10 Tins OMATTA DAILY BEEs FHIDAY , yOYEMBER 12 , 1807. SPECIAL NOTICES niriilM tne t lie HP column * rrlll lie Intern until 11 ! in. f r tlir cvrnlntr unit nnlll H | i. in. for tlir innrnliiK unit Hmiilnj' cilltloiiM. Ailv Tlln < T , liy rriKPNlliiK | ' " > ' tirrpil ilippl < , pun lin o nHUM pr iul- ilroMiicil tit a iiiinitiprptl Idler In cnrt of The MPP. AnmiprM no mlilrented tvlll lip ili-llv creel on iirpKcntitllon "f thp eliL'pk only. ItntPN , 1 I-i ! ! n mini flrxl ln iprtloii | lo n mini tliprpuflpr. .NnlliliiK InUpii for IVNH Ilinii ar.p for UIP llrnt liimpr- HiUiTllni'iiH-ntH nniHt be tlon. TliCNP run coiifUTiill vulp. SITUATIONS POSITION "WANTIJD IIY AN iixiMji ilniKKlst of 10 > ear . ORB 30 , Music , of 'tore. tc t to take. full charge moderate cnlary. A. U Cleave , 1 111 Olive * t. . St. I/oul * , Mo. _ A-M30J 12 YoJjNi MAN"wrrii HTKAUY IIAIUTS AND c yearn' experience wants rlttinlton to n'n.n 5 ; ana lumber A1' ' . ' " * " Keneral urnlii uuslnfjR ; A-M304 n - A g. cnro llee _ \VAVrHII MAI.H HKI.I * . _ CANVABSF.HS TO TAKE "oUOIJUSiNBW LINK of work ; no lienvj Kooils to carry ; balary or comtnlsiilun. C. F. Adams Co. . 621 Kp. " 1' BAI.HSMKN roil ClflARS , J123 A MONTH AND eipcnfca ; old nrm ; experience uiinetefBnry. Inducements to customers. C. C. llmiop ft Co. , St. Louis. H-iQ4 ONU HUNDKHD DOLLARS IN CASH , ALSO liberal commissions , to Rood deputies ur oritan- lers. Imperial Myntlo I Rlon For pirtlcu- lars addiem Henry C. Akin , aupieme leKont. building , Omaha. 11-M4I1 N22 WAOTT.U. rARPKNTKRH. TO KF.F.P AWAY from tlio Imposition grounds until mattorB are fettled. Carpenters' Union. II M.OO TH13 MA YOU OF 8RATTM1 WUITIW ASKINO liow many Rrnduntes ve can prep-ire for Klon dike thin Miring : we tearh Hie hirher trade In two mcnths many other Rood openliiRs for graduates ; complete oulllt donated ; catalogue mailed free. Moler Sylcm llarlier School' , Clark and Van Ilurcn His. , Chlcnco. 14 * H-MjfC TAILOR WANTIJI ) FOR PANTS AND VKST. steady work and peed p.iy , IJMy Itro . .t Co. , Trcmont. NVli. H-M2C1 12 * WANTIJI ) , A FIRST-CLASH 8AI.BSMAN roll our epeclallles In Onmhn and \lclnlty ; refer ences iciiiilted. Addieas J P. Annen C.indy company , ( irecn Hay. WIs. 1I-M313 12 WANTED , T'WHNTY HITHTLIIIIS TO KBLI. lieutpcclilty i > ichool hoards ; our men make from J'ifl.Ofl to } 200 CO per month. Address Teachers' Aid assutlatloii , 141 W. Madlsim ft. , Chicago , 111. 11-M300 14 WANTii ) , CO.MPnTUNT DIIUGOIST. YOI'NQ mnn pitferred. If you dnn't know vvelnlits and tncnimtcs. and the preparation ! ) of the U. S. Phannnpopoi'Ia , dnn't apply. Sherman & MoConnell Drue Co. , 1513 Dodge St. . Clmnlin , Neb. I1-M311 12 WANTIID. SMA11T , INTnLLlOB.KT 1SOY permanent situation ; $1500 per month. Fumy & McArdle , Arlington hhwk , 1311 Undue. I1-M30S 12 WANTED. A MAN TO HUN A STIIV.M IIHAT- InB plant at the Ogdcn houie. Counell llludH. II M3H 12 no aini.s FOU ALL. KINDS OF wouic ; is n J7 wefk. C.madlan Olllce , 1522 DouRlas. C 703 WANTED , aim. Fen aisNniiAi. iiousi- worlc. Apply at H20 South 2Cth Avenue.CM C-M ( > 72 AN nXPI'IHENC'IJD COOK. OOOn WAC.KS. must have excellent references. Apply at 1203 Park ave. , between C and 8 p. in , only , C 253 11' WANTIJD. OOOD COOK AND LAUNDIinsS. C17 So. ISth St. C-237 WANTED AT ONCE , FIHST CLASH WAIST HnlBlicrs. Mis. II. C , Moses , 303 So. 17th St. C 255 11' WANTED , GOOD WOMAN , ONE WHO CAN cook , fair \UIRCS. 119 N. IClh , room 12. U-237 11' WANTED , O11U , FOIl OENEtl.U. , HOUSE work ; family of thiee. 252J 1'opplcton Ate. C 259 11' WANTED , aim , FOH OENEHAI. iiot'si- : wurk. 2110 N. 22il tit. C .M307 _ _ ' GlHI WANTED FOR OENEItAI. HOUSE- work. J. A. Gorluin , 819 7th me. , foiinoll muffs. C M3I9 12 KOIl HKXT IIOUSKS. HOUSES IN AM , PA UTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Da\ls Company , 1105 Farnam. D 706 HOUSES. hENEWA & . CO. , 108 N. 15TH ST. D 707 HOUSES. WALLACE. HI1OWN 1MJOCK. K.TI1 and Dotifilas. D T09 CHOICE HOUSES AND t'OTTAOES ALL , OVL'H city , 15 to J75. Fidelity , 1st lloor N. Y Life. D-709 HOUSES , rOTTAf.ES & STOHES. AI.I. PAKTS of city. Ihennan K. I/o\e Co. , 430 I'axton block D-710 LARUE LIST M'CAOUE. 15TH AND DODOE D-711 HOUSES , FLATS. OAHVIN 11IIOS. 1611 1'AR'M D-712 HOUSF.S FOU HE NT. HEMIS I'AXTON 1ILK. D-713 TIOUSES , J H. SHERWOOD , 421 N. Y LIT'E. D 711 FOU HUNT. CHOICE 12-IIOOM DETACHED modem house. Infinite 251S Capitol Aventi1. D-715 iioviNn"HOUSEHOLD noons AND'PIANOB' Om. Van & Storage Co. , 151H4 F.irnam. Tel 15ii D-710 t-ROOM MODRRN FLAT , 2103 LEAVEN- worth St D ( its N2S HOTELS , STORES. HEMIS , I'AXTON HI.5C D-MIW C-ROOM HOI'RT MIAMI KTl'EET Jin ; NEW 10-room In u c. Park nv nue. J35 ; bilck , modern W. I * Helby , 331 Chamber Commeri'e. D-MC51 HOUSF. fiVi 4 = 0 JSTH ST , ID ROOMS , MOD. ern , 140.00 per month. Ilyron Heed Co.D D 970 C-ROOM MOPWHN rOTTXOn AT 4IS NORTH 19th St , Si > M ) o month. Apply to W n Mt'lUle , 1st Nat'l Ilk IlldiJ. D-M100 F-IIOOM IIOUSE 2811 MIAMI. $10 CO , NEWLY painted and papered. W I * Selhy , 314 Ilnanl of Trad. ' . D-M118 C-ROOM MODERN FLAT. 2103 LEAVEN- Morth st. DfS3 N29- NINE-ROOM HOUSK , NFAVLY PAINTKD AND papered , with Inth , eloet. hot water , uas , elec- trlo llRht and Koe > V bain , mldvvav brt\\ti'n i x- ponltlnn and pnnlolllee. on t o ear llnw low rent. Fidelity. l t tloor N. Y Life , DM213 FURNISHED n"oUSE : < ROOMS , MODERN until May , north part of city. Addiens A 22 Hoe. f2L1L * S nOOM FLAT. NEW AND MODERN ; roil ! PA- clflo t. Chan , llnnloy. D- Mitt 12 * TEN-ROOM MODr.ltN HOUSE 2C22 DAVEN. port SI , Inquire 2CI I > venp nt D2T1 n FOR HUNT HLEn.SNT K-HOOM HOl'SE. ALL modern Improvements , No , 40H North 2Srd St. Fir Information call nt National ClothliiK Co. . 14th anfl Dc.iiKlas Sts. D-277-14 FOR HENT-O 3OD , ELEOANT COTTAOE BIX rooms. ey | ( \\ater , eorner J"th ami Caldnell Pts. Information rail at National Clothing Co , corner 14th and Douulas tit * . ' D-27S-I4 VINE MODERN HOME CHEAP. WEST END , Juct north r.irnnm. Addiens nwnir , A 21. lice. D-2J8H' MODERN R-ROOM HOUSE , Ifil CAS1V N , Nason. Ililel Dtexel. D M506 18 roil nr..vr i > 'UHXisiKii ! IIOOMS. BTEAM HEATED ItOOMH. Ci)4 SO. 13TII ST. -soj-Nis KLF.OANT FUIINISIIED IIOOMS FOR RENT. 8K > North ttd. E-11973 ! ! NK OR TWO OENTLESIEN OA8 , POR. c l ln bath , hot water. Meant heat ; location central. Address Y M , ee. E-MS93 TWO LAROE FRONT ROOMS. AI-CQVi : , II\Y window ; ( team heat , 411 North 17th.UM881 U-M881 ! ! TO IIENTI.EMAN AND WFE. THREE PUuT nl : icl rm.nu fur Iklil houcekceplni ; . K\S ; atme , hunt , bath , Address A 3 , IKu office , E 1000 NICELY PPRNISHKD ROOM roTj aKNfl.E. man In private family 1910 Capitol Axe. E--MSOI 51" S ROOMS , HOUSF.KEHPINa. III ! SO 11TH. E -K4 S FURNISHED ItOOMH FOR IlurKEKKr'PIMU for man and \vlf * . iviu t.iUcn In l > i-i"J IU N. FURNISH UD IIOroEKTE' ' ! " ' ! St. Mary * roit itn.NT KUiiMsiinn UOOMS ( Continue. ! . ) TOR HKNT-Xr\\l.Y rURNISHED ROOM , nil modern con\cnlencts. 2421 DO K St. 3 1 $ 2M 15 I'l HMSIir.D IHIOMS AM ) 1IOAII1) . BTEAM HEATHD ROOMS WITH HOARD. 8009 Harner. F-83 < f-N-12' _ HANDSOME SUITE 1'ARLORS , PfRNISHED or unfurnished , also ether rooms with hoflril The Rose. 2020 Harncy. P M93I _ ROOMS. MODERN. 123 2. 1' " " ll VSANT ROOMS WITH rlUST CLASS table board. 310 So. 2 th St. F 106 12' THE MERtUAM-FlRST-CbASS FAMILY Hf > tel. 2Mh and Dodgr Sts. F in 174-20' FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT lioiml. 2310 DouRlas. F-Di2 H' _ BURNISHED OR UNKl'llSISHKO ROOMS. with or nlthout Ijoanl ; south front. 2310 DtmR- I.\ROE FRONT ROOM. WITH HOARD. 2013 Douglas. _ F-M263 12' _ "rilll CAPITOL. " 1722 CAP. AVK. ; DES1RA- ble rooms ; transients accommodated ; nl-io day boardt rs. F-M240J5 _ _ IN PRIVATE FAMILY. WITH OR WTHOUT board. 1919 Dodge. F M2i4 _ STEAM HEATED ROOM. 2313 DOUOI.AS.is % Et.EOANT FRONT ROOM. STBAM HEAT , Urst-clan loard. 1909 Capitol nvc. F M291 * WANTED. 2 YOUNO L"ADIiS TO HOARD AND room together In private family ! parties apply- . ! 0 . hi- ln for same must nine reference. J. F .9o 11 St. cage _ _ NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. MODern - ern con\cnlences , private family. 702 J So 9tli FURNISHED. ONE LAROE , FRONT ROOM and alco\e , suitable for four ladles or Kcmle- men ; board very reasonable. 2221 DCMRP st. \ < M uOt 1 NEW. NEAT AND PLKAN FURNISHED rooini and board. 211 N. 23.1 . St. F M31i 14 * icon nnvrsToms AND oKricr.s. " FOR RENT-IN THE 1IKE lIKll.m.NU : One larRe corner room , 2d iloor. with vault and private olllce. water , etc , . . . . . One larKi * Hunt room , 2d Ilior , dlxlded Into two rooms by partition , water , etc. One large corner loom , 2d lloor .with vault , water , etc. One front room , divided by partition , third floor. One coiner roDtn with vault , third lloor. One large room , third lloor. with partition divid ing It Into one large room and two smaller private rooms , water , etc. Two large giound lloor rooms , fronting 17th St. , with xault. One large ground lloor room on Farnam fat. , large % ault. Sc\eral small rooms on fourth lloor. with vnu'H All these rooms are heated with Ftcam , electric llglili supplied , with llrst class Janitor sen Ice. Ele\ators run day and all night ; building strictly fireproof. Apply to Superintendent , Room 101 , Uee building. 1 193 Foil RENT DESK ROOM IN GROUND FLOO 1 1 olllee , Hee building ; water , steam heat , eleccrlc light and J'inltor service. Apply to Sui erln- tendint , Uee building. 1 197 FOR RENT-THE 4 STORY HIUCIC T.UILD I N O at 916 Fainam St Till" building has n fl-eproot cement basement ; water on all ( loora. gas , etc. Apply nt the olllce of The Uee. I ' ' 10 CORNER STORE ROOM 22\15 FT , OOO'i bTx'inent , with ele\atni , steam heat. Bl" N 16th st. Apply at C19 N. ICth st 1 M2.9 CORNER STORE ROOM 22XP3 FT . C.OOD basement , with elevator , rteam heat. CIS N. ICth street. Apply at CI9 N. ICth i-tree * . I-M239 _ FOR RENT THE 4-STORY HltlCK DFII.DINR at 9K Farnam St This bnlldlig ha > v lliep'nnf cement , basement : water on all lloors. gis. ete. Apply nt the nlllce of The Flee i rnf > WANTED , AGENTS , LOCAL AND GENERAL ; new article ; good seller ; excellent prollt ; male or female , salary when pio\en elllelent A. L Gray & Co , St Louis , Mo. .1 11974 1)5 WANTED , AGENTS ; L.1RERAI. INDUCEments - ments to portrait agents to sell hlKh g'ade work at cheap prices ; agents write at mice. Harvey & Wood Art studio , Weeping Water , Neb. J M313 11' wvvri2iTo WANTED , TWO-FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping ; married couple , without children , must be central and moderate. Ad dress A 23 , Iee ! cilice. . K 112T3 12 * WANTED. PLEASANT FUIINISHED ROOM" Christian famllj. with board ; gentleman and daughter ; walking distance city hall. Address stating particulars , P. O. Ilex 259. cits. K SI3I3 12' WANTED. TO I1UY THE ROSENTHAI. method for the German language Address A 27 , Uee. N M316 14' STOIlARn. PACIFIC STORAGE AND TVAUEHOUSH CO , 908-910 Jones ; general stoiage and forwarding , M 710 OM. VAN S. STORAGE , 151114 FARN'M , TEL Ii5j M 720 FRANK EWERS , STORAGE. 1214 IIARNEi % Hauling and packing , cheapest rates. Tel. 9V ! M 721 WAXTKD TO 1I11Y. CASH FOR OMAHA SAVNGS ( HANK AC- counts. Wallace , 312 Brown Ulk. . ICth i < L Doug. N 722 HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR OMAHA SV - Ings bank certificates. In answering pleafe state amouiiLs offered. Address W C2 Bee N 4.3-N-21 LAND WANTED. FIVE TO TWENTY ACRFS near O-naln or South Omaha , cheap for casii. AiIilip'H. with full description and price Hot 3ir Onnha. N'-2" " 11' WANT TO 1IUY FOR CASIlTsECOND-IfAND rots. matties. es and bedding , small belting sto\e ; washsland ami 5 chalis. A 2ii iiee. N JI302 12 KOIl S.VI.K IIOIISKS AXI ) WAfiOXS. SECOND HAND CARRIAGES ALL THE TIME lit Drummond's , ISth and Harney and the largest stock of reliable new canligei and har ness In the city Pleaded to have jou eoll. P-M1S7 N II KOH S VLiMISCKIIANnOlS. ! SAWDUST , HULK OR SACICED-CRII1HING and hotftnce. . C. R. Lee , swj IOUBI" Q-723 2ND-HAN1) 111CYCLES. OMAHA IIICYCLK CO ' 752 ELEOANT UPRIGHT PIANO AT GREAT saciltlee ; call or urlto at once. 2611 N. 17th nv Q-M1S9 13 * FOR SALE , JUST PATENTED NOT 7:7- : tioduced ! best selling novelty ever Invented' 111 demand jear round ; territory or full con trol ; no fake , no humbuir. Address llox 148 , Norfolk , Neb , Q-lGS-ll' GARLVND COOK STOVE , 2924 DUPOMT ST Q-2S3-H * _ _ .Li , v.vnous. WANTED , ROME EXCAVATING DONE. C. P Harrison , 912 N. Y. Life R 298 11 * CI.AIHVOVAM'S. PROF. WHITNEV-iF YOU ARE IN NEED of good advice learn nt once fram the world- renonwned life reuder the way In which jou should travel , reads your life from the cradle to the Kiavcj lovers , husbands and wives re- nulled Spiedy nuirrlaea to the one of your choloc. l ist or stolen articles rwoveiedj clmrinH and all kinds of amulets ; thousands Imvo consulted and learned the truth. ' Ladles , We , Call nt 1522 Howard utiert. corner IGth and Howard streets , hours , 9 a. in. to 9 p , m. . * , . K M1BS NI9 * : , n ATI is , ITC. MAI)7\M SMITH. IS15S DOUGLAS. MASSAGE klfuni b.iths. T 919 12 * ilBHICATEl ) IIATHS. SEA. SUIJ'HUR. MAS- UKe. Mine. lirlnnon , from Paris , 1:7 K , 12th st T-S87 N24 * _ t _ 1IATIIS. MAS8AOE 'FOR LADIF.S AND Kvntlemen. l.jur.i EllUjn , Crcmnte Ilk. . 119 N liiUi it. , room 12 ; ausUtant w.uitud. T-MI16 13 * _ MRS. DR. LEON. ELECTRIC PASSAGE IIA'IH pailorn ; rettful and curative. 417 S. Hth , up- stalre. T MZ28 H * . AM KB. MASSAHI3 ANfTlA-i'IlS. 203 N. 10th St. . upstairs. t T-M231 15 * PIRMAL. . VIAVI OR UTKRINK THOUW.KS. J4S-8 HKK I ) ' < IE ; phB'.clan. consultation or t.eilth hook lre _ V-1H , rfi IIATHS , MASSAGK. M.MB. POST , SISli S. 15TH , n/miKS "ci.IJANBP. PRK8SKD AND IIP niUt-U ! d y or nleht ! dres. ult. for ilre. | Pautorlutn , N. E. cur. Hlh und Farnnm. Tel ' 1" - U-MMJ ( ContlnlKxI. ) RUPTURE CURED. NO DETENTION FROM business ; nn nMn : w * refer to hundred * of cnsn cured , pile * , cured by n slncl * , ptlnless tieattnent. Call or write The Umpire Rupture Cure and Medical Institute , SUCCCJSHM ti The O. E. Miller Co. , 833-3. N. Y. Life Uldg. , Omaha. V 'X THE JOY TAILOR SYSTKM SCHOOL OF dress cutting. 403 Karbach Illock. U MSlO-NSi ) PRIVATE HOME FOR LADIF.S 11EKORK AND during confinement. Hables adopted and cared for. 1620 Cumin ? . U 238 14' SEXUAL STRENGTH RESTORED AND- INcreased - creased In one month ; safe , sure , permanent , no medicine , no humbug also secret for men ami women sold by noted specialist for } . * > ; both sent sealed In personal letter for II. Ad dress Hurry Donahue , Ilex 2SG , Omalm. U Mill 13 * olnTnNiiERO , THE" SPECIAL LADIES- Tailor , Is ready for business. 1703 Webster St. U 213 PS * LADIES IN POOR CIRCUMSTANCES CAN RE- celve free attendance In confinement by np- pllng to the Crelghton Medical college , 14th and Davenport Sts. Telephone 1167 , U-27C-H-9 * MO.MJY TO IjOAX ItK.lh HSTATIS. MONEY TO I.OAN AT I.OW RATES. THE O. F Davis Co. , 1303 Farimtn St. W 727 ANTHONY IXAN & TRUST CO. , 315 N. Y. L. ; iiulrk money nt law rates for choice farm land * In Iowa , northern Missouri , pastern Nebraska. W 728 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. F.itnam Smith At Co. . 12J Ijarn'm MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Pusey & Thomas , 2071st Nat. Ilk bids MONEY TO I/5AN. HEMIS. PAXTON IIIXX'K. A * * fFlTTt CENT HORTC.AGES FOR SALE. PROPerty - erty of non-re ldents caied for by W. U. Melklc , First National Hank bldg. , Umaha. \V-733 MONEY TO IJOAti ON IMP ROVED OM V11A real estate. Rrcnnnn , Lova Co. , PnMnn Rlk. AV 7.11 \\'n HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS WITH our eastern corr'Spondenln by which we nil loan money on farms In eastern Nebnska. Hiennan-Lovo Co , P.ixtan blncl : W-M2i2 DU 3IOM1Y TO \VC1IATT1JI.S. . MONE YTO LOAN ON FURNITURE. 1 1ANOS , hoises , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no icmoval of goods , ftilctly confidential ; you can piy the loan off at any time or In any amount. OMAHA MOR1GAGE U3AN CO . 500 S. ICth St. X-7JO nusixnss onCKS. . TO GET IN OR OUT OF IlUSINEbd CO TO J. J. Gibson. 514 First Nat'l Hank. Y737 PLANT. STOCK & GOODWILL OF A PAYING wholesale , imp. & Commission liUFlnoss for sale , pieaent and prospective Increase of the bnslne-n lenders It Iminsslble for present man- agun lo give It siilllclent attention on account of othpp bu lness , rare u.innce for a co.ipli' or hustleia. JS.O'JO.OO takes It. W. E. G Sll P.i\- t > n Illock. Omaha. Y MS14 SMALL DAl\roOO COWS ; 11EST ROUTE In city. Ne'j. Hay Co. , Ilth and Nlchi.lat. Y M275 M FOR RENT-io-RJOM HOTEL IN OMAHA. Htcam heat and all modem convenience ? > e\t jear will be exposition jcar. llniiniii- Love Co. , P.lMnn blc ck Y 2'1 lh KOIl KXCII CLHAR LAND. 1 STATUS. POll OM MIA IMP pinjicrty , will ntsume lucumli.W'm'ton. CC4 li.e hUE. Z-M < ! I7 _ I'OIl SAI.I3 IIK1I , liSTATK. KOUNI/I : PLVCI : HARQAIN.S. $2301 $ j/,3n TO JC 3CU. J. J. Gibson. 311 1'lrst Nit. IJantc Id .s ' Ri : 73S HOFSKS. LOTS. r.SR.'IB , I.AM5S. LOANS. Ueo. 1' . IJQinia Real Estate Co. . 1'axton "I ct. P.n-7Ji : _ FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON 0l > N Y. L RIj : RARGAINS. HOUSES. T.OT'j AND i'AP.MS. sale cr trade. F. K. Darlipg. lurl er i ; I , . HE 71 ! LAitai : 9-itooM MODHRN iFioUsfT jTooo" . easy terms. Inquire on premises COO P. 'Stli 'Street. , , p Kr t ; ) WILL KXCHANOn CLEAR f.OJS AXlJ Tfll for equities In vacant li H and Improved pr-p erty. HnstlnB , 212 P. 14tb ° s ' 'in-M1) ) " TWO IMPKOVKD PARMS FOU SAI.t : VRltY cheap. In Nehr.i ka. Inquire at IVH N'o'tl , J2nJ St. . Walnut Hill. Ri- ! " ? ii KINK MODKRN HOMK CHHAP : WrisT iXn" , just noith Farnam. Aildrert cv.-ner A "I llee. RU 31211 12 * IIDKSHS HORSES WINTERED , REST OF CRE , RATES 55.03 per month. W. E. Owens. SCO ? Censer Kt. WANTED , HORSES TO WINTER ; IJESi' O care , rules lea-'onablc. Address P. O. lox 43 Crescent , Iowa. Ki7 1)-J GOOD STAI1LES. REST OK CARE SI ANlTTli month. A. W. Phclps .t Son , 207 Xev Ymlt Life Tel 10",4 JI242 WINTER QUARTERS FOR HORSFis ONrrTyr ; the best , prd leasnnpbl , . rnte ; hoi s called for and delivered r nl refe-enc < " < tVoll Rol > - Inson , Papllllon , Neb. At fair grjimH 211 00 LOST. LOST MACKINTOSH fAP13 ON ItOAD TO South Omaha or In South Oma'ia , reward for reluni 3H S. 13th. Lost M.101 12 * LOST. PLAIN GoTj ) IlINQ. NKAlffARNAM and llth st . Liberal leward I'ln . * r ciirn- munlcatc with K. F. Lott. 17 lleulc t , San Franel eo IxBt-.M1l2 11 * LOST. A PAIR OP SCOTCH roi.llin PI'PS nhout 4 montlis oM , ton. with vvhlte p-lnti" . Finder llber.illy lewaiJed on return In 1"M ( S 32d avenue. Lo.-t-MilO " SIIOUTIItM ) A.\i > TVI'RWtllTlMJ. A. C. VAN SANT'S FC1IOOL GI3 N. Y. LlPrj. 742 AT OMAHA HUB COLLUOK , 10TH & llOPOLVs" 743 n. n. noYLES. COURT REPORTER PRIVATE lessons , day and tvenlng. 407 llee Uldg TYPEWRITERS RENTED , $1 nc PER MONTH , stenographers as-dated to positions fivt The Smith-Premier T > pevvrlter Co. . ! C25 F.irn-un St. , Omaha , Neb. M 10) ) I'AWMIUOlvIjnS. II , MAROWrra I/OANS MONKY. US N. U ST. 747 4MVIL i\RIVKRll. : 19 YEARS EXPERIENCE ON R. R. I.or\TIO\ , U R livers and hailiirr and city work Alvn J. Giovcr , 318 South ISt'i St , Omaha ' Tel if o. 127 11 T.iii.oii TimiMT.vTjs WANTED , TA1I/JR3 TO BUY THEIR WOOLens - ens and trimmings from the E.i tern Woolen and Trimming Co. , 1514 Douglas StMC30 MC30 N20 SRWIVR M VCII1.MCS AM ) Sl NEW HOJIE. HOUSFHOI.T1 ing machines & supplies. 1511 Cop ave , Tel. 1171 , EM _ _ _ _ _ _ " " Kim.MTIillH I'AUKUI ) . M. S. WAL.KLIN , 2111 CUMINO. TEL. 13J1. 13J1.744 -744 i'ATis.vr . t-0' ' Attorneia. Omalm , Nib. branch ufHce at Waihlnmon , D , C. Send for free Advice and Patent Hook iiee Sunday Bee for our Machine Mave.ticntr , copyrighted , 1S37 Telephone iC23. SHIP Hoiiselioldifoods to all points In mixed oar lots at out rates. I'unklng , moving and Hturage. Telephone 1059. Omaha Van & Storage G NOTJCB TO UIDDKHS , Illds will 1 > Q received at the olllce of the Nebraska State Hoard of Directory for tliu Traiihiilssl33lipl | anil InteriuUlonal Kxposl- tlon In tliu Mlllani hotel In the city of Omaha until Saturday , 12 m. , November 0 , Ib'JT , for the fooling , ii'.umblne , planter and stuff work upon the Nehraaka State building' now belnir erected ujion the uxio- bltlon grounds. Tliu board reserves the right to reject any or all Idila. Plans und wiMjc'lflcatlona way be had or tliu auslstant secretary , Iy or ilen of thu Uuard ot Directors. W. II. DBAKINQ. Assistant Secretary. NOV12-IS-1M5-16-1M8-19-SOM&13 , . . . NOTICB In llio matter of the nupllcatlon of ccrtnln rnllro.idR for nn extension of the time for -witilnnlnii fi-elRht cars with nutomatlo couplers nnd twin lirnke.i under the net npproved Mnroh I , H03. BBKOlin THU INTnHSTATHCOMMBUCD COMMISSION. . SAPHTY AI'I'MANCna Nollco Is hereby Riven that the I-'remont , B'.khornMissouri Vnllcy Hallro.nl Com pany has applied to the Inters ate Commerce Commlitslon for nn extension of lime be yond January 1. ISPS , within which they are required to tquip tlielr freight cars ivlth automatic couplers and power or iraln brakes under sections 2 and S of an aet approved March 2 , 1WI. relating to the equipment or c-.ira u ? d In Ititerstnlo commerce - merco with mir-h snfetv appliance , and fint a. hearliiK upon snld application will bo had at the olllcn of the commission In Washington , n a , on December 1 , 1S37 , at 10 o'clock In the forenoon , At tint hearing nil1 persons Interested for or against the grunting of the rellif prayed for will be heard plthor In person or by attorney , and they .may . llle ivvlth the rom- inlsslon nltlda.vlts.-3tntcments or arguments for or In opposition to s.ild petition on or before such date , l i Uy order of the rtrmml 'lon BDW. A. MOSBM3V , 1 ' ' Secretary. n-x-u-M-x-ia . , In the matter of th ( ? ' application of certain railroads for an extension of the time for equipping freUjht > ara with aulomatlc couplers and train brakes under the net approved Mnrch , a.lKW. DBFOIIB THU LVTKHSTATI1COMMHUCU COMMISSION SAPBTY AJTMANCICS. Notice l hereby glwn that the Sioux City & r.iclllo Uallro.id Company has npp'.lcd to thi ? Interstiito Commcrco Commlssslon for an extension of time be yond January 1 , 1SOT , within which they are required to equip their frolRht cats Avith automatic couplers and power or .rain brakes under sections 2 nnd 3 ot an net approved March 2 , 1S03. rotating to the equipment of earn ii"d In Interstate com merce with such safety appliances , nnd 111.11 a hearlnij upon said 'application will be had nt the olllco of the oommlsslon In WashlliKton , n C. , on December 1 , 1S37 , a' 10 o'clock In the forenoon At that hearing nil persons Interested for or against the Knintlnir of the rellif pr.iyed for will be heiud either In person or by nttortipy , and they m.iy llle nlth the com mission allldavlts , statemenis or arguments for or In op.osltlon to said petition on or before Mich date. Uy order of the commission BD\V. A. MOSHLKY. Scerotary. E-N-11-M-X-12 POSTOFPICU VOTICH. ( Should Iw-read DAILY by all Interested , as chanires may occur at any time ) KDtelgn m.ills lor the week tndlns Novem ber 13th , 1S97 , lAlll close ( PROMPTLY in all cases ) ai the Oc'iieral Postotllce is follows : PA.UCKLS POST MAILS close ON 13 I10UK CAUMBll than clo--Iiiff time shown below. TrnniUlniilUMulls. . THURSDAY At 7.00 a. in. tor n per s. P. ] Jl-mnrcJ > * . via Plymouth. Cher bourg and Hi.mhutK ; at 8 a. m. for X13TH- 1'IU.ANDS direct , per s s I'dam. vl i Amsterdam ( letters must be directed "per KUm" ) . SATURDAY At 4'M a. m for ISl'llOI'i : , per n. s. C.imninli" , via ( jiHenstwvn ( let- tcrs for Fiance , Swl ZPI land Italy , Spain , Portugal , Turkey. Kqvpt and T3iit h Indl-i must bu < ui-ctc-l "por Ciir.ip ml i" ) , at 7.1. m. for KKAXCr. SWITX.13UI.AXI > , ITALY. SPAIN , J'ORTt'aAL. Tl'UKP.Y , KGYTT I'l'd HIUTISH INDIA , per s s. l i Hr tacnpla llavte ( lilttrs lor oth"i pirts of Kuiope must be directed "pti I.a Hretii nr" ) , .it S , x. m for NETHER LANDS direct , p r s. s Rotterd im , vl.i Ho'jerdam fletttis mu-t be uirrc . > il 'pel Rotterdam" ) ; at o a. m toi GKNOA , pel B. 3. KaUff W'.helm II ( elti i.s muit In tllrect l 'p-r Kalr W.lhe'm 11" ) : U P a. m. for NOUNVAY dlrtet , per s s. 'P | - > s- vul'.i. ( letteis must ba directed "por Thlnp- vaMa" ) . PRINITIH IIATTHR. KTf Geinun cleameis railing < " . T\'Ml.-5 > talte I'll-ted Mjtte , ef frrOermin , , anj Specially A I Iremed Printed Matter , cto , fur otli r pjrts < f l.uio- Ar.i il- c.in and U'lilte Stacteaimni i.n We 1m l.sv" Cifinian tlcameiu on T wrMl lys , nnd ( "unaid l're * > oh nnl flern'an rteiner on Satuidvn lain ; Printed Mailer , it ; . , fcr a'l i'H.nt i s 1m which they ale uJvirtliEd to caiu Mill After lluc'wlri ; of tie Suypl aient 11 v Tr in At antic Malls i.ame.1 above u 1 .itli.i.il o.ip plemciitaiy mails n e turned , n th' p , * uf the Amrrlcr.n , ! i-li3) . rienoii..nul Q > rian atoamfr.s , an.l icr.ialn LIPII i.ntll vtlt'i.ii IV.t Mlnute.i cf Ue Isour of halllns of Etiiumcr. Hulls f r y inli : iiiil Ci-ii trill Ainprli-n. \Vi-v < Indti-s , KJK FRIDAY At 2C' : > n m. for NnWFOVNO- LAND , rcr " . s. tltrrhn from Phi a lel- pMi ; at 2 ? pi fen PORTO UICO d rect , p r K s Ai 'vail i. -t SATiIRDAY At 3 n. m. ( hilppjcmcn- t.iry 10 n. m. ) fnrr ST. THOMAS. ST. CRO1X. LHBrtAIll ) and WINDWARD ISLANDS , per s ! ; ' , ' , Mad nna ( Iptteii , tor Grenada , Tilnlilad and TobiiRO inust be directed "p-r ? 1 jJiana" ) ; at 10i. . m ( sup- plempiifiry 10-W a.j m ) for FORTl'NB ISLAND. , T \\IAICA. SAVAXII.LA. and CARTHAOBXA.- l > "r f. s AI i.I ( letters ! oi C'intn. Rlc.i must'lu"dlrejled "per Altai ' ) , ut 10 n m. ( suiiplnjiient.irj 10 7) .1 , m foi HAITI , p r s s1. A pi ; at 10 33 ,1 in. for C VMl'KCHB. ( 'iirAV'AS , TAUAECO and YUCATAN , per , s , .s. Hence i ( Icaers lor other parts of M < > xlro and for Cnbi niuft bo ' 'Jreotrd "pt > r Sencci" ) ; at 11 a. MI ( t.upp'.emen'nry ' 110 : a. m. ) for VUN"R'/CU- KL\ and CURACOA , also SAVANILLA and CARTFIAO15NA , via Cunu'ao per s. h. A'o.'PKiieln : nt 12 m. for CRKXADA , TRIXIDAD and TOI ! . GO. p-r s s. Grenada ; nt 1 p. m for TRIXIDAD , TU- I1ACO ! and CIUDAD HOLIVMI , | ) f > r > . h. Curacao : at 80 : p m. for ST I'lRRRn- MIQUI3LON , per steaincr irom Nort i Sydney. iills for Nevvfoundl.ind , by tall tn Ila'Ifux , and theree hy ateanev , dloe at tills olllee d illy at SW : p m. Malls for Ml ibelon , hy r.ill to Hopton and th0ice Iiy fcteamcr ltci-e nt thlJ ofilci" dally at 8:3J : p. m Malta for Cnla close at this olllre dall5 ut 7:00 : a. m for fonvardlns hy Fteameirt nalllnt ; ( MonJiy.i an 1 Tluirs layc ) from Ptit Tampa , F'.i L Her miils fcr Me > - Ice City , 'ive Ijnd unleia specialty I'ddrefl'ed fcr d * patcl by 5teamrr , clore at lliln rfilje dally nt 12CO : in. ; papei nu PK at B.co a. m. * MtCKlhlered mall closes at C(0 : ( p. m pievicus day Triii -Pn'IIli' Ha ! ! " . Mnili for China , Japnn and Hnwall , per s , H Cop Ic ( from Han Fr.inflsco ) , c'ow hero dal'y up to November 12tii at 0 SD p. in Malls for Anstinll.i O'xofpt Wo t Ans- tralli ) , Xm Kcalnnd , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , iper s. s. Warrl joe ( 'roni Van couver ) , cloae here da'l.v ' aft r November * * uth and up to November IV.h at ( ! : G ) p. in. Malls for China and Japan , per s. a , Cu- lumbla ( from Tacom.i ) , c'n-i' , here d.il.y tip to Novi-mber " 21i-t at B' 0 p. ni. Mails for II iwull , per ? . s Austrn 11 ( from Sii : Franel-to ) , close hrre daily up to Novem ber 24th ut G:2J : p. nt. Mulls for thu Society Islands , per snip Galilee ( fior.i S.in Kninclhvo ) , clo.-i lieie ilal'v up to November 21th at C:3J p m. Malls for China and Japan pie'ullv addressed only ) , per s. s. Krrcpiess of China ( from Vancouver ) , close IH-IC d il'y up lo Novem ber " 29th nt 0:31 : p , m Mulls for Au - tr.illa ( except those for West Australia ) , which are for-vardfd via JJurope , Ninv Jioaland , Hawaii , FIJI anil S.imoin la'and" . pur s. s Mar posa ( from S.in Francisco ; , close lirre dally up to Decgmber " 'SJ at 7:20 : a. m. , 11 a. m. and fiSO : p. m. ( or on arrival at New York of s. s Cimpanla with Itrltlah malls for Australia ) . Trani'-I'acllle mails are forvvuuled to prut of balling dally ami the tchi'duie of clcclns ; la airaneed on the presumption of Ihelr uulntei- rupted overland trnnult "Iteiletcied mall teen ut G p. in. previous day. Postolllce. N vv Yorlt , N Y. , November 5 , CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. P.AII.HO.VUS. ONION PACIFIC "TIIK OVUR- land Route" General olllces , N. K. Corner Ninth nnd Farnam Streets. Cllj Ticket OllccW1 \ Farnam Street. Telephone. 310 , Depot. Tenth and llaton streets. - . . . . ' Telephone. 125. 1 Leavt. Arrive , "The Overland Umlted for Denver. Salt Uike. western points.- 6:23 : am 4:45 pm Fast Mall train for Denver. Salt LaK * . Pacific coaet and all we t rn point * . < . , 8:30 : pm 10:20 : am Lincoln lleatrlce 'afcd Btromnbure Kiprtsi. . . , BCO : pm 12o : pm Kearney Kiprcsa. . , t-\t 0:00 : pm 12.ZO pm Dully Dally except Sunday. Council DIulTa ljcll-i.eaves. ( 3 : < 0 R. in. ; 6:30 : a. m. : 7:30 : a m. , b.23 a m.i 1C:4 : > a. m.2U ; ; p m. ; 4:30 : p. m , ; 6:65 | i. "m. Airlvc * . CZO : u. m. : 7:20 : a , m ; 8 a. m . 9So : .m.i 11:3) : H. m. ; 3:10 u. m. : D(0 p m.i 9M p. m. : 10:43 am PACIFIC ItAlLllOAO Ueveral Oin 4 end Ticket Ot. nee. .Merchants National lianU nullilne. ) 1224 Farnun street. 101 Depot. Klltecnth Strt't . Telephone. Leave , Arrive. " ICannas & ' Limited . . . . 3:15 pro U.65 pm K an.a City & St. . , Hiliresa . . . , , I.-1- S-.10 pm ( ,00 am Nebraika Local . . , i" 4J : pm ; U am Dally. Dally < Hunds > UAH.ROADS. ern Railway - City Tlckel Office , 1401 Farnnm street , Telephone , MI. Depot. Tent ! nil Mason StreoU. Telephone , Leave. aCHICAGO. ST. PAUL , MINNK. npolls & Omalm Railway General onice * , Nebraska Di vision , Fifteenth and Webster Slreets city Ticket Ofllrc , 7 , 1411 Farnam Street. Telephone % ; Depot , . .Fifteenth and Wcbstor Street. . Telephone. H3S. Arrive. Sioux City Aecommodn. 8:20 : pm Sioux City Accominndi. a:53 : nm 8:20 : inn Illilr , Kmerson sioux City. Ponca , HarllnR- tou nnd Iinomlleld . l : < pm 11:53 : nm Sioux City , Manhato St. Paul , Minneapolis . . 6:15 : nm 0:10 : am Lmerson Passonscr . . . . BIIO pm & ,4o am * . Dal'v. . . , Dally except Sunday . - " Sunday j This tinln Mops nt Btntlona Florence to So. _ Ulalr , Inclusive , Sundays only ; on week days So. Hlnlr only. P , KLKRORN & Missouri Valley Hallway Un. eral oniccs , L'nllcd States Na tional Hann HulldliiR , t outn- Ham Streets Ticket Olllce , West Coiner Twelfth nnd Far- 14U1 Fainam Sti-cct. Telephone. HOI. Depot , Flfl"uith and Wcbitcr Streets. Telephone , 1418 L'6'0' ' Anlvc. Hliick llllli. Deadvvood and Hot SprhiRs 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm Wyoming , Cirprr nnd DoiiKlur 3:00 : pm ' C:00 : rm HastlnRS , York. l > avld City , Supetlor , Of nova , i\eter and Sevvaru. . . 3W pm 5:00 Ncrfo k , Wc-t Po nt and 7:50 : nm 10.2 ; Ficiiiont . . . Lincoln. Wohoo and 7:30 : am 10:23 : am Fremont. Fremont Local 7:60 : nm Daily. Dally except Sunday , Sunday only Dally except Saturday , Daily except Monday. ! ' 'JX C1TV tv : PACIFIC RAIL- reid General Olliccii , United States Nntlona ) n.mk Uulld- Ins , S. w Corner Twelfth nnd Farmin Streets. Ticket Olllce , 1401 Fnrnain Stieet. Telephone , - - - uji Depot ( Fifteenth and Webster Stre-ts. Telephone , H5S. Laivc Arrive. Sioux cm. Manknto. fat Paul , jllnncapoita . . 6:15 : pm ' 9:10 : nm Dallv. IH'ltLI.NT.TON , t MISSOIJn ! River Rnllrouil "The Hurlinn. ton Home" General Olllccs , N. W Coiner Tenth and F.irium Htieels Ticket Olilcc , 1302 Farimm Stieet. Telephone 23' ' ) . Hepot. Tenth and M.ison Stuets Telephone. 128 live. Arrive. am S33 ; nm 4:31 : pm IOT : pn , 7:03 : pm i 4j pni 1 V , ti.ii " 11:30 : um CHICAGO nUHLINGTON & . Q.ilmj Ralliaad "The Hurl , limton lloute" Ticket Olhce 1J02 Parnnm Strict. TeK-pijono 2",0 Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , I2i. Arrive. 7.r : nm 4 IS pin 7:5i : am 5:40 : pm 2.30 pm TANS AH CITY. ST. JOSHPII . Council IMutTs Rnlhoud "Tlie HurliiiKton Route" TlrKet Ollice. 1502 I'm mm Street Telephone 230 Depot , Tenth and MnFon Strtels. Tele , p mnc. 12S Ieave. Arriv ? , ICnn ai c.tv Day n\ . . 9 05 am 5:11) : ) pn - . ' > ( . , , 1-4 -li1-fl ( pin : 'i > "i Italiroid "The Great Island Route" L'ily Oillce , 132. ) Fainam Telephone , I2S. Depot , and Maton Streets Telephone. 12S l.e.ive. Arilve , \"mui.T'ixpr ; . . ' -4SOP.n : il : > pm I.lrei.ln. cdor.ii'.o sprints. ' ' ' " " " ' " ? s.1 ! : ; . . . . 'T. . . . ? lB n' ' " 4.03 pm Chlc'iK J. Des Moines and Ror-k It'and * 7.00 pm Sl5 am Atlantic iiue 3 , tor DCS Mrlnos and eattcrn points < :00 : nm 3S5 Pm L < ncoln , i-.ilrliiiry and n-lb-vllle. . r :43 pm " 10:40 am 1X1I1V. Dally ovrcpt Sunday. 'Hlfvco. MILWAHUnn & ST. , . - Paul Railway-City Ticket In , „ " ? . , , , T / Oillre , 1304 F.nnam Street. IfwLWAUhEEl Telephone. 1Depot , Tenth / " ' Sf I and Mason Street * . Telephone , - 4fj V 12S. i ; < i/ leave. Arrive. Cilca-o iriiulted Ux. . . * 5:13 : pm b.03 am OmS ar.d ClifeaBO 1 . 'ILUfl am 1:30 : pm Dally. w'uiASIl RAlT-ROAD-TICKKT OFFICK 1415 Pnrnnm Ftnft. Telephone , C22 Diiut ] , lenth mil Maren Streets. Telephone , 128. Leo\o. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Hall" C\pre s * 4:30 pm 11:50 : am Dallv HOW MTT1.H OUR 1J15AH OX1S I'\1IHIISTANU USI From IMncIi , Tarlgs Jly dear George , there you've been Bitting with your camera sines breakfast , and you haven't tnkeii anythliiK. George ( Intent on his own fecltnca ) Don't ask me , darling , I couldn't touch III ins o.vr. HKDKKMIM ; UUAI.ITV. Phil May In Punch. / | "There's one thing 1 will Evy about me an' that Is , I's a man of regular nulls ! " i IIIMVi MKXHi : \VKI1. . From Ally Sluper. S. A. Lass Have you got a seat In heaven ? Old Ulpp No ; but If there's a vacant one next yours , put mo down for It. OUT 4)V A COU.VrilY IVom St. Paul'u. wfSir Tre - "Wouldn i you like to Ixi able to rldo a bike ? * "Me atradJle one o' dm tings ? Owan , do you take me for a dulot"