Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 27, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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- TITR mrATTA T > AT1YY' BEE : iTirR 27. 1.HD7. 11
December Wheat Tonches Dollar Mark , but
Recedes a Few Points.
Mny Almi Mnrkril nn Ailvnnce In
S ) mini Hinlth Dcccinlicr , liu (
tlic Ollu-r 3lnrko > . Were
CHICAOO , Nov. IC-Wheot cold at Jl to
day for tlic December option nnd closed at
tS'io , nn uilvunoc of 3Hc. Mn > ' showed a
conslJernlitc amount of sympathy , Alth the
ndvtiti ( ! In December and closet l'Clc
higher. lOnorts of shorts both here nnd
from St. Kauli caused the adx-nnco In De-
ctTnher and they mvrc not supplied until U
had b < wn bid. OJier markets were unln-
UreatiiiK. Corn ; and oats advanced VMfU
higher and provisions closed 2V40 hlfiher.
Whent fltnrted llrm ut from Sl4c to t)2c ) for
Jliiy nnd WVio to 96'lc for December , com-
purud v\hh 0109IHo and M'.iu respectively
at the clo.'t ! of the session. Additional
s'rennth cutno from nn advance ut Liver
I > eel of % d , o betrln with , ndded to the effect
of u cold \vavo prediction from the signal
hirvloe bureau. There wna plenty of bear
ish n ewe in circulation nnd for nearly an
hour after the oH-nlnB | there was moderate
Kclllne , with the tendency of prices sllgntly
doAtiwurd for Jluy , Deeemner , however ,
lioldlni ; llrmiy. .
The Clnnliinntl I'rlce Current cstlmntcd
that December 1 there 'AoulU mill be
IW.OW.Wi liu. available exportable
In thlH country. Tfic KUIIMIM ctop
suld that the increase In the area of Unit
Mule iimounUil to 10 per cent. Ttia Uttcnos
Ayru.s corrtspoiulent of the London Times
eMilnvited .hut Ar entlne would have 37,100-
iW bu. of i dl.7 > 03e of for export.
Keci' ut .Minneapolis and Duluth since
WediiMHltt.V murnltiK aero 1,542 carlo.ids ,
ngaliiKt V.144 curs for the similar two days
of the previous week and 544 cars a year
OKO. Ul.ltNigo got 1S1 rars und shipped 213 ,
fjS bu.
About forty-live minutes after the opening
December begun to advance , slowly at llrst ,
but very soon wlu the g\ithcrlnB Impetus
of an havunclng storm. It rose Ironi 9G'io
to 'J7 ic without cauf.lnif lay to go above
the price It opened at , but when the Decem
ber m.idi- spasmodic Jump that took It to
M'jo ntul another series of Icopd that landed
It ut tl , Miiy respondtd In a pro estlng kind
of manner by a rlso to UJVic It all a
-matter o' rhorw ' 'ovcrlng. St. Louis shorts
\\etrt said to be iictivo bidders at the com-
rntiu'err'.nt of tiie bulge nnd a host of the
Kniuller tiailer Joinrd In the chorus There
was hardly a bushel of wheat for sale until
ine market had rcacaed $1 , when the anxious
ot.fs were furnished with so much that n
midden drop to 7c resulted. Hut the
shorts \vere too badly demoralized to wait
unj longer to get under cover nnd the price
soun shot up again.
The Atlantic port clearances of wheat nm :
floui were eiiunl to about ol.VOOJ bu. , Includ'
Ing 72.00J bu. from Galveson. : New York
ruported twenty-live boatloads , or say 200.QX
bu. , sold for export.
May , after reacting a little from Us first
bulge to EDMiC. became stronger than before
and reached 93'tc before the close. It wound
up ut SoWc. Drember reached tiSc to
and closed at thin- .
Corn was not very active and responded
very lazily to the encouragement It got from
mncat The tendency > .uis downward untl'
wheat became very bullish and It had evl
dently the latter to thank for the Ho ad
vunco I. made In the end. There was mod
craUs buying of December by brokers and
elevator people , llecelpts were 402 cars. May
ranged from 29KC to ISMiO and closed ItfiUc
higher at 2fl % < irjyc.
December oats was barely steady , but n
distinctly llrm feeling was noticeable In May
The long crowd was willing to exchange the
former for the. latter nt 1'fil'Xie ' difference.
Commission houses -were aUo good buyeru
of iXlay and this , with sympathy with ahea ,
forced prices up a little. The ti Ipplng de
mand rans helpi-d by the cut In Rill rates
llecelpts were 447 cars. May ranged fron :
22c to :2fU2ViC ! and closed UflViC higher a
Only a fair business wns done In pro
vision ? The undertone was firm , chlclly li
ryini jtny with grain marker , but prlc'
ranges were narrow. Outside orders wer
motleratc. A heavy reduction In provision
s ocks IMS taken place since November 1
Cash demand was moderately active. At th (
close January pork was 2V4c higher nt $8.15
January lard 2VjC higher at H.Kffi.SS ant
January rib ? unchanged nt $1.15.
Intimated reco'pts Saturday : Wheat , 141
cars ; corn , "CO cars ; oats , 700 cars ; hogs ,
22.0CO head.
Ltiiunm futures ranged as follows :
Arllcilf. . ! Opan. | llUh. | Low. I Closo.
Nciv. . . . nu
Dec. . . . i on SII4 (
May. . . U1H U8M
Nov . . . 2IH ! 2B
Dec. . . . -'DM JB
May. . .
Dec. . . . 20H
Miiy. . .
Ui-e. . . . 7 25 7 17H 7 25 7 20
Jan. . . . H - ' ( ) 8 I'- " , S 13 b 12
Jlny. . . H - ' 8 U7M 8 40
Dec. . . i 10 I 12U 4 10 4 12K 4 10
Jan . . . 4 1.-.T 4 'J5 4 2'J ! < 4 BO 4 Sl'M
Mny. . . J 37 ( 1 4L-W 4 37J , 4 S7K
Dec. . . 4 in t 15
Jan. . . . 4 20 4 IS 4 l.-i 4 Ib
t L-7K 4 30 4 27 > 4J7X
No. 2.
Cash quolallons were as follows :
FLOUR Steady ; winter patenls , JI.SOiJ5.00
slralKhlF. II.30OI.W ; spring specials. $1.10 ; ppr
patents , f4.SOfr5.CO ; bakers , $3.SO/3.0.
WI1KAT No. 2 rprlnK. XWMc ; No. 3 , sprlnu
tC-St'lc : No. 2 ted ,
CORN No. 2 , SOHW-'C C.
OATS N a. 2 , 2Ic. f. o. b. ; No. 2 white , 24J ?
24V4c : No. 3 while. 23Jlc.
HYK No. 2. 4Sc.
HARLKT No. 2 , : C0400.
FLAXHEED-No. I , Jl.0301.10'6. '
T1.MOTIIV BEEP Prime. 2.WtJ2.G75i.
PIIOV1S1ONS Pork , mess , per bbl. . | 7.2jS7.50
I.lrJ , per 1'X ' ) lb.1. . 14.20. bhort riLn tide
( loote ) , H.lHr4.7 : . Dry salted shoulders ( boxnl
} ( .T..fiO.OO. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , J 1.501
'WHISKY Distillers' finished coeds , per gal
StlQAIlS Cut louf , J3.SI ; granulated. > 3. :
market was steady ; creameries. KWIIc ; dairies ,
liOlJc. Cheese , quiet at SffR'.jc. ' EgBs , llrm at
ISc. Live poultry , ( julet : turkeys , sic ; cMckens ,
&c ; fiiriiiffs. OfiMtc ; ducks ,
QuotntloiiN of ( InDny on Ci-nrrnI
NEW YORK. Nov. 26. KIXUR-Recelpts. two
days , W.CbJt bbls. ; exports , E.OH bbl > ; strongly
held and fairly ncthe ; winter patents , II.D00
B.20 : winter ttraiBhts. JI.MO4.C3 : Minnesota pat
ents , ti.OOe-o.JS. Rye Hour , steajy ,
Iluckuhcat Hour , dull , JMSfrl.W.
HL'CKWIIBAT Nominal. J7e3S'io.
LX1RNAIKAL nnii ; yellow wt-itern , C3c.
HYIJ .Steadier ; No. 2 e tern , 60'-ic.
11A1ILBY Firm , 2c. .
HAHI.HY MALT Quiet ; western , K0. _ .
WHI5AT RecelptH. two days. to6to > bu. ; ex.
porn , 117,741 bu , Spot , llrm ; No. 2 red , J1.01N.
Options opened firmer on rubles , advanced dur-
In the day on u bin fccare of Deecmbcr shorts
unt closed unsettled at IHiflKe net advance ,
Dtcrmbar having once more pavited Ihe dollar
mark : November eloted al ll.KHi ; December.
91 l-16c Jl.W H ; clwc.1 , tl.W\ .
CORN-Ilrcelpt * . two days , 105.275 bu.j exports ,
14,5C5 bu. .SkJt ( , market firm ; No. : , He. Op
tions opened llrm on hlirher cables and wrrn
ci-nerally llrm all day with wheat , closing Ku
nn hltrher ; November closed al SJHo ; JsecemUrr.
31 ir32' ' . . < - ; closed , Kc ,
s , two days. 1C6.50) bu.j exports ,
1S7.711 bu. Ctiot. firmer ; No : , Kic. Options
dull , but steady nil day. cludner unchaneed : De.
' K clo"d at - °
Strady ; Qalveiton , 15c ; Texas dry. ire-
CallfurnU. HW1S.C.
LKATHKH-Qulet ; liemlock sole , Iluenos
WOOlJ-SiMty ; ' tleeee , 6R31r.
I'UOVISIONS Beef , steady ; family , W.tKKj
10.60. Cut meats , steady ; plcltled tK-lllea , I6.76O
I.&IH : pleklej shoulders , 13.75 : pickled hams.
IT.lWI.Cp. Lard , steady ; wettern steam. M.W :
n-rtnnl. Meady. I'ork , steady ; family. Jtl.Iinw
IJ.Ctt Tallow , dull ; city , JSic bid ; country. JU *
J5io. as la quality.
oiLS-1'eiroleum. quiet : I'nlted clo sl at o
bid. Ronln. cttsady ; utrulnei , common to coott ,
n. < iHil. < 5. Tun'entlne. nrm , KljUMc. Cotton
seed , market moderately active and steady ;
prime crude. UHc ; prime crude f. o. b. mills ,
JJHttHe : prime rummrr yellow. IlUe : off tumi
RICE-ftteady ; fair to extra. < HO i ; Japn. 5
M'BTAUS-I'lir Iron , warrants dull. I .SO bia.
5.SO aikejt. I ke copper , quiet. 110. K bid , tlO.TS
asked , ,1'n. ' lull. JU.S5 bid. IU.7S asked. Hpel-
! riir.u.'fli ' > .i3 T UIS ? " * l' 1'I * * " ! , quiet.
, i- , , . at JllO
-HwwIpts. 4.m rki . ! market qukt :
t . creamery. HftMc ; Viglns. Me ; factory ,
CHBESK-nectlpts. ,1W pkpi. ; market quIK ;
llcht klm . tO Hc , part sXlm , ( Sfc , full fVlms ,
KQG8Receipt * . 1 2M T > ltB . ; market quiet , I ' , e ,
and rennsylvanln. SOWZic. western , 11-- . j
OMAHA H.\ nil A I. .11 A It K UTS.
Conilltlon of Trndr nnil QtiotntlonN
oil Sin pip nnil Knncr Produce.
nc.OS-Strlctly freBh , 17c.
IllTTBU Common to fair , lOfllle ; choice to
fancy , Hffl'c ; separator creamery , Sic ; eathrea
creumwy , JOc ,
VUAIChoico fat. ti to 10 lb . , quotttl at So ;
Inrco and eonm ' . 4fiSc.
IHinsSED POULTRY Chicken * , te c ; tur-
leys , KfllOe ; Kffff , f > c ; ctuckfi , 7c.
IMOKONS Live , 7e ; cl u ] plseon not wnnlM.
HAA' Upland , J6.M ; mWland , JS. Oj lowlnnd.
; S.OO ; rye straw , II ; enter mnkrs the price on
ny ; Ilcht bftlra sell the best ; only top grades
irlng top prices.VKOHTAllLKS.
CKLEnV Good stock , large , 40c ; small , SH ?
< ?
ONIONS-Per bu. , M4JWC.
UEANS Hand-plckMl navy , per bu. , JUO.
8WRET POTATOES-1'er bbl. . JS.7S.
rAlHIAOK-llome grown , per Ib. . 1
I'fTTATOBH Home grown. 40ft c ;
QUINCKS-Callfornla , per box , 11.23
APPLES Winter stock , $2.7509.00 ; California
Jelleflower , boxes , J1.50B1.W ; Colorado Jonah -
h < in , IKIXPS. $1.75.
CKANIlEIUHES-Jfrfeys , per bbl. , 17.00 ; Wlv
c.innln Hell A Hugle. I7.M.
OncMt winter Ni-lK $2.00. . _ .
C1RAPES Cntavibas , 6-Ib. baskets , 1415c :
Main nan , > ; .Wff .V ) .
ORANCES-MexIcan. per l x , $1.00 : Louis-
" '
"K - - . 3 0. > 3.003.M ; 301. $4. < ij ?
I.DO ; California. 30) . 3.OMT3.73 : 300 , $3.7.VFir4.2 * , .
IIANANAS Choice , large stock , PIT bunch ,
2.0002.25 ; nwllum-slzed bunches , 11,7203.0) ) .
NUTS Almonds , per Ib. . larfie size , 14ilSc ;
Irazlls , p r Ib. . lOc ; English walnuts , per Ib. ,
oncy , soft shell , 13e ; standards , lOflllc ; tlllmrts.
per It ) . , lOc ; i > ecans , polish- , ! , large , 9J10c ;
uml ) . le ; large hickory nuts , $1.25 per bu. ;
small. Jl M per bu. : cocoanuts. per 100. t3.u > 9
.00 ; peanuts , raw. DflSlie ; roasted , Ci 4c.
FIGS Imported fancy , 3 crown , 14-lb. iKixes ,
12V4c ; t crown , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb. boxes , 25c
p r Iwx.
HONEY Choice white , 13c.
KRAUT Per bbl. , J4.0) 4.23 : lialf bbl. , 12.303
'MAPLE SYrtUP-Flve-gal. cans , each. $2.23 :
.ral. cnns , pure , per doz. , $12.00 ; half-gal , cans ,
; 8.2 > ; quart cans , $3.M.
DATES Per CO to 70-Ib. boxes , KV4c ; Fard S-lb.
CIDER Per half bbl. , $3 : bbls. . $5.50.
DRESSED REEF Good native Bteers. 7c : Rood
orcnuarters , steers. Cc ; good hindquarters , 9c ;
vcslPrn sleers , BilCHc ; fancy heifers , CHe : good
lelfe's , Cc ; B'od forequarlers , heifers , uijc ; good
ilndquarters , heifers , 8Hc ; eood cows , Sc ; fair
UEEF CUTS Tenderloins , Kc : boneless strips ,
ic : strip loins , 7c ; rolls , S4c ; tlrloln butts. SHc ;
houlder clods , D''c ; rump butts , 5Hc ; Bleer
shoulder clods , DHc ; rump butts , SHc ; sleer
chucks. 54c ; cow chucks. 4l c ; lionclres chucks ,
He ; cow plates , 3c ; steer plates , SHc ; Hank
Hteak. CHc ; loins , No. 1. 14c ; loins , No. 2 , 10' ;
olns. No. 3 , Sc ; sirloin ends , No. 1 , 9c ; ribs ,
Vo. 1. He : No. 2. 8'4c ; ribs , No. 3 , Gc ; steer
rounds. 7Hc ; cow rounds , Glje ; cow rounds shank
off. SHe ; trlmmlnKS , t c ; beef shank ] , 3c ;
brains , per doz. . 35c ; sweetbreads , per Ib. , 10.- ;
sweetbread * ( calves ) , per Ib. , 40c ; kidneys , per
loz. , 3Jc ; ox tails , each. 4c ; livers , per Ib. , 3c ;
icarts. per Ib. , 3c ; tJHRUes , per Ib. . 12jc. ?
Ml'TTON Lambs , 7csheep ; , CHc ; mirket
racks ( lorn ; ) . EC ; hotel racks ( shott ) . lie ; legs
nnd saddles. ! > c ; lamb legs , DC ; breasls and
stews , 3c ; tongues , each , 3c.
PORK Dressed plijs , 3140 ; dressed hoes. DC :
enderlolns. 15c : loins. 7c ; rpare ribs. EC ; ham
sausage butts , G &c ; shoulders , rou h. f c ; phoul-
lers. skinned. G'4c ; trlmmlnirs , Cll-c ; leaf lard ,
not rendered. r Uc ; heads , cleaned , 4e ; snout and
ears. 4c ; backbones. l'4c ; cheek meats , 4'4c ;
neck liones , 2c ; plus' tnlls. 4c ; plucks , each. 5c ;
chllierllnKS. Cc ; hocks , 4c ; hen-rtn , per doz. .
23c ; stomachs , -ach , 3c ; tonRUes , each. 7c ; kld-
neis , per doz. , 30c ; brains , per doz. , 13c ; pigs'
feet , per doz. , 25c ; livers , each. 3c.
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 7c ; No. 2 preen
hides. Cc ; No. 1 raited hides. S&c ; No. 2 green
palled hides. 7ic ! ! ; No. 1 veal calf , S lo 12 Ib
lOc ; No. 2 \ al calf. 12 to 13 Ibs. , Sc.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , i : < f73c ;
Kieen salted shearlings ( short wooled early
skins , each. 13c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled
early Bklns ) , No. 1 , each. DC ; dry Hint. Kansas
md Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
n eight , 4jDc ; dry dint. Kansas and Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight. 30
4c ; dry ( lint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per
.b. , actual weight , 405c ; dry Hint Colorado
: nurrnln wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3@
1IORSA HIDES-Each. J1.M02.23.
TALLOW. C.REASE. ETC.-Tallow. No. 1.
2\c ; tallow. No. 2. SJic ; rough tallow , 1UC ;
"Sr Ji/Breatei 2-Scj yellow and brown greaoe.
> / .
TSVf - iC.
KI'HS Hear ( black or brown ) , $300920.00 ;
tier. " - $1.M@8.00 ; mink. $15.COff60.00 ; beaver. $1.CO
: skunk I5c , 25c. 50c ; mujkrat. 3c. 5c , 7c.
SI. LoulM Ceiu-rnl .llnrkct.
, , ,5& . ! KIS'N'OV < . -FLOUR-HlBher In sym-
j . v i M , " ' " " ' : Patents. $ I.7 S'4.9J ; stralshts
' * USIlViclr : * 4'Wf4.2 ' ; ; medium. $3.MJJ3 7J.
. clojlns I'H.c ' fur December
ni i
i i. ? , ? ? y alOV ' Wednesday. May opened
c higher ; did not sell off more than We iim
later told mo above ths Iwttom , closing wlt
iy-llffrn nt He below the top. Spot , higher ; No '
rod cash , elevator. Sfc ; track , SiS'sOMc' No' '
hard cash , K > c ; Dec-mbcr , WHc ; May. 93c. '
CORN Futures showed same strength earlv
with wheat , but m : > rp was for sile than wantw
and at the close December wns ! { c and Mn >
1-lCc below Wednesday ; spot , steady ; No ' 2 cash
23Vic ; December , SiSCSVic ; May. 27Si2Sc.
OATS Futures stronger and a shade higher
than Wednesday ; spot , higher ; No. 2 cash. el < ?
\ator , 21c : track. 21H622c ; No. Z white , 23MJ24c
December , 21Hc ; Mny , 22ic.
RYE Higher at 4 V4c.
TIMOTHY SBKD Prime , J2.60.
BRAN Firm ; east track , sacked , 51'.4o and
worth C2c this side.
HAY Firm ; prairie , J7.03iff8.30 ; timothy , JS.753
BinTER Steady ; creamery. lS@23',4e ' ; dalrj-
HOGS Higher at 17c.
WHIHKY tl.19.
1IAGGING 6fl7ic.
METAIJJ Ixnd , dull at $3.53S3.60. Spelter
nominal at $3.M.
PROVISIONS Pork , steady : standard mes.-
Jobbing. } g.23(88.iV ( > . Lard , higher ; prime ntcam
4 ' 07V4 ; choice. $4.ii. llacon ( lioxnl lots ) , extra
Bh'art clenr. .12VjOi.2i ; rllw. $5.r.KJr3.C21.i : shorts
15 GiMiffj 75 Dry salt meats ( bixcd ) , shoulders
$3'is5 ; cutni shorl cli-ir. $4.7S4.87'4 ; ribs , 15.12" .
ii- > : Bh.irts. $ S.14C5.K.
rirCEIPTS Fl ur , S , < f * > blls. ; wheat , 71.0CO bu.
corn" 219.000 bu. ; oats , 34.010 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Flour. 2.000 bbls. : wheat , 13,0 *
bu. ; corn. 18S.OX ) bu. ; oats , 13.000 bu.
AVnr - ConinilKNloii Coiiipniiy.
OMAHA OFFICE , Nov. 2C.-The rest of a
holiday , with the stimulus creditable to i
Thanksgiving dinner , evidently gave the bull
renewed vigor todny ; causing them to attack
the wheat pit with both horns , tossing De-em
Iwr wheat ns high as $1. a tolal rise of iic ovei
Wednesday , and not permitting It to descem
to a cliae lower than W c. miking- net gain
of 3ie for that month. May wheat was a lltll
slswtr. and advanced but lic to Mk-c. lute
declining to nnd closed at 93V o. making n tola
net Bain of lo , tin ulrength being principally
ut the seaboard and from foreign * ourrea.
This shows the slrcnglh of the bull clique In
the December option , they advancing the pre
mium of that month to C * c over May , unpha
sizing t.iclr recent claims of large purchase
In that month. In exrt'tx of the amount of con
tr.tct wheat to fill the rales with.
Corn and oals were slow , as compared will
wheal. each advancing but % c.
The receipts of uheat were &J.VOO bu. In excess
of the Ehlpmenls , while that of the other
cereals were practically even balanced.
\IMV Orli-ilIIM .Miirlii-lN.
Ptciidy ; pork , old , IS.23. Lord , rHInert tltrct
$3.75. Iloxed meats , dry salt thoulders. IJ : slde <
$4.75. Uncoil , clear rib sides , $3.00. Hams ,
choice sugar cured. $ S.OO < 1S.75.
COFFEE-Dull ; Rio , ordinary to low fair.
FLOim-Easy ; extra fancy , Jl.50fll.CO ; pat
ents. l4.MfT4.90.
CORNMEAL Quiet at H.W.
IIUAN Cjulrt at 67'.i i6 > c.
HAY Firm ; prime , J1J.004J13.30 ; choice. J16.CO
CORN-Stearty ; No. 2 , sacked , white , SSflCCo ,
mixed. 3Co ; yellow. 37c.
OATS steady ; No. 2 , tacked. J7Hc.
RICE Quiet ; ordinary to good. aXCI'ic.
Cralii Meci'lptM at Principal .Mnrl.-ftN.
MINNEAl LIS , Nov. 26. Receipts : Wheat ,
1,141 cars.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 26. Receipts : Wh-at ,
20S cars.
' 1ii' " AfIG. J.nv. f * . Rw lptf today : Wheat.
176 cars ; corn , 4C2 car * : oils , 417 cars. Ehilmaifil
car lots tomorrow : Wheat , 240 ; corn. 70) ; onts ,
ST. LOUIS. Nov. K. Receipts : WheM , 101
DPLIJTH , Nov. 2C.-R CPll"ts. Wheat. 401 r < rs.
PEORIA. Nov. 21 Receipt * ! Corn , 122.10) bu. ;
nats , 76.KO bu. ; rye , none ; whl ky , 75 bbls. :
whr&t. .MK ) bu. Shipments : Corn. 24 HM bu. ;
oii . 7C.2-V ) bu. ; rj-c , none ; whleky , 1,030 bbls. ;
wheat , 1,800 bu ,
CINCINNATI , Nov. 2C.-FLOl'R Quiet ; fancy.
( . ? * ( . ) ; family. J3.Uit3.73.
\\HEAT-Flrm and lilirhri ; No. 2 rod , S3c ,
CORN-Steady : No. I mixed. 27 c.
OATS-FInn ; No. t mixed , JUJc.
RYE Firm : No. S. 47c.
PJIOVIS1ONS Lard , quiet. J4.15. Bulk nwats.
nrrn. 14. SO. Bacon , iteady.
WHISKY Steady at JI.19.
HUTTKR Ha y : Elgin cr m r > ' . He : Ohio , li
lOe. ( lair ) ' . KitlJr.
liOOS-Stradv at ICHc ,
CHE155K Firm ; good to prime Ohio flat , 9Q
I'l-orln Miirl.TlK.
I'corlii ( Jrnln HiirUi-l.
" . I'WJRIA. Nov. M-CORN-Markw eatler : No.
"oATti-Market glow and l ady ; No. I whlt .
WHISKY Not quot d.
Cnlirornln llrli-il PrultM.
FIlUITS-Etuporated Hfpltt. quiet and steady ;
other rtrV.l . fruits i I tvapiiralcd ppt ,
mnn. tfl-c per Itv prime wire trar .
dried 1 prlrrS c. eh. . Ie I V . f n' 98 H' i
FiumS'j'.S' , . us t s T ! qiMility ' < | .n
re-it. R' , > | : fto7 M , , r rnrc ) Kfillc. Pcaht ,
nj * led. ; sio < . pel-J l i : ix iI I i
Liverpool .Miirkrl. I
firm ; extra India m . * * W : prime me > , M In.
Potk. prime mess , fine western. Arm. M * . H rn .
short cut. steady , S2 . Ilacon. short rlb . steady.
J * ; long ele r tnMdle * . Hunt * ill. : IMig
clear middle , heavy , rial , s ; short clear backs.
JN M ; belli * * . Va ; shoulders. < i * re. le ay. ! *
Lard , prime western. 2fc < Sd. Tallow , prime city ,
firm. If * .
WHEAT-Ppot. No. 1 red , northern rprlng.
firm. 7s Slfcd. . . . . . .
CORN-Amerlcan mixed , spot , steady. 3 * JVtf ;
November , steady. * 3' < .d ; December , tteariy.
Is vl ; January , steady , 3 * ! * ia.
FIXH'R St. Ixnils. fancy winter , steady. IDs.
Hops At London ( Pacific const ) , steady , 4
CHEESE American finest white and colored ,
dull. 42s 4J.
KniiNnn CHr Slnrkflt.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 28. WHEAT 1C higher ,
fairly active ; No. 1 hard , S7c ; No. 2 , * $ & ' '
No. 3 tlH0ClHr ; No. 4 , SHISIc ; No. 1 red , 9Mf
94o ; No. 2 , 9l Mc ; No. 3 , SMWlHc ; No. 4 , SSc ;
No. 2 spring , \eS4c ; No. S , MCSJc ,
CORN Active , about fcteody ; No. 2 mixed.
OATS Active , UOIc higher ; No. 2 white ,
RYE-FIrm ; No. 2 , 44c.
HAY-Falrly active ; choice timothy , JS.500S.75 ;
choice prairie , J7.00.
Ill'TTEIl More active- ; creamery , ISffiO ; ; dairy ,
EGGS Firm , advance expected ; fresh candled ,
17c ; storage , 13c.
\ MV York \Vln-nl
NEW YORK. Nov. 26. Aflr several weeks of
unsatisfactory markets , "dollar wheat , " In th
speculative acceptance of the term , was realized
on 'chance today. The December option tixlnv
early attained nnd s. t > pasted It , reaching Jl.fliWi
in the afternoon , which was also the final price.
A 1ml "squeeze" of the shorts was chiefly re-
fpnnslble for local strength , although1 higher ca
ble * had much to do with the early advancing
tendency of the- local markets. Exporters loucht
only moderately of wheat , but took nlwut 7C ) , iXXi
bushels of corn today. December wheat ranged
from 98S c to Jl.OOS , and May from 94ic to 6l c.
closing at OCc.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Dclrolt Slnrki'l.
DETROIT. Mich. . Nov. 28.-WHEAT-NO. 1
white , 93c ; No. 2 red , 93Hc ; December , 93 > 4c ;
May. SISc.
CORN No. 1 mixed , 27Uc ,
OATS No. 2 white , 23c.
RYE-NO. 2 ,
Toledo Mnrkot.
TOLEDO , Nov. 20. WHEAT Higher and firm ;
No. 2 cash. 95o ; December , 96Hc.
CORN Dull but Hrm ; No. 2 mixed , 2i 4c.
OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed , 21'.ic.
Plillmlrlplilii Produce.
changeil ; fancy western creamery , 234c. !
EGGS-Flrmer nnd 1C higher ; fresh nearby , 23
02lc : fresh western. 23g23c.
Sun FrnnclKi-o Wliont Mnrkct.
SAN1 FRANCISCO. Nov. 2f--\VHEAT-Steady ;
December , $1.45 ; May. I1.46S.
Valiit-H Inc-ri-UHe wllli nn Improvement
111 HllNllll-NH.
NEW YORK , Nov. CO. The latter part of the
day showed an Improvement In business on the
Stock exchange , both In the volume of trans
actions andi the Increase of values over that
recently prevailing. The standard railroad
stocks , however , continued to be a good deal
neglected and the movement of prices In them
was very narrow. The whole list was de
pressed during the early part of the day under
the Inlluence of lower prices for Americans In
London , and quite active telling here for Lon
don account. This was especially marked In
St Paul , and this stock failed to recover at
any time to Wednesday's close. Its weakmrs
was due to tae October stalement of earnlngu.
which showed an Increase In net of less than
$3 OUO So far as this statement bears on the
general sltuallon. it Is to be taken Into nc-
couno thai St. Paul's October earnings last year
were the largest for the year. The later im
provement In the market left the railroad list
with net gains , but they weie of Ihe narrowest
In many cases.
The chief Interest In the market centered In
the specialties , and these all developed strengt.i
before trading had been long In progress. Man
hattan was most conspicuous In the dealings ,
and advanced quite steadily and strongly
ihroughout Hie day. closing nt a net gain of
2si There was no news to account for the
strenglh of this stock. Sugar also showed a
marked recovery from Its recent depression , and
closed 2 , higher than on Wednesday. People's
Gas haa gained 1V4 , New Jersey Central 1H.
Delaware & Hudson over a point , nnd so on.
Consolidated Gas Jumped up nnd down over a
range of 3 points , and closed at n net gain of
The day's trading reflected nothing In the
general situation , tne news of which continued
to show Improvement ,
The actual rate for long sterling exchange
advanced1 V4 additional today. Some of the
demand for long sterling Is for use In the
operation which Involves the lending of funds
abroad. There was also said to be some buyIng -
Ing of long sterling for speculation. In the belief
that rates of exchange will advance by the
time It matures , as the balance of- trade may
have shifted by that time.
The bond market wns fairly active and prices
wcru flrm. Total rales. $ l,24j.ono. United Stales
4s. coupons , were Vu lower , nnd the 6s. coupons.
14 lower bid.
The Evening Post's London financial cable
gram says : The Block markets were idle and
irregular today , but most of them " were steady
until the dope , which was flat on" various vague
rumors. Kntllrs shimiwjd on renewed but uncon
firmed reports of Cecil Rhodes' death. Other
markets sagged on a reported collision of the
Frencij and English troops on the Niger. There
won nothing really authentic In this utory , but
the markels lack energy and are easily frlght-
ened. Americans were dull , and Glargow nnd
Ihe conllnentals were selling moderately. Bra
zilians were better on the purchasing of 2.009.COO
Drazll 5 per cent treasury bl'.ls at SS per cent
by the Rothschilds. Iterlin exchange Is quoted
here today nt 20.36 , but I have reason to bollev"
that the notation Is nominal. The real rate
Is nearer 20.37 , and gold taken here for Ger
many goes out at a IOKS. Vienna exchange Is
also advancing. The Paris bourse was fteacly
and the Ilerlln market dull.
The follonihK were tne closing quotations on
the leading stocka of Ihe New York exchange
today :
AtchlBon 1- > < ] do pfd 140
dopfd 'JlUllSt. P. A Om 7tl
ll.iltlmoro& Ohio. . I''HJl do pfa 110
Canada Puolfle 80 ISUP. M. AM 121
Canada Southern. . 6'J So. Pacific 10S.
Central l'icl Oc 10't ' So. Railway S'i
Chea.&Oliio 2IIM do pfd 20 ! *
Chicago & Alton..100 ( Texas A. Pacific. . . . 1O 4
C-.D-.tQ uiM : I 'Union Pacific t r. . aSM
C..VE.1 B'JH U.P.D. A.G OH
C.C.C.&SUL 31 Uvaba8h 7 > 4
dopfd . 78 . ! PW , . . . . 17U
Dol. Ji Hudson . 10B' < Wheel. A L. E. . . . RJ4
Del. L. Jc W . 104 Ad.imn Ex ISO
Den. i Rio G . 11 American Ex 117
do lira . 43 United St.-Ut-s Ex. . . 411
Erie ( nowl . 14S WellnF.irro Ex..Ill
Eriolstpfa . IIS A. Cot. Oil 21H
Ft. Wavna . If.'JH do pfd 73l <
Orcat Northern pfd. 1311 Am. Splrlti.- 7U
HookliiL' Valley. . . . 4 Am. Snlrlls pfd 17
llllnolHContral. . . . 100 < < Am. Toa.icco 81
LakoErio.v W. . . . 15M do pfd UU
dopfd . 0 Pcoplo'H Gas iiiMJ
LaKci Shoni . 10DH Cons. ( San 1S-I
LoumvllloANaih. r,4K Com. Cable Co 175
Manhattan L . 1O2H Col. F. A. Iron 'JOX
Met. SI. Rv . 113 do pW . SO
Michigan Electric . 32
Minn , i St. L _ llllnolBsteel
dolHtpfd Hi ! LaUludu GUH 40 >
Mo.Pacific 2siii Luad 33
MobllH.VOhlo 'Jl do nld 102
Mo.K. &T 1'JX Nat. Lin. Oil 15
do pfa XI'i Oregon Imp. Co 1C
Chlcas-o.Ind. i L. . . Htv Pacific Mall -JD
do pfd ill I'ullman Pal 170 ! <
N.J. Crtiitrul Ht Silver Certlflcaloii. .
N. Y.Contral 1USJ4 Stand.Hope AT. . . .
N. Y. Chi. ti. St. L. . 13 i Sugar 13l'4 ;
UolBt pfd 73 do pfd
do''dpfd HI T. C. A Jron
Norfolk , t Wosiern 1HH U. 3. Leather
No. Amor. Co 4 do pM 02
No. Paolflc HIM U.S. Rubber 10
do pM 35M do pro. 04
Omarioi W 1S(4 ( Western Union. . . . Mt
Oro. IL ANar 34 Norlhwcstorn I''HJ
Ore. Short Line Iri donfd 104
PIltHoure 1U7U Rio UrandoVt3t. . . . 'Jl !
vo i do pfd Si !
Itock Island . Chi. lit. Wcstsrn . 1U >
St. LomsAS.W . 014 S. L. AS. Y -
dopfd . CUb no iBt pfd ( l ! |
St. Paul . 01U ilo 2d pfd 11
All assessments paid.
The tulal ralen of slock * today were 172'd1
shares. li.cludlng : Chicago. IJurllniiton t.
Qulncy. 13 330 ; Louisville & Nasnvllle , 4:4) ; Man
hatlan , 22.3SU ; New Jersey Central , 4.UO , North
ern Pacific. 4.407 ; Northein Pacific preferred
U.UI : Rock Island. Sl0 : St. Paul IS.lhi ) , I'nloi
Pacific , all asEecemcnt * paid , 3,730 ; Hay .State
Gas , 5.HOO ; Pecp'.u's OtB , 2C,3vO ; Coiuolldaled
Can. 4.2UJ ; Sugar , 31 3S3.
him KrniK-lKL-o Mlnnii
; Uiiolutloim.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 26. The official closlu
quotaltona on mining slock * loday were as fi/i
low * :
Alta ' U
AlphnCon 'J
Alidos 24 Kentucky Can. . . . 1
llelcher -Jl : Lilly Wash. Con. 1
ili'Hti Uelsaor. . . . 33 Mexican 35
Bullion o OualUoiiulCon. . . . l.xn
Caledonia IK Ophlr. 78
ChalluntroCon4 over.nin 8
Chollar. 4M Poton to
Conrtauiica M ) , yil
Cou.Ual.AVi 110 Sierra t
Con. Imparltl. . . . 1 Sliver-Hill. . . . " . . 4
Con. Now York. . . 'J Onion Con ' 'tf
Uruwn Point 17 UtahUon 7
. . . . . i Yi-lluwJaskut. . , . . 34
_ _ , lai
llalci Norerois. . 13U
tillvtr Ian. S7He ; Mertran dollars , 474347UO
dtaflu ulght ) . IS ; Ulecraph. 174.
Sfiili-incnl l y lliuik of litnu nny.
BERLIN. Nov. 26. The wefkly statement o
tha Imperial Bank of Germany how < the fol
lowing changes , a * cnmpated with the prevlou
account : Cash In hand , Increase , x7.:2u M
marks ; treasury note * . lncrw e , Suu.CvO mtrHi
other t curltlr , decrease. 31 tJO.OuO marks ; not
In circulation , decrease , ao.OOOOO marks.
SfiMirltlm In London.
LONDON. Nov K. The market for America.
ecurltif advanced nmcivhat. but wrakene
liter en N w Y irK ellW "The line wa eauy
and the iUmiin.1 imnerallr lUht
York Mnnpy .Mnrttct.
Easy at IVrfJ per > ent. Mst I < an , m < j > per
cent , closed M 2 per rent.
cent. i
HTKRL1NO EXCHANOB-Btrone. with ftttuat
lni lnesi > In bankers' Ml ! t HS"rNU ! for
demand , and at $ I.Mfl4Sifc ! for suty < twys ;
posted rules , JI.W + M und ll.ttU(74.$7 ; con-
merclRl bills , J4 Ml * .
noVKRNMENT ItONUS-Kasler. ' \
Closing quotations on bond * were a * followi :
U.S. nmv4 .r r. . . 12S iNrix/n ias
11.9. N.C.41 103
U.9,4s.r < ? jr 11 ah No. Pnelflo 1stv..J7 |
U.S.4 iooup 114 No.Pacina3 BO * UaLc XT < \ . Pacific 4s J12 i
J.S. fts.reff Ill N.Y.O ASt.L.4 . .105
J. S. 5s. coup 114 N AW. us mo
Districts. 03s IDO N. W. Cdniola 142M \ IDS N. V. Deb. f.s lit !
Ore. N.iv.lsli 112H
Ala.cliS4C. ; . ! 100 Ore. N.IV. 4 * . . . . ' <
Ala.Currency. . . .1U34 O.s. u. Oi. t.r. 121
\tchiion4H Mim C ) . S. L Ss. t. r. . . . . . USM
\lchl otl.ln.4s. ! . . . B3 > t O. lino. Inti. t. r.0'J
bananaSo.'nds . . 107 o. ,
iiit.i ji > .iivia * w \i Ami . us. t. r . . . . 40 44 P.iclflolS of'QJ. . .10S&S
.V O. 5 * Iim Re.vlln ? 4s H4J <
D..VR O. Isn . .10.-I St. L. , t I. M. Con. J 87
Il.AIl. G. 4 H4 SI.L. &S. F.Oon.O.lltm
-a tTonn. lst . . . .109 St. P Consuls 140H
SrlnOen. 4s "DM St. P. C , .V P. lst9..1'-'l >
? . W.AD. Is. t. r. . 09 91.P C. * P. Sa 11UJ <
jv , . . Elec. fin . . . . . .u. 3 SC. nontund. . . . . * 4
n.H.AS.A.Os 104 Southern Kv. 5s. . . . 03
J. II. AM. A. lids . .104 S. H.&T. tin 00 T. Cent. 63 Temuiewsot3i . . 8SM
II. AT.C.con Os..105 Tex. P.ic. L. O.lBH 07 H
Iowa C. IBIH OJ Tex. i ac. Kg. 2di. . 27M
K. P. Ists. t. r 1011 U. P. IBIS 101M
U.NcwCon.4s . . .100 U. P. I ) . , VO. Ists. , 47
I. AN. Unl 4s sm Wab. IslSs 10SH
Missouri Ol 100 Wab..Ms 7H
M. K. AT. Uds 03 West Shore 19 . . .
M.K.AT.4S S7 VaCenturies
( J. Y C. Ists 11 Va. doterr > jd
N J.C. S3. .lliitj
Boston Stouk ( Inntnlloiii.
HOSTON. Nov. 26. Call loans. 2fl3iJ per cent :
tlmo loans. 2HiM per cent. Closing prices for
nocks , tends and mining shares :
A.T.AS.F 12H Bl. Kino. Ill . 103
American Sujrar. . 13SH Ren. Klec. pfd. . . . 81
Atn.Silcar ufd . . . Ill Atchlsou pfd . UOM
UavSlatuOas. . 12 Kl-lt ) AtchlHon 4B . 8SU
Hell Tolophone. . . 2C.H Eleo. Cs. . 100
llostonA Altunr. 21K WIs. Cent. Is . 2H
HostonA .Maine. . . 170 Wls. CentOs . 124
C..1J. A U Alloticz Mlnlnir C3 CO
h'ltclimirir H4Hi Atlantic . 21
General Electric , . S'l Uostoii A Montan t 140
Illinois stuel. . . . 43 IlutlcA Boslcn."H
Mexican Central. . fil * CaltimetA Ilecl'i. . 4IHI
N. Y.AN.E 82 Centennial . 17
Old Colony 1BU Franklin . 1SH
O.S. L IS .
KllDDOT 10 Osceola . 87
Union Pacific - : < Oulncy . 112
WcstEna 7UH TamaracK . . . . . . . . . 1H1
West End utd ( Ill Wolverine . . _ 10
XctT York Ilnliin ( Inotatlons.
NEW YORK. Nov. 26. The following are the
: loslng mining quotations :
Chollar. 40 Ontario itfil )
Crown Point. 18 Onnir. 70
Con. Cal. A Va. . . . 103 Plymoutu 8
Doadwoou HO Quicksilver 100
: ioulcli Curry 18 uulcksilvur DM. . . DUO
Hale A Norc.ross. . 140 Slorra Nerada , . . . 00
UomeHtaxu 30UO Standard CO
Iron Silver 25 Union Con SO
Mexican 30 Yellow JJo'iot . . . . 20
London Slock ( Inotatloiin.
LONDON. Nov. 26. 4 p. m. closing :
Consols.m'.v . . . 11U7-10 Mexican ordinary. . 17
Consols , acc'i . IMH -tlMul common. . . 03Ts
Can. Pacific . 824 Pennsylvania 60H
Erlo . 14 > Ilcadlnir lei
ErlelBtofa . Mcx. Cen. now Is. . 07i
lll.Ccnirai _ .
IIAR SILVER Quiet at ? 7Hd per oz.
MONEY-2-:02i ! per bent.
The rate of discount'in ' the open market for
nhort bills , 3 per cent ; f6r'three months' bills ,
3 per cenl.
Kliuimiliil .Votes.
BOSTON. Nov. 2C. Clearings. $17,600,400 ; bal
ances , $1,631.633.
RALTIMORE. Nov. 26.-Clearlngs , J3.167.4P7 ;
balances , $ lM,35lj :
NEW YORK , Nov. 26. Qlearlngs , $ HO,2MOM ;
balances. $7.410.153.
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. ! 20.-Clcarlngs , $12,132-
610 ; balances , $2,192.774. ' .
MEMPHIS. Tenn. . Nov. 2C. Clearings. $ IS3,5 ;
balances , $ SUlrj3 ; New York , exchange , selling al
CINCINNATI , Nov. sC-Stoncy. 2Vi rC per cent ;
New \nrk exchange , Boi40c premium ; clearings ,
$ M | GOli 2 W.
NE-W ORLEANS. NovV IC.t-Clfarlngs. I1.CS1.611 :
New York exchange , bank , par ; commercial , J1.13
r $ l , ( w diecount. > . ( ' '
OT. LOUIS , Nov. 25. CleaTlngs , $ VOG."B47 ; bal
ances , } 4SS.ol ; money , ias per-c nt-'Wn' York
exchange , o premium bid. GOo premium asked.
CHICAGO. Nov. i'C. Clearings , $20.071.279 ; New
York exchange , ' ( K premium- ; posted rate * . JI.S34
@I.S6Vs. Stocks Ijwer at llrst. bur partially rt-
covred and closed steady , cloning : West Chicago
cage , 101 % ; Diamond Match , 143 ; North Cnlcagn ,
30 ; Lake Street L , KNew ; York lllocult , 6JU ;
Strawboard , 28U ; South Side L. CJH ; City Ita.1
way , 230.
I'orc-lRii Kliiiuielnl.
PARIS. Nov. 26. 4 p. m. Three per cent rentes ,
103f SOc for the account.
IIERL1N. Nov. 20. Exchange on London , 20
murks 33M : Pfgs. for checks. '
LONDON , Nov. 26. Gold Is quoted nt Rucncs
Ayrts today at 17C.3C ; at Lisbon , 47'i ' ; at Rome ,
CoiFcilnrUetH. .
NEW YORK. Nov. 26. COFFEE-Optlon *
opened steady nt 10Sl > points advanoe , tilled
more active on covering following announcement
that the Brazilian government had secured 2-
000.000 loan and reported general Improve-
m/rnt In , Hrazlllnn financial circles , supported by
a Ud advance In rate of Rio exchange ; upward
movement checked by enormous actual supplies
and Indications of heavy new crop contributions ;
clused steady nt a net gain of lOfflS pjlnts ; sales ,
33,730 bags. Including December , t5i.25Q3.S5 ;
March , So.GOfflS.ti. Spot coffee. Rio , steady ; No.
7 , Invoice. J6.12VNo. ; . 7 , Jobbing. J6.C2' , * ; mild.
quiet ; Cordova , JH.KOftl4.00 : sales , LOW bags ;
Rio , No. 7 , J6.1514. Total warehouse de
liveries from the United States , 22.4SO
bags. Including 20.806 l > ags from New-
York ; New York stock today. 474.492 Kigs ; Unlud
States stock , D77.711 bags ; afloat for the United
States , 446,01)0 bags ; total visible for the United
States , 1,023.711 bags , against 702,181 bags
year and Ka,387 bags In lS9i.
SANTOS. Nov. V . COFFEE Steady : good
average Santos , 7,600 rels ; receipts , 24,000 bags ;
stock. 1.144.004 bags.
HAMBURG. Nov. " 6. COFFEK Opened l'd
higher than It cljsed Wednesday and closed I'SC ?
l'4d higher than It closed Wednesday ; sales , 20-
U °
niOBIC JANEIRO. Nov. -rOFFF.n-Inac
tlveNo 7 Rio , 7.000 rejs : exchange , 7 3-1M ; re
ceipts , l3.0 ! bags ; cleared for the United States.
11.000 bags ; cleared for Europe , C,00 bags ; stock ,
1IAV1UJ. Nov. 26. COFFEE Closed l'if
net IilRher ; salea. 24.OX ) bags.
RALTIMORE. Nw ,26FIXURQulet ) nn < l "n-
changed ; receipts. 12.273 bHs. ; exports , 4J.lfJ bMs ;
western superior. $2.7083.V ) ; western fxtrn , $3.r6
04.10 ; western family. J4.40gi.C5 ; winter whont
patents. $4.S3S3.00 : spring patents. $0.00,124 ;
fiirlnuwhent strnlghls. $ J.wigj.OO.
WHEAT-Flrmer ; spr > a nnd month , 9S'4 T034r-
December. art fli9steamer. ! : . No. 2 r l , 'JIG
94Hc ; receipts" C2.1S1 bu. ; exports , 16.000 bu. :
pouthVrn wheat by sample. 94ifl91ic ; southern
iSXc" November aiid Decettibn'r. new or old ,
3-i4 32 te ; steamer mlxe.1 SOHRSMJc : receipts.
101 313"bu. . ; exports. 139.743 bu. ; southern white
corn. 24f7SJc ; southern yellow. 33 34c.
OATS-Flrm : No. Z white western. i123Vsc ;
recelm * . 43.7W bu. : experts. 30.0W bu.
P YE Firmer ; No. 2 western , Sic bid : recelptf.
< !
ilAY Firmcliolro tlmnthy , M3c n krd.
QRAIV FREiailTS-nrm : steam to Llverpo-l.
per bu 4d Dfccmterrnr \ , for orders , per quar-
? * r 4s D'cemher ; 3s 7' d ia 9d Januarv.
H'l'TTEH-St-ndv : fntioy crcamerj' . 23c.
piTKFSP Hteady : fnncy New York , large ,
QlOc. _ _ _ _ J _
111,1nnil Lrntlier Market * .
CHir-AOO. Nov. 2fi.-Tbe Shoe and leather
" " '
. m"'e . dull and
enry n the week , but 1 closed rtronyr.
flBures"IltV the * brnnfied sleer hides ra'd ' t
lOUc and ll-hl and extreme llEht Texans Fold
Tlcavy Texas itecr hlJes > are dull and accumu
lating at We. Ono car * as fol-X at this vrlce.
but buyers generally confine their bids to joe.
About 20000 Colorado steer and branded cow
hides were taken nt 9a and 9Uo refpectlvi-ly.
The packers wanted Uc more Imt abited thflr
prlcm to start a buying movfment. A few-
native cow hides were f > lrt at 10V,1W for1 the
heavy and light wc-lg'.its. Country buff * are
strong at * ? ic. Cren ! calfskins are weaker.
XP V York Ilr > - ' riooiU 3Inrki-l.
NEW YORK. Nov. 28. In 'Iry ' cocxls the approach
preach of the dote of th& week vhnw * no change
from previous dull condition'- The market 1
f | > ur ely attended by buirre frcm out of town
nnd the receipts of mall order * are not exten
sive. There has been no pronounced fall In
prices , but concession * are still made In order
to effect rales In all line * of notion goods , par
ticularly In rtanle cotton * . In woolrn am !
wonted line * , both In men' * wear fabrics anr
dress iroods , the market Is well ruitalni-d , but
without heavy ordrrs for sraionfible goods. In
itnple cottons , lath brown and bleached goodr
are still exceedingly quiet , Print clottu con
llnue ver > ' dull at unchanged quotation * .
Oil MnrUrU.
OIL CITY. Pa. . Nov. 20. Credit balances , CSc
certificates , rptned at 67o bid ; niche * ! . 70c bl < l
elo lnir. * 7c bid : ralvt , l.toi bbl * . ut Cfc ; ( hip
m nts. 1(1 678 bbls. ; rum. 16I.3SS bbl * .
SAVANNAH. G . . Nov. 20. OII - < Spirit * o
turtientlne , llrm. 34 ? ; sain , JgS bbl * . ; receipts
two Ia > . 2.1S4 bbls. Rosin , firm ; tales ,
bbl * . : r.elit | . two days. C.1S6 bbl * . ; A. II. C
! > „ } ' : B. F. . $1 ao : O. . $1.2S : IL. $1.90 : I.
'tin' U" " ' 7 ° ! N' * " 'I5 ; ° ' ' > ! ' < 0
w w
Nov 16. OILS-LlnseeJ , pot , Ki
Supplies About Equal Demand , but Hogs
Drop Heavily in Price ,
I'rleo * Vnrr from Stonily to Slronjt on
Active TrndliiK HOKM
from Vivo to Ten
i Cent * Lower.
SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. M. Receipts for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle , llocs. Sheep. Horses
November JS 1,224 5.P20 4 , * > 3S 25
November 25 1,300 5,000 700
November 21 4Oj ! 7.7S3 1.5J6 . . . .
November 23 4,5 > 9 Si70 1.5 ! < 2 . . . .
November22 3,017 2.70S l.OSG 26
November 31 1.200 B.COO 2 > G
November 19 1,919 4,011 1,500 27
November IS 4,490 5.5S7 2.537 . . . .
November 17 3,102 4,622 1,467 26
November 16 4.30S 4.2S3 2.23S . . . .
November 15 2.G1S 2,003 1.S37 . . . .
November 13 4S3 G. < VS6 1,225
November 12 2.003 4.SSI 1.033 IS
November 11 3,616 6,019 3.764
November 10 6,615 6,937 1.SS9 26
The odlclnl number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road wns :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheu ? . H'r's.
C. , M. & St. P. . . .
O. & St. U. Hy 3
Mo. Pacific Ry 3
U. P. System 12 15 10
C. & N.V. . . Hy.i. . . . 1
P. , 13. & M. V. . . . 14 S9 C
C. , St. P. , M. & O. 8 7
H. .t M. U. II. Jl. . 12 20 5 1
C. , H. 1. & P. , east . . 6 . . .
Total receipts. . 4S 103 21 1
The disposition of the day's receipts wns
ns follows , each buyer purchaslnK the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
Omaha Packing ? Co I.01S . . . .
G. H. Hummoml Co 203 1,2.13 2. >
Swift nnd Company 3S3 1,711 070
udahy Packing Co 405 2,463 2,473
i\ * . I. Stphcns ; 3C
1111 & Huntzlnger 37
Ui si on & Co 3G
lumllton 92
nher buyers 201 i
. .eft over . . . .
Totnl 1.S99 0,430I.S41
CATTLE There were forty loads of cnttle
liere when the market oponed. nbout one-
lialf of the number consisting of bco ! steers
nnd the balance of feeders und cow stuff.
The ccneral market was not much changed
from yesterday.
Salesmen were generally calling the
market just nbout steady on nil kinds ,
both killers nnd stock cattle. Buyers , at
the same time , n-ported their cattle as
costing strong , or In some cases stronger
prices , than yesterday.
The market was reasonably active and the
most of the cattle sold In good season.
Choice corn fed steers were a scarce
nrtlcle so that the sales did not show up
so very well on paper. There were , how
ever , some heifers here good enough to
bring J4.00 und J4 05. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
20..1243 $4 ! 0 21..1170 $4 40 S..1284 $4 45
22..1253 423 19..1075 430 4..1275 4W
19..1304 453 | 1..11M 455 1. . . . ' . 'CO 325
1. . . . 4SO 323 M..122C 400 31..J151 4 05
57..1403 4 30 20..1152 4 50
1..1110 273 1. . . . SSO 300 1..1I50 300
15..1000 323 2..1050 340 8..1060 350
4..1312 353 12..1070 375 C. . . . S4S 2 S3
12..1000 343 56..1047 380 7..1HS 300
S..1172 325 1. . . . MO 275 2..1223 300
1..11M ) 210 1. . . . SSO 3 05 1..1410 375
2j. . . . 943 400 13..1091 403 L. . . COO 350
1..14CO 350 * 1..1C40 3 GO | 1..1110 325
L. . . MO 4 25 1..11CO 1 90
1. . . . 3CO 46) 2. . . . 245 500 L. . . TO K 50
1. . . . KM o 75 1. . . . 210 CM ] . . . . M 5 00
1. . . . 90 500 1. . . . 120 573 7..344 4 3S
I. . . . C73 350 24. . . . 675 403 L. . . 620 403
9. . . . 704 4 05
No. rr.
1 springier f27 Cf
1 cow and cnlf a t <
1 cow nnd calf 320
1 springer , 320
1 cow nnd calf 350
1 cow and calf 37 f °
I cow nnd calf 33 0
1 cow and calf 40 w
1 cow and calf 45 0
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2 cows 9.V > $2 33 1 heifer 72) $2 73
4 bulls 1230 290 4 cows S'CO 30) )
18 cows 10S3 330 2 feeders. . . . 730 39)
2 feeders. . . . 423 I feeder 740 423
20 feeders. . . . C75 4 23
C feeders. . . . S3S 3 90 13 feeders. . . . 721 3 90
1 feeder 750 3 90 C feeders. . . . 72 3 W )
1 feeder 40) 4 30 5 feeders. . . . WO 4 30
1 feeder 640 430 15 feeders 533 430
1 FtUE 930 SCO 3 tailings..1163 SCO
4 tailings. . . . 740 SCO 3 feeders. . . . 830 323
1 cow 1020 400 47 feeders. . . . CI2 410
9 feeders. . . . 607 425 23 feeders. . . . 7S3 430
1 bull 1240 263 1 tailing 109) 325
2 feeders. . . . MO 350 1 Btccr 970 375
2 steers 12UO 373 1 steer 1S60 375
5 steers 1K2 3 0 1 steer 1110 3 SO
3 feeders. . . . 973 SSO 1 feeder 1CSO 3 SO
2 feeders. . . . 810 380 , 4 feeders. . . . 4S7 380
13 feeders. . . . KO SSO 3 feeders..1028 3 SO
! C bulls. 1058 2 73
HOGS It was a cold day for the sellers of
hogs. Advices from all points Indicated llbera
receipts and bad markets , and the market here
had to keep In the procession. Shippers who put
In their lime yesterday loading hogs , on Ihe
llieory llmt work done on a holiday is clear
gain , would ha\c found It cheaper to have
played at home and eaten their Thanksgiving
dinner In peace. As It turm-d out , It cost them
3& lOc per hundred ! on everything In the way of
hoes shipped In.
There were. Including the holdovers , nbout 110
loads on sale , and a considerable proportion of
them eold 5c lower , though a few of the curly
tales may not have been quite that much off
while a good many other loads sold lOc lower
The nverace of all the sales was 7h-o lower
than jeaterday.
Otvlnir to reluctance of cattlemen to make the
concession the market was not particularly ac-
eeeler RWpen&'fve'la ; B " "f " W"
iiSW ?
: : : : : : : : : : 5'Ss
< 303 ICO 32V ft" . . 361 < 0 3 '
f. ? SM . . . 320 OT 34" . 120 3 EJ-
3S1 . . . 32) 44 MS SO 322-4
43 = 2S . . . 320 a :3J 40 3 11
4S 370 . . . 320 ' CO 208 123 K
40 303 . . . 3 20 03 2 > )6 200 31" . ,
61 S2I 0 320 ' K. . . .3 < rt 4) 3 " " 4
53 378 . . . SMII f,3 333 40 322' ' '
" 3K > 350 320 Cl 311 ICO 325
48 379 40 3W B2 311 SO 3 2i
43 367 32320 G3 rSI KO 3 r.
51 SCO 40 3 fl ) f.- SS7 SO 3 2
53 322 . . . 320 411 -97 1 3-
43 373 200 3 29 CJ COO 160 32.- ,
01 33i 1CJ 320 K 299 1W 3:3
45 374 ICO 320 fl 232 100 3 2-
00 313 M 3 20 63 238 40 3 2o
DC 328 100 320 61 271 40 3 2
45 814 * ) SSO f,0 312 1 0 32
47 S6S 120 320 Cl 3)0 81 S 2
K 376 . . . 320 - CO 3"0 120 32
50 3 ICO 321) 45 33) M 32
41 417 . . S 20 I If 3115 120 3 2
4'J 372 W 3 S ) K 330 . . . 3 2
47 309 240 320 M 226 2SO 323
47 319 210 320 (3 ( 293 40 323
4C S . . . 320 21 2S5 40 323
4C 3C5 40 320 8 330 120 3 23
4S 332 M ) 3 20 CS 32S 120 325
38 331 SO 320 264 120 3 23
03 333 40 3 22'.i M 304 40 327V-
57 330 . . . 3 22'i. ' C8 S31 120 327V
C4 304 W 3 JJiJ 45 275 ICO 3 2Ji
M 320 1W 3 J2 > 4 LS 7 40 : S3
S2 334 40 3 22J5 7C 236 SO 330
65 Sl ICO 3 ! 2V4 62 2S7 . . . S3)
57 313 . . . 3 22"-i 76 264 160 3 SO
4 9K . . . S 2J4 Cl 250 40 330
d ) 323 . . . 3 22H 63 308 40 3 32W
50 327 40 3 22'/i 93 20J 40 335
W 334 M J 22'/i J59 190 120 335
M 310 . . . 32i > ! , 70 Ml UO 3 S5
66 3M . . . Z 22a ! C3 J1S 40 S 35
61 331 120 3 KV , 7S 19S . . . 345
n : iic :40 3 svi
1 470 . . . 200 1 310 . . . S 15
2 430 . . . 310 G 41 . . . 315
SI Ill . . . 310 3 240 . . . 330
5 3(0 . . . 315 2 233 . . . 330
1 510 . . . 315 270 . . . sso
HHEEP There wa a fair run of sheep fo
this point and the market wa etrone and active
Rfpre entallve Kales :
No. Av Pr
1 buck iw WM
193 t'tah mixed ice 4 15
105 Utah mixed 105 4 15
309 Utah mlifd ] 05 4 is
5 native BUM 175 4 35
250 mixed w * lern 78 453
f.M Mexican yeirllngi so 4 Co
65S feeders , ewfj 7j 300
8 native wethers m 4 S
13 native lambs . , . .123 625
IntlliiniiliiillN Live Stiii-If.
celptt , i.soo head ; shipment * , 1.000 head. Mar
ket steady ; good to prime tfcr . f4.buj.IO ; fair
ti medium iteeiu. } .45t.76 ; common to good
tlockers , i ! . &l2S.
HOQH-KwtlpU , 7,000 head ; thlpmtnti , 2.100
head , Mr.rket slow ; closed active at 2V c lower
than WrJnuwUy ; good lo choice medium and
heavy. W.40 S 7 ; mixed and heavy. $8.S5J 3.45 :
common lights. n.K&t.ta.
BHEEP Receipts. 150 head ; fhlpmenU light ;
Rood to choice lambs , $5.00 S.W ; common to
medium lambs , J4.OiXo4.75 ; common thtp , $2.2J
St. l.lve StDC-1.- .
PT , IjOUIB. Nov te.-rATTlB-Il elpti , C.JOO
head , of which J.WO were Tsianij shlpmenU ,
1 MO tirnd Mifkrt Mf nJJ- ; fair to f ncr M *
live hlpplnr and export Metrn , t4.25QS.2t , bulk
of talcs , llIDQtT , ( , < lre sd lieef n > > bulrner
Meets , $4 0014 M , Milk of rale * . II.9WI M , ter
undrr l.Wo | h . J1.COOI So , bulk of Mies , $1W
C4.S5 , t ckrr nnd feeder * . $2.SO < ? 4. j l-ulk of
wile * . $ J.OOfT4.00 ; C-IWB and heifer * . $1 Ttfll.M ;
Texiu and Indian Mrcrs , uriim. $3OOIJJ.M ; fed.
$4.K. cows and heifer * . U101T . .
IIOOS-Receipt * . 14M head ; shipments , 1.100
hrfld. Matket n shade lower ; light JJ.MflS.4S ;
mUetl , * J.r. 3.45. heavy , $ S,40 S.JO.
SHEEP Rpcelpt ! ! . 1.700 head , shipment * . 7W
head , Market strong , native muttons , JlCKHr
4.8S ; Iambi , JI.SOW&.W.
( ionil Cnttle Continue t i HrliiR Stenilr
CHICAGO. Nov. 26. Cattle receipt * were large
for PrIJty , but cattle h ve been ro fcnrce all
the week thnt ( rood lots fold at utrruly prices.
Otherwlre trade was slim nnd prices were un-
Mtl > fctory for tellers. Choice levr were
scarce and rale * were mostly at low inlets ,
Oood to extra rtferi told between $1.70 nnd
$ i.M. with commoner ( Trades bringing from $3.10
to $4.68. Stockers ami feeders wore In fslr de
mand nt prices runglnc from H to $ XSO for
Mockers to $ : .SO nnd $4.80 for feeders. C"nlves
were steady nt from $5.75 to $6.60 for the better
Erndrs , Western rangers old nt from $8.W
to $4.40.
In hoK packers noted Inilllterenlly , nnd m n-
m-cd la buy their supplies nlKint DC lower ,
'hurmlay'ii ndvnnce being lost , Snles were at
-n cxttrmc range of from $3.20 to $3.554.
bulk of the hogs selllns at from $3.30 to $8.43.
while plirs went largely nt from W.10 to $ X40.
Arrivals of thrtn and lambs Fold fnllsfnctorlly
n mort caM . though their ilceccs were wet.
( heep fold nt from $2 M to $1 for the porejl , up
o from $4.W to $ I.M for the Iwjt MiickB , fed
wenerns selling nt from $ Xt to $ ( .eo. Year-
Ingo old up to $5 and prime wrtlicrs brought
4..5. A MO ! was made of 100 choice ewes
averaging 123 Ibs. nt $4.30. Lambs sold ut from
M to $3. S3.
Recclpts-Cnttle. 6.500 head ; hogs , 3lWO head ;
sheep. 6.000 head.
X MV Vtirk l.lvi' Stool ; .
NEW TOnK. Nov. SC.-lliKVKS-necelpts.
1.3SO head ; natlvp steers , H.Oi > W5.00 ; sings nnd
oxen , J2.75P4.05 ; dry cows. I1.SOU3 50. Cables
quote American steers at lOHOUKe ; refrigerator
beef turJUc ,
CALVES Hooolpts , JC4 head ; veals. | 3.00f7.73 ;
raRxrs. f3.OOU3.60.
StlERI' AND LAMlfS-llecelpts , ! ,75l ( head ;
steady ; very dull for sheep ; sheep , 13.00(74.75 ( ;
lambs , J3.00eS.M.
HOGS Receipts , Z.27S head ; weak nt JJ.COfl
Cltr I.lvc Stock
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 20. CATTLn-llccelpts.
i.5iX ) head ; market steady to strong ; Term tfcrs ,
JS.000'4.10 ; Texas cows , J2.OiXrt.00 ; native steers.
J3.50JI4.95 ; native cows nnd heifers. J1.3flT4.00 ;
stoekers nnd feeders. J3.005fl.45 : bulK J2.7jff3.23.
HOOS Ilecfctpt * , 17,0i hcnd : mnrkct weak to
7 > 4o lower ; Imlk of Fairs , J3.25ff3.30 ; henvls ,
J3.15(73.33 : parkers , J3.Sfi3.33 ; mKo.1 , JJ.23 3.3- :
llchls. J3.205J3.35 ; Yorkers. J3.3003.33 ; pigs , J3.0'
- .
SI1EKP Receipts , 3VTO hpnd : market flnn ;
lambs. ; 4.70g6.t ; muttons. J3.OiMT4.73. <
r.nNt lliilfnlii I.lvo Slock- .
EAST ni'PFAU ) , N. T. , Nov. M.-CATTM3-
Alimit steady.
HOns Yorkers. go < xl to choice. J3.60ff3. 2 ;
mughs. common to good , ? 3.1Ki3.25 ( ; pigs , com
mon to clmlce , J3.COf3.63.
1\MIW Choice to extra. fi.KfS.S3 ; culls to
common. J4.M53.3 ; sheep , choice to selected
wethera , J4.50@4.73 ; culls to common. J2. 5003.60.
I.OIllNVlllf I.IVO S
celpts , 2iO head. Market steady nnd unchanged.
lions Receipts. 3.0CO head. Market tteady
and unchanged : all choice hogs from 120 Ihs.
up selling at J3.40 ; lighter weights , 13.25(13 4 1.
SHEKI1 Unchanged.
Cliiolniuitl I.lvo Stool ; .
CINCINNATI. Nov. 2C.-HOOS-Actlve nnd
higher : J2.bOif3.52V , .
CATTLE Steady. J2.r3Oil.10.
SlinEI' Steady. ! 2.Wi3.33. )
LAMBS Active and higher. J3.tiOi3,40.
Stuck In SlKlit.
Record of receipts of live stork at the four
principal markets for November 2C :
Cattle. Hoga. Sheep.
Omaha . 1.2.4 5 WO 481 ?
Chicago . 5.300 31.000 6 000
Kansas City . 6.50) 17.COO 3000
St. Loula . 0,200 2.400 1.70) )
Totals 1S.424 t.0.32) 14.63
"Wool Market" .
UOSTON. Nov. lU-WUOL-KollowinE1 arc the
quotations for leading descriptions :
Ohio nnd Pennsylvania ileece. X nnd nbove ,
27C2Sc ; XX nnd XX nbove , SSCSOc ; Dtlalno. SO
OTlc ; No. 1 combine. 3031c ; No. 2 combine. 23
flSOc ; Michigan , Wisconsin , etc. , XX Michigan
23G24c ; No. 1 combingMichigan. . 27y2c ; N , . 1
Illinois combing , 27&2Sc ; No. 2. Mlihi nn. 2Sc
No. 2. Illinois combing. 28c ; X New York. New
Hampshire nnd Vermont. 23Q24cNo. ; . 1. New
York , New Hamiohlre and Vermont. 21c ; De
laine. Michigan. 27c ; Kentucky nnd Indiana
quarter-blood combine. 23t24c : Kentucky am
Indiana three-elghlhs-blood combing. 24ff23"
Missouri qunrler-bloo < l combing21c ; Mlft-our
lliree-rlqhths-blood comblnp. 23ff2lc ; brnld comb
Ing. 21c ; lake and Georgia. 22c ; Texas wool ?
spring Medltcrrnnean ( twelve months ) . 21r2Sc
spring- line ( twelve monlliF ) , 17flSc ; scourei
firire , C0i32c ; lerrltorj' wools. Montana fine mi-
dlum nnd fine , HHrlSc : scouied price. 455119
staple , 52SKt. > c ; Utah , Wyoming , etc. medium
and fine , 13017C ; reoured price. 48tfr-5Tc ; ftnp.e
62 330 ; Australian wools , scoured basis comb
ine superfine , 21 { ? 3c ; goo < l , C381SSc ; good comb-
Inn average. C2SC3c ; Queensland cornblm : Kc
ST. I/OUIS. Nov. 26. WOOL Unchanged : me
dium. 13ffcc ; light fine. I3i17c ; heavy tine
He ; tub washed , 22j30'4c.
NEW ORLEANS , Nov. 20. Rt'flAR-Onen kct
tie , steady nt 2nCr2'4c : centrifugal , nrm ; grunu
lated , 4 l-lGffi\c : whltw , 3 lt-lC 4i c : yellows
SVsgS 13-10o ; sfuonds. 2mi354c. Molasses , opei
kettle , steady at 15T30r : centrifugal , easy at
12c ; syrup , steady nt 175J22C.
CINCINNATI , Nov. 2 < ! SUGAIl Quiet nnd
steady : hard refined. ! 4.02ff3.S. > .
IjONDO.V. Nov. 2fi. St'GAII Ileet sugar , Nn
vembrr , 9s : btwt sugar. Ieceml > Br-Mnrch , 9s 3d
NEW YORK. Nnv. 26. Sl'GAR Raw. nrm
fair refining. 2 5-lCc ; centrifugal. 90 test. 3Ttc
refined , steady ; crushed , 6ic ; powdered , 6 3-lCc
granulated. Be.
MimolioNtor Tc tllo I'alirlc * .
MANCHESTEn , Nov. SO , Cloths and yarni
quiet und steady.
Anfl Sorgical Institute
IGnsnodsoSu.Onialia , .Vob
Clironic , Nervous and Private Diseases
IIYDKOrELE nun VAKIOOCKr.E liu.-mauently an
bUccCHhfully eunnt liievcry CUHO.
1ILOOI ) AND SKIN DlHoahcs. Sore Spots. Plm
t-8 , Scrofiilii/rnmorH. Teller. Eczema and Uloo'
1'olson thoroughlv clp.inxcu from the Hj-Btem.
NKHVOl'S Debility. Spermatorrho-i. Somlna
LosseB. Nlelit KmlUMlonH , Los of Vital I'owers
pcrmaneutl ; and bpoedllv ciin < d.
( vltnllty weak ) , made BO by too close nppllcatloi
to bimliiunn or Httidy : hevcro mt'iital xtruln o
griff ; SKXUAL EXCESSES In middle llfo or fron
the i-ffc-ctH of youthful lollies. Call or wrlto tbeu
today. DOS 177. !
Oraalia Medical and Surgical Institute.
! HDa. .
nil .Nerrous liscnie . FnlilnK Menorr
r r sln. tHeoplcctnesi. Nlshtlr Emit-
< loni. ttor uwxl bj rrt c.lU j . alten
rleoraodrlzo to hrunktn orRAut , end quickly bol
vurdljr rrtlortfl f * > * t Manhotnl In old or jounv.
Kwlliri-arrlKj In re t pocket. I'rie * J.OOnpuck go
Blx for fs.fioirilh a rri/en nuartttttre co curt or
Ixcmrtrtfunilni. . Do-i'r nuT AN IUITATIOH. uu
laiitt on likTlnit INDAPO. If jour drugglit lin not
tot it. we wlllneadtt prepaid.
liIMiOO ftllieiit to , ITeiir. , < U c . Ut. r inr ir"ti
Kuan & Co. , Cor. IMti nnd IXiuglavi Hu and J A
fuller & . Co. , Htb & IKJurlu.s fcli. , OMAHA. KKV
l/.T , AVrrou IHtratu I'olllBC Mem *
or7Impoteacr , KlMple niX , olo. . oaasad
lij Abuu or other KICUMM and Icdli *
crotiom , 27icnultkly anil tureli
T rratora Loot > italltj IB oldorrcmng.ena
tit a laau for stodr , bu ln- or mnrrJujo.
, j- * " at Jcianlty and CoueumMlou If
> n Jutlm * . luelrnu ( hotr * Immediate lmnro i > .
ol end BocU a CU1 B wliere oil other fall In.
l t upon .baring tha eenulne Ajol Tutilctn ,
h e cored thousand ) and will euro TOO. Wo fin a poi
mail. In plain vripytr. nnon ruoolf.t o
For eale la Omana oy JEJOM Poriyth , Va N
Kth street.
Kuhn tc Co. . Kth and DouKla * Slrt U.
t uc.
* * 3 "
' ' " "
lit fa' '
> lltKl mi'J uelillw
jltt blue rlbtan TuLii
JBootLrr. ftt/utt dtmgtr vi u(4ilu-
la it * if for { .ftttltilAri , tMttm U
? . ' < 4l r f T t < ll . "I * ! " tl trtmru
you feel -hnt you nrc puny.
rtay so ? HfDYAN curesi cnj > c Hk
yours. It makes vigor. And when
the vltror Is In you , you arc again n.
man. act the notion out of your
ho d that you cannot be rural. You
Imvo suffered , perhaps , n bully as a
tnnn rnn nufftr. rf you hint taken the
prnnd rcniedlo-troatm nt thnt tha
HujRonlnn ( leu-tors offer , and hava
offepM ) for years , you would not bo
premature todny , You would bo < i
man yes , nnd a good on \ Ht'DYAN1
'n ll mnko n mnn of you. It will do >
U In a week If you will lva It o ,
How much lonjrer
/ FlLw
you going to net the fool ? Ton l-nvs
fe ir of lossen. JH'DYAN gtops thorn
In a week. If you arc weak-ktui-il
HPDYAN brnces you tip and nin'ii1
n , man out of you , Hy the help of
llt'DYAN you arc able to do all your
work ntul to put on the face of m n-
hociit. Thnt s the IHPP you wn .1
to wear , iMnnhnod Is uMliat nil poop n
love. No opo 9 Urforc the pj'es wlu i
you have ti it. No gloom. No bother.
No worry. And the one thing Hi :
{ iroduco ! > It Is JH'DYAN. And you
can get I1VDYAN only from Ihf doc
tors of the great nnd grand Hudco-
nlan Institute , They make curcti.
When A mi find ( lint yon tinvr notiio
triiulilc thnt yiiu tin nut UIIDIV ( lit * nu-
( iiri * of. Hint IN the time \vln-n > on
> vlll llnil lli < - ndvloi * lit tlic lllidnoiilnil
ilootom iirlt'i'lcxN. .litit nil dinvii uml
frrltt * a plnlii Nliitcincnt ( o thriu.
Tliry ivlll ptoiul yiiti the Itt'xl nu-dlrnl
tvloi ? Hint tlirrr IN to lit * luiil In tlif *
\\holf ooiintry. Iluvo you nut liiiupN
In your tbrout or niiy "l rn nf blood
tnliit nt nllf If NO not lulvlcr. It IJ
Uiidsoo Medical lostiliite
Junction Eliis , Martet & Stortton Sts
Ur. Uiudy'avondcrful Irish
1m IK irutur. the Eleatest-
remedy for Lo l > l nhood ,
overroniea preinaturvnesi
and ttopa all unnatural
drnlnB und losses. All trnall ,
wcnk oriuns elilafKud and
tin nRthcned. SulTciers , by
reinlttlns 51 n sealed pack
age conialnltiff 60 pills , care-
fullj coinpoiindi'd , will 1m
tout b > mall from our labor
atory , or c will furnish tlx
| m.-kate.i ( tor J3. with a
Ulil Dr. ( irmly irMtAN'TlilC ; to cure or
Succors for M years mnney refunded. All lettcit
SOD.OOO cured. conndentlal. and Roods ent
with lull inktruttion free from observation.
Address. CYUSTAL MKI3. CO.owcll. . Mass.
In tin- Spring will lie Trcmeiulouii.
Tlic inoNt priilltnlilf IIUNIIICMN will bo
In TrnnNportiitloti anil MirelinndlnliiB
nntl In l-'iiriilHlilnii Fund and Sllppllen ,
( < > the iiiultlluiU- Rold SfvUem In
nliorl , n m-ncrnl Trailing , Mercan
tile mnl SteiitiiHlilii IIIIHIIIPHH. It wn
NO In Mil It will ! > < KII In ' ! IS.
The Alaska Transportation
and Development Company
lBeoffp0iffled $5,009,000no"- '
To meet this demand will own and operate its
OX Til 13 YUKON.
Coiiin'Ctlnjj ivlili UN oivii Hue of
and niliKnllli-L-lit Oceuii Stcaiilcrn.
specially adaptt-d for paEbenger buslneu carry
ing to that country an Immense amount of bUT-
1'L.IES AND EQUIPMENT for the miners , as
well as furnishing them THANSI'OIITATION
( or themselves and their coeds and establishing
TRADING STATIONS at different points. An
opportunity Is offered nny person , be they of
Email or large means , to buy shares of ntoclc
In this company nn-1 PARTICIPATE In the
i\oit.MOfs niviiins. .
sure to be earned within the next IZmon'.hs.
par value , non-assessable , and will be offered for
a limited time only.
Paying larger dividends. While numerous ray.
Ings banks and banks have fcuspenuvd. transpor
tation and trudlne companies were never Ktn
In the list of failures. This MOCK Is one of iha
mopt desirable investments offered the public ,
The Incoinorators nnd stockholders who are con
nected with this company are men of wide ex
perience In similar underlr.Mncs and men wliota
names are sulllclent guarantee or the standard
of the company , to wit :
AMIEHT C. I1LATZ , 1'res. Vnl. Dlatz IJrcw. Co. .
HON. WJt. E. MASON , United States Senator
from Illinois.
D. G. EDWARDS , Toss. Traffic Mgr C. II. &
D. H. It. , Cincinnati.
FRANK A.HECHT. of Chas. Kaestncr & Co. .
CHAS. H. HOCICWELU Traflle Mgr. C. I , & U
II. It. ( Monon Houtci , ChlcaKO.
W. C. IllNEAHSON. Gen'l PASS Agt. , C. N. O.
& T. I' . H. R. . Cincinnati.
B. W. CHIFFIT1I , Trcs. Flint Nat'I Rank.
Vlcksburs. Miss.
FRKD A. OTTI2 , paBt tlghleen years with Shelby
Hank. Shelbyvllle , Ind.
J. M. rilILMI'8. Cathlcr First National Bank ,
VIckfburK. MUs.
And hundreds of others equally prominent.
Address and make nil money payable to
Ilie fliosKa iranspofioiion and De'/eioDnei ' / ! C
I'MxliiT IlullilliiK'i cor. Vim Iliircn mid
Dcnrliorn Sl . CIIICAnO. ILL.
' UK Dig 4J for unuatural
. . . l L'llEh
'UlUtdlK. dlicukrzni , InEimmmloDt ,
QtArtautd IrrlUtloDi ur ulcerationi
. Mt u ilrttlgri. cf inncfiu * nivmtraoea.
| Prt1IDll CDUUD. l'aleii ! , 0"I not ' "
C > NS < H tT1,0. Hold by liruffsUto ,
U , 8. 1. 'or i at la plain wrapper.
bf exprrai , prepaid , lot ur 1 uolilii , J.-.75.
O > 'i Olronl'jr am MI r * tM % >
JAFvlES & BOYD & CO. ,
Telephone 1039. Oiimlui , Neb
noAii ) or
Dlre't wires to Clilc fo and New York.
CorropondenU : John A , Wamn & Co.
Members Chicago Hoard of Trade since UC&
Grain , Provisions anJ N. Y. blocks
Orders Cash uncl 1'ulurc Delivery Sollcllrd.
Omullll ( Xllue , llooni 1 , .V. Y. Llfu BIlIr | ,
. . . . .M'lioiK1)01. . . . ,
KLOYI ) J. OAJII'linLL , Jl nil Hirer.
President. Vlce-Preddent
( Secretary.
Cfirislie-Stfeet Commission Co
Cn pi I ill If. .0,000.00 , I'llIIy I'll 111.
' 1'flrplioiie 1(11) , ' . .
. . . . .Omuliueli ,
. . < , ,
Grain Profisions and Stock
1416-1418 Fnmam St.
Orders taken ( or 100 buibcla and upward *