Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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Cooper , Flro Ins. , C Pearl , tol. 372.
' Harry Murphy , cool and wood. 37 Main.
Schmidt's relief photos arc the latest.
ti. Shrlvrr. dorlUt. Mcrrlam blk. . rom 216.
Mri. P. M. Conlo has returned from a visit
in St. I.oul .
J. A. and W. C. Klrby have gene to Los
'Angeles , Cal.
J. I ) . Farlln of Shelby wa a caller In the
city yesterday.
S. QofT of Oakland won In the city on busi
ness yesterday. \
.Harry . Pluper of Mlncola was ft caller In
the city yesterday.
Mrs. C. H. Campbell ot Carton Is visiting
friends In thti city.
M. Cunningham of Malvcrn was In the dly
on business yesterday.
Julius Miller , a Btockdcalcr of Mincoln , was
In the city yesterday.
Ydu run no chances by sending your laun
dry to the IJIuff City.
A. G. nrown of Missouri Valley was trad
Ing In the city yesterday.
C. n. Chambers of Ilartlett was In the
city on business yesterday.
M. A. Barr of Linden , la. , nos among the
guests In the city yesterday.
Clark McGrew of Modulo wan among the
guests In the city yesterday.
George Smith of Waterloo , Neb. , wus In
the city on business yesterday.
Mesdamcs Street and Hanthorn have re
turned from a tour lu the east.
Conductor Van Horn of the motor line Is
confined to his homo by Illness.
J. H. Thompson of Oakland made a busi
ness trip to Oils city ycatrrday. I
S. 1Wuhls and wlfo of Caraon were
shopping In the city yesterday.
Scott K'lllott of Garnett , Kan. , was among
the callers In the city yesterday.
McPherEo : : & Heed , cut flowers and do-
elgns ; office C Pearl St. , tcl. 372.
Charles .A. IJalrd of Crclghton , Neb. , was
In the city yesterday on business.
Join Shaw of Hod Oak Is visiting In the
city with his brother , William Shaw.
James N. Mann and O. H. Tibbeta of Ham
burg were In the city on business yesterday.
0. C. Hazon , dentist , removed from the
opera house to the Dr. Plnney office , 214 Pearl.
C. N. Evans , brother of City Attorney
Evans , returned to his home In Grant , la. ,
Mrs. J. B. Harkncss and her mother , Mrs.
Cochran , have gene to Minneapolis to visit
V. I ) . Perry and D. F. Perry , wlfo and
daughter of Quick were shopping In the city
Mrs. Anderson of Missouri Valley has re
turned homo after a. visit with Trlcnds In
this city.
II. Bussing of Elmo , Mo. , was In the city
yesterday on business connected with his
stock business.
Fred Harris and daughter of Missouri Val
ley passed through the city yesterday on
their way to the cast.
The best Is good enough for you. Noth
ing less. Send your work to the popular
Eagle Laundry , 721 Bway.
Carlson's freshly ground cornnicnl. best to
bo had ; call for It at your grocer's or at C.
Carlson's Wash. Ave. mills.
Messrs. E. C. Shepherd , Lyman Shugart ,
Harry Gleason and E. II. 'Lougce have re
turned from a hunting trip In the vicinity of
Misses Bessie Hue and Florence Tucker of
Sliver City have .been visiting In the city
schools cPuring the lest few days. They are
the guests of Principal May Sims of the
Bloomer building. They will return homo
John Wallace was arrested again last night
on a warrant charging him with assault and
ibattcry upon a cigarmaker named Fodlsch
ftt his store \n Broadway. The warrant was
issued from Justice VIcn's court. Wallace
claimed to be Interfering to prevent the
cigarmaker from abusing his wife.
Rev. W. S. Barnes Is In Kearney , Neb. , to
assist In the funeral services of Mrs. C. B.
Pinch , who recently died In that city. Rev.
Barnes was pastor of the church to which
Mrs. Finch belonged In Kearney several
_ Xeara..ago and performed the ceremony unit
ing In marriage she and Mr. Finch ,
8. M. Daniels and Florence A. McCrady ,
both of Blair , Neb. , were granted a license
to wed yesterday and later In the day were
united ] In marriage at the residence of
Charles Adams on ( Twentieth street and
Broadway. They returned , to Blair last even
ing and .will make their homo them
J. H. McArthur , postmaster at Oakland ,
la. , and owner of the Oakland Acorn , and
L. L. Dlckerson , who has been conducting
the paper for him , wore In the city yester
day. Mr. McArthur's time expires shortly
and It Is generally understood that Mr.
Dlckerson will be hla successor , end the
former will take the latter's place In the
newspaper ofllce.
M. V. Richards , the land and Industrial
agent of the Southern Railway company , wau
In the city yesterday looking after the In
terests of his company. His hcadquartero
ore In Washington , D. C. While here he
inado a trip over to the exposition grounds
and was very much Impressed with what ho
saw and realized the necessity for his com
pany making an exhibit.
The DcLong Industrial school meets In the
Elscman block this afternoon. The school
appears to 'be ' attracting as much Interest
t the beginning of the season this year aa
H did last winter. There wore over 100
little- girls present at the gathering last Sat
urday , and the classes were too large. Mr.
and Mrs. DcLong have lmued a request to
the women of the city for their assistance aa
teachers. *
Superintendent Hlsey Is dally receiving a
largo number of communications from city
and county superlntcndente throughout the
state , sUUIng that the teachers In their dis
tricts are heartily In favor of holding the
next meeting of the National Educational
association In Omaha and are .willing . to
pledge their membership fee on condition
that the next meeting bo held there. Super
intendent French of Creston and Superin
tendent McManus of Neola state that every
teacher In these towns has signed the con
ditional pledges. ,
C. I ) , Vlavl Co. . female remedy ; consulta
tion free. ORlco hours , 9 to 12 and 2 tn C.
Health book furnished , 320-327-328 Merrlam
N , Y. Plumbing cumcmny. Tel. 50.
HlKh Seliool Auriilnxt Wooillilne.
This afternoon at 2:30 : the High school
eleven will play the Woodbine Normal school
team , The Woodbine team will line up much
heavier than the boys at homo , but the
latter have gained quite a reputation for
skillful and fast playing , and are not worry
ing about the outcome of the game.
liquid. "
f harcOtS
: Givc GRIT
' and staying
powers to wheelmen. They key
the nerves to vigorous action
and permanently build up the
system , making the user "all
nerve" with "no nerves"
Write ( orproofi of curei. 50c. nd
II box. Iour ( druicut bs < not
( ol them , und to
Chemical and Uanufacturlac
liircka * Cfy
J v
Attorneys Spend the Day Discussing the
Oity's ' Responsibility.
IMiilntirr FnrtltlFH lllinnrlf liy fJcttlntr
lu u llelntcil Tut A
nml 'I'llen I'rcnoutH
Cime Forcibly.
The city's financial Integrity was assaulted
and defended by fierce floods of oratory all
day yesterday , and throughout It nil Judge
Orcen sat Imperturbable , but not Impene
trable , for bo showed that ho quickly caught
all of the fine , poluts brought out by the ar
guments ot the attorneys In the case of Shca
application for a writ of Injunction Vcatrain
ing the payment of n largo block ot Inter
section paving and sewer bonds and about
$140,000 worth of outstanding general fund
When the case opened yesterday morning
Mr. Shea took advantage of the Intimation
by the attorneys for the city that his pre
sumption of being n taxpayer and his con
sequent right to maintain his milt would be
attacked , and ho took prompt steps to prc-
voc.t . being nonsuited on the technical
grounds that ho was not a taxpayer. Ho was
relying upon the belief that some of the loU
formerly owned by himself had escaped the
general ruin that had carried away all of
his other propsrty. When ho learned that
the taxboolts of the county would bo brought
Into court showing that for the last two
years ho had not been assessed for any prop
erty , real or personal , ho filed the following
remarkable affidavit In the olllco of County
Auditor Matthews :
To J. M. Matthews , County Auditor : I , 3.
J. Shon , bclns duly sworn , depose and say-
that 1 am the owner of personal property
In the city of Council HltilTs und tubjccL do
taxation In said city of the taxable valua
tion of $ SOO. That I was the owner of the
? nmo and It wan subject to taxation on the
1st day of January , 18U7 , and at all limes
since ; that It consists of the followliiK :
Household property and books , fSOO ; onu
horse , WO : total , JSIO. That by oversight and
mistake this was left oft the tax books for
thn year 1SK7 , and I now ask that you , ni
auditor , enter the same on the tax books
before the same are turned over to the1
treasurer and charge the proper tax to mo
on IMo books. J J. SHEA.
Sworn to before the Clerk of Court.
Auditor Matthews received the affidavit
with considerable satisfaction and cheerfully
complied with the request of Mr. Shea , and
that gentleman will huvo the pleasure of
seeing bis name on the debit side of the
county tax books to the amount of about $30.
Shoitly after the attention of the court was
called to the filing of this allldavlt Mr. Shea
concluded to further strengthen and fortify
his case by amending his petition. This he
did by making Mrs. James , wlfo of Judge W.
C. James , a plaintiff In the suit. The amend
ment of the petition was strenuously opposed
by City Attorney Hazelton , and bis objection
to Its admission was sustained by the court.
The court held that Mrs. James could not
bo made a party to the application at this
period of the suit , and that her case was - .
separate ono and must stand on Its own
Mr. Shea proved to bo a deeper delver Into
the tomes of supreme court decisions than
the attorney who represented Jim Madden In
a similar suit a few years ago , and lie made
a much stronger ese to sustain his demand
for a sweeping Injunction. His principal con
tention was that every dollar of special as
sessment bonds which had been Issued by the
city to pay for the grading , sewering and
paving of streets and charged up to the abut
ting property were Just as much an obligation
of the city'and a part of the general Indebted
ness as any bond that could bo Issued , despite
the fUct that the city only undertook to guar
antee the services ot Its tax collecting ma
chinery to recover the amount annually due
from the property owncrs _ und pay It over
to the bondholders. Ho brought forward
many decisions to support his claim , ono of
which was peculiarly ---.ipllcablo to the pres
ent case. A largo part of the forenoon was
consumed by Shea In his argument.
At the beginning of the afternoon session
Attorney Maynq , City Attorney Hazelton's
law partner , began the argument In defense
of the city , and It was after 4 o'clock when
the city attorney began to speak. Mr. Hazel-
ton's argument was ono of the most carefully
prepared and the strongest ho has made since
ho has hold the olllce. Ho announced that ho
felt the gravity of the situation ; that he
realized the honor of the citizens and the
reputation of the city wcro Imperiled ; that
tha opportunity was given for the creditors
of the city who had listened to the Impor
tunities of the city's financial agents und
had Invested In good faith their money to
receive an Injury that might bo as ruinous
to many of them as It would be to the city.
Ho asserted that the application was nothing
moro than an appeal to the court to enjoin
the payment of outstanding bonds not yet
duo and for which ample preparations had
been made to pay ; to encourage the city to
repudiate $140,000 of outstanding warrants ,
which eastern pcoplo had taken and advanced
the money on to enable the policemen , fire
men and all other city employes to receive
the pay for their dally labor , and In short to
encourage and permit a general repudiation
that would bo moro Infamously dishonorable
than It Is unnecessary. Ho called attention
to the great reduction of the bonded Indebt
edness that had ben paid off before It was
due , and tbo condition of the funds at the
present time , which will permit still further
reductions under the optional payment
clauses In the bonds. In the eastern money
markets the financial credit of the town was
such that never had a bond been sold In re
cent years at a discount , and the payment
of no bond or Interest coupon bad over been
defaulted. Ho urgued that tbo granting of
the prayer of the petitioner would mean the
ruin of the city's credit , the stagnation of
all of Its energies , the parallzlng of all of Its
enterprises. Concerning the special assess
ment bonds he maintained that the tax levied
against the abutting property owners to pay
them off was as much a part ot the city's
regular current revenues as the 10 mill tax
In the general fund.
The concluding speech of Mr. Shea waa
fully as spirited as the argument of Mr.
Hazlcton. The time had pawed the usual
hour for adjournment before ho reached a
conclusion. The caeo was ended by an order
of the court permitting the attorneys to fllo
briefs , which will bo considered with the
evidence and arguments.
Dressed chickens at Sullivan's.
Knot Hall flume.
Ample preparations are being made for the
accommodation of the crowd of people who
will witness the foot 'ball ' contest between
the Iowa and Nebraska state universities
on Thanksgiving afternoon. The gumo will
bo played , on the Field club grounds In this
city. No matter what the weather may be
the grounds will bo In tfxxl condition , for the
nature of the soil U such that large quanti
ties of rain or anew can be taken care of
and the gridiron left In fine shape for the
battle. The amphitheater will bo fitted up
to better accommodate the crowd and somu
additional seats will be erected. The park
Is easily reached by the street car lines , and
there will bo no lack of moans to handle the
multitude. The park as It n.'w stands can
afford comfortable accommodations for 1,600
people , and the seating capacity will bo
enlarged to accommodate man)1' moro.
It U or H Dullarn.
If that's what you want to pay for a pair
of shoes , como to Sargcnt'o. We give a new
pair If they do not wpar. That's all wo can
do except keep them cleaned for you and
wo do that. Sign ot tbo bear. That's at
Bulk oyetera at eulllvan'i , 25c quart.
teA.U-.v . . . _
- . -
„ , jgJa - - - ii.itj - trrf.-W.M.
JnilRc nml I.nivjer * llnlh n NCTV
Point In I.iiTf.
Tn arguing the county school eupcrln *
tendency mandamus case the attorneys for
the plaintiff announced a new proposition of
law that attracted a good deal ot attention
at the tlmo and has since been the subject
for discussion. An objection that constituted
a part ot the defence wag the fact that Saw
yer did not hold n teacher's certificate Issued
by the county superintendent of Pottawutta-
mlo county and consequently failed to
properly qualify himself as n candidate for
( he office. Attorney Chambers , who , arguing
the case when this objection was made , al
most took away the breath of the attorneys
for the canvassing board by announcing that
the candidate not only was not required to
hold the local certificate , but that he need
not even bo a citizen or qualified elector of
the county. Ho may llvo In Harrison county ,
or any other county ot the state , And If the
people ot the county desire to elect him to
any of the/ / offices within the county there Is
no provision In the state constitution or In
the statute book that will prevent them , and
that his election will bo legal and his official
acts beyond question ) by the courts.
"Do you mean to lay that down as u prop
osition of law ? " Inquired Mr. Slins with evi
dent surprise.
"I do ; and I state further , " said Mr. Cham
bers , "that every officer In this county and
city can legally bold his office and legally
execute all of Its functions and ho a citizen
and remain a citizen of any other county In
the state , and I challenge you to show mo
anything to the contrary. "
Tha court looked at the attorney In some
surprise , but made no comment. The propo
sition has attracted enough Interest to sot a
number ot attornsys digging Into the state's
constitution and the code , but without being
able to discover anything upon which to
ledge an objection to the soundness of the
legal proposition.
Some of our most beautiful homes owe
a great deal ot their attractiveness to the
pictures with which they arc decorated. Etch
ings are coming Into use more and more
not simply because they arc cheap , but because -
cause they possess qualities ot beauty not
found In other works of decorative art. Wo
can furnish you a flno framed etching at
any prlco from CO cents up to $10. Visitors
always welcome. C. B. Paint , Oil & Glass
Co. , Masonic temple.
Xo llniTuli , Xo H.icltcinciit.
No Jim Crow fake sales at Sargent's ; Just
good legitimate business. Good shoes , small
profits , has always been outmethod. . A little -
tlo more than anyone else for the same
money. That's Sargent. Ask for coupons.
Sign of Ucar.
Fresh meat and poultry at J. Zollor &
Co.'s. Tel. 320.
Illnomrr Molhrr.V dull.
evening a largo number of the
women In the Bloomer school district met
at the building and organized what will bo
known as the Bloomer Mothers' club , rrholr
object Is to further the Interests of the
kindergarten work. The teacher of the kin
dergarten room , .Miss Coleman , called the
meeting and , [ resided last cvcntag. Miss
Coleman gave a very Interesting talk on
"The Hclatlon of the Homo to the Kinder
garten Work" and briefly outlined the work
to be taken up during the ensuing year.
The following officers \\cre elected : Pres
ident , Mrs. W. I. Smith ; secretary , Mrs. L.
P. McDonald ; program committee , Mes-
damea F. A. Blxby , J. J. Shea and Charles
Konlgmacher. Their next meeting will be
held next Wednesday evening acid their
meetings will "bo held each alternate
Wedncbday evening thereafter.
A similar meeting was held at the Pierce
street building on Wednesday evening and
will meet on the same evening as the
Bloomer club. Their officers are. Presi
dent , Mrs. Jacob Sims ; secretary , Mrs. A. H.
Cox ; progrram committee , Mesdames Cornp-
ton , ITalbott and Wcller.
Disfigurement for life by burns or scald ?
may be avoided by using De Witt's Witch
Haze ! Salve , the great remedy for piles and
for all kinds it snrcs and skin troubles.
All amounts due the mortgage estate of
Mrs. E. J. Scott , milliner , 317 Broadway ,
must be paid to Miss Ida Oppfelt , agent for
Tootlo Weakly Millinery company.
Gov. IMiiKrcv'H Composite.
Ask for It. It's the best $3.00 shoe en
earth. Sargent sells It. Ask for coupons.
J. ZOller & Co. are now selling fresh meat
and poultry as well as groceries and hard
ware. Tel. 320.
Real Kntllte TrniiHfrrN.
The following transfers are reported from
the title and loan ofllco of J. W. Squire , 101
Pearl street.
Mary B Williams to Joseph Flck-
lin. lots 21 to 2S Inclusive , block 90 ,
Ilallroad addition , w. d $2,000
C S. Leffcrt and wife to Francis A.
Children , undivided one-half c',6 ne',4
3-77-44 , w. d 1,075
Charles Children and wife ta B. P.
Prollltt , soy4l nett 3-77-44 , iw. d 1,000
Fanny H. Boquett and husband to John
Davis , lot 31. block G , Squires' addi
tion , w. d 2,200
Pour transfers , totnl $8,273
Buy your Sunday meat of J. Zoller & Co.
Tel. 320.
For Sale Two-story brick store adjoining
hose building on Lower Main , $2,500. Mrs.
Patrick Lacy.
300 tons hay for sale , $2.50 per ton , In
stack near Crescent. Lougee & Lougeo , 235
Pearl st.
J. Zoller & Co. have just opened a meat
market. Tel. 320.
Wo Sliliio Your Shorn Free
And they last twice as long If properly taken
care of. Sign of Bear. Sargent.
IIMVII I'ri-BH Comment.
Dubuque Telegraph : An extra session was
ncccsBiry'to consider and adopt the new Iowa
code , and another may be necessary to cor
rect the blunders of tbo codification.
Council Bluffs Nonpareil : The battleship
Iowa has made Its final trial trip and Is pro
nounced tatlsfactory. No report has been
made public as to the tests of that ( diver
punah bowl , but It Is doubtless satisfactory ,
Sioux City Tribune : The legislature ol
Iowa Is anticipating a busy session this win
ter undoing what the last legislature spent
most of ttfl time doing. This Is a great coun
try , with all sorts of people playing at poli
tics and legislation ,
Cedar Rapids Republican : "I do not think
this session of the legislature will last six
weeks , " said a member-elect of the twenty-
seventh general assembly , That's tbo kind
of talk , but wo fear this man wlto good In
tentions will IMVO the blues when ho comes
to see tbo fellqws searching for records line
Spirit Lake Beacon : Tbo coming eefnlon
of ( ho legislature ought to bo much shorter
than ueual , It will bo strange. Indeed , If the
thorough overhauling just given the statutes
does not greatly reduce the number of bills
before the legislature. There Is work of Im
portance to be done , but the ways ought
to ho comparatively clear and the progress
rapid. *
Iowa City Republican : Over In Blackhawk
county , out of thirteen penitentiary convicts
only two wore residents of the county. The
other cloven were vagrants , "bums , " etc.
This fact merely brings to mind once more
tbo truth that the tlmo ID fast arfxroachlng
when vagrancy In this country must be eup-
pressed. Our very laws , our untold wealth ,
our Indiscriminate private charities all tend
to encourage this evil.
Dea 'Molncs ' Capital : It Is announced from
Denlson that Governor-elect Eiiaw has decid
ed to retain Private Secretary Fleming , and
nobody will dispute tbo wisdom ot the choice.
It Is also announced that Governor Shaw will
consult the library trustees aa to the appoint
ment of u new librarian 'and ' will select a
man for tbo place , It hla telectlon eball
prova to bo a wise ono tiio appointee U con
tinued for a number of years , It will doubt
less be to the advantage of the state library ,
In the control of which there have been too
frequent changes lu tbo ixut , j ,
Prosperity Booms to Have Hit tba Haw'ioyo
Period Covercil liy Heiiort of SCnlc
Auditor In Onlj > 'riiroe Montlm
llciit ShoiUnjr Kvcr Mmle
i tlie Stnte.
DBS MOINBS , Nov. 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Tbo most rcmarkablo statement over
Issued for the banks of Iowa was made pub-
lie by Auditor McCarthy today. It Indi
cates that Iowa lias secured a full share of
prosperity. It ls a ccasolldatcd statement
of the condition of the 468 savings and 205
state banks In Iowa , based on reports of
their conditions October 5. It shows that
the total deposits have Increased1 In three
months , or since the statement of Juno 30 ,
from ? 4D,000,000 to over $50,000,000. That 10 ,
three months have Increased the deposits
10 per cent. This Increase Is by far the
largest ever known. . In the state In a llko
period. For the yoir ending with the state
ment of Juno 30 last the total Increase vca
less than $1,000,000. The 170 national banks ,
according to their reports to the national
comptroller , mude an Increase In similar
proportions. The auditor's figures on sav
ings and state banks follow :
Hills receivable , ? 51B57S21 ; ceeh and cash
Items , $3,920,480 ; credits subject to sight
Crafts , $10,089,387 ; overdrafts , $703,028 ; real
and personal property , $3,594,529 ; total , $70 , .
Liabilities .
Capital stock , $1G,212 , 00 ; duo depositors ,
$50,491,625 ; due banks and others , $274,213 ;
surplus , $1,811.083 ; undivided profits , $1,742-
500 ; total , $70,531,529.
Thla statement , compared with that of
Juno 30 , shows ca Increase of $2,606,231 In
bills receivable , of $ D29fiC6 In cash , " of
$1,218,259 In credits subject to sight draft ,
of $233,442 In overdrafts and of $87,585 In
real property ; total Increase , $4,735,088. On
the side of liabilities deposits Increase
Committee of tin * TCquul
HulVrin ' AnHorlutloii ( ittN toVork. .
SIOUX CITY , Nov. 19. ( Special. ) Until
the meeting of the Iowa legislature In Janu
ary Sioux City will bo headquarters of the
Iowa Equal Suffrage association for the
campaign work In behalf of an amendment
to the constitution permitting women to
vote. At the recent state ccaveatlon of the
women It was decided that active v > ork
should bo commenced by a legislative com-
mltteo in behalf of the 'froposed ' amend
ment. Mrs. E. II. Deldcn of this city waa
made chairman of tlio legloMtlve committee
and will direct the-campalgn. She will be
In charge and op ni headquarters here for
the present. The slate association has em
ployed aa chief cleric of "the legislative com
mittee Mrs Ina Taylor qf Uuthvea , la. , who
has arrl\ed to assist 5lrs. Hehhia. The
state has been divided oft into districts. ' ,
counties and townships and organization
effected which will , result. In every voter
and every woman .411 the state getting a
letter from the legislative committee. The
men will be asked , lf they will sign a peti
tion req.uei.tlng tnq. legislature to submit
the question of equaf suffrage to a popular
vote , and each woman will be asked to
express herself on' th.o question whether she
would be willing that oilier" women should
vote , even If she did. not care to vote her
self. In this1" mjnivoW It-Js' anticipated , by
the equal suffragists that1 'the legislators
will this winter be confronted with a peti
tion of enormous proportions praying that
the electors of the state of Iowa be per
mitted to vote on .whether . or not the women
of this commonwea'.th ' shall be allowed the
right of suffrage.
Contract * Arc Sl iii-d mill Sealed for
Their ISiiteriirlHe.
SIOUX CITY , Nov. 19. ( Special. ) The
signing of thocontracts , between Cudahy
Brothers and the Sioux City Stock Yards com
pany wKas concluded this morning In Chicago.
This means that the Cudahys will be per
manently identified with the business Inter
ests of this city. They will double the kill
ing capacity of their present plant here ,
greatly increase the storage facilities by the
erection of now buildings , and equip wltii
new anif mo-Jem machinery the old plant of
the Sioux City Dressed Beef and Canning
company , for which they have Just con
tracted. These Improvements , together with
the glue and soap works , will cost about
$300,000 and the work will too begun at once.
Employment will be given to 1,200 men.
The closing of these contracts with Iho
C/udahys means that they will kill about
from 4,000 to 5,000 hogs dally , besides 1,000
beeves and 1,000 sheep. For some time
Cudahy Brothers have been operating a pork
packing plant In this city , but It has been
run on a small scale , and It Is this plant
which will be largely Increased In capacity.
The coming of the Cudabys to this city
makes the prospects for the opening of the
plant of the Sllberhorn company , which has
been closed for years , almost a certainty.
Cudahy , when In this ulty , said it was abso
lutely necessary that he should have compe
tition , or thcro would 'bo no market.
ICleetloii ContrxtN.
DBS MOINES , Nov. 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The famous old representative con
test In the Wright-Hancock district has
broken out' In a contest over the election of
John Christie , the democrat declared electcJ.
The nomination contest resulted In both
counties naming republican candidates , and
Chrlstlo was , on. the face of the returns ,
elected by about twenty votes. P. 0. Harte-
horn of Wright contests and filed notice
with the secretary of stale today. Ho al
leges tbit many votes cast for him wore
thrown out on account of technicalities and
that ho WAS really elected. The contest will
bo heard by the house after Its convening ,
"Devll'ii KlliiMT" AliolUhnl.
ATLANTIC , la. , Nov. 19. ( Special. )
"Trains resume usual speed , " was the order
from the dispatcher's ofllco nt DCS Molncs
to all trainmen today , and they feel se
cure , as the strip of trad : on the Chicago ,
Hock Island & Pacific railway mnln line , be
tween Marno and Walnut , at O'Nell's hill ,
known by every man between Chicago and
Omaha as the "Devil's Elbow , " Is no more.
No place on the system did the trainmen
dread more than at the "Devil's Elbow , "
where within a mile on n steep grade wcro
two six-degree reverse curves. Work ol
straightening the railroad track commenced
over a year > igo , and was practically finished
last week , and the last man to leave the
dump today WRB the foreman of the section
gang , Tom Doyle. To make the change over
100,000 yards of dirt was moved ; the hill
was lowered eight feet and the track at the
foot of the hill elevated about four feet ,
miking a difference ot twelve feet In the
grade alone. The cost to the railway com
pany was over $60,000 for loss than n mile
of track In western Iowa.
IIMVII Miitiinl liiHiirntirc.
DES MOINES , NoV. 19 ( Srcrlal. ) The an
nual meeting of the Iowa Mutual Insurance
association closed today after throe days'
sessions , mid with the election ot officers
and the discussion ot the Kansas plan of
state Insurance. The Kansas scheme was
not favorably received by the convention as
a whole , although n number spoke strongly
In favor of It. The election of ofllccrs re
sulted as follows : 1'rcsldcilt F. D. Stccn ,
Mcnlo ; vice president , C. H. Payne , Fort
Dodge ; secretary. F. E. Gordon , Sac City ;
legislative committee , C. II. Packard , Iowa
Falls ; James Yulll , Cedar Haplds ; F. D.
Stec-n , Mcnlo.
Another I own JmlKc Will lleslun.
CEDAIl FALLS , la. , Nov. 19. ( Special. )
Judge Tolertoti of this city has announced
his Intention ot resigning from the district
bench on account of ill health. "I have
been contemplating offering my resignation , "
ho said , "and no doubt It will bo forthcoming
soon , but I have not yet decided Just when 1
will take such action. I have 'been ' advised
by members of the bar and others not to
resign , but on the other hand my physicians
say I must not go Into the court room and 1
don't believe myself that It would be toest
for mo to do so. I am going west for the
winter early In December. "
lltircl on Iiiwii llre verw.
DUBUQUE. la. , Nov. ID. ( Special. ) The
brewers of this city fear thcro Is trouble
ahead for them , since It has just been dis
covered that the liquor manufacturing law
in the new code does not in express te'ms
mention cities under special charter , notwith
standing a general statute provides that laws
relating to cities do not i elate to cities under
special charter unless that fact Is expressly
stated In the statute. The novelty of the
sl'uation ! s that all brewers In Iowa are lo
cated In cities under special charters and the
bill from fl'st to last was In charge of tnc
representatives of such cities.
I I'oWlTN-ColllllH.
ELDORA , M. , Nov. 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Milton Powers of St. Lous ! and Mips
Edna Collins , a prominent society leader ,
were married at Marlehurat from the home
of the bride at Iowa Falls yesterday. Mr.
Powers ? is employed In the survey depart
ment of the government.
Fiillx Heir to n Fortune.
SIOUX CITY , Nov. 19. ( Special. ) C.
Shenkberg , the large wholesale grocer of thh
city , has received notice that he has fallen
heir to about $50,000 "by the death of a rela
tive In Spain and that he has been appointed
executor of the estate , which amounts
about $125,000.
Klopcrx CaiiK'ii. '
GLENWOOD , la. . Nov. 19. ( Special. )
This noon an eloping couple were captured
hero by Sheriff Tubbs. They are from South
Dakota , and were -In a buggy. The man Is
37 and the girl 14.
A new elevator Is to bo built at Davenport ,
with a capacity of 200.000 bushels.
There are 1,500 drug stores l.i Iowa , ac
cording to the pharmacy report just n-.ade.
B. I. Salinger , reporter of the Iowa supreme
court , has removed from Manning to Car
The American Pearl iDutton factory at
Sr.'buln ' , 111. , may bo moved to Dubuque If
the Inducements offered arc sufficient.
Dr. and Mrs. I. N. McCash of Drake uni
versity have given the students of the uni
versity permission to select a name for their
baby boy.
L. M. Andsrson , the new postmaste-
Albla , has assumed the duties of his nfnVo.
He Is the s 11 of Colonel Dan Anderson , who
commanded the First Iowa Cavalry.
The stage of water In the Missouri at
Sioux City is now the lowest It hs been this
season. It Is but 4.6 feet afcove low water
mark , according to the gauge of the weather
The case of the State against Frank
Arnold for the murder of H. V. Duffy was
called In court at "Waukon , 'but ' continued
until the January term because the de
fendant was not ready.
Elijah Lswis , editor of the Charlton Pa
triot , has gone to Washington , D. C. , to
take up the duties of clerk of ll.o Interstate
commerce committee , to which position Con
gressman Hepburn had him appointed.
J. W. Ragsdale of Santa Rosa , Ual. , who
has been appointed to a consulate at Tlen-
Tsln , China , was an Iowa soldier , and for
many years on editor at Albla and Corning.
Ho Is a brother of George II. Ilagsdale , ex-
state printer.
Illinois Central detectives are trying to
find out the cause of two attempts at train
wrecking on the Sioux Falls branch near
Prlmghar last week. A pile o' recks wus
found on the track on Friday alght and
another Sunday at the same place ,
but In both cases the engineer a able to
Each Relieved of Periodic Pain and Bade-
ache. A Trio of Fervent Letters.
Before using1 Lydla B. Plnlclmm's Vegetable
Compound , my health was gradually being under
mined. I suite red untold agony from painful
menstruation , backache , pain on top of my
head and ovarian trouble. I concluded to
/ try Mrs. Pinlcham'a Compound , and found
/ that it wag all any woman needs who suffers
H with painful monthly periods. It entirely
cured me , Hits. GEonan : WASS ,
023 liunk St. , Cincinnati , O.
For years I had suffered with painful men
struation every month. At the beginning of
menstruation it was impossible for mo to
land up formoro titan fire minutes , I felt BO mis-
erable. Ono clay a little book of Mrs. Pinlcham's was
thrown into my. . house , and I sat right down and read it.
I then got some of Lydla B. PinUlmm's Vegetable Com-
pound and Liver Pills. I can heartily say that to-day I
feel lilto a new' ' woman ; my monthly suffering Is a thing
of the past. I shall always pralso the Vegetable Compound
for what it has done for me.
Mns. MAHCUBET ANDKHSON , 303 Lisbon St. , Lo\viston , Me.
Lydla B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has cured mo of painful men
struation and baokaoho. Tlio pain in my back was dreadful , and the agony
I suffered during menstruation nearly drove me wild.
Now this is all over , thanks to Mrs. Pinkham'a medicine and advice. MBS. .
OAnniB V. WILUAJJS , South Mills , N. 0.
The great volume of testimony proves conclusively that Lydla E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound is a safe , sure and almost infallible remedy is1 ctuea of
irregularity , suppressed , excessive or painful monthly periods , < V )
top the rain without dsmnge. It U bo-
llcvcd to bo the work of lr. mps who have
bcfn angered by the train crcwa.
John Itaccock , IS years of ngo. Tva killed
by being struck by A wnRoit at West nrnnch
Thursday. The team ran awny while ho was
husking corn ,
Great oxcltcnipr.t was created In Kpworth
n few days ago by the discovery ot four
sticks of dynamite under the depot of the
Illinois Central railroad.
The DCS Molncs Capital suggests that the
man at Kldorado who used to soil J. H. Sov
ereign his groceries would like Sovereign to
begin his presidential campaign by straight
ening matters a llttlo that were neglected
several years ago.
Walter , the 15-mon.tbs-old son of Joseph
Pratt of Center Grove , Dubuqo county , was
smothered to death lu bed. Ho had been
left In bed In the morning In cnio ot a
young girl , when the parents wont out , nnd
when found ho was dead.
The Oetweln Recorder warns the Utibuquc
Jobbers and says It they take any part In the
proposed 'boycott on that town because of the
consolidation of the Great Western's busi
ness there the Oelwcln merchants will
p.itrollUo DCS IMoltics Jobbers.
Judge Bishop , who has Just been ap.ulnlcd
Judge ot the district court In Polk coui.ty ,
was first appointed to that position by Uov-
ornov Larrnbee and was afterward elected
Mid served a term. Ho was formerly a mem
ber ot the legislature from Black Hawk
Tlio Osknlortsa Gun club held Its second
annual hunt Tuesday , mi J .between midnight
Monday nnd midnight Tuesday they rounded
up 4,800 points , over a wagon load of game.
Dr. Henderson vjfts captain of the wlnn.lug
Blilo , his men ( bringing In 2,740 points. J.
P. Sclpcrt managed the other. S. II. Hull
was the only man who got tin owl and ho
slow seven.
Mr. Wilder of 'Massachusetts was before
the executive council of Iowa a few days
ngowith a proposition to Hell to the state
nt Itiun for about $700 n racing , boat , or
shell , for use In connection with the buttle-
bhlp Iowa. IHo called to got the views of the
council as to the iiosslblllty of the legislature
making on appropriation for such a purchase.
Mr. Wilder appeared In behalf of the men
who man the ( battleship. The silver service
contributed by the state will bo used largely
by the officers and the 'men ' think they
should bo given something by the stato.
requirements arc
perfectly met In
Wool Soap.
There may be
more expensive-
soaps , but none
better. / / is > & -
'solutelfpttre. For
the bath it is
pleasant , sooth-
jnt ; and delight-
There s only
one soap that
won't shrink
woolens. You
My Mama
& Searles.
All Private Diseases
& Disorders of Men ,
Treatment by Mail.
Consultation Free.
Cured for life and the poison thoroughly cleanoed
from the system.
Spermntorrliua. Seminal Weakness , Lost Man
hood , Nltrht Emissions. Decayed Facultlou. Female -
male Weakness , anil all delicate cllBonlerB pecu
liar to cither BOX , positively cured. PIIjES
AND VARICOCELE p orinanrnlly and successfully
cured , Method now an d unfailing.
by new method without pain or cuttlnr. Call on
or address with stam
DRS. StflRLES X SEflRUS. 119
FOH ix-rnnxAi , AXD KXTCKXAL usn.
Colild , CoiiKlix , Sore Throat , Iiiflncnzu ,
llrouchltU , Fmiemonin , Swelling
of the Jolutv , I.unitiaKo ,
Infill iiinuitloiiH.
IliuUvnyx' lU-iuly llullcf In n Sure Cure
for ICvi-ry 1'nlii , Spralni , DruUvn ,
I'liliiH In the Jlnck , Client or LlniliM.
It MIIH the I-'lrnt anil IN the Only
Tlict Instunly stops the most Cicrutlatlng pains ,
nllayu Inflammation , nnU cures Conne tlonii ,
whether of the Lungs , Htumach , IIouc-U or other
glands or organs , by one uiipllcntlon.
A half to a teaspoonful In half a tumbler nt
water will In n few minutes cure crumps ,
Spasms , Hour Stomach , Heartburn , Nervousness.
FleeplcusnesH. Hick Headache , Diarrhoea , Dyscn.
tery. Colic , Flatulency and all Internal pains.
There Is not a remedial agent In the world
that will cure fever and ague and all other
malarious. LllloUR am ] other fevers , aided by
KADWAY'R PILLS , sa quickly as HAD.
WAY'S HEADY HULIEF , HOC a bottle sold by
Kadway & Co. . New York City.
K Clm at.
In Pictures
Part VII
Now Ready
For Distribution.
Brine 10 cents to The Bco oHlco , either
in Omiilm or Council UlufTH.
Mulled to any address on receipt of 10
conta in coin.
It can lie given viltliout tlie KnowluilKu
of i lie ixifleiit In coHve , leu or ui licit * it
( cod ; Kill effect permanent and speedy curt- ,
wlti'lier the patient Is a inoacruU drinker or au
nlci.Viollo urcck.
IH.VK of particulars free , to If had ot
ICuliu t Co. . lith and Douiilut. Omaha. Neb
GUL > 1)I2. > Hl'KOIFIU CO. ,
Cincinnati , O ,
Writ * for their "Cook on UorpUlu * HaUt.
Cutting up prnnlcn
bnby 1 great fun for B yottnc
mother. But before she can
cut prnnVs with the baby
she must have n healthy
baby. A puny , Mckly , pcev-
iih baby has no use fet
pranks. It lies In every
young mother's power to
ttisutc the health of the ex-
pcctcil ttcwcomr * .
If she will see that
the orjrnns which
uinkc motherhood
possible are healthy
yixtul vigorous , an'J '
will keep them so
tluritifr the pctlod
proccditiR motcra *
tv , she tuny be sure
that the baby will be hcnlthy nml hnppy.
A marvelous medicine for young mothers
is Dr. 1'lcrcc'n I'avorlle Prescription. Taken
during the period preceding motherhood it
makes stroitff. hcnlthy nml vigorous the or-
K.ins upon which rest the burdens of ma-
tcrnlty. U nllnyf > Inflammation , soothes
pain , .ind restores steadiness to the news.
It does away with the discomfort * of the
expectant period. It insures the health of
baby and ntnkca Us coming cnsy and almost
paiiileR.4. It I.H the dlscovcty of an eminent
cud successful specialist , Dr. H. V. Pierce ,
chief eouMiltltiR- physician to the Invalids1
Hotel nnd Institute , IIufT.ilo , N. Y.
"T took Ir. Tierce's 1'nvorlle Prescription
before my confinement , nml I un * only I u Inlior
n shotl time , " wrltct Mn > . Minnie A. rctermti ,
llox j. Knttou , I'rcMiu Co. . Cnl. The t'liyslclan
said I cot along ummmlly well. I think Hie
medicine saved n crcnl deal of MilTcrlng mid I
get nil my friends nlio need It to try U ,
Otis of the best-known of American med
ical men said : "If you want to reform
Krnndfitthcr.1 That
man , begin with his
would bo wise if it could be done. Since it
cannot be done , try something i-lse. Kcfortu
the future grandfathers nud grandmother ! ) .
Do thi * through education. The greatest
thing for a man or woman to know is himself -
self or hctsclf. To know one-half the capa
bilities nnd disabilities of the human body
in n llbetnl education. A itood Mmt for this
education i1) Dr. 1'lcrce's Common Sense
Medical Adviser. Any one can have thU
finely illustrated toco-page book for the
Htmill price of twenty-one one cent stamps' .
This is simply to pay for miiiliutr. If von
would like the book in fine cloth blndlnrr
instead of paper , send thitty-oue stamps to
World'Dtspcnsatv Medical Association ,
663 Main Street. Buffalo , N. V.
Private Diseases
\UnUoi mil Uliorilir of
20 Yp-unKiporlonco.
1(1 ( Yunta in Umnlia.
ixik 1'rce. Coninlta *
t ion Ft TO. BoxTfid , 01
Mth and FftrDBtn 6t ,
For Salt- Only liy JOHN Ll.VDEU , 13
Mnlu St. , Council IllufTN.
SiicccHHor * to Gilbert llrox. , Oinnlin ,
MmiiifnutiirvrH of
Fur Garments , Rn Si Etc
ItiOl mviiy , Council IllufTN , In.
In Plumer Building.
. . . .Telephone No. t > ,
. . . .COXFIXI3MI3XTN. . . .
DH. Ii , E. B.OE ,
W2 , Mcrrliim Illook.
Talto Elevator.
October JO , 1197.
FOH JU3NT Houbes In Council llluffs
(15.00 per inuiitli Clicrrv Hill and ono aero ol
Krouml , fruit and garden.
JU.f.O per month New store room , 20xCO , OB
(9.00 per month 1KJ' Thlnl St. , C rooms and bnra
JC.OO per month 15th t. una Ave. Hi Rood burn ,
J7.00 per moults120 Hroadwuy , store mom.
JOCO per inon'w MS Hinhum nvnue. 0 rooms.
(5.00 per mu-.n ' ISO Illdt.'c utriet C-room house.
14,00 per r nth llousion Ninth street.
J8.33 per month A w ll Improved B nrrts S miles
from town , will taka onfc-hnlf of the rent In
FOIl HAM3-Clty I'ropertv
(400 deed houe. bar. . . JhS nnf. two lot" 2511
Fifth ave. , monthly payments , 17 per month
(200-Oood hou o iind lot on Avenue II. between
tiKhlh : uml Ninth His. , 55 per month.
J200-Oood house nnd lot on Cth nveniu. between
25th and SCIh sts. , monthly pnyinents , JO per
1C lots In Wright's nild for sule at n v ry low
} 25 per acre 210-acre farm , 4 miles west fif Orls.
weld , eantern part of ITiltawuttuinle county
| 25 per UTC10 acres of K > ol farming lund north
of Neola.
(25 per acre Well improved UO-ncro farm east of
l.oveland , 1'ottawatlimile county ,
(25 per acre to acres of good farmlnit or fruit
land , 3 miles from Kidney. Ficmont county.
(2S per acre SO ucies of good fruit bind , with
rmnll hoiiio , north of Hamburg , Fremont
count >
(25 per acre 40 acres of good bottom land , coma
timber , 2 miles < < outof | city Hums
(20 per acre 20 ncies of uood bottom land , 1
inlU-a Kiulh of Council IlluffJ.
10-ucre tracts of land 2 miles south of Houtli
Omaha ; will take part pa > ment In city prop
erly ,
flood farms for rent. Apply to
tiKONAItn KVttnUTT. 1 I'enrl St , Council
muffs , lonn.
(15.00 per acre 40 ncrcs of eood land In llonona
Flxu and tcn-acrn liacts near the city for rul *
( looO , cheap Nebraska lands for sale.
Will sell liny of tliu nlxnc properly on smnll
pujincnt OO\MI , balance In ten annual pay-
Other K'UU ) farms for sale. Will take part lrad
In city properly or smaller farms , balancu long
time , annual payment * ,
lands for sale or rent , t > Hy & UCKJ , n I'eatl
iioNKY TO j/DAN-niiincii : : > n ATI : " "ON
llrtl-clawi Improved farms nnd Inside dlv
properly. Apply to Jos. N. ( 'aitaily. jr. , Zl
Main Ht ,
cliolce location , 130 llway ; ulfo the store louin ,
14i Jiway , rultable for Bcneral meichaiultfe. ty
l > ay & Hess , 39 1'eurl st.
The Hoblnson ConsorvnliTy. t'oun
ell Illuffs , la. forrccl Methods I s.
sons , M tints and upward. Writ *
for pronpt-tns.
Inrtructlons. Alliln Hurttr
338 llmidwiiy. Ueimun nielli 'J
of Dresden Cutmervntory ,
j. w , 8 uTni : . rrY AND R/CitM / J-OANB ! " "
wintering horses , plenty of shelter , good ut
tvntlon and reasonable rates. Curl & Henry
Jurgcu , Franklin .Y * . , udjolulntf glty. '