Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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    mvrATTA TIAT.W ITRTHfAY. Qrt. 11
riontiful Supply of All Sorts of Stuff at the
Yard. ? ,
.MuleSluirt Work of < li ( ! Cuttle
-rlnUN llou * ( ! ii I n n
In I'rlcimill Sell
SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. X-Hocelpts for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Iloc . 3hcci > . Hortes
N'ovombor 2.1 l.SOO 6,000 700
Isovfember SJ , * > 7.7S3 l.Kfl
November 2U 4,59 8i7J ! 1.BS2
November 22 3,017 2.70S l.OM
November SO 1,200 C.COO 2SG
November 19 1.919 4,0)1 ) i.roo
November 18 4.4W 6,087 2,637
November 17 .1.1C2 4.B22 1,407
November 15 4,303 4,23.- 2,333
Novvmbcr 15 2,018 2tOS 1,837
November I.I 4STi
November K 2,003 4.SS1 1,032
November II 3.G16 0,019 3,701
November 10 GB15 GM7 '
CATTLU-Tho receipts thin mornliiR
looked itilto | formldabln for n holiday , rwl'.h
forty-nine cars reported In , Thnv Uld not ,
however , ninke much or a nhowlnic on tin
market , a only sixteen load ? were offered
for flale , thu balance being only halted at
thu yards for feed , or consigned direct to
It IW H vrry much like n Saturday's mar
ket , very little here nnd very little wanted.
T pro worn not enough to pay for bothering
with and values could only be called nomi
nally steady. '
Shippers showed good sense In staying
nut of the 'market ' on a holiday , ns export-
uicu has shown that anything like a good
i tin on Htioh ti day l. mire to be taken id-
vaiituKo of by tlio packers. Ilcpresentatlve
oules :
No. Av. I'r.
41..1175 ( I 00
. . 012 2 2S
. .1013 2 85
. .1173 370
. .10SO 3 00
. 970 2 85
1. . 640 3 Z3
1. . CO- ) 3 20
1..12SO 2 SO
1..1420 290
1. . . .1210 200
3. . . . 000 3 70
1. . . . RM 3 00
B. . . . 2SO 4 S3
2 bulls 1110 $2 C5 C co\v
1 eiw 700 2 73 1 cow.
1 row 102' ' ) 2 73
2 co\\H 813 2 I 0
3 cows 10W 3 15
r > l tnlllnKs. . . . 970 2 80
1 hull ir.OO . 2 fii 2 co' '
1 tilling ! > GO 2 73 8 co' '
ft nw * ! fl 3 25 40 fet
12 Bli-crs 1123 3 GO
1IOOS Thrr - WIIH quite a lame run of
for it holiday nnd tinnmrltct for a wonder wn.i
III KOIM ! Hlinpe for sellern. Vnluo * wi > ro siri-iiB
to fie hlKher , nnd the movement wan fairly nc-
tlve. Ilnivy luigg B hl largely at J3.25 , ns
St. I.OIllH l.lviStlllU. .
HT. l.OUIH. Nov. 25. CATTI.H HecelptH , 2.f.fO .
head , of whU'h 2 O1) ) * ? head are Tex.tns ; Hhlpments ,
not reported ; mnrlcet steady for iiatlve ; Txnn
a Hhndc U.wer ; fair to fancy native shipping nnd
nxpnrt Kleerx. Jl.2555.25 | ; hulk of sales , jl.405 }
4.75 ; dri-si-eil heef and huli-her steers. J.fOi j
4. ! ) ; Imll ; < .f nnles , tl.SJff 1.50 ; steeis under l.fOO
pounilB. J3.rO,74.W ! ; bulk of sales , * 3.M ( & 1.25 ;
Btoekers nnd feeders. } 2.3n(4.o ; bulk of sales.
J3.005TI.OO ; cii'.vn nnd helferi" , Jl.7557'1.50 ' ; Texas
nnd Indian hteers , Krni-s , 53.00if3.SJ ; fed , 14.25 ;
cows unit heifers , J2.10fT3.25.
IIOOS Itecclpts. 1 000 head ; shipments , not re
ported ; mmicct strong , nctlvc and higher ; IlRht ,
.l5n3.45 : mixed , $3.P3.I5 ; henvy. .1.40f3.r , ' ) .
HIIKKI' Kecelpls. ! W head ; shipments , not re
ported ; imirKet strong ; native muttons , $3.Off
4.35 ; culls anil bucks. Sl.0093.15 ; Mockers , J2.15
( if3.00 ; lambs , Sl.r.0-ffr.r,0. i
KIIII.NIIN City l.lvc Stock.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 2'i.-fATTI.K-llccclpls.
2,500 htYtd ; market llrm nnd 10c higher ; Texas
t .ers. Jl'0& 1.05 ; Texas cnws , M.U.Ifili.lO ; native
steers , } 3.W'ir".W ; native cowe and lu'lfers , $1 25
Wl.33 ; slockers and fe-ders , J3.00iJ1,35 ; bull * ,
? : . I0 f 4.11. ,
IIOllS Itecelpts , O.EOO head : market dteacly ID
Ro hlKht-r ; hull : of sales. l3.3Wl3.40 : heavies.
327'i T3.tO ; pitekcrs. f.2jfl3.4i ! ) ; mixed. Jl.SOIff
3.424 ; llBbtp , 3,20S > 3.45 ; yoikors , t3.IOfT3.12i { . ;
] ) lKS , t3.OOM3.3J.
8IIEKI1--l > ri > lntp. 1.000 head : inmket stronB !
Inmbs , JI.50yii.CO ; miitlona. tl.i qj.OO.
SliioU III Slulit.
llecord of receipts of live Ftock at the four
principal markets for November 25 :
Cattle. 11 OK" . Hheep.
Omnha 1,30) G O'O 70i )
Chlcaio 1.010 2l.00 > ) 0,000
Kansas City 2f.O ) ( i.5i 0 1,000
St. lxuU 2.5C < ) l.COO ( fl'1 '
Totals 10 3H 33,5,0 8000
Conillllnii of TriKlc ami ( li
mi Slniilt- mill l''jiiic > - I'fiiilniM- .
IiacjH-Htrlctly fresh. 17e.
IJUTTKIl f'ominrn to fnlr , JOfflle ; cholco to
fnncy , llifl'r ; neimrator cienmcry , 23c ; Ratherc.l
creamery , ? V ,
VKAI < Cholro fnt , 80 to 120 Ihs , , quoted nt Sc ;
Inn ? and course , 4tfte ,
I.IVK POtll.TUY-Heiia , 4fUie ; cocks , 3fflo ;
eprlnit chickens , per Ib. . 4V.lfjc ( ; ducks , CW7u ;
turkeys , 5e.
IIIirtSii ! : ) POUI TUChlckena , 5 Co ; tur-
keyn , Sffllc ; Keoae , So ; ducks , 7c.
I'ICIKUNf Live. 75e ; dfail plKeonH not wnntel.
HAY t'plnml , IO.CO ; ndilland , J5.M ; lowland.
tiS.OO ; rye Htmiv. II ; color makes the price on
liny ; llRht bale.i sell thu best ; only top Knidcn
brlnK top prU'es ,
CRI.KltV Ooivl Block , Ina-e , 40c ; small , 230
ONIONK-lVr hu. . GSffCOc.
1IIJANS Hand-plekcil navy , per Int. . Jt.40.
HWIKT i-OTATOis-i'er : i > i > i. . 12.73.
c'AIHIAai : Home Brown , per Hi. , IJiCl'.io.
rf PA'IMS | Home gruwn , 40Bi5c ! ; western
stuck , VXtloc.
Ql'lNPlM-r'nllfornhi , per box , 1.23
AI'I'I.IJH Winter stock. I2.75ff3.00 ! California
TlellelUiwer , Iwxes. | I.&OUI.G ) | Colorado Jona-
thaim. boxeH. J1.75.
ritANIIKIIHlKH-Jfrrovs , per bll. , J7.0J ; Wli
conrilii ll.'ll A lIURlc. J7.M.
Oo-xl winter NVlls. J3.00.
nit.M'KS fVtia\vbi , G-lh. baskets ,
Miiln m , JS.WtfO.W.
OUANniW-MexIcun. IHT lox. J4.W ;
lana. t4.0) ) .
WJMONri-MeMlnas , 300. W.P003.W : SO ) . JI.000
JI.W ; California. 3ft ) , I3.OKJ3.75 ; SCO , J3,7MTI.3.
IIANANAS-fhoIre , larKo sloclt ; per bunch ,
inetllum-iitcetl bunches , } l,75ff2.W ,
NUTS Almonds. i > er II ) . , lurue size , 14fll5c ;
llmills , prr II ) . . lOo ; KiiRlUh walnuts , per Ib. ,
fancy , soft shell , 13o ; Ktundnrds , 10j/llo ; tllb rn ,
per Ib. . 10o ; | x > c n , lullihis ] , Inrse , SiilOi- ;
jumliD , 12o ; larse hlckao' nuts , tl.Jj per Im. ;
mimll , II W per bu. ; coconnuts , per 100 , t3.75V
4.O. peanuK , raw , M6'ic ' ; ruiiited , CSiC'li' .
K1OS Imiwrli'd fnney , S crown. 14-lb , Iwxes ,
12Hc : S crmvii. 4Mb , luxes , 15o ; 2-1L. boxes , 25o
per tux.
IIONKV Cholco white. Uo.
KHAUT-Per lib ! . , | I.Offl.2S ; half bbl. , IJ.SOO
'MAPI.R SYRUPrivoml. . cans. each. 52.11 ;
pul. scans , pure , \vr \ doz , , JI5.W ; half-gal , cam.
14.33 ; quart ran . J3.M.
HATKS-IVr W to TW-Ib. boies , SHe ; TarU 9-lb.
boxes , 9o ,
er half bbl. . : l > bl . . 5.W.
IIKKP OooJ nitlve uterrs , "c ; Rood
forequorttrn , ( twrs , Cc ; KOCH | | dndquartcr > , 9o ;
c tfrn ttccro. SCiSiiO ; fancy heifers , C o ; Kood
helfets. 60 , trwl fore pj rter , helfern , 644c ; ioo.l
hindquarters , helfvrs , ( hot tooj cows , > Uc ; fair
C °
llI-Vi' ' Ct'Trt ' Tcnderloln . I8c ; boneless strlpH ,
to , strip loin * . 7o. rulli. S'o tlrloln butts. Hi ? ;
shoulder clods , 5H ° i rump butts , 6c ; steer
nhouldtr cloi3 , ttjfl ? rump bult § ,
chucks , KHCj cow chucks , 4ViOj bonelra * chucks
mei cow plates , Sot steer pint's , SHc ; flank
dtenk , CHc , loins , No. t , Ifei loin * , No. 2 , 10HC ;
nilol . No. 3. So ; sirloin ends , No. 1 , Oc ; rlb ,
olN . I , He ; No , 2 , S"o ; ribs. No. . 6P ( Hecr
rounds , 7Ho cow rounds , 6Ho ; cow rounds shank
oft SHc ; trimmings , 4c ; beef shanks , So ;
drains , per doz. , ZSc ; sweetbreads , per Ib. , 100 !
sweetbreads ( calves ) , per Ib. , o : kidneys , per
ilot. , JJo ; ox tnlls , each , 4a ; liters , per Ib. , 3e ;
hearts , per Ib. , Jc ; tongues , per Ib. , IZVic.
MUTTON I mbs , 7o ; sheep , 6Mo ; market
rucks ( Ions ) , 8c ; hotel racks ( short ) , lie ; lees
and ruddles , 9c ; Iamb Itgs , &o ! breasts nnd
utewc. 3c ; tonsuef , each , 3c.
POIlK Dre-ned pigs , & 4c ; dresjeil nogs , to ;
tenderloins. ISo ; loins , 7c ; spare ribs , Co ; ham
pauimR" butts , C'ici shoulders , roiiRli , Gc ; shoul
ders , sklnni-J , 6'.4 ; trimming * , BHc ; leaf lanl ,
not rendered , &Hc ; heads , cleaned , 4c ; snout nnd
enrs. 4cj backbones. U4c ; cheek meats , 4Ho ;
neck liones , 2o ; plRs' tails , 4o ; plucks , each. Go ;
chlltcrlliw , EC ; hocks , 4c ; heartB , per doz. ,
2Sc ; stomachs , each , 3o ; tonsucs , each. 7c ; kid
neys , per doz. , lOc ; brains , per Ooz. , 13c ; pigs'
feet , per doz. , 2Sc : livers , each , Sc.
lHDis-No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 crcen
hides. Cc ; No. 1 salted hides , 8c ; No. 2 sreen
salted hides , 7 io ; No. 1 veal calf , B to 12 Ibs. ,
lOo ; No. 2 veal calf , 13 to 15 Ibs. , 8c.
HIIKKP I'UI/TS Oreen failed , each , l .uc ;
Bieen sailed ohenrllrtKS ( short wooled enily
skins , each , ICe ; dry nhcarlliiRS ( short wooled
early skins ) , No. 1 , each , Gc ; dry flint , Kansas
nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. . actual
weight , 4fi6c ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight , 35 ?
4cj dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per
Ib. , actual weight. 4J5c ? ; dry Hint Colorado
murrain , wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 381
IIOUSK HinUS-nach , tl.GOff2.25.
TAI.IXMV. OHKAHK. KTC. Tallow. No. 1 ,
2Jc ; In I low , No. 2 , 2Uc ; lough tallow , l',4e ;
white grease , JViSWic ; yellow nnd brown grease ,
S Hear ( black or brown ) , J5.00320.00 ;
otter , II.&OITS.CO ; mink , tl3.COflCO.OO ; bcn\cr , JI.W
lifi.tifl ; skunk , lie. 25c , f.Oc ; iniifkrnt , Sc , Gc , 7c ;
raccoon , 15 50c ; red fox , 23C5H1.23 ; grey fox ,
Kfi'uOc ; wolf ( tlmlier ) , 25cl2.GO ; wolf ( prairie
cojote ) , 10050c ; wildcat , 10f25e ;
liver fox- fJO.008'75.00 ,
UVKIIPOOU Nov. 25. COTTON Spot , peed
business < lei > oi prices unchanged ; American mid-
cIlltiK. fnlr , 3 15-32.1 . ; ( rood inlcldllnK. 3 11-EM ;
American middling , 3'd ; law middling , 3Kdj
Rood ordinary , 3d ; ordinary , 213-lftl. The gales
of the day \vcnl , 12,00) bales , of which l.WO bales
were for rpeculatlon nnd export nnd Included1
11,300 bales of American. Hecclpts , C,3'W ' tin ! ? . * ,
all American. Futures opened and closed quiet ;
American , middling , I * M. C. , November , 3 12-Cld
Kellcm ; No > ember nnd Uecembcr , 39-Gtd sellers ;
December nnd January , 3 0-Wd seller : ) ; January
nnd Kolmmry , 3 S-C1JJ3 9-C1d buyers ; February
and March. 3 9Hd < buyers ; March nnd April ,
3 9-CIR3 10-4d ( ! buyers ; April nnd May 3 11-Gld
sellers ; May and June , 3 12-Cld buyers ; June nnd
July , 3 13-C4d buyers ! July nnd AUKUHt , 3 14-6IW
3 IE-Mil sellers ; August and September , 315-G4d
Statement of Hunk < if
LONDON. Nov. 25. The weekly Ftntcmont of
the Hank of KtiKlnnd Dhows the following changes
ns compared with the previous account : Totnl
reserve. Increase , 812,000 ; circulation , decrease ,
331,000 ; bullion. Increase , 478 , 4 ; other securi
ties. Increase , 31,000 ; other deposits , decrease ,
JC1S3.000 ; public deposits , Increase , 130.100 ; notes
reserve , Increase , 72S,000 ; Kovcrnment securi
ties , decrcape , 475.000. The proportion of the
Hank of Kngland's reserve to liability , which
last week was 48.29 per cent , is now 49.70 per
cent. The Hank of KnRlnnd'a rnto of discount
remains unchuiiKed ut 3 per cent.
! < < > ml on Stitelc < luoliitloii .
LONDON. Nov. 23. 4 p. m. closing :
Consols.m'.v llliy Mo.xicnn ordinary. . 17
Consols. aco't..lii'i : SM'aul common. . . ! > m
Can. I'aclftc H2H N Y. Contr.-il 10SM
Erlo MM I'eniiHylranla BnU
ErlelHtDM Hi'-ullnir 10H
111. Mox. Con. now 44. . H7k
11AU SIUVKn Steady at 27'ld.
MONKY 2(4 ( per cent.
The tale of discount In the open market for
short bills , Z per cent ; for three months' bills ,
3 per cent.
Slnd'iin'iit of Ilimli of Fritncc.
PAH1S , Nov. 23. The weekly statement of the
Jlank of France shows the lonowlns chanRiB aa
compared with the previous account : Note In
circulation , decrease , 23.WO.OOO francs ; treasury
accounts current , Increase , 21,825,000 francs ; gold
In hand , Increase , 2,400,000 franca ; bills dis
counted , decrease , 18,000,000 francs ; silver , In
crease , 1,150,000 francR.
American SevurHlcN In London.
LONDON , Nov. 23. The market for American
securities varied but little all day , business was
restricted on account of the absence of Ameri
can quotations , owing to the holiday there. The
tone was quiet and the demand generally light.
Forolmt Financial.
linHLlN , Nov. 23. Exchange on Ixmdon , 20m
M'.ipfg for checks.
IX3NDON. Nov. 23. Old Is quoted at lluenoB
Ayres at 170.80 ; nt Lisbon , 47V4 ; at Kome. 104.B7 ,
I'AUIS ; Nov. So. 4 p. m. Three per cent rentes ,
103f ( Sic for the necotint. Kxcliange on London ,
S3f WAc for checks.
Ail Kiilsoile in ( he Life of a Soldier
on Sentry Duty.
Two Americans who were crossing the At
lantic met In the cabin on Sunday night to
sing hymns , relates the Presbyterian. As
they sang the last hymn , "Jesus , Lover ot
My Soul , " one of them heard nn exceedingly
rich and beautiful voice ibchlnd him. He
looked around , and , although he did not
' know the face , he thought that he knew
the voice. So when the music ceased he
turned and asked the man If he had been In
the civil war. The man replied that ho had
been -a confederate soldier.
"Wero you at such a place on such a
night ? " asked the first.
"Yes , " ho replied , "and a curious thing
happened that night which this hymn ha.-i
recalled to my mind. I was posted on sen
try duty near the edge pt a wood. It was
a dark night and very cold , and I was a
little frightened because the enemy wcro
supposed tobo very near. About midnight ,
when everything was very still , and I wfii
feeling homesick and miserable and weary ,
I thought that I would comfort myself 'by
praying nnd singing a hymn. I remomboi
singing this hymn :
"All my trust on Thee Is stayed
All my help from. Thee I bring ;
Cover my defenseless bead
With the shadow of Thy wing.
"After singing that a strange peace came
down upon me , and through the long night
I felt no moro fear. "
"Now , " said the other , "listen to my story.
I was 3 union soldier and was In the wood
that night with a party of scouts. I HIW
you standing , although I did not sec your
face. Jly men had their rifles focused upon
you , -waiting the word td fire , but when you
sang out :
Cover my defenseless head
With the Hhadow of Thy wing ,
I said , 'Iloys , lower your rifles ; wo will go
homo. ' "
The l < > lit I n I inHill Tin
From the town of Knst Orange , In New
Jersey , comes a story , relates the Wash
ington Post , which sets our Hympnthetlu
heart n-qulverlng with dismay. A young
man , attempting * to iiHSlst. n young lady to
alight from a trolley car , was pierced In
his linger by her hut pin , nnd now he is
lying critically 111 from Idood poisoning.
TJiu Incident , wo repeal , IH one full of mid
Hud this painful penalty of gallantry oc
curred In the days of knight-errantry It
would have occunloned no remark what
ever , When Guinevere smiled upon
Lancelot , that bruvu and pugnacious gen
tleman simply fastened hit ) tln-pluto clothes
arouni ) him nnd went forth to battle. For
him oven death had no terrors , and a few
slashes in tlu > abdomen or a punctured
head weio incidents of u welcome fray.
Leander braved thi > Hellespont for Hero ;
and perished In the slpJit of her uplifted j I
beacon. It was the fashion , long since , to ! ,
llml courage In the elanco of a bright c > yo '
and struiigth In a woman's smile. I
Hut times , alas ! havu changed No moro I
wo bucklu on our armor to battle for our I
fair one , because , forsooth , tlio vigilant
policeman Is devoid of romance and Ilia
judge of the police court listens not with
sympathetic car to our plaintive tale , We
urn tar more apt to win feminine favor by
Indulging In the beauteous , though costly ,
rose or In sending , postpaid , a dainty box
of candy. No up-to-datu girl would over
ask her best fellow to risk the Immola
tion of his manly bauty on the altar of
personal combat , and Hho would rather hu I
disposed to luugh If lie appeared before her
armed with a buckler and dangling a
sv.'ord at his side.
In this nnronmiitlr age , therefore , we wel
come the hat pin as a new test of devo
tion , If we must bleed nnd die for the
slrl of our choice , let It be through the
meeU and lowly , but thoroughly practical ,
Instrument which fastens her hat to her
glorious tresses. It la In keeping with the
timea , We do not believe for u moment
that uhu will abandon this neccsmiry ar-
tlclo of her nttlru. and wo are quite cer
tain that not even hat pins shall deter us
from offering our manly aid whenever she
U In need. The conditions which threaten
dangerous results will , therefore , continue
to exist , and even our bravo nnd willing
sous shudder at the dangerous possibili
ties. However , the ratio of fatalities may
be decreased If the girls will only glvo
their plus an anti-septic bath , but even
without that elfrctlvo process wu assert
our willingness to run the risk of hat pin
poison In order to prove that the days of
Jii/ve not entirely passed uwuy.
How Dr , Evans Assisted Eugenia to
Escape to England ,
Tlic Jniirnry I l KUloil from I'nrln < <
the HeneoiiM V Terrible Voynitc
Jit the Vault I
, "Uurellu. " . i | .
The recent death of Dr. Thomas W. Evan *
a IMrls recalls the cecapo of the Empress
ugenlo from the mob-beleaguered Tullerles
'id her flight from Paris to safety In Eng- , assisted by the American dentist. The
tory Is told In the following extract from
'Shut Up In Paris , " by Nathan Sheppard :
On September 4 , 1S70 , thy day after the
ows ot the disaster at Sedan had reached
'arts , the empress had her last ofllclal In-
crvlow with Count Pallkao , who told her
.hat ho and Ills colleagues and the whole
lasenibly had been driven out by the ino-b ,
and that the extreme loft and the mob had
ono to the Hotel do Vllle to proclaim a rc-
lubllc. * The count declared his
i'llllngness tq sco what could toe done , It a
casonablo number of troops could bo found
trho might bo depended upon to make a
land for her. The empress replied
promptly and firmly that not ono drop of
blood should bo flhed for her or her family.
Jho resolved to depart nt once , If It wcro
till poc-otblc. Dy this tlmo It was about
3:30 : In the afternoon , and the crowd which
liad gathered round the palace already llllcil
the palace grounds. The old Jullerlcs re
sembled a gigantic ship In a heavy sea. The
roar of the human 'billows echoed through
the deserted halls and apartments. Voices
could bo heard on the main staircase and the
clatter of muskets on the stones below. The
flag on the cupola had .been hauled down ,
porha | > s In the hope of Olvertlng the atten
tion of the mob by suggesting that the cm.
press had already got away. Hut It had no
auch effect ; the voices and tramp of loot-
steps came nearer and nearer there was
not a moment to lose. Accompanied by
Mine , le Breton , Prlnco Metternlch , M. Nlgra
and a tow members of her- household , tho'
empress .began her
attempt to escape.
To reach the street through the courtyard ,
which was divided t > y an Iron fence from
the Place du Carrousel , was Impossible , for
the place was full of people. They were
obliged to return and to hurry along the
whole- length of the gallery of the Louvre.
The party had by this time dwindled down
to the empress , iMme. lo Breton and the two
foreign ministers ; tlio others had dispersed
to seek safety In their own way.
The empress and her friends reached the
door opening Into the Place
dA St. Germain
Auxerrols , opposite the church of that name.
Outsldo the gate there Is a short passage ,
with a tall iron Tailing on each side , leading
to the street. iBut that street was full of
people crying : "Do cheance ! " and' ' "Vivo la
Uopubllque ! " The little party paused and
hesitated before they ventured to open the
door ; but there was nothing to be done ex
cept to go forward.
The crowd could 'bo heard behind them ;
to return would have been to fall Into their
hands. The venture must tie made. The
gentlemen opened the door cautiously , looked
out into the street with dismay nnd tlip two
ladles stepped forward. They were noT. stu
diously disguised ; Indeed , they were too
thinly veiled , for ono of the Inevitable gam
ins , catching sight of the ladles , cried out ,
either In Jest or mischief : "Tho empress ! "
Fortunately no ono heeded the cry , and
still more fortunately a close fiacre was
drawn up by the curbstone of the pavement.
The empress and Mine , le Breton entered
It , and , giving a fictitious address to thu
driver , rode away In safety.
It was a most critical moment , and one
shudders to think what would have been
the fate of the two women If they had fallen
Into the hands of that excited mob.
As they drove down the Boulevard Hauss-
mann the empress asked her friend If she
had any money , as she herself had not her
purse. Mme. le Breton brought out hers ,
and found that It contained only throe francs ,
and then the terror seized them that they
would not have enough to pay the driver.
They decided to alight at once , to avoid
all dan cr Of a dispute , and they pursued j
tl/elr way on foot to the house of Dr. Thomas "
W. KvRns. the celebrated American dentist.
They had to wait Hke all other visitors till
ho could see them. Some time elapsed before -
fore they were called and then , being ush
ered Into the presence-df the doctor. Mine ,
lo Breton clraed the door and turned the
key and , warning the 'doctor ' to make no
exclamation that might be heard , she Intro
duced the empress and tel * him they bid
come 'to seek protection ; under his roof until
they could leave Paris.
D.\ Evans was moro astonished than
might have boon expected , for , engrossed In
his patients , he was Ignorant ot the sudden
and complete change of affairs. At first he
could not believe that there were any
grounds of alarm for the personal safety of
her majesty. He asked -the ladles to re
main and , putting on his hat , he went into
the streets for a short time. On his return
ho was quite convinced that the empress
had not left the jalace a moment too soon.
Ho behaved like a most loyal and gullant
gentleman , counting the risk to Iilir. elf as
nothing. lie dei'lrcd them to remain his
guests until such time as he could compass
means to get them out of Paris. Fortunately
two ladles ( strangers to Ills servants ) 'wen >
expected to arrive In the course of a few
days. The empreca and Mme. ID Breton
wcro to pcrsomto 'these ladles arrived un
expectedly. Mrs. Evans was In the coun'.ry
anJ the empress , as an Invalid , kept her
iAs soon as It was practicable , the doctor
went out In his carriage , ostensibly to pav
professional visits , as usual ; In reality to
prepare the way for p'salng ' tiic barriers.
Ho drove to the Pont do NeulllyJiero
ho was stopped and questioned. He de
clared he was going to see a patient and
ought nslthcr to bo stopped nor questioned.
Ho announced his immo and profession. Ono
of the guards reccsii'lzcd1 him and said ho
ought to bo allowed to pi > ; without ques
tion or passport. The doctor begged them
to look at him well thiit they might recog-
nlzo him , as ho would probably have occa
sion to pass and repass tJio barrier fre
quently. Ho drove on , end returned after
awhile , without hindrance.
The empress and Mine. Jo Breton remained
at the doctt r'a house. The doctor put hln
wife's wardrobe at their disposal , 'is the )
had escaped without uny provision of neces
When Dr. Evans considered that the barrier -
rior might bo pasted by him with tolerable
safety , ho Informed his guests of his plan.
The empress was to bo a highly nervou
patient , whom he wus taking to a malsoc
do ( saute. Mme. lo Hretcn was the friend
who had charge of her. On reaching the
barrier the carriage was stopped to account
for the doctor's companions. Ho pointed
to the empress and made a sign that she
was a poison of unsound mind who must n.n .
bo excited or alarmed. The guards , who
recognized Dr. Evans , courteously drew back
and made amlcablo signs of wishing him a.
safe journey. i
The first danger was passed , the carriage
proceeded to St. Qermpiln and Maunt. Thorn
the doctor drove to a hotel , and having told
the proprietor that ono of the ladles In the
carriage was a patient whom ho was taking
to a maUon , do saute , requested him to flnti
n room that could not ho overlooked \ iind
which furnished
was with shutters to thu
windows and locks to the doors a request
which was very willingly , obeyed and hero
the empress and her companion gladly took
retugo , while the doctor and the friend who
accompanied him went out to make ar.ango
incuts for continuing Ithe journey. Ho sent
his own carriages and horses back to Paris.
After their departure ho engaged another
carriage and pair , with u careful driver , tci
be ready to start In an hour for a certain ,
chateau , belonging , as the doctor eald , to u
relative of the mulcted lady.
While the fresh carriage was being pre
pared ho returned to his charges and made
them take sonio refreshment. The empress
was told of the destination of the carriage
and she was desired to show a great objection
and to become so angry and restive that the
route would have to be changed for another ,
which the doctor would glvo at the proper
1 * + ft t11 * " * f * S"l I If P & Jirtlftvfllf1 ! * T1 ! I Fl IP1 ft I" *
ininger &
Metealf Go.
Agriculli'ral Implements.
Bugglei and Carrtng . Cor. Cth and Paclfl.1 Bti ,
, Orendorff
Parlin & Martin Co
Jobbers of Farm Machinery.
WaironR and Biigeles - Cor. tth and Jones.
Picture Moldings.
Mirrors , Frnmcs , BaclUng and ArtlBto *
ees Printing Oo.
a AND BUOK ju.
Eleventh and Howard Sts.
merican Hand
M'frs | Jobbers of Foot Wear
The Joseph Bnuigaii Kubbor Co.
i. Sprague
Rubbers and Mackintoshes.
Oiiinlui , Neb
Bools , Shoes "and Rubbers
Salesroom ) 1102-110M10G Harney street.
Owner of Chief Brand Mackintoshes
Boots , Shoes , Rubbers ,
Omce nnd Salesroom 1119-2J-23 Howard St.
Wholesale Shoe Manufacturers
Western Agents Go6dyear Glove Rubbers.
UK Hnrney Street.
mg so
Importers and Manufacturer
614-16-18 South nth Street
n ,
Mclnnncs , Sorghum , etc. . Preserves and Jellies.
Also tin cans and Japanned warn ,
Growers nnd manufacturers of all forms of
Chicory Oniaha-Fremont-CVNcU.
tlmo. After they had left the hotel and pro-1
ceeded some distance on their road tlio em-
prcea began a lively quarrel with the doctor ,
and the altercation between the "Insane
woman" acd her friends became so violent
that the doctor dcalreil the carriage to stop ,
and tried to persuade 'tho , woman to alight
and walk u ll'tlo. which she refused to do
and objected vehemently to going In the di
rection of the chateau , whither uho Boomed
to know they were taking her. The driver
remonstrated and said hla horses would take
fright If auch a clamor wcra continued. Upon
which the doctor , apparently driven to de
spair , ordered the ho-sw to bo turned and
driven to the town on the next stage , where
the carriage was sent back.
The same precautions wcro used at the
hotel as before. Another carriage and driver
were procured and the party proceeded on'
their journey toward their real destination
which was Ucauvllle , where Mra. Hvans was
then otaytng for the benefit ot the sea nlr.
At each stage a fresh" driver and carriage
wcro hl'cd and the other eent back. The
party had ono or two very narrow eacapes ,
hut the empress was niore fortunate than
Marie Antoinette and tlio royal family In
their attempts to racapo , She was never
recognized and at the end of two days , fa
tigued and harassed , arrived at Deauvlllo and
drove to the apartments of Mrs. Evans. Hero
tlio women remained and found such repose
as they were capable , of taking , while the
doctor , accompanied by his friend , went to
eco what means existed to enable them to
leave the port and cross tbo channel.
There were two yachts at anchor In ths
harbor. They first went' on board the larger
of the two , but the owner was absent. They
then went to the Gazelle. It belonged to
Sir John Durgoyne , Dart. On telling him
their story and begging' him to glvo a passage -
age to the empress and her friend , ho at
first absolutely refused to 4 > a mixed up In
the matter , having pcsalbly some fwr that
It might somehow become a source of no-
I ! , Bliss ,
Itni'orttr ' and < Tolorr
Crockery. China , Glassware ,
Sllvar Plated Ware , Looking Olasses , Chan
deliers , Lamps , Chimneys , Cutlery , Kte.
. ' . - . .
1-110 I.'AU.-VA.AI ST.
The Sharpies Company
Creamery Machinery
nnd Supplies. ,
Boiler ? , Enclncs , Kccd Cookers , Wnoil Pul
leys , Shafting , Uoltlnn , nutter Pack
ages of nil Kinds.
807-909 Jones St. - - - - -
Ofnco 1605 Farnam Street.
C. N. Dletz , President. Gould Dletz , Sec. & Trcs.
Importers on J Jobbers of
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods
902-906 Jackson Si.
CX P. WELLEU , V. Prcat.
' ' Standanl 1'harmiconttcal
31'f'n Prepara
tions. Special l-'prmtitae Vrtparrd to
Ortlfr. ticnilfur Cutiiloi/tir.
ULoratorr , lilt Howard St , Omaha ,
E. Bruce & Co.
Druggists and Stationers ,
"Queen I5ee" Specialties ,
Cigars , Wlnm nnd lirandlcs.
Corner 10th and Hurney Street ! .
Electrical Supplies.
ElectricMIniwr Hells and Gas
O. W. JOHNSTON , Mgr. 1510 Howard St.
1804 Farnam St ,
' 9
Commission Merchants.
S. W , Corner irth and Howard Sta.
Memberu of the National League of Commla
slon Merchants of the United States.
Fruit and Vegetables
SPECIALTIES Strawberries , Apples , Orances ,
Lemons , Cranberries , Potatoes. 1017 Howard BL
Furniture 0 ®
Furniture Draperies
1115-1117 Farnam Street.
tlonal complication , but the perilous nltua-
tlon of the fugitives was urged , and It was
lurlstotl that all risks should > bu run to per
form an act of common humanity. Sir John
at length consented , only Htlpulntlng that the
omprofn and her frlciuU should not come
on 'board until the last possible moment ba-
fore thi > vcrsel was ready to sail , In order
to avoid the daiiKer of the yacht being do-
, tallied If attention wcro attracted to her
| It was o prudent arrangement , for vague
suspicions wcro afloat In the town , and the
Gazelle received visitors wh6 were not "wel
come guests , " but as no one was on hoard
save the rightful owner and hla crew , the
bellied searchers went their way. The em
press nnd ' .Mine , lo lirotou , accompanied by
Dr. Evans , got nafely on board , and the Ga-
' . zcllo Bet sail.
The perils by land were over , hut the
perils by sea hat ] yet to ho encountered. A
fearful tempest nroue , the most terrible and
destructive that had for a long tlmo been
known In the channel. It wan In that eamo
storm that the line now &hlp , The Captain ,
went down , with her commander and all
her men , a cataatropho which moved the
heart of England moro than the loss of a
The llttlo Gazelle behaved gallantly , but
the peril was fearful. The Indies were
loaned In their bertha and there remained
during the whole passage. At midnight all
hope of saving cither the vessel or the crew
was given up. Seldom have those In porll
of "tho great deep" had a moro wonderful
or unhoped for deliverance. Tuo Oazello
rode out the storm and reached the harbor
of Hyde about 3 o'clock on Thursday after
noon , tbo Sth of September.
That aftenwn ' the party went to nrlgliton
and there' Pr. Evans learned that the prlncu
Imperial as at Hastings and thither the
oir.preE4 Insisted on going that eamo evening ,
Kor many days the mother nd son had been
ignorant of what hail become of each other ,
G tea ! Western
Type Foundry
Eurerlor Copper Mixed Type Is tht but on
lh * mr.rket.
1114 Howard Street.
cOord-Brady Go ,
13th and Lciivunworth St
Staple and Fancy Groceries
re A AND corrtt ROISURS , etc.
Meyer &
I Teas , Spices , Tobncco and Clean.
I H03-H07 Hnrney SereoU
Gailagloer Co
IMlM > HTiilS.
Telephone 2SJ.
tliH , IS7 COl.EAItS
Jobbers of Leather , SaittUcru llanltrare , Kte *
Wo solicit yonr orders 1315 Howard Et ,
Wholesale Hardware ,
Wholesale Hardware.
Bicycles and Sporting Goodsi. 1210-21-23 Hnr-
nuy street.
PMse & Co
SH-210 South 14th St.
East India Bitters
Golden Sheaf Pure Rye and Bourbon Whiskey.
Willow Springs Dlutlllery. Ilsr & Co. , 1112
Harney Street-
Liquor Merchants ,
1001 Kurnntii Street-
Liquors and Cigars *
1118 ITarnam Slroot.
Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
413-41K S. 15th Street.
J. L. BOYD & CO. ,
Grain Provisions and Slock
1416-1418 Farnam St.
Orders taken for 100 bushels and upwards.
Not ono human heart In the whole world but.
inubt sympathize In that meeting of the
mother and child , after events In which all
1 their grandeur acid pomp and the very cai-
I i plro of Franco Itself hail been broken to
i pieces and had vanished away.
I As soon as possible Dr. Evans endeavored
to find a suitable residence lor the emprtsi
and her son. Finally Camden House , ut
Chislehurst , was agreed upon. The owner , nn
horning for whom It was desired , offered
vwy generous terms and at Camden HOUBO
the empress and the prince imperial found n
haven of rest and the luzatdjus task which
Dr. Evans had undertaken was successfully
ST. JOHN'S , N. F. , Nov.2r . Ilcpartu from
along the coast bring details of tlio cerlous
damngo done by Suix'.ny ' u n'onn. The
schooner Violet Is a total v.reck off Fcrmeusc ,
fifty mllcn south of St. John. Its crew was
rescued with great dlfllculty , and Its cargo
of ! lsh oil Is entliely lost.
The schooner Queen , ot the fleet hailing
from Liunenburg , N. S. , wai : lost off Ilrlgus.
It was driven rshoro it ml pounded to pieces.
At the lulo Valeu the Searchlight and Mer
maid went OHhore , Doth were laden with
provisions , which were destroyed by the
water ,
You can't euro consumption but you can
avoid It and cure every other form of throat
or lung trouble by the use of Ono Mluuto
Cough Cure.
hlsago Lismbsr Oo.
DUMBER . . .
814 South 14th St.
j. Dieiz ,
Olcs ( ana TnnTs..IJlh unit California St * .
r@0. & .
Wholesale Lumber
Lifftr , Etc.
Oth tiiul Dmtglns Sta.
1015 llovnrJ Bt.
Air Floated M.ncral Paint
And Pnlntd nf All Klml < . Putty , Eta.
1015 nnil 1017 Jones St
; . A. Jloffct. 1st Vice Pres. L. J. Drake , CJcn Mgr
. . . .OJLS. . . .
Onsoilne , Turpentine. Axle Orcnse. Klc.
Omnlm lirnnch nnd ARencIco , John H. Hulli Mgr.
Printing Paper ,
Wrapping Paper , Stationery
Corner IJtti and Howard itreeti.
Wrapping Paper , Stationery ,
1107 Harnev Street
Publishers , Manufacturers nnd Jobbcra
The InrRCst Supply House In the West.
Corner llth anil Unrncy Streets.
.V.amifnctilrcr.H of
Sash , Doors , Blinds , Etc ,
12th and I/.ard Sts.
101.1-lOlf Douul.-i't .Struct.
Manufacturera and jobbers of Sleani , Oa an
Water Supplies of All Kinds ,
If *
B a
iroS-iiro J-Jarnev St.
Steam Pumps , ISnglnea nnd Hollers , Pipe ,
Wind Mills , Slnain nnd Pltimblng
JMuturlul , BeltingJlotu , Ktc.
Hardy & Co41
- - = . - _ 41
, Dolls , Albums and
Houia Kurnlrhlnga , Children's Carrlagti , EtoJ
1319 Karnum SlrtcU
Slniiufnclurcni' celcbrnted "On Tlmo
unil ( jcrmun linking I'owdcr , Satisfaction
iiuaruntecd , ,
< /joi to 4321 North
Twenty-eight Street.
C. C. CHIUBTJK. 1 ! . J. 8T11KBT.
1'reslilent , Vlw-l'ri'UcJcnt.
Ctifislie-Street Commission Co
Clip 11 n I # 30,0110,00 , Kill I ) I'lllll.
Tclrjilmnr HID. . . .
. . . .Ollillllll , .Vi'li ,
J&ftiES E. BOYD & GO. ,
Telephone 1 ( ) ; ) ( ) . Oimilm ,
IIOAH ! ) ( IP TliVDH.
nirft wlreH to Uhlcauo ami New York.
Corrcspondi-nU : John A , Vurrcn & Co.
ou > roi.o.vv , emu uo.
Meinlx-rH Chicago Hoard of Tru3 : ! since 1ECZ.
Grain , . 'revisions ' anJ S , Y. StocHs
Orders CiiHh nnd Future Delivery Hollcit - < \ ,
Ollillllll ( IllliiHIIOIII I , \ , V , Life Illiltf.
, . , , ' 1'lMIIK. 1)111 , . . .
KI.OVI ) J. O.UIl'llUI3Iiiuuirur ,