TTI1 OMAHA DAILY 1JJ3E : SlrNDAtfOVBMHER 7. 185)7 ) , Qenernl Business Sltntvtlon Pleasing to Both Jobbers and Retailers , COOLER WEATHER WILL BE A GREAT H-LP Sen re 11 > of Merolintullnc n ( Jront In- conveiilt'iivc In HIIIIKIHinr | < iuiit * of .lolililne TriKlc l iiMterii : ) U-n \clirniliii. . Thcie U n. dearth of anything ; like ex citing news In trndn circles of Omnbn , but reports nil Indlcnto n very satisfactory busi ness that ta fully up to what might bo ex pected under existing conditions. In some few departments of trade there wns a fall ing oft In the volume of business , oulng to the very mild weather. In the country the warm and sprlng-llko weather was taken advantage of by the farmers , who kept ut woik In tlio cornfields or wltih their fall plowing , thus neglecting to visit the towns to the detriment of the country retail trudu. In the city , where buyers can supply their wants nt nny hour of the ilny , there 1ms been no disposition to buy In advance , and no lonp n the weather continued so mild It WIIH only natural that the retail Irndo iftiould surfer. The change lo cooler weather the latter part of the week wns a great stimulus to business In the city and travel ing1 men report that there have bjcn storms In the west wilted have nlso helped the country trade In many localities. In fomo departments of the jobbing trade thcie lias been no let up In the rush of tiURlnusM , owing to the fact that the scarc ity of goods In the hands ot Jobbers and manufacturem lias kept everyone behind with orders. | | The business situation as a whole has been highly satisfactory- , both to Iho job bers anil retailers alike and no complaint * are to bo heard from any source. TravelIng - Ing men representing cnsuro IIOUHCH report bUHlncHH us exceptionally good In Nebraska and not u few of the old-timers liken the present to thu old boom days , when every one wanted goods nnd wanted them In a litirry and had the money to pay for them. JOlinrctlS AND MANUFACTUUHIIS. The Fremont Saddlery company claims thul Its puy roll Is double -what It was a year ngo. A. II. Itnwltzcr of the Omaha Tent and Rubber company Is on a business trip to Bt. LouU. The number ot hands employed by Hone & Co , Is being gradually Incieased and has now rent-lied fifty. Chris Jeep of Teknmuh was among the lie.avy buyers on the Omalin wholesale mar ket the lust week. John llnmineis of Portsmouth , la. , was In the city the lust -week nnd placed some good orders with local jobbers. A. T. Austin , manager of the American Utind-Sewcd Shoe company , Is spending two weeks nt the eastern shoe markets. SI. Flamont of Mlnn-eoln , In. , came In the other day and left several good orders for merchandise behind him as pleasant re minders of his visit. A. L. Comstock , general superintendent ot tlio 1'nlli-d States llubber company's fac- torl'n , arrived In the c-Ity yeatcid.iy and was tlio guest of IS. II. Sprnguo. S , A. JlcWhorter , whose return from Kuropo wns noted recently In these col umns , l bin-It In his olllco In the Hoard of Trade building transacting a cash and com mission grain business. I M. II. miss , who was out In the stnto , pays ithat the pleasant weather has enable the farmers to keep busy In their llt-lds and that the country retail trndo hat * suffered to some extent from that cause. L. G. Doup uvlll move his lounge factory from South Tenth street back to his old location. After the lire , whldi Ocstroyi-d u part of iho building , Mr. Doup purchas-ed the property nnd has rebuilt the factory. Thi ) beet seed planter Invented by Fred 'Jewell of I'latto Center has had n very large sain tjio last season , both In this stale nnd California. It Is being manufactured by the Fremont , Foundry nnd Machine com pany. The Omaha School Supply company notes great activity In the ilttlng up of school housed In the western counties of the state with Iho latest nnd most approved style of HChool furniture , which would seem to In dicate n considerable growth In school pop ulation' In "those"counties. . " A. I'hlllpp of Stanton has written the ( Manufacturers' association regarding n becl topper and puller which he has Invented nnd which ho would like to have nomei one manufacture and place upon the market. Ho says that the machine works to per fection and that It Is a great labor saver. C. F. Youberg , proprietor of a largo shoe Btorc at Aspen , Cole , , was In the city the last week and bought hirgely nt local job bing houses. Ho has long been 11 regular buyer of Omaha houses , but this Is the Jlrst time In thirteen years that he has visited the city to make a personal selec tion of stock. During the last four weeks forty-seven cars of New York trapes have been mar keted In Omaha , or an average of twelve cars per week. Mr. I'owers of Portland , N. Y. . who has been hero superintending the marketing of the grupe crop for the Now York p rowers , says that the crop Is ibout ! exhausted. Prices'have betn the ! ow- caon recoid. I Hoot nnd shoo jobbers complain a peed deal ot the scarcity of goods In their line. A jobber will get In SCO or 4CO cases and It looks UK If ho had a large stock , but the orders nro on lllo waiting for their arrival nnd the goods go right out again. Countrj merchants seem to appreciate the. dllll'cultj of securing goods and wait as patiently as possible for the lIMIm ? of their orders. 13. II. Allen of Allen Hrothers spent a part of the last week In Oregon , Mo. iwhcre his llrm IH operating a large canning factory. The company had put up a large pack of tomatoes and corn and Is now Htartln-g on apploH. Laid away In Its vaul among ItH choicest possessions Is a medal o oxiiulsltu 'Workmanship obtained at the ( World's fair at Chicago for Its pack o canned goods. The number of men employed by Hie Driiniinonil Carrl.igo company has beei largely lucre-used and more work Is being turned out than at nny previous time within Jlvo years. During the last few days Joseph H. Mlllnrd him taken out of the nhop a line Victoria , Frank Colpotzer i Jinndinndo two-seated gent's driving w.igon Mr. IlriindU-s n new style Duchess "park carriage. " and \V. C. Ashton a new style phaoton. Secretary Holmes of the .Manufacturers . ossoclatlon vl. ltcd Fremont the past weel mill Interviewed the manufacturers of tha city on thu subject of making exhibits n the Trnnsmlnslrtslppl Kxposllion. He re ceived promises from the Fremont Ilru\liif , company , the National Milling and Mnchln cry company and Ihe Fn-mont i.MUIIng com pany. Others are favorably considering tin proposition and the prospect Is Hint Frc ffnont will have n good representation. The chicory crop of the state Is turning out fnlrly wi-ll , Though the roots ure smaller than for Home years. The farmers appear to bu well pleased and the Ameri can Chicory company Is receiving a gooi many otters to contract for next season's crop. The consumption of chicory In the west appears to bo steadily Increasing , but western manufacturers are profiting most from the fact that eastern factories have about run out of stock and tire unablu to pupply the trade. The nibble Paper nnd Woodi-nwnro com pany Is In receipt of n letter from Wiscon sin , which i-xplalns to somu extent , in least , the scarcity of Block In that line urn nlso given a reason for the gnulunl llnnlm , up ot prices. According to the writer the drouth during tlio full , which prevailed nl over the northwest , caused tin- streams to fall HO low that the manufacturers find tlicmselvrs without smile-lent power to opi-rntu their factories nnd they are now waiting for ruins to 1111 the streams befor starting up ngnln. Thu National Milling Machinery compnnj of Fremont In placing upon the market i now purlller and Hour dresser , which , It Is claimed , will wor\i \ n great ciinimo in the milling Industry. Ono or Its strong : points la tin ) large Im-H-axe In the percentage emi mi tent Hour produced and a decided Im nrovi-ment In tha quality. The mill at Frc inonl has been equipped with seven of the new mtiKhtiifs and reports a decided Im nroveinenl In tlio mmllty of Its output , m inuch no that samples of the flour Bent i-asi brought back largo orders. liistern trade papers nro commenting upon the rapid growth In popular favor o rubber tires for carriages. It Is said thn In ivmtern cities , rubber Is displacing Iron nnd steel almost entirely on high grade cur rlages of all kinds. The fame thing see mate to be true In Omaha. The head of a loca currliugo company says t iat two nnd n. Juil yvura ago , when ho tried to Impress hi. customers with , the Idea of placing rubbe tires on their vehicle whecla ho rccelvei Very llltlo oncouragt-nu-nt. Buyers wild . "liDey won't lost ! they -All ) roll off : they nro not practical ; It's only a fad , " etc. To day every line carriage the company turn out Is equlpjwd with rubber tires. Th < Omaha , converts to the rubber tire Includ Jnich " > p 1 ? : " : . ' 1' 'Hennt'U ' , Arthur nnd 3nill Drundles. Iiev. 'Mr. Ilutler. H. K luurket , Cllntoiv Urlggs. Dr , Crummer. Johi i > . cwighton , J , W. Cotton , a A. Collins PrCoffnuuj , J. ii , Kvanj , A * C. i\wtcr ) r Ullmorp , T r. llnvrnn , P , r Hfnfy , C S H -w.ird , ( JforKc A Honidnml , Ijr Le < - , Sunborn , Dr. Vnnco , a.V. . Watties 'ami llshopVorthlng.on , During DIP temporary scarcity of butter , liio to 'hi' ' dry -weather this fall , butter'no iris obtained n great hold upon the market anco more. It Is itRsertcd by onp who Is In i t > o l Ion to know , that all of the hotels and estnurants In Lincoln , with two or three xcc-ptloiis , are using bntterlne without omplylfiK with the law. In Omaha clx weeks or two moulds ngo one light "kid" nngon wns large enough to haul the week's ur > ply from the depot , but no - three big Irays are rt-rinlrol. The most of It comes rom Chicago , though Kansas City Is sup- > lylng n good deal , nd It 1.4 all being fold n defiance of the stnto law. The great popularity of bntterlne wllh dealers Is ex- ilnlncd by the fact that It costs them 1014 cents per pound nnd retails nt 20 cents , while butter that would retnll nt that price would cost 1C to 18 cents. Kearney , Neb. , seems destined to become .ho center of the loading celery area ot the United Slates , ns the soil Is of n character calculated to produr-o that popular vege- able to perfection. The past year seventy- eight acres In the vicinity of that city were limited to celery , the yield being : seventy- eight cars , which were contracted by David Cole & Co. of Omnlm nl n price that iveragcd $2SO per car , The celery Is shipped with iho roots on , so ns to remain fresh , nnd Is not trimmed until It reaches the rlty and Is wanted by the retail trade. Utah sro -s considerable celery , but not so much is Kearney. Colorado Is nlso n , grower , but the variety produced In that state Is not lopulnr In this section of the country. Kala. TIUZOO , Mich. , formerly grew the celery for the west , but while Its acreage Is still large , the quality of the product cannot compare wllh Mint grown at Kearney , OMAHA OK.VKUAL M.VUKETS. Comlllloii nf Triulo nml Quotation * nn Slnplr unit Kimi-y 1'riidiice. naOS Oood Mock , K-e. UUTTKll Common to fair. lOWllc ; choice lo 'ancy , H817c ; separator creamery. 23c ; gathered creamery , Zlc. VEAL-Cholcc fnt. SO to IM lb . . quoted at Sc ; large anil coarse , 485c. LIVK I'OUITHY lien * . CV4c : cocks , 3fflc ; ifiilnff chickens , jier lb. , lie ; ducks , GS7c ; tur- I'ltllJONS Live , 7M ; dead plEoons not wonted. HAY Uinnd | | , 16.00 ; inldlnnd , J3.59 ; lowlnnil , J5.00 ; rye straw , | i ; color makes the price on lay ; light bales cell the best , only top grades bring top prices. VKQKTAIILKS. , . - J stock , large , 40c ; finull , 23Jf UNIONS Per bu. , KfiKc. 1IKAN8 Ilnnd-plckcil navy , jier bu. . Jt.40. : ' I'OTATOIM 1'er bbl. , .2.1S2.r,0. H-.S : llomo uro n , 40J53c : Western PtOCll , p'"t--1- 1'UUITS. Ql'INCnS-Callrornla , per box. ll.M. Ari'I.l > Winter stock , J.MTJ3.00. Jcnnthnns and fancy varieties. J3.23 ; Cullfornla ItcllMlower , boxes. $ l.f.O ; Calonulo Jonathans , boxes , ll.iu , NBW VOUII ailAPUS-1'cr 'J-lb. baVkel , ISc ; rKu loin , 12He. 1'Ll'ilS lilaho nml Orepon , 75cJIJ1.0ft OUANIIMKHIKS-C'npc Cod , per bbl. , tf.GO ; nlicnnitlii , boxes , JI.WRt.10. UALll'OKNIA AND CXJ1XJHADO I'KAItS-Oood winter nclllu , J2.Wjf2.25 ; other varieties , I1.90Q mtVVt THOPICAL rninrs. OUAXniM-McxIcun , per box , 41.50. LKMONS MenlniiH , Jl.2igl.10i choice Cali fornia , JI.OO. HANANAa-Cholcc. larse Btoclc , per bunch , W.00ff2.23 ; medium-sized bunches , Jl.75ff2.00. ' NUTS Almonds , per lb. . large size , 14fir t- : Ilrazlls , per lb. , lOoj Kriellsh walnuts , per Hi , fancy , fofl Eliell , 13c. Htamlarils , lOfflllc ; Illberli. per Hi. , lOc ; pecans , pollsheil , larce , SiftlOc ; Jumbo , 12c ; larKC hlckorj1 nuts. J1.23 per bu. ; small , J1.50 per liu. ; coooanutR , per 100 , J3.73ifl.CO ; peanuts , raw , Sfir.ifr ? ; roasted , GQGVit- . KIDS ImiiorteJ fancy. 3 crown , H-lb. boxes , 2Vtc ; 5 crownlb. . boxes , 13c ; 2-lb boxes , 23t- ler IHIX. IIONKV Choice white. 13c. ICHAUT 1't-r bbl. , $ I.CO(4.2i ( ; half bbl. , J2.30Q- MAPLi : SYntU' Plvc-gal. cans , each J2.25 ; Kal cans , pure , per doz. , J12.00 ; lialf-Bal. cans , JB.23 ! riimrl cans , J3.SO. UATliS I'er W to 70-lb. boxes. 5Vic ; Fan ! 9-lb. boxes , DC. UIUBH Per half bbl. , J3.CO. FIIKSH SIKATS. DHUSSKD OKRF Oood native steers , "c : good fore < iunrters , steers , Co , good hindquarters , 9e ; western steers , CSiOV c ; fancy helfenO c ; Kooil " UI3K1' ' CUTS Tenrtcrlolns , ISo ; boneless strips. 9e ; strip loins , 7c ; rolls. s'Ac ; sirloin butts. SV'c ; shoulder clods , i Hctf"runip bulls , BI C ; sleer shoulder clods , C'.4c ; rump butts , SV4c Steer chucki , uVic ; cow chucks , l c. boneless i-luiclts , .Vjc ; cuw plates , 3c ; Hirer platen , 3sc ! ; Hank steak , 6Hc ; loins , Mo. 1 , 14e ; loins , No. 2 , IO'.AC ; loins , No. 3. Sc ; sirloin endn. No. 1 , Oc ; ribs , No , 1 , lie ; ribs , No , 2 , 8V4c ; rll > . No. 3 , Cc ; steer rounds , 7V4c ; cow rounds , 7cj. cow rounds shank off , Sc ; trimmings , 4Kc ; beef shrinks , 3c ; brains , per doz. 33c ; sweetbreads , per lb. , lOo ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per lb. , 4 < ) c ; kidneys , per doz. , ' 3."ic ; ox tails , each te ; livers , per lb. , 3c ; hearts , per lb. . 2 ic : tonKues , per lb. , 12' . c. MUTTON Lambs. 7o ; sheep , 6c ; market racks ( loiiK ) , Su ; hotel racks ( short ) , lie , legs and saddles , 9c ; lamb leps , Sc ; breasts and stews , 3c ; tonKues , each 3c. POHK Dressed pigs Cc ; dressed hoes. BUci tenderlolnH , 15c ; loins , iljc : spare ilbi , 41ic. ham saupagt * butts , 6V'.c ; shoulilers. raiiKh. 5c ; shoul ders. fklnneil. Mic ; trimmings , Do : leaf larJ , not rendered , Eiu ; heads , cleaned , 3c ; snout and ears , 3u ; backbones , l4c ! ; cheek meats. 3c ; neck bones. 2c ; plK ' tails , 3c ; plucks , each 5c ; uhlt- terllnKS. Be ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz. , 25c ; stomachs , each 3c ; tongues , each 7c ; kidneys , per doz. , lOo ; brains , per doz. , 13c ; pigs' feet , per doz. , 25c ; livers , each 3c. HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. HIDKS No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 green hides Cc ; No. 1 Failed hides , Sijcj No. 2 green salted hides. 7Hc : No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , Sc ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. . 6c ; No. I dry Hint hides , 11013 ; No. 2 dry Hint hides.Stride ; No. 1 dry salted hides , OiJIOc ; part cur-d hlJee , V4u per lb. le. > s than fully lurea. SHKEl' I'KLTS Qreen salted , each 13ff75c ; green sailed shearlings ( short wooled early Blilna ) each lEc ; dry shearlings ( short noolea early fklns ) , No. 1 , each Sc. dry flint , Kansas and Nehranka butcher won ) pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4f5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb , , actual weight , 3'o < c ; dry flint Coloiudo butcher wool pelts , per ID. , actual weight , < 05c ; dry flint Colorado murr.iin wool pelts , prr lb. , actual weight. 384c ; feet cut on * , as It Is UKeleHa to pay freight on them , \ VnriCiilliinlHHlun CO.'N OMAHA OPKICE. Nov. G.-Slnco the nrst of the month there have been some very radical changes In the wheat market , and almost entirely contrary to either foreigner or domestic news that usually govern prices to a limited extent. On Wednesday , with advancing cables nnd apparent goo.l buying nt the opening , the bottom fell out for a rapid decline of 3' , c , which was ccvere to long holding manipulators ; since when the fluctiutlona have been geol , but of a nar rower range. A portion of the decline has been charged to lirndetrcot's world visible supply statement , which shows an Increase ot C00,000 : ; mi. , or three times as much as last year. This house cleaning Is conducive to a healthier market , and considering ihc wheat movement In the northwest later on , with a disposition of the foreigners to take our wt'iwit whether the marUet goes up or ' down , wo believe May Is low enough to warrant IIH purchase , for a profit u llttlo later. Corn has held quite steady under the 2'ic ' net decllnci In whitit , having fallen but ' ; „ ( ; for December , However , It got some sup port from the ' .ic. reduction In the lake freight rate , and fnlrly good cash demand cast. Oats are vcrv 'roug nnd practically un changed , The- line iwcather and disposition of the farmers to thu fluid , together with there be ing a. strong bull element among them , nas made receipts at elevators In western IOMI and Nobrafka very small , consequently shipments very light. St. LtiiilH Crni-riil Miirlct-tH , HT. I/31'IS. Nov. . KLOUli We-slcj patents. H.HXin.W ; etralKhts. Jl.53ffl.63 ; clear , J4.1SQ- 4.30 ; medium. J3Mf3,75 , WHKAT HlKher , closing He for December ncllerH nnd la for May buyers above yesterday. May , now principally trailed In , opene ] He Ic , % c higher , udvam-lni ; Tie. anil cloelnt ; % c belaw Iho top. Fpot , a shade off from yesterday ; No. 2 led , cath , elevator , V'c ; track , ST.iOMHc ; No. 3 hard , cash , Wo acked ; December , SSic ; May , 560 bid. COHN Advanced on small receipts , foreign markets llrm ami exports larger , cloning fine. tluns uliove yeMerdiiy. Hjiot , hlKher ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 2Hio ; December , SIIta2l5tc ; May , 27Ht avked. OATH Futures utronp , trading light , ' ( , RKo aiA'ancn for the day being noted , Spot , lower tu bell ; No. 2 mixed , 18V.O elevator , 2Qc ( rack. No 2 while , ! 2V4e ; December , iOio ; May , 22Uc , HYIJ-Lowi-r at 45V4c. COItNMl AL-Hteady ot J1.40 , HllAN Quiet , with small offerings ; east track , racked , 47Hc ; sucked , this lde , 4io ) , FI < AX.HiKD-Stcady : at JI.OOH , TIMOTHV KKii ) I'rlme. J2.IX ) . HAY Firm ; prolrlo. J7.COGS,00 ; timothy , | 7M fiio.oo. IIUTTKIl-Steadyj creamery , 19S2IV4C ; dairy. Steady nt He , I'OI'I.TIIY Market quiet : chickens , Cijo ; ducks OO'ic : geete. Cc ; turkeys , 7 ! ODVic. \VHI.S1 Y-J1.19. lower , I3.70JJ.7U. Speller. dull. J3.9J sellers. l'HOVIHlONH I'ork. iteady ; etan.lord . inecs Jobblin ; . JS.K S.t.O. Uinj , llrmer : prime ( team. J4.15 ; Ilacon Iboxed lots ) . extn short clear , U.37H ; ribs , J3.C24 ; shorts. tJ.87'i ' , Dry call meals ( UoieJ ) . shoulders , J5.2S ; extra. ihort clear. Ji ; ribs , ti.U'Ashoru , Jilsj IlBCBIlTS-Flour. 6.000 bbli. ; wheat. $1.000 bu. : coni. 57.0M bu. ; oaU. 58.000 bu. KHIPMlJNTS-Klour. 4.0W I.I.I. , ; wheat ! 9C03 bo.i corn , K.004 bu. ; catj , 10.009 fcr. , CQJIJLHCIAL AND FINANCIAL Whtat Shows Strength for tlu FirstTirao in Six Days , BAD CttP REPORTS CAUSE COV-RING Oilier MitrlivtH Arc l-'lrni lint Unit wllli Ilio r.\ < -i-I > lli > ii of OiilK ) Wlileh Citliix a Sninll I'riiolloii. CHICAGO , Nov. C. There was n turn In th6 tldo In tlio wheat market today. The market showed stronsth for tlio first time In a week , the December closltiR Ho higher. Crop reports from Ohio nnd .Missouri were sensationally bad nnd drove shorts to cover. Other markets llrm , but dull , wllh the ex ception of oats. Corn closed UQUc higher , oats > Jo higher nnd provisions 2& < [ joc higher. Wheat wiia Btrong at the opening1. The Liverpool market was not n sharer to the full extent In the previous day's weakness here. Paris sent bullish ndvlccs. The week's clearances from all Atlantic ports were C,573,21C bu. , and Liverpool bids for Chicago Xo. 2 spring wheat were 3d per quarter ( > Jo a bushel ) higher than those of the day before. The most bullish of the early news TVOS the Ohio crop report , mak ing the condition of wheat In that state 51 per cent nnd the reduction In acreage 1 ? per cent. This report > was made up before the recent rains , but had a marked effect , nevertheless , and was tlio main factor In tlio opening advance and the gain which followed. The ntnvs was not nil biillls-h. The domestic - tic recelpta were not less liberal than be fore. Chicago had ISO cars , compared with 222 a. year ago ; Minneapolis and .Dnhitli re ported 1,118 cars , against 775 last year. TXie total receipts at the principal western mar kets were 1,184,218 bu. , against 42.7G4 foil , thu corresponding day of 1S9G. That would per haps liavo had some effect In checking the deslro to buy , had the shorts not been over sold , ns was evidently the case. Continental cablegrams quoted declines ot 12V4 centimes it Antwerp and from 10 to 20 centimes nt Paris , besides 50 centimes decline In Hour it the latter place. .Minneapolis . i.vlred that 2,000 cars of wheat were looked for as the receipts there Monday , but neither did that bonellt the shorts to any appreciable ex tent. Tuo Increase In receipts this week over last nt Minneapolis and Dulnth num bered CIO carloads. The Atlantic port ex ports amounted In wheat and Hour to C01- KW bu. A Now York dispatch Rild a cargo of wheat had been worked for Vienna , via Hamburg , and another New York message reported twenty-live boatloads taken chlelly for Franco. It was also reported that Ilf- lecn boatloads of 'Manitoba wheat had been worked for the United Kingdom. The trail ing was light and only spasmodically active. December was not much heard of , but Its value had many changes. It seemed Impos sible to make two consecutive trades In December at the same price. . It ranged from Single to SJ c , and closed % c higher at 9lc. May started ' /.c higher at from OlUfi * ! ? < : , gradually Improved to Olftc. and from that down again to 91 < 4fi91c. Afterward It rose slowly to U2V4c , nnd closed nt Corn wns llrm on a narrow amount of trading. The. market was Inlluenccd by the unexpected strength of cables and by yes terday's largo export sales , New York re porting iOO.OOO bu. sold. There was some covering by parties who bought yesterday , which proved sulllt-lent to keep prices at n slight advance. Hi-colpts were 437 cars. Liverpool was Vdd higher. December rangeil between 20Vlc and 25"iti2ijc , und closed Viff ' , ic higher at 26 2C c. There was again an netlve trading In oats. There was qitl e Influential selling through out the. session , particularly by elevator people , but all offerings were taken and the market ruled strong from the start. There \\iin a good cash demand. Receipts were SOS cars. December ranged from IH S'lSTiiC to lOVlc , closing 14e higher nt WhfilO'&c. The market for provisions was duller , ll possible , than It was yesterday. Prices were steady within an extremely narrow range. The cash trade was good , but the almost utter lack of speculation made the market devoid of feature. Offerings were rery light : the chief factor Is slightly hlgl.iei nrlces. The hog market is strong ana higher. At the close December pork was 2i//iJnc higher nt JToT.i : December lard , 2JJ ( floe higher lit $4.23 , and December ribs , 2H higher at $4.45. Kstlmati-d receipts .Monday : Wheat , 110 cars ; corn , 533 cars ; oats , 200 cars ; -Tiogs , 41,000 head. Leading futures ranged aa follows : Arllcl < .i Qpan. I Illfh. I Low. I Cloao. lYeatdy. Whwit- Nov. . . 03 M * < < 04 11:11. : 0 ! ! ? ! 90J1SM Corn Nov . . . 25W 25N Doc. . . . JO 20K Mny . . . 20W HO 2UJS Oats Due. . . . 104 Mny. . . 2W -'Hi t'ork- Dtc. . . . 7 75 7 on 7 B2K Jail. . . . 8 OS B on 8 47H 8 02H Lanl Dec. . . . 4 2.1 4 27 4 22 4 23 4 22 Jan . . . 4 ; ! 7hi 4 4U 4 : i7h 4 40 4 87K Sh'tlllbN Dec. . 4 45 4 4S 4 42K 4 4fi 4 4I Jan. . . . t 45 4 47 j 4 43 4 45 4 42 No. 2. Cash quotations were OH follows : n.omi Him : winter intents , $4.085.CO ; straits , JI.40IH4CO ; spring specials. J3.M ; spring patents. J4.7C f5.00 ; bakers. l3.Mi83.GO. WIIKAT No. 2 spring , t7JjS71ic ; No. 3 spring , 63c ; No. 2 red , 94T.C. COHN No. 2. ; oV4c. OATS No. 2 , IS'.ic ' , f. o. b. ; No. 2 wlilte , l ? ic. IIVE No. 2. 47c. IlAIlMV-Nn. 3 , n AXHEKl ) No. 1. ll.U3li(71.07 , TIMOTHY SKKD Prime. J2.Cj. 1'HOVISIONri MI-FB pork , per tibl. , J7 S507.CO. I.nrcl. JUT 100 Ibs. , H.27'.iB4.3U. Short ribs sl.UB ( Iccsc ) . H.Z.'i'Sl.n. Dry nailed shoulders ( boxeil ) , J'.7.5f3.Wj ( sliort clear Milea ( boxed ) , J4.75 ® 4 7's \VIII.SKV-UlstllIers' nnlshc.l . cooJs , per Eal. $ I.1S. _ SUliAUS Cut loaf , Sr.,14 ; Krnnulntcd , fi.2l. ArlleleH. Uiieelnn. Flour. lbU 10,001) 12.00J Wheat , bu fij.uuu 21D.DJI ) Com. Uu 25.1,0.10 41S.OOU OaiN.bii Jill.HDD 4H I.UOU Kjrc.bu 111,0 DO tiiiilc.v.bii 1)2,000 ) 47.001) On the Produce exchange today the butter mar kel was llrm ; creameries , 15ft23c ; dairies , 12fi 2Ue. Cheese , quiet at Mf&lic. Kfc'KS. fresh. 16Hc. . Llvi" poultry , tteady to easier : turkeys , HiJIOc chlckeiiB , Sc ; fpiliiRB , 7c ; ducks " " ' \'IO\V VOItIC CKMCIIAL JI.VHKICTS QIIOIOIIN ( | of < lie Day oil Geiicrn C'ouiiiiiidlllt-N. NI-3\V YOIIK , Nov. 0.-l."IX5lHt-Ui--celplp , 21,31 bbln. ; exports , 2I,47J bblx. ; quiet , but steadier paii'iits , JS.lOSjO.-T ) ; Mliineiviia bakers' winter palente , JJ.OJ&r. 25 ; wlnte KtrulKhtH , H.GIfH.75 ; w. liter lc.w Kniilcn , } 2.IO2.IO | Ityu Hour , qulft ; fancy , J2.'JCKj3.M. Ituckwlua llimr , iiulol , } l. < . ' , 71.fU. Ht'CKWIlKAT yulet , 176400. ClN.MiAI--niill : yellow western , COgc.'c brandy wine , Jl.Si'in.'JO. ' HYi : Hull ; No. 2 weHlern , 49c. HAUI.KY-nrin ; fenllnR , S8o bid. u-Kiitv MAI/r-Hti-aity ; Wfitein , 59 4o. \VHUAT lleci-lptii , U3tM bu , ; expoits , ! S7fO 1m. l pot , Him ; No. 3 ifit , > 1.UO % ; No. 1 li Duhilli , il.01 % Opllons upviitM llrincr < m . bulllsli Ohio filato report and better cables than i-xprctcil , uilvunieit on foiel n buy.nir , expo liusinrB.s ami covfiliik and cloned xlront , ' at > < { < til net iiilvunre : No. s red Novembi-r clon l , sjc Ueceinbi-r , 916'jTiic : cloxcd. i)7c. ) fOIIN Itecclptu. 13if:5 bu. : nporttt , 2C4.S46 bu. Spot , llrm ; No. y. 32 > ; c , Options ijulet tut firm ult niuniliiK > m IlKlit receipts , sjmpatliy with wheat and Bli-ady cabli-j , closi-il ifi > io net hlKher ; November , HW1-- ; December , ilUilSlljc ; closet ] , 3l\c. OATH llcci'IMK , 317,300 bu. ; exports , 9C.HI bu. HIKII , llrm ; No , 2. 2 < Hc. Options , quiet but sioiiily with I lie oilier maikuts. rloslni ; tic net lilubtr. HAY Steady ; fclilpplns. Jl. 003)M ; good to cliolcp. t3.0njj7.00. HOI'S Steady ; state , common to gcxid , IW5 crop.fiCo ; JfcW crop , Gff'je ; 1837 crop , 110 17c ; London maikel , WcSKl.Wi. HIDHS gulet ; Cr.heston , 15c ; Tt > xaH dry , KO 12H ! Calif jrnlu , 17jlSc. LIJATHKR yulel ; hemlock note , Ilucnos Ayren , IlKhl til heavy welghlH , SOVitf-'Hic. I'llOVIHIONH Ileef. Kleady ; family , > 9. OB'IO Ort ; extin mesa , $7 , ! > 08.M ( | ) : beef hams J4.WWM.O ) ; packet , tS.&CfiV.r i. Out meats , steady ; jilcklcd UllleH. SG.'iiiitli.i ) i pU'lcled klioulilers , 11.73 ; hame , J7.75ii8.0) . Ijird , steady : western retlned. steady ; continent. $ .V I'ork , dull ; me H , IS. tons. V5 ; aliurt clear , flU.OUiili.M ; fainlly , ill. 0)012 ) 25. Tallow , dull ; city , 3ij > ii3 ; , 3itf3'jc. ! OILS-Collonnel , Weak ; prime crude. ISljfllPc ; prime yellow , 21f21Hc : butler oil , 25fl27c : prime rummer wlilte , 2l'iti'i ' > f ; prime winter yellow , S7jL'"iif. tviioleum , 1'ennsyUanla crude , no market ; nominally , tec. Itosln , quiet ; strained , Domivon to fuoJ. II.40Q1.4J. Tumrntlne , qu'.et , SOfiSO',40. IlIfK Quiet ; fair to extra , IHGG'.Sc ; Japan , . MOI ASSKH-Qulel ; choice. MRJ1C. KHKIC1HTH Firmer ; uteani , StoJ > rraln , by steam , < Hc. Ml-n'AI.H I'lB Iron , quiet ; sou'hem , tlO.Z'ft 11,55 ; noillif/n , HO.WOIJIS. Cupper , ca y ; l.ike brokers' . lOTtc. Lead , dull ; domestic , f.75. Tin , plates , dull , ICiiiisiiM Cllx Uraiu mill I'rnvlilnnsi. KANSAS CITY. Nov.WHBATMurket liljlier onJ more uctlvt ; No. 1 liarJ , Ni 8 W'tltMi N L 4 , 7SflS > < , No 1 rel Mi. N j S , K . N . S > ; , jsi ! < , n rnr of mlxpil nt Mlic. No 4 , S'KjS.'S | N.J. S Wo , Ni8 , 7 ! > ? * * C'OHX Mntket nctlVPi Ho. ZMSxe.l . , , OATS Mirkct slow , tut II m , No. 2 white , 2l IKc. J R nYK-Matkft iitenily ; No. I3i Of. MAY M rt t netlve , f teadvml unclmnged. llt'TTin-Mnrket ttnd > - ; , < ryunerles , 19C c ; dnlry , I.t97ic. . . KOOS-Mnrket very firm nt 'fR ' HKC'KIJTS Wheat , IM.HW luRSlcorn , 4I.CCO bu. ! ont . 4.i liu. > * } SlIlPMKNTS-Whent. MCW , l u.j corn , 29,100 bu. ; oam , njno. r . , , C nil 11 mill t'irnvUlonK. I.tVnUIOOU Nov.WHRHT - < Spot , quiet ; No. 2 red. e tfrn , winter , 'flttllint < lid ; No. t red. northern , frrh'ir. ' Oulinii.7 | 8d. COUN American mixed , | iol.tflrm nl 3s Hid ; November , dteady 3 lHi\l \ lftcmber ) , ittady nt Ss M > January , xtendy nt SM 4.1. ri-Ol'U-St. Ixiuld fnncy wlhlrf ; firm nt 10s 3d. HOI'S At London ( I'ntlllS" eon. ) t ) , nrm nt 4 1. > fl > fi r. . 4 I ' I'ltOVISlUNS llecf , cxtrn nisun , dull nt 6"s Mj rlmc inecu , dull nl tfin 3d. 1'ork , prime mcsp , line wentrrn , dull nt 4Sj > od ; prime mtr , me dium wisfern , dull nt 45s. Hams , short cut , 14 to 16 lb . , dull nt 3llipon. . Cumberland cut , 2S to 30 Ibs. , Menily nt 39n 6d : short Jibs , 2i ) to 24 Ilia. , steady nt 37ti ; lonjf clenr mid * dies , light , .V , to 38 His. , utendy nt 38s ; lonp clear mlddlen , heavy , 40 to 4S M.S. . , sternly nt 35s ; short clenr back * , 16 to 18 lie. , steady nt 33 C < l ; clear bellies. 12 to 14 ll > - . , dull nt 42 . Shoiildern , rqtinrp , 12 to 14 Ibs. , nrm nt 23s Cd. Lard , prime western , ulendy nt ! 2a M , ClIKKSlAmerlcnn , llncst white and colored , dull nt 4H. TALIXJVV Prime city , steady nt Ifs. onCottoiifeed , Liverpool refined , dull nt 15s. Spirits of turpentine , steady nl 23s Cd. Hosln , common , steady nt 4s 3d. HiiKlnutrt ! > larlci < < N. 11ALTIMOUK. Nov. B.-l.'Ixnnt-rull nnd lower ; western superfine. J2.70H3.10 ; extra. ta.Kn 4 > 10i JlS.fAmlly' ! 4.50ffll.7f , ; winter wheat pal- entx , 44.POfJo.IO ! fprlnp pntento , J5.COJJ3.25 ; pprlns wheat straights , Jl.SOiffS.OO ; receipts , 8,152 bbls : no exports. WHKAT Stendy ; Fpot nnd month , 9TtJHDT 4c ; December , 97'tfl97ie ; Mny. jSUo a > ked ; stcnmer No. 2 red , SHUiiiSc ; receipts , C0.a)7 ) bu. ; no ex ports : southern wheat by sample , 9 iT9Sp COltN Klrm : spot nnd month , 31'itf3l4c ! : Pe. cembcr , 31 jW31T ( > e : November or December , new or old. 31Uf3l',4c ! : Meamer mixed , 29 r:9Uc : receipts , 107,513 bu. ; exports , 42,657 bu. ; southern white corn , 33J34c new ; southern yellow. 31UO 32Jo ! new. OATS Klrm : No. 2 whlto. 27J27'4c : No. 2 mixed , 233i,4cj receipts , SG.250 bu. , no exports. UYU-Steau1- : . 2 western , 53J5c ; receipts , 15,156 bu. : no exports HAY Hafler ; choice timothy , (13 naked. OHA1N PltKtnUTS Very llrm and unclmiiRed ; .tteam to Liverpool , per bu. , < > 4d November ; Cork for orders , per quarter , 3s 10',4d. lIUTTBll-Steady ; fresh creamery , 23I2lc. KGas-KIrm : frejh. l H8ie. ! CHKIWK Steady and unclianRed : fancy New York , large , CofTiMMitrlcutN. . Ni\V YOHIC , Nov. 6 , COFFER-Optlons opened steady nt nn ndvance of fiTlo points , ruled fnlrly netlve nnd Kenernlly llrmer fiillow- better ' Kuroi enn ndvlcVa' ' than expected and steady. 'Spot imrket ciiilrlnff coverlnt ? and 1m- pro\eil HpeculnlUe buylns closed firm at net ml- vance of from 10 to 20 points. Sales , 2.1.000 ban , lulllillnn Novcmlier , $5 : 'December ' , JVTOif..S1) ) . pot coffee , Itlo. llrmer ; Nn. 7 Invoice , I6.KO ; No , 7 Johblnir , J7. Mild , stifidy ; Cordova , JO.Wfiin.OO. Total warehouse deliveries from the United Stntes. 17kir. ) bass. Including 1,1.543 lings from New- York ; New York ntnclc today , 403,913 IIURS ; United States stoek , 613,520 lines ; nlloat for the I'nltcd States , 2k < \ IMO IHIKH ; total visible for tbe t'nltwl States , Mia.SM baits , acalnst S1,5CC barjs last year nnd 547CCC IKIKH In 1S9. , . HAVHK , Nov. ( ! . COFKEU Opened quiet , Mf lower , at noon vjf hlKher ; pales , 7.0W liai-s. irAMIU'HO , Nov. 0. COFFRK-OpenR ] UtfVj hlclier , closed unchanged to ' ,1 net advance ; sale' , 23.0IW bags. riiioliiiuill .MnrkrlN. CINCINNATI , Nov. C.-FLOUK-Steady ; fancy , WIIKAT Ensy : No. 2 red , .9.1c. COHN Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 2ic. ! OATS Steady ; No. 2 mixed. 21',4c. ' HYK Steady ; No. 2 , 47c. , , -i " I'HOVISIONS-Uird. easltf nt , 4.15. Hulk mcatH , i-tcndyi nt JI.K. Daean , ( ftilct nt 50,13. WHISKY Steady nt I1.1W nUTTKIl Firm ; fancy iMln : , creaniery , 23c : Ohio fancy separator , 20f22c { natlicieil creams , HfflSc. , ' t SUOAR Dull ; hard rertncd , JI.1083.S3. noOS Stendy nt 13c. CI IK HSU Firm ; Kood to prime , Ohio Hat , 9c. H rill ii Ili'ColptN nt rrliioliinl MnrUofx. MINNICAI'OI.IS , Nov. C. ttn-efiiis : Wheat. 7RS cjirp. ' CHICAGO , Nov. C. Receipts toJny : Wheat , 139 cars ; corn , 437 cars ; onts , ' 50S-'cars. Intimated cars Monday : Wheat , 110 ; corn , SIS ; oats , 270. ST. LOUIS , Nov. 6. Receipts : \Vhcnt. HO cars DUIAJTH , Nov. 6. Itecelpls : Wheat. 40t ! cars ! rnOKIA. Nov. fi. IlecelptJ : Corn , 33.330 bu. ; OL at , 41,2.10 bu. ; rye. COp bu. : ovlilsky. 73 bbl ? . ; wheat. 3.COO bu. Shipments ; : "corii-UYsW bil. ; oat. ) 14,450 bu. ; rye , none ; whisky , 1,113 bbls. ; wheat , none. KANSAS CITY , Nov. 6. Itecelpls : Wheat , Ell cars. ' . > . Tolcilo . . TOLEDO. Nov. ( i. \ VHIJATHrigber and ilull No 2. cash. ! )3c ) ; December ' 90n. . COUN Uull nnd steady ; No : . 3vmlxed. M',4e. OATS Dull nnd steady ; No. 2 mixed , I8i c. nYK-Qlllet : No. 2 , cnfJl. 4Sc. CIXH'KUSREU Active anil unchanged ; prime , cash. J3.27. OIL Unchanged. Nov YIII-U'H InipurtM nn'il NKW YOHIC , Nov. f. The exports ot specie from tbe port of New York for the week amounted to J12.1SO In gold nnd J702.271 In sli ver. The- Imports were : Oold , J7S.901 ; Bllver. $01.301 ; dry goods and general merchandise , JG.4SS,313. I'onrlni Mnrkctx. rrcOUIA , Nov. 6. COHN Market firm nml steadv ; No 2. 2. > c. OATS Market firm ; No. 2 white , 21c. nYB Market quiet ; No. 2. 4Sc. WHISKY IllKli proof spirits. $1.19. . Detroit Cm I ii Mnrkct. DKTIIOIT , Nov. C. WIIKAT-No. 3 red , 93'ic ; No. 1 w-.ilte. 03c ; nccember , S4Uc ; May , 9JJc. COUN No. 2 , Kite. OATS No. 2 wblte , 22ic. ! , IlYE-No. 2 , 47 c. STOCKS AM ) HOMIS. Hurly HimI.i'mlx to Llqiildndoii or LOIIK AiM-ouiifN. NRW YOUIC , Nov. C. There wan some naturn tendency toward recovery In price nt the openlns today In view of the heavy nnd rather excessive declines of yesterday and of the active coverliiR movement In prepress at tbc close of tbe. mar ket yesterday. There had been a. recover ) ' In the prices of Americans on the London exchange before tbe opening here. The opening tln-ru rbowed lie-lines to the New York parity , but the level was sharply above the New York levi-1 by the time Ihe market opened here. Tills en- couraRcd purchases here and a number of stocks opened over a point hlKher than lust nlKlit , The London market for American shares has crown o narrow anfl the floating supply of stocks there IB so rmall that prices there nro easily subject to manipulation for effect on the opening trading litre. There seemed xromul for suiplelon that this mornlns's rise In l/omlun was due t < some such effort from this sldo. At all events tbe rife which was thus stimulated here led to quirk taking of profits and to pome further llqut datlon of Ion ? accounts , carrying prices below last night's level. They hardened iipaln am rarrd off finally , leaving fractional net Rains In the majority of cases. The dccrMse 111 curplun rercn'eB shown by the bank statement probubly Induced ionucelling , thoiiRh the cbange wan due 111 greater part to tlni heavy Increase In dc poults and the consequent raising ot theleRa reserve- limits than lo tbe actual decreases In cash. The largo Increase of loans In face of th heavy speculative accounts that have been clone , out of tbe Htock exchange durbiR tbc week proth ably linn to do with the I'nlon I'aclflc sale. The. week ban peen a total los. of confidence 01 tin. part of tbe bull operators who have been looking for the turn In the tide of reaction 01 ( he Ktock exchange. On l''ildiiy thertwaa heav ] liquidation of IOIIR holdings , and so far nn up pearances go no buylni ; cupport for stocks at any concession , however vloltnl. ' Tbe octens.lblc mu ttve was fear of war with rlpaln on account o ; Cuba , Intensified by the call f om the Clmmbei of Ciimineree for Increased Turycs to man 0111 i-oist defentcs and by the public utterances o tbe ex-Hnlloi Ktnteu mlnUlcT lo Spain. The marki-t took on rather unirtUlflnl tone before ( be day wanovi-r , and abnjirdlyfitlvo rumors wert ; put In circulation In keep | ) ( ; - down vbll& aborts covered. These Incidents , coupled will today's recovery , nre significant 'technical hull vatlons of a culmination of a hVArked downwun movement jutt as heavy huylnifr sharp ilses in prices and the HtlrrlnK up of fU'i/Jstocks | are Ihe Ifcbnleal Indications of tbe culmination ot t sustained rise. The Jet-linen' on1 the werk have icached 1ft per cent In Buttar.7 > % per cent In New Jersey Central nnd 3 per cent uriover all IbroURl the active railroads and Industrial ( stocks Sugar's Kpeclal weakness has bfcn due to Hit Fcrious Miners nf tinpri'sldc'iit M the company Thv decllno In prl 'e bas continued now pracd rally wltliotit Intermpllon bf' any Importanrt clnciIhe second week In September , when the culmination of the rise wuurefilled. On Hep tcmbcr 13 the nviroi-e price g ( twenty nil I rom rtoeks was about a hlmre"nnd last nl h the u\craKe price of tinranie liliick was 57.20 On BcpH-mbiT 10 the averaKe 'price of twclvi leading Industrials was U.S2 ; | , itlafr. ) Last nluh It was 45,73. It U an Invariable rul that an upward course of prices In tlte > market < 1be no terminate until It has uppuently" exceeded ttrclf and reaction Is n certainly , corroborated by abundant I'lstorlcal picc.ilnn , i-vcn In face o contlnulnR favoruble coivlltliiin- . The rise which culminated In the second Meek nf September can lii traeed to It * t-otirccs In Ilio latter pnit o July , There had been Improvement before then und simulation < m the prospect of business ri- vlval. Hut the final PUMUKB of the tariff till was accepted as clearing the Industrie sltuallon and clvlng settled con.lltlone There were lower prices Hfterward 01 profit taking , but for the most part the course was steadily upward. The Krcwlh of the convic. lion of a bountiful harvest nnd of an urRint demand for our products from abroad were re flected In the bull market of ( hut period. A comparison of prlcei of leading flocks rullnt , today with those lulliif July 21 last shows In- tereetlnK retulls. The uveruce price of that date of twenty railroad stocks wa > 67S n share , compared with 67.W last nlicht for the. lame Blocks , The price for twelve induitrla stocks on July 21 was 47t : a rhnre , an com pared with U.S7 last nltht. In tbe Hit ot tht f ho R-nnRt-i * only three hnw n vnrlntb.n . i i of as milt i nil three points us txtu-ren the ; wn dates mined. Home few rtockf , notably he coalers , HilRnr , Leather preferred , 1'nrltla Mall nml Knnsns At Pnclflu preferred Imv * Rune ft little lower tbnn they were July SI. 1 n rally tpenklng , U mny be us Id Hint prices hitvn iliout n-lrnced t.iflr course to where they wtrc eforo the latt- marvelous Increase In traftle and earnings during that period , UoniU have been lets nftectrd by depression luring the' we k , but prices Imv * shown sympa thetic di-cllne.r Vnltf'1 ' States 4 , olJ , IMVC de clined 4'i ' for the wctk , The Kvenlng I'nsfs Ixindnii financial cnhl . Brain nays : "Tbe Mock miirkeH re Idle In lew of the settlement of mines , which wns to -ominenco cm Monday next. Americans were nbciut nt the rarity. There wan no Initiative icro except where Ihe speculative position Is ullo stnnll nnd that Ii principally where n stale mil nccount Is cnrrled for New York. Trade re- urns for OctotK-r arc unsntlsfiu'tory. Imports ecrenwil JCM1.000 nnd exports JCU,40) . < Xi ) , the fitter chlelly due to a falling oft In exports to ho United silntcj. " The following were Ihe closing quotations on he trading stocks of the New York exchange oday : Vtrhinon 1VH St. I'nul dopfd 2Ut do | lfd . . .13HV , ll.illhnoro A Ohio. , in St. P. .t Om 7flt ! 2nn.vl.i Pacific. "OH do pfil 140 3annihi Southern. , M j St , P. M. AM 12III * > ntralP.iclllo 13 So. I'nolflc 1PH ? | IOH. AOhto , , unij So. llnllw.iy KU ChleajroA AUon.,1 nt ) ilo pfd . , , , , 28) ) < j a. n. AQ ( is oxus A Pacific , . . . 10H O.AE. i MH Union 1'aclfle t. r. . V0 4 (5.0. ( A SUL SIM U. P. U. AO 7 ilopfd HO \Vnbash 7ni ( Dfd. A Hudson 101IH do Dfd 1IIH Del. I. . A W IM Wheel. A Tj. K. . . . 1 ueu.Aiiioa in Wheel. A L. K. | ) fd 8 ilo pfd 4HH Ad.ltim Rx . . . .1(5 ! Brio ( now ) 14V AniRrlcnn MX 11 " > Krlnlstpfd Hl ( United StntniKx. . . 4(1 ( PI. Wnvno HIS Kx..Hsi ) OreatNorlhornpM.KIO A. Cot. Oil 'Jli ( ( Ilix-klnr VallfV. . . . ftW do pfd 7A . . . PHH Am. Spirits. HLJ LnkoErluAW. . . . 14H Amu Spirits pfd. . . 2314 iloiifd 08 Am. Tobacco 7 H [ .nkcSlioro 1011 do nfd in1. ) LoulHVllloAN.iih. A2U Cblc.itro ( ina lMi , { L US1 * Cons. Una 1D7 Mcl.Tr.ictlon IDUi Com. Cabin Co 17 * > Mlchl.iti Centr.tL. 0 Col. K. A Ire 21U Minn. , V St. n 22 do | ) M 70 dolslnfd H'J en. Klcctrlo. 3IM Mo.l'-iclllc U7 Illinois Sloi-1 .18 Mobiio.v obio ai : LnClcdo O.IR 40 Mo.K. .t T 1'j : Lead 3'J ) do pfd 211' ' do pfd. . , , , | ) DH ChlcngoIml. A.L. . . 8 Nat. Lin. Oil 14 dopfd 2fl On-iroii Imp Co in N.J. Ccnlral H7' ' Pacific Mall ll ! > N. Y.Conlral lO. " Pullman Pal 1117 N. Y. Chi. A St. L. . IS1 SilverCartlllciiti'H , . 0711 do lot pfd 7:1 : Stnnd.llopc. AT. . , . 4 > i do'Jdpfd ni4 ( Sucar 13'J Norfolk .t Western 13' do pfd No. Amor. Co. . . . . . . 4 T. C. A Iron No. Pacific. . . 17 U. S. Leather 7 do pfd .MI' ilo pfil (10U Ontario & \V in U. S , lltibbar 10H Oro. 1U .VNav 3(1 ( do pfd lir.VS Ore. Short Line Wi-slurn Union 86H PltlHbure North western llKii Ri'-iillnc ilopfd KI'J Itm-k Island lllo iJnmdo Wcsl.2'J St.I < nnl8AS. ; P ilopfd C > ; i dopfd Cbl.lU. WeHturn. . . l'J5 second assessment paid. Total sales of flocks today , 203,820 shares. In- chidliiR : Chicago , Ilurllnston & Qulncy , 19.0S7 ; Louisville & Nashville. G.CGO ; Miinhatlnn L. 3.230 ; Mlss-ourl 1'aclllc , 7.3S12 ; New York Central , 3.S23 ; Northern I'uclllc preferred , 10.7t3 ; Headlnp. 4.C70 ; llock isUnffl. 8.395 ; } Jt. Paul , 17.ICJ t'nlon I'aelllc. 5,300 ; ChlcnKo Ga . .1.470 ; SiiKur , 17.JC.1 ; Tennessee ( Vn | and Iron , 3,005 ; ChlciiRo Gieat Western. 6,014. Xt > w Yurie .IIiiiu- } NKW YOHIC. Nov. . MONKY ON CAI.I.- Nonilnally , 1U2 per cent. I'ttlMIJ ilKltCANTILK l'APKIl-3f4'i | ' per WmiLlNO KXClIANOK-Steady , with actual business In bankers' bills al $4.So % 4.S.1i < . for demand. nivJ JI.R't5ri.S2'l ) for sixty days : posted rates. J.S3',4 ami Sl.hiiVj ; commercial bills , JI 8 : . IIAK HIUYKIl-A'Ue. MBXlfAN DOLI.A11R 44V.C. IIOND.S State bonds , dull ; railroad bond , firm ; Roveimnent bondsi , stendy. Closing quotatlona on bonds were as follows : II. S. new4i. r.ii. . . . Ijs ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' U.S. H3\vls eoa N ! c. nV.'r.- ; > U.S. 4Hroz N.O.-ls 1(1. U.S. 4s , coup. . . No. Pacific lull..11 ! ) U.S. is , rj ? . . . . No. Pacific 3d BOW U.S. ? No. Pacltla 4 tin' * U.S..Is. coup. . . " V. C. A St. L.4n..U > : iU District ! ! . ( ! : > . . UH 12(1 ( Ala..class A. . . . N.V. . Comols 14(1 ( Alaclass is , . . . N. W. Del ) . 5s 115 Ala..rl.iHsC. . . . 11)1) ) ) Ore. Nav.Ut * 111H Ala. Currency. . . . D- * Oro. N.iv. 4 * . . . . liu AtcblHun Is fill O. S. I. . ! . t. r. . . . . Ill ) Atcblaonau ] , 4s. O. S. L fii. t. r l-J ) C.uiadaSo.-'nds. . . 107 O. Imp. tHts. t. r.,102 C..VN. P. Ir SB. . 4l' ' < O. Im D. ' 1.1. t. r : r.l C. A O. OH 110H PaclllcBH of'OS. . .KI-JK Itjndln ? 4s Kl D. Ml G. IsU lj ( ) ll.O.We-it IBIS 81 D.iU. O.4 SS St. L.&I. M. Cot. 1 H4 St. L , . AS. RG3H.0.11.1 KrioGsu. 4 . 70 St. P. Consols 11W F. W..tD. IB. t. r. . Sl < SL P.O. A P. iHts. . . 1111 'icn. Glee. C.H . 1(114 ( st. p. C. < AP. a no O.H. S. A.Us . 1011 S. C. nonfund. ' . / G. II. AS. A. a J 8. . . 10 .Ml' Soulhorii Rv. 5s. . , . POM nt.5 11U S. K.AT. Us IIDH II.AT. C.coo Ui. , > 103 Tenti.n'wsetl4 : . , 84' Iowa C lBts ii 1174 Ti.-x. IMc. L. G. 1st ! tl- > K. P. IstB. t : r R ( Tex. Paj. Us.'ds. . . mix K. P. con. I. . . . ; - . . . U. P. IHIS 102 La.NnwCon.-ls. . . . Hit U. P. 1) . AQ. Ists. . 4im L. AN. Unl 4s 84 Wab. 1st Hs lo.'iVt Missouri Us 100 Wab. 2dM 77 M.K.AT. 2Ja udd. Wesl Sboru 4 s. M.1C.AT.43 HSUlVa. Centurlos 117 N.Y.C.lsts 118 Va. ilefunv-.l 4 Ilonloii NtovU BOSTON. Nov. C. Cull loans. 3ffl per cent ; time loans. SQ1 ! per cent. Closing prices for stacks , bonds and mining shares ; A.T.AS.'E1 12M w. Elec. Ufa fil American Suzar. . I'.llH VVIs. Cent 52 Ani.Sujar ofJ. . . . I0n < Ed. Eloo. III. liii ) UavState Oas . . . . lj ! nen. Klea. pfd 81 Bell Ttflopbone. . . 2r- > AtclilHon pfd Jll Hoston A Alb.lnv. 218 AtClllHOt ) 4B B3 UosiouA..Malne. . . KIT Con. KlL'o. AH 100 C..II. AQ Alloncz 7B General Kloctno. . itii Ailiunlo. JSM Illinois Stuol 38 Iloston A Mnnt.iii i l.1'i : Mexican Central. . lliitto.t llostcn. . . . lin N. Y. A N.E C.llumctA Ucoll. . 436 Old Colour Centennial irV { O.S. L Franklli l"jj Hubbcr 111 Union Pacific Onccola : I4 WcHtEna Oulncy j ID West End Did m ) TatnaracK I-,1 , W. Elcc. . . . \Volvorma Sun Ki-nnt-lMCii .IIIiiiiiK Uuntnllniisj. SAN KUANCISCO , Nov. C. TliP olllclal closing quotations on mining stocks today were as fol lows : Aim lo Flaloi Norcroiv. ISA AlnhaCon 13 KoMtueky Con . ISAI Andes 28 Mexican . , Uclcher 4il Occidental Con. , , , no IleHt.t llelctier. . . . 43 Onlilr. . K7 llulltnn 12 Ovormnii . Caledonia 21) Potosi . 02 ChallcnccCoti : < " > 4:1 : Chollar. M Slurr.i , . . 71 Confidence 10 ! ) Silver Till ! . . . 71r Con.Cil.A : V.I 111 ! Union Con. , . . , 10 Con. 2 Utah Con . 13 Crown 1'oint ill ) Yellow Jacket. . . . 47 iioulu&Currin. _ . . . 33 . _ 1U5 Silver barn , Mc ; Mexican dollars , 40ff4CJc ! ; drafts , Bight , Uijc ; drafls , telpgroph , 20c. York Quotation * , NHW YOIIK. Nov , 6. The following are the closing mining quotations ; Chollar. 150 Oufirio : iii ) CrowiiVolnt : iO Ouiiir. 7fi Con.Cnl. A Va. . . . 110 Plvmoutn , OS Dead wood , . no Quicksilver 103 Oould.t Curry SO OulciiHilver ofa. . . li ) : ( ) Hale A ; Norm-cm. . 140 Slcrr.iNair.i1i. . . . US IlomesUke 301)0 ) SlanrtarJ 1U5 Iron Silver VII Union Con .15 Mexican .IS Yotlow Jaoiot . . . . 40 I/oiidiiii Slock l/ONDON. Nov. C. 4 p. in. closing : Consul s , in ' .v 112 V * SNMUI coinmon. , , ui ; CoiiBolH. acc't H'-'U N Y. C ntr.u lOHJf Can. I'jjlhc Kllfi PciiiiHylvanla rH Brio 14 , ' , Ko.-idlnir 10'4 Krlo Ibtnru ! IS Mox , ( Un , nowlj , . Ul ) ' , ( III. Ciiiir.u lot AtchiHcn 12lf , Mi-.Mcuu oramarv. . IS L. AN B454 11AH HILVIill Steady ; 26V4d per ounce. MONIiY 2H Ir I cent , Th < i rale of discount In the open market for short blllu Is 2 (1- % per cent ; fan three- months bills , 2 4254 per cent. Gold Is quoted at Ilucnos Ayrcs today nt 175 70 nt Lisbon , 47.23 ; ut Home , 103.32. American eagles , 70.s Gd. \ < - v York Yi'i-ckly Mliili-nifiil , NKW yoilIC , No\7-C. The weekly bank state men ! shown the following changes : Surplus , re serve , deciearo J3.0'jOf , ; . ' ; loans , Increasa IGS3o- 3V ( ) ; Bpecle , Increase J..O.TW ; legal tenders , dp > crciifc J1OIKO ! ) ; deposits , lncreai > e I7.003.UOO ; cir culation , decrease J : 1.300. The banks now lion 121,181,223 In excess of Iho requirements of the 2i per cent rule. .tiiii-rli-iiii .Sft-iii-llli-K In London , I/JNDON. Nov. 6.-The market for American securities was weak ut the opening- , but strengthened later , und closed Meudy. A better feeling prevailed. Pliiimrlnlotisi , IIOSTON. Nov. C.-Oarlngi ) , 23rBO,7C3 ; hat anceF , I3.400'i23. HALTIMOIli : . Nov. C.-ClcurliiBe , | 3Cf5f02i halunrcf , H'Jl.fM' ' . NKW YOHIC. Nov. G.-Cleiirlrign , JI3l , 7l,5Sl ! balHiices. Ji.U.r,7 ! 273 I'HILAUKLI'IUA. Nov. C. Clearings , J10.170 , . 397 : bnlances , tl,4S3,37S. MICMI'IIIS. Nov. . C.-Cleaiings , 3I4,2M ; bal Unces , I1C1.13I. New Yolk exchunge , selllni ; u par. CINCINNATI , Nov. C. New York exchange 23c prunlum ; money , 2i,8C < ! per cent , Clearings il.707.KO. NKW OUI-KANH , Nov , H.-C'learlngs. J1C 9.322 New York pxchange , bank , par ; commercial , tl,2 : per JI < xn illtcnunl. ST , UJl'IH. Nov. 6-Cleurlngs , 13.613.411 ; bal- uncco , 1384.111. Money , SOS per cent ; New Yorl exchange , 2Cc dlccount bid , par asked. CHICAOO , Nov. C. Clearings. J15.C23.2S7. New York exchange , ido premium : iiuntaj mte ( , II.S31 & 4.t > CH. Stocks , stronger , following Wall street good demand for more uctlvo stGck : closing \ \ > H Chicago , 98 : Diamond Mutch. UCVi ; Norll Chlcnxo 22.1 ; Lake Street L. 16H ; New York Illkcult , C2H ; .South Hld I , , ! J. Korelitii Fliiiinuliil. llKltl.IN. Nov. ( i. Kxclmngo on Ixindon. marks J5 pfgi. for checki , I'AHIK. Nov. C.-Thrt-o per cent rentes. 103f Mo for the account. Exchange on t/jndon , lif ISc for check * . ' ' - OMAHA LIVE STUCK MARKET Saturday Olosos a Week of Light RoioSpts with a Handful SHORT SUPPLY IS SOON DISPOSED OF lluyer * TnkiKvrrytlilniv In tinCnl - tliMm * at 'Xi-inly PI-IIM-M Op i-u SI run ir nml ItlKliri- . SOUTH OMAHA , Nov. C.-HoeclptS for the days Indicated uere : IMttlo. HOB * . Sheep. Horseg N'ovcmbcr 6 f-57 S.SM November 5 2.114 li.TU.I 1,7W GS November 4 S.PW .1,02 , S.SJ3 November 3 4,7f4 ; 4.W4 S,4r > 5 . . . . November 2 2,015 2,213 1,9M . . . . November 1 6,103 1,110 1,1)13 ) 34 October 30 MS 3f > W iCiO1 October S9 , 3 l , S7 2,017 Bl October 2S 73i5 3,591 . . . . 24 ) ctobcr 27 6.0CS 4.401 2.f.S G October 2rt 4 , ! IG tiK18 3,113 , . . . . October 23 6,367 l.SSI 1KM ( 7 October 23 1,631 4,1.'SO M-l ) Ctobor 22 2,917 4,1X3 3.W7 . . . . ' Hccclpts for Ihe-week with comp.ulsous. CnHle. HORB. Sheep. Week ending Nov. B. . . . 2U.31S lfl.212. 1GW2 Week ending Oct. 30 III.SSS 24.S11 9.IKI Week ending Out23 22.2S2 22.4S3 23.2.-.S Week ending Oct. 1C 27.170 1P.S12 11.S2.1 The olllclnlnumbrr of enr.i ot clock > rought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. C. , M. & St. 1 > . lly 1 O. & St. L. lly 1 Missouri Tactile Uy 7 ' < Inlon raclllo Syatem S 7 ' . , K. & M. V. U. 11 1 S C. . St. r. , M. & o. ity a 4 t. & vM. It. It. U " 13 O. , H. & Q. lly 0 C. , ll. 1. & r. Hy. , li C _ Toial receipts 2-'l n.1 The disposition ot the day's recelptH wn ? is follows , each buyer purchasing the num- jcr of head Indicated : uycra. Cattle. Hogs. Si'iopp. Omaha Tacking Co 2 727 The G. H. Hammond Co. tV 32' ' > Swift anil Company SO 7.V. 12 IL-iu Cudahy Tacking Co. 12fl l.Oflt t. Hccker and Degan . . . . 01 T. L. Carey v. . . . . . 21 Krebbs & Co 20 Cudahy T. Co. , K. C. . . . Ill Other buyers f.9 Totals 007 3,550 M CATTLK-Onlv twenty-two loads ot cattle ill tola were reported In tin- yards , but of that number seven were consigned dln-i-t ; o packers. In other words' , there were not enough cattle here to establish values or make a market. The few cattle offered sold it about yesterday's prices and the trade wns soon over lAlth. There was ono bunc'.i of cattle carried over from yesterday which sold ut J4.3D and some other cornfed steers brought $4.20. The trade was over with and the yards le.irod at un early hour. Itcprescntatlve SU1C3 ! 1IEKK STKUUH , No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr , 2..7WJ3HO 711..1185 $1 30 . 40..1123 $1 20 20..12M ) 4 33 rows. 1 1050 240 2. . . . 970 2 f.O 1..1120 3 IS 1. . . . 790 2 W 1. . . . 910 200 1. . . . CiO 200 1..10V ) 270 1..11M1 3 i : 1. . . . MO 2 f,0 1. . . . SSO 2 CO 4..11C7 280 1..1S30 300 17..1174 325 2..102- 0 2. . . . ! > 07 230 1 MO 2 73 23. . . . M)7 ) 3 10 HIS IKK ItS. 1. . . . G30 2 f.O 2. . . . G30 373 3.,570 3 S3 20. . . . 513 3 20 " ' 1..1S40 223 l..loo"2' Jl ) 1..12CO 235 CALYKS. 1. . . . 140 r , Ell L. . . 130 430 L. . . 170 373 4. . . . 3S5 430 25. . . . 400 125 3..213 323 STOCKKHS AND I-'KBUKIIS. 1 440 4 no 20. . . . 1)40 ) 4 IS 4. . . . 453 3 23 7. . . . C02 4 00 MILKKHS AND HPIUNUKIW. No. . Pr. 1 cow and calf 3-S jj WiSTI-itNS. : : WYOMING. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 3 cows SO J2 ST. 3 COWS..10CO } 3 50 B Fleers 1128 3 f,0 11 steers,1141 383 21 Fleers 1312 4 10 COLOIIADO. 3 fenders..1010 323 25 feeders. . . . 720 400 HOS The market on hogs opened strong nnd eloped about "c hlKher. The packers nil wauled a few hags nnd the mnikel wan reasonably lie tlvo nml HII early clearance was effected. The liogn fold latsely nt J3.40iiJ3.50 nnd ono choice load of butcher weights brought J3.C2' ! : . Tbe average of all tbe sales was 2140 higher than ye&terday. The market as n whole wns In very fair condi tion the past week , and. though t'.io market did not touch as high a point as during the week previous , the average for the whole week wan higher. Tbc week opened at the lowest point touched , by tbe rnaiket since July 23 , but un Tuesday there was a sharp fldvanee of 12'i-c. which was followed by a still further Ftronglh- cnlng of values on Wednesday , tbe total advance for the two days amounting to l.V. On Thursday and 1'Ylday tbe market was unchanged , but on Saturday It was stronger , tbc week closing 17Vtc higher limn It opened , Rciircsvntallvc falcx : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. " 341 80 J3 40 fiO 311 120 J3 45 303 . . . 340 M 305 1BO .143 40 336 SO 3 40 C5 2M 120 3 43 40 3S ) . . . 340 7 2M . . . 347 41 ! 372 40 340 .14 291 120 3 47i > M 347 120 3 40 f.0 323 SO 3 lift 3 ! ) 354 200 3 40 79 2J7 SO 3 471.4 S3 29S 40 340 fi7 277 . . . 3 47i ! 60 305 RO 340 33 : 1C ! . . . 3 f,0 64 329 120 3 42 ( II 201 . . . 3 JM 48 301 SO 3 42'-i ' 33 2S8 ICO 350 r,7 303 ICO 3 42i ! C9 283 SO 3 SO 52 3 = 0 fO 3 42VJ 01 315 SO 3 SO C7 303 200 3 B2V4 61 303 200 SSO 51 322 S' ' ) 345 S3 312 200 3d ) rtf 321 . . . 345 48 274 120 SSO 43 340 ICO 345 113 2CO . . . 3 C.21 D2 311 SO 345 S5 2Ci ( . . . 3 52'i r.l 209 40 345 C9 200 120 355 S3 314 SO 3 45 71 171 . . . 3 55 64 2(0 ( . . . 345 f,9 210 . . . 353 S3 320 ffl 345 CO 233 . . . 3 C21i CO 315 120 3 45 PHIS ODDS AND KNnfl. 1 270 . . . 300 3 2CO . . . 340 2 3HO . . . 325 8 21S S' ' ) 340 4 335 . . . 3 35 4 330 . . . 340 C 308 . . . 3 35 1 370 . . . 3 40 8 431 fcO 335 f , S56 . . . 340 1 310 . . . 333 3 310 . . . 340 3 270 . . . 331 3 " . . .2ffl . . . 340 1 SCO . . . 335 C 2V . . . 360 3 113 . . . 333 2 231 . . . 3.10 2 330 . . . 3 S3 3 20 . . . SSO KI1KI3P Then1 were no fresh lecclpts nnd nothing to make n market. CHICAGO LIVIJ STOCK M.VIIKRT. HOKM Active mill HlKlior SliiM-p SiiliI nt ( InDcillni - . CHICAGO , Nov. 6. Thei * was the Fcarclty of offerings which characterizes the cat Un market on Saturdays. few cattle for sale welo disposed of at yesterday's pi Ices. Quotations now rule nu follows : Cloud tu extra beeves , < 4.fiO to J5.25 ; medium grades , 11,13 to J4.43 ; stoekers nml feeders , J2.00 to JI.50culvcH , Koul , JC.25 to f7 ; bulls , cows und heifers. 3 to 14 ; Texas steers , (3.40 to ! 3.H ! ) ; westerns , (349 ( to 11.15. Trade In Iws was active , prices ruling nbou to per 100 IbH. lilgher than jcslcrdny. Knlca were at an extreme rnngo of fron 13.30 li > 13.75 for tbe poorest lo the best droven of hogs , the bulk of ( bo offerings selling ill fiuiii J3.SO to (3.70 ( ; plgit pold chlelly at from J3.3J lo $3.65. Light receipts of sheep and lambs were easily disposed of at Krlday'H decline. Sheep sold at from t2.25 to | 4.f,0 for natives nnd from J3 to $1.2.1 for rongii flocks , whlln laniba found buyers ut from II to J5.75. few going over J5.50. HecelptB Cattle , SCO hc-iid ; hogf , 19,000 head ; sheep , 2,500 bead. SI. LoulH IIviSlock. . ST. IXU'IS. Nov. . C.-CATTLi-Ilecelts. | lim head ; shipments , COO bend ; market , utendy : fair lo fancy mitlvishipping - nnd export steers , H.Sfifi > 5.2i ; bulk rf rnlen. } < .5.f)5.10 ; dir-ised bet f and butcher steers. J3.75 i4.75 ; bulk of Me | , H.SW 1.53 ; sleprs , J3 7584.75 ; bulk of hales , J4.30'i HOCIH llerelpls , 3,60) ) licail ; shlpmentB , 3K l1,01 , "l'nrhet' Bl"Vl S'l'llt'Mll3.70j ' ' mixed . . ; heavy , J3.60if3.70 , HHHHl'-Hocolpts- > head : shipment * . ro head ; market , steady : nallvn inultonH , J3.15 } 4.2j ; culls nnil l > uck . J2.Wjj3.00 : mockers , 12.404 2.1)0 ) ; lambs , JI. 60ft 4. 75. ICIIIIMIIN City LlviSlock. . . J5ANSA8 ! ( ; 1TVNov - . - ATTLIt-nocelplii 1,000 head ; market steady ) Texas Bleern , J3,20f 4.13 ; Texas cows , J2.3W3.60 ; nutlvo vteers , JJ.a'i 4.SO ; native cows nnd heifers , JI 25fi3.93 ; mocker and feeders , JZ.30f/4.25 : bulls , J2.23W3.60. HOOtv Hecelpts. 6.GCO head ; market steady bulk of pales , J3.4563.S5 ; heavies , J3.33fl3.Sj ; paik ers , JJ.3.1Q3.S2H ; mixed , J3.45/3.CO : Iliihts , > J 40 S.KO ; Voikers. J3.K 3. I ; pK ! , J3 ' 8IO3 SO. HHKKI' Jlecelpts , l , 0 head ; market llrm lambs , J3.GQ0.60 ; inuttonn. : .IO 4CO. Kimi II u ITnl o LlviNlunk. . EABT IIL-FKALO , NOV , fi.-CA'iTLi-Quiet. IIOOS Yorkers , Kood to choice. J3.k2fj3.fw roucbtf , common to xuut. JI.lOOl.U ; nlni ) . coin mon to choice. . . . HHKKI' AND LAMHS-Lamb * . choice to extra | 3.7Jii ! . , ( > Oi bulli to common , JI.7S0i.bO. Hheeit cholcu selected ther , J < , Wa4.73 , \t-rv York Live Sioi-k. NKW YOnif , Nov. 6. UUBVIltectlPt , B head ; exporlii , 1,193 ht'ad.3S37 : quarters of brer , CALVBS Itecelpti , 217 liMdi steady ; veai J5.0Cft7,75 ; irra er , J3.W03.W ; western * . J3.12V SHEKP AND LAMDB-lttc IjUi , HI head markM nctlvc. luile nrni r , sheep. jj.we.40j ( nmb . V'.WflS SH. I tOiS lUctlptr , l.ret htnd ; ( lendy t W.M9 .10 , liiillnniilintlii Hvo Sloi-k , INDIANAVOLIP. In.l. . No1. e.-CATTU--He elpts , llRlil ; shipments , none ; few fresh ni > rlvnls nnd no quotnble I'hnnxe. HOdS-ltc-celpH , ftvn brad ; tilpinnt . I.CO lead ; market nctl\e , 2' ' o liUher : KOfhl to choice iiedlum nnJ henvy , J3..ir3.73j mixed , Il.tOQ .KS : romnifin llshlii , M.Oifr3. : ( ) , SHKKI' lleeelpts , llsliti shipment * , none ; HIST. kft stenily nl yrMenlny s qilotnlloiis ; Rood to linloe lMinli . Jl.S.'ti'i.li1 ; cininnon In medium nnilis , 1.1.6004.C3 ; common sheep , JJ.Wflt.TS. ( "Inclniiiill l.lvo Slni-k. CINV1SNATI. Nov. 6.-llOOS-Mnr ; cl eaty > t 3.WII3.TR. I'ATTI.K-Mnrkrt str'HK ) nt $5.1517 * 10. SI1KKP Market nctlvinl I2.(0t74.t0 ; Inmh acthe nnd stroiiR at J4.CKHf5.CO. l.iinlsvlllr Live Sliu-U- . r < ariHVIM.K , ICy. . Nov. fi. OATTLK-.Ite. olit | . V > bend : market oulet nnd nnclioncfJ. ItOOHHecelpts. . 2.0H ) ; nuiKet uteady anJ unrlinn.1. . Slir.UI' L'nchanr.'it. Sliii'U In Sldbl. llccoiil nf receipts of ll\e Ktoek nt the four m.irkets for Xinenilior C ; Cattle , linen. Sheep. Omaln V > 7 3.3W ) . . . . t-niM 800 I9.WO J.8CO ni-aH City 1.0.V ) ( l.OCO 1,000 I ult . " .W S.M 3CO Totals 2.137 Sl.tW j.too COTTO jTiiTirK UTS. rliM-s f > | ii > n lIlKlu-f , but Dee ( llolil UHilvniioi' mill ti : i < < > Lower. NT.W YOHK , Nov. 0 , The cotton market pcncd steady lit nn advance of H12 points , duo 0 n belter cltus of KiiKllsh cable nc s limn had een expected , Immediately following the first all , hi \ vcr , prices began t weaken ; llquldiv 'on net In bcc.iuso ouiclde rpdilative. Interest : ns slack nnd KIIVC | IIMIII | . I' nt no tuppoi t for the. arse imncmcnt. Selling WIIH nirestcil by pre- leilons of frasl In Ihv cotton bell , particularly 1 the Mlfslttilppl v.illey. The mirkel was llnally ulet and steady nt .1 net advance of 1 point to let deellne of 2Mltit. \ < . with siller C.1W ( ! bales. 'loslim' pi Ices : .lamiary , (5.72 ; I'etinmiy , 15.76 ; larch , JS.t'l ; Ajirll. JVS'i ; Mnv , J3. ! ) ; June , > SH ; Uly , U.VBl AliRllst , JO. 01 ; November , J * > .C7i De- vmhef , )5.G7. SpkU closul dull ; mlddllnK uplands , mldillltiK milf , G\tc \ ; mlddl UK , Co ; net lecelpls. 701 bales ; gloss , 1 > ,3II IvilcM ; forHiirded , ,7W Miles , Mul'.i , 73 luilcs , nil splnnerii ; twk , COI iilcn. Totnt today : Net iccolpts. W"M balm ; MniHn to ( llrliuii ! , lj.lir.2 Imlea ; France. ,7iK ) bales ; I'ontlnetil , 28,813 tales ; stock , 7SO,0(1 ( iilc-H. Tntnl flnee Seplomtier 1 : Net receipts , ,5.V < , iM2 li.ili'H ; 0-\nila | to OKMt Itiltnln , " 6 < ,3I ( len ; 1'raiico , L".3K4 bales ; continent , 5C2.4S7 deJ. _ VIMV York Dry CniiilN Murkrit. NK\V YOIIK , Niv. . - The cliwiof tbc we.-k [ nils continued unsatisfactory conditions hi thu ry picnic marki't. Imm ratu lesullH nre. n' ' t noiuiaKltitr and mamifaetuicrM lefuse to Klors iver the evils of the Kltiuitlon. even when it l.n irjted that the piwpoetx fur 1S9S I mile are very iilKhl. The | H hit cloth lepoit \ery-dlsoourn- ? - mi. The Hales of the week have been only tlS.'Wl ileeea. of which but 10iv i were sixty-four squares it iibiiiiiiuntly low pilce f 2 S-ICe now pre- tilling. The Fame dullncs * Is repotted locally In nlloiu lines. lu.\er.t ! dr > nut visit the tunrkct In igc numbers and mull * iidera are Hoant. llt > th iiwn and blcnelied giiods ure Hold slawly and ian = e eoltired cotdms nrellhiKit feature. Pilnts nut ginghams slumno Improvement and the limitless tuisslng is In the shap. * nf spring trading fmshli lings nnd the like. Kven hi | woolens the nniket Is qulot , the hiiyliii of heavy weights be ns still withheld , while u-imli'rs nre small. Oil Miirlit-tM. Oil. CITV , I'a. . Nov. fi.--Credlt balances , CSc ; * cullllcati'S , closed at cr.4e ; bid ; shipments , \'S3. \ . 3(13 ( bids. ; run ! " . 78,511 MIF. | 1 CHAllLr.STON , H. C. , Nov. ll. OILS Turpen tine. llrm. 27 < c. Itisln , Him. SAVANNAH , fia. , Nov. ( i.-Oll S-Turpentlne , llrm. 23r : pnlei : ! is hlil . ; leccllits. 1.031 lib ! * . Itosln , llrm : sales , 2 0 bids. ; receipts. 4,129 bbls. IJnotr , rlnslnit : A. II. r1. D , JI.10 ; K , SI. IS ; V , J1.15 ; O , Jl.lil ; 11. JI.25 I , SI. 40 ; K. JK..O ; M , . )0 ; N. 12.15 : Wll , , < 2.4iVV ( : , J2.jO. ! \VII.M I NUTON. N. C. , Nov. fl.-OILS-Turpen- tlnriteady at HiftiSf. ItoKln. dull. 11.15(21.20. Crude turpentine , steady , JI.40 , Jl.W , Jl.fO. Sniiilr NKW YOIHC. Nov. C.-SUOAH-llnw , nominal ; fair relinln . 3V75 llfiiceiililfuKnl ; , iC ) leM , "Oi J3 13-lCr. Ill-mined. Ftcuify : ftundnrd A. 4Scj i-rnfi'i'tlom-rji' A. 4 ; ( > | . : cut liinf , r % c : truslied. J'X.c ' ; powdered , 5 3-Co ; giuitulated , 3c ; cubes. ' .to. .to.NKW OIII.KANS. Nov.SUO ! A It-Steady ; open kettle. ZUQSVic : centrifugal granulated , 4 l-lCi4c : whites. Wlffm ; ycllowp , 3 r.-lC © : Je : pecoinls. 2f 1-lfir. Mn'.at-prs. ipen kettle , good grades fcarcu nt 155i3fc ; < rntiifugal , steady at K W15Ltyiuji ; , steady nl i05L5c | , LONDON. Nov. C. HIKT SUOAIl-Octobcr , S 7'id ; December anJ March , fs ll'.ld , Won ) Miirlii-tM. NUW YOIIK , Nw. \VOOL-Qulet ; lleeco , U 31e ; Ttvi.u. 13f717c. ST. 1.OU1S , Nov. C. \ VOOIKiifler , with n quiet denuind ; medium , 13fl'0'ic ( ; light , line. 13 lf'lic : lifnvy , line , njTHc ; tub washed , 22Q.11C. ANTWKIll' , Nov. C.-ltlicr I'latle. sales will be held hcixon November 16. Cut I To i-ii la llrlt-il l.'rilHs. NKW YOIIK Nov. O.-1'ALIFOIINIA DltlHD FUUITS Quiet , but Fteady ; evaporated apples. common. r.f/7c per Hi. ; prime wire tray , fc' , < c ; wood dried , prime , M.ic ; i-holce , Stftif : ; fancy , OJ73'c. I'riim-s , TiiiiS'.io per Hi. , as to size nnd quality. Apricots. ltoy l. 70SiJc. I'vnchca , un- peeled. 7fflle ; peeleil , 1227c. } .Sail I'VniK-lNC-o AVlii-nl Uiintiitloiiit. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 0. WHEAT Uasy ; December. Jl.l.-i ' ; May , 1.43'S. 1'IIIS UK.VI.TV .1IAKICKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Saturday , November C : WARRANTY UKBDS. South OmahiL fjind company to It. II. SaiiRL-r. lot .1 , block M , South Omahu.J 455 H. J. Kloke nnd wlfii to K. C . Klokc , lots . ' 1 and 4 , block in , Omaha A'lew , . 1,000 Hi-nry Lnufenburs- nl to J , I' . Kin- Icy , W SO feet of i7i > fcot of lot 11 , block ; SO , South Omuhn . 15,000 W. G. Iloyd to O. 15. Stoddard , lot 20 , bloc-k U , IlrlgPH' 1'lat-e . 63 John Gnlk to Mi-tK ItrothcrH' IlrewltiR company , lots 1. " and II , blook "C , " SauiHHrs & II. 's add . G.200 Qtilren Uurklc-y to Ingrain Chirk , no U-lG-11 ( rt-lllu ) . 2SO ChnrloH C'orhott and wife to National Hank of Commerce , no 11-10-11 . 1 National Hunk of Commerce to Hi-nry LoRemnnn , nc 11-10-11 . C.GOO Hunk of Commerce to same , no 11-16-11 1 QUIT CLAIM niOKDS. V H. Uryanl nnd wife to Omaha Snv- InffM bank , lot 7 , block 10 , Bhlnn'H add . 9 K. J. Lorlntf to same , c'/fe of part of lot : i , block 2 : 4 , nnialia . 1,250 DIOKDS. SlHTiff to A. R. nnfrenc , loin 4 , 18 , 10 to 12 ! and fi ! ) S.S feet of lot 8 , H 9S.8 fci-t of lot II. block "A , " Hi-dford'H add ; lota 10 nnd 13 and H flS.S feet of loin 1 : i 4 C 7 and S " " , , , 5. , , block "H , Ucdford I'hico . 2.8W Total nmount of trannferH . J31.C70 WILIi be IntereHted In our MAHKKT LETTKn ini'J SIX DAYS WITH KINO COTTON , cither of which will IKFtnt free on request , STUART & PADDOCK , f,0 IHIOADWAY , I K-UI 3.VJ IHIOADWAY. f IIOSTON , MASS. , I'HILADKLPIIIA , I'A. , AMKS HI'ILDINO. IIUTX IUHLDINO. W A H H 1 NCITON , D. C' . . 1333 F ST. . N. W. O. C. CIllUBTIi : . K. J. STIIKKT , I 'resident. Vice-1'rctlJent. (1 ( .W. KKNNKY , Secretaiy. Chrislie-Streel Commission Co > ? riii ( ) ( . ( ) o , i.'uiijI'niii. . STOCKS , CII.U.V AM ) IMIO VISIONS , Telephone KID.T. . . , . . Oniiiluie JAMES E eOYD & CO , , Telephone 103 ! ) . Onmlia , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PUOVISIONS andSTOCKS HOAX ! ) 01' TIAIH , , Dlrert wires to Chicago and New York. Correspondents : John A. Warrfn & Co. Wears Commission Go- \ \ oi.n rnLo.vv iii'ii.inx ; , MembitrH Chlcuco Hoard of Trndu ulnco drain , Provisions anJ N , Y. Stocks Orderu CaHhind Future Delivery Sollcltrd. Oiiiabu Oltlee , Ho . 1 , \ . V. Life IHdg- . . . . . 'I'luini11(11. ( . . , . KI.OVI ) J. CAMI'HKLL , .MiuuiKcr. C. H. MAG DON & CO. COMMISSION DKOKDHS Stocks , Gfaio and Provisions 314 South 15th St OMAHA , NEB ,