Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1897, Page 11, Image 12

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| cTcral Bearish Hoports from Liverpool
Causa WLoit to Break Away.
JnirritHC In VlmlliliSiiiilr Aluo lint
1U KfTvct , lint the llrrnk In
Uuitlltifil Almost I3nllrel -
to Win-ill.
CHICAGO , Nov. 8. The sharp break at
Wvcipool caiifl..d nn opening decline of 1
© I lie Inlipnt today. The market did not
ptrny far from those figures , December
, Jicwlng iHo decline at the close. A heavy
Visible Incrcnso was n bearish factor. Other
ITUlu nnd provision markets were llrm ,
cor find OO.IH declining 'ic cncli. while
provision * closed unchanged to 7&c higher.
Wheat made it drop at thd opening of
about l'/4o ' per btl compared with the
U cloned at Saturday. The Liverpool mar
ket opened Vi'l lower , and hud declined ! / d
more before the trading commenced here ,
this In Iho face of a % c advance hero Sat
urday. Ilecelpts everywhere greatly ex
ceeded last jenr'a , 1.807,000 bu. being reported
ut primary points , against 1,007,000 bu. last
year , whllo Minneapolis nnd Duluth re
ceipts amounted to 1.U3S car compared with
l.Sjfr last w eck and but 893 last year.
Selling was iiulte general at the opening ,
several stop orders being reached. Decem
ber started at from 92VSf(93c against Sat
urday's closing price of 9lc. A few sales
were made at ul'.ic right after the opening ,
then prices on ugialti to WVic. After
the half hour trading became veiy dull and
prices lup-t within a ? ic limit for the re
mainder of thu Hcsslon ,
An explanation of the Liverpool weak
ness vvim found In prlvntu Ungllsh cables
claiming llnu prospects for the Atgcntlne.
Tnuro were ) rains throughout the winter
wheat bolt and more Indicated. Liter In
the day an addition to the previously pientl-
lul bear news was made by the publication
of the vl lir.o supply statement. It showed
un Increase of Z.WU.COO bu. , compared with
an Increase a year ago on the similar
week of 1.243,000 bu. There was an Increase
In the < iuanllty nlloat for Kuropa of 1.2SO.IOJ
bu. Tiio world's shipments for the week
amounted to U.2I7.COO uu. . Inclusive of 27WOO
bu. from India. The English visible In-
rreastd 61,000 bu.
Ucports trom St. Louis said bids sent to
the country Satutday for wheat had all
been accepted. The market was steadied
In a m&iiHdio by the heavy exports , M..UUtJ
bu. , fair withdrawals from store hero and
HtrongLi Kri'iieh markets 1'ails wheat was
otcady hero to 20 centimes higher and Hour
advanced ! Wi20 centimes.
Antwerp was unchanged. New \orlc re-
paitcd 3SO.OOO bu. taken there and nt out-
potts Saturday and fiS loads today. The
" \vorM' > * available supply Is xpoeletl to ohonv
nn Increase this week of about 0,000,000 bu ,
the Increase last year being 3,3,11,000 bu.
Northwest markets ruled veiy weak and
oxcrtid consldt'iablo Influence on values
here Inter In the day. December was bring
ing W % < * ut tin- close May was wuikul
than Decpinbc't. U ranmd fiomfpu \ to Uflc
and closed ut ( iOVKJUuS > c , a decline of I3ii
Corn wns steady , being helped by nn
excellent export demand at the seaboaid.
New Yoik reported 78 loads taken for ox-
port. This unused the market to soon re-
rover from the slight opening decline. Other
strengthening factors weio the light re
ceipts , 43S cars , and the i.ilns west , which
were expected to still further diminish the
movement. The visible detrained 850'JOO bu.
The market as n whole was uulet There
was sonio changing by elinator people , who
took IJcccmbei and sold May Decembei
ranged fiom ar 8e to 257 < ic , and closed He
higher at 21'iViC
Oats weio quiet , the- bulk of the business
consisting of changing , belling December
and taking on May The feeling was tlrmei
on the exiuptlonal ca h demand heie and
at the seiiboird. The vlslb'e Increased
2"iOCO bu Local stocks , how over , decreased
613,000 bu. Uecolpts here wrro J79 cars.
December ranged from 10'i20c to 19H.C ,
closing Vie higher ut 19M < ' ! > 7kc
1'iovlaloiis were very dull , but steady.
Hog lecelpts v\ee n.OOO IPSS than expected ,
and yellow fever news was mole favorable.
Opening prices were nt a slight advance ,
wlilth was maintained to the clo3 < \ Flnctu.
ntlons vveiu very narrow In consequence of
the small amount of speculative tiadlng
December pork closed 7'ic higher at $7 ( > . > ;
Deccmbei lard , 2 ! c higher at JI.27V4 , nnd
December ribs unrhnnpcd at $4 15 January
ribs h'howrd n. slight Improvement.
Estimated receipts for Tuesday : Wheat ,
170 cars , corn , GOO cars ; oats , 310 cars ; hogs ,
23 , < XX ) head.
Leading futures ranged as follows ;
Artlclin.1 Upon I HUli. I Lotv. I Clean
Nov. . . 0-54
Die. . . . O'Hi 01 1I2M OHM
M.iy. . . OUK3JS 110)4 uo HIM
Nov . . . 2.VIJ IMIM 20 26H
2Vl ( -'UMi
Di-c. . . -
May. . Ml Jl )
lcc . HIM
May. . .
Dee . . . 7 C'J 7 70 7 ll'-'K r.7ii !
Jnn . . . B Mh B im S OJi !
4 27 } 1I 1 '
Jnn . . . 4 4U I IS 4 4t'l ISM
4 45 4 I'JHi 4S
Jan. 1 47H I 47v ! 15
No. S
Cash quotations were as fallow B :
1'LOt'llSteady und 5lilOc lower
WHEAT N . - ' spring. No. 3 spring ,
S3aSSc , No S led 9lc.
' *
OXTS-No 2 , 20e ! f. o. b. No. 2 white ,
S4c , No. 3 Wilte. 22'X.23l4c. |
RYIJ No. 2. 47'lc.
I ARLI3Y-No. 2. 22642C.
FLAXSIini ) No I , * l OStTl.OS.
TIMOTHY BI3H1) 1'rlim' . $ . ' 05
PilOVISIONS Peirlc. moss , pit lihl , $7.63i.70
Ij\nl. per 100 ll > s. . $1 30f4 40 Uncoil shorl ribs
Bides ( loose ) $1 4Mf4 13. Dry Failed ehouldera
( bxed ) , JITIffoUO ; short clear hldea ( boxeel ) ,
$4.7r. 4 S7W.
IU WII1HKY Dlstlllern' finished souils , per uaj. ,
SlIO All -Cut lonf , unchnnKcd.
On tlio Produce exchange today the butter
market vv ID llnu ; creameilia 15iiT-3c , dairies , \t \
( fSOc. Cheese , nulet at 8&S'jC. KKK . llrm ,
fresh , 17c.
on i v ( ; IMIIAL ; .M ARICUTS.
CoiiiIItliiu of Tniilr uml ( luotiidoiiN
on Slnplenml Fane ) PruilueM' .
nans Good btocit , ire.
1JUT1 Kit Common to fair , IWllo ; choice to
fancy , HO17ei , keparntoi crcumciy , 23c ; gathered
cie'unifi ) . 21c.
VUAL Choice fat , SO to 120 IbB . quoted at Sc ;
laige , and ciMrso. 44f5c.
L1V13 POl'IlRYliens. . 5Je. ! cocks. 3ff4o ;
rpilni ; chlrUemi , pur Ib , Ac , ciiU'Uu. t.U7c , tur-
keve. KfJc.
1'IGKCiNH Live. 7M : dead pigeons not wanted
HAY Upland JCOO ; midland , $300 , low Ian.1 . ,
IS DO ; no btraw. 41 ; color makes the price on
hay , tight h-ilcs tell the Uctt , only top Eraelei
brine top prleen
C13U3RY fiood < tock , large , 40o ; unuill , lilt
o'NIONH-IVr bu. , 43flG1c.
1U3ANH Hand plcl.ed niny. per bu . $1.40.
M\V13ii' POTAioiW I'e-r bbl. , > 2.J5 i.Eg.
POTAMOKU-IIomi ! Kiow'n , 4BtfMc4 ; v\e lern
etock. C0 70e\
tiAUMri.OWI3U U.75.
QI'INCIIS California , per box , I1.S3.
APPLUa-WlnUr stock , f2 iwj3.0ii | Jrimlhans
and faiic > vurlrllen $ J.2i ; Cjillfoin.u Itellellower ,
bosea II.iW : L'olnindo Junatlianr , huxcg , tl.83.
NL\V YORK tlRAPUH-Per SMb , liaBket , 13c |
liuge lotv , Iv'ic.
J'l.l'MS * Idaho und Orrgon , TIcif jl.OO
Oil VNHI RRins-Capo t'o.1 , pel bbl. , $5.60 ,
\VI < eon in buim , $1 C081.ll ) ,
winleir nsllla , J..W1U2J3 ; other vurletlen , $ l,00 /
" "
' *
ORANQiy Mi'xloun , per box. $1,10.
LL'MONS-Misulnan , $4,23tf4..Vi , choice Call.
' *
kNASOlu'lce. . large tocl. ptr bunch ,
25 ; medium-sited bunchc * . ) l.JJil2.00.
N-UT.S Alir.onJs , per Ib. largo lxe. HO13c ;
llrntll' . per H' . . 10o ; KnglUh walnuti , per Ib ,
fancy. t"'t the-ll. 13c tandard . lOjfllc , Illherli.
ur Ib. . 1 < : pecann. poll bed large' . MrlUc ; Jumbo.
10 lartfo hickory nut * , 11.2 per bu. , small $ ) . & 6
ner l > ii.i cexoanut * . per 100 , $3758400 ; peanut * ,
law. 5f(5\4c ; ronitiil. 6flH4c
pIOrf-lmp"fld f nc > , 3 crown. 14-lb , boxti.
l kic. S crown , 4Mb. boxco , llv' ; Mb , boxe , 23o
l > ei1Nlfjv Choice white 13c.
KRAUT-Pr bbl. . $1 COQ4 25 half bbl. $3.30O
1'ilAPLB SYRUP-flve-gal. cans , each $2.2Si
gal rani pure. p r do . , Jj | w | , a.Ka | | , can.
fs 25 , uuart cam. $ ] U ) .
DAT : S Per CO to 70-lb. boxei , S c ; Kurd -Ib.
Per half bbl. , $300
DEKI' OooJ native * ltfn . 7c ; oo4
_ t r . fc good hlnJiuarlcr . c ;
nicer * i > uui4c , fancy hrlfer , C v ; uooei
heifer * . o : ooU forfquartem , belfrr * . 5 < 4c : iiood
tUnelquartcn. belter * . V4c ; good cowi. i\f , Utr
cows , "if common cows 5tn cow fortaunr-
Itn , Mt Ac ow himlaunrt. m , 7iiflSo'urcqu"r ,
Itnnv rl'TSTenderloins. . 18c boneltf * ( trip * .
> c. utrlp loins , 7c , rolls , HC , sirloin hutu , 4c :
dhoul Icr c lexis , 5'tc , rump butts , 5'ic : steer
shoulder lods r > 4c. rump butts , S c ; steer
chuck * . 5V , few churks. 4140 lioneless rhuck i
4Vicj covr plates , Sc , steer pUtes , JVic , flank rttcnk ,
Clfc ; loins , No. 1 , He. luin , No 2 , lei c , loins.
N 3. 8 , sirloin ends. No 1. 9c ; ribs. No. 1.
lltft HIM , Ng 2 5Hc , rltn No 3 , c , steer rounds ,
"Vio. cow rounjf , 64c , cow roimJs shxnk off , SHc ,
( rlmmlngsc , iK-ef shnnks , 3o , brains , per doz. ,
3J , swclbr idi" , l > r Ib , lOc ; svveotbreads
( calves ) , per Ib , * lc. kidneys | , * r dm 35c , ox
lulls , men 4c , lUers ptr Ib. , 3c ; hearts , per
IK. 3o. tongues , per Ib. , 12'4c. '
iHJTTON Limbs , 7c. sheep , 6 0 : market racks
( long ) , Sc ; hotel racks ( short ) , He Iocs and
saddles , 9c , lamb legs , 9c , breasts and stews , So ;
lonirue , e/ich 3c.
PORK IJrc'WeJ plw , 5 < 4c , drcMc.l . hoits , 5c :
tpndfrlolns , 15c , loins. 7c , spare ribs , 5c ham
sausage butts , 6 < ,4c ; phottlders , rough , lie ; sboul.
ders , fklnned , 55 c. trimmings. Rite , leaf lard ,
not rendered , 6t4c , fiends , clMiicd , 4c ; snout and
cars , 4c. bicklmnes IHc chek meats , 4V4c , neck
liones , 2c , pigs' tails , 4c ; plucks , each , to ; chit-
tcrllngs , 5c , hocks , 4c , hearts , per doz. . ! 3c ;
stomach' , e-nch 3c , tongues , each 7e ; kidneys ,
per doz , lOc , brains , per iloz , IjCj p'e ' feet ,
per doz. , tie , livers each 3p.
. HIDHS No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 green
hides , Cc , No 1 tailed hides , SHe ; No. 2 green
salted hides , Tic. No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 IDS. ,
Sc , No 2 venl calf , 12 to 15 Ibs , 60 ; No. 1 dry
flint hides , 11013 ; No. 2 dry Hint hides , S310c ;
No. 1 dry salted hides , M10c ; part curd hides ,
o per Ib. lets thin fully lured.
Slinr.P PI3I/TS Clrcen salted , each 15976o ;
green silted shearlings ( short cooled early
skins ) each 15c ; dry shearlings ( short woolea
early tklnx ) , No. 1. each 5c dry Hint. Kansas
and Nebra kn butcher wool pelts , per Ib , actual
weight , 485c ; dry flint , Kansas and Ncbrasim
murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3O4c ;
dry Hint Colonido butcher wool pelts , per Is .
actual eight , 4fT > c , dry Hint Colorado murrain
wool pelts , pfr Ib actual weight. 3O4c : feet
cut off , as It Is ii ! " > l < > s to pay ( releh : on them ,
YOIIIC ( il3M31tAI , M.\Ulvl3TS.
tlontt or tin * Uny < > rJcncTiii
CllllllllOlllllPN ,
NI3W YORK , Nov. 8. FLOUR Receipts , 33,856
bbls. , exports , 13.1M bbls. : market dull : more
or less weak at old prices. R > e Hour , dull : fancy ,
I2.W13.40. Iluckwheat Hour. dull.
lIUCKWHnAT Dull at 37tt39o.
GORN.M UA Lr-rirm.
llARhHY Quiet , western. 28o nuked.
DARI.UY MALT Steady ; western , 578J < "C.
\V1II3AT Recelpls , 378.k50 bu. ; exports , 134,003
bu. Siwt , weak ; No. 2 red , WUc. . Options
eipcned eak , with few exceptions all day. clos
ing" IViOlJio lower. Depressing Inllucnies. In-
eluding lower cables , bearish slallstlcs. rain
west nml liquidation ; November closed nt 9oc ;
December , Dhfiil&hc closed , WUc.
UORN Receipts. 147,923 bu. ; exports. 243.791
bu. Spot , linn , No. 2 , ,13'lc. ' Options opened
strong and generally llrm ail day on lighter re
ceipts than expected , and another big export
demand , closing unchanged ; December.31i4Q >
3nc , clo'ed , 31c ; Mav , 34if3JV4c ( ; closed. 33c ,
OATS Ilw-elptB , 604,600 bu. ; exports. 1S0.007 bu.
Spot , llrm. No. 2 , 24c. Options. Inactive but
steady and unchanged with corn , December
o'Cd at 24Vic
WOOIj Very steady.
1'ROV'ISIONa Ilecf. steady , extra mess. J7.r > 05J
800. btef ham" . J22 00822 50. Cut meats , steady.
Lard , Ilrmcr , western steam closed Jl 63 ; re-
nned , iulet. | Pork , steady. Tallow , dull.
RK'L3 Quiet.
s Quiet nnd steady.
MITPAUS Pic lion , warrants , quiet nt M.90
bid , 7 nsklil Lake copper , lilt. $11 a lted. Tin.
very quiet , $13 CTi bid. $1T 75 asked. Spelter , dull.
$4 10 bill | 4 70 n ked Lead , exchange , $3.83 bid
and $1 90 asked , brokers' , dull at $3 73.
OIL'S Cottonseed , moderately stc d > , but not
active , prime crude , lS'j.T19c , prime summer
> cllow , 2lHT21'4c Petroleum dull Rosin.
steady. Turpentine , stend > , 30V/u31c.
St. I.oul * ( ioncrul InrkelH.
ST. IjOUIS. Nov. 8. ri.OL'R-Qulet. weak , but
WHIIAT Loner , closing I'mc for December and
2c for JIa > below FatunlaJ , May opened 11 o
lower , hnprovpil Vdo. declined ' , c , nlllcd ' "s'u'Hc. '
FOlrl down % 8TnC rencled ' 4W ) c , tloflnc there
There was -a nuis of be irlsh Information let
loo'O upon the market this morning It bringing
to much wheat out for sale from bulls nnd beais
alike that n sharp decline resulted Spot lower ;
No. 2 red , cash , elevator , iiiMic , tra U 97j'i' < .c.
No 2 hard , cash , 834SCc , December , 3754c May
CORN Futures Mrm with bus ers iifT ( ? e for
December and c above Vt tprdnv Snot -tron-
Vo 2 mixed , cash , 24ic ; ' December , 24 4c ; May ,
OATS Putiires elull but firm , with speculation
light. Spot , higher No 2 mixed , cish. elevator.
Sic , track 20i20"c' . December , 20c , MIIJ , 12c ! ,
No 2 white , cash , 22'4c.t I
HYK UlEher ,
PLAXSI3I3D I-owcr nt Jl
TI.MOniY SURD Prime J2 CO.
CORNMnAI-Bteady at Jl 40.
P.RAN Quiet nnd nteadj east track , sacked.
48c track this side , packed. 41ii7"1c ' -
HAY Pr.ilrle scarce nnd wanteTat firm prices
J7.501IS M , timothy In liberal receipts. $ S 00f3 DO.
IllTTTnil Steady , creamery , lKS24c ! ; dairy. It
iOOS-Steady nt 14c.
' '
MI3TALS Iad. 'lower , $1.C"H63.70. Spelter.
lower W 90 ,
PROVISIONS ! Pork steady ; standard mesa
lobbing J ? 2'HS rO Laid steads ; prime steam
$4.15. choice. $4 22V4 llacon Owxed lots ) , extra
short clear. $ ' 37'A. ribs. J/C2A. shorts J0.87V4.
Dry Mil meats ( boxed ) , shoulders. > i2 > extra
Hhort clear K ribs , " > .12i4 < sliorts $ - > .2o
RDCDIPTS rioiir. 7 CCO bbls ; wheat. 123,000
bu corn 1 ) Wfl bu. : oats. 41000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Plour , SMfl bbls : wheat. 63000
bu. , corn , 60,000 bu ; oats , 34 MO bu.
llnltlinoro Mnrl ' < * .
HALTIMORH. Nov. 3 W-7'LOUR-DulI , western ,
2 70f2 10. extra , $3 SOJM M family $4 WiT4.i5 ,
wlnler wheat pafnts , J SOffi.15 , rprlns wheat
patents $ " . < WJf3 21. vprlng wheat stralebts. $4 80
ST3 10. receipts. 28.-.SO bbls . exports , 17.114 bbls.
WI1I3AT Steady at decline , spot , 9G'4J5G\C !
December , 97SJ37'4C : Mny , Sic asked , pteamrr No
2 red 315"lHic ; receipts , 2G.9CO bu ; exports 137-
81. ! hu , southern wheat , by sample , 90f97c } ,
bouthcrn v\heat , on fc-nrt > , smfT'C c
CORN Firmer ; spot. Sl'iffSl lc ; December , 32
Sys2l\c , January , 32 < f32Vic. steamer mixed , 2'J'4@
2910 : receipts , 72 7S ? bu. , southern white corn.
30fl24c : snuthern jellow corn. 3l'4ft12c
OATS Steady ; No 2 white , 27C 7'4c ' ; receipts ,
111 522 bu.
RYI3 Active "id hlghrr ; No. 2 western , 23)Jc
bid ; receipts. 2,881 bu.
HAY Steady , choice timothy , $11 asked
GRAIN FREIGHTS Btaady nnd nulet. itenm
to Liverpool , per bu. , 4Vld , November cork for
orders per quarter. 3s 10V4dit4s November ; 3
TUiWN td December
UUTTI3R Steady ; fancy creamery , 24tp2l4c. !
rOOR Plrm , fres-i. 18 13V4c.
CH13I3S12 Firm ; fancy New York , large , 10 { ?
IvnnNiiH City MiirUe-ts.
KANSAS CITY. Nov. 8. WII13AT 1 2c lower ,
plow. No 1 hard S3WS4c ; No 2. Slfflllc. No 3.
7S TM [ ! , No 4 77T7c ! ) , No 1 red. 13ifJ93c No. 2 ,
0ffl92c No. 3 , frifiRfc ; No. 4 , S3c ; No 2 spring ,
' 'Me No 3 , 79ff7tlV4c.
CORN Very firm active ; No , , 2 mixed. 230
OATS Plrm , but slow ; No. 2 white , 21c
RYI3 teadj , No. 2 4IVJC.
IIAY Active , flm , choice timothy , $ , choice
prairie $700
IlllTI I'll Weak on heavy lecelpts , creamery
) < 1,23" ( lain 15017C
nr.ns Active slock nlaarvil up. 14c
R13CRIPTS Wheat 2J9.2CO bu , ; corn , 7(5,700 ( bu.t
oatB 21 0V ( ) bu
8HIPM13NTS Wheat , 91,800 bu. ; corn. 8.EOO
Xi'TT Orli-nits Miii'ke-ts.
Slcndv Pork , ol < l' 8'1 ° Lard , reinned. tierce
4c. Hnxed me its , dry salt shoulders ntc ; sides ,
4 c II10311 clear rib sides , 6 > iC. Hams , cholco
sugar lurwl fiflSVic.
if > rPIJI3 lllo , ordinary to low fnlr , S { ?
riOt'H Higher ; extra fmry , $1 OOS'4 ' 70 ; pat
ents. nn.vrnio
CORN Mn.\Ir-Quli't-nt'ieO.
RRAN Quiet nt Cf. 7f.7c.
\Y-Plrni , prlmv , } 12.00fllJ ; rhulcf , } 1400ff
13 50.
CORN Sli-ady ; No , 2 acKed , hlte , tCe ,
mixed. 36OT7ejcI"VV. ! ! . 330a
OATS-Ptcady ; No. 2 , parks 1 , 2i\ .
RICI3 Plrmi prrtln.irj < it to l , if4'n
( i nil H Re-e'i'liitH nt 1'flnolpill Vliirki-fN.
CIUC'AOO , Nov. S. RecelptH today ; Wheat
171 car * corn 43& e-ura ; lints. 373 cars nvtlmated
tomorrow ! Wheat , 175 cam ; com , COO cars ; oats ,
S40 fttr
M1NNIJAPOLIH , Nov. S. Receipts : Wheal ,
1 1 34n earn ,
KANHS CITY Nov. 8 Receipt * : Wheat. 399
cart *
ST IXll'tS , Nov , 8 Re'crlpts : Wheat , r1) carr
ni'l.UTII , Nnv. -Receipts ; M heat ? J8 cam
PHORIA Nov. 8 , Receipts : Porn. R7 000 bus , .
oot . 41 CO bus. ; na > and nhlshv none ; wheat ,
lO" bus. Shipments : f'orn.n 7EOi ) bus ; oats ,
47.WX ) bus. ; whlcky , 1,030 bbl * . ; r > o nnd wheat ,
none ,
Cliii-liiiuill > IiirUc ( H ,
riNi-INNATI , Nov. 8 l'HlIR-iai.y ) ; fare } ,
$1 M Krl 51 family , S3 f > > ) f3.l (
WltVTDinlcr ; No 2 rid , 92c.
rO"N r rm No. 2 mlxwl zijp
OATH-Klimi No. 2 tnlxol , 21Kc.
nvi'OtemU ; No 2 47o.
PPOVIK'ONV l.ard. nul-l a JI2fl Rulk mpalB ,
ranv xt $1 f' * . llai'on , nulet at ( C.13.
WHIsKY-stendy nt $1 19.
lll'Trnil Firm
SI'OVR Pull ; hard ii'fmeil $3970385.
I'fins Firm and higher at 16c.
CIIRnsFSteady ; good t prime. Ohio fUl , 9t.
De-troll ( ; i'i I n Mill-Let.
nrrritoiT , NW. s win r-\o i. . .
2 led. fje ; Dt-ccmlwr. " ' 'i"j ' Ma' , * l'ic ,
CORVNo. . 2 mlxfcl , : ! ( : .
OVTS-Vo 2 white. 21c.
RYR-No. 2. 4Sc
plilli Prod HIM" ,
but m-ailv . fancy criMmerv , 2J'i ' .
rofiS Plrm ; fresh nraibylo : ; frih western ,
19c.CHPUSi : Steady.
Pforln Crnln VliirUi-l.
PKORIA. Nov. -CORN-Steady ; No t. Ke.
OATt-riiil l ; No i white , Jim
RYi : Slfadv ; No. 2. (7e- ,
WHISKY Illithpnvfct rplrllt , JI.I9.
VUtlilo ttnilii Sui | > l > .
NM3\V YORIC Nov t-The sUtement nf thi
vl lbl * supply of eraln In * air til aflnat No-
vemb r , a * compllvd byh Produce m-tunce ,
In A follo-ns 0f > 300f ) bit , Increns.1 ,
jn < n > t > lo bu CVrn , 4itj3 o-Xl bu , tlecrenw , M--
( W > Onts. liSKKOtu ( ) incrcns * J..OO ) IHl. Rj' .
S.1M.OIO bu In imtf 376.M ( ) bu. Itarley , 4U . "
W ) bu , lncri.i' rjs uo > ) bu
Llv e'niiinl Mnrlie-t- , .
LtVHRI-OOL , NOT -WIlKAT-Ppot. . No. 1
red western winter , easy at 7s l'i < l. No. J red ,
northern spring , emy at 7s " 11. , , -
TORN-Spot American mixed. Mea.Uat . 8j
l , il , November dull at 3s l'/id , December , dull
nt Js 2Hd January Hill at 3s 3' d.
The Imports of wheat Into Liverpool ul'"f '
the past week were ! Prom Atlnnllc ports. 101 , .
K quarterj. from other ports , H.OJO quarter .
The Imports of corn from Atlantic forts were
4,200 quarters
TOLP.DO. Nov S-WHAT-Lqvvcr ! : No. 2 ,
ca h. 93c , December. 9I % < - bl < l
rORN-Qulot. No 2 mlxsl , 2 ' 5c.
OATH Dull but steady : No 3 mixed. IS'iC.
RYI3 Dull but stcndj. No. 2 , cash , 4c.
CLOV1IR SI3I3U Active but ensy , prime cash ,
Oil , Urchancetl.
Snii rrnin-lKOo Whpnl ,
December. $1.43 % ; May. $1.40H.
Ni'lirnnUti I'rolnlit llnnetUm the
NBW YORK. Nov. 8 Prices of stocks fluc
tuated very wide ami very easily , traversing n
range up nml elown many times In the course
of the dny. This Indicated a feverish tone of
the speculative mind , n readiness to illfposc of
holdings on a slight Intimation of possible un
favorable etcv elopment , and nn equally nervous
nnxlety on the part of short s-llers to cover
their contracla nn any appearance of n bulge
Thn mast formidable PVPIU In the day's happen
Ings , so fnr us any effect on values wns con
cerned , wcs the postponement of the announce
ment of tha supremecourt's decision In the
Nebraska maximum fielubt rate case , which wn
confidently expected today. There have been as
surances from Wall street that the verdict would
Ini favorable to the railroads , and even If a
favorable verdict bad been announced today
profit takings would pro ! ably have- led to de
clines In tb stocks affected. Hut the new * of
the postponement led to the rumors that the
verdict would In fact nlllrm the validity of the
contested statutes. This rumor Induced much
Special weakness wns Induced In the cinlnrs
by the discouraging reports of the condition of
that industry , due lo overproduction , culling of
prices nnd the persistent mild weather. TBcra
was nn lacking to the Spanish war scare , which
was made to do duty today. These demoralising
factors did not begin to l/i > felt until some- slight
Improvement over Saturday's close had been nf-
tecteil In prices , Sugar leading the1 way.
There wa a notable ImproTcment also from
the low point before the closing ot the day , by
the covering of shorts and the Bupicme court de
cision against the Interstate CommeiLe commls-
. slon us to the regulation of rates under the long
and short haul clause , wncrc water ratea nre In
competition. In con-equence of thli rise nt the
opening and the Improvement at the close net
declines arcj much dtmlnlsheel.
Spirits preferred wns the nrst stock , to ex-
ercl e an unsettling Influence on the niatlcct
with a. s'ump of 614 points on news of the failure
of the Kentucky dlstlllerj combination New
Jersey Central registered an extreme decline of
5\ per cent ht Joseph & . .Grand Island flrst
preferred of G per cent and Delaware & Hud
son und Manhattan I per cent nnd Sugar 4' ' &
per cent , Omiihin and Lake Shore , 334 per cent ,
Cotton Oil , Leather pieferred , Plttsburg , Cleve
land , Clnclnnull , Chicago & bt. IxniU
preferred and Illinois Steel from 3 to
3'4 per cent each , nnd LJurllngton , Pitts-
burg , Cleveland , Cincinnati , Chicago & St.
Louis , Chicago Oas , Missouri Pacific , Reading
first preferred , Illinois Central , Northwestern
and other prominent stocks from 2 to 2n per
cent , the llurllngton being lirgely affected by
the Ncbriska maximum frelg it law. St Paul
was llrm on London buying , and a number of
other stocks wire alMj bought quite sti.adj for
London account nt the decline. Sugar wna very
active throughout the day nnd was quite sensi
tive Chicago Ons wns a not ible exception In the
n-it with n net gain of " ' , < , points. Cotton OH
gained 2 4 points net.
Bonds were weak In sjimpathy with stocks
but steadied liter In the day Total sales.
$1.510.000 United States new 4s declined % per
cent bid and the Ss , teglstcred , 3a per cent , and
5s coupon , I , per cent
Tlie livening Post's London financial cablc- S.IJS"The stock ! markets were- quiet and
Irregular todaj Consols were drill because of
easier rates and shortness of stock. Contangoes
on mines nr about the same as at the previous
i-cttlcment Kiiillrs weie weak Australians
were good The general settlement to begin to
morrow will probably be a small affair , with
slightly easier monej. Gold Is In strong de
mand for the continent India Is also billing
moderately , but at present not on exchange
operations , hut merely the usual demand for
the bazaars.
"Amcrli an3 opened steadier on the rl e In New
York followed by small and feeble purchases
here , then New Aork began to pell ani the mar
ket dropped , closing A few imoro such day ?
will prob.ibly entirely exhaust the patience of
such few bulls ns exist here Drarlls were flat
"Grand Trunks were strong on reports that
negotiations nre proceeding favorably In arrang
ing a new fieleht route with the Wabash hjs-
tem over the loop line of the old Great Weatern
company and v la the New York. Ontario i
Western to New York
"The Paris nnd Merlin markets were quiet. 1
pm assuied on fairly gooel authority that It le
po < < lblo that the Relchsbank may mnUe no fur
ther change In the rate thin year.
The followrne were Ihe closing quotations on
Ihe leading stocks of the New York exchange
today !
second ass fasment paid
The total Bales of storks today were 427,300
sharif , Including : Atchlson preferred , S 970
Clie npeako S. Ohio , 3 ITi , Chicago , liurllngton &
Qulno , 41430 ; Delaware S. Hudson , 4 Ojl , Louis ,
vlllo \ . Nashville , 1S3C3. Missouri PdCllle , 12 CIO
Mlhsourl. Kani-as & Texas prefcned , IJtO ; Not th
em Pacific piefened 14 301 , Chicago A * No-th-
vvrHtrrn , 5,270 , Ileadlm , ' , C,2'0. ht. Paul , 4J.H3
St. Paul Omiili.i , 3 193 , Southern Hnllw.i > pre' .
foired 34X3 , Union Pacific , second asiefsment
paid. 11,151. Wabash prefcried , 4.410. Am'ilrnn
Hulrlta , 3.42S , Chicago Gaa , 1S.63S ; Suzar , C JOS
Tennessee Coal und Iron , 4 7JO , United htatea
1-e.ither preferred , J,213 , Western Union , G 53S
Chicago I i real Western. 11.4JO.
was Irregular , with n. borls tinJfr-
tone , owlns to n. d sire nmonij In Mora to r-
alUe The close was easy , with a moderate de
VIMT Yorlc Mntiry Mnrkrt.
! 14 J per i-ent closed , UllIS per rent.
RTRRLINO i.XrHANf5t-StMdy. wllh nclilal
business In bankers' bills nt $1f&S for demand
nnd at 14 R2H1H * 2\ for sixty dav , posied rates.
$1 ' 14(14 f 04 , commercial bllls , _ $1 Sly ,
I1AR SILVR-57'.c : ,
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows :
Iiiuiiloii StiirU ( IneitndoiiB
LONDON , Nov.8. _ 4 p. m. closlnB ! _'v..T I li4 SLP.iul common. . . 01j
ConsolH. nco't 112'A ! N Y , Ontrii lOSVi
fan Paclnc H2H PuiiiiiyUiinl.1. . . . . . . 67j
Krlo in llesadln ? Ill"
Hrlo l t ofes : iil Mt'X f.L'n. now 4s . . Oil. i >
111. Comr.u It ) IK Aicblucn 1'JH
Mexican onlmnrv. _ . IB L.AN _ 044
HAH SILVnil-Stcady at"2C id licr"ounce.
MONUY 2V4 per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market for
short and three months' bills , 2 13-1C@2 % per
Fliiniii'lnl .Noten.
NI3W YO1UC , Nov. 8. Clearlnga , $01 7W.105 Inl-
nncts , J3.422.72S.
ItOSTON , Nov. 8. Clcarlnss , J1S,747,590 ; bal
ances , 2.401,423
MnMPHlS. Nov. 8 ClearlnRS , Jcy.SCO , bit-
nnces , tlSl.02 ! , New York cxchanijc , soiling at
CINCINNATI. Nov 8 Money. 2 > 4fG per cent
New } otk oichaiiRe. 25Q50o prenilum. Clear-
InBS , $2 30.0CO.
N \V OULKANS , Nov. S Clearings , J1.10S 232 ,
New York exchanRc , bank , par ; commercial ,
SI 21 per 1C < W discount.
ST. U3UI8 , Nov. 8 Clearings , $0.412 930 ; bal
ances , $5W,300 , money. 5S | per cent. New Yoik
exch.iiiKe , 2oc discount bid , par asked
CHICAGO , Nov. S.-Cleirlnfcs. $19.013,503 ; New
\ork exchange , 23o premium , exchange , $1 iStJ
and $1 : F South Hide L. oiaj nn reallzlnR. Ulu-
moml Mitch "trone. closlnB : West Chicago OS.
IJIamoml Matcli , in , I > il > Street U 17" , New
\ork lllpcult , C2'4 , bontli Side I , . tGV4. City Itall-
\\aj , J23 bid ; btrawljoard. 20 bid. J2 asked.
Kor-L'lRii riiuiiiulnl.
nnilLIN , Nov. S n\chnnBe on Ix > ndon , M
murks 3o > 4 pfg for checks.
1'AHIS. Nov. 8 Three per cent rentes , leif
GOo foi the account , exchange oa London , 23f
17c for clucks.
Prlcos Ioner Xu-n Tlinu for Over Tno
Yi-nrx Past.
NH\V 1ORK. Nov. 8-COTTON-The market
tinned at a loss of from 1 to 4 points and
before the day naa out shotted ) on additional
loss of from C to 7 Points. January contracts
sold down to $3C2.thl3 belnc the lowest llsuie
In over Uvo sears and u I thin n. third of a
cent of the lowest price In tha hNtory ot cot
ton st tl tics. The weakness oC the market was
dlrcctlj the result of predictions of overwhelm
ing receipts nt Interior points , as well ais of a
deluse or cotton at the ports tomorrow In ad
dition to this pressuic the l isllah cotton mar
ket closed nt n net Iot.s of from IIA to 2 points ,
while reports from manufacturing circles In
New Knglanil were also ver > unsitlsfnctoi-y. Or
ders from the south were for selling cotton
and liquidation became very general. Including
active telling for nngllsh account. Theie was
mt n mur-h wUIn ? by the phorts themselves
nt low pi Ices Intlmllatlmr them to * ome ex
tent nnd caiMnz the moro' prudent to cover
The market closed easy at A 'net ' loss of from
leeelpts 68,709 balesr exports to Great Urltaln.
S 464 bales to the continent , 43 " 33 bales ; pto k
79 , ! M bales. Consolidated * Itecelpts. H4 SAS
bales , exports to Great Britain. 121 121 ball's
to France. 5 700 bales ; 16 the continent. 7 747
bales Total Increase Blno Sfptembet I : Net
receipts. 2 b20.0Sl bulei ; exports to Great Brit
ain , 778813 bales , to Trance. 223 , 404 bales , to
the continent. COS.K.o bales. *
IvIVHUPOOL , Nov S COTTON Spot In good
demand , sellers offer freely , prices unchanged
American. 4Wd. The sales ft > i the day were
12 , < yo bales , of which 1 000 , bales were for spec
ulation and export nnj Included 11 200 bales
American : receipts 8,000 bales , Including7.C09
bales American. Futures opened easj. with a
moderate demand nnd clootl steady. American
middling. U M. C. , No\cmh"r lOiffl 11 sellers ;
November and December. $3 J1SW3 0 , huycis ; De
cember ami January. S3 Ot-ffS.W tellers. Janu
ary and February , J3 OSm 09 , tellers . Februarv
and March $3 09 buj ers March and April $3 to
sellers ; April and Mny fill' Imjers , May anl
.lune. $3.12Vi < ! r3 13. tellers. June and July. J3 13
( fJ.H , sellers. July and August. $3.14&3.13. sell
ers. August nnd September , J1 15 buyers.
NKW OltLKVNS Nov 8 COTTON-rnttires.
steady sales. 40 COO bales. November , $3.31. De
cember. J3 25 Hi.28. January. J3.30O5.31. I'ehru
aiy. $ - > 33&3.S6 March. J5.40G3 41 , April. $5.45
< Tj 45 , May , $ T 50W3 51 ; June. $3 5Ii.30. Sal s
5 150 hales , ordinary , 4ie : good ordinary.4Rdc. .
low middling. 4 n-ltc mlldllng , 5'io. good mid
dling , SHc , mlrtdllng fair , 65c ; receipts , 16.3.M
bales : stock 203 437 bales
MUMPUIS. Nov. 8 COTTON Ste y : mid
dling. 5Uc , receipts , 7236 b.vles , shipments , 2,131
bales stock 79,018 bales ; sales 4,004 bales.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 8 COTTON Steady. 1-lte
lower : middling. ! ) % " : sales. 700 bales , receipts
G B80 biles , shipments , 5,000 bales ; stock , 3G. C4
"CINCINNATI. Nov. -COTTON Kasy ; mid
dling , Slic.
Coffee llnrki'tM.
NHW YOHK , Nov 8. COFI'nn Options
opened barely steady 15 to 20 points lower ; tilled
unsitt'ed and vvcuk under active liquidation and
renewed selling for siort account , f > llowlng
weak European and unsatlsfactoij Drazlllan ca
bles , heavy Increase for October In world's vis-
lbl supply , causing wlthdinwal ot fpot bujers
and nil around depression , closed weak , 30'(40
points net lower , tales , 43.MO b igs Including
December at $5.r > { ? 505 , March , $5 7'ff'i * ! i Ppot ,
lllo , weak. No 7. Invoice , CV ; Jobblnir , 0c
Mild , weak , Cordova , 9WQ15c , sales , 400 bans
Maracalbo and 200 bags Mexican prhate tern.
Total warehouse deliveries from Ihe Vnlttd
States 17,243 hugs. Including 15 191 hags from
New Yailc , Strck todn > : United btates stock ,
ICS237' baga ; lelloat foi the United Statta , 3" (01 (
bags , total visible for thu 1'nlttil States 901 00)
bags , against Oil 409 bags lust sear and & 74o07
II.IKII In 1S5 , '
IIAVUU Nov 8 COITGC aosed at 'its net
decline. taleH , 21,000 bags
SANTOS , Nov 8. COrinn-Santos , fule | ,
good auragJ t-jntris , 7 COO rels , receipts , E9.030
lisiKB , ptock 1 107.000
HAMHUHG , Nov 8 COPKKK Marktt opened
nt ' /fg | decline , closed at net lo j of 'Jpfg ,
sales , 24 100 bagp
IlIO DU JANinilO. Nov -COmn Inac
tive , No 7 lllo 7,70) lels. exehanae 7'id , re
ceipts. 24 COO hags , clock 429 OiO lugn
SANTOS Nov 8. rorriil ( Julet , good a\er-
are , tear $5.0i ) , receipts duilng the week , 119000
bigs , bhlpmentH to the United Stattu. 21OiO
bags , stock , 1 197,000 bags.
IlIO 1)13 JANI3IHO , Nov , 8 COlTfin Inactive -
active , exchange standard. $700 ; recelptb. during
the wet ) ; 93,000 bagu , Khlpmenta to the United
Statcu , CO 000 bags.
\i vv nrlf Ilrj C ; OIN Murkel ,
NI3W YOniC. Nov 8 TtieruIs n continued
weaknefs In the dry goods m.ailict , the reduc
tions announced by the ngents for American
prints being decidedly In lln with the present
cltuntlon it Is thought that other n'Jui-tlon In
corelntlve lines will follow In the near future.
The business passing In all lines of ration goods
In very slim Including print clothi Jobbers
bot.i locally nnd throughout the country , report
u very light busltiees , and retailers are still mf-
ferlng from dela > ed wintry weather In nearly all
keasonable lines *
Woolens and worsted goods nre vUthout
changes , and there li still a lack of inclination
to ga ahead with liuine | < s for next > ear until
the prraont condition of the woo ) market change *
to a tone lets vacillating in Its character In
Maple colloim Ihe presence of only n few bi.vcr
In the market mid tolajip. hu > lns vr > dull
lociill ) , ( is mall orders w * . itni. On coarse
cslored cottons themnrkd U. "lull and Hocks
rllll rather heivj In some quarters. In print
clothe the maiket continues dull
Suu-iir Mni'U'iMx ' ,
Ni3\v OUI.IANS , KOV -SUOAII open icot-
He. steady at 'l'imtc , n-atrlfii at , linn at < m.i.
tatlons ; Krimulatid , 4WIi | , whOes , 3 1 infi'l'l ;
> tfllowa. 35-K/JSicj > cn in. , ' , : ® .c Ml ) a S H
op n Kettle , utrady nt 1C1W , centrlfusalo W
ICe ; svrap , otcady at : nwjiv , !
IjONDON , Nov 8 liiT : 4vOAR NmrniUr.
Sn 8 ? d , J * v
TII IITii ruin ) ? ( T > rii 1 1 * .
NI'W YOH v Nov S OU.'ironN'A
KIU'ITS Onl l und uteody , voppratcd uppl-
common 3 < J7c , prlnuvv5r Inv V pvv -1
dried. prm | , Ric ; ih > l-e knft:1f < , " " (
Si'jC. Irurr . BBS ! < p r 'I , . R in * ' indii ' .
Uy AprUo'H P ivil " ( 'i 4 , l o" 1' " ' 0flP )
Peac ick unpetlfd. "Bile ; iflt < i , l ! 17 %
Wool Vlnrki-t.
ST , I.OUI3. Nov. 8.VOOIquiet and un
God Run of Oattlo and Very Pair Supply
of Hogs ,
Ileilil the III lih 11 n ml nnil
Out 1'rlem to Suit Tnsle-M
HORN Do Hotter niul Ail-
MIIICU u .MoUe-1. <
SOUTir OMAHA , Nov. 8. Receipts for the
days Indicated were :
Cnttle. Hog * . Sheep. Horses
November S 3,490 2,591 719 ! J
November G. . . . . . . . 557 3,393
November 6 S.lll 3,703 1,793 5S
November 4 3,913 4.D02 2V,1
November 3 4,7.11 4091 S.455 . . . .
November 2 ? ,91o 2,213 1,928
November 1 0,993 1,116 1,973 64
October , ! 0 t. . 918 3,599 950 1
October 29 fi. 03 1.CS7 2,017 61
October 2S 7.V3S 3,591 . . . . 21
October 27 0,053 4.491 2,539 6
October 26 4'J4fi 6,559 3,113
October 23 5,367 LSS1 1,001 7
October 23 1,631 4.2S6 S55
The oOlolil number of cars of stock
brought In toelay by each road was :
Citttlu. Hogs. Sheep. Horses.
O. & St. U Uy. . . . 1
Mo Par. Uy 0
U. P. system. , . . 41 G 2
If. , B. .t M. V. . . 21 4 2
C. , St. 1' . , M. O. 1G 3
13 , M. U. Uy. . 70 3
C. , H. & Q. Uy. . . . 1
K. C. ft St. J 1 . .
Total 161 31 4 1
The disposition of the elny's receipts wns
ns follow-i , evich buyer purchasing Iho num
ber of head Indicated :
Uuycra Cuttle HORS. SJicrp.
Omuha Packlnff Co 10 t)49 . . . .
The G. H. Hnmmoml Co 311 1 125
Swift nnd Company 729 0)1 116
Cuilahy I'uckliiK Co. . . . 515 323 478
U. Hooker and Ueguu , . . . 211
Vnnsunt & Co SS
J. L. Carey 67 . . . .
Lobnuni .t Itothschllels. " 'r . . . .
Henton & Underwood. . , . 173 . . . .
Krcbbi Ac Co UO
Hammond , K. C 703
Hammond , St. Joe 117
Cuiluhy 1' . Co. 1C. C 175
Dennis & Wolf 108
II. Hamilton 91
Other buyers 3SI
Lett over 350 . . . .
Total 3,701 2,589 719
CA.TTLR The iccolpta of cattle totl.iy
vvoro liberal , but tticie mas n falling off
as compared with a week ago ot 2,513 head
A good many of the cuttles on sale -\vcre
rough 'vvostetns , but there was albO qulto
a spi Inkling ot natlvo beeves.
The situation as effecting cornfeel cattle
was generally against the selling Interests )
Chicago reported a very largo run , and the
prospects here were favorable for llbeial
receipt" * this meek , all of which helped to
mike buyers Independent und Indifferent
The result was a very slow maiket ivvlth
values weak to lOe lower.
The supply of butchers' stock was no
mcro than cqu U to the demand , nnd the
market on tftnt kind of stuff was just about
ste idy. One choice little heifer sold up to
Jl 25 , showing- what good cattle would bring
II they were here. ,
In spile of the fact that there mere a good
many catties In the jarils the ofL'eUngs of
really desirable fpedeis .vas comparatively
"mall At the same time the elem ind for
right good feeders was very active , ami the
ptlces paid for cutlo answering to that
description were strong. A good many of
the cattle offered for feeders were heavy
and on the commonH1 ! order , and they were
rather slow sale nt barely steady price- ,
Representative Biles :
IIOOS Unlit lecelpta nml a 5o advance In
\alues were tbo IsndlnB features In today's ho
market The offerlnss were vers light und Ihe
market was active nt the advance
Heavy hoga sold nt $3 4503 55 as against $3 40fi >
3 rx ) on Saturday I.lh'lit nml butcher weights
broiiBht 13X < U1.tlVi , which VVJB tbe came nintte
an on B.iturda > . Tliero were , howcvci , more
sales at tbe hlsher prices today , so tliat the
nveniKc of all tha F.ik-s v\as bo hlKbir than on
Toda > 'j advance carries the inarKct to Pie
'ilKhenl point louebed clnco Oclober 22 , when
Ihe liOKa snld In about tbe same us today
Iepresentntlv ! > ) tales :
ClflC'lCO I.IV13 STOCK \IUCiT. .
Cnllli- TrllliWi'iilUT , hut HOK-H anil
blifii > Slronurr.
CHICAGO , Nov 8. Tradlnu In cattle vvau slow
elurlni.- the morning , but became fairly anlmyted
later , vvllh prices rullnir liartly sleady to lOo
loner. .Sltlcll ) prime call I" were net offered
very fni'b. Prlecs ruled as follon * ; flood ta
fxlir. rtier. frori SI.IO to 15,23 common grades
from ll.U lo , vtocKcrs anil feeder * from
J.'UJ tu $1,50 ; bulU , ro j and hell era. fMj'JJ/4 ' SO ;
ciiluutod. . Ir'ni $ . ; . " > to 17.00. 'Ifxunn from
JJ.40 tJ I1.IU ; vveiinni from (3.40 tu | l 21 Tha
bull : ( f tbe ae-u wciei ul fiom II.10 to JI.W ,
I'rifet. rule I iron4fcr lioja at an advance of
cbout If Hi tha loit VTI' U' clexlng ttsurtt. The
grmlrr rajt of UK , hOs croiseil the c K at
fiom 11.5. to tlitf. ruiTta heavy pac vrs xlllim
at Jr in d. < ,0 10 ti U. anj the best bacon lota
lit frrni I ) * 5 to (1 fO ; choice hou of different
weisbt * < old eSctu tcgethcr and pig * oM
nt frrvn 13 40 ( < v S3 M Tb < > avernRC niii'Hy ' WM
fairly < roe l The murk el w wcnk. twikfra Mil. .
ing n little lower I
Thr > TMI& n irexxl itcmnnil for hefn nnit Inmbi |
nml * tnmpt > r market. Sheen were wanted t i
from H 80VJJ.CO for the ixx > r it In SI 4W4.M for I
prime natives \ihllc western rangers' nocks
changed ownership nt from M to SI is , l imbs
jnld nctlvelynl from tl to M 7S for poor to prime
lots , feeders paying- from tl 7 to tl.W for lambs
find from $3 M tei t ( for sheep
Receipts ! Cattle , P.SCO henel. ho8 . S8.COO bend ;
shl tp. 15 COO head ,
Si. I.iiiiln LiveSliM'k. .
ST I-OPIS. Nov S , OATTI.K-Hecplpts , 6.50
henjj shipments , COO head ; market steady for
nntlvcs nnd Texan * , fnlr to fnniv native ship
ping nnd export stnrs. Jl 3iffB.3S ; bulk of sales ,
Jt W&5.U1 , ilm * < 1 b ef nn < T butchers' teer , J1 71
IM 73 ! tvulk of MleK , SI SOifl Si , stows under
1O Ibs , $3MC,1Co. luilk of riles. SI Will IS ,
Mockers nnd ff cders , $ J 50 4 10 , bulk of pales ,
S3 d > I3 s ; : riin-s nnd heifers , $2.(1 ( fl'l ' li ) ; bulk of
cows , SS.iOH3.4i ) , cannlnp conn , SI 70W2 M. Terns
nml Indlnn fteen. , t3 COfel M ! bulk of wiles , $3.N >
W3.73. cows and helfrp , . SS.10 ? 3rft
HO08llecelpts , 1 , < W > bend : shlpmenls , 1.000
bind : market Cc hlclier : llKht , S3W370 , mixed ,
J341 3.70i heavy , S3.701M 73.
SHEEP-Hecelpls. l.2t bead : sblimenl . 2M
bond ; inaiket utmnR ; nallvo muttons $3.2 f
4 S.1 ; stockers nml fwilerK , S240ff290i bulls nnd
bucks , t200300 , lambs , t''WnfO 73.
P.nst UulTiilo LiveSlorU. .
13AST IU'PFAI.O , N. Y. , Nov. S.-OATTI.K-
Cholco flnlsbc.1 rxporl nnd chlpplnir Meers , $ " . .00
{ M.fiol choice tu i''me ' , tl course rouens ,
SI.OOW4 tl , green Mcers. S3 Mtfl.r > : choice heifers ,
S1.4MN 10. fair to Rood mixed butchers' stock ,
H.4Mf4 ( r > . smooth cows , M.40413. ? ) .
HOOS-Prlme selerlesl vi.rki rs. $1 S.1W3 DO. mixed
packers , graded , } 3.SOH3.'v ; medium vveluhl S3.V0 heavy , S1 SSW4.S3 : nniRliF , S1 Off3.tO sings ,
f2.7fi J3.pigs. ; . J3.2r.W4 00.
HHIJKP Actlvcj lambs , choice to prime. SI KJ
8T4.73 , native Inmbs , c'lolcp to extra , S" 73Jf3. 3 !
fair to good. S5.50irfS.CO , vulls , S4.75M5 10 , choice
to selected vvethpts , t4.WT4 71 ; mlxeM S4.25U
4.50 ; exports , t3.75lt4.50 ; culls , } 2 75W3 21.
KliliNiin Clt > l.lviSliifk. .
KANSAS CITV , Nov. S. tATTIInccppts | ,
li.OOO head. llest grades rtendj eithers uenk ,
Texas steers , S3 23 4 21 ; Texas cons. J2 40 T3.0 I ,
native steers , S3005(4 ( 55 ; natUp cons nnd heifers ,
J1.00fl4 00 ; slockcrs nnd fceJcrs , S2 60'i(4 ' 10 , bulls ,
J2 3W.1 S.
HO S Uerelpts , 0,000 bend Jtnrket stronc to
Re > blgher , ' bulk of snips. J1.M ffJ S714. heavies ,
! U ! 3 > IT3 r.7H. packers. J3 11 3 55. mKed J1.4Hf
3.fSH. , $3 COff3.C2iJ ; pics , S3 351T1 53
! HltKIU1 Ilocelpts. 2IW bend. Market llrm ,
lambs , J3.50fl5.CO ; muttons. 12 50 4 ri.
IllllllllllllMllls lilx' < < Sldl'lr.
INDIANAPOI.lf , Nov S CATTI.i : llecelpts.
Iplit ; shipments , none ; few cattle mid no iiuota-
blo elmnires
HOGS Hi'eelpts , 2.000 held ; Flillinients. 1,000
hcnd ; market ncllvc nnd 5c IilRber. ijnoil to
cholco medium nnd hi-nvy , f3 70tt3.7" ; mlxcel
ind heavy , J3 COJi'3.70 ; common llRbts. J3 C3W
3 73.
73.SliniJP llecelpts. llRht ; shipments , none , RIPI !
to choice lambs , S4 SMr. 40 , commrn In medium
lambs , S3 50T4 03 ; common she p , Ji.00ff2 75
\i-vv Vorl. ] , l\o Murk.
NHW YOUK , Nov. 8. UinvnS Itpcelptn ,
2,9S head , nntlvo sleers , J4.10 1 10 , tngs ixml
oxen , J2 7354.50 ; bulls J2 n05fi.33 ; dr > cows ,
$1 50103.21 ( . 'able' * quote ) Amerlcnn steers nt 10 > l
( { flP c , refrlgcralor beef S jf iP , no expevrts.
Cnlves , receipts. 1.2J7 bead ; veals. Jl.OOfjS.OO ,
tjras ers } 3 215T1 75 ; nostcrns , Jl.20ff4 fO.
SlinEP Ilecelpts , 15,1,83 bead , sheep , J3.00 ®
25 , lamtH , J1 2"itf" 65.
HOn.S Receipts 9 not eliill nt J3.0fl.OO.
I , mlrtIlle ! , ! > < Stiu-U.
ujuisvn.u : . NOV. a c'A'rn.i-Ueceipis.
2,400 bend , maiknt slendy li > llrm nnd unchanged
HOQS Hecelpls , 7,000 h 'ad , market opcntit nt
nn advance of iic , heavv hciff" , S3 6HJ3 70 , choice
light S37IW40) ; pig" . S273ii161
SUnUP Receipts5W Iic d. maiKct nctlve ;
l > est fat sbeep , S3 50f3 03.
Cliicliiiiiitl I.UStock. .
CINCINNATI. Nov 8 HOGS Active at f3 0)
\ctlvo at $2 23W3 10.
8IIEI3P Steady at $2u ( > y310 , lambs , fltr.d ) nt
$ i ooes co.
Slin-k In
Record ot receipts of live stock nt the four
principal imrleeta for November 8 :
C.itlle HOKS Sheep
Omiln. 3 4 0 2591 713
Chicago I'l roe 3 ( OH 11 ( ion
Kansas City 5,000 C.OOO 5000
St. L.OUI3 3,200 7,900 1,200
Totals . 31.1SO 6J.4S1 18.S13
Oil M rki'lM. _
Oil , CITY Nov. S Credit balances , ( I0c ; cer
tificate" no bids , shipments , 203 CIS bbls . runs.
147 P21 bbls ,
L.ONDON Nov. 8 OIL Un eeil , 14s 2Hd.
NKW YORK Nov 8 OHl'cnna > Ivanla
crude , nominally S5c. , , ,
N , 111 , Nov. 8 UITTTKR Active ; offerIngs -
Ings , 4CD tubs : siles , 30,1 tubs , nt 25c.
-i H Put < o CSri'iit liiinii-\iMilciicc
1'iiile-r rre-sriit rouilil Ions.
Councllnicn ( BlnRham nnd Stuht aie flBiir-
Ing on a plan to open a p.issai ewny on
Brancroft street , ncro s the Union PaclHc
tiaclt1 ? This street .has never been opened
for a distance of several blocks fiom the
south line of the tracks , njid o-.vlnB to the
peculiar topography of the vicinity residents
In that locality have boon put tp serious
Inconvenience.For InsUn'ce , Were Is .1
church at Twenty-fourth and Uincioft
streets , and the majority of the5 members of
the congregation live in Arbor Place and
\VocHllavvn , on the other side of the tracks.
Uancroft street , If It was , open clear
through , would bo a direct ( route to the
church , but as It Is the people have to
walk up Walnut street to M.irtha to cross
the tracks , and then walk back again down
Dncnty-foui th street , making a trip of
nearly a. mile over streets 'Where- ' there * Is
scarcely a block of sidewalk , unel vvhlo'i are
almost Impassible In 'net weaVher.
A sinill ir dllllculty occurs In the case of
a. largo numbfr of vvorklngmen who work at
South Om.iha and ln\e > to go fully a quar
ter nt a mile ou tot their way to re'.irh the
fttreet cars Some time ago one of the af-
Illctcd residents cut the wire fence 'that '
stretches across Bancroft street nt the
tracks and vvai fined $ .10 anel costs by Judge
Gordon for the offense The councllmeji
h.ivo had a plat of the locality prepared , and
if some plan cannot bo arranged to make a
passageway , they mill ' .al e stops lo have
Bancroft street opened through the closed
You can't cuie consumption but joti can
avoid It and cure every other lorm of throal
nr lung tioublo by the use of Ono Minute
Cough Cure.
Murrlnue MC'IMIIHPH.
The following marriage licenses ivero Is
sued yesterday ;
Name and Address. Ago
John Hlmp = on , Omn'va 21
Marth.i McFmlden , Onnha 23
Jay II. Douglas , Salt Lake City 20
IiU II. Kam , Omiho. 2i
John Fllz.Terald , South Omaha 28
Nellie Vaughn , South Omaha , 22
James Wade. Counrll Bluffs 22
Klttlo Felt , Omaha 20
Ilcniy H. Bcrger , Omaha 24
Lulu G. Fet'noy , Omaha 23
ItiMtiiellon In Siri-i-t Pore'i' .
The i.reet force Is now conllned to the
blue barrel brigade and two small rcpilr
gangs. A small forceIs kept at work on
the north side and another on the south
side to do emergency work and Iteep thn
streets up to the condition In vvhlo'i they
were placed by the extensive repairs that
vveio made during the Hummer. With the
Improved drainage system comparatively
few washouts occur and a veiy fe.v 711011
are sutllclent to keep the streets In poifect
IIIi-clloii llnotliH la Unit Condition.
Contractor Stcphcnson has begun moving
the election boo hs back to the old wtorago
place under the Eleventh street viaduct ,
and Custodian Scdg'vvick of the city hall has
a number of express wagons nt work haulIng -
Ing the furnlliiro bark to t > u city hall base ,
merit. The condition of the booths Is what
would naturally be expected after several
yearn of use without care , and a largo
JM1ES E 50YD & 00. ,
Telephone 10 : ) ! ) . Oiimlui , Nub
Direct vvlies to Chicago anil Nu\v Voili.
Corresponelents ; John A , Warren & Co.
oi.n riu.o.NV nun. DIM ; , cmouo.
Membi-ra Chicago Ho.inl of Tr.tdo slnto 18C2
Grain , Provisions anl ; . Y. Stocks.
Orders tjauh anil Kuture Utllvory Sollrltcel.
Oiiliiha OMI c-o , HiKiin 1 , .Y. V. Mfo JllilK.
. . . .M'lioiif 11(11. ( . . .
C. C. CHRISTin. K. J 8TRK17T.
President. Vlce-Prcildint.
Secretary ,
dirislie-Street Cooimission Co
fr ooo ( ) , ( ) ( ) , i.'uiiPuiii. .
srucics , citAi.y AM > PROVISIONS ,
iu 1(11)5
. . . . .Oiuuliuerli ,
proportion of them nro moro or Ics * fc
rloiidly illlniililntcil City UnRliifor Uo o
vvritpr Bays that In mo t cn. c the frnmo
work H nil rtcht , lutt comiRntol Inm
shcptlnff l prnctlcilly worn out It will
prolmhly l > o nocoi ary to jiiiiko c\tcnlvo rc
V\\r \ * boforc the lioftihi cnn bo n < c < l ncaln ,
lint It N thoiiKhl thitt by bu > ltiR n lot of
now sheolltiR atul enough jvitnt to cover nil
Iho bootht t ioy pun bo mnilo der\leeablo
for sovernl aililltloiial yonm.
Small ( Mil , rnfo pill , licit inn. Do Wltt'i
LUtlo tCarly Illsors ciuo biliousness , constl'
( intlon , sick hrniUchn.
Uc.aJ "Simon IXilo * in Tno Sunday lie * .
If joti don't take It , stibscrlbo now.
Ii cold under positive AVrlttrn Cunrnntco ,
bynnthorleodiiRpnt'S only , to euro \Vonlc Memoir ,
UirtlmweVnkpfulnpoi _ , Fits , llinlortn , ( Julefc.
iicBS , Nlcht IAJSSPO , I'.vil uronmis Jjnck of Conll.
dpnro.KorTouniiesa , KIM ! tilde , nil Drill no , Vonth-
Cnl Crrora , ur Exccswlvo U-n of Tolmcco , Opium ,
or Liquor , which l uU to Misery , t'onsumptitn ,
Inxonltr nnd Dcnth , At Btorn or by mnll , $1 a
box ; six for 15 ; with written Kiiarnutco to
ruro or rcfliml motipy.
KC , contnlnintt fivn dnyn' tronlmont , with full
instruction : ! , 21 cents. Ore entnplo only sold to
onch 'lorson. Atsloroorbyninil.
Label Special
Extra Stiongth.
Tor Itapot noy , lnvm ol
Power , Iiost MmliiHxl ,
Mtorility or Hurrmmcss
- " -
boxi ins for
. A *
Dillon Drug Co. , S. R. Cornet
10th nnd Knriiiiia sin. , Oiuitlin. Neb.
Home Industries 1
Hy INiri'lniNliiK CIooilN Untie nt the Fol.
OMIIIA TI3NT AM ) llllllimu CO.
( Successors Omaha Tent and Awnins Co. )
Manufaclurers tents , nwnlngs JubUeis ladles'
and gents' mackintoshes , lenls for rent. 1311
Farnam St. . Omaha.
OM Ml V lIltinvi.M ; Ais.SOCIATIO.V.
Car lonJ elilynicnta made In our own r f.\e- \
trolor curs. Hluo Hlbbon , Hllio i\port : fiemtn
Export nnd Family Export Uellvercu to dll pa-U
of the ctlv.
S , Sewer nml Bulldlnc
Capacity. 100000 per day Omcc nnd sard 2" !
end Hickory Ms Telephone 423. Omalit Neb.
COHNILI : wonus.
c ; . K. cpUMrrnit.
ManafjLiUKr of Galvanized Iron Cornices Ua' .
vnnlzcd Iron Skjlights Tin. lion and Sl.itb
Hoofing. Agent for Klnnenr's Sue ! " . " "cllliij.
10S-10-U Nsrtii eleventh street.
Wholesale Cracl' ! " Manufacturers ,
WOHICS , ir.Ul I-a run m > ( .
Dyeing and cleaning of garments nnd goods of
sverj description. Clcunltig of llnu gurnicnts a
S. F. GilMAN ,
Tlour , Meal , Teed and Dran , 1013-15-17 North
I7th Street , Omaha , Neb. C. E. niack , manager.
Telephone C92.
Iron mill llriinn FoiiinIi'i-N.
Mnnufactiirers and Jobbers of Machinery. Qcn.
eral lepalrine n epccloltv. 1501 , 1503 nnd 110 }
JncKeon titet , Omana Nel > .
Manufacturers of Architectural Iron Work
General Foundry. Machine and IJIacksmlth work ,
engineers ai > .J Contractors far Flro Proof Build
ing * Offlce and worka : U. P. Uy and Souili
17th street. Omaha.
woomiA.v M.\SIII : ) on , WORKS ,
Manufactuiers olj process raw Ihurral oil ,
kettle boiled Hnsecq uii , old piwesa ground lln >
eecd cnkc , grjunil nnd ecrccnei' llaxieed fo
ilngglets OMAHA , Nl'.H
MATTIinsSr.S ,
L. K.
Manufacturer Loungrs , Couchcb ,
Jobber of Spring Hods unl Teailicrs 411-113 a.
10th street.
OMAHA lliill.\n CO.
Manufacturers of high grade Mattrcruef , 1302 t
Nlcholnu Strcel , Omaha.
Mfgrs. Clolhlng , Pants , Ehlrts and Overalls.
j. n. nvA.vs.
E clu lvo custom ihlrt tallorn , :5I5 Farnam.
Pieced , Stamped itnrt Jnpanned Tinware , Gran
ite Iron , Hollow Ware , etc.
1003 Fnrnam St. OMAHA.NER
' "
Manaufacturer * of Vinegar , Plrkles , Catsiupj ,
Mustards , Celery and Wurc - tir hlre Sauce.
Tor a euoJ Biil.ktanllnl vehicle ot any rUacrlo
tion , for icpulutlng or rubber llrcn on new or oi < l
wheel * , the bc-il place In and Lcavinvortn
ir it ,
Cheap , medium prlecJ and luny carriagct.
Any Ihlng > ou want &eccnd hand or now.
Headquarter for Rubber Urea wnirunlcil. KiU
und Ilnrncy , oppiwlle Court House- .
1 IOU , 1111 Dniluu ,
Full Una nf Carruce , lluunlen , l'haeon ( , Ponj
Carti. Wheelu rubbe-r tlirel. Tlu btn ! th
HK.M3 A CO ,
UiigeM fHrlo-y III the went. Loading Into
( x-rii uf Omuha , Kteliwii City. Lincoln Hud Ht ,
Joarph luinUlei uur goodi. lOOi rarnam Hro tr 1