TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 0 , 1807. SPECIAL.NOTICES AdvcrtlNrinciit" tor tlieso column" nilI lie Inkcn until IB in. for the CYPtilntr nnil until 8 p. m. for the morning nnil Sunday edition * . Ailrcrllnrr * , liy rpiiucnUnw n. inini- hcrcit check , can Imve miniver * nil- dreKHcil t n iniititiurert li-ttrr In cure of The Ileo. Aumvorn no ililrpH c l will IIP ilcllvprcil on pri-ncnlntlon of the chcrk only. llnti-d , 1 1-Sc a enl nr t lii"crlloM | Jo n. wonl there-after. SothlnK tnUon tor leu * tluiii ar.c for the llr t IIIBIT- ilon. TlicdP iHlvertUunieiit * mut he run coiiNCi'iitlvcly. SITUATIONS \VANTKI ) . BITUATION WANTKOIIV AN enced m n at elilpplne or billing of references. AiMrcaa A 7. ce. A-Mlii 10 * \VA\TI5I1 MAt.H HUM' . CANVABSnilS TO TAKU OnDKUSiNi\V UNC of work | no heavy guoils to carry ; tn\nn \ nr comml.nlon. C. K. Adama Co. . 52 Bo. " ' - BALESMKN FOU C1OAUS , 1123 A MONTH AND npciuef ; old firm : experience uiinecenmry. Induccmt'ltti ! to cudomcrn. C. C. lll hopft Cfr. SU Uouli. " ' 04 ONE nuNDiinn DOU-AIIS IK CASH. At so liberal comrnlsiitong , to Rood deputies or orRfin- ltr . Imperial Mystic Lesion. For partlcu- lam n < Mres4 Henry C. Akin , supreme regent. UcCoRue bulldltiff , Omaha. 1I-M4I4 N22 WANTED. CAiti'nN'Tnns , TO icnnt * AUA\ from the Kxpnaltlon ground * until matters nre settled. Carpenters' Union. U MiOO WANTED , KOtlll riOAIlMAKEllS. INQUIHU ot O. D. Qodfrey. Fremont. Noli. ll-MOaq 11 * WANTirD. TINNnil , STEADY WOIIK FOU the rbiht man. Acldre * Tlieo J. SU-cn. St. Paul. Neb. H-M214 9 _ _ WANTUI ) , BAWMMRN TO SHUj C1OAUS TO dealers ! salary , JSO lo J20) per month ntul cxiwnsesr pxperlmcp unneceBfnry : I1'1 ' 1" 1 msltlon. The lie Mora Cigar Co. . Hpr tmn > td. ' WANTKD , MKN FOR THH KIXHfDIKlJ. WU Imvo n Klondike for every mnn that will come with us nnil cll our full line of choice ntir- eory stock. toR lher with my fnat m-llhiR ci"- claltles. \ \ > cnn stnrt you In KOO.I territory. Vat particular write to Mount Hcpe Nur- scrlea , I iwrence , Kan. H MZI7 3 * AOHNTS WANTKD. FOrt HI'HCIAI * UNI5 JU- vcnlla holiday bookn : new novnltles ; quick tialci ; biff pr'nlltHJ outllt , 25 cents ; cntnlogue best Belllnir honks , bibles nnd nlhums free on application. John W. IllfT & Co. . 110 rind II ! AVatmsli avenue. ChlcaRO. 11 M2I6 9 WANTHD KE.MAI.M 11 KM * . 1M CUniS FOH ALT , KINDS OP WORK ; * 3 to JI ueclc. Canadian Ollice , 1523 Douglas. C 705 WANTED. OIUI. FOH OENEUA1. HOUSK work. Apply at 520 South 26th AeniuC - . C M872 WANTED , OIIU. FOIt OlONEHAn HOUSE , woik ; family ot three. Call 2J6 N. 15th at. C-M3S1 10 WANTKD , AN EXPEIttENCED SECOND G1UU one willing' to u lst with the cnre of children. Apply Mrs. \ \ ' . II. McConl. 2201 Ca.'s St. C-103 GIUU QUNRRAL HOUSCWOnK. QUICK. 2120 & 4 Mnrj-'s Axe. C 101 WANTED , A GOOD OI1U , FOU GENKHAI , housework. Apply to 2710 Hownnl st. st.C C 223 10 * WANTED. AT ONCIJ ! COMI'UTENT COOK , also houremald. Apply moinlnss at 1122 South Sd St. C M230 9 roil IIKXT HOUSKS. IN AM. I'AHTS ) OF TIII3 CITV. THE O. P. Davis Company , 130 > Farn.un. D " 00 HOUSES. UKNKWA & CO. . 105 N. 13TII ST.- D 707 _ HOUSES. WAM.ACE , HI1OWN 11I.OCK. ir.TH nnd Douglas. D 70S CHOICE HOnSES AND COTTAGES ALT , OVER city. J3 to 573. Fidelity. 1st floor N. Y. Life. D-709 _ HOUSES , COTTAGES .t STOR1'.S. ALT. PARTS of city. Ilrennan & I/ox-n Co. , 430 1'axton block. D 710 LARGIT LIST. M'CAGUU. 15TH AND DODOE. D-711 _ . OARVIX IUO3. fi - ' HOUSES , FLATS. . l I-AR'M D 712 HOUSES FOIt UENT. I1E.MIS I'AXTON ni.K. D 713 IIOUSF.S. J. H. SHEUWOOD. 423 N. T LIFE. n 71 * „ . . HUNT. OIIOICK 12-HOOM DETAOIIKD modern house. Inaulre 2348 Cnpltol Av nu" . D 713 MOVING IIOTTSRI1OT.D OOfiim AND PIANOS. Om. Van .t Stornse Co. , 1 > UVS Fnrnam. Tel 131D. D 710 TWO LAliriR HOUSES IN DIJNDKE PLAfEj cheap. 603 Heo bldg. P 717 S-nOOM MODERN FLAT , 2403 LEAVBK- worth St. D-CS3 N2S' I1EMIS. PAXTON nt.K. D SHW 6-ROOM I1OITSP MIAMI STHEHT J10 ; N'lW. Hi-room b'-urp , I'nrk nvenni" . J3 ! brick : modern W. I * Selby , 334 Chamlwr Commerce. D MC51 SSO NORTH r..TII AVE. . KIOHT-ROOM 1IOUFE In first cl ! " ' repair , with fnrmc . bTth and L rn. Apply at room 437 Hoard of Trnife. D-M67S 7-nOOM STRAM-TIEATED FLAT. HOWARD Ranck , AKt. , 1C10 Chlcaco St. DWELLING FOR R' NT. 10 ROOMS. ALL modern Improvement ? 32d and Fnrnam. . " 22 ; Dim 5 room cnttnce , 5H.OO ; cltv water ; or , epr line. Dexter L. Thomas , 401 UPC. D M HOUSE RfS S-'O. 21TH ST. 10 ROOMS , MOD. rrn , $19.00 per month. Ilyron Reed Co. D-970 FOR UEVT MODERN UOUSI OF PI.V ROOMS nFcelv furnl'hfd. Includlns piano , fall nt nnoo nt 1C03 Ixithrrp St. D MM ! 10 e-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE AT 411 NORTH Uth St. , J20.00 a mrnth ; H-room niadern fl.it , Apply to W. n. Melkle , Jut Nat'l nit Ri.lv D M1CO TO RENT. ONE OF THE FINEST HOMFS OV rnrk avenue. It ronms , finely finished , newly papereil nnd rernnstructed throughout , steam heat , strictly mo rn ; reasonable rent to rlKlit party. .Tohn Grant , Tlee Rulldlnu. D M193 9 e-ROOM HOUSE. 2 < il4 MIAMI , $10.00 ; NKWLY painted nnd papered. W. TJ. Pelby , 331 Unnrd or Trade. D-MISO ALL MODERN UNEOUAT.ED , STEAM TIIJATT 7-room ho\we. best conditions. Applv R. Tliard , S23N 21th. D-M17D 9 * 8-ROOM FURNISHED HOUfiU CENTRALLY lornted. In exchange for room and Imnrd for two. Address A B. Rep. D 178 S 0-ROOM MODERN FLAT , LEAVEN- worth st. D-C8.1 N20 S-ROOM ; MODERN TLAT. 1112 SOUTH I1TH. D :33 NINR-HOOM HOtlpE. NIVVLY PAl TI'D AND rwpervd.vh | ( Imth. eo ct. hot water , BUS , clec. trio llKht anil RO < - < I barn , midway between ex position nrd po lolllce. on twn car llnpi" . low rent. Fidelity , lit tloor N. \ . Life. D-M2I3 FOH HOOMS. STEAM HEATED ROOMS. 004 SO. 11T1I RT. K-S.12-NH _ KLEOANT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENrl S20 North Hd. K-M075 12 _ " " TOR ONE OH TWO OENTLEMEN , CIAS , "POR" co la In bath , hot water , Vteam heat ; location central. Address Y 63 , Hee , K M99J TWO LAROE FRONT ROOMS. AI.COVE. HAY window ; steam heat. 411 North 17lh , E M181 12 * _ _ K3 NORTH 1STII ST. . FURNISHED ROOMs ] tea , Uatli , furnace. E-943 S TtT OENTHKMAN AND WII'B. THREE FUR. nli-H-il rooms for IlKht houst kteplnK. K'ia ' tovo , lieat. batn. Addreis A 3 , llee office. E 1009 JNICKLY FI'IINISHED ROOM FOR GENTLB- mau In private family , 1910 Capitol Ave. K M201 20 * _ WFLL HKATED FllRNIBHUD KOOMK : PHI- ynt family. 8226 Fnrnam. K M2039 * _ rOR RrrNT-FURNISHED ROOM AND All cove. All nmlcrn. 2JH N. 19th.E E m 173-9 * rtJRNISHKD ROOMS. $500. "l l PARNAM. K M231 10 * HOU8BKF.FPJNO. 1111 SO. HTH. E 231 T'THH CAPITOL , " 1RJ CAP. AVK-t DUSIRA- roomi ; trandents nccomnvodated ; uUo day F M240 li ijTUUMSiinn itoniis AXD uo.iiinl 8T/AM HBATUD ROOMS WITH HOARD. WJ FSNU rou itr.\TruHM.tnin nonus. ( Continued. ) HANDSOME BUITB PA11LORS , FUJlNIHIir.D or unfurnlfhed ; also other rooms with b in The Ro e. Z020 Harney. F MJJI rtniNISHKD ROOMS. MODERN. Jll S. 2JTL' st. r eta LARGE S , E. CORNER ROOM. 26)1 DOUGLAS. REAUTIFt'LLY FURNISHED ROOMS. Newly , neatly furnl hed rooms , nil mo-lern con- venicnced , with or without board find only five mlmilen wnlk from the poMofflcej considered b t fuml'hrd private boardlnc house In the city nnd respectfully request Inspection ! n fln home for professional men , teachers , clerks , etc , A first class table ; am In n position to Rive cheaper rntcs nt this time than any one else In the city ; applicants must furnish refer ences : only n few rooms left ; call and Ret my prices nnd Inspect rooms nnd > ou will undoiibt- edly make n , change. Mrs. II. Lcdlnglnm , 1911 Davenport St. F D03 8 MODERN HRiriC , ROOMS AND HOARD. M.CO up. til N. 19th. F M903 O * NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH HOARD. Hot wnter heat , 2402 Cnss. F M93I NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. MODern - ern conveniences , private family. 702 S. _ KHh PLEASANT ROOMS WITH FIRST CLASS table board. 310 So. 26th St. F-105 12 THE MKRRIAM-FIRST-CLAS3 FAMILY HO- lei , 25th anil DodRe sts. F m 174-20 * IN PRIVATE FAMILY. WITH OR WITHOUT board. 1919 Dodge. F M22I 9 FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board. 2310 DouRlnn. F-D72 11 FITRNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS , with or without board ; south front % 2310 DOUR- KOH IIU.NT STOHUS AXIJ OWICKS. FOU RENT-IN THE REE UU1LU1NU ! One large corner room , 2d Iloor , with vault nnd private olllce , water , etc. One larRC- front room , 2d tloor , divided Into two rooms by partition , wnter , etc. One large corner room , 2d Iloor .with vault , water , etc. One front room , divided by partition , third floor. One corner room with vault , third Iloor. One large room , third floor'with partition divid ing It Into one large room and two smaller private rooms , water , etc. Two large ground tloor rooms , fronting 17th St. , with vault. One large ground floor room on Farnnm St. , large \nlilt. Several small rooms on fourth floor , with vaults. All th M rooms nre heated with steam , electric light * Supplied , with first class Janitor sei vice. Elevators run day nnd all night ; building- strictly fireproof. Apply to Superintendent , Room 101 , lice bulld.lnf. ( 1 198 FOR RENT-DESK : ROOM IN GROUND FLOOR olllee , Ree building ; water , steam heat , elcccrlc light nnd Jinltor service. Apply to Superin tendent. Hee building. 1 197 FOR RENT-THE 4-STORY RRICK lltJILDINO. at 910 Farnnm St. This building has a fireproof cement basement ; water on nil floors , gas , etc. Apply at the ofllce of The lice. 1 910 CORNER STORE ROOM 22X6" FT , GOOD basement , with elevator , -steam heat , 613 N. 10th street. Apply nt 61 N. 16th street. . I M233 AOKXTS WANTED. AGENTS , LOCAL AND GENERAL ; new nrtlcle ; good seller ; excellent profit ; male or female ; salary when proven etllclent. A. L. Gray & Co. , St. Louis. Mo. J M974 D5 * AVXTKD TO IlKXT. WANTED FURNISHED ROOM FOR MAN AND wife In private family , with use of hot wnter bath. Address A 20 , Uco. K 233 10 * STORAOR. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , 908-910 Jones ; general storage nnd forwarding. M-719 OM. VAN & STORAGE , 151U4 FARN'M. TEL 1559 M 720 FRANK EWERS. STORAGE. 1214 HARNBY. Hauling and packing , cheapest rates. Tel. 936. M-721 AVAXTKIJ TO I1UY. CASH FOli OMAHA SAVINGS HANK AC- counts. Wallace , 312 Urown Illlc. , 16th , < c Doug. N 722 HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR OMAHA SV - InRs. bank certificates. In answering please state amounts offered. Address W 62. Ree. N 423 N-21 * OMAHA SAVINGS ACCOUNTS PURCHASED for cash. II. H. Harder. 1st floor New Yoik Life Illdg. N 833 FIVE OR SIX WAGON LOADS OF HRICK bnts wanted. Inquire 334 IJoard of Trnde. N 232 3 WANTUD. 2 SHOW CASES 10 OR S FRET long. AdeFs , A 21. Dee. ? ' M2I9 9 * POR S.U.li : IIORSES AXD AVAGOXS. SECOND HAND CARRIAGES ALL THE TIME nt Dnimmond's isth nnd Ilnrney. and the largest slock offellable new carriages and har ness In the city. Pleased to have you call. P-M1S7 N-ll FOR H.\IEAIISCELI.VXEO S. SAWDUST. RULK OR SACKED-CRI11HING and hog fence. C. R. Lee. 901 Douglas. Q-723 2ND-HAND BICYCLES. OMAHA BICYCLE CO 732 ELEGANT UPRIGHT PIANO AT ORE XT sacrlllce ; call or wrlto at once. 2613 N. I7tb nv Q M1S9 13 * FOR SALE. JUST PATENTED , NOT INtroduced - troduced ; bet telling novelty ever Invented ; In demand year round ; territory or full con trol ; no fake , no humbug. Address Uox 146 , Norfolk. Neb. Q 165-11 * CI.AIIIVOYAXTS. PROF. WHITNEY IF YOU ARE IN NEED of good advice learn nt once from the world- rcnonwned life reader the way In which you should travel ; reads your life from the cradle to the grave ; luvers , husbands and wives re- nulted Speedy marriage to the one of your choice. Lost or stolen articles recovered ; charm * nnd nil kinds if amulets ; thousands Havre consulted nnd learned the truth. Ladles , 50c. Call at 1522 Howard btreet. corner Hth and Howard streets ; hours , 9 n. m. to 9 p. m. m.S S SUM N19 .MASSAOR , HATII.S , ETC. MADAM SMITH. 1315 DOUGLAS. MASSAGE steam baths. T M919 9 * MEDICATED HATIIR. SEA , SULPHUR , MAS- sage. Mine , llrisson , from Pails. 107 N. 12th st. T-SS7 N24' I1ATHS , MASSAGE FOR LADIES AND gentlemen , Laura Ellison , Crouneo blk. , 113 N. 10th st , , room 12 ; assistant wanted. T M216 13 * MRS. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE HATH parlors ; restful and curative. 417 H. lltli , tip- btalrs. T M22S 14' MME. AMES. MASSAGU AND BATHS. 203 N. ICth St. . upstnlra. T M231 1C I-13IISOXAL. VIAVI OR UTERINE TROUBLES. 3I6REB b'dg ; phi'.can ! , consultation ur hetltli lioolc free. HATIIS. MASSAQE MME. TOST , SW)1 ) 8. 13TH. U 72i _ RUPTURE CUItED ; NO DETENTION FROM business ; no pain ; we refer to hundreds of cases cured ; piles cured by a single , painless treatment. Call or write The Empire Rupture Cure und Medical Institute , successor ! ! to The O , E. Miller Co. , 932-3. N. Y. Llfo BldK. , Omaha , U 726 CLOTHES CLEANED. PRESSED AND REpaired - paired ; day or nlchf * dress suits for hire. I'antorlum , N. E. cor. lltli and Painam. Tel , 903. U-M84T THH JOY TAILOR SYSTEM SCHOOL OP dress cutting. 403 Karbach Block. U MS10-NSO BURH DEATH TO COCKROACHES-1F YOU end your name and address I will call nnd I Guarantee to ltd > our house completely. Hotel and restaurants a specialty. B. Heliiochielbtr , 1944 South 10th St. U-92S-9' PRIVATE HOMIJ FOR LADIES BEFORE AND during contingent , Hablea adopted and cared for , IC20 Cumins. U 230 14' SEXUAL STRENGTH RI5.STORIJD AND IN- rruased In one month ; bufc. nure , permanent ; no medicine , no humbug also secret for men nnd v linen sold by noted specialist for $3 ; both neit sealed In personal letter for $1. Ad dress Ha-ry Donahue , llox 2S6 , Omaha. U M2I1 15 * MOXHY TO LOA.VHKAL libTATK. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. TUB O. P. Davli Co. , IWi Furnam St.V727 ANTHONY IXJAN'ft'TilUdTcO. , 315 N. Y. L- ! tiulck money nt low rates for choice farm Innda In Iowa , northern 'Missouri , eutern Ncbmsk.i. ' \ V784 _ _ LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. l''atnum SmllU & Co. , UZ ) Fum'ra W 731) UONEV TO LOAN. BEMIS. PAXTON IILOCK MOVI3V TO I.OAX UE VI * KST.VTH. ( Continued. ) MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Pus y A Thomas , 7 1st Nat. I He. bldg SI i PER CENT CITY AND FARM LOANS. Garvln llron. , 1C13 Farnam t. PER CENT MORTGAGES FOR SALE. PROP- rrty of non-rtsldcnts cared for by W. 11. Melkle , First National Bank btdg. , Omaha. ' - MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real cstato. Brennnn , lave Co. , Pattnn lllk. W-731 JIOXI3V TO I.OAX CIIATTKI.S. MONE YTO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , wnRons , etc. , nt lowest rates In city ! no removal of goods ; strictly confidential : you can pay the loan off nt nny lime or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 306 S. 16th St. X-736 HtlSlXHSS C11A.\CKS. TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS GO TO J. J. Gibson. 614 First Nal'l Bank. Y 737 PLANT , STOCK & GOODWILL OF A PAYING wholesale , mfR. & Commission business for sale ; present nnd prospective Increase of the business tenders It Impossible for present mnn- apers to give It sutllclcnt attention on account of other business ; rare c nnce for a couple ot hustler * . $3.000.00 takes It. W. E. O. . 311 Pai- tjn Block , Omaha. V M8H FOR SALT : , A ISO-PIIL. NORDYKE AND MAR- mon mill. Water-power one of the finest nnd lenst expensive to keep up. Mill located In northeastern Nebraska , In a splendid wheit section. Has a fine cxclmiiRe nnd local busi ness , and a well-estnbllthcd eastern nnd west ern trade. Mill Is In perfect running order , and In at present tenting for a cash rental of. $2,000 per year. A rare opportunity for par ties with n little capital to ln\est some of It wheie It will bring good returns. Corre pond- c-nce solicited. Addrcus 1' . O. I'ox ' CIS , Omana , Neb Y M1S4 10 * A. GOOD PAYING DRUG BUSINESS ; J70)CA ° II , balance , about $100 , on time ; It Is a bargain. Address A II , Bee. Y IS" FOR SALE CHEAP. IF SOLD NOW ; CASH only ; stuck merchandise nnd fixtures In south- cm Nebraska ; good business ; estnblUhed trade ; $900 required. Box 805 , Omaha. Y M150-9 * POIl EXCHANGE. CLEAR LAND. 4 STATES. FOR OMAHA IMP. Eropcrty ; will assume Incumb.W'm'con. 604 Bee Idff. 2-MS47 A $1COO EQUITY IN A 7-ROOM COTTAGE , east front , Georgia Ave. ; a snap ; part trade. Y 41 , Bee. Z-M193 9 FOR SALI3 III3.YI. ESTATE. KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAINS , $2,500. $3.750 TO $6.000. J. J. Gibson , 014 First Nat. Bank bide. RE 73S HOUSES. LOTS. FARMS , LANDS , LOANS. Geo. 1' . BeniU Heal Estate Co. , Paxton mock. RE-739 FARM LANDS. C. IHARRISON. . 912 N. Y. L. RE M163-N1C * BARGAINS. HOUSES , LOTS AND FARMS ; sale or trade. F , K. Darllnff , Uarker Blk. RE-741 I.ARGE 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. $3.000 ; easy terms. Inquire on premises. 009 s. 2Sth Street. RE MIJ9 WILL EXCHANGE CLEAR LOTS AND CASH for equities In vacant lots nnd Improved prop- erty. Hastings , 212 S. 14th St. RE-M933 SHOHTUA.VD AXn TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL , 513 N. Y. LIFE. 742 AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE , ICTH & DOUGLAS. 743 MCCARTHY'S ACADEMY , 17TH & DOUGLAS. 9S1-N9 II. R. ROYLES. COURT REPORTER. PRIVATE lessons ; dny and evening. 407 Bee DIdg.MS84 MS84 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS RENTED , $1.00 PER MONTH. 1613 Tnrnain St. 745 TYPEWRITERS RENTED , $4.00 PER MONTH ; stenographers assisted to positions free. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1623 Parnnm St. , Omaha , Neb. M 160 WANTED TO I1OHIIOW. WANTED , $23,000 5 YEARS. 6 PER CENT ; ample security. Address I' . O. box 658. Omaha. Neb. iso : o PAAVXimOKKRS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS SIDNEY. US N. IS ST. 747 COAL. BURLINGTON NUT. BEST. CHEAPEST PRICE $3.75 per ton. "Phone S48. Harmon & Weeth Co. 923 N9 LOST. LOST. FREIGHT RECEIPT BOOK ON DOUGlas - las st. betxvsen 17th and 20th ; suitable reward to finder. A. Hospe. Lost M9i2 11 LOST FRIDAY. BLACK LACE SCARF. REward - ward lor return to Bee office. Lost 237 S * LOST , BETWEEN EXCHANGE BLDG. , SOUTH Omaha , nnd 215 N. 23d St. , lady's gold watch engraved S , A. K. ; banlc attached ; contained 3 pictures ; return to 215 N. 23d st. and re ceive reward. Lost Sl-:2 ! MEDICAIi. LADIES ! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYroyal - royal Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the best. Safe , reliable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars , "Relief for LartleV In letter hy return mall. At druggists. Chlcheater Chem ical Co. , Philadelphia. Pa , Mention Bi BiM243 M243 9 * CIA'IL EXGIXEEII. 19 YEARS EXPERIENCE ON R. R. LOCATION , IT , S. rivers and harbors and city woik. Alvii J. Grover , 318 South 15th St. , Omaha Tel. Ifi-O ' 127 U TAILOR TRIMMINGS. WANTED , TAILORS TO BUY THEIR WOOLens - ens and trimmings from the Eastern Woolen nnd Trimming Co. . 1514 Douglas St. St.M636 M636 N26 SHAVING .MACHINES A.VU SUPPLIES. NEW HOME. HOUSEHOLD & WHITE SEW. Ing machines & supplies. 1514 Csp. nve. Tel. 1574. 30 FURNITURE PACKED. M. S. WALKL1N , 2111 CUMINQ. TEL. 1331. 744 PATENTS. Bues * c' ° - Attorney * . Omaha , Nib. Branch offtca at Washington , D , C. Send for free Advice and Talent Book , See Sunday Bee for our Machine Movement * . copyrighted. U37 , Telephone .623. PROPOSALS FOR FKRSH BEEP AND Mutton Headquarters Department of the I'latte , Ollice Chief Commissary of Snb- Blatenco. Omaha , Neb. . Ocl. 11 , JS37 : Scaled proposals , In triplicate , accompanied by written guarantee bonds , In duplicate , will bo received at IhU nlllce , until 11 o'clock a. m. . central standard lime , November 11 , H97 , at which time and place they will bo opened In' presence of bidders , for fur- jii hliiK such quantities of fresh beef and mutton for laoues , as may be required by the Subsistence Department , U. 8. nrmy , at Omaha , Nob. , Forts Crook , Robinson and Nlohrara , Ncbraskp , and Forts 1) . A. nell and Washuklo und. Camp Pilot Hutte. Wyoming , and Fort Mende. S. D. . durlni ? the period commencing January 1 , IfDS , ami endlnir June 20. 1S9& Proposals will nlao be received until 10 o'clock u. m. , mountain Htamlard time , und opened at the pouts of Forts Nlobrara. Itoblnaon , D. A. it iUMe , Washakle , Meuue and Camp Pilot Uutte , bv the respective post roniiniSKarles of such posts , each cnmrnlftiiry receiving proposals for his own post only. 1'ropoiwly will also be received stating the price at which tha bidder will deliver fresh beet or mutton of tlui character stated in the specifications iind to be delivered of temperuturu not Breater than CO degrees. Fahrenheit. Full Information furnished on application here or to commissary at any past authorized to open proposal ) ) . Government reserves right to reject any or all proposals or any part of any proposal Envelopes contain ing proposala should bo marked "Proposals for Fresh Hecf und Mutton. " and addressed to undersigned or Commissary at post au thorized to receive proposals. Frank li. Nye. Majur and C. 8. \vi.\rnttnn. HOUSES \viNTnTinT > Tivi T"oV i1TmiIIATKS J3.W per month. W , jj Owens , SCOT renter 8t. -M1 < 3 8u WANTHD , HOIlSns TO WINTHU ; BUST OK care ; ratfn < eo ionable. Address P. O. llox 43 , Crescent , Iowa. 827 D-2 WOOD STA LtS."lfi T OF CAUlT"l NI > 5 rnonth A , V , 1'helps & Son , 7 New York Llfp. Tel. 1M4. M2IJ POSTOFFICH XDTK'n. ( Sliould be rend DAIIA by nil IntcrcstCil , ns chnngps may occur at any tlmo ) KorulKn m.'illa for the week ending Novem ber 1.1th , 1KI7 , mill cloin (1'IIO.MI'TLY ( In nil cnsoa ) ai. the Oonprnl Postolllco as follows : PAUCELS POST MAIL.S close ONE I1OUH EAIlMEll thuii closliiK time shown T TUESDAY At , < lfa'm. for EUROPE , per s. s. Travo * . VII So/jitimmpton / ( letters for , , Ircland must bi .illrocted "per Travo" ) . WKDNESDAY At 7i n. m. ( aupplemefitiiry 9 n. m. ) tor EtJRtJUE , per s. s. Paris * , via Southampton ( tetters for Ireland must lie directed "per Pnrlf'j ) nt 9 n. m ( supple mentary ll ) : ) eft , i/n. / ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Teutonic * ; < rii Qtieenstown ; at 10 n m. for niq.aimj direct , per a. s. XoordUntl , vlaV Antwerp ( letters must lie directed "per iNoorjllund" ) . THUUSDAY At 7W : n. m. for EUUOIM3. per s. sv. lllsmftrck via Plymouth , Cher- boun ? and llnililiurrf ; nt 8 n. m. for NKTH- KHIANUS dlrfct"per s. s. Edam , via Amsterdam ( letters'must bo directed "iper Edam" ) . " SATURDAY At J-litf n. m , for EUUOl'B , per s. s. Campania * , via Queenstown ( let ters for France , Switzerland , Italy , Spain , Portugal , Turkey , UKypt nnd Hrltish India must bo directed "per Campania" ) ! nt 7u. in. for PUANOR. SVVITZRIU.ANM ) . 1TAT/V , SPAIN , POHTUGAI. , TU11KEY , EGYPT and imiTlSH INDIA , per s. s. La llreta-cnc * . via Havre ( letters for oth r p.irts of Kuropo must bo dltccted "per I a UretuRiio" ) : nt S . m. for NKTHEK- liANDS Mlrect , per s. s. Rotterdam , via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "por Rotterdam" ) ; nt S n. m. for GENOA , per f > . s. iCitlser Wllhelm II ( letters must be directed "per Kalsor Wllhclnv II" ) ! at 11 n. in. for NORWAY direct , per s. H. 'P.ilng- valla ( letters must bo directed "per ThinK- valla" ) . PllINTHD MATTHIl , KTC. German steamers sailing en , Tuesdays takei Printed Matter , etc. . for Ocrmnny , and Hpeclally Addressed I'rlnted Matter , etc. , for other pirts'of Kurope. Ameri can and White Star steamers on Welnesdays , German steamers on Thursdays , nnd Cunard. French and Ocrman tteameis on Saturda > n. take 1'rlntcd Matter , etc. , for all count Us for which they are advertised to carry mall. After the closing ot the Supplementary TransAtlantic - Atlantic Mails named above , additional sup plementary mails aie opened on the piers of the American , F.nKlisli , French and German steamers , and remain open until ulthln Ten Minute. * of the hour of sailing of steamer. for Souili nnil Central America. U'cNt IlllIll-K , KU' . f TUESDAY At " 3 p. m. for COSTA RICA , per steamer from New Orleans ; at 9 ip. m for PORT ANTONIO , per steamer trom Boston. WEDNESDAY At 2SO : n. m. for POUT ANTONIO , per steamer from Philadelphia ; nt 10 a. m. ( supplementary 11 a. m. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( except Costa Rica ) nnd SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per s. s Alllanca , via Colon ( letters for Gua temala must be directed "per Alllanca" ) ; nii 11 a. m. for PROQRESO , per s. s. San Augustln ( letters for other ports of Slex- Ice must bo directed " " "per San Augustln" ) ; at 1 .p. . m. for CUBA , per a. s Seguranca , via Havana. FRIDAY At 2:30 : a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND , per s. s. Siberiin from Philadel phia ; at 2 p. m. for PORTO RICO direct , per s s. Arlcndln. SATURDAY At 9.30 n. m. ( supplemen tary 10 a. in. ) for ST. THOMAS , ST. CROIX , LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS , per s. s. Aladlana ( letters for Grenada , Trinidad and Tobago must be directed "per Madlana" ) ; nt 10 a. m ( sup plementary 10:30 : n m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JAMAICA , SAVANILLA , and CARTIIAGENA , per s. s. AJjal ( letters for Costa. Rica must bo directed "per Altai" ) , at 10 n , m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a , m. for HAITI , per s. s. Alps ; at 10:30 : a. m. for CAMPECHE , CHIAPAS , TABASCO and YUCATAN , ( per s. s. Seneca ( letters for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba mu t be directed "per Seneca" ) ; at 11 a. m ( supplemrn'lnry 11:30 : a. m. ) for VENEZU ELA and CURACOA. also SAVANILLA and CAUTHAGEN'A , via-Curacao , per s. a. Venezuela ; at , 12 , 'm. for GRENADA. TRINIDAD and .TOBAGO , per 9. a- Grenada : at 1 p. m for TRINIDAD. TO BAGO .nnd CIUDAD BOLIVAR , per s. s. Curacao ; at 8:30 : p ; m. for ST. PIERRE- MIQUELON , ppr steamer from NorW Sydney. * Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax , and thence by steamer , qlose ot this ofllce dally at 8:30 : p. m. Mnlls Tor Mlquelon. by rail to Boston and thenee by steamer close at this olllcc dally at 8:3U : p.pm. Mnlls for Cuba close at this ofllce dally at'7:1)0 a. m. for forwardlnn by steamers sailing1 ( Mondays and Thursdays ) from1 Port TampaT Fla. Letter malls for Mex ice City , overland , unlcsn specially addressed for despatch by steamer , close at this olllee dally nt 12:00 : nl.1 ; paper malls at G:00 : a. m. "Heelstered mall clo-cs at 6CO : p. m. previous day. TruiiM-PiK'lHc Malla. Mails for China , Japan and Hawaii , per 9 .3. Copillc ( from San Francisco ) , close here daily u to November 12th at 0:30 : p. m Mails for Australia ( except West Aus tralia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and Fiji Islands , ( per s. s. Warrlmoo ( from Van couver ) , close here dally after November * * . " ) th nnd up to November ICth at 0:30 : p. m. Mails for China , and Japan , per s. s. Co lumbia ( from Tacoma ) , close here dally up to November " 21s > t at 0:30 : p. m. Malls for Hawaii , per s. s. Australia ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to Novem ber 24th at 0:30 : p. m. Mails for the Society Islands , per ship Galileo ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to November 24th at 0:30 : p. m. Malls for C hlna n.nd Jannn ( sn only ) , per s. s. Empress of China ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally up to Novem ber * * 29th at 0:30.p. : m. Malls for Aus tralia ( except those for West Australia ) , which nre forwarded via. Europe , New Zealand , Hawaii , Fiji and Samoan Islands , per s. s. Marlposa ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to December " 3d at 7M : a. in. , 11 n. m. nnd 0:30 : p. m , ( or on arrival at Now York of s. s. Campania with British malls for Australia ) . Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port of bailing dally and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninter rupted overland transit. "Keglstered mall closes nt 6 p. m. previous day. PoBtolIlce , Ne-w York , N. Y. , November 5 , 1S97. CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. P.AILHOADS. BUrtLINGTON & MISSOURI Illver Bailroid "Tho Uurllnc. ton Ilouto" General Offices , N W , Corner Tenth and Karnum Streets. Ticket Ollice. 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason ' Telephone , 128. Leave , Arrive , 8:25 : am 9:35 : am 4:35 : pm 1:0. : ) pm 7:05 : pm 7 5 pm 2M : pm "HiSO urn Dally except Hunday. CHICAGO BUHLINGTON & Qulncy Ilallroad 'The Burl. Burlington InBton Route" Ticket Office , ' 15U3' Tarnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot. Tenth and Mason Route Streets. Telephone , IIS.Arrive. Arrive. 7 : am 1 15 pm 7:55 : am 6:40 : pm 2:50 : pm tANSAS CITY. ST. JOSEPH & Council uluffa Railroad "The llurllngton Route" Ticket Otncc. 150 ! Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele , phone , 123. Leave. Arrive. Kansas Cltyti ay Bxv 9os : am 6:40 : pm Kaniab City Itlzht i : * * 10:00 : pm 6:30 : am UNION PACIFIC "THE OVEB- land : no\te" | General olllcea , N , H. Co'rner Ninth and Farnam BtreeV ; City Ticket Otnce , 1JOJ Farnam Btreet. Telephone , 316. ' Depot , ' ' Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 188. Leave. Arrive. "Tho Overland for Denver. Sail western point" . . ; ' 8:20 : am ' 4:1 : ! pm Fukt Mall train ® Denver , Salt 1 Pacific coast and all we t rn point * , .A.t ' J:30 : pm 10:19 : am Uncoln. Ueatrlce nO HtromshurK UxpreM. , . . EtO pm ltO : pm Kearney K < pret.v 5:00 : nm 11:14 : pm Dally. "Dally excipl Hunday. Council Bluffs Loca-.I | < eavi > ii. 5:40 a. m. : C:50 a. , la. ; 7:30 : u. m. ; :2S : a. m. ; 1C : a. m.2U ; ; p. tn. : 4:30 p. m. ; 6:55 : p. ta.ilArrliM. Co ; u. m. ; 7:20 : 1 a. m.j 8 a. m. : SJa , ra. : 11:3) : a. m. ; 3:10 : p. m. ; 6:40 : p. tn. ; BM : p. m. ; 10:45 n. a R VILHOADS. ( Continued. ) flllfAOO A ern Bnllway - city TICI , Odlce. HOI Fnrnim Street Telephone , 81. Depot , Tentl , nnd Mason Streets. Telephone Lcavo. Arrive Missouri Valley , Sioux caty , St. I'aul and Minneapolis 5:49 : nm " 10:15 : pm MlMnurl Valley , Sioux City 7:30 : am 9:05 : pm Dennlion. Carroll , Wall Iwike 7:3 : nm 0:03 : Pm nn tern Kjpres' , Des Molncs , Marshalllown , Cedar hnpldi , Chlcapo " 10:15 : am 4:10 : pm Atlantic riyir , Cnlcago nnd Ki t 4:43 : pm 4:10 : pm Fast Mall. Chicago to . . . . Omaha 3(10 ( pm Ml sourl Valley , Sioux City. St. Paul. Mlnne- . npolfs Limited 5:5) : pm 0:5 : nm OmnhnflilcftEn Special. 6SO : pm 8:10 : nm Dally "Dally except Sunday. irHIC < AC.O , ST. PAUL. MINNB apolls & Omaha Railway Oc-neral olllce , Nchraka HI Mslon. rirtrcnth nnd WVI ter Streets. City Ticket onioe _ , 1401 Farnnm Street , Telephone Depot , Klftpcmh and \Vebstsr Street * Telephone , 143S. _ . Leave. Arrive Slout City Accommoda. 8:50 : am 8:20 : pn Sioux Citv Accomm di. 9:5J : nm 8o : pn Blair. Hmerson. Sioux City , Ponca , HnrllnB- ton nnd BlMtnlleld. . . . " 1:00 : pm " 11:5am : SlmiT Cltv , Mnnkato , St. Paul. Mlnnonnnlln . . . . " " 6:15 : nm 0:10 : am Lmerson PaeJengcr . . . . 5:10 : pm S.43 nm Dal'y. " Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. Thli train stops at stations Florence to So. Blnlr , Inclusive. Sundays only ; on week days So. Blair only. KLKlIOItN & Missouri YnlUy linllwny Gen eral Olllces , L tilted Stales Na tional unnK llulldlns , Houtn- nnm Streets Ticket Olllcc , west Corner Twelfth and Far- Furnnm Street. Telephone , 561. Depot , Klfttenth and Webjter Streets. Telephone , 1C& Lea\o. ArrUc. Dlnclt HUH , Uendnooa and Hot Springs * 3:00 : pm 5:00 : rm Wyoming , Uacper nnd 3:00 : pm " C:00 : pm Hnrtlnes , York. David City , Supcilcr , Geneva , VJxeter uml Sewnni. . . 3W : pm 5:00 : pm Ncrfo k.Ve.t I'o nt nnd 7:50 : am " 10:21 : fcm l-'reniotit. . . . . . . . . . , . , Lincoln , Wphoo and 7:50 : nm 10:25 : m Trenunt Fremont Local 7:50 : nm Duly. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only , Dally cxtcpi Butlirday. Dally < xccpt Mnntlny. . i' 'JK CITY & PACIFIC RAH- road General Olllces , United . . .x . . . , - States Natlonn' Hank Hulld- PfiTlUIJUJ-SSf "is. S. V. Corner Twelfth W&S $ $ & nni1 l'nnmin Strcuts. Ticket t-- t4sB - Ollice. nn Knrnnm Street. Ttlephone. fill. Depot , nrtcenth nnd Webster Strcits. Telephone , 1(58. ( Leave. Arrl\ . Sioux City. Manknto. St Dnfl > ! lnncapoiu * 6ls ! Pm * 91 ; ° nm IBsniTni PACIFIC RAILROAD Oeneral Offices ami Ticket Of- llce' Merchants National Hank Bulldlnc 124 Fnrnnm Street. Iclephone , 104. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 143S Leave. Arrive. Kansas & Nebraska Limited * 2:05 : pm 12.53 pm Kansas City & St. Louis Kxpresa 8:20 : pm 6.00 nm Nebraska Local 4:31) pm " 3:43 : am Dally. Dallv Kx. Sunday OMAHA , KANSAS CITI KASTERN RAILroad - road Omah.t & St. Louis Itnllroad "The O. K. Route" TtcKet OlHce , 1415 Farnam Sticet. Toll-phone , ! H2. Depot , Tenth and Mabon SHcets. Telephone , 123. Leave. Arrive. Pntton burp. Kliksillle , Qulncy Local 6:40 : am * 10:43 : pm St. Louis. New York Limited. . . 4:30 : pm 11:30 : nm * Drtlly. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & Paclrtc Railroad "The Great Rock Island Route" City Ticket Oin.ce , 132J Farnam Street. Telephone. 428. Depot , Tenth and Season Streets. Telephone , 123. Leave. Arrive. Clilcat'6 and St . Paul Vestlbuled Express 4:50 : pro l:4j pm Lincoln , Colorado Springs , Pueblo Demer and west. . . ' 1:53 : pm 4:03 : pm Chicago , Des Molnes and Bock Island 7:00 : pm 8:15 : am Atlantic Express , for Des Molnes and eastern points 7:00 : am 5:35 Pm Lincoln. Falrbury and Belleville 5:43 : pm " 10:40 : am Dally. Dally e ocpt Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST. Paul Railway City Ticket Omce , 1MM Farnam Street. Telephone , 2S4. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 12S. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . . . 6:43 : pm 8:05 am Omaha and Chicago Ex. 11:00 : am 1:50 : pin Dally , WABASH RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE , 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone , 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 12S. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express 4:30 : pm 11:30 : am Dally- Hey Xiir.scd IIlH Wrath Till Manhood. Ho was a Bath boy , who , when 13 or 14 j'ears old , went to sea as coolr on a flshlng schooner , relates an exchange. One morning IB had the misfortune to burn some mackerel which lie- was frying and the captaia1 was so angered at this failure o his breakfast that he took one of the burned flsh from the plat ter and slung it across the table into the loy cook's face. The boy nursed bis wrath until , with full Tare , the flsherfcoat was tied to her pier in the home dock , when he packed his kit , went ashore , and from the wharf rnnda this little speech to the captain : "Cap'n , you've Insulted and abused mo on this trip , and sure as I'm ulive , when I grow up to be a man I'll lay for you and lick you if I'm able. " years rolled on and the boy cook became master of a ship and could thrash any man of his Inches and weight. In Portland one day he was passing by the Falmonth hotel when he > encountered , face to face , his former Grand Banks captain and accosted him bv lame. The captain , surprised , allowed ha had not the pleai-uro of the other's acquaint ance , but the former Eath boy refreshed his nemory with the circumstances of that fish ing trip , and added : "I told you after you had struck me with that flsli , cap'n , that I'd whale you if I' overgrew grew big enough , so look out for yourself ; I'll keep that promise right off ! " With these preliminaries the Dath boy 'sailed In , " right on the principal street of Portland , and sure enough , satisfactorily to limself , redeemed his boyish thrtat. Oiivr Him a .Middle .Vninr. A great many curious facts connected with the names of veterans of the late war , re lates the Washington Star , are developed In the work of the civil service commission , which la frequently called upon to certify In regard to the service of soldiers who seek to enter the classified service. Tills work of the commission develops the fact that one out of every eight soldiers who enlisted In the civil war enlisted under an assumed or partial name , which frequently makes It difficult 'to ' Identify them now. A curious case has Just come 'to ' light. It appears that A. L. Holmes , when ho enlisted , told the recruiting ofllcer his name was "Al Holmes. " The 'officer ' wrote the narao A. L. Holmes. "No , that Is not my name , " protested the recrurt. " .My name la Albert Holmes. " "Well , " replied the officer , "I will give you a middle name , " and ho proceeded to write the recruit's name Albert Lincoln Holmes. "You-will never bo ashamed of that name , " tlio officer remarked aa > the recruit stood speechless. M Since that day ho has been Albert Lin/coin Holmes. i Ainpli- Provocation , Chicago Post : "I understand you pounded the mann \ the next flat. " "Pound him ! Well , r should think I did. [ nearly killed the scoundrel , " "What was the trouble ? " "Ho Insulted me actually Insulted me with deliberation and malice aforethought ; and It was no trifling Insult , cither. " "What did he say ? " "He asked me if I was the man who played the cornet every night. " "Why didn't you kill him ? " For Infants and Children. MSIHW OCEAN CURRENTS Intoreatinp Experiments Conducted by tlio United States Hydrogniiiuto Ofilco. EXTENSIVE VOYAGES MADE BY BOTTLES The Ma 1 11 l'rlm > lil > of ( lie Currents ) S.OMOIII of the \orth Atlantic K.HlnhlUliril Ciii-rnitH In ViirliniH The United St.itcs government lias suc ceeded In solving In great measure tlio mys tery of the ocean currents. U lias Just caused to bo issued from the hydrosrnphlc office a chart , primarily Intended for tlio guidance of mariners , which Indicates the results of labors extending over many mouths. The story this chart tells those who care to study It , relates the Phila delphia Times , U of extraordinary-Interest. From tlmo to tlmo statements have boon tuado that the Navy department was engaged In throwing overheard from various govern ment vessels battles , each containing a re quest to the flmlcr to note the tlmo nnil place of finding nnd return the same to the nearest representative of the United StatM government. This Is piirtlally true , but the entire truth Is that these bottles have been thrown overboard , not only from the ships of the navy , hut from ships In various portions tions of the world which belonged to other nations , the notion having In every Instance been performed by representatives of the United States hydrographlc office , detailed for the express purpose. In every one of these bottles was the re quest to return referred to and also the ad ditional Information that the finder would bo suitably rewarded for his action. The result of this 1ms been that a very great percent age of the bottles thrown overboard have been recovered , for It becnmo noised about everywhere that to find such a bottle meant a very comfortable sum lor the discoverer thereof. Tlieso bottles were the solution or tlio problem ns tn how best to establish definitely the exact Tacts concernlnv ; those ocean cur rents which play so great a ? > art In naviga tion. The result has been astonishing. Not only have the apparent truths concerning the drifts been shown cleaily , but new facts oPwhlch no navigator ever dreamed brought to light. BOTTLES UECOVKUED. Of the bottles recovered eighty-one were cast overboard within the limits of the north Atlantic , nine In the south Atlantic , eight In the north Pacific , eight In the south Pacific and three In the Indian ocean. Three bottles crossed the equator. Of thci'e two were In the Atlantic , both going from south to north. The first was thrown overboanl from the steamship Euphemla , March 3. 1896 , In lati tude 7.40 south , longitude 21 west. August 4 , 1S3G , this bottle was recovered In latitude 14.40 north , longitude 61 west. It had been Journeying Just 154 days , In that time had traveled 2,700 miles and its average drift per day was 17.0 mllre. The second bottle wes thrown overboard from the steamship Wltteklnd , April 25 , 1S9G. In latitude 2.09 south , longitude 30.25 west. It was recovered September 3 of the same yeir In latitude 13.24 and longitude 1G.3G west , having traveled 1,300 miles In 131 days , drifting 9.8 miles each day. The trip ot the third bottle began In the China sea anj It went from north to south. It was dropped overboard by a representative of the Hydro- graph tc office from the shln'.Slam , August 18 , 1895 , in latitude 19.13 north , longitude 11G.OI3 cast. Juno 7 of the following year 'it was found In latitude 3 south , longitude 108 cast. Although It had traveled 293 days , the dls- tanco traversed was only 1,400 miles , or an average dally di 1ft of 4.S miles. These figures show better than all else the differ ence between the currents In the different seas. Among the articles thrown overbcnrd and recovered , ot which record has been kept by the Hydrographlc office , are two buoys. Ono of these , a life-buoy , was thrown over board from the steamship Palatla , Septem ber 24 , 1S9G , and ) was picked up on the west coast of Ireland Island , one of the 'Ber ' mudas , January 25 , 1897. The second was a buoy swept overboard from the Japanese cruiser 'Banjo , April 22 , 1894 , and which was picked up by the steamship , Kllanea Hou , In the straits between 'theIslands of Hawaii and Maul. ' " " A LONG VOYAGE. The longest drift was that of a bottle thrown overboard from thoshln , , Allerton to the south of the Falkland ielands , and found ifter an Interval of slightly lea than three years near the EJyre Patch , on the shores of the great Australian bight , the distance between these two points , measured approxi mately along the parallel , being 8,500 miles. Of the more extended drifts , the one having the highest dally avepjge , 17.G miles , was confined , as usual , wholly to the equatorial current , being that of the bottle thrown over board from Hie ship Euphemla to the south of the equator , and ! picked up on the shores of { Martinique. Taken collectively the courses followed by these bottles servo to elucidate the main principles of the current system of the north Atlantic and to show the close agreement .hat exists between the motion of the sur- 'aco ' water and the direction of the prevail- ng winds. The latter , circulating around the region of the high barometric pressure to the southwest of the Azores' , blowing on Its louthern side with almost unfailing regu- arlty , but co Us northern sldo frequently Interrupted by the IVMMRO of lemmrary 1 j nrevis of low pressure , give rise to Jrlft " currents , whHi are merely tlie effect of the wind on the surface of the water , ns , for example , In the region of Iho trade win K whcro Ihoholo surf ec of tlio se.i , Rttu'r- hlly speaking , Is converted Into n slow cur rent moving to leoward. When , owing to the Interposition of nny obstacle , the mim of water oarrleil by tlio drift accumulates to such nn extent Ihnt an outlet becomes nccoisnry , the result is a. "stream" current , acting by virtue of Ha own gravity , following a pith Imposed by the obstacle and the drift cojolntly , nnd serving to equalize the excess of | nTSSliro duo to the continuous action of the drift. Tli * the gulf stro.im. relieving the Otilf of Mexico and tlfo Caribbean Bta of the volumes of water carried thither by the action of the equatorial drift , Is a stream current , and , ns such , pursued a course qulto Independent of the wind KdIII Its waters are lost In the general easterly drift. VAUIAllIjK CUHHBNT3. Between the easterly drift , which , In eonsc- qucnco of the westerly winds , exists to the northward of the area of high baromotrlo pressure , and the westerly drift due to the trades to the south of It , lies an extensive region , throughout which the surface currents ro variable In velocity anil direction. The northern limit of this region may bo set down sa 3S degrees , and to the eastward It extend * to the meridian 40 degrees. Beyond thcso limits the eddy-Ilka drift prevails. To the north of the Azores , along the parallel of BO degrees , the easterly rift spreads out like a fan. Its inortheastorn ex tension reaching the chores of Norway end the I.offodcn Islands , Its southeastern the shores of Franco , Spain nnd Portugal. Tlio various destinations attained by bottli's cast adrift In this region show this uncertainty of the movement of thu surface currents. Five bottles were thrown overboard during the summer season In the neighborhood of B3 degrees north latitude nnd 32 degrees west longitude , nnd within an area of 100 mllfa square. Ono of these bottle * was cast overboard - board from the steamship Island , Octobel 20. 1895. In latitude 53.19 north ami loagl- tudo 32,63 west. This was recovered on the eoist of Norway , September 28 , 189G , In latitude 58.59 north sr.id longitude 0.4G east H had traveled l.SOO miles In 343 days , an avcrnce dallv drift nf r.2 mllns. Another bottle thrown overboard from the steamship Vonotla , May 8 , 1S9C , Mn latituda 52.10 north , longitude 33.10 west , was recov ered December 2S , 1S9G. on the west coast of Ireland In latitude 52.0S .north , longitude- 10.15 west. This bottle Journeyed fcr 231 days , or 3.8 miles a day. The third bottle was dropped overboard from the steamship Gerona , September 5 , 1896 , In lati tude 5305 north , Inagltudc 30.2(1 ( west. It also was found1 on tin- west coast of Ireland , February 28 , 1837 , In latitude E3.12 north , longitude 9.10 west. Nine hundred miles was the dlotanco traveled ln < 17G days , 5.1 mile * being the average dally Journey. Two .bottles were thrown overboard within fifty miles of each other , and landed , one on Andros Island , West Indies , the other on the shores of Flnlsterre , France. An other pilr likewise was thrown overboard within a few miles of each other , and n-rar the northern limits of the gulf stream. No , 1 reached Its destination on Abaco Island , West Indies , while No. 2 landed at Arachou , France. A particularly ( noteworthy member of the drifts Is that of the bottle 45 , thrown over board from the stcam&hlp Wltteklnd , April 25 , 189G , in latitude 2.09 south , longitude 30.25 west , and picked up ScQtcmber 3 on the African coast , at the mouth ot the Bathurst river , Gambia. This bottle , set adrift , in the strong south equatorial cur rent , must have been transferred to the Guinea current , and by it carried to the exceptionally northern position on the coast of Africa at which It was recovered. I.ynulit'il liy 5tvnllo\VM. A successful lynching took placeon the farm of Jerome Butler , south of Marlottc. Mich. , the other day. In the barn a uv.allow'g nest was seen clinging n the side of a beam from which was suspended an Knglibh spar row , hung by the neck with a hair from a horse's tail. While Franklia Butler and Orla Albertson were sitting In the barn they noticed a sparrow go into tlie swallow's nest , from which he began pitching the > oung birds. Three swallows , attracted by their outcry , Immediately pounced upon the Intiudcr. After confining him to the nest for a few min.utes . they threw him out. He dropped about a foot , there was a Jerk , nnd Mr. Sparrow was hanged as nicely as thougli an expert hangmaji had been In charge. The hair was wound around his neck several times , and , after a few Ineffectual struggles he kicked his last. All Awful CoiiKli Cured. "For more than t\vo years I had a distressIng - Ing cough which got worse all the tlmo , not withstanding the fact that I took a number ot remedies and oven spent last winter In the vicinity of San Antonio , Tex. , hoping to be benefited by the climate , but about the mid dle of February I came home to die , as I was so weak that I could not sit up , " says Mra. J. II. Eagan of 'Memphis , Tenn. "In their effort to give mo some relief , ore of my friends brought me a bottle of Chamber lain's Cough Heinedy. I took a few doses and my cough was very much relieved. I continued to take it until I had taken two bottles of the large size , and I have not coughed any since. " A Lost Vote. Chicago News : "No , " the political candi date explained , "I can't hope for Jones' sup port. I know that ho will light ma tooth and nail. " "Why , " ho was asked "what have you ever done to arouse his enmity ? " "When his first child WES born , three yearn ago , I was foolish enough to tell him that It took after his wife's sldo of the house. " A MOI1KH.V ISLOI'HMHVI' . From Fllcgen do Itlacttcr.