Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1897, Part I, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE ( XMA1IA DAILY HIS IS * . SI * XI ) AY. yQVJSMBIfllt 7. 1807.
Absr-xct of Vote in Only
Oaunties is Yet
Olllutnl PlK'iri'i. of llic llnUoln Ctt i at
( lie H M' < Mit r.trcfInn * Ittrorilcit
at ( InOlllfc of Secrr-
tnty tit Slide.
LN , Neb. , Nov. C. ( Special. ) Old-
clnl icstiltn of the vote cant at the last
election are comlni ; In slowly. An abstract
of the vote In thirty-o-to counties his been
received at the ofllr.e of the ( secretary of state
ns follows : Banner , Hurt , Cnss , Dakota ,
DAWHCM , Dixou Dundy , Flllmore , Franklin ,
Onrfleld , Hall , Hamilton , Harlan , Hayes ,
Hitchcock , HooKer , Howard , Jefferson , John
son , Klmball. LOK.IH , Madison , Ncmalm , Pnw-
nee , Perklim , PlielpM Saline , Sarpy , Saun-
Ocrs. Thomas , Thurston , Wayne , Webster.
The votu t.d returned In 'tliiso abntracts Is :
, Post , 28,531 ; Sullivan , 32.1U7 ; SwiUlcr , 1G9.
Vw regents : Kaley , 29,102 ; Dryilcn , 27.0GI5 ;
Von Foroll , 31.SGO ; Kcnowcr , 31,713 ; Mor
ton , 2GS.
Today closes the fouith week of the Dot-
sey Vrlnl and the fifth day with Frank M.
Ddrauy on the stand. Mr. Dorscy wns shown
a paper purporting to bo n report to the
comptroller of the currency , sent by the
bank on March I. 1803. The wltnesn Identi
fied his natno at the bottom of the report ,
but Mid he cou'd net stale that such a ri\ort
had ever been soul to the comptroller. Dor-
eey wns disposed to hcdgo In his answers and
was reprimanded by Judge Woolson. Darsoy
asserted thai the bank always mode out
two r < iort , ono to to filed at thu bank.
Up to adjournment the report In question
had not been positively Identified.
State Treasurer Mcscrvo was waited upon
by a committee representing eighty members
of the Grand Army of the Republic with a
contribution of eighty pennies , which were
tendered as payment of Commissioner Rus-
ncll's alleged shortage. A receipt In full
was asked for , but t'n > treasurer wld he
could only give a receipt for the amount re
ceived ,
Nineteen ! nnidavltB have been filed In
district court In support of o new trial In
the TepnlR-Blalr case. A. E. Hargreaves , the
defendant apalnat whom a Judgment for $ < " , -
000 was entered up recently , asserts that
in the suit the defense did not proceed on
the theory that a Judgment was wanted , the
plaintiff merely asking for an accounting of
the value of Mrs. Blair's millinery stock ,
which Hargroaves took on a chattel mort
gage. The affidavits * all tend to show that
thu nllllncry ) stock In question was out of
data iludi not 'vorth to oxcejiT $1,500.
Deputy Sheriff Routzahn captured Joe
Duncan yrslerday afternoon. He Is wanted
In Fremont to answer to the charges of high-
wcy robbpry and burglary. The sheriff of
fledge county cam * down kiet night , Identi
fied his man , and returned with him to Fro-
wont this morn Ing. It Is believed that Dun
can IB also Implicated In the holdup work
that lifH been going oa In Lincoln the last
few weeks.
The Lincoln Business collcgo gave an en-
joynbln entertainment at Its looms last
night. The prcgram consisted of recitations ,
musliby thu college band , end a humorous
talk by A. L , Blxby.
County Clerk Trlmblo completed the can
of votes cast In Lancaster county today
and announces the following results on the
etatff ticket. The total vote cast was 10,153 ,
divided as follows : Supreme Judge , Post ,
5,057 : ( Sullivan , -1,630 ; Post's plurality , 301.
Regents , Kaley , 5,170 ; Dryden fi,140 ; Von
Forcll , 4,174 ; Kenowcr , 1,142 ; Kalcj's plu
rality , 702 ; Dryden's plurality , CUS.
A scries of revival meetings will commence
c.t St , Paul's Methodist Episcopal church to
morrow morning. Rev. Joe Jones from At-
Janta , Oa. , will assist In the meetings.
Miss Laura Wild has resigned her posi
tion as general secretary of the Young
Woman's Christian association of Lincoln ,
having recently been appointed to an inter
national secretaryship. Miss Wild will be
greatly missed here , where she haa been
the life of the Young Woman's Christian
Three fire alarms were rung In during
the night. None of the fires were of much
consequence , cxvept one In the Barr fiat at
on caily hour this morning. The furniture
was badly damaged , but the building was
burned but little. During the excitement
Miss Elslo Johnson Jumped from a second
elory window , but WBH not Injured.
Votu on Stnto Tlrki't ami .Vinnt'M of
OfllctTN l < : i H > lfil.
IMPERIAL , Neb. , Nov. G. ( Special. ) The
vote of Chase county has been canvassed with
the following results : Past , 244 ; Sullivan ,
255 ; Strong , 2 ; Swltzlcr , B ; Kaley , 240 ; Dry-
Con , 240 ; Spurlock , 2 , Morton , 3 ; Von Forcll.
254 ; Kcnowcr. 253 ; Whitney , 2. On the
county ticket the following were elected :
Harry McClelland , fusloulst , clerk ; F. Hoff-
uiclster , fuslonlst , treasurer ; W , T. Drabs ,
fuslonlst , sheriff ; J. M , iDcndcr , republican ,
Judge ; L. E. Rogers , fuslonlst , superinten
dent ; F. Frcclanil , fuslonlst , surveyor ; R.
Malcolm , republican , coroner. Last year :
HacCoIl 235 ; Holcpmb , 258.
JUNIATA , NebT-X Nov. G. ( Special. ) By
the election returns Jnnlnta In the only re
publican township left In Adams county.
The republicans elected every otllcer In the
township by Increased majorities. The new
officers are : Clerk , C. C. Scudder ; treasurer ,
C. H. Angell ; assessor , W. F. Gardner ; Jus
tices , J. A. Catcs and B. F. Hill ; constables ,
J , Baugh and W. E. Cadwalader.
VALENTINE , Nob. , Nov. G. ( Special. )
The official vote of Cherry county Is as fol
lows : Post , republican , 553 ; Sullivan , fusion ,
680. C. W. Kaley , republican. SCO ; J. N.
Dfjden , republican , C4S , E. Von Forell. fu
sion G 3. 0 F Kcnowcr. fu lon , G39. Treas
urer J E. Thaikcry , republican , K53 , J H
fritz , populist , 4GS ; W. 0. Ballard demo
crat. 2..3. Clerk J. W. Dinlcli , republican ,
620 ; J W Uurlelgh , populist , 464 ; W. A.
MeUgvr , democrat , 301. Sheriff , Amos
Stlong , republican , 541 ; 0. A Waggonticr ,
po. nils' , 161 ; James Chllders , , 279.
Jnd c , N. Polon , republican , 448 ; W. R.
Tow no. fusion. 821. Superintendent , U , G.
Sti'vcoon , repuhllwn , 654 ; Lillian U.
Stoner , fusion. 7l. > l. Surveyor , C. Tate , re
publican , 001 ; Joseph Kastabrook , fusion , G5G.
Cotoncr , A. Lewis , republican , 602 ; J , C.
Dwjcr , fusion. G07. For court house bonds ,
5C.2 ; ag.iliul , 53i5. ( Proposition to bond the
couixty for $12,000 to build a court house. )
For attaching territory to Grant county , 197 ;
against , 810. For attaching territory to
Hooker county , 147 ; against , 820. For county
commissioner. First district , T. P. Spratt ,
republican , 175 ; J. R. Ayers , populist. 144 ;
J , R Adannon , democrat , 89 ; John R. Fee ,
by pctltltti , 28. Total vote of county , 1,330.
RIJSHVILLE , Neb , , Nov. G. ( Special. )
Fncrldan county complete gives : Post , 494 ;
.Sullivan , 733.
SCHUYLKR , Neb. . Nov. G. ( Special. ) The
fuslonlets got everything In Colfax county ex-
avt superintendent and surveyor. The follow
ing wcro elected with majorities as shown : J.
W. IJusih. democrat , treasurer , 497 ; Nell II.
Mapes , iropullst , county clerk , 94 ; Angus Mc-
Lood , popullfit , sheriff , plurality , 112 ; Frank
Cuba , democrat , county JuJgc , 178 ; J , H.
Loncry , democrat , coroner , 227 ; J. F. Daly ,
republican , superintendent , 247. E. E.
Grccnman , republican , was the only candi
date In the field for surveyor and he re
ceived l.OOS votes. John Craig , populist ,
was elected commissioner of the First dis
trict by a ulurallty of 110.
It i-tu rn- . from Tiicmlny'N nioolloii Still
Cumins In Slowly.
Klvlity-two of the c hty-elght rounlles
of the elate have reported on the hca.l of
thu ticket. The count Is still going on slowly
and the news from outlying districts Is
greatly delayed. Corrected returns hnvo
been rcoclveil from several of the counties
which materially niter the curly estimates.
, The remaining counties will not Increase
Sulllvan'ii lead by more than 400. Figures
from the counties that have reported are :
Sulll- Macllol -
County. Post. van. Coll. comb.
Adams 1.5S1) ) 1,9 : > S 1,029 2.051
lAlltulopO 009 1,210 903 1,21.1
iHaiiuer 133 103 1G1 121
I Hliilni G ! > 51 I ? G5
Iloone 1,079 1,213 1,012 1.2S3
Mox liutte 403 496 407 531
Hoyil < . . . tilS 512 411 G33
Hrown 3M 2M 347 327
HutTulo 1.G30 2,170 1.617 2,493
Hurt l.ifil 1.1UU 1.432 1,3
! llutler 1,233 1SV9 , 1.15S 2,277
I Cuss 1.744 1.737 2.411 2.117
Cedur 1,003 1,31'J l'S3 1,470
.Cherry . 55S SH 571 700
'Cheyenne ' W7 42S 407 Gil
I Clay 1,4'Jl 1M7 1,5315 1,770
CIltlFO 214 2."i 21.1 2T S
Colfax 7Si ( 1,298 770 1,363
Cumlnp 1,004 J.iiiri l.lfil 1,7W
l-uster 1,4:16 : 2,0 7 1,108 2,1 < U
Dakota 374 GI2 573 M3
I Uawos G43 Mil 721 914
Dawson 1.120 1,473 1.063 1.41S
Doliel 273 259 2C3 291
Dlxon 872 1,137 NOT 1,279
Uodgp 1,736 2,0 S 2,0'1S 2,203
Douglas 9,615 7,877 11,474 U',071
Olindy 257 2T.2 . 2C6 2SG
Flllmoro 1,534 1.S30 1,331 ! 1.S01
Franklin 7.11 1,016 S02 I.OIS
Frontier 733 S3 ! 749 1,010
KurnnH 1.031 1.3oG 1.104 1,43 : >
Gnse 2.SHO 2,310 3.2M 2.GS3
iGniflcld G 198 110 221
Gosper 312 GS3 375 CM
'Grant H . . . . 87 101
Grceloy 313 7.S3 333 733
Hnll 1.GS4 1.5S1 1.S20 1S7I
Hamilton 1,133 1,303 1,307 1,548
Marian 711 1,101 797 1,142
Hitchcock U2 529 400 4D !
Howard 712 1,101 641 1,231
Jefferson 1.C23 1,537 1,337 1,534
Totals h7G7S 99,878 93,393 115S09
Thirtcfll-Yclir-OId Ili'li-n Drake IK-
ii | ip i'urn from Her Home.
SCHUYLEn , Neb. , Nov. C. ( Special. ) -
Helen Drake , 13 years of uge , the child of
Englnnecr Drake of the B. & M. , dlsappe-ared
from her home nearly a week ago. She was
seen at Edholm , across the river from here ,
Wednesday morning and went from there
to a railroad crossing , where she Is suppose/I
to have boarded an castbound train. Ii
Is thought she Is now In Onialui , where her
parents formerly resided. She to-k a cup-
ply of money and plenty ot clothing when
she' went away.
ExtMiiitMl I'rlxonor IK Captured.
FREMONT , Nob. , Nov. fl. ( Special. ) Tom
McGhuglan , the man who shot Offlcer Lydlck
and broke Jail at the same time "Big Mike"
escaped , was arrested In Lincoln yesterday
Tortured by
If the people gouornlly know the trno cause of Rheumatism ,
there would bo no Biicli thing its linimontfl and lotions for this
painful and disabling disease. The fact is , Rheumatism is a dis
ordered state of the blood it can bo reached , therefore , only
through the blood. But all blood remedies cannot cure Rheu
matism , for it is an obstinate disease , ono which requires a real
blood remedy something more than a mere tonic. Swift's
Specific is the only real blood remedy , and it promptly goes to
the very bottom of oven the most obstinate caso.
Mrs. JmnosKoll , OllNliUh St.N. E. Washington , D. 0. , writes :
"I hml nn nttnuk of Sciatic liliGinnntism in
its worst form. The rmlnvns so intense ) that
my nurvons system was prostrated , and I
was for n long time perfectly helpless.
"I wns attended by ono of the most nblo
doctors of Washington Oity , and after hav
ing his prescription re lil I ml twelve times
and receiving not the leust benellt , I declined
to take it longer.
" heard S. S. . '
, "Having S. ( Swift's Specific )
recommended for Khtummtism , ! decided , almost in despair , to
give it n trial. After taking a few bottles I was ublo to liobbio
ur nnil on crutches , and very soon had no need ut all for them ,
for H. S. S. cured ma spund and well. All the distressing
pains hnvo left mo , my nppotitohas returned and 1 am happy to
uo again restored to perfect health , "
Like all other blood diseases , the doctors are totally unable
to cure Rheumatism. lnfaot , , the only remedies which they
proscribe are potash and mercury , and though temporary relief
may result , these remedies produce a stiffness of joints and only
intensify the disease. Those who have htid experience with
Rheumatism know that it becomes more severe each year.
S. S. S. never disappoints , for it is made to cure these deep-
rooted diseases which are beyond the reach of all other remedies.
It cures permanently , Rheumatism , Catarrh , Cancer , Scrofula ,
Kiizomu , and all other blood diseases. It is the only blood
remedy guaranteed PURELY VEGETABLE.
Books mailed free by Swift Specific Co. , Box Y , Atlanta , Ga.
and brought back here last evening to servo
out Iho unexplnd time of hU Jail ncntencc.
McOhiiRlnn la nn nil 'round crook and nan
nerved time In the Illinois penitentiary.
Partner Mj Mcrloiinlx I.ourn Tire
HorniMVlthln Turin * lln"-
WINSIDK , Neb. , Nov. C. ( Special. ) Mr.
Wilson , who recently moved to his farm , ( We
miles west of Wlnslile , from near \VI ncr ,
lost his team last night In a remarkable
manner. Wlillo driving home from town
! o the ovonlng one of his horses , which
had before that time shown no symptoms
of disease , suddenly dropped dead. Ho went
on homo with his remaining horse and somu
tlmo during the night this one was stolen
by his hired man. The man Is a Swede of
low stature , has a light mustache , name ,
Tote Swanson. The stolen horse Is black ,
with whlto face , and right hind foot Is white.
This Is th third hol-sc Rtolcn from this
vicinity within the past few weeks.
Farmers here arc getting their corn husked
early and find It In excellent condition. The
cars arc firm and 'hard , being In better shape
now than corn was at nny tlmo last year.
The yield Is not abundant , thirty bushels
pe. % acre being n good average.
John n. Cookus. the new owner of the
grist mill here , Is doing a good business.
The Commercial hotel will change hands
about November 15. A. XI. Avcrlll will rfi-
tire from the business and 13d Mlolke of
Sioux City , brother of Mrs. L. S. Ncddham
of this place , will toke charge of It.
Many farms have changed hands near here
recently , Land values are rising. Everyone.
Is prepared for good times now , as while
meeting obligations already made promptly
people arc careful about Incurring new
Wlnslde Is having fine weather with few
cloudy days.
I-'OUMI I > YI"MJ ox run TRACKS.
HiMitl anil Kinit Injured mill Ili Ilm-H
\nt Hi-cover ( 'oiiMi'liinmu'KN.
KEARNEY , Nob. . Nov. C. ( Special Tele
gram. ) About S o'clock this , morning a
man was found lying near the rallreAd track
n few miles west of town with his left foot
crushed off at the ankle and a. long , deep
gash on the top of his head. He wns In an
unconscious condition and was brought to
Kearney for medical treatment , but he Is
still unconscious and his life Is despaired of.
Nothing waa found upon his person except a
razor , brush and piece of soap , and there Is
no telling who he Is , where he came from
or where he was going. He Is apparently a
foreigner , about 3. > years of age , and as he
la falily well tlresscd It Is thought he may
have been going through with a load of
stock and have fallen from the train ,
\\Vst Point I.iipnl Itrcvltit-N.
WEST I'OINT , Neb. , Nov. C. ( Special. )
The first of the series of dances to he given
by the Young Men's club this winter will
occur next Thursday evening.
The new chapel which Is to he erected In
the Roman Catholic cemetery Is expected to
be completed the early part of next month.
Henry Asch and Miss Ida M. Hnebncr ,
both of Stunton county , were granted license
to wed by the county Judge on Wednesday.
A forty-hour devotion , beginning next
Sunday morning , will be held at the Roman
Catholic church. Fathers Welsh of Norfolk
Mugan and McCarty of Omaha arc among
the visiting clergy who will deliver sermons.
The county supervisions elected arc : L. C.
Sharp , .1. H. Hennc , H. F. Garr , Ludwlg
Rcscnthal and Henry Klnzcl. Klnzel's elec
tion may bo contested on the ground that
thu vacancy caused by the resignation of S.
S. Krake , and which Mr. Klnzcl was elected
to fill , did not occur thirty days before the
election ,
'I' ' < MI 111-U'Il ItlMIIN.
TKCUMSEH , N6b. , Nov. C. ( Special. )
Mr. George Scott , so long In the employ of
the Dnrllngton railroad at this station , has
been assigned new duties at McCook and
will remove with his family to that point.
D. S. Warner's sale of Poland China swine
was largely attended by Nebraska and Iowa
stockmen Wednesday. A fine lot of rork-
crs was disposed of. The average price on
fifty-one bead was $2G.GO.
HUM n Iliiril Choice' tu Make.
TECUMSEH , Neb. , Nov. 6. ( Special. )
But one fusion candidate was elected In
Johnson county Tuesday and that was S. A.
Leach , clerk. It Is said that Mr. Leach Is
already besieged with applications for the
deputy clerkship. It Is believed that ere
Mr. Leach decides on the fortunate appli
cant for deputy much bad feeling will be
stirred upjn the ranks of the local fuslon-
Thlc'VfN Ciet Into n Iloiine.
FREMONT. Neb. , Nov. 6. ( Special. ) The
residence of Chauncey Drown , three miles
north of Ames , was broken Into Thursday
afternoon and a bicycle , gun and numerous
other articles taken. Considerable other
thieving has been going on in that locality
lately , but there appears to be no clew to
those who have been doing the work.
St'lmjler I'll per CliniiKCN ( Mviiern.
SCHUYLER , Neb. , Nov. G. ( Special. )
The Schuyler Sun has again changed hands
after having been one year In the hands of
R. S. Uulla , who came here from Fullcrton.
W. T. Howard , from whom Mr. BtllU bought
It , takes charge , and Mr. Dulla will go to
Fullerton to take charge of the Fullerton
Iloli a Saloon.
SHELTON , Neb. , Nov. C. ( Special. ) Dur
ing last night some thieves broke In the door
of Bastlau & Co.'s saloon. They took sev
eral boxes of cigars and a quantity of liq
uors. About $25 worth In all was taken.
There is no clew as to who the thieves are.
Ni'liriiNku \ % WM \ < > t 'N.
Ducks and geese are very plentiful In
Lake Qulnncbaug , near Lyons.
Sterling claims to have more pretty girls
than any town of Its size In the state.
Clara Poland of Uulloiso ran 'the point of a
fllo 1n one of her eyes , destroying the eight.
It Is rumored that S. G. Howe of the Crab
Orchard Herald will purchase the Beatrice
William Ellis of Humboldt was thrown
fiom a wagon by a runaway team and sus
tained a broken shoulder blade.
M. II. Barber , editor of the Fullerton
Journal for many years , < was defeated for
Judge In Nance county by T. C. Reid ,
A paper is soon to be started at Farnam
called the Gleaner. Moore & Selby ofthe
Eustls Record 'Will bo the publishers.
Farmers near Oakland nro losing hogs
from a disease that resembles diphtheria.
The threat swells up until the hog chokra
to liratli.
It required seventy-two ballots before the
school board of Blue Springs succeeded In
selecting a teacher for the intermediate de
A force of about fifty men , under Con
tractor Santell cf Omaha , have commenced
work on the D. & . M. bridge fill at East
Charles Yelke , the ex-bihs drum player for
the late Salvation Army In Pluttsmouth , was
arrested for fighting and disturbing the
peace. Ho was 'taken ' before Judge Archer a
few minutes later and was fined J5 and
costs , amounting in all to } 9 , Yelke gave
necurlty for the payment of his flno and costs
and was discharged ,
A peculiar 'phenomenon ' has been observed
by residents of the eastern part of 'Falls
City , A fissure about twenty feet long ,
averaging a foot In width and in some places
leaching ti-oin four to six feet In depth ,
was suddenly opened up on Towlo street , be
tween Eighth and Ninth , ( The street U
perfectly hard and compact and has never
been disturbed by the laying of water mains
or ether excavations. It seems to bo still
opening and the services of the street com
missioner 'Will be needed to put It up In
order to make travel safe on this street.
Tliri-i- Men llmlljCriiNlifil , Tno of
\Vlniin Will Die.
PITTSnURG , Nov. G. Three employes of
Jones & Laughlln's American Steel works
were caught between a company car and a
shifting engine at 8 o'clock this morning and
crushed go badly that two of them will die.
Their named ere :
Joseph Gertner ,
Martin Pereon.
Joseph Ilobap.
The men were loading steel billets on the
car when the shifting engine was acci
dentally run down on the oirae track. Gert
ner and Pereon cannot recover ,
Republicans Uavj the Chio L ' isltituro by
that Number/
Talk of n Conililnr I" Prcvrnt llnnnn'.M
Iti-IMrt-tloii to tin.S lir - _ \ < it
Thotmlit 1 ( Will ( io 1'nr-
( | UT Than Tnlk.
i. I
COLUMnus , 0. , Nov. 6. ThemBht for the
control of the Ohio legislature Is considered
ended today. The counting In some counties
will continue next week , but there has been
such close watching that no material changes
arc expected. The Indications arc that the
senate will stand nineteen democrats and
seventeen republicans , and the house fitly-
one dcmociats and fifty-eight republicans ,
with a majority of flvo republicans on Joint
ballot. There may be several contested scats ,
but these carnet > be considered till the legls.
laturo meets the first Monday In January
next. Since It seems to be settled that the
republicans have a small majority on Joint
ballot , the rumors are revived about a com
bine of certain rohubllcan members with the
seventy democratic members for the election
of some ono other than Senator Hanna on
the Joint ballot.
. When Senator Forakcr was endowed by
the republican state convention two years
ago for tits present position In the senate
thcro was no legislative caucus , It Is an
nounced now that there will be a republican
senatorial caucus when the legislature con
vencs next January. Senator Hanna was endowed
dewed at the last state convention for the
senate , but the old factional fight that for
merly existed between Sherman and Fora-
kcr's following and later betncen the friends
of McKlnley and Foraker has been revived
this year with more Intense feeling that
heretofore. It Is said that thcro are about
a dozen of the republican members who had
Mine factional opposition In their counties
especially for their nominations , who do not
feel kindly toward the Junior Ohio senator.
There has been so much talk about com
bines that It Is certain that repuollcins wll
hold a Joint caucus for the nomination of a
candidate for senator , and Senator Hanna
will no doubt be the caucus nominee. It Is
thought that as the regular nominee there
will be no trouble about his election , as none
of the republican members would refuse
under the circumstances either to enter the
caucus or abide by Its result. There are
some republicans who are said to be working
for the antl-Hanna combine , but ncae of the
members are known to favor such a move
ment. Governor Iliuhnell will have a demo
cratic senate on which to depend for the
conllrmatlo.n of his appointments and no
paittsan legislation can be passed.
The Dispatch today prints an Interview
with Allen 0. Myers of the democratic state
headquarters. In which Mr. Myers says : "I
stand today where I stood the day aftei
the election , with Judge Nash , chairman of
the republican state committee , who cays the
senate will be seventeen republicans and
nineteen democrats , and the house fifty-
eight republicans and fifty-one democrats ,
giving the republicans five majority on Joint
bailer for United States Eonitorl" Mr. Myers
In the report does not say fllrecHy , but Inti
mates that nothing will coma of the efforts
to get up contests In the Joglplature.
TOLEDO , O. , Nov. G. Judge Ilnrker of the
Ninth circuit court decided'today ' that Wood
County Hoard of Supervisory mutt certify re.
turns of Center township. . 'This ' elects
Norrls ( republican ) candidate , for repre
The essential part of Judge Park's decision
Is as follows : , '
My views and conclusion , * * do not make It
necessary to consider the question whether
the polling place was located ag , required by
law or the question of tlio effect upon the
vote If It wan not no loca\il , , J .am of the
opinion that you arc not authorized by law
to pass upon these questions , Uwt actlns as
a county canvassing bofird-nunder section
2.CS2 , Ilpvlsexl ' Statutes , your'duties are. purely
ministerial. N- y.
That the duties of tlie canvassing board
under section 29S2 are purely , ministerial is
nxpressly decided by the- supreme court of
Ohio In the case of Dnlton , clerU , against the
State ex rel Itlchardson , 43 Ohio Statutes ,
C"i2. Tne section iwas at that time tilmost
the s.imo as It now stands , the sllsht
changes made not affecting the question
under consideration here , but It was then
numbered section 29S1. The law Is stated In
the syllabus as follows :
"Under the presence of section 20S1 of the
Revised Statutes defining the duties of can
vassers of election returns , which require
that in making' the abstracts of votes they
shall not decide upon the validity of the
returns , but shall bo governed by the num
ber of votes stated In the poll books. " The
duties of such canvassers are merely min
isterial and they have no power to decide
such returns or any part of them Invalid
by reason of fraud at the election or In the
rntlirn Ihnmnf ri mmli * tn thr * olorlr nnil
have no power to exclude such returns or
nny p.irt thereof from the. count for such
Judge Park holds that the functions of
the board of elections are simply ministerial ;
that they must certify to the vote as they
find it without going behind the returns ; tint
the question as to whether the provisions
of the law were not compiled with In having
the booth outside the boundaries of Center
township precinct and whether If so It In
validates ( lie ballots there cast must be de
cided by the courts or by the legislature It
Context In Mu
BALTIMORE , Md. , Nov. C. The Board of
Supervisors of Election bf Somerset county
met today ani found that 495 ballots lacked
the signature of the Judges as required by
law. The board adjourned until Monday ,
when Attorney General Clabaugh Is expected
to bo present. There U a conflict In the law.
ono section declaring that no ballot shall
bo counted which lacks the signature of a
Judge while another section states that such
ballots shall be counted. H will probably betaken
taken to the courts by the democrats. If the
courts declare these ballots illegal It may
affect the result In several counties.
llaiinii CiocN toIMV York.
CLEVELAND , O. , Nov. C. Senator Hanna
will go to New York Monday on a buskicss
trip. While In the cast he will fulfill un
engagement to address the Marquctto club
of Boston. He will bo accompanied from
Cleveland by Vice President and Mrs. Hobart -
bart , who will go to their home.
Subsrlbo for The Sunday nco and read
Anthony Hope's great story "Simon Dale. "
: novs H.\VI < : AN OUTI.VC ; ,
Property unit Tlii-n Illili * In
a Ciivi'f
On Halloween night a gangt > of young mis
creants vlsltfrf the Dundee' Place school
house , tore down the foMqcls' . molk'huc ] the
front veranda and overturnednthe outbuild
ings. In addition to thlf , ' " v'eral sections
of the sidewalk were carrjoii.away . and de
posited In a ravine 100 ylirdb distant from
the building. Damage to llhpl't > xtent of $50
was done. Warrants wore , Aworn out In
Justice Powers' court for about
a dozen of the boys and Constable Johnson
and another officer vlBlted > ' Udti'dco to serve
them , '
After a long search tho'.bor'p were found
In a cave In which they hI Installed them
selves as Juvenile robbers ( iml/tlien a merry
cliaeu began. Bach culprit darted off In a
different direction and the ) ' officers took
after them. Constable John BOM succeeded In
capturing ono of the boy's ; who guvo the
name of DonnU Haley. Tli/9.tlitTs ) ) / escaped.
Subsrlbo for The Sunday Dee and read
Anthony Hope's great story "Simon Dale. "
Arrive Tilth I'rlNonrrtt.
Deputy United States Murxhuls Cooley
and Kelm arrived In the city last night with
two offenduni against the federal laws. They
are David lxwls und Illclmnl Austin tind
have been convicted of robbing the malls In
tihe western purl of the state. The men are
on their way to Blouxi Falls , S. I ) . , where
they will complete u sentence of three und
three and oi.e-hulf years , respectively.
.Mnxk Hull lit rrHKlitun Hull.
The Mftz Brothers' base ball team mudo
merry last Jilt lit at u masked bull given In
Its honor ut the CrtlKhton hull and dom
inoes und fancy costumes inlncled In the
crowd. Tuo affair was designed tor the
W P8 * *
You should direct your attention to our Silk Department for the
Choicest Party silks Colored Dress Silks Reliable Black Dress Silks Velvets
for Capes Velvets for Garniture , Corduroy , etc , , that have just come in.
New New and New Capes
Jackets Fashionable Silks aclics * capes in kersey , 20
nelios lonp , with bn.v pleats in bank ,
Actual Bargains for This Week. vlth rows ol Btraiw ami silk stitch-
ij ) { , Marie Antonotlo collar
French Armurc , black dress '
silk $ 5.00
Peau de Sole , 1 ( \ ( \
lllnok J * V/.W $15-00
Rich black Brocades , i Ladies' seal plush Capes ,
newest designs 24 Inch lil anil III Inches long , cd cd with
Roman Striped Silk , nartun or Till hot fur. silk mid satin
23 Inch Incil. storm collar , extra Tull swoop ,
Plaids and Checks , 1.OO ; i
( Kruat variety ) ; . . " . , . . . .I. . , . * * - ' * - ' $1200
Black $25-00
' Misses' Jackets and Russian
Dress Goods
sian B'ouse ' and long c'oaks '
All wool Heavy Black Cheviot all latest shades and de
pur yard signs. Children's iamb's
Satin Novelty Jacquards , wool cloaks , with collar
Ladies' Jackets in per yard and muffs attached.
French Matelasse Granite ette
f Or"
nil wool Bavot' and Irish
; WV'
illolli Also fur sets.
Frlezo In Brown , Urnyund
Black half linert 5 5Q Broadcloth , superfine silk 125
. Popular
shield front for 6.50 finished : .i
Colored Prices
Ladies' Jackets Dress Goods
made in all wool Beaver
Kersey Persian Cloth silk Our Advantageous PurcluiS2S arc evl-
lined through7.00 tlcnt In the following
out in Tan , Q j-
Green and Black O.O All wool Novelty Suitings 4Oc
10.00 price OOc on snlu this week ut
Another this week line heavier goods 50c
Ladies' Jackets One line worth S c , 60c
tailor made in Beaver , ut >
Kersey and Melton in all utWe will sell 25 pieces Foule
. Silk and
latest shades. Cheviot , all colors , nt
Satin lined throughout ( in
$1.50 Imported High
cludinpr sleeves ) in shield
Covert cloth
and bpx front with new
Broadcloth silk finished
, , reg-
patent adjustable Klon ulnr price frcnn fl.BO to $1.7 : , Mjiulay
dike collar per15.00
feet in fit and Ofv .
2O.OO Thanksgiving Linens'now ready for
25.00 .
your inspection.
benefit of the Athletic club which has
fotmed about the base ball nine und the
proceeds will bo spent for a club headquar
ters , a gymnasium and iipparatus. A pro
gram of fourteen numbers was enjoyed by
the dancers and refreshments were served
late In the evening. The committee In
charge consisted of Messrs. Harry H. Snge ,
Harry Uowles , T. O'Conner , A. J. Dutcher ,
C. Bachus , W. S. Adams , I. A. Stevens , D.
Johnson , H. V. Stevens and H. Saffeldcr.
Head "Simon Dale" In the Sunft y Dee.
Tu I UN on ICiirnpenii Sentiment Coii-
oeriiiiiKT Cuba.
NEW YORK , Nov. 6. Senator E. 0. Wol-
eott of Colorado , who has just returned
from a vlalt to the capitals of Europe as a
member of the United States monetary com-
mlesslon , still refuses to talk regarding the
lesults of his mission. On the Cuban ques
tion , however , [ Senator Wolcot't ' said today :
"So far s the threatened imbroglio with
Spain Is concerned , I cannot speak , for J do
not know what has 'happened ' In the last ten
dfoa. In Europe the opinion Is divided as to
the rights of the countries. In France this
Is made apparent and there the papers go
to extremes. The Journals which support the
government and are strongly republican In
their views regard the United States as the
Ideal nation , and they speak of our dlincul-
tles with Spain in a way which gives the
opinion that one shot from an American
man-of-war would end everything. <
"The monarchical papers aio as rabid In
the other direction. They regard the United
Statra as an example of the Inability of the
people to rule themselves and hold that
should the rapacity of the Americans lead
this country to a war with Spain the powers
of Europe would Interfere and the United
States would IIml themselves In serious dif
"How far these opinions prevail among the
people at large I cannot say , 'though ' In
France , I think that sympathy generally Is
with Cuba and the United States. In. Great
Britain there seems to be less popular In
terest 'In ' the question , 'though ' some of the
papers now and then give utterance to
rabidly anti-American views , while others
are in our favor.
"I am not certain how the people of Ger
many and eastern Europe feel in the matter ,
but I do not believe mere Is a sentiment
which would support their government
should it wish to interfere. As a consequence
quence I do not fear that buch a complica
tion will result. "
The Evening World says former Vice
President titcvenson'B failure to return with
Senator Wolcott and General Paine was due
to a new turn of affairs Ini England , which
may result In some change In the attitude of
the llrltlsh government on the bimetallic
question. AH a consequence the Evening
World eays the report of the United States
commissioners will not bci made public until
Mr. Stevenson Is heard from.
of Drouth CIIIINI-N Drop
In tin * .Miirlirt.
CHICAGO , Nov. C. The range of wheat
In the Chicago market In the past week has
been wide , especially so for the December
option , In which there was a difference of
5 % cents between the high and low polntn.
The spread between May and December ,
which WES 3 centa a week ago , was at onetime
time during the week less than a cent , but
at the close last night had widened again to
2402 ! % cents.
There las : been a decided Improvement In
the prospects Tor the earning season's winter
wheat crop during the past week , The
drouth fast of the MlsBlEslppI , which was re
markable for Its severity , was thoroughly
broken Monday and Tuesday by soaking rains ,
This was equally true of Argentina , where
similar conditions had prevailed , The ten
dency of the market as 'a consequence ban
bccti toward lower prices , Not onlV wag
what was regarded as the principal sustaining
factor of the market , the drouth , removed , but
thcro was a very perceptible Increase In
fitocka and this , too , In spite of the heavy
European demand for our wheat. The In
crease of nearly 2,600,000 bushels In the
world's visible supply camp as a stunner to
the bulls and caused liquidation by many of
the smaller holders and local professionals ,
The ticuilstent strength ofthe Paris market
and tiurchiuice of wheat hero for shipment
to France attracted attention and helped the
general situation somewhat.
During the latter part of the week there
were many Indications that the December
option was being manipulated and the belief
was expressed that a repetition of the recent
July deal would soon eventuate. The sky
rocket tactics of the market on Thursday
showed a tcuik'ucx to scare away outsldi ;
support and the market as a consequence
suffered ye.terday. The clcee of the week
finds December selling at a point 3 % cents
lower than a week ago. May suffered a de
cline of about 3 cents.
Ills1 Iiiiiirovi-iiiciit IN Xotril lit XIMV
NEW OHLEANS , Nov. 6. There Is a big
Improvement In the > cllow fever situation
slnco yesterday. The number of new cases
Is comiaratively small and the record of
fatalities Is considerably lighter. Deaths ,
Frank Tactllla , Lou Wahsat , Victor Slgnuot ,
Gulseppe Carupuzo , Leah Splro ; new OIECB ,
MOBILE , Ala. , Nov. 6. The number * of
cases fell off one-half the usual number to
day. Ono death , Henry Williamson ; new
cases , five.
Three cases of yellow fever are reported In
Spring Hill neighborhood.
The Mobile Hoard of IlealHi released quar
antine restrictions today against freight of all
kinds , except household goods , from Infected
MEMPHIS , Tcnn. , Nov. 0. One case of
fever and no deaths is the record for today
for this city.
MONTGOMERY , Ala. . Nov. G. The supreme -
promo court judges , with the exception of
Justice Drlckcll , arrived here this morning
from lilomit. Springs In a fumigated car ,
which waa relayed with a car and engine at
Jackson Lake. Judge McClelland opened
court and adjourned until November 29 , when
the sixth division will be allied. The first
and fifth divisions ad Journal until December
7. The Judges then returned to Ulount
Springs. The Heard of Health reports three
now cases. No deaths , Total cases to date ,
127 ; deaths , 11.
O\viiorn Hope ( o Hi'curr a Monopoly
liy PuroliiiNliiK' n \ < MV I'TIKTHH.
CHICAGO , Nov. 6. A special to the Trib
une from Pltlsbtirg , Pa. , says : The Car
negie and Uetlilehem Steel companies have
no Idea of abandoning their armor pinto
plants , erected at a great expense , and liuvc.
In pursuance of this Idea , acquired tl.o now
Krupp process for the hardening of armor
plate. The use of the 'harvoylzlng ovens at
Homestead will be abandoned unless pur
chasers of armor plate spcclfly that process.
European military establishments have boon
Interested for several months In a neA' pro
cess of finishing armor plates perfected ut
the Krupp works at Euson , Prussia. The
process Is a secret thus far to the public ,
but Its use. It Is asserted , hardens the sur-
fuco of a plate to a greater depth than the
liarvcylzlng method.
It U said the Carnegie and Hnthlchcm
companies have acquired the exclusive right
to use the Krupp process. In that event
theco companies would bo able to monopolize
the armor plate business In Am-rlca , pro
vided the now process attains the superiority
claimed for It. It congress should decide
upon the erection of an armor plate plant ,
the government will not b : able to obtain
armor made In accordance with the new
process Invented by Krupp. The price paid
for the Krupp process Is being and -Aill bo
kept a secret , '
DK.srnovs icviitvTJii.AIIOTMI : ,
Mtro-fil.vccrliic IXploNlon In Wi-Nt
VlrKlnl" Crrnti-N Trrrlhlo llnvoo.
At Pine Fork , .this coun..y , toJay William
Conn cf Cuba , > N. V , drove to the nitro
glycerine magazine with a two-horse 'wagon
to got twelve gallons of nitro-glyccrlne to
ahoat some oil wells over which ho has
supervision. While ho was Inside aiiotliir
tuo-horte wagon 'With two men In it , who
have not been Identified , drove up. Before
these strangers alighted the magazine blew
up with a report heard ton miles away. The
only thing found that ever was human iwas
a piece of a man's foot. All else , three
human beings , four horses , two wagons ,
iwero as If they had never existed. Where
the magazine stood waa a deep , yawning
crfvern , Windows were broken In every
dwelling within a radius of half a mile ,
< : < > ( of l.iii'lKi'rl Trial.
CHICAGO , Nov. G.-8tutc'H Attor ley
Doneen 1ms filed with Deputy Comptroller
MonoKhun his bills for tbo expenses In
curred In thn probociitlon of the Luetgert
cast . The actual expense Incurred by the
state's attorneys amounts to $5.735. For
this expense the county board has appro
priated $5,000. The total expense of the
trial , Including thu kulnrk-s of the Jurors
und the fet-dlntf of Jurors , amounts to
$8,608. The chief Item of the expense Incurred -
curred wag $2,395 Xor expert testimony.
Deulilvtl Io lit * AV'nrdilcHH ' 111 Stnto of
] ' < ! ! lIK.VlVIIIllll.
PITTSBUnG , Pa. , Nov. G. Judge Fraser
handed down an opinion In quarter sessions
court today In which ho declared that a
North Dakota divorce Is worthless In the
state of Pennsylvania. The ease of the Com
monwealth against Frank Alnsworth was
called. Mrs. Alnsworth had sued her hus-
jand for nbnsupport of herself and child.
iVhen Alnsworth appeared before the court
Judge Fraser told him ho had carefully ex
amined his attorney's brief tn the case and
lad como to the conclusion that the dlvoro
granted In North Dakota was not a bar to
ivrocecdlngs for maintenance In this state.
Partly Cloudy In .Volirnxltn with the
AVInilH Variable.
WASHINGTON , Nov. G. Forecast for
Sunday :
For Nebraska and Kansas Partly cloudy
weather ; variable winds.
For Iowa and Missouri Threatening
weather and showers ; warmer , southerly
For South Dakota Fair ; northwesterly
For Wyoming Generally fair ; variable
1/iH'iil Ili't'oril.
OMAHA , Nov. 0 Omaha record of rainfall
and temperature compared with the cor
responding day of the last three years :
1S97. 1S9G. 1693. 1S94.
Maximum temperature. . . r.2 38 42 52
Minimum temperature. . . . 28 29 30 33
Average temperature 40 34 36 42
Rainfall 01 T .00 .00
Hccord of temperature and precipitation
nt Omaha for this day and since March 1 ,
1M > 7 :
Normal for the day 47
Uetlcfenry for tno day 07
Accumulated excess since March 1 4.74
Normal rainfall for the day 01 Inch
Deficiency for thn day 03 Inch
Total rainfall plnee March 1 17.SS inches
Delielency blncc March 1 10.M InchcB
Excess for cor. period , 1896 1.41 Inches
Dellcleney for cor , period , 1893. . 10 22 Inches
.1 I'lcnxTinl , Simple , lint Safe and ICf-
feelnnl Can * for II.
Catarrh cf the stomuch has long been con
sidered the next thing to Incurable. Tin
usual symptoms are a full or bloating sensa
tion after eating , accompanied sometime ! '
with sour or watery risings , a formation ol
gases , causing pressure on the heart am !
lungs and dlfllcult breathing ; headaches
fickle appetite , nervousness and a general
played out , languid feeling.
Thcro Is often a foul taste In the mouth ,
coated tongue and If the Interior of the
stomach could bo seen It would show a
slimy , Inflamed condition.
The cure for this common and obstlnato
trouble Is found In a treatment which cauoci
the food to bo readily , thoroughly digested
before It has time to ferment and Irritate the
delicate mucous surfaces of the stomach.
To secure a prompt and healthy digestion
Is the one necessary thing to do and when
normal digestion Is seemed the catarrhal
condition will have disappeared ,
According to Dr. Harlansoti the safent
and best treatment Is to UHO after each meal
a tablet , composed of Dlastaio , Aseptic
Pepvln , a llttlu Nux , Golden Seal and fruit
acids , The-so tablets can now be found at
all drug stores under the name of Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets und not being a patent
medicine can tie used with perfect safety
and assurance that healthy appetite and
thorough digestion will follow their regular
use after tneals
Mr. N. J. Hoohcr of 2710 Dearborn St. ,
Chicago , III. , wrlteo : "Catarrh Is a local
condition resulting from a neglected cold In
the head , whereby the lining membranco of
the nose becomes Inflamed and the poisonous - ,
ous discharge therefrom pasting backward
Into , thu throat reaches thu stomach , thus
producing catarrh of thu stomach. Medical
authorities prescribed for mo for thrco years
for catarrh of utoniacb without cure , but to
day I am the happiest ot men. after using
ocly ono box of Btuart'u Dyspepsia Tablets.
I cannot find appropriate words to express
my good feeling. I have found flesh , ap
petite and sound rest from their use.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets U the safest
prcpaiutlon aa well as the ulmpleU and moat
convenient remedy for any fornr'of
tlon , catarrh of utomach , blllouaneba , Dour
stomach , heartburn and bloating after
Send for llttlu book , mailed tree on stomach
ach trouble * ) , by addressing Stuart Co. .
Marshall , Mich. The tablets can bo ( ouu4
at all aruK stores.