Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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State Officers Got Back to Lincoln and
Stick totalities ,
CoinuiH let 'H Wrltctip of
tlie TretiMiirer'n Oilier llelit llnck
for IVnr It Wonlil nnilinrrniiM
the (
LINCOLN. Nov L ( Special. ) So far as
the Btato committees were concerned the
campaign closed Saturday and nothing was
done today except to read the correspondence
that continues to comn In from the outside
counties Many ot the populist state officials
fend cir ( > loycn who have spent the last ten
days riilliiK over the state , were hero today
and assisted the fusion committee In arrang
ing for the Ilrjan meeting.
In Lancaster county tl.cre has been a
lively campaign which will etid only when
the polls dose tomorrow. The fuslonlsls
have made a lively fight , and while they
udmlt that the registration of their voters
hau not been Mllsfactory they mak stiong
r'nlnm ' regarding the country precincts. On
the other hand the ropub'lcans are confident
that the ulty will give the ticket l.BOO major
ity 'ind that they will makn largo gains In
the rountiy eve * tlin vote of last year , U
Is PP/I that never before were the republican
vo-htrs f the county so thoroughly
ir/H / , and It io bnllevcd that the results of
tl. 'i.urginl7jtloi ! will be plainly shown when
tliri Sc-trs are counted.
At tJu At.i'a IIOUBO matters have been very
qul t tot the pail wook. The fusion Plato
comntlUco had eH' o'sd u report from the
Jiwutlgitlng ct.hmtteo ! on the rendition of
th < v Mo' < s In the stito treasurer' * ofilcc' , and
one hid been promised by the committee.
H'c ' ) * thu last week this program han been
U' ngcd ) i rcsuiiahlji 'on t count of the cm-
l.ttrrasslng position In which the governor
1 il.iH nocn placed -egarding thu Hartley short-
ntfe. They feared cftect of any further
a Uatloii of the treasury matter and delayed
tlio rcnoit.
"VV. J. Dryan was advertised to address an
open nlr meeting hero at .1 o'clo"k but on
account of the chilly weather the place vvs
clanged to the Fuuko opeia house. There
we oo unusual htlr In town -mill a band
t'egato play In front of the opera house
when a crowd gathered that filled the hall ,
tha seating capacity uJ which Is 1,000 A
considerable piopo-tlon of the audience was
compcbv.l of vvomsf There were very few
laboring men present , as most of them ore
very busy in this city , and the meetlnc was
rt the vvnng tlmo of day for them even If
tiio. * had desired to attend It was signifi
cant of the ilpics that timers who were
replacing the roof on the opera house wore
compelled to stop work because the noise
ot their hammers Interfered with the meet
ing ; It wcs announced that the Ilryan spe
cial was half an ho ir late and Qcorgo Hib-
ner of Lincoln filled the time with the usml
populist speech , ono of the principal parts
ot which \\a pralee of the governor and the
Investigating committed for Its action In
removing Superintendent Glllesplc
AVhe'i Mr. Bryan appeared ho was Intio-
diifiil as a man Aha had Just returned from
a vls't ' to Mark Hanna. Mr Ilryan said In
opening that ho was Interested In the elec
tions all over the country , but moro Inter
ested in Ne'iraol'fi. Ho said that he had
good newa from Ohio , ns tMat state was
BU.-O to defeat Hanna. Ho blamed the re
publican patty for putting a tariff on coal
and charged It with lowering wages of the
miners. Ho also Intimated tint the high
price ot wheat was a bad thing for the labor
ing men who hod to buy flour. Ho ildlcti'cd
the position of the republican party regard
ing International bimetallism and promisee ]
that the free silver men would keep up the
present agitation until the pernicious gold
standard doctrine was driven back to Europe
where It belonged.
At this point In the argument somebody It
the aud'ccico ' yelled , "d n Europe , " am
there was great applause.
Mr. Ilryan said that no man dared to stan.
lip and defend the gold standard. The defence
was always cowardly and the system was an
rnemy to nun an progress. He did not ques
tlon the patilotlsin of then rcnulillcans who
voted against him lost fall , but he believe !
they woio mistaken In their Ideas. They
wore being controlled by the bankers n
England. The republican patty now proposes
to repeal the Declaration of Independence
rrho policy of the republican rarty would make
the people ot thh country the bondsmen ant
Berts of European masters. Llrlof mentlei
was made nt the state eatrpalgn. In'which
lie raid the votcis ought to elect Sullivan
BO that there might he a m'uorlty ' report litho
the decision of the supreme court. It wn
important 'o elect a Judge who was In sym
pathy with the free silver people. lie closci
wlth'nn appeal to the people to Unn out and
Tlio meeting attracted very little attention
in the city and icpubllcann are of the opinion
that U will have no particular effect
Omaha people at Iho hotels' At the Lin-
doll C. E. White. J J. Eveilngham , G L
Itptifllar , M , P , JCIiiB. At the Lincoln II.
in1 bruesdnw , C. I , Shook , P. W. Hodle.
? vnrAH8 > n vM.ins ,
InillcntloiiH All 1'oliit to n fircut I'nll-
llllV Olt 111 I'OllllllNt \ Oil' .
WES I' POINT , Neb. , Nov. 1. ( Special. )
Yesterday was utilized thoroughly by the
republican candidates for their final round
up. In spite of the very Inclement weather
and the bad roads thoiough canvasses were
made In tlio democratic strongholds In the
western party of the county. In splto of the
big ends against thorn tha party leaders are
confident of victory , A great miny voters
nro ftiitsaklng the fallacies of free sl'\er and
will hereafter \oto the republican ticket , The
late visit ofV. . J. Ill > an to this place Is
largely responsible for this change of senti
ment. A large number of his quondam ad-
-ulrons were bitterly dlsapolntcd In him anil
vi.sguuted with hU sophistry and publicly
a\owcd their change ot heart.
CLAY CHNTRU , Neb. , Nov 1. ( Special. )
The republicans held a good meeting hure
Saturday u\onlng In the court room , Charles
Sloan of lleiiova delivered a telling address
ST. PAUL. Neb , Nov. ] . ( Special. ) Con-
Krffisman R. J Hnlncr spoke to a largo aiull-
cnco in the opera house for two and a half
liourn last night and expounded true repub
lican iloctiliies. . frequently Interrupted by ap-
plaubu. The fuslonlats were alno to ha\o
had a rally In Iho opera house jcaterday
aftcrncon and coma farmers had coma In for
the purpose of attending , but the mc'ctlng
wan ro' hold , The reason WUT that the
Auditors had no orator , not , as has been
utual with fuslonlatu In Nchraiika th's fall
that the orator had no auditors , Congress
man. Or to ne failed to appear.
COLUMI1US , Neb. , Nov , 1. ( Special. )
County Clerk I'ohl wag busy today with a
ferro of intti putting up the voting booths
in thu > arlous wards. The carpenter's ham
mer sounded to Home of the oopullsts like
thu sounds from the gallows the day before
the execution. U Is generally conceded here
Boft , White Hand * with Shapely h'aila , l
riant lUir with Clean , Wholesome Bcalp , pro
duced byCUTlouiu. Sou- , the most effective
eUu jmrlfvliiG and beautify Itig soap in the
world , as well M purest and sweetest , for
toilet , bathmid nursery. 'Ihoonly preventive
or Inflammation and clogging of the 1'onis.
f Oir li told throughout tli < voiM , Font * DEVO * > < >
CumloirSuit 1'roiu-llMtoiit'.S A.
that Sullivan and Test will poll the straight
parly rote here It Is also certain that fully
one-half ot the fusion tlcknt will be defeated.
WAHOO. Neb. . Nov. 1. ( Special Tele
gram ) W. J , Bryan spoke In this city this
afternoon to a crowd of 4 000 or 6,000 people.
He discussed national questions principally ,
devoting only a small osrtlon of his tlmo
to state IMUOI. dwelling tnon the Importance
of carrying the election tomorrow. Mr , llrjan
camn acres * from Ashland this morning by
a relay of carriages and on his arrival hero
va-i escorted to the homo of John D , Lchm-
kiilil. nhoio ho took dinner. Ho went to
Lincoln on a soeclal train.
Attorney General Smvth sooko later In the
day. Ho souko on stain Issues , the default-
In state officers and court decisions , Mr.
Smvth left for Omaha this evening.
CI.OSi : OK Y. \ \ . C. A. COVVnvriON.
\niuinl Aililrcxn tiy Minn KlUe K. Price
mi this UHCM of 1'iMicr.
YORK , Neb , Nov. 1. ( Special. ) The fare ,
well service conducted at the 1'rcsbytcrlan
church last evening by Mrs. Lulu M. King ,
state- general secretary , was the closlnj ;
meeting ot the twelfth annual state con
vention of the Young Women's Christian as-
oclatlom The convention has been a marked
The missionary address on India by IUV.
Ir. Ithani of Ha&tlngs , formerly n worker In
orclgn Holds , dealt largely with a description
) f Uic people and cuitomb of that country.
'he reverend gentleman Is H very
ng talker and ho succeeded In making his
ubjcct an attractive one. On Saturday
evening was the annual convention address
oy Miss IT file K. Pi Ice , International score-
ary of the Young Women's Christian nsss-
latlon She spoke on tbc uses of power.
She defined power , not In tit" sense of some
pcclal gift , C.B the gift of song , of speech
or of pen , but the elemental po er , which
i > Ingredient of us all. The powers of hate ,
eve , hoping , b llevlnt ? and enduring are ele
ments that have much to do with right ll\-
ng. 'Sho ' referred to nature as furnishing
vondcrful leisons of the God-given power
nd Us right uso.
Sunday morning theic was held a prayer
neeting , led by Mlsa Wild of Lincoln. In
the afternoon was a gospel meeting for
women , and In the evening services were
icld In the Presbyterian and Congregational
churches by speakers from tuo convention
Mlfia Pi Ice spoke at the former and Miss Wild
at the latter Doth meetings were largol >
attenlcd and llbotnl collections were taken
for the boneflt of the state \\ork.
The list of officers selected for the com-
ng jear his been handed out. It U
aj follows. President , Miss M. J. Jay ot
Jnherslty Place ; recording secretary , MUn
lello Hogers of University Place ; treaoiirer ,
Mrs I' , M. Hall , Lincoln ; general secretary
Mrs L. M. King ot Hastings Mrs. D. A.
Warner Is colcctcd ns the member of the
state committed from York. The reports of
the state olllccrs are of an encouraging na
ture Tor the first time In three jears the
lEsoclntlon Is out of debt. There are at
ircsent In the elate organization eleven col-
csc and two city associations.noher col-
ego association will soon be organised nt
Waynu In connection with the normal school
Fiiiii-rnl nt Mrs , llontnn.
FURMONT. Nov. 1. ( Special ) The fu-
nctal of the late Mrs. Rmellne Denton was
held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from her
residence corner of N > c avenue and Ninth
street Rev. W II. DUES of the Congrega
tional church conducted the services He
paid an eloquent tribute to the character
and worth of the deceased and the loss sus
tained by the chinch of which she was BO
lens a member and by the community at
laigc The services were largely attended ,
espeplolly by the older rcsldcnto of the cltj
mid the members of the Congrcgatlona
church. The floral offerings vvero numerous
and elaborate The remains were Interred
In Uldgo cemetery by the sldo of those of
her late husband , William V. licnton.
I'nittit't * Cltj Ilr ' \ ItlrM.
PAWNEE CITY , Neb , Nov. 1. ( Specla' . )
Hon. A. W. Field ot Lincoln spoke In the
opera house In this city on Saturday after
noon to a crowded house. The Judge Is an
Interesting speaker and his hits brought
forth much applause.
The weather Is getting colder with Indi
cations of snow.
The Pawnee City Military band of forty
pieces goes to Beatrice for nett Friday ,
Cat nival day.
One ot Ilev Mr. Petrel's sons fell from a
horse yesterday tearing the ligaments ot h'e
Iliimliolilt ' 1 cm-hern' Iusltti < < * .
HUMBOLDT , Neb , Nov. 1 ( Sp cUl )
The program of the county teachers' associa
tion , held Saturday , Included the following
papers. "How to See What Is LMt In the
Ink Stand , with Model Lessans on Effects , '
Prof. George Crocker ; "Vertical Penman
ship ; Its ' .Merits and Demerits , " S. A
Chldestor ; "Is Child Study of Practlca
Value to the Teacher ? " Superintendent Blgo-
low ; "Piirlshment as Seen by the Child , '
Miss McGuIn ; "The Moral Value of fho
Classic Myth In the Primary Schoal , " Miss
Ethel Judd The attendance was good and
the meeting a great su-ccss.
I.ocnl ItritiN from nmorHOii.
EMEHSON NeX Nov. 1. ( Spe lal ) Mrs
S. O. Cord ban applied for a divorce from C
E. Cord on the charge of bast cruelty In
falling to support her. She oskn for the
custcdy of their two children The case Is
to be heard December C.
Hov. II. J Petran , an evangelist of Mlnnc
oota , began a two \\ceKs' series of meetings
at the Presbyterian church last Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Barry has severed his connection
with the Catholic church at this place am
his successor , Rev Mr. Barrett , lias takei
chaige of the parish He celebrated mas
for the first time Sunday.
lluric Klllc-il liy lliirlieillrr. .
COLUMUUS , Neb , Nov. 1. ( Special )
Gus Schroeder lost a valuable homo yester
day morning , The animal got entangled In
i barbed wire fence. Ho was out Just norll
ot town and left his horse untied foi a mo
meut when ho became frightened at the report
port of a shotgun and ran headlong Into a
wire fence Injuring him BO badly that he
wse shot to end his Buffering , The poor
animal had ono leg nearly severed from the
body and was also badly cut about the
breast , The horse was worth $100 ,
A xl- Kill IN on UlH Ill-nil.
TECUMSEH , Neb. , Nov 1. ( Spselal )
While chopping wood the oth ( > r day M. M
Morrlssy of Cook became the victim of a
painful accident. Ho swung the axe eve
ha ! head , struck a clothesline with It am
the Irbtrumcnt flow back und ttruck Mr
Morrlssy on the head with terrific force Th
st'ani edge of the axe struck him Just eve
the left eye , the flesh was cut and a soial
chip of bono Was cut from his skull Ti
wound Is a painful one , but not necessarily
Illi ! Kiirrttoll til Tlielr 1'nsHir.
TORT CALUOUN , Neb. , Nov. 1. ( Snec'al.
A reception was given In honor of Rev
Mr. and Mrs Parker at the residence of Mr
and Mrs. Miller. An cnjojable evening wa
spent. Mr. and Mris. Parker were preaontei
with a handsome Icmp. Refreshments wer
borvt'd later In the evening. Rev. Mr ParKe
reached his farewell sermon that evening
The church was well ( lllej. Mr Parker lia
be n pastor cf the Congregational church fo
the ( last two > cars.
Killed li > a riillliiK Tree ,
ULAIR , Neb. , Nov , 1. ( Special. ) Frank
Pate , a Hiuglq msn about 35 years old , WES
nccldcntly killed this morning at the real
deuce of Herman Mehrcia , six miles nortl
of Il'alr. He and his brother and ono o
the Mehrens bojs were cutting down a largo
tree. Iho tree In falling struck a stumi
and changed Ito course and the butt strucl
Pate and killed him Instantly ,
Million ecu 1'iirl ) l Drculur ,
DECATUR. Neb. , Nov. 1. ( Special. ) A
hallow ecu party , arranged by Miss Mabe
Ashley and Mrs. Nell Ashley , was held In
the cornerlbti at 'Miss ' Mabel Ashley's h-m
hero last night. A select circle of Intimate
friends were Invited. It was a festal oc
caslon , the famous magical cake , filled wltl
Borcery and ancient lore , being thu farclca
cplao4o of the evening.
NflmiNku .VVIIM
Cholera IB devastating the sw'ae herds In
the vicinity of Pierce.
The public schools of Nollgh are prepar
Ing to give a. supper , the proceeds ot which
are to be used in purchasing books for the
library nd chemical Apparatus for the labora
tory , the latter being v ry poorly provided
for practical experimenting.
U P. Admire , county Judso ot Antelope
county , has resigned on account of 111 health.
Work his been commenced at Arlington
on the construction ot a building for a
A Do Wltl man had peaches and plunw
growing on.the same trco this year. The
eachcs were grafted onto the plum stock.
A specUt term of the d'strlct ' court Is to
bo held at Chadron this week to decide on
ho merits of numerous claimants for water
Ignis for Irrigation purposes.
The 16-yesr-old daughter of Mrs. Luclo
Brock , a widow woman living on a farm
bout ten miles south ot Loup City , fell from
wagon last Thursday and ruptured a blood
vessel , She died Friday from her Injuries
D. W. Ozburn of Ravenna raised twenty-
Ivo teas ot sugar beets on a little less than
wo acres of ground this year. The beets
were grown for L. P. Southorth , who will
xpcrlment with them as food for sheep.
At factory prices the crop Is worth about
The D. & M. has collected over $12,000 for
relght received at Ravenna station slnco
) ctober 1. Tni * deco not Inc'.ude freight
harges on grain and stock shipped out , but
ust what has been received The solid
mlrm ot South worth's sheep received during
he month Is largely responsible for the
showing made.
Prairie chickens , or grouse , arc getting
qutto domestic In their habits of late around
Jordou. Several parties report seeing them
n their door-yards with their chickens. M.
H. Joints shot one In h'i ' dooryard recently ,
and last Mondiy morning the editor popped
cno over In his dooryard. If the game laws
were rigidly enforced , these birds would
soon become plentiful again. .
An effort was made by the hoya to ad-
nlnlstcr an omelet to the fake show that
vas In Gordon last week , after the thovv was
over , but the ibojs mistook their man and
opened their tutterltt ? on ono ot Gordon's
nest rcspectablo business men and a farmer
who were coming dovui town at rather ante
nto hcur. The business man escaped with
out a. scratch , but the farmer was hit on
the Jaw and EDvero'y cut. For a minute or
two ho Inrlsted that ho was dead , but later
on regained his senses , and It was found
that he was mot severely Injured.
( Continued from First Page. )
of enthusiasm was shown , while the Co
lumbian 'band , which was s'atloncd upon the
platform , started up "Here the Conquering
Heio Comcf. " The speaker of the evening
was Introduced by B T. Graham , who acted
as master of ceremonies Only once did he
swerve from his chosen topic and this was
but for a few minutes when lie derided re
publican officials of the state ami all other
republican officials In general. The lnc < c-
hauBtable fund of material found by fuslon-
1st speakers In Hartley's conduct of state
affairs was rehearsed.
At Metz's hall an audience of about 100
was present to greet Mr. Bryan Previous
to his coming It had been entertained with
short speeches by Chirles Pcspisll , who acted
as chairman ; I. S Hat-call and Tom Flynu
Mr. Bryan repeated substantially the same
argument , for the silver cause which he hat
advanced at the first and seccad.meetings
When the speaker referred to Congresrman
Mercer IT a belittling manner , Instantly a
cry went up "What , our Dive ? Wei
there's nolhlrg the matter with Dave , " am
the hall went Into an uproar of m'nglei
cheers for tne congresstcin and hlsijas foi
the unfortunate reference made to him by
tha speaker. Emancipation by means of the
ballet box , the despotism of English capital
ists , and corruption of state officials com
pleted the address.
At Crelghton hall the largest assemblage
of the evening was encountered , yet It was
safe to estimate from thn amcunt of chcar
Ing given the sneaker that fully two-third
of those present were In favor of Issues and
candidates opposed to Mr. Bryan and hi
friends. The speaker was Introduced b >
Chairman Albert SJorbeig of the Swedish
lllmc'j Hlc club and he expanded upon hi
chosen theme for tha space of three-quarter
of an hour. Other speakers who addressed
the same audience were Senator W. V
Allen and Charles Vincent of Indianapolis.
At Washington hall a large proportion o
the audience was comoosed of these wh
had followed In the trail nf the party from
the place in which Mr. Brjan had las
spoken. Upon the itage ft party of trade
union members , headed by T. F. Sturgcss
was seated. Previous to the coming of Mr
Bnan the audience had been addressed by
Mel Redflcld. Sydney J. Kent and William
Anderson. Mr. Brvan consumed about hal
a ? hour at this hall.
The concluding speech was given at Good
rich hall , on North Twenty-fourth btreet
where an audience of ab ut 300 had cougro
gated. The speaker was Introduced by Dr
J J. Savllle. He had been preceded In th
hall by Senator W. V. Allen and as th
hour wns late a large proportion of th
crowd dispersed before the final speech o
the series was completed.
v nicisio\ .
Vnm t'ilotc IlliiKtrutliij ? lnstlc
ricliI'M Cri-ut Strength.
A Washington correspondent tells an
ancdoto oC Justice Field which , If true , re
veals a truly strange condition of affairs
As long ago as last spring , according t
this authority , two other members of th
supreme court wore requested by Chle
Justice Fuller to visit Justice Field am
to give him information about a case 1
whcoo decision the aged Jurist was to talc
part. The Intention , cf course , was not t
suggest an opinion on the matter In , con
troversy , but to save him work and trouble
and to give him the benefit of their Investlga
tlons The visitors called at Juatlc
Field a house late In the evening and foun <
him sitting In a big armchair , with hea <
hewed on his brczai and eyes closed. If
hardly recognized his associates of man
years ; tie few words of greeting wit
which Ii3 acknowledged thalr presenc
seemed to be spoken with difficulty , and h
soon resumed the position In which the
found hl i. After exchanging doubtft
glanee-s , cue of the- callers drew from hi
pocket some memoranda which he had prepared
pared on the case In hand , anJ from then
stated the points Involved and the law e
ho understood It. For some tlmo Justlc
Field remained silent and motionless , mi
the visitors were uncertain If ho had com
piehondcd or oven hea'd a word Suddenl
his eyes opened "Rcaj t\-\l ] ncaln " h
commanded When the passage had hoc
repeated , the veteran exclalmoJ"That I
not right , It Is not grod law " ar < J procecdei
to deliver an argument which for clear
ness and force astonished both his listeners
This done , ho ro'apsed Into his former stat
ot apparent lethargy , and allowed hi
visitors to depart without again notlcln
their presence. When they compared notca o
t'-elr way down town they were both force <
to admit that Justice Field was right H
had assaulted tholr position so successful !
tr-at II ey were forced to abandon It , and I
this way , as u matter of fact , the aged Juris
really overturned a decision of the cour
for other Justices who hod agreed wit
these two were also forced to change thel
vie AS when the arguments advanced b
Justice Field were reported to them , Th
correspondent who tells this story think
that the Justice may have spoken almc ?
unconsciously his nil ml noting In respons
to the ImpuUo given by familiar lega
phrases , and \vlth automatic accuracy am
logic , simply because the law and Its In
terpretatlon had bcc me second nature t
him This theory Is a hard ono to accep
Old men may bo very sleepy at evenlns , ' 511
when awakened , though only for a fe\
minutes , they may be very wide awake ,
AiiKTlrini Machinery .Vlirouil.
American machines of many kinds ar
making their appearance In Eng'iiad , A
Londrn trade Journal HJB they are founc
In the English factories devoted to boot
and shoes , soap , rubber , bicycles and pipe
boxc > , American printing presses , tyresel
ters end typewriters are common In EngU f
and steel rails ore going forward by rh !
loads. Our agricultural machinery also I
admitted to bo superior to any other , Uiou
the decline of agriculture In Great Brlta'n
limits Us application In that quarter.
Onr Other Hxiiliiniitlun ,
Chicago Post. "That Joke , " ho said , " 1
no Eood. " i
" ' with It "
"What's the matter ?
"Why , I never aiw the point of It at al
until It was explained to me , and when
diagram has to be sent along with the Jok
It 1s evident that something Is wrong wit
the Joke. "
"Or with the reader , " .
roAter Rcpub'io of Central Aju'arica Docs
Not Want Him ,
ll VI
Unelc Snm Mny Yet HP rnintirlleil to
IlnrlilliiL Home lit IIU Smnll
llrctlircn CrucUlpH I'rnctlccil
by Kclnjn , I
( Correspondence of the Associated Pre s. )
MANAGUA , Oct. 14. U Is understood hero
hut the Diet of the Greater Republic of
Central America , now In seylon , refused to
grco with the arguments put forward by
ecretary Sherman In support of the appoint
ment ot Captain William L Msrry of San
'rnrclsco as minister ot the United States
o Nicaragua , Costa Rica and Salvador , while
tartly recognizing the Diet. U U claimed
lero In certain quarters Mat this step was
aken In order to force the United States
government to fully recognize the Diet , al-
hough It Is claimed that body may be ovcr-
urned almost any day by a successful revo-
utlon In Nicaragua , Ccsta Rica or Salvador ,
or by tha withdrawal from It ot one ot the
presidents governing the state It represents ,
"ho reply of the Diet will probably be for-
vardcd to the UultoJ States State depart-
ncnt through official channels October 17 ,
or October 20.
It may bo hero pointed out that the feei
ng ot opposition to the presidents , also
ermed "dictators , " of the states of the
Greater Republic of Ccatral America , Is
tcadlly growing In bitterness and ln > this
ccuntry the people are suffering greatly
under the rule ol their president. General
Zclaya. In fact , matters have reached such
a stage that the Unltctl States government
nust either continue to submit , as hereto-
ere , on the ground of sympathy with these
cpubllcs , to the caprices and misrule of
etch successive dictator , or else recognize the
rue condition of these republics and cner-
; utloally enforce a line of policy recognizing
.he pccple and raising them to the level , of
actual , and not nominal , self-government.
Slnco the disbanding of the revolutionists
ot September 20 las.t , who attempted to
achieve political and personal liberty by at
tacking the forces of President Zelaya and
falling In this effort weie drlveu to steK
el'ago In Costa Rica , the n asses hero have
becu mido to feel the weight ol the lion hep ,
and their resentment has been Intcnalfied by
hu merciless ac-ts ot Zclaya and his favotltcs
[ . D. Gomez and M. C. Matusa , whom It IB
claimed tavo acted like bandits , going so fai
as to shoot men who were accused ot taking
pait In the revolution of September on tin
decision cf hasty court-martials composed o ;
mon of lower Intelligence , In-Orlsoning hun
dreds of respectable citizens without trial on
suivlclon of having been in sympathy wltl
: hc revolutionists , exacting large sums ol
noney from natives having valuable property
cither us "fines" or "forced .leans" on the
t'lcii of having boon la sympathy with thoao
who took part In the revolution ot September
and otherwise oppressing ttye pepplo to such
an extent that during the past two jears
It Is asserted en good authority that more
than 1,000 ratlves have peen obliged to
abandon their homes and expatriate them
selves These who have left the country
Include representatives of eome of the oldes
and most ixUrlotlc and mpst dlstlngulshtt
families of the country. Finally , U is asserted
that neatly all the foreigners in Nicaragua
are anxious to collect the mcney duo them
and leave this republic for better governed
To make matteis woise'uobody seems t <
know where all the money collected by forcei
loans goes and the current belief Is that
Zelaya and his friends have been sending
largo sums abroid in order to feather the
nests to which they may eventually " have _ to
ily. No natloral debts hav obeen"paid and no
Internal Improvements have been made whlcl
will account for the excestlvo fines and forced
loans Imposed upon the people.
Those who cannot or will nJt submit to
the extortions of Zelaya's government arc
thrown Into prison and theli belongings arc.
confiscated and sold by the gov
ernment. For Instance , E. Ele/ander ,
a native merchant of Managua , has
been Imprisoned In the penitentiary and
his large stores have been cl.soii by the
government because of his failure to pay
forced loans. This merchant has not been
tried , although ho is suffering from paralysis
and confinement In Jail , which must en
danger his life , and the only charge against
him Is "suspected of sympathizing with the
revolutionists of September 17 , 1S97. " Scnor
Elezander Is heavily In debt for his stock
vf merchandise to commission houses In New
York City , London and Hamburg , but 1
looks as If his goods would be sold by the
government for the laltcr's benefit.
The govcinment officials In a former case
that of Chammoreccau & Dins , merchant :
of thla city , without taking an inventory o
their goods , confiscated under police survell
lance all tholr belongings , the amount be
Ing credited to the large forced losns and
largo fines demanded because they were BUO
pecteil of favoring" the revolutionists. Other
large stores belonging to merchants In Grcn
ada and other places are , It Is reported , to
be sold at nominal prices by Zelaya's official
unless forced loans demanded of their pro
prletors are paid. Other merchants whose
stores have been closed 'by the governmcn
have escaped having their goods sold a
ruinous prices by borrowing m ney to mce
the demands of the government In the shapt
of forced loars. All the native merchants
In Managua have paid heavy fines or have
contributed money to the forced loans Im
posed upon them by President Zelaya , other
wlso their stores would have been closed
When the term "all" Is used It refers to the
merchants In Managua In a body ; but a few
have escaped being victimized by professing
devotion to President Zelaya.
VVIM , snuoii
\or\\oulan Got eminent hfinlN Out i
Hellef Shl | ( .
CIIRISTIANIA , Nov. 1. The governmcn
has Instructed the governor of the province
of Tromsoe , the most northern province o
Not way , to charter a oteimer at the expens
of the state , to provision ft for six month
and to send out a relief expedition for Her
Andrce , the aeronaut who ascended li hi
balloon July 11 last from Spltzbergen , 1,40
miles west of the North Capo of Norway
In .i proposed expedition to the north polo
The relief steamer will start In three day
tlmo from Tromsoe , on Tromsoo Island , of
the corth coast of Norway fnd will proceed
to Splt/bcrsen. '
LONDON , Nov. 1. A dispatch lu the Dall
Chronic e from ChrlstlanH' fcay < s the expedl
tlon for Prince Charlefc Promontory I
search of the Andrce ballorarwhlch Is to b
euperlntended by Captain Sverdrup ( of Dr
Nansen'a exploring ship the Fiam ) , Is not
ready for departure acid will probably star
i-/ ti
Iho St. Petersburg correspondent of th
Dlly Chronicle says : A Minttroj men prom ]
ncnt In Russian Bcicnttficclri3 s have aako ,
permission to follow Captain Sverdrup's ex
. \Miiit : : JIUCING . .
_ ol 1
SitcN ( He IM HitileiivoPliiR : to ArreN
Hnililiili Millnli. |
SIMLA , Nov. 1. Lord 'fclg b. viceroy o
India , telegraphs that the a'mcer of Afghan
Istan says that ho is trying to arrest th
Hadda * ) Hullah and that If hb succeeded ho
will expel the pi lest from Afghanistan. He
also promises fo prevent Afrldls from taking
icfugo In Afghanistan and from Interfering
with the British territory , The ameer ban
been furnUhcd with a copy of the proclama
tion which General Sir \Vllllim Lockhart
Issued to the tribesmen prior to beginning
the advance ot the punitive expedition ,
Strike of Cotton Oierntlv I'M MUrl > .
MANCHESTER , Hag. , Nov , 1. At a conference -
ferenco Just held here between representa
tives of employers of cotton operatives the
employers gave a month's notice of their
Intention to make a 5 per cent reduction
In the amount of wages of their employcu.
A.B the operatives throughout the north of
England have already announced that they
will resist a reduction lit their wages It
seems probable a strike affecting 200,000
persons , which may last for mouths , entail
the. loss ot $350,000,000 according to the Pall
lull Garcttc , and also possibly bring about
ho ruin of the cotton Industry In thU coun
ry , will begin on December 1 , The repro-
cntatlvcs of the employer * and the delegates
f the operatives had previously conferred
oday , but tailed to come to an agreement.
Ijtitcr ! n the day It was announced that
lo rcyrcfieiitollves ot the employ ors and the
elevates of the operatives had come to an
grcemcnt to submit to arbitration the prop-
sltlon to reduce by B per cent a month
icnco the wages of the cottcti operatives.
llliiiuoiiil lloliliorj.
LONDON , Nov. 1. The store occupied by-
he Diamond Merchants' alliance on Plccv
Illy , this city , was broken Into by burglars ,
ictween Saturday and Monday morning , and
lamonds , etc. , to the value ot $75,000 were
tolcn. There U no clew to the Identity of
he thieves.
AntonniiilHt Nnined for Governor.
HAVANA , Nov. 1. Scnor J. E. Bruzon ,
a distinguished lawyer ot this city and a
member ot the central committee ot the
autonomist party , has been Appointed regional
governor of the province ot Havana.
'ntnl Itnllronil Accident Aciir Ijelimle.
BERLIN , Nov. li An engine collided today
with a train at Eltcnbcrg , on the Hallo-Kott-
> ur line , fifteen miles from Leipslc. Twenty-
line persons vvero Injured , and of this num-
) cr six persons nuy die ,
Pour Die o ( Inllncnrn.
BERLIN , Nov. 1. Four deaths from In-
luonza were reported here today.
Him- the Idea OrlKlnitteil ' " > AVns
! > < > eloped ,
At Albion young Pullman had become ac
quainted with Senator Ben Field , a mcrab * . *
of the state senate In 1854-5C , ro'ates the Chicago
cage Inter Ocein. Mr. Field wha Interested
n legislation concerning sleeping car fires ,
and the Woodruff Sleeping Car compinv , In
acknowledgment of his Interest In Its behalf ,
lad given him the right to run Its sleepers
on a couple of western roads. Mr , Pullman
hoard a great deal from hto tilend Field
about the new car usd for night service , and
told with relish the story of h's ' first expe
rience In a sleeper. Ho was making a Jour-
ley of sixty miles , and , hearing that a night
: ar vvcs on the tram , ho paid EO cento for a
jerth In It , although ho did not expect to use
t. Ho wan'cd to see how the car looked
It had one bed near the floor another two
or three feet above It , and a third rblng
ibovo the second They vvero mere bunks ,
3Ut they were the best sleep'ng ' accommoda-
thllf umn nrnulrtnd nt tlial lnn
While Mr Pullman was In Chicago raising
Buildings ho was ca'led upon by Senator
field , with the request for savcral loans ,
and out of these accommodations an arrange
ment grew between them to run the sleeping
ears on the Alton road , Pullman to pay the
Bcnntor , who had becurcd the right to run
Iho cars , half of the prospective earnings.
Matters went on In this way for a short time ,
and meanwhile Fi ld , who had no buslnci-s
: act , lost his sleeping car service on the other
: wo western roads which had been given him.
Ono day ho came to Mr Pullman and told
lilm that he hid an opportunity to buy back
the privileges on the other roads , and that
ho would like to sell his halt Interest In the
co-partnership line to Mr Pul'man ' A bai
gain vu's stiuck , and Mr Pullman paid his
partner $2,500. Th'a was at the opening ol
the war , when the night trains ou the Alton
road had been taken off the outlook for the
Alton road was very dul lois It Is a s < ngu'ar
Illustration of Mr Pul'man's good fortune
lhat ho had hardly conUudcd the purchase ol
his partner's half interest before buslncsn
became so good that the night trains were
started again and the sleeping car business
began at once to make returns Tl.cse sleep
ing cars on the Alton road , with which Mr
Pullman's first experiments were tried , were
simply two ordinary passenger coaches
v.hlch ho had changed Into the commonest
kind of sleeping cars at slight expense
Fifty cents was charged for a berth , and the
first night four berths were sold. About this
tlmo the Pike's Peak fever set. In , and Mr ,
Pullman gravitated west and spent two 01
three years at Pike's Peak. Ho returned In
1S64 and again took up his sleeping cat
In 1SG4 Mr. Pullman , who had been glvlni
the sleeping car business close attention am
who had become deeply interested in tin
thought that there was a wide field for In
ventlve genius In that direction , met a mastei
car builder of the Alton railroad , who wa !
an old friend , acid paid him $100 a month t <
take in charge the construction of a mode
car. Ho obtained the privilege of using i
shed of the Alton railroad , In Its yaid a
Chicago , and told the builder what sort of i
car he wanted. The great question with hin :
was how to have an upper and lower ber'l
trat would be comfortable. They were at
that time the merest makeshifts to afford a
night s rest. Mr. Pullman determined that
the riew car should be tiie handsomest ever
made Heretofore a plceplng car hid cost
not more than $1,000 or $1,500 Looking
the natter over and wondering how he could
arrange two berths that would be roomy ,
comfortable and convenient , he wrs per
plexed as to the disposition of the mattresses.
At that time all the mattresses were put
aivay In ono section during the daytime. In
fact , the early sleeping cars were simply used
for night cars and not tun In the daytime.
Mr. Pullman's Idea was to have a cai that
could be run on long trips either as a day o.
night car. With this object In view he
started b build the Pioneer. He found that
the mattrefses could not be put en the floor ,
because of the dust and discomfort. There
wivs no place between the windows and he
finally said to his car builder : "Why rot
hlngo au upper berth near the roof and put
the mattresses in It when the berth Is closed
during the daytime ? " The car builder re
plied at once that the car was not hlgli
enough and that tha space would be too
email. This WBS before ears were bulli
with raised "decls" or roofs. "Then. " oild
Mr. . Pullman , "why not raise the car ? " The
outcome of this conversation was a dlrcctlo'i
that plans should bs drawn for a car as wide
and as high as would be necestury to get In
two berths , Including one hinged to the upper
sldo of the car. Tao plan was accurately
drawn for a car cno foot wider and two and
one-halt feet higher than any car that had
heretofore been built in this country.
Of course the regulation railroad official
laughed and sneered 11 the enterprise , but
the man whoFo brain and courage had lifted
a largo part of Chicago out of the mud went
on wtti his work and produced the Pioneer ,
tbo first Pullman p-lace car , a model of
comfort , safety and lavish decoration , at a
ccst of $18,000 and twelve months of patient
labor It was an Immediate success. The
abssssiiutlon of Lincoln occurring at this
time. It wvs suggested that the Pioneer be
uscil In the funeral train , and It was run from
Springfield to Chicago on the Alton road
As had been predicted when the oar was
built , It was too wide to inn on Hie roads as
then constructed It was necessary for the
Alton road to send along Its line and cut off
the platforr..s that projected and to irako
numerous changes at stations so that the car ,
with Its width of an additional foot , could
pass Whe-n Genera ! Grant crime home from
the war the Pioneer wen used to carry him
from Detroit to Galena over the Michigan
Central , and the reilroad compelled to cut
oft de ot p atfOTns and make other change * '
In order that the car might paco.
All Space for Foreign Shipments la Already
uiern of tli p Stock to 1'orelRH
Coutitrlex Mnnt riml .Nevr
Carrier * or < ! < > Out of
CHICAGO , Nov. 1. A special to the Rec
ord from Now YorV ; saje : There Is practi
cally a corner In the ocean freight room for
cattle on the transatlantic steamship lines
from this port , Philadelphia and Baltimore.
The entire space Ins been engaged of the
White Star line and the Atlantic Transporta
tion line for ono year , beginning January 1 ,
and of the National line for two years from
tint date , by the representatives of a syndi
cate said to be coirposed of English buycts
of cattle. It Is also reported that P. I ) .
Armour of Chicago Is Interested. All tha
space for 1S9S on the Wltain and Kurnas-
Leyland lines have been contracted for by
others , and so has the Bristol Hue , leaving
no space on * regular lines Available for local
shippers of cattle.
The existence ot the cornin was confirmed
today by William Lunham ot the freight
brokerage firm ot Lunhani & Moore ot the
Produce exchange. Ho said :
"Our firm hns hid the since for jcnrn
back. This syudlcite , In which 1 Imagine
P. D. Armour Is Interested , simply came
Into the market and overbid us , piylng12
shillings. G pence , against 37 shillings , C
pence , which has boon the aveiago price
In late years. It Is my tde\ that the corner
Is being engineered by these who believe
that they foresee an era of short crops ahead ,
big wops here , with lots of corn to feed to
the cattle , unking cattle hero cheap , which
can bo sold dear abroad , "
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Nov 1. The Kansas
City Armours disclaim any Inovvledge of the
formation of n syndicate headed by P. I )
Aimour to control the export cattle business
en the transalVntlc steamers. " 1 do not be
lieve there Is any truth In the report that
comes from Now York " sild S U Armour
tonight. "It reads like a story made out of
wl'ole cloth. "
The principal export cattle business out of
KniwaB City Is done toy the Schwarzchlld &
Sulzberger Packing company A. P Nathan
the lesldent manager of that company , did
not think the company's export cattle busi
ness would bo Interfered with by any syndl-
cato cornering the cattle steamers.
( iraeerul Women.
Trifles continually "give us awny. " The
things we do deliberately and of Intention
we may do well , tout It Is the Involuntary
motions wo make those leading on to acts
and not counted as acts In themselves that
betray our llml'atlons.
A perfectly graceful woman Is graceful lit
everything she docs In the pobe of her head ,
the unfolding ot her hands , in her walk , In
the way she rises and sits As to the last
llttlo can bo said and a pretty way Is easily
demonstrated. What not to do Is to fall
heavily eve ' > seat like A badlv Jrlntcd do.l
without ncivcs A sensitive woman feels her
I way daintily , unbenJIng with a smooth , slow
motion till she appears to have settled down
I safely as a cloud sinks Into the bos m of u
i lake. Such a one will know how to rise also
faiul can make the difficult transition between
he.1 chali and the doorway without one of
those awkward Jerks and starts that render
half of fcmln no cicatlon Isu hlng stack upon
public thor ughfares , and , especially. In
public conveyances ,
. Probably nine women out of ten In rising
' from , ' chair shift their weight from one foot
| to another In the act of getting up and btart
I oK upon tie wiong foot. The proper way Is
I to rest the weight upon one foot while still
j sitting , holding the other lightly upon the
J floor. Now rise by pressing down hard upon
the foot that has previously been bearing
the weight , stand erect and still for a mere
second to get pclse and start off lightly upon
the free foot.
II there Is to bo a lurn In the walk stop )
with all the weight upon the foot that Is
in advance , rest only the toe of the rear
foot on the ground , then turn around
smoothly > by transferring the weight to the
free foot , making the turn entirely upI - n
I the balls of the feet with tile heels scarcely
. touching the llooi. A turn like this is as
I rare as it U graceful , yet it can be acquired
| in half an hour's practice.
nice-lion Day In Nt'iiriisKn Will lie
Fair mill Nut Toil Culil.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 1. The foiccast for
Tuesday :
For Nebraska Fair ; warmer ; \arl.tble
winds , becoming houtherly.
Tor Montana Fair ; westerly winds
For Iowa rulr ; warmer ; noithc-rly winds ,
becoming southerly.
For North Dakota nnd South Dakota-
Fair , warmer In eastern portions , wester ! }
1'or Missouri ETiowors In southern portion
tion , generally fair Tuesday , warmer ,
northerly winds , brooming variable.
Tor Kunhns r.t'r. warmer ; variable
winds , becoming southerly
For Wyoming I'alr ; westeily winds.
Ijiiuiil Ilecurd.
OMAHA , Nov. 1 Omaht record of rainfall
and temperature compared with the cor
responding day of the last three yenrv
1SD7 1803 1S95 ISC I
Maximum , temperature . . 41 G > fi2 48
Minimum temperature . . 34 in 2G 3f
A\crige temptraturo . . . . SS 41 44 42
Rainfall 00 ,00 .00 T
Hecord of temperature and precipitation
nt Omah.i for this day and since Marcli 1 ,
] 17-
Normal for the duv 41
Dcfle'cney foi the day G
Ac-cumulated cxcp a Mnce 'March ' 1 . . 4G. !
Normal lalnfall for the1 day . . . ( Inch
Deficiency for tin * diy 03 Inc.i
To T ! rainfall clnce March 1 . . . 1787 Inches
Deficiency hlnco March 1 10 31 inches
Excess fet cor. period , Uilfl . . . . < ID Inches
Deficiency for cor. period , iifi3 . . 1001 Inches
Iteiiortt from SlatloiiH at H 1 > . m. ,
"Mh Meridian lime.
In A new winding mechnnlam for \vatchet
ft sol screw Is placed In the two-p rt key
to adjust the frlctlonnl contact so to Jim
o\orcoino the tension ot the mnlniprtng until
nearly wound , when the key slips thus
pro\entlnR over-wliullnR.
A Marjl.ind man hns Invented n uhlrt with
n iletacbftblp bnsom , which In matlp douMo
to fold through the center Ami form four
weftrlug surfaces so that as fast an ono
surface becomes solicit It can bo replaced by
another until thb four are iircil
A machine has Just been Imcnted to re
move cotton lint from the- seed by inrans of
rapidly revolving brush cjllndfre , which
scrape the seed s It paroo * between tooth
wheel. * , the lint bnlnn blomi from the
machine by nn air shsft at one end.
An electric bath cabinet has been Invented J
b ) a German which has wooden rocks
nrrnnRed at each sldo rf the tub with
electric connections to the racks and bars
ncros the top so the body of the bather
completes the cltcutt by touching the bars.
Casks and barrels nro automatic-ally tilted
n n new hollliiK frame as they bccomo
icarly empty by weighted pivoted lo\cra
mdcr the rear of the barrel , .the weight of
I'c contents lioltiK sufllclcnt to counter-
> alanco the selBht8 until It Is almost gono.
Two Prcnchmen hn\e Invented a tandem
attachmeirt for sliiRle wheels , consisting OC
n stipportlr.j frame , to bo attachc.1 to the
rear shaft nnd saddle post , with n pair ot
osctllatltiR pedal crank * , to bo mounted on
the rear shaft to push the front cranks far-
ward In turn.
A Camden nan has pitcntcd n composition ,
'or ' the production of calcium carbldo , from
which acetline gas Is made , consisting ot
quicklime , nine parts ; carbon , four pnrtOj and
ono quarter of nn ounce of scwllum or pot-
tsslum chloride to a. i > . .uml ot the lime and
rarbon , i .
An Impnned tie for horses or cows has a.
shtrld or npron strctcheJ across n'frame mid
loktoncd to tlio cMlge of the manger , the
: ialtir rope beliiR secured to the outer cdgo
of the -apron - frame n kocp It tipped up
wlllc the nnlinal Is feeding and prcViiiit
be n
happy one. „ _
A healthy baby is the real jewel for which
the wedding rinjj is only the setting.
There is no place in Nature's economy fern
n childjcss marriage. Wcdtlcil couples that
arc childless arc never truly married. A
bibv is the tic that binds The baby is the
pledge tint makes husband and wife one in
inturc and in fact , and that tenches mutual
elf sacrifice and sympathy. Thousands of
couples are childless because of the wife's
neglect of her health as a woman Too few
women fully appreciate the importance of
keeping healthy and vigoious the organs
upon which motherhood is dependent. As
a consequence , they aw weak where they
should be strong , and mothcihood is cither
an impossibility orn torttncsome and dan
gerous ordeal. This is cnsih remedied.
The most wonderful medicine for women
is Dr. _ Picrce's I'avoiitc Pii-scriplion. It
acts directly and only on those delicate or
gans upon which the perpetuation of the
race depends. It allays inflammation ,
soothes pain and makes those organs
healthy and vigorous. It prepares for
motherhood. It makes the expectant period
comfortable. It makes Inbj 's coming easy
and almost pninlcss and injures health in
both mother and child. Druggists sell it.
" I take pleasure in txpres ins my faith In
your ' Favorite Prescription,1" writes Mirs ISdlth
Cain , of Clinton , Allegheny Co ] . "After two
years of iufrcrlns : I began taking Dr. Merce's
medicine nnd now I nni entirely cured. I liad
licen troubled with displacement of Internal
oigntis for some time nnd also itli ulcemthe
weakness but now I nm well nnd linppy. I w Ju
clleerfiilly recommend Dr 1'iercc's latorltc Pre
scription to nil invalid lathe- . "
The profit side of life is health. The bal-
aucc is written in the rich , red , pure blood of
health. Dr. Picrce's Plc.isint Pellets cure
constipation and make the blood rich and
pure. They never gripe , nv dnureists.
lCnrloUoSt.Oni ) iha , Neb
Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases
and DISOIIDHDhof IV. .15
HYimocnu : urn VAKICxv i. . . iiu.m mcntiy ana
Hiieci'HHfnlh cnriil IIIUVCIVCIHO
IIL'JOD AND SKIN DlBi.mcH ' ere SpotH Pirn-
rs Scrofula , TnnmiH Trllir l.c/o n.i and Dloo.t
Poison tlioionirhU clcanmil fiuin tliuuvHtcm.
NEHVOUS Ueblllij. bp rm iloiilnin Sumlna
I.oHBL-8 Nlwlit I mlHSlmi ! ) l.o.s ot Vital I'oxvera
pel in ini'titl ; nnil B | > 3.-illh eiucc !
( Vitality Weak ) , in ulo o b 100 < 'lo u nppllcitloii
to biiHlni UH or HtuiH HCMMK 1111 ntul Hlraln or
criuf ; SUXIJAL D CKbSKS In nil lillo llfo or fiom
tlH'cffcolHof vontliful folliesCillot wrltotliani
today , liox U77.
UmaDd Medicil and buigci ! Institute.
S. W , Cor. ICt i and Uoclce.
1)1 GraiU'a u underfill Irish
Jn\lRjiatU the ijrcatekt-
ic in ilj foi Lust Manhood ,
und | ml unnatural
dralne anil ! o * ef. All tinall ,
wtulc 01 f JIIH tnlurfcit und
Ellin , ; In r.cj HufTcrcm , by
rcmlttlnK H u Muled puclc-
URC contain nn' CO 1'Illn ' , care
fully coni | > unnilcl will bo
rent b > ni ll frcm our labor-
ulory or we will furnish elx
- - pnrl.agCH for Jo , with a
( Mil Dr. , riul > < ] l Alt \N11H to cure or
Surccps for CO > c rs mono refunded All letters
iOU.OOO cured conllilcntlul nnd ( .onils < cnt
with lull InstrusUuns free fioin ibrrnntlon
AdUrehS , CYllbTAU MKU O.Vmell. Mans ,
MoMi.TMl IliillliTH ! ! Mfitlu-ritill
Mrs. Wlnnlow'n fcocttilug frjnip hue tiern ustd
fcr over CO yearn I > J nillll'iiut incnlurs for
llietr children nhlla treililiiw with perfect B'JC-
cesa It voutlien the MIIIII . 'ofum- the KUITU ,
QU | > B ull pnln , cures wind ci/ll . nnd U Ilia brut
mned.i for Dlnrrhocu Sold l > .v driik'HliU In
every part of tie vvcrM lie * ure mid nik for
"rM . Wlnslou'H Biothlnir binia' ami t. * * no
other kind y iinl i tiotili
All Drugginis.
: til. . " \
PAX TON / in nan
Man ik'i'iK.
To u.ililinu . 1010.
. Alll/i : COMi'ANV
Clu l'i follow Ins ru-
Wi clm'Biliiy nlnlil I A Vllt UNI V COllIITSIIll'
'lliursliiy Miitltiua t itK'H'.t I'ATHKU
IliuiMlny night | A I1. 01. Or I OKI UNI !
Pi Icon , lower lluor , 11 ( i i-l.tu , llnli'iiny. tl-
cfJu-ftUc , MulliiL'c' , louir llnoi , H-7tJc ( Hal-
cuiy , 7i cOj
Si : ITS ON hVI < I3 ,
Aincrlcau v'un ' , tU.fJU p < i cl ly iiv |
J'uiopuiiii li'nn.JI 00 per day tip , * I
. ' , If. 3IAHK1/ / . blJS.
HO roomi , batti , iteain heat and all modern
coa\tnlenct . lule . 11.00 and H M per day ,
Table un xc < ) led. bp.cml low ruin to reeulat
boardtri. DICK UlTU. ilana V fl