SPECIAL NOTjCES Ad .ertln-iiic-ntt Top tlicie column" will lie tnkcn iinlll 11 ! ' . tar tlio ciilnir und until H | t. in. for tlie morning mill Similar edition" . Ailv rrtlsors , li > rc-ciucnltiiK n niiiu- ticred clu-c-k , i-iin linvc ninmem ltd- ilrrNHcit ( i a nnmlicri-d lutter In onrr of TheHer. . Answer * MI n ill ili-mcrcd on | irc ci tnllin > of tinrliiult nnlj. IliitcN. 1 1-lii ! n tvcml nrnt Inac-r.loni In n word tlii-rcnnpr. MitliltiK taken for It-nit Minn SSc for the flrnt Inser tion. Tin-HP niUcrllncmcndi muitt br run coiiNei-iitl v -l ) ' . w.ivrnn SITUATIONS I'OilTIO.vTN DRY GOODS OH CLOTIIINH tore. 8 3 earn experience ; or any npjiornnio work. Address B 12 Bee A Mi. * { > rYOt'Nf. MAN RECENTLY PHOM II would like n imsltlon on nmil with so . Omaha wholesale candy lioU-e ; rcferenccB A dreM B 18 , Bee- . A-M74J 2o CANVABSKlia TO TAKK OIlDiniH.NnW L1NU of wotlt ! no lieav > Koo.In to carry. alory nr commlMlon , C. r. AJamii Co . 624 bo. Killi _ St. SALESMEN POR CIGARS. JIM A AND xpcnscs ; old firm , experience - scerBiry. Inducements to customcis. C. < - . Ishop A Co. , St. B-704 WANTED. MEN TO LEARN BARIt H THADE as tpcelnl Inducement to get students for plncoi wnltlng graduates , we donate complete outllt of ten's , wages and experience- city shops Katurdays before completing , only two months re-nulled : quick and thorough mc-thoil. Inrtnictlons. examinations , l.ctures. dlplomn nil con.tnnt practice , by free shaves ; two ycalB apiirenllceshlp served In two muntlii , founded In 1TO , incorportted ' 7 ; beautifully IllUBtratod catalogue with map of cll > m.illed free. . Moler S > Men , Irirber HchooK Cl-irlc. * & Von Huron Ht , ChlcaRo U-M6I3-I6 IP VOU WANT TO MAKK MONP.Y AND work nt home , be jour own bos" , nddrcss wItn Mnnip , II 2 , Ilec H-M6fO B. 2 COAT MAKERS WANTED IIAUCIH S.t'-M- ' mini' , Dennlfon , Iowa II 1& a WANTED , A ROOD ADVERT1SINO SOLICITOR for one of the best iigrlculturil and home Journals , liberal propo-lllons to the right men Address Cniflphell Piibllshlns Co . 321 South I'Ifteenlh street Omaha. B Mi47 2j * WANTI3D'i : IIAVI3 AN OIM3NING roll TWO or three piiililni ; subscription oKcntu to pollrlt subscriptions of the Soil C'ulturn and Home Journal ; VVP will make liberal tcrmi for HIP winter , Addreii Campbell 1'uUllslilnK Co 3.11 South riftccnlli Bt , Omilia. 11 M757 25 WANTI3O. B PIltST CLA I QI3NT CANVf ! itera , 5 llrst-chis lnd > e invnsscrs , blB inoni-v fm-rlsht pirtlc-i Address , with Htnmn 1114 Dee. I1-M7I1 r. WANTED , I'I3\V SALI3SMEN. PERMANI3NT lOTsillnn , season Just openol , staple line , silaiy -or commission with expenses Luke llrothi-rs Co. . Chlcigo. B-M742 24 * GOVIlllNXinNT rosiTIONH-DON'T I'KinHI3 for tlio imstnlllrp nr nthcr civil H-rvlco examlm- tlon without KPtMn-r our Illustraled catoloRiic of In formal Ion , nnt free Columbian Corrrspnnd- encc ColUKLWnpblnRton , I ) . C. H-M7I5 20 * SALI : < < MIN WANTHD TO SISLL nv nt wliolo ilo and retail , Kr di sell on slRlit , dalary anil commission. Addrr-ss Contennl BIft ; . Co. , 4'i3 Sth nvc. , Now York Cltv II-M7S2 24 WANTED , AN EXPERIENCED MAII clerk , only one who has had experience In a large dry goods hou o need apply , one who can use typewriter preferred. Imiulro nt Bos ton Utorc. H M75r VVANTHD. SALESMAN. SALA11Y 1'AID vvookly , experience unnecessary , permnnt-nt. Ilrown llrolhera Co. , ChlniKO. D M71S 2I \VA > TKnIM11I VLI3 IIHLI' . 10 GIHL8 1'OH ALL KINDS Or WORK ; $3 to > { week. Canadian Oillce , 1522 Douglaa. C 703 WANTED , GIRL. TOR QI3N13RAL HOUSI3- work. Apply nt 520 bouth 20th AvenueC C MC72 WANTI3tHiCOND GIIIL. NO WASHING Apply Mrs A. C Smith , 1203 1'arl. A\p , ! twcen 9 nnd 10 nnd 5 nnd 0 rSl23" WANTED , EXPERIENCED OIRL POR SECond end work. 2037 Dodc ( st. C-M7Ci 24 WANTlin A COMIT.T13NT bTiNOGIl : U'lIPll , prefer operator on bmltli 1'roinler. Must Imve some knovvledtce of i ; < * nera ! office work Slate cxperlcnco und snlaiy wanted I ) 9 , Ilee C 7H-23 WANTKD , Tiinii ; LADY ACSUNTS. urn mnmy n rilit | unenla Apply to II II Host , room 21 , Vtndome hotel , fiom 3 to E p m C M731 29 * WANTED. C.1RL POR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Call or nddn-ss 121 b. 26th street. C M72" 21 \VANTED , TWO APPRENTICES AND UAIST makers. Room \\lthnell hulldlng , l..th and Haniey. C M75C 21 * LADIES WANTED TO THAVI3L AND AI point agents for old rstnlillshf-d housti : i > er- nmncnt position ; SIU per month mi.I . nil < > X' pensos. / . live 731 , Chicago C M7I ) 24 * \VANTI3D. AT ONCI3. A S'l'llSI3 GIHL NOT under 14 years Apply IMS South 2Mh street C M7l > t ! l roil ui3\Tnou .ns. IN ALL ] > AHT.9 OPTI1I3CITY. THI3 O r. Davis Company , 15M rarnam. D 7Wi JIOUS13S. I1I3NI3WA & . CO . 308 N. 15TII ST. D-707 IIOUbI3S WALLACI3 , UHOWN 1UXC1C. nnd Douslaa. D 709 cnoicn iiot'sis ' AND COTTAOIH ALL OVIH : city , J3 to J75. ridcllty , 1 t lloor N Y 1,1 f D-703 notjsns , roTTAons STOIU : ? ALL PAP.TS of city , nrennan & Love Co , 219 S IClli D-710 LARCH : LIST M'CAOtin. 15T/I AND DOPO13 D-711 JIOURHS , 1'LATS. QAIIVIN IHIO5' . ICI'l PAK'SI D-712 iiorsi3 < rou HUNT. IIIIJMIS PAXTON inc D-713 iiousns. J n. snnit\ooD. 123 N. y urn. D-711 rou nr.NT. cnoicr. H-HOOM DHT\ciinD modern IIOUSP. Iniulre 23 r-ap'.tol Avcnnx. D-715 MOVING IIOU IHOI.II noons AND PIANOI Om. Vein & Storace Co , 1JI1M rarnam 'lei isia , D-716 IIOTI3IA BTOU138. 111:111 : ? . PAXTON IILIC D-X1IO ) iiousn r.iw FO 2siu ST. 10 ISOOMH , MOD. ern. JlOfO per month , IJjron Hi-eil Co D-1TO t.ROOM MODI3I1N COTTAOIJ AT 415 NOHTII 19th St. , ? 20 00 a month Apply to W , H Melklo , Ut Nat'l Ilink blitir D-M751 IOl'Rr , ALL PAHTS. 1D WPA" 1 1'II and Dc > URln . D-47T Dl I KTKAM 1I13ATI3D 1IOU8D 2011 HAHNI3Y D 459 D15 HOUSP. NO 1510 FOUTII 2CTII ST. . ALL CON vrnlencrs nnd barn. C. H Morton , W I' 'lei , Co. D 523-23 * IilODKItN IIOOM HOPfiK. 1C24 CAMS W Nan > n , Holfl Drexel D M'wS 2j 1Y 11 i'VT S-IIOOM 1IOPHK Vi\V\ nrd in'e wl ! rsih avenun nnd llnil" , I 1 John W , llobblin. Aient. 1K03 Knniniiv SI t ItOOM HOUS13 , N CONVI3NIiNCr.H : S'.IO ClilcaBO st. Inquire next door Anlrevv Hmllh. D-M75D ni\TKiiuMsnii ) 0n ON13 Oil TWO OnNTLKMEN , OAS. I'OIl c laln Imth. hot wulcr. tteum heat ; locution r.'iitral ; $ J and 14 per week Call Plat 7 , Dav litock. ISth ami Karnam , 13 M)9j ! ) S KUHNlSlinD HOOMH 1X3H IIOirHl3KKI3l > | Na fup min nnd wife ; renl taken In board su N 13-M 70 TWO LAHai3 PRONT ROOMS . . . . . . . . window ; itnin luat. 411 North nih ' K-CJl ! 7 * NEWLY PUHNISHF3D ROOMS IN PHIVATI family 1S11 CaB . iJt.ii .i V. 1-THNIHHI3D HOOM KOIt ( man In private family , 191) Capitol nve 1J-MS7J Il S HUHNIBIIPD IIOOMS KOH HOt'S13KI3PPINa fnr man nnd wife ; rtnt takrn In board 3i | N , nth. . K-.MTO J'PHNISIIPD AND l'NFUHNldH15D Mil Davnport Bt , E-M710 : i KI iiMsiinn noo.iisM > noAiin. BTI3AM llliATRU IIOOMS WITH HOAUD JOOJ Hiirner F-349 D * " " ' MODI3HN""sorrit'nOOM8 $1.M WKKK UP. Hoard , 13.00. Mrnli , 15 ecnli. 11 North l lh , r518 23 * f3ttLY ITUnNllinD HOOMfl AND 11OA11D ! hot > v ter hfnt 2IM Cnm t F M551 2C" IlOOllS , WITH tlOAIID , ST13AM III3AT. Utopli. 1721 Davenport Ht P S < 1 M * LAHCirY 3-ltONT IIOOM. WITH BOAHt > * ] Uourlnt. P-C12 21 * TIIB iTRmUAMriTnST CLASS TAMILY 110- tfl 23Ui nnd Dodge tn r-M,07 niTi30A NT rnoNT iioo is7 STKAM HHAT. first clat lidnrd. 1909 Capitol A\c. r M7C4 ? 4 * TAKI3 SHI3HMAN AVI3. CAH TO N. W. COIl- ner of I3xposltlon i ounds nnd put up nt tli < > SnntoRR , licst 42 a day hou c ; boarders , 3 COte to J500 ; nr t week , 12 ; one meal free ; we arc makltiR n reputation now ! after the exposition opens we will make moneys nil modern con veniences. Telephone 1931. 1' M733 DJ2 * IN PIUVATI3 FAMILY WITH OH WITHOLT bonnl 1919 Dodge. K-M724 23 * I3LIX1ANT SOUTH ItOOMS , STI3AM II13AT ; nrst class board ; references. 202 Xc. 1Mb ' P 5I7C2 24 roil iti3vru.\riUM ) < iiii3D iiocms. POH U13NT , TWO OH THItni31UNPUnNISIU3D rooms for liousckeeplns , 1610 DavenpofL roa ui.M'srouns A.M > orricns. ron itr.NT-Dnsic HOOM IN OHOUND rixxm otllce , Hip building , water , ( tram heat , clcccrlc light nnd Jinltor rervlcc. Apply to Superln- tendint , Utn bulldlns 1 197 roil HI3NT-TH13 4-STOHY llltlCK 11UILDINQ nt 916 rnrnnm Ht This building lias a fireproof cement Imvemcnt ; water on nil floors , gas , etc. Apply at the ofllco of Tlie Dec. A-910 COHNIIH STOH13 HOOM 22x85 PT. . GOOD basement , vvltli elevator , ateam licat. M3 N 16lli st. Apply at 619 N. IClh st. I M23D coiiNnn sToiin HOOM 22x55 PT. GOOD Imsement , with elevator , Mer.m lient. CIS N. ICtli street. Apply at 19 N , lull street. I M239 POIl HI3NT-1N TUB IJHI3 1IU11.UINU ! One large corner room , 2d floor , with vault nnil prhnte olllce , water , etc. One larue- front room , 2J floor , divided Into two rooms by partition , vvntcr , etc. On large corner room , 2d lloor . .withault , water , etc. One front room , divided by partition , third floor. One corner room vvltli vault , third lloor. Ono large room , third floor , with partition divid ing It Into ono large room and two smaller pilvato rooms , water , etc. Tno large ground lloor roams , fronting 17th St. , with vnult. One large ground floor room on Parnnm St. , large vault. Several small rooms pn fourth floor , with vau'ts ' All lh se rooms nre heated with steam , cli-ctrlo lights supplied , with first class janitor sen Ice. I3lovntors run day nnd all night ! b'JlHInR Mrlctly fireproof Apply to Superintendent. Ilooni 104. lice building. 1 198 ron RHNT-Tiin 4 STORY BHICIC BUILDING nt 916 Parnnm St. This bulldlnp 1ms n nreproof cement Insemi-nt ; water on nil floors , 11 etc. Apply at the onic& of Thi > Bee. ' . ! HO POR RENT 14 STORE BUILDING , CENTRAL location. Inquire IIS South 15th st. I M734 30 AGITSvvrrcn. . WANTHD , AGI3NTS , LOCAL AND OHNnHAL ; new article , good seller , excellent profit , mile or femile , salary when proven plllclcnt A. A. Co . fet Louis. Mo. J M974 D5 * NKHOKTIC MAN Oil WOMAN CAN G13T good position 211 N. Y. Life , 8 to 10 n m ; 7 to 9 p. m J M079 IJ20 SALI3SMI3IC WANTI3D. TO SELL 1JY SAMPLI3. at nhole ale and retail , uoods e ! l on sight , salarj or commission Address Centennial Mfs Co . 493 Sth nv enue. New- York City.J AOI3NTS TUB CLIMAX DAHNBIl , T1U3 nemo of the eenturv. the oniv heel nnd top dnrnlnc mnchlnp ; price by mail , DOc : lllienl terms to agents , cholcp terrltorv , Inelose stamp for answer. Daughters , < L Ilentlj Mfp Co . 231 13. 4th t. , Cincinnati , O. J M73I 21 * H13LIAHLI3 MAM TO IIANDLH AGENTS I'OIl tflepbone tablets and speeliltles : pi > s JT OX ) n jear. Inclose stamp. Victory Mfp Co Cleve land , O. J M749 21 * GOOD SECONDHAND UASf. IHlllNBtl. "HADI ant Home" preferred State price nnd where atovo can be seen Address 11 10. IP c N-713-21 * A 9 TO 12-HOOJI HOUSE AND HAHN NEAR oxposlllon giound" , ImnieJIately , AcllrnFt II17 , Dee olHco. 1C M7S9 2t * STOIIVGC. I'ACIPIC STORAGE AND V.'A.IEHOt'SE CO . DOS-910 Jones , general storage and forwarding M 719 OM. VAN & STORAGE. 151PS FAIIN'M. TEL P5j M 7JO PRANK nwnns. STORXGE. 1211 HARNEY Haullns and pacldns , cheapcit rates. Tel 93C M 721 W Wl HI ) TO IIIIY. WANTED. TO IMIY OR RENT OPPICI3 PI'R- nlturc. Address 11 1C , Uee. N M73S 24- ron S".LIMISCILI.vxnous. SAWDUST. IJUr.IC OR SACKRD-CRIHHINO and hoc fence. C. R. Lee. 901 Dougl.is Q-73 2ND-HAND BICYCLES OMAHA I1ICYCLH CO POR SV.L13 , A JfO LIPE SCHOLARSHIP IN best shorthund FChool for $10. Address A 50 , lee Q-M5I9 SO * A SIX HORSE POWKR ENGINE AND IIOIL13R for silo nr tiade chup Addiefes P. M Wash ington , Nel > I } M" > 9 21 * NEW ROI.,1 , TOP DESI < ; AND ClT.UHS AP ply 310 New York Life Q MW > UPRIGHT KIMI1ALL 1'IANO , \RU13 SI5513 $70 2007 Cars street. Q M728 2G * CL.VIIIVOY\M'S. I'HOP WHITNEY , CLMHVOYANT AND p.ilmest Heads jour pnst jircpent nnd future like an open Inok Thousands crowd hU olllre Reunites huelmndn lovera mid wives , ppeecly mirrlage to the one nt Jour choice Advice on ppcculitlon love law and dlvoice ; lo-atea nnd recovers lost nrtlclea and papers ; also cs- tiles Lorntes mints inhiernU nnd tn-amires of nil Kinds If > ou have tumble go io him nt ome , no matter what It Is Good luck for nil. ( Complete life rpidlng foi ladles , CO cents ) . Advli-p on love , law business and Fpeculntlun He develops mediums DUvtnopIg of dlseiiEe fiee. Clalrvo > niit remedies cure Ptmiile rfir- ulator , Fnfe and sure never falls Compila tion by mnll If rtamp Is sent Ollle nnd res idence , 1KJ Howard ht N 13 corner ICth St. . Omaha , Neb. Hours from 9 a. in to 9J p m S &I572 26 * \SS.\niJ , 1IATILS , r.TC. MADAM SMITH , IS15 DOUGLAS MASSAC1U rteam baths T M7il Dl * MEDICATED 1IATHB. SHA. SULPHUR , MASsage - sage Mine llrlsson , fiom Paris , 157 N 12th Bt T-5S7 N21 * MADAM SMITH , 1315 DOUGLAS , \SSAOK steam baths T M53) ) 24 * IIATHS. MASSAGE LAURA ELLT.-ON. Crountc blU , 119 10th st , , room 12. iip tirn | T MC93 27 * MRS nil. LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE HATH parlors ; nttful and curative. 417 H nth , up utttlrs. T M708 2S * MME. AM13MASSAOi ; AND 1IAT1IS 203 N ICth Ht , upitalri T rlTCOia * I'13IINO\\L. VIAVI OH IU'EHINK THOUHLES. 3li-8 I1I3E b'df. ihjsclan. consultation or leilth look rco 11ATHS. MAFSAUI3 , MM1-3 POST , 31914 3. UTJI U-72J CLOTHES CL13ANDI > . PRICSSI3D AND i\\l- \ paired , day or nlehl , dress Hulls for hue i'antorlum , N 13. cor. llih and Parnin ' 1.1 , U Mk47 TH13 JOY TAILOR 8YS1 KM SCHOOL OF dress cutting. - 401 Kaibuch lllock U-M510-N30 LADIES IN POOH CIRCUMSTANCES CAN RI3- celvo free attendance In ccnllnc-ment by ap- 1'blnito the Crilghton Medical college , 14lh and Davenport Sli , Telephone 11C7. U-J76 D-9 * OIU313NI1ERU. TUB SPECIAL LADU3S' ' Tailor , U ready for business , 1703 Webiter St. U-233 DS IP TIIOMAH HAMER 6OUH SHOULD hK13 thU he would < onfer a fuvor cm III * klster b ) writing to Annie M > em , Trt-nlon , Grand j Co. , Mo. U-M73. 25 * $ MO POH A CASH Of SUPEHPLUOUS HAIR that I cannot cure , Madam True paxton hlk U-M7M D3 * SI ( KV TO I. TO LOAN AT I ) W RATKS. THE O. r. Davis Co. . 1503 Farnara St. W 787 M0\m" TO I.OV.NlliAI ( K1TATM. ( ContlnuM. > ANTHONY I/JAN A TRUST CO , 315 N Y ! . . qulfk money nt Uw rntm for choice farm lanrti In luna. northern Missouri , east-rn Ntbrank/i ON iMPiiovniT * rNiMPiiovni ) CITY propcny. W. Pninnm Smllh J4 Co. . nt ) Karn'tn V130 MONP.Y TO 1/3AN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Pusey & Thoman , 207 1st Nat , Ilk bldg VB HAVI3 MADE AllllANanMP.NTS WITH onf eastern correspondent ! ) by which wo rin loan money nn fnrms In eastern Nfbrn'Kn. Hrenn.i-Ixjvc Co. , 219 8. 16th W M272 D3 MON'KY TO LOAN ON IMPROVI3O OMAHA real estate. Urcnnnn-Love Co. , 219 S..1C ! ! } { PROM * t < x > UPWARD r. D. WEAD. , imt nnil Donslns. W-473 Dlt MONBY TO I/3AN. nt3MIS. PAXTON 1100,00000 SPECIAL PUND TO LOAN ON first-class Improved Omilia property , nr for building purposes. Fidelity Trust Company. W 6 PEH CENT MORTGAGES POH SAL13 , I'ROP- rty of non-residents cared for by W. n Mclkle. Plrst National Bank lildg. , Omalin ; MO > nY TO LOAN CIIATTHLS. MONI3 YTO LOAN ON PURNITUH13. PIANOS , horses" , wagons , etc. , nt lowest rates In city ; no removal of Roods ; strictly confidential ; jou can piy the loan off nt nny time nr In any amount. OMAHA MOllTdAdn LOAN CO . IOC S. Uth St. X 730 nusnnss CIIAXCKS. TO GET IN OH OUT OP BUSINESS GO TO J. J. Gllson , 614 Plrst Nat'l Bank \ -i i POR 8ALB. GENERAL STOCK OP MEHCHAN- dlse , Invoice- about $8.000. A Ko l store build ing , 30xC , also n good residence , all will go cheap ; In n Rood , Ihrlvlng town on the main line of the U , P. R H , nnd one of the best grain counties In the state. Addrcsa A M , Omaha Bee. Terms cash , but a great bargain. Y MM9 21 * POR SALE-DllUG STO1H3 , FINP. STOCK. AT a nacrlllce , good trade , central location , In Omihn ; will tnKo deslrnb'o ' inodprnlc sized lipuse nnd lot In part pajment. Address A 31 , Ben office Y-'bO-2G 1'ARTNnil WANTUD ; A PROSPEROUS SE- iittln innmifncturlng plant dpslres a pnitner with $ - , ( 00 to enlarge. AiUliebS P. O bnx 1016 Smttle , WoshlnRton. Y-M71C SO * I'OIl \LI3lin VL nSTATC. KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAINS , $2W9 J3 750 TO { GOOD. J. J Gibson. 514 Plrst Nat. 13ink bide II B 738 HOUSES , LOTS FARMS , LANDS. LOANS Geo. 1' . Beinls Heal Estate Co . 1'uj.ton UIOCK HE 739 PARM LANDS. C. P. HARRISON , fd2 N Y. L RE M1C3 DIG * BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS ; solo or trade. P. K Darilne , Harker lillc. RE 741 LARGE 9-HOOM MODERN HOUSE ? 5 000 ; cnsy terms. Irqulrc on premises f09 R 2Sth Street. HB Mt $ ri LAND. ' 97 CROP 1"D , THE PRICE W'M- Fon. BeeBldg RB B43 POR SALE 230000 ACRES STATE AND PHI- vale limls Improved Itnils. cultiibjc for colonies , timber lands pine c > press nnd oak , se\p nl laige tracts : titles good , health nnd climate nil that could be desired , terms llbarnl , prices lower thin ever he ml of descriptions guaranteed Sive commissions by direct cor respondence James G. Glbbes , State Lind Agent , Columbia. 8 C. RE CIS 21 * nouses ivi.vrnnnn. HOUSES WINTERED , BEST OP CARE , RATES $300 per month W. 13. Oivens. SCO ? Center St MSS2Dcc3 * WANTED , HORSES TO WINTER : BEST Or cars , rates tcasonablp. Address P , O Box 45 Crescent. lown. 027 D-2 * GOOD STABLES. REST OP CARE $ ) AND K month. A. W 1'helps & . Son. 207 New York Life. Tel 1034. M242 WINTER QUARTERS FOR HORSP" . ONE OP the best , nnd re isonaolo ntps ; horvs called for and delivered mod lefcrcnccs. Scott Rob inson. Pnpllllon , Net ) . At fair grounds M231 10 BEST CITY REPFRBNCES BEST CARE Jl month. G Rushart , Cist and Pcppleton avp 4fO d ll LOST. REWARD POR RETURN OP SCOTCH COLLIE pup 2120 Ohio St. Lo t M1C2 2S * SM\ii , vp.Lt.ow . ErTpri PUP SPLIT NO-E Kitz Nev ns Co. Rew > rd L is VTJV 2 | LOT. A ix > viioi'Nr > nno MOSTLY WHITE. with pnmc'bHck ard brov\n wpota , ipsponds to the name' of "Nick " hntl on plain lPither cnl- Inr with " 101" cut In the smficp of the lia'hpr ' , n Fullalile reward will b paid f > r his recovcrj- Slandird Cattle Co , Amps , NebLost Lost M74 ( 21 SIlOUTIIWn A.-SO TVl'nWHITI.NO. A C. VAN S VNT'S SCHOOL. 513 N. Y. LI PR 742 AT OMAHA BUS COLLEGE , ICTH & DOUGLAS. 743 II B BOYLES , COURT REPORTER PRIVATE lessons , day nnd tvenlng. 407 Bee Bldg MSS4 CO VL. BURLINGTON NUT , BEST CHEAPEST. PRICE J3 75 per ton. 'Phono S4S. Harmon & V.'ctth Co 4CC TA I'mVIIITKIlS. iTi3NTi3D. $4 CO PER MONTH : RIIiltlNS. 73C each , price of cabl-i ls reduced Smith 1're. mler Tjpewrlter Co , No. 1C23 Parnnm St TAILOIl WANTED , TAILORS TO BUY THEIR WOOLens - ens and trlmmlnga from the Eastern Woolen j ' and Trimming Co. , 1514 Douglas btMC30 MC30 N2 ( ! MUSIC , \HT AM ) I. \ > ( ! UUi3. ; ELMOHI3 RICE VIOLl.NLST , FORMERLY hO- lolst Rice Concert Co , will recelvu pupils ; lilklicxt refeicnces. Call Arcade hotel room 5 , 4 to 8 p m 730 2J * FOR COMPETENT STKNOGHAPHEHS CALL on The Smith Premier Typewriter Cunpnny , No 1Q2 Pnrnam St 11507 I'AAVMIHOICIIIIS. II. MAROWITiS LOANS MONEY. 41S N. 16 ST. 747 I3LOCIJTIOX. MRS RALPH 13 , SUTHERLAND , 1513 S ' 91II St. will take a few more nunlls 3.'l Dil SiWING M \ 431II.M3SM > St'PPLir.S. NEW HOME. HOUSEHOLD & WHITK SEW. ing machlncN & nupplles. 1514 C4p avc. 'lei. 1574 , f > 30 riMiMTiiiiu I'AOKnn. M 8. WALKLIN , 2111 CUM1NG TI3L 1J11 1J11714 -714 I'ATIJVM. D ' ' ' feui > 6 ( ' . A 'PITIVT'T'C ! - ° - Attornaji. I A 1 JuJN 1 O t-Luw and Patent Kt. , Omaha , N.'b Branch office at Wnthlnmon , D C , Send for free Advlee and Patent Bool , bond for our Machine Movements , copyrighted. U97 Telephone K2J. HiirRiilns | i ; i-ei-oml IIund bufis Snfo A. Look Kop.Ur- 3"J. . DERIGHT < S CO. , Euccisiorh to A. L. Donne & Co. , Western Agents. Tol. H5H. 1110 Fiirnain , Oiiiuhu SHIP HoiUBhoM ( roods to &U ntiluts in mixed our lota at cm rvtos. I'.iotdnif , moving nnd niivi iitv Tele-phono 1050. Pmaha Van & Storage Go'fa" ' ? ( ShonM ho rcn-1 DAILY by nil Interested , as changeihar occur at nny tlmo ) Korean main fo- ( HIP weik Mlillnx No- vcmber 27th , 1117 , will close ( I'UOMI'TLY hi ill cnse-o at tjtp Cimtt.'il 1'ostoilioo n < fol- O\VR : I'AUC'HT-S I'OST MAILS close ONM3 IIOUU HAUMliK than closing time shoAli bclo\ . 'rrniiN-Atliintlc Mulls. \VI3DNi:3DAY-At 7 n m. for BCLCSItTM direct , per i. ) Kensington , via Antwerp ( : tter- inuit bo dlreetcil "por KensliiK- i ft ) , nl ? 11 in.Unippleinentnry S a in. ) fern n lOIMl per s s. St. Louis * , via South ampton ( letters for Ireland must be ill- rec txl "por St Loul " ) ; at " > n. rn ( supple- mcntary lOilO a. m. ) for HUHOPI3 , per P . Mnjiistlcla Queen.stovvn SATirilDAY-At "M a. in. for tUUOI'I2. per s s. Lucanl.x * vl.v Que-ciistovvn ( loiters for Franee , Switr-erlanO , .Hnly , Sp.tln. Portugal , Turkcj , Knypt and Hrltlsh IndU tntiHt bo directed "per laicania" ) : nt 7 a. in. for PUANCn , SWITZniM.ANt ) , 1TA1A . SPAIN' , POUTUOAU TUU1CUY. KQYI'T and HJllTISH INDIA , per s s. I.a Cham- p.iffiio * , via Havre ( letters for other parts or iuropo : mils be dlrecttd "per l.a C nm- paKiio" ) ; ut 8 n m. for XBTlinKLAN'UH direct , per s. s Obilim , la. Hotlurdiun ( letters must be directed "per Obilim" ) ; "t 8 it. m for OKNOA , per s. s. Worm ( lotSj-s must be dhected "per Wen a" ) , at 10 n , m. for STOTI AND dlicct , per s 9. Anchorla , via. aia ROW ( letters must be dli.-i'ted 'per Anchorla" ) : nt 11 a. m. foi NOUU'AY direct , per s. s NorRO ( letters must bo directed "per Norje" ) . MATTHll. nTC. German steamers on Tuesdnss take I'rlnlcil Matter , itL , for ( Jermanj , nnd Hpeclnllj Addes ed I'rlnttd Matter , etc. , for other tnrts of Kuropc Ameri can nnd White Stnr Bteamen onV iHlncml i > * , Oermnn steamer' ! on Thur dajs nnd l"unnrd , riench nnd ( Jcrmnn stcnmcis on Saluidass take Printed Mutter , etc , for nil eomitrloi for which they advertised to cnrrx mill After the closlnjr of the Hiipplementirj Tra.is- Atlantlc Malls named above , mldltl.iml hill'- plcinentnry malls are opened on the piers of the American , KiiRllsli , Trencli and German steamers , nnd renmln open until within Itn Minutes of the hour of Killing of ptcamcr. Malls for South mill t'cnlrnl Vini-rli-n , AVi-Kt I ml lew , l > li' . WnrWHSDAY-At 2.SO a m for POUT AN TONIO , pcrstcimer from Phil ulelphla , at 11 a m. foi Nn\VFOUNDIAND. per s. B 1'ortlaj at 11 a m ( supplementary 11 SO a m. ) for vnNUHUni.A and CUUACAO , also SA VANILLA and CAUTHAGKNA Cuiac 10 , per s s. Phlliidelphla : at 1 p. m for CtTUA , ppr HJ s. OrUibo , via. Ilnvani , at 1 p in IJAUUADOS dlrec. , also NOHTII UIIAXILli Para , Mnrintiam nnd Ce.ir.i , per s. s. Dominic ; at 3 p infer for JAMAICA , per s s. Ardandlm rillDAY At 230 a. in. for NinM'OITND- LAND , per s. s. Assjilan , from I'hll i- delphla. SATUKDAY at SO a m. ( supiplementTrv 10 n. m ) for ST. THOMAS , ST CHOIX , LI3U WAUD and WINDWAUD ISLANDS , p r s. s Kyntabelle ( lettets for Gronida , Tilnl- dad a id Tobapro must be directed "per Fontabelleat ) 10 a in ( supplementary 10 30 n m ) for FOHTUNi : ISLAND , JAMAICA. SA VANILLA nnO C VHTII- AGHNA , per s s. AllcRlinny ( letters for Cost.i Hlca must bo illrec-ted "per Al- Ic'Khiny" ) , a' 10 a in. ( supplemental y 1030 a in. ) for HAITI * per s s Andes , via Poit au Pilnce , 1'etlt Oo-\ve , Gonilvts and JirrmlL. at 10.0 n in tor CAMPKCHU , CHIAPAS , TABASCO and YUCATAN , per s s SaritOs-i ( letters for oilier parts ofi Mexico and Tor Cuba must be dliectod "por SuuitOKa" ) , at U m for GIICNAUA TJtINIDAD ! nnd TOHAGO pel s H Inawnilil } , at i JO p. in. foi ST. PIGIUU : MIQUIJLON , pel steamer from Noith S > dncy. Malls for Newfoundland , by rnll to Halifax , nnd thence liy steamer , close nt this olllce il illj nt 8:30 : p in. Mails for Mlquclon. by rnll to Boston nnd thence by Mourner close at this ofllco dtitly at S.29 p. in Malls for Cuba ilose at this ollkc dnlly1 at 7 00 n. m for forwarding b > KtGimr-ra salllnjj ( Mondajn nnd Ihursdivs ) from Port Tampa , Pin Letter nmU for Mexico ice City , overland , unless tpoclnlli addrcsrcd for dl pTtch toj "learner , clo e at this olllrc dnlly nt 12 00 in. } piper mills at C.CO n. m Re'glstered mnll closes at C CO p m previous day. TraiiM-l'nolHc Mnlli. Mnlls for Chlnn , Japan and Hawaii psr a. a. City of Jllo Janeiro ( from S in Fran cisco ) , close hcie iliily up to November 21st at G-20 p m Mails for China and Japan , prr s. s. Columbia ( from Tacomn ) close here dillv up to November 21st .it C 10 p in. Halls for Hawaii , per s. a. Anstrailla ( fiom San l rnnclsco ) clo e IILIC dally up to November IMtli at 0,10 p m. Malls for the Society Islands , per ship Galilee ( from San Francisco ) , close heie dallj up to November 2-ltli at R.M p. m. .Malls for China and Jap in ( pe el illv addressed only ) , per s. s. Kinpruss of. China ( from A'nncou\er ) , close here dally up to November * ' 2ath atG.tOp. in Malm for Australia ( except those for West Australia ) , which are forxvaided via Europe , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Sainoin Islands , pfr s. * . Marlpo n ( from Sin Kranclbco ) , close hero dally up to December "Til at 7oO a. m , 11 a m , and C 30 p. in ( or on arrival at New York of s , .s. Campania with Biltlsh mails for Aus tralia ) . Malls for Australia ( except West Auitrn.ll 0 , New Zealand , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per s s. AoraiiRl ( from "Van couver ) , close here dally aftoi December * * Jd and up to December Cth at G.JO p. in. Trann-1'nclflc malls are forwarded to port of silling dally anil the Fchedule of closing la anuiiKCd on tlie presumption of their unlntcr- rnpte 1 overland transit ' 'Registered mall clones at G p. m pievIouH day. PostotHce , New Yoik , N. Y , , November 19 , conxnLius VAN COTT. Postmaster. HAIMIOADS. CHICAGO ST 1'Al'L. npolU Omaln Railway General olllccs. Neluaski 131- % | BOII | , Plitecnth and \Vfh tfr Streeta City Ticket Otllca. 1481 Parimm hlrpel. Tilephona jepot. Fifteenth und We-bstci Slnel Telephore I Sioux City Accornmoda , S.OO nni S 20 pn. Sioux City \ccoinmiid.i. ! ) SJiun 8 20 | > m III ilr. Emerson Sioux City , Poncn , Hinting- ton anil Bljomllcld. . t.OO pro 11.53am Sioux City MniiKnio , SI. Paul , Mliineanolla . . . c-15 pm "D.lOam Lmerson Passenger . . . . 6:10 : pm i am * Dal j Dally . . . except Sunday. - - T.UU.HJ only. This train Me pa nt stations Plorencc to So. Ill-ill , Inclusive , himdija onli ; on ' - ' days So. Blair uir FTinilONT. ELKHOIW S. SIlBxourl ValHy itiillway Ota. crnl Olllccs. Undid States Na tional Jinn ic UulldluK , boutn- jiam Streets. Tlclcet Olllco , west Cornel Twcirili ami I'M- HU1 Kuril a in falnet. 'Iclephone. CGI. Dcpi.t . I'lfftnth und \S'tbJtr Htreeta. Telephone , HIS l eavu. Arrive. Hluck Hills , Denduooa and Hot Hiirlngu 3.00 pm B.OO pm Wyoming , i.'jfptr ind DouKlir . . . . " " 3.00pm . 5.00 pm Ilnntlnife , York. David Cd > , hupcil r , U.-n va , nxttcr and hcujrvl , , . 3. " > J pm 3 00 pm Nc rfo k , Wc.t To nt and 7 5J am ! ) 2j tm l"iemoiu * Lincoln , Walioo nij " 7Si ) urn " 10.23 m Kitmont rremont Local 7 JO nm Dally except bunduy , ' "Sunday only " Dully except Saturday. ' " "Dally except Mnniliiy fi Noinii\vibr. trn Hallway City Ticket Oillcc M01 Kainnm htrtet. Trlcplione. C81 Depot. 'Until and Mason Stieeta 'leleplicne , A"Uc' Valley , fit ) , bt 1'aul and Mlnncupollu . . . . CM1) am 10:4J : pm MUsourl Valley , bloux City . . , . . - , , * 7.:0um . pm Dinnleont Cnrrcll , Wall 7.3D am 9.15 pni Kusiciii jxpriss. lies Mulnea. MaiBh.ilItoun , Cudar llnplJs , CliluiK" " 10 ; < 5 am 4slO pm Atlantic ri > ( .r. CnlcaKO und Ki t . . . . . . . . . . . . 4s(5 pm 4,10 pm rust Mall , Chicago to Omul a . ! 10 Pin MUwiurl Vnllej. . Bloiw Cll > . Ht 1'aul. Minne apolis Limited . . . . c 53 pm 9:5nm : Oinnha-Chicucu hpeelal. C.o pm S.io am ' Dally "Hilly except Sundiy. a ! VX CITV i. J'ACtl'IC IIAIL- road-acneral Olllcen , Unlltd Stales Natlona ! Hank Uulld- Inj. H , AV Corner Twelfth ? " ' > J'nfn n > btieets. Ticket Oillce , HOI rarnam Street. Ml Depot , fifteenth ui.d Webster btreiu. Telephone. H5S. ' * " * " Arrive. Sioux City. Monkato , bt Pau ! . jlr.ncaiklli ) . .15 pm 9,10 am Dally , OMAHA , KANSAS C1T * a lIAbTKIIN HAIL reid Unmhu & hi J.oul Hallroad "Tlie O. K. Houe" ( Tlcket Ofllcc' , 1415 i'arnam Htrect. lilephonti. 3 : Depot , 'Until U J Muaon Sticeti. Telephcne , ] l\t. ArrHe. pattoniburg Kltksvllle. Qulncy I cx-al . ; < o am jo : S pm bt. Ioul , New York Limited 4Mpm : ' 11.30 am n i ) - . - P.AlLHOAt ) l.mrni Olllocm and Tl.ket Of. flr-p M rJtaii < g Nntlon.il BnnU IlulldinR L.M Purnnin 8tt t. Icleptune U4 Depot I lrtr > nth nnd Webster Stretts , Telephone , ' | . Mncoln , Dinvcr S. wc t 8:53 : nm 9:55 : nm Lincoln. Denver , Cmii- rndn t'lali , California , Ulick Ml , Montana nnu TiiRot Sound . . . . 4-1i pm 4:0i : pm Lincoln Ix > cil 7:05 : pm 7 43 pin Lincoln 1 nut Mali . . . 23 pm " 11:30 : nm Dnllv "Oilly except Sund-iv CHICAGO HUHLINllTON & Qulncy Railroad "The Burl ington Route" Ticket Office , K'l2 rnrnnm Street. Telephone JJO. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets Telephone , 12S. Leave Arrive 03 tim * 7l * & fln\ ' - " - ' WIIIt'llKw Y 1-miHUICU I'ifc T . ChlcnKO Expreta : S am A 4 15 pm Chicane. K SI. Louis 13x. 7:50 | un 7:5j am - - - - - Ml:40 : am * 5:40m : | aM : > pm KANSAS CITY , ST JOSEPH X Council HUlfts Hnllroad- "Thc HurllnRton Houlc" Ticket Oillce. U02 rnrnnm Strict , Telephone 210 Depot , Tenth nnd JInson Streets. Tele- pionc. 125 Leave Airlve. Kansas C.ty Diy Ux . * 3 M > m * 6:10 : pm Kansas City Might T.x. . MQ-QD pm C:30 : nm N'ION PACtriC-"TH13 OVHH- land Houto" Ocncral ofllres , N , U , Corner Ninth and I'arnam Streets Cltv Ticket pmce , 1102 rarnam Street Telephone , 310. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone. 125. Lcavb. Arrive. The Overland 3:30 : P ' 10 20 am " S'OO pm : : .2o . : pm . " . " 12 10 Kcarnei Hxprc's "C.OOpm pin Dally "Dall > except Sundil. Council DlnlTs l.ocal-Lcive . C 40 n m : C:5) : n. m , 7 30 a in. , s.23 a m . 10 4 > n m. ,2:13 : p m : 4 30 p m , 5:55 : p. m. Arrives. C.20 a. in : 7.20 a m ; 8 n m . 9 25 n , m . 11.30 n. m , 3:10 : p. in ; 5 10 p m. : 0 03 p. m. . 10 45 1 m CHICAao , P.OC1C ISLjV.ND & Piclllc Railroad "The Great Rock Island Route" City Ticket Oillce. 132 , ! rarnam fctrect Telephone , 128. Depot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets Telephone , 12S Leave. Arrive. ventiuuicn uxprcs's . . . . * 4.M pm 1:45 : pm Llnciiln. Celmado bprlngs , Puebloen ' " . . . . . i 53 pm * 4 23 pm p Chlcngo , Des Mol cs and RO.I. Islin.l ' ' 0" Pn * 8-15 am Atlantic Express lor Dss Molnes and eabtern points " 7 20 nm 5 3o pm Lincoln , Talrlrury ami Belli v Illc . . 5 H pm " 10 40 nm Dalli Dnlly except Sundii > . CHICAC(5 , MtLV.AlTUEE R. ST. Paul nnllwnj City Ticket Onirc , 1101 Parnam Street Telephone , 2S4 Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone , 12S. Txnve. ? Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . . . * J:43 : pm 8.03 am Omahl nnd Chlcaco Ex. ll 00 am lM : pin 1 Dnllv. WMIASII RAILROAD-TICKET OPPICE. 1415 Parnam Slrtet Telephone , 322 Depot , Tenth nnd Mason bticets Telephone , 123 Leave. Arrive. " Ball" St Louts "Cannon Eipre s 4:30 : pm * 11:30 : am Dill * A\ ( > L TIM13II. Plan < if 11 Th'uiKNKUiiiK ' Ilii"r O\CT 11 CeiUiirj AK < > . We liavo no record of Just how the Purl- tans' Thanksslvlng tables vvero ect , but from contcmpoiaueaus pictures v\o can juilge that there were few If any forks , but each guest W3S supplied with a Unite nnd ate oft pewter platters They sat on benches and chests and the- table was , In most cases , literally a board placed on wooden horses. They had fow- chairs or tables , but were plentifully supplied with chcbts con taining linen and wardiobes , and thtao served In the place of chairs. In later colonial times chairs and tables became more common , and forks were In vogue , but all preferred to eat with theii knives on accioniit of the dangerous slurp steel points to their two pronged forks. The table and dishes were anangej as fol- IJVVKTHANKSGIVING THANKSGIVING DINNDU OF 1750. FIUST couiisn. At the upper und of joui table a I ro.isted , v\ltli a pudding In its belly , which > on must aftervvant remove not the nud- dintr , but the ll ° h for your gra\ey boup ( a brtvvn soup. ) Under that n venison patty and Under th.it a giblet pyo On tlSi furtherslde of which plirc a line boiled puddlnff ( a rely polly or fauet purt- diiif , ' ) On the nearer Bide of the Blblet pye place Homo Scotch eollops ( Croquettes of lurded veal , fried In butter and tcrroil with spiced oyster siuee , flavored with white wine ) At iho bottom of table pi-ice u dish of ronst beef , with horbo radish und plcklcw round. sncoND counsn At the upper end of the table a turkey , roasted , with .in oyster pudding In Its belly. U-ider th.it n. tnn < ! y ( cert of Inked cus- t ird ) , Kiirnl-liril with omnse On the further bide place a bare , rvl'h H ivory pudding , Un ihi' m-nii-r Hide woodcnc-kH with toist. And at the bottom of tbu table place a pumpkin pye. OUT ( r TIII : OIIDINAHY. The Veteran Volunteer rircmcn'R associa tion of Loulnvillo Ins just re'celved an old leather bucket which was once used by George WashinKton In flBhtlnu a flro In Alex andria Ky. The oldest pack of cards in the United States was recently found Inin ancient liouso id Now Jersey. The cauls vvero in-iilo In the tlmo of Charles I. Now Jersey can turn up something odd every day. Venll hates hand organs and at Motit- callcrl , where ho mimmcra , ho gelR rid of the instruments of torture by hiring all In the district and storing them for the season In hishome. The nlnoty-flvo which ho sup pressed last mmimcr cost him $300. There Is a family circle of tlility-ono people - plo at Ticiiton , Mo. , that h s never been bioUen by death. It conslets of a father anil mother six children four , , sons-in-law , two daughters-in-law , and seventeen grand children , the oldest person being S3 jears old. old.An An ArUansiB editor , < \\ho rc > nl that a young woman In Now Yoik kneads bread with her gloves on , sa > s : "Wo need bread with our panto on ; wo need bread with out boots on , and If our subscribers in arreura don't pay up soon v\o shall need bread without anthing on. " Dr. Hucliner , the African traveler , brnko from the highest point on Mount KUImaml- jiro , one of the mightiest mountains In Africa , a , ploco oi' rock , which ha presented to the Oernian emperor. The emperor now tinea a mountain summit as a paper weight on his writing < lcwk. O. II. Pilndlo , the contractor for sprink ling the Htrccts \Vllllamstonn , .Mass , 1ms been the recipient of Fjto'n favo's this sea- tion During the early summer It rained nl- mcflt every day , and after that It became so dry that the authorities atopped sprinkling on account of tliu short water supply. The other day a Ilangor , Mo. , man drove out Into the country to look for deer. IIo tied Ills horses to a tree In the u noils , and rlllo In hand , sallied Into the forr t , where ho circled about for an hour. Then , after firing at what lie thought was a bull moose , lie came up to find that ho had killed bis horse. Kdward Mackln of Now York met a queer death a few daya ago , IIo was at a party and clioua for his partner In a quadrlllo a woman who weighed something over 200 pounds. The fun grow fjot and furious and IMnard vvhllo swinging his fairy , slipped , and olio fell on him , Indicting Injuries from which ho died In a few houra. IIo Cut HIT Kiiul , Mrs Long-try , who , because ofti numbprof In cresting recent events Is once moro before - fore th < public eye. l the owner of a ranch out near Carson , Nov. , relates the Denver rh ? tV , Iti'ITai5vi0'4 , ' l ° b > ' Sftm BAVl * Ot Appwvl. The stoiv of tl o unlo In wort nnil Tends llko flctlon , l.ut li tnuli CMr * LniiRtry wna i > lnylnK "OntatM" She hurt f1"0.lwHlnBt \vl h 15.1MH looking to the Jiurchnso of the rnnih.btit hid been unible to mnkp up her mind s un vv. , . ° rrlc' . f ° fciir the ' vt ill * xit ii \ \ UIIIU UUt fil/ IhrouKh , So one liUht he went to he slape- d or of the theater vvheio the show vvns bi-nK | produced , niul , ovvlns to his editorial posl- tloii , wai ndmltted vvllliout qucmion Ito waited until MM LniiKtry , ook up her post , tlon n < i u ic statiied " " "U.ilutoa. ami then , cill- Inir three stipo hntuls to wllne * * , ho vvlili- pered from the whiRi to her : "If you hear me. wink the eye which H farther from the nudlenco. " "Galatea" winked That estab lished UuvK case. "Now , If you don't vviut to buv the south west nunrter of Reetlon 14 , township 15 , ranco 13. for J5.000 shake ur head. " he said. "Clalatca , " the marble statue , vvltli the eyes of the nudlenco upon her , was , of course , Immovable. "All Hunt , " unlrt DAVK , clietr- fully "I nnd these wl IIPK PS understand tbit jou wAitt It at lint flfruro" The next drty hf > KAVO btr the t1oeu > ftntt look her KOCM ! money She prolnbly might b.ivo mndo n contention In court , but nho deelded Mint such diplomacy dervcJ recog- nitlon and PO necep ed the sltiii\tlon Thnt Is lio\v sbo comet to be ft land owner In Nevada , \nliirnll ) H \Vnslilngton Star ; "To Mnrt with , " r marked .Senator Hoipliuin , who was dolnff someinKiUuinry work , "we must have * faith In the good , solid IntolllRt nro of the public. " "I haven't , " replied bin nudltot In n posl live tone. "Hut , my dear , sir-- " "Of course. I'm willing to ndmlt thcro'n a , largo part of the public that 1 mver see. Hut a man can't help being prejudiced by what bo ob cr\e < In the course of biiolncss.1 "What N your business ? " "HooUmnker. " usnruii I\\SHH or TIIIJ MIDDLI : ACKS. I Trom St I'niil'i , 1. Te lever which sceketh his lady's bovver. 2. Ye flckle boat which ovcrturneth. uses of ye faithful collar. 4. And the ualvatlon of ye noble lover , sttoii > 'V ' > Wi" 11