Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    fl TITIfl OMAHA DvMIiY B1JI : : NOVEMBER ! ! 0. 185)7 ) ,
Eeccnt Reaction Tends to Make Investors
Mon Cautions.
Oicrnlorn |
HlMitmllilc for I , n to AdMince lit
unit Tlir > ll.i\i'.Nw (
Left the Mnrlict.
NEW VOUK , Nov. 23. llfnry Clewq , hcml
of Iho ImnkliiR houxe of Henry Clews &
Co , wrltei of the flltimllon InVnlt street
Tito market for IK titltlei rctnlns the
Bums general fontuu nnM have hnd to
note for uevnlceUs ; except thin thn vol
ume of trniiFueUons ha- * fallen still lowei.
Outside upcculiitlvp operations have become
and transactions mo
almost IriHlpnlllcnnt
mainly confined to optrntlons for fractional
proilts by room traders. There li , however
chieA conservative operator * vho
ever , u of
tllacrlmlrmtely follow closely cooil features
In particular stocks , which Rlvts n. certain
degree of lieitlthy Interest to the market.
Thu purely speculative stocks , however , are
ncBlectfil , tmliiK to the provaillnu dl posl-
tlon to avoid rl'ky ventures.
The purely speculative opltlt Is nl a low
ebb nnd xcry naturally so Such a reaction
, have lately experienced makes the
m vo
most sanguine sober and timid. All pro-it
und 8 mill en rises arc largely stimulated by
the fiebltr and less experienced operators.
Their confidence rl es In proportion as
prices adv nice and when the moic ptuuenl
have at a ipiotlt and the whou !
wclghl of the market rests on these lifh'cr
nupportH , tiny rush fiom the extreme of
of utter dlsip-
Bangulno \pectntlon to that
polntmettt and distrust , anil , wor o still ,
their mianx are dlspernd nnd they nro no
lortBtr a buying factoi In the matkot. It Is
Rome jcars since HO many of this class of
operator * ) \\cie on the market us during the
U'tcnl rHe , they \VOIP the main element In
the advance , and their absence or lnablllt >
now constitute a m.iln cau i' of the pn--
uilllliK st.iKiiniH-y No matter how cheap
Blocks may be at the present rungo of
value * , nor how law tht tarnlnRH of the
r.Uliimih , nor how pncouniKlnil the condi
tion and Keiuial outlook of busings Intel-
much political dangers ma >
< " [ ? , nor how
liave nil-lie il all this amounts to lltllp so
lotifr as the mat Knl lu < , ( H the vatiKUaid ot
the masj of HiiiiKiiIni minor opoiators who
nlwuVs tuUithi li ail In stalling booms
The larjj'i op tutors uwalt tin li had , lic-
and do
tau o thtj value their
In the m ir-
not car to 1 > \ until thej hep
whom they maj be able to
l.ct a clans on
sell out
mass oC Htoiks pl-ie-fil on
\\lth Ih IIIIKC
the nmrUx't ilurlnp ; llin remit toallrlnKs ol
railroad capitalists , the larger operators
tilt ? likely to stand aloof until tliej see
' dilative vitality
komu now e'tnunls of sp
In the market With them , Kooil comll-
tloiiB arc not the onlj preitciuislte to btij-
IIIR ; they want HIP lo-operutlon ot u ilabs
who will help thorn In advancing prlee *
Apparently there are few now remaining l
the maiket of those who performed tint
service ( lurltiK the laterl i > A ncvet of
oulslde buyrs Is needed and it Is a. mat let
oC conjecture as to when that rontlngonl
may bo cxpiotcd In the Held.
AppionrbliiR conditions may supply that
\\.int. \ The > settlements and inteiost dl
liiiiscmcntH maile at the mil of the > o r
distribute a law amount of fund1 ! , which
usually contilhulc to a Tammrj il e In
pilco1 * . The Iiiil sl\ months of s n
vlvnl , especially In theIntprloi il Ics h
likely to result In dlstilbutlons or
oninlncH nnd that moiuy mn > bo o\peote ' I
to Hnd Its \\nv more or less. Into Wa'l
That , IIOWPVII vvllldep-td In som
ine.isute , npjn what may IK th.- prevail
ing feeliiiK al the oponitih of tin. vun
That ousbt to be Kood All i polls , UKICI
in teprese-ntliiB that. In
tloiis , the tesults of tne lii t half
business have b = en unnsmllj i-itlt-fictoiv
of tnulo I"
Moreover a still better slate
e\pected for the ne\t sci on Thi Improved
state of our tnnmtfuc tines Is shoving Use t
in u steadj Incruisu In vvu cn and the rsun-
ornl full op latlon of the fae-toiles In ihurt
a prosperous Hiring trade Is taken TS u
foregone conclusion How the- action of
congress ma > affect these1 prospe'ets icmaltm
to be EC-en It steins safe to take It for
( .ranted that we Inve little to fear fiom
Jingoism Also , there seems reason to
bona that when congressmen fei-1 the- public
pulsft as It beats at Washington they will
como to the conclusion that thecuriencv
question cannot be o easily shelved as some
of Ihcm h.ivo hoped , and any disposition to
do something real and effective toward nlv
Ing us permanently sound money woii'd '
prove a vcrj positive help to confidence
among the business and Investing cl.issi"
und would favorablj affiet the status of
our securities In , the- for Ign markets j'er
Imps the most bcusltlvc legislation wll
prove to be connected with the lallroad
< iuestlons lhat will come up foi treatment
1'ooling and the powcis of the interstat
commission will no doubt awaken the still
t-lumbering pranger sentiment , but , from
present symptoms , It will b > toiiiul that thi
commercial opinion of the country h.i
lai gcly como round In favor of n s tt'emcnt
of thrso qtiostlons tint will give therouK
making reasonable profl rand
a fair chance for
and c\cmpt them from untlii" exlraneous
olficlal inlerfeienco. The great Intelests
which the nlrjuds servo mo si'j weuv of
the imsctllcd e-ondltlon of the can > Ing
tiade lhat Ihcy will ba likely to suppoit
uls the companies
any fair and equitable piopo
panies may presmt and to oppose unvlMnn
tlmt Havofti of factional lit > unite hostility
to the transportation Intorist.
Upon the whole , thetefore , wo see no rea
sons why the Now Year mav not be e\-
p cted to opnn with a better fooling In Iho
stock market and a renewal of speculative
buying The congressional discussion of
the ral'rtnd questions Is likely to lies attended
disturbing proposils , but so
tended \vlth
long ntt Iheio Is little piobablllty of theli
would nfToid
" * such occurrcnciH
only transient vatlallons In Iho courip of
prices There ! no doubt much holding
back from the Wall street operations with
a view to ascertaining the temper of cy
press and the drift of conditions at tin-
opening of the year , nnd when those have
ceased to be unccrtalnllcs of Ihe future we
look for a resumption of speculation ; with
what force 01 nunsuro of results the event
must show. Nothing is moro dllllcult than
to forecast the moods of Wnll Btriet. They
depend moro on whims , or accidents or
ruts than upon conditions of fact which
reully affect the earning capacity of prop
erties ; n fact of which the present insensi
bility of stocks to the largo earnings of the
railroads Is striking evidence Two great
facts ate obvious , however , that stocks are
low at present prices , nnd that the gen
eral conditions Which legulntc their value
warrant an upward movement.
To permanent Investors the inarkPt pre
sents prolnbly about an low a range of
prices IIH we ate likely to hoe for home
time. Kor such to defer pin chases would
bo to face a probability that , at n l.ito ,
stage , higher pi Ices will have to be paid
Bpcculntlvo purchases , If mndo on drops , ul-
ford a fair chance for model nte gains on
the principle of small prolltH and quick 10-
turns , Bucli opoinitons nro better suited to
the present position of the nniKet than
largo purchases und long holdings.
Itilliicm-p miVoKlj Slnlcnifiit of
I nliiii I'lii'llli ! l'n > iiirnlM ,
NUW YOU 1C , Nov. ZS. The Kinanclci
Bays ;
The changes In the totals shown by tlu
banks' statement foi ttiu mock ending No
vember 27 am connected entliely with tin-
traiibfe-r of Union I'aclllc funds to the sev
eral depository binka and do not In the
least riflecl tnp advanced business condi
tions which are guter.illy asboclated with
lic-avy loan or ill-posit lnueases > .
Tno atakment I'tos not balance , but the
ono Item ivhlch affoids a plow to the real
position of the dlffeicnl Institutions Is found
} n the gain of cash during thu week Thl
Is larger than teports of Eomo of tie lead
ing banks had Indlcutul , bu the How ot
jnoney to this cer. tr from the in eiioi dur-
Jnir thu we-k It U known has exi-eeiK-d Iho
ouivvnrd ina\cincni by at least J-.OiW.W )
The IncriMiM ) In di-poMts la. of course , ac
counted for by the theck given by b 0 Unlo , ,
Voclllo leorjptnlzitlon commlttcu to tlio Na-
ttoiml Cly h ink and bj It distributed pro
i.itn among the dlrfercnt di-pot-Itory iustltu-
1 ona. Aildlnu the aetuul guinu In cash from
the Interior to the I'nlon l-adllo account
the deposits ate aioroxlmatelj correct
The Individual Inrreahehe > \c-vci. arc In-
terestlnK The depoil a of 0110 bink ( mvo
been swelld ; no IIMS linn J12txx OJO through
thu operations described above nnl the li"
P2 J ° iifPur { "rt tutlon amount to Jij. .
OOO.OW. which Is larger tnin the totul uxiuiw
elon mioitisl by all the binks
Thii gain of over J-.OW.OCO reported by the
\Voatorri Nu Jonal 1 due. evidently , to t
absorption of the buslnifN of the United
mates Nat onal wnlci It has nuich.ii.cil
The icsult of the wcek'B business 'as
bren to H i > ll Iho deposit Horn of the state-
went to figures never approached. , The pres
ent deposits .iro , m.OOtfuoo In txiesu of tie
lilghfst total , achieved on Si-ptejnber 11 last
The gnat expansion In loan it U u feature
of the statement that cannot bo satit/uc-
torlly accounted for. It runs almos coin-
cldentally wMj deposit * and the Institutions
ninklng the largest gulna In that Item also
report the highest ruins In loans , in other
words , the Hta'.cment makes It iippeur that
| > rolltablo use has been found within three
days for nearly 'l ' iho money received from
tfto Union rariflo committee. The known
conditions at Iho market do not warrant
this ( uauinpUon. As the rcorKUUUatlon com-
inltteo iwoa Buposvdl to have ttecured all the
luoucy It ncoclcd for Its uaca before a sot-
win mndc the cause mimt b looked
for in oth < r d rntlon * LntrtnR the * m-v-
enil unlos of bonds by tlu Rovornmcnl binks
jviolvlng bonds have * omo tlmc-n cuirlcd
them temporarily ns loins , but t'lls dots no.
apply In the present case. The conclusion
Is ltip\lliM > 'hn' thf expnnnJon Is Involve I
In sotnp t < hiiirii' ' method of averages , Other-
r l n M. i'icu'0 l" > Adolly contradictory
of know i < ts.
t.n \ iAVn i > no\
of tinTraitnir ! nnil
t'rlccx on Suliirilii ) .
CHICAGO , Nov. 27.-A1I of yesterday's
1H" ndvnnco In May whont uns lost toilay ,
whllo December dropped 14 e. There wan n
hie Increase In winter whtnt offotlnKS , cspe-
daily fiom. Indiana , nnd thli wns very cf-
fcctlvo with the crowd , who polil from the
stnrt. Other nuirhcti weio dull with nur-
row fluctuations and only sllp.lit changes
In prlc t at Hie close ,
Whont cii-nul wcnk for both May nnd
Dccembei .Vny started "iffic lower nt
t ftOOJTie and December nt SOc. n decline of
'iii' . Liverpool cables were disappointing ,
snowing but l&f < % il niUanco UB n response
to the btilffo here jestttdny.
Northvu'-U leeclpts were ! )7I ) cnrs , ngulnst
P72 ciri last week. The persistency with
which lecelpt'i up there refuse to full off , In
spite of all predictions to thu contrary , vna
also u elog to thu * market. U developed Unit
the heu\y ndvancc III Deiemberns having
Ittt nnttiril effect upon country shippers ,
mho possessed nny that would pas > s Inspec
tion. Wheat that would have gene to To-
kilo or fit I.nuli mulei" nnmlml conditions
wn- headed this way and SOW bushels of.
red No J winter wheat from Indiana \\as
Bold In the pit from 99o to Ov c. for Decem
ber dcll\er > The opening decline In that
fnturu was pressed Into n still further rt-
ductlon when the nbovc Information bc-
c.uni > generally known. Chicago iccclplM
wire 2D9 cirs.
Ur.idsltrot's report made clearances of
wheat nnd Ilcur for the week from both
coasts nt r,4fifK > ; > bushels , ngalnut MTU COO
bushels the wcock before nnd I.'VJ.COO btis'i-
cls the corresponding week of ISW. There
was some- bull m\\t to Imnd , but little nt-
tentlon wns paid to It New York icported
"Z boat lo-ids Bold foi export , 20 of them
for Austrli. The dny's clearances from the
Atlantic uenbouid amounted to 4'KGO ' ) ) huah-
cls. Only about 750,000 busluh Increase In
the1Islblc Is I'xpecledlomlaj
The mUIeii from tlif northwest were that
ov\lns to bad weather f.trmets' dellvctles
bad in itcrlaliV fallfti off The beailah of-
feet of the sales of No. 2 red -winter whcit
to til live he ic fiom India was Incnased
whin it became known that handlers of
r'isli wheat uere sillers of cnr'onds to .ir-
il\i < fiom low a. and Nolmisk i coitospond-
iiits who had No. 1 not them spiltiR to snip
Atinour A Co likewise sold December
vvl-cat In the pit. which was supposed to bo
against u'heat bought In Dulutli to come
hi re. Selling of Decimbcr Hn lib lucnnio ho
ttfi' that tin market broke to 97'4c. Near
Mi opi'iilnp It hnd sold as high ns 99Hc
H ftcadlul somouha at 97'lc and by elos-
Ing time hnd recovered to J i\c Jl.iy did
I i llHli l ( lpl I sold 1) ) tWIVMl ' ' ViT
l iC , lien broke to Olrtc , closing nt 91e
l am "low , wl h tride for the most
nit consisting of transfem of Decetnbci
ontracts to Alay at about 3ti3i' Olffei-
n IThi > InniUiuj of prloes was tillghtl >
downward , due to receipts of SIC cars and
s > mpilh\ with the dec.lne 111 wheat. Cables
v , 10 * ( Ti1 d higher At ) intle lenrnnoes
were S01.000 bushels. SIny ranged from 23'4c
in"ISC , and cios < il a sh ide lower at KPfcr
Oils were vaker and elosul lov\ei Tlu
ileellno In wilt it had a dipies-slng effeel
Dtiombci bhovvid some streiigtli shortlj
iflu the opening on .1 fair demand , but thi
- lUance was lost Inter Elevator Inteiests
did most of the selling Receipts weie large
01 cms Stnboird elearnnces wtro 47J.OM
bushil JI.i > ringed from 2 ' 4c to 22r , nnd
ilosed " , c lowei nt 22'4e.
I'io\lslons were ver > dull but firm. Demand
mand was onb1 fair , but offerings were men
Miinllci TOiere was soni" tinnsfeirlng of
Deeember contracts to , ! annai > Casli de
mand was qultp good At the i'esc ' Jnmitrv
nork u i-j 2' ' c lilgliu at ? = ! 17' ' , I.intiuo
lud 2Uf3c ! higher , at JJ 27'i ; nml Janu-
n j rlls a uh ule hlcher nt $4 KTi 117'A.
IJsttmateil receipts Mend i > Wheat , ] C5
ears , corn. UO cms , oits > , 3'0 cars , hogs ,
| j,0 bend
Leaning futures inngcd as follows :
Artleli B | Oi3ii | | UUh | Iiovv' . | Ulois fVeiiy
V 1 n t-
Dee- tin ODMi H7J4 lH't '
Mas UJ UPIS ? ! 0191
( oin
Nov 20CHH 2(1 ( 20
Ike 2 ( ) > < i 20M 263s 2DK
M.i } . 20HOh 20H
Dec . . 20' ' {
Maj. ,
I oiK
Die 7 21 7 25 7 22 7 25 7 20
Jan 8 17'ij 8 20 8 I7' 8 174 H 13
Miv S 4J > 8 I" B 124 S Ut 8 10
Ik o . 4 10 i 10 4 K-II ,
Jm . 4 _ ' * 4 22'i ' 4 Vfi 4 20
J'ly 1 1(1 ( 4 J7h 4 S1H
Dec 1 17 4 1 , " , 1 10
J in 4 17 I 15 4 13
Miy . . 1 JO 4 SU 4 27h 4 l7't ! '
No 2
( 'an 11 nuntntlona w re na follow n.
I'LOUlt rirm , winter pilcnf , Jl 7WI 91 ,
stralBlitx , t < Op4 W , Fiirlng bpecHl" , $533 , spring
pitontf. $1 401(4 < > j H rilKhlh JICOt'450
WIU3A1 N-i. J rp UK , lO'iQS ' iC , No 3 sprlnj
f2fi 4 , No J re ) iT Hf 80.
l DUN No 2 , 21 He
O VIS No 2 2OiC , fob ; No. Z white , 20
21e No 3 white 2anfl2i'4C
DM : No 2 'I' ' .Tic.
It MtLUY-2CS3ic. ,
hintS-No ; 1 lliXBce.1 , SIOj'i@l10 , prime
tlmnth ) Eieit , JiC"
I'HOV ISIONS Mesporii. . per lib ! , $7 25B7 30
LnrJ , per 100 Ibs , * l J2U I 23 Short ilba sliki ,
llo io ) $1 1 1 70 dr > Fulled xhonlilors ( li'xcd ) ,
JI7 > fnco , bhort clear tldi u ( boxiO ) tlO < W4W4
U1I1SKY Distillers' nn sned Roods , per cal
tl 19
Bl'OAllS Cut lonf , * 3S4 ; srnnulatej , J3 21
On the rroiluce exclmngo loiluy the Imtter nnr-
ket wnsBteadj , ccintrU'SIgClc , Unities I25i
I'Jc Ctieesc. quiet , MJSlAc : , < . fresh , 18 . Live
poultrj , niiirket dleauy , tiirke > s , 9c , chickens , tc ,
, 605'C , ( lucK.s
Iioinloii VIoiic > and tookn ,
LONDON , Nov 2S Money rates have
stiffened a the Hank of England , purHu-
Ing Ihe policy of borrowing on slock , has
absorbed mosl of UIP outside supplies ,
theit-by maintaining the present rates ,
which aiu not likely to decline before the
nd of the
The stock e-tohungo v\aa steady , except
n home railway sccuiltl-s , which secured
in all around decline on the belief thai the
directors , In view of the laboi lioubles , will
retain larper Imlam es Instead of devoting
hem to dividends American railway stocks
fluctuated although the market was hope
ful. Dealings were small , the operators
awaiting the presidential mehsugo to con
gress , Quotations were generally lower ,
wl h the notable exception of Northern I'a-
olllt ! proforiedOiaroH , which rose three
points. The stocks which declined include
Central I'uclllc , which fc'l ! two points ,
I'ulon Paellle , 'd of n point , Atchlson , Topeka -
peka Sinta I > * o adjustment nnd I'rlo firsts.
l point , I , ike Shore & . Michigan Southern ,
t point , and Wnbish Income ! ' , which fell
% of n , point. Qiand Trunk railway shures
vvnro strong , with nn overaterl e of IH
points , hut Ciiu.idlan I'aclllc shares fell
' t of a point Argentine lines were buoy
ant on the strength of tratllc returns ,
MANCMinSTIJIt , Nov 2S The public re
ports for the last week were quieter , but
itiobnbly business was really larger than
before Largo eastern cloth orders , both
varns and goods , weie placed and some
lluis of shirtings nt ver > low prices ( 'him
and India now promise well , the food crop
1 1 aspects of the latter b Inn excellent. The
position of the manufacturers Is very un
even but the enstc rn looms are fairly en
gaged for two months Varns In moderate1
iiiipply are holding their piounil fahly well ,
but the posslhlllt > of avoiding a strike Is
now more uncertain
Advices from liciuen show a better de >
nmnd there , though at rather lowoi prlco-i
than for the week ending with November
W. The German nnd Austrian markets arc
depressed , the Blocks of yarns und goods
being Jiirgo.
lltiirnlo tliirUi-l.
HUKPAI/O. Nov. 2S.-WUKAT-NO. 1 ,
northern , spot casn , Jl.OO1 ; new , MUc , ; No.
2 winter , CbV.o
rOHN-No. 2 , 31'4C.
OAl.i-No , 2 while , 27c.
llAltl < UY Good demand.
UVI > SIo asked ,
I.iiiidnii Wliont Mail.t. .
I < ONPON NJV. 27. Wlnat In the innrket thin
wnK wu uj ported I'S * rontlnenlal bujcic , l\e | \
Unltol KhiKibm Inquliy waa rniull , hellers nf
rullfornlii vvlirat ScpU'inlxT nnd Octnlit.r , n Kt.l
Ji . for November tl > e > aakcil 3Sn SO , unit fur just Killed they ntk il 3Ss u ) , A IJTKC
liiiHliirH via Oono InVulli VXullr wheat , Do-
edubrr to IMirti iry at S5 > loivlnrllPr.i nt tint
pricf Argentine uhal 1ml fro1 tell n , re nirr'
nnil MurrU nt 35s Indliin wheat un freely of-
ferJtt ut 33 fur April ami May.
Flour wiia Blow nml | ircen ! unnltere < l.
ilulieMI > ( julfl. Old inlstM Dereniber wan
quote-1 at ICuSil New maize Januao 13 April ,
wild qUotiM at 15 M ,
Oats ultpieil. The lait price p.-ild una lin 74J !
for mixed illppiil DrK-inlitr oats.
California Drloil T'riilln.
riJt'lTS-App'ei. firm , other dried fruitu , quiet ;
etuporuted apples , ciinnun. ti 7c ; prime wire
tray , SUc , wood dried , prime , Ulc ; cliolee , fc'ic :
funcr , 8&9Hc. Truiim , JUUSc. a to ilze and
quality. Apricota. rojol , 7Hfi6o ; Moor I'ark. E0 >
lie , 1'eachei , unixski , IQlOc ; ptclcJ , lU20c.
Closing of the Week Com33 with a Revival
of Dns'ntsj.
\Vt-pU UloNpN ulth Coed Hpiiie t for
All Siirln Sustained M I N ( inlti
n Mclii'l on a
( ionil Hun.
SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. 27.-Uecelpt9 for
the- days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hou . Siieep Horica
November 27 . Sll CB72 37 1
Novtmbtl 16 . I'M 6 , ! 20 4,8-tS 25
November 23 . 1,300 5,000 700 . . . .
November . -1,131 7.7S3 1,66 . . . .
November 2J . 4,5'J S.tttl l.B'-Z
November 22 . 3,1)17 ) 2,703 l.OSG i5
November 20 . 1,200 6.COO 2SG . . .
November ID . 1,119 4.0U l.fXJJ 27
November K . 4,1l 0 5f.S ? 2,137 . . . .
November 17. . . . . . 3,162 4,022 1,407 2G
November 16 . 4,303 4,235 2,333
November IS . 2,618 2.10S Ib37 . . . .
November 13 . . 4S5 B.GMJ 1,225
November 12 . 3.003 4,831 1,032 15
November 11 . 3,016 6,013 3,761 . . . .
Receipts for the wecu with comparisons ;
Cattle. Hogs. Sleep.
Week ending Nov. 27. . . 15,263 30,213 11.310
Week ending Nov. 20. . . 17,727 26,143 ! i > 3
Week ending Nov. 13. . . 11.271 30.G2.J 10029
Week ending Nov. 6 . . . 20,318 1 ,212 16,002
The olllclnl number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Shee p. H'r's.
C. , M. & St. P . . . 7
O & Sh. I , . lt > . 1
Mo. I'aclllc Ily. . . . 2
U P. Sjstcm. . . . 8 17 1
K. , D. & M. V. G 1C
C. , St. P. , M & O. 2 3
H. & . M. U. H. II. , 10 32
c , n. .v. y. iiy. . i u
K. C. & St. J. . . 7 G
C. , H. I & P. , cast . . 1
O. , 11. I. fc P. , west . . 1
Tolal receipts. 31 U7 . . 1
The disposition of the day's receipts wao
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha. Packing Co . 21 Ml ) . . . .
G H. Hammond Co. . . . tfl 1,114
Swift and Company . 1S7 1,270 . . . .
Cud.ihy Packing Co. . . . 171 1,211
H Decker iV Uegan . 3 .
Vnnsant Co . u ! .
\ \ . I. Stephens . 27 .
Huston & Co . U .
Hammond , Prank C . 4P" ! . . .
Cud ill } , Kansas City. . . . 210 "J
Plinklnton , Milwaukee . 93 . . . .
Othet buyers . GS .
Total . S39 0613 . .
The lei-eip b of cattle for the week ending
Novembei J7iAeio the smallest of any week
since the second i\cok In August. Dutlng
the curly part of the week the receipts were
llbeial. but very tin ill during the latter
half , as tx lesult of Ihe Intervening holiday.
At the same time the reocip s of hogs were
largoi i mil the pervious we > ek's lecord by
ovei 10,000 head and the Ixrgest of an } week
since the llil week in August The siecp
lecelptb weie the laigest since the first week
of the pre-sent month
CATTL.B Theio were only thirty-four
frehh loads ot cattle In the yards and only
twentfveii of them ivere on sale Thom
m irkot , us Is almost invailably the ca = e on
a Satuidi } , ' .vas without feature of Impoi-
tance The cattle sold at prices about the
h.ime aa ptcvalled } i onlay.
'Ihe1 Intervention of a hollilu } In the middle
of the week alwajs tends to demorallre ne
ttaJe to bom e\ti-nt and naturally leilucea
the rtcelpts The pist wce.v , however , the
eattlo market Was in a ver } healthy condl-
lon , detplto any druwbicks there may have
been. 1 he ilem md for all kinds of c iltle
wun good and fully cqu il to the moderatii
locolpts Hich day's arrivals met gcncially
wKh quite lead } s tie nd at prices that
d little vaiiatlon from diy to day On
Tuesday there was u bleak of about lOc on
fat cat le , but that was fully nuuie up be
fore the c ese of the week
11OCJS The HAS" niirkct lookej up today nnd
xa'ue ' * were aiUarced about r c Hie trade was
reason ibl > lutUc nnd ever > tlilng was sold and
\vclKlicd up in Rood season.
The pruc , olj aTl all the wa > from H 22U
to S3 4- > , with the blR- bulk at S303 SO while
> esterda > $3 2'JQ3 . ' 5 bought ullnost ncrj tlilns
The BCniral tcndencj of tlio hog mnikct for
the latt week was ilonmvuril tluil Is the tle-
cllnra more than bilanced the ndumces The
week opened with an advance of about Cc , but
thnt was nil lost and more IOD , on Tuesday , the-
average rtecllne on that dnj amounting to OMT
lOc On VVednesdaj the market wis Jusl about
steady , but on T iurs1a > It was 2Uc hUher On
Prldn > came the tecond sharp break of the week
values for the daj averaging l e loner. That
was not only the low dnj of the week , but of the
month to dite as we 1 In fact the nvcraue
price wns the lowest of any day since July 10
The advance nt the close of the week left the
market a Btrons re lower than It was at the
t-lo e of tlif previous week
In eplte of the fact that tne market wns lower
the past week It was still CfilOo hlsher Inn a
> eir neo , nnd that , too , in the face of much
larcer receipts at all markets.
'lie demand was of veiy fulr proportions all
the week and the receipts gcneullj met with
quite n idj Kile.
MHKni' There were no freeh rccclpta of sheep
i.ivn srocic IVHKUT.
I xport Di-iiinnd nn liiiiorliMtt 1'i'iitnri-
tit Cat He- .
CHICAGO , Nov 27. Todiy's cillle nniKet w is
utmost entirely nomlmil , ns Is Ufatitil on Siturd 1 }
Iho few offerings cold nt yesterday' ?
prices The small ndvnnce that Imti tnkon plnfe
In prices this weelc wn wholly due to the tx-
trtmely light rteilpta , for the roju icmfntj cf the
tnulo were- very limited. The cxpmt ilcnnnd has
been nn Important feature of Inte , nnd the call
for fancy entile for the Chrlstinis holiday trad"
has been FO far e that In numeroua Instances
buyers wnit ti > the feed lot for them Vttil
c lives continue Kcar-o and prices remain flrn , the
best lots fttchlnK $0 5 jJ6 G ) ror 11) Ibs and pr me
tnllch COWH hnve r-old ns hl h ns tr3 pel hcid
The ileinuml for EtocUeri nnd feeders h is fnllnn
off , and prices iiMrnKcil I0 { < l5c lower than last
week , but BOW ! feeders are still hlfll
Tliero was nn nctlvedrnund for IIOKS , nnd
prices ruled stronR at an , avcruite advance of 5
over yesterday's quotntlonx. Heavy packlnp lots
sold at tl Wi3 3i , and prime shippinglota at
J3 MiTi 3 15 , the hulk of the sales brlnK made nt
$3 3W3 SO The ( , r < ater part of the pUs chaiiRod
ownership at J3 10i3 3" . The new crop of hogs
his xtirted and liberal n-cc'p nr" cxpect l from
nuvv on. Medium welKhtB ire still the best sr > 1
Offirlnfta of cheep and Iambi were easily until
at the let-cut advance. Sheep \vcif > salable at
SI 0004 K for piMir to choice nnd Inmhs nt tl Wlf
58 Oreal numlHTs of Iambi have been poM dur-
Inic the latter part of the week at $5 75 nnd BomJ
fancy pheep H ild nt $4 70JM ST . The demand for
fpndo-s Is coed but very few suitable to the trade-
are cornlnu to the market
Kccelnts' Cattle , 000 head ; hojs. 13,000 head ,
sheep , 3,00) head
St. I.oilln l.lvo S < n < > lc.
ST LOt'IS Nov. 27 CATTU : Hecelpts. 1 < 00
head of which 600 are Texans , shipments , 3 4 in
head , marl ft steady , fair to fancy native ship-
Plnp nnd export steers J < 2" fi5 25 bulk of salcn
14 fO ? 5 00 driebeil beef nnil butcher steers n 7f
fT \ > , bulk of Miles , J < iOQI 50 , stctiH under
1 CCO lb , It i'Qt CO , bulk of pales. 3 Sp < 10
utctkem nnd feeders 12 00f4 30 , bulk of hales
J275i4 | 10 cows und helfirs ( I 75CT4 60. bulk of
covvii f2 fOfi3 Sri famiilitr cows , $1236210 butlp
tl 7151 J SB Texan nnl Indian teer J3 00f1
bulk of Kileb , (3 Mifi'J SO , cows and h lfcre , ( J 10
HOOS Jlecclpts , 3700 head , Fhlpmcnts , 3100
head mniket rlcaily to n hade hither. llKlit
J3 35413 45 mixed , 53 3.11)3 ) 50. hc.tvy J3 60if3 61
SlIliHI' HccelpIs , none shipments , 700 hei.O
marKet nominally ulendy : nstlvo muttons $3 Sjff
4 ti culls und buckx , 12 K > { f3.W3 , Btockl-rs , JJ : :
ijj 00 , lambs , > < ir85 fO
ICiiiiHiiN ri ( > I.lvo Stdflc
1 , ( 10 head , market rteady and unchanged , only
retnll trade , Tixns tteurt , $2 OOffl 10 , lexas covvs
JJfWfiaW ) , native ElferB JirOJjtS1 ! , native cows
and holfera } 1 501T4 00 , stoekcts nnd feedirs 130)
( Tl 45 bulls (2 7KO3 25
HOGS llcrelpts 7.000 licail , market fteady to
Mruni ; . bulk of Ha'cs. I330ft340 , lieavles M 20If
342Vi , packers 3 25fl3 42H , mike I J3 SO&3 .
! ! Kht I3.1iff342l4 , lorUcru , | 3SO 3 V4 , PlB
J3 " 0573 45
SlUIIJI'-ltecelpts , 1 OCO head market strong ,
lambs. S3 004)575 , nmltonsi ,
liiilliiiiiipollN l.lvc Slock.
2M houl , Rhlpinentf , ISO head , murket ipilet ,
Kood 13 prime , II iORj.10 , fair In tnfdlum
nii-r , J13 > J'I.5. common to good stockcrs , | i.j
IIOOS Hceelpts. 1,7W head , shipments , IOM
head , market , active 2V4c hliiher , all wild ; ttorel
to cholio medium nnd heavy J3 45f3 50 ; tnKe.l ,
S3 40j3 1" . enmmon Uu-Uln 3 43f3 | 43
Blinin1 Ilfcclpts , 1,000 lipiul : * himvnU | | , fair ,
good to eholie Inmlw 15 ( KWS.O' ) ; oammon to
in llum Uinbi , H < WI.75j common she ep , JJ.Kif
2.75. '
KIIM ! IliifTiiln 1. 1 viSlock. .
HART nurrAix ) , NOV , w.-CATTL-n-quict
and Htroiur
IlOOS-Yorker . coed to choice , J1.S7OJ 60 ,
roughs , common to good , 13 10O8 2J , pie * . 13 f.OJf
3C5IAMHS Ciolce to extra , I560C5M , cull to
common 14 75fiC 25.
BlinKP Choice to telected wethern , II tOS4 7 !
l.oiiUt Illf l.Ui > Slorl.- .
LOUIBVII'Li : Ky. , Nov.CATTLiSteady ;
prlnp unchunKid.
1IO(1S5Lhluher : all hogs 120 pound * up selling
nt tl ; plt I125R3 40 , rouiih > , J2 7503 10
SHimi' AND I AM US Steady and unchanged.
NtMV VurU I.lvo Slock.
NK\V TOIUC , Xov. 27 llKUVCS-nccelpU. $21
bead1. Cables ( jultt ; American tc r at
I ininger &
" - Metcalf Co.
Agricultt'i-ai Implements.
lluggles nnd Carrlnces Cor. lh and FaclfVi Bt .
Jobbers of Farm Machinery.
Wagons and BuBglo - Cor. th nnd Jones.
Picture Moldings.
Mirrors , Frames , necking and Artlsto'
tiTifiU . A noun
Eleventh nnd Howard Sts
M'frs | Jobbers of Fool Wear
The Joseph Banigrm Rubber Co.
Rubbers and Mackintoshes.
Unilllui ,
J3oo's , Shoes nnd Rubbers
Salesrooms 1102-11041100 Hartley Street.
Owner of Chief Brand Macklntoshcr
Boots , Shoes , Rubbers ,
Office and Salesroom 1110 1-23 Howard St.
Wholesale Shoe Manufacturers
Western Agents Goody'ear Qlo\e Rubbers ,
1114 Haincy Street.
Remtis Smaha lag 00
Iiuporters and Mnimtactui era
614-16-18 Sonih 11 Hi Street
" 9
ircl.iescs , Sorghum , etc. . Preserves and Jellies
Also tin cnns nnd Jcpanned vvarn
Growers nnd manufacturers of nil forms of
Chicory Omaha-rieinont-O Nell.
dressed weight ; refrigerator beef , .
ts 1 1'b peeves nnd 3 150 nunricm of beef
AND LAMIiS ItccelptH , 52S ,
flu il ) { 3 Mm I SO , l.ainbs , JS " 5ftO 15
J1OGS UccelptB , , , ! fki7 head , dull at
llccoid of recclntM of live Hlink nt the four
principal marUcls foi Novembei 'S
Cattle Bhccp
Omulia . . . Rll G.5 2 17
Chicago . . . . I t. < . CIO no o 3.001
Kani-as City . fi\\ \ \ . .1 rW 7 OW 1 0-0
Ht. louls . . > . 3 , " 1)0 ) 70)
Totals . 3741 80273 4737
( liinlnf IOIIH nfj , > t/c / Uny on
NL.W VOHK. NOV. - -ri.OUH-npcelpti ! , 14-
i > 14 bbls , export -JKO liliH , ipilft , but linn ,
Minnesota patenftr , ! .ft lOijS 40 , Jllnntnota baK-
ir * ' II 20fi < ' 0. vvTilfeY patinst J4 9Jjf3 15 , jnter
Btralbhtu , l WJTli ; Vilnter cxtra , JJ 4064 Do ,
winter low graJ. > r.2.9003 } 10. Il > e flour , dull ,
Ji.SOSS J5 HuclOtiFlt ) ] llou' ' JUlet. Jl 1I01.SO.
IlUCKWHIJAT-Qitlet at 50ijuiV.c
tOHNMiAI SIejqj , > elovv | vv'entcrn , C3e.
HVKhtenilj No. S. tOiie
JIAHMn'-Qulct. wehtern , 2SUc
HAHIiV MALT liajj ; vvcittrn WJTCOe.
WH13AT HetelptB SM.SOO 1m , i xpnrlH S7.C7'4
bu Bpot , tat } , , No. ! ! leil. Jl ( Hi Optlona
opened ea * > , ovvlnff to MK northwest iKelptii and
dUappolntlnj eable . rallleil slUlitly on loveriiiK
but nnally toM oft nualn under riallzlnR and
closed'itth.o nel ovver ; No 2 reil. .November
eloeed nl W4c , December. MJ40J1 00 , eloted nt
UOIIN Ilecelptn. 63575 bu . ejportu IIS.S'O Im.
Fpot , cay ; No. ! . Wc Optlona opened eleaOy
on rablea but eased uff later with uhrat and
elofcil ' 0' ' c net lower. Not ember elo d ut
3J'c ' , Decniiber , 31l4 32c , clotetl nt Sl e
OATS llecelpU WCW > bu. ; export * , WO.CS3 bu
Bjiot. tea4y. NoSC'it ! OntlonH dull but
uteady , on llshl offerlnK , elo ed 'te nft hlKhtr ,
r . bruary closed at Jt > > ic , Deecnbcr elo f.l ul
9. . Q
" HAV-Qulctj ehlpplng. 40015c , eooj to choice.
HOl'8 Quiet : itste. eommon to choice. 1SOJ
erop. 4fjCc ; HM crop , 6ij9o ; lfc97 crop. ISOlSe.
I'aclflo coaat 1WJ crop , 4&Cc ; ItjO erop , C09c , 1W7
crop , ItuiSc- .
I'llOVimONS-Qulet ; family. I9.00i10 DO ; extra
mesa , t7.lOQS.tO ; but bams , Ci.Wft&lO , packet.
Importer nnd Jobber
Crockery. China , Glassware ,
Silver Dated Ware , Looking Glasses , Chan-
elellcrs , Liunp , Chlinneyd , Cutlery , Etc.
Creamery Machinery
nnil Supplies.
Ilollorc , Engines , recil Cookers , Wooil Pul.
leys , Shafting , Ucltlng , liutter Pack
ages of all kinds.
M7-909 Jonci St.
Offlco 1C03 Farnatn Street.
. N Dletz , President. Gould Dlotz. Sto. & Tres
Importers anil Jobbers of
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods
J. C. niCHAUDSON , Prest.
C , P. WnLLEIl , V. Prcst.
mmsm fa
M'ffs AtJiilirI'lurnnsfittleitl I'
( Jont > ; iafal { I'vrniiiliio i'rcpainl to
0 > tier Sriiifj > - ( 'tltittiiitiic ,
r ) * , lilt Howard St. Omaha.
. Bruce & Co.
Druggists and Stationers ,
"Queen nee" Specialties ,
ClgarB , Wlnra nnd Brandies ,
Corner 10th and llurney Street * .
F.lcctrical Supplies.
l loctilo MinitiK Ik'lls and Gas Lljjhtlni ;
O W TOHNfelON Mcr. 1510 Howard St.
1504 Karnum St.
& So ,
Commission Merchants.
8 W. Corner ICth nnd Howard Sts.
Mcmccra of the National League of Commis
sion Merchants of 11. e United btate : .
g taa w uuwtyJCOj
Frnit and Vegetables
EPHCIALTinS Strawberries , Apples , ,
Lemons , Cranberries , Potatoes. 1017 Howard Bt.
Furniture Draperies
1115-1117 Farnam Street.
$8 SOfiO CO. Cut meats oulet , pickled bellies
tO . ' /4 < 7 87'4. pickled hhoulders } 5 75 pickled
hum * , J7 50. Lard , stiady , vvtutern steam 14 Ul ,
rellncd ijiilet Pork Bteady , mess , ; s i'SJ'j IK ) ,
ihorticlear , 110 OOifl. 00 , family , 111 SO It is M.
Tallow , quiet , city , 33-lCc , country , i'lSjja.c us
to qu lilty
] lllid Steady , ( lalveeton , ICc , Texas , ic ,
Callfoinla 176 Ike
MJATHIJH-Qulet , hemlock sole , liuenos Ajns
JO'ttlJl'ic '
UOOl.-l > ull , nerce IBHSIc Tex is 13ffl7c
OIIJ3 Petroleum ipilet I'nlled closed at C7'o
bid Jtosln , steady , etialuol , ( ominon to Kood ,
II 40jl r. 'lurprntliio , firm , 32 f/31i / Cotton.
i.e < il quiet und about sluuly , vvlth rales on the
banlu of SHic for prime pummel yellow , jirlmt
crude , IS'ic pilme undo Jiilllu U'iff '
H'jc. ' prime tuimner yellow SIHc , off t-iiininir
yellow 21'ic butter oil :3'- /l'tt / , prime winter
IIHTTIIH Hecelpts SOW pkub. , mate dairy ,
12 iOo. creamery , HjK.'o. wentfrn creumciy , 14
O2Jc iiKln : Z3c factory ll'i.'ifHc'
( JIIJErilJ ItrcclpH 0592 l kfcs , market quiet.
IlKht feklms CijO'-io , part eklmii Ci/fc , full tklms ,
lUIQS ItecelptH 5 IS ! pkK' ; market tead ) ,
Pennrylvanlu .OSSOc , vvr tcrn , J2c ,
I \ \ < IU | > llllUl > tN.
, Nov 57 The Il ) ton Commercial
Uulletlu cays todiy of the vviol mnrkct.
The maiket has lulfd more aitlve Most of
, the wool Fold will v < rnt.c I'oit Phillip at 3Iii
22'/i ' cinl * but over l.OWOJO pounts wrre linking
at 3lii3G cults Amu.illin has rlsrn about 1 cent ,
t lu hrourrl pound an I all ilonuttlm ubuvu Ihroi-
ilxhths blood hive rallied slight y from the re
mit teiicll n Thu firmer tone of Ihe foreign
murket an I Ihu letter dtmand for winter elotn-
liit " arc mpontlblu foi the Improved coalitions
of the market Ihe sales of the week are I.IU-
< /0 pounds domettlo und 4 r.S2 (40 ( pounds of for-
elxn aiuln t 1 9 < 0OCO pounds domebtlc und 2 765 .
000 pounds foielgn fait week und 4 4S3 0 0 pounds
rtoinmtlc. and 1 " 01 OCO nounds forelfcti for the
mine week taut ytnr Ihe rales lo date show
an Inrreare of V3S70,900 poun Is domettlo and
l.'G,7&3 iW forelttn from Iho ules to tlie tame
Ualo la 186 * The irrclpts to date tlmw nn In-
( TiuBO of 197.23C bal domKtlo and 3332 : for-
I'ollovvlne ere the quotations for leading ile
op7i Pcnntylvanla fleece X nnd .
8702So ; XX and XX above , SSSSOc. Delaine , 30
CUlo , No. 1 combing JOfollo. No 2 eomblntt. 89
< rtOo. MlchUan. WUconiln. etc NX Michigan.
2JM24o ; No. 1 comblnir Michigan , 27B280 , NJ. 1 ,
Illinois combing. I76 0 ! No 2 Michigan 28c ;
No. 2 , Illinois combine , : ioj X New Vort New
real Western
Type Foundry
Superior Copper Mlxtd Typo It thi b tt on
th nirrltel ,
1114 Howard Street.
13th and Lcuvcmvorth St.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
1 Teas , Bplccs , Tobiccc mid Clgnrr.
I 1403-H07 Homey Street.
AMI Gitocnus.
Tclfphone 2S2.
i , s.innnn , .i. > / > COLL tits
Jobber * uf 1 c < tthri' , Antldfrr/ ; Hot tin nif , ,
Wc'-ollclt yotirordcts 131D Howard Et.
Wholesale Hardware ,
f ee-Glark ndr@esen
Hardware 0@
Wholesale Hardware.
Itlcyclcs and bportlnc Gnoils. 1210-'J1-'J3 Ilar-
ney streut.
alter i@as8 &
214-iG South 14th fct.
East India Bitters
Golden Sheaf Pure Rye and Hourbon Whiskey.
Willow Springs Distillery , Her fit Co. , 1113
Harney Street-
Liquor Jl/crc/mnts ,
1001 I'll run in bttcct.
Liquors and Cigars
1118 Farnum etiuct.
Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
413-415 S. 15th Street.
Hampshire and Vermont 23Q24c , No 1 Nrvv
Voik , Ntvv llani | < ihliu and \ermunt , 21c , T ) <
lulne. MlchUan , . ' 7c Kentucky and Indiana
quarter-blood tombing , 23V24o , KtnliKl.y nnd
Indiana llilticlKhthh blood lomblng , Mt'i'j ,
Mli'rourl quurtir blued lombltiK ' 'Ic , UltHuurl
thiet-elchtlih blood iombli < K 23U24i , braid eomb
InK -Ic. lake und Ueuikla , 2.'e , Texas wools
tprlni ; Mediterranean ( t.vehe montlit ) 21ir.i > c ,
spring line ( twelve month ) , 17fllSo. tcouied
lirl'-t , Mi(62c , teultory vvuoii fine me
dium und line , USflSi. tcouied ) > rlce , 4Sii49c ,
stiiple , CJliCSe Utah. Wyoming etc medium
and tine imijtl'c , uoured pilot , 48d'ic , ttujiie
ll < isl' c , Aunliulllin wouH teounil bauls cemli
Ing fcupernne , CldCIc , ioud itiijtgc , teed comb
Ing uveruhe , ( . 'ijO'c , ( Juern lunil iunililnu Kc
HT I/31'IS , Nov -\\OO1 Lilt uiiibid , me
dium , lMi. ' Jo , light flm f3Ql7c , licuvy line , IS'
He , tub vvaehed 'JitSO'ic '
.SI , LoiilH ( ifiii-rnl
BT I/3UIH Nov 27- I'lOUItQuiet and un
( hanged , patents lITMiIlm , Hr.ilihli' . M 104 |
4 l/u , eltur , J400 42o medium ( JliiuJiS
WHUAT Lower , cloulm : ie < fui Intimber nnd
lsc fur May below ) f li-nl o , opined \ lower
und eventually declined Hit , , n n clniilng vvlth
sellero 1-foi aluvo the boltini Si t. luvvir No
2 rid cuhh elevutcr KOViC lu k 97' c , N. 2 hard
cash ST Sfci , December 'J7Vt .May 9U ( jii3Tie
OOH.NI ulurcH dull nnd KuliireleKH during
mout of the Eetnlon final y vveakenliiK und clot-
ing vvlth Mnyidi < ' und December Wi'tc ' under
yisttiday , tpot , rosy , No 2 curh ! Ic , Jjcctm-
ber. 24' c. May , lic
OA'JH itulnl weak und lonir for futures clos
ing with u dtcllnu of 1.1 tu H fur t . day fp t ,
lovvei , No J cauli , rlevat < r . ' .i , ir ck ZlVi'-- ' ' ,
No 2 wlilteca h , 24c , Di ' t . ' .i. bid , May ,
dy at Wtc ,
Livnitpooi * NOV. SI-WJIIAT : Bpot , NO. i
red northern , chlppim , firm ul 7a HV.d
COK.N boot Aini-ilcan lulled , firm at 3 3"id ,
fulurea , uteadys November , 3s > id , Ueceniber.
3s 3Hd , January , 3s 2'i < J
I'lJUVU-m lM\tl \ funey winter steady at 10
HOI'S At Ixmdoii ( Pacific coukU , llejil ) , J-l
PUOVIHIONB ntef , nrm ; e trn India metu ,
CCH M , prime mem , DCs 3d Park prime infm ,
fine wetttrn , firm ut 47 Cd , prime mti , medium
western steady at 45s , Ilains , tburt cut , 14 to
1C pounds , dull at il liacon. nho't ribs steady
at K * ; long clear middles , light , 24s Cd , long
clear middles , heavy , dull at 34 ; ihort clear
dull at M * Cd ; clear Ltlllev , steady at * '
DUMBER . , .
814 South Mth St.
Ofllc * nd TarJi . , , ,13th nnd California fif <
Whole salt Lumber
Lime , Etc ,
Oth and Douglas Sts.
1013 llovinul St.
Air Floafed M nral Paint
And Pain + 11 vn Mn t Putty. Etc.
1015 and ICI7 Jon St.
M. A Moffet , 1st Vice Pres L J Urake Qcn llgr
Oaro.lnc , Turpentine \\lc Gieite Ktc
Oinnlri Ilrincli anil Apenclei Jfhn It Ruth Mgr
Printing Paper ,
Wrapping Paper , Stationery ,
Corner 12tti and Howard streets.
Wrapping Paper , Stationery ,
] ] Toodcnuarc.
1107 Il-uncj Street .
Publhlior" , M.inuf ictiners nml Jobbers
The Inrpest Supply House In the West.
Corne" llth anil Harney Streets
. .annfictHreirH of
Sash , Doors , Blinds , Etc ,
12th and Iz ird Sts.
Klim Street.
Mauufaclurera and jobbera of Steini. Gas and
Water Supplies of All Kinds.
noS-ii ro llarnev St.
Stciin PiiinpB , Knslnea nnil nollcrs , Pipe ,
Wind Mills , Sicam iin'l ' Plumbing
Bluter'al ' , llcltlnir. Hose , ntc.
Hardy & Co-
I'jr ' , Dolls , Albums and
flouts Kurnlrhlngu , Children' * Carrtajn , ICtO.
ll I'arnam tlireet.
Slunufncturcis' celebrntcd "On Time Yenat"
und German Huklnt ; 1'ouckr. BatlBfuctlon
/ / joto . [ 321 Nor tit.
Twenty-eight Street.
JAFilES E- BOYD & GO , ,
Tcl phonu t ( > : i ! > . Oiiiulia , Nub
lUAII ( ) 01' TIAII ( ! ,
Direct wire * to eiiK MI I J eiv York
Coriiriiundint' . J > i ti n ft Co
OLD COI.OM iii ILIUM ; , ruiru.o
Membcrn Chloauo Ilo.ird of Trade Hlnee l e
Grain , Provisions an I N. Y. Stocks
Orders CaBh and T'uturo Dclhoiy fiolli" J
Onialia OflliiItiiiilii I , N. \ . l.llf IlldU.
. . , . 'IMioiii11(11 ( . . . ,
i-' t ) .1 o iUfiiici , ; , ,
1053 ,
H. R. PENNEY & CO. ,
11O Bonrd ot Trudo Bldfj. , Omnhtt.Nob.
llrniicli OMIco 103H NHt , . Lincoln , Nub
tihouldem , niuare cut , firm at 2S . I-nrd | < rlma
wcnttrn , firm ut 'X 3d. Tallow , urluiD elty , tlrut
at liu.
CHii:8l-Amerlcan fltjtut white w 4 eolcied ,
dull at iU W. , i i. . , 4