Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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For a Straight Ticket Marie For ti Straight Ticket lUnrlc
For 11 Straight Ticket Mark For u Straight Ticket Mark For a Straight Ticket Mark For a Straight Ticket Mark &Kor a Straight Ticket Mark
Within Within Circle.
Circle. ( his
Within ( his Circle. Within ( his Circle. Within ( his Circle. Within ( his Circle. Within this Circle.
o o o o o o o
For Judge VOTE of the ron Supreme ONI ; . Court. For Jiuliru of tlio Hupi utnc Court. For .Tuilgn VOTI of thn : rou Supicino ONK. Court. Tor JiulL'o rf tlio Supr-'inu Court. Tor Judirii of th Sunri'iuu Court , For Juilgo of the Supreme Court. I'oi .Illdtfo ( if thn Mlpreii.o . CuurU
vori : rou OM :
von : i OH ONI : . VOTU rou .
oxi : , von : ion ONI : vori : rou OM : .
For Hutments VOTE of roii the TWO. University , For RogontM of the University. For Uugonts vorn of roii iho TWO. University , For of the University. For Uetrcnts of the University. For Regents of tlio Univor.slty. Tor Kceontxor von ; rouno. tlin University. .
\OTI : roii T\\O.
von : i on TWO. VOTE ron io. . UTin KIl TWO
- -
For For County Sheriff ,
For ShurilT.
VOTE roil ONE. County von : roit ONE. For County ShorilT.
von : i-on OM : . von : KOU ONE : M > TI : or i\iMi\-\iTioN.
JOHN W. MoDONALD. ITIIOMAS IIOCTOR . .THOMAS IIOCTOR. This N tlir ollidnl ballot for Mate jintl county ollUcs for DntiKlui county. The comploU' ballot will be sup.
od nl tlio bottom ley tlu > names of the iMiulldiiU'lor jtt.stlce of the iioace , constable and assessor. In
icoiinty the ballots for the .Second. Fouitli and Seventh \\.uds ot Omalia will aKo contain the names of the candb
dates for commNsloner for the I'llI distiict. In other counties the lullol vv 111 be similar In form but with the named
For Comely .1 n ty J ) f the candidate- , nominated for the respective olllecs by the different parties lu those co\iuties. \
' For County .huliio. " Tar County Judge.
VOTI : roll OM ; . ] NOTE 1011 ONE"
NOTE roll ONE. VOTU rou oxu.
' ' > '
INsl'lll CI'IONS | O VOI'i :
A.ANDERSON. 1. I'd sons duslilng lo vote pioeuio their lullols fiom a judge of the ( lection boaid.
, 'I'lu-.v must tlii'ii , vvlthiiut lo.ivlng tin1 polling place , pioctv to n compartment and pioparo thi'lr lullols.
Tlio ballots .iu > pr-op.iiod as follows : If you wish lo vole n sti.ilglet llckot , make a iiiiuk in tlio ciiTle at the Inn
of tin1 ticket , and your li.illot v\lll then lie ( Miniitod fur every c.indld.iti1 on Hie liekol under the eircli' . if you wish to vote
For County Cluik. Fnp County Clerk. For otherwise than tlie straight ticket , vvitli indelible In tlie the light maigin of the
VOTE roll ONE. VOTE 1 OK ONE. ] County C lc i k. you place a eioss an pencil square on
3 VOIEI-OH ONE. li.illot opposite tlie inline of e.tcli IK > IM > H for whom you wish to vote ; if j on wish to vote a straight ticket with the
DAVID M. exception of certain olllct-s , place a cross in tlie elide at Ihe head of the ticket you wish to vole in tlie main , ami
. IIAVERLY. M. II. JtEDFIELD. . . then place a OIMSS opposite the names of the candid , it IK > em wish to vole lor on other tickets , or when two or more
candidates me giouport on the ticket for the sanit' ollice. as two or moie lopisentatives , and the voter wishes to vote
for one or ntmo on another ticket or tickets in any gionp. tlie voter nuiM make Hie cross iniuU after c.ich candldat ( > In the
gtonpon hisoun tkket llrit he w ishos to vote for. and a No after tlie n.iiiie of each candidate on any other ticket or tickets
For County Trcu iiior. For Count Treasurer , For County Treasurer. For ' gionped lor the sanu olliro he wishes lo vote for. Ho eaiefnl that > on do not m.iik Hie names of iiersous for whom you do
v C'ountTreasurer. .
von : ton OM : . von : I'OH ONE. VOTE lOll ONE. I'QK / ONE. not wish to vote. Do not m.ike any mark on the hallot. sive as aliove dliecled , or the ballot will not lie counted. If
spoil a lullut letiirn It to a indgo of ( lie election and ( ibtain lioin him a new ballot ; you cannot got more
GEORGE IIEIMROD. FRANK B. 1ITBBARD. iFRANKB. IIICBARD. i FRANK B. 1IIBBARD. than lour in all : lake tliis to a conipattniont and mark it piopoily.
Having maiked the ballot , fold It , so as to conceal the names and minks on the face , and to expose the
names on tlie back.
, " . Take it to tlie judge of oloellon before leaving the inclosuie , and see it deposited hi the box.
For For , ( i. Immediately le.tvo Hie i.iiled liiclosiiro.
County Hefjistcr of Deudb. County Rocistpr of Deeds
For County Register of Deeds. Tor County , Uctfistor of Deeds.
VOTE toil OM : . \O1'E 1OH ONE. vori : ton ONE. A on : rou oxi : . 7. If you wisli to vote lor any person whoso name does not appear upon tlio ballot , write or insert , his full name
in the on the ballot under the pioper olliee .vou wisli him to hold , and make a eio s maik In the piop.-r
rilOMAS S. CROCKER BVANR. JAMES xi . JAMES. kEYAN E. JAMES. nun Kin opposite the same.
S. Do not lake any ballot from the polling place ; yon thereby foefeit the light to vote.
Section l7. ! Xi ) pel von shall falsely iiiaUe , or make oath to. or fraudulently deface or Iranduh'tilly destroy any
certificate of nomination , or any par ! thoioof ; or lilt1 , or iccelve for Illini : . any certificate of nomination , knowing Iho
For County Coroner. For County C'oroner. s line , or any p.ut tln-icof , to be falsely nmde ; or Mippiess anj ci'rlllli.ite of nomination wliich has bt'on duly Illed , or any
' For ( ounty Coroner. For County Coroner. theieo'f foi ' make the olllelal eiidorseineiit on ballot.
VOTE I'OIl ONE VOTE roll ONE. part , or e or laK'ly any
VO1E I 011 ONE. VOTE roil ONE.
Section .0. Xo olllcer of flection shall do any eleetloneei ins on election day.
NELS P. SWANSON. HENRY C. WHEELER. 8IIBNRY C. AVIIEELER. IIIENRY -\VHBBLBR. Xo peisou whomsoever shall do any electloueeiiiif ; on election day within any polling place , or any luilldlm : In
. which an election Is li inj ; held , or within 100 I eel theieof , noi obstiuct the doors or entiles tlieieto , or prevent fico
D ] ingress to or e 'iess from said building.
Aiivwloctlon ollie-'i- , .shei , constable , or other peace olllcer Is hereby anthoil/.ed and empovveied , and it Is heiehy
clear the . and prevent such obstruction , and to anest . so doing.
made his diil.v. to iuss.ijiovvii.vs any. poison
For For of Publie
County Superintendent of Publio For County Superintendent of Public County Superintendent Instruction. For County Superintendent of Publie No poison shall lomovo any billet from the polling place beloie the uloilng of tln > polls.
VOTE 1011 ONE. Instruction. VOTE roil ONE. Instruction , Xo poison shall show his ballot after H I.s marked to any person In .such a way as to the contents tlinioof ,
VOTE roil ONE. vori : row ONE. or tlio name of the candidate or candidates for whom ho has niinkod Ills vote , nor .shall any person solicit the elector
. nor shall any pei.son except Ihe judge of election leccivo from any elector a b'lllot prepared for
" s.uiie ;
EDWIN . BOD WELL. WM. "W. ELLIOTT . . . WM. AY. ELLIOTT. voting. to
No elector shall lec'-ive a ballot from any oilier poison than one of ( he judges of elecllou having chaige of the
billot's nor .shall any poison other than such Judge * of election deliver a li.illot to sucn elector.
Xo elector shall vot' , or olfer to vote , any ballot except such as ho received horn the judges of olecllon having
For County Surveyor. ' For County Surveyor. For County Surveyor . , For County Surveyor , ehaige of the ballots.
VOTE 1 OH OM. . ton ONE. : . intuit his li.illot which It afterward be id"iitllod ! the voted him.
VOTE roil ONE von i OH ONE. No elector hall place any upon by may as one by
Kvoiv elector who does'not vote the ballot deliveiod to him by the judges of election having ch.irge of ( lie ballots
GEORGE McBRIDE. RMIL T. YOUNGFELT T. YOLTNGFtiLT I-EMIL T. YOUNGFELT shall , befiMo leaving the polling place , lotiiin such ballot to .such Judges.
'whoever .shall violate any of Iho provisions of tills section shall , upon conviction thereof In any court of com
petent - , li > lined in any sum not less than $ 2r > nor moie than $100 , and adjudged to pay the cosls of prose-
' .Cl'tloll.
Does Tome Good Exhibition Eaciiig nt
Louisville ,
Pulls to Iinter Vnj l''l : iiri's , but ( il\e.s
u I'Miii1 llMiln > of Speed
huniiiiiirlex of Oilier
HnveM. I
LOIMSVILLE K > . , Oct 27. Joe Pnlcheo's
record trhls today attracted to the Driving
mid Fair Au'ociatlon's truck 0,000 people ,
who wIlncsKPtl an evcollent exhibition or
Kpecd , althnugli the big blick failed to pkue
any tvorld n record to Ills cicdlt. Patclien
had been 'xurt > il In place of the ailing Star
Polnto to go ngaliibt the high wheel sulky
ivc-ord of 2 ot > ' / , , iiiddu li > Johnston , and his
pwn waron iciurd of J 01V Paced hy a iiiu-
per ho tried llrbt In the sulky and after
scot 11 , ' luin ) started with a line liinst of
HpeeU nuiklng the iiuartcr In 0.31 , the halt
tu 1 02\ and the tluee-ciuartcrs In IMt'i
The Insi qua'ter wati slo\v , and the mile was
( Unshod In 2.07)i. After a rcsl ho wenll
flgiunst the fgui-wlieel wugon record , nnd I
< Kicod the inllo 1 2 OB'/j , Is better' '
than any previous record except his Jollot.
iccoul of J OlVi. I
Tno races and an unfinished stake event ,
the 2 12 pace. Illled out the cird. Lady
Nottlnglmin , with two heats from jester-
da ) won the BtaKn ufier a haul bit tie with
Wood'old Jnj As usual , the favoilles had
compauulvely ead > vlcloiles , und tlio flglit
for xei-und mono > furnished the excitement
Joe Hallo won the 2 - - ' pace , taking the
Hint two heats easily , though owing lo a
break In the tblrd ho narrowly escaped
boleiK distanced Alvcs had an easy thing
In the 2 40 not , never bulng tioubled by
the Held Nobbj won second money fiom
the Axtell colt. Acts Tell A cake walk
llnlsl'i'd the dav Summaries-
First eiii-i J U elans , paelii ( ? , slnko $1MO
( iilllliiis a il fiom > esteulav )
lad > Tsiiitlm-liam. I if. m , by Not
tlngham ( Miller ) 1 1 1
Olles NOJCH , b g ( West ) 3 4
Dan Q l > ( .Mel.uughlln ) . . . . 2 2
Wood foul Ja > , b g ( Shlpp ) . . . . 4 ( i li
Juvellu , b en. ( Walker ) 3 4 3
Cadet s K. ( MfC.irtn > ) a [ i D 5
j'lnewood lloj , b j , iH.uuKiH ) . . . Us
Time 2 OS , 2 07 , J Os'i. t 004.
Second euie , 2.i2 tla.s , paclni ; , purse
joe Halle ) . b. K . by Cyclone
( Huhblll ) 1131
WIIUCH Helle , br m. ( C. Vein-
Meter ) 331 !
Aium Lee , b m ( Hutehlngs ) 2323
i : .erbelh , blk s. ( II VanMetei ) . . 4 4 4 ds
Time : 2:15. : 2.Hi. 2 17M 2.17'
Third race 2. < o chins , trotting- , purse
Alve-s , b. B , by pakburn ( Flench ) 1 1 1
Nobby , br , s ( Neals ) 322
.Acts Toll. br. en ( I eiihaeu ) . . . . 2 3 3
Katlicr , It. h. ( Smith ) , , \ c as
\Wsti \
' 1 u uitula , 1) ) K ( Frost ) 0 4 < ls
Monitor I ) K. ( Kucs ) 3 t , ( Is
Turn . J 1C' , , 2 I'd , , . ' lfi > 4 ,
i\uvrs ox Tin : IUNMVC TIIcics. .
llfimtiriilVcilUnr ninl ( iooil Adfiul-
nnrc nt llorrln 1'iirK.
Ni\V VOIIK , Oct. 27 The day at MorrN
1'aik vis lidiutlful. The uttumlanuu VMIS
Kood Hcsults :
KliHt r.itc , live fuiloni : Sen Uor MeCar-
roii , 101 ( Hallanl ; . 2 to 1 , v\on , llonulil , l j
(11. \\illl.uns ) , li to 1 and 2 to 1 , Mtconil.
Wnsutiil. 11J ( Hiltt ) , 10 to 1 and I to 1 ,
tlilnl Time : 0 vi I.oiiRntnIJIla U.ib ,
IM Miiilniii , 1'rlnci'ss India , Tno CSuil , Jlal l
of Erie and Aihlliator aNo um.
Second lattini - mile , HPIIIK- | | Conven
tion , sy d luaii | > - < on ) . JO to 1 and S to 1.
uon , Dil u-ttl , lul (11 ( .M.utln ) , a to 1 ami
evin , heiunil , IlalllhiK. 112 (11 Wllll unsi , 7
to . ' and 7 to ! i. thlul Time : 1 l'i. ! Ten
Hjiot , Hid Spldii , Gillian. GOUIKO II ,
KclLli.mi , Klnxiii.t , Uoiiaini , iiasllou anil
Xiiidj uUo inn.
Thlril laio , nilk' and a sixteenth , sellIng -
Ing lien llonulil , W > ( Sims ) , 7 to J and 1
to 2 , won , liomo ! , K ) , ( .Mahii ) , j lo 1 and
> -wn , hLC'ond Debiklf , liir > ( llallald ) , M teL
L and 0 to 1 , thlul. 'lime 1 I ! ) , linns l.ail ,
Timuur and L I ! also lan
roiuth rate , Ihe furlunuH , gellliih . lu-
iMiitei , 1(1) ( ( O'i.e.uv ) , . ! to 1 and even , won ;
( jahv Pay , I to 1 and 7 to 3 , second , Whls-
tlhiK C'oon , lus ( \VllllimH ) , 7 lo 1 mid 5
to 'J , thlul Time o.iv. Hairpin , 1'ilneo
Auckland Fan Vi n.nlo , Sit Oil \\ln , I.uly
Anhli ) , Tinkler , Eanrul Leaf , Gyptiever
and Hi IniMlale also ran.
I'lltli uuc , mile and thrco-sKttunthii-
The \Vlnnei. ) 'J tSlrniniO , oven and 1 to I ,
won , Simpi-i ini ; , U ! ' (11 ( , Williams ) , U to
, "i and 1 lo B , t-eeond. Klein T. 101 ( Hewlit ) ,
ID to 1 and S to 1 , thlul Time. 2 02 Dnlen
Skater and llernardlllo also lan
Sisth line , slfntloiijs HalllD Plliiuot ,
10J ( O'Oonnoi ) , 10 to 1 and .1 to 1 , won ,
Uunboiil. II. ( I'lasliin ) , C. to 1 nnd J to 1.
MCI and , llanuell. ICii ( ( iairUan ) , M to 1 and
13 to 1. thin ) . Time. lll : HOSJ ,
'In-maiKo and Cavaloio al o ear.
CHICAOO. Oet. rTom ll > an and hH
eoterle IlooUid the Harlem iln with money
over ( Kirland Har todiy. Thu BeldliiK
b.iik'- ftom 7 to 1 to s to 3 and won hi a
luMil , I'nli > and Aeo hoth at odds-
oil weie tiu ) only ravcr'tiH ' to win lU-siilts
I'liMt raio , one mile. C'ovliiKton , K > , ! "i
( KnlKliI ) . 3 . to 1 , v\on , Wiieuichlc. 1 (
( T Hums ) , 11 to u , tucond. Hot Sluff , 10j
( J. AVoodn ) , G to 1 , third Time. 1 U
Scrond raie. HiriH'-iuirtris | of u mile
I.uey Hullo , 105 C.Moirlson ) . 0 to 1 , won , Un
cut. 103 ( Evert- ) , ! to j , becoeul : Mamlo
Call in , 10) IT llni no ) , S to 5 , third. Time :
1 l.Mi.
Thlul race , one mile : Garland 11 ir , 103
( \Vllhlte ) . 8 toC. won , Cappj , 9U ( J. Woods ) ,
4 to 1 , hOLond ; Jtrsi-y Lad , W ( T. Hums ) ,
S'/j to 1 , thlul. Time : IHO
Kourth race. three-iuirtera | of n mile :
Presbyterian , 107 ( T llurtih ) , 1 to 2 , won ;
Pacemaker. 101 ( i\er < * tl ) . 7 to 1. second ,
JiulRoVardell , 10. ( J. Jackbon ) , 10 to 1 ,
third Tlmu : 1 It
Fifth lace , one uiid one-tialf mllet. . Ace ,
101 ( U'llhlte ) . even , won ; Charley Chilsly.
101 ( T Hunts ) , 3 10 1 , second. .Moncrellli ,
101 ( Morrlioei ) , 3 to 1. third Tleno. 2 CC
Sixth race , live-eighths of a mile. Plan
tain. 101 ( Morrison ) . Sfc to l. won : Denial ,
10a ( Narvaez ) . 4 , to 1 , second : Lon Suit ,
103 ( J Woods ) , 20 to 1. third Time : 1.0. .
CINCINNATI. Oct 27Tho rnt'liiR at La-
tonla today was spl ucd throughoul rour
of Iho 'w'nners ' were favorites and the
oilier two ivt good prices. Weather tine ,
track fut-t. Hesults
First tacc , live furlongs Solution , 105
( Murray ) , 0 to 1 , won ; Hal Masque. 103
( Uupoe ) , 2 to 1 and out , bucond ; Keelona.
105 ( Ililhorsill ) , 10 to 1 , third Time 1 02i.
Annl. Tiyloe Mary Wlus , IllKhl in7l
J'llnios-i , VliKli- Cook , Sp ildy II. Jejo ,
Josephine 1C , N'ellle Mt Donald , Lcn l Mjcr.s
anil .Miss Walsh , also lan
Second lace , one mile. SUIkel. 101 ( H.
Williams ) , 5 to 2 , won , Armus. IDS ( Conlev )
5 to 1 ami 2 to 1 , .second. Masterpiece 10 ?
d'etfiimiu ) , 5 to 1 , third Time- I2U
Tlmoian , Ilassemlylle , feiiiteine , Tonto.
Iluspei. Llsmoie , MvFarland , Clelcot and
I'.il1 is nNo Mil
Thlr.i rice , SK | furlongs : Myth , m ( Du-
piu ) , 7 to 3 , won ; Snjdim , IDS ( Conlev ) , 11
to 'i and ! ) to 10 , second. Hoc Tnrlilvlllf , 'IS '
( Null ) , 12 lo 1 , third. Time 1 lj' . . Illtf
KeilKht , Viola , Pie sons , Adllad , Alverotl.i
and Hiirkland al"o ran
I'oiitth Ianoni' and one-eighth miles ,
silling : Osc-uio , 10J ( Conluy ) , 3 to 5 , won ;
.Kitty H , 110 ( C lli-T | | ) . 7 to 2 Ulld ivt-ie ,
.second , Ondasue. 100 ( J. MitthewH ) , l" to
1 , third. Tlm > . 1 Ti Whit Next. Loil-
hart , liaiHiuo and Cnn Ilenpriei tilho eaii
Fifth rate , six fuilonna. J iikanapt's , 10' )
( C Helll ) , 7 ( o 10won ; Conaa Uovli100
( II. Jones ) , fi to 1 and s to 0 , second. T mpo ,
10' ' ) ( J MattliivvH ( ) 11 to 5 , thlid. Time. .
1 liiV Tevvanda.VlllineUi , Clinton 1'iiilt ,
l > i'i < ifoot , Mruklliu- lied Sue Nell nlso tin
Sixth race , FfiuloniH. | . Hiello Hiamhle ,
10J ( j Mat thaw ti ) , 10 to 1. won , Tintii- Dove ,
107 ( Dupeo ) , ! > to 1 and . ! to 1 , .sicond , Lex-
inslon Pleate , flS ( Niett ) , 2i ) to 1 , third Time :
1'13't S iniatnon , Cavalry , Letcher , llotse-
HIOO Tohacco , llilkllnu < md Oelniar also
llili-inu ill Vlfcll'nrd.
iMinroill > , Maus , Oct -Tluro vvero
two Rood races at Coiiihlnalon pule this
afttinooii , hi'Hldes nil exhlhlllou mile race
| 'i ' > Louis Victor , i.\ho made it In 2 lu'4 , ami
. an lutPitstleiK matih ram for pilrw.Vood -
1 shed , afer lotlus the Hist III the 210
pnie , took the other three with ease. In
tin 2 22 class Ciussio Leonaid BhoAed up
vvUl In the fem hents and looked like
in i > isy vvluiir. hut In tlei- fifth she hiemcd
I to tlen and M mil II , who aliendy had two
i hciitB , won out One heat wan trot id In
I the team rice for pairs , Dr Fiimklla nnd
' Mate leading undei the wire In 2 Al'i Ile-
, Milts :
I J 2J clis-i , teoltliiK- Mined II won ( list ,
i fit-olid and firth heutn. llcst time 2 111' ' ,
I Oussle Leonard won third and fourth heath
IJe-tt tlmu. 2 1SV4 Carlos , Irene , Doctor
and ( Jiisslo Hayes also started.
2-.M plaws. ICK-IIIK : Woodshed won second ,
third and foiuth hetits He t time 2-1M ,
I'almetto Prince nvnn the first he it In 2:1514 :
riim Hill. Jr , Mot-rill , Luuton.i uud Peter
Tiirncy also started
si , IOIIN | llomiShow. .
ST LOUIS , Oct. 27-Tho first matinee
of the St , Louis hotbo Hhow vvus held thli
aftiinoon Thu eiuortnlnment was marlt'-l
hy hlhS'tl from thn audlencii at the award
ing of Ihe prlze.s In the different clussen
It hecami M ) pronounced llnullv that tin
judges aniiouneed that the awaedliu , ' In one
of the last elapses of the afternoon would
hi ) left to Iho vote of the audience , and
this put the nuilleiu-e In hotter hiiinoi
Hisses were heard nt the show on the two
previous eveuliiKH. It Is n.ii.1 that foreign
professional horsimcn dominated over
the Hidden In inal.lnt , ' nwardH , much to
the dissatisfaction of th spcitatois.
S It tin II nt ; Ton run men I.
The Hc-uoml day of the bhoollng tounia-
niiMit at Council Hliiffn larked many of
the elenit'iila of pleasuio Hint vvcro eujoved
Tiifsday The weather was raw and cun-
Ulined Kiisls kept the enarksini u tui-stinf ;
an to thu spied of their Iho taigels Ilvvn
the hluo locKa eefused to Fill with Urn *
even dip that makes that feature of tin
bport no plcnaint. An a rcsull the
ns a rule was not so Rood is tint wjjK
the Hist day of tn - shout Still , foi the
old timers , the s-port was ilclU'itful All
the. birds j.ot awa > fiom the leap lU e they
had ii mission to p-iform and It soon
nppiront t'tnt r-nkK woik was necessary
If the birds killed wore to be kept within
bounds M.m > u ( lend bird VVHH diopped
lust over the line bv the stiff wind nnd n
l.ugp number ol badly liiR < d taigetH ,
whli-h oidlnnrlly would h ivo been gath-
cied easily , llutlered bevond the lines with
the assistance of the breeve
fSi'iili * } nnd Iliilirrl .1.
KASI1VILLU Tt-nn , Oet 27 This nftf 1-
IKOII moie than 0,01 people weie at Cum-
hnlnnd puk to wltiicS4 tin rtuo bftwu'ii
llobcit J and John II Oentiy neid uli-o
to see the pair attempt to lowei the double
team pacing eteoid. The teuik was
smooth , tlu- tiny prefect and ni wind Uut
the Hack lacked one thin ) ? elasllclly
Thu IOUK contliiuid diouth heemed lo hi\e
eehinehi'tl all the molslmo , leaving the ttnck
In low Hie Hiufaio hind. 'Iho two horses
BO ! off well nnd It was n inco In each heat
until the .slietch was reached , when HIMJ-
dt J bioko badly ejuh lime The largo
irowd was t ntliusl iHtlci eeeid tin-trod lustily
for the winner. Summailes.
John II. Gentry ( llowne ) 1 1
Itobert J ( liners ) 2 2
Time2 O7'i. 2 n\
The attcmin to dilvo the pilr npilust
the double team r oid f.elhd Seveial of-
foitH weio made to jel them to KO , but
both broke to badly nncl fiuqnently that Iho
trial wan ubandonrd. , (
I'l Ini-i-liiii Wins.
PHLVCCTON , N. .1 , Oet 27. I'rlneoton
defeiited the Ullzabetji hlellc club foot
ball loam today by a , HcQro | of 1. ! to 0 It
was tlio hnrdesl fouKlit Boniest Hint has
been plnyed on Iho 'Vain-Jtj Hold foi innuy
u diy nnd the result V\H.S ti compli ti bier- The TlKers expected to win bv n
InlKiinuiKln , but thu velerniu who com
posed Ihe vlsitint ; tuHunnjuit up such a
.Ullf Binnn Hint the iiluiers were forced to
play haul The TltrorsJ'wno ' homcwlrit
vMakt-ned by the absence of Illliebniuil ,
Kelly nnd Unnn.ud , who arc- laid up with
seveeo Injuries
Iliert lenl } VliiH.
CAMDIIIDGIMnhHOct. ; , , . 27.-Harvard
defeated the Nowtoti/VUiletlc assoolatlnu
tlovui at foot ball this vwiieliiK In a poorly
plajed contest. Si ore , ctU to 0 Tnreo of
the four touchdowns vv-rfc itiaik In the flrot
half While iho Nc-wtou mm wire pushed
steadily back It v us iitinply because of the
we It ; lit of the Harv ird line nnd not through
their sui > "ilor plajlng
\ini-rli-iiiiK < ; < < | b < - I'liei-i-H ,
LONDON , Oot 27 The lace foi Ihe Cam-
In IdK ( " < lili'Q stakes at the Newm-irket-
llotiK'hlon meotliiK 'oday vvns won by Sir
W. Ingrain's Confrcy. James It Kceuo'a
hi C oud 11 VN.IS .second and the Loillliied-
lleresford stables' Huiilla third.
Corning III I'lnj Tiilinr.
TAHOH , In. Oet 27 - < Spi tlnD-Cornlng's
heavy loam of fee bill p'nyers will line
up against tl'o unheilen levtn of Tabor
on Saturday noxl
\ Vfhtmi | Defrielx IniliurHl ,
AM1IRRST. Mass , Oet. 27-Wes'ejan de-
fealid Amherst at foot bill ted ly by u
HCOIU of It to 0
Vou can't cuie coeisumpt m but , < in ran
avolil It and euro everntlier form o' th oj
nr lime ttoubla by i'io ' use ot One Mlnuu
Cough Cure.
ancoitn OK TIII : ini.i.ow rmnii.
Mini DiiitliHr llM | > rlil from > e
NIW OHLIANS , Oct. 27 The warm
weather which prevailed here today has had
an appieclablo effect on the jellow fever
situation , there being a high death rite , but
despite this fact Hie situation , as camp-lied
to that of > cstcnln > , which was not leas
surlng , Is nliout thu same The Hoard of
Health ollltlals are not at all alanned anil
aie directing tholi efforts to conllne the dis
ease , though It Is admitted I hut the t.ise.s |
will not fall off until cooler wcJther bets
In. DeathsJeimls .Miiuleau. Mary U. Cou
ncil Oabrlel Jais. Louis A. Pcttit , Jacob
Mauguno , Fellppo Vlvlnnl Catheilno L. Hut-
teiworth , William Unit. Ne\v taees , IS
MOHILH Ala , Oct. 27 Following Is the
leconl of deaths ami new cases of yellow j
fovcr hero toil-iv Now eases Joseph M |
Ceull.i Hbther Hutklej , John C. Smith. Alice I
Otis , Frederick Tnnoj. Deaths Carlo Ogillo ,
Lang Langlej , Sylvan dental. Total ta tM
to date , 221 , deaths , 2'J , iccoverlts , 101 ; undue1
triutment , ; : i.
MONTOOSIDHV , Ala , Oct 27 The olllclal I
report of the Hoaul of Health at noon makes i
' seven cases for the du > !
ATLANTA , Ca. ! , Oct. 27. Ono new case of
fever , veo mild , has dovelopcd among the i
eefugccs fiom .Montgomeiy In this city ]
JACKbON. Miss. Oct 27. A statement Is
sued by the State Hoard of Health tonight
shows tlmt tbero have been two non cases
of jellow fever at Cajuga and one now case
eir-fir Haymond to lay No new casrs are eo-
] > orted from Iho ether Infected points
MONTOOMI3HV. Ala , Oct. 27 Dr J. 0.
Knott of Atlanta who eamo here to make
an experiment with his turpentine treatment
of jellott fever , regarding It as u phosphoric
poison , rotuincd home this morning The
Hoard of Health did not encourage him to
make a general experiment ut this late date.
MEMPHIS , Tcnn , Oft 27 Five now out's
nnd two deaths Is the jollow fever record
Memphis for the twenty-four hours ending
tonight The weather continues warm An
other thousand people left the city during
the day and evening.
HILOXI. Mlts. Oct 27 Yellow fever cases
under treatment. 78 ; ne cases for today ,
12 , Husplcloua > ellow fever , 1. total yellow
fever c-jses lo date , DOS ; total jellow fuver
deaths to date , 21
SCHANTON , Mls-s. Oct. 27 Nine now
cases anil ono death , that of Willlo Mo
Kinon colored
PASCAOOULA , Mlsa , Oct 27.-Now cases ,
two HAY ST. LOUIS , Miss , Oct. 27 Five new
M'lIHNHY , Miss , Oct. 27 Ono new case.
HATON HOUCSK , La. Oct. 27. Ollu new
UrtlHidliJ III-lmiiH Vl-rl.
HALTIMOIli : . Oct. 27-Tho bishops of the
Mcthodlat F.jdaiopal t-hurth began their
Beml-annnil Bc-mlo'i today nt tlie Moueil
Vernon P'uce MeMiodlsl ( hi.reh The Hfs-
blonn aie secret , not tvt-n ministers of the
denomination In the ( Its' being admitted.
The olijeet of the meeting Is to lire nu-o
the plan of < pUcopal vlsllallon for u wpring
( oeifiu-m of IXv ! itH ignlng Hit v ir'uus '
'O'firMH" ' > to 'he ' en'initrH of tre t iilo. u-
pal bouv to tonsidi r spn I il < ast a of ud
mlnisteiilGn which have to jrrfd'tlnc1 ' the
i IH. bUI o"S eni'i'llng lo give aitrntlon to
the i-ourjca of slud > to locil nnd teavcl
ing mlnlsteis of the chuuh , and to tiansict
such liusin , ss as may be bionght up b >
the mt.mbi.rii
co'i-rov M vMirxfri IIIHS CON\IM : .
'I'lli-i'c Hundred Deleurielcx leteml ( In1
\iiiiiinl Coiii 'iilIon.
PIIILADHLPHIA , Oct 27 The sixty-third
annual convention of the Now England Cot
ton Manufacturers' assoclallon began this
morning in the Textile fat'hool. Its m'embor-
slilp IH not limited to cotton manufactures !
of New England , but embraces those In other
parts of tlio country. Ntarlj , ' ! 00 dclogaliK
vscre present at the opening bcsslon , which
WIIH called to older by President Ilusiull W
Eaton of Brunswick , Mo.
Theodore C. Search , president of the Na
tional ABiochtlon of ManufacturoiH , submit
ted a paper oei the subject of "American
Cotton Roods Abroad " Mr. Search Hlatetl
that the cotton goods trade of the world Is
pracllcall > In the hands of four tonntilcs ,
whoso exports can bo stated thuslieat (
Hritnln ( WM ) . $33.331,000 , aonnany ( D > ! T > ) ,
$17.712,000. Franco (1695) ( ) , $28,757,000 , United
States ( IS'JG ) . $19,810,000
'Iho spoilter diow a comparison between
the exports of Great Britain and this conn
try and said tlio former wiihout a pound of
native raw cotton spins and wo.-mn over 77
per cent of the cotton cooiKi that are pur
chased by other imtionn while this conntrj
producing over one-half of nil the cotton
grown in the world , supplies U'SK than 5 per
cent Mr Search then dwelt at length on
the Imports of India , China , Turkey , Ilra/l1
Argentine llepubllc and the Australian
colonies The compaiatlvely snnll export
trade of the United States HIP speaker held ,
was mainly the fault of our manufacturera
and their soiling nguntn. who have fal'cd to
appreciate to the full extent the pnublhllltlea
of iho foreign trade In cotton goods
Edward W France , director of the Phila
delphia TON tlio school , pi cionted a paper on
tlio "Inllneiico of Iho Artlhtlc in Textile Do-
blgn. "
The convention thru took a rocet-s , dnrlnR
which the delegates visited the Philadelphia
lextllo bcliool and made nn Inspection of the
various depirtmcnts At the afternoon oca-
sloii papers weio lead.
VMTIIIll Till VI , ' ( III I.DIVriir.IIT.
Deiu-eii VVniilH tin * CJIHIDuel.eled fur
N.IH i-iihei- ,
flllfAOO , 0t. ( 27--State's Attorney ) ) o-
neeii hai nnanped to plaie the Becontl Lucl-
gort trial on the ih > cUet fi.r Monday , No-
veinhoi 8. If more time Is dcalioJ by the
dofctibo It will hnve to boctiio It by mak
ing a foinml rcqiicsl for a inntlniiantc.
Small iilll , > cifo pill , tic-lit pin. lie Will's
LIUlo Katly llitiers cm o bllloiisneis , conatl-
pntlun , sick hcadnihu
1,1-uliin ol IliieioeHIIIN. .
ST PAI'L , Oil 27 Thegiaml coiiutll
if the Noethvvi stem Li gion of Honor
opened Us annual m I'Blon In the Henato
< hiimbei at the capltiil today There weru
0) df'legilc.s pres nl , tomlni : from Mlnne-
nin , the Dakotas , Iowa , Nebraska and
Silk Manufacturers , Soap Manufacturers.
Mess. Jus , , V. JClrh t Co , ,
Cliicwja , Ilia.
QKMi.njn.s : :
\Vo linvo Klvon your"WliltnClond"BoapatlioroiiBh
test In vvusliliii ; iiloucs of Ilium mnliroldcrod with our
"Now 1'rncevVush imbiolilory : SIIUs anil lind it
ontlrdly butisfuctory. Wo talio nlnivsnro In ri'com-
inondliif ' , It ua a suporlor urtlclo for laundering line
Youi > truly ,
( Sl nocl ) JSKIJJINO IlHOS. ft CO.
Referring to he nbovo , we deem it important to r.taic
that this letter was entirely unsolicited by us. White Cloud
Soap now has the highest authority as its endorser as being
superior for fine laundry work. For the bath and toilet M :
also ranks first as a pure white floating soap.
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. ,
Established 1839. Chicago.
Largest soap manufacturers in the world.