Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BHM : FRIDAY , 12 , 1807.
in men s
What care you for reasons that the Continental is in an
extreme bargain-giving mood is a good thing for suit wearers
without any further reasons but there are reasons and those
who want to know we'll tell
'but just now we want you
to know that this Friday and
Saturday's Suit and Overcoat
* S ' Sale offers the best chance to
get away doivti prices ever
heard of in Omaha.
Hundreds of Men's Suits-
very nobby styles in all wool
plaid cheviots in other windows
dews than ours they arc 810
during this 2-duys extreme
bargain giving they are
Mun'e Worsted Cheviot Suits
in all the latest , and most
desirable shades anil styles
vurl' usly priced around" town
but novel1 lower than SlD.uO
"iirday's extreme
bargain sale
price is
A do/en styles single or
double breasted suits that
wore never equaled for less
than $15 cut in price every
shape stouts and regulars
to lit any man of any size
2-uays extreme bargain giving
We will give our patrons
values that will prove bo-
kvoml all iminner of dis
pute our title to tlio name
of selling under all com 1
petitors The greatest
values in this 2-days' ex
treme bargain sale are
our suits at Slo.OO and. . . .
Overcoats We soil over- ,
mnts early for a quickg
sale we give you an ex
treme bargain in a $ - ' ! blue
or black kersey 01 beaver ,
Skinner sill : s.eevc linings ,
piped facings , just about as
go..d as can be made
Ovurcoats There's a great
difference between show and
service trashy clothing is
made up for show cheap silk
and satin make a good show ,
but will not woai wo guar
antee our great special $9.75
coat to wear , with reasonable
UBC. for two seasons In black
ami blue shades not n weaic
point in the workmanship oi1
trimming usually 515.00
extreme bargain at
Overcoats Men's all wool
Koi'oo.v Overcoats silk velvet
collars and farmer's satin
body lining worth S10.UO
Ihus sriving you a chance to
feavo iBt.2why ; not save it ?
You must do so at the Conti
nental for this Overcoat can
not be duplicated outside of
our salesroom An extreme
bargain nt . . .
'i'lin 1\lvMS.
One- SU'liini'iVpiTk4Ml "nil l' ' 'iir Kn-
IfrdiliKMl for \nollliT.
ST. JOSKl'H , Mich. , Nov. 11. The heavi
est sea seen here Blnco tlio foundering of
the Alpena In ISSt la running today. The
wind Is blowing at tlio rate ot llfty mllffi an
hour , with frequent flurries or snow. The
two-malted Hcliuonnr Una , Captain Kemp ,
i\a i-aiiKht In u mU'il | ! Inalilo tin- harbor thU
moi'nlng anil cnr lzcd with ten men
abojrd sonio of thorn narrowly escaping
drowning. The cruw nnil passengers wuro
tnkcn off lliu wreck liy tlio llfo K.ivlii ! ; bolt.'H unJ bathing pavilions have been
damaged to the extt-at of hundreds ot del
lars. The St. Jtweph river Is three feet above
high .water mark. The steamer Frank Woods
cleared for Milwaukee at S o'clock and was
duo there at 3 o'clock this morning. At
noon no Information concerning It hail been
receive'1 and cunslderablo uneasiness la fait.
I'OHT STAXM-'Y. 0it. , Nov. 11. The
Bti'amer Ciroton of Detroit WEU caueht In the
calo of last iii ht nnil came to anchor twelve
miles west of this place , where It foun-
crod. Too crow nt six men toolc to tlio yawl
boat and were discovered drifting down the
like tod.ty. Captain llorry of the life boat
etu'lcn liero got his crew together and res
cued them. The \cv ol with Ita cargo will
no doubt bu u total Ions.
ChnVKLANI ) , Nov. 11. A Bovero gale
which IIKH been blowing all day and tonight
IIBU suspended navigation on Lake Krle. At
4 o'clock tlilit afternoon the wind reached
a maximum velocity of lilxty-aevcn miles an
lioiir. The warning of the coming atiirm was
heeded by veaeelmen. Only two or three
nilnor niltihapn to shipping are reported.
UBTHOIT. Nov. 11. A to the free
Press from St. Joseph , Mtch. , says : The
Btwmcr Krank Woods , which was out In
thn galo. arrived at Milwaukee this afternoaii
after being out tuenty-tv\u hour < i. Nothing
Jus been licunl from tno schoonere , George
Is'augbtln and W. II. Dunham.
ASIITAliUI.A. O. , Nov. 11. While leaving
jiort toilay la thu heavy northeast gale , the
BtcanUT Uoman. of the Hatina Heet , was
caught in a heavy sea and dashed against
the bottom of the lake , literally breaking the
Etrtng sl' ! ( ' In two. It waa only by a miracle
that tugs were able to get the Roman back
Jnta the harbor before she foundered. No
dinifulty was experienced In rescuing the
crow ,
C1W\GO. Nov. U. The gale on Lake
MlfHg n today came from the right direc
tion to make a bulling sea on the eastern
UP. while U left the western shore com
paratively qulut. The sea at St. Joei > h
\\-2s said to bo the heaviest seen there since
the foundering of the Alpena In 1881. Houses
and bathing pavilions were damaged to the
extent of hundreds ot dollars , The dock
around the llto saving station , and also the
cue at South I'ler , was badly damaged. The
water In the St. Joseph river was raised
three feet above high water mark by the
Coin in H InAii < iliit 'd liy the ( Jciicrnl
. \HHrinlily In SfiiHion.
MINNRATOLIS , Nov. H. The committee
of llftem appointed by the last general as
sembly of the I'rcsbyteriim Church of the
United States of America met In Ita first
session at the Dcnison hotel this morning.
Dr. Wlthrow of Chicago ! chairman. The
committed Is to endeavor to solve the homo'
mission problem of the church and to report -
port Us solution to the next general assembly.
The members of the committee express
themselves generally as being of the opinion
that a conuinimlso will bo nude between the
luitimal and tlio state uKins of control of the
homo missions. The eUilo plan Is better
known as tt'.o Indiana plun , because It wj < 3
founded In that state. Governor Mount , thu
Indiana representative on the committee , waa
ono of the three nip n who originated the plan.
The central states representatives will favor
the retention ot the Indiana plan and My
that they know a majority of the members
of the committee are In sympathy with it.
The members of the committee bellevo that
an agreement has been reached , but the i
friends of the iitate plan are 11 rm and are
prepared to make a minority reiwt to the
general assembly In case the compromise
offered Is not satisfactory to them.
K.VVOH AJUIITHATIM ; niri'iiu.vcis.
llllnoN MlniTM i\iiiTt : In Oi't u Com-
promlni' Srillt * .
STKRATOH , 111. , Nov. 11. The miners'
convention has adjourned. A conference
met with 1'rcsldent Uatchford last night and
decided to report to the convention In favor
of submitting the entire strike question to
an arbitration board composed pf three men
wholly outside ot the regular State Hoard
of Arbitration. The miners will namu one
member , ithe operators one and thcae two
the third. The convention also declared that
the law must be upheld. 1'eaceable methods
will < bo adopted to 'hold ' the Jneu out who
have not already gone to work , to await
the action of Uio arbitration board. Com
mittees were eelectcd to visit Uracevlllo ,
Carbou ( Hill and other polnU where the
minors have gone to work to Induce them
to come out uretll a settlement Is made.
President Hatchford will vlalt those places
tomorrow. The general sentiment among
the officials Is that a compromise scale will
bo agreed upon.
Will I'ly AliiNlcniiVII TN.
NRW YORK , Nov. 11. The States Steam
ship company hns been formed under the
! laws of Now Jersey , with a capital of
$7,000,000 and with Charles II. Cramp , pros-
i Ident of thi > Cramp Shipbuilding company ,
) ! as Its 'president. The new company has
completed ariMiigements by which It ac
quires from tie International Navigation
company the five steamers , Ohio , Pennsyl
vania , Indiana , Illinois and Conncmnugh ,
and others will soon be added to the flent.
| , 1'resldeiit Cramp was at the Waldorf tonight -
| I night and paid thce Btcnmers will be sent
u rcm ml to the west coast n noon as ; > OES- !
' bio and will ply regularly from Sail Fnm-
, Cisco or Seattle to St. Michael.
Itnr Vlruliilu ( irniiKiUi -
IIAIlUIBIIUnci , J'a. , Nov. 11. At the
meeting of tlm National grunge thl.s mornIng -
Ing Homo minor reports were submitted aim
i : the rupert of the comhiltteo on credentials
{ was adopted. Vlnlnbi was ruled out on
I the F round that there are not enough su-
I | bordlmite grniu'.eH . In that Ktnt < i to entitle
1 It to representation In the national body.
1 The Btute muster inado incouraglns rcporta.
ltri-cl\-fr for n llli * > i > > t > Ciini'tTli.
HUPKALO N. Y. , Nov. ll.-On nppllca-
j lion of George Scyfung and a. H. GlmV ,
| who own three-tlfths of the stock of the
concern , Charles H. A very has been aji-
I pointed receiver for Seyfang , I'reatlss it
'Co. I ' , bicycle mauufiiLMirers. Dissatisfaction
'With ' the conduct of the biiHlnetis in given
: i the cause. The assets. It Is said , are.
double the amount of liabilities.
llrriui liriivc Cniiiiiin
NEW YOHK , Nov. 11. The Ocean Grove
Campmeetlng association held Its twenty-
eighth annual campmcetlng at Ocean
Grove yesterday. The most Important busl.
ness transacted -was the election of u suc
cessor to Dr. Stokes , president of tlio asso
ciation. lilshop J. N. Fitzgerald of St.
Louis was first elected , to membership and
then chosen president.
IlooUiiuilicrN nUrlini'Krii from riixlml-
SI' , LOUIS , Nov. ll.-In the court of crlm-
Inal correction today Provisional Judge
Sldencr sustained a motion to quash In the
rases of the fifteen defendants recently ar
rested for noolselllng and bookmalng ) , and
they were discharged. Ho declared that the
breeder * ' law , c-nucted by the last leglsla-
tuie , under which thcso arresU were made ,
in unconstitutional.
Will ) IAKli4 ; TEST CASE
Antl-Pcddlor Liconsq , of South Dakota
Oallcd in-Qaostion.
Ilcttill llrnlPrH * , A-morlutlnu nnil
Oulnldr KirniArc Arrnycd
AKiilnnt Knell Oilier In .
, S. D. , Nov. 11. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Judge Gaffy having held the antl-
peddler llceneo to bo Rood In the case of
I the State against Ilinkln , the Jury last nlghl
; brought In a verdict of guilty. Sentence
j will bo pronounced Saturday , the law fixing
I the penalty at a fine ot not less than $250
] and not more than $1,000. The case will bo
appealed to the supreme court and If neces
sary will go even further. U Is being pushed
i on Iho ono side by the State lletall Dealers'
association and defended by outside flrnu
I which arc doing business In the state through
. HIM ! ox titrnox CITVVAUHAXTS. .
lit-Kiioy of ( lie Capital Iteiiuivnl l"luli (
of ISDO.
SIOUX FALLS , S. 1) . , Nov. 11. ( Special. )
In the United States court before Judge
Q.irlaml a very Important case Is being
heard , Involving the validity of the claim of
KVirson & Leach Co. of Chicago against the
city of Huron. The t-ult Is the outgrowth
j of the fight for the location ot the state
I capltol In 1S90. At that tlmo several towns
I were engaged In the contest , the
principal onea being Huron nnd Pierre.
About the time the campaign was half
j over both towns discovered they were short
I of funds. iHuron solved the dlfllculty by Un
] suing $40,000 worth of city warrants , which
were sold to Farson , Leach & Co. of Chi
cago. The negotiators of the loan allege
that at tbnt time It was well known for
what purpose tbo warrants wore Issued and
It was also understood that their Issue was
Illegal , the town having exceeded Its consti
tutional limit of Indebtedness. Now the Chicago
cage brokers have sued for the recovery of
this money , asserting that It was secured
under false jircteuscs.
1'nloii V' > l * riniN' I'lilnii OrKiiiilztMl.
HUHON , S. D. , Nov. 11. ( Special. )
Colonel T. J. Dunlop of Pennsylvania organ
ized a command bore of the Union Veterans'
union , the following being the officers : 13. M.
Thomas , colonel ; Frank A. Munsoti. lieuten
ant colonel ; L. M. Kcnyoti , major ; L. Wood-
worth , surgeon ; II. A. Van Dalsom , captain ;
J. H. Mulholland , lieutenant ; \V II. II. Jones ,
chaplain ; J. W. Orlfllth , adjutant ; Chnrles
L. Summers , quartermaster. The command
h'js twenty or more membcia and Is named
J. H. Hotaling command No. 3 , in honor of
the late Major Hntallng , chief of artillery
on General John A. Logan's staff , who died
hero a few years ago , From this city Colonel
Dunlop went to Kedflcld. Aberdeen and other
pouts to Institute similar organizations and
when this sMte baa been fully organized ho
will go Kansas on a similar errand.
News of the death of Dr. A. O. Huydcn ,
formerly of this city Is received with much
regret. He died at his homo in Bnglcwood.
111. , of quick consumption , the remains being
taken to the old homo In Michigan for In
terment. '
Vote \Vn HIpKiil.
DKADWOOD , S. D. , Nov. 11. ( Special. )
Those who have doAb SO' much to have the
proposition to apprdprl-ite $3,000 for an ex
hibit at the Transmlssisslppl Exposition for
Lawrence county carryT are greatly disap
pointed at the finding's * of State's Attorney
Whson , who has looked , the matter up and
finds that the vote on the question wi-
Ilif-gal. A protest whs made with the county
commlEslraers while in > session canvassing
the votes , by a citizen , against paying
the warrants for exndsltloii purposes from
the general fund. The law , as determined
by the state's attorney , requires that a spe
cial tax must be levied and this done by a
vote of the people. 'It will bo contrary to the
will of the people to not bo represented at
the exposition and It will be almost im
possible for the managers of the exhibit to
got up a presentable showing without county
Limit Timber
RAPID CITV , S. D. , Nov. II. ( Special. )
The Indians from the different agencies near
the lllack Hills have for years boon accus
tomed to cut their tepee poles from the
vicinity of Spring and Tenderfoot gulches.
They require the very best young tlmbar
and taking It from year to year , It amounts
to the total destruction of the timber In a
short time In these districts. Lant September
the people In that district circulated a peti
tion which was liberally signed and was for
warded to the Department of the Interior
It has just been heard from In an auswe"
received by Special Agent Green of this
city , who Is authorized by Commissioner
Herman to oee that the Interests of the
pcoplo are protected. Agent Greei will pro
hlblt the cutting of underslzo timber by the
SIOUX FALLS S. I ) . , Nov. 11. ( Special. )
Mrs. Co < , the woman who victimized many
Sioux Falls business men and who was a few
weeks ago arierited at Prlmghar , la. , for
the oamo offense , but who subsequently es
caped from her jailer , was recaptured yester
day p.nd taken to Prlmghar. The Sioux Falls
authorities declined to prosecute her , but
the Iowa victims of the woman will.
Court lIoiiNi * Iliirni-il.
HAPID CITY , S. D. , Nov. 11. ( Special
Telegram. ) At midnight last night the Pen-
Ingtcci county court house was destroyed by
fire fur tlio second tlmo in six months. Loss ,
510,000 , covered with $5,000 builders1 Insur
ance. Contractors lose heavily. The flra
was Incendiary. It will be rebuilt.
Convicted of MiiiNljiiuIi > < * r.
DKADWOOD , S , D. . Nov. 11. ( Special. )
Dick Flick , who went by the name of E ,
J. Karley after he loft this city last summer ,
after committing the offenses of coin sweatIng -
Ing and counterfeiting , lias been convicted
of manslaughter and sentenced to fifteen
years Vi the Laramle penitentiary.
llnlibiTH Sllll lit IiiirKi * .
LKAI ) , S. D. , Nov. 11. ( Special Telegram. )
The reported capture of Frank Jones , < Sie
third nolle Fourche bank robber , has proven
false. Doth the Jones brothers are still at
largo and are headed north. There Is no
trace of the negro murderer , Moore ,
Coilfrl'i'ili'o nt Kliiu'M Dltlluli IITN ,
CHICAGO , Nov. 11 The interstate con-
ferencu of the Kltif/n Uaiighters nnil Sons
met at tlio Wellington' hotel today with
Mrs. If. 15. Goodwin of Chicago as chair
man. Uopivsenlatlvtfs were present from
tlio states of Illinois' , Vermont , T < xus ,
Loiilslumi , Michigan ) uiid On In.
Miss Glum Moorehotitse of Chicago acted
as secretary. Tlm session was given up to
tlio discussion of cdnvi-ntlons ( inil central
councils. Addresses on tlm various phases
of the subject were made by Mrs. Hess of
Ohio , Mrs. Whltiu-y of Detroit. Mrs \Vnl-
dron of Toledo. Mra.A. . U. Smith. Mlns
Pratt and Mrs. II. J. ' Knapp of Chicago.
Tlio conference wlll'doso tomorrow.
. . . . . . . . . . tin * SHIn nf MiiunrH.
OKOUGKTOWN , Tx. . , Nov. ll.-Tho crim
inal court of appeals of Texas him declared
the cold storage law passed by the last leg.
Mature uncoiiHtltutlomii. Tno Inw prohib
ited the storing of any Intoxicating liquors
for othtTH In u local option dlxtrlcl or tak
ing crdera for liquors for others , the pen
alty for Its violation being1 a line of Jlw to
$500 nnd 100 days iu Jill. The law tffectually
prohibited beer clubs In prohibition towns.
Injured li > - a Iliillilliiiv „ .
BOSTON , Nov. 11. ny the collapse of a
three-story brick - which
buildingwhich was being
remodeled , nt the south end today , four
men iwere Injured ono of iwhom It Is ald
will probably dip. The Injured are. Moses
Llckcrateln , badly crushed and Internal In- i
Juries ; Simon Klfferdltch , heud crushed ;
Peter Hcavcrtlch , right arm hrulml ; T.
McLean , a pedestrian , struck by Hying
Disfigurement for lire by burns or scnUi
may be avoided by u&lns De Witt's Witch
Hazel Salvo , the great remedy for piles and
for all kititla at enies anil skin troubles.
Governor HnntlnRM MnUen ni
lliun Tnvntlnii.
HAUIUSBUHa. l\i. , Nov It The National
and State granges gave TO mo consideration
to reports today , but the public reception
at the opera house this nttcrnooii was the
feature. This evening the degree of Ceres
was conferred on n largo number of candi
dates , under the direction ot High 1'rlcst
of Demeter Dr. George A. Dowon ot Con
necticut. Tomorrow the delegates and offi
cers of the National gmngo will be the
guests of the State grange on .1 trip to tbo
Gettysburg battlefield. Tor this leason there
will be no morning or afternoon stsjlons.
Reports of the stale masters were con.
tinned today. Colorado reported tlm granges
prosperous and much business going on
among the farmer * , who gathered this
the largest harvests In thi > history of the
state. Oregon reported nil the granges In a
prosperous condition and that the organiza
tion Is being lapldly extended to all parts of
the stRtc. Harvests were good.
A public reception was hold at the opera
house- this nfti-rnoon In honor of the visiting
grangers. Governor Hastings delivered an
address of welcome. In the course of his
remarks ho said :
Public taxation Is n necessary Incident to
all Fuverninont nnil the fanner will uneom-
lilnlnlngly contribute his share whrro the
liurden rests fairly and equitably upon nil.
Hut his duty does not end with tin1 payment
of tlio tnx. I to Is equally resiioiiRlble for Its
If you do not want your share ot the pub
lic burden of laxn- Ion to be frittered nway
In useless expenditure ? , exorbitant appro
priations or aimless expenses of Investigat
ing committees , tilioto purpose Is to ob
scure or conceal tlm truth , It Is your fault
If you do Hot stop It. If your capital build *
MR should be destroyed by lire and could
be rebuilt with tbo expenditure of liulf n
million ' of dollars , you should not be tiixcd
millions on millions to aid a subterfuge era
a delusion which might only enrich some
favorlto architect or building contractor and
compel you to Klve a share of your wheat
and corn , your oats and potatoes. - > o thoce
who have no call upon your bounty , your
sympathy or your patriotism.
You had bettor rise In your might niul
Irlvo from plnre and power those * who mls-
upropent you and your interests.
Among the other * : ieakcr were : Sar.ih
Hlalr of Minnesota and S. L. Wilson of Mis
SUM WrMiiulltmr Over COIIOM ! | .
Ioms\'IIU3 , Nov. 11. The Rfiiernl as
sembly , Knlslus of Labor , Is still wr.iiiKlliiK
over contested delegations. Nothing was j i
? lven out as to tno nature of tbo contests -
tests or from what states they come , nnil
as the prouci'dliigs of the assembly are care
fully gimnled , nothing1 thnt Is atrhcntla cnn
be learned conccrnlnp them.
amml Muster Workman Sovereign's re
port hnj been delayed by the discussion
over the itplctt.itlons , but will probably be
read this afternoon ,
TO OltUAM/.i : A TlttSf.
< ( Je Hie Oliie Slnimfuelurer-i
MlbWAt'lCKB , WIs. . Nov. ll.-Tho Senti
nel gays : I'our Milwaukee tanning coinpa-
nlcs , rfprcsiMKi-'l by their officials , have
been hiiMlug n aorlos of mpstlntfs nt thn
Hotel I'flstcr , which have considered the
formation of n combination with the load
ing glue manufacturers of the United States
to control the output f clue. The ( ruining
concerns represented at the mcptlnp were tin
I'flstcr & Vogel leather comrtiny , William
Decker Leather company , Herman S. Zelir-
laut Leather company , and Albert Trostel
& Sons.
The larger part of the r.iw mn'erlal iiFpd
In thu mnnufncture of Kluo Is supplied by tht >
tanners , and combination ot the loullni ;
tanners and leading Rliie mnnufacturers of
the country would , It Is said , place them In
control of the output ot glue and enable
4hom to rcgul.ito prices.
There are said to bo only about six large
gliio mnnuf.ictnrors In the United States ,
situated In Ohlcai o. New York , I.oalsvlllo and
1'lttE.burg. HepresentuUvesi of these conirti-
tili-fl , It la said , have boon In Milwaukee tor
several days talking the proposition over wlili
lending tannors. Three conferences have
been held this week , and the last ono was
held yesterday.
lliu : Dt'imi'tiiictil More UIIIMIM.
CHICAGO , Nov. 11. Fire toilay e troyeil
the department store of W. A.Vleboldt &
Co. , known ns "Tho Lion. " on Mllwnukco
avenue , between Asbbind nvenuo nnil I'mi-
linn street. The four-ntory brick building
mid Its contents , valued at , me n
total loss. Severn ! miull cottages moiv
crushed by fullingvnlH > , causing "un nddl-
ilonnl loss of $ .Vn . The clothing store of
Vincent & Ulxoti , adjoining "The Linn. "
was also diiiu.iKeil to some xleiU by smoke
and \vnter.
The Insurance amounlB to between $12.-
PCO to jt" , " > ,0x , ) . H WIH : feared for n time
that ! 'veril ; lives Ind been lost by the full
ing of the wiilK All of tlio missing , how
ever , were soon accounted for. Some of
the Inmntos of the cottages which were
crushed had narrow escapes.
Settle Controversy -tltli CIIIIN.
MinDLtiSHOriO , Ky . Nov. 11A speol-il
from Hyden states that In a low owr pn- talk John Sobreo shot and killed
llrnry Davis and Sebreo mns sbo- and
mortally wounded by 'Molllo ' Davis , a sister
of Henry.
Sensational Suit is Brought to n Drnmntio
CII-IP Klimllr , Terminate * bjMnii Ac-
onicil of i-'orucr- ll
Sent to < lu > Inniitip
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 11. A special to th
Post-Dispatch from Charleston , 111. , sayni
The sensational case of Attorney Alfred 0.
Flcklln was brought to a dratiMtlo close
this afternoon by his being cent to the In-
FRIIO asylum. Klrklln Is the son of the late
Orlando H. Flcklln. who married n sister of
Alfred 0. Colqultt , late governor of Georgia.
Flckllii , the older , was well known all over
thn west. Ho was nu lutlmato ( rlend ot
both Lincoln and Douglas wan In c6nfress ;
with them , as the Lincoln-Douglas debutes
will show. Among other things Alfred nctcd
as broker for eoino rich people , lend
ing their money out and paying
tie Interest as it became duo. After a Ions
tlmo It was learned , It Is said , by the- merest
acddont , that the notes tor roveral lliouciuid
dollars were forgeries. The grand Jury fonivl
thirteen Indictments against Flcklln and the
cases came to trMI this wcnk.
The first case was proven clearly , but by
a blunder ot the state's attorney In copying
the Indictment , In which n note wns mlsdo-
sorlbed , the Judge. Henry V < in Zcllnr of IMrls ,
ordered the July to render a verdict of ac-
HU'lttal , which was dene.
The next wise was called , and whllo It was
In progress the state's attorney made the as
tounding statement Owl ho had been robbed
In open ccurt and all the forged notes stolon.
There was a dramatic scene enacted , but
no ono was able to find the notes , and the
case on trial went the \ \ < iy of the filst. Then
with eleven Indictments left , the state's at
torney obtained a continuance till the JJn-
unry tnrm of the circuit court in order to try
to find the miles. A. C. Flrklln was then
tried for Insanity and taken to the Kankakco
Road "Simon IXile" In The Sunday Deo.
If you don't tnKo It , subscribe now.
We told you yesterday to look out for us Saturday
in our boys' department you never got such extreme
bargains as these in Boys' Reefer8
and Suits in all your born clays.
Hoys' Storm nei-fi-rs In : i handsome
fjrny olfmcliilla , full si/.e storm collar
and cloth lined , sl7.cs ! ) to 1. > years , a
regular $5.00 worth , will he cut for
tlii.s sale at the extreme liiirfialu price.
lilue chinchilla , wool dyed , unraiilcid
color , linsd with black serge , iitfos S O
to H ! years , the blssust value < $ >
oversold in Omaha , extreme
bargain at
V\-K\r.Q \ \ Itpcfors Xolliing like them for
wear and warmth , a genuiu-3
frcl/.e , cloth-lined .storm rei'lVrs
sizes ( i to 1(5 ( years at
extreme bargain price of
Hoys' Itci'fers nine chinchilla , sailor
collar reefers sizes : > to 8 years
serge linings and innimir trim
mings Saturday at the
extreme bargain price of
Sailor Hooters In a pure wool chin
chilla , with worsted linlng.s -.s/.cs ! . ' ! to
8 years , n garment sold everywhere
for .f..OO and Jf.' cut price Sat
urday makes It an extreme bargain at.
Mind , it is to be extreme bargains in
boys' suits this time better bargains
than ever heard of before.
This Kroat Sppulal Hoys' Suit Halo Sat *
unlay means tlnil Iliu pmilH on'orcil can
lint ! ) ( ( luplionti'il I'lKi-wlit-r-ii at nny
prices , \Vo make onu Ki'cnt liar nlu
bunch of lilwli urailo clii-vlot suits at
which we'll break our rei-onl on fin
chciijtiicss Tills Is an opiiurliiully foi
you to have inont-y an
Hoys' Cheviot .Suits In a popular brown
mixture , double seal ami kni-o elajitju
walt bands nud hold-last , buttons , at
! ? 1.7.r > . You can't louch it anywlmro fov
less than ? , ' ! ,00. ( 'ouio early Katunlny
to our Hoys' Dopiirtmunt.
The Faultless Suit ill
hiiinlsonio brown jilaid
cheviots , nil Hindu double
ncnt and knee , nt
. , " . ' 1 and J.'i.OO.