which we ran ln-\n nifinov on farms In eastern Nebraska lrenna-Lo\e Co 219 S ICth W-M272 D9 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. lronnan-Lo\c ! Co. , 219 S , lGth. PROM JIM UPWARD T. D WEVD 16TII and DuUGlas W 47" DIl MONEY TO LOAN' . DEMIS. PAXTON IlLOnt. 510000)0) ) ) SPECIAL PUND TO I/JAN ON llrkt-rliinn Improved Omaha uropertj , or for bullilhu ; purposea. Pldollty Trust Cmnpnny e PER TENT MORTGAGES POR SALE PROP. rty of non-resllenls cnred for by W II Melkle. PIr t National Dank bids. . Omahn _ _ MOM3V TO I.OAX CHATTRLS. MONE YTO LOAN ON PUR.N'ITURE. PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc , at lowest rates In city ; no rerno\al of goods , ftrktly conllilentlal , sou can i > ly the loan off nt any time nr In any amount. OMAHA MORTG tOE LOAN CO iOC S Uth St X-730 IIU.SIM'.SS CIIA.NCKS. TO OKT IN OR OUT OP 11USINES3 GO TO J. J Gibson. 614 Plrst Nat' ! Hank Y-737 PARTNER WANTED A PIlOnPEROPb SE atllo nmnufacturlni ; plant duliia a partner I with fJO)0.00 In i-nlarkc , Addriha p O tiox I 1010 Si-attle. WnthltiBtonM7WSO" I A CHANCi : POR A HL'STLINQ MAN OR woman nllh limited capital to buy a line conctwlon on the exposition ground' durlnc the winter t ports ami Ice camtxal. Addrens R 24 , llee. Y Mi9j A"RRIGHT MAN WIT II B.MLL CAPITAL TO ' handle a tine liultirm quick retuiiib and no rl K AddretH U 3 , Ilr. Y MIU GENE1UL S1OIIE IN 111(1 ( HORN \.SIN WY- omlnu , very proiltable trade , with 33 > Wicre ranch , IrrlBatrd , under fence , In ultltntlnn , ccoil house * ( nrn Kianarlm , tie. Owner be lieve * the ln\Mtmrnt will return price ack d In two or three > wi Hare opporlunllv for the rlstU ) > arl > to make biff munp > . Clenr Omaha rental pnptrty tnken n Iwrt of pur- rl.au. . . C > . U. Wuliacc , Si : J , J Drown tlk , Omaha. Y7' ' < AllJ , UKSTAlllANT doing Boot ! builneH ; terms reasonable. Ad. drew 11 25. Re * . Y-Mfw PLANT AT a far r I Hoc Addr f P , It. C , Un CU Mli- MJU intley i , la Y M892 WANTED PHYSICIAN AS PARTNER TO t'nvi'l on the road with an M D - > nJ rood lecturer. Address Ilix 46 , Hock Springs Wyo _ Y-MHC Dl S\VIIP. i 'TLEY ' 4 YEAR3 X RKsiDKNCE OJ' Omaha , tlrtt cl f3 work ruarnntwj. leaor der * at Milton RoKeri & Son's ; teleph' > ne 1J4 : bennri > of unicrupulous partle * In the business headlnj this niiy on account of the expoiltlon. U-5SJ D ; rou i\rit\xni : . WILL KXCHANOP. VKHV DBSlRAllt.p clear vacant Omaha lots for Chlcaco prt > prijr. Address with full particulars , llox Wt Omjnn. 110 ACRK3 SOPTHERN CAL1PORNIA Kill IT lands , M acres In bmrlnit fruit , clear of In- cumbrance , to trade for Omsha clt > property I. N. Hammond , th nnd Like SU KOH .SVLIIU\L KSTATI : . KOITNTZH PLACE RARGAINS. J2.WO 1.WO TO IC.6W ) . J. J. Gibson. 14 First Nat. lltnk bide RE 735 PARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. M2 N. Y. L. RE MI63 D16 * I1AROA1NS , HOt'SKS , IXTfl AND PARMS ! sale or trade. P. K Darling , uarxer Hlk , . RE-741 K LAND ; ' 97 CROP P'D , THE Pr.IClV W'M- con Roe Illdg. RE-SI3 IXJIl SALE. HAROAIN : TWO-STORY ItOl'SE and 7"V " ftround ( , 23d and N. South Omnhx I nael > c > > - . - HB 76B tO' HOUSES , I/3TS , FARMS. LANDS. I/3ANS ; nlso fire Insurance. Demls , Pnxton block. RE-M73J POR SALE , TI RVER RANCH 2 Anins near Columbus , Neb. . JJo per acre ; I3.0M rtown , vemnlnder on mortKiRe 7 per cent. Addreos Owner , 243 Woodland n\e. . New Rochpllp N Y RE MS07 SO IIORSKS HORSES WINTERED. Ill T OP CARE : RATES Jj 00 per month. W. E , Owens , 3607 Center St. MS2Dec3 WANTED. IIORSKS TO WINTER ; REST OF cars ; rales reasonable. Address P. O Rex 45 , Crescent , Iowa 927 D-2 * GOOD STARLES. REST OP CARE 4 AND 16 month. A. W. Phclps & Son , 207 New York Life Tel 1054 M243 WINTER QUARTERS POP. HORSES' ' : ONE OP the best , nnd reasonnblo rat * * : hor'fs called for nnd dellver d qood references Hcott Rob inson , Papllllon , Neb. At fair grounds.M231 M231 30 REST CITY REFERENCED REST CARE , 51 month G Rushart , Cist nnd Poppleton n\e. SIIORTIIn A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL. B13 N. Y. LIPE 742 AT OMAHA BUS COLLEGE , 16TI1 & DOUGLAS. 743 II H ROYLES , COURT REPORTER. PRIVATE lessons ; day nnd evening 407 Bee BldK KOUM ) I-OUND-PIO. WEIGHING ABOUT 100 LRS , AT 8123 Len\enworth ) St. 820 27 * POUND-DARK BROWN HORSE. 7. OR 8 jenrs old ; nbout 1,100 pounds 4Ist nnd 'Pat rick n\enue 787 27 * POUND. SORREL MARE , WEIGHS AHOPT SCO on MoSlmne's farm Apply to Jnms Hiuer , nhf 0 nores sw sec 17. township 15 , 12 on Dodge street. Pound M915 29 * COL. . BURLINGTON NUT. REST CHEAPEST. PRICE J3 73 per ton 'Phone 84S Harmon S. Wceth Co. 466 LOST. LOST , ST. HERNARD DOG , OHAM1L CULiUlt , white collar , answers to name of Gro\er. Tair No lir. Suitable reward1 E. C Price 834 So. 29th st Ix > st M : o 10 TYIM2WlllTi : S. RENTED , J4.CO PER MONTH. niRRONS 7JC cich , prlee of cabinets reduced Smith Pre mier Tjpenrlter Co , No 1025 Parnnm St. St.M506 M506 MUSIC , HIT A > \nuvnn. . ELMOHE RICE , VIOLINIST , PORMEHLY SO- lolst Rice Concert Co will receive pupils ; highest references Call Arcade hotel , room 6 , 4 to S p in 730 29 * viMiniis. TOR COMPETENT STENOGRAPHERS CALL on The Smith Premier Typewriter Compnii } , No 1025 I'arnam St M507 ILOCUTO.V MRS RALPH E. SUNDCRLAND. 1513 S ' 9TH St. will tnki > a few mur rjup'.ls 324 DIl SUWI > G M\CIII.MS AMI SUPPLICS. NEW HOME. HOUSEHOLD & WHITE SP.W ing machines & supplies. 1514 Oip. a\e. Tel. 1574. 830 M. S. WALKLIN. 2111 CUMING. TEL. 1331 1331744 -744 i > \\VMiiioicnits. II. MAROWI17. LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16 ST. 747 i'ATi.vrs. T A miTlTVT'T'O ' Sues & Co , Attorneys A I ill iM 1 at-Lnw and Patent K\- r * * * - < - -4 & .t t - , \ - per8 joe Bulldlng | Omaha , Njb Brnnch office at Washington , D C Send for free Advlte and Patent Hook Send for our Mu hlnc Moxements , copj righted , 1897 Telephone 1C23. R ir ulnx In Hecond llatxl Snfes Sufo A. Lock Hop.ilr- "j , J. DERIGHT& CO. , Eucuuhsorb to A. Ti , Doauo & Go , , Western Agents. Tul. Iljll. 1110 Farimni , Oinalui I'OSTOI'M'ICi : ( Should bo read DAILY ! ) > alt Interested , as changes may occur at any time ) Porolun mall-i for the week endliiK De- ci-mber Hh , 1SU7. will close ( I'UOMl'TLY In nil uiKes ) ul ttie Uetura : Postolllcu as follows lowsl'AHCii S POST MAILS close ON'H HOUH UAHLinil than cloUiiB time TrniiHtliuiUu Mall * . TUBSDAY At n a. in for KUHOPR , per . s Sprcte * . via Soutliamipton ami Bremen. AVKDNKSDAY At 7 a. m. ( Euippleinentary 0 u. in ) for UUKOPU , per H. s. I'arih * . vl.i South nnplon ; nt 9 a. m ( supplementary 10.30 a. in , ) for IMMIOPU , per s. 8. Adri atic * . \l.i Quccnstonn , at 10 a. in. for BEL GIUM direct , per P. . Wcslornlaml , via Ann\en > ( U'ttcrmust bu dlrtctfU "per " . SATIWDAY At 7 a m. for FIIAXOI3 , S\MT/iilhANn. ITALY. SPAIN. POUT- UOAL. Tl'HKUY. KOYIT and BHIT1SH INDIA , per s s I.a Touralnc * . via Havro ( letters for othcivi > art8 of I3urop < nnint lie dliucted "per La Totiralno" ) , at 8 a m. for NKTllfmLANUS direct , per a. s. Veen- dam , vl i Hotturdam ( letters mtmt Iw 61- rooted "per Veend.un" ) ; at 8 a. m. for OPN'OA. per . H , Fulcla ( IctterH must bo i directed 'per Kuld.i" ) ; at 11 n. in. for NOHWAY direct , per t . s Hekla ( latterw must bo dlrecttd "PIT Hekla" ) , at H a. m. I ( supplementary 12 30 p , m ) for 1UUOPB j per t ) s Ktrurli * . via Qiwetvstown ; at 1 p tn , for SCOTLAND direct , per s. K. Fur- nesaialn Glasgow ( letters must bo dl- rcitud "per Furnes-'la" ) , PRINTED MATTER ETC German eteamcrs ealllns on Tuesda > take Printed Matter , etc , for Germany , end Sprclally Add-ested Printed. Mnttti via for other parts of Kurope Amerl an ami White Star uteimcrs on \ \ cdnetda ) GcTiiiun itu.imer < on Thurtdas and Cunard French and German elcameiu on Saturdays take Printed Matter , etc frr nil rountrlej for which thty ure advertised , to carr > mall After th * rlotlnr ; of the hupplementirj TransAtlantic - Atlantic ) Malls named uboie. additional eup- Phnuntary malls nro optnvJ on the jile t of th American. Kngllsh , Prench and German steamers , and remain oprn until within 'Itn Minutes of the hour of calling of fcteamer. fur South mill Oriitrnlincrlci , \\-i-.t luillf" , Ktc. MONDAY-At * i p. in for OUATHMALA. per utcnmcr from Nfi. > Orleans TU11SDAY At 10 a m for SANTIAGO DIC CUI1A. VHNn/.I J'LA und CX1I/3MOIA , per B. San Aunustin ( letJ r must be di rected "per San Aiijfustln" ) ; at 10 a pi. ( suiwle-mentary U a. m. ) for CI3NTHAL AMUHICA ( except Conta HUM ) und SOUTH PACIFIC Pom's , per 8. s. , V ft. l ) Finance , vl1 * Colon ( lo tfn for Guatemala mint bo directed " ? or Vlnnnc * " ) ; nt 11 a. m. for UIO JANK1RO direct , i > er s. s. Taormlna ( letters for otner parts of Bra zil and La Plata Countries nuiat bo di rected "per Taormlna" ) , nt 11 n. in. for PHRNAMnrcO nml SANTOS , per . s , Catania ( letters for other parts of llrazll must be tllrrctPil "per Citnnl.v" ) ; nt 11 a. m. for IinLI'/n and IMMIUTO COHTGH. prr P M. John Vv'll < * on , at 1 p. m. for 1NA- GUA and HAITI , ppr- * . Navahoe ; nt * 3 p. in. for COSTA lUCty , trier steamer from No * ' Orleans : at S1/1 : * ! m. for NP\V- POUNDLAND , per -strnmer from North Sydney ; n" 9 p. m. foixPOUT ANTONIO , per "tramer from IlosUBi. wtDNisDAY At2:30nVm. : for POUT AN TONIO , per steamer from Phl'alelphla ' ; nt 12 m. for ORKNADA. TRINIDAD nnJ TOliAGO , per s , B. IrrHvvnddy , at 1 p. m. for CURA , per s. 8. Yumurl , via Havana ; at 1 p. m , ( supplementary 1 30 p. m. ) tor NASSAU. N. I' . , per s. P. Antllla ( Iflttora mu't be directed "per Antllla" ) . THURSDAY Ar S a. m. for UHRMUDA , per fl. s. Trlnldnd ; at 1 ip. m , ( supplementary 1.30 p. m. ) for NASSAU , N. P. , and SAN TIAGO DHCUIIA. per B. s. SintliKO , SATUUDAY At 8 tu Tn for HUA7.IL nnd l\ PLATA COUNTHI15S , per K , i. nuffon , via lernambuco. ! H.ihla and Itlo Janeiro ( IcMers for North Brazil must bti directed "per UulToli" ) ! at 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10:3) : ) n , m. ) for rollTt'Ni : ISLAND , JAMAICA. SAVANILLA and GltKY- TO\VN , per s. s. Alene ( letters for Costa lllc.a must IKS directed "per Alone" ) ! nt 10 Tt. m. ( supplementary 10:10 : a. nt. ) for HAITI , via Cnpo Haiti , Port Au Prince , Aux-Cayea nnd Jacmel , also SANTA MAHTHA , per s > . < t. Kitty : nt 10-.T ) n , m. for CAMPIXMIC , CHIAPAS , TAUASCO and YUCATAN , per s. M. Sefrurancn ( let- tortf for other nttrts of Mexico nnd for Cuba must be dlreovd "per Sogiiranca" ) ; at 10:30 : n. . m. for HAITI , per s. s. Prliis Wllletn II ( k'tters for Vcnezueln , Cunicno , Tilnldml , Urltlsh nnd Dutch Guliinu must bo directed "per PrlnsVIlIem II" ) ; at 11 n. in. ( supplementary 11:30 : a. tn. ) for Vl.N- EKUUliA nntl CUIIACAO , alto SAVAN- ILLA and CARTHAQnNA , via Curneao , per s > . s. Car.xens ; at 1 p. tn. ( supplemen tary 1:30 : p. m. ) for ST. DOMINGO nnd TURKS ISLAND , per s n. Now Yolk ; at S-30 p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per ptenmer from North Sydnev. SUNDAY At S n.'m. ifor IIAIIDADOS di rect nnd NORTH HRA551L , via Para nnd Mannos , per s. s. Cnmoense. Malls for New foundland , b > rail to Halifax , nnd thence by Bteamer , cloio nt this otllce dally at SiSO p tn Malls for Mlqut-lon , by rail to Ho ton nnd thence by clcamer close nt thl ofllco dnll > nt 8M : p. in II > ! ! ) for Cuba close nt this olllce dally at 7 00 a. in for foruardlni ; by steamers sailing ( Mondajs nnd lhur > la > ) from Port Tnmni. Tin. MallH for Me\- Ice Clt > , overland , uiilem specially addressed for dispatch b > steamer. clo o nt this nlllce dally nt 2 TO n. m nnd 2:30 : p m "Registered mall clo-os at G 00 p. in previous da } . TrniiH-Pnolilu Mails for China nnd Japin ( specially ad dressed only ) , per * . S. Empress of Chln.i ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally up to November " 211nt G.30 p. m Mails for China , nnd Japan , per s. s. Gaelic ( from San Francisco ) , clo o here dally up to De- < -pml r 1st at G 30 p. in. M ills for Aus tralia ( except those for Went Auatinlia ) , which are forwarded \la Europe , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Samoan Islands , per s s. Mjrlposa ( from Sin Francisco ) , close here d.illy up to Decem ber * * 3d it 7 CO a m. , II a. m. and 0:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival at New York of s. s Campania with British malls for Aus- trall i ) . flails for Australia ( except \Yost Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per s. s Aot ing ) ( from Vincou- ver ) , cloo here dally after December 3d and up co December Oth at C.30 p. m Malls for China nnd Japin , per s. s. Tncoma ( from T.icomn ) , close here dally up > to Dc- cc'mber * 12th at G 30 p. m. MalN for Hawaii , pers. s. AustraJla.from ( Sin Fran cisco ) , close here dilly Tup to December 22d at G 30 p m. Orans for the Society Islands , ipcr hlji Tropic Bird ( from San Fnnclsco ) , close here dally up to Decem ber 25th ai G.TO p. m. Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing ? dally nnd the schedule of closing Is nrrniiKed on the pnuniption nf their uninter rupted overland transit "Registered mall closes nt C p m preImii day. Postofllce New York , N Y. November 20 , , , , . , , 1S97 f j 5 CORNELIUS VAN "COTT. Postmaster. a vnHO vns. CHICAGO ST. PAUL. M'NNE. apolls & \ Omalm Unllway Gnieral ornres NctirasUn 1J1- \ Islon , Pl.'teenth nnd Wtfbiter StK-ots Clly Ticket onice. 1401 Parnam Street. Telephone Fifteenth and Webster btreets Telephone , 143S. j Leave. Arrive Sioux City Aooommoda. "i:50am : 8.20 prr. SIou\ City \ccbmmodi. " 9 50 nm * 8 SO pm Ulnlr. Emersnn hloux City , 1'oncu , Hnrtlng- ton nnd HI lomfield 1 00 pm * * 11:55 : nm Sioux Clti Maniinto , St. Paul. Minneapolis . " C13 ; nm 9:10 : nm Lmerson Passenger . . . * 6:10 pm " fc.45 nm Dal j IJall } except Sunday Sunday only This trnln stops nt stations Plorcnce to So. Blair , Inclusive , bund.os only , on week days So Hlalr nui ; rnnMONT , KLKHORN & Missouri Vallsy ltullwa > Gen eral Othces , United States Na tional Jianlc HulldliiK , fcouui- nam Streets. Ticket Oflice , west Corher Twelfth nnd Par- 1 U1 Karnam Street. Telephone. 061. Depot , I"lft cnth nnd Webster fatrctts. Telephone , 1418 Lea\e. Arrl\e. Dluck Hills. Dendwood and Hot Spilnss . . . 8:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Wjomlng , Casper and DoiiKlas . . . . " 3.00 pm 0.00 pm Hastings , York. D-ivld CUJ , Supeilcr , Oriievo , I'xtter und Sewnra. . . 3:00 : pm 5.CO pm Nurfo k , We t Po nt and 7 50 nm " 10 25 .m Kienuinl Lincoln , Wnhoo and 7:50 : am 10:23 : im Premont Premont Local 7-50 nm I3ail > Hnlly except Sunday , Sunday only Dally exccpi Saturday. Uallj except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTIIWHST- cn Railway Cltj Ticket Olllce 1401 Parmm Street. Telephone 661. Depot. Tenth n iil Mason Streets Telephone , Missouri Valley. s > ux City , St Paul nnd Minneapolis . ZM am 10:43 : pm Missouri Vnllej , Sioux City . 7-so nm 9.(5 ( nm Dennlson , Carroll Wall Like . . . . 1:30 : am 9:15 : pm Knstern Ciprcss , Des Mulnca. Marshalllou n , Cedar Rapids , Chicago " 10:45 : am 4:10 : pm Atlantic Pljcr , Cnlcago nnd Mist . . . . . . 4:45 : pm 4:10 : pm Vast Mall. Chicago to Omalm . 3:10 Dm Missouri Valtej. Sioux City , flt Paul. Minne apolis Limited . 6:55 : pm 9:25 : nm Omatn-Chicnco Special , C 20 pm 8.10 am Dally "Dillv except Bundav. ri' 'IX CITY A. PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Olllcej , United States National Rank liulld- Ins. S. IV Comer Twelfth anil Pnrnam htrcUE. Ticket OtHcc. 1401 Parnam Street , Depot. _ Plftefnth and Webster Telephone , 145S. Leave. Arrl\e. Sioux CIO. Mankato , St Paul , jllr.ncapoil. . . . . . 6:15 : pm 9:10 : am Dally Hl'RLINOTON .t JllSSOUn ! Hlii-r ItHllroid "The Hurllnc. ton Iout > . " General OflU'es , N W Corner Tenth and rnrnam Streets TcKet | Olllce , If.OJ Tarnum Street. Teltphon : 2i ) Depot , ' -Tenth and Mason fatreeta Telephone. 128 JLtave. Arrlvu 4:0 : ; pm 7 45 pni "lI.SDum CHICAQO I1URLINOTON A Qulncy Railroad "The Hurl. Ington Rrtitc" Ticket Olllce. 110. ! rarmim Street. Telephone 250 DepAtTenth and Mason ' Streeti"'Teltphone , J2J. Knif ave. Arrive ft oi pm 7:16 : am V.tS am 4 15 pm 7q : pm 1M : am 5.40 rm i:60 : pm CANSAS CITY. ST JOSEPH Council Illuffs Railroad "The Hiirllngton Route" Ticket Oflice. 1M2 Farnam Street. Telephone 250 Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele. p"ione , 1JJ Leave , Arrive Kanias City Day III. . . 9 00 am C:40 pm Kaniaii city Mlht Hi. . > 10.00 pm :30 am CHICAGO. ROCK IbLANU & Parlflo Railroad "The Great lilanl Route"-CI y OllleeT H2J 1'arnain Telephone , I2S , Depot and Maton Stretts Telephone , Its. Arrive. C'IICBKO und Bl Paul Vc tll ileJ K it * 4:50 pm i:4S pm Lincoln , nlorado Pueblo Denser and west . . . . , pm 4.25 pm OU-OKO. De Mol 11 uuil RocU Iilund 7.00 pm S.15 am Atlantic iii > re . for Den Moln and eu t rn points i am & : S5 pm Lincoln. Falrbury Lni Drllevllle . f , C. pm " 10. 4 am Pally Dally incept Sunay > TRAINING FOR THE FARM Education in the Arts Isiontial to Success in Agricultural Fuisuits. 'ROGRESS ' NOTED IN THAT DIRECTION lte\lMr of flip \Vnrk nnil Irllinilx of Oil I r > - < < rlii > oNniftfl ! of IMillnilvI- p III n Plilliiiilliroplxt-i IM- ucntliiniil .Notcfi. In his annual report to the president Sec- etary Wilson of the Department of Agri culture warmly commends the introduction into schools for girls and women o ( the caching of the arts which nro practical In : ho homo. Many of the colleges of agrlcul- uro and mechanic arts , together with ecl- ontlflc , technical and Industrial schools , now maintain a department of domestic science. Cooking and sewing arc quite commonly taught In the public schools and cooking schools for women have been organized In numerous places. These advantages nro at ire-sent largely restricted to the bojs and ; lrls resident la cities. The necessity ot extending them GO as to embrace the chil dren of farmers U apparent nnd Secre tary Wilson notes with pleasure the begin ning of a far-reaching effort In that dlrcc * tlon. "In agriculture , " ho ti > s , "It IB coming to bo clearly seen that teaching the boy how to plow or to perform any other farm operation Is not the inreit Im portant service which the school can ren der. There must be added to this definite and careful Instruction In the principles on which agricultural practice Is based. The fanner must be taught to think In thu linen where Eclenco has shed light upon his art If his practice Is to be most thoroughly one. cessful. Fortunately , science- has already much to tell the farmer which Is must usc- tul to him , and every > ear sees au Increase In the great atoro trom which the agricul tural student can safely tlraw. "In the great work of helping the women of our land , nearly half of whom are tolling in the homes upon cur farms , this dtcart- ment , It Is believed , has a large duty to per form. For , whatever will bo effective hi raising the grade of the home llfo on thu [ arm. In securing the better nourishment of the farmer's family , and In surrounding them with the refinements and attractions of a well-ordered home , will powerfully con tribute alike to the material prosperity of the country and the general welfare of the farm ers. The Investigations which the depart ment has undertaken on the food and nu trition of man have already been of much service to the teachers and students of do- mcstlo science , and It Is hoped that these Investigations will hereafter bo still more helpful In establishing a scientific basis for the teaching and practice of human nutrition Through Its close relations with the agri cultural colleges and other Institutions for In- dt'strial training1 of the jouth the depart ment may incidentally aid the movement to educate women in the rational yractlco of the arts of the homo "Rut beyond this It Is much to ho desired that the department may be afforded an op portunity to undertake some definite enter prises which will enable It to extend much more material assistance to thoni who are engaged in the noble task of giving practical training to the future wives and mothers of our farmois and to that vast army of faith ful women who are beiring the heavy bur dens of keeping the farmers' homes pure and sweet and rearing the future masters of our vast agricultural domain. " DAIRY SCHOOLS The ideas expressed by the secretary are given a practical illustration In the bulletin on "Dairy Schools" Just Issued bj the de partment. Several states maintain independ ent dalrj oohools and nearly all state uni versities have dairy departments. The good results of the work of these schools , their methods , cost of tuition , cad their advan tages , are given in detail In the bulletin prepared - pared by It. A I'arsorB , assistant chief of the dairy division. "It Is the purpcoa of the dairy schools , " sajs the bulletin , "to teach joung men or womrci , liv a short time , as much as pos sible of the' theory of the different lines of work connected with dalrjing ; and these theories are illustrated , so far as practic able , In actual practice at ithe churn , checnc vat , or other apparatus They aim to so equip one who has had oomo practical work that he will be able to take full charge of a piano and make the best possible product \nd they attempt to tc4ch one who has had little or no practlcali training the things that It took his father many jears to learn. They aim to improve tire quality of our dairy products arcd to reduce the cost of their production by teaching new and ad vanced principles , together with methods which have been proven to yield the fcest results. There Is no icason why as good butter or cheese canoot bo produced in this country as Is made In any part of the world , yet It Is a painful fact that , while many of our manufactured products excel all of their kind made in other lands , our dairy products c-innot compete In foreign markets with the butter end cheese of sev eral countries Our successful competitors depend on' their herds for their dally bread They realize that It Is to their Interest to thoroughly understand every step In their work and have carefull } organized systems of dairy Instruction which have been con ducted for years , "The dairy schools receive without special preparation any who nro actually engaged In making butter or cheese , or who Intend to make that their business. The work is so arranged that an intelligent person can get great help by devoting all his time for a fe\v weeks to the study of dairy methods under the guidance of competent Instructors. It must not bo thought that all the com plexities of dulrjing can bo learned tti a few weeks or months , but In this short period irany useful Ideas , advanced prin ciples and methods can bo obtained. LMDTHOD OF CONDUCTING SCHOOLS. "As the most active season of dalrjlug Is In the spring , summer and fall months , the period of woik of the dairy schools has been placed In the winter , thus enabling many who are in charge of factories to finish the season's work , take the course and open thu factory the following season. Care Is taken to have the scientific and practical Instruction so closely related that one will help the other in the dally vvoilc. The student Is not cnly told In lectures how to ir-ako good butter and choose , but ho Is shown the complete process nnd performs the RAILROADS. MISSOURI PACIPIC RAILROAD General Offices and Ticket Of- tlce. Merchants National Until ; Building , 1224 Tarnam Street. Telephone , 104 Depot , rilteenth and . Waiter Streets. Telephone , 1a1 * : * Leave. Arrive. LlmlTed " . . . " 'S'CSpm Ml.K pm Kpnxp're ' l > ' &St..U' ' " ! ? ' 0.30pm C 00 am Nebraska Local Vs" 1" ° " S ! < 5 am Dally. UMly EJC. Hundaj CHICAGO MILWAUKEE fc ST Pau ! Rullwa > City Ticket Olllce. 1504 rarnam Street Telephone , ! S4 Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone , 12S. Leave. Arrive , fitt : pin S.M am . 'l oo am ' Dally. UNION PAC1KIC "THE OVERland - land Route" General oirtres N E Corner Ninth and Parnam Streets City Ticket Office , IMS Parnam Street Telephone. * 16. Depot , Tenth and lla on fatrecU. Telephone , 123. Leuvt. Arrive. Th. Overland ' 'mCr ± ibuV 'iSrtw . " * . 60 . . . . " ' 2'-o Slromsburg tipres. . , - - * Pm , : ; -T * - Kearney Kipreis Ii.00 pm " 1Z IS pm Dalll "IJalU ecept Bunday. Council llluffs IxJcoI-Leavefc. IM . m ! :5J : a. m : 1:30 a , in. , tK : a. m. : 10:4 : a m.:15 ; : p m ; 46 6 p m. ; S.65 p. in. Arrives. 0:10 : a. m. ; 7.M a. in ; S a.n. . : 9.25 a .m. . 11:3) a. n. . . 9:10 : p , m ; 5:40 : p m. ; 8K ; p. in. . i ) : < 5 n re W 1UAB1I KAILIIOAU-TICKKT OCKICK. 1414 Farnam Strict. Telephone , S22. Depot , Tenth n J Ma > on Streets. Telephctie , lit . . liv . Arrive , S' . Louis "Cannon Hall" . . . . . Ripr-M I.Mpm 11:30 : are Pally. work himself until familiar with It , After ho loams the principles ot making A first- claw product ho U shown how to Judge or p-coro It , "Tho subjects In which Instruction Is given depend largely on the condition ot dairying In the state where a school Is lo- oated , General lecturen on tlalrjlng are given at All school * . , end Instruction In the use ot the Habcock nnd lactometer tests and In butter making Is always given. "Special attention Is given to the lectures directly bearing on the dally practical work Tha Importance of having the Ixst milk Is clearly shown. All the dctalli ot hindllng milk both 'before and after delivery to the factory are explained. These Include milk ing , straining , aerating , cooling , rare previ ous to delivery and hntilln' to factor ) , also the reeclpt ot milk a the factory , thu examining , weighing , sampling and con ducting to milk vat. The lectures on testIng - Ing milk briefly describe the simplest testa which have been used and fully ctphln the method devised' by llr. Babcock. The payment for milk according to Its fat con tent Is explained and Illustrated. In the lec tures on butter making , t'vcry step of the work from taking the milk from the vat to shipping butter to the market U fully de scribed. The lectures on cheese miking cover that subject from the receipt of the milk to the shlnmcnt ot cheese. Instruc tion la usually given In Cheddar cheese link ing only , but in KOIIIO schools the innuifac- turo of several kinds ot cheese U described. The advantages , disadvantages and best methods ot pistcurlzatlon and sterilization are explained In some courses ot Iccturcts The proper niothol of constructing dalrj 'buildings Is discussed , special Importance being given to the sanitary side , the illi- posal of skim milk and waste products , lay ing ot drains , etc. "Tho part of the Instruction upon which most dependence is placed Is the practlcil work. It Is by menus ot this that new Ideas are most effectual ! } fl\ed In the minds ot students. Thin should never bo considered as manual labor , as It Is not that In an ) sense. When the class room work Is com pleted different sections ot the clam are as signed to various duties In connection with practical dairy work , such as receiving milk , tending to separators , churning , cheese mak ing and pasteurizing and testing milk , and the assignments of the different sections arc changed regularly , to that each student has an opportunity to gain experience In each branch ot the work UKQUinnMRNTS AND COST. "The entrance requirements to dairy schools are such as to debar no worthy person win really desires to attend. Any person ot good character who wishes to study dairying nnd Is capable of understanding the lectures and doing the practical work will bo admitted to almost any school In some cases tlieic are ago requirements , and In a few Instances examinations are given or statements must bo presented showing that the apillcanl has had a certain amount of experience In a cheese factory or creamery These oasj entrance requirements , however , should not encourage anvono who Is not fitted for tin- work lo attempt to take It. An arnllcant should bo at Irast 1C > ears old , and It Is well to Imvo some knowledge ot farm and dairy methods , nltliough some of the best results have been shown by ambitious voting men frosi the city who knew nothing of cattle or milk before taking the course. One should bo possessed ot a common school edu cation , bo able to read nnd write , and undiT- staml fiactious , percentage and decimals Without such Knowledge It Is possible to make goad butter or good cheese , but not possible to take charge ot testing milk or apportioning dividends. Each student enterIng - Ing a dairy short course should have a strong desire to become expert In some nart of the work , and this fact should bo kept In mind throughout the course Women are usuillj admitted to the schools on the same con ditions as men. "In a fen cases tuition Is required of all students admitted to the dairy course , but this is never a largo amoun.t , rarely ex ceeding $15. A deposit of from $2 to $5 is usually made to cover any loss by breik- age. and the amount of this remaining un used is returned to the student at the end ot the term. Hach member of the course is given a full set of glassware for testing milk , and if he meets with no accident and returns a complete set ho receives back the entire amount of his depcsit If a few pieces arc broken enough Is deducted from the deposit to replace them and the re mainder Is returned Board and room can bo found nt prices varying from $2.50 to f5 rer week , and laundry work costs about 50 cents more each week. Most schools re quire students ito wear white suits when at work In the dairy 'building. ' Those made of white duck , similar to the ones worn by painters are very satlsfatcory and can usually be obtained for $1 a suit FJach student should have at least two suits The Incidental expenses depend largely on the Individual ; they can bo kept quite low If necessary. "It Is thus seen that the total cost of attending a dairy school is very reasonable exclusive of the railroad faro in going and returning It may oven be as low as $25. With few exceptions $30 will cover the entire outlay. "The Importance of Instruction In farm dilrylng Is very great. About 85 per cent of the luitter produced In this country Is made on farms , and as the quality of our dairy products as awhole cannot bo much improved until this large proportion shows improvement , 1ho need Is very evident ot offering every Inducement to learn to those who make butter In small amounts on the homo farm Several agencies have been used to supplement the efforts of the dairy schools In this line Dairy conferences have been held In this countrj and good results thus accomplished Courses of reading sim ilar to the Chautauqtm courses have been started ; these might bo directed from the dairy schools. Sjstematlc Instruction can also bo given by correspondence. " K vvonni ) piiif.vnni.i'iii v. Ci-iicriillH HI-IIIH to Kdiicntloll from \Vi-n I thy CIII/i-iiH. Two wealthy citizens of Philadelphia last week made substantial contributions , to the public gooJ and enrolled their names high on the scroll of American philanthropists. Doth contributions wore to the catiEO of education one a cash contribution to the University of Pennsylvania , the other a monumental girt to the public library of the city Mr. Thomas McKean's gift , one of many given b > him , was $100000 in cash to aid la building the law school of the university When , less than two mortis ago , the pro- vest of the unlvcrs.ty expressed his desire to ratao $300,000 for the erection of the largest and moat complete law school build ing In the United Statcc , the task seemed to the friends of the Institution to bo almost Iinpc6slllo of accomplishment , although there > vere gfoierotm responses to the culls for money ; but the gift of Mr MtKean prac tically Itsurca the gucctro of the enterpilvc oiv thu lines original ! ) planned. The mcney which Mr. McKean has given will be devoted to the erection of the rcadlrag room of the department of law , and It will be appropri ately named by the trustees of the ual- verslty after tha Broat-R'ar-dfather of the donor. Chief Justice Thomas McKcan. one of Amprlca'o foremost Jurists The second gift , though flist In value. Is the announced Intention of Mr. I' . A. 11 Wldtner to deed to the public library his magnificent iiorno , to ho used as a branch of that Institution , The superb building on the corner of Ilroad street and Olrard avenue will bo transformoj Into a public library , to bo known as the Josephine Wtdenor Memorial Drauch of the Ficq Library of Philadelphia , as a tribute to the memory of thu wife of the donor. Tbo mansion Is one of the finest In Philadelphia It li a four-story brownstone bulldlni ; . with a frontage on Ilroad street of fifty-three feet and another on Glranl ave nue of 144 feet. The entrance Is extensive ar J very grace ful and quite Italian In style , Tbo rounded bays , extending from the drat to the fourth otory en each of the four sides , are a i > c culiar feature and help to glvti the houbo an abundance of light ad well OB form attractive nooks In each of the corner rooms that have an oriel window. There are also two sraud oriel windows Uiat are bowed or projected gradually , which light the banquet hall , twenty feet high and the equally largo sallu do famllle above It. Krpm lull on the Glrord avenue Bldo extends a very handsome colon niiU'd porch. The first btory has the surface of the brownitone roughened by means of Irregular squares , showing Hie undreeteO stone. Standing out separately In the roar la the fluted ventilation nhaft , which U Men derly connected , however , with each floor All > the crjans of the nouso are on a gener ous scale. The ( Int Btory la twenty feet high , the vecond fifteen , the third thirteen and the fourth twelve. Tha hallway * are fifteen feet wide , the binquct Imll and th room above U thirty six feet ! square and the parlor Is nUtcen by fifty-four , or the nlzo ot a moderate house. The root Is of Akron tiles. The atno Idea of stntollncss that predomi nates In the exterior Is even more cmphv sized In the first gUmpee gained ot Iho In * terlor and finds Its climax In itho grand ban quet rmll , an apartment unlike an ) thing In Philadelphia. The design Is Plcmlsh , ot the Itonalifiinco era , and from whatever point viewed It Is a picture ot mediaeval dignity atvl Mini elegance such na Is seldom seen In a modern house. The cirved marble fireplace on the north side In ) a deep rece s has scats on thu side In Caen atone , it | bolstered with Kua Man leather. Its appointments In polished Iron are of a degree ot excellence , both In design and workmanship , unequalled , per haps , In Philadelphia. The minstrel's gal lery over the entrance from the tiall , such n Is seen In old i\tlaco . , Is a most claborato creation ot the carver's art and not only gives dignity and plcturcsqucncss to tha room , but forms nn admirable point , ot van tage to obtain ehnrmltig effects In looking Into the observatory. Midway between the second nnd tdlrd storlra and opening from a hroid landing la the family sitting room , as large as the bin quct Imll below. All the other rooms In the louse are large and roomy ntvl splendidly ar ranged and decorated. It < MO easily bo adapted to the purposes of a library. I'll ' \orwlty t > o tew. Chancellor MncLein spoke lust week at tushvllln and at Valentino. Prof , Lawrcnco "ossler addressed a teachers' mooting at : mcrsai. The University regiment Is under corn- rand of Major Kernel until the War depart- nctit makes a detail to take the place made acant by the death of Lieutenant Jackson. Prof. U. O. Ilulden ot the department ot igrlcultural phstcs , University of Illinois , m been a visitor hero recently. Ho Is en gaged In stud ) Ing sugar beet culture ami nanufaeturo In Nebraska Next In Interest Is the Interstate debate with Kauras university , May G. There are fifty-tilno aspirants alread ) entered , nearly loublo the number of a > eir ago. Prellml- wry debates will begin next month. Three times victors and champions of the Western league the University foot ball loam s the pride of the ctn.ous. Its finances are also ( irosncrou.1) , the rccolptn being enough o pay oft last ) ear's deficit and leave a xtltneo. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson writes to Chancellor MacLcun regarding the work now lelng done toward the prevention ot her ; cholera , that It Is now iirotty well settled hat It is a bicterial dUcasc , that It must > o fought by finding something to Inject Into ho circulation which will destroy or neutral ize the bacteria. He sa > s the experiments in Page county , Iowa , show very encour aging resultn toward rendering swine Im mune from the disease , and estimates thn annual loss from the disease In the United States as $100000,000. l > r Million Darnel. rom the laborator ) of the Uurrau of Ameri can Industr ) at Washingtcn , 1) C , who Is n charge of the experiments In luwa , was at the Nebraska experimental farm the hut week conferring with lr. Peters rcgardlnE ho work here. The anciual circular of Information regard- ng farmers' Institutes for the winter ot 1837-98 Is printed The money aopioprlated jy the legislature for this work Is $1,500 c > er vcar , which Is not large enough to Increase : uo number ot Instituted The plan will bo to inako a few strong , successful ones , other than a large number poorly provided. The university will , so far as funds par- nit. send out speakers and conductors for the Institutes free. The locil committees will bo ejected to pay for their entertain- nent , provide halls and thoroughly advertise : ho meetings 1 ho Hat of speakers Is a prac- .Ical list of men who speak from practical cnon ledge. Most of them have had long ex perience In their fields. Corrcsrxmdence on : ho subject should bo addressed to Prof. P. W. Talor at the university. H < 1 11 rat I oil u I Vote * . The wonderful growth of the school facili ties of the United States may be Judged ! from the fact that In 1S71 the enrollment ot pupils was 7,501,682 , while In 180G It was 14,379,078 Hev Dr. Edtvard nverett Halo slid In a lecture In Boston that ho found that nine out of ton In A class of girls tn one of the clt's public schools had never heard of Noah's ark. Last July about C23.000 was apportioned among the schools of Oklahoma , or 2G ccnla per capita In January next the distribution will be $100,000 , or over $1 per capita. The increase comee from the enlarged receipts from the school lands , which are leased to farmers. Professor Charles n. Pcllevv recently re signed his place as president ot the Berk shire Industrial Kami , at Canaan Four Corners , N. Y. , on Ing to his increased dutlua as professor at Columbia tinlvcisity , and Frederick G Hurnbam , a former president of the farm , has been elected In his stead. There are this > ear 25 84G more children In the public schools of South Carol'na than there were last ) ear The negro children show the greater Increase , being 15,968 of the whole number , nnd there are over 20,000 more negroes than white children In the schools The total enrollment is 119- 027 whites , anid 139.15G negroes. There are 128,517 bojs and 129.GGG glrla In mosb countries popu'ar Illiteracy Is re garded as an evil , but In Germany , at lesst by the "ruling classes , " the reverse Is true. Serious alarm Is now expressed at the extent to which the people nro becoming educated , especially at the Increasing numbers of thofo who are gettl.'ig university education. It Is pointed out that since the foundation of the empire the number of university stu dents In Prussia has increased by 100 per cent In 1870-71 It was only G.GG4. In 1895-9B It was 11,742. Accord'rigly the proposed new university at Dartzlg h&a been aban doned , and measures for discouraging at tendance at universities are actually radcr consideration. ACCUSI : or cm : VTIM : . ic.-n > , siuvi-r .t Co. nihiniHN ruink P. Hull lor HolilliiK ( Mil. An case of cmbirzlemont from Kelley , Stlger & Co , which has probabl ) e.xtended over-three vcars In Its opcratlcms , was un earthed In the weekly settlement t'.tt ws , made on Paturda } night. Frank I . Hull , a U listed salesman In the > employ of the firm , w-Js discovered to bo guilty of IODE- contlnutd pilfering. He was d charged , and will probably be prosecuted. The amount of loss eustalned by the firm on account ot the ) oung man's operations Is not knowu. George W Kclloy , sector partner In the firm , fald to n IJco reporter liut night that the loss would probably nn up to several thousands of dollars , but ho could not even approximate the amount , ea there had not ) ct been tlmo to make n. thorough examination of the case The dis covery was not made until lat * > on Satur day night , and then crily by accident Mr. Kt'l.ey cays the matter came up BO sud denly and to perfectly unexpected that the firm had not decided Just what course to pursue It Is learned on good authority that thn mcthodh employed by Hull has been lo make a difference In the amount of ( ho check srcit to the cashier's drsl ; with the gootM , If a purchaser ibought a bill of goodn amountlcK to $5 , thu check tent to Urn cashier's desk would chow the bill to bo $1 , or some other amount less than the money actually charged the purchaser In hand ing l > ick the change to the customer Hull would retain the full amount called for by the purchase. It Is reported on good author ity that another method was to create vari ance ln > the amounts of money Involved In goods sent out on approval , and tula wag a further source of revenue. The discovery preated the utmost consternation among th other employes of Kelley , Stlger & Co. , as the accused had long enjoyed a good reputa tion among thoa-u associated with him. fit lU' Hells ' 'pruturo if