Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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    \ F - *
0 THE OMATtV DAILY BJflB : SATUrtDAY , NOV.15M.m3U ii7 , 3HOT.
* Cocpcr , Flro Ins. , C Pearl , tcl. 372.
Harry Murphy , coal and wood. 37 Main.
Schmidt's bar relief photos arc the latest.
Eptoncr Grocery Co. , 323 Hway. Tcl. 314.
/ Ii , Shrlvcr , dentist. Merrlam blk. . rom 2 .
O. P. Dllsor of Oaliland called In the city
C. S. I'aln of DCS Molncs was In the city
W. I ) , Johnson of I'ltlsncld , 111. , stopped
In the City yesterday.
I * . James of Ethhorn was among the guest *
In the city yesterday.
J , H. Lowcry of Macedonia was In the city
pn buolness yesterday.
J. Ludwlckoon of Hnrlan was .among the
eallcrn In thj city yesterday.
Leo Q ay of Imogcno was emong the
Euiflts In the city yesterday.
We'r doing work for hundreds. Why not
do youns ? IJluff City Laundry.
McPhersor. & Heed , cut flowera and de-
Blgnn ; office C Pearl st. , to ) . 372.
John A. Patterson , one of Avoca'a retired
funncia , wns In the city yesterday.
C. C , llazen , dentist , removed from the
tpera houno to the Dr. Plnney office , 214 Pearl.
E , S. Clary of lied Oak VMS In the city on
business with the Implement men yesterday.
IJtiy meat of the Wclkcr Meat company ,
221 South Main street , and get premium
William Illlcy son of the court house jan
itor fell down stairs and dislocated his left
elbow Joint.
Tlov. lilgolow and Gcorgo Grimth , business
mm of Walnut , were In the city transacting
business yesterday.
Uemember the Methodist market today at
the Candy Kitchen. Chicken pie , bread ,
oike , pica , etc. , for sale.
The best is good enough for you. Noth
ing less. Send your work to the popular
Eagle Laundry , 721 Hway.
Cnrlson'H freshly ground cornmcal , beat to
tie had : call for It nt your grocer's or at C.
Carlson's Wash. Ave. mills.
Judge Green did not return from his homo
In Greenfield y cot onlay nnd there was prac
tically no session of the district court.
George Grupo of Cedar Haplds was In the
city yos'.crilny. lie will spend Sunday with
John Stevenson and other relatives In Lin
Mr. Join ! Gretzcr of the Nebraska univer
sity spent the Thanksgiving holidays with his
sister , Miss Cora Grctzer , on East Pierce
Edward and John Von Kirk of Silver City
brought In two carloads of cattle and dis
posed of them on the South Omaha markets
Earlo McCrsnry is lying at the homo of his
father , David W. McCreary , on Avenue A ,
near Twenty-sixth street , dangerously 111
.with malarial fever.
The charge of assault and battery preferred
in Justice Vlen's court by E. E. Fodlsch
against John Wallace has been dismissed on
the motion of the complaining witness.
Kranlc Whltson , charged with the robbery
of the ealoon of Paul Meyer , was arraigned
before Justice Vicn yesterday morning and
Ills trial set for Monday. Ho was committed
to jail In default of $500 bond.
Fred Ilarter and John Conrad , charged
iwlth robbing Charles Taylor , took a change
of ventio from police court to that of Justice
Vlen. Their cases will be. heard Tuesday.
They were jailed In default of $500 bonds
Daniel D. Rowland of Ogden , Utah , and
Sarah F. Holllngsworth of Heatrlce , Nob. ,
procured a marriage license at the office of
the county clerk yesterday and were united
In marriage last evening. Hev. T. F.
JTIiIckstun officiated.
Wlllard W. Davis , who has been employed
In the Council Bluffs office of The Dec , left
yesterday to assume a responsible position
for the Helm Creamery Uuilding and Supply
company of Omaha. For the present ho will
travel through Nebraska.
The family and friends of Thomas Green ,
Who was killed in an accident on the Union
Pacific railway and brought hero for burial ,
ieol especially grateful to the railway yard
employes In South Omaha and the locomotive
firemen for their kindness and assistance.
Henry Wehland , an old ami well known
'Citizen of Walnut , was consigned to St. 'Her-
nard's hospital yesterday by order of the
commissioners for the insane. Ho was
brought up from his home by his son-in-law ,
( William Uoyler. The old man Is CO years
old and his mental troubles have been pro
duced by Insomnia.
The police were advised yesterday that Wll-
llo Hartcr , a 11-year-old boy , had wande'cd
away from the state institution for feeble
minded children at Glenwood. The little
follow was mlfised on Thursday night. Super-
-intcndcnt Powell feels considerable .mulct )
for fear the child might have been exposed
to the cold and storm during the night. The
police had received no intimation of the
presence of the little stranger in this city
Up to last night ,
Ella Clark , the colored woman arrested on
the charge of robbing Madison , the Craig.
IMo. , man , of his wallet and Us valuable con
tents , removed her cane from the jurisdic
tion of the police section of the superior
court yesterday and took It to the tribunal
of Justice Vlcn. The hearing was fixed for
next Monday. The police have given Madi
son an excellent reason for remaining In the
city and prosecuting the case. The wallet ,
containing over $100 , Is locked up In the of-
11 co of the city jail. The Clark woman has
liocii Identified an the wlfo of one of the colored -
ored einployeij of the Metropolitan hotel.
C. 13. Vlavl Co. , female remedy ; consulta
tion freo. Olllco hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to C.
Health book furnished. 320-327-323 Merrlam
N. Y. Plumbing eompHny. Tel , 250.
I IliMiininloil to Stnto Court.
1 DUUUQUE , la. . Nov. 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Judga Shlras today sustained a mo
tion to remand to the sbito court the case of
Decro , Wells & Co. , of Council llluffs , against
the Clvlcago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway ,
and Peterson , section foreman , The UUter
act o fire along the right of way , which got
tocyond control and destroyed plaintiff's
/warehouse. Judge Shlras finds the section
foreman's negligence while acting as the cor
poration's agent would bo the corporation's
ncgltgortco and the case 'therefore Involves
no separable controversy entitling the corpor-
tlon to a separate trial.
Cole's "Original" Hoi Blast
gives even heat
with soft coul ,
with sftft coul.
Base Heat
with soft coul.
equals 1 ton bard
Cua I ,
Docs tlio work of
Holds Fire
like u BUBO
only Btovo mudo
to ijlvB tlioso ro
6llltB ,
Bco It Running at
atCOM3 .t COI.IVH ,
41 Main St. , Council IHufTs.
OBO. W. IUUGGS , South Omaha.
Everything In the line of
Dressed Meats mid Poultry
Market , 007 Muia street. Tul. 170.
Matter of Motor Btiilway Extension is
fiddly Neglected ,
Prcpnrntlonx l > jthe City Clerk for
the VotltiK on Monday Ilcmliula
People ( lint Sueh nit
Kveiit IM Due. .
Thcro were symptoms of preparations
around the city building yesterday for the
Manawn Motor Hallway company's franchise
election , which Is to ho held next Wednesday ,
The big galvanized Iron poll boxes were be
ing taken from the storage vaults In the
upper part of the city building and made
ready for distribution among the various
polling places in the city precincts today.
Very little Interest Is apparently being
taken in the election and the prediction was
made yesterday that unless something was
done by the friends of the measure to awaken
public Interest there would not bo 1,000 votes
In the entlro election. The petition asking
the mayor to sign the extension granted by
the council bore the names of more than one-
half of the voters of the city and there seems
to bo a disposition to lot this act settle the
question so far as the majority of the voters
is concerned. The railway company and Its
managers have apparently taken no part In
tha discussion that are going on , but have
been aroused to the necessity of doing some
thing to awaken greater public Interest In
the enterprise and a meeting was called yes
terday afternoon to be held last evening In
the ollleo of Attorney Tlnley , the legal ad
viser of the company.
Aill of the members of the construction
company , the corporation named In the ordl-
ranco , to receive the grant of the proposed
charter , were present nt the meeting. The
session lasted until after 10 o'clock. The
members realized that it was necessary to
take some aggressive action to arouse the
voters to a realization of the Importance of
getting out a vote that will bear some
respectable proportions to the size of the
total vote of the city. There was no fear
that the proposition would cot he carried ,
but the anxiety lay in the fact that the
public Indifference might not give the ex
tension piano the cordial endorsement the
company would like to have. A big ma
jority In favor of the ordinance will ma
terially help the financial agents of the com
pany to dispose of the bonds at favorable
prices. It was decided to do a little bit of
energetic missionary work In the next few
days. Copies of the ordinance will ho
printed and scattered broadcast over the
city , and some meetings will foe held in the
various precincts for the purpose of ex
plaining the ordinance to any who may have
a iwrcng conception of it.
Today -will he the Met day of the registra
tion , and the boards of icgl&trars will be
found at the usual p'aces from S o'clock this
morning until 9 tonight , ready to make any
additions or corrections to the lists of voters
that may bo called for.
HIM Mouth is All HlKht.
J. J. O'Shay , who announced that he was
born In Cork and was a near relative of
Captain O'Shay of Parnell memory , has been
obliged to stand up before Night Captain
Maltby a couple of times within the last
twenty-four hours. Ho was picked up loto
Thursday night In a < iappy state of intoxica
tion and given a comfortable bed in the row
of steels bunks behind the Iron doors in the
city building. Ho was arraigned at the ses
sion of thp police court yesterday morning
and a most interesting colloquy with Judge
McGIiee took place. O'Shay lest his rlglit
arm at the elbow and his left arm Is par
alyzed and useless and the court was curious
to know how the man made a living and
managed to hold Hie glass of whisky to his
lips whllo ho drank.
"Beg for a living your honor , and get
somebody to 'help ' mo drink. "
"What do jou mean by getting help to
drink ? " inquired the court.
The cripple explained that ho managed to
get his money out and on the counter arU
Hio bartender would hold the glass of whisky
to his lips whllo ho drank. The court endeav
ored to Inducei him to give the name of the
bartender who was SB kind , but the man res
olutely refused. Ho was discharged with an
admonition to keep away from the saloons
und pass en as soon as possible. Two hours
later he was returned to the jail enjoying a
jag of larger proportions than ever. "I want
to show hlzzoncr that all the boys In town will
iielp mo drink and I can get more whisky
down mo without the use of my arms than
other mon can with both hands and a quart
ctip. " He will tell Judge McGee all about It
this morning. (
KiiffrtnliiliiKr Fool Hull IMnyorx.
The members of the Iowa foot ball team
remained in this city until 5 o'clock last
ovcnln ? . They were hospitably entertained
all day by the many new friends and ac
quaintances they have found since their advent -
vent In Council Illuffs on Wednesday after
noon. Many of them , accented 'Invitations to
dlno at the homes of their now friends.
Deems , the young man who was reported to
bo badly hurt In the head , showed no indi
cations of any sort of Injury except the black
eye received In the GrimicII game on Satur
day. Several private parties were made up
for the entertainment of the young men on
Thursday night An effort wns made to get
all of the members of the Nebraska team to
remain in the city during the early part of
Tnursday evening for the purpose of attend
ing < lie reception arranged for them , but
they were too anxious to got across the river
to receive the congratulations they had so
well earned and none of them accepted.
A yard of roses or other ( lowers In the
winter tlmo Is certainly a great luxury , but
that Is just what wo are telling , and they
arc almost ts natural as life itself. Call and
look over our largo I'oe of Prang's and other
panel pictures , c. n. Paint , Oil and Glass
Co. , Masonic Temple.
I'rouri-KH \nrllierii IIMVII.
IFORIEST Cm * , la. , Nov. 20. ( Speclal.- )
Thla little city has made rapid strides the
past two years and Is becoming one of the
best towns of northern Iowa. Last year u
now court house was built and this year a
flno school building and a new sewerage
system. The latter consists of the laying of
370 rods of sewer pipe , 3,600 font of it twelve-
Inch pipe and the balance eight-Inch plpo , nt
a cost of about $2,700. $ The water mains
have also been extended and 4,000 feet of
additional water pipes have been laid. The
city owns the water plant and the first year
of Its existence It made $01 over and above
the expcirses. It now makes $350 annually
over and above all expenses , The water
furnished ls as good OB any in the state. It
Is furnished from a big well twenty-live feet
In diameter and twenty feet deep. The well
Is situated at the foot of a hill near the
water bed and pipes run Into the hill tapping
a lot of never falling springs.
fauuhl Colnn to Chiini ,
AN'AMOSA , la , , Nov. 20 , Information has
been received of the arrest III Victoria. II. 0. ,
of W , P. KasBon , formerly of Iowa , who
escaped from prison In San Francisco some
tlmo ago. Whllo Hassan was In jail In San
Frauclscq he learned that ho had fallen heir
to an i-stato amounting to nearly $250,000
by the death of a relative. After this dis
covery howas given , many liberties In the
prison , which ho took advantage of and
escaped , When arrested In Victoria he had
$70.000 In hU pocket and U was supposed ho
got a part of hln fortune and was going to
China , to escape further punUhment.
.Novak lit SutUlli-il.
CRIUn UAPIDS , la. , Nov. 20. ( Special
Telegram. ) The report sent out from Via *
ton that Tom Mlluer , chief counsel tor Frank
A. Novak , had ( lied a motion for a new < tial
nnd would argue the same before Judge Uur-
nam 'today ' , Is without foundation , Neither
was there any foundation for the rumor that
counsel for the defense had made grave
charges against various members of the Jury
that tried Novak and would ask Iho grand
jury to Investigate the matter , Mr. Mllncr
has filed no motion for a new trial , but may
do eo the first of next week. There Is > i
great deal of sentiment In Dcnton county
against the Jury , people generally believing
that Novak should have been either convicted
of murder In the first degree or acquitted ,
Novak Is well satisfied.
I'rctmriitloiiN for n ( tcinil I'roKrniu on
Kilticntlniml Topics In IJeeetnbrr.
DBS SIOINES , la , , Nov. 20. ( Special. )
The full program for the annual meeting of
the Iowa State Teachers' association has just
.been published. The program Indicates that
the Iowa teachers will have one of the best
meetings next winter ever held In the state.
The association offers prizes for the county
whoso teachers pay the most mileage coming
to the association and there Is always com-
petltlqn for this honor. The first meeting
or rather the preliminary meeting'Is that o
the educational council on Monday evening
December 27. This council has general
charge of the work of the associations anO
members are elected from the various sec
tions of the state association. The first ncs-
slon of the general association will bo held
Tuesday evening , when President Warner of
Missouri Valley will deliver his addrct-s and
there will be an address .by . President David
Star Jordan of Stanford university , Califor
nia. On Wednesday W. T. Harris , formerly
United States commissioner of education ,
will addrcsa the association. The associa
tion Is divided Into a half dozen sections and
each one of these has separate meetings.
Among those who will address the general
association or sections on Important topics
are the following : "Tho Doctrine 'IJorn
Short , ' " O. J. Laylandor , Cedar Falls , and
A. V. Storm , Storm Lake ; "What Can the
College Do to Help In Making Teachers ? "
Dr. U. C. Hughes , Tabor college ; "Literature
In the Public Schools , " Florence D. Hoi-
brook , Forcatvllle , Chicago ; "How May the
Teachers in the Elementary Schools Do the
Most Good ? " Superintendent Carrie Goodcll ,
Wayne county ; "Tho Physical Education of
Children , " Mrs. F. E. Pollens , Waterloo ; ad
dress by Henry F. Sabln , state superintend
ent of nubile Instruction ; report by Super
intendent F. H. Cooper , director of the Na
tional Educational association ; address Prof
John F. Coulter. Chicago.
A fine new Methodist chuich has been ded
icated at Gilford.
The Ottumwa Democrat now talks of put
ting in two typesetting machines.
Students of the Denlscri Normal school
will publish a paper called the Star.
The plant of the Clear Lake Mirror was
damaged to the amount of $500 ( by fire.
Four Des Molncs Italians have gcae to
Italy to seek wives and bring them over.
Charles Elmer of Burlington has patented
a gun cleaner which sportsmen say Is a val
uable article.
W. J. McChesney of Iowa City and Miss
Cornelia Ingham of Algona were married
Thanksgiving day at Algona.
Ex-Mayor Hill of Clarlnda has sued the
city for $50.000 damages for injuries re
ceived by a fall on the sidewalk.
The water works of Newton cost the city
$1,000 annually and no revenue is derived
because the water Is unfit for uae.
Farmers of Valley township , Pottawattamie
county , estimate that 50 per cent of the hogs
in the township have died from cholera.
The quartermaster at the Iowa Soldiers'
home provided COO pounds of turkey for
Thanksgiving dinner and other things to
Des Molnes lawyers want ono less district
judge nd the creation , ot a superior court
for the city. There are- four district judges
in the county now.
A. 'W. ' Utter of Emmotsburg died Tuesday
Ho was formerly editor of the Emmetsburg
Hcporter and was postmaster under the
Harrison administration.
A. T. ( Blrchard of LMarshalltown , has been
elected chairman of the board of commis
sioners of the Iowa Soldiers' lioihe In place
of J. J. .Russell , resigned.
J. W. Stuckenbruck , formerly democratic
l ostmaster at Coon Haplds and recent candi
date for senator In the Carroll-Greene dis
trict , Is to engage In blacksmlthlng again.
Mra. Francis Frcach of Davenport , whose
Eon recently died In a hospital In Toronto ,
Can. , sent the
hospital authorities $500 as a
contribution to the nurse * ' fund of the home.
An Oskalooaa policeman claims the dis
tinction of having made the arrest of Qucou
Ltluokaloni nt the time of the revolution
In Hawaii. He was captain of a military
company at 'the time.
The water In Summit lake , from which
the 'yater mtpply of Crcston Is obtained , Is
very low , and fears are entertained that un
less rain comes before the freeze-up the
water works will be useless during the win
Mrs. Lucy P. iPerkina , the aged mother of
Congressman Gcorgo D. Perkins , Is seriously
111 at her homo in Sioux City and the family
dinner that was to have been given at her
homo Thanksgiving day in honor of her 85th
birthday was given up.
U 1/3 reported that many of the renters In
the western and southwestern part of Har-
dln county are clubbing together and re
fusing to pay cash rent. They say they
will pay one-half crop rent If necessary , but
they cannot afford to pay cash.
The town of Waukoa Is getting ahead of
the other Iowa points in the establishment of
a best sugar factory. The citizens of that
place hive mibscrlljcd $200,000 and $100 000
in bond * will be placed In addition. It Is
established under a guarantee that the fac
tory will make 1C per cent of Its cost the
first year.
Ephralm Maxwell , an aged ox-confederato
soldier , who lives with the family of Arnold
Twlggs In Washington , la. , wont to ( bed a
few evenings ago leaving a lamp .burning on
n stand by the bed. In the night he awoke
to find the lamp upset and UIQ bed afire.
His cries awakened Air. Twlggs , who helped
Maxwell out of the
danger with nothing more
serious than a fnw burns.
The Iowa State university has been en
riched by the addition of an especially fine
and valuable microtome an Intricate incch-
cnlsm for cutthg sections of material for
microscopic examination. Dr. Win R
Whltela purchased It for the 'varsity lab
oratory when he was abroad In 1S9G. Thcro
are only a few of Its kind In America. It
cuts with delicacy an < l precision jnlnuto
allces of material sections as thla as 1-1500
of en Inch being obtainable.
The I'ocaliontaa Record claims that Pocahontas -
hontas county has the youngest and hand-
BJiuest superintendent of schools In the state ,
Bho being only 19 years old. As Clel Gil-
chrlst was compelled ( o go to the south for
his luulth ho tendered his resignation as
siilieiliitendent and Iho board of supervisors
acepted the resignation and arr > olnted JJIss
Karma L. GllchrUt to nil ( bo vacancy until
January 1. 189S , when Prof. Davis will enter
uiKin the duties of Iho ofllce.'.vi , Kitair .IT COI.OHII > n.fxcu.
KrlciulH of Drnil .Mini .MilId1111 Kirori
to , ) < < li IIUMiirilrrir. .
WILMINGTON , Del. , Nov. 28 , A special
to thii Every Evonlng from Lewis , Del , , nays
a oVspcriitt ! and fatal fight took place at
a colored festival held In that town last
night. Opium 'Miller ' , a Virginia negro , be
came engaged In a quarrel with John K ,
Lockwood , a colored resident of Lewes , a
comely mulatto woman belug the cause of
the fight , Miller drew a revolver and fired
several shots at l ockwood , one of which
pierced his heart , causing almost Instant
death. Another man was shot through the
head. Lockwood'B friends Immediately at
tacked Miller with clubs and ruzorw , beating
and slashing him until ho way unconscious.
Ho was rescued by the town constable , and
taken to the lockup. The Infuriated negroes
made Eeverul attempts during the night to
Ivnch the murderer , but were prevented by
the countable and hU deputies. Miller la
till uncousc'oua ' and may die.
Hawkeye Bourbons Fikl a Eobt on Their
i- > ii
Kliinnclnl Ill-portShovtH that the I.nte
Cuiiipitlurii Kiinil WitH l,7Oi.87 ;
Short CiiNxlp CoiicernliiK
A | > l > olntinL-iit .
DD3 MOINBS , iNov. 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The democratic state central com-
mlttco held a meeting here today to settle
up the financial affairs of the last campaign
and discuss future arrangements. The finan
cial report Indicated a. total deficit of
fl.703.S7 , which , divided up among the con
gressional districts , gave about $160 for
each. Each commlttecman agreed to raise
that amount In. . his own district. The con
gressional campaign of next year was dis
cussed at some length 'and It was agreed
that an early and vigorous campaign should
ho carried on.
Several pretty definite announcements wore
made today regarding Governor-elect Shaw's
appointments. It Is officially given out that
J. D. IMcGarraugh of Des iMolncs will be
made custodian of the State house. 'Ho ' is
brother-in-law of Congressman Hull , and
his appointment has stirred up n great com
motion. The announcement is also made
that W. U. Oblencss will not be made
labor commissioner again.He lias been
supported by the organized labor of the state ,
and his supporters feel that the pledge to
McQarraugh was the real thing In , the way
of Obleness , both being Polk county mon.
Today delegations called on Congressman
Hull and endeavored to convince him of his
error , but ho would not be moved. Johnson
Urlgham will not be made state librarian ;
the governor-elect in a letter announces as
much. Neither will W. J. Boardman , pres
ent Incumbent , be made dairy commissioner
again. S. L. Gates of ( Manchester will have
the position. John U. Prime of Des Molnes
is still In the lead for adjutant general , and
the decision against Obleness and Brlgham
is considered to make his appointment safe.
The Polk county factions are In arms over
the day's developments , and the trjublcs
will bo carried Into city and congressional
Iowa 1'rc-sH Comment.
DCS Molnes Leader : As It Iowa's example
were not warning enough , Illinois has con
cluded to have a tpe Ial session or Its legis
DCS Molncs Leader : Mr. Funk claims to
alrcadv have enough votes pledged to elect
him speaker. His opponents assert , however ,
that ho Is counting several chickens the eggs
of which have net yet even gone Into the
Ottumwa Courier : ' Harry Evans came to
town last night. He Is a son-in-law of Gen
eral Weaver , and also cares for the "gln-
eral's" congressional boom. Ho is being
watched with assiduity by representatives of
Mr. Burgess. Go It , boys , but let the
Courleq warn you that It Is all "Love's Labor
Lost. "
Keokuk Gate City : A number of Des
Molucs church ladies were asked by a min
ister In that city ta-say what a model hus
band ehould be. Not one ot them said he
should bo a man oftealth or note. The key
note of their answers was that he should beef
of a kindly disposition , with power to make
DCTRlstent efforts to succeed , and have un
bounded faith In the Lord. Keokuk has Its
full quota of that kind , cff men.
Creston Gazette : Tho'new state librarian
will not be a woman , that much Is settled by
Governor-elect Shaw , and -that he will bo a
man in every way qualified for the place we
have every reason to hcpo. If the editor ol
the Midland Monthly , Mr. Johnson Brigham ,
Is appointed to the' place 'an event that Is
icgardcd as more than probable there Is no
question but that the next state librarian will
possess merit equal to all requirements.
Waterloo Courier : One ot the suggestions
for the next legislature to act on is that
a law bo passed for the leaning of public
funds. It Is claimed that frequently large
balances are being carried alcng in banks by
school district , city or county and no return
received. In some states such a law bas
been found to work satisfactorily. Wo have
never read a law of the k'lnd. ' but a little
Interest would count little against the loss or
Jeopardizing ot the principal. It will bo
found true , we think , that the balances
w.ilch could draw Interest , like mllllcualrca'
fortunes , are estimated much larger than
actual experience will corroborate.
a \ninlicr of Hti-aillers for
tin * Yiilion.
SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 2C. The Roths
childs , through the San Francisco houao of
Liebes & Co. , are about to enter the Alaskan
trade. Four steamers are being built In sec
tions by W. H , Brick & . Co. , the ownera of
the California Machine works. When this
contract is fulfilled the machinery and tim
bers will bo sent to Dutch Harbor , near Una-
lahka , to bo sot up. The firm will then build
nine barges In sections to follow the material
for steamboat building and the barges will
likewise bo put together at Dutch Harbor.
All of this work Is being done for the
Alaska Exploration company , which was In
corporated about four months ago , with a
capital of $1,000,000. Isaac Liebes In speak
ing of this project , said that It Is proposed
to have the steamers and bargca ready for
business when the ice breaks In the Yukon
In June. Ho said that the Rothschilds are
Interred In the venture , which was ar
ranged In London five months ago , and there
Is probably unlimited capital behind It. Be
sides doing a general transportation business
the company will establish trading stations
and thoroughly explore the country.
IrlKli-AiiifrlciuiN Will .Send I'etlllonH
to tli * Semite.
NEW YORK , Nov. 20 , A petition to the
senators ot the United States was Issued
from the headquarters of the Irish alliance
In this city against the adoption of the pro
posed general treaty of arbitration with
England ,
Ciinelnile Tlu-y Wail I MorrlHon.
TOPKKA , Nov. 20.-A/U / Clmstan. deputy
HherifT of Panhandle , Tev. , has wired the
Toekiv ofllcers to liflp him find Hev. A. 13 ,
Morrison , charged with1 poisoning his wlfo
at Panhandle. Morrison W-UH rt-leaaed
WodncMloy morning1 by Iho local police after
they had held him for tlireo days nwnltlns
some action on the part of the Texas au
thorities. None cum * , and the Topeka. au-
of the Japanese ectors Is
on every pound of
Japan 'fea '
offered for shipment. Only that
which is absolutely pure and of
high quality is allowed to leave
that country.
All grocers sell It.
thorltlc * ! were compelled to rc > iso Morri
son , who hns disappeared , Tcloffcrams hnvo
been sent In nil directions to npiirohcml
him. Morrison Is W yours old nvc feet nine
Inches hlfh. hns blue cyts , light hair nnd
fnlr complexion.'i.osiox witKcics A TOW.V ,
qtiurlN nf Mtrii-Cil.vocrlnc l'\-
liloilo ulth Croat Force.
LOUISVILLE. Nov. 20. A special from
Atulorson , IuJ. , to the evening Post says ;
Chesterfield , Inil. , was almost wiped oft the
map at an early hour this morning toy the
explosion of eighty quarts of nltro-glycerlno
which had been brought overland from
Montpoller nnd placed In nn. open field , a
half mile from the town. Marlon Mariscy
and Sam Magulro were working at n gas well
near by when the explosion occurred.
Mansoy v > ns thrown fifty feet , but not fatally
Injured. Magulrc was also thrown 100 feet
In the air anil badly lacerated , but will re
cover. James Gold's house , 300 yards distant ,
was torn to pieces. The explosion tore a
hole In the ground down to the water line ,
and so far ns Is learned It was spontaneous.
A throe-ton cnglno was torn to fragments
and every living animal near It wa.i Killed
Instantly. The little town of Chesterfield Is
a mass of rulnfl. every house was moved from
Its foundation , windows shattered , doors
smafhol In , every light put out and the
plastering shaken from the walls. Several
people were shaken out of bed. At Oalcs-
vllle , two miles away , nnd nt Yarktown , flvo
miles distant , the damage wns almost as
groat. Many people were Injured and It U
a miracle that none were killed outright.
The Jar of the explosion was felt for
fifteen miles In all directions. The gas In
the well was blown out nnd a workman
named Cooper lit It and caused another ex
plosion In which ho was fatally burned. The
damage cannot bo estimated.
Iliicklrii'n Arnii'ii Sulvc.
The best salvo In the world for Cuts ,
Drultcs , Sores , Ulcers. Rill niieutn , Fever
Sores , Tettnr , Chapped lUnila , Chilblains ,
Corns and all Skin Irruptions , and positively
cures I'lles t > r no pay required. It Is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded. 1'rlco 25 cente tier box. For ealo
by Kulm SCo. .
iivi'TisThVIM. . .iiu vis OIT ; OF WACO.
ItoNiilt of the llrniui-Iluylor Uiil-
vorxlty KlBht.
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 2G. A special to the Re
public from Dallas , Tex. , says : The first
serious social and business blow to Waco , as
a community , resulting from the Ilrann-Day-
lor university seiisatlons , and the tragedies
following them , culminating In the death of
the two Ila-rls brothers , has fallen. The
ofllclal announcement NBS made hero today
tint the managers ot the Rtate headquarters
of the Unptlst church for Texas has ordered
the headquarters removed from Waco to Dal-
lao. nnd that the business of the church
will bo conducted from this city dating from
December 1. A rumor Is In persistent circu
lation , not only over the state , but Is heard
also In Waco that Baylor university , prob
ably thp incst Important protestant Institu
tion of education In Texas , Is to be removed
from \Yaco.
STVOOIIN Over Mimx JIlloH of Xciv
Meltn 11 ItaiiKo.
CLAYTON , N. M. . Nov. 20. A prairie fire
Is sweeping over the country south of this
; jolnt. The grass Is very high nnd there has
boon no rain for weeks. The course of the
flro Is through the great cattle range bolt
and for over 2CO miles there Is no barrier In
Its path. The wind Is blowing very hard
frcm the north.
Thousands of sheep are In danger and are
being rushed to places of safety. Should the
wind change tn the south , which Is now In
dicated by clearing skies , the danger will not
bo so great , otherwise there Is no estimating
the probable destruction. So far only two
ranches have J > een destroyed , but tnauy are
now cxpcacd.
MK CIIUKIS ; or .nnv .
Krletul of .Mnn nn Trlnt for Mimlcr
t mlor ArrpMl.
WANSAS CITY , Nov. ! 6.-Anothor sensa
tion In conncctlcolih the case of Dr.
Jefferson D. OoJdurd for the murder of Laun-
dryrnan Fred J. Jackson la tiie swearing out
of \\arrant for the arrest of lloss W. I > at-
8h w , ex-justice ot the peace and a well
known politician , charged with attempting to
corrupt a Juror In tnu second trial of Qod-
dard , The warrant was sworn out by Gcorgo
Jackson , a brother of ( ho murdered man ,
who ollegca that 1/itrfiaw agreed to give
Clarence M. Uoyd , ono of the venire , drawn
for the second ( rial ot Ooddard , the ( sum ot
$50 to quality as a juror and hang the Jury
In the Interest ot the defendant. Litshaw
surrendered today to Justice 0. W. Kruogcr
and was rclonccd on a $500 bond signed by
his brother , Halph Latshaw , who U one of
Ootldord's counsel.
Many rumors and accusations of Jury brib
ing have surrounded the big murder trials
In thp criminal court dutlng Ihe last year
but Litshaw Is the first man to be arrested
fV that offense. Prosecutor Lowe has main
tained since the beginning of Qoddnrd'R first
Vrlil that tnoncv was being used by Mis
Jackson , wlfo of the nun Ooddard killed ,
to MVO her husband's murderer. Lowe as
serts he had a clcir c.\se against Lat&hau
and atrong Information ogalnst others \\lio
have tried to bribe Jurors and witnesses
that the grand Jury will be ajked to take
up. Among thcso Is It. M. liny , the private
detective who , William Mohler , a luck
driver , eivs tried to Induce him to
falsely as to threats nude against (7 odd in'
by Jackson. The grand Jury will bo ashed
to Investigate the charges , Litahawcis
Indicted In 1SD4 for forgery and embezzling
fees as a Justice of the peace. The Indict
ments were "faulty and ho was never pun
Small pill , safe pill , beat pill. De Witt's
Little Early Risers cure biliousness , conntl-
patlon , sick hoidachc.
Xi-w Company Snlrt tn Pri'imHiiK to
I n Mill c Ntv York.
DETROIT , Nov. 26. President W. L
Holmes of Iho New Detroit Telephone com
pany , who recently returned from Kow York ,
says that a party of capitalists who are about
to organize an Independent telephone system
In Greater New York arc ncgctlating for the
use of the Detroit compan > 'B api-iratus for
the New York exchange. The now switch
board In use by the Detroit company Is as
serted to be ( he only one adapted for use
by a large city exchange. Mr HoUncs
would not give the names of the promoters
of the Now York company , hut he i ays that
they ate prepared to Invest $15.000,0(10 ( at
once In tclcphci'o exchange for Greater
New York , and that they would expect to
udd very largely to that amount later.
Their plan contemplates Iho establishment
of Iccal stations and toll lines In every city
of New York state , In opposition to too Dell
There Is no need of little children bohiK
tortured by scald he-ad , eczema and skin
eruptions. Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve
gives Instant relief and cures permanently.
woai.vx sui < 'Fius KIIICUTFLII DHATII
ISi-sultM from Fiendish Ac-l of 11
Drunken lliishaiiil.
ERIE. Pa. , Nov. 20. The wife of Antonio
Milagno died today a most horrible death.
Tbiuksglv'ng day Milagno became drunk and
went to the cellar to get more liquor. He
fell , and his wife came to his assistance
with a lamp , but he throw a hammer at her
head and missed the mark. Ho then came
up the stalrg with a can ot oil and tar , which
he threw in his wife's face. In tn instant the
mixture caught flro from the lamp and she
was enveloped In flames. Help arrived In
time to prevent her from burning up where
she stood. The woman wastlald cti her bed
and when the officers arrived they fount
Mllaccio standing over her plucking the
cooked flesh from her breast and arms In
I floadlrfi glee , and cttralug like a demon
When ho was arrested he raved , and had to
be subjected to rough treatment before he
could be taken to the police station.
To Cure Pomalo His Some True Reasons Why
Mrs. Pinkham is More Successful Than
the Family Doctors
A woman is sick ; some disease peculiar to her
sex is fast developing in her system. She goes
to her family phj-sician and tells him a
story , but uot the whole story.
Shcholdssomcthingbaclc , loses her head ,
becomes agitated , forgets what she wants
to say , and finally conceals what she ,
ought to have told , and thus completely
mystifies the doctor.
Is it any wonder1 , therefore , that
the doctor fails to cure the disease ? |
Still , we cannot blame the wo
man , forit is very embarrassing
to detail some of the symp
toms of her suffering , even to/1
her family physician.
It was for this reason that
years ago Mrs. Lydia E. Pink-
ham , at Lynn , Mass. , determined to step in and help her sex. Having liad consid
erable experience in treating female ills with her Vegetable Compound , hhe en
couraged the women of America to write to her for advice in regard to their
complaints , and , being a woman , it was easy for her ailing sisters to pour into
her ears every detail of their buffering.
In this way she wns able to do for them what the physicians were unable
to do , simply because she had the proper information to work upon , and
from the little group of women who sought her advice years ago a great
army of her fellow-beings are to-day constantly applying for ndvico nnd re
lief , and the fact that more than one hundred thousand of them have been
successfully treated by Mrs. Pinkham during the last year is indicative of
the grand results which are produced by her uncqiialed experience and
No physician in the world has had such a training , or has snch an amount
of information at hand to assist in the treatment of all kinds of female ills ,
from the himplcst local irritation to the mo.stcomplicatcd diseases of the womb.
This , therefore , is the reason why Mrs. Pinkham , in her laboratory at
Lynn , Mass , is able to do more for the ailing women of America than tlio
family physician. Any woman , therefore , is responsible for her own biiu'crlug
who will not take the trouble to write to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. O
The testimonials which wo are constantly publishing from grateful women
establish beyond a doubt the power of Lydia K. Plukham's Vegetable Com
pound to conquer female diseases ,
Made for Trade Who Appreciate Quality.
John G. Woodward & Co , ,
Wholesale .MiimifncturinH Coni'cctiunurs.
Council Bluffs , la.
Reduced Prices !
New Improved
King of them all , with the best mantle anil chlmnev made
Brnus loss eas and makes more light than any other lamp In
he market STEPHAN BROS. , 629 Bway ,
Their na
nre In the
every d y. In he
. obttunry jphmin.
The tidmt.i of men
killed by neglect
. of their heilth
U : combined with
overwork. They
chould eerve us a
warning to oth rk
who nrc fast fol.
lovvltie In tlleir
footsteps. No man ca'ti
stand the Ptrniti of modern buMtics ! com *
petition who wilfully ticRlccts hU health.
It is not Kood policy to overwork , but tha
man who looks after hi * health can stand a
great deal of it. The man who neglects his
health la soon unrated fnr work. When
man's digestion is disordered nnd hU bowels -
els nre irrepulnr , his blood becomes li-.iputa
nnd the body is badly nourished. The vic
tim of these conditions suffers from braitt
fug , nervous prostration , nnd debility , and
eventually falls a victim to consumption.
Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery
corrects the digestion , invinotatcs the liver ,
improves the appetite nnd rcpulatcs the
bowels. It is the best blood-purifier , blood ,
maker , flesh-builder , nnd nerve tonic. It
makes n man well , stronp , clear-headed and
fit for business. It enables him to stand n
reasonable amount of overwork. All need
dniRRlsls sell it. There's nothing "just
ns Rood. "
Clms.lfniilliaber , orilrownlce. Cherry Co. , Neb. ,
writes : "l have u nl Ir I'lercr'a nirtliclnes ,
especially Hie 'Oolilcn Mcdlcnl Discovery' with
timcli benefit. Sonic time DRO I wns troublnt
with ercal distress In my nrms and linmK U
L-ot I could not sleep nt niflit. ; I tlioujht
it wns Hie muscles of my arms cnuvil the
trouble. I began tnUlii ? the 'Golden Medlcnl
Discovery , " 8oou I felt a decided lnipro\ement ,
and bcfoie I liad tnken tlie second bottle the
itching nns all gone , nnd It lias not returned. I
hn\c a copy of your ' Common Scu e Medical Ad
viser' niul uould not Uultliout It Tor any
money. "
Knowing how to take care of hralth i ? lialf Hie
battle against Hliiest. Dr. 1'icrrc's ( jreM booV ,
"Common Sense Medical Adviser" is the educa
tor of the npe This book reached a sale of
63oooo copies at ft.jocach. Within Its r.oal p.ires
Is compre cd llicbeit that lr fierce hascath-
crcd by study ami practice In thlity yrnts. It
is Illustrated with over joe drawings. ' tonic of
them colored. Its 90 pi r. nddrcwd exclusively
to women nrc worth the orJRlml price of the
book. A new edition In p.ipet covers is now
ready for free distribution lly sending 21 cents
in one-cent stamps , to pav for"mallitic yon will
receive tills prait book. lor ! cloth blndlti ) ; , Fend
10 cents extra , Address , World's Dispensary
Medical Association. Ttuirilo N V
ivnn\u. AMI nvrnuv vi , vsn.
Cnlil < < , CouuliN , Sore Tliriial , liiHiionzu ,
Iti'oiit-lill IM , I'liiii-iiioulii , Mrolllnu
ot the .loliits , l.umlinuo ,
mini M VTIMI. MI \I.IA , nr. VD-
A fillTOOTIIAl'IIK , AVniMX , IIK- )
KICI I.T IIUKTiirti. .
It mi vi u ; M' llrmly llollof IN n hnro Cure
fur iMory Pnlii , Spi-iilns , Ili-ulsc. ,
I'niiiN In Ihe Haul ; , I host inUniti * .
It UM Iho Kli-xt ami Is ( ho Only
p.vix HKJii-nv
Tlmt liif-tnnly Mujia the most cxciutlatlng iiatna ,
nllu > s Inll.imniutli n , aiitl curtx C nKt > t.tlr > ns ,
\vhcth r of tlic I.uncs , stonnch. Houcla or uthcr
glaiulb DI oitMiis , lij one upulk-allon.
iV half to u tt-ai > nonrui in half u tunillor of
na'.cr lll In u few nilnutra cure crnnipa ,
Spa nn > . Sour Stomach. Hc.utlnirn , Ntolll > n - .
Plcciilessncssi. Sick Heiularlie , Dlanhoo.f , tij ui.
toiy , Collp , flatulency uml all Internal inlm
There Is not a remcdlnl ugunt In the \\urlil
that will cure fever uml ngue niul nil other
malarious , lilllniis and oilier fevt-rn , ulJeJ \ > y
H.UMVAY'S PII.I.S. sa ( | uli-ity ns HAH-
WAY'S HUADV Itin.Ii1 , 50O a Lottie gold by
liutiuay & Co. . New York City.
cr nini st
Mount Yerjtoit
Owing to its fine , full , mellow
flavor , tliJRvhishoy commands thehitfh-
e&t price in barrels ( to wliole-ilo deal
ers ) of any brand now on the market ,
and it the basis of most of ( lie bottled
tled blended whiskey now so extensively
Mottled nt tlic Distillery with nit uh-tnliito
( itmrmily of i'llrity and Oriulutl Condition
The consumer buvinir " this tha only
clUtlllery botlllnp of" MOUNT VKRNON ( lit
HIUAIK Unities each bearing tlic Num
bered Guaranty Lalioll M-cuies tlio lilsh-
< isi ifrndoof I'uio Ifyo Whlsliey In Us natural
condition , entirely fien from udiiltuiallou
wlthuheiip spirits nnd Ihivorlngs ,
It liis : I ho Indorsement of the mnt prominent
pliy.slcltins throughout tin ) United Btntus.
1'orSalo by All Uullaulo Dialer ; .
Till- COOK .V lll-IINHIU.MUH CO , New York
Solo Audits for tlic United States
JOHN L1NDHU , SotcWcstcrn Auctit
Conn II Illilffli ) ,
DR. L , E. ROE ,
" - * -'DENTIST
Itoom : \ . ' ' . - , Merrliuil IlloeU.
Take Klcvalor.
MWk/w > xvrwrk vrvrwvruv vr < ywvvrs u
Ortulivr 20 , U9T.
FOH HUNT. .SA1.I2 Oil TItADi : 1JY
POIl IinNT-Houbes 111 Council Hliiffs
jtti.OO per nmnth Chorrv 11111 ono ncro of
prouml , fiuit mill K.inliti.
512 SO per inoiiili New More room , 2CKCO. on
' ' ! ' - . . % ! Ht. . C rooms nnd liarn.
scrx ) IHT innnth JSIIi i-l. "nil Ave. II : Rood liarn.
17 CO per moult120 Hromlivuy , ttore room.
tR co nor inor' . . COO ( Irununi nv , C rooms.
13 00 m-r iiu- ; n-1f Hid ? * "trtet. C-room home.
Jl.OT I" ' " ' ' Ainlli House * uii Ninth etrei-l.
18 3J per p.ontl'i A \ ttIrnt.rcrccl \ \ 5 ncrcs 2 miles
from ton n \\111 Inlio out-half of the lent In
FOlT HAl.i-Clty Property
J400 Gooil lioiife , bar. . - > 'i ' " 3 nn4 two lot" 2211
1'ifth inc. . monthly payment * , } 7 tier month
J2M flood lintiip iiini lot on A\vnin II , liclivrrn
lllfililh and Ninth HlH. . If prr month.
t"00 fjooil house and lot on Ctli lucniio. hetwcen nnd Utli tto. , monthly pnj-ni'-iifg. to per
js'o'l ' 'ln Wright's ndd for < ale at u vry low
f : ? - : ( ) - ' ' , I mlle wept nf flrls.
weld , eiKlcin part of I'oltuwalluniluounly. .
$25 DI r ni-iu 40 ucres of Kjol fanning iJlid norm
J'l nor acre Well unproved IM-ncro farm call of
Liiveland , 1'ntlauiillumlo enmity ,
J2. . per nrre 40 iicnx of < " " ) fanning t.r fruit
land. 3 inlloH from llldncy. Kit-mom county.
12.1 per ncrc SO ncien of good fru'.l lund with
mnull houto. mirth of llnniLurf. Kninont
123 per nein 40 ncren of Rood liottom Irind , some
llinlier , V mll < n foutlof city Ifmim
S20 ptr ii ri i J'l ' Hi-lex of r > od Let lorn land , 1
mtlen foulh of Council iiliiffr.
10-ucio IraetB of land 2 miles tmitit of Souta will take part pajimnt In city nrop-
Oood farms for rent. Apply to
I'KONAHD IVK : KTT. i ivari st , council
$15.00 p r ncre 10 acrca of cooJ land In Monona
Kl\c"md ! trn-ncio tiuctn near the city lot "la
' ' ' >
food' . clieap NelirniKa londi for ale.
Will lull > ' ' " > ' 'lx > > < > property on email
painent da n , 1 Kiln nee In ten annual pay-
Other tool farm * for rale. Will lalte pirt trad *
In city pri'pert ) or nuallrr faniK , tulanio lung
time , pnjmciu- .
cr n-nt. Day & . Went , JJ t'turl
' TO IJANlinMITfn I1ATI3 < > N
lint i-lunii lniiro\oil | rnrin- ml ln lil > < '
lroi > t-rty. Apply to Jus. N ' 'a uu > ' , Jr. , IJi
Main Hi.
HINT. CHKAP. niiTriiKii Hii"i' :
cliulie Incallon , IM llnay ; nlto the ( .lore n "in.
It ! I'Hiiy. ' rnlialilc fur cfncrnl nicicliuiull > i'/
Day & Urea 30 I'rarl it.
The Ilohlnrr-n ron n-ntury , ( ' < un-
i-ll | iluff . | > . < . t Mflhmlt. l'-
fc.iin , to r ni. .mi upwurtl. \ > nt
fnr poi'lir' ' ! ! * _
Iiutiudloim. AlUn lliiftfr. ilii'Ho
338 llrcMilwn ) ' . flfnniiiUiutli'J
of On vim Cunwrvtury.
WK JIAVI : HOOD ArcwuMovriosu n > "
vi Interim ; home * , pUnty of slicltn. K'X I > '
trillion nnd rtavonublc nln. Curl ( L llfiuy
JurKens. I'runklln inf. , adjoining rty | limit *
/HT , ONK nuKit nKM ) , FA"i7itiKi > on * HV
a dotItetuin to O. It OIILi-rt & IV. , ! u l
dcntili ! ' . ItOl liroadHay ; mvurd. _
well ntalillihed and remunerative mrn'
l.uilntn. Inquire of UV. . Otto , 131
IL , Council V1U& . Ik.
. - ft