THE OMAHA DAILY IJIfiB : tf < &N IAV. NOVEMBER 15 , ISO7. PRICES PAliriALLY RECOVER Panicky Fcoling Disappears and Downward Pressure Scorns to Bo Exhausted. IMPROVEMENT COMES IN A NATURAL WAY tltcnrlloii fiKiicctrilVhl < > li llh Ilnxy MiirKe1Itl > furry I'rlcen l > IiCVC'l < > ( TllONI > lit Si'liloinlivr. NGW YOUK , Nov. 14.-SpetlnI.-11onry ( ) Clown , hcnil of the banking house of Henry Clews & Co , vvrltcBll During- the last week the Stock exchange market has continued unsettled ; but neve-r- thclcsfl has exhibited nu Improved tone and a partial recovery In prices. The despon dent nnd semi-panicky feeling IIQB disap peared and the downward pre-ssure uppears to luivo cochitUHtod Its forec. This Improve ment Inisf come In un entirely natural way. The reduced range of prices has been re garded an low compared with the condition of the country , the large earnings of the railroads nnd the prospects of future tralllc. There has been u general feeling that , nt Borne later stage , there must bu n reaction which ) with nn ensy money market , may carry values approximately near to the level of those of Hcptcmlier ; nnd this lias brought buying orders Into the market which have pioduce-d n rise of fully 2 points on most of the nctlvc stocks The pur- chapes have not been on a large scale ; but the faut that such nn advance has resulted fiom such moderate buying Is evidence of the Intrinsic strength of the market. The stnylrtg quiillt > of the market , how ever , remains to bu tested. It may be that the buying Is Insed upon an expectation of u moderate ndvnnee , rather than In view of any considerable Immediate nduitu-e , Wo niu disposed to ugaiil It us experimental rather than ns n lajlng In of stocks In anticipation of a straightforward and eon- tlnuous rise ; neverthi-liss we do not legard It as Impossible that It may develop Into thu latter We arc. however , coming near to the assembling of congress , and piudent operatots are likely to avoid accumulating large lines of stocks until the administra tion nnd coiipms have shown their dlsposl. tlon upon certain Important and sensitive questions At present there Is no positive1 apprehension of any disuniting action being taken ; nnd yet ns It li possible that jlnpo- Istlc nnd sllvcrltc orators may try to raise a breeze In the senate , or even In the house , the-ro Is n disposition * to defer larye opera tions until the timpcr of congress 1 as falrlv expressed Itself. Consider Ulons of this kind are Ilkcl > to chick the reviving "bull" feelIng - Ing from developing- Into reckless bu > lng Tills , however , does not mean a reaction from the Improve ment that has been real ised ; It means that while the recovery Is likely to prove perminent yet the speeilla tive spirit mav be exiiee ted to be held In prudent restrain for the ne'e ! few weeks Within the Hst few da > s there has b'en a distinct Abatement of the aeuteness of the market feeling on the Cuban situation , and this has had much to do with the week's lecovcry. In pirt , this has been due to the pacific tone of Spain's complete reply to the > representations made by our government through Minister Woodford , and eqliallj to the authentic assurances tint the adminis tration Is much Krnlllled at the temper and statements of that document and flmls In It no reason fet changing- from Its patient at tltudo toward Spain 'I his more1 assured feeling has also been encouraoed by the constant dl eoverv tliat the dlsciuletlns rumors that have found such free clreula- tlon have , for the most put , turned out to be Inventions or exaggerations Intended for effect In Inflaming public opinion or en couraging pessimistic speculation. This sort of scare has been much overdone , and Wall street has , had enough experience In needless depressions for the benefit of the "" fla ! to receive such rumois with a nldo margin of discount In the future. The people ought to bo ivtiling to leave this entire matter to the administration for settlement nnd have faith that the best wil bo done for the Intelcsts of all concerned The only course , therefore. Is for the people to pay as little attention ns possible to floating rumor1- about what the administra tion and the government of Eipnin are going to do or not going to do. President McKIn ley can be trustcel to elo the right thing n. the right time , and If the matter be simply lef. to h'm ind hl cabinet assoclites , nl will bo well It will be a great deal better to have It take thit course than lo be le' ' for settlement to the pre s politicians or Wall street. These three Important repre sentative forces can only conjecture am agitate , iwhlle the administration Is vcstci with full pciv > r to make a settlement of the affair. The situation cilN for faith , hope nnd clnrl'y on the pirt of the Amerlc in people. London quotations for American se curities and the Paris quotations for Spin Ish . .government are now the best guide1 to cnab'.e our people ; to form an e\plnlon a1 to the rela ions existing between the Amerl can and Spanish governments During the recent flurry on Wall street on vague re ports , Spanish 4 per cent bonds rcmilnec steady at about ft ) on the Paris bourse , whei they mlgh. easily have fallen 2u per con from that price If theri > had been any foun elation whatever for the rumors clrculitec here. London's Import mt bujlng of Amerl can securities recently Is also evidence tin they have not shares ! In the alarm that a conflict was Immlnen be'iAeen America am Spain. The greit financiers of London nro In closer relation with IJuropein govern imcntH and ellplomats than are those of this country , and therefore are not governed so much by the rumo'-s Jloatlng In the c't'pa The repor/s that Sp iln wantp o pick a quar rel with this country are nlnurd As a mat ter of fact , Pp.iln's vital Interest Is to kee > ; out of a war with Amcrlci In relation tc war Lord Salisbury's remarks at the mayor's banque * In London uere very significant He showed that Cmland's Interests are no for war conquests , but market conquests nnd that Is equally app'lcablo as applied ti Germany nnd rrnnrc , ns well as other civ ilized and go-ahead nations These results can be nchle\ed through peace alone , ant not by nations taking each other by th throat n process utterly destructive o buslnes Interests The great n itlons of the world have reached a point where ivl e am adroit diplomacy Is the best means of prc Fcrvlng peace Our public meMi In this coun try have yet to realize this fact What I needed more than anything cl o Is specific education to qualify students for up-to-dite statesmanship We have felt the hurtfu offectH of rougi methods now long enough The last clause of the. Venczucl in mes.- eagowhich produced disaster to business Interests almost as great as a war o * liavo done , was nn evidence of this In i-onie. other respects conditloim affectIng - Ing the securities market have Itroroved- Thiyellow fever ha" almost d'ed ' out at al points , which Mill | have1 the effee of reviv ing business" In loe.illtles nt which It has been suspended for some weeks and of trun ferrlng to 110 rallrouls large1 Quantities o freight which have been held In quarintlne Thu roa'ls connecting lAlth the .grangei . Ftntcs Httll ! < liow Urge Increases of earnings notwithstanding that the farmer * nre hold Ing back tlulr grain In thu hope of hlghc : iprleps. Advices from the -west Indicate thi prospect of an cxtraordln iry trade next se i eon with thn agricultural stales ns tin farmers will then be In receipt of "ho vvholi proceeds of their crops The fall In the prlci of anthrac'te. coal mis been construed in nn unfavorable factor on Wall street am was the cause of some selling It does no mean , howevir. that tlieio haw been anj falhiro In the deinund Jor coal , but rathe Hint the producers have taken a too ban pulno vie , v of the piospcctlvo eonsumtitloi and run Into an eNcef-slvo output. Nor 1 It considered ho.w mile1 ! benefit this redue tlon In thu cost of power brings to the Indus tries and the rallroiil * The country CHI never bo hurt by ic.isonably cheora coal London has been during thu week , a fre Imyer of our H orks , nnd also a seller ; bu Its imrclm es urn etlm.'iticl to hive ex ceeded Its salts by about 20003 shares. Thn following Is a sjncpsls In brief of th eltuntlon1 The forces uorklng for nn Im provetnent In the financial situation are sub Rtnnttal. These In the opposite direction ar mainly scntlnipntil Th ? havls of Ira recen advance In rnl'roud securities U still In ex Istenee , of which the railroad earnings ar the evidence. 1 venture the prediction tin Die comingsrrlng luislrufH of this counto will be > the lun'eat on reeorel A better un < lerstandlng beiweon this government am that of Spilnwhich Is very percrptlb'e , wll ivijiko war rumors of materially less lm ; > or tnne-o hereafter. The decision of the pu promo court In thn Alabama railroad cas VV.IH not only Important as a deelrlon , bu alto In showing- more favorable attltud to railroads , do recent decision of iho np rellate court In this suite1 , ahlch we.tkeim the Lexow attark under the trust law , o-\ the anthrurlte coal properties ; thu London change of front In becoming more favorable lo American securities , and the continuation nf largo exports c&pecluKy of wheat all these fietors combined furnish u strong backlmr to the sldo of confidence and take the sharp edge off the bears' weapons , which have lute ! } been Irresponsible rumors. Thu market h " a'reaJy suffered a very heavy decline , and will eon have a fnlr advance as a natural react'on ut least , I.ei n dun Wool MnrUft , LONDON. Nov. -There were few In- qulrli's for v > oo | during the week , and llttlo business wan done. Itusslan buyers took a few parcels of maiinos. The arrivals to date for the tlxth Herlcs , which beHlns No vember S3 , sat as foliowa ; Kuw South Vales , 1Z.C2S baled , Queensland , JH.lnS bales ) outh Auatrnllo , S 229 bales. AVost Aus- l-nlln , ( i bales , Tasmania , 172 bales , New /calami , $ , t/n bales , nnd Cape of Good Hope nil Nnlal , I4.CU7 bales , an njMiregiite of 71- m bales. Including 11,800 bales pent direct. mporln for the wctk nrc : New South Vales , 4,111 bales ; Melbourne , 3,110 bales ! South Australia , 1,111 bales ; Cape of Oood lope and Natal , 7M ) bales ; Hossorn , 2if > 2 jales ; Antwerp , 329 bales ! Marseilles , 481 mlcs ; lircmen , tX3S bales ; China , 164 bales , nil sundries , 103 bales , making a total of 3li2 bales. _ CltlQUiO 0 AJ > AM ) 1'HOV1SIO. > S. * rntiiron at ( lie TrnilliiK : nnil Cloxlnu I'rlopH on Sntiiriliij. CIllCAOO , Noy. 13 Wheat was slow hroughout the day and very Irregular. December closed where It did Friday , nt UP over May , nnd nt 94',1 . December horts showed some unenslnesa growing out , t Is said , of the strictness of the Inspcc * Ion department. Coin was dull and pi Ices est 'JHio on the day. Oats showed a de- line of Uc , the market closing at the low- wt figure , Provisions vvuro featureless , a Imdo lower than Friday. Pork , lard and Ibs were 2o ! lower , The ppeculatlvo trade In wheat opened lull and for the first hour the trend was lownward. the most weakness , however , icing In May , which sold > 4c below the close last - nightwhile. December kept tetidler and sold only Uc below the close estcrday. May opened at ! KHc ) and sold o SO'lc ' , vvhllo December touched OTHc The Jvcrpool market was again tame and cenicd Inclined to sell off Borne , while ad vices from New York said that the frost lamago In Argentine was slight and the outlook for a good crop favorable. Trade vas dull for n time , but later speculation lecnmo more active nnd there WHS rally of % c in May and Ic In December. The de rm ml for December became quite brisk and t was rumored that the bull clique was bidding It , when the shorts made an effort o cover , which gradually sent the price to H'4c , nnd May moved up to MKu In sym- lathy. A rumor that wheat received from Juluth had been rejected by tlio Inspection department contributed to the alarm dls- > Ujed by the December shorts The ex torts from both coasts for the \\cc\f \ aggre- ; atc 5,411,000 bu. against 5590,000 bu. the week before nnd 4)5I.CW ( bu the corresponding spending week last > ear , and Hroomhnll of thu Corn Trade News cabled that In order to keep up present stocks he would nive to Import between now and Apill 1 lost 1CC,4WXK ( ) bushels of wheat. Cables also reported that the llusslan ports on the sen of Azof were being closed by Ice , cut- : lng off Russian supplies , but the report mil more effect hero apparently than It did it Liverpool , which led many to doubt Its reliability There was a sharp break dui- ng the last hour nnd May sold oft 7ftc to Oc and December lost l'4c , selling down o 93Xc , after having sold at OI7&c Iho weakness abroad and the dull and narrow trade caused the early bujers to sell out. and the market being so weak that lonjB weie not disposed to carry holdings over the Sunday holiday , this selling contributed Lo the weakness At the close May was DOe bid and December 94V < c , or 4Uc over May , where the difference last night was only 3'ic.Corn Corn was dull nnd heavy and at the close c lower for the day. Trading In the pit was largely In the way of changing Decem ber to May at the existing difference The latter Is so satisfactory to the elevator people ple that they can only be persuaded to part with any when He premium over December Is bid by a shipper. The opening price foi May was LO'iJiJOVic It sold nt 29rt(30c ( and closed at 30c bid. Oils op ° ncd firm and for a while prices were higher. Good bujlng by New York and the firmness In the cash market In fluenced the buojant feeling Later , how ever , the llrmnejs save vvaj to weMkness , caused bj liquidation on a mod rately larpe1 scale. May opened at 22c , sold at 22'f > c , de clined lo 2174c and closed with sellers nt that price Provisions were duller than even their ordinary state of depression Changes in pi Ice were .so small as to be hardly worth recording. December pork yielded to the weakness to tin extent of 2V4c decline , lard for December lost half as much and De cember ribs declined 2U.c. Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat , 115 cars ; corn , 450 cars ; oats , 410 cars , hogs , 4J.OOO bead. Leading futures ranged as follows : Articles I Pain. I I Lav. I Closa | Yca l J y W lieul-1 Nov. . . 04 04 Dec. . . . IM5. 04H I'lH May. . . t'L'H ' DOW no 00 Corn noMK 00ML Nov . . . MK ML , Uec. . . 207 .04 2UTS May. . . 21IJ4-31I 30 Oala Dec. . . , ' . ' 04 200M SOW 20MSV Mnj. . . Uljfi lork Bee. . . . 7 I2 7 'W 7 as 7 37 Jan. . . . 8 32 8 Jll 8 35 H .15 Liirel Eec. . . 4 17VJ 4 20 4 IT'S 4 20 4 20 Jan . . . 4 35 4 3JH 4 30 4 , n kh'IRlbn Dec. . 4 27H 4 , ! ( ) Jan . . 4 3- 4 30 4 32 H 4 35 No ! . Cnsn quotations were as follows : I'LOUlt Sle.idy , winter stralRhtB. f4 DOiT4 W3 : clear : , $4 3)I ) 40 , spring specials , Jo 50 , Minnesota huril patent * 14 SOSfS CO WHEAT Xo 2 eiirlngS'QSOc ; No. 3 spring , alt. No 2 red. 94VfiC ! ) 4e COUN No 2. 2GK < i < 2GT4c. OATS N'o 2 , 20Vc ; No. 2 white , 23'ic ; No. 3 unite. 23t2S'Sc | ' UVE No J , 47140 1IVULUV No 2 , 2CSr2C'c. ri.\xsniu NO i Ji 01 TIMOTHSUIID Prime , JS 43 IMIOVISIONS 1'orlc moss , per Mil. , J" 35JZ7 40. Lanl per 100 llis , J4 22'4. Dncon , short ribs l IdM ( IwEe ) , $1 2r4 S5 Di > suited thoulilera ( boxed ) . 14 K4H DO , short clear sides ( boxed ) , )4 ) CJUfl4.7S WHISKY DUtlllcrs' flnlshtd goods , per cal , Jl 18 St'OAIl Cut loaf , $314 , granulated , $321. ArilclcH Flour , bbla H.noo 803J . . r t niu KI.UJO Corn , bu . , 2711,0 ' 0 no ooi ; . . . 281 mj dll-IUJO Kye.bu 11,0110 liailcv _ bu _ 18H.OOJ _ I'.l ( Kill ( in flie I'rotluce exchanRe todny the butter motket v\nsstcnd > . cienmerlca , 1DJJ22V4C , ilalrlea , 120C'heefe HJS'/zC KKR firm ; Irei-h , I8c I.lve' poultr > , quiet turliejs 3c , chickens , t'fcc ; H > tlnr clilclionii , 7c , ilucKa , " COVDITIOV OF M3W VOItlC II VMC.S. IIIN ( nrlnKHIIUHC VVel l > State ment IH Ulxli'ndliiK. NIJ\V YOUK , Nov H The rinnncler sajs , The statement of the New York clearing house hanks for the- week ending November 13 , viewed In Its general results , Is decidedly misleading , The loans , for In stance , are reported $1 2S1.100 higher than the week previous , whereas the loans of slxtj-foui of the sixty-live banks In the clearing association liavc fallen off no less than $ j 137.1CO. the decrease ) having been more ) than offset by the Increase of $ G,41S- 200 leported by one1 large bink which oc cupies a prominent position with reference to the Union I'aclllc settlements now pend ing. Just what the heavy loan expulsion Indicates specltlcnlly Is hard to determine , but that It Is Involved In these Hettlemuits Is doubtless true. 'Iho fame bank lias de posited with the government xometnlng like ftf (00.000 of bonds to secure the Union l a clllc deposits , which further bears out this assumption Otherwise thu business of the banks has not been so good , forty-two of the Institutions Individually considered liuv. IIIK decreased their loans 'l"io Item of deposits Is also of a mislead ing elmracter.anu with one bank eliminated the lobs for the week has been $3.442,200. Adding the Incicase of JG-HJtX ; reported by this bank thu gain becomes S-'iSlW ) , as given In the clearing house totals Ilei too , the I'acllle payments arc In evidence. Ilut treating the statement In this man ner , that Is considering the bank making the great changes apart from the lest , It Is found that thu total gain of $1,231,100 In cash made by the banks Is to be credited en tirely to the slNty-four Institutions , as the bank re-porting thu heavy expansion in loans and deposits has almost precUely the Himo rescrvo eairled thu week previous As theIncrciibe In loans and deposits of this Institution worn Identical It follows that the sixty-four banlis lost .heavily In loaiu , decreased their cash $1JOOKO ( and their de posits $3,425 , 00 The statement thus treated does not bal ance , but that Is all that can bo mads out of It 1 he actual facts are that the banks nro gaining money and as Interior Institu tions are over-supplied with e-ush , the chances for a llrmer money market , even with the heavy payments duo the govern ment , arc growing less from day to day , MANClinSTCn , Eng. , Nov -The last t fortnight has been quiet , partly oIngto the labor question , which U no longer terlously thri'utenlnt' . partly owingto the weakness of cotton , which Ue era bujern , and pirtly becausH of the poor Indian and Clilnp"e demand The latter U practically nil Indli , howuver , gives Indications of better things i , During thu last two da > s of the week Cal cutta and liombiiy sent considerable orders. The relapse In cotton should he'p bublnehf. as the oolnlon Is bi-e-ominir more src'ieral .hat prices are bed rock The tplnnlng mar. gin is fnlr , but weaving Is poor and yarns have been Bennett hat Irreculni. Prices on prompt deliveries are fairly steady but for December. January and March they are 'id k.vor. The German spinners report larsc soles for the last week at low prices , und ad vice' a from Rouen show a revival of ac tivity there , Subicrlbe for The Sunday Hea and read AntUony Hope'i gre t itory "Simon Dile , " OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Only a Handful of Oattle , but Good Supply of Hogs. LIGHT WEEK ENDS WITH A LIGHT RUN HnniUiit of Cuttle on Snip llrliiK" 1'rJcoii n Iilltlc SlroiiKcr HORN Lone n McKfl , ClnnliiK tlic AVi-ck nt n iMitit. SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. IS.-Rccelpts for the days Indicated -were : Cattle. Hogs. Bhccp Horees November 13 4S3 5,690 1,225 . . . . November 12 2.003 4.8S1 1.032 lo November 11 3,010 G.019 3,704 . . . . November 10 C.bir. 5D'J ] 1.9 26 November 9 2.7C2 5,313 1.4CO . . . . November 8 3.4SO 2,1,91 719 22 November 6 557 3,339 . . . . November 5 2,114 3,705 1 , < 93 5S November 4 3,949 4.602 2.OT . . . . Novembers 4,7d4 4094 8.455 . . . . November 2 2,915 2i 1.J28 . . . . November 1 5,993 1,116 l,9ij & 4 October 30 SIS 3.6'J9 SljQ 1 Receipts for the -neck with comparisons : - Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Week ending Nov. 11. . 19,213 30,523 10,029 Week ending Nov. 6. . . 20.-U8 19,212 1C.W2 Week ending Oct SO. . 31.TSS 24,811 9.CM Week ending Oct. 23. . 22,282 22.4So 2o.2.S The olllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep C. . M & St. P. Hy ; O. & . St. L Hy I Missouri Pacltlc Hy 6 . . Union Pnclllc pjslem 8 8 i C. & N. W. Hy 2 . . I" , U & M. V. Hy 1 17 2 S C. & P Hy 1 C , St. P. M. & 0. Hy. . . . 3 0 H. & M. H. Hy 5 2j C. , H & Q. Hy . . * K c. & St. J. Hy < > C , H I. S. P. , cast C C. , II. 1 & P.I west H _ 11 Total Hecelpts 2J SO G The disposition of the day's receipts r\as ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Huycrs Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1.0J7 O II Hammond Co 224 J.loO . . : i Swift and Compiny J3S l.Jii ) J < Cudahy Packing Co 5 > S iM Q3 A'unsnnt & Co I J li Care > J Huston & Co it : u U Hammond. K. C. . . . . . - Cudnliy P. Co. K. C . . . . f ? iSS - Otncr Itujcrs lo - _ ff Totnl 567 5,731 1174 CA1 TLIi-As a general thing cattle J lues show llt.lo change on a Saturday Today the regular piogram was slightly varied and beef cuttle sold a little stronger. Iho d&mand proved to be more brisk than usual at the close of the week , espac ally so on the part of one houbc. which took the most of the ca tie here Tnc i r cea paid were a little stronger tmin sesUriliy , the bulk of the cattle selllni ? tit $42ofil6 , > There were no cows or heifers here to sneik of , and not enough to makr > any test of the inar'.cc > . The two or three loads on ilo brought about jesterday's prices The supply of Etockers and feeders was also small and there was very little doing In that department of the market. In plte of the -very nnrked disposition on the part of the packers to bear beef \alues , cattle sold f-ilrly well the pist week During the early pirt of the \veek the ten deicy AVIS lower , but during the latter half the market on tidy cattle firmed up and at the close of > he week was lOfiloe highei than the week before. Heavy and rough cittlowere slow und weak on a good many days and It Is pi ciliated that owing to the number of such cattle In the country prices are likely to rule lower than on Ighter ca tie. In other wor's , a ijooa many expect that good light and medium cattle will sell at a. premium over the heavy. Cows and heifers -were good property all the week nnd iolel freely , values at the close of the week being stronger than at the close of the previous week The general tendency of the feeder market was lower all the nock , heivy and coirst cattle suffering the most. Choice llttlo c it- tie were In the best d&mand , and values on such held up remarkably well IIOCS-lcic hog mnrkU toiiuy cxpoilenced n recrseof ubout Sc ana the clos on hciuy wplchtssnH weak nnd Blow at the dfKllne The hogli sold nt 3 22'403 43 with the bu k of tic sales nt $ J 30I&3 35 , Willie on jestcrilnj the most of the hogs biousht $3 3o 53 10 Tlie a\ernRe of nil the. sales was 3 * c lower than \cstenlay , The lioe mnrKet of the piat week opened nt n EODd Btlff ad\ancc , hops selling on Mondnj at the blKh point of the month to date On Tue'd iy nil the advance nnd more too , wns loet the decline for the il iy being : 15c. On Wcdnemlay the market lost ICc , icmalned nbout ntcndon Thursday , udMineed 601lo ) on I rlday , l > ut dropped back 5c nt the cleuc qf the w ek The week clobed with \alues on an avcratrc 100150 lo\\er than the close of the previous vveeK HORB are1 now fcl Ini ? Just about where tliejweie one nnd t\vo sears nso. Three jcars ieo fiat IB , In November , U14 the market vas Jl 00 per hundre 1 hltlier nnd It was over ) . ' 00 per hundred hlRhcr In US3 nnd l$8l SIII3BI * Tliere vvere n few loids of sheep In tie j.inla and muttoiiH sold quite readily at btroni ; prices. CHICAttU MM ! STOCK rii-nty of CndlcUeul > to Ship mill TtlovN I'nll. CHICAGO Nov. 1J The cattle market was steady nnd unehnnstd for the daj. The lilKher prices during the week were due to dlmlalthod receipts , and na reports show plenty of cattle ready to ship a reaction may be looked for Hx- lran , J530JJ333 , choice sierra , J5WJT325 , fnlr beef steers , ( t 30JT4 IS , common , JJ.73S-I H , cov\s ami litllers , M M'ui 7j. Ttadu In IIORS was Blow , pi Ices origins 60 lower I.lberol reeelptH me expected right nlon : and pacKirn are Inking n very mdependint stnnct llu ! qunllt ) of the iei pis cuntlnuca to Imimn and a tx > d many fnt liea\j IIORS are coming I Blr to choice. JJ tVrii 0) . | IPHV > ( lacltlnK , iOi 3 41 , common In choice , S3 35JT3 C ) : good to eholce , llKht. J33 J5SH , pigs , f2l3 { > , culle , 3 10. 10.Hheep were In good dermnd , vilth prlcca un- clmnKed bheep were salable nt J3 ( K ) ? 3 50 for the poorest natlvtj up to 54 735J5 00 for the N"it wrslernn soiling at J3 W6 I "i , mostly nt f3 7CS 4 M , prime Hhvep uic ururcu nnd few ealrn are in ide ( is high nH $4 75 The neason for shipping stock from thetangrs IK nemly ended. I-imbs wire In demuml at Jl ( WS6 SO for the poorest to tin * bi-Ml ( locks llreolpln' Cattle , 1,200 hcnd , hogs , 17,000 head Kheep , G,000 lioiul ICiniMnn Cl ( > I.lvtStixlc llarUrt. KANSAS CITY , Nov 13. CATTLE UccelptB. 100 head , market unchanged , cnlj retail trades Texan Hte-ers , $2 23ff4 20 'lexus eo s , 2 13JFI 70 natho sieerr T3003JU } ( native cov > s and heifer * , Jl CiOfif 0) , stoekern anil feedeiH , JJOOfi435 , bulls , II 7CIJ375 HOOS lle-elpt COOO head ; mniket weaker , bulk of HI If I333jiJ47'i : hoavlcB J3 33W3 47ls packem. t3:01343 , mixed J3 30fl3 02V4. HKliI" , J333JT360 sorkers , $1 < 7i < , WS TO plg J3 C0if3 43 Slliir Ilecelpts , 1OCO head , miiltct llrm , lumbs , | < 403&7li , muttons , 130031.70 Storlc In bl h ( . Iteconl of receipts of live clock nt the four principal markets for No > ember 13 : Cattle. Hogs Sheep Omaha 4S1 f , < 1K > 1 VJ' Clileago 1 2JO 170)0 0 WO Koams City 100 G 000 1000 M I-olllH COO 3 COO CCO Totals i.SSJ 3.MOO S8.5 I Illllloil llOIM'V LONDON Nov. 14 Hates In the money market have been maintained , owing to the short supply , nnd the advance In the vnluo of money has practically stopped gold ex ports from the IJank of inglind No reduc tion In rates Is expected The tone of tin Stock eixeh IIIKO Is cheerful , e-xrcpt In one or two eases , and them hat. been a general rise Kunds an > lemarkably llrm. nnd bank stock has rl'on owing to the go'd ' discount busi ness und colonial loans are In good demand Homo railway securities nro ilslng on the jirosppcss of a settlement of the ) engineering trouble American railway securities fluc tuated during the last week , but closedi\ea'i with un all around Increase- the strength of the Improvement In the-relations between the United States and Spntn nnd on the tralllo relatloin Norfolk itt Western pre ferred shares and J.uko Shore & Mich I ran Southern rose 3 polntH fiicli ; Louisville N'atlivllle , 2 points ; .Missouri , KanF.-ia . _ Texas seconds , - points , Chicago , MllwauVeo St. Paul preferred \yt points ; Northern Paclllo preferred , S',1 points ; Wnbash Income 114 points ; Southern preferred 14 points AtchtHon , Tepeka & Santa Ke adjust ment und Hrle preferred rofe 13 points ; Illinois Central , 1 point ; Hradlni , preferred , 1 po'nt , besser advances were made In other shares Grand Trunk shares were well sought and rose from 1U to 3 points Korelsn securities i.rcro steady except Urn zlllans , which fell off 1 point. Anglo-Amerl can hhare.l Increased 1 point , and on the btrenuvh of better news from the Trannvja" there was a decide I Improvement In So tut African mining accurltles. l.iiiuliiiv' ' tirulii LONDON Nov. K The Increase of farm era * deliveries nnd unfouonablo weather checked the market Wheat market las week uus slow ; California wheat. Novem bcr and December , Hold at 31 C < J per uuar ter ; red in Inter , November , 37s , white , River J 1J AGRICUI.TUrVAL" IMPLEMENTS. f hunger & u Mefealf Co. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN riculivral Implements. and Carriages. Cor. ( th and Pacllli tits. & Martin Co Jobbers of Farm Machinery. Wagon and Buggies - Cor. Ith and Jonea , ART GOODS W Picture Moldings. Mirrors , Frames , Backing and Artiste" Materials. BOOKBINDING , ETC > e@s Pfi'milESi Go I'lilXTIXU AAV 1WOK Eleventh nnd Howard Bts BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , Jl/'frs 1 Jobbers of Fool Wear vv rsirnN AQFMS ion The Josopk Bawigau Rubber Co. I. Sprag s & Rubbers and Mackintoshes. Omnlm , Neb. --JL Boo's , Shoes nnd Rubbers Ealesrooms 1102-1104-1106 Hnrney Street. H WHOL.ESAIJB RUBBE-R GOODS Owner of Chief Brand Uacklntoiher Boots , Shoes , Rubbers , AT WHOLESALE. Ofllce and Salesroom 111D-/1-23 Howard St. Wholesale Shoe Manufacturers Western Agents Goodyear Glove BubLcrs. 1114 liarney Street. BAGS Importers aud Manufacturers BAGS 614-16-18 Sonlh iiIh Street BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS. ! SYRUPS , ilclasree. Sorghum , etc. Preserves ar.d Jellies Also tin cnni and Jcpanned ware. CHICORY T Ghicory Giowem and manufacturers of all forms of Chicory Omaha-rremont'O'Nell. Pl.ittc. by steamer , Tebruary nnd March , auotcel at Sis pel quarter. Mnl/o was llrmer. Nove-mber old imlzo had bu > < * rs a { ISa 9d nnd January new maUo at 15 * Cd. " ' ' Flour followed wheat liarlay steady , nothing offered , Oils impro\ed , und a largo business | 3 be ing1 done ; for mixed , clipped outs , January und February , H ( < ad was paid. OIIJvsTi ; nVITIH V.-NS. SHIM lori nf lii 'LnteVnr lle'ine'in- licroil 1 > > ( Ini'cmTiil ( ioiriinifiil. . WASHINGTON , , Nov. -Spe-cIal.-I ( ) > en- slons ) ia\e been lv > lH-d au follow a : IS.HUO of OctoliorcCt. Nebraska : Or\slp'HWarrcn \ | D Abbott , Peru , Increase A jilerson Gartln , Danbury Original widow r. tc. Catharlno I'hllllps. Sou.h Sioux Cltyj/Mnry 1 Van Slyke- , Geneva - ova , Augusta L. Axcher , Alexandila ; Leah H. Wlmberle-y UlyaHos. losa : Oilglnnl-'Aninniliis W Ilea. Colou- burt' . Jncre'ase Jeiromo H , J'orte'i1 , lle-acon ; George Watson. Newton ; Daniel Morley , Concsvllle. Henry Murphy , Klllott. Itc-lssuc Thomas Cochran , Lenox , Original nldow , etc. Matilda Durant , Korest City. South Dakota : Original HUwnrd A Gil- man. Chester. Incioito Marcus S nell , Worthing ; Herman Hc-rmanson , Hud- Colorado ; Original Charles n Mann , Denver ; Daniel Hotter , Denver. Montana ; Original Cdmund IJurko Gey ser. ser.Issue / of October 2T : Nebraska : Original Philip T. Jones , Mlteaell ; William N. Pickard. Wliwlde ; Kl- llotc. D , Italston , Sehuyler. Inci case Wil liam I > . PettliiKlH. JUalr. Original widow. etc , mippleinentiil Jllnora of George W. Hurley. Humholdt. IOA.I : Original John W Klngman , Cedar Kiilla : Daniel M. Woodnil , t > luirsliir ; ; Obadlah Hubkr , LInevlllo. Increase aeorgo W. Stunnttt Stennett ! Charles H. Btennett. Grlswold ; Marlon dlcckner Clarlnda ; I'rltz Vollbehr , Sabula. Original widow , etc. Maria G. Carter. Af ton. Colorado : Original Jonathan 13 , DoOgo , CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Crockery. China > Silver Plated "Ware , Looking Olnsscs , Chan. dcllers , Lamps. Chimneys , Cutlery , Etc. 1410 II-AHNAU sr. CREAMERY SUPPLIES The Sharpies Gompany Creamery Machinery and Supplies. Uollcm , Knglnc * . Foou Coolcecs , Wood Pul leys , Shafting , Hcltlnr , Uuttcr Pack- agei ot all kinds. S07-909 Jones St. - - - - - - COAL. j heridan Fuel Go. 1605 rornnm Street. SHERIDAN COAL. C. N. Dletz , President. Gould nictz. Sec & Trcs. DRY GOODS. Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods AND NOTIONS. DRUGS. 302-906 Jackson SI. J. C. RICHARDSON , Prest. C. P. WELLCR , V. Prcet. M'f'n titan larl I'li'triiitseuttoal 1'reparn- ttoiii. l > i > eclal J-'oriiotlae i'repaietl lo Order briul fur Catalogue. Laboratory , 1112 Howard St , Omaha. E. Bruce Co. T Druggists and Stationerst "Queen Dee" Specialties , Cigars , Wlntu and lircndles , Corner 10th and Hurncy Street ! . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 1104 Farnam St , FRUIT-PRODUCE. 5 Commission Merchants. S W. Comer lth and Hnnard StB Memberu cf the National I.eiue of Commlfl- slon Merchants of Hie United btates. Fruit and Vegetables SPHCIALTIES Strinberries. Apples. Oranten. Lcmona , CranLerrita. Potutoes 1017 How-aid BL FJRNITURE 9y & Stone Fureiif&are & So WHOLESALE Furniture Draperies 1115-1117 Farrmm Street. TYPE FOUNDRIES. Superior Copper Mixed Type Ii th * bet on th. 11U Hu arrl Street. ni ; . Increase Klllott C. Wager , Like City South Dakota : Increase Austin Osinun- son , niphnnlH. North Dakota. Increase Albert I'.tlinor , Croilor. Helsaue OeorKO N S ork Coop- erstown Original uldon , etc. Caroline- Cramer , Lisbon Issue of October 2S : Nebraska : Additional Alfred Dlfrelow , Norfolk Incre.ibe John W Draper , Ooeh- ner , Otis Cra vford , Silver Creek , ( "npLlal , Novembep 2) ) ItobeTt D Duncan , Om ilia Original ildoii't. . Pavllla Jletr , South Sioux City , minors of Oliver Jo'ins. I3xi't < r Iowa Additional rrancls T lllll , Ixigan Item-Hal Thomas C. McIIootcr , Mitinhall- town Increase NVII'lim I 1'olcrinnn. lied. forJ , Job Carter Klilon , Charles II Itoml , Kent ; Clifford N. Mayo , Dos \lolnea. Orlcl- nal wldoiAH. etc. Susan Hathiuvuj , Qulncy , minor of James Aiulcison. Mii < iuoki > ta , Mary I'ne-rlll , Djsan. ; K.itc llovoy , Kookuk Colorado : Incrcawe John M SnUely , Villa I'ailc Origin ii ulclowH. etc Annlo i : Sutton - ton , Highlands , Lucy J Wilson , 1'ut-hlo North Dakota : Original Se-lah J Darnun , ailby South Dikota : IncreaBe Dexter SI Wil son , Curthage , William L > . lllUii Huron. IHSUB of October \ . Nrbraski : IlcMoiutlon und Increaue Henry P. Supp , Nora , Iowa Orljlnul Henry Hamc : , ColumbUH Junction Ue-storatton and additional Wll- bcr D Sherman ( deceuhed ) , Ollmoro City Inereime Paul A. I > ncli. KalrlUld , J.u-ol > Ilrown , Btemart. Original widows , oto MiiiBurpt O'Connor. Burlington , iJlary C Bherinun , Ollmore City. Colorado : lUntonitlon Charles W. Jall win. Denver. Increase William H. Coombs , Highlands. Ihsue of October 30 ; NellrasU : Supplemental Nnthaplel N Olllett , Crelgliton. Increase-Wesley Queen Lincoln Original widows , rtc. ( special Jso- vcmber 4) ) Margaret it. Hutler , Clreenwood Iowa : Original-Hugh A White ( deccnireel ) , Mount Ayr : John H. Cretorn. C'reaton ; Layton - ton I ) , Uentley , IJoono ; Jc-remlHli Jones , Nor wich. Addltlonul-Wllbcr McCabe , ilalvern. Itelasue Henry Heuer , Davenport , Original widows , etc.-Mary A. White , .Mount Ayr ; GROCERIES. cCordBrady Go. Itlth and Loiivctiwnrth St. Staple and Fancy Groceries , CCA AND COITEE ROVSURS , Etc. eyer & Raapke , VIIOLESAtn FINE GROCERIES I Teas , Spices , Tobacco and Clear * . 1403-1(07 Harnty Btrtct- and Paxfon Gallagher Go IMPOUTnilS. GAS COFPIJE HOAb'IKHH AND JOU111.VQ ailOCEHS. Talrphone 2SJ. HARNESS-SADDLERY J M'f'rs * r > COJ.LAIIS Jobbers nf feather , tmttillery Hardware , Hie , \Vo ollclt jour orders 1J16 Howard bt. HARDWARE. Wholesale Hardware , Omaha. e@ ° G9ark Wholesale Hardware. Hlcyclca and bportlne Goods. 1219-ai-23 Har tley strout. LIQUORS. oise & AVHOLESALH LIQUORS. . ProprlctorB of AMHUICAN CIGAR AND GLASS \VARH CO 214-216 boeith Htll St. er's East India Bitters Golden Sheaf Pure Rya and Dourbon Wh AVlllow Springs DUtlllery , Her & Co , 1112 Unrney Street- Wholesale Liquor Merchants , 1001 rurnnni Street. Wholesale Liquors and Cigars * 1118 Rirnani Stieet. WHOLESALE Wines , Liquors and Cigars. U3-41S 8. 15th Stieet. LUMBER WHOLESALE 814 South 14th Bt. Mary J llonn Spencer , Mary C HUBS , Dca Molnes , icHsuc' , Aliilia. H ite-r Hiir'.lnKton. Colorado Orleln.kl ( sjicclnl , Noveinher D.inlel Sullivan Horace. Incro.ifco Ocor e C Ste > | ) he > nHon , Oenvcr South n.iUota. Orlginul Klnlcy Ii Qri- ham , Ueii't'ord UlHllirll HfllKloilH SlTlCH A Rant , ' of lid ) boys wilch frotiiients thr- neighborhood of T tntjlxtli nnd Ienn - wortli strectH his made n practice- rccen Sunday nluhts of IntrrniptltiK the tervlcos of nearby chure-hc * KaMt night t\\ey \ \ lilt upon a conception of dovlllsh liiKenulty ton road COIIH em itlon iinoiig the nndlencit of n lu St. Mnry'H A\CIIII Contfn-K.itlonal ( inurch nnd only failed by nn incident It man thrlr pi in to admit u < at by a Hide dooi mUuay In the program and to follow It wl U a dot ; by the other In the hopn thit the two -would porno t s ther in the middle The cat , a larso black one- , was Hafily dc- jioslte'd In tin * iilBlc and tlu dos Iniil beer , conducted to thci head cf the oiitrunio stnlrs , \\hen the boyHire > InU-rru-ptid by < i latu- oo-ncr T.-m muno of the rlnehailcr win found to be frank n-norson , nnd this church oillc'-Tu Btitei that they illl bo oljllsed to rntcr complaint iiialnbt ; him .ml lib coin- punlona toJ.iy You can't cuie consumption but jou can a\old It and cure every other lurm ol throat or lunt ; tioublo by the use of Ono Minute Cough Cure. Three Hint llulili-x , Two orrliifT but oxce-edlngly sturdy Ameri can > outh were taken to the police station late Saturday night on thu churn" of Ituor- rlBllilllty , They \\era Ilalph mid Walter Cramer , 7 nnd 8 jcorn od ! T.icy vpre cauKht > V h a number of new pochcthooku In their a ot'ao fil ( > n which had been tahen from the block of the \V. It Dennett com pany. The boya have been readliiB too much bad literature and have or Kan I zed thtmnrlvea Into a ; for the annoyance of citizens and the emulation of Ml aourl outlaws. Yt-steraay Charlta Bnear , pf the maxuro a ' LUMBER : .W. Dietz , WHOLESALE AND HKTAlf. LUMBER Ome and Tare ! * . . . .13th nd California Fl Qeo. fl. Hoagland Wholesalt Lumber Lime , Etc. Oth and Uotigltta Stii , David Gole & Go , PACKHRS. KING COLE OYSTERS , CULRItY AND POULTRY. 1015 llonnrd St. OILr-PAlNTS aisif Go. MANUrACTUnEU3 Air Floated Afiiieml Paint And Pnlnl < if Ml Kln.ln . Putty. Etc. 1015 and 1017 Jonei SU fiandarc ! M 0 ® . J. A. Moffet , 1st Vice Pros. L J Drake , den Mgr . . . . OJL S. . . . Onfo.lnc. lurpcntlno Axle GrcnFP I2tc Omnlm Itrnnch nml AKi'iicles. John II Hutli Mkr PAPE.i-WOODiiNWARiJ : . Printing Paper , ing Paper , Stationery. Comer 12th and Howard trceu. Wrapping Paper , Stationery , \Voodcnwarc. 1107 Uarncy Sticct- SCIIUOL SUI'PLILS. Supply Oo , Publisher1 ? , JIanuracturers nnd Jobbers. The largest Supplj House In the West Corner llth nnd Hnrncy Streets SASH DOORS BLIND S. flattufaclurers of Sas/t , Doors , Blinds , Etc. 12tli and Iuvl Sts. STEAM-WATER .UP ! LIES. lOl.t-loiO IouiIas ) Strcot. Manufacturers nnd jobbcra of Slcnm. Gi > nnd Water Supplies of All Kinds. _ ; § 1 1 oS- no Hartley St. Steam Pump1) ) , Engine * nnd Hollers , Pipe , Wind Mills , Stenni and Plumbing Material. Ueltlnp , Hose , Ulc. 10YS AND FANCY GOODS. Hardyjg Co- s , Dolts , Albums and FANCY GOODS. Houie Furnlrhlnge. Children's Carrlmd , Eta. 1319 Parnum Street. YEA T BAKINGFOWD.-R I SI SInnufacturerH' celebrated "On Time Y'nst" nnd Qeirnon IJuklnf 1'owder. Satibfottlon guaranteed , 4301 to < fj2/ North 'J wcnty-ciglti Street. JAf iES E. OOYO & 00. , 'I'olcnlionc ioi ; ! ) . Oaiiilia , Nub COMMISSION , G RAIN , PROVISIONS aiulSTOCKS no MID oi' TiAiii Dlrcrt lreH to Chleaso ami New York. Correi-pondints. John Aurren & Co 01,11 COI.OM IIIIMIJ\i , OHK'Vt.O SIcmbi ru Chicago Hoiril of Trade tic- > Grain , Provisions , ml Jf. Y. Stocks Orders Ca h and Tuturo Ilellvcry Holi ( liuiiliii Ollli-f , HOOIII I , > , \ , I. If . , . , ' 1'llOlH1)111. ) . . . , ri.oin .1. u VIII'HIM , , Miinn c c i : j snu I'rcildent. Vice 1 re U W KKNNKV , Hecretary Ctirislie-Stfeet CommissiooCo Cnplllll H.-.O(100,0(1 ( , Pull ) I'llM SIOCKh , ( JU.VIY AMI I'llOV ISIOS- , 'II li-ltlllille KJl ) , ' . , . . , .Oimillll , > > -l' > of 0 yiars. vUlto ] tlu Jnll to me-uri comradeo' release , llu was ntognlz > another of iho cruvul und \\asl'ikttx Jugged Ho gave the Inform Ulon th.i' ' ' were seven other pockctbooka conce ileJ der u gutter culvert ut Seventeenth < > ' Cummg reels and an olllccr MUS ut rcco\cr thu 'booty , Head "Simon Dale" In The Sunday It you dou't take it , subscribe