Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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I I :
Defense of the Article Put Up in Eouth
Dakota ,
, * "ronlilt Coined In ! > } ' Mimr 1'nrtlcn
iKtiortiiK tlic Liiw tun I Prmitlc-
liiK I'rMiid ami Di-eeiilloit ,
on tlic Cuurtn.
6IOUX FALLS , 3. D. , Nov. 23. ( Special. )
in reply to the assertions of Now York
jupcis that IMkotii divorces are Invalid In
eovcral of the states tlio various judges of
the circuit courts of the state liavo explained
why ttils IB true In certain cases. The valid
ity of a Dakota dlvorc * ; llko that of a dl-
, vorco obtained In any other state , depends
Mpon the honesty of the pirty seeking relief.
It fraud Is used ; It witnesses pcrjuro them-
eclves ; If falco testimony is given and forged
jiapcra presented , of course any state would
nullify such a divorce , nut there Is no
> place In the union whcro the courts could
act quicker In undoing such a wrong an ]
punishing the turtles thereto than right hero
In South Dakota.
The validity of divorces obtained In South
( Dakota has never been 'questioned where
rtho plaintiff has acted In good faith. All the
elates of the union recognize the \altdlty of
South Dakota decrees ivliero the defendant
lias been served with process and whcro an
appearance has been made. A divorce ob
tained by default Is contcstablo at any time
oven In this atatc , .where . It Is shown that
the ulletratlons were untrue or tliat the
plaintiff know of the whereabouts of the de
fendant. Juigo ] Smith of the first circuit re
cently set atlilo a dlvorco which was ob-
talne.l by forged acknowledgment of process
anil Issued a warrant for the arrest of
the party , but he has gone to Canada. Judge
Smith seiya there Is no uiuse for alarm over
divorces procured In good faith here. If
it ho parties to a dlvorco practice deception ,
c.hlch Is very rare , and Hie validity of the
tlecrco waa contested In another state , It
would undoubtedly be set aside. Judge Jones
of the sccoml circuit confirms the state
ment of Judge Smith ; as also docs Judge
Amliows of the null circuit and Judge Cuffy
of the sixth. Now York courts have repeat
edly afllrmod the vulldlty of South Dakota
decrees properly obtained. It was upon the
odrlco of learned New York lawyers that
Mia. Yzanga , Mrs. Mlnton Mrs. Blalne , Mrs.
Do Stours and a hundred others cauio to
South Dakota for relief ; and none of these
decrees have ever been contested , because
process was served and appearance made In
ovcry case. i
The common nrror made by people seeking
o. dlvorco hero Is that It may bo obtained
with little or no effort end without the
formality of notifying the recreant spoiibe ,
and It Is no exaggeration to say that 25 per
cent of those who come hero attempt to 1m-
uoso uoon their attorneys In presenting their
canes , which only odds to their complica
tions. In the absence of service of process
the law provides a line of procedure In default -
fault , but very few attorneys llko to take
mirli a case , anil the Judges take plenty of
tlrao for developments before granting a de
cree. When this I1 ? done , however , they not
onlv stand ready , but are anxious to sot
nsldo a decree of this kind upon a showing
or fr'aud or'tola ? , testimony. . In no case < lees
lionosty pay BB well as In obtaining a South
l > .ikt > la divorce.
There Is now ( leading before the court of
tnucals In Now York a case which Involves
thn legality of a North Dakota divorce. The
< MBi > . nnlmnortant In Itself , ia extremely Im
portant as Involving the legality of a dlvorco
seemed In ono state , before the courts of
another , and as Involving the legitimacy of
children , thn lights of property , the good
name at pectilo who have been divorced In
western states end remarried In Now York
and other kindred , matters.
In this caae a vlfo left New York and
went to North Dakota , where , after a resi
dence of three months , she secured a. dlvorco
Notice was ocrved on the defendant by pub
lication. It dona not appear even that ho had
actual notice that the application had been
made and bo was represented neither por-
Bocially nor by attorney at the hearing. After
the divorce was granted the plaintiff re
turned to New York and remarried , separat
ing from her second husband In six months.
After his death shu claimed the widow's
nharo of the estate. The Urooklyn surrogate ,
Ixiforo whom the will was probated , rule !
trat Bho was not the lawful widow of the
ilccM/sed. / This ruling was affirmed by the
pppellate division of the supreme court and
IE now pending before the court of appeal j.
The decision In the supremcn court was
'brsed ' on the ground that while the dlvorco
might bo legal and binding In North Dakota
nnd while a romarrlago there might bo roc-
ngnlzi'd by the courts of other states , the
divorce was not binding In Now York , nnd
her marriage was thorefo-o null and told.
The decision of the court of appeals will
bo awaited with much Interest OB securing
the judgment of a high tribunal on a ques
tion which affects many hundreds of people
and probably many millions of dollars. The
old theory was that n dlvorco secured In ono
Eta to was good In every other stnto just as
n marriage1 Is generally recognized to bo.
Tnu divorce colonies of the west , however.
Involving as they do so much deception , bad
faith , and often so much Injustice , have se
riously tempted the courts to abandon this
old ruling.
Stork llriiiiiln.
S. D. , 'Nov. 23. ( Special. ) Stock
brands are coming Into the registry depart
ment of the secretary of state's office at the
rate of from twenty to thirty a day , and as
the ranchmen have now passed their busy
season they will continue to coma rapidly
1or tha next month. Estimates of these who
should La In a position to know are that
there arc In the neighborhood of 5uOO different -
ont brands In use In the state , and that a
) ) not lie Alnrincil , Hut IooU For tlio
! Hoirt troubles , at least among Amcrlcnnfl ,
nro certainly IncreaslnR and while this may
t 4m latioly ; duo to the excitement and worry
. of American business life , It la more often
thn ii'Hiilt of weak utomaclis , of poor dlgcs-
, tloil.
Rral , organic heart dleoaso Is Incurable * ,
but not one cseo In a hundred of heart trouble
Is organic.
The close relation between heart trouble
arid poor illgititton Is because both orgaiui
n'o controlled by branches of the sumo great
nerves , the Sympathetic and Pncuinogastrlc.
In another way also the heart Is affected
by that form of poor digestion , which causes
KSH and fermentation from half digested
food : there 1s a feeling of oppression and
liravlnerri In the chest caused by pressure of
the distended etoruach on the heart and
lungs , Interfering with their action ; hence
tt-ltes palpitation and short breath.
1'oor digestion also poisons the blood ,
niakco It thin and watery , which Irritates
and weakens the heart.
Thu most sensible treatment for heart
troubles la to Improve the digestion and to
Insure the prompt assimilation of food.
This can best bo done by tbe regular use
alter meals , of some safe , pleasant and ef >
fqctlvo and digestive preparation , like Stu
art's Dyspepsia Tablets , which may bo found
at most drug stores and which contain valua
ble , harmless digestive clemeute , In & pleas
ant. convenient form.
It Is cafeto say that the regular , persis
tent use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at
meal time will cure any form of stomach
trouble , except cancer of stomach.
Full sized packages of the tablets sold by
druggists at 60 cents.
Little book on stomach troubles mailed
free. Address Stuul Co. , Marshall , Mich.
Inrgo per cent of these will bo filed under
the provisions of the state law. Those who
wish to too certain of their brands had better
get them Into the register's office before Jan-
ury , ns the state board meets on the first
Monday In January and not again until the
middle of the summer.
"AS /TO Ttuusmirrio.v.
Wluit Conrln Slinll Try John Itnnilo
for iMurilrr.
HOT SPRINGS , 8. D. , Nov. 23. ( Special. )
Since Judge C.irlan rendered the decision that
the United States courts simply have Juris
diction over full blooded Indians on the reser
vation It has bcon a standing qucstlcu with
the judges of the circuit courts of the state
what their jurisdiction In the matter Is. U
Is generally understood now that all criminal
canes , the crlmo for which lies been enactcJ
on the reservation by persons except full
bloods , rnudt bo tried by the court of the
nearest organized county. There has been
cccisldcrablo discussion among the legal tal
ent of the Hills nbcthcr the state has juris
diction In Its courts to try the cueo of John
Hondo for kilting Hen Tlbbctts on the Sioux
reservation last July. The question came be
fore Judge Gardner at tbu circuit court In
thla city last week and after duo consldcra-
j I lion the judge decided that the case could
bo tried by the state. Dotb men In the case
are whlto men. The present case before
Fall Ktvor county court Is the first to be
tried under the now decision. In order to
defray the largo expense that the county will I
bo put to , the new law enacted last winter
by the legislature , giving the organized coun
ties power to assess and tax the unorganized
counties , will bo put In force.
OKI-nits ucu'Aitn FOR Miutnnunn.
Governor Wnnta AVIlllnm Mciorr
Returned to Authorities.
I'iniinE. S. D. . Nov. 23. ( Special Tele-
cram. ) Governor Leo has offered a reward
of $300 for the apprehension amj return to
the authorities or Liwrcnco county of Will-
lam Moore , wanted on a charge of murder.
Mcoro Is a mulatto. 31 years old , five feet ten
rnd thrco-guartor Inches in height , weighs
172 pounds , kinky hair , dark brown eyes and
scars over both eyes.
The governor Iwa appointed as delegates to
tSo Stock Growers' convention at Denver ,
January 23 , 26 and 27. A. McKlnny. Lead
City ; C. V. Gardner , Piedmont ; Harris Frank
lin. Deadwood ; Morton Chapmsn , DeadwooJ ;
Charles E. Davis. Deadwood ; John Stabler ,
Hot Springs ; Hanco Murphy. Hlkpotnt ; C. A.
Jewett. Sioux Falls ; O. II. Mann. Okobojo ;
Hugh Smith , Howard ; James Phillip , Phillip.
All beats on tbo river here wore laid up
today , the Ice closing them In last night.
The trial of Frank McNutt , on a chsrso
of borso stealing , was begun hero today with
Judge Smith no the bcticli. Eight Jurora
wcro secured today.
Slock in aooil Shnpe for Winter.
PIEURE , S. D. , Nov. 23. ( Special. ) There
Is no reason why the cattle on the range
should not come through In good shape this
winter. They start In In the best possible
shape. Feed on the range was never In bet
tor condition , nnd the late rains left enough
water In the streams and sloughs to furnish
water until the snows como. The winter Is
at least a month later than last yoar.wlth
all Indications of a continuance- the open
weather for some tlmo yet. The deaths on
the ranees this season have been the lightest
over known. With plenty of chnlce feed and
water the stock Is getting In bettor shape to
stand winter storms every day , and there
Is no reason why they should not como out In
good shape In the spring.
Size of South DnUiita Cltlcn.
DEADWOOD. S. D. , Nov. 23. ( Special. )
It has been generally conceded that Lead
Is the second largest city In the state. From
a comparison of the votes of some of the
largest cities In the state at the last election
Deadwood Is second and Lead third In the
number of votes polled. They are : Sioux
Falls1.4G4 ; Deadwood , 1,002 ; Lead , 099 ;
Yankton. G83 ; Aberdeen , 630 ; Watertown ,
519 ; Mitchell , DOS ; Rapid City , 474 ; Drooklngs ,
373 ; Huron , 355.
Wind IlrliiKa n Cloud of Smoke.
PIERRE , S. D. , Nov. 23. ( Special. ) The
heavy northwest wind which came up Sat
urday brought a cloud of smoke over this
city , which for a time ehut off the view
for more than a few blocks In any direc
tion , but only remained for a short time ,
drifting away to the southeast. As no flrea
have been reported near hero It must have
como from a long- distance , but formed a
heavy cloud whllo It was hero.
No TV- South Dakota * Corporation.
PIERRE , S. D. , Nov. 23. ( Special. ) Arti
cles of Incorporation have been filed for the
Beaver Creek MlnlDR company at Deadwood ,
with a capital of $500,000 ; Incorporators , J.
W. Pope , Eagle Grove. la. ; Andrew Bever-
Idge , Sioux Falls ; 0. P. Stewart and Lines
A. Pops , Preston.
Orilclnl IlctuniN Aliout All In.
PIERRE , S. D. . Nov. 23. ( Special. ) Re
turns on the late election have all been
received except for the countle * of Brulo ,
Buffalo , Campbell , Clay , Hyde end Sanborn.
Tlio board of canvassers will meet early In
December to make the canvass of the vote.
Trim ( ho Armmlc Route ,
YANKTON. S. D. , Nov. 23-Speclal ( Tele
gram. ) Mrs. Perry Slllcs , living here , at
tempted suicide today by shallowing arsenic.
Prompt modlcfll assistance averted death.
Domestic troubles are given as the cause.
Convention Prepares -Memorial to
ANTLERS. I. T. , Nov. 23. About 300
Indians from the live tribes are holding a
convention hero In exposition to the Dawcs
commission agreement. In speeches made
tbo agreement Is denounced and Secretary
BHsa eulogized for the report ho made to the
president In regard to U. Delegates from the
five tribes will bo appointed to meet In an
International convention at Eufala in about
two weeks , when a memorial will bo pre
pared for congress , setting forth their views
In opposition to the Oawea commission's plans
and their wishes as to future legislation for
the five tribes In an International agreement.
A committee will bo appointed to go to
Mexico Immediately to Investigate the plan
of colonizing the Indians there and report to
the convention at Eufala.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 23. A special to the Re
public from Muskogco , I. T. , says : An extra
session of the Creek council convened at
Okmulgeo , I. T , , yesterday , It will consider
the advisability of locating tlio five civilized
tribes of Indians In the Indian territory
with a. view of coming Into the union as a
There Is considerable talk of an attempt
being made at tbo present session of the
council to Impeach Chief laparhocher , and reInstate -
Instate ex-Trcaeurer E. II. Chllders , who was
suspended on account of an alleged shortage
of over $19,000 , but It is almost certain that
neither of thcso attempts will bo success
\vvoiii.\a Mi\vsf.
Amm > n of Ore In Wyoming ,
LAHAMIC , Wyo. , Nov. 23. ( Special. ) The
Depajtmcnt of Mining and Geology of tbo
Wyoming State university , under direction of
Prof. Wllber 0 , Knight , baa Just made a re
port on ten remarkable assays of surface gold
ores from the Grand Encampment mining
district In southern Wyoming. These assays
were of ore from widely different parts of
the district , no two samples being from
any ono prospector or miner. The iibcnom-
onal average of $161.82 resulted from them ,
The best ore ran $1,616.35 t > er ton , tbo low-
cst grade being $18.66. $
The ten assays gave a gold yield per ton
In ounces as follows : No. 1 , 64.64 ounces-
No. 2 , 1.01 : No. 3 , 8.124 : No. 4 , 24.200 : No. 6.
2.61 ; No. C , 73.36 ; No. 7. 0.661 ; No. 8 , 0.692 :
No. 9. S6.6S ; No. 10 , 2.191.
To Develop Copper Dlifoyerlci.
DOUGLAS , Wyo. , Nov. 23. ( Special. ) A
company cf business men of this city lias
been formed for the purpose of developing
the copper discoveries at the Hazen mine
near this place , Tbo corporators are ; 0.
II. King , Deterrent Richards. Dr. Jecurun ,
Joslah Hazon , C. F. Maurcr and others. Suf
ficient funds have been subscribed for driv
ing a 200-foot tunnel on the copper load , and
the surveys for the work are now being made.
U Isbelieved that the mine will bo a shly-
lln concern before spring.
Court .Vote * nt Cheyenne.
CHEYBNNE , Wyo. , Nov. 23. ( Special. )
In the Laramlo county district cwirt this
morning the trial of Fred Hablg , charged
wltht murderous assault , was commenced ,
Itablg shot and seriously wounded Joseph
Wlldo of Fort Larainlc on June IB last.
Stories of the affair were Riven on the wit
ness stand this mornlnR by George Dlllnwn
and Fred Proctor , two Cheyenne young men
who were visiting Fort Laramlo at the time
of the trouble.
In the United States court today Cyrus
Heard was appointed by Judge Hallct to de
fend Joslah Johnson , charged with murder
Johnson's trial will begin December 7.
Denver 'Mint ' lleoelvc * u Vnnt Amount
In Tnn-TIUrilM of n Mouth.
DENVER. Colo. , Nov. 23. ( Special. ) The
rocolDts of cold at the mints In this city
are running far above the average and the
amount received surprises the oillclili. For
the first tlmo In the history of the local Insti
tution the million-dollar mark tas been ex
ceeded In the fractional part of a month ami
this , too , without change In the number of
imolters depositing , whlcl. remains at t\vo.
The total for twenty days reads $1,009,332.93 ,
compared wllh $250,649.25 In twenty-one days
cf November. 1896. The gain equals $752-
6S2.68. or 293 per cent. The deposits from
San Miguel county show some falling oft on
account of the shutting1 down of the Tom
Hey mill. But the Nellie mill. In the same
county. Is rapidly gaining , and the last do-
coslt made by the Nelllb company weighs
778 ounces , valued at JlO.Ctl. The Tom Boy.
nrlor to the escape of the paying ere vein
or the arpcaranco of the barren zone , was
canal to from $80,000 to $90,000 pel- month
The clcslng down of that mill will warrant
a subtraction of $230,000 from the estimated
cold product of San Miguel county for this
vcir. leaving the gross figure close to
El I'lixo AVhile ( Inks Knllrond.
DENVER , Colo. , Nov. 23. ( Spes'ul. ) W.
II. H. Llewellyn , one of the prominent m'ning '
men of Now Mexico , who resides at Lis
Cruces , Is In Denver to purchase some nW
machinery for hie mines , and whllo dlscuss-
matters In general concerning the state ,
"Tho subject which Is absorbing the minds
of the people In my locality at present H the
building of the El Paso & Whlto Oaks rail
road. which Is to run bctwesn those two
points. It Is being built by the Eddy broth
ers , the money being furnished by Philadel
phia capitalists. This line traverses the ce'o
brated Sallao coal fields. It Is going to
open i great timber and mining country.
It has been figured on for the last fifteen
or sixteen years , but Is now an absolute
certainty , as work has been commenced.
There is an Immense section of country , not
opened by a nllrcad , lying between the
Santa Fo and Panhandle of Texas reads ,
which this new line will open. Where th ?
road will ultimately go. no one knovis. It
may go to Liberty , Kan. , and counectxWl't :
the Rock Island , or It may gn to Panhandle
City and connect with the. Southern Kan& s ,
which ia owned by the Santa Fe. "
Iiiuiuir'H Ilnhbit Uny Hunt.
LAMAR , Colo. , Nov. 23. The Rabbit Day
association has decided to hold I.iiuar'a
sixth annual rabbit hunt on December Id and
17. Committees have been appointed to
make all the necessary arrangements for a
successful meet of thd hunters and the pjo-
plo expect to entertain a larger cowd than
over before. Reports fro-n .lie countiy dis
tricts state tint the came la as plnntlftil
as In previous years.
Vnlitnhle Mineral In Iilnlio.
POCATELLO , Idaho , Nov. 23. Consldora-
ble Interest Is belnij taken at Soda Spring:1
over the recent unearthing of choice inla-
eml. A geld ledge of twenty miles In
length Is said to have been discovered and
i Is being taken up rapidly. Assays ma e fem
the rock are said to run aa high as $40.00. )
to the ton.
Montana NMotvH. .
, . Receiver Swlggett of tlio suspended bank
at Phlllpsburg , the Merchants' and Miners'
National , says the depositors will nt Icse n
State Land Resistor Moore brought back
$10,474 received on leases of state lands in
Carbon county and the sale of ono tract of
1,000 acres.
Bull That Shows All the Time and ( > : d
Horn ear two Crow Indlano Indleted by the
federal grand Jury at Helena last woc : fcr
cattle stealing.
The last pay roll of the Sand Coulee Coal
company amounted to $46,000 , of which $24-
000 was disbursed In cash. There are nearly
700 names on the pay roll.
John Blelenberg , the Dear Lodge cattle
king , has offcroJ Mr. Larablo ? 3,000 for ( be
horse , Ben Holllday , after ho li through bis
racing career and broken down.
By a majority of sixty the taxpayo-s of
Bozeman decided at a special election to
purohaio the waterworks plant , the purchase
price being $160,000. There were eely 152
votes cast.
The following dates have luen announced
for next Reason's races at Biftto and Ana
conda : Butte , thlrty-ono days , July S to
August 6 ; Anaconda , August II to September
10. Stakes , seventeen In number , nggrfgdt-
Ing $21,000 , h vo been announced. Hiirnesa
races have been abandoned altogether.
The Jury at Miles City , In the case nf
Whirlwind , the Crow Indian arrested for the
murder of Hoover , a sheenherdei4 , in Custcr
county last May , brought In a verdict of
murder In the first degree. Ho will Lo
hanged. Tbo trial of his two accomplice
will como up during the present week.
Matt Anderson was sharpening toota ! n tlic
blacksmith shop at the Confidence mine In
Flint Creek district , says the Standard , and
powder was thawing four feet awny but Mi
explosive became too hot and the building
was blown to atoms , Anderson esiplng with
a badly bruised shoulder and some scraMies.
Door Lodge county reports the first pay
ment of tbo Inheritance tax under the re
cent decisions of the supreme court to the
effect that the tax applies to all estates under
process of settlement at the tlmo the law
went Into effect. The amount sent In was
$121.9 $ , collected from the estate of Mrs.
Loulscf D. Hedge , -who dlej last year.
Mlta Etta M. Mordon of Helena , who lost
her voice about ten yeam ago from piralyu' *
of the vocal organs , that resulted from eon.e
Illness , Is reported Immediately after the re
cent earthquake shock to have said "What , "
yery distinctly and clearly. Her mother , to
whom the ono word was so awoot , sa > s that
since then she notices that her daughter
evinces deeper Interest In things and she be
lieves that the girl Is In a way to recover the !
use of her voice.
Idaho \ euniolex. .
The Soldiers' Homo at Boise baa received
260 volumes for Its library. They fivero pur
chased with the Carney fund.
Fifty Portland business men paid a visit
to Itolso to cultivate tbe acquaintance , of the )
business men of tha Idaho capital ,
Bishop Talbot bast gene on a visiting tour
through iho northern part of the state. Ho
will bo gone during tbo reitulnder of this
Thomas P. Woodcock has handed Mayor
Alexander his resignation as a member of
tbo common council of BoUo and will move
to Ogdon. '
John Reagan , tbo Emmett stockman , will
ship about sixty carloads of cattle to Ne
braska for feeding purposes. He says feed
on the range Is poor.
The dead body of Thomas Carter was found
on it ranch near Halley by Cbarles Trader ,
Ho had evidently been thrown irom his borse
and his neck broken In tbo fall.
Quite a village is growing to the southeast
of tbe Tiptop hoisting workc , along tbe grade
to Rock creek. There- are now completed a
bunkhouao capable of accommodating thirty-
five men with U bunk , a bearding houte ,
wbosa dining room la of sufficient dimensions
to accommodate hundreds ut patrons , o corn-
pjur office , an assay office , a barn , a black *
mltb abe ? and iviq dveUlag bouses.
VOTI.VCI roit ; aur.iPOI.AUIS. . '
Totnl ItcttiriiH In tlir Pnpiilnr Content
fli Till VtifcMnr Miclit.
Following Is the result of the vote In tbo
contcit for Quern Polaris up till Tuesday
night :
Jp ile Dickinson..JS.RO May Michaels
Anna McNamarn..Utt Anna SnUerlek . . . .
Illrdle Aucr walJ. . 6.111 IUt.1 Snimdcn . . . .
Annette Smiley . . . 4M3 lllnnch Craig
Annn II yw < xxl . . 4C < * > Hester Taylor . . . . .
Mllilreil Stephenson 3153 Knits llnllowny . . . .
Maggie Koley 3 5r fSira Strait
Mne lloblnson 2.SS3 Florence -Morae . . . .
Adnllnc Na h Ulln nine
( Irorxla KniB Z.I.M , May lliimlln . . . .
Mjrllo Meredith. . . . l.Cjl , IJ.1I111 Ford
Jennie Grnhnm . . . 'ifJ Amm UoMMcIn
FIe le Itomnln . . . l.MV IVarl Kvuim . . . .
r.mmti limu MM \Vlnlrieil Howe ,
KrrUa IWIHK MIC MiiKnrcl Curtis
Kale O'llfinlon. . . Stay
Mnrlc Su tcrlc. . . . 1.041 Ploroncc Tukcy . . . . Si
Mabel NPlaon 950 Vllln u , Shlppey. .
Anna Fall 933 Itertha Allen U
U < na HrhfcM Sll Annn Pctcru
Htclla Vo.lrle . . . . . . TMn. ' ' ' ' ' ' 21
Mne B.irtlctt n. Jtnry Heck . . , . . . , . 21iJ
Mabel Tn > lor n.cs' Xona Ueepcr iJ
Nrlllo Uhlne cs' , Annn A kwlth 21 I
Iclnlla WceJ Kl i-iurn n her
r.Mziibctii 1'nrrotte. jrace Allen
Lillian D. Terry. . . tit "uscln OKtesby . . . .
Cora Dattelle 510 i\fl OotC
' " " ' " " " "
Agile * Myer * 4S3 JIarle Tnj'lor" . . . . . .
Jeatmtt ( < ( HreeR . . . 45J atltn Uurnctt
Amy F. Ocrnli.illit , 415 Hcitna lUUiltr. . . .
Nellie OieiK K'O Kmcllii StuLcn
Helen Mlllanl . . . . . CM Nettle Olson
Mnile WooJunl . . . SiS Hooker
Mnrle Armntrontr. . . S4Z MnlUlu llrown . . . .
Millie mimes S35 Plorcnco Kllpntrlck
Mm. II. H. Oorjell. 2 > Irene S Hln
Maud VnUKlm SSI Alia Peacock
HaUlc Slunc 2SO ( Iruce lTo n
I iura 2M Kltilc Ijiurence . . .
Kllz.lbctii P.illllpa. , lot Wnllitr
Mrs. W. It. Ililloy. . 1:18 : Kdllh Cummlngi. . .
r.itiencc Vivian . . . iU Mlna llockiielu
I'lora llnz.inl Mary stay . 17
Clara HeilltiKton . . 191 Minnie llerlln
Selma li > : iteter . . . U2 Jtnnlo Jabonlsky. .
Clara Clark&on . . . . 177 Clara Uchmami . . . .
lluclih Flunlng . . HO MM. M. llrjlnnrcl.
KJIIh Miner 1C9 Dcil.i Marnell .
Helen lloaglntut . , 143 Nellie Samuels . . . .
Pauline l.owe 116 Cljile llltincliattl. . .
Klorencc Campion. . 145 I.ynn Curtis .
Mlna Andres 139 Julia Lynch .
Mnuil Johnson 131 1'ein Jinny .
Anna Norauall . . . 1 l.uclnJa Uamblc. . .
lllanch Dunham . .
Delhi Jones 1S1 lln lie hjwrn
I'lora Webster . . . . it ) ilrs. le Kratis . . .
Nora SU'Ailoo 119 Hold 11 Halts
riorcnce Kltchle . . . IB Oku C.cafttiUor . . .
21. lilltlebranil 115 Mis , O. II. Wlrtli.
Abby Cilay IDS I.uu > ' alctz
Ktnl.y Warehatn . . . 10J l.uclln PtVMU
1'loy Jones 102 Sutllo Srjiur
Jits. U. p. Mouse. . 91 Cecil ( Iriy
Lena Kesellte 9 ! Kate Isun . . . .
Therein Mllilkus. . . . 97 Jo-1. ' .SU'inin .1
nthelllkliis ) SIrp. II. i : . lirowii.
Arnlc ICuca So I iuru l\l
Jennie Kroal Sj Jennie Dunulilson. . .
UllMIe Pj ell ; , , Jcnnlu Ice
L.UIU llelnrlck . . . . \\a-.oiKili J.unes . . .
IMnaVatioil to . : Aiulerson . .
I.ucy Parrl'li. Til nmnin HuUlnEun. , . .
Alberta Womla . . . . Dalit
Clare Pa m r . . . . . . Kuitrtiliuuler
i'.elinu Miiinlni ; . . . . ? k Luc > Shcuiup
l. nu ITurtlg n . . . . Dura ltnaikQ ) . . < , , .
DJlsy UarKer Inez Uccbe
lull Axtell liur Iund. . .
UstluT I.lnilbtroui. . 7i Ollle Clark
hesfle Voilrajki . . IMIth U'Ckinan . . . .
Mia il. ! A\cry. CS Kittle liranUt
Item Mnrombur . . . ( J ! Mr * . H. I.iwrcnca
Mabel 1'ackar.l . . . . Cjlrlnrriet Horrsby . .
r.irciijf llin rkk. .
Jlrs. II. II. Mulloid Chcui'.aon ' *
Ada Stelscr 111 * Allisita Giccn 9
Klcl'o Coucbnian. . . . " > t .Millie Spinccr . . .
Phi o. Gentleman. . Loun/fii . . . . , . , ii'cn Ce\climJ ! . . S
] .um Kru ? r.J Kmmii .Tnhn&cn . . . 8
Sa.lle Alexander . . . 51.Mr.f. , J. W Itolb. . . b
Xpllla Lnuclon W l.lzzla Drutniny . . . S
Vannlu Ncl'.son . . . . D9 I iuni .Sniltli "
IZiitc McVlttle 'Si ' ) draco Uro\\n S
Malic Hummel . . . . l < tlv.M\nnle \ Saic'r.t . . .
IJiTa Hale MO'-Armn AhlJlroin . . . 8
Kin C. jyi"s 1 * > 'Plorcnoe ' Mil.w.iter ! >
Ixntle Shalila ' 4J Ml. . J. KraRO 7
MIB. Uuiila l4Eil tln.i Itobert&cn . . . 7
Kininn , Kuenan 43-/nfp | UlilRM 7
Tl.orj 1 > . rt.o.u . . i-.i < ieorsla ISiclmiilH. . 7
I'rances Downey . . i-1 ( ? .l t Ouorpo Murccr 7
Ummn Dahl llcAlxIn Jolm'-Dii G
May Fuller , ! . ( -ur . lluy \ rl Hnll C
Hclle Cols ,40 itriule Ijlven . . . G
Knthurliw Hani.In. j Jounces Kcu'icdy . . G
UenrKla Tem.ery. . . 59T. , ) . U'uiul-an. . . GG
Alnud llrown jj.9 little Mcniroy G G
Mauil I2I1I3 'S ? liniiim Thon-paon. .
May Pulver ST Innnnh Ivopjld. . . . G
Tlie fol'ottlnfr liavc fivd oto-i paoh : Dorothy
rreJerlckfon , .Minnie Sbiumers , St 11 Nnuilaln.
Mr > f Thomas D scr , May Xi'vton iiml.y
Wnkely , IJdltli I'.iclhinJ. nhvoo.l Smith , Mny
Colllii'- , Mrs LIuuJ Kc\oRii ! \ , Kllssabcth1 PetM.- ,
DcFi-le CummlUKS.J * ' ' ' ' :
The rollowinj. , na\ # fojlrotcs i"ach : Sulla
McCJiiIre. I'lora St tnm , Vein KlemlnR , May
llohlio. Kloitup * SlllKer , Jennncttc le C to , Mrs.
Chniliu ( Ion , Maij Sampsiiv , Marie Uallcy , Jlra.
Wll.lam Nas.1 , Helen Maika.
'Iho followlnar have lliroj votes cac'i : Gforsli
KwliiK. Sadie Slater , Kittle HnbLle , Annie
Pallcy , Inez Tcv.'ntenU , .K-sflc Siv , hill. Su le
Smith Anna Wejman Abliy t'n"-\cil , KJli Do I-
aon , ur4 u , Jolmson , la > Uo'.inc * , H.innah
Iturnam , Mntrsin Wilson , Kan n to lloulnrid , l.u.u
Ta lor , Giac-p Akin , Mabel Hennett , Hcldii
Powell , Anna , Jn IUF. Mrs. U. u Dcane , Nttlle
' } ler. Illrdle lllrkttt. Lillian Mullen
The lolowliifi : Iia\ > two ote3 ejch : Lizzie
Walrli. Julia J nes , lllanch Crlftltli , LU H
Dlclirow , Vloln CVllln. Hattle narti.n.
The follo\Mns Ime one Mite tacli : Mr1 ? . M.
Haehs , Mrs. Hunier. Mnuil Im-on , Hattle Oun-
'hcr , Illnnlc Srt'ailcr , Ornco CoJy , lii viu Coles
C'or.i Hardy , Hnll HprlKs Fannie Mills , Mrs.
Alma Cuburn , Kutj Koblnson
'Convenleat ' entrances to the lagoon at the
exposition grounds have been located 'by the
Department of llulldlngs ar.l Croiindo. One
will be on Sherman avenue near the slto cf
the viaduct , whllo the other will 'bo ' on the
corner of PInknoy and Twenty-fourth , both
being on the line of street ears.
'I he prices to bo charged during the season
of winter snorts are certain to raako the ex
position grounds u popular place of resort.
The admission at the gate will bo 10 cents ,
n rldo on the toboggan will only cost 6 cuutn
nn < J you will whiz through 1,350 feet of space
whllo your heart makes about six beats.
The skating part of the lagoon Is an Ideal
spot , as It Is well protected from the wind
nrd can bo kept In excellent condition. A
warming room , cafe , candy , soda water and
cigar stQiul , with a comfortable skate and
chucking room , are some oi the conveniences
offered by the managers.
The joung folks on Sherman avenue near
the exposition grounds bavo organized a
toboggan and skatlcr ? club. They start off
with a membership of twenty-eight and will
show up In n few days with their bright
new club suits.
Jessie ( Burger otlll loads In Kearney , with
n totnl vote of 141 ; Anna S-\ltz second , with
SC9. At Nebraska City fiarah Ireland lias
&ti ! ) nnd Gwendolyn La rat 32G. At Grand
Island the warmest of them all is going on
v/lth Knttlo Matthews i& the lead with 1.CG5
votes , followed closely 'by ' Lurllno Brown
with 1.376. IMlss Brown's frlonds have or-
canlzed a club to make her debt , pud have
adopted the war cry , "You can't beat her ,
Kattle ! "
nnoons .NOT iv POLITICS.
DPIIJCo MM cell on wIMiew ItnlMvny
PEOniA , Nov. 23 , It Is said at the head
quarters of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
t'Mromcn. ' Brotherhood of Kailroad Trainmen
and Order of Hallway Tclcgraphsrs that thoao
nnunUatlona as such will have nothing to
do v/lth the now Hallway Employed' and
Telegraphers' Political' League of America , as
they had nothing to do with th& old American
Hallway union. beMiieo of Its political char
acter , unless the leagu'o should emk'avor to
use thorn through tholr'own members , Then
they would take nfi > a urea to stop such In
trigues. The November number of the Train
men's Journal criticises the old league &o-
verely , U declares ? " 'It ( the league ) Is on
attempt to make ( kilfilclans , railroad man
agers and others believe that the otllcera of
the league possess rari all-powerful Influence
with the men thaV will lead them to vote
whichever way the aforesaid officers direct
them , Its purpose Jl3 not only political , but
" ' '
partisan. .
IliKTiifulI of tlicVfilinv of Coiniiiuiluru
NEW Y011K , Nov.iiSS. Mrs. Emellno H.
Iludd , 62 years of agctund the widow of Com
modore John Iludd , . of the United States
navy , a. woman of education and refinement
and highly connected both hero and abroad ,
was arrested yesterday for theft and locked
up In the police station at West Brighton ,
S. I. She contented ebo took from the trunk
of a woman , In whose bouse she was stop
ping , several pieces of Jewelry , as well as
costly wearing apparel , and on her finger
when arrested she wore a little gold band , a
cheap trinket , which had belonged to a serv
ing maid. Mrs. Hudd receives a pension as
a result of a special act of congress ,
Cunlilcr Taylor Ileuclvun a Suiitcnce
of Four Your * .
KANSAS CITV. Kan. , Nov. 23. George A.
Taylor , cashier of the defunct Argentine bank ,
wai yesterday sentenced to four years In
the Kansas penitentiary ( or receiving de
posits when he knew tbe bank was In an la-
olrent condition.
To every lady making a purchase of Madame Yale's remedies
amounting to 350 or over we will give away a sample bottle of Madame Yale's Fruit-
cum free of charge.
Our Fall Opening Special Sale on
Mine. Yale , Queen of licamy , Takes ace this week.
Hasjjgcgmgjx permanent feature
of our
OU1 *
Llko a great many other people , wo were skeptical when we first began to handle Mme Yale's . 'or '
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
iiiacKneaus ami an oi mm ino-uiu. „ - - - - -
manner QKIII iviuiuiuus - _ i.- , , , . , , , ,
Mme Yale Is .1 wonder and her remedies are the marvel of the ago. Wo advise women to neglect almost anything
el rather than to do without these remedies. Their action Is scientific and not artificial , therefore they create Natural
ifcautyhat is lasting. Mme. Yale say * there Is no limit to beautifying with tbl * aid. and wo he loveter , na when
they are applied Intelligently nnd sufliclent patience exercised. Wo have built up a wonderful trade on Mme.alos
remedies wholly on the strength of their great -merit.
Our Fall Opening Cut I'rlce Sale on Mme. Yale's Uemodles takes place this week , commencing tomorrow- morning
nnd continuing for ono week wo will sell Mmo. Yalo's Remedies at the lowest prices they have ever been sold at. \\o
want to Impress It on your mind tint these goods are frreh and have Just been received direct from Mine , \alcs great
laboratories. Wo are Mmo. Yalo's sspeclal agents In this city nnd recelvo our fresh supplies from herevery _ wecli.
Ono package of each article will bo limited to each purchaser at these prices , as wo cannot sell largo quantities
to one person at these prices. i
Her Price. Our Prlc HOP Prlro. Our 1'rlcn
llnlr Tonic Il.OO 1 ? . < Hnnil Wliltoni-p I.Oi ) .un
Hair Clemmcr l.ll ( ) Kllvlr uf.Iloiiiity l.OO . < ! ! )
Krult IMI ni 1. < " > . ( I ! ) MiKl > 'nI SOCPO ! 1.10
.CO Rrcat Scott l.OII .00
SUlii Food ( Minnll ) 1 .ro .1 ! ) .7 III'If IlOHC IiCIIVCM l.OO . < m
SI.-111 Fouil * ( I H rue ) : t. < ll ) Jnuk HiisiIliuls l.OO .on
' . ' , Knco IClliiinel 1.10
KllHt I'OOll ( SUIlllI ) J ,11 11)
iiust I'oini ( iin-Ki > ) : t 0:1 : Kyclipmv 1'eiii'llN > .in
" l..O i.ii )
CoiiipSi'xIiin i"4U' < - PoixlcT , tlirou Ki-rtlllzer
xliiiilcs IMiil : , While , llrtiiiftto . . " . ( ) Mulu mill Wnrt K-vtrnctor l.OO . (10
mi Soap r .in Ill > - Skin Wlilloiiop l.OO . (10
on Illrneli a.OO .75 SrluiitUlu Slslii lU-Hiu-r l.OO . (111
A tin oiitl llliiNHoni Cnniplfxloii Ynle'N Comiili'xloii llrutli l.OO tr
Creiiin 1 > ' ) Vmli-'n Aiill 'ii lf l.OII .no
iji-Inli iroi\ei' l.OO Ynlc'n DlnoMllvo TiIilolM. . . .f O .nr.
Com ill i" . 1011 Sin-fliil I.odoii .l.OO Ynl % 'M Coniiili'xloii TuliIetH. . ! > O
Coinpli-.viiiii fipi-i-lnl ( UnliiK-iit. . 1.1)11 ) .0 ! ) YnlcN FcrllllKur Tnlili-tw. . . / HO
lllooil ' 1'oiiic l.OII Yalc'H Tooth I'ottilor .RO .nr
A1I Mall OpilcpM > iironiMllr Hlilpiivtl KIIIIIO rtoy nn roc-i-lvi-il , iirovlileil nlliMvaiicc IN iiinrtc- for iniiilliu : or
our Ynle Hcnuty nepirtment with Mme. Yale's
ik free.
l'li-ii : iiit Weiitliop PpomlMfil fur
CHICAGO , Nov. 23. The first winter
weather of the season is enveloping the
whole middle south and wft. t today , the line
of freezing temperature extending ca far
south as central Texas. Up in the north
west it Is decidedly frigid. Tha coldest
placeIn the country IB Havre , Mont. , where
10 degrees below zero was chronicled last
night , while zero weather Is being ex
perienced as far east as Moorehead , Minn.
It in below that point through North Da
kota. At. St. Paul It was 8 above today , at
Chicago 13 above , and at St. Louis 26 above.
the latter Dclnn th& average temperature
down , to Tcxca The cold wave 1 moving
rapidly eastward and the Atlantic coast will ,
from all Indications , have plenty of
frost for Thanksgiving. Not much change
Is expected before tomorrow , but by Thurs
day ) according to the Weather bureau offl-
cla'ls , It will bo much milder.
Work of Many KnolnploM < o III1 Coii-
o flit ralri ! In n I'Viv.
Nnw YOniC , Nov.23. Tho" World enys that
an effort Is being made to unlto the princi
pal piano manufacturers In the UnitedStates. .
The Stelnway , Chlckorlng , Knnbo , Klmball
nnd Cable ( Chicago Cottage ) companies will ,
It Is expected by the promoters , with the sup
ply Jioubo of Alfred Dodge , form the back
bone of the organization. The organization
will hnvo branch houses In 'Now ' York , Dos-
ton. Philadelphia , Washington. Cleveland ,
Cincinnati , Chicago , ISt. Louis , Now Orleans ,
Den\er. San Francisco and In a few other
largo cities ,
"Great savings are expected on the oulput
of 100,000 pianos ( a good year product ) , the
Laving on advertising alone would amount to
from $2.000,000 to $5,000,000. A still greater
giving U expected from the concentration
In a few factories In. tbo great cities of the
work now done In a hundred factories scat
tered all over the country , "
Every aeason brings a new crop of cough
remedies , but they cannot compote with
that grand , old Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup.
Miirdii of 1'rollt to DcMiliTN AUo
( 'ready llnliicpil ,
NEW YORK. Nov. 23. The prices of green
and roasted coffee are now lower than ever
before. Itlo No. 7 on the spot Is quoted at
CU cents a pound , Tbo market for futures
lias also broken fifteen points , owing to tbo
steady supply In the United States , which U
larger than In the history of the trade , being
more than one million bags. The priceof
green coffee a year ago was 10 cents and that
of roasted coffee 15 Vi cents. The margin be
tween the two varieties bag therefore been
reduced from CK to 2 % cents , la other words
cut in two. The prlcu of roasted coffee In
packages , as sold by the Arbucklcs and 'thu
Woolson Splco company , has fallen to 0
cunts a pound , A representative of the Ar-
buckles Is quote * as Baying that this price
Is below cost , and a representative of tbo
Havemoyers , nvho control the Woolson Splco
company , says there U a profit iu 9-cent cof
Hiillilliiur AmiocluUuu A I i .
CHICAGO , Nov. 23.-Superlor Court
Judge Shepard today appointed Charles It ,
Ulrd and William Fries receivers for tte
International Uulldlner , Loan and Invest
ment Union , on the application of Presi
dent O. M. femtriclc of the union. Answer
to the bill was fllpd on behalf of the nsso-
rlntlon , admitting nil allegations and the
appointment of the rci-elvera was mudo by
consent The uppolntmfnt wus in the na
ture of a surprise , us two months ngo , utter
a long period of litigation , during which
receivers wcro appointed by both thu cir
cuit and superior courts , the assets of the
association were turned bncla to ItH olllcers
and It was supposed to have rocunifU busl-
nest Hut according to the bill nothing
had been done. AsatB are Klvcn ut ? 3.0XO ( ,
vlth liabilities of Juri.OOO. A large portion
of the assets conelstH of real estate nnd Is
said to be In an unmarketable condition.
Piitrli-lc llfilnu ISIi'dril Pri-HliliMit , lull
DcHliirx tinI'liuo. .
ALTOONA , Pa. , Nov. 23 The convention
of bituminous ccal miners called for the pur
pose o ? forming a state organisation met
hero today. Ooo hundred delegates , repre
senting 100,000 minors , were present. Fac
tory Inspector T. A. Bradley of Lilly , ex-
proaident of the Cambria county district , w-is
made temporary president and Wlllhm
Warner , Eecrotary-triaturur of district No.
5 , 1'lttsburg , teiiiixirary secretary. A com
mittee on credentials wus appointed , and
whllo waiting for the report the delegates
discussed plans of the proposed organization.
The roll was finally made up and an atterrutl
was made to elect permanent officers. I'a'-
rick Dolari of district No. C was c-lected pres
ident by acclamation , but on Dolcgato Kllno
of Cambria county expressing dissatisfaction
Mr. Dolan declined to serve. The election
was reconsidered and the convention ad
journed for lunch to meet again at 1:30 : p. in.
Upon reassembling T. A. Uradley wno
fleeted permanent president and William
Warner permanent secretary. M. D. Hatch-
ford , president of the United Minn Workers
of America , delivered an address In which ho
said that the only way the miners would ob
tain justice was through a general strike
that would deplete the market of coal and
tlo up the Industries of tbe. country ,
Htirvlinm of I.ntitVnr l
! > > the ( ii'iirrnl ( iovi'riiinoiil.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 23.-BpeclaV-I ( ) > en-
Hlons have been IHSUCI ! as follows :
Isauo of November 8. 1697.
Nebraska Oilglnal : David W. Uurton ,
Krlend ; Clulstlun Hartman , Ormihn ; Meivln
W. Hall. Beatrice. Increase ; Joseph Hens-
man. Otnuhu ; Thomus Duncan , ftejjubllcun
lown Orlulnal : Henry narms , Com-
inunhi ; Henry Altlmns , Acltley ; Jabcz Den
nis , Truer ; William II. Hniltli , Ix-mara ;
Luvl Ayres. Hocltforil. Supplcmtnlnl :
Kamuel O , Musselinan , Osceola , Inurrusu :
Itobert fltlckloy , Anumosa. Original widow.
etc. : Maria O. Orlllln , Musfiittne ; Healer
A. Whlttler , TiiBkeefra ; Imogene L. nurr ,
Osceola : jnlnors of Henry M. Kujde ,
llartlett. Itelssuf : Mary HutcH. Hopevllle.
South DaUota Original : Wesley A. Wells ,
Turton , Additional : Henry Thompson ,
Volga , HelBsues William 13. Drummond ,
Colorado Original ; Jnmes ChamberH , I > a
Junta , OrlKliuil widow , etc. : June D.ivls ,
Hlghlandt ) ; Chrlutliie MUUHCT , Denver ; Mary
I' , Sheek. Hotchklss ,
Montana Original : Gilbert ICngcl , Hiitto ,
North Dakotu OrlBlnal widow , etc. : llur-
bara Spurrier , Cundo.
Iliiuiii t I'rof I'rltnlicll.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 23.-Prof. Henry S ,
Prltchett , who will soon leave tor Washing
ton , D , C , , to assume the potttion of chief of
the Coast and Geodetic survey , wcs honored
by the alumni of Washington umverulty. of
whoso faculty hb wait a member , with a
dinner at the Mercantile club. Hon. D. It.
Francis , ux-socrotary of the Interior , In a
nliort speech aalil that all Mluourlajia uhoultl
feel proud of the fact tfiat a man born and
bred In Missouri hod been called by the
No Detention From Business.
Wo refer to HUNURHDS or I'ATicr.'TS Cuimn
In Seven to Ten Days Without Pain.
( Rnocouaro to Till ! O. 1 ! . MILLER GO. )
932-933 New York Life Building , Omaha.
Call or write for circular * .
Send your add rets for particulars , maps
Itinerary of the "Dawson City Hcllcf
Uxpedltlon" end other tralca.
Weekly service January 15 from Seattle
by steamer to Fort Wrunge ! , tliBneo by
the Klondike Rapid Transit Glover
Locomotlvtvj recommended by the Hcn-
orablo Secretary of War aver Illvor ,
Lake and Land , arrlvlci ; live months
earlier than by any other system of
transportation , .addrcM ,
UIllOSirfii ) < .Vortlirrn Illiltf. , Clilnnr.o.
JO3HPH LADIJi : , I'rualdont.
13. I. IIOSBNFUKD , Ouneral Manager.
prcHlilent of the United Htiitea to taka
uluirco of tbo Coast and Goodetln tiurvey ,
enpeclully at n tlmo wliell tills department
wouM locate the most Important coast do-
fentiCH that thlH ruunlty In yet to build ,
MI Niinrl ( Jooil ItonilN'onvrnlion. .
ST. 1XJUI8. Nov. 23-At today' seujlon
of tbu Missouri Good Hoiuls convention a
number of reHOlutlons were adopted uslc-
Inir that the ninety countlcH In the state
authorized to levy n tax of GO cents for
county purposes ho ii ktd to net anlUe ono-
tliltd for road linprovuinunt , rc'iueatliiK the
governor to cull an extra Behnlon of the
IcKlslaturo to eunalder thu iiucutlun of coud
roads ; rccommemlliu , ' that Dm general us-
neuiljly make nn IncrtnHa In thu appropri
ation for the .Stato Hoard of ClmrltlCH ; ank-
Ititr thu uubmlflHlon of a constitutional
amendment permitting county courts to
Increase tlic tax levy for road purposes
and recommending that the next Bcneral
assembly uppolnt u Htuto road commission ,
C'iiitur | it Viiiintr C'nlllf 'I'lilrf.
KINGMAN. Kan. , Nov. K3. Alvah Kooken ,
the young catllo thief who bold up three ,
ofllcerH Mho turt arrested lilm at Unniorla
last week anil i scaped , wua captured at
Cheney , east of here , lunt nl tit. HQ wua
dlxcovtrcU on the blind baKKugo of a train
when It left Uoddurd , Wonl was sent to
Cheney and when the train pulled In there
threci olllcera wlui rlllea got thu drop on tliu
yount ; dettpurado anil muda him hand over
throe rovulvert * . Kooken wua neat to the
reform nehool not over live yeara ago and
la not over 21 yeur.i old. Ho lias served a
term of two yeara In the Missouri peni