Tl * 33 , NOTEMBER 38 , 20 T1IID OltfAHA DAIIA 33 : NDAY Copyrighted , 1897 , by Woman's World Pub. Co. , Naw f6Jk : Infrinsrera will bo prosecuted to the fullest extant of thelnw. ALSO A ' ' " ALL FORMER OFFERS ECLIPSED-NO ROOM FOR DOUBT-MIND 'WHAT WE SAY , $3OO.OO FOR A' FULL SET OF ANSWERS , AND A"VALUABLE WATCH AND CHAIN IF YOU SEND AT LEAST TEN CORRECT WORDS. such remarkable offer made OH this. We , the pnbllslierH of WOMAN'S WORLD , deliberately promise to pny $300.00 In cnslt for a full list of correct answers , and wo further ogrco to gho nil elegant $50 ( liiarntttco American Made Wntcli a ' Never before was oil least 1O correct word * . HOW CAN WE AFFORD TO DO IT ? Read nnd learn our method. Wo Intend to obtain o\er one million regular subscribers for our great magazine , known as WOMAN'S WOULD , and we lime determined to mid Chnlii to vou if > send nt attain Hnow that after hnvo inuilo this oxtrnordinary , yet far-sighted , Itnostmcnt wo can easily make o profit of A MIL. this undid nil the tnnnev wo itn > e made in the post the years , and all wo shall earn In the not fl\e years If ncccsbary. to object , because wo we DOuARS afterward. Wo make our calculations upon an enormous scale. WE II.VVB TUB MONEY , BRAINS AND REPUTATION TO DO IT ! LION A YKAR after . Wo are well experienced In our business , and we know that our income from OUR PROPOSITION Is as abo\o stated , to uct a million subscribers. Wo shall provide you with such a splendid magazine that yon will gladly renew your subscription year year. advertising alone will be fully $300,000 annually as soon as the Immense circulation mark is reached.Will wo accomplish our object ? Wait and scol We nro producing such n beautiful magazine that wo already hmo. < cr 350,000 paid-up subscriptions , and you may rest assured that wo shall soon secure the remainder. AN INSTRUCTIVE , AMUSING AND PROFITABLE CONTEST. If you rend the .following . carefully you Tvlll Isncw Jiitt how lo procwd to etln What you nro to do is to supply loiters of the alphabnt in the placoa - P N-S"-L A. I Nttino of ustnto In iho United States. of noted for receiving your nrlzi ulthoiit nnymlsutulpratnnaing. Do not KO It Wind. To lipglu Ith. _ i \rTho nixmo 11 man ot 15 words to tnnko words that nra adnptud to - " - . I" * " - - _ - I . you RSoiihl talic this mlvcrtltement , sit down , nmt s.tiily out nil the \\ouU _ ) on _ . can. . . of hyphens in the Hut , so in 9 tOU.OOJivytnrsiUnry. Vou haw our fitiuii tn lirn that all -vsordn IMM * , _ , * foiiml ( . . . . _ A . . * . „ * . . . . . * * the description given nt the right of cnoh sot of missing lottors. You arc E . .EE Anotllor * ' ! l10 of Uio United Stales. hj proper study or Unonl 2 - - " I N L tt"ioof another president , Ho XVHS asmstintcil. . to muko ns many words us you can to lit the dollnltlons , but must only supply 10 . For example wo will toll A l'laco ln tl10 UllUC(1 Sutcs > ply as m.iny lottora us there nro hyphens. , you , C-N-I-N-TI t . PENNSYLVANIA bacuuso other loiters I P N Namoofndlsfjnicountry. llmt tlni full utiHffor to No. 1 Is , no . ' " United butos. 11 soon ns > olir letter Is iccclvcdo shall linn the mmp over to the well-Informed ters than 13. N. Y , V , N , A. can bo supplied to innko the iiutnc of a State. R _ T-N Anotlicrl'lnco " ' ° committee of examiners , niul If It IB .lucl.leil thnl > ou hn\i > sent at least ton . In No. 0 for example , you must make all the continuations of letters j , , CHI * * Ilmo ot nnotlicr distant country. correct words , we shall then p-ond you by c\iirca , giroinld. our $ . C1UA11AN- Agiiln. , _ . , full of putrolUm well knoxvn \ A A. country THI-J AMUHICAN MAUK WATCH AND CHAIN , with tlio umlonUnmllnK llmt If of and this Instance just ters that will tjivc you the name a president , in , tilt 11 ml It us represented , you are to become fuibm-rlber ' ' ' . } n rCRUlnr to WOMAN'S "otod of ixboul \ _ _ _ _ ' " iinny gcncrnl ncontuiy ago. to giveon ft "tip , " we will mention that the first two lottoisof the last f _ QM A largo rlvor In Ainorlcii. to \\rTi'J'-N name are Me. Now can you supply the whole name ? to receive $300.00 in cash and a $50.00 . C p-EE A popular UlnU of drink , Hear in mind , you nro _ ftAfi A plncn thousnmliof IIHnonpooplociiH tSwti homo j. - Gnnrantuu Watch and Chain If you send a full list of answers , or you name your neiirpMt express olllco. nsM < H'II pottotilra"mldrp-wi o thi > 7)il/i > iViiv will ruuolvo the KiO.OO Watch and Chain ( without the cash ) if you send at 8 . - -9 C \tr - D - TA NOXY YorUCltyf innnthly puhllcattoa Issued In jr A ER Anothur popular drink. , , ? ' . mit,1 ! r1-9 ? T..lT0U9HT0 S'UNTION' ' WHIJTllKU YOU \V.\NT least ton correct words. * \ Ltt\U\ Ull LiLjS I Ljlj lAS \\AXGII , YOU WILL WIN A PRIZE OF GOLD. LITTLE STUIY Wonro tlioroitnltly rcllnblo niidotirptibllcatlott ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE. lmH bcoM established formally jcnrs. If yo" I. JAMES II. PI'UMMnil , lluslncss fcumin Ustof words without IncloHlmc twenty-live This contest is honestly conducted , but you should beware of frauds who advertise to pay prizes for missing lottora Manager of WOMAN'S WOULD PUH. cents , vour letter will bo throw n In the walstbnsket. If no one sends us a full In words , yet who nro thoroughly unreliable and who depend on dealing ideas from us and dollars from the public. The only CO , do with hereby UHV. certify JOSIAH th it SANDUU- In connection list e t list of , correct . While word wo < do vse not will expect piy the more J300.00 than to one the person full list sending , If any the , \\e lanr- will THIS CONTEST Is different from nny money yon need send with your list of words is 25 cents , to pay for trial subscription. If you are alroatiy a subjorlbjf SON , JIOIIAT1O AI GnU , iSQ. . and divide the JTOOOO equally If ten or less persons send full lists , thereby that n\e or any other publisher ever bo sure to mention it , and the now subscription will bo extended on the old one. JOHN HAlinnUTON , KSQ. , I shall at'AHANTI3iiNO at J3000 TO CACII , or If moro than ten persons advertised. IT IS AS MUCH MOUE see that the CASH 1MU/.KS a.hcrtlse.l Mend full coirect Usts WK AVILL PAY MOOO IN CASH TO THU OTHL7KS , LIUEUAL as a dollar Is better than a If jour list is correct , as per above instructions , your prize will bo sent by express , without delay , and if you don't fool fully In valuable this contest WATCHES , us i\oll nnd as CHAINS the KlftH , are ot and chain will , which Rlvc wo every will contestant buy luck the for beautiful $ .1000 If not nnd as represented. practical match and Olmo. If you htue tried ' previous con satisfied that you have won at least $50 00 worth , then you needn't become a regular subscriber to Woman's World ; although honestly distributed 11111011 ? all wlnnliifj IT IS nNDHRSTOOU THAT WHEN YOU O17T THH WATCH vou ' tests without sucess , don't Ki\o up till many people hmif-ino that our magazines is interesting only to ladies , it is in reality equally interesting to husbands , fathers , brothers ' WOMAN'S In this. WE OFKEIl contestants , and I l-'UHTHUU OUAU- shall cither become a FIVH Y13AKS' SUUSCUI13iu TO > ou win a prize ers and all other members of the family , yet if you desire have our umga/.ino seat to a friend while the will lANTlin to refund money cent for sub WOULD or semi the mntch and chain back to u . It Is further umlorstoo * ! no irhoddy jewelry , but solid cash and. you may prUo to scription under thU olTur to any pertotil tint If > ou are dlssatlsllcd with the prize awarded > ou , or the manner of also WATCH US which are so Rood you. Distance from New York makes no dilToienco in bringing you your pri/o of money and a watch. People who llvo in - away ; who Is not fully tutslcd ! ! , and who conducting any part ot this contest , you slnll return what you have satlsfac- rt- that [ * a will IJUY THEM HACK AT States or province's have the bamo opportunity as those who llvo in Now York. back thereby eiiaranteelnB1 colved and wo will pay youi money , nvlshcu money back STiO.OO If not as represented. Hj aend- Manager Woman's .IAS. II. World PLUMMnn. 1'ub. Co. 1 OIAB ° furtn'cr nVIDUNCn OP OUR. GOOD TAITH , we request that you Bunranteed Injr a list of a o\er watch. ten -\sordn jou are When bonding list be sure to mention whether you want Indies , ' or gentleman's watch. Now if you n o interested in grasp New York. Oft 31 , 1897 lead this ad\eltlsement carefully , nnd If It 1 not clear to joti , or If you EVERY 1'UULISHEU In the fulled ing this moat remarkable offer , sand your list at onoe , with tH cents silver ( carefully wrapped ) or 13 two-i-ont stamps , nnd your pri/i rnUSONAWA' nppeirp < l before me , Jan. II have any doubt about our reliability , do not answer this. HSIAO are loslnt ? States and Can Ida will vouch for our I'lummcr. ulio. hilni ; iluly sworn , etntcs monev by this enormous offer and Wtt CAN AITOUD TO DUAL ONLY reliability Our motto is to p ij you will bo forwarded promptly. As to our absolute reliability in carrj ing out the condition ! of this olloro give as rcfaronces 11 ' B that the deposition b > him nbuvc mncle Is WITH INTHLLIGUNT AND Al'PIUJCIATIVn IM2IISONS , who , know a HACK the money or stamps you send Humphrey Co.15 Milk street. Boston ; Lord & Thomas , Trude Bldg. , Chicago ; Nelson Chesmiu & Co. , 12 > tYuuklln stroot. ( Jhie-i'go. . . VUUMILYU , . and mrto likely to subscribe for WOM J A. It. are true. when they pee ( Seal ) Notary Public. Kood AN'S thing WOULD for many yeais. us it jou are not iwell s > atHlled. Ciias. II. Puller Adv. Agency , 112 Dcarbjrn street , Chicago ; also Clarke's Bank , 151 Nassau btroot , Now York City. The following is a list of a few of the thousands of persons to whom we have paid prizes during the past few months. Write to any of them you desire , inclosing stamp for thair reply. We spend thousands and thousands of dollars annually ih actually" payinqr prize-winners : Thomas Hammond C91 Cimmunlinw nvc , Jersey City HclBiits. N" | J . Mrs II M Ilnnnen , SJl Kast it. . Ilockfonl. Ill . Mnr > W Taylor. 4100 Pine Ht. ; Philadelphia , 1'n. , II T b laniion , 47 Chamber of Commerce bids. Nnsmllle , la. ; Alice 11 Armstioni ? 1009 TopeKn me. Topckn , Knn. : I < aum Wcstcott , CollhiBswood. N J. ; am Join Karnliiim. 'M Union st. , bun Trun- i Cal. , S. A. Mllllkcn. I'leiwmt View , Pa. ; . Ulllolt. 821 .Vermont \ P" ! ? " ' ' M. . , e " ' . ' ' ; Tmvn . "c'oiien ; IlfV Miss I' . 15'Cuitfe 107 W. th it. . Nc York City , 13 I ) Allltig ; bnn Antonio Tex , 13. T. Ilnmmonil , 691 Comniunl- paw ave. Jtrsey Clt > lUUhlH. N. JMuurlco I'rcnch. 1 > . O. lox ! 177 , Austin , Mower Co , illiui. Nellie R. nakcr , 47 itm ft. , UnnKor , Me. ; Ml A. S. rii > ke.46iSchool st. , _ Greinllclil , Mo. ; Anna T. Hurt. 1C1 ah ht , Oliun. N . lira. r. Q. Jordan , 337 i : 40th < ! . Minneapolis , Illnn. ; II. A. Wuid , Hlchllclil birliis | ( , N. Y , O. W. 1-tBf , AMilon , AllCRhLny C'o. , 1'a , , Miss V , II. Smllli 293 Columbus uU , lloaton , Slasa. , O. J. Moore Albcmarlc , btanloj Co , N. C. . C. U. lllclinrils , Dajtoni , Volusla Co , Tla , Clmrlea It. Miller. Mllfor.1 , Mich . Mrs. Hmma blockman , Nairn Cal , Alilia Uoton CliamLcrlln Mount Ciinnel. Conn , Ml s I * . U. Rlslcy. Ilock- \lllu. Conn . iilinlieth Adams , New Wilmington , 1'a. ; Mlsi M. J. riLhlel. 747 13 ISSth Bt. . New 40 State st. Manchester , N. II . Mrs. Walter fatrntford , Host ChlciiKO , L-ike Co. , In.l : U Valentine. Grand Union Hotel , New York Charles OraKB , PlncUlle. Kj. . Trunk O. Jenett Denmark , Me . Mis. A. II. Claik , 3051 22d a\c. Bo. Minneapolis , Minn. , bamucl W. Cockrell , Jr , I.cesburtc VK , S Arthur IMgur , 400 Peim st Philadelphia , Pa. , Leola M lloblnsan , 27 Me chanlo St. , lintti. Me , Mlm Nona itusscll Altus Qrcer Co. , O. T. ; Mra A. O. Ilolmnn. 23 Howard ( t , Holjoko. Mans . Mlsa Mary K. Wilson , 1261 Mul\ane st. , Topeka , Knn. ; Mrs. llertlm J. linker. 121 W. Pico Bt. , l * > a Annelcs. Cal. ; Mrs Nellie Totter. I1. O. box 175 , Lincoln Co , Hound I'ond , Me. ; Mrs. Ceo A Oilcan , Dclruy. Mich. . Helen H. IVnbjdy , 3131 Moisan nt. . bt. I-auls , Mo. ; Mrs. Oliver II Amlemon , Uden 1'rnlrle , Minn. : ! U W. Walsh , l.ynchbuii , Va. , MUa Ullze T. Patterson , lleavci , Pa , Mri Elizabeth A. lilakcmun , ICO bo 9lhe. . Mount Vcrnon N. Y. ; Mrs W. II. Hcece , 427 N McDonald st. Lima , O. ; Jos Mcl icnlnn , box 270. OirJen , Utah Miss Mabel D Moore. Mnnallel.l , Platt Co , HI , Mrs , A. P Ifiadlej , 160 Theodore st. , Ottaun Canada : Mrs' P. S Hell 2 23 \ \ . Jjth n\e . bo 13. Highland * . Colo. , John II Circsoij. 2103 Gar Held a\e. , liny City , Mich , Undn ? 3 Cliarttc , 3 OranKC at. , Ashe\llle , N O , Trunk Lose , Aui on Allcshcny Co , Pa . Mlas Cninlle S Thompson Orange Co. , Cluster , N 1 Mi * J II Girnctl Johnson. Co. KlhKflUlle. Mo , r.virnl Mclntlic WorthlnBton. W. Va. , Miu , T n Ilutchlns. box H2. Concoid. Muss , Mrs 12. M Wnodii , box. t > 1'ort Worth. Tcx.j Mrs M. II. Aiuller , 10 Mul berry St. , Worcester , Mn > , cure Wlmtcomb & Miles ; Mollle llilltun , Haiilh Miinchestcr Conn Miss K. Mttcnlf , Uitona Seattle , Wash , C Itlnirgold Miller , lock bo-c n , Dttrolt Mich . Mrs. C. ( I Uouelltt , HldKedalc , W \ n , Mu li A. I inpher , box Cl Marnthun , Coitland Co N. Y. ; H N Mmmor.a. biioni ; Kun , Mra I.n. Moftatt , Independence , In , Miss Maumiet Hrer nan , 1177 HUKUO n\t , bt Piiul Minn , 1 * D I , Crawford , Suit Point , N . \ \ II Ininan Johnston , WnBliliiKti'ii Co , ArU , Mrn Win , J Unrlln , C12J MaiLhind M , Knit Hn I. Plttsbure 1'u. : J. 1) , Taylor. lock bax. 232 , Tolo o O . I.iml II , Potter , S MontKOinmy bt , PouKhkeepsle , N Y. ; Mil ) bUiwurtzb.uiKlt , Albion , 111 , Mrs , Ida Dim , \\ost b-lkni HI . Mil ! UtoiKOS liuicn , Buninp cott , Mass. , Miu J D Horrlll , Stock- vllle. Trontler Co , Nib , MUa l.ul.i llest , box 32 : Tnylcnllle. 111. . H Ml.ldlrliun : . Vn , Mies M , li'ood , 2.'J bo. ilth St. , MlmcapollH , Minn ; 11 U. Truman , lock box ttl. Cirroll In . Mrn Martin Mlneur. 1705 Uth a\p , S , Minneapolis Minn. ; I.llllo HcliwnrUb.iUli , Went Knlem , HI aiiomaft II Momuo , puUHiianth , It I ; Mrt Cleorge I ) , llrcml , 52J r.irn . HxchanRe , Mlnnc npolls , Minn , ; Ihoiiuiu Holmes , l. ibl > uri ; , ( In , Oncar T. ChllJa , Hniinii , Itnndulph Co , Ala , Mrs. C. H. Wleuid. 09 Clu-ntnut t. Pottstoun I'a. ; Mrs. M. S. Pope \1l \ \ 117th St. , Ncv , York City ; J , I'ope , Ilnllen.Un . holtl no\e- lanil. O. , John A. Itlilmrds , HlurfH , HI , Hllii H O Williams , nimwood , N b Mrs Milwl Wolf * , I.nncast > r , O. ; Mrs. J i : White ili'clnuilc\ , Vt ; Mrs. It. M. Hrown Tanners' llrunch Tex , Mlsa Arlle Ailnms-ii HoKeiuxIll , Gum Co , PH. , MUa Mnmlo Whltniiiii Masslllon U ; Mrs Ahblc J lUnney , lclhoj | , O. . M. Tlorincu ] 'mills , Wllkliifeburvt. Alligntn } C.i , Pa Hhirt lUlmcx , l cuburi ; ' ! " . ! Mrs. K It , Kamsuir , Concord , Cnborrus Co , N. C , W C Howard , TrtiiKce Cal . Mm. Mutllda HurrcltS Ixoni , Mkh , Mary II llucliuniter. Mount Joy , Pu , , Ullcabtth 'true S0 Malirllr-ld u\e. . ChlcaKo. Ill . M. K Hatch kttu , 1.0 Crescent nxe Plulnlleld , N. J ; Mrs W , H Hamilton , III W Main t > t Do Knlh 111 , Mr H Hill 11s Oiklnnd n\i- . Milwaukee , Wla , Mrs Mnrlu H nnctl. Mllfrr.1. MKh ' Mlaj ( U Tax , Ml-olu , In. . ] . Mrs. J. K llnitli , IK Eltt H , Kan York City ; ( N Maitln PiOple'B bnv liiK bank , DCS Mulnes , In. ; Miss A. Dickey , "JO ICth st , , Den MolniH , In ; Mrs W H Itciss , Carthage , 'lex. ; O. PeltUur.l. Jackson , O. . A. C Dennett , Weflervllle , O , . MUs I , A , Muneon , Wlllliton , VI. : Samuel Hail. I/jnnlmwn , Vn , Mrs. Hainuol You UK , Jeitv Clt > , O . Lswla J. lltrlln , 0 Klrkluint st . llo lon , Muss. ; it. u , lUmlln , Pinlun , Ala : Tre.l llrjnnt , 1201 block KxclmiiKe , C'htcuKu , 111 ; 11.un der I'nnuert , 1' . O. Haneher , Mont. ; Tinnm Iulle ! > , IM I tt. , N. W. . Wushiniilon. U C. ; iima : I'JlnJle , Pros , pect , Co , N. Y ; Minnie i : . ( lleln , ion llllnolt. inc. , Ottawa , III. ; MUs U M HII M , fonKan \ . Mrs. Dr. U U Wood * Inc. 7S9 Tre- inont St. , Iloiton , Mass. ; Mary J balUbury , Handy Creek , N. V . Mr . Oeorso Shrl\c , 173 Donaldson t. . Hutherford , N J . Oeorgo H Tlohl , 129 Julian ate. , him Dlcxo , Cat , Mi J , Q Smith. 31 Hlrch st , . Illldefurd Me . < ; e vu U , Cames. HuKlie Uclfur Co , III , Alary In In. Bouth Hull in , O j Mr 1) . W. I lull \\ooJUlle. Wilkinson Co , Miss , , Ilalp'i Sheldon , Waupun. \VN , MattU * A Thomas , 727 Uldhain ft Ixjuls- \llle , K > . . I / Miner 151 W SOth st . New Ynrk Clt > , Mrs \ \ 1' 1 hompion , 1117 Van Ne s .ue. , Hm 1'rantHco , Cal , Hutrlett M > itlc but- lirf , I4t 13 Green t , Nantlcoke , 1'a , AlUna A I'ulxor , Itowland , N , G \ \ 1'ohNew II < - - men , O , Mrs A V. Hnrdeen. Hamilton. N \ , Mrs C. W. Garner , De Kail ) 111. . 11. J bplcer , < G Hill st , Hiitth- Creek Mich , Mlbs Minnie \\oods , Mlddlcpolnt , O. ; MriAURUfcta Miller , 170' ) nth me , Hoaxer r.ills , 1'a , Mra Alice lim'Be ' , Whetstone , 1 > . O , O. : Cicero J. Steel , Cnlfiix , Tex , Mis. W. H Hamilton , 115 W. Main st. De Ivalb , III , I ulu Ijimpklii Academy of St Mary of Uorctto. MontKometj , Ala Mm Win. A. liaker , Isllp , N Y , Ira Ire n , Kuncs- \ I1UO. . , II II llitchle , Orislown , I'a : Ml s Ipimle K Harris. Norxlcli , N. Y , Mrs 13 13 Hut ? 221 North Ginxe axe , Oak Park , 111 , Mis. I rmmii T. Danforth , 10 1st bt. , N. Y. , | Vnna S IIOdRhin.l . , 1923 Dnupbln tt. . 1'hl a clphla , I'a , Miss Ntttle ltcn . Nomlch , N \ . Mrs. . \nrlo Mcllenrj , Jeannette , 1'a . Mlsi Agnes 1" Itirker , 2014 St James st , Itoxbury , Masi. ; ' l iulsi S James , 11. ! Urcin st , Nc\v Iluxcn , I 1111111 ; Wilbur L. TIblK'tt'J , 309 Western a\e , I Ljnn , Mnat , Hay 1'ickliam , llumlltcn , N. Y. , Alice It Hnrsraxe , Muiphal'luxxn. la ; Mrs Muttle UndiliniiKh Arago. Ore , Fi-ed 1'reffer , llrunuxxtck , Ga . Pauline Hitnxxn } . 11J3 Fulton t , Urookljn. N i . J 1'jid l JC xxioil 38 I'alK lion , Nexx York Cltj , Uesslo Gall iher , I3s5ev , 'onn , Mrt. J W 1'arson , I > axxrcns. la. ; W. W. WODdford.est Chester , 1'n. , Di Arthur ue Voc. Seattle. Wash. , Mrs M J Tlmmcrrnau , II.istlnKS. Mich , C A Oilcll , 1 High Ft I'cufih- keepsle N. . Alice Ilett , Taj lorx llle , 111 , box 3S2. Mils Helen M. DuRnn , 376 I'ljmouth a\o , liuffalo , N. Y , Mr. Absa'ora G Smllh , 1C3 W. IGth St. , Ncxv York OIU . Mis G , W 'lliomis , Ita 7th st. Loulllle. . Kj , Miss Mzzle Otte. Jttovllle. O , \ \ . T. C'ooke. HIS Morris St. , Wal nut Hills , Cincinnati O , Miss Jennie Hnrrln , Norwich , N Y , Aines 13. McCaith > . 451 Uth * t , llulTnlo N. Y , Mrs J. A bhlndall , Arlington , 3 U , Mm. Mary 13 Wliltnrhl 1'cttuaxlllc Ala , Icnnir Ijoxxirj , 320 Gene ee Ht , Utlcn , N. Y , Mrs Isabel Itcjnolds , Klttannlnu , 1'a , Mis M I Duprc 717 ItuEMll t , Naslulllc. 'le-in , MI B Delia M.jer lib W isth st. , Hrle. Pn , , MlenoUo UacDorahl , 57 13. Hunter t , , Atlanta , Ga . J IV. I.uke , 119 ColleRe Place , Hurllugti.n , la , Vdam Dunlop , LaiiKXiilc ) Manitoba , Canada , Mr r.ionius Smile ) Mail I ton. Ga , Mri. Julia A Porter , CoxhiKton. Ga , ChaJ 1' . Uaintt , Spar- tenburf , S. C , MHi Snlllo Thornm tale of G XV Thorn-is. UJ3 7th St. . Ixiulsxllle. K > , M. T Uxlge. C70 Ca n\e , Detroit. Ml-h , Hllzalicth JcoiKe , 54 lloM } Ft , Ii\\ience laH4 , Mlcs Lizzie lohnson 131mdcll , Kin box ft , Ml u 13 M Mooie , rl ho Grand , Sun Jose Cal , Mis * M Tomllnson , 17 Wllll mi st , Newark , N. J , Mii Sjrah M Jones , 271' Shlplej s-t t-an Irnncls > o , al , Waller 13 IIojInrKer 1702 Chestnut it , , Pa , I3tta Collier Ills Ctdir st , Sin DkKO , Oul , 13 M IvLimlton Vic-t Tinltj Pa , Miu Maty Muukcnum , 4i Shetland axe , Pltt'bui.i la , riorentc Chlllni , - , lie llro.dxva [ > , 1'ioxl- letKe , It 1 . eo II Jones. Oil Cltj. Pa . 13 II. Hurt , West Wlnlleld N Y , Carr c DcLbett I'cpeka Knn , Mrs A. 13 Schrsei ? , 2SI 7th M , lullnlj , N. Y. , John Dlemcr , ! 'JO K u Uinr ae , Jroukl > n. N. Y , Mra. 13 D. Cm In311 Axcnuo ' > Galxcston , Tex , 1 lUnr > PUrce , fc'J fatute tt , I itoston , Mass , Cunb ) CtnUlluiUf.n , IKleni , Mont , Mrs r S. Chasf , 1 Hancock Plue , Cambrhlgtport Mass , Dr 13 II M Sell. 137 W 34th stNexv York. N. , Mici. I3ml y Hull iSost Wlnlleld N Y , Minnie M I'ooj.ei 1911 allfornla axe. bt I uls , Mu , Mies 1 , . P C I'.ickxu.od , liux 141 , Maltlanil , 111 13. H M I ell , M D. , 137 \ \ Hth tt , Now \mk N. "i . I \lls lizzie Noitmic 2'-G 7th tt , i.ufinlo , N Y. , i Mrs. S 11 Unities , C2) N Kill ht , 1'nlla klpila IM , M 1 * Hroxvn , 310 Ptarl ( t . Cam li'n , N J , tVlnlleld IMJUdKOod , 4IJ Cth bt , llroolilyn , N Y. , Urn A P McNalr , binlth s I'olnt , Chambers ( units. Tex. . Mrs. Ida l..i > lku , 41S Putnam axe , llrookl > iv N Y , Mur > A. William * Htinm , PortnKo county , O. > Lieut OeoiRe P. White , U. S. A , I'oit Ltnvcnxxort i , Kan. , Dirtha I3xaiu , 'OJ7 Pine st , PhllaiUlphla. Pa ; Mlbu 1 I ulsa Mien , Upper VIlli-RC , Marlon , Mats ; C. A. Hockei , llernc. Inl . Miss Annla IJ Moore , A. II IVxturla Kan , Mm W II Pilsble , 10 Jay st , Ismv l ndon. Conn , Itisa I Pattun m , Kliksxllle , Mi > , 'lhtrea S llulnen , Haxerfurd , Pa , Iltlen Kliic 3W Pronl Kt , OsxxeKo , N Y , 13 H Hurt , \\ent \ \ InJleld , N. Y , MUa A H Hanlsk'j 1733 HlRgs Place , WushhiKton D. C , Iolm Coleman , hi llujle at , Aleiiuiy , Pa , Klttlo Willis , 3.wa Wcuturn me , ChUimo , III , ; F3mmi L > ouUe Norton , 2. . ' Uiistein Parkaxxj } lirookljn N Y , Mhs Marlon Miller , KOi Mjrtlo ixe. Uiltlmcie , Mil ; U H. Uoodxxlne. M. D , oO Tr.mont si , IloMon , Matr , .Mlm 1 la liroxn ' .cst I'olnt , Miss , Mlsa 13. L , Mutthrxvs , 95 t'rtxht st , Nexx at k N J , Paul 1. Dunn , 212 Jth tt S \\i.uhlngton , D. I' . D S MI-HKIV , \llcntox\in Pn ; Mar > A. ParnExxorth 2Cil 4th ue. Mlnni-npolla , Minn. , Mra O. 11 LoolUljc rt Maple t , Itutlnnd Vt. ; Irene II Huir.it12 , V. 10th el , llujonne , N. J. Julia W White. IKJ Green ft. , AiiKUxtii Ga , J. I. * Hlllaiil. . ! 3 Ixonat.l . ft , NLW iorl , N 1 D C Oa- niiuler , Centrol S-iunre N. Y : Mrs G. A. unison 31C North uxe , llrld tport , Conn , , [ al el . , JeK ! > , o ; Mlsa Dorothi Dint. C N. Carolina axe. , Wakhlnglon D c Ma > tllller , l > ox S7. Tiaxerte Clt > . Mich , Chae r 113)1 ) , HU Wiultnlrkiler el. Pioxldenee , It I , Mary \Vlto Scott , city hall , VIiKenncu , Intl. , MIH W S Mllllken , I harlton , la. , Mlnnlo il VrnolJ , 13 15th bt , corner Anthony , Portland , ; rc , MU Mao Harris , 5 > S Patadcna axe , I'lmuilcna , Cal ; Thtreta S Halnei , 313 Pearl Bt. , amden N. J , D Diamond .Mlto it'll , loco N llaUtc.I . * t , Chlcaco , II' . P M llul , 91Vcet - ord t. , ly.xxtll Ma u , Mrs Km'ly Pettra care Urn. I-cxlck "The Manhattan , " ill 13 26th * t . Voxv York lit ) . lone II Ilradlt ) Taionu , W sh , Mi II U lu ! > Ile , 418 Put mm uxe , . llrooklni , V Y ; Mis * Ilirtha Kxans 2027 Pine t Phila delphia 1'J MUn Cora M. ( lanlner & 740 13tzel axe. . St I ul , Mo. ; Alice Txvlchell , M D , iCS ItiXKiktlile axe. Indianapolis Ind , Mlnnlu M , Cooper , 1811 California axe. St. I.iula Mo , Mlm Minnie Hell , t.0 Itnnd ft. , l.ynn , Mass , Mr . Annie I3nicel , Couperxllle , Wash , Mr * . W 13. MrOrory , Charleston. III. : E A. Hunt 4 8t Paul bt. , liotton , Mass ; Jnin * ) r Hule rooms I 2 3 Sfrnitge Lull lint ; , Knoxxllle. Ttnn . Mra 13 M" I31roj. 2321 Central axe , San I'rancisco , Cal. A. C Adam * , bax 93. Hiram tollege lllram , O , Mia Annie D Hale North Atticboro , Mass , Harriet Morbo Kins , "The Mnples , " North At- tleboro , Masa , Mrs D M Hruxvn , 310 Pearl bt , Cainden , N J. . Mrs H. T. Wlcknum , VII loxxa axe , loxxa Cltj , la , Mrs , T. T Moran box k , Port I axenxxortli , Kin , Miss Alice AItson Mexico. Mo. , Mrs. 13 D. Caxln 3114 Axenue O , Galxeston , Tex. , I3inma M Shalffer , AlhamU-i , Cal . Predtrlck VauxUtnr , 535" Knox t , Ger- mantoxxn , Philadelphia , Pa. , Tlioinm Holmes , Leesbjrp , Gn , Miss Vada. aregory , care KlrR Itlclnrd'-on S. Co . Pcrin building , Cincinnati O. , Mr- Walter II. bmltn. fcO Ikmer st , llox- bury , Mas * , Mis burah M. I.oud , West lliexx- ster , Mis . . D C. Grixcs , Gllmanton N H , M D Gage , Camiitonxllle. Cal , Gee II Wstk- otT Hed liank N J , Miss Jennie U Harm Norwich N > , Mis. C. V. l.inslnjr. I'awltiiK. N. "i . Mrs I dla Nojes , l're t n Coineis , N Y , Mrs Win D Ad uns , Jr. , 30. ! 13 7th st , be.lnllu. Mi , 13 G Martin , box 373 , Circlexlllo , O . Mrs. George A. Crldcr. 11C8 'XVallaco Et , Philadelphia , Pa , 13. N. I.oxcxvell 15 b College , lurlliiton Vt , I'loixntc \ \ . labcr , rJ Hx claj st Grand Itaplds Mich , Mrs M r Clifford , Clifford seminar ) , Union , b. C. . L. ( iarrlques , 522 btatn ut . lirooklin , N. Y , Miss Carrie Ken ned ) , 1317 Center st , Dea Molnos , la , Mrs. J3 R l lnc-ke , 20s Dearbom axe , Chicago , III , Ale.Smith. . 140 Ohio st , Chicago , 1,1 , , Mis 13. A 1'oid , box CIS Giund ) Center , la , Mrs John 13 blmpson. J74C btcxens axe , Minneapolis , Minn , W. P. llutlcr , 2U23 Master bt , Philadel phia'Pa , Mis Louisa Vxa > , Glen Huxcn Vx U , Mrs Mlnnlu Illack , Ujslln. Ontario , Canida , Mar ) A Platt 1JIC Wooster Pike , Clm Innutl , O , It T. Halmu. Huntirvvllle. N. C ; Mrs. Nicholas 13. rro bj. Pine Hill , LHter < ( iuntj , N Y . Mrs. Hugh bhepherd , I.onejuk Jackson count ) , Mo , Mis. 13. J Pennlman. Maublin Juneau county , WIsMrs S 13 GolUchalk , Jam bx llle Wa cci county , Minn , Mrs 13 D , Coxvles Vermilion , S D. , MliH Julie Hlihurd- rcn. M3 Kxchange building , liotton. Mabs , G b lleigui , 230 W 123rd * t , New crk Clt ) . r. U \clace > , no Gluck building , Niagara Palls N \ , O C Hoxey , I.ikexxood , N J. . Mrs M 13 Mayo , cure of Dr. D II , \\lle , U4 t. . Mlluaukec , \ \ IH , Mar ) S b icpheid Manslleld , lloRa count ) , 1'a , Alberta OgdiMi , bnUni , N J. . Mrs P Vx Peaite , 1" > I 131gecombe uxe , Ntxv \orK < Mty , Ij T lllght ell. Grlltcn. N. C , 13 II bell , M D 137 W Mth tt , New Yoik Clt ) , MISJ UzzliNoicmac. . 230 7th , st. , lluffnlo , N 1 , Mrs C r I.o.l' 137 W. 91th bt , Ntxv i'ork Clt ) , Wlnllell liloodgood HJ Ct i tt , Hrookln , N \ , Ml J I3mll > Hurtj Won Wlnlleld , N Y . Ml-s I P C PaekxxooJ , Mnllland , Pla , S I.uc > Arm" , UtiPX , C > nn , Captain II. W Hand , Nunda , N Y , 1. Hallou. 19J lileickei Et . New o Ic Clt ) , Mi * A 13 SehiXtr , 2M 7th st Huffulo , N Y , Theodore D. Ktllot , ! ? W WihUm tt exvtrk tit ) , I * W Hhodes , 307 Maple St. , Lynn. MUES , W A. Iroxx , bherbiiiiic , N ) . . Alles lluttlt C \\llkli , COi Halifax tt , llaleluh , N C. Mrn D W Yunde 1 , 705 W. Chestnut tt . l.juUxllle K > , Penton Gall 400 G st N \ \ , \ iithliigton D C , lltrberl W. Hunt , llox 1 , Ilathtrl ) , I'Dinouth lounlj. Mass , Mrs A 13 bchixcr , 2S4 7th Bt lluffilo , N \ . . J H. Ardrcy , O lan IVrsxIlle , O , MIK. W H. Johneton , Monlexallo , She by count ) , Ala , Ml'J. niancae ! L'Jfi S Gltnxx.oil axe , SprlnElleld , 111 , Miss Mngrle bpurgo. 1:07 I.jd Ington ft , I3cunnbT , Mich , L' A. Nltol , Jlli I'ross it. South Pianl.fort , K ) . . MlfB Anin 13 ShDXCi. 281 7th ht I uffalo , N. 1 , W J Hill 13 Glen axe. . Mount Vernon , N Y , Mlta 1.111 P Goultcr 22-i llatxaiil tt DurtieBtti , .MafH , Mis 13 U bt-nb ook 710 Pun I M . CainJrn N J Hallle. Kntteijohn 31I > Alxneln tl , Htndeisin , N Y I'tnJ llriuij , 710 Dteatiu si HIOOK- ln , N \ , Ni rtonell , Calhoun , Ky , Mar ) Ilutchlns. l.ikoxxjod , O , llcptle Dotxd , llarxvlth- pcrl , Mta ; T J P O'llrien , M D. , llfi lljrne building , I-on Auucles I 111 , Mis M S Cllfiord , Cllffoid bemlnar ) , Union , b C' . ; Mrs U M Allen 44 C'atK ' ft , Nevx Haxen , Conn . Main KippiM , ISiO Wright 4-t , I a Angelss , Cal , Mrs H A Chase , Oniun Clt ) , Ore , , K S Pearce , 223 llulllda ) Bt , Jci e ) City , NV J. , P. C. North- xxo < id , Lox 1C ! Philadelphia Pa. , U. W Kmi ] p , _ i3 llronton axe , llothebttr , N Y. A. P. Holt , 3 Lincoln bt , Ljnn. Mass , Mra , KDSO 13 Stern , ar , 13. lliil.ct ot , Ccrnlnff , N. Y ; Daniel 11 Turner. Jlllton , la , Jennie Goodrldg ? , 1S4 Grand axe , Hoc.litctti , N Y , MIKI Helen I. 1nox , uol Court bt , Hiookl > n N Y C lira O Mills. Lln- 0041 III , Hiirnty M 1'rlend. HOC G Et N W , Washington D. C ; MM It It ( lluucll 'liopka I'jl , Mi * Win 11. Pullon 132 Columhua ate , Nexv Ilaxen Conn ; T A DoxvllHK. 105 13 * 4th * t Ncxvorlt City ; Alfrtd W 1'icnch , u x\asi- lnntun 1 laie , Chicago , HI , II p. P pUti , jr Whale ) b C . J H Duria , Park college DCS Milnea la , SI J. Wlcke slnm , box III , Pottu- toxxn Pa , Plcrence Itlchirdron , 1110 o tt ; , Lin coln Neb , Mrs. J. N T.lornuH ! C9 lOlh it , DIM MohKU. In. , U O Williams Aehmont ME * , iMlH ) D. Dlxon , Pcntlac III , Ml * . N J Hell , Unlxerslty Place , Neb , 1 ho Poll ) , I.nguni'i.ort , Iml , U DciiKlai ) . box 16J , Chatham On I , H. A Illiu-hum , Oiadell , N. J . 1 M Duikers , D7 Irxlnp Place , llrookhn , N Y . It se C lloucks , box 1 77. llattle Cieek Mich A , L Smith , Btmo N.jinial btlmol IT.ibl Slr'.inUburg , Pa , Mrs. Phllo It Hoy. box 188 Muyvxood 111 , IJUxvaid S Moo c. Norwich , N. Y , Gtorge Closler , lleli > l\ tt , inai Helmont uxe , Hrookln , N. \ P P btulr , I3xan xllle. WIs . Miu 13 P. Uucvell N 1- xvlth , N Y , Mm li M Mullln , llenoldsxll e , Pu , Mr 13lla Truinbull. 101 Cimbrey fct Kast daglnuw Mich W HarrUon 84 Clinton Plaio N. xx'iork CI1) , Mm Dr Win Ins ! , Cottage Clt ) . Miita I lorentu Coudle Delmur , N 'i , Mm Win J Itubtcll. 207 Clllton live , Newark , N , J . H II Mron V S. A Port K-axenxxoil i , Knn , MUs Ldla No ) < u , Preston Cornets N. Y , II I3stlu. ! Dudleeton , box C23 , Frankfort , N Y , T P. Dulomple. Chester. HI , Win. H Holton 1011 Wuodlaxxn uxe. , Des Molnea , la. , MU * J I llairli , Norwich. N. Y , ; Ml * . II C Gilbert ill 16lh Ht , Oakland , Cal , J A McDonald Houtz dale , Pa , Nellie I31llot. ! Ahnapee , Wls , 13d\xln H. Hutchlna. Wl Monice st , Chhugo. HI . J C Marline , 17 < ! HerMniof Bt , Ilrookln , N. V. H 13 Valentine. Grand Pnlon hotel , New York N V Mrs. S 41 Doling , Chnr.ton , la ; Ullzabeth llratkin. 130u 7t.i Ft H K , Minneapolis Minn. , MUH Arley I Munujn. 1W lltnry bt , llroolilyn N Y , Mrs 13 D Woodman , 1 ] Garrison kt , llobton Mats . Mr * P S Nellson C14 Nexx York Life bulldlnK , Minneapolis , Minn , Mm i : J Mooie , 40 Pine St Hutland. VI , J M Hur- larJt , 10J .3d ft . Aubtln III , Hiittle T Wiley , J29 b Clinton nxjt . Ircnton , N J , Mrs . J 11 Neeilhnm. 1S8 S. Main tt. , Hutland , Vt. . J. L. Mucombcr , Hnpo JCun , A Mjcrs. care of Low- nnn it. Haniord , ' belittle , Vvnsh ; MrG II Goodrlch .13 Di.uli.irii it , Chlcaco , 111 , Mlis MurBurct McLuuijhlln , 131 Monroe bt. LhlriiBo , 111 , Mnr > HcMiolds , 'Jl Harlem a\t , llaltlmore , Md , Mix 11S Howes. Hath , N. \ . , Helen j : bnaxxuterllle , N \ . , Dcrothj He.irdon , 899 Pulton ht . Clikngo. Ill . G b. HciBcn. J30 W 1231 st , New iork , N. Y. , Hcmn New mm. r,13 Heaeon st . HostoH. Muss , Thox 11 Ilulncs The Charle BUte , Hoslon Mas * . . \\m H II New man. 543 llojlnon fct , Iloston .MasSirah U NcXMnan , Hotel Charlexgatc Iloston , Mast , Caroline line 11 Tlmjcr. Vision Mas * , Murj L. Del en box \\etheiFlleld , Conn , Ixiuls Nelson , Hos- ( Jn , Chnx McCuitlij , llO"ton , Mrs ( Jutrude T. iii\lrjih. Uoston , .John .Noonnn. llcstoni Mary Stahenej , Hoston , Jerrj Hjan Iloston , 13 13 \Mlllams , Hostun , 'S A. Cumiibell , lUuton , Julia Twomcj , 513 Uajlston st , Hoston , r \ \ . Mur- lock The ClunjHo5twi | | Alko Oooartch 744C Ho-id ave . Wlnrtsoi Park. Ill , Mlts Nellie Gard ner , Uelphcs O . J G bleeth Mllford , Mich . C A Perkins DanlcUon Conn . Mr" . S 11 Morris , 100G Monrou st. . Ton Woith. 'lcxJ C. Jacobs , 1'HJl 2.1 n\e. . Hock Island , 111 . Corrulln \ Morrli , 52 \ \ uJhlnKton St. . Haitfonl , Conn . Mrs j : . b Tester box C , HarUoid. M , 1C M. Lexxld. Terra Haute. Irjd . II 1' l.ex\ls 11 Trc- mont ht , Hrockton , Miss. , Ida Van Utten , 121 W. 41th st New Yoik. .b L Hall. A impce. Wls. , MES | Mno lluirl" , Nonxlch , N V . Mf-s U A. i'ord Urundy Centei. la , Mrs O. D Dougherty. J039 Center St. . Denxer. Cole . H II. Apaur Jl lonipklni ut , Cortlinei. N Y , Mies 13 llost- \\lck. Ill ) W. 3rd fct. Dululh , Minn , \ \ in Klln- gei , balem , Pa , Mrs A bmith , „ ) ( ) OJiln t. , Unlearn Ill , bu le IMxxnidK , 1JW 13 ConRre-ss tt. , Detroit Mich , I-o-acr C Hallej 1C77 Vx Gieen- shuxi ht . LtllcuKo 111 , C O I'ullH , 1131 K st , Line > lii , Neb . Mrs D i : Donaldson , 130u "til at S 12 , Minneapolis , Minn , M Porter , 2029 S Colfnx axe Minneapolis Minn , WX K it- tcrjoin. Ilcnderbon. KS , C T Hiclunl , rl S 3rd t. Minneapolis , Minn , b 11 Dnnind , 371 Hrond- w ij , Mllxvaukcc3 | , II. A.uul , Klchflcld . prlntis. N Y . Mis. T C Ciaft. UJ Klxxood me , Minneapolis , Minn , T. M. Phillips Wal- pole , MUBS. , lloa Pteadnnn. 319 Tranklln st , Marietta , O , Anna J. Allen. HI btate Bt , Og- dcnsbui , N Y : L C. Ad tins. 52 \ \ htute ta. , frcnton , N. . J . It W. Cllne , Oii3loxxn , Pa , Miss I'lira I'rnd'olon , Tolono. II , Mrs I Dixies , bjx 102 fchlpman , 111 , U 11 mils i > Liberty st , New } ork Cltj , J T.del , 1310 Seltzer si , 1 hi n- .Iclphln , 1'n . D A Hcmlereliott , box 1W , Chat ham. N .1 , K J. Gjrrlscn , Sornertet Ky ; Mnrsarct H Parker , ll'T 1 ulton St. , moouijn , N y , M Phelps Slmp'on , 271G blrblns nxe , Mlnnenpolls. Minn , Mary H Slngre > . Artjoo , Ind . AS' b 'Ihonias , Detroit Mkh Isabella ilcnse , 7 Hoxxdoln me , Jorchester , Mass , Julia Irxxln. Hurricane , Mis ; ntlu A. Crammer. Ilroad t park , 'lientc.ii. N J . Lulu I. Kmtr ojs h 10th Et. . Lincoln , Neb , K H Tflsbce 230 VxniOi- InRton axe Albanj N i , Mr ? H H bte lc , Ileilclmcr , N. Y , Mrs S Uind L box SIS. llaittonl , Conn , Lllllo DnrKm.m , JJJ N b gtt 6t . Council IlIulK In , T b Mi Klbb'n H aa buriN Mcx , Kuth A. ( inud 710 Hnddon u\c , I'llcano , Li mi M Iloffnirn 12U llutl.rnut n , - > jracutc N , Y . Agne W I'.irk 2fi bxxnn bulld- IIIB. Loxxcll Ma.'J , Taj L Litcnhoxxci Ccii- tralla , 1'n Mrs C W Dill : i ! I d st Madura lulls IN. Y Mrs K. M Uoblnson 837 W 19th ht , DC * Molnos , la , Mlra M L lluibink , De troit , HI . Untold C lliulialter , 2115 Main ot , Peorln , Hi , Mrs I. Tamil im 931 I'nlon t-t , bin Krancltca , CaL. MUs Amj Wott 1,3 y. Lincoln ut , Chicago , HI. , 'Iheo Noonan bnx (55 , ] , iuls- vlile , Kj , All III T Lucrxxlir. 31S Uth Ft , Allen- Irxxn , 1'n , Gertrude M. Luddcn , box 131 , Trullk- foit , N Y , f C. Atlsheimin Hun < .ttaxlll > . Mil , Alko Mci : Giimth , CIS h i : a . hprlrullcld. Ill . Mrs. Q. 12 L ekey , Aberdeen , V , iisu. , C H Phillips , N Pa , Mrs Gio IJ. Hubln- son , 41 High H , bpilliblleld Mass , Ida 1' 'Ihullen. US Academy st GUI' " buij , II' . , Mrs C. U" rale 110 Cth nxr. W. Duluth , Minn , 13 I' BlaiKuerut , 70) Monroe tt , Chicago , III , II CurtUs , Orufton , N , H , Miu Ida C Keir , 7 Oak axa. Ithaca N. * ) . , Mr Kllu c Gaulson lux 203. .Somerset Ky , J. Harry Tuchc. (1 ( CnlumbU bullcllnf , llungoi. Me , MUs M K. Warren i German et , Woodburj N J , Ml M A Hin- de son , 13 Doxxney uxe. I * Ar.Bles , Cal , Mrs U M .Inckfon. 28 Tulton st . Oleun , N Y , Jotle O Sulllnin 7 Lnuiuon 1'lnce , llliithniiiton N Y , Mrs \Vm Walei. 13C3 Kenet.uv , uc Wnsh- Ineton D C. , H T , Cherhurt H nkelmin Neb LJCJ : O. Younc. ICiVvMrdj III , Win \\ulk r box 1W Ilrookl > n N. ffyfJ-Ji U Case. CO I'lunaa rt , I'levidence , H. Ijjr Miss M Sears j ; Dcnnlu. Mnsir , Mr J C.O rrntt. Jncktonxllle Tex . P Haivi'all. Henkelrifiui Neb J A It ndi'iick , Haddonrllold , N. Iff Jf ' 13 Itussell , Hid ? Madlm axe , ailcago HlJSjJ | , I * Hiunil , o9 KJxxanl it , Wurcester , MIIPS sfjf IT- Mtlan , box 2m , Hob- ton , Mn . ; M. jit Mannlmr Ashlund , Ala. . Dollle Nlcktrson.SUrocUton , Mass , Mrs a xV Lelloy 911 * si. , hjraciife N Y Mrc. Cora Ilrceil 31 Hlhlil-jnj ) , HoxburjMuss. . , Daisy MucCnrtn J 1103 UUhfiue. , Altoonu , Pa , Nlcho- lui K Crostj , I'lljofillll , N y , jiis J W I3ton 715 MadUoBlaiyu . Albany , N Y . Hniett Parker. MorBant < mii | r\V Vu Huln II L e , nouionour N Y ( Jairf II Keiinedx II ulsxllle N C . Mrs J Vf li ) n 718 Mudhrjn uxc Al bany , N. Y , LciiiiiKJSeroxYcll , Iron Mountain Mich . Mrs J OWbir.3Ml ) AV llio n St. liun Mountain Mich fc'JMra Nellie C Hroxxn 913 Woodman st , I.ipn\l.llil. \ | Mrs L A Clark 115 Lincoln nve .J ftjiacuie , N y. Miss Alice Huxvley , 520 KcllJmf Ht < J Qretn llay. Wls , Mrs 13 M Clurkc Clij'NliVlUon ' axe. ChlcoBo. Ill . M J Perry Mullj' ikiiaifHa , Huth 13 Wnldron , Urcnxxosd N H.C a Seymour , U. mint. Philadelphia. . l'i.SHev. . W 13. Honey , 209 nuirch st. , Dnnvlile , ' > J'n.1 Addle S Turner , Salinas , Cul. ; MUs Mary II Armour , 2153 Sth bt. Philadelphia , 1'a. : Florence i : Smllh. 10 8 Slate tt , Ann Arbor. Mich , ! Mary i-'alxns Z18 Chestnut inc. W ( Iieen liny , \ \ Is ; .Mrs C II W How. man. Ljman house , Northampton , Mnsi j 13 W Clark , Hlpon. Win. . Mm w C. Hanson , Linn. Kun , , Mm ITank 13. Illchart. Nexv Albaii ) . Pa. , Mury I * Shepard , ManHleld. Pa. ; Mrs D A Munn. Crockett , Pa. ; Mlm Kale Kendall. X Col. lege st , Hlllsdalo. Mich f' 'nnle P James , Holly wood , N C , Llllle P Paei 110 Irxlng bt , Cun- l.rldge , Mabs , 11 D Waklron , Kingston , N H , Mrs llinniii A MortlsonUS Chinterlbt N-xv Hcdfcrd Masbiira K M inlcy Waland Mich , C 13 llcaupre. 129 Main bt , DeKalb. Ill , Mm W H Maxwell. 211 4th st. , Teorla , 111 , Carrie Coleman 1202 llurky st. . Harrlsburff. I'a , 13 Hoar 1154 loxxa. st , Dubutiue , In. , George A Hodskln , GO High st , Up Inglleld , Mobs , Luc ) 13. Morgan , 112 Marsha 1 St. , "Syracuse , N Y , Su le P. Drur ) , Athol. Mass , A. C. Hunting , Alfred , M. Y , < I3. F. Morele ) , MO The , Photnlx. Minneapolis , Minn , Albert II Henry Cnixx- fonlsxllle , Ind , Joseph G Chandkr. Welchxllle , Me. , Captain H \ \ . Hand , Nunc.ii , N Y . A Alice KIk-4 133 I3dgexxood axe. Daton. O. , II II Kluck , Ottumxva , Kan , Mm Henry C De Mllle , Pamllco , N. J , Myra Hunting , Alfied N \ , MrH C Moan 171 2Ut St. , W Superior , Wls , George Quire ) , 1W 13 10th bt. , New lork Clt ) , M W fahlnn , Nl'ies , Cal ; Mrs. Carl Shafcr , 121 Laxvrence. bt. , Waltham , Mast . G S Miwer , H9 Gaisldc bt , Newark , N. J. , Pauline A. Ober JS9 Gartlde t , Nexxaik , N. J. , Dr. J. L Hroxxn , Galloxxu ) , Ark , Vx. O. licnnctt , Clarmllie , Ark , Miss 13 Adams , Nexx Vx llmlngton , Pa , M D Atklnu. box 148. L. Portst , 111 , Anna G. Hough Loxxxllle , N. Y , Mnr ) Poling Carnage. Ill , Mrs N M. Coolldge 13 Jaffrt ) . N. H , Pauline llatlnxxuy , 1193 Pulton St. , lirooUjii , N Y. ; 1'lorcncc. C. Kellne , Cl Prince tt , Cam brldgeport , Mass . 13 Metcilf , Latonla , beattle. Wash , W. A. Keene , 304 Plonctr st . Seattle , Wash , J U Hauls , Joplln , Mo , Hurry A. Dutton. 13cnorc | | , Qal , Lleunur C bmlth , 313 Ilulwr building , Jollet , III , Mrs D. A. 1'asde- loup 30 S Chester axe. , Chicago , III. : G. 1 * . Van Veler. Pall Drook. Cal. , Mrs. K P. Stex- ins , Hannibal , Mo , llcrtha M. Prask , S07 Map'o st , Sigtnixx , Mich , Gertie Uickln , 3S10 niiodes uxc , Cnlcagu. Ill , Clinton A Smith , 420 lliock- wa ) at. , Suglnuxv , Mich , Francis T. Purt ) , CIS N 33d st , Philadelphia , Pa , Charlotte T Au , 2327 MouVist. , Denxer Cole . E DeLanc ) , Allan ) , N Y , He Ele O. Newton 0,17 Theodosla ave , St. Louis , Mo , Alice Corant , box 41G , St. Joseph , Mich. , Mis , Mury J. Tabtr , 7 Llntoln st. , Nexx Hedford , Muss , Mrs 13 S. Hanson. HI 13. Max well st. Lexington , K ) ; Cnrl I * Hnnna , 355 L. Wheeling St. Was ilnston , 1'a. , Mrs A J. 'Irlp- lett , Ncxv Alban ) , O , \\m. H Hamond , 4S N. Cedar axe , Oberlln. O , Mrs. J O Glenn , Quincy , 111 . Mm U 13 Itabsett , 171 Tremont St. , Taunton , Mass , Mrs L , W II lines , 2130 Champa ft , Denxer , Cole , Ilov 11 I > mglt ) , V Inona , Minn , It , M bhuefcr , 13 How st . Cambridge , MasH , Mlbs Cirrle 13 Norrls , J737 Tcrnue Place , station C , Cincinnati , O , Mrs C. Dorland-Har- ker. Sll 13 Clcxcland st Guthrle , Okla. , Miss nfflo K Johnbon , Mount Carmel. Ill , Mis 13 J Swartwood 1C4 13 Market ut , Wllkes Harre , P.i , I lora P Dodge , Normil , 111 , Mra P II Norton , 3S55 California t , Omaha , Nel. , II J Colburn , 13 G oucestcr Mass. , M C llrandls , U box 105 , Manchester , Va. , O 13. Huiper , Albion , III , Malik Umstead. 101 13 Grtcn st , baleni , O , II. P HohliiFon , 13. Gloucester , Mass. , Mlnnlu H Hall , 1742 L t , Prctno Cat. , Mlts Prnnkle btar- ittt. Kingsxllle , O , Miu. W J. Huns-ickir , 209 N Union a\e ! * os Angtlea , Clarke Hainond , Olerlln , O , Mrs. A L , Scott , 131 n Uth Ft , Ncnv lork Clt ) , Mrs Ada A Dalnton , W Ciimp st , Merlden , Conn , Mrs L T Wttzel , Ashta- bJlii , O , Hex. N. 11 Martin , Plillllpibury , N. J , C b WLIctt , 232 Llnwood axe , Diiffalo , N. \ , Mm W H II Hull , Atlantic Clt ) N J , Mrs. Gee 13 Hoard Ilelhel , Conn , Mrs. P It Hun- u.x , box 3JJ Stonlngton Conn , llertha , bturrstt , O S and S O Home , Xenla , O , V Aldildge , Smlthboro , N Y . \\Intluop , ht Clalr 3 bt. Paul St. Iloston , I3rnest L"gg 'ttoburn. Maha , L. M Haul. . Olenn , N Y , Mary 13 Cathcnrt , J05 N Hiulexard , Oak Park , III , Hlact Hmg- liaiu , Valle ) hprlni , * S. D , J A bche zlnjjti , 1CU Main st . St Joseph , Mo , 13dgar Volgt , Albion. HI ; Nlta I * \ant Denxer Cole , Ollxtr II. , lire jiniallon. Cal , Mis Harriet btahl Llslwn. In . Mis HenJ Spaulillng , Ttxvka-- bur ) Center , Mass , G W King , 7JO W. 2n I bt. , Wilmington. Del , A W Lniftl , firtntwood , N II , MUi Alma M Wmle Scranton btoxo works , icrunton , Pn , AtnoH W Itldtout , 7 ht. laul Kt , Iloston , Mass. ; Chnii A KUer. JJ2 W Mulbciri st . HpihiKlleld , O , Mra Jas P. Tull Cunohton , Ma. Mrs. N Platen 2213 i'Jth uxe , S Mlnnu- apolls , Minn . Nina Malktr , I jngxvood Pla , Mrs ! . A. McCaunland , I < i xlnetnn Mo , H S Prost , 15 Murray st , Wukelhld , Mass . Mis. W. H Drake , 101 Groxc tt , PioUdenct , H I , Mra P ( Peelton , Ilaiper , Kan , Ummti K Hob rtu , 310 W Mu berry ft brrnglle'd. O Jo c h Koch Modesto , Cal , H II Ilamlln , Pentini Ala , H W 13xuns , W houth bt , Poitsniouth. N II ; Mrs A W bcrllmer 17J Pio-pect et , Uixvrtn e , Mass Mli-s Ni llle C Jni obs. Tonawanda , N Y , Derlha I Rltrton , Ilullnnd , Vt , Milton S. Mills Cedarxllle N \ . II A Drlnon. M D , 100 Hth ut N \\aehlngton D C , Juitlna A Mclntiru , C.17 Hoxvu at , 13 , 13. , Plttsburg. Pa , Mr * J 11 Itundall , C.imden Plito Minn , Pickering DoiUe 2717 P HtaEhlngton , D C , Mrs I J Hroadbeck 113 "III tt , Nexv York Clt ) , Mngglo M Olds GD43 Monrou ut , Cilcaijo , III , Mlh Mamie Ooili , 1 a IteC'e bt , Chicago , III , Mis G A bum lire , 2145 Oichuid bt Nexx London , Conn , Mm George Hart ) , Mlfcbourl Vnllc ) la , Mi * IJ.rm . W Hay , Bjlem Mnna , H 13 Darker , 43 W Ntwljn ist , Honton , Winter U Hi HUB , Mlddletnxxn la , MIS D D Kpeno r , Mohawk. N. 'i . Cura N Day. Girenlleld , Muts , George W Toxxnstnd , Keokuk , la. , Dr P It. Tlmmcrinan , Habtlngs , Mich , Jernle Muth , cG Maple st , Ottawa , Kan. ; Jtnnlo H Axciy box 7 , station H Clexeland , O , Mrs A. S Ix-ach , Whitman , Man * , Miss Maud Itpir , PoUboro , Tex , Helen W Crowell , 20 7P > t Nexv Hedford , Mass , May It Selletk , 29.'S YtalerSay , Seattle. Wabh , Miss Peurl G Clark C25 H Main Bt . Ot tawa , Kan. . Mis 13 D Wooton , Kanunu , N Y . P. C. lllllerbeck. 1500 W 19th Bt , Chicago III . Illunch Hock 523 W Iljulcxard. Dctiolt , Mich , Mrs U K Young , Orient N Y ; H H Illtchk , Orratoxvn , I'a , U O Dwyer Irti7 Lexington ave. Noxv York Clt ) , A. C. Ly. Wlnlleld. N Y , Mra M K Johnson , C70S Mcnioe ave , Chicago , S. H U KlUworth , 7 Vinu Bt , Hartford Conn , 13 U Ingram , 403 D S Morgan building , Iluffato , N Y : C H Hall , 2S8 n Toxvn st , Columbus. O j Herthii Colin. 3520 Page-bd , SI I-nulic. Mo , Mr * Nut U Hill 62S N , Collcso ave. llioomlngton , Ind . Mr * . Fanny Adltr. S520 Pace uxe St. Ixiuls Mtf Mra George C Kempke , 1S Whitney Place , Huffnlo , N. Y. , Gertrude , M Duller. 106 Madison ave. , Plutdilng , N \ , C. L. Mitchell , 3i& L. 7th ft. Last Oiklund , Cal , Mr * . Dela leo- mans , Klikwoo.1 , 111. . Mis D 13 Carpenter , ttato l't i ) lvunla , Mil ) . 13 L. Atkins , SOI Lauiel axe , Ivnoxxtlle , lenn. , John Line , 1JO Post st. . ban Fiantlsco. Ca. , George L-wls , Ijo Orant St. , bun Jose , Cal. , S. H Pond , Norxxulk , ( , onn. . Mia. Chailes b. Knuuss , J15all al. , Hethkhem , Pa , , Mur > IJ. Jolmsan , 30,1 llth St. . Columbus , Oa. , Ml * . Luleu Hewitt , 14 13. Kith st. , New York City , Mrs Huth H. bmlth 33. ! Ulackstone at. , Pioxldente , 11. 1. , AMies II. Cluxc'land. 214 Monlcalm bt. . Dttrolt. Mich . Alice. L Hlrmliam , bhttburnc , N. \ . , I31lz J Wilt , Greenlleld , Masb. , Mia. A. O. 13xans , Lcad- vllle , Colo. . Mrs. 13. A MtCo ) . 14 N. Maiengj axe , , I'nuidcnti. Cal. , W. G. Stow. Hriuibxvl. K , U. , J , J blncl ilr , Jl Dm-ultxn ) , Hexcrl ) , Mass , Muiy V. Hud i , 30J Oik bt. , Oakland , Cal. , Mrs. M , H MtNa-bb , uuu of Clcxelund State hos pital , Clex eland , O. ; Mra. 13. M. Guillen , 210 i inca.ster bt. , Alban ) . N. Y. . H. 13. lllle > , Floi- cnce. 31L1SS. , Mrs. H. L Ntlt. Porluhela. . . Allcu M. Delav in , Fortx loit. I'a , . cecllo IAS lllanc , 'Ihlbadtflux , La , .Mrs. D. W. Tlcc , Trov , Mo. , D. 13. Alllbon , 14 13. Oth St. , Hiitthlnsun , Kan. , Mra. 1-mlse K. Hiton , l x 151. Lexlna- lon , Muss , Mrb Hurdelte , Segrcganset , Mass , Margaret Cobttllj , iio lYanklln st , New IHven , Conn . Mis. C. D. Gibson , D21 Main M . IknnJng- ton , VU , Mrs , 13 , C. Wood. Oik ave. , Mlddlujoro , Mas-s , Mrs. 13. A. Mineltlnu Chestnut si. , Hrtoklliif Ma&s. , Mrs. Ha tslurn 138 D st , , S. i. . , \Vabhlngton , D. C. , Hurry I-tM le ) , 1 ortuna , Cal. . Ldward Hilies , WO Music St. , New Or leans. lu , 13. M. Ilogers , Conxent uve. and 1'lst St. , Nexx York Clt ) , the Hux P. 13. Urush , Ot- tumxxti , loxxn. Grace H. Fox. 18 Greene st , liath , Me. , Jestit 1. Miller , 410 Cross st , Cairo. Ill , M. L. Conch , list Al axe. Cedar Itaplda , Mich. 13 H. Hrlggs , \Sa.sMligton bquare , Hiverhlll Mass ; Margaret Davis , 13 Htckman bt , Phil- llpsburg , N. J. ; Mis J. D. lleach. 105 W. J3d ut , Ilajonne , N. J. , Mrs. S. T. Peter. Washington Mo. . Mrs , I3mma Stockman , Nairn , Cal. , 13lla 13. Fletcher , bt. Paul , Nib. , C. C. Gould , 1237 6th St. , ban Diego , Cal. , Mrs W. T. Henry. 513 Gaa- ton ave. , 'Dallas ' , Tex. , Mrs. John Pol tcr. North- bore , loxxa , Mra.W. A. btockxveathcr. 314 Cedar St. . New Ilnvtn , Conn , 131 le M. McKfil.lcn , 7J4 5th st , . N. C. , Washington , D. C. , H. S. Cline , 1426 Corcoian St. , Washington , D. C. ; Lima M. Walker , Longxxood , Kla. . Nelllii Mahone ) . 431 Itluff st , Alton. Ill . H. L. r.os Oo- tixlast. , tan 1 ranclsco , Cal. ; Floreno- Heilcy , 13xoter , N. H ; Mrs. A. A. Decker , West Sunbiir ) , Pa. , Henry Jerxe ) , Sublet ! , Vn. , Mrs. Wllli M HUSH , 104 N. Main St. , Hutland , Vt. , Maigaitt 0 Horthwlck , Clmltey college , Ontario , Oil , William 13xnns , Ucsttoxxn , N. 1' . , F. I3lxlraMar- len. West Hush. N. Y , . A. M. Wood , 17i > Arapi- lioe st , Denxtr , Colo. , 13llz Illdxxell , WetherK- Ikld , Cann , Mrs , C. II. Anderson , slate audltor'n Illce. Pk-rre , S D. , 13hnnor It. Porter. Hillsdale - dale , III , Helen M , Donan 102 N Jefferson st , Nexv Cublle , Pn. . Mary T. Wood luS 4lh nt. . , Nivv Iltdford Mass . Mrs G. IX Paul , SIC N. Cth Bt . I'hlladtlplili , Pa II. H. Scbanck 13lslnore , Cal , Pc\ilo Gllkcy , MIsHOiirl Vnlle ) , loxva , Hanlel , I3xcter. N H , 13. II. Glikle , 1C1S Callro n a st , Omaha , Neb. , Mrs Mary F. Ilannn , Cl Wash ington bt , , Nuxv Custle 1'a , Vx. H. Uoller 25 Howard st , Nexx tonx llle , Mass , F. V , Doty , r.O Ontario st. , 'ChlcoKa ' , 111. , Annlo C. hh iw. Konn-d ) N. Y. , Serenv C. Lure Andiver , Maat Florence Parkinson , Wllloxx , III. , Mis. Joseph Tuli m , 17M 21st St. , \ Bt hiipcrlor , Wls , Jc. e pheno Gregg , San Luis Oblspo , Cal ; John M M ( Adam , Washington , Pa , , W c. Hiimmond , Aithdnle , N C , H. C Park. I > wcll. Muss J 13 li-unphell. West I3llzib th , Pa , A. P , Hou- Miling , AU N Ilrond st , Phlladi Iplila. Pa , Mr * . W C. White 12d Arrnill-i. nve Noith Pee la , HI Flu.i 13 Slarrttt. Dll 20th St. . Km'Diego ' , Cnl , ( iri.e I enthom 704 till nxe. , CeJar H iplds , loxva Simu.l White , Now Ilrlghlon , Pa , ills L M arllllth , Nile * , Mich : Mrs T A "llrooks llU \ 11-th st , Ntxv York ( ' 111 , Perry llemley , 10 Pros- pi-ct bt , Nexv Hrllaln , ( Xinn , Dr Mnrgnrct Y IK , 46 N PaiBon nxe , Flushing , N. Y . J D Cwles 3S ? > Fpton nxe. South Minneapolis , Minn , Mm M.Goxirn Gpsum , Cole Uii7ol Donhain He- Ijnin ncademy. Me. , Illako Gunlner , Illalnr , Mith , J. P. Comes , IlriKkport. N Y. . II T llaincs lluntersvllle , N. C. , Deles T , HoiUes , Waxetly , loxxa , P J OurOoon , care of Yale . Tonne. Hartford. Conn. , Mrs. D. W , Wlnn Iliuiuixxlck. Gn , Herthu 13. Hilton , Wnunoon , O. , MIH H. W. Colxllle , 435 Monmoiith , GwlesbuiK , III . J. II. Kllpsteln , Marshall , Vn : I.H F. H Il'illlngsworth ' , Doxtr , N II. . 13 P. Gardner Zanrovlllo. O. ; Mrs. Maiy H Jordan. 202 Htalp St. . Harrlsburg , Pa , Mra , H G ( Julinuy , IS llioid St. , Stamford , Conn. , 13 H. German Pilnco I redorlck , Md , W Pcnn liar , Mount Airy. Pa. , Mrs 13 J , Pinnlman , Mansion , Wls , W , II Harry , Cnrroli st , Patterson , N , J , : Mm J P Clnpp , lit Hartford st . Dirchester. M is * . Cpcllo Schalck. Ludlngton , Mich Joseph I otlt mil , T.icoma , Wash . W H Mudg.Hliilne. . Mich , I. H. Hi miner. Muvxciiiun. Ill . .1. W Mlllt-r , Long Island , Kan. , Mis. J. II llnrrlu , SI Ninth si. Halifax , N. S. . I3IU W. Wniien , 255 Union st . Ilingor , Mo. Nittle Tnnner , 3i)3 U st Wimhliwlon , D C , J H ITxans , 'Inn , O. Illnnabel Mlllmun O.-noxa. N * , flmrles K Ware Yuma , Col , I3mm i M Polnipr , H imer , III , Mrs S C1 Hcarn , f 7th nxe. Nexv Yoik OH ) l'"v. C H lli'ra llaid ) loxxn Dr II. \ . McKlnley. BUubenxllle O . Mrs C Npsmith. Htnpxxood. Pn. , nUle 'lll'R 1S11 Knox nxc Poorla , III Mrs Luilln M Gray Harl.y , Idaho , 1 A Terrell. SVt Onlt'm ' ixo Hrooklvn , N. Y Mrs O A , Crldir 1108 \ \ aliaco Et , Philadelphia Pn . OeorKO P. I rd , 275 HulgerH * t , 1'tlci , N Y . Mrs J Ixvry , Ftlca Mich : A F , Knob- lock , Tlilbcdeuu , IM. ; < 1. D Slerle. llurlliigUm , Win , Mrs. IMward Pipp'r , Wllloxv Spilnirp , Mo , Jennie. F. Oxxenw 1U l/ildlnxv nva. , Jerw-y Clt ) , N J ' , Francis 13 Mixwell Grt ncislle , Iml , Mm 'H M Wdllnslon. Nexvtonvllle Mas * Irena Pcnnlnglon , Uirxo I'ln . Iwiiiliam , . Mrs J H Child. I3nsl llrookll.ld , Mass. Mlxa Hosallnd H Mf irp 21H llroom * > l , M1.lli.nn . . WU , Sirs 13 M Hroxvn Camplonvllle. Cul. ; O Klrkp-ilrlck. Cll W. North si Illoomlnirton HI , IK-rllm II Lyman , 151 Haniver st , Fall lllxir Maas : I3tla f Taylor , T > rene Pn . Lillian hfxv- arl. Victoria , Tex ; J. 13 H Iluv < , 17J I3ist nxe , Rochester. N. Y. ; Mury H Croaman Kief lion Pa ; I. T. IllghUcll. Klntrslon N c. ; Grace In. - den , Klttannlng Pa. : Mra W II TePl VMI Heach , Me. , H. F Jennings 4 Forest t , Iloch * t.r. N H . Isabtl de la Hum CanneHon. Ind Mrs H , A Harbcr , Himtlnai. Mich Mrs 13 II Carter , 1404 Park nve Unltlinorf Md 1 J"ren M Klllium , Gloucester Mats Ilainmd Du n bury. G2I Inrknon nt , flrem Hav Win 11 M II ) , O. IJ. btac ) . Alton , N. I. I. , ( .co. W. lexxls. 50 W. Sin IVinnndi si. . Sm J' > e. Cnl , Muflon L Corn.-ll . , : oi llii'nr l-ulldliiR. Jolkt. 111. . Mr. A I ) CludxxUk Vx. i > Xs MlllHMe. . Mm L A Gramiiui , Uj balem Ht , Wobuin. Miibs. , Anna C. Mnlla i)32 Puisnect ixe. . bcianloii. Pa , Vina bxxnitz , pjrliMsx'iii | > . Cal , L. f. Hammond , 031 Coinmunlpixi m * . Jersey City lie . .Ms. N. J. . Herb Uine , JT Pule St. , Dorchester , Mass , MIH U L Olds All my 111. , C. IlocKxxood , IWI.'XIlli. N I Caroline Wnthlmin , Hcllixllk. N. J. ; 1 j. hamp- son. Mount Illuiichird , O. Mrx Hnttle Nittic ton , 1WH I Uucrxu ht , I js Angeles , Cul , Adn 11. Smith , 32 lllukslone st . 1'roi Idcnc' , It. 1. . M a N. H. Cniter , 1CID TlBUeixn st , LCM AnB'les , t < I S It. I'lescott , bt All ; ins Me , M L L sin Hi. LnncnMcr. O , H. Itutlmrd. bouth lx > s AUK'I s , ( VI , M A. Ki > Ih , 12S Til.len st. , haglnaxx Ml. h ; Julia D bmir" , 03S W Trinklln st , lliltniio , Mil , Ilenij Priest , Canton , N. Y. ; Cunillnt Grif fith. 318 S Gildlej St. . llloomhiKtrn , 111. , Mnij II Clirk , 2' < 11 I'mlrle nxe. , Chlcai ; " 111 , ML P. iVntl Cri-lllli M , Mnn . lessin .S Mirhein 136 Franklin Ht , Johnstoxxn , Pn. , Mrs M A ( ! iod- rlch , 121 N. 5th axi > . . Mujxvood , III ; Mis T It. \rnistionB , Purls , Ky , Mm. C. T U 1.1. . r. Van linttan , Knn , MIIB Huriis. lovl Ix xIniM.n ivi- , N'exv York City. Mnbcl Natleton. 217 I-ike 'X lw l At , .Seattle , Wash . Mls M. Hninin. tt 111 l.m- dolph st , Meadxllle , Pi T. C. .linns HIM > t - town , P. 13 I. , MiuidlBHeld , Wii "SIli st , Plul- adi'lphln , Pn , Kiln M ItlnliH..7 Motitnw vt , ioiiuiv lie Mss , 'I. b lUxtrfcul , P . . A 04 I I- ( Is , Mound Hope , Pn , A. C Haj , Wls. . W. Kohl , \\llsin. 2S1 03 < l PI ici' . fhli it ' , III. ; May H. Vi < xlriilT 237 II minor st . Tr"iU n , N J. , 13 A. Illsb.'p .8 Hjcnmnie l , hamnxiHe , Mass , Mrs. A J Miller , . .OJ2e lion n\c , I hi- IIKO , 111 . Julia S Paul 101 1th Hi. Joplln M . MuiB. L KliiB. Hlff Ilmlni Mont , Pint II r. Cnmbrli \ \ Is Ohnrlott. . C blnr , 3IS i : II .ley . st. hnnta lliibirn , Oil. M. . Hrudi' i : M f. Lin.nstpi , N. II , h. J. bpue Ciill.r and llixt ! sis , Chilmsfrril , Mass iuti IIP Kuhne , bet f. I Sliiplet..n . , N Y. , Win Mail ilit. Vxnx erlj. 1 fex"smui'o ' "K"1" > ' im"i..A.Irinmh ; lirockxllle Out . ' niinclB U Worth. 117 Auima .l.nnl. . \\lmhil Mmx- it , Iilin.n. V Y , MIS-I toii Wls . 13 M Ox' , 171 W. K7lh ht . Ncxx . i ' Cltv , Canle White IllnlmMkh. . . MIH. W \ \ DuN Hi' L u9J l i'-iille Ht . Clil.nto , 111 , M vy C IlutdilnMoii Axe slallon I ) . L is Ani < ml lames 13 Miller lluton N . Lth-1 M. 'llffnnj' , hkmtlilnldiri' , MUSH. H. C. Wjiilix n I. l x IIS , Nonxlch Conn , Alj H IMi .ni Nn . do , nx. ' , Tilnldnd. Col. Mniy A KniniU I Hh uxe Hex. land. O . 'I h'JH MWIMM , lloMnmi KjMnrfl ; Cl L. Hanim bllpper ) K.Kk . , i . , \Brns \ \ iidihrlBinnslmrff. . . Mhrnln MII.- ; xvailiiB. 1 ° 17 _ J jll" 1I1UI niH i 11 twv i i < j * ! - - - Minn , Mrs 13 U Morgan. Itcger * Ark . .MrII J Tracy. 339 Commercial st , Hiirlimll'M , * > - Fannlfl Prantzen , ( liund Inland , I'la , J D ( lio.- er. Home , Ind . Clde Il.iul , Cl H tt. . N XN WuHlilnuton , D C. , MUa Mnllo 13. HUKlns * > DhUlon ill Klgln , HI , A Illako Apariiidi. 1 ' > iMIudad do Mexico. Mex. , Ilia 13 Smith S7 21 ' Doxer N 11 . Mra. 13 H Ptcwarl , 4 Chum p'aln axe. , Chicago , III ; Mary J , Crofvvdl , " 3 Intlln ( t Piovldcnce , It I. WE PAY YOU CASH AND WE OFFER NO TRASH ! We want to print your name in our next list of winners , Answer our great offer at the upper half of this page and you will be convinced that we do exactly as we agree. Address plainly , WOMAN'S WORLD PUBLISHING CO. , 22-24 NORTH WILLIAM STREET , NEW YORK , N. 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