Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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taster of Unity Qhnrch Officiates in
floom In FlllPil wllli a I.artCP Contfrc-
Knllon iinil Hxocllcnl Mimic In
riirnlNirilA ! Molnlile
/ Occniilon. |
' 'fho pulpit of Temple Israel was occupied
tut night by Rev. Newton M. 'Moon , ra tor of
the Unity church. The Thanksfilvlng services
of the latter church ' had been conducted
( Thurtday by Rev. Leo M. Franklin , of Tcra-
plo Israel , between whoso denomination nnJ
hat of Hey. Mr. Mann , It was Mid last
plght , a certain tousln hlp existed.
The room was filled . .with a largo congrega
tion and the usual excellent music was con
tributed by the choir. Rev. Mann spoke
from the tof/lc "All Is Well. " He was not
ovcrsangulno of the Invariable temporal suc
cess of the righteous man. Ho even went so
t&r as to say that In his opinion the testi
mony of the good old man should he taken
with a grain of salt which related that "I
bave been young and now I am old , but never
fcavo I seen the righteous forsaken or his
eccd begging bread. " He believed , however ,
that other things being equal , the good man
would find things coming his way. Contin
uing Mr. Mann spoke as follows :
"It has not seemed best to the creator to
biro people to be good. If that were true
they would ho apt to bo found wanting wiien
the sugar plums ran out. The noblest char-
ectcro are those which bought the truth at
the greatest prtco and would not sell It at
any price.
"In regard to temporal success In lite God
docs not Interfere personally with the well
being of any man , good or bad. The fields
of the Just and unjust are moistened1 by the
oimo rains , and misfortune makes no reser
vations. But when sorrow comes the great
difference In the aspect of tJielr hearts be
comes apparent. The grief which drives ono
man to despalJ and darkncra Is an Influence
In the llfo of another toward sweetness and
strength of character. Like stool In the ro-
flnor'a furnace , they ore made perfect
through suffering.
"In estimating > i man's success also there
are other elements than earthly accumula
tion. Tbo highest values are these which can
not bo measured In dollars nnd cents. In
answer to a question regarding the worth of
Abraham Lincoln , for Instance ; no one would
think of saying that he was the possessor of
$50,000. Such a consideration sinks Into In-
Ignincanco In the case of a man like that.
Ills worth Is estimated 4n great deeds , man
hood and the sweetness and light of his per
"Through It all and behind the great world-
puzzle of good out of evil It is plain tint
tticro Is a destiny which shapes our ends.
It is apparent that we are being led on ai.,1
upward -In paths 'that ' wo do not know. If
it scorns sometimes that wrong Is uppermost
It Is but the reflection of > in unhappy and
iwcarlcd spirit. Even1 God Is but the reflec
tion of a man's soul. If by the llttlo light
wo have wo will but strive onward and upward -
ward It Is promised that after the restless
lever wo call llfo is over he will give us rest
at last.
Siirrounillnir UN niiniiiiehr-
iiiiur HiiNlly Clvnrcil Up.
1 The theory first advanced by the police
that Ofllcer Dan Baldwin , who mysteriously
disappeared Wednesday night , had made
away with himself has been exploded. It
was ascertained that prqvlouo to leaving
Wednesday night ; Baldwin borrowed money
from Louis Goldamlth , er. , Louis Goldsmith ,
Jr. , Sheriff McDonald and others. Baldwin
r also told Ofllcer names' , who worked on the
same dotall with him , that he had an op
r portunity to go with a tfoup of strong men ,
headed by Johnson and Louden , formerly of
this city. These men are at present In St.
Louis , and Ita \ supposed that Baldwin has
Joined them. It Is understood that Baldwin
had eomc domestic trouble which led up to
his sudden departure.
Several different reports were received at
the police station last night regarding the
whereabouts of Ofllcer Baldwin. Ono man
ftolieved he had recognized him on a north-
hound train going to Hut Springs , S. D , , and
a story which came In late was to the ef
fect that his dead body had been found under
a bridge lu Council Bluffs. A Missouri Pa
clflc conductor , whoso name could not be
learned , said ho had charge of the train
.which went from Omaha to Kansas City on
Wednesday night , and that Baldwin was one
of his passengers. He said he had some con
versation with him and that Baldwin told
lilm ho was on his way south , as he wa ?
pnablo to net along with Ma family. This
conductor had not been acquainted with the
ofllccr previously , but described him accur
ately. Ho said the man also told him that
ho had been a member of the Omaha police
( force for a number of years. Ofllcer Baldwin
parted with Officer McCarthy at 9:40 : at Ninth
nod Douglas streets and bearded a Council
13luffs car which would have taken him lethe
the -transfer depot just In tlino for this train
Committee ( o Dcrlili- Will Meet In
ClilciiKO Tomorrow.
' Tito committee of five from the National
Education association , charged with select
ing the place for holding next year's meet
ing , will choose the convention city thk ?
morning at the Great Northern hotel In
Chicago. Superintendent of Schools Pearso
.will bo thsro to press the claims of this cltj.
Omaha will offer a number .of Inducements
to the committee to capture the meeting ,
Among other things It will guarantee that
the association will secure 1,500 new mem
bers In this state. This guarantee Is ready
( or fulfillment now. All the teachers In the
city have agreed to Join and a considerable
number In other cities in the state. The
I city will also offer a hall for meeting pur
poses and will guarantee reasonable hotel
Two members of the committee of selection
visited the city a oouplo of months ago and
left with the Impression that the next year's
gathering tdtould meet In this city. Local
people are therefore of the opinion that they
Iiava a good Rhow of capturing the conven
tion. The meeting would bring about 12,000
teachers to the city who would remain for
a week or moro.
ii T\vo Liiii
The old trouble between Mary Ilrown and
Mary Johnson , who live at 1311 Capitol
avenue , broke out nguln , and two complaints -
plaints have bc'cn Hied against Mary John-
Don cliurf Intr her with malicious destruc
tion of property and also with disorderly
conduct. It IH alleged In the complaints
that Mary Johnson did maliciously cut a
clothesline belonging to Mary Brown , und
by BO doliiR- ruined a larKe quanuiy of
clothing which hung upon It. Later It Is
aliened that Mary Johnson climbed over a
buck fence and wandered awuy with n
wheelbarrow which belonged to Mary
nrown , The casuvu net for a hearing to-
Highest Honors World's Pair ,
Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair.
A Pare Qripe Crctm of Tnriar PowJtr ;
Committee .Appointed 1o nnnft n
Memorial for .S. I. , lloyil.
Tbo city council met In special nceelon lust
nlplit to take action relative to the death of
Milk Inspector S. L. Uoyd , who died Thurs
day from Injuries received In a collision with
a runaway team. Mayor ( Moorts lent In an
official communication In. which ho spoke In
the highest terms of the deceased as an of
ficial and citizen anil BUKKOSted that the
council take appropriate action.
President Ding ham opoke briefly and earn
estly of the esteem Irf which Mr. Boyd was
held by his friends and fcJloyv officials. He
moved that the membcra of the council and
other omdals meet at the city clerk's ofncc
at 12:30 : o'clock SunAiy to attend the funeral
In a. body and that a special committee of
thrco bo appointed to draft an appropriate
memorial. The motion prevailed and Ilurk-
ley , Karr rnd Stunt were designated as the
committee. Stuht , Karr and other members
epoko briefly by way of tribute to the many
good ( UMlltlcH of the deceased official.
Immediately after adjournment tiio council
met In formal session with Uurmcstcr In
the chair , to discuss the new plumbing or
dinance. About a dozen master plumbers
were present , but the Kcnenil public seemed
to have no apparent In the matter.
Plumbing Inspector Clawson briefly staled
that the purpose of the ordinance was to
secure first clasn work , which would prove
to bo the cheapest In the end. The council
then took up the tedious task of reading the
ordinance section by section * objections being
entertained whenever tJicy were roUed. The
principal objection raised against the ordin
ance was on account of the additional fees.
The plumbers contended that these were ex
tortionate and should be reduced. There was
very llttlo objection to the technical regula
tions but the plumbers strenuously opposed
the board of examiners as provided for lu the
the ordinance , tinj urged that Instead of the
city engineer and building Inspector , a repre
sentative of the master plumbers' union and
ono from the Journeymen's union bo made
members of the board. The suggestions were
taken under consideration. I
rtaiiow mill
Are going with a rush at Hospo'a great Bile ,
and no wonder ; the opportunity docs not
como often when private parties can buy
new pianos and organs at the same or larger
discounts than regular dealers who buy
them In In'gc quantities and the buying
public are not slow to appreciate genuine
New medium size pianos In all the natural
wood cases arc ailing rapidly at this sale
for Jir.0.00 , $ IGG.OO to $191.00 on terms of
$15.00 cash and $3.00 a. month.
Largest olzo pianos In fancy designs , with
roll fall board and automatic duet music
desk are offered at $193.00. $216.00 , $232.00 to
$320.00 for the Itnest manufactured.
$25.00 caeh and $10.00 a month buys any
plnno on the floor.
Then ) are Ilallct & Davis pianos , Mason &
Hamlln pianos , Hush & Gcrts pianos , Hlnzc
pianos , McCammon pianos , Whitney pianos
and Klmball pianos.
There Is no question about the high class
and character of these goods. However , we
will give our personal guarantee If wanted.
Its to your Interest to make an early selec
New $76.00 to $125.00 organs , sale price ,
$47.00 $52.00 , $ .r > C.OO to $03.00 ; terms , $ G cash
and $3.00 a month. A. HOSPE ,
1513-15 Douglas Street.
Open evenings ,
SDMI : STUUIST CAII iMiii.osoriiv.
It IIII SI ) III DcMCIIIltN Oil KtlllrH Of SllltS
. \Kiilnst IlFlliiiini-ut Ilomlsnieii.
Scene Farnam street car. Time Thanks
giving day. Spokesmen Frank Ransom , at
torney for the Hartley beadsmen , and ono of
the Uolln bondsmen.
Ransom How Is the oult en the Bolln
bond getting along ?
Bondsman They have adjourned over for
today to enaMe us to check up Wettling's
new statement by the books.
Ransom I. thought- you checked , up the
books long ago ,
Bondsmar The present statement Is dif
ferent from the one wo had wnen we checked
up before. You know we then asked for the
books on the plea that wo wanted to make
a compromise with the city. After the com
promise was off Wettllng went over the books
again and greatly increased the shortage.
Ransom Perhaps If he would go over
them again ho would find that the city owed
you money.
Intermission , with a. little story of how
Gurley took $30 from Ransom on a partner
ship accounting for $47.50 for fear another
Investigation of the books might reverse the
Ransom Did ycu lose anything by having
the trial postponed till after election ?
JJondsman No , I think not. There was an
awful sentiment against us when the case
was originally set for trial. It wus due
largely to the newspapers , who were giving
us bond.'tneii the wornt of It.
Ransom The newspapers haven't bothered
you much this time , have they ?
Bondsman N ? , not much. There hasn't
been anything for them to make a racket
Ransom It's either a poor case or a poor
lawyer who has to get a newspaper to help
him out to wl It ?
Bondsman That's what I think. How
about that Hartley bend suit ? When Is it
coming up again ?
Ransom Pretty soon. I wish the ncws-
prpcrs would keep out of It , If they can't
bo on my side.
At St. I'eter'N Fair.
Crelghton hall was filled last night with
visitors to St. Peter's fair and It Is ex
pected that the accommodations of the hull
will be taxed at the closing session to
night. The attractions offered at the booths
last night were most attractive and the
vaudeville propiram was well carried out
After the regular program a concert was
conducted by the Fort Crook band and
several recitations were given by Uevorell ,
the "Hoy Orator , " T1io diamond ring con
test , which is to be dscldqd In favor of the
moat popular young woman , is going mer
rily on. The present score stands : AFJICS
McNamara , 274 ; Clara Gentleman , 327 This
contest will bo decided tonljrtit and all the
many valuable articles which have been
rallied off will nlso be awarded.
Disfigurement lor life by turns or scalds
may bo avoided by using De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salvo , the great remedy for piles und
for alt kinds of sores and skin troubles.
V ii I oil I'n < I lit' ,
"Tho Overland Limited. "
train west of the Missouri river.
Twelve hours quicker than any other train
to the Paclflc coast.
Oil ! at Ticket Office. 1302 Farnam St.
II , Haas , the florist , tias a largo number
of chyrcantliemuins for sale In 7 , 8 and fl
inch pate , In bloom and buds , 1813 Ylnton
st. Tel. 770.
Store open evenings during piano discount
sale. A. Hospc , 1515 and 1513 Doughs st.
INSTRUMENT ? ) placed on record Friday
November L'O. 1S97 :
Christ rtossln and wife to Joseph
Bchlltz Urowliig company , 42Hxl !
feet , commencing at a point 10 rent
south of the northwest corner of lot
46. 8. 13. Rogers , Oklahoma $ 1,403
Packers' Savlnrs liank to David An
derson , past 3J feet lota 7 ami S ,
block 72 , South Omaha 1,800
13. H. Bhepitrd and wife to J. A , Hos.
slier , lot 7. block 1 , Belvedere add. 2,030
Mary Dougherty and husband to
Ucorre Lambert , north 5S feet of-u %
lota 1C and 17 , block 15 , Improvement
Association add 75
ThomuB UIH pla to llrldget I enagh ,
lots 14 and 15 , block 3 , Uurllnglon
Center 2,000
J. H. Mlchclsen to O. C. Mlchelson ,
lots S and 9. block B. Melrosc Hill. .
W. T. Wynmn and wife to Gotlclh
Storz , tract on cast side Sherman
avenue at u point 33 feet cast and
" > A feet north of southwest corner of
northwest northest 1D-15-13 18,000
O. W. Plainer to G. H. Evans , north
50 feet lots 1 and 2 , block ! 19 , Hans-
coin Place , 2,500
R. P. Perry nnd wife to S. D. Mcr-
cur Co. , lots 14 and 15 , block 3 , Wal
nut Hill ,
ChrUt Roescu nnd wife to C. K.
Schmidt , south 85 fret of north 95
feet of 193 test lot 46 , 8 , 13 , Roger's.
Oklahoma . , . , . , . . . , . . , . , . , . . , . , 30.10
O. W. Holdrego to Omaha & North
Plutto Railroad Co , , lots 0 and 7 ,
block 2SO , Omaha .
Total amount of transfers , , , , MMt2J,77 $
Special Bargains In Ladies' und Children's '
UmintinUy Loiv I'rlcpx on
( iooil CooilM All on Sprolttl Halo
Snttirilny nt Kflloy ,
.fc CO.'M.
Regular 3c ! ) quality ladled * natural ribbed
fleeced vests and pants , well made ellk-
Upocl and full sixes , Saturday 25c each.
Our line of ladle * ' silky fleeced vtets and
pants at 36c each , cannot bo equaled , special
finish , medium or extra size , Saturday cnly
35c , 3 for $1.00.
Ladles' plated natural wool ribbed vests ,
fully worth 05c , silk flnlfih , Krench yoke
belts , all sizes , Saturday COc each ,
Ladles' ribbed natural or ecru ribbed bal-
brlggan union sulto , the "Florence" or open
fronts ; thee ? are special bargains , sizes .1 to
6 , Saturday cnly EOc suit-
Ladles' natural wool ribbed or heavy
fleeced balbrlggan union suits , open front
or the "Florence" style , superior finish , per
fect flt , all sizes , 3 to 6 , Saturday only $1.00
stilt. I
We have a complete line of ladles' Mun-
slng plated non-shrinking union suits. SPE
CIALS for SATURDAY , our $1.35 and $1.75
suits , are warm , serviceable and good value ,
flt and finish arc perfect , Saturday $1.35 and
$1.75 per suit.
Children's ribbed heavy cotton fleeced
vests and pants , filcn 1C , IS , 20 , are 20c ; 22
to 28 , 2Cc ; 30 to 31 , 35e each.
Boys' heavy fleeced natural shirts and
drawers , well finished , very warm and com
fortable , worth C5c each , all sizes , 24 to 31 ,
Saturday only 50c each ,
Boys' and mleses' camel's hair underwear ,
a splendid heavy garment well made , all
sizes , 20 to 34 , only 25c each.
Ladles' extra good quality fast black fleeced
liose , double solo , spliced heel and too , Satur
day 25c pair.
Ladies' fast black cashmere hose , high
tpllced heel , double sole , Saturday only 35c ,
3 pair $1.00.
Ladles' finest quality black eashmere hose ,
double sole , heel and toe , nothing to equal
them elsewhere for less than Goc , Saturday
EOc pair.
Children's fine hard twloted black saxony
ribbed hose , double knee , heel and toe , spe
cial quality , full value , 35c , all sizes , 5 to 8li ,
Saturday only 2fic ralr.
Boys' heavy serviceable black cotton school
lose , double knee and fcot , all sizes , 7 to 10 ,
Saturday 25c pair.
Corner Farnm and loth Sts.
Store open evenings during piano discount
sale. A. Hospc , 1515 and 1513 Douglas st.
rcrnonnlly Conducted Excursions to
Leave Omaha every Friday , 3:30 : p. m. , reach-
lug San Francisco Monday , 9:45' : ' a. m. Cor
respondingly fast time to Southern Califor
nia. Twelve hours quicker than any other
Personally Conducted Excursion Route from
Missouri river.
City Ticket Offlce , 1302 Farnam Street.
Criminal CM.II-M In Koilernl Court Go
Over ( or Inek ofl KiinilH.
On account of lack of money to pay wit
nesses ) for their attendance the trial of two
postofllce burglars , which was to have been
begun yesterday morning In the federal court ,
was centlnued. The necessary funds are ex
pected from Washington by next week. In
consequence of this financial condition of the
court the jury was excused from ssrvlce un
til next Monday morning.
Judge Munger will remain In the city to
dispose of any mattcra that may be broughl
to his attention nnd which do not require a
Jury. Tomorrow morning ho will listen to the
trial of an equity case.
Cliiinilirt'lnlii'H Coimli Itcmcily an Ks-
licclnl Favorite.
"Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is an es
pecial favorite In this vicinity , " says A. W.
Armstrong , of Morrison , Colo. "I have used
It In my family and can truthfully cay the re
sult has been more tliao satisfactory. My
wife will not sleep without a bottle of It In
the house , as she believes that to It we owe
the llfo of our llttlo girl who Is subject to
croup. "
Store open evenings during piano discount
sale. A , Hospo , 1515 and 1513 Douglas it.
Frank Vodlca , the tailor , has moved to 101
N. 15th , McCague block.
iOCAi , iiRU'vrriijs.
A. Poupore has sued the Northwestern Post
end Shlnclo company , alleging a debt of
$1.073.70 for lumber delivered and not paid
The Byron Reed company has been granted
a permit to build a two-story frame dwelling
at Thirty-sixth and Harney streets. It will
cost ? 3,000.
At the meeting of the Board of County
Commissioners to be held this morning
only routine business will come up for con
Willie Mcsslck , whose foot was amputated
as a result of a street car accident that
occurred last Saturday evening , Is still at the
hospital and In doing nicely.
R. B. Fikc. , ' the Missouri .Pacific brakeman -
man who was'so badly hurt. In an accident
at West Sldo Tuesday morning. Is dead. His
body will bo taken to Hiawatha , Kan. , for
Instead of waiting for the sun to do the
work Superintendent Houck of the court
house has put a force of men at work clearIng -
Ing the snow from the walks that surround
the court house square.
The Eighth Ward Republican club held
a largely attended meeting lost night and
adopted resolutions on the death of B , L.
Boyd. The members decided to attend the
funeral , but not In a body ,
Charles Harrison , caught Thursday while
stealing fifty pounds of coal from cars of
the Burlington company , was convicted of a
charge of petty larceny and sentenced by
Judge Gordon to thirty days In the county
Members of George A , Crook post. Grand
Army of the Republic , of which .Milk Inspector
specter Boyd was a member , will attend his
funeral Sunday in a body. The pall -borers
will bo selected from the societies of which
Boyd was a member.
Kittle Owens was fined $50 and costs by
Judge Gordon on a charge of being an In
mate of a disorderly house. The costs
amount to $23,50 , The case was appealed
and the woman gave bonds for her appear
ance In the district court.
The river yesterday iwas running full of
slush Ice , the result of the cold tnap here and
the storm In the north. The water Is at a
very low stage , and the current IB so sluggUh
that the closing of the channel by Ice Is a
matter cf very few cold nights.
A , W. Anderson , traveling auditor of tbo
Cudahy Packing company , and chief of Clan
Gordon , No. 03 , Order of Scottish Clans , who
came homo last October from the south , with
an Illness that was supposed to be yellow
( over , has fully recovered. It developed that
the sickness from which ho suffered wan
iyphold fever.
Mlfs Lllllo Hunt- , whoso motlier waq over
from Council Bluffs Tuesday Inquiring for 1 o- ,
admits having had trouble and liavlag left
the family household , hut bays uho U workIng -
Ing hero In Omaha and that she had never
been living with a young man , whose first
name U "Fritz , " She says further that there
\\aa no foundation to the story that BUO had
taken chloral with suicidal Intent.
The conditions of the streets and sidewalks
yesterday tried the tempera of Omaha's
citizens sorely and were provocative of many
a blue-tinged remark. Hundreds of horsca
fell upon the cllppcry atone pavements and
irafllc , particularly of heavily laden vehl
clca was considerably Impeded. Mgny an
honest man and woman found their heels In
the air and themselves flat upon their backs
before the Icy coating on the sldcwalke
melted away , No serious accidents , how- . .
over4 were reported.
Torn ! lleltirtin Itnllie t'npnliir Conlcut
I'P Till mtinny Mitlil.
Following Is thf Ewqlt of the volts In tlio
contest for Queen Vftlaris up till Friday
night :
Jerfie > ] .Mny Micliacl 87
Anna MCAnnmrn H.t.i vlnnn B.iUok \ . . . M
HlrJIe Aucirnnlil .Ifulyndle Cnln si
Atitin HejUKd . . . oin Hester Tny.or . . . . 3 *
Annette Smiley . . , \Vlnnltie t Itnne . . S3
MllJtc.l HtophuiK.n il&t Anna AiKnfin . . . . S3
" ' "
2h8'lMilti Ton ! 31
Mfte lloblnrun XW1 Mtrle Taylor 3) )
Aitnilnc NH I 2K4-Klolice ! Morno . . . SO
J.U4 Mary Stay 30
Jtnnie UiiihHin l.tti nila lllne )
IJmmn 111 nil . . . 1 Anna UoJdstoln
Flortlc IloniHln luai : > rnrl Uvins . .
1 Ml Mary Heck >
Kulc O'llnnlon I 3V Mn ) CralS ,
Mnrlc Suttcrlc 1 211 Florcnc * Jukey
Mubel Nelson . . Omcr Allen . . .
Anna 'Fall to Lie thn Allen . .
liia Itehfcld iW MoRKlc Dnrnn
Mlela | Vulrlc IVrn Marty
Mue llartlclt 741 Kemm 1-eepcr . .
73S Lama Fl ! ier . .
Nellie Itlittic Hi SuranVnlkir .
Mabel Tnjlor KunUilH
Cora llnttcl.o I vu Cope 21
Pa rutte (41 Uelth.i llcillkT 21
Idnlla Weed . . . . Miss lluinett . . 20
Lillian U. Terry . . Nettle Uleon . . . 20
Amy CJernhanit . . . 46j Hoc Hooker VU
Jennnette lii'iKx . . . 4 > J l.lltll.l 1'icnu . . 19
Matle Womlnrd . . 413 Knima Johnron ID
Nellie OttKt < 0 ! l.lzile D.imitny 19
Helen Mlllaul . . . . Mnrlim Ilioun 18
Millie lllllllCM FliKiicc Klipitrl'k 18
; Marie Aiimtrong. . Irene Sunlit . IS
Mattil ViuiKlm . . . . Alia IViicock . IS
Mrs. 11. 11 , Ccryell Urcce Ilrown . 18
Bailie Ktonc Kittle Laurence . . IS
Hazard 17
Ijiura Mny Mjrc ( 2t > l Minn Hockrtcln , . II
IxHtlc Slmlda luslr Ktetmn . 17
Mrs. It. w."itiY y I6t ilmir.a Anderton . . 17
niizabetii Phi.nps. r Minnie llerlln . . . . 17
Fltrenco Vhlun . . 251 , umle .Tubonlky . 1C
ndlth Miner til ' 'oru Itunpke . 1G
Clara ItcdlnKton . . 21 lam Lclimami , . 15
lluclali Fleming . . ii lir * . M. J. llrnlu'il 10
Stlnm Kpeneter . . 501 i.ullc Slitter . 1G
Clara Clarkton . . . li lella Mninell . . . . 1GK
lllancli Ilun .ite . . . 1 { . tmtthulomcw. . . lt >
Flircrca C.impLn. . I title Snylor . lt1C
Nor.i MeAiIno Id lannu i Koimlil . . lli
Helen IlonRland . , K ucliulu Gamble . . 1G
1'aullnu IJUHG n illtli Uiililftrom . . 1Gn
Mlna Andres 11. . \VlHc Samuels . . . IS
Mainl Johnson . . . . U ! / ! > ilc lllnmliurt ] . . . ISr
UmiljV.ireham . Ui i.ynn Curtis . 14
Anna Nordwall . . . . 131 Ittlln Lynch . 14
M. llliilertirnmi. . . i.n vVenonuji James . . 14
Florence Fltchle . . 13j 14
Delia Jones 12 , Halite bpera 14
Flora Webster . . . . 120 Mrs. Kralz . . 13
Aliby Gray 113 Ouldle liettB 13
l cnu Si'Kolke lit. Oka Ulodiwater . . 13
Annie Ktic'a Iff. Jennie Ito 13
Theresa Mlnlkus . . 104 Flora Stemm 13
Floy Jones. 102 Iviulsc Metz 13
Mrs. J. 1' . More. Kittle Uratidt 13
nthel WIlklnH1. . . . US IMItli Ueekmali . . 13
I.ulu Helnrlck . . . . i'a ' Mrs. O. 11. Wlrth. 13
lllnlle I'oncll so l < Mltli Packard . . . II1
l-ticy 1'arrlslt to Mrs. H. C. llrowii . 13
Daisy Darker tn Kate Donaldson . . 12
HJnn Watson 81 d'cll Gray 12
EfTii Hale M Myrtle Spencer . . . 11
Jennie Kioiit M I'nmia. Hablnson 11
Alberta Woods . . . SO Minnie Ilurglund . . 11
Clara rainier 9 1C. Swartzlander. . . 11
liesele Vodrafka . . 79'.lennle Dona'.ihon. . 11
Xelma Fleming . . . "ii I.ilira Ie\l 11
Minnie Ncale 77 I > ucy Sliourup . . . . 10
I ena llartl an . . . . 77 Inez llcebe 10
Hell Axtcll 73 Ollle Clark 10
H thcr I.lndstrom. . 71 Dodpon 10
Kate MeVlttle . . . . 70 Hatilot Ilornsby. . 10
Mabel Packard . . . 70 Florence Singer . . 10
I * . Clcntlcman 70IS Mrs. u. H. l iwr'o 9
Martraret Curtis . . 68 K. He } nolds 9
Clara Ixitenzen . . cs Rachacl Cliemlson. 9
Mrs. M. R Avery cscs Albrrla Oreen . . . . 9
csCi 9S
Nellie Luudon Ci Utliel SpencT 9S
Mir. II. II. Militant CiH Helen Cle\elandi . . S
Ada Stelger Mrs. J. W. nobb. . S
IClolbc Couchman. . K , D. llucklngliam. . . 8
Florence HatnricK. I.aura Smith 8S
adle Hummel . . . IS Maggie Saffonl . . . . 8
Lena Krup { ,7 Orace Ilrown 8
May Fuller M Mrs. J. Kragc . . . . 8S
Knnnle Nellson . , lu Jet-slc Gillies 8
Smiley K Minnie Sargent . . 8
Sadie Alexander , . & 1 Anna Ahlstrom . . 8
Krmnn Feenan . . . . 43 Mrs. Maud Kellogg 8S
Mrs. ] ) ur. la < S F. Stlllwater 8
Tcnney . . D. Frrilcrlckbon . . 8S
Mayenne Hamlln. . lidna lloblnson . . .
Kva C. Siiylei . . . Oeorgle Richards , . 7
Tliora Llndstroln . . Hermlne ] ! lri-sliie. . 7
Maigurct Hee l . . . Mrs. Geo. Mercer. 7
Frances Downey , . May llonncr 7G
Emma. Oajjlbe Alma Johnson . . . C
Kmella Stuben . . . MIB. H. Hall . . . G
C. llelle Cole . . . . Gertrude L l\cn . . G
Kutliarlne Hamlln. 3D Katlo Haas G
Maud llro\\n ZV Frances Kennedy G
lllancli Cralsr 89 II. , R O'Ollllgnn. G
Ilutli Snowdcn . . . . 37ilda Stroble G
Cora Strait 37 Daisy McDonald. . C
Kale Holloway . . . 37 Dottle McKlroy . G
MUy Puher . . . . . . 37illt35le , Wrlulit . > . C
Villa D. Slilppey . . 37 Kmniu Thompson. G
Miiud Kills 37 Sadie McGulrc . . G
The followlnn liave live votes each : Minnie
Sommers. Htcll Xaudaln , Mre. Thomas Dwyer ,
May Newton , Emily Wakeley. , KlwooJ Smith.
May Collins , Elizabeth-Peeve. JJutBle Cummlnsa ,
Ver.i Flomlnff.
The followInc have four votes each : Mny
Ilobbs , Jeannette De Cole , Mrs. jnancn
Schneider , Mrs. William Nntli , Ida Strable ,
GcorKla Kwlnp , Mrs. Charles Gen , Mary
Sampson , Marie IJalley , Helen Marks , Daley
The following have three vote eac'i : Jeannlo
WakefieliV , Susie Smith , Inez Townfend , Anna
Wnyinnr , Jessie Gllllos , Abby Caswell. Jefsle
Sawhlll , Fannie lion Kind , Lulu Tn > lor , Mrs. 11.
| y. Dcanc , Grace Akin , Hannah llurniun , Nettle
yler , I.llllan Mullen , Mabel Ilenni'tt , MnnKlo
Wilson , Anna Jullu" , Ora Jclmpon , Helen Po i-ll
The followltK , ' have two votes each : Lizzie
WaLsli , lilaiicli Grinith , Julia Joncp , Lou IJ ,
Dlibrcnv , Viola poinn , Hattle Parsons , Kate
The following have ono vote each : Miss Joan-
nlu Cannon , Umma Iy > renzen , Mrs. H. n. Wltc.
The lody who Is number 15 In the voting
list of The Heo on the morning of Decem
ber 15 will receive a beautiful diamond ring ,
with the compliments of GcorRe W. Uyan &
3o. , at 10D South Sixteenth street , vvhoro It
Is ca exhibition. Other valuable prlzca will
bo offered from time to time , just to leud
Interest to the contest before It closes , De-
ccm'ber ' 31.
Mies Jeanle Wakefleld Is one of the fair
contestants mho just started , ibut she don't
mind It a bit , even If some of the young
ladles have a few thousand the best of It.
Floyd McCall , who haa been engaged to
take good care of the Ice at the exposition
grounds , began flooding the Ice last night
and wia build It up at the rate of an Inch
every twenty-four hours , so , If the weather
man doca his share , Floyd will manage to
keep his end up.
The mm In charge of the lagoon were- kept
busy yesterday afternoon chasing boye off of
the Ice which had formed over night , and
Messrs. Tracy and Huddleson , the skate con
cessionaires , began a ( juick move to get their
things In shape for Sunday weather per
The price of admlBsIon at the gates on
Sherman avenue and Twenty-fourth and
Plnkney streets during the skating season
will bo 10 cents , and everything inside pro-
portlonately low.
, Horn Hue. ] * to MemplilN ,
Detective Cox of the Memphis police la
In Omaha In order to tnko charge of Cnloli
Sykes , who IH wnnted In that city for lar
ceny nnd breiich of trust. BylceH Is charged
with having made away with J200 worth
of furnlturo which wus placed In his keep-
lug : by J. W. Ilorum , Oeorgo W. HobertH
nnd J , D. CaHtlcbers of Memphis. It Is
F.ilrt that Sykes sold the furniture nnd used
the revenue derived therefrom. The olllrer
nnd his prisoner will probably leave for
the south this evening.
You should keep Salvation Oil on hand ; It
will euro all nchcs ami palnua. Price 25 cts.
Mnrrlniif , Ui'L'iini-H.
The following innrrlngo HcenscH were la-
sued ycsterduy by Judge liiixler :
Name nnd Address , Age
Albert Nelson , counfcil UluffB , In 21
Louisa Marker , Hamburg , lu m
James T , Briefs , Leadvllle. Cole B7
Louis A. McLean , Omaha 27
Abraham Herklnx , Onmlui 23
Mlnu Mny Tyrell , Omaha a
Hufua Wilson , Lincoln , Neb \
Ornco Houre , Dcnton , Neb 20
Harry Cloodnow , Omaha 2S
Kllzabeth L. Scbrlng , Omaha , . , 2'J
Royal makes the food pure ,
vtholecoma anil delicious.
item BAKINO rowoen co. , ntw vonx.
The Derthlck Munoil Literary club of
Oti.i.ha will give Its flivt public recital at
the First Congregational ! church this even
ing , Mr. William II. Sherwood , pianist ,
I I i will reader the following program :
i Variations Scrlcuces , Op. 01 . . . .Mendelssohn
Deureo from Second English Suite. . . .Hach
Polonaise llrllllnntc , Op. 72 . Weber-Licit
Mazurka , Op. 7 . Chopin
llpra > U8o . Chopin
Maiden's Wltth , Pbll.xh eng ( Arr. by
Liszt ) . , . . . Chopin
Nocturne , Op. 27 , No. 1 In C sharp minor
. ; . . . Chopin
En Houtc . GoJ.irl
Cltpisy DnnroVlllKm H , Sherwood
Coy Maiden . William II , Sherwood
, Turnntellp , Venozla e Napoll . Ll zt
Sovejg's Lli'd from Peer Gynt . Gileg
Soiree do Victims , No. ,0 . Schubcrt-Llizt
Military March . Schubert-Tauslg
The pugilists , Oeorgo Dlvon and Joe Wal-
cott , who recently met In the prize ring In
n battle which cxclle.l more Interest than any
similar contest since the Fltwlmmons-Cor-
bctt fight , will spir tonight at the Crolghton
There will ho two performances of "Uncle
Tom's Cabin" today at Iloyd's , afternoon
and evening.
Bob Fltzstmmons comM to the Crolghton
theater Sunday matinee and night , starting
a four nights' oncuRement. Twelve acts will
bo seen lu the olio or vaudeville portion cf
Hie bill. The chatr.ylon will spir four rounds
with Mike Conlcy , the Ithaca giant , and will
also Illustrate In various Illustrated sounds
Just how he put out Hall , Mahcrand Sharkuy ,
list overlooking the solar plexus one ho
handed Corbett. Glnsercttl and Uemonio ,
Rjan and Richfield , Theo. the two Macs ,
Crane brothers , Mtilvcy aud In man , Charlca
1) ) , Llwlcr , the l < a Verne sisters , Hilly Lip-
plncott , Earnest Hoeber and Carl Heck are
with the company.
The Danish Dramatic club will give Us
monthly entertainment and ball at Washing
ton hall Saturday evening , November 27.
llortrup'e play , "The Neighbors' 'Gjen-
boorne , ' " will form the bill. Thp best dra
matic talent In Omaha will take the leading
ixirts In the play and the Scandinavian Glee
club will form the chorus and sing the many
old popular pongs that always are the strong
features of Hortrup's dramas. The play lias
been thoroughly rehearsed and Its perform
ance will be the leading dramatic event of
the siason. After the play the usual grand
ball and festive banquet will bo given.
Kvery ( Same lint CriiiiH Stops IIoeatiNe
of Ilreitd of llnldrlKC.
The gam'blers ' who have been operating
nbiut Omaha and South Omaha have decided
that discretion , Is the better part of valor
and yesterday made the public announcement
that every gambling place In the county
would cease operations after 5 o'clock lart
night and the gay and festive people who
want to tackle the tiger In his lair will
have to seek other lairs than those which
have been open to all comers In Douglas
county during the last few months.
The gamblers say this course was taken
on account of the contemplated action of
the county attorney 1m directing the sheriff
to arrest all owners or Inmates of gambling
roDins. They claim to have a "tip" that
the county attorney Intended taking action
today and they desired to forestall him.
It Is stated thit this course of action will
not be followed by the "crap joints , " but
that these will continue to operate as he-
fore. The gamblers predict that the crap
shooters will not be molested.
Costo more worth more , because pure
Wright's pure old-fashioned Ibxickwheat flour.
f r COII | T'N Trial.
Subpoenas ure being bcrvcd on witnesses
who are expected to testify for the pros
ecution of the case of the state against
Jerome Coulter , ex-deputy city treasurer.
Louis Wettllng , the expert accountant , wao
served last nlKht. The subpoenas are re
turnable December 15 , at which time
County Attorney Daldrlgo expects to call
the case for trial.
J. W. Mann ol Denver , Colo. , Is a Barker
W. W. Stewart of New York is at the
J. Banker of St. Louis Is stopping at the
W. C Adrian of Clinton , Mo , , Is at the
W. iM. Gentry of Qulncy , 111. , Is stopping
at the Barker.
Bert Leslie of Chicago Is a late arrival
stopping at the Barker.
C. H. Walworth Is on the sick list , the
victim of a stomach trouble.
0. A. Scott has returned from Salem , la.
where ho went to spend Thanksgiving with
his parents.
Mrs. Slocum , wife of Lieutenant Slocum efFort
Fort Mcade , S. I ) . , Is visiting at the residence
of General Copplnger.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Barth of Fort NIobrara
are visiting with Colonel Marshall , quarter
master of the Department of the Platte.
At the Mlllard : F. T. Plimpton , Chicago ;
H. C. Hueblng , Reodsburg , WIs , ; John R
Wood , Burlington ; Thomas Murtey , Weeping
Water ; T. W. Harper , Terre Haute ; W. W.
Brown , Denver ; Charles G. State , Boston ;
0. D. Frany , Chicago ; D. D. Rowlan and
wife , Ogdco ; Mrs. M. E , Watts and daughter
North Platte ; W. E. Lovejoy , Aberdeen ,
S. D. ; E. I' ' ' . McLood. ( Boston ; Albert Swift ,
Nebraska City ; E. iM. Leflang , Lexington ;
N. Bohn , Grand Island.
Omaha's Best Train.
Is the Burlington's "Vcstlbuled Flyer. "
Bippoat , brightest , handsomest , "most
corafortabln. Now from end to end.
Sleeping , chair , f.mokiii and dining
cars. l Ieals served on a-la-carto plan
you pay only for what you order.
LeavcB Omaha..5:05 : p. in. EXACTLY
Arrives Chicago. .8:141 : a. m. No LATKH
Tickets and berths at 150U Fiirnam-st.
City Passenger Agent.
Style No. I Fine plain Kersey ,
block or imvy , body lined all through
with heavy black satin.
The other style Is made of fine black
Blltfy weave rough material alee body
lined with heavy black satin. See what
others are bhowing at $15,00 ani then
como look at the o.
IMC ll-K-tl.
Onec more ire I-/KO to Ute qttcuftnit-Hf tvJittt tt'ltl ytnt have ?
Fcn < HtfcN ( ! tntii/ } ; fni'f/K Htuc/t of mimlf : HII-ICVH liinitcd ut >
jn'tct'H icinctcjun in Mi to mtine ? IIV in'iilc oiit'setrcH un tlto
fnc.t that n-c Hlinti' imnvt Vlntcr * , more different If Mem. inoro
t'rntci'it at jtntivjn'lce or ani/price , than antj one clotliinij Ntoro
JotieanjiniL There isn't anil one " 'ho icanfN an I/Inter who
cannot be xttltetl here if he tt-ifl. r'/tifrm $ a.ys-ffooit one * .
Vftift r i at SXMO ffood OUCH. I'Mcr * at Sd.OOootlones. . I'Mcrtt
at $ y.T < > am ! $ tO.OO-/oort OUCH. t'Mt'rn
$ < > ,
: ; .AO and seventeen _ / / / / , onf '
/ / no hif/her. ll'htj no higher ?
iwe , , 'c Hvlt thejieat nln1ern made at that
nri < > < : Von ean
jindjtlaccHii'hcrethci/f/ct twenty-live and thirtt/ dollar * for
itltifvrH lint thei/ arc no bcttcr-nn jlncr in appearance-no bet
ter to ircar. These ttlnfern n-e veil at Nct'cntccn Jiffy are made
from ajine qnalitiof 11'ornmlio than irhich there IM no better
nMer material made. Onr I'lufcra at ten dolfara are of all
irool Frieze , irclf made , and icell lined , and those at tici'cn Jljtn
arejinc. scrriaeable , all n-ool
uarmentu , t/ood for three itttason *
of ordinary if cat : Ifon irant } unt a one ncaxon ulster ire sell
if for three dollartt and net-en fi/-Jl re cents.
, n "iwtnntly recelvlns | n's of Roods
ni r
direct from the
mnmifnctutcr , and thus nro in n
position ' to not only KUc the lowest iirlmt. .m
K00lls wlllch'nrc ' absolutely ficsh and Ren-
LixnlUe Dromo Quinine io |
' ' " '
1'acker'B Tar Sonp jc |
2 boxes Menthol Cough Drop * | ' o
2Zc American Farina Coloctie lie
lOc Frog In Throat GC
3c Warnoi's Llthln Tablets i < io
" 3o Hucklln' Arnica Salve liic
Sic Klnc's New Dls-overy S0o
J1.01 Mother's Filend 74c
$1,00 llraillleld'B Female llPinilator 74c
2Sc VALITS POMPLKX'IO.N SOA1' Kc Ayers' Hair Vigor Me
Sl.OD 2-tUart | Fountain Syringe 43
23c I-rcntllla 19c
ule Hind's Henry and Almond Cream 30.
First clnsi 2-quart Hot Water HnK r *
IllK plecp Vaseline and Tar Soap Bi
35c Castorla lie
Vic Ilcor. Iron and Wine Sir
15c Tleef Irnn nnd Wine 9r
All prices quoted contemplate spit cash. Write
for catalosu < ? .
1518 Dodt e St. , Omaha , Nob.
The roliitloiiN lict\vccn Dr. Shopnril
anil 111.1 * iiatli'iits an- abMoliitcljcoiill -
ilcnllnl.o nniiii * of nny pat I cut IN
ever IIMIM ! lu iirliit or any otluT niiiii-
n . > r nx n rt'ferenco trltliout cxiirvHs
iinil iilllliii ; vonsviit. Kvory point In
the No-ciillo < l iiivillenl ooilo of odilvs IN
Ntrlctly oliNcrvfil , In letter mill Nplrlt ,
L'.voi < i > tlnK tlint one \vlilcli ilonlon tin-
of n iiliyHlflaii to employ lniHl-
iiiutliotlN ill IIH iinictlce.
Cntnrrli , nviifiiVHN , IIu > ' 1'cvcr , Ulien-
nintlNiii , IllsoiiNVH of tin * liiiiiKH , 1 , Ivd-
nm ! ICIilncyH. AlNO It up t lire , I'lles ,
Ncrv < ilin DlNC-iini'x mill AilniuiitH of
\Vonivii. CoiiNiiltntloii free.
Shepard Medical Institute.
311. 312 and 313 N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. 113S.
MotlicrHl Motlii'rn ! !
Mrs. Window's Soothlnc Syrup has been used
for over 00 jcars by millions of mothers for
their children while teething with perfect suc
cess. It Eoothcs the child , softens the gums.
allays all pain , cures wind colic , nnd Is the bett
remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in
every part of the world. lie sure and ask for
"Mrs. Wlnslo 's SoothlnR Syrup" ami take no
other kind. 25 cents a bottle.
All Druggists.
alcc'iollc ' wreck.
IcK of particulars free , to Le had of
Kllllli & Co. , llth and Douglas. Omaha , Neb
Cliiclnnnd , O.
Write for their "Book on Morphine Habit ,
mailed free.
I27W.-I20SI , .NY
Wo are BhowinK un olufjunt line of the
Ititcst iturovcd ) lfi',18 ' imttorns in
Our prices will iiitorost you , anil you
inako a iv.ibt.ako if you do not uc-o outline -
line before buyinjj.
ffiton Rogers &Soo & ,
14th and Farnam.
Hocognlzhifr the superior qualities of this
machine , the TranomliMsslpi ) ! Kxposltlon
hnvo adopted It explttslvely.
Embodies best points at all other machines
nnd has ninny features distinctively Its own.
Write us.
Kill : Fiirnnni St. , Oiniilui.
2(1(1 . .Hi St. , Ilt > N .Molni-N , In.
Private Diseases
\ \ eskntM and Uliordtr nf
SO Y'rnrBKiporlcnco.
Hok Krco. ( 'onsnlta-
tiun Froo. Uox 703 , oj
Hth nnd Farcam Bts ,
Wo will "Olid > ountlfoi5) ) d < " 7 trial
treatment of tbn 1'runcli llunicdr
CALTi Oil Trie , ( uol.O H'n nun
a fesnl nuTuntoo that CAI/rnos will
HTOP IHicImrcm n < l Kmlillunt ,
OUMHyi | TinonirrliiiiVBrlcocele1
and UI > TIIKi : l.o.t \ Ifcor ,
pit costs ynu nntlilng to try It.
VonMohlCO. BOI BI-ol Juirrlf.i.itli.,0.
AVc like ( o Rain Uii' KOIII ! irlll of tin : yrinnui'i * Ki'iiiTiillon ton.
Tliu ( ] iiulll > * iinil Hlrciittlh of our IIIIJH' rliitliliiK ulll Iii-lp II no iliiulil ,
If H | ) Ic iinil uovclly ntlrnclN MILyomiiN < i-r , ( lien tvo'll connIn for n
Kooillj ; liiircof
So in n eh fur ( In * liny. For I lie parent nu "ITi-r rcilcciiuililc nil no.
If K IH not UN c-Iien | > or clifiiiicr anil UN KOOI ! or lifllrr limn nny 111 * " '
In ( iiinllty alinut ( on'ii , brlnir It liai'k. Your money IH uuvrr OIII-M un
til you nrc thoroughly NiilUfltMl.
A plain lioyN * xnlt for SKn IN the Htnrlliiic point , It Mill tvenr ooil.
A trllle better ou for $ I.OO , tlien 1-I1.-5 mill Iiiilf Nevenly-IUe U ,
JfU.y.T , Ifir.fiO , > f . n , nt lawt lf."i.ll ( ) . .VothliiK finer iniiile iniilterM Ilttlo
ivliut MOIIIO liltflier-toneil MtoreH May.
I'll n oy braliled iiovcltlcH In miltH are to lie found Iieru iniirUeil
iniieh cheaper. A liently ( IrxlKiieil null , reefer t > le , Lirnlilcil vollnr
and NleeveN nt tjll. n , If I. TO folloiVN for one prultler. Finally tliey
liccoinc lieantlfiil In iletdun anil e .peiiMlve lu Irliiinilnir , lint not e -
peiiHlvo , ill eo f $ l.nO for n' ° lovellcMt unil l fBl Jiinlni * ( ! l plueen. )
I.unK panlM nlt to lit even a yomiK nuiii of O nt la.n < l to Nlnrt
All wool MiiltH ii.RU , ImaKlnu tlio rent , If you pleaiie.
HoyH' HeeferH Clilnclillla-.liriildeil nt If00. . Capo overccwilN
nt ljH.7. ; and end nt T ell we rntlier linv yon here. FlKrnreM of eold
type arc not n lilt lntere tluur. It U liest for liofh to uliow ijiinllty anil
IlKiiren tovetlicr. AN > i ; reniarkeil , tliu uood will of tlie yoiinniitvrM In
wliat we are after. Tlielr ud vcrllnliiK I * worth Imvlutf.