E > . < < < rtnrtfflPB7 .Vn i * fM , y 10 THE OMAITA DATLY BEE ; W TjfflESDAY. yOTEMBJSR 3 , 1807. SPECIAUOTiCK AilYcrtlni-tnrnlii Cor tlip c column * rlll ! tnkt.ii iinlll 11 ! i . ' < > evonlnic ii ml until 8 p. in. fur tlie snnrnliiK tiuil .Sumln > edition * . AtlrcrtlxiTN , \ > r rciiir lln n iiuni- lirri-il clict'k , rnn IMIVP nim T ml- tlrr nl t r n iinl crp < l IrtU-r In dire of The HPIAmmcri MO mltlrcMOil -rrlll he delivered on i re entulloii of Jlutcn , 1 I-Uf a enl first ln crtlon | 3c n woril Ilipri-iiUcr. MitliltiK Inkrii for ICNH limit SJSc for Hie llr t Itmur- < ln . Thoiic iiiltcrllHunivntii mimt uc rilH COIIHL'C'lltlV t'l > . SITU1TIONS A CHRISTIAN"mu % \ITH HAI OY v month * old , would like work In nice family. Cura llennett IteM , care Home , M Uancrotl t. OBKBuTL IlLArKH.\flTH OF FIVB YEATlF. by Nov. t. E. Uule , llrldgewntor. So. JJ ' \VANTii : HY YOUNG MAN WITH peed Luslnevi qualification * nnil excellent ref erences In wholesale or retail bu lne s. would Uavel. _ Addrcia Y CO. llee. T " ! - ! ! - iWANTED r I Y nKST-flLASH CIXjflllNO mlemnan. Kood position In retail clothing , rood reference * . Adilrem 1' . O lx > \ J JII- . llsca. low a , A-M9OT _ will K3 out or city ; wages reaoonable. Address "B , box "M , " DenUon. Io n. A M907 * * AVVNTED MUK HELP. I CANVAKSCHS TO TAKB OKDEIWiNKW UNB of wriU , no heavj good * to Lam. salar ) or commtfslon. C. 1Ailami Co. , t"4 bo. Kin Ft. > U 70S SALESMEN' rOIt CIGARS , 5IJ3 A MONTH AND eipeiKex. olJ Ilrm ; experience unnecessary , Imlucemcnts to customers. C. C. lllehop & Co. St. Louis. U-'O * WKN AND WOMEN OIlOANIZEIUi AND SO- llcltors for heat fraternal bencllclnry society In the field ; good pay. Address Supreme Sec- tetary Btnr of Jupiter , McCook , Neb C MSU NT ONK HUNDRED DOU.AHS IN CASH , ALSO liberal commissions , toood deputies or organ- Icrs. Imixrlnl Mstlc lesion For pnrtlcu- lani addrej * Hinry C. Akin , supreme resent , McCagtie building , Ormhn 1I-M444 NM WANTED , AN BXI'BniBNCBO Dm GOODS caller ; none but experienced need apply. Itlclinrdson-Hobeits-ltrne U O. Co , St. Joseph , Mo IJ-MSSI N3 VVANTCD , CAHPBNTEIIS TO KP.i : ! ' AWAY from the ixpo : ltlon grounds until matters are settled Carpenters' Union 11 M700 YOUNG MEN WANTED TO I.EAH II VIIIIBR trade : rplemlld oppurtunlt ) , constant practice , expert Instructions , lectures wage * In shops S.itunlnjn l > forc cnmpletlnR. outnt of tools donated : new uitalciue Just out mailed free. Mnler S > tem Harbor School Clark nd Van Huren hta Chlcaco , III 11 MS.10 ' \VANT12D , M PUU'ENTBUS WEDNB1' ! ) W mornlnir 414 So ISth St. 11 MS 6 4' WANTED SALESMAN ; SA1UY I'AID weeltl ) , cxpfrltnce tinnwes'nrj . pcrminent Drown Brother * Co Chlcigo 11 M917 5' WANTED , TEW SAU MBN ; 1-EU.MANENT position , reason Just openc.1. staple line sal- an' or comm ! < i lon , vvlth expenses Luke Ilroth- ers Co. . Chlcigo. 11-M91 > > 3' WANTED. A nnSTCI f-1 ? SHOE SAI ES- mnn ; none other need nppl > . Dents'-1 ! Kros , Beatrice. Neli II S1909 4 II PPM vi.n lee anti.s roit AM. KINDS or i\omc. ute to 17 week Canadian Olllce , 1:2 : DsuKln" C 703 WANTED , A OOOD OIIU. TOR GENERAL , housework. Apply 063 t-o. : cth avenue C M1M "WANTED. GIRI TOR GENERAL , HOUSE- work. Apply at 5M bouth ICth Avenue.CM672 C-M672 WANTED OOOD COOK , REFERENCE * ? RE- qulre < l U ) N I3d St C MSC9-NI WANTED. HOrSEKEEl'ER. ELDERLY LADY or nldor ? , no objection to one child one who plass orsan preferred Address Y 3i > 11 ? C S7J 3 WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL 1IOUSE- work. Mrs. Wright. 26H Sev\nrd StC C S77 3' WANTED CHOCOLVTE DIl'l'ERS IJV.LDI IT. ISM Tarnam C S10CO 3 WANTED. GIRI. TOR OENER.VL HOI"B- work. Apply JolO Tarnam St. C M555 3' WANTED. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENeral - eral hou ev\ork In small fimlly no wa hln . Rood wages Apply Immediately , 2CC2 Poppleton Avc C MS03 "WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOl'SB- work. Apply 2411 Capitol avenue C M821 5 WANTED. A I.\DY FOR COMPANY EfePE- clally. and 'ome R-slstance alKiut the house , In return for roccn and board b > a lad > alone a Rood dent Appl ) ct once 311S Chicago St C MD13 3' INDIES WANTED TO TRAVEL AND AP- polnt aiients for old e'tabllsheil hou e , per manent position , J)0 per mo and all expenses Z , box 734 , ChlcBRO C i90 3' WANTED. AN OFFICE CLERK MALE OR female : position permanent and de'lnble ; must be t > pewrlter and handwriting extra line , arnwer In own handwriting , state salary ex pected and give references , age , etc Y Cl , Bee. C M"OI 8 * rou ui\T HOUSES IN 'ALL PART * ' OF THE CITY THE O P. Dnvla Company , 1505 Farnam D 706 HOUSES. RENEWA CO , 10S N. 15TH RT D-707 HOUSES WALLACE , IIHOWN BLOCK ICTH and Douglas. D-70S CHOICE IIOl'PERND COTTAGES ALL OVER city , J5 to J75. ridcllt ) . 1st lloor N Y L'f ' < - D-709 IIOUSiS , COTTAGES S. STORF ALL PARTS of city. Brcnnan A : I ve Co. , 43) Paxton bl"rk D-7'0 T.AKOE LIST M'CAGITB. 1STII AND DOPOE D 711 IIOUSKS , \RVIN I1RO3 . 1C:3 PAR'M D 712 HOUSES FOR KENT. 11EMIS 1'AXTOV IU.K. D 713 HOUSED. J. II. SHERWOOD , 4IS N Y LIFIi D-7U _ FOR RENT , CHOICE 12-ROOM DETACHED modern house. Iniulre 2vlS Capitol Axenii" D-715 _ _ MO\aNO HOI'SKIIOLD GOODS \ND PIANOS Om. Van A Storage Co , 1511V4 Purnani Ttl 1SW , D-716 TWO UMinp HOl'SFS IN DUNDEE cheap. M5 Pe bldg D 717 AVANTED AT ONCE. BETWEEN SI AND < 0 houses tn lent : gre-\t demand for houim ; rentals n fpecl ll > . J , II , Sherwoo.1H N Y IJf * D-71S IIOTKLS , STORES BIMIS. : PATCTON ni K. D M4 e-noo\r HOUSF. MIAMI sTnrrr io. NKW. 10-room linus-e. Park avenue. J35 : brickmo > Iem \Y , I * . Selb ) , SJ4 Chamber Cammerrp D-MSM 0 NORTH KTII AYR. KIOHT.IIOQM HOWE In flr t cla repair , with ( urnno * b th and barn , Apply nt room 4S7 Hoard of Tmde D-M6m t-TlOOM MODERN TLVT. : i03 Lr : vvn.v. worth St D-CS3 XtS 7 , > OOXt fSrKAM-MI'VTr.D KLVT HOWARD nanck. AKt. 1C10 Chicago St. 1 > - I _ DWRI.WNa FOR n'JN'T 10 noOM % ALL modern Improvement * JJd nnd rNrnam. fH : In S room cotUee , SJ.M , cltv water , or , r r line. Dexter U Thomai , 401 > e D4 > FOR RENT NIVK ROOM IIIIIfK ALT. MOD- rrtN" 15ST Perk avenue op o lt Ilnn com park. Enquire of John Dale , K9 X T Life. e-ROOM MODERN FIAT , HIS SOUTH 1ITH D MH6 C * Fou ni : > TriniMsiiKn ROOMS. BTEAM HEATED ROOMS. l 4 SO imt ST E-SSI-NH ROOMS IN PRIVATE FAMILY. t : N 18th St. TWO IMRGE FRONT ROOMS , AUTOVB , RAY window ; aleam heat. 411 North 17th. THREE FriNtPHED ROOMS , HOIISEKEKP. Ing Hit Bomb Eleventh E 777 * _ NICELY Fl'RNISHVD SOUTH ROOMS FROM tt up : modern BOS Douclu fct E-M 7 3- VURNISHED ROOMS , 15. 1 1 { rARNAiT B-M1-4 * TWO FURNISHED ROOMS 1 IGHT XHS Pfutlai K M9M 5 * FUUMSHKI ) UOOMS AMI 110 llll ) . 8TK.VM HEATUU ROOMS WITH "OARD KNU Pt HMSIIKI ) HOOMS AMI IIOAHO. ( Continued ) 1UXMS , MomJRN SU STUB ' ' TUB ixmMJsr'pos'Sili.B'nATKS AND THE | 'st fare A home Sherman ve car pa * e * dOM- every elijlit minute * Newly futnlhed , rew min K menl , adjoint Expo ltlon Saratoga Hotel ENTERTAINS Its guests. , S. B. CORNER ROOM , H DOfpt.AS. 1 G13 NIcTLY : rURNISHBD FRONT ROOM , MOD- cin conveniences , private famll ) , TIB So IJtli St. V 713 3 * IN PRIVATE rAM JLY. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD 1 1 DoUc. r-MS6JS' _ FURNISIIKD"ROOMS" AND" HOARD 2-07 Douglas. F MSM 6 * NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS ON 5ND FLOOR down town location ! reasonable rent Inquire 603 S. Hth t F-MJM 4 FOR RnNT-FURNISHED ROOM , WITH board , suitable for one M13 California J51 ntJOM T\VlTH HOARD : STKAM HEAT UTO- ph , 17J1 Davenport St. F MW5 S' BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS Newly , neatly furnished rooms , all mojcm con- vcnlencei , with or without board and only five tnlnutei walk from the postofflce ; considered best furnl'hed private bnnrillni ; house In the city and rc pectfully request In pectlon , n fine home for professional men. teachers , clerks , etc , A first clnsi table ; nm In n po ltlon to give cheaper rates at this time than any one clue In the city ; applicants must furnish refer ences , only a few rooms left , call and get m > prices and Inspect rooms and > ou will undoubt- idly make a change. Mrs. II. Ledlngham Pill Divenporl St. F " 01 MODERN RRICK , ROOMS AND BOARD. 3 SO up fill N. 19th. F MMS 9 roil nr.NT D.NKuuxisiinn UOOMS. i UNFURNISHED ROOMS ; MODERN. 230S DougHs. C1-SIW3 S1 roil ui : > TsroiiKS AMI OITICKS. FOR RENT IN THE BEE IIU1LUIMI : Ono large corner room , 2d lloor , - withault and private olllce , water , etc. Onet large front room , Id llsor , divided Into two rooms * y partition , water , etc. One large corner room , 2d lloor , wlth vault , water , etc. One front room , divided bj partition , third floor. One corner rtom with vault , third floor. One large room , third floor , with partition divid ing It Into one large room nnd two smaller private rooms , water , etc. Two large ground lloor rooms , fronting 17th St. , ulth vault. One lirgc ground floor room on Farnam St. , large vault Seviral small rooms on fourth floor , with vaults All the e looms are heated with fleam , electric lights Kupplled , with first class Jinltor service Elevators run da > nnd all night , bJlldlng Mrletl > llreproof Appl ) to Superintendent , Room 101. Bee building. I-I5S FOR RENT-DESK ROOM IN GROl'ND FLOOR otllce. Bee building , water , steam heat , cleccrlc light and Janitor service Appl ) to Superin tendent Bee building. 1-197 FOR RENT-THE 4 ' 5TOR\ BRICK BUILDING at 910 Farnam St This building has a fireproof cement bfoment ; water on all floors , sas etc Applv at the olllce of The Bee I-S10 wvvrnn TO KI\T. TO RENT TILL MAY I , S FURNISHED hoii e of S rooms and reception hill , heated with fiirnare , at } 23 per mo. A. J DurlanJ Norfolk. Neb. K M014 3 Toii van. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO , rOi-UO Jones , general storage and forwarding M-713 OM VAN & STORAGE. 15111 , FARN'II TEL l',5 > M-720 FR\NK EWERS STORAGE 1214 HAR\EY Hauling- and packing , cheipest rates Tel 956 M 721 V4" vM'nn TO ni'Y. ' CASH FOR OMAHA SAVINGS BANK Ac counts Wallace , 312 Brown Blk , ICth . Doug N-722 HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR OMAHA S W Ings bank certificates In answering please state amount. ! offered Addre W (2 Bee OMAHA SAVINGS ACCOUNTS I'URCHSED for rash II. II Harder 1st floor New Yoik Life Bldg N 3S WANTED , T\\O DRUMS COMPLETE FOR builders' derrick Address O J B Paxton hotel. N M912 3 ron s .i.nruiiMTt nrj. FOP S\LE \ LARGE ANTIQUE O VK WARP- robe orlglml price KOOO. will sell for } 23 M rea on for felling , want of room \ddrcFs Y 31. Bee O M < 27 3 * FOIl SVLKHOHSnS AMI - \ > V O S. I TOP BUGGY BALL REARING \XJ.ES ItUH- ber tlre . "own make " cost J3-0. now k s thin \i. 3 good phaetons , I Snjder make : Colum bus , 2 good surre > s Drummoml IS . Hamey P M1S7 N-H FOR SI.nMISCCI.INCOUS. . SAWDUST. BULK OR S VCKED CRIBRING and hog fence C. R. Lee. 931 Douglas Q-7I3 FOR SALE. $73 0) BUYS UPRIGHT KIMBALL piano , large size , must sell W G7 Hee Q MI/IO XS 2ND-HAND BICYCLES OMAHA BICYCLE CO FOR SALE. TERRITORY AND RIGHTS ON one of the latest and greatest mone-making pitent novelties ever Issued Address H R Harris , Michigan Cits Indiana Q-M7M 7' I HAVE A FINE. MALE JERSEY FOR SALE , cheap Charles W. Sav Idge , Leaverjwcrth and 2ith nve. Q 902-t MISCUI.LWKOIIS. FOR SALE , DAIRY IN GOOD SHAPE. CHEVP for cash Addre-s Y 59 , Bee. R M913 E MRS PAUL , TRANCE MEDIUM , 1SS N JJTH , unite * the separated chinges luck , letters con taining stamp prompt ! ) answend , ladlpi V- S i77J N4 PROF. WHITNEY IF YOU ARK IN NEED of good advice learn at once from the vvorld- renonvvned life reader the way In which vou should travel , reads > our lift" from the cradle to the grave ; lovers , husband * and wives re- nulled Speitl ) marriage to the one of > our choice lx ! l or stolen articles recovered , charms nnd all kinds of amulels. thouxand * have consulted and learned the truth. Ladles 10c Call at 15S Howard street , corner ICth nnd Howard streets , hours , 9 a in to 9 p , m mS1ISS3 N19- MASS ion , n ITI is. ITC. MADAM SMITH , 1315 DOUGLAS , MASiU5E uteam baths T M519 9' MEDICATED BATHS. REA. SULPHUR , MS - HJKC Mme Ilrlsson , from Paris , 107 N lith st T M7 N24' _ BATHS. MASSAGE. UVURA ELLISON Crounse blk 119 N 16th t > t . room i : T MRS DR LEON. ELECTRIC MASSAGE BATH parlors , restful and curative 417 S Hth up- T MS76 7 * VIA VI OR UTERINE TROUBLES 3(6 ( S BEE b'dg , phs c'an con.uKatlcm or 1 eiitli l < xu ree UATHS , MASSAGE. MMI1 POST. 3ISK S HTH U-7tt _ RUITURB CURFO. NO DETENTION FROM business ; no pain , we refer to hundnnla of canes cured ; pile * cur d b > a single , palnlras tivatment Call or write The Empire Rupture Cure and Medical Institute. rucce torx tj ine O K. Miller Co. , 52-J. N. Y Life Bldg , Omaha. U 7t I5 > CLEANUP. 111ESSED AND P.E- palml. da ) or night ; drerg nulls for hire. Pantorlum , N. B , cor. lllh and Farnam Tl , 843. U-MSI7 _ THIJ JOY TAILOR SYSTEM SCHOOL OP dress cutting. M3 Karbach Block U M810-N39 WANTED , I < A1)Y TO LEARN CHIROPODY. mutlcurlnir and massage work. Dr. P , A. Hort. Call forenoon 09 Farnam street. U MtSS 3 MONBV TO LOVNlti\L USTATI : . MONEY TO IXAN AT LOW RATES THE O , r , DavU Co. , 1W Parnam bt. W Tij ANTHONY LOAN i TRUST CO. 315 N , Y. L , , quick money at Ijw rates fur cholnt farm InniU In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebrank * \V-7t > " MONEY TO LOAN BHM1S. PAXTON BIXJCK. W-TO LOANS ON IMPROVKO & VNIMPROVKl > CITY ureperty. W. Puiuam Smith & Co. , l J Farn'm W-731 n TO \\RI\I. . HSTITE. ] ( Contlnuiil t MONKY TO ToAN ON "IMPROVED OM MIA renl estate Brennan , Love CQ. I'axwn Ulk MONEY TO I/3AN ON IMPROVBD OM MIA , P pfrty 1'rsty & Thomt . * 9J l t N it. Ilk b d W 73J ] ni , run CENT CITY AND FARM LOANS Uanln Hrtw , 1611 tarn.tm at : \V-TO ! MONKY TO LOVN ON IMPROVEDCITY property , a. P. llottwlek & Co. , JU Pavfn Illk. \ \ T3 JWOOAND UP. F , D. WEAD 1 SDOt'OLVil. . \V-S30 NC t PER CENT MOUTGAOE' ? FOll SALE. I'KOP- erty of non-rmfdents cared for by W 11 Melkle. Fl t National Dank bldir. . Omvm MONEY TO 1,0N ( Ul.VTTF.LS. . MONE YTO LOAN ON FfRNITURF. . PIANO : ? , horses , wagons , etc , at lowest rates In clt ) , no removal of floods : strictly confidential , ) L.U can pay the loan off at any time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO 300 S. ICtli St. ' X-736 IIUSIM : < > S en INCUS. _ TO GET IN OR OUT OF BUSINESS GO TO J J Gibson , M4 First Nat' I Bank. Y 737 RETAIL OIL BUSINESS AND TEAM. A BAIL gain J J Gibson , tit Fim Nafl.C4t.Nj WANTED , MAN WITH J2.WM OR J1.COO TO take an Intctxft In n large IrrigUlon enlcn'rl-ie ; would prefer patty who can take position and management and not afrnld of work , to such a tlrst-clasd opening ! Is offered. Addresi Y SS , Bee ofllce Y MC71 N7 * _ PLANT. STOCK i GOODWILL OF A PAYING whole ale , mfg S. Commission business for sale , present and prospective Increase of the business renders It Impossible for present man agers to give It sufllclent attention on account of other business ; rare ciance for a couple of hustlers J300000 takes It. W E G. . Sll Paxton - ton Block , Omaha. Y MS14 rou s\inun vi , usrr.iTn. KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAINb J2 500 JJ.750 TO 16 SCO. J J Gibson , 514 First Nat Bank bldg RE 733 HOUSES I/DTS. FARMS. LANDS. LOANS Geo. r. Bemls Real Estate Co , Paxton Uloc * RE-739 FOR S\LE , ON LONG TIME , AT 6 PER CENT Interest , two Improved farms adjoining Clt ) of Missouri Valle ) . la One of ! M acres , an other of 240 acres , all In cultivation Will le sold on 10 ) ears' time Addtcsi Ix > 'h Drawer "C , " Shenandoah la. RE M793 N3 FARM L VNDS C. F. HARRISON. S12 N. Y L. RE M163-N16 * BARGAINS HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS ; sale or trade F. K. Darling , Barker B k RU M776 FOR S\LE AN ORIGINAL SHARE OF 23 lots In IWIcvue. title perfect Enquire of W T. Brandon , 1129 Geo. Ave. , Omaha RE 14' N5 \ARGE 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE 0 > > 5 eas ) term Inquire on piemlses ( Xt S ! th Ft RE-M649 FOR SALE. FINE TEN-ROOM RES1r > ENC all modem fine shade tree * etc. Hanccom park will be sold nt a sacrifice AKo one fine residence on 2fth st near the park all modern steam heat , good barn , ver ) low , on ea v terms Ale 5-room frame , good locnttfn , near Han com park , nice hou e for a * maM famllv cheap : eas ) terms Also one eant front lot fine location , ver ) cheap Fnqulre of John Dale 2jS N. Y. Life RE MS23 5 BEST .MO ACRE FARM NEAR OUTH OM MIA at H valuation A. Pierce , Io 2 Blonde St RE MS19 S K > GI\CGI1S' AM ) ARTISTS' SUPPLIES. NOTE LIST OF GOODS .PAGE S BEE OCT llth , the prices I cannot duplicate , catalogue free. Alva J. Graver , Sib South 13th St. Omaha M127-N11 MUSir , VHT AND I , VNGUAGnS. PROF CHAS. PETERSON , INSTRUCTION IN piano , \iolln , nultar mandillne. zither , voloe SO ) ears experience Terms reasonable Studio 513 Shcely Block 7 = 3 N4 ron EXCHANGE. CIIOICE FARM NE\R BLAIR WASHINGton - ton Co. Neb. to trade for liven and feed barn , or cattle and horses. Bemls , 1'aiton blk. Z M610 CLEAR L\ND 4 STATES FOR OMAHA IMP propert ) , will assume Incumb 'VN m'son C04 Bic blJg. Z MS47 A $1.501 FQUITY IN A 7-ROOM COTTAGE , east front , Georgia ave , a , snap , part trade Y 41. B-e Z MES1 1 PACKED. M. S. WALKIN , 2111 CUMINO. 1EU 1331. 537 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS RENTED , S4 00 PER MONTH 1C12 Fnrnam St. 538 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. A. C. VAN BANTS SCHOOL 513 N. Y. LIFE 554 AT OMAHA BUS COLLEGE , ICTH & DOUGLAS. 535 M-CARTHY'S ACADEMY , 17T1I & DOUGLAS. 9S1-N9 H B BOYLES. COURT REPORTER GIVES private le ons. 407 Bee Bldg M&S4 LOST. flO 00 RB\N ARD WILL BE PAID FOR THE REturn - turn of round gold locket set In dlamnnd rubles and emeralds the above reward will ly paid and no questions asked b ) returning same to M Rosenthal 1315 Farnam St Lost M91C < STRAYED OR STOLEN , FROM A \MITO stock farm Wct Dodge street Oct 2fi one black gelding , about 10 ) ears old sultabl * re ward Lost M9105 * HORSES WINTERED. BEST ATTENTION ! G07 CENTER hT hTMSS2 MSS2 30 * TIN \NCIVI , . LIFE INS. POLICIES BO'T. W F IIOLDEN 43 * CO VL. 11UHLINGTON NUT. I1EST CHErn T PIIICB J3 75 per ton 'Phone 8(5 ILiimon \\Veth Co 5SJ-N9 FEVTHER IlKNOVVrnit WORKS. FEATHERS BOUGHT AND SOLD MATtresses - tresses renovated and made to order White S an ' 701 N i < lh 'Phone 1011. MSIS SUWINCJ ii VUMI.M.S AMI SUPPLIES. NEW HOME HOUSEHOLD . WHITE hEW. Ing machines f. tujiplles. 1514 Cap ave Tel 1571 ( CO PATE.NTS. cues & Co. , Attorne ) > . at-Law and Patent Ex perts Bee llulldlns Omaha. Nsb. DrancU office at Wa h'n ton , D. C Send for free Advice and Patent Book bee Sunday Dee for our Machine M copyrighted. UJ7 Telephone 1H3 SHIP Household rood ! to kit points in mUbd car lota at cut ratoa Packing , mov Ins and murage. Telephone 1350. Omaha Van & Storage Go I5IIK farnnm B irgHlns in Second Ilun'l fc.vfea Safe Lock Kepulr "j. J. DERIGHT & CO , Successors to A , I * Deauo & Co. , Western Agents. Tjl. 5U. 1110 Farimm , Oiiiaha -ruimii\r.s. \\ANTKD. T\tlWs to Ilt'Y TI1KIH 1VOOL- " " . JJ1. ' 'f'mminc ' ' frrm the Kmtern Woolen nd Trlmmms Co. . Jill pougla St.M6S8 -M6S8 Nit \NTI3IJTO IIDHHIIU. \VANTKD , TO IIORnOW KIN ) TO M fffl ON 1M prove ) , well rented Inside city jropert ) , e curlt ) ample.j > lrt , ' Y M llee 6 < 7 Z 1MIUOKCIIS. . H. MAHOWITZ UOANB MONET. 41 ! N. 1C ST. . IM .NOT1CK CH1KP QfAllTnilMASTKIl 3 OFKiriJ- OmHhn , Nob. , Oct. 23 , 1K)7. ) Sealed pro- po ila. In triplicate , will be rocl\e < l here until 2 o'clock p m , November 25. 1 97 , und then opened for furnlchlnir shelled corn , f- qtilrcd In Uepnittnent of the PlnttP during llscil year cinllnu June SO , 19' . U. S. re- server right to reject or nctcpl any or nil proponal . or any pirt thereof. Informa tion fin nl.ilifMl on application here , or to post und depot ciuirtcrmoster * where sup- piles nro needed nnv clones contnlnnl ? pro posals will bs cndorseil "Propo als for Corn nt - , " nnd addressed J. M. MAK- &t AI.U C O M. 1'osiorricn .NOTICE. ( Should bo read DA1I.V by all Interested , as changes may occur nt any time. ) Foreign malls for the vvceU ending No\em. ber Gth , 1M7 , will close ( PttOMPTlA In all cases ) nt the General Postolllce as follows : PARCELS POST MAILS CLOSE ONE HOUR HAULIER than closing time shown below. TrillinVtlltlltlc JlnlM. \VnDNnSDAY At 7 n. m , ( supplementary 9 u. tn. ) for EUROPn , iwr s s. St. Louis' , via Southampton , nt fl a. m. ( supplemen tary 10.20 n m ) for KUROPi : . per s a. Germanic * , \la Quoenstovvn , nt 11 n. m for Belgium direct , per p s. Southwark , via Antwerp ( letters must be directed 'per Southwaik" ) . SATURDAY At ( i a. in. for GERMANY , DENMARK , SWEDEN , NORWAY ( Cfcris- tltinla ) nnd RUSSIA , per s. s. Aller * . Ma Hremen ( letters for other p-uts of Europe , via Cherbourg , must be directed "per Allir" ) : nt 7 n. m for TRANCE , SWITZ ERLAND , ITALY , SPAIN. PORTUGAL , TURKEY , EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per s. s. I i Touralneli Havre : at s a m for NETHERLANDS direct , per t. s Spnnrndnm , via Rotterdam ( letters must bo directed "per Spaarndam" ; at S n infer for GENOA , per s. Auguste Victoria ( letters muot be directed "per Augusta Victoria" ) , nt 10 a. m for SCOTLAND direct , per s s Kuines'la , via. Glasgow ( letters must be directed "per Furnes- sla" ) , nt U n m. ( supplcmentarj- p. in ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Etrurla * , Ma Queenstovvn PniNTKD SIATTnn. ETC. German steamers salllCR on Tuesdays take Printed Matter ef for German ) and ' 'pcclnlU AdliCF < ed 1'rlnted Matte- etc for other pirts of Uurope Amerl can and White Star stei-ners on Yvc < lne da ) > Oerman tcamers on Tliur davind ! runnrl. French -ind Oerman steamers on 5aturdas taKe Printed Matter etc. for all countries for uhlch tht ) are advertised to carr ) mall After the clowns of the bupplementar ) Trans Atlantic Malls na-ned nl/ote additional tupplo- mentnrT malls arc opened on tie piers of the American Kngllsh Trench and German Eteim- ers , and remain open until vvlthln Ten Min utes of the hour of sa ling of st amer. Malls for South anil Central \iin-rlca , "V\ ( -Ht Inillex , Etc , WEDNESDAY At 2.CO a. m for PORT A.N- TONIO , per steamer from Philadelphia , nt I p m for CUBA , per s s. Saratoga , via Havana THURSDAY At 11 a m ( supplementary II SO a in ) for VENEZUELA and CURA CAO , per s. s Caracas ( letters for Co lombia , via Curacao , must be directed "per Caracas" ) , at 1 p m ( supplemental 1 30 p ni ) for BERMUDA , per s s Ori noco , at 1 p m ( supplementarv 1 30 p m ) for NASSAU , X. P , per s. s Antllla ( let ters must be directed "per Antllla" ) , at 1pm ( supplenv ntirv 1JM p , m ) for CAPE HAITI.iST DOMINGO and TURKS ISL VND , per s i New York , at 3 p m for BELIZE nnd GUATEMALA , per s s Ardanrose ( letters must be directed "per Ardnnrose" ) " FRIDAY At 3 n m for BRAZIL , per s Hevellus , via Fernambuco , Bahli and Rio .Tineiro ( letters for North Brazil and La Plita Counttles must be directed "por Hevelius" ) . at 10 1) a m for HATI. CU- MANA and CARUPANO , per s s Prlns \Ylllem V ( letters for other pirt of Vene- 7uela , Curacao , Trinidad. British and Dutch Guiana must be directed "per Prlns \Villem V" ) , at 1 p m. for NORTH BRAZIL , per s. s Manauense , via Para , Maranhim and Ceara. SATURDAY Vt 10 n m ( supplementary in 30 a m ) for FORTUNE ISL VND , JA MAICA , SAVANILLA and GREYTOWN per s s Alene ( letters for Costa Rica must be directed "per Alene" ) ; at 10 a m ( sup plementary 10 CO a. m ) for HAITI and SANTA MARTHA , per s s Klttj . at 10 00 a m for CAMPECHE , CHIAPAS TABASCO nnd YUCATAN , per s s Con- cho ( letters for otliT parts of Mexico and for Cuba must be directed 'per Concho " ) Mills for Newfoundland by rail to Halifax , and thence b ) steamer , close at this olllce dall ) at S 30 p m Malls for Mlquelon b ) rail to Bos ton and thence I > > steamer. co e at this omce dnl ! > at S 10 p m. Malls tor Cuba close at this ofllee dal ! ) at 7 00 a m for forv.ardins by steamers sailing ( Mondas and Thur a ) " ) from Port Timpa. Fla Letter malls for Mexico Clt ) overland unless fpeclall ) adore sed for dls patch b ) steamer co e et this orllce dally at 12 m , paper mails at G n m "Replstcrei mall dotes at 6 00 p m previous day. TrniiK-I'nclllc Mails. Malls for China and Japan , per s. s. Olj-m- pla ( from Tacoma ) , close here dallj' up to October " 31st nt 6 30 p m. Malls for China and Japan ( specially addressed onl- ) , per s. s Empress of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close here dallup to Nov - v ember " 1st at 6 30 p m. Malls for China and Japan , per s. s Peru ( from San Fran cisco ) , close hero dallj up to November 3d at C 30 p m Malls for Australia ( ex cept those for West Australia ) , which are forwarded Ma Europ\ New Zealand , Ha waii , FIJI and Samoan Islands , per s Alameda ) , ( from San Fnnclsco ) , clo e here dully up to November " 5th at 7 30 a m , 11 a m. and 0 30 p. m. ( or on arrival at Ni'vv York of s s Campania with British malls for Australia ) Malls for Australia ( ex cept West Australia ) , New- Zealand , Ha waii and FIJI Iblandg , per s s Warrlmoo from Vancouver ) , close here dally after November " 3th and up to November 13th at G 30 p m Malls for Hawaii , per s s Australia ( from San FrancKco ) , close here dally up to November 21th ut G 00 p m Mails for the Soclet ) Iblandb , per ship Galilee ( from San Francisco ) , close here dally up to November 2Uh at C.OO p. m. Trans-Pacific malls are fornarded to port of calling ; dal ! ) and the schedule of closing IB arransed on the presumption of their unin terrupted overland transit. "Registered mall clcr-es nt 6 0-1 p m prev lous da ) Postpfflce. NewYork. . N , Y. , October 29 , " CORNELIUS VANCOTT , Postmaster. RAILROADS. IlfRLINGTON A. JIISFOFRI lllver Railroad The Burling , ton Houte" General O1H es , N W Corner Tenth and Farnam StrieU Tlclel O nee 1502 Farmim Street Telephone 23) Depot. Tenth an 1 Mason btreeu lei phone , irs Leave Arrive S.JJ am 8.55 am 4 S3 pm 4-05 pm 7.05 pm 7 pm 3 55 pm "II 30 am CHICAGO BURLINGTON & Qulno Railroad "The Hurl- Ington Route" TlcXet Office. WiZ Famam Street. Telephone t50 Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , IK. Leave. Arrive 5.05 pm 75 an 9.4S am t 15 pm 7:50 pm 7.55 am 5 40 pm i.M pm ZAKSAS CITY ST JOSEPH & . Council lilufU Railroad The Ilurllncton Route" Ticket Office 15M Farnam Street Tele-phone 150 Depot. Route Tentb and Maton Street ! . Tele. pSone , 1M Leave. Arrive Kansas C.ty Day Ex . 9 05 am 5.10 pm Kantan CltyMI _ lit K . . ' 10 CpQ pru < ; M m CHICAGO MILWAUKEE S. ST. Paul Rallwa ) City Ticket Olllce. 101 Farnam Etieet. Telephone SSI Depot , Tentb and Maion Strcetc. Telephone , 1M Leave. Arrive Dall CIT3T & EAbTEHS IIAIL- - St Loul. ll llroad-"Tli * O. 1C o- Route'Ticket Office. 1115 i' rn tn Street. Telephone SS Depot. Tenth anJ Mason Streets. Telephone , ItS. Leivt. Arrive. pattcnvburg , Kltkivlll * , Qulncy Local , . 5 10 am * : tK pm Bt Loul * . New Yorts IJralte4. . . 4.JJpm U.50 ara It V1LHO VDS. ( Continued > " WAHASII All. OAt > -TinCKT OVK1CK. 1US Farnam Street. Telephone , KJ Dput Tellth and Maon fitreett Telephone. 1U . Ivt Arrive , St IxiuUVnnnon Hill ' , . , Kxpre . I * pm I1M am . . PACIFIC n vit.no v Oeneral Office * nl fliket Of- tl-e Merchant * Nallonnl lunvt nulMtng ll Farnam < treel. lelephnne 104 DeXt. | ) Fifteenth and Welntcr Streets. Telephone , l.eav e. Arrlv e i pm Ml 53 pm t m * 6 00 am ch , k i * a . . . 9.43 am Dall ) . IMIlr Hi. Bunday. UNION PACIFIC-'THE OVER. land Route" General ofllce N E Corner Ninth nnil 1 arnam streets City Ticket Office. 13M Farnam Street Te eplionc. 316. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. IIS. Leave. At : he. "The Overland V.lmltii ' for Denver , 'Salt Lake , . . , . _ western points. . ! . . . . . , S.2J am I.IS pm Faxt Mall train for Denver Salti'f - 3-30 - . p-n . > Pm r Pm Council Bluffs Ix > cal-Leave , 5-40 a tn s C.0 a m , 7-30 a m. . S 25 a. m ; 10-43 n m.S:15 p ni : 4 30 p. m . 6.n5 p. m. Arrives , C:20 : a. m. ; 7:20 : a m ; B a m , 9 23 a , m. , H'3) a. m , 3:10 : p. m ; 5 40 p tn ; 9 03 p. m. : 10-4S p. m PAUU MINNB. npolM fe Omaha Rallttav General offices Nebraska Di vision , Fifteenth and WibsUr Streets City Ticket Office. 1ID1 Farnam btreet. Tilephone ' 6SI ITepot Fifteenth nnd Webster Streets Telephone , 1158. Leave. Arrive Sioux City Accommoda , S'51 nm "AM pm Sioux Cltv Accommbda. 9 5D nm 8.20 pm Blair , Emerson Slrux City , Ponca , Hartlng- ton and BlDomfleld . 1.00 pm 11.55 nm Sioux City , Mankato "t. Paul. Minneapolis . . 6 15 nm 9-10 am Emerson Pa cngcr . .r. 5'10 pm S 43 am Dal ) " Dallv c\cept Sunuaj unday onlv. " " This train stops at M-vtlons Florence to So lllilr , Inclusive , Sund.is enl ) ; on week dis So lllalr only CHICAGO & NOKTHWEST- crn Rallm ) Clt ) Ticket Olflce , 1431 Farnam Street Telephone. 161 Depot , Tenth and Ma on Streets Telephone , J2S Leave. Arrive Missouri Valley Sioux Clt ) , St Paul and Minneapolis Missouri Valle ) . Clt ) Dtnniton , Carroll , I.-\ke Eastern Express , Molnes Marsl ' " Cedar Rapids Atlantic Fltr , Cnlcaso and Hast * . . . Fast Mall. Chicago Omaha Missouri Valle ) , Clt > St Paul : apoll * Limited Omihi Chlcaco Special - - - " Dillv FREMONT , ELKHORN i Ml ourl Vall ) itullwa ) Gtn- eral Ofllcc , United States Na tional HanR uutldlns eoutn- nam Streets Ticket Olllce , West Corner Twelfth ani Far- 1401 Farnam Street Telephone. 5C1. Depot. Flfftnth and \\ebster btreet ? . Telephone , 143S Leave Arrive. Black Hills , Deadnood ind Hot Sprtm ; . 3 00 pm 5 00 pm \\omlnp Casper and Douglas " " 3 CO pm " " 5.00 pm Hastlnc York David Clt ) , faupeilcr , Geneva , Exeter und Sew are . 3 W pm 5 00 pm Nirfo k. We t Po nt and 7 50 nm " 10 2j aii Treniont Lincoln , Wnhoo and " 7.M am " 10 25 am Vremont Fremont Local . 7 50 nm Dail ) " Dally except Sunday , ' "Sunday enl ) " Dail ) execpi Saturday , " " 'Dally except Monda > of JX CITY S. PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Ofllce' , United Elites National Hank IJulld- ine , S W Corner Twelfth and Farnim Street' Ticket Ofllce 1401 Farnam Street Telephone E51 Depot Fifteenth and Webster Streits Telephone. 145S Leav e. Arrlv e Sioux Clt ) Mankato Et Paul -Ilrncapo.la . 6.15 pm S 10 am Dail ) CHICAGO. HOCK ISLAND & Patific Rillroad ' The Great Rock Island Route" City TKket Onice. 1323 Famam Street Telephone , 42S Depot Tentn and llaton Streets Telephone , US. Leav e. Arrlv e Chtcaeo and St . Paul VeMibuled n\prc-s . 4 oO pm 1:4 * pm Lincoln. Colorado bprings. Pu blo Denver and west 1 S3 pm 4 03 pm ChlciEO , Des Molnes and Rock Island . . . . 7 00 pm E.15 am Atlantic Express for Des Molnes and eastern points 7.00 am * 55 pm Lincoln. Fairbur ) and Hellev ille . " o 43 pm " 10 40 am Dalls " Dall ) except Sunda ) . A SLUE SIGN. Splllliitc Snlt FiirctellH tlit * Coining of n Quarrel. "You women , " ead ! Mr. Turllngham , "are alviaj-a making fools of yourselves over your superstitions Hero jou are , worrying just because jou happened to spill a little salt. Why. It's ridiculous1 Perfectly ridiculous' " "Oh , > es " Mrs. TurllDgham replied , "I suppose It Is. But I've never known It to happen jet without ranKIng me quarrel with somebody. I've noticed It a thousand times " "A thousand times , your grandmother ! Whit's the use of exaggerating things like that ? I'll bet > ou never spilled salt twenty times In jour life , and If jou quarreled after doing It , It just happened so , that's al ! " "Perhaps it just happened , but that's the verj thing that worrlfa me I don't want It to happen. And as far as being supersti tious Is concerned , I guess jou're just about as bad as the next one Didn't jou hare to spit over > our right arm and hop three times around an Imaginary circle when joti saw the new moon over jour left shoulder the other night ? " "I did that because jou made such a blamed fuss about It " "Oh , j'es , It's well enough to try to blame It all on me , but I gupfa jou wouldn't have done It if jou hadn't been afraid yourself. " "Well , that'a what a fellow gets for mak ing a fool of himself to please his wife " "It seems to me jou are sometimes very willing to make a fool of jourself to pleieo me ; but you/ / are never willing to do anj thing else to please me " "Oh , of course not' WhjI'm the most horrible wretch that a woman ever promised to love , cherish and obej ! " "Henry Turllngham , I want you to under stand that I didn't promise to obey " " ' " "You did' "No I didn't. When the preacher eald that I didn't repeat It. " "It's all the same. It's part of the mar riage service " "I don't care. There Is no reason why a wife should have to obey when the husband Isn't compelled to do so " "Thero Isn't , eh ? Why , moat women are ' ' " foo's They've "Yes , I knowthat. . They prove It by get ting married " "Oh , well , go on ! Of course jou've got to hive the last word A man might as well try to reason with a donkey as to try to get a woman to take a eenslblo view of anything , Confound It. I somctlmra wish I could throw down everything and get out of this forever " ever Then he grabbed tip his hat relates the Cleveland Loader , and hurried away without kiting the sweet little woman good-by. after which Mrs Ttirllngham threw herself upon the lounge , burled her face In the pillows , and sobbed "I kn-knew the moment I sp-spllled the salt that I would quarrel with zomebo-body ! It ne-never f-f-f alls' B-o-o-o o-o' " You can't cure conaumpuon but you can avoid It and cure every other form of throat nr lung tiouble by the use of One Miuuu Cough Cure. , Chicago Post. She had been scolding him for something like twn y minutes , but she bud.lcnly stopped to Inquire- "What are you ( linking about now ? " "I was thinking tb.U things are pretty evenly divided In this world after oil , " he r < v > 'le < 1 "In what way ? " "Why , a man can make more noise than a .aoman TV hen he tries , but he has nothing UKo her endurance. " _ Subsrlbe for The Sunday nee and read Anthony Hope' * Great storj "Simon Dale. " A niciiT or on Kplctiren Ovre Mnoh to the Men of llol > Onlcm. "It Is a remnrxnblo fact that the eplcurfs of the world nhnuld be BO largely Indebted to the Trench clergy for the luxuries they onjoy. " said a famous French restaurant keeper In New- York to a writer for the Washington Slar recently. "Two Innkeepers established nt iMont St. Michael are at daggers drawn to this day respecting the right sort of omelet to put before their j itrons One Is Hldel , who holds out for the old Gallic omclDtto atix fines herbes , while 1'oulnrJ , his rival , contends that the genuine article Is an omelet the secret ot which has been transmitted through ages by a religious order. I have tasted both dlshrs , and It Is illnicult to decide which Is the better. The Utter Is easily prepared. The whites and jolks of the eggs arc not mixed. The whites arc well flogged up to a creamy consistency , whllo the jolks arc only slightly beaten. The whole Is poured Into a frjlng pan , and a largo lump ot butter put In at the same time. After cooking over a hot flro for exactly two minutes the omelet Is ready to servo and ! the result Is a miracle. "Tho monks and cures of Kranco have s much for their country In the prop- oration of savory delicacies a the most renowned chefs Ono of the Inrgert oyslor parks In the country was Martod by Abbo Uonmetanl , the euro of I.A Tcste , whose sjstcm ot artlfical cultivation Is now tn successful that of the number of oysters distributed through France every year perhaps - haps two-thirds are produced by the abbe. Canon Agon was the discoverer of the torrlnes of Nerpe. The rlllelles of Tours ro the work of n monk of Marmountlem. Tito renowtvxl liqueurs of CharUusc , Trap- Iilstlno , llencdlctlno and others betray their monastic origin In their names , and the strangest part of their production U that they should bo the work ot the most novero and ascetic ot religious bodies. "Tho elltlr of Onrns Is the Invention of the Abbo ( Sarns , The Htzlrs sauvigcs wera first prepared timlcr the direction- the Trlor LamourcuT. The popular Ilergotlgnoux sauce was first mingled by the Abbe Her- gotignottx. The delicate Floguard cakrs ar the Invention of the abbo of that name. Dven the Immortal glory of the discovery of champagne Is attributed to a monk To these may be added the delicacies In bonbons bens , confectionery and the like , which , ow their origin entirely to nuns In French con \ents" American Lady Corsets aru the Host. A CIiHW MJAIl IIOMi : . P. 0 , Al Wot's jer name , eonny ? Sonnj Dunne P. C. AlVhero d'jer live ? Sonny Dunne P. C. Al ( after a pause ) ' \Vhero does jer mother send jer for the beer , mj dear ? THE OLD LOVE AM ) THE Tom , who has been taking n nap behind the rocks , awakens to overhear the follow ing between Angy ( his old love ) and Edwin ( her ne ) - Angy ( with gush ) Oh , I could sit forever llko this" Edwin B-but , dear , did jou never say the same to Tom ? Angj Oh , never never ! He has such a hard , thick bead , and yours , darling , Is so soft ! I OFFERING OF A AO1ILE T1IOLG1I IGSJKl.Vr IIBAHT. % Hedge Well , sir , as jou were sajlng In jour sermon on Sundaj- , them there com mon taters ( commentators ) didn't agrco with jer , I thought I'd bring jer a few of the * * 'ero to try. lOUTlirui , I'lll.MOKSt , Schoolmaster Well. Tommy l to again ! "What's your excuse tula tlmet Tommy Please , sir , I lost my way going uuttlug.