Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Greatest of Activity Prevails Around the
Oonrt of Honor.
of Mnlorliil ntul Men on llnnil
anil Contrnrlorn titrnlnlnHT to
Tnkc AiUnndiKP of the
1-lnc Wcnthcr. I
i I I
Greater activity In construction has been
Jlsplayed on the exposition grounds this week
than at any tlmo lnco the work of prepar
ing for the great show was started. Work
on all the buildings.Is apparent on every
elde , The vexatious delays heretofore caused
by Mlltire to get'material on the ground seem
lo have been cntVrcly overcome and the sev
eral contractors are taking advantage of the
fine weather to push their buildings an fast
8 possible. As many men as can bo handled
ro craplojed on every building and every
man Is called on to do a full day's work. If
no delays are caused by threatened labor
troubles the next thirty days will ace the
crcater portion of the construction completed
In the main court.
The Manufactures building Is booming
After a long scries of delays caused by fail
ure to get material from the lumber men Contractor -
tractor Strchlow Is making flno progress and
the roof of the building Is now going on ,
The hugo trusses which F < MII the wide space
between the tall pouts lormlng the Inside
support of the galleries are being placed In
position. The trusses are framed and ready
to bo raised to their resting places , which
work will occupy several dajs. The car
penter vvoik then remaining to be done be-
lore the building will be entirely under
roof will be completed within a short time
The staff work on this building Is crowd
ing the carpenters. The Interior of Iho main
entrance dome ban boeu completed and the
Ecurfoldlng which has prevented a view of
the handsome ornamentation , Is being re
moved. The plasterers are working on the
walls of the galleries , and the cast wall
and a portion of the south wall are covered
with ono coat of plaster. Several gangs of
lathers and plastcicrs arc at work In these
gallcrlett , and the entire Interior will bo
covered within a few days The staff on the
outside of the building Is being put on rapIdly -
Idly , and several men are at work "point-
Ing up" the work , tilling the Joints with
plaster so that thu walls and columns present
an unbroken surface Several gangs if plas
terers arc covering the plain surfaces on the
outsldo of the building , and the Indications
are that the staff work will bo completed
by the tlmo the roof Is on the building.
On Hit ) other buildings good progress is
being made and every advantage Is being
token of the pleasant weather. The Mines
building will bo ready for the staff workers
within a short tlmo , but none of the other
buildings are far enough advanced to this
part of the construction.
The piles for the Art building are bolni ?
driven and those for the cast section of thla
building aic nearly all In the ground.
The Government building will bo com
menced very shortly. The carpenter and
staff conductors are In the city' making ar
rangements for commencing work , and thej
will start on the building just as soon as
the mater'al can be obtained The contract
for this building went to George Moore &
Eons of Nashville , Tcnn. , and the staff con
tract was sublet by them to a man named Al
exander of Memphis , Tenn. These parties had
the contract for the government bulld'ng at
the Nashville exposition and It Is said tlut
they completed It In a veiy satisfactory man
ner. George Moore , one of the firm , and Mr
Alexander , the staff contractor , are In the
city and are making their arrangements to
Btiirt work as soon as possible Thej saj
they will take every possible advantage rf
the flno weather and will have the bulldlni ;
under roof by the latter part of Januarj
unless prevented by severe weather.
The government officials are anxious to
have the building under cover as soon as
irosslble so that the exhibits now at Nashville
can be shipped here as socn as possible nnd
JOT this reason the contractor Is being pushed
Jo complete the building as soon as circum
stances will allow.
The Ilcal Ebtato exchange held a special
meeting at the Commercial club at noon lo
receive the report of the special committee
appointed to make all necessary arrange-
inents for ttio Texas trip. The report was
piado by Ctnlrman Green and W. G. Snrlver ,
ono of the committee ot four. The members
of the exchange were highly gratified at the
encouraging nature of the report anJ em
phatically endorsed the action of the speclil
committee and of Ihe exposition management.
'A general dlsciibttlon ensued regarding the
Details of the trip and the great good thai
twill result to the exposition from such a
rflslt of a representative delegation to tdc
Cities of the south. Messrs. Green and
Bhrlver spoke of some of the details which
bad been formulated as to the manner of clls-
eamlnatlng exposition Information along the
route and at the Te\as end of the trip and
these outlines met with favor and appioval
from the exchange. The special committee
Vas enjoined to continue Its energetic work
end was assured of tbo hearly co-operation
Cf the exchange.
Tiio special committee of the Real Estate
cx'chango having In charge the details and
Averjthing pertaining to the Texas trip con
sists of W. II. Green , chairman ; Alvln S.iun-
ders , Gcorgo P. Hemls and W. G. Shrlvci
'All ' communications regarding the matter
rhould be > addressed to the chairman at his
offlco In I' o Karbach block.
Illinois' UnllilliiK.
Tbo Illinois n.x-osltlon commission has had
cuts ir.ado of the building which will be
erected by Illinois on the bluff tract
the exposition grounds overlooking :
ho rlvci and the bluffs on tbo Iowa
elile. These cuts 'show that the build
ing will be colonial In style and a
very handsome structure , two stories In
height , with broad balconies on every side
and with a massive central portico extending
out from the main front of the building , thereof
roof being supported by tall columns. The
dimensions of the main portion of the build
ing will bo 44xlGG feet Including Iho porticos
nnd balconies , the building will cover a space
CCxlSO feet , and the top of the Mat dome
/which / rises from the center of the stiucture
( will bo 115 feel from the ground On the
tna'n Hoar will bo an assembly hall , 25x30
feet , two stories la height , surrounded by
a balcony. Lingo olllco rooms will a IHO bo
provided on the main lloor and also a ban
quet room , 1Bx36 feet. The rotunda will
Jiavo a mosaic lloor with the Illinois ccut
of arms In the cuntnr. From the rotunda
iwlll spring the grand staircase , leading to
the second lloor , where It Is proposed to
utilize ornamental and color effects to the
best advantage. ,
' ConcM'NNlon mi KrrlKlit lluten.
The Department of Transportation has re
ceived ofllclttl notice from Chairman Mldgley
of the Western Joint Traffic bureau that at
the meeting held November 2 It was decided
( bat lines In the association , Including
Whether Itching , burning , bleeding , ecaly ,
crusted , pimply , or blotchy , whether simple ,
scrofulous , or hereditary , from Infancy to age ,
Bpcedlly cured by vranu baths with COTICOIU ,
BOAI- , gentle anointings vvllhCuricunAoIiit- (
snent ) , the great sUn care , and mild doses
or CirricoBA RESOLVENT , grealcat of blood
purifiers and humor cures.
Ii u4 ! throughout th worl . FOTTIB Dice IXD Cniu.
Coir . & > lt Pr p , IlMtoa .
ar 'UovloCur * ffrr Diced Humor , " frt .
twenty-throe roads In the middle state * ,
* ouM rxltnil to the Trn ml8 lMlppl Expo-
nltlon the same rates granted to the WorM'i
fair , beltiR full tariff rates on the going
uhlpmcnt and free return of All exhibits over
routes first used to point of original ship
Kxnci'Tivu uiMMiiTTr.i : MIUVTIMI.
-Sl > IP of the omclnl 'I'll IP of tlir Arclil-
"lp | ' ( IN CliimUPiI.
The executive committee of the exposition
held an adjourned meeting yesterday nftcr-
noon for the transaction of regular business.
Under the rule adopted Wednesday the meetIng -
Ing was behind closed doors.
Manager Iloscwater presented a blrd'n-cye
view of the main court of the exposition
grounds made by R. J. Austen , the artist
who made the official blrtl's-eyo viewof the
cntlro grounds. The drawing shows the main
court as eccn from an elevated point just
cast of the Machinery building. The main
buildings and theln connecting colonadcs are
shown on n largo scale- and the lAgoon with
Its handsome bridges Is shonn In the middle
foreground and distance. The members of
the committee were very favorably Impressed
with the drawing and Mr. Hosewater was
authorized to have tho. largest filzo half-tone
engravings made from It. He wan also au
thorized to have pen and Ink drawings made
of both blrd's-eyo views for publication In
newspapers. ,
At the request of Manager Klrkcndall the
official title of the firm of Walker & Kimball -
ball , the architects \vho lm\o had charge of
the designing of the main buildings , was
changed from supervising architects , the
capacity In which Mr. Klrkcndall was au
thorized to employ them , to that of archl-
tocts-'lii-clilcf and this will bo their
designation hereafter. Mr. Klrkcndall was
also authorized , nt his request , to open nego
tiations \\lth Walker & . Klrnhalt for their
services as suppr\lslng 'architects. A call for
the records of the committee developed that
Mr. Klrkcndall asked and1 was granted au
thority Ito employ C. H. Walker as supervis
ing architect and that he subsequently re
ported that ho had emplojed him In such
capacity , the record being afterward
amended tti show that the llrm of Walker &
Ktmball had been so employed. In support
of his request that the olllclal designation
of these architects be changed to architects-
in-chief , Mr. ! said ho had made
a contract with them to act as arcliltects-
ln-chlcf and tint It had been understood be-
ween the architects and himself that thej
nero to have nothing to do with supervising
ho construction of the buildings. After dis
cussing the matter the request of Mr. Klrk
cndall was granted , but the vote \sas not
Mr KlrKcndall was granted authority to
) rganlzo a boaid to have charge of the plnc-
ng of the insurance on the exposition build-
ngs and to lm\c control of the fire depart
ment on th grounds Ho slid thit this was
i matter of gloat Importance whlr-h should
> o placed In the hands of c\p"r a I'lio
Chief Ilnlell and Christian Hnrlman , in In
surance expel t , had volunleTei to son" as
iiemtcrs rf Mich Loird without exoenso , and
10 believed that Building Inspector Duller
\ould al = o seivo In th same waj. He WJB
authorised to organize these into such
a board * If they would serve
Prof. C. II Ulclnrds of Iho Unlverslt > of
Nebraska will vUlt makers of stationary cn-
gi"cs as the representative of the Depart-
ncnt of Hulldlngs and Groulu. .
Manager Keel was authorized to enter Into
a contract with George V. Stlth or Chicago
or a concession to bo known as the Afro-
\merlcan villtge. According to the ex-
lUuatlon made by Manager Heed this con
cession \f\ll \ be a reproduction of a t > picnl
southern plantation 'befoh dt < sah. ' v , Itn all
hu accessories In the way of cjiiulno plan-
ation negro s In their cabins , with cotton
Iclds , tobacco lands and other characteristic
agriLultuial features , and Illustiatlng the
: in > amusements necullir to the = > e people
ly entertainments furi'lshed by tN > desr-enJ-
ints of the most care free and pleasure lov
ng people this country has ever seen.
The office of the Nebraska Expos'tlon com-
nlsslon has been removed to the Millard
lotel , the old quarters In the Dcllone hotel
annex having been vacated In accordance
with the actlun of the commission The
room on the main floor formerly occupied
by the Republican State league Is to be the
now ofllce , and the belongings of Iho com-
nleslon have been placed In the now quar-
ers and the attaches arc at home to call
ers. The change \sas made because the old
quarters could not be heated without con
siderable cxipoQse , and heat is supplied In the
new locallon vylthoul any more expense lhan
vas paid for r nt lu Ihe old place.
Thb statement of the bookkeeper of the
tate commission shows that on November 1
he state fund of $100,000 had been reduced
> y $10,83459 , leaving a balance of $89,16541.
Pho expenditures were composed of the fol-
owlng Items' Salaries or officers and em-
ilojcs , $1,09808 ; furniture and fixtures ,
115904 ; ofllco supplies , $26565 ; construction ,
; 4,39S55 ; agricultural exhibit , $59338 ; apalry
exhibit , $56.77 ; poultry exhibit , $21.15 ; live
stock exhibit , $3232 ; postage. $50 ; space ac
count , $3,560 25.
The Nebraska building lias been covered
with "sheeting" the cornice line and
athcrs aio engaged In lathing Iho Interior
ireparatory to plastering The trusses for
he roof aad dome are being framed and the
'upper woiks" of the structure v\lll soon bo
In evidence.
Small pll. ! Fofo pill , nest pill. Dg Witt's
Little Early Risers euro biliousness , consti
pation , SLC bradache.
Thee Inice Sliorr Iilmltfd.
Nothing that the Ingenuity of man has so
far pioduced tx > thoroughly Illustrates the
wonderful advancement in car comrttruct'on
as the equipment of the Lake Shore's new
Limited train , which leaves Chicago every
riViv nt S30 ; n. m.
To Boston and New EugMnd passengers :
All of the luxurious appointments of the
Lake Shore's new Limited are at the dis
posal of travelers to Boston and Now Eng
land points without cut a charge.
The Limited leaves Chicago every day at
5.30 p. m , reaching N'evv ' York at C 30 p. ra. ,
Boston 9.05 p. m. , next day.
B. I' . HUMPHREY , T. P. A. ,
Kaneis City , Mo. ,
C. K. WILUEn , Ass't 0. P. A. , Chicago.
rernomill > Comltictcii Kvi'iirnloiiH < o
Leave Omana every Friday , 3-30 p. m. , reach-
lug San rrauclsto Monday , 0:45 : a. in. Cor
respondingly fast time to Southern Califor
nia. Twelve hours quicker than any other
Pcreonall ) Conducted Excursion Route from
Missouri Rirci.
City Ticket Oillce , 1302 Farnam Street.
Subscribe foi riio Sunday lice and read
Anthony Hope's great slorj "Simon Dale. "
IlorU Tamil ) In llml fix.
Conrjcl BctU , now confined In the city
Jail on a si-rlous charge preferred by his
daughter * , Jull.i and Mlnnlo Deck , has four
other uhlldion living at Twenty-seventh and
SpauldltiR streets , who tire at present with
out a protector or any ono to provide them
with food Tlio mother of the children died
last summer Slnco the arrest of Deck he
lias been held lu $1,200 bonds on both
charges lodged by Ma daughters. He has
thus fur failed to secure the nmount re
quired. The two glrH arc also locked up
In the matron's depirtment ( it the statloa
Thcro Is uo > > eed of llttlo children being
tortured by sold head , eczema and skin
eruptions. Do Witt's Witch Hazel balvu
gives Instant relief and cures permanently.
The follow Ing marriage licenses wore Is-
bued yesterday :
Name and Address. Ago
James S. Dumps , North PHtte. Neb. . . . 3S
Nollle G Austin North Platte , Neb . 2 !
duties C HutiKiite , Omali.i . 21
N 1'crlo Oelilltrce , Omaha . 2
John S. Johnson Underwood , la . St
Wlnlfroil d.jrtnr , Underwood , la. . . . 3 (
Clmrletf Kielm , jr. , Qmnhn . , 2 :
Johanna Vo t Omaha . 21
Edward P , Kennedy , Onmli.i . . . 2'
Canlo Whitney , Wjmore , Nib . 25
ui-utii or Mm. n. i , . "AIICII.
The death of Mrs Kilo , Lyon Allen oc
curred at her home , No. 2019 Webster street
at 10 o'clock last night. Her husband. It. K
Allen , and her eon , CI , . Allen , both of this
city , mirvlva her. Mr * . Allen VVIIH u prom
inent niumbrr of the l * . 1 } O society aiu
had just returned from a trip In conncctloi
with trial order , Bho had been elected vice
president of the supreme chapter at the recent -
cent national meeting of the society. Mrs
Allen was 43 jenrs old and had been ill only
one week.
Subicrlbo for The Sunday flee and rei <
Anthony Hope's great itory "Simon D U ,
Two High Officers of the Order Make Orpnlm
a Visit.
Mn > or MooroM Welcoiiii-n the DUtlii-
KulRhril Vlxllnrii to tlip ) _ ( )
\VIII Ccrlnlnl ) Hilu r.vlilcnce
I nt the r.xiiitxltloii.
The Knights and Ladles o ( the Maccabees
icld high festival last nlRht In Metropolitan
hall In honor of a couple ot dlstlnguliihcd
visitors to the local tctitn and hives Jlon.
D. P. Markey of Port Huron. Mich. , supreme
commander , and George J. Sclglo of New
York , grand record keeper of the state of
Now York. The guests nero given a royal
reception , the auditorium bcliiR nilcd with
members of the two orders and their friends.
When the entertainment was begun the
two visitors were seated on the stage with
he following companions ! Mayor Frank
2. Moorcs , J. L. Kaley , Pclcr Jacobs of
looper , deputy aupremo commander , Frank
Johnson and Henry W. Yatcs. They wore
nankcd by uniformed guards of both the
( nlghta and Ladles of the Maccabees. W.
1. Smith was the master of ceremonies.
The early part of the evening was spent
n the enjoyment of an excellent literary
and musical program. The music was fur-
ilshcd by a stringed orchestra and by Mrs.
\my Hopkins , who sang a couple of very
acceptable solos. These selections were Inter
spersed with a number of addresses. The
speakers were Mayor Prank U Moores. J.
L Kaley , Ocorgo F. Sclglo and Mr. Markey.
Mayor Moores In his capacity of chief
cxecutlvo of Omaha welcomed the two vlslt-
ng knights to the city and Incidentally
iralscd the efforts of the local members to
secure proper representation of the great
order at the Transmtsslsslppl exposition. {
The response vvna made by Mr. Kaley who
auded highly the merits of the order of
vhlch ho has bccomo a recent member.
The two visitors also devoted some por-
lens of their remarks to the order of which
they are the heads. In the course of his ad- j
dress Supreme Commander Slirkoy stated I
hat Hio order would most assuredly be rep-
esented well at the coming exposition and ,
u fact , would aim to bo at the head of any
secret society display that was made.
At the conclusion of the program an ex
cellent supper was bcrved by the Lidlcs of
1m Maccabees. Hy the time the feast was
concluded the llcor of the hall was cleared
of the chairs Lind then for some hours the
ncmbers and their frlciide enjojod a dancing
Knights Markey and Selglo arrived In the
cits 'I'1 ' ' the middle of jcsterday afternoon
I'hej were somewhat delajeil In coming and ,
therefore , the local committee found no op-
) ortunlt > of taking them out to theexposl -
lon grounds. One of the objects the local
ncmbers sought to attain from the visit
was the securing of an appropi latlon from
ho board of directors of the order for ap-
iropriato representation on the exposition
; rounds , a matter they have been agitating
or some time They seem to lliave succeeded
u this , even If the vlsltois did not have an
opportunity of seeing what progress had been
niclo In the building of the exposition , for
Mr Markey last night said to a representa
tive of The Dee :
"The order will undoubtedly make some
sort of an approprlitlon for a proper shovv-
ntf It Is an opportunity that Is not to bo
overlooked. I do not as jet know just how
ho order will be represented H Is my Idea
hat all secret orders should Join In the erec-
.lon of a big building , each to have space In
t. Tnat , however. Is > i matter to be sctlled.
it Is assured that tiio Maccabees will be on
land. " t
The two odlcers are on a tour of the west
n the interests of the order. They will go
almost to the coast. They leave the city this
SUCH II UroKrn IttiiiU.
The Deerlng Ilarvestei company of Chicago
cage has begun suit In the federal court
against Albert n. Watklns , receiver of the
First National bank or Alma , whloh failed
on January 7 last , to recover $2S2 The
h.uv ester compiny nlh-Rcs that the bank
collected that amount of money from farm
ers on notes Klven It for collection mid
hut the olllccrs put the money Into the
bank funds Instead of turning- ovci.
The Parish Aid of Tilnlty cathedral will
conduct a market sale on the three remaining
Saturdajs of Ihls monlh in the Gardner Me-
uorlal Parish house. Hours from 10 to 1 ,
with luncheon at 12.
Frank Vodlca , the tailor , has moved to 101
N. 15th , McCague block.
Palmer House , Grand Isl'd , Nat Drown , pro
\i. i VH vcitTi'iis.
T J. Zollars oC Denver Is a visitor in the
George W. Holdrego left jesterdaj for
L I ) nichaids of Fremont wat. In the city
n\-Attorney General Hastings of Crete Is
In the city.
Hon. James W. Dawes of Crete arrived In
Omaha last night.
W. Ulnley of this cltv TV 11 ! bo absent for
a short tlmo in Colorado.
Charles A. Pfelffer , a St. Joseph contractoi ,
Is ono of Omaha's visitors.
Congressman J. 1) . Strode was In the clt >
for a short time jcstcrday.
Mayor Prank R. Jloores and W. N. Dab-
cock went < o Lincoln jesterday.
Sheriff McDonald returned yesterday fiom
an extended trip out In the state.
Charles Lane started yesterday on a short
trip in the western part of the state.
State Senator J. D. Pope of Friend was
another of the cltj's guests jesterday.
Mis. M. A. JJrown has returned home
after a visit with her children In Newton , la
H. A. Thompson of the firm of Thompson
& Hcldcn left for the cast last evening on a
business trip.
Charles G Steele and F. A Grossman , a
couple of capitalists from Doston , arrived In
the city jesterdaj1.
n. P. Ives , a prominent grain dealer of
St. Lawrence , S. D , was In Omaha for a
few houis jesterday.
John Langtry , superintendent of bridges
and construction of the Union Pacific , loft
for the west jcstcrday on a hunting trip ,
D. P. Markey of Port Huron , Mich. , supreme
premo commander of the Knights of the
Maccabees , arrived in the cltj ycstcrdaj and
will leavn today.
M L McWhlnncry of Hastings , J P.
Dalley of Lincoln , Wood W. White and II ,
I } . McCrary of North Platte and Mrs. P 13.
Burgess of Mlndcn are Nebruskans at the
The following stockmen , from Sundence ,
Wyo. , are In the cltj' John H. Hawken ,
J. D Mulholland. A. 0. Danks , W. H. Baker ,
C. Weeks , A. 13. Scott. A J. Meeks. H
Kckereon , F. Plersonn , Ilarfoot , William
Thompson , A. Howes and N. H. Daker.
John Patrick returned jestordaj from r.
hunting trip lu the neighborhood of the Yel
low stone park. IU > has been absent about
six weeks and has met with excellent suc
cess Among his prey were c-untcd elk ,
moose , antelope and Hocky mountain sheep.
N'cbrasK.ins at the hotelsJ W Dell , C
D. Reynolds , Llnco'n : A. P. Ducklej , David
Cltj ; W B Archer. Waboo ; John R. Wertz ,
Chappi'll ; F , M. Lewis and wife , Hejnoldb ;
I ) . O. Glfllit , Wesl Point : Lincoln Applegate
Horshcj ; , \ . Darnott , McCook : F U Van
Wlckle. York ; Frank Campbell. O'Neill : P.
U. Wallenhaupt , North Plattej Mrs C Val-
eiitlne , MUs Jameson , Nlobrara ; J. H Mono ,
hau. A. J. Abbott. Hjannls ; C. H. Aller ,
Nellgb ; Prank S. Young , Crete ,
At the Millard : A. L. Gere. Chicago ; a
H. Judah , Chicago ; H. G , Mlannay , New
York ; P. A. Leland , Kansas Cit > : J. J. Webster -
ster , St. Louis ; L. Schwab , Jr. , Now Ycrk
M. C. Drown , La Sallr111. . ; J W. Walker
and wife , Jersey City ; Gpoige H. Kemlcrly
Chicago ; Mrs. P. P. Nuter , Chicago ; 13. H
McCIcverj * . Nen York ; Norman Lvssb , New
port ; W. II. Preston , Sioux. C'ity ; 0. G. Etu'e
Doston ; P. W , Grossman , Doston , L. D
Richards , Fremont ; II. K. Smith , St , Paul
J. M. Dell , Lincoln ; J , 0. Massey , Ilawllnu
J. B , Houtz * Lincoln. . , ,
vori > n rou o qi nu101. . vim.
Totnl Vnlr In < li Piipnlnr Cnnlrni t'l >
Till Tlinnutii ) Mglit.
The following lain nummary of Iho total
vote nt the clo < < o hf the poll Thursday :
Anna McNamnra . .7327 Lna KniR IS
.ipMlc Dleklnoon . tf I'tnrl KVHIH ! s
Annette Kmlley . , ( wo Bncllc Alexander . . . 38
lllnll * Atitrfwnlrt SAIS May Cralr ! 6
Annn Heynood 3 12 Florence 'lukey . K >
Adnllne N h . Jt 6 Prance' Downey . . Z4
OeniKln Kruc I i&o Maggie Uoran . . 21
MafKle Polej . SWsFKrence llathrlck . , IS
Mildred Httrhtnron 1 071 Anna CloldMeln . 21
Mae Hohlimn 4 I.IMI Punchln ORleM > y It
Myrtle Meredith 11V Ml Hurnett . 10
Kmmn llrnu . . . . . l COT limtna Dnlil . . . . 14
Carrie Vodlcft * 19 | Villa 11 Shlnpey 10
Plosjle Itomntn S17M | > r aret Curtln . . 19
Jennie ( Irnltam 116 Laura M Klfhfr . . 19
Irene Iljrne 770 Irene Hwaln . . . 15
Pr da Ixing . . . 751 Ixittle Hhaldn . IS
Knte O llanlon C61Altn | 1'encock IS
Anna Tall . . . (11Kittle , Iwinrence . . 18
Lena Ilehrelil K l\n Cope 18
Mae llartletl . . & 75 ( Irnce Allen . . . 18
Lllllnn D. Terry 4S6 Knte llollowny . . . 18
Mnbel Taylor 4Vl'lleMcr ' Tajlor .1 . IS
Iclnlla Weed 47S Kiln Illne 17
Marie Buslcrlc 4)3 ) Cora Htralt i 17
Jennnrttc ( IreRK 413 Mm It. II Mulforil 17
Gertrude Koumze 408 Mini Ilocksteln . 17
Helen Mlllnril SCO.or Hooker . . . . 16
Nellie llrese . 3'.0 Pnnnle Nellfon . . . 16
niltabclh 1'nrrotte 330 7.enn keeper . . 16
Nellie lllilne . . . Ill Clarn I.cimann . , Id
Amy OeriihnnH . . 272 Jennie Jnbonlsk > . , 18
I.iurix M Morre. 2(14 ( llattlc Cle\es . . . . 16
Mnbel Nelson SCO Orncc Drown . . . 16
AsneH M > ers . . 23 < Delia Mnrnell . . . 16
Stella Vodrlo 2(1 ( Alice i : Welter. . . 18
Mlldrtd minion ZJG Illrdelln Shearer . . U
iilinbcth Phllllpn . 218 Atln StelgiT . . . .t lo
Mm H 11 Corjcll 212 I.ulu 1'ejcke . 15
Hadle Htonc 501 Julia l. > nch . . 14
Ixmlrp Hpad > , I7h l.vnn lurtl * 14
M > rn Auatln . 163 M > , M J. llrntnnnl 14
Maile Arm tiunK 111 NJ'n ' Mcw\iloo . 1
riorencc Vlvlnn HO Ueorgln Tcnntrry. . 14
Helen IlniiKlnn.l . m Mr llurrls 14
1'aullne Lone 1C Annn Arkulth . . . . . 14
Clarn Clnrkwn 141 nnmm reennn . 13
Com llnttellc 114 Annn Peters . 13
Minn Andre * 127 Katltutlm * llamlln. . 13
Horn \Vtb ter . . . 120 Cloldle llctts 13
Clnrn IteillnRcr 118 MlV. . Howe . . . 12
Mulid Vnuslm . 101 lluelnh rieniniltiR . M
l'lo > Jonts . 102 Mrs 11 C. llrown . 12
Anna Xonluall . m Minnie Neal 11
Mrs a 1' Morpe 11 Okn Clcunuiter . 11
Abblc ( Sriij 'is Plotence Kllpilrlck. 11
Kelmn npenetei . BO Annie Kuen . . 10
Tennle I'm it . M Urllne Jester 10
Mr * 11V Hnlle > 19 Adda rnnnnn . . . . 10
I.cnn Hn'tUnn . 77 Mnbel 1'ncknrd . . . 10
Clnrn 1'nlmer 77 loul-c Met ? 10
Dell Axtcll . . 72 r.llznbeth Pont . . . 1(1 (
Tin lisa Mlnlku * 74 Mm \ * e Krntz . . 10
Mr M P Avers. CS IMIlh Ponl . . 10
MirleVoodanl Cl Mr * 11 P. Strinicr 8
I > tlier Mndrtrom . . ra Huclmel Chtmlton. . 1 >
lllrclle 1'ouell . . . rs Mrs Chnc V ou e . 9
lulu HelnrlcUs . rs I.uclnda Gamble . . 8
I < uo I'nrrlFh . . . . r.7 Minnie lUiiKluud . . b
/.elmi Plemlnit . n IHttlc Spern . . . 8
Alberta Woods f4 Katie S artzlandcr 8
Ploretitc Campion . . C4 I.aurn Smltlt . . 8
lllltli Miner f3 Iluth Snnmlen S
IHlla .li.nfi . . M Sadie Hummel . . . 8
llo'e Marumber . 43 bell VoRnl . . 8
nthel VVIIklns . . 43 Marlam llrown . . . 8
imll Wuiclinm . . . 42 Minnie llerlln . . . 8
Thora Ijlnil trom 42 Oince nrimn . S
Miuiil lolmson 40 MlK8 Donaldson . . 8
C Hell Cole 40 Anna Ahlstrom . . 8
l.Mm heselke . . . 31 Minnie Harkint . 7
Maud llrottii . . . Zj Ploretice htlllwater 7
IMni Wnt'on . 3S Miss Tn > lei . 7
Mnuil I'llli . . . . 37 Kinma Andornon 7
Mio I'ulxer . . . . 37 Mis P VV White. C
May Michaels . . . . 37 Susan W.ilker . 6
Anna Sblverlck . 30 Hesslc Vrlulit . . . 6
i\.i C Snvles . . . 34 Cljdc 111 mclinnl 0
MnrBTret Heed . . . 31 Mrs Ororre Mcrctr 6
Knte McVlttle . . . . 32 Pdlth 11-cKmnn . . n
Plotenco Morse . . 30 llll/abclli I'eeve . . C
Plounce Hn/nnl , . * ! 0 Uiura I. < v I G
llessleodrnkn . . . 29 Kdllli Duhlstrom . . D
lllnneli HmiRnte . . 2S Hlanci CrnlK G
The follow Ing have four votw each Ualsj
IViiUei , Lucv Sliourup , Minnie Sommers ,
Mvrtle Spencer , Cmma Uoblnson , Geoigla
Richards , ' .Mrs. William Nnsh , Helen Marks ,
Pern Marty , Desslo CunnnltiRo , Katie Hrandt ,
HcrHia Allen , Veia Flemmlns , DnillyMkc -
ley , May New ton.
The follow Ing have three votes each : Anna
Wevnmn , Clara Thomas , Ine ? To\vnsend ,
Susie Smith , Helen Powell , Uffle Moxlnm ,
Mrs. R. iR Ijivvrence , OPJ H. Johnson , Anna
Julius , Mrs. Charles Gore , Mra R L , Deane ,
Nellie Cyler , Mav Bonuci , Mabel Dennett ,
Ulrdle iHlrkett , Hannah Ilurnam , Marie
Balloy , Grace Akin , Anna Goldstein , Maggie
Wilson. Jessie Sawhlll.
Tno following have two voles each' Llz7lo
Walsii , Emma Thompson , Lillian Mullen ,
Julia Jones. May Hobbs , Dlanch Grimth , Jes-
slo Gillies , Lulu Edwards , Mrs. A. Darlow ,
Llrzle Drumming , Lou Ulsbrow Mai Collins ,
Viola Conin , Mrs. Charles' Draluard , Battle
Darton. |
Ono vote each : Mary Sampson , Neva
Turner. Emma Monzlngar , Rebecca I'saac-
stcln , Mlnnlo Collett , Llllle Jorason , Minnie
Hanson , Mrs. J. Krage , Miss Edna Martin.
South Omaha has a errlrited contest for
"maid ot honor" Iq the Queen ot the Carni
val. Not less than thirls-four of the Magic
Cit > 's fair daughters arc seeking the coveted
honor. Al the close of the ballol Wednesday
Miss Maggie Murnhv leads by Iwelve votes ,
with Mlscs Alma Calkins and Ethel Honey
close competitors. Tile Interest In the vote
is 'Intense.
The total number of votes cist In The Dee
contest to date Is 07,916 nnd the ballots are
coming In at the rate of from 1,000 to 6,000
pel Uav. Many are being mailed , from Iowa
and Minnesota points , as well as from differ
ent cities and towns In our own state This
is a fair Index of the popularity of "The Bee
Ballot. "
The "Independent" voting contest for maid
of honor al Giand Island Is a very Inlcresl-
Ing one The number of ballots casl are In
creaking each day , Ihe vote of Wednesday
exceeding bv seventy votes the whole num
ber previously cast. Miss Lena McCombs
leads Miss Kalle Matthews by the nanow
margin of five votes while Miss Ueithd
Gulou is a close thiul.
The Insurance clerks will call a meeting In
a few days for the purpose of organizing u
Carnival club.
The High school cadets are contemplallng
the oiganlzitlon of a Carnival Drill club ,
with .1 series of evolutions on skates as an
attractive feature This club will be a largo
one.A number of the joung people on Capitol
avenue , Dolgo and Douglas stieets , In the
vicinity of the High school , are getting In
roidlness for the Carnival and will have a
club of about forty members
A mcotinq : of s'udcnta of the Commercial
college will bo held this afternoon for the
purpose of organizing a T boggan club
Forty-flvo students have slgnllled their In
tention of Joining Samples of blanketing for
suits and designs will be on exhibition.
Fifteen men , under the supei vision of
Contractoi Phelps , are emplojcd on the
superstructure and frame-work of the tobog-
gm slide. The work Is progressing rapidly.
They are all union men.
The Carnival cclors of blue and gold arc
of Iho following shades The blue Ii a deep
uitrainrlno , while the gold Is what Is known
as the "Ehcholt7la yellow , " or California
To correct * wrong Imprcfslon as to the
prices of admlBBtin lo the grounds when Iho
season opens the managers , Messrs Noula
& Love , deslro to state that the gene-al ad
mission will be 10 cents They want that
fact emphasized that the admission will bo
throughout the Edit-on but 10 cents , except
ing , popslbly , during the four dajs of the
Oainhal proper , and -at that tlmo there will
bo but a slight advance.
Landlord MaiKcl < of thn Millard has Juat
icturned from Chicago , tnd reports that the
forthcoming Ice Carnival Is drawing consider.
able attention to tha1 big exposition of next
jear , and Is proving a fine advertisement.
"The Ovciland Limited "
train west of tbo Missouri River.
Twelve huurs quicker than ai'y other train
to Pacific Coast.
Call at Ticket Office 1303 Farnam St ,
HOHHII3 Mi ? AiW Sophia , at Aha , Okl ,
iiRt-d M ) ycarw , of BclUle rheumatism ,
Tnursday morning. November 11 Funeral
nt Alvn. November 12 at Klowu ,
Kan. Utlca p.ipers please copy
Adoptt 1 exclusively b > the
sippl nxposlilon. Equal to Otlioru In Tli Ir
lies' 1'olnU a d Superior In Having Man )
Sena for Catalogue.
1011''n run in S | ,
Inauranco Men on the Decision Against
Olarkcon's Bate Book ,
ChrU llnrtiunn Snjii ( lip TopeUii .Iinl
U Jtmt In Illn IluIliiK mill ttint
Coiiipnnlrii Art * Not
li > It , ,
The declMon lately handed down by Judge
Itazen of Topeka In the Harrison Chrkson-
Webb McNall Insurance test case was re
ceived with approval by local Insurance men.
Some time ago Webb McNall , state In
surance Inspector of Kansas , canceled the
certificates of several companies using the
Clarkson rate book In Shawncc county dis
trict , Tbo action was taken by the Inspector
specter In complbnce with the anti-compact
law which Is In force both In Kansas and
this stale. It was alleged that the- com
panies In using the ClarKson book charged
exorbitant rates and In this way formed a
combine. Aa soon as the edict of the Inspector
specter went forth CMrKscei asked that an
Injunction against McNall be given him and
that the rate book compiled by himself ho
allowed to continue In force with all com
panies who wished to use It. After n hear
ing Judge Haen refused to grant the In
junction , thereby upholding the action token
b > McNall.
Judge Hazcn took the ground that It Is not
necessary to show a tacit agreement among
the parties to prove that a trust exists It
was evident , ho hold , tint more competi
tion would exist between the companies It
all of them did not use a certain schedule
of pcmlums. Ho asserted that In the trhl
t was shown that the rates contaleicd In the
31arkson book were exorbitant. The fact
Ihat all the companies In the Shawncc dla-
trtct used It and Insisted upon charging
these rates smackid very strongl ) of a com
bine It was , therefore , an Infraction of thp
anti-compact law.
Christian Hartman sa > s In connection
with the matter that the decision v\as a Jusl
one. He Bajn that all companies doing busl-
necs In Nebraska at the present time are
conforming strictly to the anti-compact law
'nil ' that this same law should be enforced
n Kansas In local Insurance circles Mr.
Hartiuin stated that no book of rates was
rocognbcd. Every agent made hlh own fig
ures on premiums and the competition in
the Insurance bus'tiesa was the same as In
any other He stated In proof of thla state-
nent that under the present rivalry among
ncnranco men It was not Infrequent where
several different companies held the risks
on a single building that as many different
rates were found. I ) H Wheeler , Jr , and
other prominent Inouranco men took the
same view of the matter.
I'ho llont llrnu'dj fitr Croup , ColilM
mill lromht IM.
"The best remedy for crouji , colds and
ironchltls that I have been able to find , "
sijs Mr. Henry Otto of Indianapolis , Ind ,
'is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Kor
'amlly ' use It has no equal on the market. I
gladly iccommend It. "
Don'C rorttet It.
The Missouri Pacific Railway Is running a
Past Limited Train to St. Louis , Mo , leav
ing Webster St. depot dally 3 05 p. ra , reach
ing Kansus Cit > sumo evening ; arriving at
Grand Union Station , St. Louis , 7 20 the next
morning. No change cf cirs c ! any class.
Night Express leaves 9.30 p. m. , arrives
Kansas Clt > C'25 a. m Tor further Informa
tion call at companj's ofilces , N. E corner
13th and rarnam or depot , 15th and Web
ster streets TIIOS. F. GODFREY.
J. 0. PHIU.IPPI , P. & T. A.
A. G T SP. . A.
I'or CIili-nuo mill < li < * Knst
ako the Burlington's "Vestlbulcd Flyer. "
aiggest , brightest , handsomest , most com-
'ortable ' train out of Omaha. New from end
: o end. Sleeping , chair ami smoking cars
Dining car operated on a-la-carte plan.
leaves Onialia 5 05 p m.
Arrives Chicago 8 20 a m
Berlhs and tickets at 1502 Parnam.
13. Haas , the florist , has a large number
of chrysanthemums foi sale In 7. 8 and fl
inch pots , in bloom and buds , 1813 Vlnton
St. Tel 776
i.orvi , itiinv irns.
Excavation for the Armour uptown buildIng -
Ing was commenced jcslcrdaj.
Sheriff McDonald finds It h necessary to
work overtime to keep up with the routine
In his office Court work Is lively at prcs-
Quail hunters have brought In some nice
bags during the last three or four dajs
"llrtb White" Is numerous , In the tall corn
Directors of the Retail Grocers' associa
tion held an executive session last night.
Mattei-N of intuest to the association , were
A harvest homo dinner will be given at
the St Mary's Avenue Congregational church
this evening at 6 30 In connection with
a general social.
A telegram vas received by the chief of
police jesterday making Inquiry for ( Edward
J. Tex , a plumbei supposed to bo In Omaha.
Tox's mother has recently died In McCon-
nellvllle , O
Thieves who emplojed a wagon to con
duct their business stole several llftj-pound
cans of lard from In front of 119 North
Fifteenth street. The lard was the property
of the Omaha Packing company.
"Tho Trlnltj Which the Jew Acknowl
edges" will be the theme upon which Dr.
Leo M. Franklin will preach at Temple
Isiael. TwDntfouitli and Haincy streets ,
this ( Friday ) evening at 7 45 Seats free.
0 J. Rock , a suspicious character , was ar-
rrated laat night with a pair of knuckles In
his possession He Is known an the man who
was accused of snatching a pocketbook con
taining $125 In this city about two years ago
Ida Clark , uu 11183110 woman , arrived from
Iowa yesterday and established herself at
1111 South Sixth street She stated that Bho
had always resided there but she was taken
to the police station after considerable per
suasion. Hci friends have not yet been
located ,
What Physicians Say
I llnil the lloro-I.lllilii Water the mont rialiitn-
blo calbonatid uuter 1 f-\er lusted AitlnK u a
uohorit ot uric ailtl anil ecdatlvp lu the iMln.irj
tract this ualer In tin Idrul ono vUiiu H u o
la demanded IMnln M Hale M I )
I have iiBeJ lloni-Mthla Water for 11 number
o rmoulliH In m > luai'tli-u Jim ] can heartily rec
ommend It In oil ( tineato.s rltpfhilfiu upon uvant
of piopei rllmlnatlon It In eFpeclall > lunellrlal
In illfonlcri'd uimlltlonn tit stomach , liter , blad
der and llne | ( > B William r Klur M I )
The romblniil featuren of Inteinal untlnrixla
anil Irrigation ua | ) ri > ? eiittil liy Iloro J.ltlilH
Water , are hlghl ) Uenlrahle. uiruuliit ; an ngrtra-
ble and pottnt means of combating the tniny
formi of IrrlKJtlon un.l Inamlnatton that attack
the \arlous partu of the tirlnart tract , 1 have
founJ U to l > e n firvlceuble practically na It
appeared tu be llu'orulcall ) IlraiiBfor.l I.onU.
M "
"I'liirn i.isr noito MTHIA WATIII.
) lnlf KiHonH lineal buiiulid , Idozoii to cure
per tare I f > 00
Ouaitt effeivshctnt IW to i in pircafe 8 M
1'lntn cfTer\ ( > cent , luu to case , ptr cafe . 1000
hiillt iffenctcent 10(1 tu ate per tate Kid
.Send fur doctor' * iiamphlit klvlHK full Information
mation < omernlnif Iloro UthUVuler
10J Klnilb Mlmral Wattm
40 klndu of Malt Hxtrailn
SlliilMN A. M'CNMil. ( : , 1)111 fi C'O.
Cut I'rlcn nnicKl't" 1513 DoclKu ht. ,
Middle of llloclt Omaha. Neb
Dr. SIici'iii'l' " ilHixl"1 'Nl " " " "to
tllC Hlflv IIH > OII Mlllllll lllHC ( IIIllOf -
< or do li > " If > " " ' | iio lrm '
nidi HOIIIIii rriitl fill flirunlo iniiliul )
anil Hldioul HIP meniiM lo iui > MK
fci-M. All Mini mi It IT from rn liirrli ,
iH or In oni'hltlH , liiimliiR rliou-
IU ! lIlHllKlirlllK NMll lIlHCIIMC ,
int t liridit ii IIV I'll < IIH , llv r , Kill-
no , III mid IT , Hloiiuifli or liciucl Irou-
lil < > N or iin > ollu-r uiixtlut ; clironlu
ulliurnl nrc ivrlfoiiii- irll lhc lii'lir-
IIIN Of llllnlCTII HClflltlllC lllflllOllN
ullliuul xiifiiKi- lir > oiul a iiiiiiilunl
usm-iiHiiii'iit IIP r nioiilli , all liii-illi'lneii
IncluiK-il , hlii'iiuril Moillnil Inxtlliile ,
Nciv YorU Life IJIiltf. Tel. 11U8.
The \etv Corner , Jarnum and Fifteenth ,
I i Hce-lM-1 ? ; . '
tt'i' < S/IO.T-
tltl MOIttC Of tflC / KintlHHIUCHtlilttt'Clt'H tiltHft t/lllt
/idi'f ci'cf fftntv to OIHII/HI antJ the jn-iccH a ft' $ ? . < > O
$ V.uO , S.V.OW. $ ,7. < 7f > ami $ : t.ttO. Then ? HiiitH aw on
exhibition Jtmt of alt , for our oini f/oott , ami in-
cttlenf ally for the aootl of the people irho buy their
eltililren'H Huitn Hoinetrltcre clue. If thehapjien )
to Hce the Name xnitx in other Hfore marked any
where from $ H to $ y donf be HUJprisetl. The ehief
( tiJJ'crenec betu-een thin utorc ami of/ien tttoren IH
that tt'e bclict'c in nellinfthinaafor an little an ire
can while of hern beHerc in fctfinfan mne/i tin
they ean. Take those Novelty Snitu tit $ tf.t > O for
eomjiariKon. The Htylett are nc'ir. The mtiteritiltt
are urir. The eolorn tire nc-ir. So far an ntyle i
concerned there are no nobbier Httitu matle. So far
as f/tiality in eonecrnelt the materials ( lttlu
wool , they arc thorottt/hly SCH-JI , they are t > rui > erly
lined , they arc handsomely braided ivith tlu beat
ftindn of braid. So far an jiriec in eoneerncd , ro
malic a umallprojlt on them at $ . < > < > , althonnh tre
jrii m > that lofn of jicojtle tvoiild think more of
them if we marked them $ ! tXO bnt that isn't our
f way. Our tray is to sell ererythiiij/ the lowest
livinfnriecs. . Thonc u'ho ivant to pay more can
do so in some store but not here.
Genuine Round Oak ,
Cole's Hot Blast Heater
All styles and sizes from $23 Nice Oak Stoves $4.95
$ * Good Cook Stoves f 7 , 50 Air Tight Wood Heaters $5
We are selling pianos BO low that our competitors are astonished and wonder hovr
It can be done The answer Is very simple We buy for spot cash , in large quantities
save eovewl hundred dollarb In exorbitant store * rent and pay no commission to outflds
[ uluggers , thus giving the customer every advantage to secure a ( list class baigaln
Fine Walnut Case Piano $25 00 i Sterling Organ $1500
Rosewood Klmball Upright , only $75.00 I P'oe Mathushek Piano big bargain.
Easy payments everj Instrument fullj guaranteed. We carrj the finest and only
new stock of Ivors & Pond , Emerson and Vose & . Sons Pianos In the cltj1. Pianos For
Renl Cheap
105 South 15th Street. Telephone 1625
A. O. MUELLER , Timor.
t m ToiLrmartTiJocsiEna BAD BLOOD ,
! > > our full trrMmant ot Turkish Capsules
for ei 00. MKlit LOIMM , Illy l.oirrr , Kcrro Kruptluni cuuil by TuikMi
, filli
orllrilntroulile. Cured HypiillU Uurn never
a perfect as you
bull tieatlmiit llh ' mn
. K'U
crcrworo. Wo makn ouroun nirJIclnpj
an 1 joii can rely on itettlnir well. Vft l uo lee , tlO 00i Hlnglolloie * , t. 00
written iriiarantea with full eiire. Rlnijle HAHN'S PHARMACY. |
lloi 11 oo MY mail IIAIINB '
l'n R > iAcr 18h [ nn 1 Vnrrmrn Oiui
Are you golne In the Spring ? In order to main
your trip certain , address with stamp
All Drugglota.
The Seattle & Alaska Transportation Co.
47 and 48 bulllvan Uullding , Seattle , Wash.
To stiiily tiio wants of a oopoto ] Undurwcar Htook is n bit of fichoollng
by itself. A scliocil fur the buyer nnd a Hohool for the hulesinan.
The buyer must know the pedigico of every mill to locuto tbo valno of
Uiuleruoai1 , The htilcHiiiun must bo u jiultfo of xvJmt in most beneficial to
dlfTcrunt human bodioa. TJio uxpnrlcnuu of both jri thciofoiu osbontlnl to
ytiiifatitec Mills/action / to undorwoiii' buyer.
Next Etudy is successful btiylii } , ' and 8ollln < , ' . Somq HtorcB claim to
buy cheaper If so they deal In old , bhop-woin tiash. Now goods
from the mills htivn tbeir btnndnid value and thoj , liUo any other two-
priced dealer , would tern up tcea In a course of tlmo If they would soil at
Mirious * prices.
\Vo do not claim to buy cheaper nor bettor than the vvholo woiM , jot
. Wo do not claim that wo ate nfolo
v\o do claim to bo able to buy as cbcip.
to perform Hindoovondorb in the iivmt wonderful baijjalnnovor , c\orovcr
known , but \vo do claim and are icady to piovo to common BOIISO that o
aio fully able to hell womo che.iior. | bou.tuso our btHinoij is. conduutcil on
an economical basis at Miwll atoi o r nt. I'Apenaea , as v/o often i cumi ked ,
are a pat t of the actual coat of the goods.
Merino underwear IB hero only 2.c for either Milrts or punts lOo leas
than nnj whore for Hlmilar gocds. N.itural wo > l and c.imel'rt hair is Jioro
bi t ifio , an-1 that is ICe to iio less. All wool fjoort f-oll here at 0o , mid that
is at least a quarter loss. Derby ribbed .it 7oo ajj.iin a courier baved.
And 60 on the htory trees. Hotter Iho goods more you HI\O
And hero id HO do/on medlca'ed ( udj all wool just loudy Jor the
shelves at 7uo. A aplmidid value at * 1.00.