Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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Grain and Provision Markets Maintain a
Dullness Which is Monotonous !
It In line I3nllrcl > * In Itumnrcil
MrriiKlli In llT | > eel mill
is V T ) Short
CHICAGO , Nov. 23-Graln , and provision
4n.irkcU were nil rcmarknblo today for their
< 1u1lnc8t. A. Jump In Liverpool cable1) caused
iin opening ot * fec to % c advance In wheat ,
nnd that was the only time the market
e'ovveil a. slffn of even moderate activity. It
closed Vie to % c hlphcr for May and
lilf-hcr for December. Corn nnd oats \\ero
n I lues t llfcltsa nnd showed very little
chnnKe , I'rovhlona made BllfiUt gain1 * .
It ncodj confidence on the part of pit
Inders to keep In line with the wheat trade
when bimlness > wn8 smaller than It ruled
today. The mnrkot Hliowed some degree of
n"tlvlty at I/ho opcnliiR. Liverpool opentd
' , ! < ! higher for spot wheat and id up for fu
nurcH. 1''e cables explained that the
Liverpool strength xvus on reports of Ar-
Cditlnu crop damaifo. Still other cable mes
s IKCH Mid the Ungllah strength was due to
Increased milling demand , buying of cargoes
liy the continent and Argentine rumors. The
Liverpool close was posted at % d to Iv&
lilRher. In fact calilri were no very stilt th.i ,
the trade discredited the strength claimed ,
nnd talk of manipulation from this tldo
found believers , The Liverpool opening
treiigth , hoxxoxer , was responsible for the
ndvaneo at the start here. May wheat , which
Closed jcsterday at U0c , opened at from
SIV&c to SlMti'JPiiC and December showed a
Hlmllar advance , The northMCfltern rocelpts
ittere , however , too heavy to | > ermlt the de
velopment of any enthnslism on account ot
the reduction In Argentine prospects. Mln-
i tapolls and Uultith received 1,300 cars ,
against 1,171 L.irs u week ago , but eompiml
with W2 the corresponding day of the
jear before. The net eftect of the news waste
to tnakn sellers carco and prevented also
the disposal of .my great quantity of IOIIK
wheat nt the advance. Tresh buyers at the
improvement were llltcwlso scarce. Infre-
uuent lluctuntlons wl hln u narrow range
wore a consentienco of the mutual timidity of
buyers and boilers , The c\port clearances of
inherit and Hour weio equal to COO.OOO bush-
ols. Undstnet's reported an incrc.inu In
this country east of the Hocky mountains of
CJti.OOO bushels and tin Increase In nnd allo it
for r.uroipe L'.COOOCO bushi'ls a touil addi
tion to thoiAorM's stocks of 3,290,000 bushels ,
'tinncccaitnnve of thlrtwn bo it loads of
B implo .sprliiR wheat offerrd by a local llrm
to Liverpool the night before was rtportcd
oirly In the daj and live boat loids lu addi
tion were sold for Milpment later.
New York reported n fair export Inquiry ,
nnd twenty-two loads were worked for e-x-
3 > ort there. The lly In the ointment of tie
bull situation was , as before , tno heavy do-
irestlc rpepliHi At primary western .mar
kets 1,12G,0 0 liushe's cnmo to hand , compared
with only IfiT.OW bushels the rorresponding
day oT last year. May sold OOAII to WKJiO
during tlio morning , but sloiAly recovered
and rlosed llrm nt lU'lc.
Corn v\.is dull nnd without particular In
terest , nicvator people sold and pi Ices suf
fered a little at times , though Ehowing hardly
any change at the close. Uvery one reported
freer country offerings. Receipts were Urge ,
717 cars. Caliles w ere Ud to f-nd higher , im
port clear inces were GS9GGO bushels. Tie
liiiylnK professional , ino'tly covering by
shorts. May ranged brtiAcen ffl'i Sl o nnd
2 Hc and closed unchanged at - ' ) ' / < .fi 3 c.
Outside of n moderate amount of changing
over of December 'here was little done In
oats. This depressed thu former price , the
spread narrowing to ' 4c As usu il a good
nsh demand" existed , liOO.OOO bushels selling
hero nnd 110 COO bushels at the seaboird. He-
celps IAore 52o cars , consl lerably overrunning
estimates. JUy ranged from 221 < , iJT22'/iC to
21 % < f722c , closing a shade higher nt 'AIHc.
A verv light business was done In provi
sions. Heavy receipts of hogs here and at
western points gave the mailtet a downward
tendency at the opening , and trto market In
clined that way all day. Packers sold a llt-
tlo and small ouMde holders did some' realiz
ing. The shipping demand was good. At
the close January pork was lOc higher at
JS.12'/ . ; January lard f c higher nt Jl.2ftff4.22V4.
and January ribs Bo lower at ll.l1) .
Estimated receipts Wednesday : Wheat , 152
cars ; corn , 423 ears ; oats , 310 cars ; hogs , 43-
000 head.
Leaumg futures ranged aa follows ;
Artlclea'.l Opjn I Illtli. I I.T.V. I Cloao. YosUy.
Nov. . .
Dt-e. . . . nnn
May. . . 1)0 ) ' oui
Nov . . 20
Dee. . . .
Mnv. . .
IXC. . . .
May. . .
1)(0. . . 7 2.1 7 17H
Jim. . . . B 15 8 17 a 12 ,
lcc. . 4 II ) I 12 > $ 41H \ 4 in
J in . . . 4 UJM , 4 'J'JW 4 S0 ! 4 2.
4 15 1 174 I 15 1 III
J in. . . . 4 17H 4 17Jii 4 lVk ! 1 13
No. 2.
Cnsli fiuotntfoimero ns follows :
ri > 3tJIl Strntlj , winter patents , H SOJT3 00 ,
Btrulrhtn. Jt J'lfflW ' , spring special ? , J5.5J , tprlng
putintB. $ ! 30i50ij | , Imkrra J3 1003 60
VVIIHAT No , 2 niirliiB , f SWiO , No S spring ,
SlffOSo. No J ledGJnc. ! .
COUN No. S. 20Vic
OATb-No . ' , 21 < f o b. , No. 2 white , 23'A
0240 , No 3 white 23J239ic.
Ill 13-No 'J 47V4c
IlAItl.UV No 2 , 27 < ir42c
ri.Axsiii : ) NO i , OGOI 10'4. '
TIMOTHY SIir.D I'rlmo J2 07'4
1'ltOVIHIONh-I'ork , mess ppr bll . $7.:073
I < ar > I , per ICO Ibs , t ) JO Iticon. fhnrt ilbt pllei
( louse ) , II 155T4 K ) Drjsnlttd xlmuldeiH ( boxed ) , , Hhort clear Fldea ( bojed ) . J4 Iioa4 CJli
WII1SRY DlHtlllera * llnlshed fcoods. per gal. ,
SUOAIt Cut louf { 381. Brunuliteil , J3.21.
QiiotiitloiiN of On * liny oil ( lononil
Com moil I ( low.
NEW YORK. 23-PI/UR-RecelplB , C5-
WG bbls. , expo1 Is , 30.4U bbls , market molciatels
active nnd llrm all das , winter patents , $4 WU
0:0 , winter stnilKhtB , $1333403 , Minnesota pat
ents , $3Wif5J3. R > c Hour , easier , superfine ,
$2.TH323 | lluckvvheat flour , nulel.
IIUCICWHI.VT CJulet lit 3T | 3 ' 4c
CORNMEAl -Quiet. jellow western , C3c.
11YE Steads . No. J vvtttem. CGy c.
llARLin-Qulel ,
H\RLEY MALT-M'ull. western , D50CCC.
WHEAT Receipts , 237.1M bu , exports , 1C1.122
bu , mot , firmer. No. 2 led , W\t Options
opened llrm on 'AiBcnllne clop damage and
hlKher cables , ruled tlimill day on IlRlit offer *
Inits and closed W'u'ic net hlulier. No 2 led ,
November , closed ut U7c , Dciember , 97 ? Ji'J4c ,
clusod ! )7Tic. )
CORN Receltits , 11,873 mi , exporls , 322,93j bu ;
spot iiulet. No 2. Sl'.c. O.illons oinned Him on
cables but i > icd off under Incieascd country
tifferliiKs , November doted ul 3Jt ! < - . December ,
31 % i3Jc , closed 3lc.
OAT.S-Receipts , JI8.1CO bu , e porli ) , 143,311
bu , spnl , iiulet ; No. 2 , KjiZCa < Options were
dull aiul bartly Mends * . cleuliiK < ia net lower ,
February closed nt SC'Vio ; December clo cd at
HAY Sle-uls , khlpplnR. 40T4Sc ,
HOPS hti'nds. Blate , common to choice. 1S95
crop , tfi'V , 1 0 crop , 6iUa | ; 1&J7 crop , ] 3Uc ;
Paclllu coast. U95 crop , 4Cc , 1896 crop , 6u9o ,
U97 ciop , IS JlSc
HII)1. Htmds * . Oahviiton. I5c , Texas dry , Uc ;
California 17 ) lbc.
LKAlHiil--Bliudy : ; hemlock no'e ,
. liiilU"lleece , 2(8310. ( Texas , 13ai7e.
PHOVlhlONS-lItef ijulet. tnmll ) , } 'J WtilO 50 ;
rxOa mess , $7.uOl SOO , Iwef hams , f2i OOWSS M
Cut meats , ijulet , pickled bellies. | 675O7.blV4 ;
pickled rlinuldi'is , $ S.7S : pickled hnm > , tl.'Mt
tt 4a , rclliifd , fctendy , 1'ork , steady , imtu , } S t3W
90t > ; rpot clear , $10 ( Xiurj 0) , family , $11 U > ftl2 00
1 allow iiulet , ell ) , 31 , i : bid , < ounly , 3 ; < 03Sc , on
to uuiilll ) .
OIIJJ Petroleum , steady , Unite I closed at C7c
arked Itiihi , steady ; Uralm-J , common to
cold , $1.4001.43 Turpentine , steady at 32fJ2Ho
UK'K-Mniilv . fair tu extra , HiMOVic ; Japan ,
MOLABSIJS Steady ; New Orleans , open kettle ,
pocul to choice , : Wilc.
riU3UlUTH-Qultt , but llrm. cotton by steam ,
31o ; uruln b > fleam. 4 < ic ,
Miri'ALB-Ple Iron , wiurantu easy ut $0.70 bid.
JC'.O utkcd. Lake copper , tnslcr ut $100 bid
und $ I0.7i u kcd Tin , iiulet ut $13.70 bid ana
$13.SO utUed Hpelter , Ilrmer ot $100 bid and
$4 10 acke.1 Lead , xehaniv quiet at J3.VO bid
und 5J M atke.l. . brokers. Klron ut J3 M.
l > UTliU-Kecipt ! . 7.157 pk . . nnrket steady.
wtstein cnamtrj , US23c , Ultlns , i3c. factory.
L'fjOa-Hecelpts. 11 iO pkiss . maiket steady ;
Nlt ) end Penruhanla SJi s , wtntsrn. ZSe ,
CHiHBillertlplu. . O70 pkK , market quiet ;
large white. beptemU-r , fcV c , tnmll white , hep-
tcmtcr. Uc. iarttn colored be-ptrmUr , 8V4o ;
mull colored , 8i | > tember. tto ; large , October ,
KRSoj m II colorfS , October. JWcj Ilrht Bklm .
CW7o , part iklma , C % 6Hc ; full tklm . SHO c.
Conillllnn of Trnrtc nnrt Qtintntlniin
on .Stniilc nnd I"nncy 1'roilncc.
nOOS Strictly fresh. V7o.
HUTTKIt-Common to fair. IDilllo ! choice to
fancy. C17oj separator creamery , 23ej gathered
creamery , 20c ,
VEAICholcs fat , JO to 124 lt > . . quoted * * ° !
InrRo nml coarse , 4QGc.
LIVi : POUI.TUY-Heni , 47 Hc : cocks. 3IHe !
Fprlns chlckcnn , per Ib , 4'45c ' ; ducks , C 7c ,
turke , 9c.
UIIKSm3U rOULTnY-Chlckcns , COCoj fur-
Key * , OHIIcj Reese. So ! ducks , 7 ,
Piaio.\S Ll\e , 7ta ; dead pigeons not wanted.
HAY Upland , $ CMj midland , $3 SOj lowland ,
SSOO , no straw , $1 ; color makes the price on
hay ; light hales sell the best ; only top grades
bring top price * .
CHLiniY-aood stock , large. o ; small , ISO
ONIONS Per bu , EivjJCJc
1IIJANS Ilnnd-plcked nnvy , per Lu. , 11.40.
SWnr.T POTATOKS-Per Mil. 75
CAHIIAQIi-llomo Brown , per Ib , lUSl'4c.
POTATOES Homo grown , 4MJ330 ; Western
ptock , 6011700. *
QUINCns-Cnllfornln. per bor. $1.23.
APPL13S Winter stock , $2.6J 3.00. Jonathan *
nnd fancy Mirletles , $3.25 , California llolleflovvcr ,
boxci , $ l.CO ; Colorado Jonathans , boxes , St.M.
C'IlANItKHIllB3Terfeys. . per bbl. , $7,00 ; Wla-
coniln , bonei $1. < XMM.10
winter Nolli , $2 C05M 15.
. ailAPIIS New York Concords , 13c ; Cntnw-
bas. 2u ; MalnRns. $3.50
pIlANOIXS-Mcxlcnn , per IKJT , $4.00.
LHMONS Me-slnas , $3.0084.00 , choice Call ,
fornln , $1 OH33.7S.
UANANAS-Cholce , lnrKc stock , per bunch ,
$2 0082.23 ; medium-sized bunches , $1.7302.00.
NUTS Almonds , per Ib , larpo she. 0r c ;
llrnrlli , per Ib , lOc , HnKllsh wnlnuts , per Ib. ,
fancy , soft choll , 13c , itnndards , lOIfllc ; filberts ,
pel Ib , lOc , pecans , polished. Inrgc , HfflOc , Jumbo ,
Ho , lnrjo hickory nuts , $1 23 per bu. , small , $1.50
per bu , eocoanuls , per 100 , $3 774CO , peanuts ,
raw , 6i6i4c ? , roasted , 6CV4i
I'lQS Imported fancy. 3 crown 14-lb. boxes.
12'ic , 5 crown , 44-lb. boxes , 15c , 2-lb boxes , 23e
per box.
HONIlY-Cholcp while , 13c.
ICUAUT-Per bbl. , $ I.COfl.:3. half bbl. , $2 30
'MAPLn SYIlUP-rivc-gnl cans , ench $2 23-
Ral cans pure , per doz. . $12.0) $ , half-gill , cnmt ,
$0 2" , quart cnni , $3 tu.
DATI1S Per CO to 70-lb. boxes , 6V4c ; E > rdlb. .
oo e' , 3c
CIDUn Per half bbl , $3 ; bbls. , $550.
DIICSSED UEKP Good nnllve ateers , 7c ; good
forcqunrtcrs. steers , Co good hlndnunttcra , f ;
we tern steers CJiGHe ; fancy heifers , Cijc , good
helferi , Co , good forequarter ) helferi , 6Hc , good
hindquarters heifers SV4c , good cows tic ; fnlr
IIEEP CUTS Tenderloins , 18e , boncle i strips.
Oc ; strip lolm , 7c , rolls , 8Vic , sirloin butts , 8 < ic ;
EhoulJer clods , 514C , rump butts , 6'40 ! steer
shoulder clods S\4o. rump butts , S'Ae ; steer
chucks , Gic ! : Cow chucks , 4V4o bonelest chucks.
4140. cow plates , 3c , steer plate' . 3V4c , Hank tltenk.
C'ic ' , loins. No 1. 14c , loins , No. 2 , 10V4c , loins.
No 3 , 8e , sirloin ends No 1 , So ; ribs. No 1 ,
lie , ribs , No. 2 S'ic : ribs. No 3 , 6c , steer rounds ,
7'/ie , cow rounds Clc , cow rounds shank off , 8'ic
trimmings 4S4C , beef shanks , 3c , brains per doz
SJo , swoetlrends , per Ib , lOo ; sweetbreads
( calves ) , per Ib 40c : kldnejs per doz 35c , ox
tnlls each 4c , livers per Ib , 3c , hearts , per
Hi 3c tongues per Ib , 12'4c '
MUTTON Limbs , 7e , sheep C' c ; mnrket racks
( long ) , So ; hotel racks ( short ) , llo l ? s nnd
saddles , 9c , himb legs , 9c , breasts ana stews , 3c ;
tongues ench Jc
POHK Dres ed pigs , fi'ic ; dressel hogs , Co ;
tenderloins 13c , loins 7c , spare ribs. Co ham
sausage hullM o c , Bhoulders , rough , uc. shoul-
deia , klnned rHc. trimmings DVic , leif lird.
i ot rendered 514c , fields , clcined 4p. pnout nnd
ears , 4c bn < kbones. l c cheek ments. 4Hc , neck
bones , 2o pigs' tnlls , 4c. plucks , ench . ' 10. chit
terlings , Be , hocks , 4c , heirts per doz . 25c ;
stomach I , each 3c , tongues each 7c ; kIdne 9 ,
per doz lOc , brnlns pe' doz. 15c , pigs' feet ,
per doz , 23c , livers , oirh Ze
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 7c , No 2 green
hides. 6e ; No 1 Baited hides , 8VjC , No. 2 green
salted hides , 7VjC , No. 1 veal cilf , S to 12 Its. ,
So , No 2 veal calf 12 to 15 Ibs. , Cc No. 1 dry
Mint hides , 11@13 ; No 2 dry Hint hides. SillOc.
No. 1 dry salted hides , OfJlOc , part cur'd lilJes ,
V4c per Ib. leas than fully curea
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , ench 13if7Bc ;
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early
skins ) each 15c ; dry shurllngs ( short noolea
early skins ) . No I , each DC dry flint. Kansas
and Nebraska butcher wool pells , per Ib , actual
weight , 4C5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per Ib . actual weight , 3 j)4c ) ;
dry Hint Colotndo butcher wool pelts , per ID ,
actual weight , 405c ; dry Hint Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 3J4c : feeu
cut off , as It Is UK-IOSS to pay trelsh : on them ,
St. Loulx Rciu-ral MiirKc-t.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 23 FLOUR Unchanged
WHEAT Higher , closing 98G'io above jester-
day for May , with December Ho higher. May
opened VjSlsO higher , went oft He up "jc , down
"tic and up 'tc closlnjr within Vie of the top
Spot , higher , No 2 red cash , elevator , 9Cc ,
track , 9G > 4r'J7'/4e. ' No. 2 haid , cash , S7c , Decem
ber , 'J7c , May , 9J\c.
COIIN futures opened firm , fluctuited wltliln
a narrow range nnd closed unchanged from jes-
tcrday. Fpot ensv , No , 2 cish , 2c , December ,
J3c bid : May , 27" < fe27'ie.
OATh I'utures were stronger , but quiet and
steads to a fraction above jesterdaj. Spot ,
htrong , No 2 ciMi elevator Jle , trick , 21V4o ,
No J white , 23iiSJ4c ( , December , 21'4c ' , May ,
-23 c.
llYE-rirm at 431-c.
I'LAXfeEED-Qulet at $1 03 < i
JJHAN fatrong. sacked , cast track.
lacknii thlH side GUii2c
llrirm for choice grades and In moderate
demand , prairie , $300ffS30 , tlmrtliy. J8 00010 ( W
I1UTTEK Lower ; cienmer > , Iki(23i3c ; dairy ,
EGOS rirm nt 16'5c. '
WHISKY $1 19 i
UAOOING 0-47'4C ?
METAII end , llrm nt $3 57 33 CO Spelter ,
dull nt $3 7i bid $3 0 asked.
PROVISIONS Pork , quiet ; standard mess ,
Jobbing , $823(3850 ( Lard lower , prime steam ,
IU3CIJ1PTS Hour , 3,000 bbls , wheat , 30,000
bu. ; corn , 132000 bu , oitti , 12 OCO bu
SHIPMENTS riour , 9000 bbls , wheat , 17.CCO
bu. ; corn , 153,000 bu , oats. 32,000 bu
Iliilllinorc Mnrlci-tH.
11ALTIMOUE. Nov. -PLOUK-QuIrt and
unchanged , wesle-rn superior , J. ! 70ff3 10 weslen.
extra , $3 33fit 10 , vvestem familv , $4 40'o4 o > , win
li'rnn ' ? ' ' " 'em(1. ' ' * W " 0 , Hiring pilenta
r , uusfjj , fprlng wheat
- stralRlitH I ) MJT3 00. rc-
celplB 14 C27 bbls , exports , C CCO bbls
W1U3AT Dull and Ilrmer , spot. 97& fj974i"
December iiSJiBS'tc , steamer No 2 red. 9Jf
! ' 2iC , lecelpts , C3013 bu , wiutliern whent by
sample , SKhUSfec , southern wheat , on grade , ! IJ
rOItN Dull , tpot , month nnd December , 32 ? fr
: % , steamer mixed , 30iJ30\c ; receipts 33,5'i3
bu . exportn , 13,940 bu , southern white corn , 33
StKp. southern jcllovv , 3234c
' - . No. 2 white , 2982Sif.o ; receipts ,
( )
11YI3 rirm. No 2 white , B3\4c \ , receipts , 13,582
bu . e-xporls , 27,71" bll
HAY Steul ) . clulce timothy , $13.
OHA1N I'UEiniirrt-Qulet. steam to Liverpool
per bu . 3i4d Nov i mber
nilTTIIIl Steads , creamery , 23c.
nar.s-rirm ; fresh. 21c
CHEESE Steady , fancy New York , large , 9VQ
W 'nn > CoiiiiulNHloii Coniiuiiiy.
OVMIV OKI'ICE. Nov 21. The wheat market
ha been nlrontr and steady * nt fiom "c to "ic
hlKhei , Insnl mi Htronir Bibles , set thr > ciiKaEe-
menu for shlpuient wcit for hut 75,000 bu , with
receipts 40,0 bu. In excess of shipments. This
IH runnhiK moderately close , comddeilni' thu le-
pntB of heavy receipts , espi < clally on thePnclllc
coast nnd In f.inndn , both of which are iw much
our e-uni-otltoiB ( east of the Rnckj mciimaliis ) as
aru Russia. India or Anentlne However. 10-
P"ils Has their heivv movement must decrease
upon nn early dnti for which reason we btl'evo
million ? Is buying Kniund. at least for n scihl
for the Ixilanco "f the month with the prospect
of a better market afteil lh xettlement of the
Dcrcmbei month
fl'ho nri'rnluin of December over May girled but
HO today
Corn und oils nro Hinchnnced but flrm at th I
laat two dass' prices
KIIIIMIIN ( ' ! ( >
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 23 WHEAT Acllve.
WWla hlKhoNo 1 hard. Bfce , No. t fi2'4/SJc ' ;
No. 3 791 , SVJc ; No. 4 , 77 Slc , No 1 red 93c ;
Nn. 2 , 92HS93C ! No , 3 , ( CWIiPc , No. 4 , b2a3c ,
No. 2 tprlng , S2c ; No , 3 , 79HSOC
CORN Klrm some cases Ho higher ; No , 2
mixed ZJVi&'lc ,
OATS Active nnd fleady. No 2 while , 21c
RYE Hinder , No. 2 , 4lc.
HAY Weiker on heavy recelpls ; choice llm-
othj' , 18 DOflii.75 , choice prairie , $7 00
IIUTTKH-Bteuds , creamery. lS820c , dalrs , 13if
iOOS KIrmi fresh candled , 17o , storage , 13c
oilJs' : ' > 'larWhent' C6Wl ) tU" t0r" ' e3'M ° ' " '
( > )0 )
hlill'MrN're Wheat. EMOO bu , ; corn. 2fl 10J
IHI. ; oats , none.
PliK-liiiuill tliu-Uct.
CINCINNATI , Nov. 2J PI/DUn Steady-
fancy 14:044.40 : famllv. $3 WQ3775
' . ' . 'v ' ' T3"16' ! No " rci1- nominal , 91.
fOltfC-.SIevdy , No , 2 mlie < l. 27iic.
OATO-Dull ; No 2 mlxe-l , 23T23'5c.
RYIHteady ; No , 3 , 48ic (
PHOVIblONS I ird , active at $4.15 Hulk
meat * . I'ull at $ ( , CO llacon , steady at J3.S3.
WHISICY-Stwidy at $1 ! . .
ItlTTEU Easier : Elgin creamery , 24e ; Ohio.
H fOe : dalr ) UClJo.
IX1OH steady ut ICMc.
CHEESE Finn ; good to prime Ohio Hat , Sre
Drtrnll MiirKi-l ,
D13THOIT. Mich. . NDV 23.W1HJTNn 1
'illf. > o ; No. 3 red. Sl'ic ; December , S2' o.
Mas1 vie * .
OOIIN No , J mixed. 26Hc ,
fATS-Nei. 2 whits , 2 < lsc ,
KVK-No , 2 ,
llriulttrt-i-I'M ( inilii
NEW YOHK.I Nov -Special cable nnd telegraphic -
graphic dispatches to llrad treet' , luverlng the
principal points of Bccumulatlon Indicate ihe
( cdliMlnir chancri lnc last Saturday , compared
with the preceding Saturday ; '
Wheat : United State * and Canada , at of
Hooky mountains. Increase , f9 oiX ) ! m : nflortt for
Snd ' 2.Ej" " ! Incrrate , i,6ooo bu. . Urerpool
P . " TrM Novrn , vrorkl'ii uppljr. > ! Increax' ,
3,815,000 iH4
Corn1'nlted Rlntfx nml Cnnndn , riv t otHo-ky
mnuntnln . Incrense , 29S OX ) bu. . ,
Out * l nltfd stBten nnd Cnnnda , m t of lloclty
muuntnln , lncrea < - , bu , , . .
A nmnller Increnne- nvnllnble storks of wnj1" !
t'nlled States nnd Cnnndfl , Inst week , thnn thnt
reported In the nfllclal Mslhle ut > ply utatemenl
lusueil on Monday , n compnrcsl with Ilrnil-
street's ejlillilt heron ltd lndlc tcs n Hidden
check In the movements of cereals nt first hnnds
which was not miide nppircnt by reference to
the mcnemcnt nt points In thf otnclal visible
supply ntnlemcnt. I.irgtr Increases In nMllnble
Blocks lust week , oxcluslvo of the c In the olprlnl
olnti-ment referred to. nre 4ftivw ) bit. In north-
we ern Inlerlor elevator" , nnd l4OX ) bu. nt
OiHeston , Corrcupondlng decreases nmount to
170,0 * ) bu. ntarloun Minltobn fdornge polnls ,
210 ooo MI , nt Tort William , Out. 119 WM n. n
Milwaukee prlvnle elc\ntora and 49,000 bu. In
Chicago private elevators.
Ornln ltpplH | nt I'rlncllinl Mnrkct
ST LOUIS , Nov , 23. Receipts : Wheat , 100
CHICAGO , Nov 23-ltecclpts toJny ! Whent ,
270 cars ; cnrn. 717 cars ; oats , 621 cm * . Ilstlmntcd
carlots tomorrow ; Whent , 152 , corn , 423 ; oats ,
340DULUTH. . Nov. 23.-necelpts : Whent , SS4 cnrs.
422 cnrs.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 23 Receipts ; Wheat ,
HI care.
PEORIA , Nov. 22 Receipts ! Corn , 63750 bu ;
onts , 48300 bu j rse , COO bu ; whl'ky. 73 bbls. ;
wheat , 1SOO bu , Shipments : Corn , 10.C30 bu. :
oats , 45,400 bu , ; rye , none ; whisky , 1,350 bbls ;
wheat , 1,200 bu.
IilM-rpool Market.
short ribs , tnry , 33s Od , short clear backs , easy ,
31s .Shoulders , square , steads * , 2a , Lard , prlmo
western , llrm , 22.s Cd ,
WHEAT Spot No. 1 red , northern spring , firm ,
COUN November , Meads' . 3s 2iJ ; December ,
sleads , 3s 2Jid January , slcady , 3s 2'fcd , Ameri
can mixed , llrm , 3s 2Vd.
ToU-ilo .Mnrlict.
TOLEDO , Nov. S3. WHEAT Higher nnd
( .leads , No 2 cash , 9lo nfkcd ; December , 94c ,
CORN CJulct and easy ; No 2 mixed , 27c.
OATS Dull nnd steady ; No. 2 mlted , 21V4c.
RYE-DnlU No. 2 cash , 48c.
CIXJVERSEED HlBher ; prime cash , $3 15.
Sun PriinclHCo Wheat Market.
SAN TRANrisco. Nov. 21 WHEAT-Slrcnc ;
DecemlxT , $1.4rj ; May , $1 24i.
1JARLEY Weak , December. DO'ic. '
1'rorln llnrKi-tM.
PEORIA , Nov. 23 COUN-Stcady ; No. 2 , 2 c.
OATS CJulct , No 2 while , 24c.
WHISKY Not quoted
Vortlii-m I'nelllu StoeUn Coiilliiuc io
himv > htrciiLttll.
NEW YORK , Nov. 23 Todns's mirket for
Blocks was the reversil of jcslcrdaj's nnd repre
sented nothing but the operations of the room
traders outside of a few stocks. The list gen
erally shows small net gains on thc < covering of
short contracts made sesterdas. There wns n
continuance'of ' the strength shown jcsterday In
the Northern Pacific stocks , especially the pre
ferred , which ro a 1& & by the close ot the das.
Melroixilltou htieet Railway and the Rubber
Blocks ulso dlsplijed strength , all gaining * over a
point. 'Hie Htiuiifth of tlu Rubber sticks was
due to lUlnorn of the proposed obsorptbn of a
comix-ting compins' . Consolldilcd Qns wis
notabls weak all dij In the doubt \\hlcli Is per
slttently kept .illvo concerning the probpects of
the merging of local gas compinles. It sliowe I
an extreme decline of CH ; poinU , but recovered
part of this. IJrouklsn Union , Ons lost a pirt IK
njmp.iths. The stock ! of the American bplrlts
cnmiians showed extreme weakness on the re
ports of the demorall/ed condition of the trade.
"Iho common Istock fell during the llnal hour tl
n point 2'4 per cent below list night's close , and
Ihe preferred 2 per cent , lloth Flocks rallied but
\crs' fc-ebls. The coders Inclined to weakness ,
though they showed some recovers * from the
lowest. Iheic was some selling of Union Pacific ,
piobably Induced by Ihe call for Ihe piyment of
the third 6 per cent assessment tomorrow , but
the decline did not -\ceexl ' 4 and wns rcco\erc-J
before the close Leather prufeired wns weak nnd
lost over a point on disappointment thnt t'ie
dividend is declared was limited to 1 per cent
Ihoio wns some little selling of bt. Paul nnd
Northern Pacific preferred for London account ,
but without perceptible effect on this market.
A feature of the das was a further rise of %
In the actuil rites for sterling exchange. Till"
Is In face of a continued verj * heavy outward
movement of merchandise nnd of selling of se
curities here for London account of insignificant
proportions The week's exports of merchnndls"
from New Yolk exceeded Ihoso of lost week bj
$2,501 40 < ) In , value , and are almost ns much In
excess of lliosa for the. corresponding period of
last sear. The dullness nnd firmness of the exchange -
change maiket nro undoubtedls" due to the loin-
Ing of money abroad In preference of drawing on
It by eschinge bills. A Chicago bank olnclnf Is
nutliorlts for the statement that several million
djllirs i > f Chicago moiies * Is now loaned In Eng
land nnd the continent and tlw lolal nmount of
money owing to persons In the Unlled States
left to drvw thrt hlgfer rate of Interest In Eng
land and on the continent undoubtedls * mounts
up to nuns' millions , though no accurate esti
mate can well be made of It.
Tiadlng In bonds wai active nnd prices were
for the most part firm Tutnl siles , $1,52")000
United States new4s ro e ' 4 bid und the old Is
coupon nnd Iho Ks registered declined 14 bid
The Evening Post's London llmnelnl cable-
Kiam snss Ihe stock mirkets here were neg
lected trnlij , Tlie mining scltlenient shows' nn
IncKMscd account and stlffer rnlrs because of the
tlse In moni-s The ime remark will prolwblv
apply tomorrow nt the general cttlemcnt. Amer-
Icnns cp ned dull , but closed llrm. The Pur s nnd
lleilln markets' were iiulet.
Th < > follovvin * were the closing quotntlons on
the leading stocks of the New York exchange
today :
Total sales of Blocks todas' , shares. In.
eluding' Chicago llurllngto
YorU Aloncy Miirki'I.
Easy at lUftl pei * cent , last loan , l"j per cent ;
closed , IVnper cent
bTERLINCl EXCHANaE-riim with actual
business In bankers' bills nt (4 tS'iif' ' f ; ' , fnr
demand and nt (4 ( S 'iiM t3 for slxts dass , posled
rates , $4 t > 3'i ' and $1 iC(4. ( commercial bills , $112.
but little Tne mnrktft etee3tM ! < Jy with n gen.
trally light demand '
rtnulon StorW tlrintntlnn * .
* > -ieN. . Nox % 13. CHImvnri \ , SIM per c nti
time loan * . SCM'l per c m , .Cloning prices for
ttockn , bonds and mlmhg liiiirei ;
A.T.AS. V m WTpoc.jifd , . . . . , 41
American flmrnr , . 13171 BO.Bios in. . , , , . iam
Ani.Sncrnr ptd . , . Ill Renl'mo * ! . ptd. . . . s i
UavStalnOrtt , , , . . 'IH Atcnidon Hid 20M
Iloll Tclophoiu. . . 200 Atchlson 43 f > 5 > <
MoMon AAlbanr. 211) ) N.Mn On 112
UoMonA Matno. , , 103 ( Kle > o. S . . 100
c. . H , A g . . , , m' < Allonez Mlninz OJ r > 0
ritclibur ? in Atlaptlc 23K
Oonpral KlwUno. . , * 2 Helton A Montana 140'J
Illinois Stool.12 IluuoA Iloiton. , . . 2JH
Mexican . r > S Calumet A Heal i , . 4tn
N. Y..VN.K BO Centennial 17 < <
Ola colour. IHJ Krailklln HI
0.8 L IS Ko.iNmiro 18K
IliiDDcr Oscooia , .17
" ' " "
Union I'.iciad.l. . . Wii Outficv I. . . . 113
. \cstEnn 82JiT.atnarn | < Mf. 131
West End utd 100 IWolvortno 1UH
W. Eloo 21) ) ' < I
Snn rrnnrlnco Mliilncr llnotnOonn.
SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 21 The official cloMnR
quotations on mining stocks today were as foi-
Ions :
Alta HI noulu&cumn , . . . . ' 1
Alpha Con 8 Hale it Norcro , . IBI
Andes 28 Jnstlcci f > .1
llclchcr 24 Mexican , 3H
IloitAUalchor. . . , 34 Occidental Con. . . . lit )
Ilnlllon 10 Onhlr , . . . 78
C.aledoma 20 Overman fl
ClinllcneoCon. . . , . 20 Polosi , 41) )
Chollar. Dl S.iv.iio 33
Conndpnco H4 Sierra Nevada. . . . 119
ConOil. A V.a . . . . lie Union Con 31
Con. Now York. . . 2 UtnhCon 8
frown Point IH Yellow Jackal 34
Silver Imrt , KSUc ! Mexican dollars , 4J'i,0l , < ! tJc ;
drafts , sight , He ; telefcrnplrtc. n'.ic.
New Yorlc MlnliiK ( luotnf IOIIH.
ND\V YORK , Nov. 23. The following arc the
cloalne mining quotations :
Chollar. 41 Ontario , drill
frown Point 13 Oinilr 70
Con. Cnl , A V.a , , . 103 I'lvmomti H
Doailwooa UO Quicksilver 100
aonULJ. Currr 20 OulcKsilver DM. . DOO
HaIcAMororo33 . 40 Sierra Niwadv. . . 00
Ilomcit.aicQ 3000 Sim I ul IBS
Iron Silver ICO Dillon Con 30
Mexican 35 YollovvJackot . . . . 30
London Stock 'lunttidonn.
LONDON , Nov. 2J.-4 p. in. closlnR !
HAH SILVER 274d per ounce.
MONEY 202H per cent. 'Ihe rate of discount
In the open market for shnrt ami three months'
bills , 2J4 per cent. |
riiiniiei.ilot : -N
NEW ORLEANS , Noi. 23 ClenrlnRS. 13 ! lfi,199.
HALTIMORU. Nov. 23. Clearings , fl,30SJS3 ;
balances , $100,279.
I PHILADELPHIA , Nov. 23. Clearings , $12,071'-
1 * f35 , bilnnces , $2,123,988.
MEMPHIS Tenn , Nov. 23. Clearings. $41 < ! .7')3 ) ;
hnlnncei , 501513 , New York exchange Belling at
ST. 1XJUIS. Nov. 23. Clearlnr- , $ ' 01D/i01 , bnl-
ances , S3.M3ol , money , C'US ' per cenl , New York
exchange 23c piemlum bid , Me premium asked ,
CHlOAno , Nov. 2J. ClearlnC'- , JIG G13.C2S , New
Yolk exchange fOc premium , posted tntcs , Jl & > '
nnd $ l.liCV4. We t Chicago nnd New YoiU lllscult ,
fail Is active nnd strong , oilier * Blonds. Closing :
West Chicago , 103 , Diamond Match. 141 , North
Chicago , E34 , Lake Street L 171 ! , New York
Hlscult , CTS. , btnivvlKMTd , 29 bid. 30V4 niked ,
South Side L , CIVS , City Railway , 237'i
KorclKU Kliiiiiiclnl.
DnRLlK Nov 23 Exchnnuc on London , W
marks 35 pfgs for checks.
LONDON. No2.1 Hold Is quoted today at
lUienos As res nt 174 70 , at Lisbon , 47.W , nt Rome ,
10 : 07. j
PARIii Nov 23. Three per cent rentes. 103t
23c for the account. Exchange on London 23f
20c for checks
corFF'7N : ; 7AnKiT& : .
Port IlccflptH Uxcccil AtijHiliiK In
Cotton htl'tlHtle-s.
NEW YORK , Nov. 23 Todas 's cotton imrket
was narrow , but not without features Port re- "
celpts of 17,000 bnlcs made a new recoid , ex
ceeding anything In the hlstors ot colton sta
tistics bs S2 827 baVre.
Thla morning's eabUU from Liverpool disap
pointed the trade here , particularly ns to the
business In spot cotton. Private cables Indi
cated that the demand from J.inclie ! < ster has
dropped off and that the general mirkets were
unfavorably Influenced by .reported weakness. In
southern Interior mnikets and free offerings of
spot cotton from the bouth for ans shipment
The market here opeJieU nt unchanged prices
to a decline of 1 point dull and ruled ulovv wllh
narrow \arlitlons , advancing 12 points after
the call on covering , but og.uln turned weak
with the more active pftslllons nt Ihe lowest
level , showing a net loss of 2t polnls , and clos
ing steady with prices finally 1 point higher to
1 point lower as compired with jesterdaj's
closing figures. )
The main support of Ihq market wau covering
In anticipation of Tlmisdny's holidas. There
was also a little Investment busing In good part
for \\nll street accounts
Cotton was steads , middling , 5 13-lCc ; net rc-
cclpls , 276 biles , gross 7M > 1 biles , cxporls to
Great Hrltnln , 3 643 bales , to the- continent , TOO
biles , forwarded , 1800 bales , * nlcH , 301 biles ;
spinners 101 bales , elock , bOSCS bales. Total
todiis : Net receipts 87,033 biles , experts to
Great Uritnln. 33 173 bales ; to the continent , 700
bales , stock. 937,016 bales. Consolidated. Net * c-
celpts , 2C1.C13 bales , exports to Uieat llrltaln.
77511 bales , to Trince 5,430 baha , to the con
tinent , 48CO' " > bales. Total since September 1 :
Net receipts 3 537.C7S bales ; exports to Great
Britain. 1,106071 bnlcs ; to Trance , 307,1115 bales ,
ti < ( lie continent , S35 837 bales
Spot , quiet and easj , middling uplands , ri 13-lCc ;
middling gulf , C 1-lfc Closed steady , middling
uplands , a 13 Ilk , ; middling gulf , G 1-lte ; sales ,
301 biles Futures opened dull ; sales , 1,800
baldi , Januirj , $371 ; Tebiuarj , 1574 , March ,
r > 0 , Ap'll , J3 SMay. . } 5. 0. June } 3 91 , July ,
J5.93 , August , JC02 , September , ? C03 , October.
4j J , November , J5 Gl , December , $3 Gl Closed
stcidy Biles , . 101,100 bales , ; Januari , J570 , 1'eb-
ruaiy , J"i 73 , March , f5 SO , April , 1'it'i. Ma > , $390 ,
Juno $ -)94 , July , J3 W , August , JC(2 , beptember
5003 , October , J6.01 , November , J3.C3 , Dectinbor
$5 G5
NnOKLEANS , Nov. 23 COTTON Steady ;
sales , r BOO ba'en , ordinary , 4 o ; Rood ordinary ,
4c , low middling , 4 13-lCa , middling , 5Uc , peed
mldilllng 5Hc , middling fair , ' , 15 lie , receipts ,
40'dl bales , stock , 523,079 bales. I'utures were
dull , talcs , 2J 200 bjh-s , November , 15 U nom
inal , December , 13 21fi3 25 , January , J3335f > 3l ,
rchruiiry. Jl 3Sf , 39 , March , 53430311 , April ,
J5 Kff 4 . May. r MRi )4 , lime , 13.35 .09. July ,
$3 C3&3 04 , August , J3 CS03.C9
ST. LOUIS , Nov .M-cOTTON-Qulet. mid
dling. 55-16c , siles 720 bales , Jecelpts , 8381
bales ! shipments , 7,122 bales ; stock. SOS15 biles
MKMI'llIS , Tenn. , Nov. 23 COTTON Steady
middling , B c , receipts , 5,675 bales ; shipments ,
4 SC7 bales , stock , 112 31 bales , sales C.SCO balcu
OALVII.STON , Nov. 23 COTTON Quiet , mid
dling , 5 7-lGc.
LIVIIHI'OOL Nov. 23 COFTON-Spot , fair
demand , prlc < s steady , American middling , J'tO.
The pales of the day were 10000 balls of which
l.COO Kilei , were for cpeculalloni and export , an I
Included ' 1200 hales American , receipts , 9000
baled. Including SHOO biles American , Futures
opened quiet with a moderate demand and closed
, bted , , , m rlcu" < ' "I'WUng ' I. in c. , Novemb'r.
3 If C43 n-G4d , November and DccEinber. 1 It ( ! ld
pclluu , December nml Januarj , 3 fl Mf3 10 C'l *
bujers , Joninrj nnd rebruarj , 3 OJ-C4(3 10-C'l'
i nrr1i ? 7i'J.l.1iM'trc'1 > 3 10-Md' Mnrci alld l'r"
10-64K3 ll-C4d
- , bujers , April ami Maj. 3 12 e4 I
7 Cr"4 i,1,0"1 ! ' June' 3 " Cl11 ' ' > < , June and
U/ui ' n'1' ' Lll51-r' ' ' ' July nnU Ausust , 3 1V04W
J ! C-C4d , sellers , August and September , 3 10 C4d ,
\VDIJ 1 ,
HOSTON , Muss. , Nov. 21 1 hero were nn
8 ' " ' " " 7 ° ° ' maVhrt here t | H ,
, . ,
contlnunl hard and no vvciiKness cm f li ,
for ' " > ' " ' , TK-oce wools arc . | uotcd ' t
lols Territories aie in gVo'l
demand , belnir ubiut Hie only class of goods that
s inovlns to any extent. i-Ces | are Him ? a lie , o
hn been a f lr deman.l foi Australian nt pri"5
i or 3 cents below Import plnts. 1'ullonlnc mo
" quotations for leadlnff dwerl ptlons.
-9ll" * an.'J.1'enn.jUnnia ' HenoesX
, - . . X and abovp.
% X > " " ' ' . > " " ' . -SffJOj. Delalno , 33
' tomlllnlf. "W31c. No , . ' combing , 2J
Mleliliran , Wisconsin. i < tc : X.V Michigan yet
24c. No 1 combing Mlrli'giiii 2fc , Na 1 , JM
nol-i ' combing 27iii5o. No ? 'i Michigan ? hi. No.
- . cnnibinif , 2jc
? ojNeVM ° , rkVN'cw , Unmpslilre and Vonmnt
i >
-tir24o , f.o 1 , Nivv Yiirlt. Now Ilamashlro nnl
V.rm.nt Sic , Delaine Michigan , -'To
oK.nt"r.1 ! < ynnll , , I'KHana ' quarler-bltKid oomblnL'
23jJ4c , Kentucky and Indiana tliree-ckliths-bloud
cumbliig , 24 2 > e , Missouri nuartfr-llr d .nm'ing ,
. !
< Mltfourl
thrce-elshtlm-blood combing 2JK24 ,
brild lomblng , 2k Hke nnd OroiKlu , 2Jc.
i/ ? ? a * " ° , "lla Hprlnl ! ' MHliierranean ( is months )
irfce W'P ! 1f | ( U lnsnlll' > ' " > * = , scoured
.nTJ'ir'tor ! ' } ' wools : Montana fine me Hum mil fine
1 ? t'.Sci' eJru"1.'rlce ; > - ISffUo. Hlaple , 52 5jc. '
IMili \ \
IMilivomlng , He Meillum ami fine , 15
170 , scoured prie 4S fWc. staple. fSffu"
Auitrallan wools , scoured basis fomblns
supprllne ilpJZo. good 61 JCSc , good combing
\f-SilB ? ' .LMolQui-t'11'1 ! ' P ml > lnr. ( C5c.
Nov. 23
U'OOI/-Quli t and un
changed. nitdlum. U.JJ200 . ; light line , 13fT17o ,
heanne , 8iT14c ; tub washed. 22B30'Sc. '
Oil Murkoti. .
OIL CITY , Pa. , Nov -Credit balan-ra , C3c ,
rtrtincalei. flmt nales , 68 ? . eloped at C7Ho bid ,
I'lL.8 ? ! a C8c aml more offered , shlpmenls
IH M bbls. . runs , 114.1S8 bbli
NI3XV YOHK , Nov 23-OLS-roltoiiseed ! ,
Mrailler on Inercntlng demand ; prlmo crude ,
prime crude f. o , b mills , 13' H14c ; prime
> e"owlWo > ctt unimer jellow , 2
SAVANNAH. Oa , Nov -OILS-Turpentlne
n > 'rt , linn , 30Vo bli. Mles. 474 ca K . Itoaln
Hrni ; nalea 3.2J7 ca k ; receipts 4913 ca > k ,
'li'S'6'/.11 ' C , D J1.15 : 13. 1.20. T. Jl 20 , o ,
M 30. II $1.33. I , $ | 35 ; K , Il.tOi M $1.70 , N ,
$ ! J,0UntlgSC ; KlaB ! -W ; "nter * 'llte ' * " >
riIAHLi3TON H. CV , Nov. -OIUS-Tur- -
penllne , market llrm at 2ao , sales , none , Itosln ,
unrhunged , tulis. none ,
CALOUTTA , Nov 8 } oiljS Linseed , spot ,
J ! 1 near at hand delivery. 3M 3d
WII.MINOTON. N C. . No23 -OlI S-SplrlU
of turpentine , 29V 029)4C. Itoeln. leudy at $1,03
01.19 , Crude turpentine , } l.f > 31.W , Tar , llrm
at $1.CG ,
lM-Htfr Ti-xlllr Trnili' .
ilANCUKSTIIH , Nay , M Cloths and yarn *
were uteady with a moderate demand.
Yards Full of Cuttlo Oonslgnod Direct to
llnnily Snrt QuIoUljTiikon nt Stonily
1'rlcrNi nlth IloiiKh unit Common
AVenk lloKi 1'nlrly Active
and Much
SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. 23-Ilccclpta for
the days Indicated were !
Cattle. Hoc1 * . Sheep. Horses
November 23 . 4,6-'J 8i 0 I,6a2 . . . .
November 22 . 3,017 2,703 1,06 26
November SO . 1,200 5,600 2S6
November 19 . 1,919 4,041 l.tOO 27
November IS . 4,490 6,587 2,537 . . . .
November 17 . 3,162 4.C22 1.4G7 28
November 10 . 4,303 4,283 2,333 ,
November 15 . 2,018 2.00S 1,137
November 13. . . .t. . 4S3 6GSO 1,223
November U . 2,003 4,881 1,032 15
November 11. . . . . . . 3.C10 0,019 3.764 . . . .
November 10 . 0,613 5.SD7 1.&S3 26
November D . 2.762 6,313 1,400 . . . .
November 8 . 3.4SO 2,591 719 22
The olllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road
Cattle Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & St. P. Ry . 6 3
O. & St. L. . ny . 3 3
Missouri Pacllld Uy . 2 . .
Union 1'aelllo SyBtem . . . . 57 22 12
C. & N. W. Hy . 5 1
P. , 13. & M. V. U. U . 23 32
C. St. P. , At. & O. Uy. . . . 16 13
U. & At. ai. U. U . 4 } 29
C. , U. & Q. Hy . If
1C. C. & St. J . 26 2
C. , 11. I. & P. lly. , east . 19
C. , 11. I. & P. lly. , west. . 2 J _
Total receipts . 190 143 15
The disposition of the dny's receipts was
as follows , ench buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Uuycrs. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co . . . . 12 1.W4 . . : .
The G. H. Hammond Co 415 1.509 2ol
Swift nnd Company . C76 2.S38 1318
The Cudahy Packing Co 71G 1,022 1 2SS
H. Ueeker and. Degan . . 112 . . - .
Vansant it. Co . 034 .
J. It Carey . . 19 . . . .
\V. I. Stcnhcns . 10J .
Hill & Huntzlnger . 24S .
ncnton & Underwood . . 2r > G . . . .
Huston & Co . 61) .
hlvlngston & Shalcr . . . 47 . . . . . . .
L , F. Husz . 57 .
II. Hamilton . 1U .
Denis Wolf . 1U
Swift nnd Co. . country . . . . 333
Cudahy P. Co. , 1C. C. . . . 7TC 338
Other buyers . 1"5 . . . .
I eft over . 100
Totals . 4,529 8,327 3,259
CATTLR The yards were full of cattle
today , 190 loads being reported In , as
against 172 cais a week ago. Of the cat
tle reported In twenty-two loads were con
signed direct to pickers , so that the actual
number on sale wns not so very large for
a Tuesday. While natives formed a con
siderable proportion of the receipts , there
was ( julto a sprinkling of vvesioitia. 'Iho
maikct ns n whole was not much changed ,
though It took some time to effect a clear
ance owing In some degree to the late ar
rival of many of the trains.
Among the offerings of beef cattle there
were a good many hnndy little native
steers which met generally with quite ready
sale and at steudj prices Such cattle bold
mostly at $ l. < 0f(4 ( W ) The more common
and rough cattle did not move off quite so
freely and the feeling on such was weak
owing to thu largo arrivals and the tone ot
eastern maikets.
In spite of the large receipts of cattle
.the offerings of butchers' stock were not
of very preat piopoi lions. There were a
good many odds and ends of cows and
niltins and the avciage qunlitv was rather
oir the commonlsh order. The demand was
quite brisk , and consldeilng the quality o
the cattle the prices paid were just about
There wns not such aery large run of
feeders , but still there was bomo little
weakness in the market and the trade
was Inclined toward dullnebs. Regular
yard buyers took In a good many cattle
yebtcrduy and did not sell many , and In
consequence weio not inclined to buy
very freely until the chances for unloading
were better. Ktpresentative sales : .
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
1J..1W7 ? l 15 72 . .im Jl 45 31. . .l-CO $4 CO
1 . . .11110 t BO 1 WO 4 W W . 107J 4 15
122 ,10iS 435 18 _ ! ' ! 440 19. . . 10 ) 4 55
19. . .1235 4 5 3 . . 1030 4 0 22 . 11H 4 3"
27. . . 1031 140 1 . .670 3 C5 SO. . .1210 410
J5 . . ltil 4 40 1G . 12iT 3 75 7. . 1118 4 3
1 tnlllnp. . . . 'JSO 3 25 31 feeders. . . 907 3 83
Ifi. . U T > 375 1 . . .10GO 3 7 > U. . . K J J "o
1. . . . 770 373 1 . . . SCO 39) 4D..10VJ 300
5 . . 902 3 SO 37 . .1154 3 90 25 . . .1J52 3 95
11. . 1057 400 12 . . . fj > 403 2. . 1201 TO
48 . . 1327 4 10 20. . . .1(0. ! 420 13. . 1270 4 r >
19 1143 430 2 . . .1310 4 3D B7..1191 4 W
44 . . . 92S 433 17 . . . .lj ; 435 4S..977 413
22. . . .1132 435 23 . . .UC7 440 36. . . .1.133 440
23 . . . 9E8 4 CO 18 . . .1S91 470
1..1450 3 O > 1. . . . CO ) 22" , 2. . .1033 301
21. . 105 335 2) ) . . . . W 100 1..11W n CO
2 . . .14fi 3 IB 1..13CO 250 1. . . ' 1-0 290
2. . . .1310 310 i. . . 102S 320 1..11TO 3 S >
19. . 10S7 34" 1. . . . 760 223 1..930 275
1 11M 223 1. . . 1020 SM 2 . . .Mil 2 1
1 . . . 850 273 3. . . . S20 2 R3 2. ' ! > 0 3 O"
1 1310 3W 3. . . .1116 323 11. 12)4 ) t JJ
6 1126 3 25 2 . . .1173 3 30 C . . .1120 3 30
49 fCX > 3 10 2 . 127" ) 3 33 1 . 1150 .1 50
20.iCK : : 3 BO 12 . . ,940 , 350 2) . . .1190 3 63
7. . 743 03 7. . & .0 310 L. . . KO .12 ,
9 . . KS 1 40 10 . . 4S1 3 r , 1 . . . 70) ) 3 * 0
1. . . . 819 3 00 3 . . . 933 4 CO L. . 4M I 2-j
1 13PO 2 C5 1 . I'Mo'l rO 1 1VO t 1i
1 ' 1570 323 2. . . 1110 2 CO L.13r,0 223
2" .13-.5 2 CO 1 . . I'M 2 CO 1. . .12-.0 2 75
3 .1200 2 J > L. . . 700 300 1..1480 SCO
1 . . 030 3 10 1 . ,1030 3 23 1..1MO 3 25
3. .210 33- ; 2. inn 'i r,0 2. . . . 213 575
20 . . 3S3 4 CO L. . . 9) 5 50 _
' ' "
3 . . . 740 1 M 2' * , . ViS 4 n 2 9M 3 40
1 . 810 3 50 11 . C83 3 70 1 . . . SJO 3 75
t . . . 730 375 L. . . C40 J 73 4ii . . . E42 3 to
3 428 4 00 20 . On 4 20 19. . . . CSS 4 30
No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
3- * , bulls HOI $ . ! < / * , S tailings . . SSJ $3 00
1 feelers , . Oil 3 'fl 19 ? feeders . fSI 1 rt
43 feeders. . . CC4 41 * , 1 bull 1300 2 CO
I feeder. . . . 1030 275 1 cow 10CO 275
Scows . . .1010 273 15 feeders..1082 3 SO
II feeders. . . 1030 SCO 14 feeders..1117 390
7 feeders..1000 3 10 1 feeder , , . .1010 3 90
1 cuw 1220 2 JO 1 Lull 130 2 70
Jcuvvs. . . . 11.0 TIIO W COWH. . . .1 Jj "MS
1 steer. . . .1070 3 SO 4 feeders .110) 3 * 0
20 feeders . .10f > 0 3 S3 ! > feeders . . II A 1 Si
2 btet-rs . , .12fiO S 1)0 ) 1 feeder 1AO 3 i >
20 feeders lOl'i 3 ( " > IS feederu . . .10i3 3 60
3 feeders , .10 < iO 373 Scows 930 J 73
S feeders. . 1227 335 SS feed-re..IS1 ! .J 75
1 bull . . .1410 2 CO 1 cow . . . ' 1)0 J Oj
Icons . . . S30 SCO 1 feer-er 1020 390
2 feeders . . .1195 3 i 0 21 cows. . . . 92J 3 23
B feeders . . . HIS J 23 4 feeders . .1080 3 SO
121 feeders . .1003 3 G1 1 bull . , .1M.O 2 CO
3- bulls 11S3 2 60 7 bulls b7S J 0 * .
" 1 feeders , . 9 0 3 95 B feeders . . 900 3 10
35 feeders 911 3 ' 0 7 feeder * . M 4 10
Iioas Receipts of IIOKB. ns well ns of cat
tle we-re large and the mnrket plainly showed
the iffecta Olher mnrkels were alsj leportlns
largo runs nnd lower markets , with the provision
inn'ket lower , u well. Everthin , ; was against
the tellers
The market vvns ns active ns could be ex
pected at n decline of I0fil".c , and the receipts
had nil changed hands some time before mid
day.The hogs sold at n range of $3 22V4
Cn 40 , as against $3 333,50 / > jestcrday.
Heivs * h"HtH sold largely nt $ .1 2i , nnd BH
the nuMt of the hogH here were henvs , the big
Hiring of the receipts wax at that price. A
few heavy loads sold up to $330 $ , and medium
welghls brought $3309140
The mnrket. as a wlnlf , nvernged nbout Ho
lovvo" than sesterday Ted is'H break carries ,
the market to the lowest point touched tills '
month to far , and lovvei tian II IIBH been any
time slnco Jul ) Repretentnthe talcs :
No Abh. . Pr
21 . . 844 40 3 22'1 ,
H . 3S1 IfO a.'J'J
52 . 340 M 3 11-
41 . . 318 40 321
51 338 S 21
64 . 313 101 3 ? 3
< , . 490 I JO 321
92 381 S ) 1 25
143 . 358 120 3 V ,
Cl . . 309 FO 3 25
CO . . W > M 1 25
49 343 FO 2 25
47 . 3 6 > 32-i
K . 335 1C ) 3 15
? ( > . S30 .3 25
22 3f3 . 3 2. )
fO 5M ] CO 3 2"
49 . So ] 8H 3 K
49 . 377 M 12-
CO 328 40 3 S5
47 . * T | ff > 2 y > -
W 374 2S1 3 85
34 > 2X ) . 3 23
ZVI 160 323
. , , , , , . fO 325
f,2. . . . 8(7 ( 120 325
, . . , , . , . , FO 325
CO. . . . . .261 10 3 23
. . . 267 200 323
41 , . . . . Z3 120 3 25
46 437 . . . 3 25
Cl .341 SO > 25
. . . .373 120 3 23
SO Sl',9 M 3 23
SI . . . .SCS ( > 0 3 23
38 . 431 : > 3 23
00 . ,3 < J > 64 3 25
S7..33a 40 321
M 325 4Cl 3 23
46 3C7 ICO 3 25
67 , , . .S31) 320 3 515
4) .334 40 325
S3.,320 40 3 23
CO 313 440 3J { ! . . . . , . . .253
Stt MO 3 rS . 2l . . . J 14
(0 . Ml . . .IDS C3 . . . S7S (0 S 40
S . . . . 91 . . . I 10 S. . , . .4 f 0 J N
1 . .KO 80 S 10 . . . . 410 . . . S
7 . > > . . . 190 4 , . . , , . . .377 . . , J 3,1
S . . .333 W S S ) S . 371 . . . 313
s . zs : . . . 3:0 10. . . , . . , . w . . . a ro
S . 264 . . . 325 6 . : t . . . 3 J )
7. . . , . , , .277 40 3 53 C , . , , , , , 2H . . . 3 SO
3 . 3 > . . . 3 N C . 231 . . . 3 Sr.
. 3V. . . . 3 2-i 4 . 19 : . . . 3 35
3. . . . . . ,3 < sl . . . 3 23
SHttKl' Them \\ns qult < > n olrlnp of sherii
here , but the market wi Mronc , Ithough Ilom
what uno\cn. Uc | > rrseru.the enles !
No. Av. Tr.
4 0 vrolcrn wethers . 107 II 03
107 western cwea . , . , . US 3 K
17 wrstcrn wethera . 120 4 13
433vosl trn wtthcra . . . lee 4 IS
03 western lamia . , . 71 5 w
If 6 mixed . 113 .ISO
413 western xvothera , . . . . . ffl 4 " '
629 western wethera , . . , . . . . ? 4 4 JO
246 weitern wclhera . . . Ida 4 4)
10 lambs . . . , . 71 4 73
254 western wcthera . , . , , , . 79 il 15
oincAtio Livi8 STOCK ;
Sl > oclnl I < nt of Strrri llrhifr Kvlrnor-
illnnrlly lllRli I'rlt-cn ,
CIItCAQO , Nov. 23 The smnll | > roix > rtlon ot
Rood fnt > prln ( ? cnttlc sold rcaillly nt flrm rrlccs ,
but commoner klndn moxej off slonl ) nl barely
steady price * . Poles > \ero on n l > a < ls of from
fJ.W to JI.S3 for common dremcd beet steers ,
up to from V to W.BO for choice to fancy strtnic
cnttle , Few saloa ere nindo nbcnc $5.15. $ nml
the bulk of the orfcrlnK-t sold at vr > Ion HK-
nroiiih northern fed Trxan * In demand nt
from 13.90 to $4.40. Ted weMirni sold lit from
? 1. 0 to J4.EO nnu oceatlonally nrounl J5. nnd
Iho few ranffp cnttle sold l about Inst crU'
flRure-s. The Mocker anil feeder trade wn filrly
good , the call being chlclly for medium weight
steers and a few lots went ns low ns from } 1 to
J3.50. Co and helferi told better than last
\\eok and canning lots vcre biliiKlm ; hlRhei
prlco . Cnl\e were steady. The lop prices fur
rattle todn > $3. to \\a paid for sixteen head of
Chrlslmni cxpoit MeeM thnt averAsed l,3tS
Iionnds , This Is the hlRheit price palJ In a IOIIR
Tlio mntUct for IIOR * uns slower nml prices
n\craKed a nickel lower tlmn } c tcrdnj morn
ing Kales \\ere made at nn extreme range of
from $3,20 to $35 , henxy packers soiling nt fiom
$3.20 to $3.40 nnd prime shipping lols at from
J3.BO to J3 M The bulk of the IIORS sold nt
from $3.40 to J3 B2V& and plus pold largely nt
from $3.15 to $3.40. Tim late market \\aa ncllvo
nnd firmer.
The market for sheep and Iambi wa < stroncer
and prices were nbout lOc hlKhcr , sheep pelllnR
nt from $2.75 to $4.75 for poor to pilme and
lambs nt from $4 to } 5.rO Choice sheep and
lambs were very scarce l"ew thcep sold up to
$1 63 and few lambs sold up lo $5,60
llecclpts : Cattle , 4,000 bend , hogi , 40,000 head ;
sheep , ' . ' ,000 head.
S < liouln I.Uc Stoolc.
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 23 CATTI.K lUcclpts. 2 SOO
head , of vhlch 1,000 head are Te\anv shipments.
1,200 head , market strong for natlxcs , stronu
to lOc higher on Texani ; fair to fancy natho
shipping and export Kleirs , $44i323j bulk of
Dales $4 40W4 75 , dressed beef nnd butcher Mcer * ,
$400iif480 : bulk of Biles , 54205430 , slceri under
1,000 Ibs , $330 { 45 , bulk of s lies , $3 S > 0ffl 10 :
utoekers aJid feeder1" , $2 23f4 30 , bulk ot tales ,
$3 lift ! 20 : cows and heifers , $2 005f4 r.O. bulk or
cowi , $25011320 , canning cows , $1 50(82 ( 40 , biilN.
H7.3320 | ; Texps and Indian steers grass , $273 $
5r3 .0 , cows and hclfcru , $2 10IJ3.BO
HOOS llecelpts s.SOO bend , shlpmentB SCO
heail , market 5o lower , IlKMt , $3 40ff3 13 ; mixed ,
$340 3CO. hca\s. $3 4J8T3 53.
Slliii' : : HecelpK 700 head : shipment' " , " 00
head , nnrket Ftroni ? , native muttons , $12357) )
435 , culls and bucks. $17:37325 , HlocKcra. } 2 COW
290 , lambs , $4 25W5 90
ItlllllllllllKlllH ] , ! > < Stlll'U.
INniANAI'OMS , ind. . Nov. 2J. CA lTM-lle-
cclpts BOO head , shipments f.ilr , market nuot-
ably steady , Rood to prhno steers , Jl s,0ff3 10 , fTh
to medium steels , $1 43j4 73 , cnmiuon to seed
stackers , J2.23JI1 25.
IIOOS HeielptH 7,000 head , shipment" , 1 000
li "ii < l mnikoil oncnod ilull , 2tic low el , and Inter
said nt n decline of 7".c , KOod to cholco meillum
and heaJl 43S3 50 , mtvol , $3 35W3 43 ; common
IlBhlB J3 35ff3 45
4H15PI' AN'I > I.AMltncce'pts Wo hoid
slilpinetits , CM hold mnrkot nnU fairly actho ,
( rivxl to choice lamhs J5 POiTo " > 0 , common In
medium limbs , $ I.OOJT4.73 , common sheep , lliarf
HllNf llllfTnlc , l.Ii.S ( < irU- ,
CA < ? T nUPPALO. N. Y , No2J rw.-
Ole = cd nljout stcnily ; choice exports and "hipping
steers , $4 75f4.R3 ( medium hea\y , SirnfiiTO
coar e rmntli J3 00 T4 13 fat heifers , Jl 'Hlfil 22.
mlxel _ butchers' stock , $3 3301 00. fat cow , $3 Bd
t(3 73
lions Stcndv : Yorkers to choice , $3 < 101r3 43.
roiiqlu. oominon to con-i { 3 IOJJ" 23 , pips , com
mon to cholco $3 Miti3 ) f" .
IjAMDS Choice to evtn , $3 50ff3 CO. culls lo
common $4 Bnjn IB.
hllKHP Cliole to selected , wethers , $1 BOJf
1 5ri , culls to common , $2 SKJ3 50.
ICniiNiis Ttt > It > Storl
KANSAS CITY. Nov 23 CATTIn-necetpts.
13 OW head : imrket weak ant\ lOc lower , Tovnn
steers , $2 S55JI.10 ; Tcxa" cow , f2 TO
57101) , natl\e steers , $32031113 , nalho
cnws and heifers , Jl 23T4 00 , stockers and fe-'dois.
f2'lWI35. bulls , J240il323.
IIOOS Hecelpts , 23,000 bead , nnrket 10c lower
on heireceipts' bulk of sales $ J 231Z3 " 0
henvles S3 22' < ; ffi3 33. pickers $ J 233 32 , mlxel
( .3235114 ! ) . llchls J313ST3W : Yorl.ers ? 3 rij )
3 C7'A plRs $1 0)W3 13
SIIiii' : itepelpts. 4000 head : nnrket nrm ,
lambs , $1 00fl3 75. muttons $3 S > i74 75
\t VniJc Ilt Sioolc.
XIJW1 YOHK. No23 HUnVI Iteeelpts. BIS
head , nr > tradlnp , cables < iuote Amerlrsn nteers
it 10'ffin4c ; refrlcerntor brcf S1iii'Hc , ( , ex
ports 440 bee\es , 2,240 nuirlers of beef
CAI.VnS Receipts , 120 head , \eals , J3.005jS.OO ,
erra = sers $3 OOffj 70.
SlinnP AND 1.AM11P Ilccelpls , 1/IS3 head ,
lambs J3 2305 ' 10.
IflMiS KcceiptH , 2,702 bead , market Blendy at
3 70@1 00.
1-nulN-i lllc I.It t Stork.
i.ouisviLi.n K } . , NOV. 23 CATTM : nc-
celpts , 2Jl head market , ste.uly , unchanged
11OOS Receipts , 3,000 head , market Be off nil
coed lions , 100 IhK , selling at J3.,5 , pigs , $3 25i7 >
3 43. roiiRb. J2 75.73 10.
sunn * AND I.AJIHS n-'ccipts , coo iieni , best
rat shetp , fl 40B3 CO , best Iambs , $4 50(74.75
CiiicliiiuUl lilP Sloi-k.
CINCINNATI , Nov. 23 HOGS-Actlvo and
lower at $2 R03 fO.
CATTI.n ia y at J2 2-"fi3 10.
Slinri' Lower nt $2 5W4.2.3.
IjAMIiS Lower nt $3 $ rj05T3 25.
stock In Mr.lit.
Record of tecclpts of llxo stock at the four
principal markelt * for November 23'
Cattle HOR' ' " Shepp
Oimha . 4119 8270 l.'ii *
rblcaso . 4000 40000 fl ooo
Kansas C'Hy . 13000 21000 4 O'O
St. Louis . 2fOO SSOO 700
Totals . 23 310 SO 070 13,292
XnW YOniC , Nnv 21 COPPii-OptlonH
opened steady at B In 10 polntn decline under
renewed boavj movement nt Hlo and Kanto *
weik J'uropean markets , absence of spot cV-
mand and InrllfTercnce of speculators , rallied on
pirtlal iccovcrv at Havre .ind covering In an
tlrlpntlrm of Thin pdaj's holldav Closed birily
Ktc.idy ri to 10 points not deollne pales 2S 100
b tis Incliidlni ? IJofemlK * ! at $3 ( * iQ73 10. Jlareh ,
J5 305(3 ( 13 hi > ot roCfee Rio dull No 7 Invoice ,
B 12'4 ' Nn. 7 Jobblns , $6 C2Vj Mild. dull , ( ' .r-
dovn $1 lOfTH 00 Total vvar liouso dellveilci
fiom the United Stales 12 S37 bag Inclining
10 ( n IniKK from New Yrik New York Block
today .110 063 hairs , United Slates ttock T21 431
IIIBH , afloat for the HnltPil Sl te " . ( MO I > IKS ,
tntnl visible fnr the 1'nlled States 1 cr6f.1l Imw
iiKiln t CC2 328 bigs last vear and 511,233 IJIKB
In 1H3
SANTOS NOV zj rorrni : Quitt mod nv-
eriKfi Hantos nominal , ictelptB , 27 COO bass >
etnrk 1 113 f0 lines.
HAMIIHIta Nov. 2' COPPUi : Opened nn.
chancel , cloned with a net IOFH of 'AQYtVtiS ,
i-ales 21 000 haRii
IIAVIin , Nov -rOPPin-Opened milet , f
Inwer , cloeeA eat } at a net loss of 4f , sales ,
33 IXIO I 1R
RIO Ull .lANHIRO , Nov -COPI'IIH Qulf t\
No 7 Rio nmnlnal exclnnce C' < d , cleared for
the United State ? 7 Civ ) bass clejre.l . for iu- :
rope , 5 COO hais. ; Block 46 ! COO baps
IM Y i'lk Ur > fiidiil
NI.W YORIv Noi' . 23 Th dry oo Is mailtcl
showH quiet results In all t-'l 'K'H In flaplo col
Inns there Is no i IKHKC fn m the diillneys of
liBt vveek < ind In woolen nwds of all de < rlp
Moils I IIP maiket r mnlnH Him nnd without fca.
ture. Jobbers nre KeltlnK InivlnrHK only In Urn-
lleil aniountv ami cnl > wheic Die ) nro able In
make conc < unions In price * fViIlertlrns cnn
tlnuo fair There Is n tllitht Imirov fluent Is
the mnrket for knit goods , unjrrvvear bosleiy
and the like The Crm Bland tnK-M b > mana
farturiTH i-lid llic v irlnl&nn ( In the qtiallt ) of
poods ImvInK mniln It nblliratorj "P n bujers tt.
trade al figures more In line with the Minn cr
eclhrs than has he-etoforo been the cafe
NKW ORI r N < 4. 'Ni'V 21 pt'OAU-Opcn ket
tle , ule lv 2alI2Uc > < ntilfuciil , steady ntr"-nw ,
Kranulaled 4 I1-1i7l ( 7-lCc vvliHes 1 11 1M74 3-1CO.
Sdlows. I'iSTS'XiC , ntnindii. 2't t1p. Mrlanew.
nipon kittlfIKV K.o-flc , centrlfuBal aB > , 4fJ
12r Bvrun stfndy 17W'c '
NIJW YORK Nov 23St'O Ml-Ilavv , nnn ,
fair rcflnlnir , 35-lCo. cpntilfiiKal , HO Irsl. S' c ,
rellnod llrm. standard \ 4'4o , eut lojf , BHo ,
confectioners' & % o , Rranulatfd. ro.
ivnos' Nov 23HUO Ml Ileet , November -
ve-mber , fl .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I.lcllll-MllMt O'llrldl Ht'MlKIIH.
ATIjMsTA. OB. , Nov -Ueutcnnnt 1 M.
,1. o'Urlen of the Klfth Inuntry Bent in his
rrsltniitlon todnv to tnko rffoot March 31 ,
JK ? He was ndmtttoil to the linr In Mns-
pnchufctts l ) ° fern Tie cntereil the nrmv , and
lie vvlll re-turn to that tttnta to prartlco hit
profcsflon O'BrlPn VVHH IhR proHenitor In
tlin rclohrnted O'Urlen-Ilomyn court-mar
tial nt Kort McPherson recently , and In one
of the heat Vnovvn oHlefrs In the service.
KO > IIII < ( Jctn u ' Trlul.
ALBANY , N Y Nov 23 The court of np.
peals rendered a decision today er.intlnir a
new trial In the case of William Jay Koer-
nor. under sentence of death for the mur
der of his HAccthenrt , Iloso A Iledcate , In
Nn < v York City In September , 1FM Konrner
U a newapanor artist , formerly of I'ltts-
} > urx , I 'a Ilia defenao was Insanity , The
crime vvns cominlttid on a crowded street
and In broad elayllKht.
Anil Snr lcjl Institat )
ir.05t ) ( UoSuOniahn , Neb
Chronic , Kcrvons anil Private Diseases
mid DISOUDIilfSof hitfj
HYDUOrKLKnnd VAUlCiK'Kt.K IHI.III ttwntly an
Buocessfullv enrpd Inmtrvcinn.
IUKD ) ANHSK1N Dlsensos. Sere Simfi l lm
rs , Serof iiln.TuinorH Teltor. Kcfi'im unit Wood
"J "n tl'ProiiKlil ' * . clo-in-MMl from thn H > sfm
NKUVOJIS Doblllly , Mionuilorrliot , S.'mlnil
LOSBCB , Mcht l.inlBilons , IA ) of Vllnl Powers
( Vitality Wcnhlitniitc nn'lir toil ole inppllo.V til
to bnsliiein or Bind } ! nr-vrro nionltl utril i j
Brief , 8r.XUAt < i\l'KS : < K < t In inlddlo llfo or f it u
the offi-Pla of voiithful follies. iMHor vvrllolu a
todiy. llox 13 < 7.
Omalia Medical and Surgical I
to Boltlumior iio itivo Wiittrn ( Jitornntco ,
hynuthorlzod ncrntfl enl ) , to euro\Voak Memory ,
Uizzliipw. WnUofHlnesn , lits , Ihstoriii , ( Jj.iok.
nc-ia , Nil-lit 1 13500 , l.\il nronins. Jjick of Oeinll.
rionco.NorTonfiiii'B" , Ijnoaltmlo , nil Drnlno , Youthful -
ful Errors , nr LICCBPIVO Ui'o ot Toliacco , Opinra ,
nr Unuor , which leatla to JJiscry , I'onsuinptton ,
Insanity nnd Death. At Btoro or by mnlf , $1 a
box : eis for JSj with written cnnrimtco to
euro or roniiul money , hninrilo jmolc-
njjc , contnltiltig five tlaj-s' ' tro.atmontxvflli full
inBtructions , 25 cents. Ore uninplo only Eold to
each -lorsun. At store or by mail.
Label Special ,
Extra Strength , I
'Tor ' Itnpotoney , Lorn otv
J'ovror , Jjoet Jlanl.oncl ,
Htonlity < ir nnrronticsBj
n boss six for S'j , witlil
nilluii IlriiKr Co. , S. H. Cornet
Kith tiiul rnriiuiu > ( H , Oimiltu , ob.
A. Written Guaiiuitcu to CV1KK TVKIlV
CASK 01 * M M3V iijruM : ii ; > .
Ourcni o Is permanent nnd not n patching up Ca m
treat * tl tt n yoaivnuo Imvo never i-eenn h\intuii ) pluce *
l.j lit Kciiblnfr join inse tully \\v can tfcnt 3011 1 > > timll ,
nnd \ eKi u ihoKniDCKtionKEimrantrutocui-coi rrlund
nil money Uiom who iiulji to come line for tirnt-
mcnt can ilosonn 1 \\v will iiiy mlhttail tai-o both wn a
ami hold bills nlillc httv ffc tall to Mie.o chat *
jnik'n Ihcuoild foracaso Umt mil .lli'jlc Ilvinoity
Mill not emu ttiltt1 ti > r lull pnilluilniM ami i et ilio
Q\ltlr > ncu \ \ e know that 3 on a u t-kt | tlnl ( jiir-tly rotoo ,
na Iho mott eminent | hjMdaiiH lin\t ncvti hetn Hbto
to irivcmuro tlmn Kmpomr > iclftt. In our ten > tara
jnuctltt ulth thl-4 .fl iuU * CCiMiicitj tt hm ticiiunoBt
tllllktilt too\eunmo th pn udicpHii alnit all no-called
[ oeltk" Hut under out MiotiL * frna.Dntip ou hhuuld
iiot Iie'ltatc to try tl H luurtl ) , ) uu tukf no clmm o ut
loshiK > uur money \vo Kuniantio to tutu 01 i-crnnd
everv doHar nml an o hn\o n ret utntloii to protect ,
nUo financial > > ackfiiit of flinilO.OOO. It U teircclly
pafe to nil ulio will tiytho treatment Ilcrctoroi6 > ou
tia\e bien i titling up nml nn > lng out 30111 money Tor
U I Herein ttcAtinLDtsninl although YOU aie not 3 tt cured
no OIIB lian palil hack vour mone > Do not waste anv
moit mo ) i \ ntiMI 3011 tiy tin Oht.thronJe. Uttp-nated
casLf * curetl In thlit > to nlnnt } laya. liutntfRate out
Hiaiirlal ftuntllnK * out KpitaUon as IJUBIIILKH mcik
Wrlto us Tor nitiius und ndilict > M-3 of tlio- \\o hava
eureilho liaiu ffhtn iioimlsJon tn icftr to tlieai.
It costR > on only i-o lngo to do tJiIii It Mill Favcyoiin
world of biillttln liuiii mrntnl Ktraln i and If 3 oat re
marrkd what nmv jour oltfprJnj ? vuirtr through yt ur
ovMitirKli tmoi Jt > o i * tomitaitplnpletiouneo \ ) ,
Roro thiuat mucous imtclma In mouth rlnunmtJtm la
bone- * und julnts hnlr railing out , ciuptlnns en any
pat tor tlio boi ) fct ) li > of ppncinl dci iCfefIon.pHlni > la
liendor bones , jott littu notlmu to wnnte. Tlioto who
nro contttuntl > tnUliiK incimrj and i > ota h rliuulil dla-
continue tt ConMant uct of lit-so ! ( tmen * wtU turely
brlnRsoiosund tntlnir ulcers In th cnd Poit't lallta
write All concsPomlenLu ? ttnt tttalcd In plain tnvel
opesolnltc the moot rl id thlitatloii and wlH
do all In OUP power tonld juu In It. Address ,
J 11 ! ) Masonic Temple , Ohica-ro.Il
In the Spring 11 111 Iiu Ticiiic-iuloiiH.
'I he iiiDNt iirolllnlile biiNliicss TV 111 lie
In TraiiHiuirtiiUoii mill Mri-tilianillNiiiu
anil In KiimlNliliii ; Kooil mill SiiliiillcM
to I lie imillHiiiIi- ( in hi .Si'1-I..ciN In
Nhorl , a Ki-iM-riil TrnilliKV , Mt-reiui-
tlle nml S ten HIM hi n lniHlnt'Hs. It MUH
HO In 'Ill It 11 111 lie HO In > ! ) S.
The Alaska Transportation
and Development Company
Incoriiornlcd d > t ? n fj fftfirt
lapuiii 6eiy jy , Jnon-nsso3iablo
To meet this demand will own and operate Its
ow % srivuiits , HOATS V.M >
o > THUuico.v. .
ConiU'clliitV ivllli UN ( mil line of
mill iiuiKiilllccn t Ooi'iiii
specially adapted for pastcngcr business carryIng -
Ing to that courtu an Immuibe amount of KUi' .
PLIiS AND IXJUIl'MIJM foi the inlncrB , as
well as furnlsnliii ; them THANfal'OUJ'A'l ION
for themselves and their goods and estibllshln
THAUINH STATIONS at illircrcut polnls An
opportunity IB firfcred any perton , bo Ihcy of
small or largH means , to buj bharra of titoclt
In tills company an I PAHTICIPATR In the
s nivini\ns.
sure to be earned vilthln the next 12mon > . 'is.
hii vius AUI : > priuin : AT i ou
pir value , non-asscsMblu , nnd will be offered for
a limited llmo only.
\K131l Til V.-v. SAVI.MJS IIA.MvTS AND
Pa > lng larger dlvldLiidi. Wnlle numerous rai.
Ings bunks and b.mkn have Euspeiuud , trantpor-
tatlon and trading
companies were never tun
In the list of failures '
'Jhis sioch In one of the
mort desirable investments offered the public ,
'Iho Incoipjiatiirs and
mockhohlciH whuai eon-
nected with till * compnnj are men of wide ix.
lierleiicc In similar undeitiiklnes nnd men whota
names arc sufilclinl uuiuaiilco or Die ttandrud
of the company , to wit
ALIiUT Milwaukee ) : C' ULAUA J'IIH Vol. Dlatz lTrew. Co , '
HON.M 13. MASON. United Stales Semtor
fiom Illinois
D O iinv'AUDK , Pass. Tralilo Mgr C II a
' '
D II. It. Cincinnati
THANK A IllX'in , ot Clms. KdCBtncr & Co
' '
" . wM U
It It ( Monnn Itoiitt ) , Clilcago
W C lUNi\H : < 50N acn'l PAHS Agt. , C. N , O ,
& . T P II II Cincinnati
W. W imirrmi , i > res First Nafl Hank ,
Vlcksbiiig MI B.
nil3I ) A OTTi : lum eighteen ycnrs with Shelby
Hunk hhelbjvlllc , Ind
J. M PHILLIPf Cashier Hrst Natlonil Hank ,
Ylcl.thurK Miss
And liunlieils of others c'lunlly prominent.
Address and imike all monty pajablo to
NC PIOSKQ ifflpspofiation oia De'/diiwsii / c
Klnht-r Ciillilincr , cur , Vim Ilurt-n mill
c. c ciiuihTii : n J Hnti3iT.
Preeldenl , Vlc'i-PrekldcnU
Clifislie-Street Commission Co
o , ii < iiii > I'niii ,
'rrifjiiiiuiu Kiiir. . .
. . . . Omiilinilj ,
Tcluphonu 1031) . Oiniilm , Neb
Dlrcft wires to Chlcauo and New York.
CorreepundentBi John A , Warren & Co
Weare Commission Co
Memboru Clilcago lionnl of Tr.iclu since 1SC2.
Grain , Provisions anJ N. Y. Slocks
Ordern CuHli nnd Future Dellvory Solicited.
Oniuliu OllliiiHIIIIIII 1 , .V , Y. Llfo Illcltf ,
. . . , 'PluiiK1X11. . . . ,
li'LOVI ) J , OAill'lUJLL ,