Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1897, Page 8, Image 8

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Ambition of Candidates Overrides All
Interest in Party Success.
licitflotil nml Iloclor Torcon I'lill Tlirlr
ICiilvrn nml 1'rrpiirt * < c > Do
. > Sumo Slnnlitnur lit tlio .
, Ilollx'"Toinorrinv. .
The meetings that were- hold last night
tround up HID present political campaign and
today the voters will register their choice
between the candidates who have been before -
fore them for the past month ,
At republican headquarters there Is not
the slightest dollbt that Douglas county will
Elvo dvcUlvc majorities tor the republican
ticket from Judge of the supreme court down
to assessor. Chairman Williams of the
county central committee toys that the situa
tion warrantR the prediction that the re-
imbllran state ticket will carry the county
\ > y fully 2,000 majority and that the entire
county ticket will bo elected by majorities
ranging from 1,000 to 2,600.
Fiom the beginning of the campaign the
mongrel steering committee has recognized
the fact that any effort to secure more than
ono of two offices was hopeless and all the
machinery at Us command has been
manipulated to promote the Interests of the
iHoctor-Redflcld combine Irrespective of the
claims of other candidates , Dut within the
last tew daj8 It has begun to appear that
even this was * hopeless and the entire en-
crglcs of the machine have been Invoked to
push Hoctor. The tremendous opp sltlon to
Redndd that developed within the fusion
ranks refused to be downed nnd during the
laat week Rcdflcld has been thrown overheard -
hoard and every possible combination has
becr > made to elect Hector at any sacrltlce.
While outwardly Insisting that It was carryIng -
Ing illoctor under oho arm and Retldcld
under the other the machine baa quietly
made a number of deals which contemplate
a straight exchange of Rcdflcld votes In
Hoctor'H Interest. This has been particularly
Bucccratnl in South Omaha , where a strong
organization has been formed to supirart
Hector awl knlfo Redfleld. While It was net
Intended that this should bo known , the fact
leaked out and now Iledfleld's friends are
threatening to knife Hector in return for
the peifldlotts treatment that they have
themselves received.
Conaldcrablu Indignation has been aroused
In the fusion camp by the discovery that the
story about Tom Hector dealing In county
warrants came from Redfiold's olllce. Hoc-
tor's friends uro accusing Rcdflcld of giving
out the list of warrants asslgncjl to Iloctoi
from his warrant registry boak. This Is
taken as conclusive evidence that RcJflcld Is
Vlaylnn double. The worst part of It Is that
Rodflcld dotw not deny that t'nc warrant iiuin-
bors were given out of his ofllcu , because that
IB the only place where the records are kept.
The fuslonlsts have been suspicious of Hcd-
llcld's double dealing all the time , hco'usr
they knew ho was circulating literature ad
vising his friends to vote "for the straight re
publican ticket and me. " When he was put
on the fusion ticket It was with the under
standing that he would work for all tie
other fusion candidates , but his recent un
derhand scheming has disgusted cvci , those
fuslunlstB Inclined to bo friendly with him.
Another trouble1 which discourages
Hoetor's friends Is the lack of success that
Las attended their efforts to wheel the popu
list vote line. Some of the populist
politicians have been propitiated by
promises of deputyshlps , but the rank and
illo of the party retain all of their original
distaste fcrthe democrats nnd republicans
arid declare their Intention. to resent. Jim ,
action of the machine In throwing their can
didates overboard. , This Is admitted to be
the weak epot m the fusion , campaign , and
during , thp'lastfow days desperate but un-
ui'cctissful efforts have been made to counter-
net the defection.
Chairman Williams has been giving a good
deal of personal attention to the campaign
In the country 'precincts and he declares that
the returns from every precinct but one will
show heavy republican gains. The Oermanu
ore practically solid for the whole repub
lican ticket and their adherence has been
strengthened by the unwarranted and
malicious attacks on George Helmrod by the
mongrel organ.
City Clerk Hlgby and Secretary Glllan of
the Bo.rd of Education were busily engaged
yesterday In getting the election supplies
ready for today. Secretary Glllan his sent
out a blank circular to each election board
requesting the members to Insert the vote
cast for each DoarC of Education candidate
and return It to his olllce with the ballot
Wxea. It Is expected that by this method
the result of ithe board election can bo very
closely approximated by midnight tonight.
It la reported that the managers of the
mongrel campaign have concocted a scheme
to disfranchise republican voters by crowd
ing the polling places during the last two
hours of election day with their own work
ers , Instructed to hold the line and create
disturbances that will prevent republicans
from getting near the booths. Tills Is an
old trick which has 'been ' played before , but
easily circumvented by voting early and
thus avoiding the possibility of n rush dur
ing the cloblng hours. The republican man
agers are doing everything get their votes
In early and to warn republicans against
dangerous delays.
AH ( n JiiNtlfi * CruHlij'N Cn 10.
OMAHA , Nov. 1. To the Editor of The
Bco : In the Sunday IPSUU of your paper I
'read a short article referring to the action
of the Hoard of Couirty Commissioners in
removing1 Judge Ciohby from the oltlco of
justice at in-acc. While 1 do not believe
that an attorney in a CUMI should ordinarily
\vrlto tin article for a newspaper tfoncsniliiff
Ills rohitlona thereto , but on account of the
fact that I bcllnvti a gross Injustice has
boon ilono J Mallei ; Ciosby , I do not hesitate
to tell what 1 know lonpectliiK It. It Is true
that he was removed by the Hoard of
County Commissioners , but It Is also trim
tluit all the facts concerning the charge
llleil against him wtro not fully brought out
In the examination. That on appeal ; his
honor , Judge * Scott , e-niefully reviewed the
capo , and all Its bearing * , ami It became
no apparent that thu whole- case was a cafe
of nplto work on the imrt ot a certain at-
tbntcy In this city. Hint Mr. Jeffries , the
deputy county attorney , declined to inuke
niiy argument In favor of the ntllnnanci *
Of tin- Judgment , and the court i oversell the
action of the county commissioners neil dl-
rcctrd them to expunge the order from the
record. C
.Further , no appeal wan tnken from the
order of his honor , Judge. Scott , and why
the lU'ple-oteil to comply with his
Ifonor'.s order I do not know. One thing ,
however. I know is certain , that upon the
facts developed an appeal , the charge was
Without any foundation whatever.
> VoloriuiH Vuiiuli for Ilnvorly.
, The foUqvylpg letter printed In the Veteran
ipeaks for Itself :
CRETE , Neb. , Oct. 27. 1897. Edllor Vet
eran : I notice that Comrade David M.
ilavorly Is the republican noniluco for county
clerk of Douglas county at the coming eler.
tlon. Now I desire to say that I have been
Highest Honors World'a Pair ,
Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair.
A Pure drupe Cream ot Turlsr Powder.
acquainted with Comrade D. M. Havcrlr for
more than thirty ycira ; wag well acquainted
with htm while serving as deputy treanuror
of Iowa county , Iowa , and I desire to say
further that a more capable , honest find
conscientious man cannot be found for that
or any other position to which he might as *
! > lrc. During a portion of the time that
Mr. Havcrly was serving as deputy treasurer
I won serving In the capacity of county Judge
and county auditor of Iowa county , which
brought us together almost dally In connec
tion with the business affairs of the county ,
licnco my opportunity to know of his cnpibll-
Ity. Therefore I think 1hat every repub
lican and old soldier should give his vote
to David M. Ilavcrly. Yours In K. C. and U
VctcrutiB milt tinSplninl Hoard.
OMAHA. Nov. 1. To the Members of the
Union Veterans' Republican Club of Doug
las County , Nebraska Comrades : I have
Just this moment received by mall an anony-
mous" circular , under date of October 20.
1837 , and addressed "Doar Comrade. " II
rays that a combine has bean made with the
Garfleld Swedish club to get the tcalri cf ,
every old soldier who now has employment
with the school board , etc. , on the part of
A.V. . Johnsin , Dr. Moore and lomc of the
other candidates for the school board.
Comrades , thin circular comes from
Oforgir Hess , Scars nnd Dennis of the
present holdover school board nnd to use on
emphatic army expression Is a d n He.
George Hwsf et nl wish to hold on to the
committee chairmanships of the present
b aril fcr revenue only , ard are , although
they claim to bo republicans , yet lighting J.
P. Ilurgcss. J. C. Moore , A. W. JolitiPon mid
Andrew Klewlt , because they know that
they cannot control the school board unlesn
thrse four men arc defeated.
George Hess ct nl are "would-bes , " and ,
while they claim to be non-partisan and nonsectarian -
sectarian , they are Intensely partisan and aa
equally sectarian , So do net pay any atten
tion to this cowardly circular , but tiut jour
cross ttt the head of the republican school
board ticket ami Vote for
Oil. J. C. MOOHE ,
H. J. 1'KNKOL.D ,
, Respectfully , FRANK E. MOORES ,
President of Ur.lon Veterans' Republican Club
of Douglas County. Nebraska.
AihlrrNN to ( Hit SiilillerM.
To Union Veterans and Other Patriotic Citi
zens : Our attention has been called to > in
anonymous circular purporting to come from
a committee of forty and denouncing us as
cneir.lcs of union veterans. We wish to de
nounce the statement as absolutely false.
Neither slnco ve been members of the
school board nor at any other time has anj
olllclal or private act of ours given any rcasor
for suili a statement. No ono honors mon
than wo do the men , wao wore the blue am
risked their lives that the nation might live
The so-called "committee of forty" con
sists principally of three mbn now members
of thu school beard. They are making this
bitter personal fight on us because we havi
fltood In the wuy of some of their scheme
during the past year. We do not think thlt
anonymous circular will have much weight ,
but we have felt It was due to the old sol
diers and to ourselves to make this ntatc
me nt.
Wo have also learned that theae men ar >
also spreading the report that we favor do
Driving children In the suburban schools o
their school privileges. This , too , ! s abso
lutely false. We believe and have always
maintained that children living 'In tuo sub
urbs are entitled to as good school privileges
as these living In the heart of the city. Our
volts as members of the board have alwajf
shown this , and If re-elected will continue
to show it. DR. J. C. MOORR ,
Omaha , November 1.
Ilon't Forjji-t It >
The Missouri Pacific Railway Is running a
PJBt Limited Train to St. Louis , Mo. , leav
ing Webs'or St. Oepot dally 35 p. in. . reachIng -
Ing Kan.Vi Cttyt same " evening : arriving at
Grand Union Station , St. Louis , 7:20 : the ncx-
morning. No change cj cr ° el any class
Night Express leaves 0:30 : "p. hi. , urrlvct
Kansas City 6:25 : a. m. For further Informa
tion call Jt company's olllccs. N. . E. cornoi
13th and Farnam or depot , 15th and Web
ster streets. THOS. F. GODFREY.
J. O. PHILLIPPI. 'P. & T. A.
A. G F. & P. ( A.
Via the Missouri Pacific Railway on Tussday ,
Nov. 2ml , to points In ArkanoJE , Kansas
southwest Missouri , Oklahoma , Texas ; also
to certain points In Virginia , Tennessee
Kentucky , Alabama , etc. For further 'infor
mation call at City ofllces. 13th & Farnam Sts.
J. O. PHILLTPPI. P. & . T. A.
A. G. F. & P.
IJII-.l ) .
HANNAFIN James , October 9. 1S17
Funeral November 3 , frorv
late residence , 3122 Maple street , to Saoreel
Heart church ; from house SCO : a. m. , from
the church 9 a. m. Interment Holy Sep- .
ulehrt' .
nAILKY Raymond Wlllurd , aged 3 year ?
and 3 months , on November 1 , 1S)7. ! ) Fune
ral from the family residence , Wi Frank
lin street. Wednesday , November 3 , 1697 ,
at 3 o'clock P. m.
I , I'All
II. G. nurt , formerly of Omaha , was In the
city yesterday.
Mrs. John A , McShano left last night on
a visit to Chicago.
Ed Hay ar. < I wife of Sioux City arc regis
tered at tlio 'Darker. '
Ex-Congressman F. W. Mondell of New
castle , Wjo , Is a visitor In the city.
Harry Montague , proprietor of the Little
Gem theater at Dcadwood , Is m the city.
E. S. Hltchltu of St. Paul , freight auditor
of the Chicago Great Western , Is In the
Sim Phillips , F. G. Sttickoy and W. J.
Newell are stockmen from Maplctcn , la ,
at the Barker.
Mrs. Freda Wcybrlght of Dead wood and
Mrs. Ray Parker of Denver are gucets stop-
plus at the Darker.
Senator W. V. Allen was In the city lau
evening to assLU In closing the campaign
tor the fusion ticket ,
C. H. Jones and wife , J , L. McCuro and
wife and AV. I ) . Forbes ere Chicago arrivals
stopping at the Uarkcr.
Rov. John A. Williams , rector of St. Phil
lip's church , arrived home Sunday morning
after a two weeks' vacation In the cast.
H. M. Schmidt , Niels P. Peduruon , Jcn
Iverson and John P. Housen are stockmen
from Ilaltlo Creek regUturcd at the Darker.
Frank Douglas , Sundance ; James Sterling ,
Merino , and Leroy Salisbury , Sundance , aic
a trlj of Wyoming btockmen In the city.
Miss Laura Morse started yesterday on a
trip to Ypsllantl , Mich. She will be the
guest there of Miss Jennets , a sister of Mrs.
0. B. Yost , of this city.
John T. Dressier of Wayne , one of the
government directors of the Union Pacific
road. Is at thu Mlllard. Ho was a witness
of the sale of the property over which ho
has In part had supervision for a few mouths.
Nebraska ! ! ! ) at the hotels : P. E. Wolcott ,
Wymoro ; F , II , Cooper , Norfolk ; M. J. Wll-
cox , Grand Inland ; J. H , Rogers , Fremont ;
H. I ) , Atkinson , Tekamab ; E. C. Strode and
wlft1 , Lincoln.
W. H. Hums and wife of Anaconda , Mont. , spending a few days with C , E , Squires
n ; this city , Mr. Hums Is the general man-
ugt-r of the Montana & Northern railroad ,
and Is on his way to Annaiulls , Md.
O , J. Collmun , son-in-law of the late e-
fifiiatof Paddock , Is In the city , Ho has
been ciupged In biuliH'sa In Chicago for a
few years , but has closed that out to take
thaw cf the estate of Mr. Paddock , and
will return to Nebraska.
A letter from ItUhop and Mrs. Worthington -
ton Just leceht'cl announced that they ex
pect to arrive at Omaha next Thursday
morning , They reached New York a few-
days ago from Liverpool and after visiting
friends In Boston. Detroit and Milwaukee
will come on to Omaha ,
At the Mlllards U. M. Motes. New York :
C. It , Cooke , Doono. la. ; Jawb II , Schlff ,
New York ; T. J. Coolrldge. Jr. , Dostou ;
Marvin Hughltt , Nels Drut , John D , Caldwell -
well , Chicago ; 0. N. Tyler. Iloston ; J , A.
Hallldan , Bostou ; H. w. Emery , Buffalo ;
Oacar 0. Henu , Now York ; S. A. Kent , 0. E.
Trlpp. Walter Dupeo. F. H. Urldge , V , D.
Mlddlckautr , George E. Fusa , Chicago ; E. W ,
Presbrey , New York ; Joseph Crooks. Now
York. v
Material Dcoreaso Compared to the Regis
tration of Ono Year Ago ,
NrnrljKour Tlinnminil of tlir Voter *
I'nll o
.VIIIOIIK Hie Mno AViiritN.
The complete returns of the three dajo of
registration , is received by City Clerk Hlgby ,
show that the total number of voters regis
tered Is IC.OSt ! or 3,817 less thin last year.
The slump ecems to be falny dlstrlb5d over
the cltj , the heaviest decrease being In the
werda having the hcivlest voting population.
H Is noticeable , however , that the frilling off
In the First , Second nnd Third wards Is
greater than In the Sixth , which hco , as
i.mml , the biggest registration In the city.
The dccrcssd In the various wards , as com
pared with the registration of a year ago , Is !
First ward , 605 ; Second ward , 033 ; Third
ward , 545 ; Fourth ward , 441 ; Fifth ward ,
231 ; Sixth ward 4C7 ; Seventh ward , 400 ;
Eighth ward , 390 ; Ninth word , 215. The
UIghth ward has registered the biggest vote
In ptoportlon to Its previous registration ,
while the First and Second show the great
est decrease. The total registration In 1895
was 17,755 , and In 1830 , 19,903.
Tito following table shows the complete
registration for 1897 In each ward and pre
cinct :
Tlrst Second TlillO
IT'clnct. U y. Unv. Day
Hr t ' 9 ] V °
Hoc * ml ' 5 5 ? 5 :
Thlril ! ' i. '
Fourth [ ; -I
- r
Kirih ' ' j ; S.
Seventh Sixth ' " M ' 91 " \
. . . . .
niuhtli ; . .Jj Ji _
Totals < 27 512 U
ririt Sfconil Tlilw
Precinct. 1'ay. nnv. Day
KlPit - 8) ) fs
Jpcrml 5) S2 ( C
riilnl JO 10T 13
: : : : : : : ; : : : : : ; : : : : : : : : : : : ( .
- : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : | j =
M fS *
S5 tO (8
IVntU f 91 K ,
rcipipnth ft C7 12
Totnla S33 W7 8" ,
First Secoinl Third
Precinct , Dav. Diy. P.IN
Plrst - . > G- T > > 12-
Sfcnml * 23 SI 7 ! '
rhiid ro < i o
fourth 83 SS 3
I'lflh 53 K > M
rJtxth 02 W
s.-vcnth rs r,3 , 7
r.Uhth 41 M
N'lnth OJ C
Tenth 36 37 4
Totals f ! > : Z CS7 7 1
1-OUHTH WAllI ) .
KlrFt Second Third
Precinct. Hiv. Dnv. Ln >
Plisf M (2 < C
eo nil 31 75 'J
rii'nl ' i. . 79 ' .4 'S
I'0111111 CO 73 5
Klftli l " ! > 7
* IMh " tf G
Seventh 43 70 7
tiKhth 45 . 72 5
SIrtli 93 SI f7
Totals 518 COS GT
First Second Third
Precinct. l > nv. Day. ) Ja > .
h-lmt 75 91 ] i )
M-rnn.l v tC M S3
mini 5 91 R
Knuitti 'S .KW .3
ririir-r ; ss- . ' si. <
SlxUl" .177 K. . , ,1 ,
Se\cnth S3 M ,11
TotaU . . ,43755) inst
' "
" * SIXTH WAHD. i-
Klrst Seeond Third
Precinct. Jlay. Day. u.n
Klrst CD R9 T
Second 3S 43 r ,
Third 70 113 IV
fourth 3'J 73 71
1'lftli 75 9'J 101
-JlMli 3 SS d
Seventh ' 0 57 ( , : ,
l'lKlitli 92 13 * 1 4
Ninth . . . , . " . 57 Ml 90
Tenth 7 07 H
Seventh C4 65 12
Totals CI7 9C5 S12
Klrst Second Third
Precinct. Day. Day. Duy.
Fl t f.5 'JO 71
Second 83 78 fcl
Third fS 71 82
fourth C4 78 US
1'lftli CO C3 Sj
Slxf.l CO 71 C2
Totals 590 4M 4'0
Klrst Second Tlilnl
Precinct. Day. Day. Day.
I-'Irnt 72 124 S7
Second 78 SO 73
Third "C C3 102
Fourth 54 4'1 5 ,
I'llth , , 09 110 81
Uth . ' 03 ' SI G )
gp\flth ! C2 85 UO
Hlghtli- ICO 77 81
Totals SSO C77 C41
I'lrst Second Third
Precinct. Dny. Day. Day.
Kirt SO OS 6 !
Second Ct ! i.5 7.i
Till Hi OS 100 R : ,
Touith 47 80 st
fifth r > 5 52 71
Hlxth ( .7 94 111
Totals 342 475 4&3
I-'Irtt Second Third
Day. Day. Duy. Total.
wnrd 4.7 012 Wl
Klri-t 1,49)
Second ward CCS 857 S.VI 2 SSI
Thirl wiirl t52 cs ; 721 I'MM
1'ourthtird . .S Iffi C17 l,78i
Fifth wnrd 417 C-0 'MO 15 C
. - | \th waul C47 O'C 5,12 2,64
Seventh ward 37J 4Z9 450 lCS :
KlKlith wnid 5C0 677 Cll 1,803
Ninth watd 342 475 4S1 1,300
Totalu 4510 5(87 ( 6f69 , I'j.-SI '
Oimilm'H lli-Nt Train
Is the nurllngton's "nestlbuled Flyer. "
UIggost , brightest , handsomest , most com
fortable. Now from end to end.
Loaves Omaha , 5:05 : o. m.
Arrives Chicago , 8:20 : a , m.
Tickets and berths at 1502 Fnrnam St.
HIM Own I'lnj- .
Eugene W. Presbrey of New York Is at
the i.Mlllnnl. Ho IH n relative of F. U 1'ren-
brey of this city , who until recently was
chief clorl : at the MUlanl. Ho U also the
author of "A Virginia Courtship , " the new
play being presented by W. H. Crane , nnd
is making a short tour with the company ,
'watching' ' the production. Another play by
the s-niiitf author , "AVnrd of Franco , " Is
now making Its first appearance In one of
the Now York theaters under the direction
of Klaw & ISrlangcr , Mr. Prc-sbrey ban
been i-nuaued In theatrical work for a great
many years. Ho was on the stage for sev
eral years nnd then advanced for other
companies. In fact bo eiiys he ban done
nearly all kinds of woik connected with the
profession , while of late years IIP has given
hlH time almost entirely to writing plays.
Go to your grocer to-day
and get a 150. package of
It takes the place of cof
fee at i the cost.
Made from pure grains it
is nourishing and health
IntUt thit roar rrocer gltci TOO ORAIN-O ,
Accept 110 hulM
IliilliUtifr nmtilnl ! inri Pupil * AVltliont
Injiirjtn , Vn > nr.
The carolcssnca of n. Janitor who thought.
Icssly wci > t a lot o ( rvbblsh through an
opening In the second floor on the hot furnace -
naco pipes wns the cntisc of n slight blaze
at the Dodge school yesurday , which might
have led to a serious , catastrophe If the
admirable discipline. of. the school had not
H was just after 9 o'clock and tile last
pupils had paused to thole class rooms , when
Principal Allan noticed smoke In the main
hallway. lie descended to the basement ,
where the smoke Increased In volume and
flro was plainly discernible. Ho quickly no
tified the .teachers on the first floor , who
Immediately told tholri 'pupils ' to get their
wraps and march out of ths building In
regular order. Tlio same process was re
peated on the second floor , and before anyone
ono except the teachers knew that the
building was on firs every pupil was safely
The regular fire alarm was not given for
fear of alarming the children , but the re
sult was practically the same and the big
building was emptied In a few minutes.
Uy this time the flro had mad ; too much
headway to bo longer concealed and the
smoke was perceptible all over the lower
floor. A couple of hand grenades extin
guished the blaze In short order and lu a
few minutes more the classes wore being
heard as usual. No alarm was sent In nud
the fact that a fire had oc mrcJ was not
generally known.
addc.1 lleah , n clrar complexion and pure ,
rich blood that's the result of taking An-
houser-nusch's Mnlt-Nutrlnc the food drink.
Try 'It. At all druggists.
Ill HlIiTIIOUTK. ( .
Tuesday. November 2nd. Half rates , plus ?
$2 , to principal western , southwestern < nd
northwestern points. Tickets and full in
formation at tlcfiet office , 1502 Farnam , J.
1) . Reynolds , City Ticket Agent.
H , Haas , the florist , has a large number
of chrysanthemums for sa'c In 7 , 8 and ! )
Inch pots , in bloom and buds , 1813 Vlntoti
dt. Tel. 77C.
L'nlon Pacific.
"Tho Overland Limited. "
train west of the Missouri Hlver.
Twelve hours quicker than auy other train
to Pacific Const.
Call at Ticket Office. 1M2 Farnanv St.
INSTRUMENTS placed on file November 1 ,
1SD7 :
K. A. rolfav to C. F Udwirds ; lei 37.
block 2.V. . L. Selby's First addition $ . . . .
\V. G. Coulson nnd wife toV. . C.
Twitching ; lot C , block 21 , First addi
tion to Corrlgan Place l,20a
XcN Johnson and wife to William
Musgrave ; lot 21 , block 1 , Stevens
Place 1,200
William Mu-sgravo and wife to Nels
Johnson ; lot 2 ; ! . x.ime > 375
H l.i. Hoclck and husband to Leonard
Kvurott. executor ; lot 8 nnd 9 , block
1 , Monl on's adJltlon l.GOu
W. C Kubn and wife : o F. W.
Kiu-lm ; p5 lot 1 , block 13 , I > Ught
& L.'H addition 2
David MncAs'nn to C. S. Fr.uicla ; lot
7 , block 3 , Kakevi-cw 2Ti
J. J. Mdhonoy ut al to ffdward Gl'Ieu ' ;
lo ; fi. lilock . ' ! , Mationey & M ' First
Addition 4M
W. F Hasler anilAlfe to C. S Fran
cis ; lot 10 , block 11 ; South Onuin. . 1,230
SI. A. SIiiDomild to It. : .M. liurmester ;
s'/4 lot 11 , block 2 , Arrndtrong'a First
addition 1,2'0 '
R. K T'ldon anil wjfc tp F. A. .fones ;
lo : 20 , block 17. Hnnscom Piaco . . . . 2,000
Arthur Ka-n to Ora MqCourt ; w',4 lot
IS , block 2 , Hoppe's Uonanza subdi
vision , l
Arthur Rt-mliiston and wife to An
drew JIllcM. cxeci.tor- nl , lots 3
and -1 , block 1 , MpCormlck's Second. 1
Sheriff to Mechanics' Insurance com
pany ; lots 13 and 14'block ' 3 , J'ad-
doc ! : Place . ] : 3,632
Same to H. M. Hcnli-y ; south 2,1x130
feet lot 13. block 10. ' Drown 'p.irk. ' . . . -100
S.ime to C. S. Francis ; lot 4 , Hang's
subdivision C33
Sutni' to W F. Has'.rr ; lot 10 , block
11 , South Omaha 1'JM
Saiiii1 to f.enniintown Dispensary and
Hospital ; west 22 feet of east II feet
of north 72 feet lot l , block ny , ,
Omaha 3,500
Total . ' . $ .21,0111
The Movement
is the life of a watch.
Its accuracy makes
the watch valuable ,
its inaccuracy
worthless. The
Walt ham movement
in any kind of a
case is as accurate
a watch as it is
possible to buy.
For sale by all ' -etail
At our store 'todfty. ' The time
is short , only from today until
Saturday to learn why your
handsome tailor costume does
not produce the effect you aimed
for The fault j may not be in
the dress ; in the foundation may
lie the error if 1 error there be.
Consult the authority at our
store this weeld and next time
you will make the , right start.
Mrs. J. Benson ,
Y. M. C. A. Bldg.
Send or will for Dr , Slioimrd's book ,
"Tlio Now Treatment ; How It Cures. "
Hundreds of Omahu refcrcuccs. Con
sultation free. < i
Vo < o > of HIP Iipmlpf" I" tl'i ? UUCP for
( luprn Polnrln 1'nnnoK HIP Tour
KlKiirco MnrUt'il I'ronn-Hn
nt llomp nml Alironil.
The rount yesterday showed n ballot cast
of 4,337 or a total to 6 p. m. yesterday Of
17,749. The following Is the present standIng -
Ing of all the candidates :
Hells Pcotl . . . . .1.561 llftttlc Cc\M ! .
Annn MrNnmarn..ltt Delia Mnrnell .
Je.'flc Dckln | nn..1lS Oince llrown . . . .
Annette Smlloy..US3 Hote McCuniber
Hlnllo Auerinnlit. . . WO Mnttle A.
Kstlicr Iluncy 31'Mnude ' i\nn
n. He le Oole 31 Knte Unlley
1'enrl Uvnns 2SMr , . C. 11 Hull. . . .
Mnrlc Womlnnl . . . . 2i'Alle ' | 1'owell
Smile Alexumlir . . . "I Mm. I.V. . Miller. .
rattle AinolU 22 Mnuile Whltlock . . .
Kvu Swonl 21 M. Mnlono
Nnnnle Unlfiey . . . 2 Mny
Illrdlc l'o ell ! ' , < It Muiiinj
May I'rnl 14 Mrs Ixvl WeeKs. .
Julia l.sneh 13 Mrs. Pnmuel Mej r.
l.oulse Oukey 12 M P.V. . A. UP lick.
Mrs. T. 1 , llclmci. . 11 Mr ? . M J. IlruliurO
Mr. . It.V. . llailey. 11 lllnnehc MrKl'1-ip.i.
Urni l'\ynn 11 Fuspbln Oglesliy . . . . 1
Ijynn CurtUs 10 Irene M. .lilinson. . 1
Anna Ojllfttln . . . . 7 i Inni lledln cr . . . 1
LoulFf Stnllli 7 May Cn iit > .ii 1
Ixuiru M. I-'Isier. . . O.llerta 1
The Hastings ( N'ob. ) Trlbiino Is tin * first
paper to start a voting contest , for a maid
of honor to Quocu 1'olnrls at the carnival.
The Kiillerton ( N'eb. ) News hca started
a voting contest for maid of honor to repre
sent that city at the Ice Carnival.
The Associated News Uurcau of NesYoilt
City hao written to the managers. Mesars.
Xorrlfi nnd Love , for particulars and illuc
iratlons ar.ent the Ice Carnival for publi
cation throughout the eastern elites.
To sat'sty the enquiring minds of many
vo-cro the in.naKcrs state that the lady re
ceiving the highest number of volca shall
bo declared Quejn of the and tlu *
next highest twenty will be made "Ladles
of the Ccurt. "
Invitations are to be cx'ended to the gov
ernors of all the Transmlsslsb'ppl states to
attend during the "gala week. "
The Xcw Corner. ZVirmrm tintl Fijtcenth.
. Ueo , 11-1-9T ,
IfyonJiarcbonghtany collars tit The ycbrnnJitr
lately yon ha re probably noticed a f if tic sign flint
hangs up Jn our collar department and reads like
thin "the ten ecnt collars of the old store are three
fur rt quarter in the new. " That's n good sign. An
other good sign in our nccltwcardcpartmcnf reads
this tray "onr former . 'fit cent grade of neckwear
will lie V < > ecnttt front noir 011. " Still another iff//ii
in onr Hhirt department reatlH lilic th'H "afttr
thin < lafe onr bent qtt < tlit\f \ tvhite HhirTN will be a
ilollar instead of ft dollar ten eenta. " There are.
jilenfiofHiynsaml indie.afionn that The A'ew A'e-
branka in not Ji/f/ a biyger but a better and a
cheaper utore. We. are tielliiif/ great imriiinni'o
t/oodH than erer before. With ten larger Kclling
incdtiti larger ( nii/inif. Larger bni/ing ineami btiy-
ingfor lean money. Itniiing for lett moneintean
celling for lent * money attl there yon are. Our
crery day ambition note in to m-ll cheaper than
crer and onr past records for tow nulling trill noon
be nowhere tinlenn all Hignnfail. Speaking ofm'gnu ,
there'n a Hign on onr Hceond Jlourtltttt tncnmiren IX
feet long by ii 1-8 feet high. .It rcadtt an follow *
"Your money bncli if j/onr good * don't unit. '
There's a aign that cren a blind man can nee
through right away.
\Ve Keep nil kinds Dog JK-dlclnc Sprntt's ,
filover'n , Dcnt'p. rilnt'e
Cure for Ulfteinpcr f.0c
Cure for Worms Ms
Cure top MniiRe 5)c )
TOK Sonp SOc
DOR Shampoo 25c
IValcr In mcillclnp for man mill bojst.
IocKe ! St. . Omnlin , Nub.
Middle ot Illrck
In Pictures
Part V
Now Ready
For Distribution *
Brlncr 10 cents to Tlio Bco olllce , cither
in Omaha or Council LSluffa.
Mulled to uny adtltosd on receipt of 10
cents in coin.
DON'T DELAY Cold weather is now here BUY NOW
We show the greatest variety of stoves in the west.
The Genuine
The Monitor The M ijestio
Round Oak The Garland Quick Meal
The Wonder
Improved - The best ni.ide all warranted
Use less coal and ' give more heat prices $23 and up.
1897 than any otlie'r Over n.0)0 ! ) sold
and are in use in Omah i and vicinity Coles Hot Blast
Th greatest soTt coal stovj over
ity and we re fir to one of
you any
in tile , keeps fire longer and uses Stoves c < > .1 than any otlut- ik Stove. them. See the improved 18)7 ! pat
. - terns Holds fire ft ( > hours with soft coal
It sure and s.-e the 18i)7 ) patterns new designs prices
with the new improvements.- Even heat. Kcoiiomy of fuel.
I'ric.-sSll.OOand up. $25 and up Prices $10.00 and up.
- - - - -
Most of our time repairing teeth. hive been the cause of Indi
I I'M unwise to allow such a con
dition to cxlbt aH you well know
Of mastication ? Let us examine '
them. i
Silver Fll'.lnga EOc
Uolil Fillings Jl.OO up i
Gold Crowns t.(0
I'oreclaln Crownx JI.W <
P.ilnlc.sH Kxtractlon Z
Lady attendant.
tiew York Denial Go.
nil. JIgr ,
ICth nnd DuuglutiSIa
Over Uu twrlghl'H Shoo Store ,
- - - - - - - -
Oranil Toilet C'oniblnatlnn for the Skin , Scalp ,
Completion and Teeth. Wood bury * Kncial Heap ,
facial Cream. I'uclal I'owiltr anU Denial Cream
ore manufactured by a DcrmatnloKUt wllli < !
ytnrH experience treating ( ha ( kin. scalp and
complexion. Tor ( Nile everywhere , 25o each. A
aample of each mailed on receipt of We. JOHN
\VOODUU11Y , Bcrmajolsglst ' , 127 WwJ < W
Had wo H jifiHt to grind on , then wo would uppual to your sympathy
to buy un overcoat of IIB. Wo would toll you about how miioh wo hiivo
done for the bonollt of the dear jioojilo , at the cxpoimo of our purso. We
would relate with tours in oar oyoa how wo struggled for u BCOI-O of yours
fighting the well from the door. Wo would bnijr of our bunovolonuo to
humanity , UlmliieaH , charity ami other Biiuh trash.
But uiifortumilely wo have but a very short past. Wo are only beginning -
ginning , therefore let us emphasize the word "future. " The future of this
business ahull cover a d'Mil inoss-covorod pasts. Never mind what eomo
have done In the pail. See what wo propose to do for you in the future.
Wo are under a small expense , It dons not take a dollar or two
more profit on a garment to cover expenses of u largo and iHjautlful build
ing , a dollar for illumination and a dollar for nil sorts ( if extravagance.
We buvo that portli.n and cheapen the price of inorehandlho.
And wo gladly prove it if you don't mind u block or two of a walk.
Stop in and BOO f jr yourbolf. Likely you are Inturustcd in overcoats just
now , then lot us show how much cheaper wo can fiirnifli them.
You will Una bore a couple hundred Korboy Ovoro.mtB at
that could not bo sold oven at ordinary expeiipoa for less than 85.00 , vet
they are worth fully Jl ( 00 , perhaps 48.00 in bomo stores where goods are
not marked in plain figured. A pretty dross coat ut that , made of good
Kersey cloth of dark brown shade , with velvet collar , lly front and with
lining that will wear as long as the surface.
Wo have them cheaper too as low as $2.0 , " ) for a Chinchilla overcoat -
coat , and dollar by dol'ar ' until wo reach $ ! 9.00 for the finest talloroJ ,
richest finished overcoat made in this union.
And llkoany other article wo sell , wo gnarantno nvory particle of
nn overcoat , guaruntu'i its wear , guarantee its durability and guarantee
its value. If it is not bo , wo don't want your money , and you may call for it
| in u year.
Guarantee Clothing Co. ,
Sixteenth and Capitol Avenue.
Opcti Evcuitiga Till 8 O'clock.