Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1897, Page 10, Image 10

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    THE oat Alt A DAILY JttflE : TlirRSDAY , OCTOBER 28 , 1807.
lulls Ctnrt Out to "Do Tiling , " but Sober
Down Daring ths Day.
rtU.le ( liilf lli-tlM-i-n UecTinlii-r mill
31ny Options CHUMI-H flic riii-i-U
Corn , OnlM nnil PI-IM | RIIIIH Ml
liiiirr | > < - iiinl > i ,
CHICAGO , Oct 27 It looked for n. thno
toti.iy as tboiiKi wheat would nnkp one of
the si'ns.itloiinl ndvanre * no charncterl tlu
of tlio market a few mouths iigo As It
wna December closed at a l c advance
Bmallnorthwest receipt * , coupled with llRTfl.
offerlnKa started bulls on the mmpiRc. but
Iniders sobcre-J down on the : ill'cavcry that
Ko. 2 tprlni ; whi-it could not be yold for
nhlpmcnt at Sc i > er bushel lo > vor than the
December price Corn will helped by win it
to a t/tc advance. O.i s pnlned an cqim1
anroiint and provlslom * Improved n trltle.
InflucnceH KovertilUK wheat wore as n
rule favorable to hlwhir prlees at the open
IfKlilvurool | had adv meed ipiotatlotiH
for wheat Id per cental before tindltis com
menced here. The predicted Mill for thn
winter w * cnt renlon stopped -nest of thu
.Mississippi and the damuAlc recilpts ot
inhcat wire iiK.iln comparatively light. Chi-
CORO receipts were ID1 * pars , of only
thrco loids were of contract KTulo Jllnnc-
npolli and Uuluth reported 7M tar.s ,
kS7 o. < weck URO and l.ZOJ on the correspond
ing day of the year before. The price WIIH
iilso helped by the shipments from St.
] , onIs and reports of larKe cash business
nt Duluth for export All outnldo marketH
were HtrotiB. A feature was the dom mil
for December , hou'os active on thu bull
nldu for Homo time past aklns on consid
erable. May was not so e.iKcrlj Bought for
us It has been for norno day.s , the consequence
quence bclnt ; a widening of the "jut id
( luring the morning 'o 33 r. DPI ember ,
vvhleh closed yesterday at iUViume ,
Hturted with bu > iT at ' ) lWJ3c and stead
ily advanced to ! f.V QffiTliiKi up to this
tlmo had been c-omp ir.itIvelv scarce but at
that prlco K-veral of the IIIIBU eonimlstlou
liotiMcs sold freely and a reaction toV !
follovved. The prediction of rain for Illi
nois , Indtina nnd Missouri bad some ellcct
on the dccl'ne , , IH did the report th it for-
< -lBner3 , p.irtlcnlnrlj Trcnc'n. were re-sell
ItiK at the scaboird At those IlKUres , however -
over , the deniind nialu Improved nnd the
jnirkei lu'eamo quite Htrontf. Liverpool
closed. IRlHd hlfiher and added to the Him
nesH , a'i did thu heavy uvpoits , OSLOW bii ,
of which 17,0f ! > 0 lii ) ' .vas In Hour Tin- marKet -
Ket wo-s further advanced on llberil pur
chases by one of th'1 houses , 'Which ' sold
freely on the early bul e , supposed to be
lor local c > rofesslon i's , who replaced purl
of a "lontj" HUP Uefore t"io advance was
ohcckiHl Ueccmbel 1 id sold up to M0'i.e '
New York u ported ilxOOO bu taken there
yesterday and forty-three louls toijij
Primary receipts show id c < une filling off
ind were 3 7.000 bu under those of last vear
Continental markets ruled lower. Paris
who it declined "WilO i entlmes and Hour was
off ZOfi'M centimes Antwerp unchanged
No 2 spring ' .vas offered Se per bu
under the December prli e to Pulled Klnn-
dom ports without biltiKltiK a i espouse
This fact bioiiKht the m irUet down v\lth a
jolt and roallzliiK became qnl'c free Thu
report of the purchase of 201000 hit mort
No 1 northern at Dulnth. making about
00,000 bu In all destined fet this mi rice I ,
also had a weakening Influence Decem
ber was selling at ! i"iC < it the close
Corn w is Influenced by the blf ? falling
off In receipts and the stien tli of u lie it
and ruled strong from hu start The c-Tsh
situation was a stietiKthetilng feature , thu
demand being better. Trading w is f.ilrlj
active , some Investment buying being ic
ported on ijioor husking returns and shorts
covered freely. The m.nket eased oft
sommvhat toward the dose with svheat
llecclpts were ? 7"i cars Cables wire ' 4ii\r (
higher December ranged from J
closing ' 4c higher at IM'xO
O.ita firm on si nioderito amount of
'business ' , rfhorlM being the prlnolpil buyers.
Tlio HtroiiKth c.iino largely from sympathy
vxlth other grains ; a fair export Inijiilry
existed lloci-lpts wen- posted nt IflS cars.
December i.mged from lSo to lS c and
closed M0c higher at ! SVlSip |
Provisions were- very nulet The market
tor n. time xxai strong In sympathy with
the grain markets and on Hie good cash
business During the latter part of the
HO-ttlon the feeling was e isler on realising
tialc-M , most of the early advance being lost.
uU thu close Deci nibor pork wni 2' higher
at Sl.llV ; December lard 2' ' .c hlgtior at
? 42.Vii ! 17& and December ribs SUfiSc higher
nt $1 4.7',2li ' 1 50
Estimated receipts Thursday Wheat , 14"
cars ; corn , 173 cars ; oals , I'lO cars , hogs ,
37,000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows :
ArllcleH I Opjn I ill m. I 1.1\ , i l.'lmi lYuatly
Ocl. . . I ) l } { OH ,
Dec U5W MS
May . U. uiM
Oet . -1 2 4
Dec . . -11 JtiH
May. . 2HJ5-.10 311
Oct. . . . 1SS IS 17H
Die . . . IS' * lHn 18H.SX
May . . 2IM ' 'lid -'Ul
Die . . 7 77tS 7 00 7 77. , 7 71
Jan . . 8 07)i ) 8 7R S 03 8 (174 H 0-JV ,
Di-o. . . 4 35 I .11) 4 a. 4 27i 4 ' . ' 3
Jin . . 4 10 4 13 4 40 4 . ! 7Hi
Oct . I 45
Dec i 50 t VJi 4 ,11) 1 til
J.m 1 60 4 05 4 SO 4 .10
dish nitotallons were its follows-
rift I'll PI nil , sprint ; p-ilenls. JI90Q3CO ,
bakers' . J3 GC i3 SO , tnilKht J4.40sr4 70.
XVIIHAT-No 2 EpiliiK. kSTSc , No. 3 Fpilnf ,
SS fSO'zC , No 2 led , WIH'JNC.
COHN-No 21lfl215 i- .
OATS No 2 , IX'iS/lsljc. f o. b , No. 2 white ,
22' c. No 3 white.M il/J-'ic.
HYi-No 2 , 47&47KC.
lUHI.m-No. 2 , nominal. No. 3 , 27840c. No.
' "
'r"iAXsnii-Ni i , $1 C2' im n
TIMOTHY Hl3ii-l'illiie : , J.'W.
I'llOVISIONS MCFS pork per bbl , $7 730R 00
l ird , per 100 Iba , Jl 3)ff4 ) 32'i ' Short ilbs fides
( lofc ) JISSffl'D Drj salted Mnmlders ( boxed ) ,
* 475ff500 , Bbort clear Hides ( boxed ) , J5.(0f {
D.IJVA , |
WHISUY Illutlllcrd' llnldhMl Koods , per pal ,
HI OUtH-Ciit loaf , JIM. Branulitid , J33I
On Iho I'roducu exc.iaiiKo today thu butler
s. ' n r ni'nrT ' ; ; .i ; ?
fresh , H4c live pnulliy. ipilct , lurkeys. kSij'1
chtcli-n , Ciji. eiuliit , . 71.1duika , 7 8ic. '
MJ\V Mime ( ; IMHXI : , \IIICITS. : .
f ( In- In - '
> on ( 'i-iit-ral
NBW YOHK , OLI -I-I.OI n-riecelpU. 23.S10
bbl. . . exporln 19.4ia bbls
, fairly acllve. tr..nRly
lichl nt u BllKht . .
.idvan.i- winter
patents. J > 00131
6..5 , winter tils , Jl e,1tf4 73 Hvo Hour llrnii
fam.y , J3WJJ3.I.O Ihukvvheat '
Hour , quiet. . ( >
T Dull. 3"fi3Sijc ,
2 we tc-rn. BOJJB
iK'iV MAl'.T-ijHlit western , 57fl 3c.
. . .
-.l.AT-Hecelpt , ic ; 000 bu . exporln 2S1 SS3
Im. Spot nrm No 2 red Jl Ol'.fti o-'t nn
tloii * obciisd Mront- and advanced M.adlly Till , l'y
> n hlKher cables , actlvu liiiort
; cmerlnit n fair "
liiMlnwii. . bullish , lnmi tli- i > tatl > tlc , nd ev"
< ljiice of a lecemb r t.iureze. iloned a fr.ictlon
off from the ton on reallzliiK but at IfrI'ic net
mlvance ; > aleii , No } red October
ilo ej ! iiX.c
- ' ' 'I
Uecemlwr , U7 .ii9S 15-K clninl ssn.i'I
COHN-Hecelptu U7 17S bu , exH.iU | SI C29 Int
Spot , ( Inn No , 2 , 3l , e Optlona opened Ilrm and
iidJHiiced on bitler cablen IlKht lecelpla and tha
imlge In.wheat , clofliiK al u iillKhl icactlon under
elllmr , but Ikft'lc net hlsher. November ,
. . .SOUe. cli > c'd. 30V4c Hicember , 10'U31Uc
cloved , 30'kC
DA'IH Hecilpls. 197 3Dbu : exmrU. | IJ6.724 bu
Spot , tinner. No. i. S3'ifils.o Opilun. ruled
etronp nlh | the ndvancIn cash pronerl ) . clna-
IIIB 'a- ! net blither ( Vtober. clo ed , ! 3kc , lie.
ccinber , 23HQ eloped 23aiC.
HAY-4)iilvl ) uhlppliiK. JICOtTI.M , BOO.I to
Chnlcv , JS.OOU7.00.
HOI'i'rirm ; btnte. common to choice 1S15
rv > p. 40 < io. U98 crop. 61i9c , U97 crop. llilCc ,
I'nclllo co kt. If'JJ crop. 4liSo. U < ) ( S crop , t'tt'tc ,
1N97 clop , HJIlGo , Ixindon miikcl , S3r&c
llllr.8Steady , OnhcHlun. IStllCc ; Texas , dry.
lifUc ! : callfornl-i. 17jlkc
I.I"ATIIiil-Hteady. : hemlock ndr. lluenoi
Ayres , light to heiixy viclglits , Wfiu ; acid. 3) )
UlTTin-Itrci ) > lpt 5.049 pkisn . steady , wot.
i creamery , H&jJlic. lIlKin * . S31o ; factory. 9
CIIinSi-HecilpU , ll.SO ) pkK . qulel. larse.
while. So. small , white , ' , iltc , lurue. "tolorfd. S ? U
T.c ; email colored , 9ic ! , part ekliiia , tVitfTc , full
Kklnii , 3Vvt4c.
! Hvct-lpU , C,0i pkg . Kti'iid ) , w.Mtcrn ,
I'HOVISIONS-Deef. itoaily. family , IJIWO19M :
\tro. J7 Wcifr (0 ; href ham > , : i OOirZS 00. Cut
nienti , nun , pickled bellies , | ii37 97.U , pickled
shoulders. I37S ; plcklea liumi J8 Oft&s lVi I. rd ,
aulet wrtltrn ( Irani 3 i.O , rf lined. iiil | t I'ork.
ull , old mf s , | 4 Wfi'J ( U , new mr < i < fi OlfC ) ID
Tallow uulei. i Uy Ji.c rmintr ) S'jy3\e
OIU I'elreun | quiet I'nllc I , no nmkM ;
t'rnniylvanln crude no mirk t fv Ho ln ,
lead ) , mralntJ. common to geol , U Ct/l.45 Tur
pentine. emy M'i91 | , e C.llon'itil n > hn 1
en. ur nnl onh niil rnlclv n tl prime mm-
mer > tllunr ! T :3'ji , iff summer yeljuw ZZ'JW '
Me prime nummcr white 26Ji2Tc
Hlr i : HIM ly d me ttr fnlr to extra , 4H9
fiUc Jnpnn 4T > 'to
MOf.A" ' < * i : - < 'ti ily Now Orleans , open Kcttlf ,
( ton I to i hnl e Z' I Jle
rilKHlHTl- Quiet ml rlrm\y
MBTAfJI I'lc Iron wnrrantu firm , t ? M bid nnil
J7 n kel C pp r Ink * enty Jin 7 > 4 bid ami 111
iifkH Tin st ivly , 11170 bid nnd Him n ked.
fprltrr qn.vt } 1 15 bid nn I $4 11 anked ,
flrmfr , J3 jiHi bid and M 98 n kedi
brokers' , firm M 17H.
onii v " ; ir\n7iTi. Mitic IVT.S.
roiiilllloti of 'I'rnilc nnd ( litotnf liini
tin Stntilinnil runeI'riiiluii - .
ions : -nno < l utock wiak at Ur
HUTTCIl-rnmnion to fAlr. OfllOo ; choice to
fancy , HR17c , ttpirator creamery , We , Katheied
crenmery 20-
VKAIr-Clmlce fat. 50 lo KO Ibs , quoted at SC !
lure ? and crmri0 e
MVi ; I-OI I.THY-Henc. B'4c , cocks. JtT4o ,
fr"K f\ \ f ' ' ' ' ' " ' " * lr " ' ' " "uck ! ( , Otf7c , tur-
| 'litoN'S-Uve. : TVc'ed plReoni not wanted
II V rpland , JIM , midland , J500 , lowlanJ.
" w ) , r > e strnw , 14 , iolnr makes the price on
nay , | | RM bales tell Iho best , enl ) top iracl
brlnjr lop prne
IlIlOOirroHN-Rxtrem'-ly . .lowiles new crop.
delivered on Irark In country ; choice green K-lf-
wnrklnR c.irprl r"r Ib . Zfl2'4c ; choice green.
runnlrg to hurl , JRJi c. common , IHc.
viaiT\iiMs. :
( ) : . : - < l elwk. In we. 40o ; email. 25O
ONIONS-l'cr bu , < 0031c.
n\\y , per bu , $140.
I'er bhl , 2 ! 5.
: -lloinc Krown , Ic.
roTATOKS Hmno cruwti , 40S35o ; wc tcrn
stock , cej/.oc.
_ , , . . rnuiTR.
? ! ' ! ; > ' . 'JS-fnllfcrnlu ' _ per IIOT. $1 r.flt 11
, , : \ \ slo.k J2 73jn. l. Jonathan1 !
and fmiijarbtp | . J300ff33 ; Callfornli nolle-
nowcr _ , boxei , | l CO ; Coloiado Jonathans , boxes ,
OHAI'Irallforila , Jl K
frill > OUIC OHAIT.S-1'er 0-lb bnsltet , 134
I'M'Ml Idaho and Oregon , 7V t.OO.
t HAMll.KHllChiK. . rod , per Uil . Jl 0005 5) .
\\tecnnnln boxes. II ooiil ID
" ' " ' 'r nelll , | 2.COif2 S3. other \nrletles , 11.50
tlf W
OUANilKgIelein. . | , rr ) < o\ , Jl 30.
, „ , . ' „ ] * , ! JS Mcwlnn * > " * * at 6 ° ! choice Call-
t * ' < ! * VN'AS .cholcc' lnrKe tock. per hunch.
J2Wl2.'j , mrdinm-qlzed bunchei. J1.73f2.CO |
NUTR Altroiiils , California , per Ib . larcr
llze. ICc , Hrazlls , per Ib in. . . ntiillsh wnlnuti
P ( < r I' , ' , . ' fnlll' > - " "ft < iliell , 13c ; .inndnnlK. 10R
lie , llllieilH pet Ib lie. pec.inMilUhed [ , larsu
MllOc Jumbo , ll(312e ( , lare lilcxnrr nuts , } 1 Z3
IHT bu codMniili. 40.0 .Mill , penults , rnw , 5d
oHc toasted Cf1lic
riOS Imported fan. y. t crown , 20-lb. boxes ,
J2c. u crown. 50-lb boxci 13314C.
IIONIJlChoice while , lie.
KHAI I-- ] , i | , | , | , it , ) ) | | , , | f 1,1,1 , , , j2- ,
MAl'I.i : S > HL'I'
flxe-sal eini , each J2.l
Kal cans pure , p r doz . 11200 , half Bit , cam ,
Jli 2j quait cans , | 3 60
IAliS l'i-r GO to 7i-lb boxe5c. . Tord 9-lb
bnxes , 9c
nunssi'.t ) Iliir : : Oood nnthe steers. 7c Rood
forupiaritiK , teirH , Ic Rood hlndiiunrtirs , ! ij ,
wtMtfin slecM hCih'fc . fnm > heifer ) , Uiu. iood
bclfirs , So , BOO ! foi niu itt.-rs helftrs , 5'jc , ROO 1
hlndipnirtirs helfen S'.j.c ' K""d cow r ! e , fair
town 1ii'fcc , cotutnon cows fiSe , cow foreipiat
Itn , tti'.e < o hlndipiirt' rs. . 'ilt'c
111:1:1Cl : TS-1nilcrlnln . ISc . bunch ? s strip *
9e strip loins "c , rolls. s , c , sirloin butts S'ic' ,
Fhniillcr clodi , riUr. rump bulls , lUjc , steer
shoulder clods , IVii . rump butts. SVie steer chucki ,
5'jc , cow chiu jv4S.c boneless chuuks , 4' . ,
u pi UPS , Jc , steet plllts , J'iu. Mink sfllk ,
lihc , loins , Mo 1 He , loins , No 1. IDiJo , loins
No 3 , Sc , sirloin ends No 1. 9e , libs , No 1 ,
Ik , Him , No 1 % . rlb . No 3. lc si , ei inunds
i'ic , roi\ rounds , 7c ; cow rounds slntik off. Sc ;
trlmmliiRS 4\c. beef eh ink , Jc , brains , pei , | o7
Ji. swoetbnati. pr Ib , lOi. swcvtbrcnds
( ( ill\es ) . p.r Ib , We kiilmjs per do ? 33c , nx
tails , e.icli 4c , Ihers per Ib , 3c , hcirts. iwr
Ib . ' ic , tonmies , per Ib , 12'Af
Ml'TTON lTinbs "e , sheep. Go , market racks
( loiiK ) . 8 < , hotel neks ( short ) , lie le H and
Middles 'ic , lamb lees , t'e , bieists anil btews , Jc ,
tomines i aeh Jc.
1'OHK Dressed pips IK- ; dressed Incs fi.c
le-iilerlolns 13e , loins , 7'4c , spare rlln P-u ham
s insane litills , Bu hmildt > is rjii h 1. shoul
ders , "klnncit O'r. trlmmliiRS , nc , leaf I ml.
nut rendiud 3s4c , he-nd" , cpMned , 3c. snout and
eirs 3c. backlxines mc , cheek me Us , 3e , neck
Iwnes 2c , plKs' tails , Jc. plucks , e.ich fc , ehlt-
lerllnKS 5i. hocks , Ic hearts , per doi , 21c ,
stomuhs , each 3c. tmvues each 7c , kldnej ,
pi r doz , 10i brilns per doz , 13c , pigs' feet ,
per doz , 23c , livers each 3c
St. Louis Ci-iM-rul MnrUt-tM.
KT LOt'IS. O t 27-ri.Ol'H-HlKher. palcnts
J4Sfi > oo. ptrntKhts. J430JrlC3 , clear. J4 luffl 30
medium } 1 COfi" ! 73
XX HI3AT lllshcr closing lUe Fellers for Do.
comber and I'ic btijers for Maj above > estenliy
Deiembir opined He higher and pohl up l\e
muni on a. raft of bull news , biter falling hick
'ic nnd closing % c below tin- top Spot dull but
lilElirr No 2 red ca h elevator Jl. track , Jl 0) ) ' . ,
No 1 bard cahh. aOfj90i < c , Decembci. $1 OP , .
Slay i7T c bid
COHN Putures strong In svinpithj with vvheit
nnd on n flrnrf Liverpool market but liter eased
nriT , closing a fi action Inner thin vi-steiday
hpnf strong No. 2 uisli , 24Sc : , Decemb.r 1 ,
May 27c .itKcil
OA1S In BOO I M'fculitlve demand because of
the il e In wheat and coin , neccmbi'i * ho\\lng
an adv am e of Ic and May ] yC to He for the day.
spot hl hel , No 2 cn h. clevHtor. isi e bid
timk llflllKc No 2 v\hlte 21f2H-c | December ,
11H" Mm' . 21 f2ijc |
HYH HlKli-J , 4bUe
11HAN Dull , iant track , nicked , Bold nn direct
order at roc
ri < A\Sii3D : ITkher Jl Od'4
TIMOTHY snnD-I-rlmc J2C3
HAY-riim for choice glades which Is com-
paritlvclj hcarc.- , prairie , J073iiT721 , llmothy ,
J7 ( * > J1H ( ,1
Ill'TTUll I'lrin ; creamery , I1'ir2ll5c , dilry , 12
rciOS Firm 13c
I'OI'I.THY Chicken" ensler. 7c , ducks , CCUc
( i. e fc tllrkejs 7'iJSc '
COTTON ; TUN niBhcr. 83c.
MirrXl'.S Lead , dull , J3 71 aflted Spelter. 14.
I'HOX'I ION5 ! I'ork. firm , s'andarl mess , tob-
lilmt $ ' 21 Ijird. better prime tteini Jl 17'i.
choice Jl 1W Hacon , exlri lmrt clear ( hox-d
lots ) 1371 ilbp 1371 shorts JC Dry call meats
ih.ixe.1 ihnul ler ) Jl 17"i : xtri bhort clear , Jl 2j
rll s Jl J7V fhnrts J.110
llllci'Il'T * riour 3MO bbls . vvheit , M OCO Im :
' '
corn'is'roo bu i .its. K ) nee bu
SIIII'MllNr' riour. cm bbls wheat , 44000
hu . corn. 01 OCO bu . oal 2S 000 bu
Iliilltiuor. ' MnrUt'lM.
HALTI.MOHIJ Ot -ri/IUl-riim ) and un-
cbaiiRed , iccclpts , 13.24G bbls , export ! ) , 3.'i l
\VIin\T-StronR' : 5pot. November , W Jcfrjl 00 ,
December. Jl OOi.Wl CO't , ; Bte.imer , No 2 red.
S4lJ i' > iC , receipts 11.393 bu , southern ,
by wimple ' . 'iclilll CO'i.
COHN StroiiK , i-pot. November , SS'jO'll'ic.
Dec.niber. new or old " , lK-ll'Jc , tenm r , mixed.
Kl ffl'i'iirecelptH , 114 C72 bu : nouthern while
tutu ll"f/'J . niuthcrn > ilio"J 'lc
OATS-rirm , NJ. 2 white. 2Gi7c ) , rccelpls ,
. ' 7 Ml bu
in I'-rirm. No 2 weslern , 53Hc bid , receipts ,
2' ) . 131 bu
\V-3ti-idy cbobe timothy J13 ) IT13 ffl
OHAIN ritllHlIir.S rirm steini to Liver
pool pur bu . 4Ud Novembe-r Coik , for or
ders pir ipinrti'i , 3s Tbd. Noximber , 3n Cd , DL--
III 'niJH Steady nnd unchanged.
I ( IOS rirm nnd unelianned
CIlHIIsr steady nnd unchanged.
Nrw Oi-li-niiH 11iirI.c-M ( ,
Stead ) I'ork old. H.c Lard , rellnel tierce ,
4'ie lloxi-.l . nil .its , dry mil shouldPis V ci
Hldi 4'i.c ll.icon. .l.-ir rib sldeti , G\e , Il.uns
chobe micar euied. M4ffiflie
I'nri KIJ Illo , onllniry to low fair , JS O
10 71
I'LOt H-Qitlet extia fancy , JlCOnico. uatouts
JS K ii3 10
COIINMR Mr-Quiet. Jl W
HHXN-Ciulel , ffic.
H XV bteiuly. prime , JluooflHOi ) , choice , J1300
OH 0'
ivinN Steady No 2. sacked white. 3Cc , mixed ,
: ri l37c vellow. 3S (39c
OATHtiady , No 2 picked 231-f2c. ( !
HICK rirm , ordinary to Keel , 4'inc ,
Cllii'liuin II Miirl.i'lu.
CINCINNATI Ort -FLOI'H-Sle.idy ; fancy.
| 4 ' 5CI M family , Jl 53Q3 75
WHIJAT rinner. No 2 red "Oc
COHN Dull , No 2 mixed : .1frc
OATS Pull , No 2 mixed Wyo'-c.
HYII-rirm hlKher , No 2 47c
I'ltOVISIDNh-Uanl ( | ulel II 30 Hulk meats ,
steadv Jl CO. II icon nulet f 0 23
WHISICY-Stead ) Jl 19
111 ITril-Sleadj fnnev KUIn creimerj , 25o ;
Obln fam > sepirutor 2i > i'c. gathered creams ,
HJMli fancy dairy UtiHi
HIT Ut- Dull hall rtllnod , II 10&5 S3 ,
KOOS rirm lie
CHiiSK-rinn : isood to prime Ohio flat , Sc.
n nil n Ili-ci-liitM at I'l-liit'lfial
CIIICAOO Oil -Hecelpts today : \Vhenl.l68
cars , corn , 371 cars , oats 2'.S ' cars. Kstlmated
toniorrowVheat 'IJ cam , corn. 473 cars , oats ,
211) tars
MINNKAl'OI.IS , Oct 27 HecelpU1Yhfat , C24
° '
'rtT 1/I'IH , O t 27-Ilfcelpts : Wheat , JO cars
DULUril , Oil. 27. Hcu-lpts : Wheat 142 cars
I'ioniA : Oil 27 Hecelpts- Corn 61.704 hut .
oats , W > jO bus , DO and vthlaki none : wheat.
1 so > ) bus Khlpme-ntii : Corn. 2,200 bus. , oats ,
63 9JO bu * , i jo , none , tthUk ) , 9'J3 ' bbla , wheat ,
'itNSAS ' CITY , Oct 27 lleeelpts : Wheat , 183
Toli-ilii MiirUt-tn.
TOLHDO Oil 27 WIUUT Illfher nnd easy.
in h 94c. Pecembi-r B7 tC , May 7tc.
COHN Active and lilnhvri No. J mixed , 23c ,
No 3 2VI > . cemlx'r. 87(4c ( May. 30He
OATS- Pull but stead ) No. 2 mixed. IS'.ic ,
No 3 white yf
HYi : Higher nnd firm , No , 2. 4Sl c. No. 3.
43cCIAlVnil Siiti-Acth e aoJ te iUprime
ivnull and October 13.3) Dfccinlxr , I3.32H. Jan
uary. H , March. 1340.
1'i'orln. MiirUi-l * .
I'FOUIA. Oct COHN-Aclh * . lilKhei . No
J , 24iic- .
OATS rirm and hlKher. No 1 white , ! lc.
WIIIHKY-IIInh proof Mi in. (1.1J. (
K NHAS CITY. Oct 17 - WIlKAT-Mirket
about Ic higher onj i'.owNo ; , l hard , lc ;
No I M-3-i * No J MiiJ4e No 4. "JifS" Ntv
1 red , ! > 3i. N > t 91 ifI , No , 3 , I H90 > , one enr
of i inr , 1 No 4 , IV ; . No 2 spring.
Nf > 1 SOWS-
fOHN Market wtondv in \ ± e higher and fairly
nrllre No ! mlxel. 23c
O \T8-Mnikei slow nnd nliotit atendy , No 2
while HfllSV
IlYK-Miirkct nrm. No 2 , 41fftl ic
II VY Mniket active and quite firm ; choice
time thy. J < W choice prairie , 17 m >
HITTER Market firm and unchanged ; cream
er } ' ziffiac , d ii > idflWc
HCirtS-Mnikct nrm at ISc
HKCKl , IW.SflO bu. ; corn , 10 W
I ni , on Is , S.COO bu
KIUl'MKNTrt-Wheat , 9i.flOO bu. ; corn , M.CO )
bu outs , 4 COO bu
I.U . 'rpiiiil ( irnln mill I'r.n l lnns.
i.ivniti-oou ort ! 7-t'iiovistoNa-i.iri
p. Inn western , dull at ! 3s
OlIjS Oottnn'ccl , Liverpool rpflneil , steidy nt
15s 3d Spirits of turpentine. Ilrm nt 21s ( ! )
WIIKATnot Nn. l red , northern , spring.
new , tirm nt 7s 7'id
. ultN- American mixed spot , steady nt 4s
li , d , O lobe- , quiet nt 3s Id , November , quiet
nt Is mil ; December , qul t nt 3s Hd
IIOI'-1 Al London ( I'ncltle const ) , Ilrm nt C3
AMitlnlilr hitpplv of Corn.
NK\V YOHK Oct 27 The nvallible supply
of corn In the I'nlted Stitc * and Canada , east
of the Heckles , Is 3.S91 on. ) bu These IlRures
VTere withheld from ll-iilistiect' ftilement nt
nvn liable surplleH jestenlay for the purpose
of cnnflrmitlon
riilliiili-lfililu I'loilniiMnrlt.t. .
rHlI.Attil'IIIA. Oct. 27.-HrTTiH-rirm
nnd Ho hlKher , fnncy western creamery , 2lc.
IIOOS-KIrm nnd po ) lilxhcr ; fresh , nearb ) ,
"Do , frefh weitcrn , 18c. ,
Dctroll Miirkrts.
DBTHOIT. Oct. 27 W11HAT No. 1 white
i4e. N 2 red , SH'ic ' , December. 97'ic , Jlay
* e , No 1 red , U3V
COHN-No 2 mixed , 23c
OATH No 2 mixed , 22'4C.
Sun rriini-lsco U'licnt nnil llnrli-v.
SAN ritANCISCO Ocl 27 W1IKTrirm ,
December Jl 41 , Ma > , It \ < i\ >
IlAIH.UY-aieaiU , Pcccmber , SV'c. May , ' So
I'lilon rmIIUnnil HiirllnRlitn Alisorli iif Di'iilcrN.
NUW YOHK , Oct 27-The Mrx.k muikct
looked Rtronc for a time today , and tie level
of prices soon after now ro-e a. point or over
above la t nlnht's clo e In manv utouks. Hut
n renewal of leports that the SpnnHi irplv
to tie tepris-ntatlnns of this cmcrnni'iit wns
of a tone that threatened tinub'e cnii'e 1 the
rnirket to Roll off to .1 point us much below
lap ! nhthfs level us It linil been nbive In the
minnlnR1 This repri-fi nted n wide tluctiiatlon ,
extendhiB to 1 polntu In C'on nlld itcd Oas and
3 In t'nlon I'nclllc. husir. Pacific Mall nnd
reveral other stocks nnd n point for neirly all
stoiks 1'nlon I'ulllc < cnllnui'il to absorb n
larRehnie of spteulHlUe Interest and fell
iliirltifr the iln > to within i , .if the lowp > lnl
of Mondiv. when the Knveininent'H announced
Intention lo postpone the fine. Insure sale was
rcR-inled as thte ituiliik- col ap " of the whole
reoiitinl ? ithm plin The ftrengt't of tie iitock
wns due ti a report that the bid
for the property would Involve their till.IMC up
a.o"rei > | viiidlnij amount of the propose 1 new
secuiltb'S which woull have rtherwl'C ac
crued In the treasury of the leorK.inU itlon
committee Tnls would nf rouine- make n
cnrieponillnT proporllun of Hxed ch irses aheid
nf tie stm k of the reorsinl/ed cninpin > 1 IIP
Kto ! ) nlvo fitind . urre-icy that thi iimpio
inlRht decide to Incieife- the l suc nf the llr t
mcrtRiRe bonds above the J71 Olio OIX ) procure I ,
notwlthstnndlnir the iss.-itlon of the reorjinlzi-
tlun cnmmlttee on Mundiiy , that the ebaimc
In reoiBimlr itlon ts Involved In the iK-t-imlni
tlon to bid the 1'nlon l-ncltlc ; line for the full
amount nf thu Kovirnment n c'ulm ' Whatever
Hie foundation for the rumor It helped to de
press tieprice of the Ftaik to about wlnt It
w is before the so-nnd a i"e Bment was re-cent * }
pild Ixindnn was also a seller nf the stoik to
il ly In this matket In contiast to Its attitude
nf jtMteidiv Arbltrme broke-rs sold most of
the Inti rnatloml t-tni ki < while prb es rem lined
above theIjimlim parity. SterlliiK exihinRe
yielded \ In theactu il rnte fir deniind bills
nnd ' „ In posted rates There w is - * ibl to bo
some liquidation of exchaiiKe which lias been
reiently purchased fcr use as collateril with
funds In the Ijondnn rule of Interest pn-uilllnff
there The ? titement of. St 1'auPs net clear-
InRH for September , showing1 an Inetease of
over J14I 000 and tumors of the heavy Increase
to behown by the fet thcninlni ; liurimgun
stitement vveie factors In HtilTeninR the mar
ket ibout noon. The sneculntlon in Hurlimrtim
was the more active iiimor beliiR free to ex-
pind the curlings In the absence of accurate
Information The stock rote .it one time IVi tind
the-e were over 40000 shares dc .ilt In apilnst
410)0 In 1'nlon I'.icllle Thei-e tw i stoi kn ab
sorbed nne-thlrd of the total transactions 1'rlces
of railroad bonds were tirm In the cirly de-al-
IUKS , but cased off In sympathy witn blocks , at
HiH closiTotnl siles , fl IOD (100 ( United btates
bunds were qnlel nnd unchanKed
The I'venlner 1-ost's lyindon lluanclal caMrRrnm
siyB "Die stock mirkfl neri qul. t lolly dur
ing the piocresa of Ihi setllerni'nt and In view
of tin- hilldinn M'mil ly nit The tmie , ho.v-
e\.r w is tiiuly Money Is still llRht mil a
1 irRo amiiunt was Imrriiwed from the Ilmk nf
HnRland ted ly Amerhans were Him , except
( ' 1'n. Illcs. which were llu on Ni-vi
Yoik nnd C.i tnun si-lllns Mines were better
It Is rumored tint thf Deutsche bank Is r.-ndy
to le-nil the Tnnsv ml Rovernment 40T < )0'0 sub
ject to certain uoiutsslonrt bclnR Rrint-d The
I'arls bourse v\is better , but Its c milltlon Is
nut vet sitlsfictory. The 11-rlln market was
quiet. "
Thn follnvvlnK WTO the clnslnR quotations on
N.iviirk Money MnrUi- ( ,
llnsy nt l"j per c. < nt. list loan , 2 per cent , closed
at 1 iMi 2 per ii-nt
I'HIMi : MniU'ANTILi : l > AI > iit-l9l' : ' per
TiitIINl ; KXCHA.N'OI'-Henvy , with acttnl
bUhlm-ss In buike-rs bills at Jl ( * 5'1.14 Soi4 for
demand nnd at II SJ'.Hfl f.'i tnr xlxly di > s ,
piiatwl rates il S38IOft \ and 14 S-jfj4 Sb'j ' , loin-
men I il blllH 14 Kl %
KII.VKH cr.HTll'lcTiS3705'V ! .
HAH S1I.\ r.H-r.l > V4e ,
MKXIC-VN lOLL\Hrf-jc |
(10VKR.NM13.ST IIOND.Srirm. .
hTATi : IIONDh-lHill
ClosInK quotations on luiiids were n follows ;
U S miwls r-if I. V O 1)4 )
II. s now Is con I'ita'i. s. o n . . , . .joj
II. S , 48.r ir ll. ' l * ! ) ' < Ha IMoltl3 UU .
IJ.S 48 oou No IJai-lllo At. . . .
U 8JH ror 01 ° " °
U S as rnr S' Y C"A 3t L U
IT S 5 V . . XV. UH . .
PlNlrlet I 03s N XV Consols , . .U I
Al.i clans A . . IDS N W Idb is . . .HM Ore N iv JHIU
. 1011 OrJ Niv ii 1)11 )
Al.i Uiirriney . O1 ! O S. f , lis , t r ,
Atchluun IH . n S U S i t r .
AtchlBOiindl 4s O Imp lats t r 10 I
C mid l So ' 'ndrt 101 0 Pup 3s. l r I I
Chlu Term . 43 I'.lCill' ) OH Of POJ HUH
r n o r.1 .IU K . i tin ; Is . . . , H4
c. H .VD iv i R ( i WV-it Ibli K1H
D \ u o Uti .111 St L &II Ooa. . 01
l ) 111 O 4s . . . 8 St I. A.1 K Oan 0 lltl
KlulTiiiin lHt .IDS , SI ! UntaU . . 1.11
UrleKtMi 4t ) . . . 70 St 1 > C V 1 * lull 110
K W All i I r St I1 O A. 1' Is
'ji-ii Elec Si . Hill S O neil f ii I'l . .
O H .S A ( Is .1(11) ( bdiillii-rn Ur 'it
O II AS A .Ms 101 'S ' K AT 111 . .
II A.T Rant 59 1 1'jtr.i iisn net M . 70
II &T C con ( U 101 Tex Pic L O Mil 01
Iowa C I sin 'Tox ' 1'aa lit iid < ' - 7'i
K I' , lulu t r. .ltd I ) 1 * Inn
Ia. Now-Con 07J , u i' . I ) A G inn 4'J
I. A.N "ill H- . 84 xxat ; > .107
Mlasoilll Us . inn
' ' '
M K. AT SU ! . 6. ) ) XX'ost 8'horo li' .100'i '
U. K AT. tn . ml , V.i Cxntuiliis . 07
N. Y O I HH 118 | V.i doferrjd .
N J C da 11J 1
A me-fieri u Si-curllli-H III London ,
IJONROK Oct 17 The market for American
semrltlr * naa Iriftulor , with a bcarlih under-
I n * wln < r ti rcnlltiner The ci ue wns
* tendy v lth n modcr to demnnd.
llnnlon SlnrK UnnUiilniix.
ItOSTON Oct 57 rn ionn , . 34H per cent
( me Innns , Jittfju fier ienl nminir prices for
sticks , l nd nnd nminp shares
A.T .V . K . VV."K5T
American Su ir . 141 mi. Eloj l 121
All ) * * Iff AT tUil . Ml NO
. n-u , §
oil Tclnti it-no tli ) MchUcm 14 . 8H
o ton.tAlbiir. - . ' ! < ? oen Kr \ .Is 100
! ° Vi ° ln no >
ril''v ' ! , < l . . Allonoz MHin/OJ 7
Altintl' " 't
Iimen71l i'rflrl ' < S ' I1.1 '
< , . . . .
Illinois ,
' . . 41 ti " , * " i -
Mexican ueiilru. . Wi"mi"Iwl . 4
N \ .V N B . . . . Ro
Old Cole iv . . . . ] ? ,
O - > I , . . IMS l IS
IJnlon PiPine. . . . SH | 3il
West Bud . . . . uju ll'J
WcMKntluM . . lll 128
U l.loc . . . . lllJl . , . . , , , , Ill
l.otiilon SK.f | ( Jnodllloiis.
1/5NHON Oct. J74 p. -Closing !
fionsols m . 1 1 1 7Id Nt. p m 0n uoiiT Oil
IllHPJ V C > Miri 111
inu : . jjn' IJUlUulliir ' . . . ISA
Krio ln LJJ < ( xtiT c , n. u
MI-MC in or Unary o7'4
The rate or iltscuiini Jn Ihe open market for
„ l"rj- " " " ' * - l"-l' per cent , for o | > eii bills ,
2 1 i-p per cent
Hold is nuolf.l ntillucnos Ayres loJny nt 1 6J.
nt Lisbon , 4U , , nt Home 1W54.
N MV lorU .111 n 11 , tr ( iniitndniin.
NHXV YOHK , Oar 2The follow ln arc Ihc
closlnir inlnlni : itiims : . 1,0 omrio IV )
ciownl'olnr . . . n .o.m . . , m
iiti.tM -J-Vi . i'u 01
Duilwool . in . . . . . 101)
II.uiil.V.Oirr ! . . . '
* 'IJ jr DJ. ( . 010
lah'.VNprerois lin Slum Nora U . . 70
Ilonio < t.ika . . . ,101) ) i Stuulii-l Kill
Iron-mver . n UJuloi O > | 40
Mexican . . . 4J I Ynllovv Juiit . . . 15
I'M II II II I * I II I \Oll-N.
HO-STON 9ct. 27I
IcarliiKS , Jl6I7lS40 , bal-
UU P *
J ItU.Xtir.l I'iri \ Oct. -Clearings , $11,110 .
2.5 balances J1,3C7,4SO
IIAI.II.VOIII : Ocl -CIcarlnKS. . 311,176.
lulinces , t J7 ,
NIJXV YOHK , Oct. 27.-CleillnBS. SI20.W1I ! i30 ,
hlhmces Jl 610 130
Sir..MI'lllS , Oct.Clcarlnss. . J341.2 < i , bit-
ances , J1I2.107 , New Yoik evchatiKC , sclllnc nl
/INCINNXTI , Ocl 27-Money. 2'4fiO ' per ci nl.
yw York cxrhanne , I3c premium , elearln " ,
M.XV OHI.IIXN1 ? Ot ! 7 Cli-urliiKs JllSMU ,
New Vmk iMlinnm- , bank , pir , conimen lal , 73
per JI.COO illfe-oiitit.
sr IXJI'IS Oct 27. ciearliiRs , Jl.fOl 020 , Inl-
ances JirTJ C2l Monej 5TiS ppr cent NVw A ork
exclmiiKe. fOit dificoimt bid , We discount nsked
( HlCXdO , Oct 27-Cleailma. $17 1(1. ( I'd , New
Ymk evihaiiEc lOo premium , posted l iti-a , J4 " 3
Hid J ( vli Mucks wnik folhivvltir XV.ill tlrcl.
Dlimond Malch offeri-d fteily , < Ins'tiR'e t
ChlcnKi ) no lUnmind Xlalch US tike Stie.t
L , liH , cw York HlKcult , (0 StrawbomI , 31
Pnri-lr. " riiiiini'liil.
HIIHLIN. Oct 27 IXc-lnnso on Loiuhn , 20
marks ojife pff ?
No Oil.- Is ltl ! > lnc nnil Nn One IN
\ll\lllllM 10 Sl-ll.
UOSTON , Oct 27 Ine Ameilcan Wool and
Cotton Hctmiter will ray tomorrnw of the wool
trade. II has been .1 we ul'inne vveek In Hit-
wool m irltet s > o ihteii'lfled Ins the dulliiHss
become There his been n decline of another
10 per c.nt In Ihet volume of sales and had It
not be-on for the fact that a number of houses
In disproportion-lit truntaitlnns the
fallliiK off would have be-in very much nioie
slrlklriK No one units to buy wool nl tbh
time and no one apptais tu want to Fell bully
enough to break pilees malerlilly. borne of
the dcul.iH teport t int Itviuld r qiilu KOIH !
eoncc'-slons to indu e nine i syei ulallve
buying but oihers tepurt a directly opposite
i-tate of nlTiIrs I'rlcis ate vciv limited nt
om'c to JL below the highest prkt. ) of the
boom There has been a sum what laisei muve-
ment In eaipet v\ools , but neatly every cithci
kind of wool his tcni.ilnid very rpilet Siles
In llo--ton for the week iiKKuKit",710 W-O Ibs
ot which 10'ilCOO Ibs weie domcstlL and 715 OiO
His. foreign
Ni\\ : ionic , Oct. - ' 7WOOInrm. . domestic
ilecee23W3.'c. . Texas , UAfl7c.
- * * *
meilhim , 130210 , Ilsht niu13iJlC'c , heavy fine , '
104)111. , tub uuslieil , Jij
M5 v 9nKO't -7-corrnn-options
opened barely teai1 > ivlth November 21 points
lower under several thoiiKpnd "notices , " while
other months deillnc-d 5 point ! " , rilled | lat. r on
M.ircllj of tellers , retiring uvei-old mnrhit .mil
oomrnrHlvcIv lav , pilcej" In the atternorn the
innlcet ruled stemlv on cuverlni ; cld'-M ste.ulv ,
October 10 points ind November 15 prtlnts lower ,
othi r nn.ntlijj r , points net blu'iir ' Siles 14710
bins IncludingN0v"ijl > ei J.,13fl120 D.-cnmbcr
} i ; HfiCCI Januaiv1. J > i Ti rvbruuv , ri lit. M.uih
JO 21. Ma > . : # ; , beptemhei JB 41 Kpnt
ci.lTie Hlo dull .Xlilil , .Kill Totul wnrehciii-o
d ( liveries from the I nUrd Mates 1IU4I bii , " In
eluding U 201 IIIIKI frcm Niw Yoik , New Yoik
stock todiv , 417 J.J , bJvs t nllnl Mali s v > (
" 1 iiS biRs alln-u for thefnlte I State . "An ( Po
bans , lot il viable , .fin . ( la t nlted Males 'MiGiS
bails , .iKulnct 007,170 baK1- last jear ind SIO.i > ;
bins In 1"K > Jjif
SANTOS1 O'-t 27. CFPiil ; QuVt Boodnvei-
aRe Smtius S 200 iil ( , , lAciIpts , 31OW bans ; stork ,
1.2 - ' OiO bacs
HXMIII ltd. Oct 27r-rCOrnP : Opelip ) ' p'K
lower clntel it opsnitip prices. Bales 20u(0 ( baps
mo m : i xxriuo HM 27 corrri : - > i..iiu
Ni 7 Hlo 7 70) rets ex fin nfje 7 ll-02d i.-ielpt .
U ( Xii ) bai ! ? rli-ir. .1 f. n the I nlli-d h'ates IJ
bins eleiri-d foi Kunipe 4 ( AH Ills * , etock. 43S -
nee b IK ?
ret decline p lies , itfi 001) oi
N < -vv Yurie Drj Cumin MnrI.i-1. ,
Ni\V 1OHK. Oet 27 Dry Koods In neirly
ul Ki nU" artuneh uiKcd TinnpnrM from
the secon 1 band marke-ts thrniiii'iout the coun-
tr > Hluvv only a fair dl-tilbutloii vv.rthpOMII -
dltlons still b. In ? unf ivor.ihle to heiv ) trading
Heports of lelillers ate to the Fame effect.
thouKh IricRiilarlty Is Inlluenced bj locil con-
dltluiii' Collections aie reported falTie mar
ket for v.oolcn nnd worste ! tnods continues
fair with buvcrs and Kcllt-is. prl es , while a 1-
vame'd belnir still kept wllhln 'he limits * ct
by bujer . Dies3 Kooda foi fprlnir found a
ready m.iiket at p.lccw which suli the Idens
of pellfrH of wool 'Ulk ( finds are said to b"
very active Imix > rtatlons are iiulte hf.ivj , and
pi I 1.1 wde won fuMalncd , with the prospect
tint the sales for next > car will be ns hcavj
as the most paneiilne of ili-nlern could hive
predicted In staple cottons brown joods ate
f tiuiiele--s. there beln * D. dearth nf heavy
tr.ulliut In b lh s'lcetlnss nnd sirrtlns of nar
row wldtli I'rlnt elnth.9 im- still verv easy
nt 2i c foi spot oitris , ind 2 7-10i ! for futu-es ,
with bales very llRht
( III Mnrli.'ls.
OIL CITY. I'l. . O t 27 Credit bilincea , Clc ,
lerllllcitis , no blda , sliipmenta , S < i.C90 bbls , inns ,
ID1) ) 247 bbls
( ' 11 XHLllF'lON. S C , Ocl 27 'hlrpentlne ,
sl.iidv nl 7.'u > - Hosln Him
SXVXNN'MI Oct 27 Turprntlno Ilrm at 23'ie
bid , Hil.-H . bbls ; leci-lpts , 430 bbls Hindi ) ,
tirm. sileii 5 IOS b'llf , uenlpls. 2073 bbli Cl'm-
inu A n c , D. ji 21 , i : , ji , r , ji "o. i ;
Jl 11 II M < 0 I Jl 61 K Jl 70 , Jl , Jl 90 , N ,
jj r , xv n f-'io , wv 51
XVILMIVUTON. N O. Oct 27 Turpentine
stnaib nt A'-c H'jsln. Ilrm at SI 2)5" 21 Crudi"
tuipenltn "inlet nt 1 40 ncknil , $1 l-i ) afk d , Jl (0 (
Tar iml'-t in SI 2'1 '
IjONDON' Ot n Cilciilta liiifeed Pilot and
nearat-lnnd dillvery , 31s Cil Llnteed , lla 7'id.
.Spirits of turpentine 23s ( , , )
Wi-Nlrrn Iron nnil si.'i'l .InrKcl.
CIIICAOO Oct 27 TheInlustrial XX'orbl to-
moirow will saj The silhni fi-alii--H ub nl
westein lion and steH this we.k aio Ihil needi
arrt Rcnerilly covitd for Iho I ih > nr. nf tlio
vi < ir loiuumpilon Is ivintlnitlnK nt in nnillmln
iHhid volume and negotiations in u lurf' PI ale
must l - resumed by tlio llrst of the > eai If tin
conHimintlve refiultem nts lemiln inlmmlr. d
I'pesi'nt tiaiKM mmlcnle. 1'rlces nro linn.
I'l. lli'.s lute ailianu-il ? - p'l tun I'l Irun U
unch.intreil at ill f' ' r No 2 foumliy
Siicnr VlnrK.'is.
NI2U' YOIIK , Ocl , 27 HIM ! Ml lltw , easier ,
f.ilr relinlnc , 3f.-16' ' , 9 test. I IMC
3T.e llellniil Nteaily , muM A , Vtf , ptanilanl A.
4H < . lonfiitii'inrs' A. l'4e. cut | mf uli ,
crushnil 'ff , p iwclureil , G 1,1-lGi , pr mill iti-0 u
cub. H 5Ue
Ni\V OHMIANfl , Oct 27 SIIdAH-Sleaily.
o-nirlfUKi ! Kninulntril 4l , | IXi' whllHd. 3 IS-K
ffl c , jellow , 3 3-lfJR3'i n > c n 1 2 21l.1 > i.
Jlolais sleaily , open kettle , ISti-'c. c ntrlfu-
pil , IDS He. i. > rup JIKI23-
Cnllfornlli Drlnl KrnlfM ,
rill'ITS Steady , eioporaled applen , common ,
rif)7 ) < prime lru tra > SV.c. wooil drleil , prime ,
Oe ; choice 8S9c ( , fancy Oflsiie I'runi-s , t , ' > t
R'- as tn size an 1 quallt ) Apricots. Hoyal
74Ji'5c. ' Moor 1'ark 9i/llc reaches , unpeelecl ,
7Sllo , peeled , 12U170.
Tnllint ut Iiiiniliin ,
U1NDON' Oct Z7. TAM.OW-AuatralUn beef ,
16s 3ilfrlS OJ
run itntr.Ti MVHICIT. :
INBTKI'MnNTS phreil on record \\'eilnc -
il.iy , October 27 , lt-07'
Hi-Ira o' U S .Mono to
.Morse , lot JS. lilork S. Alamo I'l.iza t 1
O W I'uiRo to Jlyron J'onu-ioy. lots
10 nnil 17. hlocH'ltl/l.t.ivonworth ' Ilus-
Iness 1'luco . , , . , , , . . . . so )
Hvron I'omeroy unxj nlfe to C M.
White , pimo . . .i . J.&M
South Ornjlin l > aiul Co to Augusta
Oust.ivnon , lo. HI .I'.ocU Ul , South
Oiiuilia . . . ' . tin
\Vyntt-Jlullinl Jjiirtiber Co. to .M. J3.
Hc.ui. lot 12 , blp X 7 Ollfton HIM. . . . W
b"-.orlff to HiltliaB Kriintr. lots S2 , 23
anil . ' 4 , Mullor'ft U'a mill . 03
Sitinii to h4iiu > . 16trf 7 unil S , liiock 5J ,
South Omaha , in
Total amount of transfers , . . { : u..s
Bl'zzird Hns Some Effect on tlio Local
Trade in Steers.
I.Hi.-nil Supply of ( Irilliinr ) t < I'oiumoii
-Minn on.-r..l anil Mild ut stml >
llii > i-rs Ili-itU-ti
SOt'TIt OMAHA , Oct. 27. Kecelptl for
the days lndlc-ntod wore :
, Cattle. HoiSlioop. . lionet *
Ootobor ! 7 Md ) 4f > 0i ) 2 , . . < A' 0
October L'll 1,040 ti.fw'1 3,113 . . . .
Ootobor ! 3 6.367 l.SSI 1,001 7
Oolobul 21 1UH 4.2M1 ) w . . . .
Ortober 2J 2,917l.liCJ 2'J17 . . . .
October 21 .17. . ' ISi- UlS 21
October 20 3'i.M ! 5,137 f.C2iJ
October 19 4.477 2,623 3.M1
October IS. . 5.M57 B71 10,151 1
October 1C tra 3.317 4,42)
October 15 2.72S 3.15T GSI
October 11 B.MG 3,3 3 1VU
October 15 3.041 3.SSS 705
O tuber 12 C.lla 5,0:3 . . . . "
OetobT 11 7. J 1,453 < .SM !
The olllrial number of C.IP of Btoc
In today by each road wni :
( \ittlp. iine-t. Sin-in ) . H'r'n.
( ' . M ft St V. Uy. . 1
O. & St I , lly 1
Mo I'.u-llk' lly 2S U
I'tilon 1'aolilc Sy.-Ui-m 4h 7 3 .
I- ' . , i : . JC. M V. H. U. ! 12 5
C , St I' . M & O. lly. li ? 7
H. & M It 1II . . . 37 17 1
C. . II & Q. lly 1 . . .
K. O. St .1 2
C. H. 1. A : P. lly , P. . . . .1
O , It. I .V : P. Il > . , \V. . . .
Total receipt * . . . .23.1 ( M 11
The disposition of the il-iyN receipts v\a
n-i follows , each miver purchasing the nuiii
her of head Indicated :
Un > i > r.s. Cattle Uaz * Sheep
Omiilnt PackliiK Co 2 .174
(1 II. Hammond On ! U 7J )
Bxirt mid Cmnpuiv . . . . Gil 1.14' ' ) SI
rmlalij Packing Co . . . . IV.S l.Olil W
It. llccker and Ut-Kiin. . lit
Vaii-wiii Ar Co 21' )
J. I * Carey 141
I.oliman \ . Kolhachllds. . 201
lienton ft Underwood . . 3J >
Huston ft Co 11
UvliiKSton 71
Cudahy P. Co , Iv C. . . . 7H MW
Nelson Moirl.s Olile-iuo. IT'J
Plmklnton P. Co , Mil . . . . 31.
Otier bliyets 410 . . . . M' '
Left oxer 2000 . . . . CO
Totals 5.SI1 I.ISfl 1.77
CAI'l M : HecelptH oC cattle \veru
but nothing to what they would have beei
l.nd It not been lor tin- snow storm went
( lx r nKtv. riirof tattle \\eio rcpoityi
b'oc U.idcd by snow at Aiuoia , near ( Irani
1.1I.IIKI , and the > > did not anise In tltnc
for lodny's market Of the 'A ! cars her * .
i-l \cn we-ie lonsiM'i'd direct to piclters4
mil theleveie sixty tars In one siring o
eommonl-t'i ' vvpstetns oil the.T.sus older
'liic1 maiKi't as fi whole was not veiy differ
ent from yesterdnv.
Thtre wu null" ' a show tin ; of cornfed
stiers. and while HIP Made was not pui-
ilciiUrlj aethealues were just about
Hutchers' stock was In very fair reiiuest
unil ill-all iblo cows and heifers sold quite
well The mniket was not m itPrlallj
( hiiiiR. do far us values were oiiiu-erneil
The jtuds were full o stocUers and fecd-
< MS , .iiid while the \veiithui was .it-.ilns'
thtm on account of the rain , thev kepi
sel'lng. } rsterdiy ! Hi ) cais were shipped
int Into the country , vvhleh icdticfHl the
Mil plus and helped out the market m.i-
toilally. The pi Ices paid were not much
llfteienl from > esteidiy , the market being
about stiaily at yesterday'H decline. Htpre-
st ntithe saN :
HOGri Th buyers felt bearlfh this nmrnlnn
and they started out tn force values down an
other noli h The early bids were Rnne ally &i-
Inwei , but i-nlehmen fermtil in f.-el that after a
deiMno nlieady thin week of IU ire H vvus time-
to i-nll a halt and I buy uoie cenerally holdint ;
for He idy prices
r r a tlmo the trade was n llttlo sluw owlnt ;
tn tindlffpicr"p of opinion between buyers and
KClhrs but eventually buyers raised the-lr bands
K > " western j-cnrllnss . " > 4 M
M western Inmbs , . t > 7 4 >
CIIICAOO MM : srocic \nicm
Cnlllp to n Dlnu- |
In ( Jooil Ut-liiiinil lint l.imrr.
CIUCAno. Oct 27 Tiere vvi. a poovl Ren
ernl cUtnind for mule and prices mint strong
to 1 < HhlRher for Hie Ix-tter clnsses nnd ntcndv
for otheis Snles vvrre nude nil Hie w y fron
II < S to II ' for roinm > n to pretty peed natlv
dresfeil beef sleers up to from II75 lo JS 4
for KOO.I to prime shipping nnd evport cnlllc , Ih
xrenter piirt llnilliiR buyers nl from tl.M lo JS 13
Choice hnndy medium uright entile were Ib
best > el'ers Cnlvrs were active at from $3 t
Jfiio per 100 llu . at. wdlng lo iiuntlly , no gem
"lies RoltiK belnw K Milkers nnd fplln er
sild nt the but prices of Hie yenr. Ihe be-
ones brliiRlm ; from 130 lo } ) pneh A BIHI.
so.ker | nnd feeder trnde VMIS wltties ed 111
snlen lielnn laiKely nl from Jl 73 to J4 2f. Texa
cuttle were uiu handed and westcrtm vvcic nc
live nnt , Ilrm
ThripVRR i Kood demand for IIORS , sale
nelne made cirlv nt fv lower , Ihi ! ptlce 111 many
Instames but Hie mnikei In-iame firmer Inle
on Hogs n.,1,1 m | 1 lo Jl 50 for pick
ets , nnd nt from | Hi io tlM for mixed butcn-i
nnd IlKht well ; its. while plRs broiiKhl fron
127.1 to } 1 SO Sa'es were larti-lv at H W
to W 71 for hos and from J1 to to J3 71 for plRs
Mirep wire In K"od demand nnd pilees rule-i
nteadv In nm i InrlanKs nt from > 2 50 In t
for the puniest native- sheep to from } 2 41 Ii
$4 10 for Hie befl Hocks few KoliiK oxer $421
\VeMerti ratiRe sheep were- offered In law
mimbers , nnd fold frrely nl from 3 10 lo 14 3t )
chb.-lv nl from Jl Si ) lo SI 13 The irnlllc li
lambs wns inlher animated nt from Jl lo J3 7S
foi poor to prime- Hocks , western I itnbs bringing
from } 4 7D to | 1 10 l.imbs iivi-rnged Us- lower
Heielpls. Cattle , 11.WI ) In ml , IIORS , 41100 head
fbeep. 17,000 head.
- I. I , mils l.lvc Sloi-k.
ST. I.OI-I4 Oct 27-CAn-.i-Itecelpls. | : 3.IVX
bend , shlpnients 1 ooo head , market steadv fn
nitlv.s. v.llh bill few KlHid cattle here TeMlll
HlronK and ncllve. fair In iholiv nitlve t-lilp
plni ; sleers. Jl l > KM 10. bulk of siles lintjilTH
ilios-ed beef and butcher steers , tlMni'Kl bulk
of sales , fl 13d I SI , sleets under li ) Ibs , } 1 4
51 1 W. sloek--n and feediiH , $2V1JI13 ( , bulk o
snb-s , Jl nuft Id , mws and h-lfi r , JiOidil 21
bulk of lows } j 75 J 70. Tevn and Indian Miers
SS.iiiVinoO , bulk of sib-s , Jl TOftl 70. cows am
heifers , } 2 Vi 1 3)
IIOtiS-Hi eiptH n.Wi ) henil. ohlpinentii , l.OiW
l 1d , niiiiket etsler and nlmvt steidy on In s
lioiss , Milit. J1S ii3n. . , mixed , JJ 33ij1 | ) , heavy
Slliti'lleeelpts : : , jo ) he-id , shipments , none
mniket SII-.IIIR , nithe- muttons , tl ( Vitfj iv ) stuck
trs J3ltffl2'iO , culls nnd bucks , } 2 'Mf. ' M , lamb"
Jl ( i | 3 60.
Knnsiis CIl.i llv Sloi-1 ; .
KANSAS CITY. Oct. 27.-CAT1 l.ll-ltecelnts
S COD held , market , sle lily lo siioiig , Tias
sle-ci . > 2 Kill I (10 ( , Texas cows , : . ' ; . i , native
sleeis , 53 PHrlOl , nitlve cows and heifers. Jl 3T sf
4 W ) , slucUers anil feeders , J32iilGO , bulls J.v 2j
5)3 SI
IHXlS-llecelpts 'l 00) held , market stonily tn
uc hlKhei , bulk of sales ) .1 (1i72 171 , , heavies
ant pn krr , J)30ff ) I 43 me 1. J3 { { ji C24. llcits
$ irW3i12i < i , yorkers , | 1 hyrfft D : ' * , piss , } j ! 0
I 471
Hlliii'-Itecilpt8. : 2oc < ) bend , tmrket nrm ,
lambs , } 3 715(1 21 , muttins , Ji r.Osf I oo
lllll III lIMIIOlls I , I VI' Ml ) , . I. .
INDINA1OMS Ort 27 - CATTI.iItcrplptn
Wm held , Ehlpiin-nts UK ) heiid , market iiuotahlj
steuly KIHII ! to prime stee-is Jl USil 11 , fair to
midlum ptens , J4J1'tfl0.i , cinnniin to slock-
.is JJ-1Ti321
lloti-4 Hccitpls 7 Cdl head hlpmcnts 1 OMi
heid marki-t quirt "iiT7Hi lowei K nd tnihol.
nirdliim mid heavy. Jl 7ns l 77L mlxe nnd
heavy $1 CDifl 70 comnn-n llshls It nit ? | 71
l-IIiii : : > AND I. \ M1P4'liiip ix-.elpts COft
head < hlpnirnts 4M > h. ad miiket , adlve il
iiuntiibl ) "teiuly prkrs Limbs coed to choice
J4 t.Hil ID 1 1 inmoii lambs , JIMiiHi" > . i-omiiiiin
sheep } 2 M | J M
Ni-v Vitrl : I.listixK. .
NI'.W YOHK ( HI -HlHIVIIS-Heeelpts , l.tSJ
head nitlv. sluts Jl ofl'oS iv ) , Btnss and oven ,
$ -711r4 ' ) . bulls. JJ lOfil .ID. dry cnw , } I C1ff1 il
Kuinpean .abbs quote Ani'-rlean * < ti-ers it lO ffP
llki . i.-ftlKfnitiir bi > . f. 7'jiirSHc , exports , 20
she. p I civ < ) .inalters of beef
CAI.IIS Heri-lpf" . 1 7ftl bend. M-ils Jl OOff
71 > Kinsseis { 3 ( Wrl in vn-sieins , } ' | ivoffl U"4
Slliii' : : XN'I > l.XMIW-H.celpts fl.liO held ,
hheep ni 'iil71. ' limlw J3 WSfS li )
I10C.S Huclpts , 5,377 ln-.ul , Bleady at J4 ( M&
KlINt I , II. < T ( > < - Sl ) , 'I.- .
UA-4T Iirri'AI.0 , Oft 27 CATTI.IlKUt
HOCS Yorkers eholie J3 lOffl 9 : > .4. roiiBli com
mon In Koid , J3 4103 55 , plRS , Rood to choice ,
Slliir : AND rXMllS I imbs. chnlee to extrn ,
J16HI1SO , mils to ( oninion , Sllliiilll , shn p
choice to si'li'rli.l wctbeia , $1 I'.OUI 75. culls to
. ommon J2 75tT3 1) )
I.Otllsx ( III- I.IVISI.H'IC. .
I.OfmviI.1,1 : , Ky , Oct 27 CATTI.n Steuly
ind urn handed
HOC.S Slmv and He lower ; best heivynnd
111' H'lni JlflW.tTO llu-lll Jl 70.
SIIiii' AND fjXMIN Active and unchanKcd
riiK-linifld IM < - Sloi-lc.
CINCINNATI. Oct 27-I1OC.S Active , J3 Wf
3fOCATTI.i : Hisy J2. , 7"10
SIIRI3I' AND I.XMHb Stciily. Sheep , J2 Cliff
4 CO limbs , Jl OOfiS CI
Stud. . Mn
Hecord of rei elpts of live Htock nt the four
prlnelpil innrkclK for October 27
Clttl"lloss R leeo.
Omnbi r. IW 4 rOO _ ' , f)0 ' )
ChluiRn 11. OO ) 41.000 )
Kan1-is City C 000 'I.OW 2 ecu
St I nuls 1 OOl ) 9 000 UK )
Toll's 31,400 C3.300 21 Ui )
H. R , PENNEY & CO. ,
1 II ) lliiuril of Trail. ' . Om.iliit , \ , < } > .
Dlicct Wires Hank r ferencos furnished
Coitcspondi ncc sollt-ltnl
llraiifli Olll.-c , 10.-IS > SI. , Mni'oliil > .
: ,
1'cleplioiic ! ( ) : ? ! ) . Oinnhii , Neb
Dlrei-t wires lo Chicago and New Yorlc
Correspondents John A v.arrcn H Co ,
01,1) I 1)1.N\ ) til II.DINC , C11K \ ( . ( ) .
Ieml > i-is C'hl ( HKO lUuinl < jf'li.uli hlnce l fij
( iiain , Provisions an I X. Y. blocks
) nli-in C'f-h ind Intuit D.lhtrv Solldtid
tiniilia OlUff , Ilo I , N. \ . IIff HIllK.
, . . . I'lioiittlltl . . . .
KI,0\I > .1. ( VMl'lliiI , , Ma
1.1 \ < TM-III.-IIH fni-
till Intill.fii iinlll I- in. fur Ilir
vi-nliiK "ml until S p. in. lor tin-
iiiiriiliiK nnil Sninlii > i'ililliiu- . .
A.I v vrllM.TH , liy i < -iiii-KtliiK " iiniii-
icri-il i-lni-1. , i-uii IIIMIMIIMM.'IN ml-
Iri-iiNi-il In n iiiiinlii-ri'il Ii-ilrr In cni'f
if 'I In- HIMnmtlTH nil niliiri-sHi-il
vlll In.It'llv i-l I'll nil p' ' < "J.'iiliilli > n uf
InI'll.'l. . .Mil ) ,
Itiili-N , I l--r u ttnril 11 I'N I liin.'i'lloiii
u it viiiril lln-rciifI.T. Snllilnt ; ( iiKi-n
111' ll-ON fllllll - . " > ( till' I llC III hi IllNI-r-
Illll. 'I'll.'H.- rrtlxOIIK-IIlN IIIIINl Ill-
llll roiiNffiillv < - ! } .
SITIi VTION-5 \ \ AN'I 111) .
MhlTIONA.NTii : ) UY YOUNO MAN , 2'J ,
CUCM ! bjhlncKs ixpirlencv , Al rtfer. ntts , would
ira\el Adilrua \ it , life A MWU H"
ii\ii.iMAN : so , iisinis : : I-OSITIUN AH
) iunaiii. uK nl 01 mlsPiuaii , line Imilnian
iiu.illlji Hllolia , \cll iciommcnded Adilrms Y
U , IJet. A
\VA. > TIJIJ H vi. i :
TTAtiJiiis. : NUW I.INU
( if vtork , no ht \ > to < > ds to iarr > , > alirur
commission. C. K. A lanil Co . 'til bo. Kth Ht.
CXPLIIVLS , uld llrrn f vpurunte umicLeniiary In-
uitinintK tu luktorucrj. C C' . liUlitp u Cu ,
fat IMJUIS 1 { 51 < i
TUN A.sTi"\vuMi.s : buijaruHd rou THU
National llntrvt .iBtuclallun : the IK-JI rafi l
and i > oun'lc t fratrrnal ordtr In the fltdd today.
Addreis 1' , A. ' " Steven * , ill N lih hi. .
Omaha. II-J17
liN A7iTl\"oMiN : 5itcrANixirts : AND c >
tlcllors for bert bcnellfiary hoclt-ty
In the Held , KUO.J | ) .iy. Addrets .Siipuiin gee-
rctary htar of Jupliar , JJtfook. Neb , , ,
il SifllJ ? 7
nortlmnitem IOHJ , prefer uirty awiualniwl
In thli lerrllory ; none bat rxpf rl'iued fak"-
men iieud uiid > l , tti , n uli r < * mi > uny.
Carioll , la , is M4I7 H
NI : in\viUitTTKivuts"i ; : ( 'AhiT ALSO
1IW ul communions , tit KU < 1 eitputies 01 i m
Uei Imp i lal M felli I.e i , n I r i i ci
him addriM Iltnry c * Akm , supreme onfiii
bullcllnv , Omaha u 11)11 t\il
( Oontlmicil )
WANTKO-AN i\rr.HirNc-ni * nuv OOOHH
caller , none but experlrnrej neeil npply
Itlclmi-dpon-Hoocrts-Hjriie 1) . 1) ) Co , M
Jo eph , Mo U M" > M NI
Hrcwt , % Co . rreinnnt , Neb H MWJ t <
Khe ueh men tend > emplininent ni RM t
wave , I pny union sonic. 11. C. Nuttrr Ur
Molnen. In II ai
WANTIM ) . MKN TO l.DAHN llAIllinil THVnr
tools nlxen , exl'crt teneitrn , oiih tluhl wceM
reunited to Rrnduate , write for f n e. i iiinl IRUI-
Moler'p llnrber CoIleRe , 1107 I'lne xt st.
I.onli , Mil n Mi.l "
ei \ nnd IlKlit work. Kindle nun pi , ' i i
Addim C llkteninl , Kllouortli. la
n ni rAN
_ _ _ _
lie nn rnihnltner nnd BiuM snlesm in Vdli. rt
\ 55 , rnri' lice n 41 v
\VANTII\ : ci.\niNTr TiT.rriit : sivir
salan In letter or telnuaph. imt t be Iw I n i
' "reV .1 MelVnnll eni. ( lllhool. \ H 11 , * p.
tloii Co , Ofctoln la , nth. Cli in t. n Ii 3m'\ \
Albln. la , Nox Iff n Mrri ; <
WANTin. : SAI.I.J\II\ : > Hin.i. Muxim 10
dealers n-ilnri Jft ) ti < J2i per nn nth an 1 ex
poniiis evpoilenre utmivessirx , ptiimiiiiiu p- .
pllloti The 11,1 Mora Cljrar a. Spilmll.H o
_ _ _ _ It Mi.M . ' <
anil Mlnltm- and Agriculture bulMIno ni I'IP
l.ximsltlon KI iiiniN U m tloldle Sinn < o
H Mi. . ' , w
= = = - m
w\vnji > _ riMiui : 111:1.1- : .
iw > OIIU.M roH .xt7i. KtNns "op \xonu .1 I
lo J7 week Canidlin Oaicc. UJ2 limici.
. s
x\'ANTii ) . A donrT mm. Ton ( ip\iri\r ,
1 - ' ' n So 2tlh nvimi.
l M "I
WANT1JI ) . 0001) Ollll , mil HIM KM ,
hnuspHnrlt. 1104 South 10th M r , < n :
fiTixoiiiAt'iiiu rA.v IIAVP. rni.r t --i > i'
olllie nnd tjiiewrller In ilo piece , uli in i m-
Hlitpinllnn of ilolni ; llchl unik c n h iln UK it
snlim fur pxn | > rli-nrf.l limihhp | nr \ I li n
nun wrlllnj , ' V SI HOP < HI -
linun'\\urk Impure I ! SrllKcnlin , "iin s
i MI '
\vAxrnn. rs-'Mi'inr.Nn1 nnu , MI-T 1
ni'nl , lip t wntfi" ' 1CI I'.uk A\i > i'n r i
lowii c M , s -
-torNij I.AHY STUNIKJKM in u
Ansuoi In nun lintiilnilthiK N > itt > ui n
p.ilil unlCfM lionin nililtc < Aildri'-x \ H II o.
r i n li'
nnd Imn 3iM4 Pnrnnin HI i MH-
WANTII : > oint. roit (5i.viit\i. L.VI-I
work , ilKlit W.IKCS H' Hfilit Klrl 3H S ih
( - MI i N"
iiormis IN AM. I'.Mimoi. ' TIU : i iri i i ,
O I" DaiU I'ompin ) , IJJ3 rniniin | i
! IIN llOt'Si- * ( ' . A STAHH 1' \ V
i7or < 5isAI.I.CI : . tiitows111.011 % . i it
nn 1 lloiiKHs D '
i : HOI SIN AMI ) CO1 I'AOKSI l.nvi it
city , (5 to $ "j riilfllt > . Ut llooi N in.
oi' tH. forTAniis .1 srortus AM. i \i
of clly. Hicntinn S. Co . 430 1'ixi n i
I < MICIJ M'iT. M'CAOIIIJ. 15TH A\'l > 1 i 1 1
si : * * . IT.ATS GAUVIN into1 ! in i Mt
notj.sns rou HINT. HIIMIS. I-AXTON i
uousis. J. H siir.uwoou , 3 Nv
roit iinN-r. cnoicn 12-1100M nrrn
nioilern house. Inquire ! i4S Onpllolit
MOVINO iiorsinioM ) aoons AND IM
Oin Van ft SloiageCn , 15IH4 faronm i I
v\o i.Mini : iiousi : < 5 IN nuxni r- i i
cheap n ItoiMg } I I
WANTIJOT oven , IIITUIIN : 2 \ \
lioii i'i In renl. urejt ilpni in I for lion
uls a rpeclnlti J II. Slicr ooJ 42N \
1 > M
iiorsiifsr riM-iu
Till ] anil Torn tin 1'oritlnln liatli h 1 \ \ i
mantles elpi'tiln li lit anil RII fuin , . I i
ilry , clc. .iplmlitfullj . nriiiimnl. I'M M1 1 i
Po 1st llnoi N Y IMv I > 11
M"XT , 3 DI.OCK-J XX ,
of comt house , v.ry idee Onnlu Iteil I i
mil Tuist Co , 2'1 P iSth st. H XH
iinoM MonmiN nofsi : no ) D l
pulr Inipilrp 1J1S N.'Ill '
1'aclllc' dt C"\\ni \ \ Iliinlpv. UI '
Oil UHNT B-IIOOM IIOl'SI ! \\llll
tilth 11 ( cnal anil > pas lanRP an 1 ni
A | > ph in piiinlpp-i 272J Ciurlci * 1 > n
on itt-.NT r-itnnvi Monmiv rorr\n
( ! ' "mli ; aMiino 1' I ) Ilioun d
iilllpp I nlnn I'lrlllc 1) M
> \T r , KOOM noi'si : rou SMAM , i > M
ur r-ibs n M >
roit HINT A nnsiitiii.n n KM HI > I
seven-room cottage , fmnaie eas , bithiin a
. 1711 OpciRli a\enti' P l
HOO.M norsi : MIAMI STItlJIIV * l" M
'I i n rontn h ntw I'nU a\enu - J2pi Im U
fin Wi \ Si'lfos , 3.11 Clminlipr r nn i
l > M
poit HUNT , m HOOM nnrsi : sin f
pilnled and mp r.l l with biiin an I I
Kinunils , on N 27lb avenue
Still ilv iniidi'rn Hat I < > st In th > > cit\ In /
OiivbUe blllldlni : opp.iHlt.ills lull )
nt.-nm heilul stiro In miniInilldlnr I I n \x
Hobblns , iiKent , ISOJ I'arn 1111 sti 'i
li M 11
KOH iir.N'rri iiMsnni ) iii)0's )
B fr\M iiiiAino HOO.XIH r/n so ITU
I'l I'N'IKIIIII ) HOOMH mil IIOI si M ! i ! > )
( i imm und \\tta. ronl laki n In 'i ' i I J
N I7lh I I i
TWO rriiN'i iii'ii nut i <
I ) n-ikiipnt ; L'OI'i Duu laa r M <
lloi'M I'l IlNIHIini ) . JS 1310 TAlr '
I M' I
s-i i \ .MIIITID : \vriii IM\ i
Ilanuy I
I I UN-WHIM ) HUC1MS , Mr > DiiN , Jl i
Nl I
MI ii.v : r UIJO.MHini > M
t r M i
Tin : i/nvns ossiM : HATCH \M i
U' l fine A home blifinrin n\e i n i
iln ii < v ry elijht inl'iulim ' Nvv\lv i
i L\V m.imiK nmnt. mil Ins IIxpo tlcii H" '
liu :
r M -
I Mi
iijint-j. r M
roit i ' .
fthir lomns ; Kood board. The Hose o i I ! r
my r XI
up . ' .II N. lath P MOW s *
cirn c jiuciiluicc'H. prlvalo fllllllj. 702 I
hi. 1 4 >
mi' MIHHIAM rnwr I-AMM . n
ti-l I'JIh anil DuilmHln I' ' '
tiri.KNI.iIli I , Midi : Hll'TII ' lirj
liimril , ( .mill | r ntn | JJOI Uuiiiil i
r M
\M > HAS invrii : : )
rou III : > T _ i MM itM-iini >
2 HOO.MH 18) ) M\VliNWOHTII f ) M
rou uiI' STOIIIIS VM >
I'uii HIKT. : IN inu nir. : ni' .
Ono InrKf Lorm-r n < ; tii M t\ir \ , vvlih \ i
prl\uiH nillin , water , ilc
Onu larKifunit nwni. i'd tlonr , dlvlilcil inif
rouinii hy partition , untcr. clc.
One \nrKf \ turner room , 11 iljor , wttli
vi iti > i , clc.
Oai- front rKim illiMn ] liy pirtltlon lliii 1 "
On comer room nlih vault , third llnoi
Oit Urt-H rin HHr.1 II .or. wllli pirilii i
Inu II Into uiu ; I ir rouni anj twi
private i oonn. wutir , tc.
Two lurgi' Kiuurul iloui room . fruntlnt : )7i )
wlih mull
Onu lansf rruuml iluor room an I'arnjin
Spv.rnl uniiill riKinia nn fourth floor , wliii
All Ihcso rooms urc li alul villh slr.un I
lluhl * mippllcl. wl'li ilrnt iluiw janii > r "
iptnloi | run iljy ami all nlKhi Hi > '
mil.ll > llnproif Apply li < bupfilate <
H join 101 , Uee tulldlae. 1