Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1897, Page 11, Image 11

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May Wheat Oloios Trifla Higher After
Dropping a Few Points.
Hi-port In .UNO Clrciilnffil Hull TurUo-
( ircclnn Trmilili'M Unit Hciiii-iicil | ,
I \Vlilfll SlrciiKllllMiH All
( lie MurkoU.
CITICACiO , Nov. 11. Wheat today _ closed
' ,4&o higher for the May option nft'cr sell
ing l',4o ' below yesterday's closing price. It
looked for a tlmo IIH though nil of yester
day's 2c advances as to bo lost , but strong
cnah markets and reported renewals of the
'J'urko-areclau trouble repaired nil the mis
chief enticed by the wonk cables and better
reports. Corn nnd oats closed
unchanged. Provisions were
llrm bu : dull ami closed M"7'4c higher.
Damage by frost to Argentine/wheat crop
tiltRhl und Liverpool quotations reduced
( from Id to Hid per cental were the features
ot the nciA that opened the wheat market
licro from Ic to IHc per bu. lower than It
closed the day before , there , being plenty of
( May offered at the start at iOVuSO'Ae. The
Into ndvlces fiont Argentine yesterday were
HUch an lo cast some doubt on the region
thnj there Imd been any considerable dam-
ng i nnd this was confirmed by the wtbaek
tno markol received at Liverpool. ' The rc-
Hiilt wns that there was a good deal of
liquidation on the part of longs on yester
day's bulge.
The receipt * iwcro again dlscournglngly
heavy hi comparison with those of the year
baforo and canned further weakness In
oottrao of the forenoon. Severe frost , that
( night harm u much moro Important crop
than that of Argentine , was foreshadowed
In llio report of the local signal service
bureau , and tltit : gitvu thn market the
Birengtti It showed recently. Chicago re
oelpts were 1CS cars by nil I and 1CS-
Wfl bu. by lake , the latter No.
northern fairing from Dtiluth. It was
estimated that contract stocks iwcro
Increased about 200,00 , ) bu , todny.
ailnncapolls nnd Duluth receipts numbered
070 carH , against 1,0.17 a week ago and1. . " > 1
the corresponding day of last year. West
rn primary markets reported In all 1210-
000 bu. , against KO.OOO bu. the year before.
Import clearaiR'03 for the day from At
lantic and Gulf ports were eijual toHj.OOO
bu Yesterday's enormous cmort business
nt the seaboard lA'iis fully conllrmed. New
York supplied tlu > details todny of nbout
1 2.10,000 bu. Closing cablegrams reported
Liverpool steady ut Id decline for the day.
1'arls was 20 centimes higher for nearby
Hour and u runtimes higher for March-April.
10 centimes higher for November wheat nml
unchanged for remote"'deliveries. Antwerp
quoted 12" . centimes rl e InVulla Wulla.
The mark- , became unusually strong In
tin- last Irilf hour. Tlu > milling demand for
vvhi-at Improved i-onslilerably and caused an
ndvniu'o of from I5c to 4c In low gradi ;
lii-re and Minneapolis reported a similar
on MI of affairs with regard to higher price- ;
Tor Icn'A'T grades. The port of O.lesaa , or at
least the rivi-is down which the supplies ol
wheat are sent to that place , were reported
cloMd by Ice. Kumor * tliat trouble had
l.rul-.cii out .igalu between Greece and Tur-
Icpy i.vcro clrculnted on the Moor and also
had conslili'rnhle ulfi'ot. Many of the early
sellers covered on the advance. The clos
ing wns llrm at tilUc.
Corn wns wo.ik early but closed strong
The govciT.rni nt crop report w.ip the iwrlj
Influence , making the crop 1,011,000,000 bu
TiiH was n consldi'iahliIncrease over last
ir.onth'M estimate Tin1 figures were doub.ed
but had their effect nevertheless The sell
Ing early IA as by yeti'rd.iy's buyers short- ,
renewing UIIPH they had covered. The dp-
mand for cash corn for s'-lpment that de
veloped tlt'rned the market strong ani
' . 'ilni'd n recovery of till the -pllne. . He-
iv'pts WITP : i07 cars Heal-ivird clearances
W'-ri > 555.000 bu May nin i'd from Wic to
2T'.c , I'ln-lni ; unchniifri'd a the latter figure
Oiln wa i i"isy during th miming , fol-
Ic'.vliif ; i.vhi-al nml corn.Vhrn tho-ie mar-
ltpt ndvanci'd oats also dl-plnyed a firmer
li nrlency.Tinre was a large shipping husl-
! ! ss which lu-'ped strengthi-n the mirket
( julto free srlling followed tinadvann -
but prices were well mulntalnod. Export
Inislness bore amountPil to about 200.IX/0 / bu
Jterolpts wore 1122 cars. May lansed fron
2"i- o 2Pic and closed unchanged at 22c.
1'rovlsloiw lA'pre very dull again and Hue
tuallons were extremely narrow. The mar
ki > t was helped nt tie opening by better
jit-iri'H at tin- yards anil later by the upturi
In grain pits. No features of Interest de
v.-'oppd At the close January pork was 5' '
blglur at TS.-10'rS.4214 : January lard , 7V4' '
liiL-lipi- $ l..tynOTVi and January ribs 2' , i
liUh'T ' ut JI.37lii'iTI.40 '
I < > 3tlinaH-d recclpls Friday : Wheat , S
curs ; corn , rTTO cars ; .xiats , 243 cars ; hogs
27iOO head.
l.tailing futures ranged as follows :
Arllcli-H.1 Oiijn I lll.'li. I fj.v. | OlotJ. TVoiTUy
V liral.
Nov. .
Mny. . .
Nov . . . Hf - it
' ' '
Nay' . ,
bic. . . . IIUI 20
May. . .
r ork
Dec. . . . 7 45 40
Jan. . . . ti 4-JVi
Ui-c. . . Ui 4 2-2H 1 1.1
JUM . . . 4 : < 7H 4 31) )
Ure 4 H )
Jnn . . 4 33 -10 4 JJ
Cnx.i quotations were as follows :
Kl/Jt'lt stcnily ; winter pitmts , $1.801(5.00 ( ,
ntrulghts. jl.4i (4.GO ( ; miring sp"clal.i. $3 3'J ' ; Hiring
iiiiti'iitH , t4.fii > > .iW ; bilkers , $ J.5 < ' 3.M.
\\IlEAT-No. 2 npilriK. hri)4i > = ; No. 3 spring ,
85.VJc. Nil. 2 red. ! l3T t | ! > 4Hc.
CORN -No 2. 27fl27',4c
OATS--No 2'OJ * , f. o. b. ; No. 2 winter ,
2TOC2kNo. , . 3 wiilli22Vt 23Vic ,
ItyKNo. . i , 471ie.
1IA1IUKY Ni , 2. 23l4.-ic.
FI.AXHKEll- . 1 , Sl.M4ttl.07Vi.
TIMOTHY SBH11 rrlme. J2.C3.
I'UOVIHIOXS-I'ork , mess , per bbl. , $7.43JJi
7 GO. Lard prr 1WI lb.- . , Jl.IJ'iiil.2."i. ' llacjii ,
nlmrt i His sMes ll'.usc' ) , } l.3C4f J.H ) ; ; . Dry sailed
l.liouliloi-s ibaxi-vl ) , $1.7505.00 ; pliant clear rides
( buxedl H.lailI > ' < ! .
WIIISItV-UlstlllBiB' nnlshi-d gooils , p r gal. .
SI. 13.
Bl'QAK ' Cut loaf , $3.11 ; Rranulalud , $5.21.
MW Yoitic 4ir\i < : itAij
( liiiiliitlons of ( In- ) : - mi ( ii-n ITU I
NKVOItK. . N \ . II. I-'hOL'II Htcelptn. 3C-
621 bills. , rNpoilH , 4 ,5S blU ; oH'iu | > , l nislfr , hut
with ili < > lull- Jump Invlu > al lalllivl ami i-lusi-.l
llrm. tvnii. i ciiiilRhiH , tljjtil.70. Ityu lluur ,
qultl. ltu < Kvvheat ( luur , U-uiiy ,
IH'l'KW UKAl'-Iniiellve.
( . -OIINSII. M.Has } - .
UViStiiU ) . 4 4f4Jc.
lt.MU.lYijulot. : .
1IAHI.KV M.\IT Dull ; wntcrn , SJQCJi'jC.
WHIAT : Ut.'i-llits. S70,7W lin.j exiuiis. 7tJSOO
liu , Hpot , Hun , .Nil 2 lot , liUlsU. OpliuliJ uiea.l |
weak , Mild oil uiult'ilit'iirUli cnbU-s and di-nlaU
nf Ariii'ntli ! * i-i * p iliimiiKe , hut luintM t.tiun In
the udL'riloun > n IUIIIOUM ! tiimlilo h'UvoiMl ( Jreocj
nml TuiUoy. cluRlnB nctlvo in Vie nei iulvani.-v.
ri.ilfs Incliiilt' I Nil. - H'i1 , NuvcmU'r , chwd , JSUc ;
J > ci'inln-r , I'Iitj/tIc ' ) ; clo * > il , U7c.
( tUN ItiMJllUB , 72.4K liu. ; iorti | ! , 1ISIS62 hu.
Spot , llrm , No. S , ' SUto. Dplkmt UJK-IU'I ! qif i > n
llic ivorntiK'nt iTiut , hut iviovenM la'ur an
talk und I'lcwM strjnff ut ViiiUn net nili-rnu-u.
j ; lomli.-r i-n iu , MVii ; ; lJfi-enilnr , SIKU He ;
COA'l's "iCrcelptii , JMI.iW hu ; rx)3rt | . 110,375 1m.
* * , llrm. No. 2. Sic. Oiitl.ins , quiet all day ,
cloiltitf tl ully anil unchansvil ; .December dosed ,
' *
- .
HOI'S l-'lrin.
111DKSOulpt and ste&djr , ,
J.I'ATUI-II - < Jul t.
WOOIHuiuly. .
VHOVlBIONH-IH-ef. steads- . Out muta , nrrn.
l.-inl , Wrm. western utMin i-lnned at 14.S5 ; icllned ,
linn I'otlt , lower. Tallnw , dull.
OII.S Co oiiJi'fl , qult-l IVlroleum , dull :
I'eiiiisylvimla cruilc. nominally Ue. Ilr. ! n ,
Mniily-r"jn.ii.L ! : 'ifSSlt'l ' lo Bow1' . 01. '
f lr to extra , Japan ,
I'lK Iron , warrants , dull , $675b and
7 , ( ) .i Uike copper , unclmnufd. $ l .S3li nnd
f ll.o. l Tin. quiet. tll70b nnd S13.7ia , Spelli-r ,
KANHAK CITV. Nov , ll.- 1 BAT-Auoul c
| uw r , mtier dow , No. 1 hard Me ; No. 2 , 6H,5I
S3N. . ) . 3 , 7S MH < - . No. 4 , 74gs c , No. 1 red.
9.1 ilc , No. t , OlfiMc , No , 3 , Jia p. No , 4 ,
. No. t * prln f , * > - ; No. S , 7
( ORN Vry llrm , No. 2 mUl , ssi
O.\T8-Mrm. fnlrly active. No. 2 white ,
RYIKlrm. . Nn Z , 44\
HAY-Klrin. choice prairie , S7.00&72S ; choice
timothy , $8..ofl ? 73.
Ht'TTKH-lMiot. tf-elpts lnrrenMnS ; creamery ,
ISffttc ; dairy , IWITo.
ions Active , stionft ; 16 4c , cafes returned ;
_ 109 SOO bu , ; corn , 40,100
liu. : oatc , 4.0"0 bu.
HlIII'.MHNTH-Wheat , 1IJ , 0 bu. ; corn , JI.4M
bu. ; oats , none
OMAHA < ; I.MH.U : , M.utKins.
Cniidlllon of Triulc unit ( Inntiitlnit *
on Simile nml I'lini'I'i'iiiliici - .
KOns-0'ioil stock , IfOlic.
IIUTTUll Common to lair , -ICJflle ; choice to
fancy. 14Q17c ; separator creamery , 23cj gathered
creamery. Z'c. '
VEAk-Cholce fat , SO to 120 Ibs. , quoted at 8c :
large and coarse. 4JJCc.
L.1VB I'OUI/rUY-lleni. 61ic ; cocks , ! 84ci
spring chickens , per lb. , fie ; ducka , CQ7c ; tur-
I'lCIKONS Mvc. 7Mj dead pllfcons not wnntca.
HAY Upland , J'3.00 ; mlilland. $5.30 ; lowland ,
J5.60 ; rye tra\v. II ; color makes the price on
nay ; light bales sell the boat , only top grades
bring top pncei. ,
CEkEllY Oood stock , large. 40o ; small , Z3f
ONMONS-Pcr liu. . 43576'ic.
HEANB-Hand-plrked navy , per liu. , J1.40.
SWI3I3T POTATOIM-I'er bbl. , .2 : . 2.60.
( . AllllAGK-llnntp grown , per lb. . me 1 tie.
1'OTATOKH-JIome grown , 40853ci western
QttrNCKS-Callfornla. per box , J1.23.
APPLES Winter stock , J2.C3fi3.00. Jonathans
.nil fancy varieties , $3.23 ; Callfoinla llellellower ,
loxos. tl.cO ; Colorndo Jonathans , boxes. 11.03.
NRW VOItli UltAPKS-1'cr 9-lb. basket , 13c-
arse Ints , llc.
1'M'MS Idaho and Oregon , 75cJI.OO
CKANIIEltllIis Capo Cod , per bbl. , $3.50 ;
Wtscaniilii , boxes , tl.MRl.IO.
vlntcr ncllls , $2.W2.23j ( other varieties , $1.90
OltANriBS Mexican , per- box , $1.30.
l.KMONS-Messlnas , JI.23yi.I10 ; choice Call-
'ornla. JI.OO.
1IANANAS Choice , large stock , per bunch ,
< 2.X ( > g2.3j medium-sized bunches , $1.7382.00.
NUTS Almonds , | ier Hi. . largo size , HJflSc ;
irnzll.i , per lb. . lOe ; English walnuls , per lb ,
ancy , Fort shell , He. Rtandards , lOWllc ; Illberts ,
> tr lb. , lOc ; pecans , polished , large , SftlOo ; Jumbo ,
2c ; large hickory nuts , $1.23 per bu.i small , $1.5o
ier bu.i coro.imrts , per 100 , $3.7381.00 ; peanuts ,
raw , 5ff3i,4o ; roasted , 6J6Uc. {
1'1OS Imported fancy , 3 crown , 14-lb. boxes ,
2',4c : 5 crown , 44-lb. boxes , luo ; Z-lb boxes , 25e
ier box.
HONnV Choice white , 13e.
KHAUT-1'er bbl. , tl.C03l.25 : half hbl. , $2.30g >
'MAI'I.B 8VIll'l > -I.'lve-Kal. cans , each $2.3j
Knl ennn. pure , per doz. , $12.00 ; lialr-Bal. cans ,
iJ.lij iiuart CJU19. $
DATKS 1'cr CO to 70-lb. boxes , C',4c : Fard 9-lb.
ClDHU-1'er half hid. , $3.00.
DHKSSED IIBKK-Onoa nntlvp steers , 7c ! peed
fortiiuartcrs , Fleers. Co good lilndiuiarlers , 9o ;
western steers , Ci8V4e ; fancy heifers , die ; good
icltVrs , Cj ; good foreiiuartcrs , heifers , 5HC ; Rood
ilndiinnttpni. heifers. SVjc ; good cowa. SHc : ; fair
HKKP COTS Tendrrlolns , ISc ; boncli'si strips
9c ; strip Iclns. 7c : rolls , Si.ic ; sirloin butts , 8\ic ;
< hoiiHcr clods , 5i,4c ; rump bulls , 6iJc ; Fleer
-houlder clods. rH4c ; rump bulls , S'.e ; steer
bucks , 6 ! .c ; C'ow chucks , 4'ic boneless chucks.
. 'to ; cow plates , 3c ; sleer plate.i , 3Vsc ; Hank iileak.
' .ie ; loins , No. 1. 14c ; lolna , No. s. ! % ; loins ,
Vo. 3. So ; sit loin ends. No. 1 , 9c ; ribs" , No. 1.
Ic ; ribs. No. 2. Slic : rll > , No. 3. Cc ; steer roundt ,
I'ie ; C' ' w rounds , C'io ; cnw roun IF shank off , SV.c
trlmmlncs , 4 jc ; bi-ef FhankH , 3c ; brains , per doz.
i > ; sw"plbri > ads , per lb. , lOe ; sweetbreads
icalvvs ) , PIT lb. , 4ic : kidneys , per doz. . 33c ; ox
lulls , wich 4c ; livers , per lb. , 3c ; hearts , per
lb. , 3c ; tongues , per lb. , 12iic.
MUTTON I.nmbs. 7c ; sheep. M.JOJ market racks
( IciiK ) , S > u ; hotel racks ( short ) , lie less nnd
saddles , Oc ; lamb leitu , 9c ; breasts and stews , 3c ;
.onuui" * , each 3c.
1'OIIK DrpFsed ple.o. die ; dressed boss , 3c ;
iondorlolns. ISc : loins , 7e ; spilre ribs , 5e ham
-.lusaRe butts , Ci c ; Fhoulders , roiiRb , . " ,0 ; shoul-
li'i-s. fklnned , Rite ; trlinmlniis. 5K-c ; leaf lard.
not rendeied. r.Vic ; bonds , rlainpd. 4c ; snout nnd
nir. , 4e ; bai'kbones. lifcc cheek ineatn. 4i.e ( ; neck
iionca. 2c : plRH1 lulls , tc ; plucks , ench. r > ichlt ; -
.erllnKS , 5c ; horks , 4c ; hearts , per doz. , 23c ;
itomacbs , each 3e ; tonsues. each 7c ; Icldnoyd ,
> er doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 15cj pigs' feet ,
> er doz , , 25c ; livers , eacb 3c.
HIDES No. 1 giecn hides , 7c ; No. 2 green
ildes , Co ; No. 1 salted hldcH , SVJc ; No. 2 green
ailed hides. 7M.INo. ; . 1 veal calf , 8 lo 12 Ibs. .
o ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. Cc ; No. 1 dry
nint hides , 11O13 ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , SlflOc ;
N'o. 1 dry salted hides , 91I10c : part cur-d hides ,
'f.c per lb. than fully Hired.
SUICEP 1'Kl.TS Green salted , each 13f75c ;
; rcpn salted shrarllngs ( short \\ooled early
kins ) each 15c ; dry sheurllngs ( short wooled
early skins ) , No. 1 , each Oc dry Hint. Kansas
and Nebraska butcher .wool pelts , per lb. . actual
wclKht. 4SJ3c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska
murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3J 4o ;
dry Hint Colorado butcher wonl pelts , per In. ,
actual weight. 4frV c ; dry Hint Colorado murrain
wool pulls , prr lb , aclual weight. Sfflc ; feet
nit off , ns It Is UK > I S to pay frelcht on them ,
St. IOUN ( .I'licriil MnrUiktN.
ST. IXDUIS , Nov. II , FIOL"lt Steady and un
WHEAT IrrcKiiIar , closing % o higher for De-
tcmlwr and VifJ } c lower for Slay thin at the
rlosliig of yesterday ; May opened Hiftl'dc to l' , c
lower , rallied lie , lost that , and then advanced
1'iiilMc ; spot , lower : No. 2 red. caih. In ele
vator , SCo bid : on track , ( IGVjQ97c ; No. 2 hard ,
cash. KHiWSSe ; December , 9Sc ; May , 93fi'J3 ; lc.
CORN I'utures opened' ' fractionally lower , but
advanced with wheat , and closed Him at yes
terday's final Hgures ; Fpot , llrm ; No. 2 mixed ,
i-ash. ZJt.ic ; December. W4c ; Hay , 2Sc bid.
OATrt Kutures weak early but on a good de
mand higher prices \\erc bid ; spot , lower ; No. 2
mlM-d , cash , In "levator , 19'4c ; on tra k , 2014
021c ; December. 29''tc : May , 221ic.
IlYK Finn at 4GgiC ! < ; C.
FIjAXSKKD Stronir at $1.
COHN MRA 111.40. .
1IIIAN I-'lrin ; oflVrlncs small ; sacked , east
trick. liVifUSe ; worth SOo on track , this side.
IIAV Hleady ; prairie , J7.500S.OJ : timothy. JC.SO
I1HTTISH Firm : creamery , 1902I1&C ; dairy , 19
IloViS Firm nt 15c.
WlflSKY tl.19.
SIKTALS Iad , dull ; S3.CO asked. Spelter ,
nominal at $3.u.
PHiOVISIONS Purls , steniy ; standard mess ,
lobbing , $8.2".rtS.'iO. Lard- better ; prime steam ,
tl.lili ; choice. $1.1715. Hacon. boxed lots , extra
short clear. $1.25. libs , $3.30 ; shorts. S5.G214.
DI-J * Fall meals , buxed Hhoiilders. $ ri.l2Mj ; extr.i
chnrt clear. $ I.S' H ribs. $5 ; shorts. $ ' , .1215.
RBCKIPT3 Flour , /4.0CO blilK. ; wheat , 73,000
bu. corn. 72000 bu. ; oat . 14WiO bu.
SHII'MIWJTH-Fliiur , C.OOO hbls. ; wheat , 114,000
bu , ; coin , 20.000 bu. ; oats. lii.OCO hu.
IliilllnioriMnrUctM. .
HALTIMORE. Nov. 11. FIJDUR Dull nml un
changed ; receipts , 102,700 bu. ; exports , 1.1G3 bu.
WHEAT Steady at dc 'Iln ; fjnt. JiC'.Jc ' ; May ,
C3'V bid : steamer , No. 2 red , 91UCS1V.'C | ; re-
jfllits , S3. 1157 bu ; rmilhern wheat , by sample , 01
fjilTo ; fcoulhun wheat , on glade. 0 : (97c.
CHUN Steady ; fpot.32ii 32'c ; December ,
S2Vifi1.21-ie ; No\ ember or Doci'mljcr , new or old ,
3Jli'32'ic : receliits 2 17D bu , ; Bhlpmcnts. 17.142
bu.i southern while , SOfflllr ; southern yellow , 31
OATS Firm ; No. 2 while. we t-rn ( , 271iii2o ; ie.
L-elpls , 99.2S1 bu.i exportB. 1C.1CI bu.
RYi ; KiiFler : No. 2 western , M'i033iu ; re-
celptH. l.liW bu. ; expoita. 77.7SO bu ,
HAY Steady. Choice ilmothy , $13.tO asked.
GRAIN FREHlHTS-Qulel nnd i-teady : Bteam
to I.lM'ipoil. per bu. , 4Vd November ; Coik for
crdoid. jier quurlir , 3s 10i/jd ,
lit'TTER Rteadv and unchanged.
EOflSI-Frenh , 2afflc.
CHEESE Fu-ady and unchanged.
C nil n Ki-iM > li4N | ut I'rlni-liuil .llnrki-tN.
T. I/lt'IS , Nov. 11. Receipts : Wheat , 10 :
cars.MINNEAPOLIS. . Nov. 11. Receipts : Wheat ,
KANSAS CITY , Nov -Receipts : Wheat. 183
CHICAGO , Nov. 11 , Receipts today : Wheat.
156 cars ; corn. 807 c-irs ; oats. 323 curs. Eallmale , ]
rnr lots tomorrow ; Wheat. .90 : corn , 370 ; outs ,
213. ' -
DIM.UTH. Nov. 11 Rucelpts : Wheat. 421 cars.
PEORIA. Nov. 11 , Receipts ; Corn , 21.000 bu.i
outs , ; 0.43i > bu. : rye. f * ) bu.j whisky and whent.
none. Shlpmenl * : Corn. 4.200 bu. : oats , 14,430
bu. ; rye , none ; whisky. C75 bbls. ; wheat , none ,
Cliirlnmitl MiirUetx.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 11. FI.OtiR-Sleady ,
WHIIAT Quiet : No. S ml , 9214&
CORN Firm ; No. 2 rnlxi-J , 2 u.
OATS Firm , higher ; No. 2 mixed. 21H022C.
RYE Steady ; No , S , 47c.
PROVISIONS Jjird , steaitv. J4.13. Hulk meats ,
firm , SIC3. Hacan , llrm , $6.15.
WHISKY-Acllve , $1.19.-
' . '
Ilim'KH-Klrni ,
' ' '
EC.OS-FIrm , hlsher ,
TOLEDO , Nnv. -WHEAT Higher , nrm ;
cash SHic : l > pccm'i ' r nnd Maji 95Hc.
t'ORN-Stpldy ; Ni. J rnlxM , 2CVJO ; Nr 3 , ! 5 , o ,
May , 30 , c.
OATS Steady ; NIL 3 mixed , 19c ; No. 3 white.
JJo ; No. 3 while. 2Ic.
RYE Dull , flleady ; No. 2 , 4Sc.
CLOVEHSEED-Wteadv : prime cosh nnd De
cember , S3 20 ; March , J3.j'iiJ.30. '
lliilViilo 3IrirlCi-tH ,
HUFFAI-O , Nov , 11. WHEAT No. 2 northern ,
old. 9c : No. 2 winter. SCc.
CORN No. 2 ,
OATS No. 8 white. K\ic.
HA RLEY Unchanged.
RYE No. 2. In store. 51c.
Detroit ririiln Murlcpt.
niSTKOIT. Nov. ll.-WHKAT-No. 1 white.
fSVic ; No. S red , J5 c ; December , SOKc : May.
93Uc. -
COIlN-No. t mlxtd. JCc.
OATH-NO , s white. : siic.
HYE-No. I , 4HJc ,
l.lvt-i-iioiil ( ! nil ii iiinl I'ravlKloiiK.
I.IVKltl-OOU Nov. U.-Kichanev. cloning :
PHOVI8lONK-H ln . 8hirt cut. dull 31s
Ilacun , clmir l lll i. dull , 4 > : hort ribs , rnsy ,
Xt ; long clear rnlddlej. lltht , vniy , 3si ; long
i-lwir b'avy , p.iny , 37 * M , short clear , rasy , ls.
Ixird , pi imc western , dull Ki Jrt
WII1JAT Fpjt , No. 7 rod , northern tprlns ,
s'raily. ' 7Bu' ' . . |
l'OHN'--lipi mbcr , Ft..aJy , 3s2Hdi Fiwt , Amr-
ban mixed , steady. 3Jd.
I'll I In ill-1 pill n I'rodlicr.
riIIl.AIiM'HIA. : Nov. 11.-lttJTTiil-Qulet. :
but ' ' " * - - " - SJ'tc ,
Mi'iid' ; fnnry xvej tprn crcimu-ry ,
EOll ? Firm : fresh m-ailiy , 21c ; western , 20c.
CHEESE Steady.
Wc-cU'w ! ' ! our Output.
MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 11-The Norf.iwtstorn
Miller given the Hour output laft week at Mln-
mnpolls. Duluth , Superior nnd Milwaukee at
425,470 bbl 3.
Sun rrnm-lM-o Win-ill InvUt't.
SAN I'llANCIscT ) . Nov. 11. AV 11 EAT-Very
quiet ; December , S1.43 : May. SLM'j.
1'l'lirln Iliirlii'ts.
PEOHIA , Nov. 11. COHN Firm : No. 2 , 2ic.
OATS-FIrm ; No. 2 white , 21U0 ! ! ? .
HYK-Qul t : Ni. 2. nominally , 4r'48l8s.
WlHSKY-Hlgh proof spirits , $1.19.
Active Si-llliirr In I.oiiilon
DOIVII the Prlci-M.
NE\V YORK , Nov. 11. Stocks proves unable
to hold the gains of yesterday , and prices today
have declined to an extent which practically
wipes out all of yesterday's prices , net declines
extending to a point or over In a large number
ot standard active ihaies. The decline of Amer
ican securities In London before the opening
here cauted weakness nt the outfct , and Lon
don wa nlcu quite an active seller In this mar
ket all day. After quite n Etrcnuous resistance
to the decline Just after the opening , the mar
ket gave way , and wlthl the exception of periods
of dullness and steadiness , Ihe course of prices
wns downward during the remainder of the
The I onrton felling was quite n factor In the
decline , nnd the revised cutlmntc of yesterdays
decMon concerning the antl-tru t law by the
appellate division of the supreme court at Al
bany was also n depressing Influence. Ap
parently the conviction prevailed In Wall street
that the law had1 been ilrcl.ircil unconjlltullonnl
unlll today , and n realization Hint the validity
of the law had not been passed upon and that
Incidental opinion expressed In the decision
rather pointed toward upholding Its validity ma
terially weakened prices ,
This weakness was especially manifested In
coalers and the Industrial specialties , mil had
something lo do with the sharp decline In Sugar ,
which at the exttcmc amounted to 5 points.
Sugar was moreover weakened by special con
siderations , one of which wns the probability
that the control of the Hawaiian crop was about
tu pass to Its competitors. There was also some
apprehension as to Ihe Hnnl decision cf the
government on the question -ounti-rvnllltnr
duties on Dutch rcHncd sugars , a question which
Is the subjecl of diplomatic ncgoilatlons. The
dealings In thli stock were huge ami the Hue.
tuallons In Its price affected the market by sym
pathy quite strongly.
Consolidated rias also suffered one of Its char
acteristic slumps of Ci ! points to 90. Sugar
louche. ) a price loday fully a polnl lower llian
Its previous low point on the present move
ment , bul It rallied quite strongly n point In
tin- closing transactions.
People's ( las , the successor company to Chl-
c.igo Oas was markedly heavy throughout the
day nnd closed with a net decline of nearly
IV. polllt ! ! .
The Soulhwesterns were weak , notwithstanding
very favorable shows of earnings for the first
week In November. Thai for Mlpfourl Pacific
showed an Increase of S1GC.OOO over Ihi- corresponding
spending period of lasl year and Kansas Pn-
clllc an Increase of nearly $50,000. Chesapeake
& Ohio wns the only railroad to report a de
crease fur the llrst week , which amounted to
$14.21. ! . Tin- railway list waa weak throughout
and not losses of a point or , upward are shown
all through the active list.
The dealings In Sugar were almost one-fourth
of the tolal.
There wai a falling off In nctlvlty In the
bonl market , nnd prices declined In the latter
part of the day. Totnl sales , $1.440,000. United
KlalCM 4s , registered , nnd the new 4s , coupon ,
rose U bid , and the 2s and the new 4s , regis
tered , H bid.
The Evening Post's London financial cablegram
says : "The stock markets wtre quirt but firm
today. Tlii > feature was the. further rise In con-
RoH nnd In other best Investment stocks on
genuineInviftiiKnt buying. Knllhs are levlvln * .
Americans openm ! firm , but the rise Induced
profit-taking here , the recent buying , as I cabled
you. IinvlniT been timid nnd cnutlinis. Finnllv
stocks came forward freely from Nw York nnO
prices consequently closed weaker. Omnd
Trunks are sllll booming , bul Canada P.iPlfle was
lint partly on thr new Issue of .C1.UOO.UOO In
caulUI which It lias been underwilttc-n. Thij
market was again a borrower nt the bank today.
The 1'arls and lierlln markets were st'ndy. "
The follow in were Ihe closing quotation * on
! ho loading etocko of the New York exchange
today :
Hleady ut l',4S2 per cenl ; last loan , 2 per cent
closed. Iitfr2 ! per cent.
ST'ERLINO EXCIIANOE Firm , with nctu
business Iri bunkers' blllH at $ I.S3"iB4.i5 % for de-
niand anil nt SI.S2ViOt.S2i for sixty days ; postei
rates. S4.SS'iffl.W4. !
51I1XICAN liOI.LARR 41c.
11A1LHOAU 1ION1 > S Heavy.
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows :
Hllver har > , C6Kc ; Mexican dollars. 4C0l6Uc
draft * , sluht , 17Hc ; drafts , telegraph. 20c.
Mliitt-inriit "f liiinUof Knuliiiiil.
I/NON | , Nov. ll.-rTlie weekly itatcrnent o
the llank of England liovv the following
thnnjrcs us cjmpartd with the provlnusi ac
count : Totnl resorxc. Innrranfd 1:224.000 ; cir
culation , decreased < .OJO , bulllim , Increaceil
JC1S.379) ) other Kvtirltles , dfirfaned 1313. coo ;
oth'T dciHiJItji , ilecrcBted ' 91000 , imhllc de-
Iio'lls , 1m rented 3l7.t-PO ; noles , reserve , In-
created iM.iffl , Kinermiifnt ecu-ltles , de-
crenrofl 175 OUO. The t > roiortlon | of the Hnnk of
EnKland re fr\ < > to llnhlllty , which Inlt week
wns 47.03 tier cent. Is now 4117 per rent. The
llnnl < of England's rale of discount remains un
changed nt 3 per cent.
NIMV Yorl < MlnliKT lliiolnllnni.
NK\V YORK. Nov. 11. The followlnj ; arc the
closllii ; inliiliiK quotations !
Chollnr ' . . s.l OMiario MI
Crown I'olnt 11 Ounr : 73
CPU , ual. .v. Va. . . . 1UU I'lvmoiitti II
Duadwoo'i wil Quicksilver 10J
ionidACnrry no UnlCitMlvsr nM. . . ODD
KloAtNororiMS. . : i.1 SIcrMNar.ilj. . . . il.l
lume'ttaKu 3(11)0 ( ) StamUM 170
lonHllver 'JA UnhmGon as
lexlcan 33 Yellow Jacket . . . . 35
Stnli-iiu-nt r nllnlc of Frnncc.
PAIIIS , Nov. 11. The weifcly Hlntpmi > nt of the
tank of Trance shows ten alUneen , us emipiircil
\llh the previous account : NeWs In rlrculnitm ,
pcroas , 4l2."i.o franc.tren > iiry nccounts cur-
enl , IncrcdW , 15.00M > 10 fnutvwi K"ld ( In hand , In-
re.ise , 27.1.0W franc. ; hill' jllfcuuni 'd. di > oiiMsi\
S.SDO.nW francs ; silver In linml , decie.i e , iT5 , CO
rancx ,
A in cr I IMI n < < i-ciirtlliM [ , in l.iiiiilnn ,
LONDON , Nov. 11. The niaiktt for American
Ki.'iirltleii declined at the oiienlnB.
lUt'Mlrtened Inter on n hellbr t lliis. The close
wan Kteady with a moderate. , ilf mand.
I'lmmrlnl > utr > < ,
NE\Y ORLEANS , Nov. lli-Clearlnss , J1.7I3-
) & .
NE\Y YORK. Nov. II.-Clearings , $147.030,010 !
hnlnnces. $78.732. , .
liOSTON . Nnv. 11. Clearings. . $10,454 SOS ; lial-
nnccs , $2,503,287.
HA1.TIMORE. Nov. 11. Clearings. | ! , gi,4SS ;
hulances , } 40GU74.
PnihADELPHIA , Nov. 11. Clcarlnco , $10,772-
3SO ; bnlunccs , $1.607.055.
MEMPHIS , Nov. 11-Clearlnss. ; ! ) ) ,070 ; bal-
nces , 51IT.CI2 ; New YaiU cxchnnge , sclllns nt
CINCINNATI , Nov. 11. Monry.2iiC per cent ;
'cw YoiU exchange , 2Jiflttt' piemlum ; clearings ,
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 11.-Clearings , $ lS7 ! > . : f,9 ; 1ml-
nces , $143,207 ; money. JiiS per cent ; New York
xfhiingc , par bid , 23o premium atked.
CHICAGO , Nov. 11. Clfarllixa , $ lS.Oi9.2CG ; New
York exchange , 30c premium ; imted rates , $4.S3ii
und $4.S6ii. Stocks , quiet ; \\Vl Chicago , higher
in IncrcBfed eninlngs. Cloflug prices : West
.Thlcago , 101 ; Ulamond Match , 143 ; l.aKe street
. , 17 ; New Yotk Hlfcult , C3T , ; Strawlioard , 31 ;
South Side Ji. CJU ; City Railway. 220 : Noith Clil-
case , 225 asked.
I'ori-I n Klillllicln ] ,
PAKIB , Nov. 11. Three per cent rentes , 103f
I'fcc for the account.
I1EUI,1N , Nov. 11. Exchange on London , 30
narks 3.1 pfgi. for checks.
I.ONDON. Nov. II. The amount of bullion
vlihdrawn from the UanU of England on balance
today m\u JC4 < ! .0 < W. Gold Is quoted at lluenos
Vyies today nt KII.'JO ; Lisbon. 4D.73 ; Home , lOo 23.
\rnerlcun eagles , 7Cs Cid.
\ ctlvcHiiylngr IfiiviH n Alllli-rlnl Ail-
vnm-i' nl CliiNf.
NEW YORK , Nov. II. The phases or the col
on market loday , while conflicting , were In the
imin decidedly more favorable. Investment huy-
ng was a pronaunced feature and covering be
came quite active. Advices from the south , hcrc-
ofore Irregular und generally weak , had a. much
better overage. The EnglHh colloii innrkel
showed unexpected and pronounced llrmness.
Pi late cables stilted there was a very sub
stantial Improvement In'the Inquiry for actual
cotton to go Immediately Into consumption. This
stlmul.iled speculative demand at this point , In
connection with private cables saying that .Man
chester conditions wen * noticeably better.
In the afternoon the market was decidedly
trong on predictions of , hardening t-uuthcrn
-pot mmKet end fcai.s ot a sharp upturn at
Mvoipool tomorrow. Opening at an advance of
4W3 points there wns u fuilhcr Improvement of
J l'3 points , after which there was n. paitlal ieic-
linii under realizing nnd Indlcnllons of n very
tihatp movemenl at the ports and the Interior
touns. Again Ihe markel became very slrong
ind nt Ihe best showed n net rise of 17IU2J | n > ltu ,
with the tone lliinlly llrm nt an ndvnnce of 174J19
mints on yesteiday's closing piles. Total sales' ,
'utures. 1SS.400 bales. Middling , 5 I.lCc ; net re
ceipts. 133 hales ; gross , l.,431 hales : exports to the
continent. 400 hales ; forwarded , S.J3S bales ; siles ,
JOO bales ; stock. 77,142 bnltw. Total today : Net
ocelpts. 62,693 bales ; exports to Orcat lirltaln ,
37.30U lilies ; to llio continent. 9.530 bales ; stock ,
; i3.03S bales. Consolidated : Net recelpta , 314,1S3
, , ilP3 : expoits to Gioat Urltnln , llo.lSi' , bales ; to
"ranee. 7,3.)9 bales ; to the continent , 120 9VO bales.
Total since September 1 : Net receipts , 2M3,128
mle ; cxp.iits lo Orcal lirltaln , S67k"S bales ; to
France , 227.143 bales ; to the continent , 633,732
wles. Futures opened llrm ; i > ales , IS.IO' ' ) bales !
January , $3.69 ; February , $5.73 ; March , J5S1 ;
\prl1 , J3.87 ; May , M.OO ; June , $3.90 ; July , jr. 00 :
\ugust , $5.01 ; September , 0.02 ; Novembt-r , $3.0- ;
> eccrnber , $364. Clnped Him ; sales , 18,400 hales ;
January , $3.83 ; February , $3.SS ; March , $3.ft2 ;
Vugust , $0.14 ; November , $3.76 ; December , J5.76.
\ugUKt , $0.14 ; November , $5 $ 76 ; December. $ . .76 ;
Spot , steadier ; middling uplands , 3ic ; ; middling
ulf , 6V c. Closed steady ; middling uplands ,
15-16c ; inlildllng gulf , 63-lfc ; sales , 301 bales.
LIVERPOOL. Nov. 11. COTTON Spot , good
tislnefs done ; good middling , 3 3-16il ; American ,
7-32d : low middling. 33-32d ; food ordinary ,
. ' 23-32(1 ( ; ordinary , 2 25-32d. The pales of the day
wen15.000 bales , of which 1,000 were for shlp-
nent und export , and Included J3.MM American ;
riicclpts , 8,000 bales , Including 7,500 American.
Futures opened quiet but steady , with a mod
erate demand , nnd closed quiet : American mld-
lllng , L. M. C. . November , W.l < 73.11'sellers ;
Vovember and December , $3.0fliJ3.09V4 , buyers.
December and January , $3./i9 , buyers ; Jununry
and February.$3.i9fi3.10 , buyers ; February nnd
Vlarch , $3.10JT3.11 , sellers ; March nnd April , $3.11 ,
juyers ; April nnd May , J11SS3.13. sellers ; May
and June , $3.13@3.14 , buyers ; .Tune nnd July , $3.14
i3.15 , buyers : July nnd Augupt , $3.16 , fellers ;
Aueust nncf September , J3.IC1/3.17. buyeri" .
sales , BOO bales ordinary , 4 S-lCc : good ordinary ,
1 11-lfic ; low middling , 5c ; muddling , . " 5-16c ; good
mlildllnp. 6 91Gmiddling ; fair , 513-16e ; re
ceipts , 22,833 bales ; stock , 221(66 bales. Future *
easy ; sales , 54,400 bales. .November , $5.40. nom
Inal ; December. $5.37STii.3S ; January , $5.45U5.46 ;
February , $3.50 3.51 ; March , $3.15IS5.5C ! : April ,
$5.41)0.1.41 ) ; May , $3.6303.60 ; June , $ S.70S3.72 ; July.
ST LOUIS , Nov. 11. COTTON Steady to
1 l-16o hlRher : middling , 6c ; sales , SW ) bales ;
receipts , 10.364 bales ; shipments , 9.14S hales ;
stock. 40.4&9 bales.
MEMPHIS , Nov. 11. COTTON Firm ; mid
dling. ! "i3-16c ; receipts , S.2S4 bales ; shipments ,
1,234 bales : stock , 63,344 lialen ; sales , 4MO bales.
GALVRSTON , Nov. 11. COTTON Easy ; mid
dling. 5Xc.
ColTc * ' Mnrkftn.
NDW YORIC Nov. 11. COFFEE-Optlons
opened steady at unchanged prices to A points ad
vance ; ruled quiet throughout the session , Belling
being checked by low prices , smaller Hrnzlllan re-
celpln nnd larger warehouse dcllvorl n and buying
checked by um-atlsfnctory Ktiropean ivdvloes ,
Black spot demand and heavy supplies ; closed
quiet nnd unchanged to B polntfl decline. Sales ,
14,51X1 hags , Including December at $5.43 : March ,
$5.70. Spot coffee , Rio , quiet. Mild , dull , Totnl
warehouse deliveries from the United States , 2V
ZM bags , Including 27.601 bags from New York ;
New Yoik stock today , 79.SOI bags : United States
stock. 626,133 bags ; atloat for the United States.
539,000 lings ; total visible for the United States.
905,133 hags , agnlnat 674,977 bags last year nnd
C51.160 lines In lt > 05.
SANTOS , Nov. 11. COFFEE-Qulel ; gooJ aver
age Santos , 7,600 rels ; receipts , 5.WO bags ; stocks ,
440,000 bags.
HAMIIURO. Nov. 11. COFFEE Opened V pfg.
lower ; clowd , November , ' ,4 pfg. not decline ;
oilier months unchanged ; sales , 21.000 bags.
RIO DE JANEIRO , Nov. 11. COFFEE Stfttdy ;
No. 7 Rio , $3.V ) ; exchange , 7Ud ; receipts , 5UW
bags ; cleared for the United Stales , 8.000 bags :
cleared for Europe , 8,000 liags ; stock. 440.030 bairn.
HAVRE. Nov. 11. COFFEE-Closed barel >
steady at ? if net decline ; sales , 19,000 bags ,
VIMV York Dry Gooilx Murker.
NEW YORK. Nov. 11. Dry goods are etlll dull
In nearly all departments , cotlon goods as usual
taking the lead In Ihe quleiude which prevails.
The break In the Jobbing prlco of shirting and
jobbing cotton on the part of one large house Is
followed by other Jobbers , but agents an ynt
show no disposition to regulate prices. There
have been a number of reductions In prices to
correspond with thee made u few days ago In
staple Indigo , blues , blacks and whites , grays
and mournings ,
In woolens nnd worsted poods the business
passing Is of very light proportions , Hellers belne
Inclined to put off the tlmo for making estlmatou
on prices for IMS to as Into a day as poralblc ,
and buyers being equally as1 much Inclined to
avoid purchases of any slza before those prices
are announced.
Print cloths are still quoted nt 2 5-16 cents , with
bids for moderate amounts recorded ut Z\i \ cents ,
In prints and lialtlc shli tint's prices hnvo been
put at 34 ! cents and the Merrlmao shirting prints
at 3ii cents per yard by ngents , Thesu are to
follow the reduction In shirting prints reported a
few days ago. ,
Oil MurkvlN ,
OIL CITY , Pa. , Nov , 11. Credit balances. 63o
certificates , no bids ; shipments , 11C.OS4 bbls.
ruim. 105.134 bbls.
CHARLESTON. S. C , . Nov. ll.-OILS-Turpcn.
tine , firm all 27Wc , Ropln , firm.
WILMINOTON. N , C. . Nov. , 11-OILS-Tnr.
pentlne. steady at 2SHflL" c. Itcfln , dull at $1.14
M1.15. Crude turpentine , nrm at $1.00(81.90. ( Tar
llrm nt $1.M.
SAVANNAH , Ga. . * Nov. 1U OIU 5 Turpentine
opened llrm at 2 V4029ic , with sales of 1,43 !
cases , and closed llrrn nt 29ic , with further
sales of DO rages ; receipts , J,398 rates , Rocln
closlmr quotations : A. H. C. 1) , $1,10 ; E , $1.15
F , $1,15 ; Q. $1,40 ; H. $1.25 | I $1.40 : K. $ I.X ! > ; M
1.80 ; N , $2.15 ; WO. $2.40 ; tWW. $2.80 : I nm
above quiet. P and below llrm ; tales , 775 cates
receipts , 4.179 cases. * , . „
LONDON , Nov. 11. OILS-l3nseed , 16s. Pe
trolcum , American , 4 7-lCd , v ,
Cnllforiiln Drle.I KrnltN.
FRUlTS-Aivples , easier ; outer fruits , quiet
evaporated apples , comrnon/l'GO7c : prime -wire
tray , 7tt 8ej wood dried , prlmel Ml 81ic ; choice ,
SVsfifKc : fanes' . 9fl9V4c ; pruneii. ' Sfi ' , ; o per lb. ,
n to vlte and quality : aprlout * . Royal , 7R9Kc
Moor Park , 5311c ; peaches , unpeeled , 7610c ;
peeled , KB17C.
You ain't cure couaumiutuji but you CUD
avoid It and cure every other lurin of thtoa
or lung tiouble by tbe use of Ono Minute
Cough Cure.
Cattle Run Palls Off Some , but Hogs Hold
Up Well.
Seller * llnvo ( lie llottor of tin- Situation
tion nnd ( ii-t HU
10 Hurt lo Out
SOUTH OMAItA , Nov. H.-llecelptsfortho
days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses
November 11 . 3.4MJ t.,01 3i
Novuiubcr 10 . , 13 B.WI7 1 , ! > VJ .B
November 9 . 2,702 5,315 1.40J
November S . 3,4M ) 2,531 719 2J
November G. . 657 3K)9 ) .
November 5 . 2.111 ; < ,7U3 1.7W 53
November 4 . 3,919 4.V)2 ) 2.S33
November 3 . 4.7J1 4094 S.455
November 2 . 2'Jlu 2,213 1,313
November 1 . 6aW 1.11(1 ( l.'JIS
October JO . U1S 3,599 'JM
October 89 . C , : i I.6S7 2,017 51
October 23 . 7.23J 3W1 . . . .
The otllcUl number of cars of stock
brought In today by ench road was :
Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep.
O. & St. ti. Hy . J
Missouri I'nclllc Hy . 3 S
Union I'nclllc System . 37 11 1
l.B. . & M. V. U. U . 21 li
S. C. & 1 > . Ily . 2 . .
C. , St. P. . M. & O. Hy . 4 2
U. & M. H. H. H . 7 31
C. , H. & Q. Hy . 9
1C. C. & St. J . 2
C. , H. I. & T. Ily. . east . 5
C. , H. I. & P. Ily. . west . Jj J
Total receipts . 130 92 13
The disposition' the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the iHim-
) er of head Indicated :
Uiyers. Cattle. HOBS. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 20 1.U7 100
rhu a. H. Hammond Co 2.VJ 1,137 . . . .
Swift and Company . . . . CIS 1,013 211
The Cudahy Packing Co. 2t ! ) > 1,477
t. Decker and Ucgan. . . . GUI
Vanaant & Co . CO
J. L , . Carey 1Cd
\V. I. Stephens . 112
Jenton .t Underwood . . . S3
.Ivlngston & Shaler . . . . 131 40
j V. llnsz . 20
I. Hamilton . 2SG
cnla .t Wolf . 33
Cudahy P. Co. , K. C. . . . W 03
I'lanklnton , . .Milwaukee . 221
Other buyers . 893
over . 200
Total 3,728 0,11" 3,761
CATTLE There wers only n Httlc over
mlf as many'cattle here todiiy us ysster-
lay , but still there was a fair run. The
falling oft In the receipts was to tha ad
vantage of the selling interests , us it stive
an opportunity to clear up the yards and
it the Biunu time Improved thcl tone of the
Corn-fed beeves were In very llpht sup
ply nnd the market was moro active than
It has been for several days and at the
same tlmo a llttlu stronger. Some pretty
decent cuttle sold up to JI.05 and the mai-
; cet as n Whole was lu very healtny con-
Handy light cuttle sell to much better
advantage than coarse , heavy cattle nml It
would look as If they were likely to con
tinue that way for some tlmo to come.
Packers say that they can soil ten handy
light steers to ono heavy anil It is pre
dicted that the light cattle will command
i premium , as heavy cattle seem to be thu
most plentiful. Last year , owing to the
very good export demand and to the scar
city of export cattle the feeders 'who hail
heavy cuttle made big money on them.
This has naturally turned the attention ol
feeders to heavy cattle and it Is Hu-ureU by
some that they will bo plentiful enougn this
vear to keep prices douvn. . ,
Butchers' stock mas In light supply am ]
good demand and the offerings of cows and
leiters met with ready pale. The prices
mid were about the same as prev.i. nl yes-
market on stockera and feeders did
lot shoft- much change , but what lit"1-
change there was took place on the sl < U ol
ewer prices. Heavy feeders are In light
lomand , the country apparently having got
ten about as many as arc wanted anil the
market Is gradually dropping down. On
the other hand light cattle which can be
, ut In the stalk fields are keeping up in
) Hco qulto well , as the country Is still look.
ng for that kind of stuff. Representative )
S--S iS
420 . . . . ! 435
9 971 2 30 8. . . . 987 cS 1. . . . S90 275
1 1050 27E 4. . . .1037 300 C..1230 3 10
s ! : "llM 333 1..1290 340 . .1180 340
1 .800 290 7..112S 2W . .1233 310
1..1130 3 GO 2. . . .1020 3 00 . .1260 3 40
2. . . 690 2 23 1. . . . 010 2 CO 010
1..12CO 315 1..1250 3 C3 000
2. . . . S55 235 1..1010 243 SSO 2 C5
1..1130 2 1. . . . 840 .53 275
SS5 280 4. . . . 940 283 030 SCO
5" " 955 3 10 2. . . .1033 3 13 056 3 30
1..1150 3 75 2. . . .1185 390
39 974 3 35 1. . . . "SO 3 35 4. . . 865 3 50
974TO 375 4. . . . 897 375 2. . . ess 410
. SCO 4 25
1 . .1090 2 75 1..1010 VoO 1..1330 2 75
1..11CO 300 1..1020 223 1..1240 270
. .1260 SCO 2. . . .1280 SSO 1..14CO 3 DO
. .UCC 3 75
2. . . . ICO 0 HO 1. . . . 150 COO 1. . . . 190 4 fc5
2C. . . . 803 3 GO 5. . 852 3 70 I. . . . 870 3 S7'.i
14. . . . 780 3 S7' { , S. . CIS 410 3. . 813 3 GO
2. . . . C70 300 5. . C72 375 44. . .C25 385
3. . . . 480 323 1. . 6B ! 3 GO 97tl SCO
41. . . 713 370 2. . 715 370 31. . . 851 375
103. . . S14 375 CS5 380 8. . . 943 380
. 481 3 60 910 3 85 . 9M ) 3 85
. 952 363 1..1070 380 . 7i,2 400
No. Av. IT. Av. I'r.
1 lulling . 720 J3 15 1 lulling . 1170 $3 15
11 tunings , . . . 923 33 44 feeders. . . . 844 350
104 f toilers. . . G72 370 3 yenrllnss. . " 00 410
2 heifers . 763 300 D cows . Oil 325
2 lielfcra . 710 323 8 feeilers. . . . 920 380
41 feeders. . . . 952 380 2 feeders. . . . W5 380
12 feeders. . 803 3 8 < ) 10 feeders. . . . 911 390
40 feeders. . . 8S3 4 00
13 cows . 901 235 1 bull . 1230 245
Ocows . 983 280 5 cows . 938 235
1 bull . 1130 233 Ibull . 1410 249
1 bull . 1190 2 GO 1 cow . 800 2 C5
9 cows . 970 285 11 tailings. . . . 928 323
44 feeders. . . . S44 3 GO 2 cows . 9o5 310
1 tnUlne . 1300 310 14 cpws . 1005 325
Scows . 1001 323 18 cows . 1091 380
IS cow ? . 1020 323 SCOWH . 101.5 350
S feeders. . . .1010 3 C5 7 feeilers. . . .1100 390
104 feeders. . . S72 3 70 3 yeurllnus. . GC6 4 10
1 bull . 1GCO 2 GO 2 COWH . 1030 285
2 cows . 11 CO SCO C cows . 1031 333
3 cows . 1180 333 C Bleers . 10 % 333
1 feeder . 930 360 1 cow . 850 2 GO
1 lulllnB . 900 300 1 tulllntr . 1170 SCO
1 lulling . 910 3 10 14 heifers 027 3 10
25 heifers 820 320 1 lulling . 1150 325
1 talllntf . 1130 325 49 cows . 1109 330
Scows 9 6 320 U cows . 1104 340
2 cows . 11SO 325 D heifers . 052 3 G5
1 feeder . 950 3 75 17 feeders. . . .1033 4 10
1 feeder . 740 323 18 feeders. . . . 831 330
1 feeder . 050 S 60 72 feeilers. . . . 933 3 80
3 feeders. . . . 720 4 00 Cl feeders. . . . 891 4 CO
1 bull . 13CO 2 10 1 bull . 1020 2 10
1 bull. . . . 1380 225 Scows . 840 223
1 cow . > 2 GO 7 bulls . 1205 2 CO
S cowa . 1030 S 10 1 lalllnK . 1070 315
15 ulrerr . 1240 345 fi feeders , , , . 972 3 C5
38 feeders. . . .1110 375 2 cows . 1000 .130
1 cow . 1120 3 30 9 cnwn . 1040 3 30
1 cow . 1200 330 25 feeder . 890 39.1
1 cow . 850 2 75 1 cow . . , 830 2 75
2 cow . 9CO 875 1 cow . 1210 320
3 cows . 1043 380 1 cow. , , . . . . , 920 300
1 COW . 100 3 ( ) ( i cows . 091 330
15 Fleers . 1300 393 C9 feeilers , . . .1114 400
10 feeJers. . . , 867 393 84 feeders. . . . 938 4 UO
1 COW 910 2 C5 1 steer , . 970 340
1 eteer 1160 340 1 calf . 240 485
1 cow . 1030 3 00 1 heifer. . GCO 3 00
327 fdrs Tex. , 824 3 15 3 cows . 933 3 20
1 heifer. . . . . . 750 3 33 1 heifer. . 790 3 33
72 airs. Tex. . 1021 3 43OnEOON.
2 cows . IOC. , 240 20 bulls . 1239 2 GO
24 bulls . 1173 255 1 bull . 1230 275
10 cowa . D72. 3 10UTAH.
1 cow . 800 ! 00 11 cows . 1011 310
6 cows . 998 200 79 cows . 1042 320
137 cows . 1MO 2 Co 44 heifers . 1032 335
IOC cows . 889 200 40 tnlIlnB . . , .1212 340
3 cows . , ,1110 300
8 feeders. . . . BIS 370
HOGS Receipt * were larger than for several
il.iyn and buyers started out bidding lower
prices. A few lings sold that way , but as oilier
markets were reported steady and UK the do-
inanil proved to be quite brink , the market took
on more strength , the bulk of the hogs celllni ; at
yesterday' * prlccf. The Irade was reasonably
active , an early clearance being effected , and
the clone wan strong ,
' The prices paid ranted from 13.25 to J3.42V4.
with the great hulk ut t3.30ff3.3S. Yesterday
the ranne was 53.231)3.40 , with the bulk at S3.:00
3.85. The ayerace of all the sales wan just
about the same as yesterday , or 2082ic lower
than on Monday anil 1214o lower than u week
HU"O.Dead hogs always ronptltuta a live question
at the yards , and there Is a good deal more
trouble regarding tbe price of the dead than
of the live. Some commlcslon men are Jiow
talklrtf about organizing a company to handle
the dead hov with u view to raUIne the price
utrong. Representative sales :
Nn. Av. I'r.
19 native wethers 100 (3 03
103 western wethers 110 I 05
1 wether ISO 300
G culls , 90 300
J13 mixed Mexicans 104 4 15
123 culls M 273
239 western wclhors , . M 3 00
212 western wethers 101 4 15
Ilnoni III flit * I'rli'rn for Sln' < - | > mill
CHICAGO , Nov. II. 1'rlces for cuttle were
10S15o per 100 Ibs. hlRher. Thirty head of heavy
beeves , averaging 1,743 Ib ? . , broiiRht J5.23. nml
the bulk of the cnltle sohv nt from $4.40 to J5 ;
the offerings embracing a good share of fat
j steers ot attractive prices. A good ninny fed
weslerni nnd Tvxnns sold nt from J3.75 lo $1.40.
mil some good fed westerns sold nround JI.73.
The stiKkor and feeder branch of the niulket
was decidedly more notlvc , them b'elng mole
buyers from the Interior , nnd choice feelers
soU p.mlcnlarly well , prices r.mslng from S3.SO
lo $1.50. Itutcliers' and feeders' slurr shared
n the advance , aind calves were In Rood ilo-
inand olive more nt from J5 lo fli.50 per 100
Ibs. for fair lo prime ones. The few Texas Kints
catlh' that were offeii'd Fold readily nt better
prices. Western rangers were scarce and
BtronKer nt from 53.0 tu J4.23.
There was a Rood demand for boss , both from
Chicago packers and caslern shippers , nnd prices
were laiRely a shno'e ' hiwhur than Ihe closing
[ Inures of yesterday. Tlio poorest lots of parkIng -
Ing IIORS sold at from S3.21) ) lo J3.SO. nnd the
Ijest phlppliiR lots nt from M.M1 to J3. < w. with the
bulk of the IIORS selling for $3.40 to $3.r,3. 1'lRS
sold laiRely nt from J3.30 to t..5. .
Sheep moved up about ISo today , nnd lambs
of the lust qunllty sold 3 < > c above yesterday's
liept sales. Sheen broiiRht from J3.00 to J4.73 ,
western rnnKe Hocks brlnRlnjr from $3.73 to
$4,40 , nnd Innihs found buyers nt from $1 to
$0.10. These are the best pilces paid for sheep
and lambs In a Ion ; ? time.
Hc-celiHE Callle. 7,500 bend ; IIORS. 37,000 head ;
sheep. 12,1 CO bend.
St. I.oul.s l.ivc Sloi-k.
ST. LOUIS , Nov. 11. OATTI.K Receipts , 2,700
head ; shipments , l,0o ) ; market stmdy for
nnllvrs ; Texiuis , ntronR' tt > lOc hlRher ; fair lo
cholco nallve shipping and export steers , $ l.33 < ! ?
5.30 ; bulk of sales. $4.40 f4.95 ; dree.wl beef nnd
butcher Ftwrs , t3.75T4.S3 : bulk of unles , Sl.SOl ?
I.S3 ; steers under 1.000 lira. , $ J.ViiT4 33 ; bulk of
sales , Sl.ontM.ZJ : HtocKera and frrders. $2.23514.10 ;
bulk of rales , $2.SOJT3.CO ; cows anil helfeis. $2 fllfd
1.50 ; bulk of cows. J2.C"j3.40 ; canning : cowa , $1.70
Cff.r,0 : bulls , J2.20itf3.2i ; Texan and Indian steers.
JS.OOiSf 1.23 ; bulk of sales , $3.234f3.l3 ! ; cows nnd
belfors. 52.23Ii3.2j.
HOfiS liixielpts , 9.200 hrnd ; Bh'pments , 1 7V ( )
head : mnrlsvt , steady ; llRht , $3.-I05f3.CO ; mixed ,
? 3.25fft.40 : ; heavy. J3.40T3.ri2iA.
PIIiiP ; Receipts , l.C'lo ' bend ; shlpmenls , none ;
market , strong ; native muttons , Sl.CVf4.30 ; culls
jind bucks , $2.5003 25 ; stackers , $2.f.0tr2. 3 ; lambs ,
$ l.23f375.
IiiilIiiiiniiollH l.iviSldilv. .
INDIANAl'OLIS. Nov. 11 CATTI.W Rocelp's ,
70il head ; shipments , fair ; market , fnlily active ;
no quotable chanue.
HOOS Ri'cclptu , 5.500 head ; shipments , 1,00)
head ; miiikt > t opened quli't , closed active at a
general decline of 5c , nil sold ; eood to choice
medium nnd heavy , $3.55S3.d7 ! ; mixed nnd
heavy , S3.COfr3.55 ; coniman lights , 33.ij : ( ' .1 r.O.
8IIKKP Ilecelpts , 800 hcid ; shipments , GOO
Iii-adj market , ntclve nli strong tr > higher prices ;
K"od to choice himln , $3.00ii5.50 ; common to
medium lambs , $3.7504.73 ; common shcvp , $2.COg >
ICaiisiiN CHy l.lviSdirl. . - .
KANSAS CITV , Nov. 11. CATTM3 Receipts
7,000 ; market steady ; Texas steers , $2 $ > 3&3.10
Texas QOWS , $1.75f3.00 ; native steers , S3.50ff.1.CO ;
native COWH and heifers , $1.5004.00 : stockcrs nnJ
feederH , $3.0004.40. bulls. $2,405T4.DO.
HOGS Hecelpts 14,000 ; market weak to 5c
lower ; bulk of sales. $3.23Q3.40 : bcavlea. $3.22 % j )
$3.40 ; parkers , 53.20JT3.33 ; mixed , J3.25e3.42'/j ;
llRhts. $3.3033.4215 ; yorkcrs , $3.40ff8.4S',4 ; pins ,
SHEEP Hecclpts 3.000 ; market Btrnnjr to lOo
higher , lambs , $3.23S3.70 ; muttons , 2.5WJ4.73.
XI-TJ' Ynrlc MVP Sloe ] ; .
NEW YORK , Nov. 11. IlEEVES-Hecelptfi.
1,1W ; tradlnK ; cables quiet ; steers nl 10'Ki
@imc ; refrlceralor bi-ef , 8'i J85ic ; no exports.
CAI < VBS Receipt * . 143 hcnd ; Bteady ; veals , S ®
So ; Krascrs , $1.0004.23.
SHE13I1 AND LAMIIS Rvcplpts , 2.700 bend ;
quiet , closing steady ; eheep , S3.0084.70 ; lambs ,
$5.G05 ? 00.
IIOQS Ilecc-lpts , 2.SS3 head ; lower , $3.7501.00.
Knti HnfTnlfi l.lvc Stock.
EAST ntTI'KAIX ) , N. Y. , Nov. 11. CATTWJ
Aboul steady.
HOGS Yorkers , good to cholco , $3,73 ; roughs ,
common to good , $3.15'7J13.30 ' ; pigs , common to
choice. $3.C33.70.
IjAMIiS Choice to extra , $5.SOg > 5.90 ; culls lo
common , } 5.50fi5,70.
SHEKI' Choice to selected wethers , S4.GOff4.75 ;
culls to common , S3.259S.75.
lOIllNvllll > I.IVC NlOi-U.
IJOtIIBVIILT3 , Nov. ll.-CATTI.K-Recelpts. GOO
head ; market quiet and unchanged.
HOOS Receipts , 5.000 head : market dull and
EC lower , all Rood hoga selling at $3.50 nnd
rouKlin at $3.00 3.15.
SI1EI3I' Unchanged.
Cincinnati l.lvc Stoulc.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 11. HOGS Market active
nt $2.iOiT3.C3. !
CATTI.E Market dull at $ : .2ri5.10.
SHEEI'-Market ncllvc at $2.7534.50 ; lambs ,
strong at $4.2505.75.
H toi-lc In
Record of receipts of live stock nt the four
principal markets for November 11 :
Cattle. Hoi ; . Bheep.
Omalm . 3.4fC c.cia 3.704
Chicago . 7,600 37,000 127000
Kansas City . ' 7W > 0 14. COO 3,000
Kt , I.ouls . ; ,700 9.200 l.CCO
Totals . SO.CSO W.JIO 2oic !
tie , steady , 2Vi (2T4c ; centrifugal , llrm ; gniiui
lated , 4fi1c ; whites , 3 11-llift ( He ; yellow , 3J
3 13-lCc ; seconds , 2ff3 l-10e Molapscs , open ket
tie , steady , JC@28c ; good grades scarce ; tentrl
fUKal , fifiHe ; syrup , sleady , 20ii22c ,
I/ONDON' , Nov. ll.-SIJCAR-llei > t EiiRar ,
BsUjd : December nnd March , ! ) s HSd.
NEW YORK , Nov. H.-SUOAR-ltaw , steady ;
refined , strong.
Arnold's Dromo Celery cures litatlachos ,
lOc , Sfc and 50c. All druggists.
Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb
IK ) A It I ) 01' TIlADIi.
Direct wires to Chicago and New York.
Correspondents ; John A , Warren & Co.
Weare Commission Go-
Members Chicago Bourd of Trade alnce 1SC2.
Grain , Provisions anil N. Y. Stocks
Orders Cash nnd Future Delivery Solicited ,
Omuhu Olllue , H on in 1 , \ . V , 1,1 fe HlUit :
. . . .M'liiinu 1101. . . .
President. VlcPre ldent.
a , W. KENNBy ,
Christie-Street Commission Co
Citliltul * BOO4iM)0 ) , Tuny .J'lllil.
1U05. .
Kelt ,
" '
Morning/ /
Monday *
Pages -
5fe !
The .
Onlv '
Per ,
Sunday ;
Week ;
The -