10 THE OMAUA DAILY UlfiK : TUESDAY , OCTOJJIiJK 20 , 1807. SPECIAL NOTICES \ilvrrllnc-int-iitn fur HU-HC iMili Till ! lie liihpii until I- ni. ' < > r " ' rvi'iiluu nnil itnlll H | i. in. for the inornliii ; mill Sumlnj ( Million * . AlltlTllNITN , ll > 1-1- | III- " I I UK " " ! Ill-roil i-liruli , run him int wt r ml * ( IriHNCil lo n ntiinliiTiMl liMHT In cure iif 'I lir Hi-is An m-rs mi niliiri'xHi-tl will lie ili-lltcri-il on iiri-- < ( > iiliill < iii of tll < < C'lK-l'U Illllj , Hull. * , I l-c n Monl llrtl Iniirllnnl 1 < ; u Miml ( lii-rciifli-r. SutliliiK InKi-n fiir IPKM limn lir.p for ( Inllrnl lim r- tloil. 'I IICNC ml * iTllni'iiH ills limit lie run rmiMi'ciitl v < ! } . \ \ \N nuM : vi.i : 111:1.1 * . CANVASSERS TO TAKi : OllDLR. . NEW I.INi : of wciik , no huiv ) Bund * tt > curry , ' 'lints' w comtnliilon C r Aianii i'o , 624 So. Kill St. 11 515 BAI.ESMEN rou CIUAHr < > A MONTH AND etpennc * old firm euierlente unnicemn'y In ducement * to ( .uilunuti C C lilihcit I * Co. , 11-10 bt Ixjuls _ _ wiN ANivoMiN : fibi.inToi.J ! roil inn National Ilererve nirfiulnll'.n , Hie tiosl will t anil noun lent fraternal ordir In the JleM today i A dill en 1' . A. C" Stevens , til N. lath St. . Omaha , ll-.l < _ _ ilr.N AND \vojnx" oiioAN7/.ius : AND so- tlcltom for t > st riBlernm l > cn < ! ilclnr > roclety In the field. Kood pas A.liln . ; . Siinri-niB Sec- reUry Slnr of Jupllur , McCouk , N , MS1 , N7 Y/ANTED OROCLIIY SALESMAN 1'OU northwestern Iowa. pr.fpr party nuiiMimo.1 In this territory , none liut i xperlencml nalcs- Spnr.VlJ.pply . Utta. 1'klcliir Cuinpiin * . U I1-M417 - Carroll , In _ ONI ? HPNDllLD DOLLARS IN CASH. AUSO Illiernl commission- irmiil di-pullis or < irjnn- l pr Imperial Mystic L"Klon Per parlli-tl- Iftm nddre s llenrs r Akin , " "P. ' " " ? . . ? ' ? " } ' McCniniP liiilldlnR. Oninlin _ 1 . .1M _ WANrnu , ! T PEW MEN TO OKI SWEET potatoes Thco Williamllunion II MIU 2o * WANTED , AN EM'EiiiENCEi ) CI.OAK. mlcsmnn , o-ilv the * " with n ( 'rent dnl of ev- perlenco need apply. Ilontnn 'Uore , Omaliii U , tf > i 26 WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED nnv nooos caller , nnntl.ut . experltmwl need nppli. Rlclmnlsoii-Rnijerla-Hsnie I ) . II I' " ht. Joseph Mo II-MW N3 3 coAT MAKERS w.vNTEO ONCE EDDY III os. & C'o Prcmonl , Noli -MW > M WANTED SALISMEN no SEI.I : TIHAHS TO ilpilnri , Knlan , IMtmn \ JSiWid ) per innnth nnil exH-npos | , * xpnrlenn * unneei- * ! ! ! , p ( r.n tunt piiiltlon TinIe Mnn ( "iK.ir ( V , HpilnulMd O HMfD ) 21 * M rnii r.XTiiv OANO INvnMtxr. nnil Koulli Dikotn and In\\i Kinmcr & O'llcnni , llth and Pnrn > m ll-MVii 'T' \ Vice III'.P. ! ice cniii.s ion AM. KINPS o WORK : ti to J7 weik Caniillin iITIcc ) , 15J2 ° "KC 11S WANTED A aoon aim. won nnNT.ii.vi , houpcwork Anply DCJ ho SOth axeininr r iiioi WANTI n mm. rou oiNrn.\i. iim'si- worlt rlKhtngra tn thu rlKlU nlH nnniiirp JOI Si > srth ht f 152 25 w.\NTin : , roMi'innNT nun. KOU ( ins cral hou cuork 1113 Hi > oriiT o\pniip. rir.Ti ; c WANTHD A OOOD (11111. . ONI3 THAT C\.V look Sine I ) HlKlaH Bt C rD 25 WANTED-OIHL TOR OENEtlAL work V .2 b ifflth St. C WANTED ooon nim. rou I'.ENEII . hnURPwnrk 1101 South 10th Ft C-riV ) IN' WANTPD COMI'ETENT C.IHL TOR < 1EN- pral housework In email fninlls. no wash- Inir Kood vviiRi's Apply Imincdlatrlv 2C"2 I'oppleton avenue. C M594 rou un\T _ JIOUS1 IN AI.I , I'AKTS OP THE CITY TUP. O ! ' DivU CoMip-.ni , ISH'i Painnm. II 31'i HOUSES IJENEWA CO . 10S N. 15TII ST C. A STAUIl. 'C3 N Y Life D y > \ IIOUBESAI.I.ACi : . IlItOWN 11I.OCK ICTIi nnil Doiislas. O 322 E AND COTTAOES M.I. OVEU city , J3 to $75 Pldelltj. 1st lloor N. V I.lfo. I ) Oil HOUSES COTTAGES .1 STOH1N AM. PA UTS of city. Hrennan & . I ixo Co. . 130 1'ixt.m . hlwlt I.AROE LIST. M'CAC.UE. I'TII A.N'D IOIOn _ Oii - \ HOUSES TLA-PK OAUVIN IlltOS 1013 Jj' siw rou nnsT. IUSIIH. I-AX " SHUKWOOI ) . J N. 12-ROOM DETACHED jrOH RENT CHOICE - modern house. Innulro 2348 Cnpltol avenue MOVINO HOUSilIOLl > COOD4 AND PIANOS Dm Van & Stor.iRP Co . 1511'i IMrnnm ; JeMTO nbWNIOWN. 7-ltOOM HOI'Si : . } 2JOD Bo. 10th Rt , 3. 6 and 'l-rooni IIOUP > 10-room brlcU , neai 2tli and JSOO IIOIIBP neir Iliinhcom paik Rpver.il J4 nnd $ j lioini outside , , . , , „ . D-M.I02i . ( Wmson , rot IK-cTlilB - IN iniNonn rhenp : \ : : 23 ANrw lioui.es to rent , Kieit deminl for hoii es , r < nt- nls a tpeclalty J II Sherwood , li ! N. Y Ljfp BI.V Avn nirniT noojiiiT. ciiviiiAr. AIM-LI Mlfl Capitol AVP. _ D ST. ! 2.'i ONH B-nOOM HOUSE TOU SMALL KAMILY 131r Cass 1) 378 2C IIOTKLS. STOIinS HEMIH. PAXTON I1LK P-M4CK ) TWO KINK 1-IIOOM HOtrpns. Jl'hT PINt.SHii > Will nnd rnrnain i'nic.'liilii batli , lint w liter , mantlei1 elpctrlo llsht and caH. fiirnme. laun- ilry ete ilellBlitfully arniiued. ridellty Tnist Co 1st lloor N Y Life D-109 MOPIHN PLAT , n IILOCICSVIST uf cinirt li mi"per > nice Omaha Heiil Hxtntp nnd TritBt Co IM H ISth pt I ) MU1 7-nooM rriiNi'iinii IIOI'HI : MOIUMIN fl\e tdocl.s from U. P InillUlne , referenees Ad- dresd Y 15 lice DM5ro 2C" ijTnooM"MonnitN ur.siiiNci : , crrv uatci vvpll rMiin tiarn , all i 'iiuenUiui Ilenrj Ptirmtr , V3 N V I.lfo 111 IB 1 -M12.1 1 K' ONI : riNi : i IIOOM norm ; MnnniiN nn So 2Cth Bt . rint $ . ' - M Imiiilre SI2 ho Pith nt. IIMid 2C MoinntN norsi : noon un- pilr Imiulrn ni8 N .nth i ) ; \t ) n.vr NPW VNIJ MODI its- i Pnclllp Kt Clma Ilanli- > I ) M'OJ 2i i/ou iti\'i' rriiMsiinn ttoovi-- , UTIAM IIP\TIIJ IIOOMM wi UTII sr 13-J3.1 Nl 3 KiiitNisiui ) UOOMH nut iiot'siicnipiN : : ( fnr limn and wife , rent Uilu n In l-uanl. SU N 171 li i-ISl : IIOOM I"l RNISHED , J3 1J1C PAIINXM. PMHTtC TWO rt'RNlSHED LOOMS I'OU I.tnilT ' . O 27 * TVVO nisiit.viiir ; IIOOMS roit LIOHT liniirekcepliiK , private1 fanill ) . renli il. Y 5 , lice i : lisai , riiiMsiinn it < ini ( > > VMI no MID. BTKAM.lll.MTKD ItOOMB WITH l ! T.\lTl > . 2igO lluiney P S15 NIJ' _ _ U AND ( ! V > HI.'ATIJD HOOMS Tllti due I'-liat. 2S * n.Y pttiiM8inn nm C3iiv nli'iicea , pth.itc famll.v. TO. Hn. TJlh ht. P I rnu : MIHUIAM PIHST i V.MI1.Y 110 lei ! 'lll and DndKi * MM P M1P W NiciiLY ri'HNisiiin ' KOHMHrrn IIOAIID. 1103 Cans t I'-MWi 51 * TUB I/JWKST I'OSSlllLI' IlATKh ANP THi : Iffl fare A home Hliernian nve car pitmen iloir every elnlit inlnuteii Ntwl > fiirnllipd , new inanaR miMit. adt Ini i\poitkn : Hnrptoga note ) INIKUTAIN.S it. uuc.ta N HUirincojKs AND itonijir.o up. 6U North 18tti K-MSG4 2C I.AUOFJ SOUTH nOOSI bTBMHK XTKH li Cnpltol Ave r M OJ :7 NICK KOOUS WITH IIO MID AT I8J4 HINNrTf K-MU159' _ PHON'T ROOMS.YrnToii WITHOUT IIOMID KH Harney. J.M4ID SS I.AHCJK SOUTH FlToNT nOOM TOIl TWO ? nthcr roomi ; rood boird Tlie Rpm * : o0 Il.ir- n r. HOOVISn no van. | ( C | n | HIM IDU1NH MAN A PLHASANT i in in ITI nTnenlemw ltti tv > rd R * t "II I uk i nvpnl nl t > duinin > nnd street < nr VddrpiiV * ll p p-Mf III\T : i MM m i * | .N\VKN\\oimi O-M60.1 31 * OH HHVI' VI'OIIKS AM roit IIINT. : DIII : < IIOOM IN OIIOPND ri.oon "Hire Ili-p lulldlnK , v\npr ( , dtontn brat , ilcelrlo IlKht nnd Jnnli r oenlip Appiy to Suprrln- temlinr. It'p I ulMlnn. I ia TIM : 4Tonv uitifK . nl nin Pirmm TlilH liulldlnK baa n tlreproof ccim-nl 1m > " menl water on nil flour" , BO * , elr. . Apply nt HIP i tilt p of The life 1 ill ) trou nixTiNTii5 HIJIS OilKIRP urnfr ri'.m M ttmr. with vault ord private nlflep , wntfr ele. OIIP InrKP fr > nt TOIIII 2d llnor , divided Into tv\ < iwonis bv pitlllliiii , water , elr. One larRp roincr loom , 2d Hnor , with \null. wntei , etc One front n m divided by partition , third floor One coiner room nlth vault , third llnor One larco mom , third llnor , with pirtltlon dlvld- Init It Into onp jarsp room and two tnmller prhnip room * wnler , < tc Two lirHp Ki-ound lloor rmmis frontlUK l.ln hi , with vault. One IIUKU Rround floor room on Parnam SI , larRp vault Sev ernl mnnll rooms nn fourth lloor vvllh vaults All tliMsn roomn nre Irnteil vvllb Mram , elcelrlP llclits ( nippllwl , vvlMi tlrt elasi jinltor service. Hlevnlnm nm day and nil nlKht , bullillim siilctly Iboproof Apply lo Superlntendpnl. II mm 101 lice InilMlnff I-13I ! ACSIJM'S XV V\Tni ) . WANTID , . \niNT4 rou MAUK TWAINS new liook. "Pnllnvvlnu the Uquntnr tinKur - vlvln Innocent Alirnad now ready foi Pin- van prs. pxeluslvp tcrrll irv. eells to pvprvbrals. Address for nupnc ) and terrllorv. N I ) Th Jinp-in IVblMiInK 'n . 81 I * uls Mn ,1 MSOI 26 * WVNTIJI ) TO un iT. WANTii ) I1Y MAN AND WITH 1 on 4 UN- furnl lipd room" or smill IIOUFP for house- keepltik In north pirt of cltv , mndern Ad dress W CO llee. Blvlnt ? location and lunis , K Mllfi 27 * N'rpiiNiMit'P itoo\m roii LIOMT noi' n- Ki'pliiK , nelRliliorhind llmiscom I'nrk church prtfi'-red , no chlldipn Addirss Y 1 I lot KM-WO ! 5 WANTHI ) 5 HI T 11OOM8. rt'IlNHHIiO Oil un fin n Mied , Unlit liou.ekppplni ; tcam or tut- nace licit , ctnti.il. Y 20 , I ! < e 1C MMO 27 * vrou .HI : . \rtric > > TOII\OI : AND WAHEiiopsn ro WS-'IO Jones , nener.il Btorice and fonsnidltiR OM YANibTOHVOi : Pll'4 I'AltN'M. Till , r.50 M-533 I\MUS. : SIOIIAOI : 1211 11 VHNIIY. Haullns and packliiR , cheapest intes. Til ill ! M 7 5 W \NTI3I1TO IIIIY. ron OMAIIV. HAVINOS HAVK AC- lounlH ( I O Wallace , 31 ! iirovvn lllocU Kith und PouRlns N 513 HIOHIWT PUICi : PAID roil OMAHA SAV- Inf.s Hull , certllliates In nni'ilnj : please state ainulints iiffoicd AddH'SS W TJ lle N 421-N21 * W\\TPI > A ( ! nin llfll.I.I.U TOP Pl'SK Sl' , ' ondlund A J I.umcr. West Point Ni-li NM l'J2 20 roit s M.IrniMTi HI : . i : SAI r : AT APCTION. IXTII\ lli.p contents of MM' loom hoii'e Ihurliy Oil 2f .it 10 i m , 2103 Locust. P i : Atln r- ton , aiietlnncr O M'JI 20 * rou \iinonsis AND \c.o-\s. . l TOP HI Ul.V I1AI.I. IIKAItl.Nll AXl.KS HUH. ber tiles "own innKe " i est $ riO no\v lf s than 'i , 3 Kiiod pliietons 1 Snjiler mil < p 2 Colum- Liib , 2 KJod mirre s Diummond , IS , < . Hainey ! MP-7 N14 roii HULK OK S\CKID and hof ; fence. C. 11. Lcc , 9il ) I-iuuglas Q-337 HOC riNci : : ALL WIHI : IIUST ON IAUTH lawn und > ard fenciVlio Works 4U b nth fitfl-O L'S 1OII SALi : LIPP. hCHOLAIlSHIP IN OMAHA ConmiLiclnl College J J. Olbion Cll 1'list National HitiU. Qio7 JQ rou SAii-$7- > . ) ! ) ! ; s ppiudiir MMIIAI.I. plino , large s\te \ , must sell W. C7 , llee Q-M183 LC \IHVOY\\Ti. . HS PV.HL iitANri : Mi : n M ivr , v 211-11 unites the i-epiratid , chillies luck , letters con- - stump piompll } .mawticd lullis' . 0- S M77J N4 MliS A. n COUHSHN. cr MUVOYANr AND tianco meilliim of Minneapolis Ins locatiM iier- ni.intl ) .it 111 N IHlh ht , and inn IIP con sulted dallv , will linld a test circle Tue-ilis ivcnltiK pant , presi'iit and futuio told H M1K1-30 * PHOP wiiii'NiY IP YOITui : IN Niin of Kood nihlri * leain at onie from tli * * vMirld- renowned life miiltn the wny In wlilcli o l should tiavel , re.nls > inn llfp fiom the tr idle to tlu < crave , loveis , liufbands and wives n- unlted Kptedj marriage to the one of jour cholrp Lost or fitokn aitlcles leciveipd charms and all kinds of amulets , tlioiihaiuls have ton-mltcd and leiinid the tiutli , price S1 00 Cill at 122 Howard strict , COIIKI lotli and Howard streets , hours , U a. m to 0 p in S MW , N10 M \ss \ ji : , n YTII < S ITI MADAM hMITH. 1313 DOL'C.LAS. M' ' Bti > nin liatns T MiW ) 20 HATHS , JIAHSAC.i : \PIIA ELLISON , Cruunse blk , 119 N. 10th Bt , loom U T-M-.SO 30 MUM nu I.ION , Ei.Errnic M VSS\OK HATH parlois , iPhtful nnd lUiallve 417 S llth , up- htalrs. T M32 31 * MEDICATED MATHS SEA SPI.PIliTu7 MAS- f\K Mine Itrlsson , fiom Tails , 107 N I.'th ft T 5S7-N 21' \L. \7iTvT-oi pTEniNE IJiilR , ph > Rlclan , tonjult ttlon 01 lieilth book tie. U-WO _ iTv/nisTTlABHAUE. MME. POST , 31915 H "ririF U 540 iTci'Tniu : ci'iiHD : NO DITINTKN : FIII > M liiiiiliirvs. no pain , v\e icfci to buiidreds of cares cured , piles cuied liy a hhmle pilules tieatment C'all or wilte The llmplrp llupturp Cil.e and Medical lllstltllte , nicc.'Fuirs to 'Iho O P. Miller Co , TO-3. N. Y. Life Illdi ; . . Onialiu P 541 , . , , . . . . . CLEANED I'RESslJD AND RE- pilii'd , day or nliiht , dieux KUH | lor hhp Pnntorlum , N. E eoi 14th mil Putnam 'id JW _ P-MS47 HE YOPIl OWN DllEHSMKER. . INYE.Sri Bale Ihe Ins Tallin hsstem ec 100 ! of dies-s uittliiK. unls lumphtp Kklrt Rsotini , InliiK soui drputes and m ilio w ille learnlni ; 4(3 ( Karhnuh block. Pulterna fiei Thurt-ilusii Agenib wanted MOMY TO I.O\Nm\i JIONE10 ijOAN AT I.\V U \ 11THE : O P DavU , Cu , 1W3 Pain nn hi V\ -i. ANTHONY LOAN .S , Tltl'hT CO slsT , ' " Y T. uulcl. m nej at low IUH-H f.ii ( imu , . faim landa In low a , ii'JiUu'rn ' Jllssoui ) eastvin Nehiaska W IM MONEY 10 LOAN. IIEM1H , PAX JON lll.OI'K W 616 _ t _ LOANS ON IMIMIOVIJD Jt UNIMI'llOYED CITY pi-opcrl > W. Knrnam Smith , > > Co , UJD r.un m W . ' 41 _ _ MONEY TO LOAN ON IMI'TirMED OMAHA rial tfctute. llu'iuinn , l ve Cu , Puxton lllk W 515 _ _ MONEV TO LOAN ON IMl'IIOVED TiM \TTA piuperts. Pun ; ) .V TboinaH , 207 let Nat 111 , blrlK W-518 _ hTx"piiT : T-ENT CIT AND PARM 7.fx\xs" Cauln Hi on , 1C13 r.inium ht . W 5 J SIONEV TO LOAN ON ISIPHOVED CITY ppiperl ) . S I1 Ilobtwlclv .V Co 311 P.iklon Ills W-M7M S I'Ell CENT MOHTO\(1ES 11)11 ) SALE PHOP- oily of non-ie > ldenls caied fur by W H MilkltI'llBl Natlkiiul I l.i hk Itldg , Omaha W-317 KX ) I AND UP , P. D WEAD , 10 DOl'OI.AS W-S3' ' ) N-6 MOM'.l ' 10 1.0 \ NC1ITIV.LS. . MONEY 1O 1 ) \N ON' PUUNlTPHi : l'INOS. . lu > i > fti , wuKonii , ( tc , , it loweRt rntea in city , no mnnvnl or irnodn : wtrlctly roniuirmlnl. > ou can pay tlie hum off ut any tlmo or In nny amount OMAHA MOK'IGAOE I.OAN COKe Ko a Kill Kt X-KO nt si\r. s TO (11 I IN nil Ot T Oh' 111 INKs-4 HO TO .1 J (1 l < n II rum N.i'M IlonK Y M " > l _ p.rT fl\LFr oNH oF Tim nHrr LOCATED clKiir iitunds In the cits AiMr * V lfl..Hej' Y M""l W SKND 11 > H riiKK HOOK , "now n < SIMI ; r- nintp In llrnln on Smnll Mnm'ns ' w < - PV lit' i -nni tn wlii-ni In 1 w Inwln-l 1" " nnd up- wnnl. mirk , t | ptt r frpp H .1 I * * hpry * i' . . in'tnlH-m Itmrd of TrndS < ( ninlt'i ANY O.ST IN' IWUTtMV TO rrP.NllH fllKAl' for cai i or I-PHI pntstp In llrnn I Iflund Nol > Ki'od > nind linnd furniture , pninplMc fnr llilrty-rnnin hotel AddrrM 11. N I..td No tn lletid , Ncli. Y-M511 K' KOH r\cii v\cn. I WOPMJ LIKE TO TRADE (1OOD MODERN S-hooin hou p. full lot , barn , KIO ! title nnl i-'enr , for Rood residence property convenient to car line Will n ? uiiie leasonable Inrum- lirance. Addre s W 30 , RCP . X IM IMIMIOYED 4IW-ACRE PARM IN PI.ATTE county for hardware stock. J. J Ollison fill Plrsl Nntllrnnl Hank. TitAni-vn : ACHKS or LAND , AI.I. IN rt.ti.Ti- vatlin clonr , in Krnrni-y rnuntv. Kansas Will I'inko trade fur nnv kind of lnnlnp'fl or pmall boiiit > . No. 12'4 ' N. IJtli Bt. , room 1 X.M.03 25 * HxriiTd.TiNT ? Arur. TAUM NIJAH OMAHA city limits , nn Ifcmnlirnnr-c , to pxchniiRC for two iro-ncrp farniK ndjnlnltift or npar onp nn- othpr Mlthln ICfl miles if Omalni llemls I'ax- ton Hill " "Ii cmnn : TAHM NKAU iti.Ain \3iiiNaTON Co , Ncli to tradp fnr llvpry anl ffd luin oilier city property or cattle nnd lKrc < " llcinls. I'axton tilock. X MMI KOH S\IIHi : KOfNTKIJ I'I.\rn IIAIIOAINS. J ! EM 1 750 TO JO.tilHl J. J Olbson , 511 1'lrst Nat Uank III IB. Ol'SnS. 1XJTS , TAHMS. \NIS I.OANH ( iio I1. llemU Itcal Httato Co. , I'axtmi Ulnclc HU-553 HAVI : SOMI : IIAHOAINS Mvsni.r. CITY AND farm Call for particulars VVnison , UH Hoe lig \ rou SAM : , ON I/INO TIMH. AT c rnu I-IJNT Inteip t , two linprnvcd fauns adiolnltiK Otv of Mlviouil Valley , In. Onp of 1C ) acn % , nn- oil ir of : il acti-i , all In cultivation Will Iio sold on 10 ji-arn time. Address , Lock Drnvvci "C , " hlifiiaiultnh. la. 1U5 MTW-N5 1'AHM I.VNDS C. 1' . HAIllUPON , 013 N. Y I. Ill : MIM-NK. * AND I'AUMS , silo or trade r. 1C Darllns , llarkci 11IU lti-.M77C six iiooM norm : AND LOT. MIAMA ST on innnthlv pnvnipnt , will tnKc vaoint lot on llrat p.iinent , Stllij , Itonnl Trade. Ill : 350 so ACISIN CI.OSL : IN , ji.coo I ) acres c'nfc In , } 2 Oft ) . 10 near Tali grounds , II WO 10 ni-ir South Omah i , SI 07) ) ( . ' I' irarrl'on. ni2 N Y. Life. nn 1:2-25' i-oit MALI : AN onmiNAi. SIIAUI : or r > lotH in ll'llpvui" . tltlp pcifppt Ilnnullp of W T. Ilrandon 111) Oeo. Avi\ , OninliaHi Hi : 41S N" WANTIM ) OMAHA HAVINOS HANIv riit- : tltlo.itps foi UO np'es tlial-clans land , for farni- IHR in Rtaylnjr punio'cu , aim for silp. POHIPI lot with two four-loom hones In nrst-rlass condition , city water ; rents for $1000 per month , prlie JCM 00 J. A. Lovpuien , 11J N. Y. Life llnltdlni ; . IIU Sit 30 OT.T A lIOMi : . 7-n > oni inoiloin rottiKp. nlcp lilRli location AVII1 IIP inmidpted Dor 1st Small pn h pi > ment down balance montlilj. A. M Cow IP 211 S IS" ' Ill : ISO 2T LOST. I/I-.T imn MfLiv fo\v , nivv VHD M Hoi ttlih , 'IIS N .Mill List IIS IT. ' LOST \VIDNISDAY : IVIMNO : ritojt S .ittli Sldp 'lunu'i- hall on 15tli st , to Mfitln i iroldim itiK.iKPinpiit ilnK rindi-r pleis ? rrtuin aim" ti HIM man JIaj , 1108 So ISIli ' t , nul 10- < -p\p ii'ward LCKTul 21 LOST I'\KT or ni.vrs : WATCH rirvitM , with "Jlaljpl to Lnuls , May 13 1WJ " enmavi'l nn OOP sldp rimltr plPiBiri'turn to A MandillieiB nnd net icw.ml Lost M'.il 27 IAH OLD SPLIT NOSI : POINTHII r.i : VMird 131' ) DodRC Lost M'.Sl 2C * LOST. mnND UIIITI : si'iiiNcmi c-ovv. Kovprmiipnt laj ; In pir , nwnrd for retuin to ,1 15ivs | , 37lh nnd Gold streets streetsLo Lo t M"t < 2S * \M NOTI : LIST or noons , i\vai : s iun OCT lltli , HIP prices 1 cannot dupll itp , tanioKue free Aha J. Clrovci , J1S South nth st Otnaln M127-N11 \ TMI piior CIIAS IMTIHSON : , INSTIM-CTION IN pl.mo. vlnlln n'ultin imnd illup. 7ltli r video . ' 0 ypus cxpptlenc-c Terms riMFonilile Studio 51J Sheely Illoclc. 7S3 Nt A C VVN \NTS SC'HOOL 311 N Y I.II'i : AT OMAHA I1US < OLI.HOi : , 1C1H R. UOUULVS M'CAllTIIY'S ArAOHMV , ITTft & IlOrnLVS 1S1-N9 iiss HIM > V\Ti\r ; WOHKS. sr : conrnrs I'TvIaTorrTrnNT- tnonler. repnlml loOl Lenenw li , Ul r.r n \ricni ) . M. S. tt.U.KIN. 2111 Cl'lllNO 'liU : 1331 67 Tvi r.wniTins HINTID , jioo i-in MONTH 1G12 rurnain St r-g vi , . urn INB i'oi.ifiis : HOT w r IIOUU-N " ( ( II. . vi "i HOT cmITST i-iticr ? J70p'i ton 'I'lionc MS Haimnn .V V\i < i ill i o 023 NI ) UIMToit : s not OUT AND OLU TiTT- IICSNCH nnovatcd and nude to ordir \\liltc Swan. 1701 N Jttli 't'linno 1013 MSIS r\inis roil HUNT. ni-Tv iovrviiMs roii svi.i : AND ix- : cn.nup. . iilHn iiii'H liaiullM. and I ir p lift of t | ty proptrlj JiibiHIon .S : Kur. Counpll Illuffn \\VMIIKIKnitS. . H. MAHOWl'l'/ LOANS MONUV PATH VI 5. M" " ! & ' - " Attorneys- - ' .na . . . . : . J -r'r P..rn.w.x. Omaha , N b Ilrandi nfflce at Waeli'iiuton. D C' Fend for tree Ailvlre and Patent Hook SI-P Sunday Hie fnr our Machine Moveintnli , ii.pyrlKliti. < f 1SJ7 Teleiilimie 1B23 Ci : ' ! ( ) i : TO CONTUCTOHH Seu'ed ' bldn w'll bo loiuivetl fui furnlHli- Ins nnd < lrlv IIIK the piling nviu Hiiy for foundation under the Fine Aits Iliilldlrif , " on i\po--Itlon : croundH until 5 o'clock p. m , Weilnofcdii ) , Oct L'Tth Plans anJ fiicelll .1- tioiiH on Hie In HIP xupetlntendent'H oil ! e , No , Cot r.ixton Hlock. r. P. K1IIKI3NDAI.U M'gr Or'ds and Hl'dca Ueiit MJTIOn , ( Should be rend DAILY by all Inttrca'eJ , as chnntfps may ooeur nt any time ) KotclKii mnllB for the wcnk endlmt Oc- tob r Jntli 1VJ7 , will ilo-e ( PKOMPTLY 1 1 a I IMHOS ) nt the Genera : I'oitolllcn as followx 1'AKCICI.S POST MAILS CI.OSI3 ONIJ 1IOIW 13AHUKH than closing tlmo shown below TriniHtlniitl TUiSDAV At U n. in. tbupplementary 1" 30 p in ) for Oiil.MANY , per H H Kiuwr \Vllhclm dei ( ! ro s < ' , via Iltemen ( Ic'ltuy for othoi partH or Kuiopp , vli'j Sotithamp ton und Hri'men , must lie directed ' per Kulbtr Wllnclnii der llrot e" ) . WIJDNKSIJAY At " a. m ( supplementary U a in ) for lU'HOPi : , per a St Paul" via Southampton ( letters for Ireland must lu illrt-eted "per St. Paul" ) ; ut 9 a m ( supplometitury 10 M a. in. ) for KlMlOPn pel s. H Majestic * , via Queenstown , at W a in for HKI.O1UM direct , per . \Vest- ernland via Antwciii ( lutters inuat bu dl- reetod "per Westcrnland" ) . THl'HSOAy At 1 a , in. for nimOI'13 , s Columbia'la Plymouth , Cher- Cer rff anil HatnbuiKi at a a. m for NKTHKHr.ANJ3S Ulrfct , per s. B. ! ( ) ' . I 01 I K i ; M > 1HI , . ( i nitnufd ) itmn , Mil Ain tnnni | ( letter * ' tntist be dl- SATt'HMAVt . ft m f r HI Hopi : per l.iiPHn'n' , vli yiirenMiivvn ( lot- tpr * for I ramSwltrprlninl. . Ilnlj , Piiln | Inilla inti't li I'lr-ctfil' iier Uunnm'1) nt 7 a.m. f < r FllANcn , SWITX.P.HI.AXU 1TAI-Y. SPAIN . . TIMIKKY - ; - - , IM\IIV4Y1J . I * I IX 4. I KflYPT H'il HtllTimi INDIA , Jinr P l.n rimimnivnp * , M , , Hnvre ( lotloM for other ii.iris or I uroix must be " "per I.n t lini ip ' ictip ) ' nt s n in foi vV'tMMMir \ vi'o Ir . . . . „ . , , . - d.un , v'a ' HottPnlnm ( lattprs nnmt IIP < ll- lected "ppi Voerdnm" ) , Ut S a. Ill for O13NOA , prr n f Knliln ( letter.w iniwt IM Ili'-Ptt' ' "l > er ru'dn" ) , nt 11 n in for NOIlY illroit per . -i Island ( letter * must \ > f direr li > iper I land" ) ' M'HINTi : MATT1JUiTC -Ocrman Mf.nmpM ( iilllliR nn TiiPdil STi take Printed Matur n fir vlc-mviv ami pppall | > AdlrirsPd PrlntPd Mnttrr Pte for ntiin nart < uf liurop" Atnpil ean nnd AMilte ftir | | ntpnmpr * on Welni iln > i < ( jprmin ftentncr * on Thuinlnvi. and Cunnrd , 1'remli and Uptman steaiiori < > n Silurdn > i take I > rlnl il Mutter etc tor all countrlon for which they are nrt\ertl ed to cniri nnil Aftpr the rIn < tnR < jf ( he Supplenicntnrj 'lrnn - Atlantle Mall narlinr'abovp. ' addltlonnl mtiplp tnentarj imIN tnc ojitned on In- piers of the American HiRiltft t'rcnch nnd Ocrinnn team- er , nnd remain , ( , , , ! until vvltliln Ten Min utes of the lioue.vf fl.llne of stfanior Mulln l' < ir South mill Centrnlnieilen , A\ f luillc-x , I2lV- . j ! IIAHHAHOS nnd I3HMA- .J/.JJA' I'U.S. . " ' . ' ' ' .illsinnn. nt " 1 i > m f < i 'OHTA IHCA. ! rr itunmei from New m- . wJllMJsnAY-At : ' - ' " ° ' " fcr I'OUT AX lONK ) , pnr steatret rrrni Ph.Hippbln | | at 11 am ror HIIAXII. , per M i Onleeirlla via perniiinlitirn nnd ictoiln ( letlpm f 'i North Umzll must be illr i ted "ppr Unle- cni-lla" ) , at .12 . in frr fSIir.N MIA. THINI- OAD and TOHACJO. per s Itiavvadilv. nt 1 p in. for ( .THA. pi r . ntv of \\ii-jhlncloii. via lliiMiin nt ' ) n m fit POUT AN'ION'IO , per > t earner from Ho - ton. TIIHIianAY-At 1 p m for IXACll'A and HAITI , per s X ivnhoe riuoAV AIE.-W.I m iur xnwrotixn- I.VNO , pei a. M Cotvan , from Phlladel- p'lla SATflinAY At n 10 n in Oupnlementni j 10 n in. ) foi ST THOMAS. PT C'HOI.V. \VINO\VAKD ISLANDS pots < . furlbhee : nt 10 a msupple ( mentary 10..TU n m ) for I'OHTt'NK 1PI.AND , JAMAICA. SAVANMI.I.A and OAU1 IIAOHXA , pel a s AlliRhnnv ( let ters for Costa Itlri must be illreeted. "pci AllcKlmnv" ) , nt 10 n -supplement ( uv : i 30 n. Ill ) fill HAITI , per < * Allilnn at 10 a in. ( sunplpmentiry 11 a. m ) tor CT.NTIIA1. AMlJllIfA ( e\e pt CD-'II U ca ) and SOl'TH PACIFIC POUTS , pet s s Flnanee , v liu Colon ( letters foi rsimtnin.il i nnist be illteeteil "per rimuife" ) , at Pi " ' ) u 111 for CAMPHCHi : CHIAPAS , TA- 1'ASCO and YI'CATAN , per s s Ylimuil ( l"ttei for other iiatls ot Mexlro and for Cuba must le dlreeteil "pei Yiimuil" ) , tt 11 a. in for \NT1AGO nn CUHA , pir a s Me\'eo ' ( letlus for Venezuela .nil Colombl.i must li diftled 'per Movleo" ! atSiiln in. for ST Pinitlin-MIQI'm jV , per steimei from North Svdney Mnlli for Npwfoundhnd li > rail to Hil'fax ami thence by slPimci cio- at tills olllce iHHs nt S " * p in Stalls for Mlqttclnn. l > 5 rail to llo- < - ton and tlimpp b > Btnniei closp nt this otllce dallv at S " 0 p in Malls tor Cuba tk , e nt till * olllre dilly nt 701 a m for iortt.it Mmby steamers KallliiR ( Mondnjs and Thiin-'ass ) fioin Tort 'linipi ria l ttpp nulls for Mexico Clt > oveiland. unless Fpoi iall > adurped for ills patch by stiaini r clo e Et this oillre dallj nt 12 m. , pap"r nuilli at i > a in "RpRlsHiel mall closcu at GOO p in previous djj- ' 1 rinis-Pnellle VI.tils. Malls for China , .Inpnn ami Hawaii , pei- . s Heinle ( from Sin Kinnclsco ) , elo'e heie dallv up to Oetober IMth nt 0 ! ' ) p in . \Inil * fa1 th Soelctv Isl.inds. jei ship Citof P.ineltl ( fiom Sail rranel < eo ) clo'e hue dully up tu O tobei 2'.tli at i. TO p m. Malls foi H ivvall. pOi s n Auntinltn ( fiom Sin li'ianelseo ) , close hPre dallv up to Oetobei 27th at fi ' 0 p m. Malls foi China and Japln PHP p Olvmpin ( tiom Taionui ) , elose hole dallv up lo Ootobei list nt li 10 n. m Mails foi China and Jap in ( speeiuflj iddiespil i nlv ) . pi > r s f nmpiof Japan ( ficin Vancouver ) , clom beie ilnllv m > to Nivembc-r "hit ut fill p m Mnlls for Austialla ( exeopt th s- for West Ausii.illu ) , vvb'ib .ire forwnnled v l.i nurope. New Zealand , Hawaii , Fiji nnil S uno.iii I"laiuls , pei t , . s. Alameda ( from Sin rrunel'co ) . close beie dally up to Xovembtr'3th at 710 n m 11 n m nnd ! . " p in (01 ( on arrival at New Yolk of s' , s Campania with Rrltlxh malls foi Australin ) Mnils for An tialla ( e-cppt WiJ > t Austrilla ) , NewC nlahd. Ilnvviil and Fiji Islands pel h \Vatiltnno ( fiom Vaneouvei ) , close" here dally after No vember " -itli mid up to November loth at O.CO p m. Trans-Pai-ldp rmllR are forwarded to port of pnlllnc : ilnllj and tne ri liPdule of closing Is anniiKed nn the presumption of their unln- teiriipted overland trin-.lt "IlrgHluc-d mall climes nt f 90 p in previous d ly Postolllce , Now i Ytfrk. N Y , October 22 JSU7COHNILHTS COHNILHTS VANCOTT. Pnstmester. UAII.ItOAOS. OMVJIV KANSAS CTTr .1 EA-TERN HAIL- i d OiiMhn i ht Louis Itallroad "The O K lloutoTicket OIHce 1415 I'm mini Street Teli'pliiine. J23 Depot , Tentli and Manoii Stut'ts 'Itlephone , Ub , Leave. Arrive Pittonsburs Klrksvllle , Qulncs I.uciil 5 40 am * .0I3 : pm St Luulti , New V ork Limited 4:30 pm ' 11:30 : am Dills 1'NION \CIP1C "THE OVI3H- land Route" Geni'inl olllees , N i ; diner Ninth and I'arnun Sticets City Ticket oniie , 1.102 Pirmm Street Telephone , 310. Depot. Tenth anil Maton Streets. Telephone , 123 , Leave. Anlve. "The Ov.rlind l.lmltea" for Denver. Salt I.ike , western points 8.20 am ' 4 45 pin Past Mall train for Denver. halt Like. Pa Illieoast and all wist TU p dnts . . . . ' 3.30 pm 10 20 nm I.lm > ln HI all Ice and sin inslmin i\pre'g : " 30 : pm 3.50 pm ( iiund Island Express . . 5.35 pin 3 50 pm Dulls "Dnlls except Sunday. Council Bluff I u.al Leaves , 5:411 : n in , C:50 : n m 7-50 n m ) i 21 a in 10-15 n m ,2,11 p. in , 4 30 p ni , 5 55 p m Arrives . , G:20 a m , 7 2d a m , 8 n m . S . ' 3 u in. : H 3) u. m , , 3.10 p in . 5 40 p in , 9 05 p in . 10-15 p m MISSOI'RI PACIKIC RAILROAD Ocm.ru ! OMIces and 'llcket Ol llce MiTLlinntH National Hani , HulldlnK I..M Kurnain Stiiel Telephone , 104 Depot , rifleonlli and Webslei fclntta. Telenhone 1451 Leave. Arrlvo KaneuH & Neliranka I.mute 1 . 3.C5 pm 12 53 pm K.iiKna i Us Expre n pm CM am NcliruMku na 3) pm 9:13 : am naDulls 1xOundas CHICAUO. HOCK ISLAND & Punnc Huliroa 1 ' "I lie Un.it Ifland Rouli : " Cly | Olllce. 132J Pnrnain Telephonu , US. Deput , nnd Maton .Sln-tln is. Arrlvi and YeMluuled K pra 1:11 pm Llntnln Colorado Puelilo Denver and 1.53 pm 4.05 pin ChlcaKu De Molne- and Rotk Island . . < 7.00 pm 8.13 am Atluntlo Ksiirem. Jor Dea Molneu und patUrn jioinlB 7.00 urn 5:35 : pin Lincoln. Pairbury anJ llelln | Uc " > < J Pm 1) IL " Dulls except Bu-JiUs'- ItII.1IO ( I'lin'tniipil ' ) Hit AOi . * SOI , I n\\ I 11 , m Ilndniv < 'lt\ u i t in'l f 14)1 ) I'm turn - . . , ii-phnne. < * l DI-II t , l > nih nr I Mi on StrWIS IP , | , r < . Alllvi Missouri Ynll v < S | > it cits. Si Piul and M'hnci ' | " " . ' 8:19 : flttt * li > d | m Mtusuiirlull < > y , PI nit „ Clt > 7lS8 M fl 13 pm Iflk- ' . . , ' . . . . . . 7lS9 flnl "HlVipm PiiMinn 7'xpr ! , lias Miilnes. Mnifdtnfltown. "Inr ll p'ds ' t hkn o MOill nm 4 11 pm \Mmti PI ) r Cnlcago ind 1 nt . 4:15 : pm I 10 pm I nut Mull l hienicu to Onmrm , * 3110 Pm MNs ml Vnlli \ SI nit Cit * SI Paul Minn npdis i i m t.-i . 5:3" : ! pm 1:2R : nm om iii i < ni L sp . lal < ! 10 pm S in nm Dillv * MiiUv cxi ppt Sundiv. i IH \ < So"sT I'AIH. MINNK. aiiilis & uinnlin Railway u n ml ollliis , Nclirnnki Dl- "vlnlin , Pifteenth nndVlistT streeH Clls Tli l 0t Olllcp , - 14H Pninani Street. Telephone in JiTp it Pifleenih nnd Webster Street * Telephone. 1IJS Leave. Arrive Sioux City Acpnmmndi S i > am 9-2) pin sjiiux citv Aec mimmla. ' a-3) .am 'S so im Illiilr , Emeisiu hlnux Clls. Poncn , llnrtliiK- toil nnd HlTiintldd 1:00 : pm III" nm Sioux Cltv , Mnnkiitii St. Paid , Mlniiiniiiills " fl IS pm i 10 nm Eimrson I'a'Fpnuer . . 6:10 : pm * S 4"i nm Dal v " Dnilv ox cp1 Sundiis "iimlnv cinlv This ti iln stops nt dtnllons Plorenee to So HI ih Iniliftve , hundiVH only , on wecl. davs Si Illiilr mils IPHIMO NT , ETicnoiiN & Ml-ynurl Yaltes RallwasO n- eral Millies t nlted States Na- tl ml 11 inn lliillillns , MHUII- nnm Streets Tlcktt Olllce , west Coim r Tweltth and 1'nr- 14fll Parnnm Streit 1 < Ipphunp Ml Depol , PirtM.mli ainM\il > "t r hltertJ. Telephone , I43S Leave Anlvo llpuk Hills Diadwood and Hut hprlnt , " . 3:00 : pm 5 00 pin \V\itnlnit , Caiper nnd DiiuRlnii . . . . " 3:00 : pm S.CO pm lliit-llriK 'V ork. David Cits. Supe lir , Oenova , Exitu mil Rpwniii. . . " 3:00 : pm 500pm Ni rfo 1. , We t Po nt and 7.50 nm * * 1J 2 , a n I'lemont Lincoln , Wnliuo and " 7..V ) nm " 10:23 : nm riiin nit PM iiiniit Lei il " 7 50 am Dulv Dills except Siiiidis' . Sunday unlv Dulls except Satindas. "Dilly " - ixL-ppt i-iior.K crrI'Aciric RAIL nnd limeial Olllrp , UnltiMl Mutes National Hank llulld- Inn , s \ \ Corner Twelfth mid Parnnm Stieet . Ticket Olllce. 1401 I'nriinm Street. Wl Deput fifteenth and Wchttei Sire 'Is leleplione , 1153 Lei\c. Arrive < loux CltM.iiiknto st Piul Minneapolis. . . . 6:15 : pm H 10 nm Dally / - CHIC\fO ! MILWAUKEE .1 ST /"cT _ Paul Rallwas-Clts Ticket /ffniti'iiTr i Olllcp , ioi Pninnm Stint imlLWHUKEElilephone ! xl Depot lentil SfPlin I " ' " ' 'us" ' " Streets. Telephone , " iii/ * I.PIVO. Arrive. - „ . . I.lmllel Ex. 5l3pm : b 03 inn Oinii n and ChlenRO Ex. ' 11:00 am 1 5U pm Dalls UAHMI UAII.nOAP TICKET OCI'ICE 111' . I'nrnatn Stiret 'I elephone. 122 Depol , Tenth and Manoii hlieets 'lelephone , 12S L"3ve Anlve St. Louis "Cannon Hill" Expip'-s I 30 pm 11. 0 nil. Dallv rut : itr.'i'iitii ) iititci.vii. n \ Isll to n rnrinlioiisc. " \s a general thing , " says the irtirctl burglar in thu Ne > w Yoik Sun , "I stuck close- to my legitimate line of wo U anl nevcu- took nnjthltu ; hut what I could cany elf mjself anil dispose of easily , hut occasion illj wlion I was haul pressed I vvou'd tike bulky things and do HIP' hosl I could with hem Hut It never paiil and something hap pened oiif-e that made mo give up that sou of thltiR foi good " \ farmhouse tint I VMS looklnt ; over ono nii ht hail nobody in It , in t a soul Thej hadn't ROIIB for IOIIK. that wan plain ennush nvor > thlnij was le > ft just ns It was Thej'd just gone off for the night somewhere , majbc to a party or homi'thing of that sort , but they was Just as fai nwuj now as tlioj'il liocn in Clilna. and I nil ht have carilod the hraiao off and they not know It , anil that's what I did pictty near "Thero was scarcolj anv small stuff worth c.airjinc ; off anil af'ei I'd looked around little 1 thought I might as well tike a Inad 1 could dispose of it for something. I got together In the hall n wsgonlnail of stuff , trunks and rue thing and another all leads to lend I had been around to the barn pie- v iously to see If there was a horse left be- ( .uise I didn't know but what then might havi' taken the onlj one , but there was a holse HiPie He was a big , stolid looking horse nothing pirtlculai about him one way or the other cxe ° pt hf looked likea stiong hwsc that could pull almost an > thing I got the hatnchb on him and hooked htm Into a faun wagon nnd got him around to the side of the hottbp I suppose I might just ns ivell have taken him to the front , but there was no use of being reckless about It " \\'p'l I loaded the wagon with the trunks nnd things till I'd got a pretty fair loul , about all I thought I could cany and make tlmo with , and then I started , nnd wo Jogged along the road oomfoit-ihle ns tould bo for n ( juaiter of a mile or so when theio was a squirrel or i chipmunk or s .methlng run 3 < iots the toad and I'm blessed If It didn't scate the old horse , nnd In about a seiond and a quailer he was running away And I sat there hvinsln' on to Ihe tclns and vaiikln' .mil saw In' and trylu' to bold him up. and havin' Just about is much effect on him as though I'd been a baby. "About a ( juarteof a mile further on I ' > now It be'tuise I had come tint wa > there wan a bridge over a brook that ran across the road , Just -a common little bridge with harked poles on eich side for a rilling ; there was n i old on one side of thn bridge , too through the water There was a house Just the othc side of this broik and I was oftuld If thn old horses wont across the Irrldge hammering in that still night he'd wakb m the folks anl loife the neighborhood , majbe , so I tried lo Htf-r him oft through the brook I thought he'd nuke less nolce ( joing tliniugh the wale : and 1 thought n.ijbe the cold water would sober him , too , and mi he him stop ; and I got n twist of the 'elns and a br-ico on the dish- boird and pulled , ami I did get him turned pff. a llttlo at the fcirlt toward HIP brook and 1 thought 1 ha 1 got him stalled for it ill right hut IIP shrpicd afi-ain for the blidgo and I louldn't begin to stop him. "Tho brl liru railings wore supported In crotrbcil stKKs , anl from these tailings the e were polca along the llttlo aimoach on ea'li sldo of the bridge the ends of these poles liL'lng in lower cratr-hcd slicks. When the old hoi SB shreipd back from lliu ford road to the brldgo road ho got tlie uppnuch lo the > ridge all tight himself , but hi > Hwung the wagon just enough to th'ow Ihe hind axlcj over the end of the polo protecting the cc- pioach , and it Jimmed In Home. wa > between ! the poln and the ctotched stick supporting it and bunted thereatll ol' the wagon und tote ] off the hid axle and wheels before you could ) think ; and the old horse vient potinllng aci-OHs tin ) bridge and Inlf a mlle futlhei yet i with HIP tall rn < l of the wagon Hailing en the ground and sntterln' trunks -ind 10111- fortables und I don't Know what not along the irad U'hcn I finally got him hold urj 1 was sitting In nn empty wagon with the dasli- bcanl up In the air and trio floor sloping down to the ground. "F might have got another wagon and gone back and giithprcd up the goodrf hut Micro was too much risk In that : mnybo I could have taken the bcrsc along hut I might llivi ) been tal.on up tar horse btialin' . and I didn't fancy lint , so I just turned the old horsu 'round and uturtevl him for hume and i Iheti I surted mjself , anl that's the hutj try I made on bulk goods " j Illll'l. ll-ll'n \lllll-ll .Sill VI' . I Tie ! best salvo In the world for cuts , ! brulaes , sores , ulcers , salt rliriun. fovesorea , j tetter , chapped hands , chilblains , coin * and i all skin eruptlor.il. and posillvel ) cures plica , I or no pay icciulrcd It Is guaranteed to give ' purf iot sHllifactlon or moni' rrfundrd. Price ' 25 centa per box I 'or sale b > Kuhn If Co. | \\lMTI' U IllllfllVlll - . Detroit Journal "It Is the evident purpose " chief of the staff pose of the enemy , the wan sajlrg , "to keep us shut up In " r in- tronchnicnts " The e > o of the king of pahrmey fil't- ' irred. "Bring up the Twenty-third Hatpl-iH , ex- clalmea hla m jMty. with i-motlun "Any- holy tlHt koefs "s * "Ut up Is a boattt Shut up/ / Why , the Idea ! " There ire others but none "ju t as os Hr D'.vl ' Antt Headache BITS OF FEMININE GOSSIP. HI , , i tora l Most of us have I "i u told In our c.iHv joirs by well meinlntt eldi r that slatiR Is \tllRdr. Wo hive also , as the sears srew beh'cul us , dl'covered that the partlrular section of the tir.lvrrso covered by the phrase "all the beat pooplo" use slntiir ' " . jiroftislon. Hence vvp hnve no doubt concluded that our wcll-inentilng elders 1i.no been guilty of an ovor-haity gcner.all/atlim nnd that alang In Us o-senre Is not vulgar It Is only Milgir .itcldtntally. Tor observation his taught us Hint there Is no such thing as slang , ono and Indivisible There Is the argot of the school boy of the university man. of the tne's room , of tlie stock exchange There la the 1111150 o'f the spoiling tout , to si ) nothing of the characteristic uttetanoes of the dramatic piofe'slon Hut above and beyond all tluse individual slangs , drawing cmtlnual toll from them , but by no mems lusoi-latlng with them upon equal ternia Is another sung the slang which , so far ficni being vulgar , U In lla coriect use thu vcf ) sign manual of good breeding ; In other vvordis , the right slang "That is , " l.oid Chesterfield once wrote to his son "n cet- taln lar.giniqe of couersUloti , a fashionable diction , of which ever ) gentleman ought to be perfectly master. ' This Is as true In the nineteenth as U was In the eighteenth cen tury , lint the ' faMilonab'o diction " le It noted. Ins nothing to do with gr.ammat Your ctiuolog ) and sjntimiv be beond tcproach , and > rt > our sperch may muk jou us a dvvcllor In outer darkncfs. Tor example , ) ou need riot hesitate to si ) "It's me" In the ver ) best company , though > ou will transgress the ruleg of grammnt thereb ) ; but sou will not , cs 3011 \.alue social salvation , refer lo .an aeniulntance as "a nice lady " The phrase U gi imtnatlci ! cnotmh and nt the Hist glance is moie elegant - gant than "an awfully good sort of vvoinin ' Hut the one pht.tse Is iiilmltted Into "ta h- lonnblo dlctlcri , ' the other N not To the nochl nutsldei the most emluitass'ng thing about the "fa hluiable diction" Is that It changes as tapidl ) ns the fishlonable dress , and vvllh as little apparent reason. A ; htasc lo ciught up from the music lull , from the betting il'ig. fiom the running path , from the gutter and petted for a season like n fashionable palmiit or n newly ni rived fid dler Then , Its brief day of popularity over It s'riKij ' again Into the outer circle until the phrase which was momentarlls right be comes permanenllv vstong You m.i ) still hoar It , ns sou ma ) see the bonnets of last sear upon the heads that know no bettet Hut the ttalned eai can detect the slang that Is out of date as unerrlngl ) as the tralred CP can sp ) out a last season's benne ne ! Thcio Is no oliv IOIIB explrnatlon of this Phenomenon. Hut if sou use slang nt all Sour f-oclal i ( > | nil itliin will depend on ) nur selecting the light word nt the light time "Nothing is moie dlscoutaging to mo than tliu gencia ! Inelllcionc ) of JOIIIIR wonun of good educition nnd good home envltonment who are stu'nlinly porhu ) thrown upon their own rctnurces , and who come to me for advice and tor help In securing B'tua- tiers in vvhlcl' they can he self supporting. ' said a Indv who glvrt > much of her tlmo to phllanthioplc woik "And. " she added "the most hopele's eases aio those of the voung women who feel tl'at tiiev can do 'almost anything ' because no one over yet succeeded In the llmltle n He'd of 'anything ' " "It seems as though I ought to be able to Mill a living with all my education and ne tomplishmerls , " said a soung woman sud denl ) reduced from allltioncu to the neces- aitv of eirnlng her own living. " 1 can pins the piano unusually well , and paint vetv ilcveil ) on ehim and embroider , and do all kinds of fane ) work , nnd write vers clevet verges , and rerlto or sing very v\ell " Hut the ca < ih value of all of these aiLOMipllsh- menth combined was ! CK- > than the value of the unlettered II ah servant gill who could go Into a kitchen and cook falrls well H would hcem that theio was something VTiong with our educational system when our educated girls nro so ignorant of the practical duties of life , snss llarpci'a Harm They are now taught something of cooking and sewing in man ) of our public schoo's. but most of them regal d thin as mere amuse ment , and It counts for lltt'o ' in ntting them for the actual and practical work of cookIng - Ing nnd sewing and tlie care of a home If mothers do not teach their daughters these things In their own homes , they will not bo lenincd at nil And the mother has failed in her duty If her daughter , at the age of " 2 or 23 , finds herself utterly lacking In the ability to earn a dollar If It becomes necessary for her to do no nnd utterly In competent to discharge the duties of the home to which a husband may take her Theie Is no higher maternal duty than that of ntting one's children for the future that before them waits as wives and mothers eras as useful self-supporting women. The i.loomer . girls could not atari11 it In the cycling parade in London , and nod befoic It Is . costume. their the storm of jeers at not to To wondered at that the crowd Idea of u "cuyed" these rldeis for their " l Shlb' ' < ' suitable "bloomer" was simply with ted One gill wote a shoi I black Jacket skirt red tie. a white 'apels , a high collai. straw hat and voluminous knlikenmikois Anotlui wore a blouse of sage gree-i n boleto hat and a skirt like a bishop's apt on The third Ind a Trilby hit ar.d a long coat , with gaiter-s The average English girl has about as mtii.ii taste In attiring horsilf as the FIJI inlander , and when it comes to a be coming blcsele rig she is more than ever lost Over hero we are not often astonished by lomic-opera effects , but the London wheelwoman seems to be < \ 111 object for the satlllst's pen and pencil It has not been nn- iwuncid who won the prl/es for the best cc-stumis Lady Homy Somerset , Lady Randolph Churchill , the countess of Wni- vvlok Sarah Oiand ( the author of "The Heavenly Twins , " ) Lord Coleridge , W. T Sioad , nnd othei social lights wore interested In the evcllng movement , and aided in decid ing the momentous question. The grandfather of the late O-.era ! Ham- bald was a .Mediterranean pilot , who once took the flagship of H.naparto to Malta. Aftei his usual fashion , the gicat soldier chatted with the man , and iccngnl/ing him to be Intelligent and molute , cluiged him with the dell ate ta k cf < o-no ing dispatches lo Trance On his d.ialhbed the snllor wmnu'tultd his two HOIH to the emperor's care , and tlujy woic admitted to the mlllury s ho 1 at I'm a n Idem One of h m Cicn- eial Hourhakl's father followed Kill ? Joseph , Into Spain remained In the set vice after the . rntoratlnn , and In 1S.7 ! obtained leave to fight for Oicece as a volunteer llo wan killed by the Turl.s neat Athens. ( Jenoinl du Uumlgii ) to k ehaige of young Hourbakl , | who was brought up at La Kkehe , whore he ' had Tun hit and Pucrot as suh'oolfollo\M . ( ieneral PaHslus M Play of White Hall , Madison county , K ) . . who will bo S vears of ago on Oc'obT 11) ) , Is to have n cataract re. moved from his ese IIu and his soiing btlde , whom In married s inn time ago , and whom he afterward ent to school , are liv ing happily together at his handsome country so.it V > hitollall Tlio mansion InHiiriounded 'by ' the linest forest In Kentucky , embracing every variety of tree Indlsenciua to the neil of the Hate and many varieties horn foreign climes. "Yea. " he said the other day. "I negotiated the pm chase if Alaska while rnln- UUT to llussla , and Ihe .price , as near as ] can remember was $7.i00 ! fiftO. or about that The emperor prcM-ntod that money to some of bin Indigent nrAle/i / an 1 court favorites I knew then that there was gold In Alaska , as reports of It had comii to ht. I'o f rsburg but the Itusilan nobility were too Indilent to look after U Hcildes that. ? n the vast quantities of seal skltm and aalmon. the fliieat on earth , wo haw > got from that country , and Ihe bargain I made for our government is Incaluilablp. " Dr Trancls H I'ackard writes In the Jcurnal of the American Mcdlc.il association liut the first medical degree granted in Now ingland : was an honorary one. bestowed on Daniel Turner of Connecticut by Yale < ol- ltfo In 1720 As this was Intended as a token of gratitude foi Ur Turner's liberal gifts ti > the college and not as a recognition of any partlculai fltiuss on his part to inactlco medlclno a wit of the tlmo Itv terpreted M 1) . to signify multum donavlt hu has given much. Alexander Hamsay of St 1'aul , now 82 years of age , who. was appointed by President Xarhary Taylor first Kovernor of Minnesota , U still prominent in all great public mow m nts , and ipcku with nearly aa much eni rgv nnl force as ho did In his dnvs It is related of him that whei IIP first visited the territory In his otnrhtl mpaenv' ho refused to allow the military comma' Innt there to lire n salute In hl < honor Verv- veil , " said the commandant , "but let inn call out the guard lo receive sou. " "Don't do II , " replied Hamsas ; "I d > n t want any fuss made nlKiul my being In re "Ai sou wish , governor , " said the e < m- niandatil. "but I want lo do Romethnu ; to show n proper respect to the chief oiomhvo of this terrltors Is there alls thing that vm would suggest or desire ? " "Yes , " said Hamsiy , "If s'ou hnvo n litilo good whhk ) about the post I'll lake a nip * In the workhouse of Helden , In the einton of Appet zell. Hours Dunnant , the foun 'et of the International lied Ctos soclets Is pi's li'g the closing hours of his life Ills mtrd Is Impaired HO lhat It Is doubtful whether lie will ever know thai It wes lo him that tlu Inlern.itlonal inedUal cnnguss , held .at Moscow a few weeks ago , unanimously awarded lls prize ns to "the man who has dore the gre.itent service to humanity and medicine in the present age" Some sear- ? ago an announcement of Dunnnni's ilistiluio condition aroused universal suipilse whn't ' was only set at rest when -a statement ttns publMiod lo Ihe effecl that the dnwau. r empicsa oUusMa hid settled upon htm an annuity sulllclently large to enable him to end his d.ass In comfott nnl pone I n- forlut-itely , these good lnlenlonn ( if the c/arliiu do not appear to have matirtnlm I or else the 11101105 which she Intended fir the fotitvler of the lied I'ross has ! i u diverted and misappropriated by those In- tiusted with Its ttnnsmlsslnn. "The crow nliii ; exrellence of Major Cilntrr'n character , " sass the llaltlmnre ami that which gave It i.t onre itssliength and li-aii.v , was the absolute supiomao ) of the in n .1 sentiments 0 u > of his oldest ftluuu H- marked the oilier da ) that he nevei hen I him utter a profane or an unch.ute woi Aiothei Halt whic-h none who knew him i 11 ever forget , wns an lne\or.ible sense or luiv which .allovM.il no ponccs > . | ou to Indnletu i < < s If-imlulgoi'ce , no discrimination bet we. u o-ie d iss of duties and another , vvhii h km v 10 grades In obligations It did not spend . selfIn oooas'onil acts of conipli nout heroism to duties with which evei < > i moii natuio iray be Insplicd , but It \v is evidenced equally In an unvaried attinti ute to the ill ) routine exactions of d.illj llfi ' Accoidlng ti > a illbpiteh from Chicago , dated September 111) ) , ex-Quecn l.lliuoi'it ' I of Hawaii WRH the victim of gross ml in bred treitmetit on the tmlu going eas' r e dlspaleh sajs that "live of her fonnei Mih JeclB A 1. C Atkinson Ivv HlehiiiU i Alice lonrH , Mnttio Itlchnrdson nnilulur \Vlldci vvcro on the train bound for si mi's ' in Iho east. Such nongs ns 'She1 M iv H v Seen Hotter Dava , ' etc , were sung hv h sludetits , much to the anger nf the e-c-ii n i 'i ' Kalllni ; to BPCIIIP any cessation of t.ie r pi rullou , the o\-quccn loft the car for anitli r one. one.It It would bo hind , sa > 8 n , Washing'11 o - respondent ot the New York Wo.Id i two women iiiuio unlll > than the wif f the lotirlng adjutant genetal. T G It u ul. and that of his suiPissor. appointed UM i Mm Huggles Is shoit , Mtout and pr. Her ball Is a soft brown and her evi . Idi . She was Miss \ltna I.'Hommedlea d in ' i i ref of the lailtoad King of that name , llii i il\ homo was Ohio She slug well and w .s ono time a concert singer. She his li < n cor pieuous tu society here dining the four canons. Mis UierK Is of N'ew Hnrlaud e\tn 11 She is tall , dark In complexion und In i i presslc.i Is somewhat stiirn The otln i in noon when I called at her homo I foun 1 li looking over mnnuscilpt Rho Is dn ! I liteiaiy In ln-i tastes She slid In i IMV i i my iiuestionn tint tliere 's nothing pn larly lnteic lin- < about hei , and that s'u ' i i I her husband live very quiet liven \\lin I told her Hint her position was such tha M > public WIH In erested In her , She .said ilut that was very nttipid in tlie public m h and her huslmnd were veiy commiiiipl.no reioons She hajn she does not like oiietj mil will not , pinbnblv , accept the mv.ta HOPS olio will get this winter. H is eas > to CPU that Mrs limit has mnn > flno ( | iialltics. and that she will exeit a stiong inllueine in the communllj She is u Piotcstaul "Tho golf widow" Is a bund new i hr so ot Newport d vlslng. "What does a gulf widow mean' " a society woman Is qu ti 1 In the Springfield Ilopubllcan as MI\ i iv , "Simply drive over to the golf club an 1 ito our dutiful husbands sleimlng wita pti- splrallon Pi chasint ; a bouncing ball over half the expanseof the island Then I , ik at us , sitting on our verandaa , waiting for them to come home to 111 ! .1 dinner engag- menl , and you will undirstind what i rolf widow means It's just the i.an.e ove.i where They pbjetl golf down south las' winter .and left us to amuse ourselves tin re , and here the ) ate et it again this summer 'Ibis game of golf has oilglnated a inw species of men. Our husbands used to tiink something of dirhs Tnda > they eit ride iind sleej ) In their golf nulls , the ) make calls In them , OTd actuall ) growl when we expect them to appear In evening dress at night They play all day , stay away to lunch , and come home at night all tired out and want to sit down to 3 supper of beef steak anl potatoes , as anj farmer would eat , l ami say they ale too hungr ) lo trllle- with a I course dinner. After that they go out on the verand i and flmoko a strong pipe , talk I golf till 10 o'clock , then go lo bed O i j mi , " inn tinned the woman , tossing her he id doilantls , 'It Is not the soung ncn I am | speaking of , there Is Homo excuse for joti-Ii moving with the fads , but oui old bus banJs men who should haveuriived at vciri of reserve nnd discretion , some of bem grandfathers these are the ones who aio the veiy woist. " Doi othy Qulglcy In a native of Callfoma and the author of tno books Jmt published , entitled "Success IB foi You" nnd ' T IP Was to Krop Young' Doto.hy CJuig i / lives in New York , whole shn tins 1 ei-n i - icupontlont foi Hovoial scira of fallfnriu and ol her papera on matters of dies fush- lon , -and moro important mp-t'oiH. Slip ex ompllllrs her toaililnss In h. i ncIJUOI.H by hei own upwaid career When aluut t < i publish thu book "Succei's Is for You ' ill. ) pionotin she was underlined whenevei sh refertcd to the bojk 'Iho dedication , n forces this feeling , "In You , -vflh MOH f'ordlal Wlshcfl foi Your Succisa" s m wiltuts have advocated the Idea Hut v have no control ovci circumstances and Hut eich life is laid out and carried to KIIII plctlon In h.dto of all efforts to elungi ih ' ciiiiont ; in fact , that In the game of lir , iho cards aio shulllid anil plavul bv a mastei blind , While this ma ) bo true to n coitaln extent , Miss Qulgluy wishes to show that "plaii are alxo the game nnd tlio\v the power of the oiids. " Three sears ago \llts Kato \daniH was thn hello of Topelu , Kan She WHS In dutiful , fond of noddy , n ttnlvorsal favorite V l.tesont Hhe Is a lotluso form Iho world \ tlnotul wotker Ir. . the Deaconesses' home a I'hlladelphla , and during the com ntt January a solemn coiemony p < rformed by Ho bishop of Oraco cathedrul will mak < her on. of Hut Order of DeacnnortMos of the Hplrtiopal ninth Two yonm of trial and preparati u have setvod but to IIICIOHBO her eiithu I.IKHI for riillglous and phllanthrcplc work ji > l Him hus wlllliiBly sactllUod for the rwmilii.Ur of her life nil worldly plpukiuiw Tor tl.oso wlio do not know wlat it uiea.n . to bo u ( Icuoopi M , hero In the following uitlhorl/oil dennltlon " "Tho duty of i deaconess IH to asnlat the minister In ti.o rnro of the poor and slik , the rc'llglous trainIng - Ing of Ihe young and others , nnd the w jrk of moral rcfoimaHon. " Substribo for Thn Sunday Hoe and road Anthony HO.JOB great story"Simon jjjiu For Infanta and Children.