* TI13S OafAITA DAILY ItTST j 'jMOlSfflAY , ifrOVJDMBTJiR 1 , 1607. 11AUB WEEK OS 'CHANCE ' Transactions ConCnotl Largely It Profo's'onal Operatorsi MOST DEALERS PREFER THE B-AR SIDE Kn Iiuporlnii ! CliniiKm In the I'rlcri lit Mtoi-l ; Ire .Ncitlu < Milili' NBW YORK , Oct. SI.-Henry Clews , head of Iho banking hou e ot Henry Clews & Co , writes- Wo Iwve had another ragged week In Wall Btrce , though with no Important net change in the prices of stocks. Trans actions hnvo been conllncd very largely to professional operator ! ! , most of whom , for the moment , deem to prefer the "bear Hide as bPM suited to the current mood of oper ator ? One feature In tie opera Ions of the piHslmlstB deserves attention ns a slg- nlllrnnt pytiiptotn. They do not care to risk large sales nnd refrain from anything approaching nn oversold condition of the mnrke' . There Is reason for this , as there nro still "bulls" whose Interests are largo enough to Induce the-m to make rcprlrnls upon a "short" Interest big t-nough to make It worth the powder. The condition of the market is a natural result ofho happenings of the last three weeks. The great roallzlngs of Influential operators have produced a timid feeling , whloh , In pplte of the conviction that the prices of stocks nre Intrinsically moderate , causes hesitation nnd the postponcmon of buying. Many operators nre discounted nnd enfeebled at the lo's of their previous inollts ; nnd , beyond continuance of tuo re'covery of business and the Increase ot railroad earnings , there arc no new ele ments to revive "bull" enthusiasm , iMore- OVIT , therei have been causes tor ho defer ment of operations , which have appealed to the "bulls , " great and Htnall , perhaps es pecially to the former. The election has been a diverge clement , nnd some people have been led to thlhk t"int ! . . result may have an effect upon confidence. In Ilnnncm JntoreH a. The new phase of t'ne Cuban question has given oecaslon for new fears that we might be drawn Into serious em broilments with Spain. Some have attached nn undue Influence to the Nebraska rail road suit , although It directly concerns only state Interests Others have looked with mistrust to the opening of congress , though Just for what reasons has not been made clear. In rene of thc'-e things has there been any sulllclent ground for real appre hension , but , put together. the > have suf ficed , In the late timid and unsettled state of the market , to afford an excuse for the deferment of trnncnc'lons L irgc opera ors , however convinced that values are on i scale that would admit of an upward move ment , are naturally always disposed to start a campaign In the presence of a cloud on the horizon , though It may be no bigger than a man's hand , and espec.allv when there Is , as it present , nn absence of any new Inspiration. Thus It has easily come to pass that we have had a spiritless nnd neglected market for the last three weeks , and the "beai.s" have not been slow to turn It to account This , however , is bu" a natural after-phase of n great realiz ing movement , and It takes time to re cover from the effects of such a reaction The recent drift of the market has , how ever , s'lown ' more recupeintlvn force than Is generally acknowledged In our financial review of t'o weeks ago It was shoivn that prices at that time averaged twelve and one-quarter points below the highest llg- urcs of September 17 , when values were at the highest The following list of the himo Blocks , showing the highest prices on Sep tember 17 nnd the lowest on October 27 , will Indicate ho change that has occurred Mlthln the last two weeks : Sept. 17. Oit 27 Decline. A. . T. & S r. , pM 3V , * 28'i 7V. Central of New Jersey 101\ ' 12 11 % ' ' ' ' C. , II & i } . . . . . . 10114 -J3U SH Bt. Paul 1017i ) wva 9 % C. & N. W 132'4 122 lOU Hock Islnnil 03' , { BV4 0 > i C. , C. , C , & St. L 4114 3.Vi GV4 D. & L 1M1 15. ! 10" , Delaware Hudson . . . 122 111 8 Eric l'i 15 3 > Illlnolii Central 10'n Nll'4 C'fc IxiulmlllG & Nnshvllle . C2 > ; r,4\4 7 M. , K. & T. pM 41 % 32 \ MlRbOurl 1'nclfle 3'J 2UV4 ll'/i N.Y. , O. & W JO icy S\ llcndlriK 29 23 b Amer. Sugar Heilnlnir. . 153 141 12\ Chicago Qas 107'4 91 % ll t W. U. Telegraph sc 87V4 OVi The present average decline In these twenty stoeks since September 17 Is S'/i points ; and ns the fall on October 13 was 121J , It follows that , within the last two weeks , there has been nn average recovery of 4 points. This linn happened pending a dull and unhopeful condition of the market and therefore has been little noticed ; but It Is not the less a fact ; and It shows that , through all the late pi evading misgivings , there has been a substantial recovery going forward. Conditions appear to be drifting gradually toward further recovery , though the move ment may be gradual and attended with considerable Irregularity In prices. The uentlmcntnl Influences we have noted ns having held the market In timid suspense for the last three weeks nre becoming stale and losing their effect. The result of the election , whichever way it may go , Is not expected to produce anything more than a Blight temporary Hurry. The misgivings In respect to the opening of congress are so in tangible or Imaginary that no one cares to mention them as a serious factor affecting securities , nnd the feeling resolves Itself into one of curiosity rather than anxiety The yellow fever Is now a measured quan tity , affecting a few railroads , but of no general Importance , and veiglng toward ex tinction by the approach of tiho period of frost. The Front financial settlement con nected with the Union Pacific railroad , which has been looked to as possibly in volving a sharp disturbance In the money market , it Is now found will be disposed of without any such Inconvenience , and the llnnl net Increase of cash In the treasury will not exceed J2.000.000. Tiho decision on the Nebraska case has been postponed. It Is supposed until after the elections , from which It Is Inferred that the verdict of the court will be In favor of the railroads The latest developments In the Cuban sit uation are , taken as a whole , construed favorably. The text of the reply of thu Bpanlun government to Mlnistci Wciodford's repiesentatlons has not bren made public , nnd apparently Is not likely to be published until the document Is presented to con gress. From such press reports as have come from Madrid which , however were based upon the first draft of the reply and not on the llml document It seems prob- nblo that the answer Is firm and candid , yet courteous and moderate In tone and con- taint Important explanations as te > the po litical reforms vvhl h It Is proposed to In troduce immediately In Cuba. The state ments Just made by the Spanish minister at Washington , however , nro more authorita tive than foreign press surmises ; and It Is to bo supposed that they harmonize with the Bplrlt of the reply of his government to Jlr. Woodford. His explicit stntcmcnu ns to oho system of local government , which it Is proposed to grunt to Cuba , nre .very Im portant and have produced here a moro favorable Impression as to the disposition of the home government to deal Illwtally with the colony than anything that has yet liocn forthcoming from Spain. The terms offer more to the Cubans than the con servative cabinet has ever tendered , If not < IH much ns the colonists could reasonably expect. This Is an attitude which the American people will lehpect and with which they mo alieady much gratified , us biigeiatlngnew possibilities of a settlement. . of this Imiubtlng question. It Is possible that some tlmu may elapse before the Cubans can be brought to accept anything Bhoit of absolute Independence ; nut BO long nn our government nees Spain willing to grant a really large measure of M..f-rule , It in not likely to be unrcasannble In allow- | IIIH a due Intel val for Imiugmatlng the pro posed now ordur of things. Fium these new developments It Is fairly Infeiablo that the next step In our relations with Spain will lie to assume n vvnltlnir attitude rather than u hastening pulley which might picciplintu necdliss quarrel. This question Is therefore likely to uecome > less acute In Its bearings nn Wall Street Interests thnn It has ipcently been , CO.MMTION UK MJW Yd II 1C UVMvS. Throe * IiiNlllulloiiH Sliiitv Illu1 1,01111 lii- ITfllKI' OIlllTH I'll I'll IIII Kcd , N15W YOIUC , Oct. 31. The Financier rays : The bank statement for the week can lie Interpreted to mean what the totals usually Indicate. The heavy Incrcus H In the loan nnd deposit Items reflects actual transactions , which have Involved only one or two of the laigest banks. The loan In crease of } 5li ( > .100 for the week Is covered liy the expansion reported by three banks , laving the total of the other slxty-thiee clearing house banks practleally unc .unit'd 'What the Increase will be Is rather dllllcull to determine , but It Is perhaps connected with the loans on sterling bills In this market - ket and by domestic inquiry for funds. The Increase in the deposits of one bank nlone has been fs.ool.luo , which. Is of Itself larger than the aggregate olmn&o for the wek , or , to put the matter In another way , the depotlts o ftbe remaining banks huvo fallen off since October SM. The expansion In loans accounts for part of the deposit Increase , but the banks , despite the heavier morve called for through the uwclllufi He- , hold In Idle cnsh , 5IV,7 ICO more thn reported for the nrovloun week Ono bunk gained In-cash tiWS.JO'i or SLrZ-IXO mor thnn the nRgrogntc Increase reported. Th only Inference Is that sixty-four banks hnv lots ea h In their \nulls than wan \1ie cn hint week Itcdilcdl to liable furtort th Htatcment shows that tht Imnks hnvo mad no great change durlnc the Inxt ildn.i < Thp supply of money Is laiger than rcportce on hand n week ago , but under the con trol of n very few banks The prlnclpn event In the money market for some days pill line been the revival of cuireno trans fets to SI , Lou I ? , but that in ten of ex change will harden to any extent seems fo the moment Impiobablr , ciiiruio < : n\\ I7T THOVIMONS IVntiiiTH nf ( In * Tritilliiir ituil CInnlim I'rlri'N nn .Siitiiriliiy. CHICAQO , Oo ! 30. Wheat was vwy hrng ular todnyllhln n range of I'fco. Mnj has narrowed Its discount to 2'4c ' under De etmbor The fmiturcx ol the HCSH'OII ' wuro the chiuiRlng from December to May nnd heavy bujlng by Allen nnd Drier. The close was strong nt a net gain of ' 4o for December nnd lie for Mny. Corn , oats nm provlslonn nil closed nt a slight not gain compntul with last night , Wheat was quiet for nn hour , except tha there was a temporary decline In Ueccm ber In the Ilrst llftten .minutes of the mar ket from the price It touched nt the Ptnrt May In the same time varied only 'fcc The Ilrst Unties In bolh were nt from Ho to Uc Improvement upon the previous day's closing prices December Tvai wanted n from 97c to ! )7Uc ) , May from 914c to SMUc December got quickly down to 3c ( ! , bu May old not go below 93fto The Llvcrpoo market was not us weak as might have been expected from thu news that t\as ca hied thcru of the hcavlncis with which this market closed It closulid lower for tin. day for near deliveries nnd jd lower for May , Thu chief reason , however , for the market hero showing the recovery It did n the * tnrt was the publication of the heavy o\ports ofwheat nnd Hour to Hurope fron th s sltlc , the wtek's clearances from boll coists bflng ri.901,000 bu. , ngnlnst rir > j2,00i ) bu the week before. Argentine shipped no wheat to KuropB this week. A year ago the shipments from that country were Mi.OOi Int. The receipts hero nnd In the northwest wore heavier than those ot the year before Chicago received ISO rai loads , comparci with 100 carlo ids last year Minneapolis and Dnluth reported 1,118 cars , ngnlnst 93' ' a > eat ago The Atlantic nnd gulf per cleat ance for the day were equal to 130,000 bu , Tlu > weather Is still dlscouiaglngly drj nnd the crowd Is ready to take nlnrm If I shall be much longer continued. Their vision Is extending beyond the time ot the Argentine harvest nnd they nre contemplat ing the possibility of n failure of next year's AmiTlcin wlie-it crop , n much more serious affair The market recovered It hilt an hour from I's early spell and ntlec qule , until within thlrtv inlnutts of the t'.ojo , when It became known that boti Kntnco nnd the Tutted Kingdom Irid ac cepted llbcrallv of cab'o offers ma ! c from New York The quantity was various ) } stated at from fifty-two to over eighty bolt loads The ( Irs named quantity was wel authentic ited by the fict of wheat In New York advancing le per bu on the curl after previously closing c higher lor the dny on the regular ses'-Ion. That put much life. Into tln < previously sluggish P ice of the advance here and sent December to 97TiiC nnd May to 95'4 { j1 , , , Wilch weie subs nn- tlnlly the closing llgures Coin followed the llnctuatlons In wheat but the trade was dull and narrow am prices kept within a 7sC range Selling by elevatoi people early and the fact that ca bles were weakei than expected promoted the feeling of weakness which prevailed for a time alter the opening. As the session advanced Inquiries \\ero more numerous and the value of the grain was enhanced Professionals from the wheat pit were vcrj conspicuous and commission llrms also took hold well Selling was pretty gpnerallj 8Lattrrc.il. . May opened at 2l64fiJl14c to 2lc , sold to 22c and was offered nt the top price at the close , which shows n gain ofc since yesterday. Oats was fairly active , but held stead } within a small range. The trade was with out feature nnd followed in the wnKo of corn. 1'rovlslons were easy early on commission house selling of pork. They cloacd steadier with corn nnd on some reported export de mand for hud. Receipts In hogs were large and prices at thu yards were OfEiOc lower , but to offbot this were oelvices from the .south stating that cooler weather had sel In , a factor that will naturally Increase speculation In time December pork opener at $7 fi , eased oft early under selling by the. country to $7.40 < fi7.42 , but gradually reacted to $7.52 , which was the price at the close December lard opened at $ I.12' , sold up to Jl.15 , nnd those figures covered the entire rhngu In prices. December ribs held bteady nt $1.42 % . estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat , 17. > cars ; corn , 50. ) cars , oats , 230 cars ; hogs , 1J.CCO head. Leading futures ranged as follows ; ArtlclciTl O.nn I lll-ti. | D v. | Clu-n lYosUy vvheat- Oot. . . , D7' < Dec . . . 07 ? * ill ! K H71 ( May PJIs-lH 03 > 4 Com Oct. . . snM lieu. . . 27tJ7 V'U'j. May . , .tO ) , su 30)4 ) Or.tn Oct 18H : Dec. lOKittU 1 ! ) 1DW May. . . ' -'Ufi-'JJ lork Uic. . , 7 f.O 7 r 1\ 7 40 7 11M Jan . . 8 17' B 47 S -ID S 17H Lurd Dec. . . i 171 4 1'Ji 4 13 4 1' tit Jan . . . 4 'JO 4 .1'JV t 'J7J 4 JO 4 17 ! sh'tltlbs Dec 4 III 4 40 I 42 < i 4 40 Jan . . 110 4-JS 4 10 4 40 No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : n.OI'K rirm , hard sprlnjr patents , J4SO3.10 , xoft iiatents , (4 : . , ' ! 80 , bakers' , ! J 6 ! > < S SO , win ter BtralKhtn. M MJ4 74 WHHAT-No 2 sprlnB , SSSOOc , No. 3 eprlnff , SS87n , No 2 reil , 97c. CORN No - ' , JO'jC , No 2 white , 25'ic OATS No 2 , li/fcc , No. 2 white , 2iU-3e ; No. 3 whltp , Iii9i l'jc HYI3-NO 2 , 47M II7'4c ' TIMOTIir f > nill ) I'rlmc , J2C'ji8270 1'HOVISIONH Men poik per lilil . J7 D1JT7 r , " > . Ixird IJLT 100 HIM , Jl 2v Short rllis BIOH | ( louse ) , 1420 * Dry Mlttil shouMorg ( Imxcil ) , | )7JiJ5bO ) , hort rlear idiies ( lioxeil ) . tr OWi3 12(4 ( WHISKY Distillers1 llnlshe'd ijoods , per fe-al. . II IS On the Produce exchange today the butter mar ket was Him uml hlhlur , extia ercanitry , J c , firsts , 'Si S'i\e \ : cxtia dalrlex , 20c , IliPtx. lOjrUc I'KKH , III in. 15c I'miHn dull , turKi' > .i. SIj'Jc , chickens , C'io ; fcprlnns , 7Vc ; ducks. 7'iiiSc. London lliini * > . LONDON , Oct. 31.Money Is temporarily plentiful and ns a lesult the rates show a downward tendency The sales of Ameri can securities ! have censed and It Is ex pected that Lon Jon will have to Bottle the adverse trade balance In bullion , although largo gold withdrawals are not expected Hlnce the raising of tlui bank rate the de mand for gold has been conllncd to the open market. The refusal of the large banks to take blllr lit less than 3 per cent keeps discount rates nt this llgurc. Short loans nro freely offered at from 2'i per cent to 3 % i > er cent , The markets were 111 In the early part of the week , because of the sottiementH , and toward the end the movements were more cheerful Home rail way securities Improved through the moie favorable reporis as to the engineering Mrlfces , American raiVAay securities were depressed until yesterday , falling from 1 to 2V4 per cent. Union IMclllc shares were hugely so'd on the report that the sale of the line would be postponed and they did not recoxcr mnc1 ! because It was presumed tl'tit the higher prlco 'o be paid would damage the shareholders , t'nlon Paclllo rail. way shares fell 3 % points ; Central Pacltlc , 2'4 ; Illinois Central , 2 ; naltlmoru & Ohio , 1 , Louisville S. Nashville , IK ; Denver pre- feried , 1HNew ! York Central and Canada I'acltlc , U4. _ London firnlu Miirl.i-tx , LONDON , Oct 31. Tim weather Is mild nnd unseasonable. A good home trade has followed the tessation of the continental demand At Liverpool the principal operations nro In while utialltlcs of wheat and selections uro chlelly in Cilirornlnns , Callfornlan , urompt shipment , was sold at 3Si ; October- November tit SSs Cd , nnd Walla Wullti at 37s 3d. Flour last week was llrm and ihoui'd an advance of i.d. American stuck Is still very small. Malzu was Inactive. 'I'nero were buyers for old ml\ed mal/e , December , 15s. Hurley steady , but no American barley Is offered Oats were uncertain. Thirteen shilling * ! and four pence half penny was paid for mixed clipped oats , November. lifHcr Ti'AllliriilirliN , MANCIIKSTKIl. Oet , Sl.-Tho market ast vveek .vns generally moro quiet , though hero Is still n moderately good yarn bubl- uss for exports. Cloth feels the weak. ii'ss of cotton and there is moro recording af very ulugglsh business in all dlrecJong. firulii llri'HiU | n < 1'rliicpal CIUOAOO , Oct. W.-Jlfcelpt. tojuy ; Wheat. 180 cart , ct-rn. 34 ! cum : oati. 21 ; cars i : tlmaiel ; Wheat , 17S car : corn , J car" MINNUAPO'US , Oct , J0.-rllectlpt : Wheat 190 cart Wheat , liouc. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Duly a Handful of Cattle on Sale am Few Hogs. DAY'S BUSINESS DEVOID OF FEATURE Cntllc Venn Cli-aroil lit Alioilt HU-ndj 1'rlccM.i lint UOKM Druii n McUvl nnil ( In OJt Slimly. SOUTH OMAHA , Oct. 30.-Ilccclpts foi the ilnys Indicated were : Cattle , llom Sheep. Horse ; October 30 . 918 3,69 ! ) MO 1 October 2'J . Gfr53 1,087 2M7 ( 61 October IS . 7.13J 3,5&1 . . . . 2 October 2 ? . 6.0CS 4.491 2,539 ( OUQbcr 20 . 4.U40 0,559 3.113 October 25 . 6,307 1,884 1,004 1 October 23 . 1.C14 4.2SG 855 . . . . October 22 . 2,917 4.C63 2.2D7 October 21 . 3,722 4.S02 C6S 2 ! Oclobor 20 . 3,956 5,137 6,02(5 ( . , . , October 19 . ' .477 2.625 3,361 October 18 . 6Cfi7 671 10,151 H October 16 . 623 3,337 4,423 October IB . 2,72 * 3,153 C8I October 14 . 6MG 3.353 1,091 1 The ofllrial number of curs of stocli brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Il'ses O. a St. I , lly . 1 Missouri 1'ncllU ) lly. . . . 2 U. P. System . 3 10 4 1 F. . H & M. V. U. U. 21 11 C. . St. P. , M. & O. . . 8 2 U. & M. U. U. II. . . . 12 2o C. , H. & Q lly . 3 c , u. i. & P. ny. , 13. 4 Total receipts . . . . 43 GS 4 1 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each huver purchasing the num. bcr of head Indicated : Buyers. Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep. Om.iha Packing Co . 14 Sll O , It Hammond Co . 36 840 Swift nnd Company . 304 619 2 ! Cudahy Packing Co . 304 1,174 , 1 ! Lobman & Rothschilds. . 6 . W. I Stephens . 6 . Krebbs & Co . 66 . Cutlahy. Kansas Cl y . 279 Nel on Morris , Chicago. . . 224 . Planklnton , . Milwaukee . ISO Other buver * . 106 . . . . 31C Left over . . . . . . C9S To.nls . l. " > 9 1,979 ! W Receipts for the week , with comparisons. Cattle , HOBS. Sheep Week ending Oct. 30 . . .ni,38t > 2,811 ( IWr.l Week ending Oct : 23. . . . 2,2S2 22,4V 25,235 Week ending Oct 16. . . . 27,170 19.S12 11,821 Week ending Oct. 9 . . . .27,834 27,102 11M Week ending Oct 2. . . .21,656 27,307 6,151 Receipts for the month , with compari sons : I Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep October . 112,102 10VW4 62ti7S September . 119,517 12S,7iVl 4S.7IC August . " 2.0" in,8.Vl 31,728 July . BO.S31 151,4Hi 25,0 17 June . 6S.1S3 17G , 3J 3M01 MilV . B'l.SOl lC'lf77 " 6211 April . 51 Ml 1 .S-0 toS33 Mill oh . 52,917 110 148 77.3W1 rebiuary . 47.13S 112,291 51 0 U January . 4VJ54 113 TO3 41,091 CATTL13 The receipts of cattle wcie the smallest of any day tlnce the middle of the month , but coming at the close of a week of biich large receipts It was u relief to have n letup In the run The market as usual on u Saturday was without material change of any kind nnd was entirely devoid of Interesting features. There were a few loads of cornfed beeves In the j arils , the best of which sold at $1.70 The prices paid were about the bamc as prevailed on yesterday's market. Only four or live loads of cows and heif ers were offered and they also sold at steady prices The most of the cattle here were feeders and a good many of them on the common- Ish order. Tne market was slow and un- HOGS The neck cluseil with n moderate run of IIORS nml with tlic market still lower Thp tr.acle opened thla morning nbout Do lower nml hull that wu > until the close The hogs feM nt } 3 23P3 40. with the liulk of the sales at $3 r.0fi > 33i YeFtenlny the hogs polil at } 3 30&3.62V4. with the most of DIG sales nt J3 35f3 40 The course of the hog market the past week wns steaillly downward The week opened at a decline and each iliy's market was lower , with the exception of Thiirsdaj , when there was a slight reaction. At the clo e of the week the market wan SOc lower than at the close of the preUous week. The Keneral tendency of the market durliifi October was lower , values belnj TO- lower nt the close of the month thnn they were nt the opcnlnc. The tendency of the market - ket durlnK September was also lower , the hlch point of the > ear to date having been tonchel September 2 HOKS are now selling at the lowest point touched since July. SHni'P There were ti few loads of commonlsli sheep In the yards nnd the market was nbout steady. _ _ CIIICVGO i.ivrf STOCK Mvuivirr. Cuttlo a riill Illnif 11 lull IT for Week HOKS lm T llrn % > Itcei-liilM. CHICAGO Oct 30 The entile market eloped lORMDc higher than a wtek ngo , with the demaii 1 conslderabll Improved. The widespread drouth In the farming sections Ins caused rmny cattk to be put on full feed much eniller than u unl This will result In nn early marketing of fat cattle and liberal receipts are looked for I'rlci rule as follows. JZxtra tteers. r > 25 to } 1 40 , choice fleers j-'i CO to J3 20 , Rood stiers , J4.75 In $193. medium steers , (4 fO to J4 70. common to Ing nbout 21T3 > lower than a week nso He. celnts are expected to continue liberal nnd low tirlrps nre cenerally looked for Pair to choice J1.45 to 13 C5 hca\y p.cklnu lots. J3 13 to $3 in common to choice. { 30 to J1 70. good to choice llBht J3 M to K 70 ; common to good light J3 53 to 3 MK ] \ . U " > to 3 TO. culls Jl no to J3 10 Onlv about 1 "XK > head of sheep were received today but the receipts for the week foot up about si head. aK.ilnsrt enl > 71.41J head last week > 'rhp few offerlnts were fold nt > epter1aj i < , ? lc < . . Fnlcs being on n basis of 2 CO to 13 00 for , .K. Inferior fheeu up to $4 53 and 14 DO for choice to PYlece"pVslX"cattle. CCO head ; hogs. 20.000 head ; ehtep , l.DOO hend St. I.onlM I.It - Sliu-k. ST I/5UIS Oct. 30 C"AlTLi : Kecelpts , SCO head shipments 3W hend Mm ket steady for ntlv'es , with no top grqdes hero , Texnns. stendy , 'air to fancy nntlxe shipping and export steers , 14 10fJ5 30 , built of sales , J4 f.0f(4 ! )0 ) , drf.ised beef inil butrher steers | 4 OOR4 P5 , bulk of silcs. [ 4 3004 D5 , steers under 1,000 Ibs , $ J 4004 IS , bulk If sales } 3 COOS 75 , etockcra nnd feeders , } 2 25fli 4 15- bulk of sales , 13 2003 45 : cows and lielfcnt L'oomss , bulk of cons , 260M25 ; canning cimv J1.S05J2 GO , Texas nnd Indian steers 13.20 (14 ( no , bulk of sales , J343ff375 , cowa nnd hclfc'S TlOdS Ilecelpts , 3,000 hend , fhlpments , 2000 head. Market Do lower ; light , J3.45Q1 D5 ; mixed (3 ( 305T3 CO. hcnvy , $3 D"ii3 ( CO. HH13KI' Ilecelpts. 200 head ; shipments , none Market steady , natl\e muttons , t3 < 10j413 , stock ers > 225fi'300 , culls and bucks , 12 0083.00 ; lambs , )4 OOiffS.DO. \PTI- York I.lvc Stnrtt. NI3W YOIUC. Oct. 30-IinnvnS-Hecelptn , 6040 head , no trading ; European cablts quote \incrlc.m steers at lOViRH'iil ; refrltierntor beef at 7 > j'fS'J , exports 1DC3 IICCM-H , 13 H lelp uiul 041 ( juurters of beef. OAIA'KH Itecelpts 28 head Market ipilet but slciulycal . J5DO7.r.O ; grnrreis , J300&1DO. Slliii' : : AN IMMHH Uecelpts , 3.13S hfnd Market steady but dull ; sheep , J3 DOJJ4.C2V4 ; anibs , { 5 DOffD.fO. IlOOH-ltectlptB , 2,339 hend. Market dull nt } 3 SKItJI.SO. K M ll MI N Rlt > - III VIStork. . KANSAS C1TV , Oct -CATTLn-neeclpts 00 maiket t > tt > adj , unchanged , only ntnll trade rexns steers , JSOOfMSO ; Texnns , J2COf3DO | , na- IM- caws ami heifers , $1 ( HI 10 , sti > kcm nnd eederx , > 3 00(74 55 ; bulls. )2.:5fr3 49 HOCiS Ilect-lpts Cn.-o , market steady to 6" ow < r , bulk of sales J3.4TWJJ3 51 , hea\lrs , J ? 4i ( ( ' DO , packers , S330f(3.0 ( mlxeil , > 1 SOW3 00 ; IlKhts , 345WJIO , jorkers f3C5U3XI ; pigs , J3 4083 65 HHUI3I' No market IllllllllllllMlllN lUf IKDIAKAI'OMB. Oct -CATTI.n-tlecclpts. . 00 hend , shipments n mu , market , ijulct at rjuitabl > unchnnBe < l prices HOO Itecclpta 3.701 head , shipments , 1 o > i mid , mnrkrt. acllxc ; good to ch'ilce medium i ml lii-iaj , (370fi,173 ; mixed , J3Cij370 ) , cum- non llKhts , J3.COS/370. SHiir : Hecelpts , SOO head ; shipments , 200 lead , no quotable change. HiINi HillTalo Il > T SI < ii-U- . HAST IIITPAIX ) Oct. M CATTMJ-QuIrt I1OOS ( loud to choice , t3 S5 ; common to co 340)1360 , pigs , common to choice J3. Soli 3 ( . " ' 4 ' MHir Choice n selecUil wethers , M WJM.73 : ulls to common , 12 WQ3.M Minlk llle I.lviSlork. . ixtUHVii < u : , Ky , oct so. CATTI.I ; steady and unchanged. HOOS Bull nnd Bo lower , best lu-n\y nnd nwllum hogs , IJ &W3 60 , llBht * , J3 CO HIIiii' : : AND I.AMI1S Dull and unchanged. Cliieliiiintl l\o Sloi'k. CINCINNATI , Oct , 30. IIOQS Weals at J3.00 ff J 70. CATTI-n-Sleady nt I2.13fl5 10 HHinn * Dull nt f3.23Q4.UO , lambs , lower at 3. Stock III SlKlit. Record of receipts of Ihc stock at the four rlnclpal markets fur October JO ; Cattle. Hops Sheep. Imaha . & 18 3.MS ! > V ) hlcub-o . . . . . , . Ida : OOM 1,10) { annas City . , . 700 C DOO . t. Ixmla . 100 8000 $00 Totals . Z.ClT JJ.053 D , AORICULTUn'AL ' IMPLEMENTS. T iningor & u Metcalf Co. WHOUISALE Agricultural Implements. Dulles and CarrUe" . Cor. < th and Pacino Bts. Darlin Jobbers of Farm Machinery. Wagons and BugKlts - Cor. Oth and Jonea. ART GOODS P. Hospe _ . . M - ttIT - - " = \ Picture Moldings. Mirrors , Frames , Backing nnd Artiste' Materials. BOOKBINDING , ETC /.iruoait i J'XlXTlNt ) AM > llttUK llt\l > ItO. Kli\onlli nnil Ilcmanl St B JOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , M'frs | Jobbers of Foot Wear WES1HIN AfinNTSFOIt The Joseph Bauigau Rubber Co. J3B Sprague Rubbers end Mackintoshes. Oiiialin , Neb. JBoo's , Shoes and Rubbers Salesrooms 1102-1104-1106 . - - Harney Street. . Lsndsey , RUBBER GOODS Owner of Chief Brand Mackintoshes erse 0oa Shoe 60 Boots , S/iots , Riibbers , Odlce nnd Salesroom 1119-J1-23 Howard St. Wholesale Shoe Manufacturers Western Agents Good > ear Glove Hubbcra , 1114 Harney Street. BAGS la Importers uud Manufacturers BAGS 614-16-18 South nth Street BAKING POWDER EXTRACTS. SYRUPS , McInsBCs. Sorghum , etc. . Preserves and Jellies Also tin cans anil Japanned ware. CHICORY 'he ' Growers nnd rnanufarturers of all forms of Chicory Omaha-rreinont-O'Nelt 'I3NSIONS KOIl Ii-roeH of IliciiWiir Itciiicinlioreil It } ' tin' ( iriK'i-al' ( iocrnnii'iil. . 1 WASHINGTON , ' Ot. -Spec ( ! xlPcn ) - lens gianted , Uu , pf October 12 Nebraska : Original I3dmond Honne.iu , 'ekamah ; Joslilf 'A. . Harrows , Cambridge ; Qeorgn H Short ) Qsikosh } Hestorntlon and elssue John T < 'Mitchell , Hendley Hes- oratlon , reissue thrJiT Increase William II. IIusllp , York. ( Increase Orln S Uradley , Amherst ; John M. Mnhan , Grand Island ; James Loghry , Gtnuva ; Jame-s L. McWIl- llams , Ilrokcn Ho .v. Original widow , etc. Sarah J. FllnFalrfleld Iowa1 Original niLhard r. Llntleman , Luke City ; Austin Iluwllngs. Panama ; Charles G Howiin , Iluffalo , Alfred Hcn- sliuw , Soldlcts * Home , Marshall ; Phllln Fabllnger , Uellevue Additional Lewis H. Ilradsiiaw , Dea 'Molnes , Ira C Mumon , LeMars , Increabp Hyun Morgan , Kellogg Helssue John P. Wilkinson. Montczumu ; Charles Stratton , Monona. Itclssuu and In- creubo Henry Westerman , ConrsvlIIo. Oilglnul wldtvv. etc. Mary J Tatmun , Thornton ; Nettle Peck , Independence. South Dakota. Increase Samuel G Trine , Pierre. Montana : OilglnaS David Charles , IluUe. Hestoratlon anil reissue James U. Doud , Uundcrson. Coloiudo ; Original widow , etc. Ellen L. Clark. Albert. Issue nf October 131 Nebraska : Additional-John 13111s , Rush- vine. Increase AI W. Halnes , Ansloy ; rrancU Ilaper. York ; Thomas H LarVlns , Hartlett. Original widow , etc Loulba Jackson , Fort Hoblngon ; ( special October 20) ) Mary II Wilson , Osceola. town : Original-Henry Helde , Cnrncs. Ad. dltlonal-Qcorco W. Landoii , Itclolt. Sup- CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Bliss , Jtrijiorftr anil iTobbtr Crockery. China , Glassware , Sliver Plated Ware , Looking Glasses. Chan deliers , Lumps , chimneys , Cutlery , Etc. 1410 KAUZVAM. ST. CREAMEHY SUPPLIES The A Sharpies Company Creamery Machinery nn < ! Supplies. Boilers , Engines , Feed Cookers , Wood Tul- leys. Shafting , Belting. Butter Pack ages of all Kinds. 607-909 Jones St. - - - - - - COAL. s Office 1C03 Fnrnam Street. SHERIDAN C CAL. C. N. Dletz. Proeldont Gould Dletz. Sec. & Tros DRY GOODo. O Importers and Jobbers ol Dry Goods , Fuintshing Goods AND NOTIONS. DRUGS. 902-906 Jackson Sf. J. C. RICHARDSON. Prest ( /j& C. F. WELLER , V. PrtBt. tons. ftpvclttl Formulae I'rejxtrrtl to Order . .SciiVir Catalogue. laboratory , 1112 Howard St , Omaha , . Brttce 6c Co. Druggists and Stationers , "Queen nee" Specialties. Cigars , Wlniu and lirandlcs , Corner 10th and Harncy Street * . ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. WHOLESALE AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 1804 Farnam St , FRUIT-PRODUCE. WHOLESALE Commission Merchants. S W. Corner 12th and Howard Stn Membeio cf the National l.caguo of Ccminls- lon Merchants of the United States. jounnus Fruit and Vegetables SPECIALTIES Strawberries , Apples , Droncc * I-eiiiono. Cranberrks. Potatoes. 1017 Howard BL FURNITURE Stone "Fyrgiilasre S ® \VHOLnSALB Furniture Draperies 1115-1117 Farnam Street. TYPE FOUNDRIES. K > e Superior Copper MIxcJ Type is the teit on tha mrrkct. 1114 Howard Street. 13th and Luavcmvorth St. Staple and Fancy Grocer test IEA AND corrtE ncnsiun , Etc. plcmental Thomas Cubic , JIassena ; James II .McConl , Dos Molnes Origin il widow , etc Hortenne A S tilings , Iowa City ; lilU- abcth Hiickland , Mapleton ; liedu J M l- ley , Council lllnffs ; Iary 13. Halluff , Straw- i berry Point. Increase ( special October 18 , Kpeclal act ) Jane N Teiry , Musc.itlne South Dakota. Oilglnal-Mlchuel K Hast , Itemona .Montana : Renewal and Inciease James M Martin Chateau. Colorado Original William Frederick , Denver ; William A Markham , Denver Original widow , etc. America Pratt , Para- chu ; .Mary Mlksch , HciKlerson. Issue of October 14 : Nebraska. Original William Springer , Maple Creek , Thompson Craig , Craig ; An derson Smith , Fremont , William D Myers , O nuv < i Increase Henry II. Wilson , Mad rid Original widow , etc. Minor of Tobias Monlsmlth. FalrllHd Iowa. Origin il Henry Tryon , Calamus ; Thomas J Strupper , Sioux City. Increase Andrew W Tibbetts. Allerton. Helbsuo Plerson Mills , Paris , Sanford Carder. Ma- rcngo , Ilelssuo nnd Increise Daniel 13 Taft , Cll'iton. Orletnal widow , etc .Minors of Albert D. Bullard , Van Wort and Moul- ton , Mary 1C. Sajre , Jiethlehom ; ( special October 21) ) Joslo Myers , O tumwu ; Cynthia Ann Sati-r , Hurllngtonj Margaiet 13. Hoyd , U iveiiDort. South Dakota : Increase Joseph Dcloy , Faulkton. North Dakota : Helaauo and Increase- James Plnney , Fajgo ColoradoOriginalJohn II. neck , Ala- mosa. Oritinal widow , etc.-Mlnor of To bias Monl&mlth , Hrush. Wyoming : Original-Wesley S Cox. Raw- Ilns. Mexican war survivor-John Houal- oux , Heaver. Ihsuo of October 15 : , Nebraska : Addltlonal-HenJamtn F. Qrn- haw , Clax Centtr. JUlssuo-Colllna A , , GROC3RIES. [ 6 , WIIOI.USALB FINE GROCERIES Teas , Spices , Tobacco nl Clear * . H03-H07 IUtn y Street- IMl'OUTKUS. GAS COFFtiU HOASTUUS AM ) JUllllINO GHOOnitS Ttltphon * ISl. HARNESS-SADDLERY J Jt'f'rt HAltftKVi , HAItUT.I ASH COl.HltS Jobber * of leatli rr , .SniMlcrItartttcare ; , Ktf. Wo solicit jour orders 1316 Howard fct. HARDWARE. Wholesale Hardware , Omaha. Wholesale Hardware. Dlcyclcs anil Spoiling Gnctls. 1-J10-U1-23 11 ur- ney utroet. JEWELRY Wholesale Jewelry. 15th unit Ilaracy ; Oni tint. \Vu c.ui show you the h"ststock In the west. r\o retail. LIQUORS. oise & WHOLESALE LIQUORS. Proprietors of AMERICAN CIGAR AND OLASS \VAUE CO 214-216 South 14th St. East India Bitters Golden Sheaf Pura Kyc and Dourbon WhUk y. Willow Sprlnes Distillery , Her & Co. , 1113 Harney Street. Wholesale Liquor Merchants , 1001 Furnain Street- Wholesale Liquors and Cigars , 1118 Parn tin Street. WHOLESALE Wines , Liquors and Cigars. 413-415 3. 15th Street. LUMBER WHOLESALE DUMBER . . . 811 South 14th St. > WHOLKSALU AND IIBTAII * LUMBEE omc * and Tardi . . . . .13th and California St liurnliam , Wyinorp Orlfjln.il widow Or- jihu A. H. Thornton , Orleans Iowa OrlKlnul Utliolliuit J Prei'inan. Andnhon. Ailill lonul llonrv Shopboll. New London , Inc-rcaEc John Hay s. Clinton , Anson II. Hutlcr , DcWItt Hcli-sno ( Hpcclnl October 20) ) Hi'iiry Stuolo. Cam.mchi1 OrlK- ln.il "Alilow , etc.Mnllnila It Scott , fimndy Conlpr ; Wllhelmlna II n Kollc Dnvi nport Bouth Dakota : Itcmiwa ! an 1 Incrcaho ( i-peclal October 20) ) Alfred hoftiit ) , Mont- rose. Montana : Original widow , etc Jessie Nay , Oroat Falls. Issue of Oi toiler K' Colorado. UclbHiie I'eter Lewis , Denver Subsrluo for The Sunday Hen and read Anthony Hone's great storj "Slinon Dale. " HfCclplM or 1'iiNliil Srr Ice. AL.T1ION , Neb. , Oet 29 - To the Kdltor of The Bee : A number of commercial travel- cm aio In dispute ) here coneernlni ; the tran&i > ortatlon of mall by rallioad com- pank-H. To nettle thu mutter , will yon kindly nnuwer In The Hnnda > lln the fol low Ini , ' . l-'lrbt , doe tinKi 'THinent lease of the. railroad companies HIH mra In which mall la transported , nnil If HO , what doca It p.iv and Is tfilH in addition to thu tonnaco paid ? Bccoiid. lu the postal HI-rvice n < > lf- BUpportlnB ? Third , what year , If .my , lina It muilo a surplus ? M H I'l'TNUY Answer (1) ( 'Ihu aovernmi nt le ism irom a number ot rullw.ty coiiipanliH what are known IIH "full mall "curs " Thrsi' uro cars built especially for the transiiortutlon of mall and contain no apartments or n > ace for pasdenirera , b.-iyi-aur- express pack ages The Kovcrnmcnt pays the railway companies for their use In dollars per mlle per annum. This sum lu IlxeU Independently of thu tonnujjo of the mall , the postal car revenue to tlio railway companies belnc en tirely bC ar .ta itoio. thai or the uuina U - LUMBER : Wholcsalt Lumber L intr , Etc. Oth nnd Doughta Sts. OYSTERS id Gole go , KING COLE'OYSTERS , cui.niiv AND POULTRY , 1015 Howard SI. OIL--PAINT3 i D 9 Paint Co. MANI I\\CTIJHERS Air Float 'cd M nral Paint And Paint * "f Ml Kin In rutty , Etc. 1015 and 1017 Jones St. J. A. Moffct , 1st Vlco I'res L J Dnko Ron OnFo.liip , lurpcntlnc A\lc Oroafc Htc Omnhii Ilrnnrh nml Agonclo" , Jnlni 11 Huth Mcr PAPE.t-WOCD2NVVAR2. Pi intii < r Paper , Wrapping Paper , Srationery , Corner 12th nnd Howard itrcets. ilbbei & 3aiier mil Woodesiware Oo. Wrapping faficr , Sfa/toiei\ 1107 Itainey Street- rtAi'iiU SUl't'LIEi. Oempster Photographic Supplies , Pnritnm St. SCHOOL SUPl'LILb Publishers , Mnmtfietureis nnd Jobbers. The largest Supply House In the West Corner llth and Hainey Streets SASH DO 3RS BLINDS. f'.atinf.icturcrs of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Etc , 12th and I/.ard Sts. STEAM-WATER 3 , a * * 1OI.I-IOIO Daticlas Street. Manufacturers ana Jobbers of Slcnin. Oas and Water Supplies of All Kinds. States n a rioS-ino f-Jarney St. Steam Pumps , I nRlneii nnd Boilers , Pipe , Wind Mills , Steam and Plumbing Matciial , Heltlnf , Uoso , itc. 'JOYS AND FANUY GOODS. Hardy 6c Co- "Joys , Dolls , Albim ; and FANCY GOODS. flouie Furnlrhlnes , ChlUren's Carrlagei , Eto. 1319 I'm n a in Street , YEA T-BAK1NG \ \ istia Yeasi Go. lanufacturers' celebiuted "On Time Ymst" nd German liuklng 1'oxvder , Satlsfuttlon uurantced. 4301 to j-s i North 'Iwcnty-ight Street. GOYD & GO , , Telephone 1 < ) ! 5 ! , Onmlia , Neb COMAHSSION , CHAIN , PROVISIONS andSTOCKb HHAIJI ) 01' TIJADI ! , niicrt wliPH to Ulilcduo anil New York Correnpoiulcnls. Julm AVurrin K. Co oi.o nu.oM in u.om. . rnicu.o Members Chicago Ilo.ird of Trade slm i drain , lnvislo'H ) an 1 N , Y. blocks Orders Cash and Kuturu Delivery Foil t Onillllll Olllrr , llnniii | , .N. \ . HI , . Illil . . . . 'I'llunc Hill . . . . rived through piymcnt by w tight. Tin i < < ' curs haying forty fu t of , I , spare eost thu government J23 per mill annum. The. poHtal ear most iommon use Is Mm llftj.foot car. and that cos * prr mill ) per annum Pot cars | nrK r i his there , Is a sliding rcilo tncr aslnt thu I icniiHiil Itn th , , r | „ , , .ur (2) ( ) postal servlco Is not ut f.nupportl ir It nut been slneu thu 2-oen t i > ostai-o raine i effect The lU'Ilelt Is oceaHlo nul j tremendous amoiini of second" class i. matter handled , ( , l ) Some years go , w thcS-cent postugiwan wan In operation i M surpua was exhibited in the postal Head "BImon Dale" In The Sunday Ilea. II you don't Uko It , subscribe now.