Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1897, Image 9

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, JUNI3 : 15) ) , 1871. OMAHA , TUESDAY' MOllNI7sTG"NO V EM HER 1 ( { , 185)7. ) SIN'GMS COPY" 1ft VIS CENTS ,
llcj-orts of Activity In Diecing Gold /.ro
Not KiigRoratetl.
In rn mil' I'ritK lll.lrl.M I. Illcli til
rinds Hint \\lll t Iflil Viiliiu-
lil HoliiriiN Nou n Inilli
t > u < ( illiipt.
OIUVIXNM'jo. . . NOV. ID. ( Special )
liurng tlio past week your correspondent
Mulled tlu < now mining district In uortliciii j
jjimmli' county In Uiolclnlty of Iveiramle
IVik nci oiiiinnlci | ! by t S. Hartlett , n well-
known mining i no rt of thli city , and found
Ilia * I Inrt ported activity In mining matters
In tl.o district Imil not boon exaggerated Tin *
now , camp Is nnrlhiitst of l.irainlD Peak , .1
famous landmark 11 f ntnilVomlng. . and is
tlutt > the miles bj a good wagon .old [ ioni
( Hi n Id Rtnthm on the C'lipjuint- . Northern 1
b\n ( ih df iliu Denver ( Julf tallwnv
dmof ( Inin st viluilile of tin tnlniH oC
ttin distill t ( onslsts of the Mollv Miigulro
mil fi nderfoot claims , owned .mil being dc-
Vi * ii. ul b ) the Usterhrook Mining caiuuii )
' ] hn rl > h Mitts of hiiltiM forming these
( luiniH ( in about twelve miles from tlu > Inse
cf tin l-.ii.uuli' peik Hie llrst discover )
w * tin Ii- In Miy 1S9B bj (1.V Johnuton ,
tin i M proviei | lor Uurlni ; tinKist | six
lu ntliH I hi KstiM bniuk romp-til ) lias been
ui lilv pushing w irk on tlio elilms I'wo
td i s IHMIn m sunk on tlio Moll > Mngulro
* in n > i hlng n ill plb of tev outlive foot
ii i n in. I scvoiil } fi''t In the other Shaft
li im s liivi' beiu elected. ono I'linlp cil
\ \ li a s nni engine nul complete hoisting
ni n I'm From tlio uu\ciit-llvp-root shaft
1,1 ni limning { 'I U ) 111 sllvoi niul $51 10 In
l < id v" r l > n In being inliiol On tno Tt-ndar-
d i a Mlittft sUtj-lho feet In ili > . th has
1 1 1 n Mi-ik from which ore .IBM ) Ing $ IS a
tun In i > p , or niul f2 In gold is being taken
' 1 In IXorhraak compati ) la composed of
tlio following Ltriiii Cooppr pnslilcnt ,
Jiihii Kaxtnn secret n > timl tre martr , 0 N
J hnstiin. riiomas llnnics inul Malcolm Until-
1 1 uird John Kojrilpy aud Pi-ink Tin kham
r > iintrly of Colorado , .iro superintending tlio
inlnliiK upi-nitlnni < if the coiniMii ) Valuable
K'llinii ililnih udjidiilng those of the lister-
bro U i 'imp in > are owned by Messrs id-
liolm . \ - Akin.
l'ii > of tlip mast wondpiful discoveries ro-
ccntl ) Hindi' In tlio Kainmlo 1'cal ! disltlct
Is i hat of , i mine known us the \sliptifpltcr
\\hlili VVIIH woik-d In the eirl ) tiQs , hut his
bi en lost for t\vt < ntj-lht > jeira The mlno
\\nn llrst openpil b..1 . paiU of pimpoptota
\ \ liovint out from Port Lirimli * 1'he strike
mido b\ them was an ninisn.illv rli li one
< nin for thuin dius. and tlnpo men were
id u cil nt woik on the ( Inlm \ li.inil of
In Iliiis surpr.Hi-il tlusp miners hiirneil their
.ililis kllleil two of the number and fiUlly
Monndiil the thlnl Tluwe men were the onl\
prrRntm who Knew the trill to the ramp
niul with their death all Ir.icc of the mine
AN.IS lost The trail to the claim tuns
thrmiKh the almost Inaceesslblo tanjon of
1ho Itoar'HK ' I'ork of the HurArahoe creek
'I ho mine whop tpnrlicil. forms an lnlerc t-
Ini ; Rtuilj The main tnmirl rniiH eighty
fort Into the slilo of the mountain , endlni1
A\llh i flufl of tnentj feet , which In tun
comiPilo with u thrtfoot ! tunnel The
opcnlni ; of the tuniul Is completely con-
realpil by plno trees growing at its mouth
IMnn trors were ulso found prowlni ; In the
olil ilnnip nf the mine Nruibv were found
the ruins of the burned ealiuis with tcrano
of ( ho Iro'i tools scattered about The slto
of the mine has been located bj I S Ikirt-
Idt A II ILinnerV. . \V hixcllp and \V
( ' II nd as the I'lonrer claim and will bo
'I he IlrMrIrR Pork < > inu- between the I'ster-
bronk prnpprtips and the Ashenfelter mlro
nmtalrs a number of promising claims One
of these owrtsl blffl rs Manner and haM -
M Me and Knnwm as the Andrew Jacksor Ins
In p-i frhifte'l to a dep'h ol fort > feet sbowlin ;
, lllr l nf J17 a ton In go'tl at the grass roots
The \t n Is of ferrojienous quartz , four feet
\\ilr ai I ha been traced 1500 feet In the
nclL'li Mlu ml IA located the Good Lurk mine ,
o > e l In the same pirtles A strike was
n , li- i > - this rlalm recently which phoned
$ .10 a Irn I i Rolil am ) $12 50 In sl'ver This
Is. the richest strike yet mads In the re-
lii tlu > It ( ir Creek came , some ( Itteen miles
fr in the Jt arinn PVtk oanip , XIccs'-s Cav-
iiiitlu- & \ji\e\\e \ \ \ have developed the Pine
Tnc laim whlih Is producing ore showing
M ! us if $ o n ton In crciper. Tlio ve'ii in
M rMrisp and a cut of twenty-five feet has
Ml- 1 to trogs It.
! ' . I ml ! ? rump 1 situated a few- miles
fr in 'hi > t'nterbrook mines and consists of
a iinnti.r of rich gold claims IV W La-
i I. H I'-velopIng the Lavelle lode the oren
n- nun ; $12 n Ian In eald at the grais
n \\nrk Is being done upnn a vein
lir 'i- h ° s In width and gradually wlden-
ii . . v ti I't-iith Other claims ore Tbe Iron
1 I n I'olorad ) and The Jledora Ue
% ' it 11' ' work ha been pushed on all of
t'i ' -i urns , whlrh show gold , silver and
C | i i
in > ' the vallpys tying In the foothills
of i'n l.iramie Peak district the pros-
I r I\P located the Oordinville cami >
1' * -us are on the ranch of DavU Ooi-
ii I \irby h > ranrh-hou e a it. h vein
i I iji irtz fully twenty feet wide ban
1 i til From i ppiiltift ow belnx
* ' ! ] -his vein asuaji- running $1T In
< l n It1 liver a nil $1 In gold have
' i in I < n this claim km n as The
I nr i i owned by Pvid Qordeu
( inaul r nt d W W Luvellia
'i v li ' ' i in depth has been
\ lilt , 'f I'll * a CTOSBCUt Of
' < hi i > i u i ut The owner * ate
* l i hit i1 M n vi I prove a proflubU-
H t i 1 mi" ' Is In Its InUivy
i ng ' i 'in I In * I ii' en ( Ti' * | > iK'tP < l
v i < h - \ i i d'l thil.niMrerleii In
i a | mm i > ! ml i > r)8t < | bl > ramp
I n' i hi l tn i The country
> i ! n 'i i in 1 'here It tinplr
* ii'ly ' f i. i > id it-titiifnt of a mln
! i if Is ' M i n IIM Devel nitu.-iit
k ii tN > .1 iiiu i turitm the
v at I f - > i i \ r j ul the minM
> ipincn * * i h * n 3vi-r * ai iltr *
i i I n4t
U tolj ,
\iivrii U Wj * , M * 11
i i u h K , who h ken protp riln tor
jftl4 In tt . - Rittl * t/ii dlttrlfl
> > r < 4 i four-foul * iiu of quirt I
> . - | H fat t' n III ftM TtM IM
i I k i' 9f > # : l | l 01H-K MttWlM 111 OTP
i n * lii l In th * QriU't ffniiiniai | I
> * < t\ # V M * > t by j ( I tUnkln to
.w i * t ru | * iMirr * ho rspnru tlitt
v h * * 11 tM tnd < H athr fill
t i ill * r ' ' '
< k ' > .1 M ,
| * M 1 1 * . HIM tU4 r
soldier dtirluR ft altercation lietvipen I'rs
well and a party of soldlCra In April InJt
nr. VTII nttisus 01 i v ituviv\cp .
VV until n Kn n MM no Mr . Unit-ire AH-
srrti sin * I * ,1. II , Ki'd'liiini'H VV lilii-ii.
CHIflAOO , Nov 1C iMra Mihel 1'stelle
Wallice nt whose homo , on Indlani avenue ,
John 11 Kflcham dlel Paturdi ) nnd her
rateniPiit that he I * the widow of Hie dead
( Mibinan , has bn ught to light her romant'c
I tstor ) According to Mrs Wallace the
cpiomon ) b ) which she became the third
Mrs Ketcham vvii performed In Milwaukee )
on September 21 by'n Methodist minister
Tlio latter M nameshe dots not remember ,
but SBs he can be easll ) found and her
claims to Mr Ketcham K estate of $500,1100
MN Willaco Is the widow of James U
Walkup. former inner of Kmpurla , Kan , nnd
woUthy When he died In IS't.'t under somc-
wl-'t strange clrcuint-Mneus his ) outhful [
bride was arrested arvl tried for murdering |
him. hut she was freed She married b.'ti i
when shn was only Ifi jdirs old atthoil-s-h he i
was almost fit ) She wai a wllow it 17 and '
to avoll unplccannt notoriety she aitilmed the {
name of Wullacc. She oime to Chicago after
shn had spent eonsldernlile money traveling
In Iluiope and purchase I the lesldenee at
; ! 142 Imilan.i avenue , nil I ill she furnished i
In splendid stle Of late she liia
beei seen several times driving In
rotni'iii ) with Mr. Ketclmm whose divorce
llilMilon with the seeon I Mr ? Keteliim , vlie i
Toledo , O , soelet ) leidcr , was a sensi.Um '
I a fiw months ago. MIH Wallace , or Ketcham
ideihna .hat the ccrllllcate of her mill -
l rla e to the deieased as well as his list
will and testament leivlng ill his estate t. >
her Is locked up In a safet ) deposit vault
down itowji
"John di 'Ire-il that I should not tell his
tmither or his relatives of the mairiase , "
she said "Hut hla brother had been here
to visit him before he died John will be
burled In in ) lot in Ho-e Hill cemcter ) ,
where 1 expect to lie beside htm when Hi )
line comrs
Mr Ketcham's death will be Invcbtlgited
ly the coroner 'I he eircunibt inrcs burrouml-
pg his Illness and the imnner of his death
are1 di-eu.ed such as to wiuant It Tod.iv
Chief Peput ) Corjner Miindellnum was sent
o the residence of Mrs Wallace or ICetcham
m InMam avenue. Thedeput ) It Is
illeged , was unable to get any satisfaction
rom the servants or from Mrs Ketchim nnd
lie mlvtued tbe coroner to older a jest
mortem examination.
Coroner Morse cald his rcascel for Inve-s'l-
. ; Ulng thedentil of Hie inlllionalie was that
homo reports of tbe circumstances of his
disease coi taincd Innuendoes of sutllclent
ntrength to vvarmnt a si'aTch foi their founda
tion No member of the fiimllv , be slid , had
isked that the do nil bo Investigated but he
thought for the benefit of the public till
( imstton of the cause of Mi Ketcham t > Ill
ness and demise should be settled Oi-orge
11 Ketihim of Toledo , who arilved toi'ti ) , It
s iindeibtood bib not bt-en teeci it the
coixinci's ollice.
ort.vM7.r. 'to
.cnilt Illf 'Mlnr OVVIICTS 'Inki' ( In-
Inltliillv f.
U\DVILU : Cclo . Nov 13 Gieat Intor-
LSt is iiunlfctted here In the retorted fornn-
tlon of a smelter trust to tegulate- the tirke-
of smelting ores , etc One of the largest
manager * of the d'sttict f < ild to an Asso
ciated Press reporter
'The object of this sme'ter meeting Is
known to the mine oweiors and mine mana
gers. , and ns a result there Is a prospect
of a bitter fight , with the smelters arra > eden
on ono oiile nrd the mine managers and
owner * , on the other
"This light was virtual ! } started at I-eid-
ville last Wcdncsila > night at a meeting
of mine owners and mime managers of the
camp Thej thorough ! } discussed the ques
tion an 1 decided to orginlze an association
to protect their own Interests agniiibt the
smelteis The mine nuragerb insdit that
ln teid of allow lag the smelters to tegnlote
the prlci > that the } ought to do it them
selves They also object to the smelter
getl'ng ' the benefit of the low rates and the
rebates from the railroads , which It is as
serted the } are Interested In "
llll'lilPlllllin - ( II I'lMTI'l Ollt Pi Mill.
\ i liui ll < > Ts > 1 ii I'll i' ri'i *
Xn\V YOHK1 Nov lo Mre Prank I'
Arbticklo , whose husbind .1 wealth } mine
owner nnd politician of Denver , was killed in
this cit } a jear ago has eome mat with hei
lavvjoi , Mr Williams also of Denver , to call
the police of this clt } to account for their
alleged filluro to uniavel the nister } of Mi
\rbuoko's death Mrs Arbucklo Insists that
her husband was mtiidered and tint for KOIIIO
occult reason the police dropped the invesll-
ga'loti Into the alleged crime
On the morning of November S Mr \r-
buckle was found uncor.fidous In n vacant lot
'n the northern part of the city Ills watch
some jewelry and money he VVIIB known to
have had ohortly before be was found were
gone Mo died without having rccoveied
consciousness The coroner's Jury letiirned
a verdict to the effect that the death was
caused by fatty degeneration of the heart ,
although at the Inquest the coroner s physi
cian testified that theic was evldtiue that
Arbueklo had bcpn givpn Knockout drops
IIOI.HMOIS poii t r.\irn > \ .
llopi'x fur Citrl' Vi'lliili nil I he 'I'li'iitj
hv Ilu' St'iinli * .
NGW VOUK Nov 15 A dlnpatcb to the
World from Honolulu , dated Oitobcr 2S
MS Sanford n Dole pi evident of the republic of Hawaii , and Chief
Justice Judd arc anxious to have the
Hawaiian annexation treaty mil lied as soon
a * possible Said 1'resi 'ent Dole to the
World n porter
The people will never again submit to a
monarchy In fart , there i r > one suf
flelently enjoying the conAdenre nf the
people of the Island to conduit the ( Tali *
of the tate ui lor a mou reh > . '
The news iha has rearhid tin re from Mil
I'ranrlsro thit > inuvl 1'arker a promlneiit
nativii li ider and berulofore mron * royalist
ha dukirod lu favor of anni'xailnii lug
crojC'ii iuiti | > letuation among the n "u.i
b a i" tlll oppiMrd M antifjuiion
IHllh'l Kniin II VVnl.uilili'll ,
INItlANAri'Mfl ' Nnv IB 'nll Hobln-
mm , U > uri of IK Dlnit And KlllKl hi *
K-vi'.ir-uld . l ler Miiitlilum niiilii tit tlif
Uublitwon horn on Ji ffi't yn iivtnue Yhi <
, . . . . k'-Viiiwir in inti f 'of"hia (
ti-r not kiia < Alii § thnl n Ana ii > , i < Hd Wlii'n
lie pull 'I ' HIP lfU i-i thi > w * pen illni iil
' ' Inlo Hilrl' ti.-ul T'ttii'K ' KiilTln
> n wr. Iwkvtl ejk but % n * r | i . < . ! whui
II at i-iUbllHh il tbnl InitiiH > IIIHl Mr *
in if i Idi HI
npRffi t7i7i ! . ! I'rlni.
. , . IfV , H1 W A HIrtllll 10 Illf
I ir ham Ol il > Ken * * M IK l > -r-
MnH for rvoiHi 4
linn > lir * H * > tMM Id
l I H HI MI i t.ll n I i | , n , n , |
th llMU ) In
W *
Rivalry for Control Biing3 Thrco
Corporations Together !
\iliiiim PlinN It-elf rouitmttliitt tti < %
Vlnrrli'iiu mill \\elln , l\nun > V I
tor tinlliiiliii'xi \\nrni
The approach of a new } car has broufiht
up for discussion the leaslnc of mnn > new
rnllway contracla to nlie the place of those
whldi will explro on the last da > of tills
> i'ar AmciiK the eotvtraet' that will KO out
cf exlsteti-o v\lth the present > ear Is u the
} ears' lease betwon the Ilurlltifiton lallway
8 } stem and the Adims' Express comiMii }
As n cotiseiiupiue ( hero Is said to be a llRht
on amoiiK the Adams i\prc R compin } , the
AniPilcan I3\pres Lomrany and the Wells
Pargn ft Co 's expuss ton the new contract ,
w Tlcb will KO Into elTect Janmr } 1 , 1S9S.
Clem-mi MnniRer ( JcorRe W. HoldrcRo of
the 11. & M tas the contract has iK > t } it
been let , < ind that at iirtaenl there is notii-
Im ; further that could bo Klvtn out on the
matter Hie. > i\v.\rdliiK of the expriss ton-
iritl foi the IluilliiRtim sjstem will be de
cided h } J ( . ' I'easle } Hist v Ice prisulent and I
lit isurei of the Hurllngton n.uni . The ton-
tiacl will bo for all the lint.1 8 both cast and
west of the Mlsconil rivet It will bo awarded
on tnislmt < h Unit , nnd It Is .uinoimu'd that
the eoiniiatiy that KPIB the now ( .ontiact will
be the one making the best bid.
Hie rivalry nmoni ; the ixptibs comjunlcs
U in old one , and since the llurlln < ioii RUC
the Ailinw company the contract , at the bo-
KlnnlnK of IS'jl In the plnte of the Ameri
can , wlilcli had jircviotiHlv operated on the
liurllnmon HIHS. the rlv ilr } between the
Adams nnd the Ameilcan I'.ss been unusually
bitter Now the situation Is made mote com
plex by the elUiance of ibo Wells Par o &
Co Into the competition for the KnrlliiKton
CMitiait Up lo within the. last few } eirs
this company has conllned Its opeiatlona
lirgel } to the west , but slme It wuit IIKO
Chlejgo on the Santa Ke It Inb besn out for
thc bi'RlnebS of oi'ihpr ChlcaiT lints DurliiR
the list few iiKiiths It ha.s tuncceded In get-
tliiK eontiol of the express buslnuss of the
new Cjulnc } ionic , between here and CJuliuy ,
III , and has iconened an otlke In Om ilia
It is repotted that should Wells Paijjo fi t'o
Kit iimtrii of the HurlliiKton'a bu&lmss It
would aKain open general oillies in Ill's '
ility This would mean much for Onuhi as
the loiatl n of the gencial olhcis hero
would btlng a latgc number of otlliers und
clerks. Superintendent Christiansen of the
compaii } was In the clt } on Saturdi ) , but
nt thai time di tiled all Know ledge of the
posblblllt } of awarding of the Ilurllngton
con'raet to his companv
HIP Anurlcan compin } Is qulto willing to
resume the opcritlon of the Hurlington's
express Imslness , but * upei Inteiident Oarner
i.\s he has heard nothing thit would in-
ilkato that hlh comptn ) was to get the
contract The statement of ( icncral Manager
Holdrcge that the contract has not jet been
awarded , a month and half before the expira
tion of the Adams' leasr , Indicates that
there Is mine live ! } competition for the busi
ness. The Adams tompiny etpeciall } wants
to keep the Ilurlington. as it Is the only rail
road west of Cnieago over which It controls
the express business
Much VIITIIIIIIII | | | | C iiH' < 'riili > B : Future
Control ul tli < - timid.
The \lsit of President Clr.rU of the Union
Pacific Is the principal topic of ( on\cn > atlnn
iu the circles of the "Overlind llouto" novv-
ada > s H Is cuirentl } rumored that ut
WedniAda > 'b meeting of the reorganisation
committee S. H II. Clark will be offeieil
the prcsldenc } and no one Ins jet appeared
to si } that If Cleik Is offered the [ residency
he will refi'.so It
Men best ir formed on Union Pacific reor
ganliation nutters do not believe1 that the
prcslde-c } vvdl be offered to aiione at
Wednesday's meeting The1 } FU } that the
directors of the- new company will be lirat
chosen , nnd Indicate tint the settlement of
tht > peifonnel of the dliector } will take route
time In upper ralhva } circ es o o now
heirs consildprablo talk to the cllect tint the
thairiiian of the board of dlipctois and not
the piesldcnt will be the man to outline the
pollc } and si ape the desiin } of the new
Union Pacillc. Hallroad compcay
TSie idcntlt } of this chairman of the direc
tory. under whom the president will govern
I'm inllroad , Is a problem more discussed
than the proh-ible president 'I ho diseiihsion
is IP ule Interesting b } the query Will the
chili man of the director ) be a man taken
fiom lallioad or fliutuial circles' If be is
to bo i pi ictical riilroid mm it Is believed
that It will be Hdvvin W Winter tno formci
president of the Not thern Pacific railroad
whoso name has freiiuentl } been mentioned In
( onncf.ion with the Ui.lou Pacific president )
Sdould the ihaliman of the board of directors
ho i llninclal man It ifc regarded Hi it Jacob
SehlCf. Hie ecmlng N'apcleon of Wull street ,
will bei the man selected It ein bo mil on
the highest authority that he Is the man who
holds the inone ) l < i ) ; of the Union Pacllli
reorganization committee , and It is in tu nil
to prosamc therefore that Iris lnllupiii e will
he felt In the shaping of the polio of Hie
new company Wblle Genual LoUis Pll/-
grrald , as chairman at the roarganlaition
cuninlilee made the bids at Iho eilo , iere nnd
ctherwlnii appeared ns the leader. It Is said
the power behind the throne la Jamb Sell Iff
who n presents the Intcri'sls ' of Hie Vaudcr
bllte J i'lerpoiit More in and Kutlli , I.oeb ft
Co , ( be banking iioute ( bat tug pl > iyed a
prominent Iart In the reorganization sebeme
of the L' Him Pacific
v iinili'i-lilli Men In 'I im ii.
I * \4 \ I'omcroy of Iluttulu general man > igi > ref
of the lie I" . Janim L , riirV of t'b'cago '
general wf lrrn freight ern ' { . bihi'
Shore & M U-li Ip n Bttiihern , John A 1)111
nf jian Pranrtwu , I'at-lflc toast ug nt of tbi
Utbp 8bor < > & Mlehigsii flouibvra , J U llaui
II ten of Miiirpiiiiilii n rtbw > ii r * 8 * ni ol
Hie Hit ) Hut. and J U t'olllnt of ! >
M'Jlni'i agent of III * ll 4 KUi < - vonililiite
on * f Hitntwi praminta ! pdrtln * of Irttgbt
men i f th * Vtamivrbilt HUM lUi b
Unuhti ( or somr tlm * Thif ar
tin- diy bi-rn looklRg ovw IH * lo < tl
and * ri > ih IUM S at P V
of ih * Id I tin * In this t If.
In litiMilitril | .
Wfc * d If l wufll
ih oil
will Nlto luvn w to
ol Ik * l"h * lll ka > I
MM 1 HIM h ih *
lilt * H Ull > 4IVMN h iM d * ) * MM *
Ik *
Ik * tt Mkl r M AkMM MMk M *
* IH
. - ! * l ti * < * > i ' infect MM H *
* * M ' * * - > * * > < * * *
< * Uw ctotn mi tail
k * I In-
iiti MM ' * < *
* *
the finest bit of paving to be seen In the city
Ilruk N laid upon A solid foundation and la
then covered with concrete , making the pav
ing Absolute ! ) waterproof. Concrete side
walks run iiloiiRdldp An electric arc llgM
Ins been put In The improvement o\et the
old dark , obstructed parapet where holdup *
and assaults occurred Jn the in t , IB much
nppreilsled by the soijth side resldentH In
the vicinity
Kourleenth street , which < ian been prac-
tlpull > elospd whllo the vvoik golt\s on ,
Is open again to travel nnd tralllc.
ItV'IKS ' ! ( )
nillli' llnittv DciiliiKillriMl liy
SiilllliiTii lliinlirViiulilrt. . .
John A Monroe freight trnnic mnn.iKor of
the t'nlm P.iclflcvtis fluked ) ( sterday
wheie Colorado freight rates weie KOlng. and
repl ed ' One raunot iell these iMM We
liad a mei'llug In ChLago nnd endeavored to
effect a settlement A no * tariff of rates '
hat beet. Issued ml It will btcome efttctlv * i
an Saturday next , Xo&iuhor 20. What will '
happeti lo change rnfrn before that tariff '
becomes effpetlve' I eMiiViot ny No i lie can
We are now living from dav to day , nnd
must watch what each da ) brings foitb So
fat there IH nothing new At least I have ,
not heard of ati ) changes "
This statement gives a clear explanation
of the uiiiettaln condition In whlih freight i
iat ( to Colorado points are todav The
i ad's on nil cast and iwest railroads have 1
been cut down to low point In order to
meet tl'c competition from the Kouth Itall- I
reid men cf vat Ions lines In Omaha unite
In blaming the oteimshlp llms from New
York und lioston to ( lalvesLati. and the Union '
Paelllc Denver & Unit railroad tiom Texas
to Colorado , for the prehPiit demoiullratlon
in ft light rates to Ci lorado
The light between rival steamship lilies
; the Mallorv line and the Morgan line ) fiom
: hotlanttc peaboird to the ports of IVx s
: ias been the mcana of revliicing the freight
ate fiom New York lo Qaheston lo " cents
| ier 10(1 ( pounds 'Ihe Union Paellle , Denver
t ( iiilf railroad Is ninklug a proportionate ! )
nw tate 0:1 : freight fiom Texas to Colondo
Vo n result the lines lunnlng Into Colondo
from the east have been foiled to make
; ldlculotislv low rates to save some of tlio
Imslnvti from the east lo the all-tall routes
There wan u rumor In local freight circles
: hat the Hurlington bad nil cad } gone far
iclow the Colorado uites announced on Sit-
irda.v , but the rumol could not be verllled.
It it coiueded that tbe tarlfl' which IB ex
pected to go Into effect on November 20 will
jo antlclp-itcd bj lowei tales on the pirt of
some of the Chlcago-Denvei lines and every
> no Is watching closelv for the firat break
ci.Mtic Mir iTVI.ICIM ; VIOOH.
\irt\i-s Iii Ni-vj nrlf'to CoriNiiK tvllh
1 1 'ii ririi u I r\\t \ I nil Coniiiill IIM- .
NHW YOIMC Nov 15 "Uecclvci S II. II.
Clark of tie Union PacUlc arrived from
St Louis todi ) Mr Clark will consult
with the dltcctor.i an 1 organisation com-
mltteo of the Union Pacific line while he
is hero The leccivpishlp of the road will
ilso be illseiifbe'd Olr Clark declines to
alithlig at this time about the pro
posed policy of the Union Paeille
KllsllMinml l-'ri-lnlil Millini'll < N.
CIIICACO , Nov 13 Bastbound freight
shlpmentb for theweelc amounted to 4t,470 !
tens , ngalnst f > 0 CG7 the previous week and
74701 last } ear , divided a * , followf. Port
Wayne , 7,834 , Michigan Central. r ,47."i ;
Walnsh , 3,201 , Lake Shore , fiOSS ; Nickel
Plato 5 000 ; Dig Pour. 3,398. The lake lines
carried S I U"i 1 ions.
\i-1l Mili'llKi : lloulv onlllo. .
CIIICAOO , Nov. 1C The Sebastian Inter
changeable' mllpago ticket was placed on silo
today b ) the. western roads. The practical
esult of It will bo to muku a 2-cent rate for
ever ) body to travel 2,000 miles In this course
of a } ear. H Ih also expected to icduco ticket
scalping to a minimum.
Cur senior Hurt.
H Head a car saaler In thecmplo ) of
the Urlon Paelllc at Council muffs , was
knocked off a ladder of a train oa which he
was ilding in the Council Whiffs } ard b ) a
Uock Island train limning lei the opoblto
illrectlon He fell under a cir sheJ aini SUH-
tained Injuries to his right foot end aim.
Itiillttu * Null's null IVrsomilx.
Ocnerul Manager Dickinson of Iho Union
Pacific his returned Inru Chicago.
S M Adhit general freight and passenger
ngent of the St Joseph & G'und Island , Is in
town from St Joseph.
Wnireci Cundlff chlof clerk of the St.
Iceepli A ; C.rand Is'and , the guest of
J. i : Ituckinglnm ovar Sunday.
The Hock IF ! eul will change the time of
two of Its pdtseimer trains in and out of
licre on Sunila ) ne\t , November 21 Train
No fi will arrive from Colorado , after that
late , at 4 . ! 0 o'clock p m , Instead of at 4 05
o'clock and train No 4 will leave for the
e > as > at 7 20 o'clock In Hie morning Inste-ad
of at 7 o'clock.
The joint agent of" the western linen on
olorado Imxtm a has submitted liU repot t
of the tourist IIIIH'CUSS ' done during the Mim-
uer of 1S97 The trafllc shows a Mrgo fall
ing off , an comiarod with the preceding mini
mer. the decre-ase being close to 30 per cent
flio Joint agent shows , however , that tin
ih'ctuHKe | s dui > In HIP mcst pail to the itites
maili ) fur the ClirUHan Kudcavor In uti
I-'innelaio The actual numbpr of tourists In-
cre.iMPd. Im sajs over thu i > roc'cdlng ) rar
KIVI > lhat a largei perrentage of tl.fin went
i i uuli to ihn ( ujst instead of stopping off
In ( olorado
IIIII.U II * \ \ III VIKI Mll < I Vllllliil.
.i nillli siM'iiri'H u Iliu Hunt fur
WAItHKN. Iduhj Nov 15 The mill car
rier was held up liert * by a lon hlshwajinJii
and ordered lo diimouirt from his horse Tbe
carrier u ther told to rut ( he null sack
open , which he did olid I IP robber took all
the ii'glttcrud mill ajU Utlrs. There w *
about II 000 In ia h < The sheriffs pom-
ion IUKII I mined la i flu ' tut tu
\V lfi > liiiiil. lli'V Sli'U lll
I H "STUN. Nnv lKrniik M ,
unit his wif \lir > , wrfoittid In mi 1111
rnn i'l ii niiiiiiiinii in ihtlr fMimi In Stiutii
tlustun INI * liiiiri.liiir . tfctlU htil twn < ti t
MI il li t IfiawiM Mill ilto 'I'll * MWII w * re
wlf > -
hut hl n mhU * rtw * ' lr.i < ' . " < > " / " * h'
wil Hitit < > < l iu kill hrr'lf Mt
b to In li- > tljM..I l n el
EM h < w
wlf .Ir
af Owir
lllu'ti.ri in I < | > M anlv it
af > * * . ! in
NtM * ti ( MM H M Ih uMt * { M tltnl t
f , " ?
rl < h M tvU * ItpMSt * nf Mi.i * ntlM < <
brt4 It * * * tJMtttmt
EfT rt to Soouro Uoturn of the Money Ho
mbozzlotl ,
lnr > (11 'I'rj tlir CIIMItii \ ulIHU tlio
1'lrnt .si'l of lloiuUnit'ii Hnsll )
Jse-t-iire-el Ilifiirt.lit it HI-
M DONOVAN , Dealer In Wall Taper . . .
. , . , , South Omaha
W. U. MUNN. I'.ilnter
iiihtii'iitii : and Charles
HI ) M ONiV. .MolurmnninI Charles
JAMPM SLIUHTAM , Totmstet . .
S.I.M South Sixteenth
THOMAS J , Hilckl lye-r .
IWi Mm tlm
I:1U\1N : I , OMVHlt , lIiiiu-sM Milker
-CIIS Pnrlter
C \ \ I'\IN , ContiaetorM I'miuet
uiiomn : w. CIAKLOCII. contr.iotoi .
. . . 4VJ1 Parlor
MOHN I'AI'I , , Hollu- Maker . . , HOI Parker
.1 J MILLHK , I'-lie-min . . . . .
1140 North nightie-nth
JOHN .1 ULAKI : , i.ii.oipr .
. . . . . U.M North eleventh
W. J C. P. CltAMnil Cleik 3I1S Hint
u L
Above Is named the Jury which Is to de-
pldo If.sue hotvv ecu theclt ) of Otmha and
the bandsmen of Henr ) Ilolln , ex-city ti ens
ure r.
The trial ot the- ease of the Clt ) of
Oinuhi iiga list Ilctir ) Ilolln , ex-cltv trean-
uirr. and his bondsmen , Pred Met ? , sr Louis
Sehrordet , A , II Hnberman. W H IJims ,
Cdward WIHIg , J I ) Counsman , Prederlek
Krug. Max Meer , Louis llsapke , Clat es A . Ilciman J Mecr , William A Paxton -
ton , Chilstlan Hansen , ( Jeorge Hclmiod ,
Thomas C limner , Wllheln.lna Hiunnii IM
ward Me-adlmlicr , John A Hrck Oeorge i :
llaiker , Wlllhni Gentleman , William P Lo-
rcim > , Loienzo D Fowiei , Isnc Illown , ( lus-
lave Andrecn , Henry Vtus , John F Coatl
Samuel K Hugcrs and Louis Kanpke , ndmlr-
Istri'or of the estate of llemy I'utidt , ele-
coabol , was called before Judge Slabaugh
esteiday morning.
City Attorney Con ell nnd Assl t int C ty
Utoinoy Sco t appealed for the pit } and At-
OIIH-VS Mahccio ) and Iliome foi the de-
'endants , the liondMiion , sevnal of whom
were- iie--c-nt at the trial
As soon ab court convened Cit ) Attorney
onnell fctnted that Hcmy Ilolln had been
served , but had no' upondoJ nor hid he
Illol an ) answei In the case Ilolln was
: aled ! thiee times in court but not answer
ing definlt was emeied against htm Ilolln
b now in the state peniteiitiii ) luv tig been
sent there some months ago after having
jpen convicted of cmbcvzllng eit ) funds He
was sentenced to a teim of ni-ietppn ) eais
'Iho opeiing sesslcn of tlie trial attrict'd
ittle attention , the big point room in the
court lioiibc- being enl ) pattlall ) filled
hcfet of witnesses have been Mibpoen led
It is Ilkel ) that the trill Ib to continue
'or some time One of the attorney siid
: hat if the city brought the books of the clt )
treasurer's ollice Into court and proved cieh
item of defalcation upon the part of Ilolln ,
the Introduction of testlmon ) would co-i-
umo the greater portion of four weeks He
f-ald , however , that It was possib'e to
shorten the tiial by proving the bum of
the defalcation In one lump
The Pill' Is to recover on Holln's bond of
M 100.000 , signed by the defendants In
he Bill ) In question It Is charged that on
November It , 1891 , Bollh i\as elected clt }
treasure ! of the city of Oimba to serve
for a peilod of two vears from the first Tucs-
ilav In January , 1SD2 , tint , therefore lie
[ lied his olliclal bond with the defendants as
sureties and euteied upon the discharge of
( littles an Mich olllcer nrfiecmg to
honestly and faithful ! ) discharge the duties
of the ollice of city treabiirer and account for
all moni-b received as Mich olllcci
It Is charged that during the two veais
following the date of embarking upon the
.liacharge of his duties as eit ) tre-asurcr ,
IJollu received the sum rf $ " 4SG7. ! > S'l , and
on Janmi ) 11 , 1S')4 ' ) , failed to account foi
3 H is for tl Is amount tint the
suit agaliibt the bondsmen who aie
li signaled ns the ( list-term bon'smen is
brought The date of the bond sued on Ib
November 25 , ISM It was approve I by the
city ci urcll on November 2S and b ) the
mavor on December 5 of the snne ) ear
Clt ) Atturne ) Council examined the Jui )
[ or the cltj , asking each Individual JuiMr If
lie knew Ilolln or the bondsmen.
Attorney Mahcnev uximlnol the Jurors
.or the bond mcn and Elated tthit suit was
hi ought against the bondsmen who were
nn liolln'b bond covering his llrst term of
ofllcc , 1S 2 and 18'Jt H was not , he said , a
suit against the boa Ihiiion n the Do ml of
IMitcitlon bond , or against the bondsmen
who weie .sureties on Holln's bond during his
bc-tond term as cit } treasurer.
John Jeffeoat said be was competent to
serve as a Juror He had read newspaper
reports of the case , but his mind was not
w n'it'll
Henry Donovan had read of the case , but
bad no opinion tint would dl-nimlify him
from solving as a Juror
Juior Lcgget kiie > w little of tbe race.
Juror Dunn felt that he could give the
defendants a fair and Impartial trial.
Juror SIlRhthan know nothing of the
shortage , aside from street reports and
newspaper articles
Juror Oliver Imcl had QO transaetlnns with
defe-ndanls mil frit competent to nerve on
iho Jury. Ho had not read or luard much of
tin i asp He tia I no opinion on tbo lia
bility of ihn defendants HI- knew that Uolln
bad been cot.vlptcd. but that did not preju-
dleo him against defendants
Juror ( mey had iu bias or prcJuiHci-
'galott ( lullt ut the bondsmen aril roMe-
< iu ntiy bad no oiilulnn Knew nothing of
ityjhurtiim' , aildf from wlut h * hail
jiuor Hjy r had re-id of ti * ta > * anil ha I
beard | r dlsi-usMd Hail furmrd an dp In Inn
i.n tfiillabtilijr of ikt Ilolln limi | m"'i Th *
Jurnr tad f. riui'd an ofrtulun ikal wuiild In
guonro hi * rdle-l
Juror lUm-jay Had heard at Ih * t4s * . but
K d net od | l < w
Juror Oarlock * - > "bs B from tk * mat *
til * ttiw as euM * at * * < l It * biKl
I'ita k it 9-l at ih * taw an < l fci l
H in i > 't i * * U * hast
* * * llk H * 4 iiM Roa M IMM h vl no
'IH II v 4li ii * it
! * tat * * * Ml l * * l * n
u ii * l * t tK4 ft } * ha I
) M4t4 ' ' M * ( * * ' * fc I Ml M lHHttt * *
* * * r * * * * *
nt & & * * # HMk < ' * * n. * i
" < " * | V * >
I V W'i < . <
vins next called He brought with him
numerous bo k-t and rcenrdi , whlpb wore
Idontlfled r.cid Intioditcid In evidence nn a
portion of the recoidn of the oillee of cm
tre-asuror Thc e books and records filled
four largo trunk * * The ) \vpro taken out and
Inspected b ) the wltiipsi who pointed out
and testified to tax cultoollonR tint hid been
made b ) Ilolln nnd not accounted for In his
reports to the comptroller and the clt ) conu-
_ _
M ri\l. VI'VMHMi VS \ C.l\ll\M'\ .
Nini'i ( iiieiOiiti in nuuin iinisi'ii in
II Mill lll'flll'i ' Si'llll.
A case that raises an imttrnl ) new qucs
Htm of law li on ttlnl bolorei Judge Spott In
the uiult ) dlvIM n of the dhtili't court It
Id a question thnl Is ittrartlng e-oimldprabli1
nttPtitlon 'Iho title of the case In llundoro
\Vollsteln agnlnst Caspar 13. Yo-st and otheis ,
nil stockholders and dlteotom of the Herman
Savings luiik fallisl some months ngo
The plaintiff nllegiH that shortl ) lipfote the
bink elosed Its doius he de | > sited the sum
! of ( .1,000 as nn Itivesiment , detailing to have
the mono ) on
In the e.iso now on tilal Hie plalntlfT al-
logts Hint he deposltid his mono ) Kolil ) on
account of the teputid llnauclal and nodal
standing > if the dlteptorg of the bink , hiving
bien led to believe that the ) weip men of
menus nnd peisonall ) rebpnnslble fet any
ohllgutlons that the bink might etmtniet or
'Iho altonipys for the plaintiff rnntrnd that
the u'aiidlng ' maliitnliii'd b ) the dim tow
was the Inducement that eailbod Wollsleln
to lullevp that iho bank was solvent
Dining tl'o nftirnoon scusltti of the court
Judge S. oil overruled the di mutter IHed b )
the dcfen < Mnln nnd gave them two wipks In
whltb to aimwer the petition of the iilultilllT
in | io slng on the piilnt at Issue Judge
Scott held that It was the dlttv of the dl-
ipi lots of HIP bank to know of the ( oudltlui
of the Ixink as regirds KM oohilicy lie
alsi held Hat the leputitlon and riimtrd
K'lindlng of the dlncloin was an Invltatliii
to dfiionitors to pi ice their mono ) In Iho
lank 'Ihe ) were not under bonds nnd eou-
M'tpicntl.v the onlv gn.irant ) to the iiubllc
wiis the standing and Integrity of the men
behind the concern
I'l'i" . TIIK f " \\iNi7 ol'i. ' A i\ii.
oulli sldriidi stri-il liupruv I'liii'iils
Tli'il I | i li > l.lllHllllnii.
U Is now prett ) cprtaln thit the reiuvlng
of Smith Sixteenth Ptifet will go over until
pe\t Aprlug. as the Iltlmtlon Incident to the
ippiving will not be settled foi MIIIID time
\jjkl \ week a suit , entitled Conoll ) iigilnsl
Hugh Murph ) and the lloaid of Public
( Voiks wa btaited and a tempiuaiy re
straining e rdi i l.s.sui'd , the pl.ilnlilf alleging
that less than a mijniitv of tlie street fiont-
age had'signed I hi- petition fur repivlng
Iho lU'U-ltig was tet for } estetdiv , when
It v as thought tint the < inchtlim Involved
would be ( lispoM'd ofVhen court ( nn-
VPtiid hovvc'vet the paitlea were piesent and
the pliilntllT filed his .showing alleging that
he w.ih not ie-a ! ) tu go to till ! On thin
til'owlng Judge Ke'iOi gtanttd a contliiil.inco
for the peiiod of two wc-eka continuing the
restraining ordet In fotce Mcmbeis of the
llKird of Public \Voiks iibsert that If the
pibp should be di tided In favoi of the elt )
the date would be .so late tint It would bo
impossible- lepave the street this , fall
entN ( use I'ul Over.
Owing to the fact that Judge Scott was
occupied during tlio put Ire day with cabcs
tl-at had precedence thu heating of the eabo
of WV Cox against the Kiro and I'oliie
commission was not called ) cstc.rela ) aftei-
noon II went over until D o'clock thin
morning , at which time tlio plaintiff will
icbumo the introduction of bib tcbUmnti ) , in
an atten tt to show that he- was removed
from tlio polite foreo for political reasons
It is expected that the hearing will consume
a grevitei portion of the day. A number of
wltnessce , luvo been subpoenaed by the
pljlutifi' .
Niitt'N from Itir ( iiiirln.
Charles J Kaibacb Ins boon a\ipoiutel
executor of tlio e-state of the lite- John 11 T
It'bii'ami , dc'ceiSLil Tbu executor Is not le-
imlied to give bonds.
A n in Puke i has Instituted dlvoice pro
ceeding ngalnbt her liusbind , C'larles A
Packer She alleges til it her husband has
not been true to his marriage vowb
Judge Maker lub gone to Washington
ccuiit } to take up the business of the fall
term of court then1 During his absence
Judge Slabaugh will occupy the large court
room IN the eomt liou-i' .
The complete reior.l In tbe case when In
Sheep and eleven other policemen hecured un
injiiiictloii preventing thP Iluird of Fire und
I'ollio C'ommltsioners from relieving them
ficm tint ) as olllcers ha < been prepared and
sent lo the-supreme court.
Clinton H llrlggs has applied to the pio-
bate court foi cci order permitting him to
take a numbei of hortes to New York Clt ) lo
be exhibited at the horse show at .Madli.on
Square ( larden. lie asks that tlio sum f $1.00
bcndvamcd He also asks that he be allowed
} 150 per month to pay Ills personal ex
iitnsis until micli tlmo as the estate of the
late imll : ) J lirlggs Is sotflod.
Hattlo Campbell has brought suit In the
dl * trl t court to recover on a ceitlflcati' of
insurance for $ r > 000. Issued to her Innbaml
Alexander Campbell who was a coniluc 101
on one of tin tra'ns of the Santa Pe and
who wjs kllli'l nblle ! ti the disch'JTge of
his diillcs on November 15 , IX'Jl She al
leges Hat the company has filled to pay
thu elalni , nntw itbs'andlng the faet UK
has made lite required proofs
I MTCII s'\'l | | > I ( ) | JS'P Dill , Vl- .
llnror ; .liiri Ml l.lnrtilii llnlilt llui-l.
I In- ( liillllill ' < i' > -.liiii.
The openliiK of the November I KOII | of
tbo I'nltrd Ktate * dtetrlct i < mrt la thU elty ,
which was to have incurred UK M < inda > but
was pnstponrd till ) e ltrrday. b < 4US tin
Out niter term at Umoln hud not l > t > e > n ad
journed. has bn aealn pu tputii l uatlt
bin ninrniiiK for th * Min f'-uunn ,
When th * h" r for ronvrinnK luuri ir-
i iv I'd Julg * SlLdnji't1 * not on hmiJ ant
IMiruetlnn * wrrr r n-lvi'd t the I'tilifd
Htstfi inarkl" otflrc to 'IJuHrn until T n
d X Th * petit Jury. whN'ft W * emi'.iiu h : I
for ik * i rm btn to rtixtrt but M c *
ii . | frum d ty until indir
Thi' iroubl * ii < aus < l by thtIteiMjr trul
Tk * * M * * t * ft o thi tun list ( Crtifajr
Ik * Jur b * M < l filnl in mren ntt
anv f < lli-i A * aMMt * th * ' * * i con-
dll'lwl Jl | . | e W ol HI U low * , * h. | bi
Nn t i'krit of tke trial 'um l tk * | ur
* * > in Jmlg * MuniHr , vnd th * Ui ! r l *
ID l.mwjln Kitif tat
kli * < l ikat M tk * | lvi >
* i'k * ftfitwlnil t *
ati tMajt IN
Mm fho tMr M kacd
h'MK ' uf $ H > H >
r l vtiH4 tto H tank J-idu-
( tow I utlwk Ml > k * at
| . . . | .MH at ifk < v f4 h *
* ! JI
* ' * ! % MINI ISUl'MIM f 'h
t * Ht k
< „ , * %
4 I * it * tl ' t t H ) t- >
ti * lit % ? ' f i' < I f t ,
A * ' h tiMfw * * * gw - htj ' i i
. .
* BI i * * ' i * m i t < > A > l MI
| . 1 hi , nj f Ht t . ,
* M I w I . > H I
I M t i > .
i rtMi n nl t
| * * l , . , I - * M tM * s I t * t *
I ! ) I
- 1 b I
J-l'- ' | > I > I IK , I , *
Time for Onntin to Quit Routing Has Finally
CiiMunllliilll litCnlleil
tlii'i' In roiiflili'r Hit * IMir-
tniKiof n siiinr tin-
Mitw Moorosvlll ill tbe n > e-clal commit *
tee em a new elty Jail togclliPt In n few iVis.
It IH i.nderslood lhat the rommltteo will
decide to nihcttlBp at once for propositions
to sell the clt ) n Millnltle site for a Jail , tak
ing the lot eil Ninth and Hartley streets as a.
put ef the eiumlilcriitlati The lot must bo
noilh of Hedge street mid e-ist of Sixteenth.
The major t-i.vs that he emphatically en-
elorsi H the cnnti-ntlnn of Cllv Engineer HOBO- the eltv build n Jail Junt as
| ceonomlciill ) us Hume nne else He Urged' '
Ilia' Hie clt ) Inn arrived nt a point vvbcro' '
I the owneishlp , not mil ) of n Jill , but of the
i llro engine houses must be considered The
clt ) Is | vi ) Ing out a nun-It larger mini every
) ceir for lenMlt , than the Intel cut i the
mini tliiit would lip required lo erect the
buildings and Minor Mooivs Is In favor of
hiv'ng ' tin' cltv build e-iiglne house's of ltn
own as fmn , as the lltiiiiielil van of the ti ns-
aetleui ( Mil be iniaiiged Just how the city
tun si i lire the motip ) to build a Jail has i ot
bet n decided as the legal de-pat tmctlt has
bpon oruppled lu prep n ing foi the trial of
the Ilolln to the exclusion of other
lunttiis This Is one of the things tint will
bo i-oiisldeiel by the H > ei lal lommlltee with
tint assistant e of the eltv uttirne ) and tbo
imnr Is rniilldent Hat a pi in can bo ar
ranged that will ree-nie the- desired end ,
Ilitltril ul 'lll\ Iti-tli-vv.
The I'o id of Itevlew. cotiMttlng of Tax
Ccmmlss'otii-r ' Saeketl L J McCaguo iind A.
| L Ueed , will begin its thlit ) da ) ' session
today 'llio Hist publlt Hitting will bo
' from _ ' to I o'clock this .ifteinodii Ilia
olllre of this bond Is ptac Icill ) s'mllar ' to
| tint of the lirard of E < iu ill/ntlnn It Is pre-
j biimed to heir all eompln'n- ' | regird tu tlm
elly cssessment and to adjudicate- ) Irreg-
ulailllis tint imv develop The tax com
missioner and bis assls'cnts will not have
their footings romp ete for another week ,
but HIP ) expect to be ho far advanced Unit
tbe bo.ird inn bpgl i IH the operations tomor-
low Ihev worked all div jesterday and are
working until midnight ever ) night Afte'r
this ( list 'itni ssnii'iil ur let tlie new law Is
eomplpti-d , bo that a bisls Is made to work
on It Is expected tint snbse ini-nt nsBOSB-
nieiits will not liivo've lnlfis mucli work ,
Ni-vv lii-riiN - llrtlInniii-i- .
License Inspectm MeVittie Is working on
the details of the m w licence ordinance *
which will be det > lgnod to iiu-et the unusual
leipilrements of expusltii n ) ear The ox-
losltlon will biiug a large number of fakirs
to the cit ) whose distinctive lines of opera
tion me not eoviriil bv thu old ordinance.
Mavor Moarcs ln written to the autlurltlca
\mhvllle and Atlanta for Infoimation on
this point HIi-d theii e-xpei Icncc will bo
utll7d ! in the construction of the new
I'll ) fur .luilKtM mill Clt-rKs.
Judges and cleiks ot election for the Uoaril
of Education will be paid off b ) Secictary
Glllan IhurhiJa ) unlcfi there flionld be some
obst.iele to the of the claims to-
ui'ght It is siid that several members pro-
live to oppose pa ) ing the Fabrics of the
judge's and eleiks on the ground that seven
were appointed In eae h precinct when the
law enl ) provided foi five
\riiiniir .V ( it's 1'i-rniK.
A permit was issued to Annour & Co this
moinlng for the constitution of a two story
brick ofllce and stoiage building at 1303 Jonca
stree' The buildiifwill ; beMKU. . ! feet and
the estimated eott i $10'IOO
vxni : is \ ( . ( Kin n \ \ ro HIM.n.
( llll'IIKII I'nlll'lClt I- Illlll II Illlil Hoe-
enl UN n Itmulnr.
'll-e police have a letter and iphotcs from
Superl-ilPi.dPiit Evans of Chlcngo , which
demonstrate the l tal men made a good
catdi In the person of William Wade Wade
was arrested In Omahi about a fortnight ago
t gether with William 'KIIU ' and W H
I'crnlo ) for robbing Ileunett H store of about
$100 worth of silk The men sild u portion
of U to n pi'ddler and stored the rest of It
away In their room on N'Tth fourteenth
street Di'ti < this got track of the affair
and placed the trio under arrest , 1 sides re
covering the larger portion of the stolen
propel t ) The tniee- men , after trial in
polite ennrt were bound iver to the distrlet
cunt in $ lone hone's ' in.'b In default of
v < hlili thev are at prc-gent in the- county
Jail The letter .from Superlntendi nt Evatm
uya that Wade Is well known In Chicago
an a burglar and thief He HIT-id a long
tt-'m Ir. Juliet for the butglar ) of a dry
goods stole and tv-rrked for the stale at other
turn a for various ihirgm of a like nature
Tie plcturix of Wttde ( alien under the !
lUitilUm stgteiu In Chi UKO tally e-xartly
with those luki-ii of him In this iity Wade
wa also known In e'hlmgo by thinamea ot
H'ranli Johnson and William Whalen
U Mill sill , I ) Ills Mll.UVi.i : IMXIKS.
Nt'H lin lief inlh'lliir llclil fur l.nriTiiy
ui linlli'i' .
C ! B Ward a young 11111 wh > former1)-
livi'd In IHH M ihn' hat bwn irunlrd n
thlf city on ch.irKn < nf .auvny ut hi ice
and fuibwiiilrimiieurl hit ln'cu i lu K *
Inx In a ' b gh uld Hin , ' auorli K 10 IK
u'nii'tiKMiiii of II J ravjuunnh uf t i \ < : \
una , j i v 'luii hall'ic * b" 1 1 . 1
on ih road In ! * * n I v ' -
lu iullit * uli ii HiHii i litn v IP i htii
wl'h mitfaMi I k * > * itt I WMJ mii.p < li 11 u
Ih * Mk nkci I.Ultui * IVniMl 411 I Nni .
wiuri | | i' AK nito la ii.iUf ( lu , .r
riill.iMnl Imti * nuwbor < f mi' " r I > M
Hut F IP | I lu 1 1 < itn-m rte tin * "tfl ii
I4 ( Ir * * la he * . * ifd it ho fin
| l' tf It " "Hi" hni"Hill tn iiu I if 4 iiti {
-i kit * * W * ! HlMi / * ! * < ! nid hu mil K
lllk * > * l * > h * lMldfl * ftIV 411 , . .Mill t
Wr4t ahurug * t * tt ( u tw h > * < > | f >
41 t | t > th' l' - Mil ! .H ) ! . | . I- I , n I.- ;
KIIIII ( | i l h ! trr * * < i * ) * M l th i r t
iii- mil k * hM INTO i < 4 Ik * < fii * i nt * u
'im M - N h > ii I f
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ti > | ikii i till *
fc1 * % Mt ( I !
* > . . . l-'tV I M
tm % n > i - . 4
11 m ' * ' < 411 > M %
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