TIIK C IA1IA DAILY MISTS : TH-tlhsDAY. OCTOBER i8 , 1897. ARMY OF THE TENNESSEE Twenty-Ninth Annual Meeting of Society Opens in Milwaukee , MANY NOTED VETERANS IN ATTENDANCE Itcv. TlKiiiniN Kvrlmr .SlifTiniiii DrlTicrx nil Kliiiiii-iil | Atlilrcn * Tlic Crrnm flljViirml > UYIrimiI- * the Old Soldlcri. MIMVAUKBK. Oct. 27. The Society of the Army of the Tennessee received a warm welcome at the hands of the cltktcns of Milwaukee at a public meeting , which was held at I'l > mouth church tonight. Mayor \Vllll.ini 0. lUuchcnbcrgcr delivered Mil waukee's address of welcome , and General Orcnvlllc M. Dodge responded on behalf of the society. The mnln feature ot the pro gram , wrM-h contained several inimical mini- her * , wan the annual oration of the society , which waa delivered by Uev. Thomas Ewlni5 Sherman , son of General W. T. Sherman , who tipnke on "WlKconsin In Our Army. " The speedi In t > art Is as follows : "To Rtond where I stand tonight , the rep resentative of the Army of the Tennessee , he o In the metropolis of a loyal uimbllc , chosen to lay on encomium of praise , a gar land of bay nn the brovy of this great slater f Tour and forty slates , bound by the blood of her sons In twcred seal of eternal union , this IB a privilege of which any man might well hn proud. Hut In addition to th < it I have the long covrted opportunity of coming face to face with the men whose deeds of high cprlso were u household word In the home win-re I was reaied. to bear n son's testimony to a father loving and enlliuslaatlc appre ciation , to weave together the garlands of \ \ iHconsln and of the dear old Army of the Tennessee , this , gcntlenuii , raises the present occasion to one of those where poetry Is Justice , bold truth I * oratory , because both are the voice , the expression of the patriot's right to a nation's praise. " WISCONSIN IN TillWAn. : . Ho then touched upon Wisconsin's porltlon durlrig the ten yearn of political agitation which preredud the war for the union. The mioaUr levlewed the part Wisconsin's sol diers touk In the battles of Shlloh Vlcks- but-g. Chlckamauga and Sherman's famous march to the sea , giving a graphic descrip tion of the different encounteis and paying a glow lug tribute to the gallantry of Wiscon sin's < ons who fought for the union , cause In the armies of HIP Tennessee. Ohio and Cum berland. "What wns said of Wisconsin's v.ilor In these four battles miiy be repeated with rofeiencc to the 300 or moic engage ments of the < - | > - < i Wllr jn | U > uy , | ni | „ [ wilch Wisconsin i-artlclpated with marked renown. Nor iit-cd we feel suijirlsLi ! that Uratit and Sliorman loved , warmly , the Army of the Tennessee ; an army so brilliant In execution , no iulik. to catch , nay , anticipate the spirit nnd desire cf the chief ; an aimy that needed no led tape because all weie In touch , all had one mind and heart ; tne mind and heart of a gallant MacPhorson when corps , divi sions brigades , regiments are as the joints of the fingers < f one hand , thin all wcrk as one end wl-.it they grasp they never lo e. dram and Sherman learned so to wield them , so to trust them. An I how they have loved and trusted In return. " The Itov Mr. Shcrimn eiilr-glzed the women of WistcUHln who contribute 1 tn the union cause by latlent care and tender nursing nnd In thousands of ways. lie closed with a reference to the number cf men Wisconsin gave to the army 1)0,000 ) cut of SOO.ijM , or one In nine to our army. "You nerved the arm and steeled thp hearts of men as great as Lincoln , ( Irani and Sherman , " concluded the sptaker , "therefore your state's nnine Is high on the ciest of the nation's greatness and we hall you as the Sparta of the West. " VHTICItANS CONVRNK. The twenty-ninth annual meeting of th of the Tennessee convened this morning In the Academy of Music building. Over 200 mi-mbiTs are In attendance. , prominent atnon whom Hie Geneml O. M. Dodge , president of the Hf-iety : noiiL-r.il Wager Swayno , P. T Sherman , Colonel F. D. Grant , General George G. KmiIes ; , Major II. L. Swords. Caii'.aln John Clam1 , Colcciel Ho atlo L. King and others. CJppt-ral Dodge called the meeting to order nt 10 SO and we coined the member.s to the meeting and to the northwest. Secrntarj Illckeiiloper of Cincinnati then uncle- his annual report , showing a IOEB In thn membership of the society of eleven , uaiihcd by duith. As the death roll was read the gray-halied veterans and the women piesent iche In a body and remained stand ItlL' . The report of Oeneial R M. Force , treas urer of the society , gave the amount of money in pnssehtdim of the society as $9f 00 In United Stiles bonds and $ lor.9 In cash. Hy a uirinlmoiiK vote the following resolu tion wnn p'Nsed : llenolved , Tlmt the Society of the Army of the Tennessee realllrms and emphasizes Its endorsement of the bill now pending In congrpst to establish a national military park to comiiiPinorito the c.imjialgn , siege and defense of Vleksbuig Iteso'ved , T"nt the ( oinmlttee named at the St Limit meeting to promo'e the in - H.igo of tliiH bill be continued and hereby Instructed to make every elYort to Insure It * jiiiisiKe at all early date during the approaching preaching session. ItisoKed , That tl'e coi responding secre tary be and In hereby liiHtiuccd to Hend i copy of the.se resolutions to Comrades AVIlllam MeKlnley. president of the United Htates ; Thomas II. Heed , sueaker of thp house of representatives ; Joseph U. Hawley - ley , I'balrmnn of the senate committee on military affairs , and John A. T. Hull , secre tary of the IioUM ) committee on military affairs. The members of the society were enter tained this afternoon with a carriage drive about the city. President MeKlnley and Geaeial Ilussell A. Alger , who had been In vited , were unable to leave Washington. Omaha will probably be selected as the next meeting place. IKMir STOI.I-3S TO COVCKU. Mi'H. l.olilne Iliiiupi-1 COIIK-M l > 'iirivn I'll CHICAGO. Oct. 27. According' to Mrs. Ixmlso llumpel , her Imsbard's dead body , which wan nmoiiB nvo corpses stolen from thu county morgue at Dunning < \ few nights KO , was taken to conecul a crime. She de clares It as her belief that ho died the same way In which other unfortunates In tlio county Insane asylum have , who , it Is charged , havu oi-en mauled to death by attendants. Her husband was a robust in.iii with no tdmi of consumption. She says she saw him Saturday afternoon and hu was bruited .ind cut. An attendant would not let tier xeo his face. In Ma muttcrlngs hn told her hn had been attacked an ] beaten , fcho clalinti. Sunday Mrs. llumpel was noti- Iloil of her husband's death. A post mortem was decided upon , but Sunday night four bodies , among them her husband's , wcro utolt-n from the iiiorKtii' . Thu widow declares HIM others welt ) talit-n as a blind tn divert suspicion from the roil crlinlr.nM uml fasten It upon sumo glumls In Iho business of sup plying bi > lies to medlc.il Im-tttutloiiB. A lawyer onK.iKt'd by Mrs. Humr-cl Saturday to protect hur husband from aluioo was ordered out of tlio building when hu tried to Inter view theattendants. . A thorough Investiga tion is In proKrvss. You nred not desrxilr ! Siilvutlon Oil will heal your burnt arm without a scar. 25 cts. ( > clone In KiiMlfi-ii llriimi ] . CALCITTA Oct. 27. A dispatch from OlilttngonK. capital ot tlio division of the amo name , rastt-rn Ili-nnal , says that a ojrlonu has ragi-il in thu ChlttaKoiiK division and along thu northeast coast of tlio Hay of Ik-ngul for olsht hours , causing terrlblo havoc. Several ships have KOIIO ashore , all the houbt-n in thu district are moro or U-u damased , scvt-ral natives have bocn killed and law numbers rendered homclesa. Thu port con.mUsloiwrs' building at Chlttasong I.a8 bt'on wrecked and the Dullock llrothers' railroad olllce nnroufi-d. I'jlhlun I'r.NHKN < irlii | | < iii. KAS11VIUM3. Tenn. . Oct. 27. The Na tional I'ythlun I'n-ss nssocl.itlon today clcctfil H. Oronliiilm. Atlanta. On. , presi dent.V Ki-mu-dy. I'hlcaso , vice pres ident , V 13 Wbeaton. Minneapolis. Minn. , Hjicrt-tary. and Mrs A. Allen , lloston , treuw- urar. Indianapolis wua sclcutt-d an thtt next place of meeting. WAIT i-'oii TIIK iiivr.ii TO ruuiv/.n. Arnir Ofllprrs Prnpci rin Tiikr n lion Trnln In llnrrnnn CUy. WASHINaTON , Oct. 27. A letter has been received hero from Lieutenant IllchirJaon ot the Klghth Infantry , who Is accompanying Captain Hay -In his Alaskan Inspection , In which the officer snys that IIP will remain with Captain Hay at Fort Yukon until the river freezes over , which Is expected shortly , and then they will try to make their way up to Daw son by dog train v At the date of the report. September 13 , thti Hti-atners were unable to get above Fort Yukon bar and were unloading goods there. That meant , In the opinion of the lieuten ant , a very serious condition of Affairs up at Dawson , In fact nothltti ; less than starva tion. Already boats were going down the river with parties of three or four persons looking for provisions and large numbcra were expected down as soon as the river closed. It is doubtful If there was food enough on Iho river for all , even If prop erly distributed. Some might gel up dog teams when the freeze comes , but that would bo a slow process. About 330 people are wintering at Hampart City , arounl which the piospects arc so good that they arc bc- llcvc'd by some to forecast a eccond Klon dike. Aurlciilliiml ClKMitlntft. WASHINGTON. Oct. 27. ToJay's meeting of the Amuclatlon of Agricultural Chemists wat taken up with a discussion of reports iccclvcd from various committees. Most of the reports were referred tojji \ committee on recommendations for Investigation and final leport at the next meeting. At the afternoon session olllcers were elected as fol- lm\s' Pirsldent , A. L Wlnton ; vice presi dent. K. C. Krdzle ; secretary , II. W. Wiley ; additional members of the executive com mittee , M. A. Scovlll and J. A. llayf. The meeting then adjourned to accept the Invita tion of Secretary Wilson to Inspect the beet sugar analysis now being carried on at the government laboratories. Miirlim Sliiiulil ll < > Coiideiiini-d. WASHINGTON , Oct. 27. The board of naval olllcem appointed to examine the Marlon his reported that It U > not worth re pairing and should bo condemned. It will bo given to the California naval mllltla , sta tioned at San Die-go. ASKS run A nivoaci : . MllimVnnlM . \ liMn1iili.Si'iiiiriitlnn from Xntnlle. LONDON , Oct. 28. The Vienna corre spondent of the Dally Telegraph says ; According to a s'nsatlonal story from Bel grade , ex-King Mllnn of Scrvla recently vis ited the metropolitan of Belgrade and de manded an absolute divorce from ox-Queen Natalie. It Is said that he declared that the Interests of the dynasty require him to marry again , as King Alexander Is 111 and must go ahrcud. There aie rumors also that Milan will be decreed regent of Servla. .Si-lllim ( InTiirkN * ( inns , CONSTANTlNOPLn , Oct. 27. The rcpre- SPiitatlvcH of the Klswlck works ( Baion \rimitrons ) and of Ilerr Krupp , the great icrman gun maker , nro hero with proposals or the construction of the Turkish navy and he contest between tlio British and German utercstB Is being keenly watched. It is be loved that Kmperor William IUH appealed o the sultan to favor the Krupp proposal uit there Is a utroiig leaning to the Hide of hu Brltfhh IIrni. Ciililnel MIM-HIIH. MAimiD , Oct. 2Y. The cabinet sat four lours this evening and night and discussed all aspectH In the Cuban question , which ac cording to Scnor Pulgcevcr , the minister of Inances. leaves more complications than iave been reported. General Weyler has cabled the government renewed assurances of his loyalty and of his Intention to prevent all demonstrations on his departure. As an extra dry wine there Is no superior to Cook's Imperial ChamiHRiie. It's a very dry wine with a high llavor. Dc.-il liy HI-K. MHJ brick. CAIHO , 111. . Oct. 27. A deed ha.s been lied with the circuit clerk here fiom Mrs. Klorpnco Maybrlek. linking over to her children , Michael and Thomas Maybrlek , two lot.s situated on Poplar street In this city. The deeil was signed and acknowl edged by Mrs. Mavbrlc-k In iprlson In Lon- lon and Consul General Osborno attests the correctiu-hH of the signature. ISnsliu-sN Trouble's nf n Diiy. CHICAGO , Oct. 27-John W. Gary has lippn appointed receiver for the Lexington hotel. Hy order of the court he will take custody of the. realty only and the hotel will continue undisturbed In the manage ment of 13. A. Hne"ipldcr , 'Who has con ducted It slnco It was erected. 1IISISTERS USE PLAIN TALK Hearing of Rtv. Dr. Brown's ' Cuso I'evelops Much Acrimony. BAY CONFERENCE STANDS BY ITS ACTS rtiMMl llUlnr roiilliiiirn to liilirriiil .SiciiU | T \\lillo They \rr I'ri- Mciillnu Tlu-lP < ' * lil Another CliitrKt' . CHICAGO. Oct. 27. There was a fairly large audience of Congregational ministers and laymen present at the &eond Jay's sea- slon of the Inquiry into the charges against Uev. 0. O. Hrown , made by the Hay district confeence , San Francisco. Dr. Hrown , ac companied by his wife and son. came early to tbo church and shook hands with every body , even his adversaries of the Hay con ference. TJie moderator , Dr. Little of lion- ton , declared that the first thing In order would be- the IMy conference's presentation of Its case. While the Callforniaim were con sulting Dr. Drown arose and remarked that he would reserve the right to object to certain paragraphs In the IMy conference's findings. He denounced these paragraph * ai perfidious and untruthful ; the Hay people came back with similar adjectives , and for n. few minutes the levcreml gentlemen with the softest tones and the giavest of behavior showered charges of "porlldy , " "mallei' , " etc. , ad libitum upon one another. Then Dr. C. II. Drown of Oakland , who Is the speaker of the Day conference , took the stand against his namesake. Ho stated frankly that he had every reason to believe. the Day conference naa done riRiuiy uy me accused minister and that the layer's sus pension was not , as he had a.sseiv ; , cause less and without Investigation. Dr. Hrown concluded by declaring that the action of the Hay conference- was Imperatively neces sary. I Dr. Hatch , another of the Califorians , pleasantly remarked that he and his frlcndw had been called dogs , hypocrites , liars , drunkards and serpents In the grass. "Hypothetically , Dr. Hatch , " interrupted Dr. Drown. "Well , then , wo have been hypothetlcally called nil Hi wo things also Idiots and mon keys , " resumed Dr. Hatch , tie then said ho went to the Day conference a ? an ally of the accused minister and was actually forced to believe the charges made against him. NO PERSONAL , HOSTILITY. The venerable Dr. McLean was the next speaker. Disclaiming any personal hostility to Dr. Hrown , hu said the scandals affecting that mlnistet had seemed overwhelmingly strong In their character. The speaker then declared that Dr. Ilrown's suspension was Justified by the following reasons : "That Dr. Drown had paid $300 to escape public notoriety In the case , that ho had failed to explain Icicrlmluatlng letters and that ho had paid a witness to leave Han Kranclseo flt the time of the original Investigation. " "No , no' ' " exclaimed Dr. Hrown. "Yes , " answered the speaker. A lively wrangle followed , the Day ccn- forence people angrily protesting that Dr. Drown had no right to Interrupt the oratory. The moderator was unco1 tain what io sa > and Dr. McLean , Dr. Urown's chief opponent. Mid he wanted civility to prevail. Dr. McLean then added a fourth charge to the three alleged against Dr. Drown thai of using threats against a young woman ol his congregation. Reports of the California credentials were given , the findings of the trial council and In turn the passing of the findings on to the Hay conference were then reid. The conferceico , continued the speaker had acted without a trial , simply because the original council and the credential com mittee had fully Investigated and recorded thu charges. Dr. Drown , he said , had been given ever } opportunity to defend himself. The vote ii the Hay conference was -10 to 32 against Dr Drown and the oonfcnuce simply confirmee the judgment already given by the Sai Francisco 'Council. ' Dr. Hrown's delay li summoning the Day conference to a inutun council was also commented upon. Incl dentally the speaker said that Dr. Urown's guilt or innoccnco in the Overman scumin was not proved , but that the charges arising out of Dr. D'own's actions toward wltcics.se. In that case were so discreditable that ful Investigation was necessary. The council , lit. went on , had mot with a ho < ic ot clearing Dr. Brown , but as the Investigation rmitlmiet had been compelled to admit his guilt. H > his own friends , claimed the speaker , Dr Drown had been condemned. Dr. McLean continued his address afte Tlio elegant line of new Knnbe piano1) wo uiv showing is being fully appre ciated by the lovers of music Kvery- body Mugs their praises and admire tholr wonderful beauty Never before has such a wonderful improvement in stii'li ii reliable and well known Instru ment been made as In this year's Knabe the quantities wo bought were largo fonsi'imi'litly the prices low which en ables us to give- you a price lower than ever quoted before anywhere on thin justly celebrated instrument Our terms are as usual-very onsyVe are N - brnskii agents and will snply the deal er at factory prices Semi for the Knabe catalogue. A. HOSPE , J.USICOIKMl. . ! 1513 Douylns Decayed teeth will iiood an overcoat a great deal worse than yon \\ill Uns chilly weather If there's anything that brings all the aches to the front moro than a goud notth wind wo don't know what It Is We've- overcoats for teeth In the shape of real " -k gold fillings that we put into them In such a way that they never come out and that pro tect the teeth Wo build up broken teeth to their natural shape by beautiful con tour tlllliigs-Sinall gold fillings are .f'2 Silver and gold alloy tilling * are ijl- Wo examine teeth five after which wo can tell you better what tdionld b > done We always have a lady attendant. BAILEY , VrnrN fill Plmir I'nxton Mil.- , ii-i-li-iu-c. Kith null Fiiriiiiin. Don't yer wish yer had do pull ills khl Ims-Miy. b.it iiV a great ting to have a pull an I'v seen lots uf fellers dat wild give a hole lot to have a pull when dey try tor smoke some of do cigars dat Is M > ld In tils town but yer never seen a feller dat wanted a pull whl tie Stik. > ckor Cigar du llvo cent one ( ley just want an easy chair don dor joy Is de coin- plolOht ever de dealers tint ( -ell do Stoocker ( Ink my dad's got a pull but It'n cose \ \ < t puts do best terbaker In de Stoocker tin Its always do same-dat Is bottom most of tie ten centers You need no pull when yor buy dor Stoocker. , i W. F. Stoecker , 1404 Douglas Omaha I J * the moil rocis , and a-ife from frequent Inter-unions anl obJMi rf consumed the roller pm of lha df-turatron. 11 * took up IP midliiR and endwjjg j m evdnln ; what IP council mrnnt In Aach Instanre This ctlnn was nrcesssry.vit - - ii , bernuso llio ndliiK wctr rtinblguwa , .nwlog to the de- re of the majority of the council to shield r Ilrown as much si ( tnialble from the nkind comments of the public. The ( Ind ies * \ empd to show Tnnrlusl\cly that Dr. frown's clerical brotlirfH < tu theIMclflc were ar from t-illsflcd VNltl tlij explanations he a\e of his conduct. 'Ill : IHM ) MIMmTifir FlllfMl'lJKO.Y. ( I This weather makes us smllo and why ( shouldn't we We'w been waiting these many days for some K ort stove weal her Wu'vestoves to soil not to sell them They're .low-els In every sense of : the word Jewel cook stoves $ lti and up Jewel steel ranges $ ! i4 and up Jewel base burners S'Jt ) and up can't tell you tlio many superior iiiiall- tlcs of the Jewel here but wo can show thi'in to yon and explain them fully when you come to llu > store and you'll bo a friend to your own pocketbooU when you come here before you buy It hadn't oiifilit to be. necessury to sny more Will you comi'V A. C. . . RAYMER , liUlLDKKS' HARDWARE HERE. 1514 Fariiam St. There Is nothing that will add more to the attractiveness of your rooms than ii new carpet and you can't licKl" to know what an Improvement It will be until you have seen the newest in car potliiKK wo are showing carefully se lected by us lift to their wearing < iuall- ties beauty of design and colorings all of these farpetbiKS were bought early and escaped Iho increased tariff Wo could make n frrt > at deal more If we put Hie prices wheiv thej- should be- but we'rn KlvliiK you the benelit of our early buyliiK before larllT prices on ear- pets that have Kuarauteed iiiality | Is an opportunity you hhouhl Omaha Carpet Co 1515 Dodge St Thorn's danger In , Uipi aches about Iho eyes your ovorwoi'&Jiijj & them they neetl a vacation bi-tK > r take them to an optician Ono that -you kmfw Is re liable Wo examliK1 eyes free and our method Is the approved way of doing It-thero Isn't another place in the west where you -can have the eyes examined the lenses ground and the frames lit- ted without them leaving the store Wo know absolutely that wo furnish you just what your eyes need It's not a tpie.stion of price so much as guaran teed work but our prices are right Wo make a specialty of ootilUts spitu- ! clo prescriptions and guarantee correct- Columbian Optical Co AUTISTIC , J-CMCXTIFIO AM ) J'HAC. TIAI. Ol'CTlOIANS , m\YKIt , 05IAIIA , K.\ > S.\S CITY , 1CU Champa. HI S Kth SU 913 Malu. TWO WHITES ALSO KILLED Their Livea in the Clash with the Utcs. TROOPS SENT TO THE SCtNE OF TROUBLE Crncriil OtU ( il\r ( lie Dciiiirliiicnt All Hie liifiirimillittt He I'oiM-men i'iilnn flu1 Indian I'l-iiiililc In roliiriiilo. WASHINGTON . Oct. 27. General Otis , commanding the Department of Colorndo , has telegraphed Adjutant General Hreck no fol lows , touching the Indian outbreak In Colorado rado : lilJNVKH , Oct. M-Telr-sr un of last night 0 the governor of Colorado reports nn en- RiiKeme-nt botMeon the state gmno wardens and the 1'tp Indians nt Thompsons , near : .IIIy park on Snnko river , sixty miles from IHiclirsne , In which II vo Indians were killed , nit no whites. Telegram of this afternoon 'rom Lieutenant K'.rkitmn , commanding Camp Pilot llutteVyo. . , reports that 1 scout just arrived and saya nn engage ment occurred nt Thompsons last evening nl ft p. m. , between t'les and the game warden , in which two bucks , one squaw , one p.ipoo p and two wardens were killed , lluchesne notllled thl morning , nnd In formation asked , and this afternoon have directed Wright's tioop of cavalry to the scone of tl'e reported disturbance. Tlio cavalty siniadron nt Logan Is directed to IIP. held In readiness to propped to Dn- chesnc. Heavy siuow storm prpvalllng nnd tcltgraph lines working badly. The Otl- chosne reported Intact. From Information t'inw far locelvcd t am unable to I'txvo the dlspatcbps ulinvp meniloncd conllrmcd , but n inunlior of t'tcs arp bunting1 In the vicin ity of the reported trouble. Should Logan's squadron lie directed to move It will pro ceed by rail with expedition to Price , T tab , whelp wagon transportation and forage will be In rpadlnpss. If affairs look serious will draw on Fort Douglass. OTIS. Hrlgadler Gonornl Commanding , SALT LAKH , Oct. 27. A report from Koit Duchesne , Utah says reports from the scene of the killing of the Indians hy the game warden of Colorado nro meager. Today Captain Wight will leave. In pursuance of orders from department hcadquartom , with his entire troop for the bcr-no of the diffi culty to protect the settlers nnd drive the Indiana to the reservation. C.VMI2VlKIi : > AMI IMIIAXS CLASH. Otllc.-r mid 'I'lireinf l.ntlcr Ivlll.-d In tin1 > < -1 < T. PT. P\m , . Oct. 27. A special to the Dis patch from the Leech Lake reservation In northern Minnesota says : Information by special messenger has just reached the reservation that a flRht occurred yesterday between two Indians and a game warden , In. which all three and one Indl.in woman were killed. A deputy game warden , whoso name cannot IIP nscertained. arrl\od at an Indian ramp on an Island between , llemidjl and the Cass Lake reservation and seized two guns and a trapping ontflt which belonged to ICak-Kah-Quash and Maheheannequah , two Indians on the Cass I ako reserve. lie also made nn attempt to seize MJIIIP furs which they had. but they resisted , whereupon the warden clubbed the old Indian with a gun until ho became unconscious and then shot him. He next shot the other Indian and his wife , mortally wounding both. In the meantime , the older Indian having recovered consciousness , shot and killed the warden. Dr. K. S. Hart , ovciseur in charge of this sub-agency , sent Martin Ilranch and a detail of Indian police to the scene. No detailed account of the flHht can be had. The only information received comes by an Indian boy , 11 ! or 11 years of age , who witnessed the shooting. Considerable excitement exists hero among the Indians and Dr. Hart Is unwilling to express any opinion regarding the effect it may have upon them. The Indiana naturally consider the interference In their hunting privileges by game wardens as a violation of their treaty rights. Mniimrr of KariiK-rH * liisltlillcN Meet. COLUMI1US , 0. , Oct. 27. About thlrty-flvo members of the American Association of I Farmers' Institute managers , representing I New York New Jersey , Pennsylvania , Ohio , Michigan , Wisconsin , Iowa , Nebraska and Minnesota , met here today. The object of the meeting is to discuss the beat plans for con ducting farmeis' county institutes and papers are being read on that subject. Will or romiHiiiy MM'liN < > llnjiiln riy. DI2NV12H , Oct. 27 Mayor McMurray has been sprved < nlth a notice that the Con tinental Trust company of NPW Yoik would apply to Judge Amos G. Thayer , United States circuit judgp at St. Louis , tomorrow for a temporary Injunction taking' away all fsj / - ECAUSE of the won fiere i $ a derful reductions wo have made on this Upholstered Furnitwe there has been so great a demand for it during the past two days that we conclude that it will be a paying investment for us viewed from an advertising standpoint , to continue the sale two more days even though most of it is half price After this the prices posi tively go back to regular figures. There are plenty of odd pieces such as chairs , divans , etc , in case you do not want a full parlor set all are in good condition and- as desirable as ever. Odd Parlor Pieces Mahogany chair , upholstered In silk dtunnsU , prli'o $11. i . this week .H7.7o. Very handsome solid mahogany arm chair , price S'Jti.no. tills week ? K..OO. Parlor Furniture We are making a closing sale In par- low furniture for two days more. It will be mi opportunity to buy some parlor furniture for about half of what It's worth. A divan upholstered in silk tapestry , pi-Ice ilS.0 , this week ? ! > . ' - ' , " > . It-piece suit upholstered In silk broca telle , extra large M/e , all overstuffed , price of the suit $7i.0 ( ( > , tills week .fliS.OO. A large arm parlor chair , upholstered In silk brocatelle , price $10.K ! ( > , this week $10.00. Klegaiit It-pUre parlor suit , solid ma hogany frame , Mil ; dama-k , upholstered , handsomely hand carved , a beautiful Milt , price § 7H.0 , tbl.s week ? 111.00. It-piece solid mahogany , silk damask upholstery , beautifully band carved , tlioioughly up-to-date , price $71.00 , this week JS'.MK ) . An elegant solid mahogany frame , In laid marquetry back on paneled veneer , beautifully upholstered. I'-pioeo , arm chair , settee and small chair , price $70 , this week . ? li.0. ( Very lint ! solid mahogany frame , In laid lines , two pieces , upholstered In silk damask , price JfSU.fiO , this week 51.00. Solid mahogany , hand carved window seat , one of our liiiost decorative pieces , price ? ; il.00 ! , this week S'Jl.OO. li-picce solid mahogany , settee and arm chair , price $ (50.00 ( , this week Jj-ICS.Ot ) . the no'wprs ' of the city In dealing with the Deliver Union Water eomi > .iuy , with v.hlcli the city Is engaged In lcg.il b.ittlo In ilia tUato courts for the purpose ot forcing It to ublde by Its contracts. Pilln ( mill Vnrulxli Men. KANSAS CITY , Oct. 27. Fully llfly be- luted dt'lvKntcs to the iniH-lliiK of the Na tional I'.ilnt , Oil and V.irnltih Men's asso ciation niilvt'il In the city during the night and wnen the second hi"-slon was called to order this morning there were 1S > vIsiloiH prevent. Houtlno matters iiR.iln to , k up the time. This .illcrnoon ( lie ili-lt-KiHi-s l''tt ' lor IjCiAvemvoith , Kan.Iu'i" Ilit-y vlslti tl Fort henvcpworth and the Soldii-is' Iloniu. foni Irtt'il < > t' IliniUrccKlnK. . KANSAS CITY , Oct. 27. A Bpeclnl to the Star from Pawnee , Okl. , Hays : Hev. C. It Berry , fnrinerly a Presbyterian preacher well known In Missouri and Kuns.iH , hn been convicted ot wrecking the Faim i Mahogany corner chair , beautifully In laid , price ! ? 18.r > 0 , this week $11..10. Inlaid mahogany arm chair , price $ 'JO , this week $ it.r.O. : . Mahogany arm chair , upholstered In satin damask , price $ It,1.lH ) , this week f'J'J.OO. Mahogany arm chair , price $18 , this week $ ! _ ' . Mahogany arm chair , upholstered In silk velour. price $ : l.r > 0. lids week $11) ) . Mahogany chair , cushioned , prlco $ lS.r > 0 , this week $ l'J.r 0. Full Turkish iron frame chair , uphol stered hi best corduroy , price yiU.OO , thla week $ U7.r > 0. i ! large easy rookors. upholstered In coiduroy. price ! ? ± 2.r > l > . this week $15.00. Parlor chair , upholstered In silk tapes try , price $ l'J.r.O , tills week $ S.50. Ilcaullful mahogany Inlaid chair , up- holstereil , price $ li.OO. ( this week $11.00. Another priced at $ 'JO.O ( ) , this week $ it.OO. : Another priced at $ 'JU.50 , this week $1-1.50. 14 M-14(6-1418 ( DOUGLAS STKECr. and Merchants' bank at that place. Uerry wa cashlir and picsMttit of tbo bank when It failed eight months ago. Pawnee citizens and the Usage National lost be tween $10,10. ) and $ rO.WO , the institution having but IX ) contu on hand when It failed. Suntenet ! has been dt-fcried. SI.nil I'riK-liired. LOUISV1LLK , ICy. . Oct. 2f. I'-erdlnanil Hc.ird and Tom Needy quairolod while re pairing the roof of a house here this after noon and Needy struck Heard on the head with a hatchet , fiactui Ing 'Mis skull. Heard died a few hours la er. Needy was ar rested and claims self-dcfcn o. Senator .Morujui Improvi'M. SAN miiGO , Cal. , Oct. 27. Senator Mor gan H slowly Improving but Is atlll con- lined to bis bed. Tht-ro la not much change today. Head "Simon Dale" In the Sunday Bee. Drex TJ. Shrmiiian wants to notify all the inoii who have been waiting for si/.ert In our genuine calf hand welt shoe that wo'vo "got V'in" "got 'oin" in every hl/e can lit little feet big feet narrow feet broad feet any kind of feet They'ro in the coin anil wide round toes oak solo leather bottoms vamps cut fiom prime calf skin no Hanky stock used This is undoubtedly the best ! ? , ' { shoo ever offered on this whole earth It'.s a hhoo that we will warrant every pair of a shoo that we know will give mow wear than any other Jt : man's shoo hold today Itetler come and got your size while Hie stock is complete. Drexel Shoe Co , , I/I ! ! ) Fa rim m Stixot Now fall catalogue now ready ; mailed for the a.sklnjj. THIO I'ATKIC I'lIIMI'I'K & CO. WATUMK.S. Displayed In our window now will bo on exhibition for TWO DAYS ONLY They aiv lailies' line ( Jhtitpliilus Klvo thoimand dollars' worth of them If you wl.sli to buy a line watuh for your wife sweet heart or any one for Christ man bo sure and se these Wo'll bo Kind ' < show them to you We aru funil.sliln 100 I'li'Kiintly engraved wedding Invita tions for $1 < > -.riO for each followiiiK 1(10-100 ( engraved visiting cards ami cojipor engraved jilale for .f l.riO-100 cards printed from your own plate $1,00 Wo Kollcll mail orders and will them our prompt atcntlon. C ; S. RAYMOND CO Jewelers , Intli niul Douglas Ht.- > , IT MADK I1KII WKKI' When slu > looked at her walls after her husband had chosen the pupcr from u second-class wall paper house , which made u specialty of everything Then she put on her wraps and went to ltanl Hros. , and the ne.\t day her mourn looked like nn artist's fresco at a lower price than was paid for hideous wall paper Heard Hros , keep no ularliiK viilKiir di'slKHH I" wall paper -cvcryililnj ; Is artlhtlc-ilalnty and liandsoni. ' You make no mlstaku by patronl/.lux a tlrm who had been in business for thirty- llvo years they are KlvliiK it discount of ! ! ( ) per cent on tholr papers no mut ter what llil may mean with others with them It menus ' , 10 pur ivnt Don't Kut In Iho wronj ; pew. Beard Brothers , I'AINTISHS and DHCUUATOUS. 1410 Douglas. T"lephone 55 for iiu estlnmte.