' if" THE OMAIIA DAILY WEE-iTHlUHSDAY : , OCTOBJBU $8 * 1807. COUNCIL BLUFFS DEPARTMENT MIMIIl M lUrry Murphy , cosl an.l . wooJ 37 Main li ) Slirlvcr , dentist Merrlam blk. . rom 246 Ml g Orace IJeobo Is visiting In Calhoun , Neb , " Otto SPSIof Silver City woi a Ilurt ) vlsl- tor ycslcnlay , Cln > Heel c' Itcoli , la. , was visiting In the city ) cstenlay. George A. Stevens of Living Springs was in the city > ester < lay. I M Walker of Lovolantl was In the city > cstcnlay on buslncs . T. P. Ilenwall of Keokuk was In the city jestenlav on business llc-rman Mnilncr of Ileil Oak transacted business In the- city jestcrilay. Kx-Oovernor David H. Wallc of Aspen , Colo. , was In the city jcstcrday. Mrs W Shelby Is reported to be seri ously III with typhoid fever. Mrs. Curtice of Sylvan Station U visiting Mrs. A U. Moore of Sixth avenue. Satisfaction guaranteed at the reliable Bluff City steam laundry. 1'hone 314. County Clerk S A. Martin of O'Hrlcn county Is visiting friends In the city. Itciircscntatlvo L T 1'olter of Oakland was In the city on business jciterday. Mrs. T I. Hall of Ord Neb Is the guest of Mrs S S Tacs of Seventh avenue. Mrs O H Miller of Second avenue Is entertaining Mrs J. S. Mahon of St. 1/ouls Mrs tt H lliirke , proprietress of the Durko hotel of Carroll , was In the city yes terday Mrs I' Vlelloy will leave today for Den ver , whcro she- will Join her husband on his homeward journey. Carlson's freshl > ground cornmeal , best to lie had ; call for It at your grocer's or at C Carlson's Wash Ave mills. Calatithc JtHcmbly No 1 , I'vthlan sister hood , w-lll have a special meeting tomorrow afternoon In Woodmen hall. The funeral of the Into Mri .1 J. llatha- way will take plare tills afternoon from the ? resilience , HIT Highth avenue S M Smith of Mllford Ki , hns returned to his homo nftcr a very pleasant vUlt hero nvltli A II Mooie of Second avenue Mr J 13 Gor'Hough and Mrs H John- Ron will he married todav at 102S Seventh nvcinic' , which will be their home In the future The Council II tiffs High sihool and the Crescents of Omaha will play foot ball this nftcmrnn at 30 : ! on the grounds at the Field club park. Mrs Hcntly and Mrs Duccumion have returned to their homg In Florida , after a pleasant visit lurcwith Hev. and Mrs J f } Leim'ri. und family. Miss Olln Cook has , returned from her Chicago cage vis t The exhibit bhc made at the Western Ceramic Art association's display wai most highly spoken ot The Ladles' Aid sccletj of St John P Eng lish Lull cran church meets th's ' afternoon at the residence of Mrs Liu H ( Jrell , corner of Ninth street ard Avenue- Council Ii luffs people can obtain copies of j the International art series "Ireland In j Pictures " bj calling al the Council Uluffa ofllco of The Jlep. No 10 1'carl street. I Hi-Klmi Preneh of the Salvation .trmy ct | St Lou's will sinnil today and tomoTov. In I this citj He will speak this evenlTg at the barracks 01 the sicU ! work of the armj Now Is the t mo to lav In jour sucplv of winter fuel K II Wit lams 150 Hwav w.ll sell > ou coal and wood us chcapl > LS ary me nnd will give jou premium stamps beside Mrs P W Mlll"i returned homo jester- day mo nlng frcm Canton , III , where she was called about a me nth ago by the Ill- Bess of h ° r father , who recently died there Honest weight and lowest prices are what talk in the coil business Thomas Rlshton guarantees cverj ton ot coal ho sells to weigh 2,000 pounds 210G West Broidway Are > ou ever In neel of laundry work' Our well managed plant four wagons and 'phono 1G7 a c at jour service We also glvo premium staniis The I-ogle Laundiy J. A Gohl nghutst has comp'alncd to the police * that the dooraril of his resilience at 715 Mjnster street ha& bec'i i aided by sneak thieves , who carried off all of the ilowers and plants A change has been made In the speaker < nt the "reformntloi services" in St John's Hng is.h Lutheran church. Kev Luther M Kuhns of Omaha preaches th's ' ever Ing atv Kev. L Groh of Omaha tomorrow evening All arc invited The Uoyal Neighbor. ' will mret this after noon at the res'denco of Mis M 0 Smith , 1B01 Eighth av"iiue for the purpose of at tending the funeral of the late Mrs Hatha- I nay. All of the' members aio requested to j bo present at 2 30 e'clock The teachcis e'f the first fcocond , third and fourth grades he-Id a meeting at t c IlIoTiner building ycstcrJ i > evening with Miss Ken nedy for a music icvlew The teachers of the fifth sixth and seven h grades meet to i night for the same purpose nncampment No S Union Veteran Legion , holds Its annual bamiuet tonight In thu Woodmen of the World hall Hvery com rade Is expected to he p-esent with his wife , and the Ladles' Auxiliary No 17 , With their huslnm'i' There will be good music , good speaking and a good tlmei Haivey James was arre'sted last evening on a wntrant cluiglng him with assault .mil battery Ycatciday afternoon James en countered one of the Hetheis bo > s near thu corner of rourteeiith street and Sixteenth avenue An old quarrel was resumed , and James picked tip a brick nnd threw It nt llothors , striking him on the back of the i head and making a bad wound The merles of rovlv.il meetings arranged for by the Methodist churches ot the elij will begin nt the Hroaihinj Methodist church on | next Wednesday evening The meetings will l bo under direction of Hcv J H We-ber of 1 Now York A chorus eholr of seventj-flvo voices Is now being organized to lead the ' singing , A band of 10J or more workers will also be organized to assist in thu meeting I City Clerk I'hlllp * Id unking up the an I nual report of the rark commissioners The j report will show that up to the piesont tlmo the commissioners have expended upon the 1 care and improvements of the city park since I the beginning of the work In the * spring the urn of $5C.r > 117 About two-thirds of this amount lias heo-i expended In ralrmcunt The commissioners and the public nro highly plcatwd with the result of the work that luu I been ilonii there this season It has been of the most permanent character nnd has greatly enhanced the beauty of the park. C. II , "vlavl Co. female remedy ; consulta tion free OflUfi hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 Health book furnished , 32G-327-32 ! > Met Ham block. N. Y. Plumbing cumrmny. Tel. 250. MiirrlliKt * l.li't'liNi-M. Marriage licenses huvu been iasued to these persona- Nunie nnd Residence Ago J. K. Collins , Auburn , Ncl 17 Minnie Flulur , Auburn , Neb 33 . 113. . Hurgess. Walioo , Neb 3 ( ; ' It. M. liriijiiinln , Wnhoo , Nt-b 30 JainoH MiO.iliu int , Council llltiff 'J.'i Augusta lllser , Council IHuITa 20 Mrs. A. II. Cratisby , oflSSKcrrSt , , Atumphls , Tumi , , paid iioattuiition to a small lump in nor breast , but it soon iltn sloped Into ft paiiceT of tlio nio.st nnnt type. The best physicians in New York treated liur , nnd finally - . ally iluolare.l her case ) liopclebs. As n last resort , S. S. S , was given , and mi imniediatu improvement re- Biilti'd ; ti few bottles tles oured her completely , and no sign of the ills- ease lias return ed for ten years. Hooka on Cancer free : addrc BwlW CpcclQo Co. , Atlanu , Ua. CROWDS TO HEAR DOLLIVER Elcqncnt Congressman Advocates the Candidacy of Shaw ( EXPLAINS THE MORTGAGE REGISTER Hair Vlllllon DnllnrM l.oiincil ( o I ova l'n r me r Iti'iiri'Ni'litM I .SiMliiRH ot I'oor -oilc | SockliiK : n I'rullt- nblc Infulnifiil. . Uolllvcr's meeting at the Uohany theater last night was one ot the largest political ilciiionstrAtloiiB that Jias occurred In any of the campaigns for many years. Mr. Dolllver has spoken In Council 1) ) luff a on other occa sions , but never before ; when there was such a eleslro on the part of the better class of citizens to hear him. The theater consti tute' ! the largest auditorium In the city , but It was too small to accommodate a fruclHon ot the number of people who sought admittance tance- . The stage was filled with republicans and honest money democrats and the re- malndei of the house from pit to dome ultb the bust citizens of the clt ) . The wings of the stage were niled with palms and ferns and the galleries , boxes and probcenlum were dtapeil wl.h national colors. \\liun Mi Dolllvcr appeared on the Binge ho received an ovation that left little room lor doubt that his audlcncu was In heart } s > mpath > will his sun Imeita. He was es- coitcd Iromhls licnel by the McKlnlcy guards and the lotul mllitar > eonipanlcs. Hen A Y Kllcklngcr Introduced him. In the auill- cncu were a hrge number of women who jolnol In the denionstratlon that gree'tcd him bj waving their handkerchiefs. Mr. Dollher was In excellent \olce and made one of the best speeches of his cimpalgn In the s'ate I In did not follow clcdcly the lines of the set speech he lias been delivering at otaer ptln ki In the sluto , but dipped Into local pall i.al affairs and awakened a new Interest In the local campaign. Ills advocacy of bliaw was that of a personal friend and In the course ot his speech he explained how It happened Hint the mortgage rcglstei of the ic. > tiL.llcin . candidate lor governor was Intioduced Irto politics The speaker said ho was the man who ( list used It for po litical purposes In the campaign of last > ear , ami ho did It for the imrpcuo of s ow.ng the roil iroinlng of the llryanlte attack upon the > capltillsts who were cngjged In lending theli mono ) to build up the west an 1 es- peclall ) the state of Iowa Tnit loan regls- tci shovvel the placing of leans on Io\a farms aggregating 000 The bulk of this money came from the savings of poor people ple , of ch-rlty funds , orphans' and w 'ows' portions , seeking sife and profitable invest ment , and not one dollar from Lamluid slreet.all street or any ot the other hcal- ( { iiarlcrs nf the money power These were i o creditors llrjan was .isklng the western vctcrs , to assist In plundering bj rca ) > iii ( ; their loins with a deprcc'nted currency The ilemoci uit , pjl.ticlans , following their iime- honoied cLatom of camping along the lepub- llcan trail , hail picke S up ihls same legistei o. loans that lud hclpel so slgnall ) to edu cate * thj ptople of In.vs o i ; utovv them the Elullo'vness and fallacy of the pictenslcns an 1 charges ot the sllvcrltes , and vvcie now earijini , it around over the s ate and show ing 'it tc tie people who unclustco.l it so well. It had been copied ai.d printed in a lat oillco down In Ottumwa , and vvsa being scattered most Industriously by benlghteJ mlctuscoplc p"lltlclni.s all over the sta'e , strengthening the lepnbllcan cause by recall ing to every voter the facts and lessons ol last j car's campaign. Hepubllcans In al' parts oi Iowa were laughing at them ana Intelligent democrats wore i . , in < ; i > , i- hcadi In shame or leaving the party Whose leaders were so maliciously n.upicl. M.1. Dolllver paid a high tuoute to the facilities this country afforded the poor man's sen , and declared that the crj ot tie silvcr- Itcs and other prospcrltj wreckers that the sodal conditions gave the poor boy no chance was only ano'her of the stupid blunders tha appear to b a natural legac > of the demo cratic party. H was onlv the sons of the pojt men who achieved an > thing la the vva > ol wealth an 1 distinction , lie said he s | cut a week In Xevv York Cl'j looking up t'o historj of the great men of the nation's metropolis and he discovered that .iot one of them had been bom In the city that cvcrj one cf them who had reached prominence in anj of the departments of human success had walked In'o the city penniless and bare- loo'cJ from the rural districts , anJ It gave him reasons fet greater pilde In the success at Leslie M PI aw , who less thai twentj- five jears ngo walked Into Crawford county without a dollai He also took great com fort In tie fact that Mr Sluw's opportuni- ties v ere those Hut the rcpub'Ican party had given every other poor boy In ihe UnlteJ I State * Ibis historj of the United States for I the last thirtj > eam was the greatest and 1 grandest in the history of mankind and ho felt proud of thn Met that the republican ' paitj lud wiittcn everj line of It , every word ot It , and the democrats had only been abln to put In a punctuation mark In ISI ! ) After tie meeting was over Mr Dolllver was acroided an Informal reception and was presented to a large number of the men and women who constituted his audience. \ < * | IMC\ < < ( . * Into Troiihlt * . John J Ncp3c > , an Omaha man came over j the ilvei between 1 nnd 2 o'clock jcstcrday l morning and fooled around until the last 'motor ' tral'i had di'i arted At least that was | 1 wlat he Kill had happened when lie applied at the Lo-vcr hotel o'l lower Main street fer ace mmodatloi. for tl.o remainder of the night. When he v > as ellcd up n to pay his bill In the morning he discovered that ho was v.ithcut money In the conversa- tlon with Prank and Charles Webb , who J run the hotel , he used language that is prohibited by statute , and he was turned over to a convenient policeman After ho was taker , to the clt ) jail the hotel people dis . covered several of the rcoms had been looted , Including the one occupied by Prank Webb The fact w is telephoned to the police sta . tion and an examination of the effects of dls"loscd the presence of sc.'eral articles that wereIn joung Webb's pockets whin ho retired the1 night before Nepsey was arrested on the charge of us ng ob scene language , but the more fieri us 0112 of burglary will bu placed against him. Money to Loan Hoducsd rate on first class Improved farms and Inside city proper ! ) . Apply to Jas N. Casady , Jr. L'30 Main St. The follow Ing transfer ! ) are reported from thu tltlo end loan oillco of J. W. Squire , 101 IVarl btrcet Sheriff of I'ottnwattanile county to KuclmU Cutting , 7 In 17 , liujllss' 2d add. sheriff's deed $3,379 Slit rift of 1'ottavv it'amlo county to J J Stovvart , i-xee'iitor vv'A ' " iivv'l ' 15-74-41 , sheilff's need . . 2 , - , | 'Sheiitf of I'ottuwattninle county to Alvln W. Flint , SJ In 33 , Centra ! Blind , Bherlff's dci d G 13 Wiitfon , trustee , ami wife to G. W Buck. vv'Xj ' n" . neAi no"S " T.Tii-H. < l e- i CliorKo W Hue It ami vvlfo to Jiunes ami Mary Mcltobcit , vv'i n'i neli np'i 7-73-13 , < | e 1 AngusHostrdt ( single ) to Hans 1'etir-t , 1 , 2 mid 3 In 1C , Town of Mlndcn , w. il iG73 Jaiui Ann Dunn ( widow ) to Catherine Dunn , lots J and \ In Dunn's block , vv. d Total amount of transfers. \VorU of Ililili * .Snrli'lKvni , Rev C Hoover , agent of the American Blblo society , lias been engaged In a can vass of the coun'y outside of the city and tow us , wlti Instructions to furnish free a blblu to all famlllib founj to bo without one The population of the county out lde of the city and tow no Is about 20,000 , and , In a canvass that represents personal con- I tact with or at least Inquiry cort-ernlng the ' homo ] of these people , lie only found thlrt- nlno without bibles. Individually they were not quite so well supplied Inquiry among thirty people discovered that cloven of them were * without bibles , but none could be found who bad not at least recently seen or hoard of the book. In an aggregate of C70 persons 122 only were members of eomo church , and only 106 of this number wore attending Sun- dtty ecbooL i _ j _ _ , V .NOT S\KIJ IV THU .MIU. . Opinion ( if nn i\irr iiinii Opposed to n Hunker' * VCT | > . The local managers of express companies are taking a deep Interest In the discussions going on concerning the transmission of cur rency by registered mall , and some of them take exceptions to the Interview with a local banker published In The Dec yesterday , who was rather Inclined ( o favor the Idea of tiring the registered malls Instead of the express companies A good deal of this Interest has been aroused by the fact that C. H. Han- nan cashier of the Citizens' bank In this ell } , has been foremost lu this aa > ocac } and read ft paper before the meeting of the Na tional Bankers' association at Detroit last summer , In which iie eirncstlj advocated the plan which has provoked a great deal of discussion all over the countr } Colonel H. C lleebo , the \etcrati agent of the Ameri can , Is Inclined to dispute the assertion that there Is cnoug'i In the way of cheapness ii\ postal transmission to justify the Increased risk. On small shipments he SIJH the dif ference In favor ot the molls will not ex ceed 10 cents and for short distance the express rate Is the cheapest. "Tho bankers' Idea seems to be , " said Mr IJcobe , "that the molls are dcslgnsd ex- promly for their use and they have not hesi tated to advocate the scheme of equipping the mall cars with regular hank \aults at the expense of the government for their es pecial use IndceJ , Mr. Ilannan In his ad dress before the Ilinkers' association Insls'ed that the mall cars should be constructed of steel , and that they mould have otcel safes for the deposit of the banker's money while In transit , lical safes for local business and through safes for through business Just why the government should take any more pains to deliver the money package of Danker Smith than It does to get aafel } and promptly to Us destination the bab ) hood that Mrs Jones is sending to her first giandchlld Is dlnicult to understanJ. W.icn Mrs Jones and her tolling husband , who have lost all of their little sivlngs bj the I'alluro of some bink to which they have cntrusteJ It , begin to advocate the eslabllsh- inen' of postal savings tanks t c bankci comes forward Instant ! } with objections and declares that the- government has na right to Interfere with Ills private business and jet a * the same tlmo ho demands that the government shall not only use Its present facilities but shall Inricaae them solelj foi Ins bencft Mr Hnnran s paper was nt ilnubl bright ind worth } the attention It hss attracted In bulking cnclcs , but Mr Hamun's reasoning In Illogical "I believe culling a'tcntioa to the great amount of business that has been rece-i lv f reed upon the postal department bj the tankers by the Iras of the $11,000 mono } pack.igo al the trars'er will raise the ques tion of the government's right to carry th kind of nia'lcr There Is no question bu. thd presence In the malls of the millions o' dollirB In cash , vlll greatly increase the ll-i- hlllty ot danger to the mall mutter of the people It offers a premium upon dishonest1 In mall clerks and Is an Inviting field f"i the , raid agent , who will let alone tie stce' safes I'l the express cars and rip cpcn o cairj awaj and desire } the hand ) mill bags I iK'llevo when IB comes to be gcncrall } tin derstood that It Is putting the malls In I i cuvcd jeopard } he pos'al dcpaitmcnt wll bo obliged In answer to populai dematU t restuct the use of the nails for the 'rans mission of the banket's cash There arc documents gclnc ; through the nulls as vain able cfi the bcnkcrs' money pickaxes , and th' reid agents who don't hesitate to wreck trirs would not he1- ! ate to dcs'ro } mall cats after rilling the mn-i'y bigs" iHniiMi I'M.now svrn ri.icirr. I' o of Thr ' Ili'iM-li Clilrtto from ( ( ill net I mulls. Two of the three carrier pigeons liberated In Palimojnt park on Mondiy mornlnir retehcd their homo In Chicago. A letter re ceived } estcrday from Prod H 1'hlllps of the Illinolo Central Hallway ccmpan } , who owns the homers nnd sent them out from Chicago by express , announced that the birds arrived on Tuesday moinlng , very tired but In good condition They both cnmo toge'her and loichul theli cote at the sime time and were receiving the congratulations of their fel lows when Mr Philips reached them The > ne lost wis the } oungei of the trio The veatlier was bright and p'easant here when the birds started on their long trip from Count if Illnrr.s to Ch'cago ' , but before the } reached home they ran Into a dHagreeiblc lain Btorm Their plumage was still wet and bedraggled when they arrived Hope of tha otl-cr bird returning wrf , not abandoned whrn the letter ws written It Is the intention of Mr Philips to con tinue to train the birds In the hope that they can break the world's record , which la now he d by two lljers of the simo bleed , "Pedro" and "Past Mall , " who made the journey from New Orleans to their homf In Mlshl- vska , Ind , a dis'nnco ot 1,000 miles , in three | die and three' hours "Pedro" Is the eham- ! plon for he reached the co'o eonie neconde In advance of his brave compinlrn It Is the intention of Mr Philips , If the weatl-er permits to take the two birds to Grand I-dand nr Kearney Neb , , In a few das and let them return home Ho has d'scovered that all of them have n strange repugnance to crossing rivers and will not cros * > them If Ilbeinted In their Immediate vicinity It Is be loved the blrdo will make a quick trip from Kearney and vv'll ' be able to pick their way over an open country with loss difficult } than a country of the nature of the Iowa surface The birds have learned to fly at a great hclirht aril It Is believed they will bo able to sight the brikes of tlio Missouri river when the } get within 100 miles of It It wll then bo all clear sailing over a familiar course \VI1I ( in ( it tin- Siipri'iniCourt. . Colonel Dailey effected his appeal or the I Mcllugh case yesterday and the question of I Mcllugh's connection with the Grlswc 11 brnk | lo'ibery and shooting of NMf O'Brien will | be passed upon by the supreme c-urt of the st te Judge Mac ) ordered the transcript of the evidence to te made at the eost of the county upon the affidavit of the defendant that hn was without menus of paying for the extension of the shorthand notes Thti ) Is junior In cliciilatlon are ind the c urt house that J J. Wilson , one of the prlsoncis from the state peiiltentlaiy who gave evidence In favor of the defendant and who wrote the extrioidlnary letter to Judge Macy which was printed In Sunday's Bee , has announced Ills willingness to make good an asseitlon contained In one paragraph of that letter that Mellugh's lnnos ° nco would be etr nn within six. months It Is said he has promised to do this by telling who the man was wan did the shooting nnd tell the otlicers whcre > they can get him There Is no need of little children bring tortured by scald he-ad , eczema and s'in eruptions Do Witt's Witch Harel r'alvo gives Instant relief and cures permanently , Subscribe foi The Sun'iiiy lice and read Anthony HOT'S great story "Simon Dale" INSI'KI C'l'KOS 'IO It VSCO .ID1IV. . .InilliUIIH MoillHcil III * ( 'liiii'Kt' Slnrc tin * l'ri- % IIIIIN Trial , MARYVILLR , Mo , OU 27 ( Special ) Judge Herndon Instructed a jury In thu HUBCO ease foi the third tlmo ) oEi ! > rday aft i ernoon The Instructions given differ very i essentially from those given at the former ! trials Bef ro the court refused Instructions for an ) degree Icis than tlrst , declaring that j ho had no right under the liw to do BO ' Since then he has had some correspondence with the attorney geneial In refeicnco to the matter and the Instructions given yes terday contain the following "Thu court Instructs the Jury that If It believes from thu ovlduice that the defendant IH under the ago of IS years it is at lito-ty to assess his punishment at death or nn- prls nment In the penitentiary for a period not lees tlnn flvo ) eais or at commitment to the State Reform school for boys at any term less than flvo yeurs" This Is a victory for the defense , as It contended at the former trial that such in structions should bo given. % orllirK'i.l < Tii rinur Ouliinl. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. , Oct 27-The Northwestern Miller reports the Hour out put last week at Minneapolis. Dulutli , Su perior und Milwaukee tuj 42GkGJ barrels. Read "Simon Pale" la The Sunday Bee. It you don't take U , subscribe now. Clllf WILL HAVE NO WATER Sensational Seqoal to the Sioux Oily Restraining Order. WATiR WORKSjJp BE SHUT DOWN Clmlminii of ( | u. Council CommUtfC nrcM | | , . \\HI Coiiuil ) u Hit ( Inln w ut Noon nil Sntiirilii ) . SIOUX CITV , Oct. 27. ( Special Telcsrnm. ) Growing out of the Injunction which was reccntl ) Issued in the district court restrain ing Sioux Cltj's officers and council from contracting any Indebtedness or spending nny money , J. M. TVeilwaj , chairman of the water committee of the c.ty council , has Issued nn olllclal notice that at noon on Saturday the water works will be shut down. This will mean practically that the fire department will bo rendered useless and the announcement las created the greatest ex citement and consternation. The water works belong to the city nnd alwajs ha\e been cons.deied a good Investment More than half the families in the clt > are de pendent on clt > water for cooking and drink ing purposes and perhaps two thirds of the Miar.jf.icturI.TK plants of all kinds are also dependent upon the same source for their boilers. lhe"carr > lng out of this propobal would be nothing luss than a calnmitj. Chair man Tredwaj tajs , however , that It Is no Mil IT and that the city Is really compelled b > the terms of the Injunction to ttop all business of this kind tic sa > s e\er > huur the works run the tnjitnUloi Is being \lo- luteil and If It wire nut for giving the pe pie fair notice the } would cease operation at once tt Is a noticeable fact , however , that the a gumcnts tor making the Injunction pei- mancnt nip to be heard by Judge Uajnor In t.'e d strict court on SaturJay inornli . MKIII : 'i o nisoi' OMJ coi.i.ici : : . limn ItniitlNlH Dcclilc lii \ttiiolnt ii ConinilsHliiii l < > I > oIsi * I'hiii. UK3 MOIN'KS , Oft 27. ( Special Tele gram ) The Iowa Haptlst a te convention toJij discussed means o' supporting 1's edu cational Institutions Tlic"e Is an attendance of i'JO , Tcnlaj the intention of support foi the educational Instltull us of the denomina tion cimc up Central univcrsltj at 1'ella and DCS Molncs college at DCS Molne ? are the two Baptist oolltg's of lo.va , Leslies which theie are several academics The de- nomiiatlon Ii not able to support bo h col leges and aUr ! jears of content ! n it has been determine 1 to teach a boiiitlcn this , \e-ir. Accordlnglv a plan was -dopte.l tea - a > under vvliUh a comm ss o'l of eleven mcmbc-s , t/ne lor each congicsslciul dis trict will bu appointed b > the conveii'Ioii t Invcst'gitc ' the v hole btibjcet prcpau ucom- IJKII tiilius pud call a speclil delegate con vent ! jn foi the stute to t Ke nml action The commission La not been namo.I , but It \ill l e gi.cn ti iindcih.anl the desire of he dcnomliiat on Is f i consolidation and c-tiall.atlon. It Is expcc'cd cue college i111 i > < ? dropped and the adherents of c.vli .Me n aklng a struggle to detc-mlne which it will be. " ' , INVIOU < : i : in T VI.KS VT Ill 'll si. . Slitll * Itliil National IKSIH-N ( o ( lie : ! ( of IIU llin rs. , \CKMY : , la , Dot 2 ( Special Tc'lcsram ) United States Senator Gear of llurllligion bc'd the icpuh Iran campaign In Hardln courtj at this place this evening , delivering cno of the beat speeches hcaid in this local ity iluiiig the/ campaign Votcis were present from Cldon , Iowa Palls , Alden and ether vo'Ing precinc's of the county The scnntcr thorough ! ) explained the Ding e > bill ard devoted u large part of his speech to the tariff Ills views were explained on fie currency question to the satisfaction of the audience , which applauded him frc ! fiucrtly. State Issues were very carefully gene over and the al eged looting of the stuto trecfitirj , &s charged bj the opposition was Slven explanation at the close of hia address The f-onator v\as tendered an informal re ception. 1'iosperlty la so noticeable in this section that the state campaign has been a uulct one Tanners are happ > and busy , bnk deposits have Increased and faun pioducts are abundant. Candidate Shaw will receive a handsome majority from Hardln cout'ty republicans uim\i , ii MI , DIII vit\ v si ccnss riiriniTN Sut'll I'oMtnllltMllcnljilM li > Hll llIU lllll > I'll pi'PH. nUDOUA , la , Oct 27. ( Special ) The ex periment of free ruial mail delivery , which has povv been In operation in Providence township In Hardln county for the last six weeks , has proved a gr at success , and the IncrcTsel amount of mall matter Inndloi ! has made the scheme a profitable venture also Providence township Is one of the two localities In Iowa selected for this trial , Tinco hired carriers make one delivery n day. Cnch farmer has a mail box on his front gate , where the mall is left Post master W T. Kersey of Xew Provld'nce re ports that farmers arc greatly pleased with the scheme , and having the opportunity of a dally mail man ) of them are now receiv ing the dally papers and mark t reports \\MII * \ \ \i.iicii ; > win : MI : vrnit Hunker IN Talci'ii from n HiifrK > > l > > VIiiNl.i-il Mt > ti mid Set crdj llciilcn. MASON' CITY , la , Oct 27. ( Special Tele gram ) Honr > Oast , capltalln and banker of Nora Springs , was dreadfully flajel wlti a liorscwhlp last nlcht. Lawjcr .Miles am Oast were riding in a buggy when four masked men caught Oast , pulled him out o the buggy and unmercifully beat him MIIc HEJ badly cut In the leg ii attempting to de fend Oast. The charge Is that fiast ill treats his wife and children. Monday even nn nclghbois were called Into the house to qiiel a disturbance Ho Is u member of the evangelical church The town la grcatl ; exercised over the affair. Sentiment Is gen erally against the allegeJ wife beater. IIUMI niiHlfi-n Slur CoiiMMillon. OTTU.MWA la , Oct 27 The twcnty-sev enth aiuiual session of the grand chapter o Iowa , Order of the Eastern Star , bcgai today with 1-00 ! delegates and visltoiu Ii attendatice The report of the grand secie tary shows that theorder , Is In a nourishing condition with o\cr 10,000 memberH In thu state. The election of oflleers takes place tomorrow. Davenport U a caulldato for the next meeting and Mill probably get It. ItUcrloa l.ix'iil lli'ius , HIVIJKTON , I ? , Ott. 27. ( Sp = clal. ) Or Holmes will Bpoiik at this place Thursday ovcnlng on prohlMflon. A horse bclonglqg : to a Shenandoah livery man fell dead at , the livery barn in this city yestcrda ) . > limit Nc'v.Nnli'H. . Night Watchl/iU'r ' Ooxlo of Inde pendence was fcliot * and berlously vvoundei Sunday night "While " attempting to aircst burglars Whllo'env his rounds ho heard a nrlbo In the rear ofV II Smell s clothing house vid upan ln\estlgit on found three men tnlng to Vfrect an mtrancc They opened fire upon him , and fhteen shots were exchaiiBud The- burglars made gooj the rTe To Any Reliable Man. Uirroloui uppllanco and cno month' * reroedlri or rare pome " 111 bu tunt on trial , uKhoul unv atiimct pavmtnt. Ur tboXiiremuit cuuipany lu ilio world In tue trvatmtnt ut uirii we il , broken , dl - coumKod from tffccti o ( czcotioi , worrr , over work , Ac. llappr laarrlig * tecurnd , coiupletelet- tnratlonor dcielopruont uf ill robutt oondltloni. 'ihe lima of thli oB.r u Iliuliea. Nn C. O. 1) . chemoi nu deoeplloai M cxpoiure. Addreii 6 NIAGARA bT. , , , BUPPALO , N.Y . wcapc. Doxlo received an ugly wound In the leg and Ujr * ome tlmo before assist ance arrived , John ChrlatmaB , ft prominent p mn ot Maoson , w 8 struck by n pupenuer train of the DCS Molncs * Northwestern railway at Rockwell City He s fatall ) Injured , re celvlns several cuts on the held and Inter nal Injuries Ho has been uni-onsoloin ever since Mr Christmas was tring to rrcnj the track ahead of the train In a buggy The fourth annual election of om > n of the- Iowa State Agricultural college at Ames was held In the Crescent library rooms at which meeting the following officer1 ! stul managers for the coming ) car were elected President , 0 J Fa > ; vice president Donald Stantoo ; secretary. Guy Roberts , treasurer P. 13 Nlcol , a v'stant treasurer , J 11. LOVP , state treasurer , J C Kvlo ; foot ball nnn- agcr , Harry Ilozarth , assistant foot ball man ager , n S Little , track nwmger , William Kdson ; tennis manager , William Houston The officers elected will not be Installed until the sprint ; term of ' 98 M. J lilalr , a well digger and an old resident of Mlndcn. and John Koch , a COM of Leonard Koch , were suffocated Ici a well two and a half miles north of that place on one of the farms owned by L Koch. Mr. Koch was deepening a well and was down clghty-flvo feet It Is supposed In digging down through the old bottom ot the well he must have struck a vein or pocKet of gas Hearing Hlalr unking a noise- the attendants at the top know there > won trouble rnJ joung Mr Koch went down In the bucket to the aid ot Mr llhlr Not taking the precautions In such capcv ho was ovcrrc-wercd with the gas and fell out of the bucket some d'st nce to the bottom When fin.II ) take out both were de-ad The pract cal Joke which , so his friends believe rent Hal-h Hejnolds to the mad- hou o , nny > et cost the perpetrators deirly. Action for damages was recent ! ) be-gun agftirst rnomas Reedy , one ot the perpe trators The faets are that Ralph Reynolds a joung linn of more tlnn 21 sears , Is now In the Ins-iie hospital at Independence. Ho Is a lunatic but froii what cause the courtu will be called o'l to decide Hli giuidlan and re-lithe.i . argue that his pitiful condi tion was brought about bj one Thomas Rre ly nrd n crowd of practical Jnitcra , and the ) lave sued Reed ) for damages They cla'm ' that the Insane man was Induced by tl'c jokers to go at night to look at the ! > ' ] ) of a dead man whom the > calmed had been run over by the Rock Island train and that the supposed corp o then aioso and pursued him In Its winding &hect until he VVQJ frantic with fear You can't afford to risk ) our Hie by al low lu ga coU tci Jovulo , ) into pneumonia or consumpt on. Instant relief and a certain cure am afforded bv One Minute Cough due. iiv n\Nii r.i r.i > IN i.uvnox. IK-fvlu'N Vl I : < -KI tin'I liiuiuM or In- IrriuKlonal Pi It nil linos. LONDON , Oct 27 Mnhtbsador Ha ) , W S Fielding , Canadian minister of finance , and Gilbert Parker were guests at a bamiuet of prominent llteiary and ncvvsnapcr people , given last night at the WhiteKrins' club Mr. Potiltney HIgc ow piesided After din ner the clialrnun , Mr Fielding , Mr I'arkci and o IICIR made speeches full of frlcndlv allus'on to the United States and to the American nmba ailot , whom In the words of the chairman , thev were "glad to welcome , not onlj as ambassador , but as n brother Journalist " Cornel Hn > , lespondlng to a toist to his health , in a vcr > liapp ) speech , sa d "Of I coursa we canno' discus ? politics hcie Hut ' without violating a.i > confidence I n.ay caj that 1 heir no message from my govern I mcnt but one which would be acceptable to oveiy l-n llsh gentleman , and there Is no reason , so far as I can s-'e , why the ft lend ! ) rclitlons between Oreat Hritaln Jtnl thu United S'atcs ' should ever disturbed " Mr Pieldlng In the course of his reimrKs. dwe t upon the "neighbor ! ) relaticns that tlta people of Canada wish to maintain vv Uh the I I United States " He tald "Colonel Hi ) and I have been sitting side by side tills evening ' , and have ca'e'n our flfh in harmoii ) , quite | without reference to the question whether they were caught within the three-mile limit I hope this fact may bo taken as a happy augur ) of the relatioiih between the Domin ion and the United States " The Diily News , which briefly reports the procced'ngs ' at the dinner , compliments Am bassador Hay on his reply , and sajs "A line speech was lost to Cnglind and America through the absence ot reporters " n vnv TO ncrnMi TIIHIR rouvniY. Trilirsitioii llc'l > ( < > I'riK'Iii 111111 loll of ntmllNh C'liiiiiniiiiilrr. SIMLA Oct. 27 Rcpllng to the prochma- tion of the Ilrltlsh commander on the fron tier. Sir William Lockhart , the Marziols protest against the occupation of Kh ) ber pass , Samina lange and Swat valley by the British forces and declare their Intention of opposing the British advance. The Marzao leaders are now at Khurmana and are pre paring to at'ack the Kurram valley. A let ter was received from these leaders j eater- da ) evening asking whether the British In tentions were peace or war. The Malakand I > sltion has been greatl ) stiEiigthcncd and is now capable of stub- barn defense The British foragers have captured In the Khankl valley 300 mules laden with sup- pile's. Lord Vlnjor't llaiiiiii-t. LONDON , Oct 27 Mrd Salisbury , the premier , and United Plates Ambassado- Hay have accepted invltatlitis to be present Jit Gulldlall at the annual banquet given by the lord mior October 2 ! ) PARIS , Oct 27 It I undcr to-il that the fundamental basis of dllilculty between Franco and Oreat Britain In West Afilcn Is that Fran-o declines to recognize the treaties concluded with native rulers by offlccrn of the British Niger compiny until the text ot such treaties has been olTlcljlly communi cated to Franco b ) the Ilrltlsh government Thus , the French government claims tint many of the trestles made with African potentates In belmlf of France toke prece dence over the treaties negotiated In behalf of the British Niger eompiny Humor Vntlrci- llrnril rroni. CHRISTIANA , Oct 27 Advices which liavo Just rc.ichfxl hero from Spltzbergfti , the group of Islands In the A'ctlc Btutted ! nilil- wa ) between Oreenhnd and Nora JCembln , sly that the crew of a wrecked ship has reached that part of the world < \nd that o rumor prevailed tint they Inve lirought news of Prof Andrce , the Swedish cxplo er , who left D.inlcs Island In a balloon June 1 In nn attempt to cross the north pole. SdilUllcs of Siitioniil I'roiliii'tlon. B12RL1N. Oct 27. The goveinmtnt Ins de- cldcd to found an Imperil ! bureau to collect statistics regjrdlng all branches of the na tional production The figure's nnd facti ro gathered will bo published rcguhrly so ns lo enable the government officials to be al- wuvs oleitl ) posted as to the' exact state of Industry , export and Import , as well as o ; agriculture. I'orto ItltMi DfinniuNiidinoniv. . SAN JU\N , Porto R'co ' , Oct 27 The autonomists In Porto Rico have Issued a manifesto In which they dennnd of Spa n the same wdlcnl reforms as those which have been gTVcti to Cuba by the new llbctal ministry. This doiinnd IP backed by popu lar sentiment , nnd It Is hoped the reforms will bo granted. IViMM Inn Cnlilncl Mn > Itcslnii. LIMA , via Oaheston , Tex , Oct 27 A rumor Is cut rent here tcda ) that the Peru vlin cabinet ha" resolved to tender Its lesignatlotii to the president The unprecedented silo of Dr Bull's Cough Srup provokes competitli n , but the people cling tci Dr. Bull's Cough S.vritp. Subsrlbo for The Sunda ) Ilre and read Anthony Hope's great stor > "Simon Dale in VIM ; : ; vi , . CnssiM'tCniliili v. CHICAnO Oct 27 The marrhge of Mis Cecelia Cndaliy , daughter of the millionaire packcv , Michael Cttdih ) of Chicago , to John U Cassell ) of San Francisco , son of ex-Sen ator Casscrly , took place at St James' Catho lie church on Wabas i avenue at 'I iO a m tcda ) Nuptial high m ss wis cclebritcd , the clhcUtlng clcrgjimn lielng Archbishop Rlnr dan of San Francisco , who stopped over 01 hi- way from Washington to tb IMcllU eoast esiieclill ) for this purpose The aich- b'snoi ' ) vsas formerl ) leetor of St. Jame"- where the wedding took plicc Miss Clan Cudahy , a sister of the bilde , was maid ol honor William B MacDonough of Sin Francisco acted as groomsmin About GOP guests were present nt the eercmonv \ wedding breakfast wis served at noon at tlie tesldence of the bride's father Mr and Mro Casserl ) left this afternoon fora three weeks trip through the caut , after which the ) gc lo San Francisco C u ! oii-ll I in rim null. Arthur P Oulou attl Miss Orace Hlme biugh were n.arrled last evening at the res. . deuce of the bi Ide's mother Mrs AddUon S Carter , In the pre encu of about 100 gues's MiGuiau If. ton of Clnrles H Giilou ami Is associated with him In business Tin bride is a daughter ) of the late P C Illim. baugli Both are well known In coclet ) eir clcs Mr jiid Mrs Gulou left on an evening traH for New York aiil other eastern points and will bu absent about a month Tnckor-U nrlli-lil. LINCOLN , Oct. 27 ( Special ) Dr. F W Ti. ker of Lincoln was united In matrlag > with Mls.3 Hattlo I. AVarflcld at her home In Univeisity Place last night Dr Tucker Is a prominent phsclan ! of this p'aca ' and Ibis bride las been an Instructor In Kngllsli at Weslevan unlve'slty , from which she was giadnatod several ) cars ago. \\liiMil ( . ' ( ics \lio\c ii Dollar. ST KOt'IS , Oct 27. December vvln > at sold uj > to $101"i today , miiklns the hlgliest record of the season. Yesterday Decembei c-loseil .it ! i'i'/4c , sollnrt lint opened ' i higher iinel mlvnnced stendlly until the toj ) prli e was ic.ielicd The close was 4i' bcluvv the highest pi Ice. Hi-ivy covcilnjj b\ shortb caused the advance. SIMPLE AT FIRST. II IN foolish ( u N < . li-c < \ii. > Puriii of I'llt-N ( un > Tin-in n < llii > lli'uliiiiliiK. Piles are elmplo in the beginning and eai.'ilj cured They can bo curoil even In the worst Htages , without pain or losh of blood quickly , surely and completely. There Is on y one remedy that will do it I'jiamld 1'ile Cine U allnjs , the Inllaniniatlnii Immediately , heals the Irritated surface and with continued treatment reduces the swelling and puts the membrniKH Into good , Bounil health } condi tion The cure Is thorough and permanent I'ere are some volutarj and unsolicited testimonials wo have latilj received MIB M C lllnkly , dOl Mis.lsslppl St Indiana ) oils Ind , cajo HJVC I e n n sufferer from the pain and announce of I'lles for fif teen years , the Pyramid I'lle Ctiro and 1'jra- III Id I'l Ifi gave me immc'dlute relief and In a bhort time a complete cure Mijoi Dean of Columbus , O'llo. sajs' I wish to add to the number of certificates ns to the benefits , derived from the I'yrnmld 1Mb Cure. I suffered from piles for forty > cais nnd from Itching piles , for twenty jears and two boxes of the I'iramld IMIo Cure have effectually cured me Most drugg'htc sell I'jrimld Pile Cure or wilt get It for jnn If > ou ask them to It Is no cents for full sl/ed ) ) , ickako and Is put up only by the Pjramld Drug Co , Albion Mich WH ARR ASSERTING IN Tlin COURTS OUH RIC.IIT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD "CASTORIA , " AND " PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " AS OUR TRADE MARK. I , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER , oHyonnis , Massoohusettn , was tlio originator "PITCHER'S CASTORIA , " the same that has berne and dooa now SZ&/7-- * ? ? " on OVBry bear tlio fao-oimllo signature q&ta4tyj7c < & & > M wrapper , This is tlio origina"PITCHER'S CASTORIA" which has been used in the homos o/ the mothers America for ever thirty years , LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and BOO that it ia the kind you have always bought , . ' on ' ° s/ir/i / and lias the signature oC ut yt&c / : % / wrao- por. No ono lias authority from mo to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company o/ which Glias , H , Flotohor ia President. March 8 , 1897 , THE CENTAUR COMPANY , TT MURRAY BTHCCT , NEW YORK CITY * WOODoURY After July ist my father , Dr H A . J.J.A. . * wv.ii.A j K \Vooclbury j i will have ohm-go of TTi 17 M T11C T Hio lute ' ) vvoik in my ' oillco und I will jrjvc lny ( , | ) tj | . , . iittcntiini to Onuriitivo Duiitlsti v , Crown and Bud o Woik. ° ' ' ' ' No3 ! " : A. H. WOODBURY. D.D.S , . . . . . . I IOWA GARNISHMENTS. / Noti-rc ld8Mt of lowu now hnvs no exemptions under the cw V Co4 which went Into effect October \ , Wo can COLLliCT HAD ACy & COUNTS ns of old , nnltiht ( MAfUUHO or SINHLE cmpIoyoH of Hull" A woys , UxprosH , Teloaraph , Tolephoae aud Slcoplujj Cur computiles. / / NASSAU INVESTMENT CO.i Council Bltiffw , la DUFFY'S PURE PUREHISKEY FOR MEDICINAL USE NO FUSEL OIL This Is the senson of ycni when people need to be spec ially cureful and there Is noth ing equ il to this grant discov ery for preserving : the health nnd prolonging the lit - Your druqglst or grocer will furnish it. Send for pamphlet. DUFFY MALT WHISKEY CO Rochester , N Y- IV DYAN Is lurcnrBi ot dl * hp krentes ! re charce In 20 media trrnt- III rttnt that hui Y A N cuicj prml c it ouses 111 D- tij nnj roinlil. VAN curet nitlon of i hy- ilruhiu A ti lclnn Trie It U U 1 ANY rem 'uros ill > treatment H V I ) \ A ures ( ho IP : urci I'tr i. llllt ei nnd His tlun of ui irl s , of men bis . : u np e tH'IlYAN Is a ( utility to remedy for look rmiikly men Hl'n- In'o the eye * VAN cures of nnothcr n U n e M H f D Y A V H U D Y A N curc cures nptrma Imlr fa u torrhopa lut illmno s ot II U D Y A N light 1101818 III iur i prema- the h aj and ears , wenk memory loss of voice tntte or emrll. IIUDYAN cures punk , n eves BlunteJ ur will , nlpltatiori liurtne' " ) of lircnth ilynicpsh 11. Ftlpitlon nml llulul.no III DYA.N itirei n k. nvss or pilns In the small of the bncK t * * of muFcuUr puwer K > oniy , melancholy fortb d ngi and illsturbetl hletp 11UUVN can Iw Imil from the Doctors of tn IliuUon Mtillenl In-tllutc. uml from no ne e se You neeil Ilt'IM AN when the laital ncr\iti tnlt d us t ipre IK cerlnln to bv an Irritation ct their cenlers of the brain "iou nitd HUD AN when thcie Is n decline of the nerve- force bpiauKC this decline slums n lick of ncrxe life , und nrij' le- velop Into nervous leblllt > and then Int nrrv.ua prostration If vou have Imrra ied your ntn'i. If you have knotted or knnrled them If > u huv abUbed vour ntr\is lo ttralffhten sourtflf out ] ou v\lll u > e III l > \ \.V No one cl. ran Klv jou IIU11YAN except the IIiidEon MP II TI ! In. ttltute HUDYAN cures vnrlcolcle hydroce e Tin. potency , dlzrlnets , fulling sensnllons blu , de pilr borrow and mlserv WHITE roll CIH- CUbAnS AND inSTIXIONIAI OF THU GREAT HUUYAN. HUDSON' MEDICAL. INSTITUTE. Btockton nnd l llls hi. , Bun rrsnclwa C ll'unii . 411 III BENSON'S PLASTER applied over the scat of pain cures | It whether it bo sharp and shoot ing , dull aiidnclnug , btcady or in termittent ; curing the ailment f whether Pneumonia , Pleurisy , I Branch Grippe , Sciatica , Neu- I ralgia , l.Iu-cular Rheumatism , Z Lumbago , B tckache , Sprains , or I Joint Inflammations , etc. s The only Porous Plaster of Positive Medicinal Virtue. J Insist upon a Benson's. Itcfuso Bubotltutes. I'rlce25conl8. * LFcnlmry & JohnsiiB , II f t ; ChcmlcU , N. Y V OI IKD tJJ ii tt"c"3't " " - < tl- ( II 1 NEW COLLAR Dr. CARL ENGEL ci ; , r sr. In P'tiuicr ' IlillldliiK. t . . . .Telephone' % < i. 5. DISEASES OF WOMKN AN ! ) CHILDREN. . . . . ( OM < MMMI\TS. . . . DR. Iit E. ROE , DENTIST ICooiti ItMcrriam Kkntor SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS. Ortolier 20 Ik'JI I-OU HI3N1 KVIIJ OH THAII13 J1Y I-OU ! ) ! "r "l"1 IS-IH > " " < > room , ZOxCO I'l i i month I'.I3 iitr riilrl HI . C rooms Imrn mil JS 0'r , monlli -IJic n.lnn mil HU niiic room" 7Wi pir incmlli-llM llroudwny nloro rwim JO (0 ( JUT mmlli xii ( Jriliiini ( nenue. I , ruims . 00 , , < r mimlli-I'f HI.IM . trcrl c-roi.m liouic. WJ'.irr.i.mli-Vn1 . " 14 " " Nllllh Blrcit JS 31 pir iiionlh \ wd | impiovcil D nrrm 2 mil 3 from lu n | ll tiikc oni-Imlf of HID mil in I'OH HAI.i-flt ) l'n > | icrt ) - | IWl-lool , liniinr ( mm , Mio , ] nml two loin 2 13 .J lfVV 'Mc , ' " " " " 'ly ' P > IIHII | . | 7 per in "mil 1PlT ' " ' " ' " " " ' " liui l I.IMith nml . Mnlli , J. "I1A , \nr \ monlli > 11 ' U n ! ( " ' ' ' ' ' " ' 1 ' ? l-.l . J''i 'sVi'i' , " " morulilj " ' " ' " ' > n. l t o o pajmintB , c , ' " WrlKl'l'(1 ujl1 tor at atry I v. I-AIIMH roil HAM : t.'l | icr iicni SIO ncro farm. 4 in lira f. . | t t uuld , tiiKKrn put , , f - l-otluHuiinmiH , , 'WrSlT" " " " ' ' " " ' K ° 01 f'"n ' ' land n JJJ ] iir iii.ro Wi > ll Imimjinl . UO-ucro - farm , .a i Ixitiluiid ' . a" I'dlUuiiltniii , ( ouniy ' mini 3 " IIIIIIH ! fr"r'5i lilruy f K ° " rrimont ' ' " " " " " , , m "r ' til pir urnJO u re of , | eno fru " ' t Inn I "UU"l " ° rth Of founly"UU"l " " ' 1 " } ! 1 per airo40 iitr ( of tooil bottom llnil.tr , Inn I J inllm rmitli of city II m i " - l r acit-ZO CH or . Lu "n K < 1 I l > 1 inlli Hiutli ' " " " " " " " * of rmni.ii ; iiinrr , , 10 < re trnitu < if ami 2 mllcii noun , , t . omnha. mil Ink , , part p"Vmont | 'n' ' cu > \ HIK , | farm" for rr ? ' ' "ol'ln , on Conwrvntory c" Correct Mth6J | I' ( ul4