Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1897, Image 1

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Tammanj's Candidate for Major of Greater
Now York Wins ,
Parker , Democrat , for Court of Appaals
Carries the City ,
Vote Will Be Olcso Whichever Way it
May Go.
OliI Hay .StudStntiiln Firmly liy < li -
k I'rlndiilcH of the
I'lirty KlL-ctloim In
Other Slates.
NEW YORK , Nov. 3. Following l the
crand total of the votes received by the
three leading candidates for mayor In
Greater New York , complete returns having
uccn received from all districts : Van , Wyck.
235,181 ; Low , 148,513 ; Tracy , 101,823. Van
iWyck's plurality over Low , SG.CGS.
NEW YOIIK. Nov. 2. Tammany's victory
in the "first , municipal election In Greater
Now York' Is a sweeping ono. The only
question remaining to be settled at 11 o'clock
ia the one of the plurality by which the
cntlro ticket headed by Robert A. Van Wyck
lias carried the gigantic municipality. It
con scarcely be less than GO.OOO and maybe
bo larger than that. Van Wyck has polled
n vote which falls possibly 40,000 under the
combined votes ot General Tracy ( republican )
and Beth Low ( citizens' union ) .
The latter was successful to the extent
of polling an aggregate vote in excess of
the 140,000 pledges Implied by the signa
tures to the petition upn which he became
the candidate of an Independent movement
which at the outset offered to join hands
with the republican party organization in a
concerted vote to exclude Tammany from
power In the greater city to come Into being
on January 1. 1898. The offer was declined
on the ground that In such a movement
the republican organization would participate
only colncldcntly with the other party to
the compact , and the citizen ! : ' union , on
the other iKiid , refused to call off Its nom
ination of Mr. Low In order that the form
of - -selecting- candidate might bo carried
out conjointly with the republican organiza
Thn total number of votes cast was not
far cither way from half a million. The In
dications are that Van Wyck received 210-
000 ; Low , 145,000 ; Tracy , 100,000 , and George ,
15,000. The aggregate Is swelled by a few
thousand votes cast for Gleason , Independ
ent democrat ; Ennlel , socialist , and Ward-
[ well , nrohlbltlonlst.
On the city ticket with Judge Van > Wyck ,
Bird S. Colrr Is elected comptroller and Han.
dolph Guggcnhelmer president of the munic
ipal council.
Charles S. Falrchlld , who was secretary of
the treasury during Cleveland's first presi
dential term and whom the citizens' union
put up for comptroller , did not hold the pace
with Mr. Low. Ashbel I' . Fitch , originally
a rcpubllcrn and afterward a democratic
member of congress from a Tammany dis
trict of this city , was the ropublloia nom
inee for comptroller. He Is defeated by
about the s.imo _ vote * as the head of bib
ticket , Ihi was nominated with General
Tracy In recognition of the bervlcos he ren
dered In the presidential campaign last year ,
lighting as a gold standard democrat against
the democrats who had accepted the 1C ti > 1
platform of the Chicago convention. Color ,
< the successful candidate , Is now to public
Charles W. Dayton , late postmaster of this
city , who was nominated for comptroller on
the George ticket , polled probably half -is
many votes again as were given to Mr.
The legislative 'branch of the city govern
ment is Tammany-democratic. It Is a
doublchcadcd body , ono branch being the
jnunlclpal council , ccnslstlng of the presi
dent and twenty-eight members , and tbc
other , the board of aldermen , comprising
sixty members. The precise number of
democrats chosen cannot bo ( stated at the
jirescnt writing. There appears to be a strong
probability that the democrats have won a
majority ot the county nmd borough olllccs
alone with the muoilclpal places.
The vote of Van Wyck In Now York county
Is approximately the tame as was cast for
Bryan In 1SOB , which was 135,624. Guicral
Tracy , republican , polled approximately 65-
000 , agolDSt McKlnley's vote ot 150,359 In
Now York county , while Low , cltlzcna' union ,
polled approximately 77.000 anJ George , Jcf.
forson democrat , 12,000.
In Kings county , which Includes the city
of Brooklyn , the Ilryan vote was 70,882 , wbllo
Van Wyck's will bo almost the same. Against
McKlnlny's vote of 109,135 General Tiacy
liolls approximately 35,000 , while law's vote
Is approximately C5.COU.
In these two counties the straight repub
lican vole shows a falling off of nearly
17D.OOO , or In OXCCHS of the total votn for
Beth Low , whllo the Tammany vote equals ,
If It docs not slightly exceed , that cast lor
Ilryan ,
The palling come within about 50,000 of
the en tire registration , which , considering
the weather conditions under which the elec
tion proceeded , was all that could be ex
pected , The day was wet , foggy , "muggy"
to a degree. It was such a day as , In the
years gene by , when voters Ikied up In the
streets to await tliulr chance to rant their
ballots to the judges Inside , was called "good
democratic weather. " Under the altered con
ditions , the voting being done within doors ,
this characterization cannot well apply. There
v.-as a general suspension of business and
nearly over ) body who was qualified hail the
opportunity of voting. It v\as only lu the
outlylntf sections that the excrete'of the
tight of franchise was attended with any
luconvcnlcnce , And at night the whole city
was alive to the occasion. Bulletin boards ,
searchlights , newspaper extras , readers on
the Etaisra of scores of theaters , told the story
of the election , The jubilant had recourse
to the discordant fish hews for expression
of their joy , while Iho saloons , closed dur
ing the hours whllo the voting was In jrog-
rcasf did business on a scale tbatJyy-pmlscd
to compensate for the period of euforcaJ
( hirst , noisy ami brilliantly Illuminated. The
enthu U m In the vicinity of Tammany ball
was particularly great.
Chairman Qulgg of tbo republican city and
couuty committee 'wu very gluia ud Jifl
the headquarters at 340. ! Ho refused to
make a formal statement and was very loath
to discuss the situation , At the headquar
ters there were few prominent republicans
present and they left the place shortly after
Qulgg did. No one would make a statement.
The republicans kept up their appearance of
confidence until Ihc early returns showed
the gains for Van Wyck and then collapsed
entirely. It Is impossible to describe the
gloom at the republican headquarters. If
anything , the depression was more apparent
than at the George headquarters. At 9
o'clock there were only ono or two repub
licans about. General Tracy did not appear
at headquarters at all.
Lemuel E. Qulgg of the city and county
committees went sadly up the stairs of the
Fifth Avenue hotel , leading to the state
headquarters parlor at 8:30 : and looked In
through the door. Then he turned and walked
out again.
"What do you think the outcome will be ? "
was asked of him.
"It seems to bo all outgo , " ho replied
with an effort to smile.
Senator I'latt remained In his apartments
ami declined to be seen ,
Outsldo the hotel Madison Square and the
streets branching oft from It wore packed
with a cheering , noisy crowd , watching elec
tion returns bulletined by a newspaper. It
was a great contrast to the silent little
gathering of republicans In the parlor.
Whatever might have been mo result Iwil
Henry George survived the campaign the de
ductions from earliest returns were that the
substitution of the BOH for the father as
thu mayoralty candidate of the Thomas Jef
ferson democracy had proved a failure from
any but the Kentlmantal point of view. In
Met , the George candidacy has made but a
beggarly showing , scarcely 5 per cent of the
votes In Now York City having been cast
for the son of the author of "Progress and
Poverty. "
The George vote possibly buffered by the
failure of the voters or of the election offi
cials to supply 11 largu number of the pre
cincts with pasters to attach to the voting
papers. The law requires that In the event
of the death of a candidate before the date
of the election and after the voting papers
have been printed there shall be printed and
supplied to each precinct rosters upon which
Is printed the name of the person selected
In the prescribed manner to succeed the
deceased candidate , the pasters to be at
tached to the billet over the muno of the
original nominee. Although In the case of the
Thomas Jefferson democracy's ticket the per-
83n substituted was of the same name as
the candidate who died , Henry George , the
election board held that the letter of the
law should bo observed and pasters were
ordered printed and distributed In the pre
scribed manner. As already stated , the dis
tribution was noli done In all cases and con
sequently voters were under the necessity
of writing In thu name of the second Henry
George or voting the ticket as It st-od ,
neither of which , It Is claimed , was a literal
compliance with the law. In some cases
citizens who had Intended to vote for George
would not do so , anticipating that an attempt
would result In the vitiating of the ballot
as a whole. It has been held In previous
eases of a somewhat similar character that
the evident Intent 'of the voter should be
considered by the judges and the vote
counted QB regular , and this rule has In all
probability been followed in many casss to
The headquarters of Robert A. Van Wyck
at the Bartholdl hotel was the scene of great
Joy aa the returns began to Indicate a
sweeping Tammany victory. A score or more
of people were in the rooms where the re
turns were being received and they cheered
lustily. Hut It was a feast without the host.
Mayor-elect Van Wyck did ijot appear at the
headquaiters at any time during thu night.
He left the headquarters at 4 p. m. , going
to pollco headquarters with former Mayor
Hugh J. Grant , where he entered a private
room In the ofllco of the holler Inspector. He
stayed there until 7 o'clock receiving re
turns. Ilu then left , presumably for the
Murray Hill hotel. It uns expected that he
would bo at headquarters some time during
tlio night , but at 10 o'clock the mayor-
elect's private secretary , Alfred Johnson , an
nounced that he would not be at the head
quarters at all and could not be seen. lie
also said that Judge Van Wyck cou'.d not
bo seen at all.
lirlviT , Di'inorriil , fur JtiilKt * , IN
I'riiliahly ! 31c < ' ( 'il.
NEW YOIIK , Nov. 3. Following Is the
grand total of the votes of the leading caudl
dates foe chief judge of appcala In Greater
Now York complete , all returns having
been received : Wallace , republican , 139,772
Parker , democrat , 282,967.
NEW YOUK , Nov. 2. Ilaln which prevailed
vailed generally all over the state had the
effect of keeping a great many of the coun
try votes auay , all over the btatc. It Is
apparent that reduced majorities were given
concedcdly republican districts , to Wll
Ham W. Wallace , republican nomlncu for
judge of court of appeals , as compared will
the pluralities by which the same districts
wcru carried last year. In many districts
the plurality of a year ago la reduced by
half , and others ore falling oft less than 25
per cent. Conceding to Judge Parker , dem
ocrat , a majority of 100,000 In Greater Now
York , It Is probable that he has \vcm In
the state.
The icturns for assemblyman are entirely
lacking In the Greater New York districts
oulng to the large number of candidate
ofu votes must \io \ counted bcfora the
scmbly nominees are reached and the rc-
oults hero will probably not bo known untl
tomorrow. Outside of Greater New York
wllh thirteen districts to be heard from , ills
pitches to the Associated press show tli
election of sUty-ono republicans and thirty
ace democrats , This , li Is believed , Insure
republican coiiliol of the assambly , whalevc
may be the result in Greater Now York
At 11 o'clock State Chairman Hackctt , re
publican , declared that dUpatches receive !
from assembly districts throughout the stat
sho\\ed that the republicans had a viorklng
majority In the state legislature.
Thu Indication Is the democrats have
small majority of the state assembly. I
the greater city It Is estimated from th
meager returns will be fiUy-ouo democrat
and ten republicans , \\blle in the upper par
of 'the slate there are said to have bee
changes from republicans lo democrats 1
twenty districts. In the last assembly th
republicans had n majority of seventy-deb
Conceding all tint Is claimed by the demo
cratH the next house will have ten dome
erotic majority. State senators were no
elected tbls year. Other estimates glvo
republican majority lu the assembly ot three
Estimates of the majority of Parker , democrat
crat , for chief Judge of the court of up
poala range all the way from 35,000 to CO
HOCHESTEH. N. V. , Nov. 2. The eutlr
democratic ticket < \ elected.
HUKFALO. N , Y , Nov. 2 , Dr. Conru
Dlchl. democrat , has been elected m > or b
( Continued on Second Page. )
Republican Candidate is Elected by a
Comfortable Majority.
neiuocrnfn MnUc I'lorcc I'lcht on
3lnrk Ilimna nml May 1'onxllily
Defctit Him Tlit-y Claim
( he Stuff. , t >
COLUMBUS. 0. , Nov. 2. The result In
Ohio Is so close that It may require the
fficlal count to determine the result , cspe-
lally on the political complexion of the
eglslature. The republicans and the demo-
rats are both claiming the state and the
eglslaturo with such persistence that It will
oqulrc the official count at lc.ast to got
113 or the other to concede defeat. In-
omplctu icturns Indicate the election of the
cpubllcan state ticket by from 10,000 to
2,000 , but the result on the legislature Is
o close that no definite figures can be given
n It tonight. The democrats claim confl-
ently a majority In both branches ot the
eglslature , but give no llgures on the num-
ier of state senators or rcprcscntatlvEs. The
cpubllcans claim fifty-four representatives
nd seventeen senators sure , or seventy-cms
otes on joint ballot , sovcnty-threo being
necessary to elect a senator. They also
lalm all of the twelve representatives whoso
ountlcs have not been definitely heard from
and all of which are In the doubtful list.
CLEVELAND. 0. , Nov. 2. Governor Dush-
ncll has carried Ohio by a majority ranging1
rom 20,000 to 25,000. This Insures the elec-
lon ot a republican majority In thei general
assembly and the return of Marcus A.
lanna to the senate. In Cuyahoga county
ho republicans have a majority from 3,000
o 5,000 and three republican scaatoro and
nine republican representatives. In the legls-
aturo are elected.
( Signed ) THE LEADER.
The Plain Dealer makes the following
tatcmcnt at 10:30 : tonight :
"The republican legislative ticket Is run
ning 10 per cent behind the state ticket and
he state ticket Is losing In Cleveland am av
erage ot 22 per precinct. This defection will
educe the republican plurality to a close
nargln , though It is probible tbit the re-
mbllcan state and legislative tickets will
) o elected. Sufficient retunw are In to In-
llcato that the republicans will carry Cuya-
mga county. Senator Hanna's homo , by a
ncager plurality. "
COLUMBUS , O. , Nov. 2. At 10 p , m. the
cmocratic state committee claimed the elcc-
lon of Its state ticket by from 8,000 to
0,000 plurality and a majority of the
eglslaturo on Joint ballot for "United
States senator. No figures -were given on
ho thirty-six state senators and 109 rcpre-
entatlves , but It was claimed that the re-
mbllcau loss of fourteen membsrs of the
eglslature lu Hamilton county would Inure -
uro democratic control ot the legislature.
The democrats also claim twelve members
of the legislature from Cuyahoga county ,
vhlch includes Cleveland , the homo of Sena-
or Hanna. The republican state commlt-
ce conceded the loss of Hamilton county ,
> ut claimed that there were not sufficient
retuins from Cleveland on which to base
any estimate. AVlth the loss of fourteen
nembers of the legislature In Hamilton
county and of twelvu members In Cuyahoga
county the republicans < do not expect to
carry the legislature. The republican state
committee claims It will carry Cuyahoga
county and make gains In other counties.
t states U had anticipated losses In the
cities on account of tights on bosslsm and
other troubles , but It had best reports
Irom the rural districts.
A heavy , continuous rain prevailed all day
and no doubt affected the rural vote. The
republican gains &ecm to como from the
rural democratic counties and democratic
gains from the republican counties , In which
the largo cities are located. The repub
licans at this hour do not conccdo the loss
of their state ticket or of the control of
the legislature , but admit that the legisla
ture will be close on both.
At 11:30 : p. m. the democratic managers
at their state headquarters had not changed
their earlier claims on the election of Chap
man as governor and on securing- majority
on Joint ballot In the legislature for senator.
No definite flgurca were given out and It was
conceded that some doubtful counties and
senatorial dlstrlctH had not been heard from
on the vote for mumbnni of the. legislature.
Chairman Nash at the republican state
headquarteis would uot give out any state
ment at this hour , but his assistants , who
were tabulating the returns , announced that
Ilushncll was elected governor and the cntlro
republican state ticket was elected by from
5,000 to 10,000 plurality. The basis of demo
cratic gains had been reduced since 10 p ,
in. from sixteen to eight per precinct. The
first returns oimo from ths cities and the re
publicans claimed almost uniform from the
rural districts.
At rcuubllriin state headquarters at this
hour they are moro confident of having a
majority In the legislature than of n decisive
plurality on the state ticket. They claim
eighteen of the thirty-six senators euro , with
fifteen democrats and three doubtful. They
also claim a majority of the 109 representa
tives , hut no definite figures are given on
either the counties for representatives or the
senatorial dUtrlcts ,
This county ( Franklin ) gave McKlnloy a
plurality of 2.200 last year. U gives the
democratic state ticket this year a plurality
of 1,000 and electH ths cntlro democratic
ticket , the only clrse vote being for sberff.
CINCINNATI , Nov. 2. The returns show
the election ot fourteen fusion members ol
the legislature lu Hamilton county by ma
jorities of something' near 3,000. The same
county ticket Is elected by from 3,000 to
3,600. Iliishnell will carry the county by
1,000 paajorlty.
CANTON , O , , Nov. 2. After dinner the
presidential parly received the early returns
at tbo Day residence and at 9 o'clock was
driven to the homo of Mother McKtnley. At
11 o'clock the party drove to the special
traUi In waiting at the depot. All were
greatly Interested In the returns and none
retired until a late hour. Returns from out
lying districts of Stark county Indicate dem
ocratic IcGECfl over last year , more than
counterbalance republican decreases In
cities , IndlcatloiiH are that Williams , Sny-
dcr aud Jones , republican legislators , are
elected ,
CANTON , 0 , Nov. 2. The city of Canton
gives Hushnell 3,421 ; Chapman , 3,114 ; Hoi-
llday , 99 ; Coxey , 95 ; Dexter , 6 ; Richardson ,
0. Ilushnell'd plurality , 307.
CINCINNATI , O. , Nov. 2. The following
are the complete returns from all the pre
cincts of Hamilton county made to the
Hoard of Elections * Iluslmcll ( republican ) ,
governor , 41.121 ; Chapman ( demo r-1) , gov
ernor , 39.G11. Hushucil e plurality 1 1 511.
On tbo legislative- ticket Cohen , fuilonlit ,
received 41,395 votes. Harrla , the bluest re-
publican on Iho senatorial ; ticket , received
39,448 votes. Cohen's majority Is 1,017.
The other fuslorilst caniUdatcs on the
legislative ticket run vert nearly tip to
Cohen's majority. Candidate on the fuelonlst
county ticket bad majorities of from 2,000
to upward of 3,000. The toUl vote ot Ham
ilton county with Its 270 precincts was 82-
000. The voles for other candidates than
ihoso on the ticket of the two great parties
was llcht. ' \
COLUMBUS. 0. , Nor. 2. Since midnight
the following was given out from the repub
lican state headquarters !
'To the Associated Press : I think Hush-
nell has been re-elected governor by from
12,000 to 15,000 plurality. Wo have elected
fifty-four of the 104 representatives and
seventeen ot trm thirty-six state senators cet-
taln , assuring us of scvcnty-ono votes on the'
Joint ballot , seventy-three being necessary to
elect senator. We have twelve doubtful coun
ties unheard from In which wo expect to
elect twelve more representatives. There arc
also three doubtful senatorial districts un
heard from In which five state senators ore to
bo elected and from which wo will certainly
elect turec senators. Wo claim the election
ot the entire republican states ticket and a
majority In each branch of the general as
sembly. GEORGE K. , NASH , Chairman. "
COLUMBUS , 0. , Nov. 2. At 12 o'clock
Chairman McConvlllc made the following
statement to the Associated press :
"I claim the legislature as democratic by
a safe majority In both brunettes and that the
entire state democratic ticket Is elected by a
good plurality. "
ZANESV1LLE , O. , NoV. 2. The city , less
ono precinct , gives : nus'hncll , 2,739 ; Chap
man , 2,527. The came precincts gave : Me-
Kinley , 3,025 ; Bryan , 2,027.
HAMILTON , 0. , Nov. 2. Hamilton gives :
Chapman , 3,174 ; Uushnclt , 1,175. In Duller
county Chapman's plWJltty Is estimates at
nearly 3tOCO.
COLUMBUS. 0. , Nov. 2. The complete returns -
, turns In Columbus ( eighty-eight precincts )
I glva Bushnell , republican , for governor , 12-
710 ; Chapman , democrat , 12,747. Last fall I
McKlnley carried the city by 3,161 , making j
a democratic gain of 3,178.
TOLEDO , 0. , Nov. 2. The vote In Toledo
was : Bushnell , 10,402 ; Chapman , 10,013.
The comity vote will Increase this some 900
jut will not affect the result. Indications
are that the republican legislative ticket ot
this district is defeated by a small majority.
Vote Clour , lint Hormasi l.lkrly lo lie
Inl < l Out ,
BALTIMORE , Nov. 2. The republicans
aave elecled their entire municipal ticket
in this city and will control both branches
of the city council. They have also carried
all three ot the Baltimore ) legislative dis
tricts and the seat In the United States
senate now filled by Gorman hangs In the
balance , so that a few votes may turn the
tide. How close the contest for the legis
lature Is may be sean from Uio following
table of countles..bascd upon partial returns
daid conservative estimates !
Republican AUcgany , fl ; Anne Arundel , 5 ;
Baltimore city , 21 ; Charles , 3 ; Frederic , C ;
Garrett , 3 ; Prlnco Qcdrgesr4 ; Somerset , 4 ;
Washington , 5 ; total , 57. „ „ „ k , , ,
Democratic Baltlmore-cpunty | , 7 ; Calve'rt ,
3 ; Caroline , 3 ; Carroll ; Cecil , 4 ; Dorches
ter , 4 ; Harfonl , 5 ; Howard. 3 ; Kent , 3 ;
Montgomery , 4 ; Queen Anne , 4 ; St. Mary's ,
3 ; Talbot , 4 ; Wlcomlco , 4 ; Worcester , 4 ;
total. CO.
The republicans having nine "holdovers , "
their tobil on joint ballot would be CO , while
the democrats would have but 63. The only
chance then apparently left for the demo
crats Is to elect nine out of the fourteen new
senatois. In which event they will control
the legislature and elect a United States
senator by one vote.
Chairman Scott ot the republioin state
committee gave out the following written
statement at midnight : "I am very well
satisfied with the result BO far as heard
from. Wo have carried Baltimore city , in-
cludlns the three legislative districts , by at
least 8.000 majority and our advices Indicate
that the republicans will send a successor
to Mr. Gorman to the United States sen
. "
ate. _
I'ruftlfiilly X < > FlmircK on UuturiiH
Art * lit Iliinil.
TOPEKA. Kan. , Nov.2. . At midnight
practically no figures.are to bo had to show
the result of today's elections. Both the
republicans and the fuslonlsts arc claiming
to have elected a majority of the thirteen
district Judges voted for , but their claims
are Indefinite. In the Atchison district ox-
Governor Click , fuslonlst , baa been defeated
for state senator by II. T. Andrews , repub
lican. No figures are to be had as to the
election ot the other state senator and the
four members of the lower house elected to
nil vacancies. In WyanOotto county , In
which Is In Kansas City , Kan. , the republicans
elected their full ticket with the exception
ot coroner , by pluralities ranging from 200
to 1,000. Bryan carried the county by twcnty-
elx votes. In this ( Shawnee ) county the
republicans have a .substantial majority.
From cnly about a score of the 105 counties
have definite results been received as to the
election of the county olHcers , and these
counties are about equally divided between
the republican * } and the fuslonlsts.
LEAVENWOHTII , Kan. , Nov. 2. The
electlrn In this county today resulted In the
election of Peter Everbardy , democrat ,
sheriff ; Frank O'Donnelldemocrat , county
commissioner ; J. C. Nioluuse , democrat ,
county clerk. The four ofiior candidates are
republican. \
TOPEKA. Kas , , Nov. t.-fThe republicans
carrloJ Shawnee county by'from 1,000 to 3,000
majorities. Peter Cook. , republican candidate
for sheriff , had tbo smallest majority. Hid
opponent \\as Robcrt'Kepl'oy , the present Incumbent
cumbont , endorsed by democrats , populists
and freu silver republicans ,
Miiyliury in Itvturiied I > V n DouUlvu
Vole. ,
DETROIT , Mich. , Nov. 2. Today's muni
cipal election resulted Lnia decisive victory
for the head of the democratic ticket , Mayor
Maybury. The official returns up to midnight ,
with but three precincts lacking , give May-
bury 2,100 plurality o\er Black , republican.
William B , Thompson , dt-mocrat , Is elected
treasurer over Grunow , republican , by some
thing like 4,000 ; Ror-ert W. Webb , democrat ,
Is also elected a Justice ot the peace. The
republicans elect John A , Schmld pity clerk
by something over 2,000 , and also elect 'Felix
A , Lcmkle as justice and leglslator-at-large.
The democrats gain two Aldermen and the
now council will stand twenty-one repub
licans to thirteen democrats. Mayor May-
bury's majoiity exceeds what lie received In
the special election for mayor last spring by
1,600. i
I'rnvliliMiw 3liinlcl | > al Kleclloii.
PROVIDENCE , It. I. . Nov. 2. Tho- muni
cipal election reunited In the election of
William C. Baker , democrat , by over 1,500
plurality. The vote was tbo smallest in
years , the heavy rain prey-eating a large poll.
Meager Returns Point to the Probable
Election of Post
Soinp rn | > nllxt SlrnnKliolrtn Shmv
FiillliiMT OH III the Vote for SuUl-
vnn tilitlit Vote Cunt 111
the Slnto.
ncturns from Nebraska come with the
customary delay , so aggravating , but ap
parently Insurmountable. All that Is cer
tain this morning Is that the vote Is much
lighter than It was last year ; that In the 240
precincts outside of Douglas county from
which returns had been received up till 3:30 :
this morning , a plurality of 90 for Holcomb
In 1SOG had been changed to a plurality of
492 for 1'ost , a net republican gain of 582.
A ntcady Increase In this ratio will elect
I'ost. Tlio returns received are widely scat
tered over the state , and Include many of the
strongest populist precincts. They follow :
i I'roclnctH.
SulIIMacHol -
Ccunty. Precincts. Post. van. Coll. comb.
Totnls . .242 out of 1,411 19,283 18,791 19.G43 19,733
ADAMS COUNTY Jtinlata , Kenesaw ,
nialoe , Hastings Second end Hastings Third
precincts glvo : Post , G40 ; Sullivan , G18. Same
precincts lost year gave ; MacColl , C57 ; Hol
comb , > 66G.
Hastings First ward : Post , 177 ; Sullivan ,
177. Same precinct last year gave : MacColl ,
185 ; Holcomb , 183.
BOX DUTTE Dorsey and Nonpareil pre
cincts give : Sullivan , 106 ; Post , 71. Same
precincts last year gave : MacColl , 74 ; Hol
comb. 112.
BOYD COUNTY Uutto and McCulley pre-
clnL-ts give : Post , 16S ; Sulllvan , 121. Same
precincts last year gave : MacColl , 15G ; Hol
comb , 151.
Ware and Spencer precincts give : Post , 72 ;
Sullivan , 133. Same precincts last year gave :
MacColl , 77 ; Holcomb , 129.
I1ROWN COUNTY Alnsworth , Buffalo ,
Garfleld and Johnstown precincts give : Post ,
224 ; Sullivan , 207. Same precincts last year
gave : MacColl , 210 ; Holcomb , 231.
BUFFALO COUNTY Gibbon , Amada ,
Grant , Center , Rtverdale , Sharon and Shcl-
ton townships and two wards In Kearney
give : Post , 755 ; Sullivan , 8G9. Same pre-
clr.uts loot year gave : 'MacColl ' , 559 ; Hol
comb , 717.
BUTLER COUNTY Three wards of David
City give : Post , 224 ; Sullivan , 142. Same
oroclncts last year gavoT" MacColl , 2G9 ; llol-
comb , 223.
CASS COUNTY Plattsmoutb , Second ,
Third , Fourth wards and Avoca precinct
glvo : Post , 433 ; 'Sullivan ' , 460. Same pre
cincts last year gave : MacColl , 431 ; Hol
comb , 458.
CHERRY COUNTY Valentino precinct
gives : Post , 90 ; Sullivan , 103. Same pre
cinct last year gave : MacColl , 104 ; Hol
comb , 92.
COLFAX COUNTY Schuyler , . Rlchlaml ,
Rogers and Grant precincts give : Peat , 339 ;
Sullivan , 518. Same precincts last year gave :
MacCall , 2G5 ; Holcomb , 552.
CUMING COUNTY West Point , tf-irco
wards , and Sherman precinct give : Post , 279 ;
Sullivan , 258. Same precincts last year gave :
MacColl , 283 ; Holcomb , 276.
DAWES COUNTY Chadron precinct
gives : Pc t , 260 ; Sullivan , l'J3. Same pre
cinct last year gave : MacCall , 271 ; Holcomb ,
Dry Creek , Orange , Leonard , Trunk ,
Butte nml Bordeaux precincts give : Post ,
80 ; Wulllvnn , 127. Same precincts last year
gave ; MacCall , 102 ; Holcomb , 1G1.
DAWSON COUNTY Cozad , Hillside awl
Grant precincts glvo : Post , 171 ; Sullivan ,
206 , Same precincts last year gave : MacColl
151 ; Holcomb , ISO.
Buffalo , Platte , Logan , Overton , Willow
leland and Lexington First , precincts , give
Post , 449 ; Sullivan , 651. Same precincts last
year gave : MacColl , 371 ; Holcomb , 471 ,
DEUEL COUNTY Chappell precinct
gives : Post , 68 ; Sullivan , 31. Same pro
duct last year gave ; MacCall , 62 ; Holcomb
DODGE COUNTY City of Fremont complete
ploto and Pebble and Webster precincts give
Post , 825 ; Sullivan , 07. Same precincts las
year gave : MacColl , 890 ; Ilolcomb , 844.
DUNUY COUNTY Benkelman , Max , In
dlau Creek , Hoover , Harrison and Halgler
precincts give : I'Obt , 1G2 ; Sullivan , 111. Same
precincts last year gave : MacColl , 166 ; Hoi
comb , 132.
Ington and Turkey Creek precincts give
Peat , 177 ; Sullivan , 150. Same precincts las
year gave : MacColl , 174 ; Holcomb , 155.
FUIINA'3 ' COUNTY Wllionvllle preclnc
gives : Post , 77 ; Sullivan , 78 , Same preclnc
last year gave : MacColl , 82 ; Holcomb , C9.
GAGE COUNTY Beatrice , First , Second
FKth and Sixth wards ; Holt and Midland
townships glvo : Post , 584 ; Sullivan , 311
Same precincts last year gave : MacColl
659 ; Ilolcomb , 354. I
GRANT COUNTY Yaunls precinct give
Post twenty majority. Indications are Urn
the entire republican county ticket Is elected
excepting sheriff. Same.precln t last yra
gave1 Ma-Coll 63 ; Holcomb , CO.
HALL COUNTY Grand Island First , fee
end and Third , Alda , I.allu Wood , River am
Prairie Creek preclncls give : Post , 907 ; Sulll
Ventlifr r < ircrnt for Ncl'rnkn
Generally I'nlr ; Variable Winds.
r ce.
1. Tammany Cnpturc * Orontcr Now York
llrjult U Clo < p In Ohio ,
Qulot IMcrtlon tit Nobrtmkii.
Itopiibtlniiis Curry DoiiRln * County.
B , Itnln Tall * on Klertlon Day.
tjlmnU r.lrclcd In Innn.
3. Motion Miuto In the ll.irtlrjCnso. .
4. IMItorlnl ami Comment.
0. Ulnimi r.tpoct * to Tnclfy Culm.
Hrvpn Munlor.i In Kentucky.
0. Council lllufTi I , oral .Miittrrn.
8 , 1'rooeccltiiKH of the City Council ,
0. I'p.itiirM of Secretary \Vll on' llcrmrt.
Union 1'nclllr Sulo In Complete ,
Children' * Contrllmtloni * Como In C'nuli.
Flri-mcii Will ( let Tlu-lr WiiRm ,
11. Commercial nml riimnrtitl Nvs. .
1 . Why tlui Knclnoer ll.n . White llnlr.
Stntlitlri Concerning Grrnt Wnm ,
nt Oninlini
Hour. lr > r. Hour. Dcpr.
K it. m . ill ) 1 | i. m . n I
< i n. m . : ti p , 111. . . . . . ns
8 n. in . 2S -I p. m . ( II )
i > n. m . : u n it. 111 . no
1 < > II. ill . IIS ( I | i. m . .IS
1 1 . m . in 7 p. m . . - , . - .
113 111 . fit N p , ill . ( VI
. ii. 111 . ni :
an , C48. Same precincts last year gave :
MacColl , 7G2 ; Holcomb , G25.
Fifteen out ot nineteen precincts give :
Post , 1,328 , ; iSulllvnn , 1,218.
HAMILTON COUNTY Aurora city , Au
rora precinct. Valley , 'Beaver ' and Phillips
ireclncta glvo : I'ost , 624 ; Sullivan , 439.
Same precincts last year gave : MacColl ,
563 ; Ilolcomb , 432.
ton and Rldcnour precincts give : Post , 139 ;
Sullivan , 145. Same precincts last year gave :
MacColl , 154 ; Holcomb , 126.
HOWARD COUNTY St. Paul town , St.
'aul and St. Llbory precincts give : Post.
295 ; Sullivan , 275. Same precincts last year
gave : MacColl , 270 ; Holcomb , 296.
Logan , Dannobrog and Falrdalc preclnots
give : Port , 380 ; Sullivan , 480. Same pre
cincts last year gave : MacColl , 360 ; Hol
comb , 602.
JEFFERSON COUNTY Four precincts , In-
cludliiK the First and Third wards ot Fair-
bury , give : Sullivan , 358 ; Post. 314.
JOHNSON COUNTY Nemaha , Western
and Lincoln precincts give : Post , C19 ; Sul-
Ivan , 637. Same precincts last year gave :
MacColl , 653 ; Holcomb , 590.
Johnson county complete gives Post a ma
jority of 73.
KEARNEY COUNTY Lincoln township :
Eighteen majority for Sullivan. City of Mln-
dcn : Three majority for Post.
KEITH COUNTY Two precincts glvo :
Post , 77 ; Sullivan , 98.
KLMBALL COUNTY Antelope and Bush
nell precincts give : Post , Gl ; Sullivan , 21.
Same precincts last year gave : MacCall , 49 ;
Ilolcomb 50.
LANCASTER COUNTY Precincts A , Second
end wa'rd. A , B and D , Third ward , D , Fourth
ward , C , Fifth ward , A and B , Sixth ward ,
city ot-.Lincoln , , give : Post , 1,171 ; Sullivan ,
921. Sams precincts last year gave : MacColl ,
1,460 , Holcomb , 1,200.
Forty-two out of fifty-seven voting pre
cincts In the county give : Post , 4,401 ; Sul-
Ivan , 3,927. The republican county ticket
s elected by about 900 majority , except
woous lor register 01 uccuswno is defeated.
Judge Post carries the county by about 500.
LINCOLN COUNTY Nine precincts , In
cluding city of North Platte , complete , gives :
Post , 511 ; Sullivan , 464.
MADISON COUNTY Shell Creek precinct
gives : Post , 133 ; Sullivan , GG ; Kaley , 138 ;
Von Forcll , 58 ; Dryilen , 142 ; Konowcr , 57.
Same precincts last year gave : MacColl , 337 ;
Holcomb. 564.
Norfolk , four wards , complete , give : Pest ,
380 ; Sullivan , 311. Same precincts last year
gave : MacColl , 638 ; Ilolcomb , 310.
Madison and Union precincts give : Post ,
2G1 ; Sullivan , 239. Same precincts last year
gave : MacColl , 234 ; Holcomb , 223.
MERRICK COUNTY Central City , Silver
Creek. Mead , Midland and Prairie Creek give :
Post. 367 : Sullivan , 458. Sumo precincts last
year gave : MacColl , 463 ; Holcomb , 469.
NANCE COUNTY First. Second and Third
wards , city , and Fullcrtcn , Loup , Ferry and
Cedar precincts give : Post , 281 ; Sullivan ,
342. Same precincts last year gave : Mac-
Cell , 281 ; Ilolcomb , 308.
NEMAHA COUNTY Douglas and Bedford
precincts give : Post , 350 ; Sullivan , fill.
Same precincts laat year gavu : MacColl ,
337 ; Holcomb , 564. .
NUCKOLLS COUNTY Beaver , East ward
In Nelson , Liberty , 'Sherman ' , Highland and
Alban precincts give : Post , 149 ; Sullivan , 41G.
Same precincts last year gave : MucColl , 438 ;
Holcomb , 458.
OTOE COUNTY Fourth ward , Nebratka
City , Delaware , Belmont , Four Mile and
Hcndrlcks give Posl , 3S5 ; Sullivan , 520. The
same precincts last year gave : MacColl , 382 ;
Ilolcomb , G53.
PAWNEE COUNTY Clay , Pawnee City
and Sheridan precincts glvo : Pest , 471 ; Sul
livan , 382. Same preclncta lust year gave :
MacColl 60S ; Ilolcomb , 100.
PERKINS COUNTY Liberty , Valley ,
Marvin , Yankee and Woodson pruclncto
give : Post , 94 ; SullUnn , 100.
PHCLI'S COUNTY Holdrcgo , Prairie ,
Laird , Divide , Center and West Mark give :
Post , 488 ; Sullivan , 428. Same precincts
last year gave : MacColl , 552 ; Holcomb , 486.
PLATTE COUNTY Ojlumbus city and
Lost Creek precincts give : Post , 401 ; Sulli
van , C05. Same precincts last year gave :
MacColl. 444 ; Holcomb , GSO.
POLK COUNTY StromsburK and Canada
preclncls Polk county give : Post , 251 ; Sulli
van , 476. Same precincts last year gave :
MacColl , 259 ; Holcomb. 603.
Box Elder , Driftwood. East Valley , Lebanon ,
Perry and Valley Orange give : , . Post , 529 ;
Sullivan , 369. Same precincts last year gave :
MacColl , 586 ; Holcomb. 394.
Alliance , Beaver. Ilnndvllle. Coleman ,
Gerver , Grant , Rc < l Willow and Danbury
precincts glvo : Peat , 213 ; Sullivan , 311.
Same precincts last year gave : MacColl ,
192 ; Holcomb , 321.
ROCK COUNTY BaEsctt , Brlnkerhoff ,
Center and Thurman preclncls give : Post ,
138 ; Sullivan , 83. Same precincts laat year
gave : MacColl , 121 ; Holcomb. 71.
SALINE COUNTY Wllber precinct gives :
Post , 146 ; Sullivan , 283. Same precinct last
year gave : MacColl , 15G ; Holcomb , 270.
Incomplete returns received Indicate that
Sullivan carries Saline county by at leant
BAUNDERS COUNTY Wahoo , Pohocco ,
Union , East and West Stocking , Including
city of Wahoo , give : Post , 451 ; Sullivan ,
498 , Sumo precincts last year gave : Mac-
Cell , 407 ; Holcomb , 492.
KEWARD COUNTV-B , 0 , D , E , F. G , II ,
J , East and West O and First and Second
ward.i of die el y of Hewjr.l glvo ; Putt ,
9'JS ; Sullivan. 1,109. Eume pre-ln'-ts last
year B VI" MarColl. 1 ' ' 18 ; Holcomb. 1,251.
JMIBIUIMN COl'NTYWhllo. . Cloy , Rubh
( .Continued on Second Page. )
Rapubllcans Onrrj Douglas Oonnty with &
Great Big Whoop ,
McDonald LeacU tbo Triumplmnt and
Victorious Procession.
llaverly to Succeed the Only Uouost Man in
the Court House.
Republican School JBoard Ticket is Also
Carried Along.
SliMV Count MiikN Complete K
IniliONsllilo , lint ( iciicrnl Hc-
Hiilt IN Plainly
The republicans of Omaha and Douglas
county have swept the board clean. Every
republican candidate , with possibly two or
three minor exceptions , has been elected by
decisive majorities , in some Instances the
majorities exceeding anything that has
been teen In this county for years. The
ticket all along th ? line has kept remark
ably oven and the variations between the
top man and the low man nro not abnor
mally large.
On the state ticket the candidates for su
preme Judge ncul legents polled moro than
the full party strength , and while returns are
not complete they are sufficiently nearly so ii
to show that the majorities over their op-
ponoiits on the tripartite ticket will ap
proximate 2,000. The features of the returns
are the decided railing off of the total vote
duo chiefly to disgusted democratic and popu
list stay-at-homes and the wonderful ro-
vci'sal of the majorities given last year by
the country precincts In this county. In
Omaha , too , It begins to look ns If there were
no longer any sure democratic wards , only
ono \\ard , the Second having gone demo- jjj
cratlc right through.
Taking Into consideration the fact that
Holcomb carried Douglas county only a year
ago by 597 , the re iiUs.-lcnllcaled by the
tables that follow entitle the republicans to
" * *
more than ordinary credit.
Big John McDonald leads his ticket ami ,
the race with a majority over Hector of J
nearly 2,000. In view of the fact that
Hector was considered the" strong man on
the ticket , McDonald has Rurnrised even
hlmcelf. McDonald carried every ward la
Omaha except the Second , carried the country
precincts and held down Hector In bis own
town of South Omaha to less than half his
claims. His majorities are , with a few pre
cincts mlfslng : First ward , 3G ; Third ward ,
125 ; Fourth ward , 543 ; Fifth ward , 229 ; Sixth
word , 550 ; Seventh ward , 119 ; Eighth ward ,
! ! 0n ; Ninth ward , ROD. i
Mel Uoilfield , ton , Is scarcely less badly
beaten than Hostor. Iltdnclrt failed to draw
the icpubllcan support of which ho boasted
and w > 2K cut frightfully In democratic
strongholds. I ) . M. llaverly will be Iho next
county clcik.
The other candidates on the ticket had no
difficulty In holding their own. Treasurer
Hulmroil , Judge Baxter and Superintendent
Iloducll wore elected hands down. So were
Tom Crocker for icglster of deeds , Ncs ! I * .
SwaiiHOii for coroner and George McUrldo
for surveyor. A. C. Harto will bo commis-
sloner from the First commissioner district
by a majority that hardly leaves Frank
Kaspar enough nwtcilal to make him be
lieve hoas running.
The general republican wave has carried
the regular republican school board ticket
with It. The members-elect nro : For the
full term of thico years. A. A. Buchanan , J.
F. Ilurgcfs , J. 0. .Moore. II. J. Penfold , n. P.
Thomus ; for the two-year term , A. W. Johrv-
son ; fnr the one-year term , Andrew Klewlt.
AH to the bonds , no definite figures are at
huii'l , but both bond propositions seem to
have carried by the icqulBlto majorities.
Vnti * on SnprcilH' , lmlu < * .
Sulll- Mac IIol-
1'iticlnct. 1'ost. van. Coll. comb.
117 1.7
Keeond . . . . M 43 Ul M )
Third . co 110 r.7K 135
Komth . K ! 131
Fifth . 1 ( 7. . 1211 119
Sixth . 72 .VJ 5 ! ) 111
Hcvcntli . VJ M 100 133
KlKhtll . 1 11 > ur HI
Total fi72 1.0T2
BulllMm ; - IIol-
Precinct. Post. vim. Coll. comb ,
First 1U7 111 ICi
Second 7i ! 01' 113 IK )
Third 129 ID ) 1C7 17S
Fourth 72 7G 92 131
Fifth 6 ! ) SS 89 101
KUth 65 72 79 91
Snvcnth iJ ( 113 75 1G3
103 83 173
Ninth Gl 130
Tenth si 113 93 17C
Klovcnt'h . " , S 170
Sulll- Mnc- Hot-
Precinct. I'ont. vii n. Coll. comb ,
Finn W- ua
Hcroml i- G7 115
Tbllil I S 7 131 ! ot
Fourth HI 110 178
Fifth 51 GO Gl 01
HlxlU " 7 1U7 104K
Kuvuntll 2 57 71 K )
KlKhtll 7 } 23 111 IS
Ninth < ! K ( 1(12 ( 105M
Tenth 3i 2 ( U M
Totul 1.01J
finlll- Mae Hoi-
Precinct. Post. van. Coll. comb.7s
Flrnt ' 7s
Hecond US
Third l
Fourth 121 i <
Fifth K > < ' 0
Sixth 7A 0M M
Hcvi-ntU M M 119
S'l il
Total . . . , . , . . . - 'Mi 530 1.20S 7W
HulllMac - Hol-
I'rcclnct. I'ot. vim. coil. comb.
First . . . . . . U | 1. Ijtf 1U ,