Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1897, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY BETS : , yrOVBMBBLt 23. 1807.
Entire Cargo of Steamer Gloucester on Her
Vojago from Boston to Baltimore ,
'Anil lOO.OOO YnrilH Iinitfirtcil llrrim
anmlH Diiiiinnf.l lit thr Klrp In Th.
JMIclinti A Co.'n Wnrrliinmc , Kl. %
IVnxliltiKtuii Street , \ < MV Vorl < .
Brie begins Tureday , Nov. 30.
Iloston Store , Omttha.
Sixteenth and Douglas ,
The goods Ironi the steamer Gloucester
wcro told to tut by Underbill & Scudtler of
Now York , agents ( or the marine Ur lcr-
/wrltcra. /
And tie goods from f the Mlchan ( Ire
were Eold < o us by Field , Chapman ft Ken-
nor , agents of the flro Insurance companies.
How and why Uostoiu Store 'can buy and
ecll Ihcso great stccks as cheap as they do :
1st. Ilecauso cash atvl nothing less than
rpot car.ii IB accepted In such cicala , and wo
have It.
2nd. Either one of the firm , or one of Its
representatives , Is always In New York-
watching for Just such chances as < hese.
3rd. Uccausc our outlet for goods Is BO
great that we can dispose of almost any
quantity , no matter how large , If the goods
arc only good and cheap enough. Everybody
for miles nround recognizes the value of our
bargains and the Importance of our special
Will excel Itself In the way of bargains
end to give you an Idea of how really and
itruly great and this ealc will be ,
wo toll you that wo will sell
which consist of the
as follows :
AH the Dress Goods worth "Cc , damaged
on the double edge , will go In lots at 3c and
Cc yd.
Al ( hu $1.25 Dress Goads damaged on the
slnglo edge go < it lOe and Ific.
IA11 the almost perfect dress gcods , worth
up to $1.GO , go at 25c and 39c yd.
And all the highest priced guaranteed
sounl and perlcct dress goods go at 40c yd ,
1'uro Silk Velvets , all sound and perfect ,
go at 49c.
GooiJa from the Stcnmer Gloucester
nro guaranteed free from burn
cnly damaged by steam or water
In ( his purchase arc thousands of pairs ol
the finest kind of LACE CURTAINS ever pui
In any klnJ of a sale and nicst of Idem arc
Bound and perfect.
$10 and $15 Irish point curtains will be
sola at $2.50 a pair.
$7.50 ntxl $5.00 llncst Fish-net and sofi
lacy Ilrussclla curtains and Jicavy gulpun
curtalnn will he sold at $1.50 a pair.
All $5 Nottingham curtains will be sold a
S1.2G a pair.
fiOO ladlca' cossatncres and mackintoshes
In the newest styles , worta $2.00 , not dam
aged , only be i wet , will go at.SOc.
ISo Cotton Flannel only wet on edge , wll
go at 5c , T/-C and IOc.
licst IrvI'lgo blue prints will go at SVie.
All kinds c-f outing flannuis will go at
S'/ic , 5c mil S'/fcc yd.
50 cases of Cotton Hlankets will go at 39e
4Dc , 75c and DSc a pair.
Wo only mcnt'lon a few of the Items to
glvo you an Idea how cheap the goods wll
be , but there will be hundreds more as
great end even greater bargains In Che sale
when It beKlrvj
Store open evenings during piano dlecoun
sale. A. llorpo. lulfi and 1513 Dougliis st.
V. P. Chlodo. ladles' and gents' tailor , 161 :
Capitol avenue. Our garments fit.
HO TfllN < l ( HIM l.flMMi'N ill tllC Mfl
bourne l.'Ire.
The following characteristic effusion Is
l ! written for The Ilee by Citizen Gcorg
Francis Train :
The Great Fire at Melbourne , Australia
Citizen George Francis Train's Sixty Thou
sand Dollar llluc Stone Warehouse In Ashes
In the great Blaze at Melbourne , \\licr
several Blocks went down , Citizen Georg
Franc's Train's Great 'Fire Proof Ware
r house went down with the rest ! Arriving
In Melbourne , ! n May , ' 53 , he had Ifln.OOi
Tons Shipping Finn Year , Scoring $95,00i
Commissions ! He was Ag'rU White Sta
rI Line before Steam Era of 'Majesties' am
'Tautorlus , " and was Agent for Daring Bros
there ! Ills Illuo Stone Warehouse was 1C
I feet by 40. three stories high. ( ' 1851' Cut li
Stone ) , f/.tuatcd Corner Elizabeth and Flan
ders St. opposite Hebron'a nay Rallwaj
Stalled which he haugerated ! Two ml'.ci
from Sandrldge , Saving Seven miles b ;
Crooked Yarra Yarra ! The offices wer
richly furnished with Australian Wood , nni
Iron Shutters were Imported from London
but Fire Proof Buildings went down as I
Chicago Disaster end Citizen Train's wit
the rest ! Twelve years later (18G5) ( ) Cltlze
Train built Cozzcns ( Wooden ) Hotel 1
Omaha costing same sum ( $ (10,000) ( ) wlilc
Still Holds Forth -is Theological Seminary.
1112 WOULD si.iin.v no ins IHITV
Count- Attorney lli'iili-N Having filvci
thi < ( iiiinlilt'rx a Tip.
Ill regard to the "tip" that the gambler
wcro alleged to have received that ho wu
npout to order their arrest , and on th
strength of which all the gambling Joint
were closed last Friday afternoon , Count ;
Attorney lialdrlgo said yesterday that h
had delivered no ultimatum to the gambler
and had not given them any definite nolle
of a ) prospective raid.
Ho said that he had simply stated In rcpl ;
to u question thai he would do his dut :
and prorcciitu gamblers If complaints wer
filed and could secure the necessary evl
dcncc. The county attorney said thai h
had no personal knowledge In regard t
alleged gambling , but If It was ottleMIl ;
brought to his irtlco he would do his dut ;
as the prosecuting attorney of Daugla
'county. Sheriff McDonald said that he ha
not received any directions from the count ,
attorney to arrest gamblers and in fact tha
ofllclal had not even mentioned the matte
to him.
ITU .MlHlril liy I.nrul M
Cun Only llo Itrnclieil liy lulc-riiii
80 many people In this climate Buffer
with catarrh of the nose that much useless
eiiutllliitr of liihalantB will he avoided by a
l > rlcf reft'rcnco to what catarrh really Is
It la a result of u succession of colds , end
ono llndlng the mucous membranes it mort
convenient place to locate thnn the former
cold , hence catnrrh Is a chronic cold In tin
licail , Now , wu da not tnlto cold by breath
Ing In cold air. but by gettlni ; the fee
damp or iui > oMiiK the body to varying de
trees of inol ture , BO that U will bu readily
neeii that outsldo Inlluences do not attack
the air piiBiayea directly , hut travel Iron
the feet or other exposed pluco to the nasa
passaiies , ulmply becauiio the mucous mem
Lranc nt this place are more susceptible
to cold than the stomach , bowels , bladder
wild other parts of the body provided with
thexo nuioous lining .
To cure a cold , therefore , we need to glvt
BtUentlon to r torln r the mucous llnlns o
the body , giving the blood such elements as
will scatter tiio Inflammation In the dls
caned places and enable the natural nu
trltlon of the body to rep'.neo tha waste
tissue with new material. This Is u very
rapid process when thq habits of living , the
diet. tuthlnK and proper remedy nro al
employed. Probably the best remedy to
use , In the Gauss Catarrh Tablets. Thei
are sold by most llrst-cluss driiBKlsts ut ft.
cents u box nnd nro prepared by C. !
Ouuss. Marslinll , Mich. JP malls then
prepaid to any address If your ilrUKglHt
will not supply you. Ho sends u little book
free on Catarrh which will bo found veri
useful for those who are troubled with this
41nayrccablo malady.
VOTMH ritll < lLiUI'OLAIIIS. .
Tntnt HpOiniM In Ilio I'opnlnr 'Content
l'\i Till Smiinlity MwlH.
KollowlnR U the rexult of the vote In the
ontcit ( or Queen Polaris up till Saturday
night ;
JtrMe Dlckln on..lCm Annn Hhtrcrlck . M
Anna. McNnmsrn..H.KO Smile Cnln .1. . . . . . s.1
UrJIr AUfrtwuld . f , , 43 Wlnlfrt-d Itowe . . . . . . U
Vnna Iltywooil . . . . Co3 Mnrle Taylor . . . . . . . . . 31
Annette Hmllcy . . . Atat Anna Atkwlth .t.t. . . S3
Kolcy . 4.IU KUItli Kor.l , . , , . . 33
, llllrpl Blephf-nfon 4.37JMnry | Urck . . . 31
Mne tlohlhuon . . . . 3 196 Florence Morse . 3
Adallnn Narh . 2 , 34'May ' : Stny . . . 30
KruK . i Ml Win lllr.c . 30
tninlc (1'nhnm . . . ! , ! Annn.UolilMeln . ZS
' . Hnmaln . . . 1.6 * 7 Wenunah Jntnea
Kmma Ilrau 1,81711'onrl Kvani S8
Kredn I.inyt l.COJ Oraoe llruwn 23
Mnrle HnMrrlc . . . . l.A'i'Mny ' Cr.iU 2 < j
Knte O'llnnldn . . . 1.281 Florence Tukey 25
Mabel Nelson V220 nert.ia Ilvrtzler K
A mm Kail 1,0X1 I/utlla 1'CKnu
Aunet Myer t9i ( Irnce Allfn . 23
Ilf.ireM llertha Allen . 24
Stella Vnilrlc Uornn . . . 2t
Corn llnltetlc 751 K.Tn Marty SI
Mne Ilnrticit tii'/ena Ixcper 21
Neltlo Hhlne 711 1-nira KUher 2.1
Mntl Tns'mr . . . . . . 711 surnn Welker . 22
KIlEabuth 1'nirollc. < iM ! Ugk-tby . 21
lilalla. Wetil C5T , Ivn
Helen Mlll.irJ COG IvHtli I'ncknnl , . 21
l.llllin U. Terry. . . 22 Mltn Liurnitt
Amy llcrnhnnlt . . 4M Netllu Olson . 2)
Mailc WowlnrU . . . 40.1ce , Uooker . '
Jcnnclte UICKR 463 Kinnia Jolitipun . 19
Nellie Urrsu . . . . . . 41l'i.i ' | c Drununy . 13
Millie llllmrrf . 3'4'jinrlan ' llruwn . 18
Mnflc ArmstronB . 3W Kbrence KllimtrtCk . . IS
Maud VnilRlm . . . . US Irene Swnln . 13
Mi * II. II , Corytll 311' ' Alto 1'ein.xck . 15 '
Knille Htune . 310 Kittle Ixiwrcnce
llnziinl 5.- . * ! ! l-Mlth CammliiRg . 17
Itjlttc HhMiln > . ; . . 273 Minn Hnckrteln . 17'
Mm. U. W. llnllcy 2 7 Clyde H.iinc.innl . 17
Uiurn Motre . 204 Jotle Httmm . . . . . 17
nilznbcth l'nllllp . Ul Kmm.i Anilernon . 17
Florence , VU lull . . . JMiMlnnle Detlln . 17
nueliili HcinlnK M fjtimle Jobonlsky . . . . 16
Kdlth Miner . 2C. Don : Hnupke . 1
Selmn Hpencter . . . 216 Clnra Lclimnnn . 1 *
Clara Hiillnnar . . . . lli ! llunnnh Kipald . 16
Illnncll lltliiRiilc . . 1S5 Klora Stctinn . . . ' . . 16
Clara Clnrksvii . . . . Iki Mr . W. J. llraliinnl. 10
1'lorence Campion. 11 > I padlc Slater . 1
Nora McAiluu . 1C2 Doll.i Murncll . 16
Helen HonRlnml . . 149 Sadie Sayltr . 16
Kmlly Wnrehnm . . 146 uuclnda Oamble . 16
1'aiillne l.imv . HI ] .Mth | UanUtitiln . n
Minn Anclrea . . . . . . H9 Nellie Samuels . l.i
Maud Jolmon . . . . 133 uynn CurtU . 14
Delhi June * . 131 julln U'nch . 14
Anna Nor.lwnll . . . . 13J Hell VoBnl . U
Murtlinllliilerti.ana in llalllc Spern . 14
Irfna Ki-Bollie . 13" Mrs. I.fc Krntz . IS
Klori-nci ! Klto.ilo . . 1W Gold limn . 13
Klora Webster . . . . 120 o ; , , , Clearwatcr . 13
Aliby Oray . 1 5 Jeitnli ? Ice . 11
Annie Kuca . . . . . . . lit Annie Dulley . 13
Htlicl Wllklns . 107 Louise Metz . 13
The ma Mlnll u . . Ill Kittle II Hndt . 13
I'loy Jnnos . 102 Jennie Uumldfon . . . . 13
Mrs. Q. I' . MiKr.- . . ! i ? Kate UonaKlFuii . 13
.ulu Helnrlcka . . . . M BJIlh IJcckmnn . 11
lllrdle 1'owell Klla IJolwm II
MJnaViit on 91 l-'Iorence Slnper 13
I..UCT I'arrlsh 1 * Mrs. O. 11.Vhth - . . . . 13
Daisy ll.uker t < > Mrv. II C. Ilrjwn I !
Kffa lldlc Cecil Gray IS
llcn.'lo'Vodrnsltn Kmnla KoblnFon 11
Jennie Trent Myrtle Spencer 11
1'enrl Smiley E2 Minnie Ilurglitrd . . . . II
Minnie Ncalc Jennie Sprntt It
Clara Loienzen . . . KatkiSw.irtzlsnder. . . H
Alberta WooOls i iura I.cvl 11
Clom Palmer l.'icyBhtitiiup 10
V.e'.nm FiemlnB Inez llfeb ? 10
Mrs. 11. 11. Muiford Ivlttlc UUHH 10
] > nu lI rtlKan . . . . > lllc Clnrk 10
I'hll GPtitletnim . . . Harriet Horn-by 10
Kntn McVlttlc . . . . Mrs. It. H. I.iwrunco B
Nellie l.ouilun Hannah Unphiel S
Dell Axtell 73 Karneftlnc UcynoMs. 'J
DJtiier Un.lstrcm. . 71 Ida Stioble 9
Ada StclKer 70 Dorothy Kredirlckson o
Mabel r.irknnl " Jersle Gllllca 9
Marcr.r.'t Curtis llnclmvl chfm on . . 9
] : iulM ! Couc.iman. . . C3 Alberta Grton 9
Mrs. M. ! ' . Avcry. Mtiel Spencer 8
Klurence lnthrcK. : . M Helen Cleveland S
IMnnlc Ncllton . . . 63 Mrs. J.V. . Uolib S
Kmma l-'cenun . . . . CD i ) . liucKlnarhnm S
May I'-rtber ' M M u . , ' . A. llalloy. . . . S
Sadie Hummel . . . . Ck Myrtle Cocn S KIUK & " lyauia Smith 8
Sadie Alexander . . r > 7 MHKKle SafTcrd 8
GcorKla Tonnery . . 61 Mrs. .1. Knic S
Kmelln Stubon . . . . 10 Minnie Sargent 8
Mnyne Ilamlln . . . . 49 Ar.r.-i Ahl.-'lrom S
Mrs. llurrls 43 MIN. Maud Kellrm ; . . S
Coin Strait M Florence Stlllwater . . 8
K\n Cuolev Say'os .45 i-Mm Hob rtton 7
MnrKiret Heed . . . . 41 Ocnrpla Richards . . . . 7
Thorn Llndstrom . 42 Hermtne HIcFflns . . . 7
Frances Downy . . . ' 41 Mr . Gco se Mercer. . 7
Kmmu Dahl 41 Mny limner 8
C' . Ilcll Cole 40 Alvln Johnson C
Kntlnitlne Hamlln. 39 Mrs. Haywanl Hall. . C
K. Ilnrtholunievr . . 39 Gertrude L < 'l\t.r G
Maud llrown 39 Fnnres Kennedy . . . . 6
Hlanch ( 'rale 39 llrldset O'GllllKan . . . G
Utah Smwdc-n . . . . 37 Uai = y McDonald 6
Kate Holloway . . . . 37 nettle llcC.roy 6
Mny 1'uhcr 37 , Iluby Forbes G
Villa II Shlppi-y. . . 37.Ilessle . Wrls it . -7. . . . G
Msu l IIIIIs 37i Kmma Thompson . . . n
Htstir Taylor 37 Sadie JlcOulrc C
May Michaels 37Minnie , Sommers . . . . . G
The following-'hove five votes each : Stell
Xniulaln , ' Mr8. Thomau lawyer , Mary Ki'wton ,
Kmlly Wnkely , K'.wood Kmllli , May Collins ,
Kllxah-'th I'ceve. Desflc Cummlngs nntl Ve'a
Tim followlne linv ? four votes each : May
Hohhs , Katie Hohlnson , Jennn-ettc DcCotn. Mrs ,
Hlanch Schneider. Mrs. Clmilca Gen , Ismsr
I'csrer.e , Mary Sampson , Marie Dully. M'HV. .
M. NnFli , Helen Marks Oeoigla Kwlnp , Kittle
Hobble and Alii Caswell.
THe followlne have thiee votes cnch : Jcannle
Wakcflelil , Inez TownMnil. Jenlc S7hlll : , Susie
Smith. Anna Weyman , Mrs. H. IUcane , Han-
nn'i llurnnm. I.llllnn Mullen , MupKle Wllfon ,
Knnnle llowland , Lulu Taylor , Grtjce . Uln ,
Nettle Cj'ler , Mabel Dennett , Anna Julliu , lie i
Powell anil Ora John&on.
The fullowind hu\e two votes each : Lou E.
Dlsbrow , Viola C : > lln ! , Ilnttle lUrttn , Hlanch
Grltllth , Lizzie Wiilsh , Julia Jones anil Kmma
The followliiK have one vote each : Iluclah Nel-
bon and Mary HeKim.
Today begins the first ot the winter sports
which will lead up to the Ice Carnival or
next January. Managers Norris & Love
will begin charging a small admission fea
at the gates , for which they give more than
value received. They have engaged a bind
to discourse lively music while those who
are fond of skating may do 03 to their
heart's content en the ourface of the Ideal
ckatlng rink. A large , comfortable warming
roam lu-w been built on the edge of the Mir
ror. A skate room where you can rent a
pair of skates for a nickel , a check room
where you can leave your extra wraps , or
check your skates , a stand where you can
have your skates sharpened or mended , a
lurch room where you can get a cup of hot
coffee and a blttf to cat : candy , peanut , pop
corn and cigar stands , too In fact you can
get what you want and not have to travel
far. All pcivxns who desire to skate must
procure tickets In the building near the
The only entrances open for visitors at the
exposition grounds are on Sherman avenue
and P.'nkney near Twenty-fourth ; all car
lines pass the gates.
The toboggan elide will undoubtedly be
ready before next Sunday. A mistake In
setting the staked necessitated Its being
moved twcnty-eovon feet nearer the Iagocn.
Tli'a has been attended to and a crowd of
carpenters will rush It to competlon. :
The managers have heard lots of talk
about toboggan euits , but as yet have not
set their eyes on tiny except ESiuplu. ones
from Montreal and St. Paul. They propose ,
to present a Kesflon complimentary to the
first lady who appears In ono , also one to
thu llrat gcntlomca who trots out In a real
blanket one. A young lady anywhere from
1C to 20 Li down for one , and of course
the boys around 1C must get one of thooe
season tickets. And last .but by no mc > : ns
leant , the llttlo ones both boys and girls-
will receive a season ticket which will In
clude both mamma and papa and the whole ,
family , too. All you have to do Is to call at
the Hotel Mlllnrd , either by carriage , trolley
car or on foot , leave your name cticl address.
If first you will receive the card which will
admit you Into tbo exposition grounds at any
and all times , Including the Carnival of
Queen Polaris.
The numerous candidates who are In thu
voting contest , and not near the tap , DJU
have a bit of excitement on the side. Here
It la , The candidate who sucias No. C In the
list next Sunday morning will bo presented
with a season ticket , good until March 1st ,
Nos , 13 , 20 and 27 will receive the came.
So there you are , George Ilyan and Co , of 109
South Sixteenth street have that sweet diamond
mend ring In their window which they will
present to No. 15 on the 15th of December.
It has been suggested by a number of tha
residents of Kountzo Place tbo man
agers locate a box ofllro and entrance gate
on Twentieth street. Mesera , Norris Love
are mly too willing to do any and every
thing In their power to pleese the public
aud will take the matter up In o few days.
Mr K'wlu oloor of tbo Driimmond To
bacco Co. of St. Louis called on the man
agers of the Ice Carnival and expressed the
Interest that It taken In tho. carnival by
the St. Louts people ho represents. St. Louis ,
he says , will Tie well represented at the car
nival , "ur. Qloor will hrlug his. family hero
and states that that will ; fco the vpnguarrt
of the many that will be hero from the city
by the big rivers.
Viilim I'unKlR.
"The Overland Limited. "
( rain west of the Missouri river.
Twelve hours quicker than any other ( rain
to too Pacific coa4t ,
Cull at Ticket Offlce , 1302 Farnam St.
& Swoboda , florUMs , 1411 Farnam St.
'Phono 1501 , Como and leo our chrysau-
Delegation Organized to Go to the Deep
Water Convention ,
Uwnil < lcrnblc Work in ( lie AVny of
I'unlililKr tlic.Iiitcrcii of the Kx
liUHllloii Will lie Dune
, Unroutc. >
The personnel and Itinerary of the delega
tion from Nebraska to the Deep Water Util
ization convention to be held In Houston ,
Tex. , December G to 11 , has been completed
and Governor Holcomb has leaned commis
sions to thoeo composing the party. The del
egation Is a rep cscntatlvo gathering of bus
iness men and people , ot prominence from all
parts of the statd and the Itinerary , as m.ulo
up after hearing from' all points along the
llnu , Indicates that the trip will be a most
enjoyable ono.
Accompanying the party will bo seviinl
spcakc.s of moro than local reputation who
will uprcacl the gospel of the exposition and
Nebraska al | along the line. Among three
spcakcis nro cx-Uovortior Alvln Saumlors
and \ \ ' . F. Gurlcy of Omaha , General L. W.
Cilby or Beatrice , L. L. H. Austin and H.
Tebbcts of Lincoln. At Fort Worth the dele-1
gallon will be met at the depot by a com-
mltteo with carriages -and given a ride nbout
the town , and the citizens will bo enter
tained by a few speeches. At Gulveslcn a
steamer will earry the party down the bay
to the government Jetties and an oyster
rccst on the Island will round out a day's
enjoyment. Sablne Pass will entertain the.
visltars In royal style tud the management1
of the Kansas City , Plttsburg & Gulf road'
will have a steamer at hand to carry them
to Port Arthur , where another entertainment
will bo provided and the parly carried back
to the nc umont Junction on a train
and thence to Houston. The program to be
followed at Italian and Houston has not been
announced , but mysterious hints hive been
nlvcn by prominent offlcl-Us at both places
of the entertainment provided.
Tha Nctraska delegation will travel In two
Wagner cats for the entire trip. These cars
j will b ? decorated with banners and flags
advertising the e > iOslUon. The members of
the party will bo decorated with appropriate
ribbon badges and exposition buttons , and
I i alee with the hcndsomo fruit , ( lower and
, vegetable festhul buttons sent up from IIous-
j I ton as a special K'ft to the delegation.
j i Thcro are a number of grn.itly dlsnp-
I pointed people In O.naha and other points
l In the stato. They wnt In their applications -
| ! ' cations , ' conmpanled by chocks to pay for
i , berths , hut they were tco late and their
checks were returned to tlipm. The comml--
tce of arrangements for this trip , W. II.
Green end W. G. Shrlvsr. have been Hooded
with applications , but as the capacity of the
cars was limited they werej obliged to turn
them away.
The following Is a complete 1'st o' the dnlr-
g'ltcs jipolnted by Governor Ilckomb : ! I'n.
P' . A. Graham , mayor ; IV. U. S. Trlmss ,
Joseph nennlnsr , L. L. II. Austin , C. R. Tefll
W. N. Rehlaender , Nelson Brock , C. N. Layton -
ton ami H. Tebbets , Lincoln : C. C. M.-IIug'.i ,
j ONoIll ; C. R. Glover'Valentino ' ; II. K. Ccr-
bett , York ; L. J. Patterson , Fremont ; II. M.
Oliver , IIa--tlngs ; J. C. Crawford West Pol .t ;
F. E. Beeman. Koarrcyj J. H. Coy.ey , Ken , > -
saw ; George W. IJrooks , Uaziile Mills ; U. F.
Kloke , West Point ; F. M. Shrlvcr , Glen-
wood ; J. P. Latta and C. W. Conklln , To-
kontah- . 11. Calhoun anil John SnoJgrass ,
Sprlnglleld ; A. D. IJeemer lle mer ; Qu.rgo
D. Harr , Lexington ; G. L. Keith , E. D. Kln-
sel , C. M. Sheldon and C. H. Roberts , Hol-
dicge ; General L. W. Colby , Beatrice ; ex-
Governor Alvln Sauudera , w. F. Gurley , C.
F. Harrison , M. F. Roys. J. P. Flnley , J. N.
Frenzer , W. R. Homun , J , W. Robblno , A. P.
Tuliey , S. A. DroJwcll , Henry Ostrom , A G.
Edwards. W. D. Edwards , St. A. D. Dai-
combe , Thomas McCague , Charles Kauf.iiann ,
D. T. .Mount , H. II. Harder. John Becan
Kj'-n. Ira B Mapes. B. G. Durbank , Dr. H.
W. Shrlver , Emerson Benedict , J. H. Adams ,
W. G. Shrlvar.V. . H. Green , J. F. Flaok ,
Charles Orcutt. F. B. Millar , J. L. Baker
and W. S. Blaclcweil , Omaha.
The party , wlll leave Omaha at 10 p. m.
Saturday , December 4 , ' via the Burlington
road and will go via Kansas City , arriving
there for , breakfast Sunday morning c 0:30 :
o'clock. From City Ihe party will
travel over the Missouri , Kansas & Texas
road to Houston , leaving Kansas City at
10:35 : a. m. , December 5 , end arriving at
Parsons , Ken. , for dinner at 3:40 : p. m. Muskogee -
ogee , I. T. , will be reached at 8 p. m. an !
supper will be served there. Fort Worth ,
Tex. , will be reached at 0:40 : a. in. Decem
ber ( J , ono hour toc'Ing ' spent there. Breakfast
will bo taken at Hlllshoro at 9:10 : a. m. and
n stop will be made .at Waco at 11:10 : a. in.
for flvo minutes. Hoiutcu .will be reached
at 8:35 : p. m. Monday , Dc-cemb'er 0. and the
pirty will remain In this city until 5 a. m.
Dcco'mber 8 , when the cars will be shifted to
the Southern Pacific road and hauled to
lioaiimont , reaching t'nat point at 8 a. m.
After an hour and Uventy'-ilvo minutes spenl
hero the party will proceed to Sablno Pass ,
reaching thcro at 11:25 : a. m. Ufter leaving
'hero ' tiio party will proceed by boat to Port
; Arthur as the guests of President A. E.
Stlllwcll of the Kansas City , Pittsburg &
Gulf read. Returning to IJcaumcnl by a
speclal-lraln furnished by Mr. Stlllwcll , Ihe
party will reach Hoilston n > ! 10:30 : p. in.
Thursday , De-comber 9 , the delegation will
start for Galveston at 8:30 : n. m. , arriving
thcro at 10:15 : a. m. and remaining until
0:40 : p. m. , when the return will be made
to Houston.
On the return trip the party will leave
Houatpn v' ' * theMissouri. . Kansas & Texas
road at 8:35 : i > , in. December 9 , arriving at
Hlllsboro for breakfast at 6:58 : a. m. After
a stop of twenty-two minutes the trip will
be resumed , the next slop being al Dallaa ,
which wilt bo reached at 10 a. m. December
1C. The day will be fpcnt In Dallas , the
party leaving i hero nt 10:35 : p. m. A stop
will bo made at Muekogco for breakfast at
8 a. m. December 11 , and at Pa'rsons , Kan , ,
for dinner at 12:15 : p. m. The next stop will
bo at Kansas City , which will bo reached
at 5:30 : p , m. Saturday , December 11. A llt-
tlo exposition gospel will be dispensed to the
residents cf the city on the Kaw and the
party will leave thcro for homo on the
Uurllngion at 10:60 : a. in. , Sunday , December
12 , reaching Omaha at 5:40 : p. m.
SliuttliiK Out . Hoy.
At meeting of the executive committee
of thei exposition hold yesterday , Manager
Klrkcndall was authorized to Increase the
height of the fence about the Kountzo tract
of the exposition grounds nbout two feet
by running ihreo strands of tarbed wire
along the tcp , It , , has be'en the Intention
to thus equip the top of the fence around
the entire grounds , but Itmia Ihoughl atl-
vlcable to protect the Kouptze tract , at this
early stage In view of tlio approaching Ice
oarnlval , In which the exposition manage
ment has a direct pecuniary Interest , The
small boy has already shown supreme con
tempt for the tate ; keepers by climbing
over the fence and thus avoiding the pay
ment of a small entrance fee.
Palmer House , Grand Isl'nd , Nat Brown , pro.
Ilpne U goods , lowest prices my aim for
years ! HuberrrMH , Jeweler , 13th & Douglas.
Store open evenings during piano discount
salo. A. Hospe , 1515 and 1513 Doughs at ,
A. D. T , Co. ; messengers furnished ; bag-
Ett o delivered. 1302 Douglas St. Tel. 177.
Frank Vodlca , the tailor , has moved to 104
N. 15tb , McCague blork.
To Whom It May Concern.
This may certify that I have this day re
ceived from the Aetna Life Insurance com
pany , by the band of John Dale , general
agent of said company , one hundred and
nfty dollars Ol&O ) , being In full ( or all
claims on eald coicpany on account of my
late severe Injury , having been confined to
my house for six weeks , And I hereby bear
testimony to the kind and honorable treat
ment I have received from tald company , aud
nlio from their general agent. And I cheer
fully recommend thorn aa In every wcy
worthy of the fullest confidence.
QAMUBb W , LINDSAY , 1516 Douglu BU
It Is A matter of jr tinc tlon to note the
enlarged buslnttit feplrlt tht 1 * pervading
the colored people of 'Omaha. Several young
colored men have rreontly embarked In feed
stores , coal dealing qnd other similar en
terpriser. There are In the city of Omaha
nearly a dozen mubllshmpnts of reputable
business , Including , besides the klnda al
ready mcnltonc-d , laundries , eating houses ,
carpenter shops , grocery stores and A tailor
shop. Thcro are , toolarge number of bar
ber ehrps , pool ami billiard rooms and sev
eral bath houses. The slgnn , however , In
dicate a time not.-'fnr off when they will
bo much more largely engaged In the various
branches of legitimate business. The truok
gardening nnd poultry business , for ex
ample. Is beginning to claim the attention
of Bomo of the raoro progressive members ,
and already several colored men have made
beginnings full of promise. The express and
j delivery business , which will doubtless be
'quite- profitable during the exposition season ,
will bo thared by the half dozen or moro
colored men who now operate delivery wagons
on the streets.
On Thanksgiving eve a grand ball was
given at Morand's dancing academy under
the auspices of the Social Thrco. This was
the social event of the season for colored
people. Oamo fashlnn reigned1 supreme , and
many beautiful and styllth costumes were In
( evidenceAmceig the brilliant toilettes worn
on the occasion may bo mentioned those of
Miss Mum Maude Brown , black satin , with
I while and pink ; Mrs. William Gordon ,
red silk , with black chlfton 'overlaid ' ; Mrs.
' Ray Wafles , blue IMrlsIan silk , with cul
.flowers ; Mrs. Frank Smith , white cashmere ;
'Mrs. ' T. W. Redd , blue moire : Miss S. t.
iJrhnson. blue noveltle. with cut roses ; Mrs.
' W. M. Llllard , black silk , cut roses ; Miss C.
T. Thompson , blue canvas cloth ; Mlsn G.
Glover , china * llk , wllh violets ; Mrs. William
Rannom , p lo blue silk , with cut rosis ; Mrs
H. .1. Ilufard , black persist ! : Miss Lola Udlnc
.Graham , blue crepon : Miss Eva Mason , brown
silk , with cut flowers ; Mrs. Sl' i8 Johnson ,
cearl crcpo rtlscheln. with iilnk roses ; Mrs.
( James D. Hardln , black silk Jet ; Mrs. T. T.
i Walker , wlno colored silk , with pink rrses ;
Miss R . Brown , pink satin , with cul roses ;
Miss Zcra Rucker , brown china silk , with cut
rrses ; Mrs. May Smith , black broadcloth.
There were nearly seventy-five couples' pres
ent , and a most delightful time was had.
The company trioped ths light fantastic until
far late the hours of early morning. The
organization tlat gave the affair Is officered
by Fred U. Wlgglngt"r president ; H. Q.
1 Plummcr , vice president , and Uoy Maples ,
1 The Inclcmencc of the weather of Thanks
giving night prevented n lirgo crowd from
attending the lisp given by the Royal Six
I at HartniEnn hall. Those , however , who
! faced the chilly wlhds aud allcnded had n
jelcatant tlmo.
Among those who are coming to take up
residence In Omaha arc Mr. 8nd Mrs. W. I ) ,
i Watson , who for the last fo-years resided
at Missouri Valley. They como with Ihe
purprso ot embarking In business.
I The Smnnor club. Iho only organlzallon
among Ihe colored peopleof Hits clly pat
terned after the Commercial club , held a
meeting last Wednesday evening and trans
acted much Important business. It Is taking
steps looking toward the entertainment of
; guests during the exposition. They meet
: again next Wednesday evening.
I Father John Albert Williams returned from
'a session of the deanery of the dlocoso of
I Kant-ns 'n lime lo conduct last Sunday's
! services o.nd prepare for Thanksgiving serv-
I Ices.Tho
The ealored churches held arrjroprlate serv-
i Ices on Thanksgiving day. Brief sermons
\vero delivered In all and an offering was
taken up fcr the poor. The Methodist and
Ikntlst churches spread and served Thanks
giving dinners as a means ot securing
revenue1. So far as reported the-se efforts
were all successful.
A Iwo weeks' mlsslrn will .be begun at
St. Philip' * church Monday. November 2D ,
under the direction of Rev. Father Wattson.
A series of sermons specially adapted to the
occasion will bo delivered during the mission.
E. H. H.
Store cpon evenings during , piano -discount
sale. A. Hospe , 1C1G and 1513' Douglas st.
n. HOOE , the florist , iias a largo number
of chyrsanthemums for sale In 7 , 8 and 9-
Inch pots , In bloom and buds. 1813 V'lnton
st. Tel. 77C.
Bo sure to hear the lecture by Rev. S.
Wright Butler. Tuesday , Nov. 30 , 1897 , at
Y. M. C. A. hall , 8 o'clock p. in. Topic
"Your Chance. "
Hamilton Warren , M. D. , eclectic and mig-
nstlc physician ; special attention to diseases
of women and children and all obscure nnd
long-standing diseases. Rooms 503-4 Shceley
block , corner loth and Harney.
Miller's carbon effect photographs are the
finest in the city , and our offer 15 pictures
finished in three different styles for ? 3 00 Is
still good. This Is a magnificent cnportualty
lo secure artistic photographic work. 1318
Park avenue.
Atti-ntloii. Con. Crook I'oHt - < ! .
The funeral of Comrade Boyd will take
plaeo from Odd Follows' hall , on 14lh and
Dodge sis. , on Sunday at 1 o'clock , Nov. 28
All comrades are requested to attend. B >
order ot E. GILMORE ,
All members of Beacon lodge No , 20 , I. 0
0. F. , are requested to atlend Ihe funeral ol
our laic brother , S. L. Hoyd , from our hall
corner 14th and Dodge Sts. , on Sunday at 1
p. m. sharp.
Members of ulster lodges are Invited to at
tend. C. A. GRIMES , Noble Grand.
J. L. ALV1SON , Secretary.
'H [ ' rcr Souvenir Goiitliiiit-N.
At the reejuest ot our largo patronage we
have decided to continue up to Dec. 15 lo
glvo free with each dozen cabinets and larger
photcs a dainty gilt bawknot frame. Our
beautiful enlarged waler colors , Beplas am
crajons irako an cxqulslle Xmas gift. In
fact , all our enlarging Is carefully and beau
tifully cxeculed. Bring In your old photoj
now to bo enlarged.
HEYN. Photographer. 313-15-17 So. 15lh St.
I'orHoiinlly Coiuliicl.'cl F.i < - urioiiH / to
Leave Omaha every Friday , 3:30 : p. in. , rcach-
Ing San Franclocn Monday , 9:45 : a. m. Cor
respondingly fast tlmo to Southern Califor
nia. Twelve hours quicker than any other
Personally Conducted Excursion Route from
Missouri river.
Clly Tlckol Office , 1302 Farmrn Street ,
The following' marriage licenses were Is
sued yesterday by Cmmty Judge Baxler :
Nnmo nnd Itettldcnce. Ago
J Jensen Dreyer Omaha . zs
Uosjmor Thomsen , Omaha , f . 3D
Jos W , Snnford , HurUngton Junction , Mo , 52
ncnlo Cutlc , Omiihu . 29
Ilert SIcKeun , Perry , la . 30
Lilly Lutlmer , YuM , la . 22
For those who
want the best.
elmlr nnd illnlng earn.
Leaves Ouulia . , f > :05 : p. m.
Arrives Chicago . .8:20 : a.m.
1502 Fariiau St. . , , Omaha.
Tnrlnr t * Cnvtntn of ho 'rimrntoii
HIM.- . .
First Sergcnnt Taylor Is being talked ofFer
For the position of csptsln ot the Thurn-
ton Illflcs , Second Lieutenant Stockhnm for
first lieutenant and"exFirst Scrgevint Leo
Porby for iccond lieutenant. The order for
the election of officers has not yet arrived ,
but It Is cxpectwl nny day now.
The female friends of the Thurston Hides
are preparing to hold a baraar at the ormory
on December 2 , 3 and 4. Mrs. Uuclutnan ,
chairman ot the general committee , reports
that the citizens arc taking hold ot the
affnlr and promise to make It a tuccesj.
The wives , daughters and sweethearts of
the Thurston Hides will glvo a dance on
[ 'rlday evening , December 3. The Invita
tions have been Issued. On that day the
niflca 'Will serve dinner and supper. The
roceodB of the bazaar , ilancc and supper will
l > o used In defraying the expenses that will
bo Incurred by the boys In getting ready to
attend the competitive drill that will beheld
hold ( next scueon.
Satn'l Burns for Tokenobo Jardenlers , 35c.
To Cnllfornln , I'erNoiinlly Comlneirtl.
Tourist car excursions for California
cave Omaha 4:36 : every Thursday afternoon ,
via the Ilurllngton route. Arrive San Fran-
claco Sunday evening , Los Angeles Monday
noon. Tickets , $40. norths. $5. Full Information
mation at ticket office. 1602 Farnam street.
Call or write. J. D. lleynolds , city passen
ger agent , Omaha.
HOYD S ' I' , , Thursday , November 23 , nged
48 years' 10 months. Funeral Sunday nt 1
o'clock nt old Odd Fellows' Temple , 14th
nnd Dodge. Interment Forest Lawn cem
etery Friends Invited.
WOLLOAST-Chrlstlnn , nt the family res
idence , 111 South Seventeenth street. No
vember 27 , nged M years. S months.
Funeral Monday , November 29 , at 2 p. m. ,
from German church. Twentieth nnd Mn-
pen streets. Interment In l-Tiirnl Hill.
Friends Invited.
The funcrnl ofV. . H. Small , who died
of rheumatism nt the St. Joseph Hospital
Friday , will bo held nt the residence of
its son , A. D. Small , 1415 Cuss st. , today ,
it 1 o'clock.
The great knttlo for the "Gnuid Uulcr" ot
the blif 1' P. I''s took place yesterday nflcr-
noon at 4 o'clock In the presence of a largo
iBsemlilstRO of 1'ets nnd I'lUKGera nnd a few
nvlted RUCPtH. AmoiiB them were Henry
S ] > eclllc Tluc.aircil Doe. Tom and his whls-
korrt , Jlk' 1'o.vtler Hill , Strai-.vberry Hill.
huth'e-r H. wltn his order book , SI with his pacer , Frank with tin boxes.Gus was
there , too , Alonzo Williams and Jim wllh his
coal sign and many others.
1C K K entered the arena with a liroTd
snillo nnd made a graceful bow to his nuui-
cioufrlendM. . Carload Hares Expert walked
thoughtfully aloiiK the : sides of t'nc ropes , as
If to claim the battle before It was fought.
In n nervous , excited condition , but with a
determined look that his chance had now
come to bo the Graml Huler.
Then folla.\'eil the second ? 'ho "I'.unt
Shop" 'nlth his Ilallentlne remedies and
tcrlne and "Under the Palms" wlh ; an arm-
fnl of cniuly.
The cloves were quickly adjunct ! , when
the referee tbc "Original" gave his In
structions to the contestants. Upon nls or
ders K K. K. crossed to shake Jiands with
Ills , but vlio carload expert refused to
The rounds will bo given next week.
Kltli iiiiil OltlunKii Sis.
1' . S Dcforo the light came off we gave
Max a tip and he won four boxes of gum
drops ami 'he's ' still eating them.
If you don't you will this ycarj
Everybody Is going to an
they'll all use
Barney & Berry's
Celebrated Skates
That's the kind we Fell.
Pficea range frfm yne to 53.25
Jas- Norton & Son Go.
1511 Dodge St.
Wo sell Trufe * lots of them anil keep
all the good kinds In stock. It you arc rup
tured call nnd see u : , or write.
N. Y. Elastic Truss ( water pad ) $2.00
Good Hard nubbcr Spring Truss $2.00
Champion Truss ( I'hlla. ) , $3.00
1513 Dod ; u St. , Omalm. Nub.
Bearing ;
Recognizing" the superior qualities of this
machine , thu Trnnsmlsslsslppl Exposition
hnvo adopted It exclusively.
Embodies best points of nil other machines
and has many features distinctively Us own.
Wrlto u .
KUi ! Kitriiiini St. , Omiilin.
.MH ! r th St. , lien .Molm-x , In.
Arc you prepared for the cold wc.illicr
tlmt Is atwut here ? Have you fiurcrmsnl
your heater > ot ? IT not yuu shouhl nets the
rluht now beforu the stock Is too badly
broken. We're nut K'tnK to carry nny of
tin-in over tlila year , nnd 1C you mv l a
stove It will pay you to K t ono of these
fuel pavers and comfort elvers while wo
have a Rood line to select from. Prices
way down , fiuallty cons.di.ieil.
John Hussie Hdw. Go , ,
2Q7 Ginning Struct
Sole AK
when people como back muni h
tiftor month nnd your sifter
Unit they are moro than sat
isfied with it Best for all
Victor White.
1005 Fnrnam.
Tolopliono 127
. . . Is the laugh
able , exciting fun for old
and young. Any number
can play. It is the great
est success in games since
Prices are 25c , 49c and 99c
according to size.
THIS GREAT CHRISTMAS STORE is shaping itself for
the greatest Christmas trade in its history. More and
more will be said about our magnificent collection of
goods suitable for holiday gifts. Come and see.
The 1319
99 Cent Fariinm
Store Street
The Best Stoves at the Lowest Prices.
I Prices Hoduccd this Season ,
Now $25 and up.
The Genuine Beckwith
The genuine ' 37 style uses less And there Is onlv ono gcnii-
soft coal nnd keeps lire longer $11.00 Ino Hcckwlth Hound Oak
than any other Oak Stove , . . . Stove and wo have It on salo.
Oole'H Hot Illast Heaters , 81
Wood Air Tight Heaters . , . . . , . . . 8
Other Oak Stoves-good ones , 8 I
Cook Stoves warranted , . . |
You make a mistake if you don't see us before you buy
Milton Rogers 6c Son ,
14th and Farnam.
Mrs. R. H. Davies
Omaha's Popular
500 Trimmed Hats , former
price $6.00 , $7-50 and $8,00f
will go this week for $5,00
just think of it elegant pattern
hats at a great sacrifice.
not misttlcc the place.
We've the Remedy" "
The first tnsto of sharp weather tlmln
your feet out of winter quarters , doesn't ItT
Cold ns n eimsiMjuenci' , We've tlie remedy ,
In tlio lliifst line of Winter Slioea we ever
handled. Good , strong , solid wearing foot ,
wnrmers tlmt glvo thorough service mid.
cost but lltllu here.
This cold snnu you'll nerd Arctics , Over
shoes tunl Warm Lined Siloes. Compare
these. piIcesvllh olhers nntl we know you'll
say our three reasons are correct.
Child's 73c
HucUlu Arctics , .48c
It Uses' Wo
IKicklo Arctics .65c
Women's $1.0)
Bueklo Arctics ,75c
Men's Jl.M '
lUlekle Arctics .98c
Infant H' Too
Wit Button Shoes , .48c
CHH1V $1.00
Felt Hut ton Shoes .
Womun1 $1.50
Heaver hare Shoes . .
Women's 'iOc
Ovcrgnltors .23c
You should liuvo llieiu - . .
unit uleunuil every six num. , . . - > u
any cavii-oa ate found nil tniimc-
di.Uoly thus bavliiB im.n , money ,
llniipy tnouuhts , restful nlKhitt ,
iooa digestion and a congenial no-
incatlo exlsU'iie-e.
You inny enjoy these privileges nt
a nominal cos. If you u > atronlze us.
linltl KlllllKN , ll.H ; ) ti .
Sllvi-r Alloy Kllliiilia . . . . Title
1'aliileHH lO.-vtraotlnu . . . . 'Mi :
New York Oenfal Go , ,
IK. C'UiMMF.K , Mgr.
ICtli and Diiuslns Sin Over Cnrt-
rlghi's bhoc Sluro.
Sundays 9 t 1 | i. in. Lmly atlondiint.
o-o-o o-o-ooooo-oo-
The i , Mjrs.
lay 2:30 :
A Conqueror of Champions ,
Vaudeville and Athletic Co
Garnered from the Loading1
Stages of the World's Capitals.
Wonderful flih elic Displays-
2 Wights riiW&'iftV ' Dec2
Now York's Greatest Furco Comedy
Irvin in
Prices. 25o. f > 0o , 75c and 11,00.
Miitlneo , ao. 3ne anil &llc.
in : HIit ; 10
To Hear the Lecture by
TOICSDAV , XOV , : , lh 7 , u. V. . O. A.
HAMN 0'OI.OCIC 1 * . SI.
GIJIIJ/S KI Oogi&ert Garden
ti. K , Cor Hltli anil Dlivriiimrl SI * .
Matinee * Turuilny , Tlmrtday and Haturday , 2,30.
MAJOH OMKII3LU-World' ( sreatcjit dri-r *
ANNA KIMAN-VloIln 8ool ! t.
IHKNn MIM.KII-finiirano.
l'UIHTA-l.Ull OjliI Bliower ,
KI.I.A KIHCll.N'lIlt K"Iol8t.
11UDII3 I'l/ > \ ViClilliI VocalUt.
'S ' I..IHV
1'Uh ami Douglas Sts , , Oiiinlm
American plmi. 12.00 per day up.
riurnpcun plan , 11.00 per duy up
J. K. MAHKHL. & SON , Propu.