PART III. HE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE PAGES 17 TO 20. ESTAttUSIIED JUNK 30 , 1871 , OHAIIA , SUNDAY MORNING- , NOVEMBER Id , 1897 TWENTY PAGES. COPY liMVE CENTS. DO YOU REALIZE THAT OUR IMMENSE TRADE AND OUR SURPLUS OF - READY i- . . . . . . CASH ENABLES US TO BUY AS CH EAR AS ANY HOUSE IN AMERICA I What Wanamaker is to Philadelphia What Marshal Field is to Chicago What Macy is to New York ( We carry the exact lines these firms do ) ' BTW i WBV W B I WBflfl BW BW FflfBRBflni Tomorrow , The Greatest CLOTHING Not only do we carry the. . finest and highest , grade pf goods in the city , but also the largest stocks sale over hold in America. and most varied assortment. People who formerly sent to New York and Chicago for fine goods 10,000 Men's and Boys' Boys _ & Children's buy them from us now , while those in surrounding towns look to us for everything they need. SUITS and OVERCOATS ON WINTER CAPS 16th and Douglas , SALE on our second floor. Wo nro now showing Omaha , AT EVERYTHING THAT'S ' NEW ATT In Boys' and Clill- Wile for Jour Catalogue Winter Caps , 1&LF & cAll c We point with pride to the fact that we nave- brought and still bring hundreds yes , thous. ands of strangers to Cmahato do their trading , and our house to-day throughout the "West- what to mtiinifncturo they coat is a household word and an exsmple of the Up-to-Date business world to the glory o ± Omaha. All fine , iARGAI high fjracle , custom made All worth double. WILL * ULLY BEAR OUT ALL THE ABOVE ASSERTIONS. garments 3OOO PIECES , Never before in it's , history was Boston Store equipped so thoroughly to do the HIGH Tor originality of conception novelty pf dc- -Inn ami artletlc cuccutlon o\ir li.its uro tincur- G-I&ADE jlinmipil You will al n5s llnJ them far tielow A manufacturer of ladies' 8uit9 and dresses retiring from business closes out to Business of Omaha as'it ' IB right now. A visit to our magnificent , second lloor will convince you that wo harotho Ideal us ' 'is ' entire stoek of dress goods Cloak stock nnd the iueitl millinery display for tomorrow' wo olTor 1,50D , Samples of the highest grado.of Ladioa'and Misses' Cloaks , Suits and Jackctn , boaght from Wrightmiui & Go. , 21 Wavorly Place , Now York : A. Froidlander Co. , 377 AT ONE HALF THE ORIGINAL B -oii'lvvav. Now York ; Ulutn Bros. . 82S Broadway , Now YorkRlchinitn , Schneider & Wolf , 5 Bond St. , Now York ; AshiU COST 2STew Silks and .Tacokol-2 Wavcrly Place , New York ; Benjamin Oaspary. 502 Broadway. Now York. 1 to import. Koinembor At .IiiHt Ono-Kiilf Tliftr CoHt lo .Mituiifiiuttirc. All ISxulunlvc S ( > I > K Only Olio ( in rim-n t , of ISnt'li Ktiul. tlicso are all High Grade all wool fabrics Satins at 21c Yard. 100 SAMPLE JACKETS , worth not less than 100 samples of Children's JACK13TS worth $7.50 , made of IJeavcr and Cheviot Cloths , 415.00 inntre of two-lone < l bouclc cloths fancy An elegant lot of Cheviots nml jilaln goods In nil the new Mi mica In fly front and bo\ fro t styles many $1.00 Imported Dress SOcWOOL DRESS Fancy Silks , China and or tlicm half silk lliml-Asorth $7.50 on plalila and mixtures beautifully trimmed Japanese Silk sale at $3.50 i. with brnld and ornainontr the cheapest or Goods 19c GOOBS 19c also elegant satins for three Jacliets could not be bought for ICFS than waists , trimmings and 250 SAMPLE JACKETS , \\orth not less than J15.00 on sale at 53.50 200 pieces of 50 inch , fine , 150 pieces of strictly all \vool fancy work , at 2lo yard $12 50 , of heavy Curled Boucle , all wool liign gi ado , imported French serges in lieaver Cloth and fancy rough effects 200 SAMPLE CAPES north $7.50 made of astraklun cloth , heaver blaelc , blue , brown , green and red. if 40 inch checks and plaid suit with fly front and high storm collars and chuvlot those made of astrakhan cloth are lined throughout bought in the regular ings , in two-tonedcITects , all nowjiolors , ! 30 pieces of dark worth $12.50 on sale at $1.98 and Interlined collars edged with Thibet Fur The other , nmny of colored thorn arc handsomely braided and jetted all good length and worth the way would not be bold ana regular 50o /a SATIN 1M SAMPLE JACKETS , worth not lessfi not less than $7.50 on sale nt for loss limn $1.00 quality tomorrow 19c { at BKOCADi the than $15.00 , made oC nil wool kersey , silky yard but tomorrow but only one dress ' , curled boucle , istru'.chan uloth , covert in dress goods du- liattern to a regular 7 ! > o quality for cloth and cheviots ; most of them nil silk partinont , at. . 4u ! ) yd. customur tomorrow only 38c yard linn ] , fly front and icetcr front , mlth hlsh t . * t * tf. ' A LW IB t i yjnynsBBfflP storm collars ; Impossible to be found else r where for less than J15.0on \ sale at Black Dress Goods at 59c Yard 40 pieces elegant . iOO bAMI'M ? CVl'KH Slrictlj fill Wool biietia 29c Black of the best Hngllbh Plush , worth $1001 All Figured Silks and $20.00 , plain or elaborately braided the Celebrated Gold Medal Btand with silk braid and jet many of them Black Novelty Dress Goods from this 300 pinces of All Wool Slik Finished and satins for dresses and funey made with new empire plaits all nicely reduced to Block they arcgnaran'ced holli in color Imported Henrietta , in nil the staple waists , in all the lined and Interlined high storm collars and edged with trlbet fur they will be ami wear they consist of a choice line colors , Including ' bhu-k Uicsu would bo latest combinations , 100 SAMPI.I3 JACKETS , worth not less sold In tittO lots $4.DS and $7.0. of a bargain to soil'in Hits IncliuleH hats that ixere 512 , Jlti & S18. patterns ; nvory yard regular wayatoOe. including small fig than $20Cfl , In all 'Jie ' new cloths , sniooth is stamped ures regular 81.00 and 150 SAMPLE SUITS , worth $30.00. made , rouKh effects , silk lined ' ' throiifraout , fly front reefer and Russian Blouse . . ( ) ( ) IlniiilHOiiic 'I'rliniiM'il Ha < HAll "Gold Medal" quality at-1'Jc bralJed , fur'trlmnicd or pl.Un , In nil thu ' , go " ' styles , In all the new weaves of covert All the latest Tnm O'Hlmntcrs , hinlUctl crown , the best earing goods yard , new" color nd iqtt'st styles ; any of these cloths , A\lil ] cords > and /t\ trlmnud wllh oHtilch tips , nlBrcttcs and oina- Jackets . - wouliMxPchcap nt $20.00 ' made on gaje-at cheviots , all the new rol-1 menth ors many of them a ] > silk 1 Really worth $5.00 Tomorrow , yard 12 pieces of high lined , skirt and Jnelkct I on sale at S2.88 $2.98 grade 127-inch black these suits \\onld be consul- cred $30.00 a bnrfiain at ( Kill Illl < N < ( > Ml-lCCt frillll $2.OO Imported Dress Satin on sale at $1-1. ' . ' . " . . In tlic newest colors , all new. nobby Bh.ipeg , 75c WOOL DKESS Bucliesse many of them \ehet ma lt liatn , trlmlned > vltu Goods at 98c 200 SAMPLE DlliSS SlCIUTS-WOrtll ' ' up OBtilch tlpi ami lone plumes GOODS worth 81 , uOo 173 samples of Russian Blouse JACKETS to $3.50 In fancy figured In this It at t are all the finest and , yard very worth 10.00 to $ .00 madeof Imported Drllllan tine beautiful On Sale at $5.00- 5.00 highest priced novelties from this pur Au elegant line of plain and noveltv Kcrtey Cloth In nil the new similes of checks anil plnlils , made In chase , such as imported Coverts , Eng dross fabrics , such as tufted Mohair 33 pieces of the blue , t'H.slor , bra MI , Kren and black .the latest btylo and good lish Meltons French , many of them Brimmed i\lth braid anil width , worth 53.BO. go nt Aigrettes Brondcloaths , Berlin twills , two toned suiting * and ctlff' < 1 with fur , lined with beautiful J1.89 Cuilod Hondo , MalPllntH * . Prunella C'kiths , Krench elegant new checks and shades of satin duc'hp-sp to mate tl ht worth 150 on sale Itfps and lu-al I.myreFH plait's ' , in all the latest ( Htlnf , ' and blon e li.n kiT" " " S3 Samples of Children's Fl'K SETS- Cluth In nil Hie lali'i.t fall shades would bo cannot be bought anjhero else in white curly lamb and angora fur , new at ac ilimlcs , nmons them are , a for thnn $3000 to $ Ia < K > on sale at fancy shaped muffs nnd scurfs , Aorth up Hunc or the llncst high bargain at 75c , on sale { 15CO and $19 CO . to $ .1.00 , on sale nt ? 1 25 rlrif > a no\iiltiR e\er Fhoun it nnurrow on bargain just rocnivcd by express , they are 1000 QUlXiliS In Omah.i tomorrow at 50) Bfimpks of CHlIwUItn 'S JACKETS ' 'JSc jnnl Uiuaro at IlOo yard. . . . nil new effects and eulors. fancy worth $500 , made of Irish Frieze , with the 175 SAMPLE Ft'R COLLAKETTKS- to select from in a'l stripes , new ri'ds , latest btyli ? emplie backs , .neatly tiImmed Canada and astrakhan fur made in 35 pieces of All Wool M.oreen Skirting now jrreen and new \ , 1th braid , all Plzes and' north not less the latcsi siapes very hlcrh rolling collar colors on sale at. . . ' thnn ? 5.00 , on bale at worth $7.50-on sale at $3.03. . . . . in black the ' b'uo , some of the Fancy Feathers only , most popu ar material lor ladies' handsomest 3JO . ' ' bilks siimpl < > s of CHIl.HURH'8 JAC'KlUJ& COLLAHETTES of genuine underskirts on sale elsewhere at 450 yard on over shown , at worth tmvs , J10.00 cl-ocks , mmle mill of durU'uiiil llKht mlx- Murtcn. HO nample seal skin and Persian la-mb , well Coque Feathers plulils.VinpIre of coat Stile Monday at yard OSe yard l nck , OIK ! hlMi storm collniH , worth not made and beautiful S.9S styles . , worth up to and Wings age leas than $10.00 , on sal nt $5.'S ! $ ; O.W , on sale at $ jjCTtra-TaBn gpgBrBff TO.aB imi B m vK ttsKKT r .sftTmif mKifisfiiijf--fmfitsK fsi aregygfragreTJS AT THE BUTTON DEFT. AT THti IiIiSTEN 2J&EFT & : 2 solid cases of silk finished Moire Rustle Taffeta Skirt 1,000 cards of rlalu and Mncy Pearl Buttons , In white , Lining , the best quality , Cc yard ; worth 15e . cream cad s nicked , go at 5c a dozen , worth 3Dc 10 pieces of all lineri Elastic Canvas for skirt stiffenIng - * 500 dozen medium and extra Urge sUe plain aind fanjy Ing , lOc yard I carved I'earl nuttons. In all sizes , stylis and patterns , go at IGc a dozen , worth up to ? 1.00 ; EOIIIO slightly Im Two bales best quality of whlto and giay Sheet Wad perfect i ding , at i'.ic sheet ; worth 5c " . r- 1,000 reels of Velveteen Slclrt Binding , In. . all colois , fl i - , 100 bolts pluln raid fancy heavy Twilled Scliela , extra I'/jc yard IT-'C , quality , lOc janl ; worth 20c HOO bolts plain and fancy Jet Thess Trimmings , 150 dlf- 5,000 yards best quality Crinoline . ferent htylcs and pattcias , go at 3' c jard ; worth up to for interlining. 3'/4c yard iJsC5 ccnt , . . g3 ? Bina 'ggzaa 2m agj5a ig sa5S2E23tg2 ! in 1 From RWRITFRSSAIF the II H LlllJUllu OrlJuM the Grand special t-alo of llannel slilrt , Tlio Slock of patteriitf , full \vo \ , all wool ll.ui- i nel hkirt pattenia worth SI,00 , U tomorrow only 4 ! > o each * All the fnncoahtraolian elR-ct0 ! 11 mnol skirt pattern * , worth H j $1.60 go at 7/ie / each H ( Scotland ) Ilorbart Plympton , Agent , All the fanuv donblo napped uwatn. ilo.vii llannol , sullabld for dro.SBinji back , Is romovetl to-llij AViishlngton Strent , Now Yorlc and Sold at PUBLIC and tea , in the AUCTION , by J , Cohen and Sons of Xuw York. It coiisLsti of Linnleuin. , { OWIIH tliuy are Cork Carpet nnd I-'loor ' Oil Cloth In all widths. HOSTON STORK with Us ovur jinw Porisiiin ollccts . ' and fanuy stripes , worth 23c , 'I e , at IGo.yil ready ciush captures the cream of thia glpiutiu sale , and wo offer All the lleoced baek wrapper tfft j flannel worth Ific , Oo { jo at bile yard ' ' . In Floor Oil Cloths , Linoleums and Oorlc Carpet over bcon in the wet-t. Fancy outing llannel iii H/lit { / of AH the best grades and dark colorb , all FrtuicU llannel ell'cotb , go Cork Carpet , which id acknowl edged the bountiful now puttuniB , worth up toi.60 Immense bargains in Cin yard some uro slightly damugcd on Best FioorSoveHngKiiown u , to.i Finnnel at 0 SAc , 50 , 7 , , thoodgea , others uro absolutely tound nearly acjiiartpr Inch tbtok. ofu-n and perfect , they till go in ono big lot at retails ut $8.00 n yard , jo tomorrow IOG and 12 0 yard Grand special sale jfwhite Fiannel at fgc a and Tills is n most extraordinary bargain , Absolutely and perfect i5c , g 350 yard. * * All the Oil Iminensa Birgiilii8 | in Glotb , Immense bargains in silk @il Cidfh Squares , i nbroidered white Fltnnel at All the Different Qualities. biiitablo for riife'b and under stoxes. 3Qc , 4Qc , 590 and 750 yard. no matter what the regular price is , y ai-o all sl/.os they jjo at they B ° t" tll'B pa' ' ° tomorrow at 59c Immense special hale ol I5c yd. paid , checked striped anJ per sq. . for the ' > ( pain , strict.y all \vno ) flanne , worth 250 , Monday - ' ASI the Stair Oil Oloth , IB inches wide , day as long as it lasts go at , per running yard 150 yard Boug-ht for $14,000 ' ' 200 BOYS' JUNIOR SUITS Ills fcors I 2,000 Bovs' and Child's ( to ir > ) in nmy und brown ft\ Reefers plaids and mixtures lI.S Boys' ' all wool Keofors in astrakhan with or without vests i ages 3 to 8 l/ . and chinchilla , with roofer collars , vel Hiado in juniors , vcsteo. middy , reefer vet collars or atorm collars. find plain donblo breasted styles , in 100 BOYS' CHINCHILLA ugea 8 to Jl ( worth up to ? 6 nlaln and fancy mixtures , in chuviotu , REEFERS-braidcdcol- * , goat unlinibhed worsteds , cuBsimcroa and 13 lars , yllt butloiin , a very KU ouneo blade , gray and brown clay warm and serviceablepar - llnxs'lilu'hest iriudo melton anil KERafY . . RE f.F K wortitodb ment go on sale at xgl ? niiidi- , hues 3 to IGyrx , uuitlii7.0u BOYS' STORM ULSTERS- $ P lloyh' all wiiol Ohio anil bioun MCI 8 to 20cavB . in ado of all wool Overcoats Frle/.o , Shotlunds and Chinchilla , Cape all 1'ulorn. h , nil wool jinnnitiul ciisshiu-iii livorv suit worth double the money. -1//J Or/JKC'O/17'S § 90 1 to 14 gsgoaszBiagsaESSEBaasurHffsgaTaazg sss e s sssffSEsis-s s sssssBsm THE FINEST SHOE'S THAT MONEY CAN BUY-ON SAIiE-TOMORROW- Ladies' From n linnl pifeMiMl iiiiiinifiu'titH'r we buy ii.nOfl jinlr of line White Wool Ladies' Hand Turn Wans' 75c Oruitiil ; iili'lh. These live I'roiii one of the leading mills anil are nil hlf'h class K and Welt Button Soil Sole no cheap , shoddy I5)an ) ! < els In thu lot. Slippers and Lice All of Ih3 ! ? . " > . < K ) strk'lly all wool whlto and Bcarlet Klauketrt In this lot.W SllOJS all 11-1 sl/.u , p > iit/il.S / ! per pair ' All the line strictly "II wool Cjilirorniu Ulunkets , i.-x'f/a heavy nml hofl.ft 59e 29c worlli $ " . . .0 , go n j ji.lvS : ) pair ) - / / * MADE BY All tin- best whitJ , Ki-u.v nml tluti-cl all wool Jlhjulii'tH , poiulictter at any fl QQ ' price ; ofl.-u ti'titlj us l\\x\i \ \ \ as > 1i.r ! > o pair toim > rrii\\a , ll ) ; ImrKstln nt ladies' FORD-of S4 < ix ii'ih * /AVil\ . . : . ' ' t Warm Rochester Ladies'$2,25 $ All the 'air wool bllver Kray UlnnUit , \ ivoulilK \ a iMi'pih at ? : t.r > o , go at $1,1 and All tlu > , HlanUi'ts , iniido ut the Davenport Woolen Mills ; .arriag ) liutton Ihoy rlfjlitiarl \ I in iMimlw atf."i.H ! ( ) a pair ; In silver , natural gray nnd of Rochester , L rich wood blown Mw ; th-y K < > at $ 'J..tS pair , liools Slidesj In alt * > > .atust , no\\est \ and bui ! . and Laca styles In fanuy voitlng tops line kid topa All Hie heavy It ? , Half ItlauUutK and olotli tops to retail at Five dollars u at $1.KS pair , . . . $1 oo pair- Blankets. On flry " All Sizes 59 A IMG SAlJlOiof manufac'turers second \Vhlto Cotton $1 j y i , r ' . . . Sale UJ r J ! All Widths All thu line soft er < : y Cotton BlaiiUetH , nellliiR rlthtyhen In Omaha at * % T.'ic , go at I'nu.l , . .i : ladies' ' U TO .1 All Toes mor JULJ All Styles All the extra Iwvy 11-J ! - wliltu ami Kray Cotton Blankets , worth High Cut Ladies' 50o ! ? ! . ( ) ( ) , go at T..e . pntr. row Tr All thu bust ( iiialftv wliltp , gray , tan and fancy strlpi-d Cotton IHun- Skating Ladies1 White Satin Sllppora . 81.00 Over Kels , worth § l Si a'uil LfiO , o nt H8o pair these are li-poiim ! weight. . . iiools LudlcB1 Purple Kid Strap SlipporH. . 1.00 Gaiters All tlu < finest iiulity | ( nitt'en huml luiotted Comforts , piuv1 white , Snow i Liidlub' Kanoy Fur Triininod Slijtpora 1-25 Fluke cotton llUhiKl.fl.7r > each , BAll < l.adlcs1 Red riatln Fur Trim'd Sllpjioi-B 1.50 19c 5159 All tlie baud knotted extra heavy Sllkallno Comfotts , worth . ' .50 , go . . . _ _ . . . _ sale of comfort. Oottou Battiiif , ' , pur hiiow white cotton , law rolls , MENS'S HEAL MEX'S ' TfA- per roll . , . , . , . . . , . . , , . . . . . . Ve vet ano Alligator m Immense barBUlus In Comfoit Calico , the new Brownie I'rluts , just tliu thing for comforts , north U'/jc ' , go at li'/ie ' yard . , , . . . , . . . Slippers ( , SO