Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1897, Page 6, Image 6

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Hmj Murphy , CM ! and wood , 37 Main.
In. Shrlvcr , dentist , Merrlnm blk. , rdm 246.
M. Doyle of Ncola visited the city yester
day ,
John T. Hart has returned to Hod Cloud ,
Fred Carr of Cherokee 1 In the city on
biR'nccs. . . '
The UeyfofT family of Little Sioux are In
- -tWTcIty.
tr Hugh Mensehcl of Mlndcn was In the city
J C Stene of Olenwood was In the city
ytftcrday ,
A L Palmer of Oakland was In thn city
H A. Gould of Ottwnwn. was In the city
H J. Bchcrbock ot Ntola was o Bluffs
visitor } cstcrday.
H L Wooilmanto of Macedonia la In tbo
city on hunlncss.
Krnlo Mcnsclicl of Hastings , la. , was In
the city vcstcltMy.
L. S. Hough of Hooper , Neb. , was In tbo
city } cstcrday on business.
Qcorgo Cross , a cattleman from nmoreon ,
Is In tbo city on business.
James Knnalcy of Ncoln waa among the
visitor ? In the city yesterday ,
H L. Clrlfils and wife of Carson wore
Visiting In the elty jcstcrday.
Mcl'hcrson S- Heed , cut flowers and de-
Blgra , olllco C Pearl at. , tut , 372.
FiMsfaUlon guaranteed at the reliable
Bluff City stcim laundry. Phone 314.
AV H. nuighorty and daughters of Orls-
weld were shopping In the city yesterdav.
Mr and Mrs. John Sides nnd Mrs. Lucy
Now man of Carson wcro shopping In the
city jcfitcrdny.
HPV. S M. Pel kins went to Oiklnnd yes
terday and delivered nn nddrcts at a mootIng -
Ing of prohibitionists.
Cailson's freshly ground cornmcal , best to
lie had ; cill for It at your grocer's or at C.
Carlson's Wnsh. Avo. mills.
The tiuplecs of Trinity church have de
ferred , the ercstlon of a parpomgo for a time
nnd Hev. Mr. Ooodell has located at 710 South
Third street.
Tbo cntlro police force was grouped In
artls'lc confutlon In front of the city build
ing jcntcrday for the purpose of having a
photograph taken.
Council Bluffs people can obtain copies of
the International art series. "Ireland In
Pictures. " by calling at the Council Bluffs
office ot The Dee. No 10 Peirl street
Are } ou over In need of laundry work"1
Our well managed plant , four wagons and
'phono 157 a'e at } our service We also
give premium stamps The Eagle Laundty
The case of John Kurtz , charged In Justice
VIcn's court with attempting to kill his wife
on Saturday evening , was settled outside of
court } csterday and the complaint dismissed
Mr. and Mre U H Pollok leave todiy for
Qulncy , HI. , where the } will tnukc their
future home. Mr Pollok wna connected wl h
tlio old management of the Omiha & St
Louis railway hero for many } ears and he
pocc to assume a similar position under the
povv management.
Hurry Goodrich waa arrested voste'day
afternoon upon a warrant charging him
with atsau t and battery. In an altercation
lie had thiovvn n brlik at another boy ,
Clmr'cs Bosen , nnd Inlllcled a bid scalp
wound on the back of his head Both are
Echool bos and the warrant was not servtd
until after the Ooodrlch boy had been dis
missed from school. In Justice Vlen's office
the difficulty vvus settled by the parents of
young Goodrich pa } Ing the cos's of " 10 cjss
nnd agreeing to punish the young man for
Ills bad display ot temper.
Ml < 8 Olla Cook's rcsldenia at 711 South
Sixth street was entered by burglars yester
day afternoon. Mlts Cook Is preparing a
Jiomo which she will occupy with her mother
who Is expected to return to the city today
end Mss ! Cook was to occupy the now place
last night for the first time During the
afternoon she went to a neighbor's house to
get one of the women to spend the night
with her on the pica that she was afraid ot
burglars. She was only absent a few min
utes but when she returned by the front
door she was very much startled to see a
man disappear through the back door. An
Investigation showed that the house had been
thoroughly ransacked during her absence.
Entrance had been effected by breaking open
thu door leading from the cellar. The thief
had gathered up a quantity ot valuable
bric-a-brac and had piled It up In tlio kitchen
ready to bo taken away The sudden return
ot Miss Cook prevented him getting It.
C. B. Vlavl Co , temale remedy ; consulta
tion free omco hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5.
Health book furnished. 32C-327-32S Merrlam
N. Y. Plumbing comrmnv. Tel. 250.
A cold wave Is coming. Get one of Cole
Cole's Air-tight Hot-blast heaters.
Woliur , lh > LjiiiiiRollNt.
Rev. J. II. Weber , who begins revival
mectlnga hero tomorrc-w In Trinity Methodist
church , ID Just closing a series of meetings
In Burlington. - Ho has been In the work for
fifteen } ears , and In that time has had more
I than 110,000 professed conversions at his
* meetings.
Ho was born In Cincinnati In 1855 and
was reared In the Roman Catholic faith. Ho
wao converted to the Protestant belief In a
etreet meeting In Cincinnati and Joined the
St. Paul Methodist Episcopal church of that
city. Ho began work In the Sunday school
nnd later felt that ho was called to the
ministry. Ho entered the Wesle.n unl-
\erslty In Delaware , 0. , worked his way
through and served as regular minister In
I'M the ctntral Ohio conference one year and
I'Mi the next } ear entered the evangelistic work ,
i which ho has since followed.
To use trie-third loss fuel than
any under draft soft coul stove
made. To K'VU ' II good base heat
and an even heat never before
seen with soft coal. To hold fire
purrctly nnd to burn hard cor 1
economically , With u good Hue it
1.4 clean UH a b.i ; . ' burner. Sec It
running at our btorc ,
Political Forces Well Llnod Up for tto
Election Today ,
Illninrir UN Cortiilii of n
Mnjorlty n Lnrpro UN tluit Given
In limn I.nut
There was a good deal ot activity In poli
tical circles yesterday among the workers
and leaders of all ot the parties , but It was
of that quiet nature that counts on election
day. It was chledy the work of perfecting
the details that will bo followed around the
palls today. In the democratic camp a
number ot earnest councils wcro held and
Instructions given to the workers directing
whcto and for which candidates the hardest
fight was to bo made. The summary of the
situation s printed In The Bee ot yesterday
morning was not materially changed during
thu day , except u slight modification ot demo
cratic gloom by the return from the country
of a largo number of their workers , bringing
with them the report that the country dis
tricts looked much more favorable for demo
cratic success than the city. The democratic
nnciagcis placed enough faith In these re
ports to withdraw their workers from the
country and concentrate them In the city
Ilia fight on the sheriff grows moro acute
with each hour , and It was freely predicted
taut night that tha democrats would offer
some tempting trades for republican votes
for O'Drlcn. The friends ot William Arml.
who Is generally conceded to be the can
didate that will lead all others on the republi
can ticket , weio n llttlo fearful yesterday
that the fight for the she ! Iff might bo the
means of causing some luss to the popular
rctidldato for treaburer , through over-con-
lldenco In his ability to lead the ticket , and
a wirnlng has been sent over the county that
will counteract any bad effect from this
lion L M. Shaw i cached the city shortly
bcforo midnight Sunday night and placed
the signature on the register of the Grand
hotel that Is soon to adorn the olllclal docu
ments of the state of Iowa. Ho held a confer
ence w lib the IOCA ! republican managers and
the report they gave him of the situation In
this county ho pronounced to be about the
Binio as these coiling from the ninety-eight
other couiulea In the state Ho was confident
his majority would rcich somewhere near
that given for McKlnle ) last fill There
was not even the usml excuse for the remaining awaj from the polls , for
the niarvclous season with Its summer
weather up to the present time has given
them opportunity to get through with their
autumn work nnd the Indications of a bright
and chilly day today ho thought would be the
means of biinglng out the full r'cpubllc'n
vote In the country The farmers llkcl } will
want to take a da } off to rest even If the
stronger Incentive of the election weie wantIng -
Ing Mr Shaw spent a part of the day In
the city nnd returned to his homo In Dsnl-
son to await with the utmcot confidence
the result of today's election
I M Tioiior returned } eutcrdny from DCS
Molncs where he Ins been devoting his time
In the state republican headquarters during
the campaign He said the republicans
throughout the state were never more con
fident of a great victory on the eve of any
election than they nrc now. "It's a ques
tlou of majorities. " said he.
The polls wl'l ' bo opened at 7 o'clock thla
morning and will close promptly at C this
evening Tallowing are the locations of the
polling booths in the various election pre
cincts *
Tint Wnrd First precinct , Chris Sorensen -
son building , 114 I2ast Broadway ; Second
precinct. OtH building , 11'3 Dast Broadwny.
Second Ward First precinct , G Shlndele
building , 17 North Main street ; Second pro-
tlnc-t , I < P. Servlss building , 734 West
Uin uUv-iy.
Third Ward rirst precinct , John Keller
building. 10 South ll.iln stiout ; Second pre
cinct , Mrs J. Blaxlm building , S07 South
l M.iln .street.
rourth Wird Drat precinct , Spltzn igel
i building , 50 * Penrl street ; Second precinct ,
I Cutter building between Sixth nnd Seventh
stnct , 612 Twelfth avenue.
Fifth Wnrd Viral precinct , county build
ing , 1120 Fifth avenue ; Second precinct ,
county building , 1311 South Thirteenth
i sti eut
I Sixth Wnrd First precinct , Spemin's
building , corner Twenty-third street nnd
'Hioidwny ' ; Second iproclnct , A Bernck"1
building- , Cut Off HI ind , Thirteenth street
and I avenue.
Kuno Township Quts'de ' J. Green's build
\ oTiusvno vim NOT unr.isTiui : .
SOMU- May Kt't III I'nili'i ' * the
I.KU'M ItcKiilntliinM.
The registration boards will sit In the
usual places today for the purpose of grant-
Iho das of reglstrallon The voter who
get their names on the voters' lists by rea
son of being out of the city during nil of
the days of registration. The voter who
Undo himself In that position will bo obliged
to follow the course prcscilbed by the new
law , which will rcoutiu him to bring two
citizens who are willing to make oath that
to their personal knowledge he was out of
the city on the da8 refeircd to. The law
doca not contemplate the granting of certifi
cates to vo'ers under any other circum
stances. Where voters have not changed
their places of rca'denco since last fall there
will bo no question as to theli right to vote ,
notvvltl'stnndlng they have paid no attention
to the matter of registration since then. If
Iheif names arc not on the new lists It will
bo the fault of the registrars and means will
be found to correct the overnight Several
of these Incidents will coma up , for eomo
buck oversights have already been discov
ered Other problems of a similar miture
will como up for solution , which will turn
on the mistakes or Incompetency of the reg
istrars. One will bo found In the- First prc
clnct of thu Third ward , where a voter
moved from the First precinct of the First
ward and when he appeared at tlio new place
ha wco asked how long ho had resided In
the prcp'nct. His rep'y was six das and
the registrars forgot thattliey were workIng -
Ing under the new law" nTid refuted to rcgla-
ler him for the reason that he had not
been In the ward the ten das required by
the old law. The registrars In thh cise dis
regarded the law , for ho was not required to
show that he had been In the precinct one
day. When ho returned to the Vlrst Ward
and stated his case hu was sent back with
Instructions directing the Third ward regis
trars to read the law , but ha did not reach
the olllco until after It waa closed. This
was Saturday night nnd was his last chance.
The Third ward registrars will bo required
to grant him a certificate or the courts will
bo appea'ed to. It Is reported that a num
her of similar m'slakes have been nude and
U Is very probable that Judge Gresn or
Judge Smith will bo called upon during the
duy for Instructions covering the cases.
Voters should give some attention to the
new method of marking the 'ballots ' It the
Intention Is to cast a straight vote place no
other marks upro the ticket except a cronj
In the circle at the head , If the desire 1
to vote for candidates on more than ono
ticket do not touch thp circle , but put a
cross In ea < jh.of the squares opposite the
names of each candidate for whom you vote.
These whom you do not mark In this way
cannot bo counted ,
Ukctlon returns will be received tonight
at thu Council Uluffg olflco of The Dee via
the Postal Telegraph comp'oy's lines.
Hi-ill Kuliilr TrilllHrrrx.
The follow IHK transfers nre reported from
thu title nnd loan otllce of J. \ \ , Squire , 101
Pearl Btrre" :
Shula Christian I/nnsen nnd vvlfcto
Chnrlea T. Chrlstenscn ; lot 8 , block
70 , Itlddle'B subdivision , w. d } 600
W. H. I . .lion n nnd < vvlfa to I < a. Jones ;
lot 1 In 13-77-43. lot 1 , block 18 , and
part lot 2 In 1S-77-H and accretions ,
< 1 c. d i
Jumea H Rice and > Alfo to Sidney Al
len ; B'i ! 4 swtt neU 2-75-43. q o. d. 1
Lorenzo D. Montgomery and wlfo to
F. 1 Morgan : lot * , block 0 , Grimes'
addition , w. U , 2,000
Four transfer * , total ] 2,602
tiiu HIM. rou nimvivu cnicicnvs.
CUj' Srntt'tiKrr .NplMiin In
O rr Klftj Hollnrn In n Month.
"What's the matter with the chickens ? "
Inquired Alderman Casper , with a decided
rising Inflection In his voice , at the meeting
of the city council last night. The Inquiry
broke sharply Into the monotony ot reading
the pile ot monthly bills that were Blacked
up on the clerk's desk ) and \vis provoked
by the bill presented by City Scavenger Nel
son. The bill was the amount the city was
asked to pay for the collection and burial
of dead animals during the month of Oc
tober. The total was only 48CR4 , but the
single Item of burying dead chickens called
for the pamcnt f $57.00. The Inquiry of
the alderman from the First nftrd was re
garded as being extremely apropos and the
members spent BO me time discussing chicken
diseases , nnd brought out the fact that while
there had been no remarkable Increase In
the undesirable fatalities among barnyard
fowls , the custom had become extremely
popular among the owners ot chickens to
throw the carcass ot every dead fowl found
on his premises Into the street or alley In
front ot his barn and let the scavenger find
It , The bill of the scavenger showed that
ho had gathered up and burled 3Si chickens
during the month. List M"ar the contiact
with the scavenger allowed 50 cents foi
gathering up and burying dead chickens |
found In the streets and allps , but the
council this } car reduced the prlco to 15
cents. The bill was allowed , but the com
mittee en police nnd health was Instructed
to Investigate It and report nt the next meet
ing of the council.
Ma } or Carson brought up the question ot i
the danger from the presence of contagious '
diseases In the city and announced that In >
view of the danger ho had appointed G. W. I
McCrary as special health olllcor , with In
structions to devote all ot his tlmo to the
work of looking after the people who have
manifested un Inclination to disregard the
quarantine rules. The council approved the
appointment , and Ofilcer McCrar } will pervo
during the winter at the option of the police
and health committee. |
The major Ini a special conimunlcitton ,
called attention to the necessity for strict i
economy In all departments during the re- |
malnder of the } osr for the reason that thu ,
treasurer's and auditor's reports showed the
expenditures had exceeded the Income As
one source of economy he recommended that
the expenditures In the street committee's
department be limited to $200 for the re
mainder of the } ear , nnd until the begin
ning of work next spring.
Mtijs Nora Ward asked for a suspension
of the license rules and was granted permis
sion to sell soap from door to dear , pro
vided the mi } or was satisfied her case was !
one deserving exception.
The committee on bridges reported that
the > bridge- over Indian creek at the eastern
ell } limits could be replaced at a cost of
$200 without the earth work approaches.
The chairman wap also emponeicd to buy
a carload of oak lumber.
John Allvood , special poll tax collector , re
ported a bill of $12 for postage Incurred In
sending notices through the mills. It was
referred to the Judlclar } committee to ascer
tain If his contract did not. call' ' for such ex
penses to be bo'ne b } hlm. e'f ,
The petition of C. D Crandcll for a four-
foot plank walk 'u front ot his property , lots
1 and 2 , block 13 , Stutsnnn second addition ,
and lot 70 , original plat , was granted.
The committee on and llghta was In-
fatructed to buy a horse for the use of Chief
niecttlclan Hradley. The protest of property
owners on llttlo Curtis street against side
walk construction was granted.
The contract for grading the alley in Stuts-
111. in addition , for which an advertising bill I
gicatl } exceeding the total cost of the work'
had been contracted without producing a sin
gle bid , was lot to Sherman S. Harding for
20 cents per cubic } ard < ash or 23 cents If
paid In certificates.
.Alderman Catoer Introduced a resolution
rcqulnng the raaishal to notify all of the
telephone , telegraph and electric companies
to ralnt their poles In accordance with the
requirements of the ordinance. The resolu
tion also required the companies to put "post
no bills" signs on all ol the poles and to
remove all metal hooks or steps below seveni
feet from the ground. The latter clause was
Inserted at the suggestion of Alderman
Hrough , who reported that his attention bad j
been called to the serious Injur } of a man
who ran against ono of the steps on a pole
near the Main street market. The resolution
was carried , but was mane to apply only to
poles located in the business part of the city.
As nearly all of the members of the council
will bo obliged to servo ut the polls today ,
and many of them remain up a greater part
of the night counting ( .allots , the council
decided to abjourn until next Monday night
to complete the regular luutlne business of
the monthly meeting.
( 'awli Tn I UN.
At Letehford & Graf's , C07 South Main
street , today. Plain beef rcast , Cc and 7c ;
boll beef , 3'/4c ; plain steak , 7c ; pork steak ,
8c ; pork loins , 8'/4c ; roast pork , So ; bacon ,
ic , lake trout and while flsh , Sc.
rou A couvrv POOH rvim.
Olio Urn-Niton of Imiiorttmcc ( Hut HUH
IK'c-ii O > TlnoUcil.
Throughout'the local campaign there has
been no discussion of one of the most Im
portant matters that will come before the
voters In the election toiay , the proposal Id
vote $18,500 county 4',4 per cent bonds for
the purpose of buying the SOO acre farm for
poor house purposes. It Is feared that the
lack of dlccusslon of the proposlt.on may
cause many of the voters to overlook It. It
Is the one. thing upon which party lines
are not drawn , and If the ibonds carry It
will be by democratic and republican votes
The men who have given the matter of car-
leg for the county's unfortunates the most
consideration > ire the most earnest In thei-
advocac } of Ihc bond Issue , purely for the
Having It will bring to the taxpayers. It
Is costing the county at the pro-ant time
over $20,000 a } ear U care for the unfor
tunate. If the bond proposition cairles and
the county commissioners are authorised to
acquire the Cook farm from $10,000 to $15,000
will bo baved each year and with only ordl-
twry business management the farm will be
come self-sustaining within , a few } ears , and
cue of the heaviest Items of cost to the
county will bo removed The fln-t saving
will bo the dlspons'ng with the services of
the present overseer of the poor and the
saving of his salary of about $1,000 In Mills
county , with a farm of less than one-half
the number of acres. It has been found un-
ncceEsary to levy a poor fund tax for the
last few } ears. The farm Iiau become moio
than Eclf-suslalnlng. and In add.lien to fur
nishing a comfortable home for these needIng -
Ing It the percentage of mendicancy has been
i educed For the lasl few years llio farm
has raid a small amount Into the treasury
of the county. The Immense tract of fine
farm 1mJ , all In a high degree of cultivation
which the county board IB anxious to purchase -
chase , Is located so near the markets of
Council Illuffs and Omaha that Its products
will make It sclf-sustaln'ng ' much sooner
than the Mills county farm.
The heaviest taxpayers of the county are
the most eaincst In the advocacy of the prop
osition There la no opposition to It from
any source and the only tear Is that It may
bo lost through the carcleuucsg or oversight
of the voters.
The members of tbo county board ate all
enthusiast1 ! ally in favor of the scheme .
They have examined the farm and buildings
and have found that a comfortable home
ran bo provided for all ot the chronic pauper
cases at the stait. The house has twcnly-two
rooms In It and the land Is In the highest
etago of cultivation with an abundance of all
kinds of fruits and U well provided with
barns and sheds for thu care of a largo
amount of stock. They believe that It can
bo maile. ono of the finest model farms In the
state , and If thu county acquires the farm
moro than $10,000 will be saved the coming
Money to Loan Reduced rate on first data
Improved farms and Inside city property.
Apply'to Jas. N. Casady , Jr. . S30 Main St.
DlHlrlol Court In ht-KxIon ,
The district court convened yesterday
morning tor the November term with Judge
Green on tbo bench , No business of any
consequence was done and an adjournment
was taken until Wednesday morning when
11m regular business ot the teuton will be
commenced. The gram ? Jury will bo con
vened nnd eet to work on the 'argo grist of
cases that have been prepared for It.
The will of r. IL Danlger was filed for
probate. His wife IsSiuado executor and
guardian of the chlldrenwlthout | bond.
A cold wave Is coming. Prepare for It by
getting ono of Cole & Colo's'Alr-tlght heaters.
CALLS A spncf\ij iincTio\ .
Mn > or CnrMnit Clton Cltlrrn * n Clintiro
lo Vote nn Mnnimri Krant-lilnc.
Moor Carson lust evening completed the
preliminaries for tolling the special election
that will bo held to vote the Odanavva Rail
way company Us charter extension. The
proclamation follows ;
. , iTowUl ? UIec. ! ° T1 of the City of Council
Bluffs In.
, . : Wherenn petitions from each
of thu nix \\nrds of the city of Council
Uluffs , In. , signed by tvvcnty-flvo resident
property owners of each of mild \vnrds. re
spectively. Imvo been presented to me. ask
ing that the mutter of graining a frnnchlso
lo the Council DlufN. like Mfinnvva & Unst
Omaihn Construction company to use the
streets , highway , avemioH nnd nllc8 of
paid city for trie construction and opcrn-
tlon of H street railway In conformity with
nn ord nniipo nttnchcd to ench of said pell-
lions , bo submitted to the legal voters of
said city ;
Novy , therefore. I , George Cnrson , mayor
or Bnld city ot Council IJIuffs. In. , do here
by order nnd dlrecl that snld question of
Rrntitlnr snld franchise lo Bald Council
H.urfs Lake Mannwa & Hasl Oniuhix Con
struction company bu submitted to the
Ipgnl electors of mid city of Council muffs ,
In , nt n special election , nicqulied by
Invv ; nnd It Is ihercby ordered , nnd notice
Is hereby Riven , thai n special election
will be 'held ' In each precinct In said city
or Council muffs , la. , on Ihc Isl dny of
December , 1SU7 , nt which snld special elic-
tlon will bo submitted to the electors of
sild city the question of ndoptlng llio fol
low IIIK public mcniuro , to-vvlt : Grunting1
nnd conferring' niton the raid Council UIUHH ,
Lnke Muiniv.ii Cast Omuha Construction
company nuthoilty to construct , mnlntnln
nnd opcrnic a street railway on tiie Ptrcels ,
avenues and nlle.s or said city or Council
UlulTs , In
hi conclusion the proclamation itntos that
the polls will bo open from 7 o'rlozk u in.
to C o'clock p m on said day ami that the
election boards serving in each pr ciiii't on
tbt > preceding general election Coli } ) will
servo also nt said special e'ectlon , as re
quired by law and the ordinance priming
the proposed franchise Is appended to and
made part of the petition.
nvur.\ i.ivi" or io\vv nimir.n.
Mrs. Joint H. SIcpIii'iiN I.H I.nlil llcsldi
Her IlilMliiind.
CLINTON , la , Nov. 1. ( ) The fu
neral of the late Mrs. Jemima Anna Stephens
was held at the Prcsbterlan church , Lens ,
Thursday afternoon. Rev. Dr. Kao otilcial-
Mrs. Stephens , recently of Kansas Clt } ,
was formerly a resident of Lens and the
widow of John R Slepnens , who died No
vember 10 , 1S7G Slie was born November
15 , 1S2S , In Huntlngton county , New Jerse } ,
and irarrlcd to John R. Stephens In 184 , ! at
Camdcn , N. J. Tne } came to Lena In ISiiG
and v.cro among the early settlers of thai
city , taking un active pait In the of
the city , ard also In. the bulling and progress
of the church from wllcnce she VM.S borne
to her last resting placeln Oakland cemeter } .
rive children mourn her loss , of vvliom three
were present nt t'o funeral , James A. of
Omaha , Mrs Chailes Rchwoldt , formerly of
this city , aud iMUs llanna H. , both icsldln ;
now In Kansas'Clt } . Tno absent ones were
George W of Helcru , XJont , and John A. of
San rranclsco , Cal , The beautiful floral em
blems with the pure iwhltc environments
robbed , In a mar.nar , the grave of Its gloom
and death ot Its terrors , symbolizing , as they
did , purity , simplicity and charity exempli
fied in the life of thu deceased.
TliontiiH ll < ? iMly > - Oi ilor Ml io Pn >
TIioiiHiinil Dollars DaiiiapreM.
TORT DODGE , la,1 Nov. 1. ( Spec'al Tele
gram. ) Judgment was rendered by the dis
trict court against Thomas Reedy lor $1,000
for playing a practical Joke on Ralph Rej-
nolds In 1895 , wherein o. supposed ghost
chabod the latter when he went to look at
what ho believed were the mangled remains
of a. man run over by Ihc carsReynoldfa ,
who h 22 } ears old , was made Incurabl } In
sane by the fright Part of the Jury wanted
to assess Reedy $7,000 , but they finally set
tled on $1,000.
: oitou'ij nit HUTS L. n. suvw.
CIIMH Ciiiiutj I'roiiilHt-N ii ftooil Itrpuli-
llciiu l'lurilll > .
ATL\NTIC. la . Nov. 1. ( Spec'al Tele
gram. ) L. M. Shaw closed the lepubllcan
campalrjn hero this evening by addressing
the largest gathering of Cass county po ylo
this fall. Trod White's ind Charles Lod's
audiences weie corporal guards In com > . -arl-
scu. The republicans are confident of carryIng -
Ing the whole ticket by at least 500 plurality
lliirlcil li > lltr IIiiNliniiil'N Mile.
OTTUMWA , la. , Nov 1. ( Special. ) An In
teresting event occurred at Charlton when
the body of his wife was laid bceldo the
ibones of Chief Reinhart of the Cherokee
Indiana The chief was burled at Charlton
fifty years ago b } the members of his triba ,
who wore moving on westward. The Chero
kco braves have since made annual pil
grimages from the r reservation , accom-
pinlcd by his squaw , to keep the chief's
grave- green Recen ly the chle't's wlfo died
In Mla-ourl nt the advanced ago of 104 } cars
Her last rcquesl vus f > bo burled bcsldo her
llcgo lord and the bni/os brought her re
mains to Charlton and they were deposited
In the Charlton cemetery last week. A
Presbyterian minister conducted the services
at the grave , and a laigo number ot Cbarlton
people attended.
\\lll Klulil ( lie lU-iliii-tlon of IlntcH.
DCS MOINis , Nov. 1. Another chapter
In the municipal lighting flght was enacted
today. The General Electric company filed
notice with the city council It would not
accept the new ordinance rates , citing the
constitution of the United States to support
Its position. The company contends the clt }
Is taking Its piopcrty without duo process
of law The communication means a fight
in the federal court If the ordinance Is
not lepcaled 01 modified.
The story of the finding of a box of gold
and other money on Heaver Island , near Clin
ton , lately by Adolnh Johnson Is without
foundation. Johnfon dfnles the truth of It
Josepj Shaw , living near Deacon , attempted
to commit lunging himself earl }
Saturday moinlng1 InHho barn en his place
Ho was discovered about 7 o'clock with hU
neck badly strained , Ijijt llfo not extinct ,
Tno condition of , Claude Wilson , who was
Injured In Wednesday ! evening's dance hall
brawl at Marfchalltbwn , remains about the
same No hopes whatever are entertained
for his recovery Hla1Jirother | Hurt , who WRB
Injured In the same melon , Is somewhat Improved -
proved , and the frAPfure of hln skull Is not
considered ecrlous , , (
Ole ChrUtophers6n , 'aged ' about 70 ) cars ,
residing near Waukdli' was killed In a sand
pit , Ho had gonellb the pit alone * for > i load
of sand and wag /olnd / | buried beneath a
cavclii. Only his face was exposed and death
Is though to havrt been Instantaneous , as a
vast quantity of band rock filled the place In
which he wus digging.
A deal lias been concluded by wulch Thom
son McCosh of Chicago , repressing eastern
capitalists , secured pobscsglon ot 1,600 acres
of land at IJurllngton , An Immense. Iron and
steel working plant will bo erected and a
town , Intended to copy closely after Pullman ,
will bo founded for workmen The plant Is
expected to be oiw of the largest In the
United States and has abundant capital back
of It.
By a unanimous vote of Die stockholders
It wuu decided Trlday to wind up the affairs
of the Key City Insurance company of Iu-
buque. About three months ago tbo directors
decided to reinsure the rUku In the Lan
cashire of .Ma : > ? hcstcr , England. , assigning
as a reason therefor that a war of rated was
Imminent. They counseled a continuance of
the business. The vote to wind up business
was unanimous , all of tbo 30,000 sbirca being
represented. The Key City company began
business ilx years ago and had become on
Important concern in no thca&teru Iowa. The
asaeta of the company are estimated at nearly
$100,000. TCio capital Block wua $100,000 , ot
which only $50,000 was paid In. If the llqul-
dfttlon realizes expectations , the deal will bo
A profitable ono to the * harc0iolaers ,
IlurgUrs entered tfto goncMl store of Vlb-
bcr & Hesld nt Fnrley and stole about $125
worth of goods. Entrance was gained to the
store by prying up a rc r window. The
thieves did not molest anything outsldo of the
shoo at > J glove department , taking two dorcn
pairs of women's fine shoes and eleven dozen
gloves nnd mitts , entailing a loss of the above
amount to the firm. This being the second
tlmo within nlno months this store has been
visited by thieves , the loss each time being
about tbo samo.
About thlrty-fivo of the leading business
men of lAmes met In Iho city bill to organize
n 'Business Men's association. Tbo meeting
was called to order b } Mr. George Judlsch.
Ex-Maor M. K. Smith was elected chairman
and Lon G. Hardln secretary. J , H. Cook ,
Fiank N. rowler and Parley Sheldon were
appointed a committee to form a coi'stltutlon
and by-laws'and were to rcporl al the next
meeting , which will bo held on tbo evening
ot Friday , November 12. TJio permanent or
ganization will talto place at that meeting ,
also the election of officers.
Subscribe tor The Sunday Dee and real
Anthony Hope's srcat story "Simon Uils. "
Colilor Weather Aon SfttliiK In nt
> t'v > OrlcmiN ,
NEW ORLEANS , Nov. 1. From now on
the number of yellow fever cases will grad
ually decrease , Is the opinion of the board
of health ofllcla's. The anxiously awaited
cold vvavo arrived hero last night and even
colder weather Is wished for tomorrow. 1io !
local forecast offichl has predicted tint frost
will fall tn the northern portion of Louis
iana tonight. The cold Knap has Ind the
effect of Increasing the mortality nnd nlsn
has caused the number ot now- cases to swell
somewhat. It Is generally believed , how
ever , that tomoirov , will show a decided 1m-
piovcment In the sltuallon. Deaths loday :
Mcrco , Guy Doles , Louis U-mlonc , SI.
John , S. Uallsc , Sarah Dalcnlyne , I ) , l.nrcrn ,
John Urown. Now cases , 35.
JACKSON , Miss. , Nov. 1. The state
lioird of Health Issued tonight the following
olllclal statement One. new case of yellow
fever Is reported fiom Edwards and three
from Nltta Yuma. rrom Durant Is reporled
ono death.
MOBILE , Ala. , Nov. 1. Nine now cases ,
no deatls and live recoveries Is the report
for the first day of the month. Total cnsca
to date , 264 ; deaths , 35 ; recoveries , 1S2 ;
under treatment , 47
Trom Whistler nineteen cases arc under
treatment. There was ono death there SUn-
da } Mrs Barbara Agcc
Troni Mount Vernon the death of J. B.
Sprogglns Is announced
Waiar , Ala. , has up to } cstcrdny foity
cases and Ihree deaths Four new cases
nro icported at Flomaton.
MONTGOMERY , Ala , Nov. 1. The bulle
tin of the health department chronicles ono
new casb of yellow fever for the vast twcnt-
four hours , and ono death R. H. Weathers.
The fact that there las been only one new
case In the last t\\cntj-four hours shows that
the beneficial kifiucnco of the changed
weather. It commenced raining } cstorday
and rained hard last night. This morning
It cleared off and Is colder The thermometer
has been undjr aKty all day and a cool wind
has been blowing from lh northwest The
Indications are thai If there Is no wlcid to
night there- will bo a good frost.
The official rcpoit from Selma IsNo new
cases and no deaths. The only patient under
trealment Is Miss Pearson , who is In a crit
ical condition with the chances against her
MEMPHIS , Nov. 1. The fever situation In
this city and vicinity Is most encouraging
tonight , the olficlal report for the twent-
four hours rndlng al fl o'clock being two
new cases and ono death. The weather con-
dftlons me most favorable and Indications to1
nlghl suggest freezing weather tomorrow.
New cases- John Plunkett ( colored ) and
Malcolm McDowell Dead : P. H. Venn
CHATTANOOGA , Tenn. . Nov. 1. To'Bay
-thcChatUnooKa..And Hamilton , county health
authorities raised the quarantine agaliis
points Infected with } cllow fever. Tonight
Dr. Young of the United States Marino Hos
pital ijcrvlco notified Inspectors here that the
redcral quarantine over cast Tennessee will
be discontinued today. Seven ln ° pectors
were employed In this sectlcra This leave ! ,
cast Tennessee open to refugees
ST. LOUIS , Miss , Nov. 1. Six new casesr
Alice Drouotte , Onmond Green , Mrs Luther
Anspe } , Mollle Simmons , Sdncy Cowsa nnd
Luther Ansley ,
BILOXI , Mirs , Nov. 1. Now cases , 5 ;
sus-dclous , 1 ; deaths , 1 ; cases under treal
ment , 141 ; yellow fever to date , 590 ; total
deaths to date. 2C.
MONTGOMERY , Ala , Nov. 1. The Doar6
of Health made a most encouraging report
today. One new case , T. W. Yarborough ,
rod one death , R H. Withers. The wccther
bureau tonlqht has up itn cold wave flag
and a good frost Is expected.
SCRANTON , Miss , Nov. 1 Six new cases
and one death. Mrs Ivoy Colon.
PASCAGOULA , Mlts , Nov. 1. Three ciscf.
General Thomas S. Tord Is dangerously Ih
ill his residence In East Paecagoula and la
not expected to live.
Read "Simon Talo" ) In the Sunday Beo.
Mli-IilKilli Will \eeeiit tli > Vnntlf.
DETROIT. Nov 1. Governor Plngreo to-
dny received H telegram from Theodore
Roosevelt , nssls-int secretary of tin * navy ,
In reply to his telegram of S iturday to the
effect that the state of Michigan would not
accept the United States stramer Ynntlc un-
IcbS she was repilrc'd and unless the gov
ernment would iiHsume icsponnlblllty ror
the dnm.iKe.s to tine Canadian steamer Ca-
nudienne , caused by Its collision with Iho
Yantlc last Frlili } . Mr Roosevelt wired
"Yniitle Is practically uninjured. If not
receipted for at once It will go to Boston.
Others want her. The Navy department
has already spent moie money on her than
it ought to have done. "
Govcinor 1'lncroo referred the telegram
to Commander Wllkes of the Naval re-
SPIVCS Mr Wllkc's said later thai Colonel
Hodges was In Monlreil and would receipt
ror the Yantlr and that the vessel would
come to Detroit at once.
Overpower the Jailor at Deadwiol tunl
Assault His Wife ,
Pour IK'ltc I'll 11 re In- Hunk Holilicm
mill mi AlliKCil > tti-o VliirilcriT
llnln 'llii-lr l.lbcrlv
, 1i ) I'orec. |
DKAinVOOD , S. D. , Nov. 1. ( Special Tclc-
Bram. ) < Flvo of llio most ikepcrato charac
ters In ( ho northwest , four ot them Indicted
for attempted murder anil bank robbing nnd
tlio fifth a negro who \\vtg being held ( or
tliu murder , through the carelessness and In-
comiictency of the Jailer ot the Dcadwood
Jail , arc at large and nrc bcliiR chased nnd
hunted by one ot the largest posses e\cr sent
upon tlio trail of n criminal.
Last night about 0 o'clock Jailer Mansflcld
went Into too jail for tlio purpose ot locking
the prisoners In their cells. He vvas accom
panied only by Ills wife. He had Just opened
tlio door when ho was set upon by William
Moore , a negro awaiting trUl for murder ,
and Walter I'utncy , Frank Jomw , Tom Jones
and Tom 0'D.iy , four while men , Indicted for
tlio robber } of Mo lluttc County , bank at
IlolUi 1'ourclic. Mansfield was thrown Into
a cell , his wife us&iultcd nnd knocked un
conscious by tlio negro and their nay to lib
erty left open.
It nas some ( line before the alarm was
ghcn and the ( he dcsperadois had a gooJ
stall before pursuit was orpililml. It I :
thought the criminals had assistance from
tlio outfildo and that horsca i.iul arms wera
awaiting thorn at a con\enlcnt point. At
ai.y i ate , nothing has been heard ot them
elnco l ) icy broke Jail anl they are being
watched In every direction by armed men.
O'Uay , the two Jones and 1'utney are mem
bers of the Currlc gang of outlaws and ha\o
for > cars set the laws of this section at de
fiance. They were arrested only a few weeks
ago In the llole-ln-lhe-Wall country , W > o-
mlnfi , after u desperate battle with an overwhelming -
whelming force of olllcers , In which Trank
James was seriously wounded.
Moore , the negro , about a month ago went
to tlio cabin of a woodchappcr on Ulk creek ,
a short distance from Dcadwood , called him
to the door and deliberate ! } shot 'Mm ' to
( Iniiilin rirnl I.O-X-M.
liAItAMID , W0 , Nov 1. ( Special ) An
Omuha flrm Is looking for Tied Holyoke , an
ex-ctt > vlct , recently released fiom the Liia-
mlo penitentiary. While In the penltcntiar }
Holjoko used to do considerable upholslei
Ing , purchasing his gcods from the Omaha
house , which liad no Idea it was selling .0
a convict. While In the von his payments
wore prompt and his credit good After ob
talnltiK his rcleabo he had some nice look
Ing letter heads printed aud sent In an order
Tor a laigo bill of goods , going minutely Into
detail as to Just what be wanted The
house was prompt In filling the order and
Iloljoko was Just as In selling the
goods to a. second-hand dealer and pocketing
tbo proceeds.
Urad "Simon Dale" tn The Sunday Uco
If jou don't take it , snb c ibe now.
Drittlis < > f Dm.
IIUUON , S. D , Nov. 1 ( Sneclal Tele
gram. ) Harvey A Thompson , former ! } a
well known stock dealer at Hoopston , 111
but a resident In this county for several
years , dropped dead yesterday of heart fail
ure Ho wus 1C years old and one of tlm
most prospeiojs farmers In the south part
of the county.
WICHITA. Kan. , Nov. 1. Charles Blue
Jacket , head chief of the Shin nee tribe , died
last night In the village of Blue Jacket , I. T. ,
after a long and eventful life. He was over
SO } cais old and the last of his tribe He
has been the forcniost diplomat of his nation
In treating with the whites and waa univer
sally esteemed.
VAL.LEJO. Cal. , Nov. 1. Piymastcr Otis
C. Tiffany , U. S. N. , attached to the
Monterey , IB deao Ho had been attached to
tbo Monterey since last December. The de
ceased entered the naval sen Ice as assistant
pamaster May 12 , 1875 , having been ap
pointed from Illinois.
SAN FRANCISCO Nov. 1. Charles P
Smurr , freight traffic manager ot the South
crn Pacific company , died ycstcrda } , after an
1 Iness of eleven weeks , and following a sur
gical operation performed to give relief from
disease ot llio mastold cells of the car. He
had been In the service of the Southern Pa
cific company since 1872 , being located at
Los Angeles from 1875 to 18S3. Ho was a
native of Ohio and 18 scars old.
CHCTOPA. Knn , Nov. 1 Charles BIuc-
Jicket , chief of the Sli.ivvnee Indians Is
dead at his home nt Bluejicket , n few miles
south of Chetopa He was SO years old and
had been chief of his tribe for many jtars
Il'ticj icket recently toolr u trip to Kansas
City , Kan , to locate * the grivo of nn Indian
prophet nnd contracted a told , which IcJ to
his df nth. He was n Hiptlst minister
BCIILIN , Nov. 1. General von Huclow
brother of Paron von Buelow , the secretary
of state for foreign affairs died here today
as the result of Injuries which ho sustained
by being thrown from hL ? horse while out
CLEVELAND , O , Nov. 1. J. M. WorthIngton -
Ington , president of the Cleveland Stone Co. ,
which Is a consolidation of several of the
largest firms of that nature In the country ,
was stricken with raralyb's and taken to his
homo In Eyiia today , where ho died.
InilIiiiiH Iditlfm . . mi-lit.
ARDMOUi : , I. T. , Nov. 1-The Chickn-
BIIVV IcRlslntuie , In stsMon nt Tlshomlngo ,
today unified the agreement entered Into
between the Davvcs commission and the
Choct.ivv and Onlcknsuw tr'hes ' of Indians )
for allotment of their lands nnd dissolu
tion of their trllml government. The In
dian holonn stood IS for nnd 10 against rati
fication of the trcnty , the full blood ele
ment opposing the measure.
Better stay at home aud get
from your grocer. Sold every
where aud
Cleans Everything
ouryvr HY
Chicago. St. Louis. Now York. Boston , Philadelphia ,
Nott-resltlcutH of Iowa now JIQVO HO exemptions under the now
Cole which wont into effot October 1. Wo can COLLHCT BAD AC
COUNTS OH of old , uuultiHt MARRIED or SINiLB employes of Hall-
woys , Exproas , Teloarnph , Telephone and Sleeping Cur companies.
NASSAU INVESTMENT CO. , Council Bluffs , la
Of inniikliut oonlnpioua blood
poison claimed rm Ua victim Mr.
Frank 11. Martin , 020 Pcnnsylvnnln
Avenue , Washington , D. O. , nnd
tlio usual pliyslt'ian'a treatment
did him not the slightest wood. His
condition deplorable
etago which only this terrible ills- can produce.
After all else failed , vrna at last
found in S. S. S. the Rreatcut of
all blood remedies. Eighteen bottles
tles removed tlio disease pvrmiin *
cntly , and left his akin without n
blemish ,
5.S. 8. In Rnnmntceri
inirclyvoKCtablo ; and
IttliounlyknovTti euro
fort till most tcirllilo
dlsoa o. llnoks fico ; - * K - x - > BV
CLimros8SwtSioclllcCoiniiaiiy. | | Atlanta , ua.
( Oil BYrlllUS )
A IVrlttcn ( limt-iintco to rtlltr. r.VKHY
Our curelspcrninnint mul not K atclilnRiip Cntta
trratcU Icn j mnrgo hnvnitcrci Mrnn Mtitiioiiitlncc. |
Hy dencilblntt jour cn e full } werniitn ( > i liy mnll.
And wo Rlvc I he IAIIIC nlioitfc Kiminiiicu to cuiv 01 1 1 linn ]
nil iiionoy The c who rnl ir lo eonn * hern for treat-
nionteandonoinlne wlltPU I llit > ail rare belli nv
und hotel bllld while hcie If we fnll l iiiv.Voihat
ItnRD Hie oi M lot mute that our Jliirflc llrinrilv
ulUniteure VVilli Ini lull paillc'ilum ami tirl lli
evlilonco VVekiiow t tint ] oil Kli'tkti tlcalii.ll ) uiloo.
n the ino-t tinlnent phjtklnilK Imvo ; io\er bitll llo
to Bite more than liiiiiuinricller. | . In our teiicms
piiirtlrcntth lhl Uncle Itenintj It hni. lern m < j
iliniitilt tootcrcotne ltit.piejMlUr * > airalniit nil ruCAtliTl
pcrlllc1. . Hut tnuhr out -lionp iruaiaiitee jou fhoutil
not h lli\tr lo ID tl Uieimd ) Vuu InLeiuirlianeuul
lonliiB sour money We i-nmanUi' 10 tmv or lunil
evorilollnr nntl nn u h-ito A reiutntlon to pititeet ,
nljo flnnn-lnl ijacklnir of l T ItO.Olill , II In rurally
tateloali ivhovlll Mj the titmineiit. Until f.uijou
have been I ulllnir up ami pajltiK.nit jtiur luiiue ) for
Ulllcient tieatnient nn.l althoufth ton ( in not * IcuiTrt
no one hat. paid laeU ; oiir inoitiv Po not unMe HII\
moreniui untllj.iu ir > us Olif.clui'nlc ilctMafil |
cr > w > until In tlihllo liln-l > nn } ! . IllMrllkale out
n-mnrlal tamllnir our tipum Inn i tiuthiCB nuiv
VVrllu us for naiu. # nt d n.Mir ed of thopee lm\o
ciued uho Imxi * IICTI | iciniU kn to ixfer to then
It cnxto Mm old } | .i I H in lodolnl't It vlllwitejo n
world oinilleiliii ; ( nun imntnl rlinln i indtrjuu remarried
married lint 1111 ; jour uilFprint : Milttr Iliioimh ) iu
o\\nnrtrlltcnec 11 j out Mnptvnii.ait * plhi | I. HUM laio ,
Boru llncat. tnucout luitLhi' * In iMOiith rhfiuntlMii In
bonciAiil jnlniK lialr Inlllnir out eiuiillonH in any
pan t tlio lie Ij Hi llnirur irinrinl ilipif'-li ii lalnrln
hend or loiif t ou haxti nntliue lo wuft * . The t HIO
arc ionrinntlj Taklrif ? ineuim nud jMiinrh plinuld dls *
eoiitlunctt Cui'lunt line or tu ) drii | * will tuitly
biliiKvoreihiid rniln ? ul.rti. In Hie end lion t lall to
ftrlto Ml corrcsimiid ii. e .put ( filled In plain iu.rl
ore VVclnMIt the IIKI-I rlt-hl IntcMiirntlou and wilt
do All In our IHJM i to nld > u'l In It. Addtcss ,
GOOK REK9EDY GO. , "hicaso. Ill ,
& Searles.
All I'rUnta lincn < cn
A : DivordcrM of Men.
1 rcntinont I > \ Mill.
Consultation t ice.
Cured for life anil tlio potion thoroiidlily cle uiaod
from the sj Blunt
bpcrrmtorrli. , \ . Seminal WoiUnois l.o < t Man
hood. Nlcht KnilHHlaiiB Diciu-a F.ietllUns Fo
mnlo WtiUui ss ind all ilolleitc clIsonlTi p-c n
liar 10 eltliir HCpihttlvolv ciirnl I'lIihS
AND VARirOCEfjK I < crin Jin ntlj anil
cured , Method new ind mifillln ?
b ) now method without piln or uuttlnir. Ctll on
oraildrcRB with stninP
| Infinmmatliins.irequlcUj'draui tothaEurfara V
h imdcuridli ) the abEwnlcm of tlio powerful anil
, highly efficient mcdk\tljiii\vhlc'i
t emit ttn - . - , j f tun 1 their way into r\rry A
, clvili7pl country on t i * , 1 * i n I fmo proud A
tliomsrlvoa in inpcnpul'to t r 1 10 quick pllt f of i
Ulirumiit fNjiii t riii ttt'ti * J iiiiibnuii ( X
' UnrJiiu Ins IMctil-Nv , luiMiiiioinitt Y
Kltlii ( * > AflorliniiNt ( tu II * o tlwm in ilm v >
huiisorifiy ior iucrueiu > , nn dul vlntntalm nt V
isdinRuroiis Iti eurt * to utt aCBNQON'S.
-oBiitctlttipfl. ) ( . PrleolB ctnt % A
boaburytL Johnson , il i'g CheinUti , Now Y ) rk. Y
i < < Cllh.'i'l Hi ON. , Oiiiiilin ,
llllllllfllf'llll 11 N lit
Fur Garment ? . Ru s Etc
loll I llwii ) , Coiiiicll lllunn , la.
In I'lunici linlldlng.
. . . . 'I rlc-illlllltt * > ( > . H.
. , . ,
" " * * - -DENTIST
HOIIIII . ' ! - - , Mt'i-rliiiu ItlocU ,
cidolitr .0 UO ;
rou nnjfj HAI.IJ OH ni.vnrc IIY
I.I-O.N viii ) iv ; 1.111:1 : r
roii JUNT : iioun in council iimrri
MS no per iiuinlli'licny lllll uml one airo of
Mminl , fruit un 1 Kniijtji. , .
IIS TO per inonlli Niyfcttcrekroom. IdxCO on
Ilioiiiluiiy 1&lMtilte
(9 ( 00 per month 1' . ' Thlrdlfit.'HC'roomii nna bnrn
( SCO | ) fr month < t rnlrmuntjavi.mic , looms
17 w i > cr niontr > < l.o liundway More room
JO (0 pci rnor „ ' 00 ( Iruhnni incline C rooms
C 00 rrrin < " n ltn IIMMctriot o-ruom lionee.
II 01 per - < uilh Hi nsv , ( , Xlmli elnct
At in : r ioi'iitTV- :
| H 33 per inonlli A II ImpJtil f acred 2 miles
from town vtlll In la uiii-lmlf of the rent In
v * . orU
roil HAI.i-C'lty : J'rrpcrty
I4MOooil lioimt I , nn hlu.l mil * , two lot' 2113
riftli n\c. monthly luyniuitf | 7 per inonlli
| :00 ( JooJ lioiifi uml la m An mil H Utwefn
rmhtli nnd Ninth Plr ! 5 ptr month
1200Ocod lioiHc iind lot on flh avenue ln > t ei-n
iMn ! nnd 2Clh ctu , month ) ) payniutlg , | i > ptr
15 Iris In WrlBhl' ndil for mlo nt u very lu *
1'AHMB roil HAM'
125 per ncrc JIO nrrc firm 4 iiillpn nert uf ttr t
olil enbltrn purl of I'allan.illumlo countj
25fP | ncri > 10 Helen of KOU ! funnliiK Innil nurlli
12 } per ntie-Will Impruvci ] UO-atre farm taai of
I.oiiland I'otta allanii' ! county ,
ir per ucTf-vt crn < of jscoil fnrmlni ! or fr , , I
Innil 3 mllei. from HI lne > I'rcmon"iiuim
125 per ucrSO ,
IKIII of rood fruit lunil " h
' " 0"h r , , , t
l r iicre-40 flirt , of Kooil Lotlom land r me
tlinuer 2 inllea urititli r ty | ( | | miia
< : ? n.i.r . r2f'n ? ; , > , .r'ii . , ; 1 "I""r"1" " ' " l
; VJttrsl ? li : >
- , > , riilnh.RVril
Oood farm * for rent. Apply to
10 I'earl St. Ccun I
"t.fu'n'tT ' " " " * of lan.l In Mon n
< f"'ucre tr"cu -
nci"he city for u
Of < f } ( | j.-ni > Ifebru ka liimU
\\lll ell nttv nr * t. . . i. . . . for _ fale
' ? < l.non atory t'ouii.
. , . . . ,
* f ' " Method * . IrfM
writ *