Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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Deeper , Fire Ins. , C Pearl , tcl. 372.
limy Murphy , coil and wood , 37 Main.
J.n. . Fulton of Atlantic Is In the city.
Schmidt's bar relief plfotos arc the latest.
Hi. Ehrlvcr , dentist. Mcrrlam blk. . rora 246.
Hon. John Y. Stcno was In the city yes
terday. I i - , * . 11
.A. Campbell of Keg Creek visited In the
City yesterday. '
W. I ) . Sheets of Indlanola called In the
City yesterday.
F. T. Stem of Dumfries was a Bluffs vis
itor yesterday.
J. IT. Mangel of Manilla was a visitor In
the city yesterday.
Jonas Clark of Hnrlan was among the
' city visitors yesterday.
P. N. Mentzcr of the Shcnandoah Canning
company Is In the city.
W. J. Harvard , a merchant of Olenwood ,
( wan In the city yesterday.
A. W. L-onnsblxy of Cedar Haplds was a
tlsltor In the city yesterday.
John llohrbcrR nnd wife of Mlneolawore
callers In the city yeutcrday.
N. Sucksdorf of Trcynor was among the
callers In the city yesterday. .
Truth is eternal. It's Mating as the work
done by the Dlult City laundry.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilrown of lied Oak wcrq
nliopplng In the city yesterday.
Mct'hcrson & Heed , cut ( lowers and de-
slgnn ; omco C Pearl St. , tel. 372.
Wllliim Marshall and J. I' . Farls of Mace
donia visited la the city yesterday.
I. L. Spaltl , a banker and merchant of
Oakland , wis In the city yesterday.
Edward Bennett of St. Paul 'Is In the city
during the Illness of his sister , Kitty.
lien Marks Is confined to his bed by Illness
that , threatens to develop Into pneumonia.
Peter Hanscn of Marno Is the guest of his
eon , George , of the Mcrrtam Block pharmacy.
C. C , Hazcn , dentist , removed from the
opera UOURO to the Or. Plnney ofllco , 214 Pearl.
Mrs. M. J. Williams has gone to Hlgln , 111. ,
iwlioro she will make her home In the fu
ture.M. . E. nnd J. II.- Ashley , merchants of
Macedonia , were calling In the city yes
P. W. Kodwcls. city Mlrsmnn for Dmiuettc
& Co. , has received word of the death of tils
mother In Germany.
Cnrlcon's freshly ground cornmeal , best tote
to had ; call for It at your grocer's or at C.
Carlson's \Vush. Ave. mills.
Work has been begun on the residence of
S. O. Underwood , on the corner of Fourth
avenue and Ninth street.
Superintendent Hlsey of the city schools
lias been asked to address the teachers of
Beatrice , Neb. , on methods.
ifcEdames Lange , Brown and Darrough
liavo been appointed to decide the time and
locution of the Catholic bazar.
' JIlss Cunningham , recently the guest of
Mlaa Mary Smythe of Fifth avenue , has re
turned to her home In DCS Mclnes.
Charles W. Booth of Oakland and May
E. Oundy of Walnut. la. , were united In
marriage by Justice Furrier yesterday.
Ralph Pontius of Silver City , N. M. , Is
visiting his mother on First avenue. Mr.
Pontius spent his boyhood In this city.
Election Is over. We breathe easy once
more. Better take time now to send that
bundle down to the Eagle Laundry , 724 Bway.
Chambers' Academy of Dancing. 201
Broadway , now open. Assemblies every
Friday evening. The finest place in the
city for receptions and inuslcales.
Council Bluffs people can obtain copies of
the International art series , "Ireland In
Pictures , " by calling at the Council Bluffs
office of The Bee. No. 10 Pearl street.
Miss Premeau of Omaha was the guest of
Miss Lange of South Seventh street yester
day and attended the meeting of the JMon-
day Musical club at the home of Mrs. 'Ma
crae.A eablegram from Gibraltar announces the
safe arrival ut that place ofMr. . and Mrs.
'J. ' D. Edmundson after a pleasant voyage.
They expect to make a eiiort stay In Gib
With the Increasing cold weather comes
the Increasing trade In oysters. By shipping
direct and buying In large quantities we are
nblo to sell solidly-packed , high-quality oys
ters at 25 cts. per quart. Sulllvau , Grocer ,
341 B'way , 'Phono 1C1.
Mrs. Eva Jones , a colored woman from
Omaha , served official notice upon County
Clerk Reed yesterday afternoon that ho
must not grant a marriage license to her
son Charles , whom she said was being con
sumed with a dcslro to wed Mamlo Smith ,
on Omaliu damsel wlthi a B-ycar-old child
and very much the senior of the young man.
ffho mother Informed the clerk that her
eon was only IS years old. She said ho had
tried to procure a marriage license In Doug
las county , ami had been refused , and she
learned that he was about to bring the
. woman to this side of the river and with
the assistance of friends would endeavor
to secure a license. "Don't let that boy
commit perjury , " was her parting Injunc
tion to the clerk.
C. D. Vlavl Co , , female remedy ; consulta
tion free. Ofllco hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5.
Health' book furnished. 32G-327-32S Merrlam
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
To use one-third less fuel than
nny tinder draft soft coal stove
made. To f.lve a good base heat
and an even heat never before
seen with jmft coal. To hold lire
perfectly and to burn hard coal
economically. With a good Hue it
is clean as a base burner. Sec it
running at our store.
Quo of Ilio Illicit. dU-
plujrii of Meat over
trhown in till * city
ii'iiliciulxi fcuon today HI
& UUA1'H Market , 007 South
\u \ l < e U All rliltofi welcoutti
Sheriff Serves Warrants on the Keepers of
Local Dens.
Ornnil Jury Vrpxrnln Trim llllln
AK"lnM ( I'roitrlelor * mitl ISiuploycn
nf Two KxtnlillxliinrntM Where
the ln\v linn llccn Delicti ,
All of the proprietors and attaches ot the
gambling houses In Council Bluffs were In
vited by the sheriff nnd his deputies to call
at the ofllco or the clerk of the district court
and give bonds ( or their appearance for
trial on the charge of gambling. Indict
ments were returned against all of them In
accordance with Instructions from Judge
Green at the beginning of the present term.
The attaches of the "Hoffman" Indicted are :
William Llncbergcr. Charles Stcpfnn , Thomas
Hatllff , Frank Hcndrlcks , John Madden ,
Charles Athcrtcxi and Jack White. The In
dictments against the men connected with
Shofferly's place .icioss the street called tor
thu arrest of H. H. Inman , Frank Hardln ,
Ed Anderson , William C. Jenkins and John
Sheffcrly. All ot the men appeared and
gave the bonds required $400 In each case.
Gambling has long been carried on openly
In Council Bluffs , without hit or hindrance
from thu authorities. This Is the llrst time
In many months that the Illegal business
has been Interfered with in the least. Even
now the gamblers do not appear to be
greatly worried over the outcome. The In
dictments liavo been bruited about since
last Saturday and It has been generally un-
deistood that warrants would bo served
some time , but Just when was not given
out. It was not until the gamblers ware
quite ready to give ball that any action
was taken.
Last night the gambling houses were run
ning full blast agiiln , the llttlo formality of
Indictment and arrest apparently cutting
small figure with the men who have the
matter In charge. The gamblers rely very
largely on the Indisposition heretofore shown
by the authorities to Interfere with them ,
and feel n certain degree of security as a
result of past immunity. It has been a club
held over the heads of the city administration
that If the gambling houses were closed the
saloons would bs closed nso ! , and while the
municipal authorities have not felt like en
dorsing open gambling they have not been
willing to risk the city losing the $40.000 a
year now gained from saloon licenses. Anil
thus defiant the gamblers have flourished.
The- present difficulty is said to be directly
duo to a personal encounter between Llne-
bcrgcr and a local attorney who has spent
much 11 mo and same money at Llncberger's
place , the "Hoffman. " Lineborger had the
belter of the physical encounter , but let-
trs : subsequently addressed to Judge Green
brought the ehargo to the grand Jury which
en led In the Indictment of the gang.
County Attorney 'Saunders has not yet ex
pressed hlmoelf for publication on the mat
ter , but there Is little doubt he will see the
matter through. Some of the Indicted men
are- liable to the penalties of the new
habitual criminal act , having been once be
fore Indicted on the some charge.
With .headquarters at Omana the country
Is flooded with a lot of Cheap John pianos ,
sold at any price aivl under any pretext.
These fake sales were announced last win
ter < n Omaha , gone all over and Uirough Ne
braska , and now starting In Iowa. We cannot
help such sales , but we will and guarantee
to duplicate any price for the same class of
goods ami go $25 better. Mueller Piano and
Organ Co. , 103 uMalti street.
Mniiairn Ilnllivny KruiielilNo Election
DctnllM ( o Ho Arraiieeil.
The city council will hold a special session
this evening for the purpose of completing
arrangements for the special election to de
termine whether or not the Lake Manawa
Hallway company shall have the extension
of the charter that was granted by the city
council on the loet day of September. By
proclamation the mayor ban fixed December
1 as the date of the election , but the council
Is required by law to designate the polling
places and name the judges and clerks of
election. It has already been determined
that the voting shall be done In the name
places that were used at the ntnto election
on November 2. The same Judges and clerks
will also serve , but It Is necessary to desig
nate them and specify the fact that all ex
penses must bo berne by the company de
siring the concession to be voted on.
The council will also take up some mat
ters connected with the sidewalk contracts
recently awarded , which provide for the
construction of a largo amount of plank
walks In the western part of the city. It Is
against the policy of the present city ad
ministration to permit the construction of
any inoro plank walks , but the contracts
were let In response to petitions from prop
erty owners , many of whom asked for walka
to bo laid on temporary grade. It was found
that n largo portion of the wafts would be
laid on permanent grade and In a part of the
city where It has been Impossible to pre
vent people from carrying away bodily and
using for llrcwood all wooden walks that
have been laid for the last few years. Con
tractor Wlckham was at thu city building
yesterday and announced his willingness to
hive thceo walks cut out of his contract
and the order will bo made at the meeting
this evening.
300 tons hay for tale , $2.CO per ton , In
stack near Crescent. Lougeu & Lougeo , 235
"Pearl st.
Aiiu.Mi\T ; i.I'"IKKV : LOTS CASE.
Attorney * llelmte ( lie Iiiiiinrlniit I'rop-
nxllIon Hi-fur)1 .luiluri * MeCee.
The greater portion of the day yesterday
was consumed In the superior court by hear
ing the arguments In the squatter land
cases Involved in the suit of A. W. Street
and others against B. F. Tuinbleson and
others. The suit Involvru the accretions to
several lots In the old Ferry addition to
Council Bluffs , each lot carrying a strip of
land equal In width to thu lot from tbo
western line to the river front , a distance of
nearly half a mile. The evidence was taken
last week , and It Is expected that a couple
of days will bo devoted to hearing the argu-
mtjnts. Judge Woolworth of Omaha and N.
SI. Pufoy of Council Bluffs represent the
plaintiffs and Langdou & Langdon of Omaha
the defendants. The plaintiffs hold the
tltlts from the Ferry company and the de
fendants have squatted on the accreted portion
tion and are claiming title under the federal
homestead laws. Thu plaintiffs claim that
the largo addition to their original lots was
the result of slow accretions by the gradual
changes of the river channel. The de
fendants have set up several defenses , the
chief one that the change In the river was
the result of evulsion , or sudden change ,
which would leave the new land in the
former bed of the river and make It govern
ment domain , They also attack the validity
of the plaintiff's title and claim that the
Ferry company under Its articles of Incor
poration .had no authority to buy lands for
speculative pur penes , and consequently bad
no power to convey the lots In question to
the plaintiffs. The defense ) also attacked the
original book of entry upon tlio ground that
It was not evidence of tltlo.
The case la of great Importance for the
reason that a large number of similar cases
will depend upon the solution of this one ,
Indictment May Prove Illegal.
There is some doubt among attorneys as
to the legality of the Indictment returned by
the grand Jury on Saturday against Heraorly
Fuller under the now habitual criminal act.
The law did not go Into effect until October
1 and the two previous Instances ot petty
larcniy charted against the boy and named
lu the Indictment were committed a year
a < o4 Tlili jv uld auxVo the new law r tro-
active. The offense , for which the boy was
arrested the last time was entering the Uarn
ot W. Groneweg and stealing harness. The
value of the harness was not great enough
to constitute grand larceny and the fact thai
10 did not break Into the barn will not moke
the offense burglary , The boy has been ar
rested six or seven times within the last
few years and convicted ao often ot petty
L'nfnvornlile Ill-port on Sin'Mi V < : > ( ! -
Infltmr AnimrntiiK.
AH the meeting ot the Board ot Education
lust evening a good deal ot tlmo was taken
up with the dlscusskm of the Smith heating
and ventlUtlng apparatus. The matter was
brought up by the report of the fuel and
lioatlng committee , that In accordance with
Instructions n conference had been had with
the attorney for Mr. Smith to sec If a com
promise could be effected and the suit
brought against the board bo dismissed , The
attorney had offered to take $200 In full set
tlement of the claim and had Intimated Mr ,
Smith's willingness to make another test.
The committee reported that It had made a
little test of the device In the High school
yesterday and had found1 that It was not dr > -
slrablo oven as a ventilating apparatus.
Chairman Moore of the committee expressed
his conviction that the board should order
the device taken out of the building at once.
President Morgan of the iboard was also
present when the test was made yesterday
afternoon , and agreed that It was not satis
Attorney Kimball , representing .Mr. Smith ,
was present and stated he waa advised by
his client to effect a compromise settlement
If possible and would make another test , per
haps. If It | was agreed to let the largest
damper alone , which the Inventor claims ; ias
been manipulated to ills Injury , Ho stated
that ho had been Informed that as a ventilat
ing apparatus tiiet device wils so successful
yesterday that the complaint wa made that
cold air currents were so strong the teachers
asked to have the windows repaired. The
commlttco was ordered to continue to look
after the matter and effect a settlement If
Contractor E. A. Wlckham explained a
slight additional cost In Do addition 'to ' the
Twentieth Avenue school , which was found
to be Immediately beneath one of the founda
tion walls. The bill was allowed , amounting
to $ S4. I
Mr. Sims rcnortcd favorably unon Hio nron-
osltlon to furnish pianos for Blcomer , Wash
ington avenue , Twentieth avenue. Third
street , Second avenue nnd Avenue B build
ings. Ho slated , that pianos could be rented
for from $2 to $3 a month. The board ap
proved the recommendation and Instructed
the committee on supplies to supply the In
struments for the rooms named. In many of
tbo buildings the pupils and teachers have
been contributing to a fund for this pur
pose , but the board 'thought ' It was an un
necessary , hanU4ilp upon the children.
Chairman Sims recommended the purchase
of three more typewriters for use In the High
school and the committee was Instructed to
purchase the machines.
The report of the superintendent of city
schools was submitted. It showed :
Number enrolled. 1SD7 , 4,213 ; 1S9C , 4,040
Increase for year , 173.
Avcragn number belonging , 1897 , 3,8(59.2 (
1EOS , . ' 1,777.1 ; Increase , 92.1.
Average dally attendance , 1S97 , 3.G2G.2
1S90 , 3,487.9 ; Increase , 1333.
Number of cases of tardiness , 1S97 , 3G3
1S9G. 251 ; Increase. 112.
The secretary was ordered to draw the
warrants for teachers' salaries on Wednes
day before Thanksgiving In time to permit
them to secure their pay.
The secretary's report showed that there
had been Ismied since last month warrants
for teacheis' salaries amounting to $ G,571.1G
Janitors' pay roll , $787.60 ; Interest on bonds
The board ordered , the purchase of a new
Hag for the High school.
The bond of Treasurer W. E. 'Haverstock '
In the sum of $100,000 , with C. R. Hannan
F. O. Gleason , E. E. Hart , J. D. Edmund
son , E. L. Shugart and Ferdinand Wols as
sureties , was submitted and approved. The
bond of D. W. IBushncll as custcdlan ot the
school books was also approved. It calls for
$2,000 , and the sureties are "W. W. Han
thorn and Thomas" Jlctealf.
The remainder of the session was devote *
to the reading ani allowance of bills.
Slu-n .Viili-nilH HIM IVUtloil.
J. J. Shea amended his petition In his ap
plication to Judge Green In the district cour
yesterday morning -for an Injunction to re
strain the city from paying any more war
rants or other evidences of Indebtedness
The new matter made it necessary for the
city attorney to ask for a continuance , an <
the date has been fixed for next Thursday
Shea's amendment relates to the flnancta
transactions of the city as far back as 1884
and contains a statement of the bowls Issuci
and other Indebtedness Incurred from the
beginning of that year until the prescn
time. He aska the court to take this state
incut and separate the bonds and other kinds
of Indebtedness Into two classes , one to rep
resent what the court may determine to bo
the legal Indebtedness and the other to be
necessarily Illegal , and to enjoin the city
from paying the portion that has been de
termlned to bo Illegal. This amendment to
the original petition Is regarded as verj
greatly , simplifying the case ami will enahlt
the city to squarely meet the Issues , pro
Denlli of Mrn. CHHO.
Mrs. Henna D. Case died at the home o
her daughter , Mrs. S. S. Foes , on Sevcnt
avenue yesterday. She was a widow G
years of ago and had made her home wit
her daughter In this city for some tlmt
Cancer was the eauso of her death. Th
body will ho sent to Farlbault , Minn. , toda
for Interment. Funeral services will t
hold from the residence at 3 p. in. this after
noon , Hov. V. C. Hocho will olllclato.
Mrs. Case was a. highly-educated am
estimable woman and had lived In this city
long enough to make many friends who wll
sorrow at her death , TU'o disease which final !
caused her death wa of long duration.
AViirkH ill Art.
Did you over think how much prettier you
homo would bo If It was hung with a few
more beautiful pictures ? If you Ilko land
scape scenery we can furnish you some- beau
tlful work In pastel , which is as pretty on
oil painting and cheap enough to bo within
the reach of all. Wo also have a largo line
of medallions , ranging In price from 7Cc up
to $10 , Wo show some extra fine goods In
this line and uru g'.ad to have visitors calif
and look them over. C. B. Paint , Oil and
Glass Co. , 4th st , and Bway.
A iYni m ( > r tin *
Receiver Chase of the Globe Publishing
company has decided that It will bo Inex
pedient to resume tbo ISEUQ of the dally
paper for at least two months. The demo
crats are organizing for a strong fight to
recover possession of the city administra
tion In the March election , and this fact
may furnish sufficient Incentive to again
publish a dally paper.
AViint ii CliryHiiiillii'iiHiin Slunv.
Local florists , professional nnd amateur ,
are very much taken up with Omaha's
chrysanthemum show and are discussing the
project of giving a similar exhibit here ,
There are a large number of enthusiastic
growers of the royal flower In Council Bluffs
and buch an exhibit would bo a large cud
h-iuutiful one.
The ladles of the St , Franls Xavlcr's
church will hold a sociable Wednesday evening -
ing at St. Joseph's ball for the benellt of the
coming fair , whlcti will be held In January ,
Admission , 10 cents.
The management of the fair wish to ex-
prtSHtheir thanks tu the merchants of the
city for their many gifts and favors.
ri ! I < | IMIIH < * N.
Murrlago license * were granted yesterday
to the following named persons ;
Numo and Address. Ago.
Homer Webster Lincoln , Neb. . , . . . . , . , . . 21
Muudo Irwln , Lincoln , Neb , . , . , 20
Albert M. Clark , Omaha . 53
Lucy .M , Smith , Omahu , , . 32
C. W. liooth. Oakland , la . 21
May B. Gundy , Walnut , In. . IS
For Sale Two-story brick store adjoining
hose building on Lower Main , $2,500. MM.
Patrick Lacyt " _ _
State Eoata Its Oaso tiiirl WcuB3 Opona Up
Ita Battofics ,
_ i
Wily Detective Uon , , Illn Gnnril mill
SUcIcn ti Vila J rcvloiin Story
Jleilienl Testimony In
CEDAU IlAriDS , la. , Nov. 15. ( Special
Telegram. ) Much progress was made in the
oleuratcd Novak murder trial nt Vlnton to
day. The state rested Its case late In the
ftcrnoon and tlio defense began the Intro
duction or Its testimony.
It Is yet too early to determine what the
Ino of the defense will ho. It la bellovcd ,
lowevcr , that a general effort will ho made
o explain away the chain ot circumstantial
ovldenco which the state has woven around
ho accusQd. Nothing startling occurred dur-
ng the morning session , a larger part of It
being devoted to an effort on the part of the
defense to have Detective Perrln , who was
on the stand Saturday afternoon , Impeach
iltnsclf. Mr. Pcrrln remained close to the
story he told Saturday and the questioning
by the counsel for the defense developed
nothing now.
The afternoon was largely taken up with
lie-testimony of Drs. C. C. Grlffen and J. P.
Whitney of Vlntcti , tlio men who made an
examination of the skull ot Edward Mur-
uy after the body had been exhumed from
ho Norw.y cemetery nnd severed from the
body. Iloth men testlllcd that there was a
spot on the right sldo of the skull , about
an Inch and a half In length and an Inch
wide which Indicated a fracture ot the skull.
They also testified that there was a rupture
on thu dura mater almost directly under this
fracture and there was a blood clot cu the
right sldo and extending to the back part
of the head. This blood clot was baked and
weighed eleven ounces , which was four
ounces inoro than medical authorities recog
nized could be contained within thn skull
when It was Intact. They gave the opinion |
that heat would not have caused a breaking *
down of the blood vessels of the 'brain ' and
caused this blood clot to form In the skull
and that It could como only from a fracture
of the skull and a rupture of the dura mater.
The details ? sought to have the testimony
of Drs. Grlffen and Whitney stricken out
on the ground that Dr. Iltimk-y , the expert
physician who conducted the nulopsy before
the coroner's Jury , was the only competent
person to testify to the condition of the
skull and that at least his opinion should
have been brought out by the state when he
was on the stand. The court overruled this
motion and admitted the evidence.
The defense Introduced Joseph Dostal , n
Cedar Uaplds druggist , ot whom Novak
sought to buy poison previous to the Wai-
ford lire , saying ho j wjnted to put It In
whisky for the benefit .of burglars who
might break Into his 'plnce ' , ntid C. D. Van-
Vechten , who testified In. regard to Novak
paying the premiums on t\vo policies held In
the Northwestern MOtuql Life Insurance
company , and his efforts to secure a paid
up policy nnd discontinuance so that ho
might take out Insurance .lu some other com
Coming : ScKNliiii . < if' ' ( < lic I.cttlslntlire-
Will Have < < > n em ( Ml y Thi-in.
DE3 MOINES , Nov. i 15. ( Special. ) The
more experience that Is had under the new
code the clearer It lccom.cs ) that the coming
session of the legislature will have to make
many corrections tmd amendments to It ,
Not that the new code contains any radical
blunders ; It Is conceded on the whole that
the new code Is nji excellent one , and evi
dences are not wanting that legislatures of
other states are realizing the fact that the
new Iowa code Is the latest and most up-to-
date compilation of statutes In the country.
But It need bo no matter of surprise that
many minor errors , chiefly of omlaslou , have
been perpetrated. Moat of them result from
the anxiety of the assembly to assure econ
omy in ctatc expenditures and to stop leaks
wherever they could bo tound. For Instance ,
It was discovered n short tlmo before Oc
tober 1 , when the new laws became ef
fective , that they contained no provision
under which the state could buy postage
stamps for use In Its business. Heretofore
tbo council lias bought postage stamps and
paid many other accounts out of a fun.l
placed under Its discretionary control. The
legislature was fearful that there was too
much discretion In 'some directions , and pro
ceeded to eliminate discretion ot all kinds.
H hunted for discretion wherever It could
bo found and as fast ns deposits were un
earthed applied the elimination prncera.
It chanced that the largest aggregation of
dlscretlouarr power was represented In sec
tion 120 of the old code. The executive coun
cil was glvon > control over this fund1 and the
provision" of section 120 was that at Its dis
cretion' the council could pay bills which It
deemed necessary out of the fund. In 1833 ,
when the state troops were celled to Council
Bluff * and Sioux City to suppress riots , the
bill for their services was paid from this
fund , under the provisions ot section 120.
The state auditor was not very positive that ,
tbo section gave him authority to draw the
warrants for such a purpose and Insisted
that the supreme court pass on the matter
before ho would draw them. Accordingly ,
( in agreed CUBO was submitted to that body
and It ruled that the auditor was authorized
In drawing the warrant on this fund. Slnco
then the section has been a general author
ity for paying 'bills ' that were not provided
for eiflowhero. When the last assembly waa
revising the laws It decided that there was
too general a discretion and cut It all out
of the section. It provided that no bill , of
any sort whatever , should be paid unless
from an appropriation which specifically conferred -
ferred authority for Just such a bill. Sec
tion 120 was a dead letter. With It went thu
pcaco and harmony and happiness of the cx-
ecullvo council ,
Postage stamps had been paid for under
thlu section for more than a generation
without a specific appropriation. A few
dayB before the new laws took effect It wan
found that thuro was no contemplation In
the new code of postage ; It was absolutely
Impossible for the council to pay for postage
under the now laws. The legislature had
tied the hands ot the council , locked It up ,
nailed It down and left Itwith no power
whatever , Uncle Sam-Is not In the habit of
trusting oven his moat rollablo customers for
stamps , and the oueBtlon arcse , how were
stamps to bo purchased under the new re
gime ? It wan decided'tint time must be
taken by the forctop.aiAu emissary was sent
over to the postolllco and $4,000 worth of
postage stampa wore taught and carted over
to the capltol , wliero they were locked In the
vault of the treasurerto bo doled out as ro-
qulrcd. It wan eMUinctl that the legislature
would pass an. appropriation to pay for them
xvhcn It should meet ; nieantlme , as section
120 was etlll In force , the council operated
upder that enchanting' provision ,
But this was not ain 'Somo of tbo salaries
of etato olllvers had > not been provided for ,
and It was only by stretching the law. In
opinion. ? of the attorney general , that they
could be met , Klnilly the real Issue was
raised over the qntutlon of state bouso
towels , The discovery-'was made that there
was no appropriation to pay for laundering
the state bouse towels. Towels are regarded
as very necessary to the occupants of the
building , and there were Indignation meet
ings In every corridor when It was announced
that hereafter there would bo no laundry
bills at public oxpentie. And there have been
nor.o from that day.
Another edifying discovery which has Just
been made Is that the new law makes It
Impossible to pay the annual bonus to county
and district fair associations. In 1859 a law
was | 6 < ied that J200 should be donated an
nually by the state to each fair association
whit-fa should make proper proofs that the
fair bad been held. Under this section It
ban been customary tor the secretary of the
State Agricultural society to receiveUho war
rants from the auditor end mall them to the
several district { aim. But this rail 4he at
torney general raised the question whether
such payment could bo made within the laws.
Ho has not Issued n formal opinion on tbo
subject , but has been expected for a month
to make an oflclal ! utterance , There are 113
ot these fairs , which this year would draw
$22,000 from the state. They are sending
word , through their officers , by nearly every
mall that they want their wirrnntB and want
them very much , but they arc not forthcom
Ono of Hio cases which promises a deal of
trouble relates to the Homo for Soldiers' Or
phans at Davenport , lu the past the law has
provided that when orphans or Indigent chil
dren of soldiers were admitted to the home
the state should pay for their maintenance.
Other children were to bo supported by the
counties from , wSilch they were sent , The
now cede changes the law and relieves the
Rtato of the burden ot paying for even the
children of soldiers ; they are to bo charged
to the counties , as other Indigent or orphan
children , The change means In substance
that the Davenport home Is no longer n etato
Institution ; It means that the homo will be
a much less Important concern , for the coun
ties have never contributed many Inmates.
The people of Davenport arc up In arms
and announce that they will Invade the leg
islature acid make things very lively If the
old law Is not restored. The curious part
Is that there Is some question whether the
cl.ango In the law was Intentional or ac
cidental. Members ot the legislature have
declared that they didn't know the change
was Involved in the new laws and that they
don't believe anybody realized Its force. The
next assembly will liavo opportunity to BO
ru record squarely and Indubitably on the
matte ; .
M of Klilorn mill \Vlint They
Hill Midi Their .Money.
EI-DOIIA , la. , Nov. 15. ( Special. ) The ad
ministrators of the doorgo. H. Wlsncr estate
liavo made their final report and Jiavo been
discharged by the court.
The settlement of this large estate recalls
this wealthy Wlsncr family and the power
their money exerted and the good deeds It
did In this ecctlcn of Iowa. In three short
I ycara father , mother and son all passed away
I and Oilman H. 'Wlsncr ' , only son ot George
j II. , Is the living relative bearing the Wlsncr
Lyman P. Wlsncr , .banker . , capitalist and
land owner ami thu .head of this family , was
I the wealthiest man In central Iowa. He
amassed a fortune of over $1,000,000 by com
ing to Hardln county at an early day with
but a pair of willing hands. He married Miss
Julia Hatch und by their union they had one
eon , George. Mr. Winner was president of
the Hardln County bank here uivl of the
First National bank at Iowa Falls , owned
the well known "Sunnysldo farm" of EOIIIO
l.CCO acres at Iowa Rills andi owned land lu
nearly' halt ot the states of the union.
Whllo hunting near his farm near Iowa
Falls by tSie accidental discharge of a shot
gun ( Mr. Wlsncr was killed In August , 1S > S9.
Djlng Intestate , his widow Inherited her
third of the vast estate and the only son
George the remainder. Having never before
been allowed to handle any of his father's
business and being placed In control of such
vitt wealth , the young man soon displayed
remarkable business sagacity and shrewd
ness. Following his father's sudden dcnvlsp
young Wlsner was married In the autumn ol
the year of his father's dcalii to ' .Miss Fanulo
Oilman , one ot the society favorites ot this
county and daughter of Charles C. Oilman ,
cx-presldcnt of the Iowa Central railway
ptesldcnt of the Oilman terra cotta works
and an Inventor of much prominence. Ilj
careful management , assisted by J. D. New
comer , financial secretary to his lute father
Gcorgo II. Wlsncr added largely to , his portion
tion or his father's estate. January 11 , 1VJ.1
young Wlsner died .very suddenly of a com
plication of diseases.
Hardln county at that time had Just been
through a noted county seat light. A new
court iiouso costing { 50,000 .had just been
completed , built largely with Wlsner money
George H. Wlsner died without leaving a
will and the first case that came up 'In the
new temple of justice was a contest as to
whom should administer the affairs ot this
largo estate. Mrs. Julia A. Wlsner chose J
D. Newcomer , the friend and adviser ot her
husband and son. The widow , Airs. Fannie
Wlsner , assisted by her father , C. C. Gilman -
man , chose J. L. Williams , a prominent
banker , now dead , of Marshalltown. After
a long and bitter legal Iflglit , causing manj
animosities witlch will never be forgotten
Mr. Williams was chosen , Soon after the
death ot George and having so much trouble )
and grieving so continually over the death
j ot her only son , -.Mrs. Julia A. Wlsuer dice
of a broken heart In 'April , 1S93.
I The bulk of Mrs. Wlsner'a money went to
: her grandchildren , son and daughter o :
! George. These children. Oilman and Ixils
i are now aged about 7 years and each In-
| herlted one-third of their father's estate am
a largo amount from their grandmother. A
i the time of reaching their majority these
I children will be millionaires , The widow o
] G. H. Wlsncr has again been married to
I Frank W. Crockett , who was county clerk
of Hardln county at the time of the cele-
brnted administrator contest. Mr. Crockett
lias been appointed guardian of one of the
minor children and is a young man of gooi
! business qualifications. Jamea U Williams
who was administrator of Uie estate ot George
II. Wlsncr , was stricken with apoplexy before
fore the affairs of his administratorship had
been settled.
A magnificent monument was built nt
j lowr. Falls over the remains of Lyman I'
Wlsncr at a cost of $10,000. George II. Wis-
I ner and mother arc ! burled hero and the ex
ecutors of 'Mrs. Wlsner will have placed u
$0,000 monument over her grave.
Mrs. 'Wlsner ' before her death g > ive $10,000
for the building of the Congregational church
hero and placed therein a $5,000 pipe organ
as a memorial to her son George. No less
1 'than $500,000 of the Wlsner fortune was cx-
| pcndcd In Eldora during the life of tht
Veteran of ( lie devolution II-N |
Hurled In ; Dulnuii'e ( Jointly.
DUDUQUE , Nov. 15. ( Special. ) Tlio dis
covery has been recently mcdo that at least
two soldiers ot the revolution Ho buried In
Iowa soil. The grave of one In Henry
county Is In a neglected spot In the woods
and < ho other Is marked by a llttlo Jiiound
ntout a mlle north of Worthlngton , in this
enmity. The name of this who
ended his days In Dubuijiio county was ) , u-
cinub Klfllo , and ho waa Sb years uld when
be died In 1848 , Ho was Horn In 1TCO , and
er..crc-l . ; the Hcvolutlonary war while ye : n
IPITO boy. Ho was a member of u Con
necticut Infantry company. After the war
he came west , hut It was not uirll 18.10
tint ho took up his residence la orthliK-
ton , Thcro he dwelt with his wife , nnd
they made friends of the Indians f "Mlsli-
nuuko tribe. " The Indians learned to wor-
| ablp Klfllo , and for a long time after his
death they visited his wife regularly that
she might not want. Luclous KIIII ? built
the first grist and saw mill In thu section
of the country. He named It the Hotlc-
vlllo mill. The first sermon ever preached
In 'this ' western country was preached In
Klfllo's houao by Simon Clark , Hit * explorer.
Old residents of Dubuque remember well the
aged man. Ho came to Dobuqun regularly
twlco a month to market his produce. He
was peculiar , and many thought him esttiiu
trie. He had the old Pilgrims' manners ,
and followed their customs. People -knew
him to sit In his homestead at Worthlngton
all through the .Sabbath day and pray. Not
until recently was It known that ho had a
record as a soldier In the war of the revo
lution , which fact was developed by an ex-
amlnattn of > the papers he left.
IOWA'S .s < iinnit.v oiti'ii.i.v.s' no MI : .
Objection .Muililo H CInuiKr In Hie
I'liiirufliT of Hit * IiiNtltlilloii ,
DAVENI'OHT , la. , Nov. 15 , ( Special. )
The friends of the Iowa Soldiers' Orphans'
Home and Home for Indigent Chlldrca , lo
cated near this city , and especially the old
poldlers , are Indignant at the change which
was made In the title of the Institution' and
apparent change In Its character made In the
revised cede of the state , tbo Importance of
which Is just dawning upon them. Tbo
change leaves the Institution no longer a
distinctly eoldlem' orphans' home , withdraws
the support ot tbo etato entirely a-nd leaves
It to the counties which have orphans here.
Senator Hayward , the now senator from this
county , has taken the nutter up and will
Insist upca restoration of the old law. The
homo ws established during the war. Con
gress , by an act passed to JS63. donated to
lown the tract of land on' ' which It Is located ,
the same having been purchased early In the
war for the purpose of establishing barracks
for the cavalry regiment * of Iowa. The
land was donated to Ion a for tbo express
purpose of establishing thereon a homo for
the orphans of Iowa soldiers , mil H stipu
lated that low * dhould maintain such a homo
there. The homo was established with money
donated largely by the Iowa Roldlers In the
field , they having contributed for this pur
pose the sum of $1CO,000. The Twentieth
Iowa gave the sum of $6GOO and the Second
Iowa cAvntry gave $10,000. which latter was
the largest sum given by any single regiment.
The stalt > of Iowa decupled this money nnd
took charge of the home for the old sol
diers. The effort to have the state abandon
the home , or at least to relieve It of further
responsibility tor Its maintenance- , will bo
bitterly resented by the old soldiers of the
Siiiul fleyxrr.
EIjDOtlA , In. , Nov. 115. ( Special. ) Tbo
geology class of Vrof. C. C. Stoner of Esther-
vllle has Just made the remarkable discov
ery of a veritable sand geyser on a farm
near Eagle lake , north ot here. Well dig
gers had abandoned an old well on account
of the scarcity ot water. Hy going close to
the mouth of the well n low but deep gut
tural sound could bo heard. On throwing
water Into the iwcll thla Bound stopped and
at once a stream of flue , whlto nand , five
Inches In diameter , shot out of the mouth ot
the well nnd Into the air to a height of 150
o 200 feet. This continued for four minutes
at a time. Stones as largo ns lien's eggs
vero In. . the sand , as also different colored
Mother mill Child Katnlly Iliiriioil.
CLINTON , la. , Nov. 15. Mrs. Henry Pay-
sen was burned to death here today In a vain
effort to EOVO her -1-year-old daughter ,
Amelia , from the same fate. The child's
clothing was Ignited from a bonfire near
which she was playing nnd the mother , In
an effort to extinguish the flames , caught
; ho llttlo ono In her arms and held her until
both were fatally hurtled.
SIIIMV lit Northern I own.
DtinUQUE , la. , Nov. 15. The first snow
of the season is falling tonight nnd Is gen
eral throughout northern Iowa.
J. W. Roland , formerly of the Neola Re
porter , has purchased the Avoca Herald ,
A bad diphtheria iscaro IB on nt Hlteman. n
mining town of 1,500 Inhabitants. The
schools are clcued nnd the town quarantined.
Major M. A. HIgloy of Cedar Itaplus will
bo a candidate for election as ono of the
regents of the Iowa State university before
the legislature tiext winter.
The annual meeting of the Northeastern
Iowa Horticultural society will bo held a
Forest City , Wlnncbago county , November
30 , December 1 and i ; , IS ! ) " .
Roscoe , the 6-ycnr-old son of A. R. Hll
of Denlson , found a bottle of strychnine
while playing nnd took a small dcse , fron
which he died In five hours.
A buyer has been In North Tama the pas
ten days purchasing draft horses. He ha
paid $125 each for ( several. This Is uearl }
double the price received last year.
The People's church at Hurlington , formcrb
the Liberal Religious society. Is to be scrvec
ns pastor by Rev. Elinor E. Gordon , who is
to divide her time between Burlington and
Iowa City. MUfi Gordon was formerly of the
Unity church , Sioux City.
Illicit Cloud , the double-dealing Tama
agency Ind > an , was sentenced to two years
In the penitentiary by Judge Shiras lu the
United States court nt Fort Dodge. There
were two charges against him perjury and
forgery. Ho pleaded guilty to both charges.
Three store bulldliiES In the town ot
Jerome , Appanrose county , were burned
Friday morning , with a total loss of nearly
$10.000. A keyhole EMW , a crowbar nnd aleck
lock were found In front of one of the
stores , Indicating that burglars had Ilred
the buildings.
Dubuquc shippers will hold a mass meet-
log today to protest against the action of
the Chicago Great Western Railway com
pany In removing train crews and shopmen
from Dubuque to Oelweln , where under the
recent consolidation all tbo divisions are
now centralized.
Frank Scott , charged with complicity In the
cattle stealing case at Fort Madison , for
which Walter O'Drlcn is serving time In the
penitentiary , was released because there was
not sulllclcnt evidence to convict , but he was
Immediately arrested for breaking Jail and
will stand trial on that charge.
M. Drccn of Bevlngton , Madison county. Is
homo on a visit. Ho went to Mexico throe
years ago , and , not being able to find em
ployment , he commenced prospecting and
finally struck a lead of gold-bearing rock
which he has devolpnd. The ore runs $160
to the ton and the mine Is regarded as quite
Some weeks ago whllo Samuel Williams
and family were crossing Avery Creek In
Union county , the bridge gavi ) way with
them , precipitating them to the bottom of
the creek , aud badly Injuring them. Wil
liams brought suit agatast the county nnd the
commissioners have compromised with him
for $275.
P. H. Ross , living east of Sloan , possesses
a hog which lately underwent a curious trans
formation. About a month ago It became III
of what appeared to bo a very heavy fever.
Ono morning steam was seen rising from its
body like a vapor from boiling water. The
animal wr.s turned out and In a few days ate
Its food. A little later the akin was noticed
as hanging loosely In several places and soon
began to roll off , leaving a raw surface , At
present the hair has begun to grow and the
hog cats and Is growing fat , ike other hogs ,
although having little of the appearance of
IIMVII 1'ri-HM Common t ,
Cedar Rapids Republican. DCS Molnes Is
to have n beer war next week. Why not
wait until the legislature meets ?
Ottuma Courier : The new code has re
ceived another puncture. The next legisla
ture will sit as a sort of repair shop on this
bedraggled code.
Cedar Rapids Republican : Uncle Horace
Holes has finished thrashing , but as he Mings
the golden' ears ot corn Into his wagon ho
merrily slogs , "I told you so. I told you BO. "
Ottumwa Courier : It Is thought that by
the first of the year the treasury olllcluls
will bo treated to the novel sight of wit
nessing monthly Hiirplutes Instead of
deficits. The receipts of the Dlngley law are
steadily growing.
Des Mollies Capital : A well Icrown DCS
Mnliies business nan ; suggests that Des
Molnen does not pay sulllclont attention to
the members of the general arscmbly whllo
they are In the city. IIo thinks that If thu
members were given more social attention It
would bo IIUo bread cast upon waters. Each
member IB an Influential citizen In the com
munity where ho lives and could Inllucnco
business In favor of Dos Molnca. The sug
gestion Is a good one and should bo actc-d
upon this coming winter.
Waterloo Courier : The late campaign has
developed two orators among the democrats
who have discovered "a call to a wider flold. "
They are MBS ! .Murray of Nashua and S , II.
liashqr of Waterloo. Doth arc going on' tht.
lecture platform. MUs Murray's Hiiljjc'ct will
probably bo "Whlto China Silk In Politics. "
Mr. Ilaslior Is preparing a lecture on
"Thomas Jefferson. " In both the public will
llnd relict and the orators surcease of sorrow
that has come- from supporting the dead
cause of tree silver.
lliil > - llmnorx. Dr. Agnnw'8 Ointment
soothes , quIcUi , and effects quick and cffen-
ttvo cures In all nkln eruptions , common to
baby during teething-time. It Is harmless
to the hair In cases of Scald Head , and cures
lirzema , Salt Rlicum , nnd all Sldn Dlseabvs
of older people , 35 cents. 23.
Kiihn & Co. , 15th nnd IouKla ; Bhcrman
& McCoimM ! Drug Co. . 1513 Uodge St.
PJ atch
movements are to
day more perfect
than ever and far
cheaper. This
trade mark specially
\yill last a life
time and is within
the means of
every one.
For sale by all retail jewelers.
And Surgical Institute
1005loduSt.Oiiinlia , , Nol
CONSULTATION ll < ll ! > ,
Chronic , Kcrvous ami Private Diseases
nnd nil WIUKNHHS
nml IISWI > IUJ9of
HYUnoOKM : ami VAlUL'OrKr.U iH--nmtiemly an
ttucci'HHfull.v ruriMl lnuvi < ry oattn.
1IL.OOU AND SKIN UlHoiiHOH. Sore SpotH. IMm.
rs , Sorofula.TiimorH , Totter. Kczema and lllool
rolHon thoroughly clpmiHml from HIP ny tpm.
NMKVOIJS Debility. Spermnlorrlu-a. Sumlna
I.UHHOH , NlRlit KmlBHlons. LUSH ot Vital Powuri
Pennant-nil ; nnd spei-illlv rui-iil ,
( Vitality \\VaU ) , inmlo HO hy too oloio nnpllcallou
to btiMnppH or Htiulv : Mvoro mental Htraln 01
Bi-li'ti SKXUAI , KXi'KSHKS In mlilillo llfo or from
llm nflepts of youthful folllcM. Call or write them
today. Hex -77.
Omaha Medical and Suriiicil Institute.
S. W. for. ICth ami
For Sale Only by John Llnder , 13 Main St ,
Council Bluffs.
< n ( illliert Ilrn.t , , Oinului ,
Mniiufncturcrs of
Pur Garment ? , Rugs. Etc
1 , 01 Iltviiy , Council lllillYn , III.
In Plumcr Building.
. . . .CO.VKIXUMUXTS. . . .
DR. Ifk E. ROE ,
" -
Iloom : t" _ , -McTi'lniu IlloL'li. .
TuUe Elevator.
October 0 , U97.
KOn IlKNT-lloufcCs In Council IJluffB
tin.00 per month Cherry Hill and one IUTC o )
Mrcnmd. fruit nnd Kinlrn.
( IS.CO per monlli New btoro room , 20x60 , ot
JO.00 per monlli IK * Thlnl St. , C rooms pnj Imrn.
IC.tiO per month 15th HI , iiml Ave. II ; BOOI ] barn ,
J7.CO per innnlb120 Jliuuilwuy , ttjro room.
$0.14) per mor'i , f'OG Urulium avenue , G rooms.
13.09 per mi' . ' ! > U.G Jtlclfc utreet C-riiom house.
! ) . ( iH'ir jnlli Jlouhv ori Ninth street.
ACIti : p-iOI'KIlTV-
JS.33 per month A "oil Imprcceil B urn's 2 mllei
from town : will tuko oni-hnlf or the rent IE
woi It.
roil HAW ? City 1'ropcrtv
f400 ( ioocl Jiouse , Inin. - ! " ' . inf. two loin 2311
Klfth ave. , monthly payments , J7 per monlli
J2CO Oooil hout-e and lot ( in Avrniif II. uctwoei
KlKlith ami Ninth Sl . . > 3 p r month ,
1200 CJooJ hoiifi ! anil lot on Cth uYrnue. between
SSI ) ! ainl : cth flu. , monthly paymcnte , } 0 pel
15 lot In WrlBht'n add for snlo at u very Ion
price ,
)25 per yp ; 210-acre farm , I miles went or fins-
weld , eifktern purl of J'nltuwalliimlu county
(2 ; per acre 40 acres of uol running Inncl norlb
of Neoln.
} ! . " > per acre Well improve , ! ISO-ncre farm east ol
I.ovelanil , I'nttawnttnrnlo county.
$2.1 per ncr ( > 10 acrcH i < t Rood funning or frull
land , 3 miles from Kidney , Fremont county.
t25 per acre 30 noes of good fruit lain ! , with
mall house , imrlli of Iliunburi ; , Fremonl
count )
S2.i per acre (0 ( nrrcs of good bottom land , tome
timber , 2 mlleu couth of city lliiuiH ,
K'O per ncie 20 ncics of food bottom land , 1
miles foilIh or Council lllulTx.
10-ncre travtB of land 2 mllcx Houth of South
Omaha ; will lake pnrt payment In flty prop.
flood farms for rent. Apply to
hKONARD KVKIIIJTT. 1 Penrl St. , Council
lIluffH , Iowa ,
115.00 per acre 40 acres of good land In Monona
Five and ten-am ) tracts near the city for <
Good , cheap Nebraska liiii'ls for pale.
Will cell any of the iihovo propeily on email
payment Uowti , balance In ten unnuul pay *
Other sooj farms for alc. Will take part ii.n !
In city property or gmalltr farms , balan o ' " "i
time , annual payments.
lands for tale or rent , Uny & Hess , XI I'm !
MONKY TO IDAK-Hl < : iTC-i | | : > ItATi : "N
Ilist-clais Improved farm * and Inside < "v
properly. Apply to Jan. N. Casrady. Jr. M
Main St.
choice location. 130 llwuy ; alun the store i Mm
142 Jlway , suitable for general merchandise \
Day & IIe s , 3 Tfarl t.
The Hohlnion Connrrvotory , Coun
cil Illuffi , la. Correct Methods. ! . -
sona. CO cent * and upward. WM
for protprMus ,
Noit-rcsicleutH of Iowa now Imvo uo exemptions under the new
Cole which wont into pffoct October I. Wo can COU.HCT UAD AC
COUNTS as of old , auaiuHt MARRIED or SINGLE employes of Rail-
Maya , Kxprosa , Telegraph , Telephone aud Sloeplug Cur companion.
NASSAU INVESTMENT CO. . Council Bluffs , la